Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 22, 1858, Image 2
4 t: - THE ADVERTISER. H. W. FCIIXAS, EDITOR. THCRSD.W MORNING, JUL"22, 1858. "We're a Vscd up Man INDEED we are a Used up Man." We feel so completely annihilated, that perhaps we ought not to attempt to rise from beneath the ponderous weight of wit, sarcasm, argument, evidence of thought and research, heaped upon us by a certain "Cajic Cod,..Yanlucl;cf, and all along Ike Shore tJentlemnn of thw county, sHiin'T himself S.," ftud who made his appearance through the columns of "The Nemaha Valley Journal," of the IGth. The shock, was not, however, as severe as it might have been, from the fact that we had been informed that a certain gen tleman had spent nearly or quite a week in concocting what he intended should serve as an ansirer to our leader of 'lie Sth"If7iaf we Wanl, and What u-i do not Want.''' Indeed had we not ben pos sessed of this information, tlia 'Cape Cod' car marks were so plain that none need have erred, in guessing the author. This in addition to the knowledge of the fact that a short steamboat excursion "court ing the muses" had been indulged in, cer tainly leaves no doubt as to the origin of this wonderful production, or the assist ance rendered in the poetical department thereof. "How pleasant everything is" when one's "better half" isn't around. We are not surprised that such doc trine as we there set forth did not suit "R. S.;" "neither are we surprised that the quotation we used did not suit Aim, as published. We have no objections to his making such additions to that quo tation as his inclination might dictate, that his views and feelings might be ex pressed and heralded to the people. But we do object to our "grain being meas ured in his bushel." Be it known therefore, that we enter our protest against his mutilation. If such a version is in accordance with his views, feelings, and desires, we have on ly to say "we pity him." We hope "R. S." may yet have a dis position to follow" us through the whole of our article referred! to. 'Enigma." Oar neighbor Belt en of the Journal comes down on us in his last issue "like a thousand of brick." We have read and re-read his article, and to pave us can't see the point exactly he is driving at. Whether he feels slighted that we were solicited to deliver an oration on the 4th, and he "left out;" or whether he does not feel a little pride in the fact that Ne maha City had the honor of the "social greeting, conversational excellence, and forensic eloquence, on that day," of the "real orator of that galaxy of shining lights," is somewhat mixed in our mind We rather reckon, however, the latter is the point. Our cotemporary, no doubt has come to the conclusion that all men like himself are "enigmas past compre hension." After copying our little squib, "2?rowu ri7e Orators,'''' he says: "How wonderfully docs the habit, once imbibed, of local or sectional exaltation, or selfish adulation to promote a joint in terest with a few, prostitute an exalted intellect to triumph even in the shadow oi excellence! Ye Gods? "Of the Brownville orators, it gives us pleasure to learn from the editor cf the Advertiser that he was considered one though the editor of the Journal was 'left out. But there is one thing that we do re gret that the real orator of that gallaxy of 'shining lights,' could not fined an ap preciative audience at the place where his excellence ought to be published by sub stantial testimony. The Citizens of Ne maha city had the honor of his social greet in, of his conversational excellence, and cf his forensic eloquence on the day when the enterprizing and patriotic of this country show their jrrit ; and this is all their modesty boasts of." Speaking; l)j the Candidates- A majority of the Candidates for the House have concluded, we are informed, m mpot nt the riaces and times ot our appointments, as announced in the Candi dates' column. Perhaps this will give as near satisfaction as any other arrange ment. Our object in making the appoint ments, and inviting only candidates for the Council, to participate, was a fear that with the number of candidates usu ally out, there would not be sufficient time for all to speak satisfactorily to themselves and friends, upon the same day. ... it". i bpeaking wm tnereiore commence at Tecumsch on to-morrow, and continue until the Saturday before the election. The Kind for the West. Last week a train of emigrants came to and located in this county, from Indiana. t - : .. i upua 1:141111 j kanu acquaintance , we found the company to be one family, con sisting of the head, and eight sons, six of whom were married. The old folks were nnxious to have their children settle around them ; consequently came where good lands were plenty and cheap. There is room for more such. Gov. Richardson. UO. JICHARDSON passed through this city, on Monday last cn his way to Quinry, 111. He will be absent a few we.ks, during which time Mr. Morton will ocupy the position A ting Governor. Territorial Auditor. In the Candidates' Column will be found the announcement of R. C. Jordan, Esq., as a candidate for the office cf Ter ritorial Auditor. As the law requires this officer to reside at the Capital, we presume there will be no candidates out of that city, tit least while the office is not sufficiently remunerative to induce a location there solely on that account. We have an intimate acquaintance with Mr. Jordan, and take great pleas ure in saying that we do not believe a more appropriate selection can be found in the Territory. lie is an excellent and experienced penman and accountant, and strictly honest and upright in all his acts. In short he fills completely the Jeffer sonian standard is ".honest and capa ble." We hope he may be elected.' We cheerfully give place to the following testimony from two of our cotemporaries: In a card which we publish to-day, Mr. R. C. Jordan announces himself as a can didate for Auditor. Mr. Jordan is well known to our citizens and to many throughout the Territory as a gentleman of fine business talent and estimable pri vate character in. his relations to the public in connection with the post he has hold in the Land Office in this city for a year pa?t, he has ever been correct and obliging. "No regular nomination for Auditor will be made and it is probable that no one but a citizen of Omaha will become a candidate, as that officer is required to re side at the Capital, and the emoluments of the office will not justify the seeking of the position by any one abroad. Among our citizens, no one is better qualified than Mr. J. to fill the office, and no one can rally to his support a larger number of in fluential and ardent friends." Omaha Times. "We published, some weeks since, the proclamation of Governor Richardson for a special election the first Monday in August, for Territorial Auditor. We have twice before directed attention to the fact of their being a vacancy in this office. No convention has been called to nomi nate a candidate, and no one has announc his willingness to serve his country in that capacity. The Dakota Herald, some time since expressed a preference for Capt. Moore, now acting Auditor, by Gov. Richardson's appointment. Capt Moore requests us to say that he is not a can didate lor thot office. There is a man, however, living in this city, whom we consider eminently quali fied for that office. We allude to Robert C. Jordan, Esq.: Mr. Jordan is a gen tleman of peculiar attainments, and is al so a very accurate and careful business man, one who would perform the duties attached to that position with credit to him self and the entire satisfaction of the people of the Territary. The law requires the Auditor to reside at the capital. We think, therefore, that the voters of Ne- raska can do no better than to elect Mr. Jordan to that office. No better selec tion can be made. Hundreds ot citizens i this place will vouch for the candidate Omaha Pa per. Prairie Hay. We are informed by a gentleman of intelligence, observation and experience; twenty-years' resident of Illinois, that he has found the upland prairie grass hay to prove by far the most valuaable for feeding work horses. Timothy hay for fattening; but prairie grass hay for wind, ottom and endurance. The upland grass never was better in this country than it is the present sea son. Rain! Rain! Rain has fallen almost con stantly the past week. The w heat crop is ruined almost entirely. The oats crop very heavy, has fallen down badly. The corn could not look better. Sun Stroke. Mr. Wagstafl", residing in the upper part of this county, cunencar A A A ' loosing his life last week, by sunstroke. Persons whose avocation requires their exposure to the severity of this seasons sun should not fail to wear in their hats next to their head, fresh leaves or grass, or even a wet cloth, which mode is an in fallablo preventative. New Residences- U. bEicLE has 111st completed a very neat residence on Main street. Judge Lake has a fine residence pro ceeding rapidly to -completion. We notice several other buildings in progress of erection at the west end 01 Main street. Don't know whose they are. Steamer Omaha- This popular Missouri River Boat made her appearance at our wharf yesterday morning. "Twas pleasant to meet again the familiar and smiling faces of Capt. Wikeland and that prince o Clerks Wilcox. We acknowledge our selves indebted for files of St. Louis pa pers. The Omaha, with many other boats has been laying up for some time past on account of dull times. She is now goin into the trade regularly again. Map or Arizonia- We are indebted to the publisher, R Brown, cf this city for a "Map of pro posed Arizona, compiled and drawn from notes of the United Slates' Survey, and data furnished by Congressional Reports by T. W. Bedford, Civil Engineer Brownville, Nebraska," and lithographe byJno. Schrader, Saint Louis, Missouri The map is bound in covers suitable for the pocket, and is executed in a superior style, for which Mr. Bedford is noted. Mr Bedford has been engaged for some time in getting up for publication, a map of the "Nemaha Land District," of which I we will speak again when completed. HOME CORRESPONDENCE.. For the Advertiser. Nemaha Cocktt, N.T., July IG. Mr. Editor: As the people; of this Territory will be almost daily solicited for their votes, for certain .candidates for the public offices to be filled at the com ing election, perhaps it will not be out of place to lay before your readers a few suggestions which I think ought to influ ence their choice. As freemen and citizens the settlers of this Territory, for whose benefit alone the Territorial Government, with all its pow er and privileges was instituted, cannot absolve themselves from an individual re sponsibility, for the evils which have re sulted and may result from permitting their Legislative rights to be controlled by dishonest, unworthy, immoral and ir responsible men. The people the actu al settlers are alone legally invested with the Legislative power of the Terri tory. It wrts the design of the ffamers of our organic laws, that the people who came here, and settled upon these wild ands, should have the privilege of form ing and perfecting their o wn domestic in stitutions, and of adopting such a course of Legislative policy as should seem most expedient for them. Invested with these privileges, the citizensof a new Territo ry ought to take a deep and lively interest in every movement which can influence their local policy, and social institutions. hey are more directly concerned in the public affairs of the Territory at the present time, than they evercan be here after, inasmuch as it is easier and better to ovoid mistakes in forming and adopt ing the laws and institutions of a state than it is to correct or reform abuses al ready established. But how has it been, thus far in our history ? Have the peo ple in this Territory made a proper use of their Legislative power ? Have they ictated the legislation of the Govern ment? It cannot be justly affirmed that the legislative policy of this Territory has been approved by the people. A candid A 1 1 1 1 . .1 review ot the legislative History or tne Territory since it first assumed its limited privileges of self-government, exhibits a sad picture of the evil consequences of at tempting to carry on the machinery of a ree government without regarding the positive interests of the people. But the people themselves are alone responsible for these evils, for whatever other caus es may have contributed to these results, they are chiefly attributable to a remis ness and apathy in regard to public affairs among the people themselves. Instead of exercising a judicious care in their choice of public officers, they have al- owed the most important interests of the Territory to fall into the hands of dema gogues, speculators, and political hucks ters; and we have seen that either thro' the ignorance, stupidity, or dishonesty of our legislators, the major part of the leg islations of this Territory has been direct ly for the benefit of private individuals, and either directly or indirectly detri mental to the interests of the settle. Charters, franchises, corporations, and stock-jobbing institutions of all sorts, seem to have had the special care of the Leg islature. We have seen our statute books filled with enactments for charters and pecial "privileges, and statutes prefixed for their better protection. The legislative authority of the Ter ritory having been thus perverted to the base purpose of stock gambling, the next scene in the farce exhibits our worthy Solons quarrelling with each other, as to the manner in which these immunities and privileges shall be enjoyed by them selves and patrons. Here a county must be divided; there a franchise granted; at another place a chartered institution es tablished, and all for the benefit of some imaginary town-site, or for some swin dling broker's concern in New York, or Ohio or Illinois. And, in their wrang ling over these important affairs, we find their deliberations sometimes enlivened by scenes of disorder and boyish trickery altogether beneath the dignity and char acter of men, and sometimes by acts and proceedings only becoming blacklegs and rowdies. At our last election efforts were made to correct these abuses. Many of the members of the last Legislature were men of ability and reliable character, and it was hoped that a new era of affairs would be inaugurated at the Capital, and a 'new leaf would be turned' in our legis- islative records. But the result only shows how firmly had this system of par tial legislation become established. By lorce and iraud, a miserable minority were enabled to block the wheels of leg islation and presumed to impose condi tions upon the people's representatives, that unless they would forbear to act upon certain measures the business of the leg o 1- . -1 n 1 1-r.t isiaiure snouiu noi proceea. inese un warrantable assumptions were instigated by the same influences which had con trolled our previous legislation, but were defeated in a manner, which showed that the people had a voice in that assembly and w ould be heard and respected. "JlSTICE." Safes, Scales. Ac. In another column will be found the advertisement of Baird Bros, St. Loui?. This house has the reputation of being the most extensive established of the kind in the West, and their articles of superior quality. A Thousand Thanks, Are due our friend J. C. Reaves, Es., of Falls City, who has recently been ii a visit to St. Louis, for the action and -fficient interest in behalf of the "Adverser." He procured for us one hundred and fifty dollars acLer tising patronage. Such friends, are "friends indeec." Mr. Reaves can draw on us "at siht' for any reciprocal favor or nnmbef of Javors he chooses. 1 , t Thanks- ; ToE.iS. Hawly, United States Express agentj for files of Saint Louis and St. Josepl papers. . In Town. Silas' Pi-year, Esq. Edi tor of the Rockp'ort Banner, paid our sanctum a, visit last week. Hope to be "at home" next time, Mr. P., and make your acquaintance. ., , . Blank BoikJIannfactorr. tisement of James Hogan, Blank Book Manufacturer and Book Binder, St Louis, Mc. Anything in his line can be had on the most favorable terms. Send your orders. Settlers 31ce.ting. Glen Rock, N. T. ) June 17, 1S-5S. Tursuait to adjournment a settlers meeting this day met at GlenRock, and organized by electing Wni. F. Ball, Esq., chairman, and R. W. Furnas, Secretary The oliject of the assembling was stab ed, viz: To devise means best calculated to mutually protect and assist the settlers in securing their claims. After which the meeting was addressed by Messrs. Reid, Furnas, Hackett, Ball, Stowell, and others. The chairman of a committee appoint ed at a previous meeting for that purpose, reported the following, which was adopt ed and signed by most of those present Rules ami Regulations of the .Yemaha Lounty .Mutual Claim Jlssociafioit. Article 1. This organization shall be called the Nemaha County Mutual Claim Association ; the object of which shall be the mutual protection and assist ance of its members in securing their lands. Art. 2. Any settler can become ; member by signing these articles and com plying with the same, and also uith--a voice of a majority of the members ex pressed on any matter relative to the ob jects of this Society. Art. IS. The officers of the Society shall consist of an Executive Committee of 0 members of the Association, whose duties shall be to make the most favorable arrangement for the purchase of land warrants, see that the members are not imposed upon, and that they comply with tne rules and regulations ot the Society Art. 4. Ihese articles are subiect to aneration,.addition or amendment, at any 1. -. . meeting at wnicn a majority of the mem hers be present. On motion of Mr. Hackett, a commit tee of three was appointed to report reso lutions for the action of this meeting.- Hackett, Furnas and Vesser appointed said Committee, who reported the follow ing which were unanimously adopted. ResoIceJ, That an Executive Commit tee as provided for in Art. 3 of the Con stitution, be appointed by this meeting, who shall proceed forthwith to make the most favorable arrangements for the purchase of land warrants for the use of members of this association. Resolved, lhat the committee, after gaining all the information possible with 111 the lime, shall meet again at Glen Rock, on Saturday July 21, at 1 o'clock, at which time and place members and others are invited to attend and decide upon propositions that may be submitted 1 2 11 u y ueaters in warrants. Resolved, That a copy of the Constitu tion be placed, in the hands of each mem ber of the Executive Committee for the purpose of receiving signatures. The meeting appointed the following named gentlemen as the Executive com mittee : M. Stowell, E. Reid, R. Irwin, II. Crawford and John Long. On motion the proceedings were or dered to be published in the Nebraska Advertiser, and the meeting adjourned to meet at this place, (Glen Rock,) on Sat urday July 21th. W. F. Ball, Ch'n. R. W. Furxaf, Secretary. By the latest accounts from California, we learn 'that the excitement still contin ues about the rich discoveries of gold on Frazier river. These mines are in the British possessions, and are about eight hundred or a thousand miles north of San Francisco, from which port alone it is sup pesed that at least two thousand persons have already sailed for Frazier river. No tidings of their success have yet been re ceived. Dickens is separated from his wife, Bulwer from his wife, and Charles Reed (of Peg Wellington and White Lies no toriety) is living with another man's wife. From the days of the poet Jcb, whose ivlfe was the original Mrs. Caudle, down to Socrates and Xantippe and so on down to Milton and Byron, and finally to Charles Dickens, matrimonial unhappi pess has ever been attached to literary men. Mrs. Breckenridge, wife of the Vice President of the United States, died at New Orleans a few days since. She has been an invalid for many months and went South in hopes of recovery. The remains of General Ilavelock, at Alumbarrh, India, are to be taken to Eng land a: the expense of his brother officers and iLterred in Westminster Abbey. To the Voters of Nemaha and John son Counties. I lierelty announce myself a a candidate for re-elec tion to the otlice of Councilman from this District, to the Territorial A:-sembIy of Nebraska. H. W. Fl'RN'AS. Mr Km tor . Yon will please announce the name of M F Clark as a candidate for Representative from the counties of Xeniihi and Johnson and oblige MAN If VOTERS. Mr Kditor : You will please announce the name of HEKRT C. llorai! as acandidate for theotrUeof Superintendent of Common Schools fov Xeuiaha county, ami oliline MAN 1 VOTERS. Mr. Ki)iTOR : Yea n il I the name of L. Kinxiscx as can didate for the office of County Commissioner, aud oblige MANY YOTK113. . 31b. Editotj: You will please anno-.nce the name of S. w. Kenne dy, as a candidate for Representative from the counties of Xeniaha and JohusoU and oblige MANY VOTERS. Mr. F.niTon : As your paper has an extensive circulation in Rich ardson and Pawnee Counties, please announce the name of E: S. IH-ndy, Ksi.. as a Candidate for t oiiiicilmau, from those counties, .and oblige MANY VOTKKS. Mr. Kditoii : l'leaso announce the name of K. REin, as a Candi date for ihe House of Representatives, from Nemaha and Johnson Counties and oblige MANY VOTKUS. PtRL, July 17. 1S5S. Mr. KDlTon : At the solicitation of a number of friends, I will be a Candidate to represent Oie' counties tf Nemaha and Johnson in tlie niit ilnpf Representatives; aud I would be pleased to meet the citizens of f?Hs restrict, at the times and places you have apointed to cc.ik, ae well as all the Candidatesoii the track. And. in order to nive all a chance to he heard. I would surest the hour of 1 o'clock, P. M., as the time to meet. Vours, N.c, S. G. DA1I.Y. Mr. r.uiTOR. : Please announce the name of IT. S. TitonrE, as Can didate for Sch oI CoiuuiisMuner, aud obli'.e MAN V VOTERS. Mr. Editor: Please announce the name of JotiN'I.oxo as Candi date for the ollice of County Commissioner, and oblige MANY VOTEKS. Throuch the solicitation of many friends 1 hereby an nounce mvseif as a candidate for theotlice of Territorial Auditor. JtOUEUT C. JOKUAN". Omaha, July 15th, ISoS. Mr Editor : Please announce thename of Jesse N'ofl ascandidate for Kepresiiitative from Nemaha and Johnson counties, andob'i-e MANY VOTEKS. Mr. Kdi iuk : F'e.ise announce the name of WM. S TOWNSENO, of Johnson county, as candidate for Itepre-entative tri 111 Nemaha and Johnson counties, andibu'e MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor : Please announce the name of ROWEN IRWIN" of Johnson cotin'y as candidate for Representative from Ni maha and Johnson cmi'-ics, and oiilire MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor : At the earnest and repeated solicitations of numerous citizens of Nemaha county, WILLIAM A. KINNEY has consented to let his name be Used as a candidate for Rep resentative from the counties of Nemaha and Johnson; by amiouni'iii'4 which, through the columns id the Ad vertiser, you w ill oblc-e MANY' VOTERS. Appointments. II. W. FVIIXAS, candidate lor Councilman, will ad dress the citueus of Nemaha and Johnson counties as follows : On Friday, July 23. at Tecuuisth in Johnson county ; On Saturday, July 21, at llolcra in the same county; On Monday, July '.'H, at I. 'tidoii in Nemaha county; On Tuesday, Juiy'J", at ll.iyt..n. n, t,P same Count ; On Wednesday. July 2S, at St. ;eorge; On Thursday. July 21, at Peru; tin Friday. July 311, at Nem.ihaCity; On Saturday, July 31. at P.rownvi I le. Mr. Holmes, and any uthur candidates hereifler an nounced for the i tlice i f Councilman, are hereby respect fully invited to attend on the above occasions and parti cipate. Died. At this place, on July SOtli, of Congestive Fever. James Ambroik, a native of Newcastle-county, Limer ick. Ireland. Rrtjuifscat in Peace. Chicago papers please copy, ficticious otic. Rev. Phii-O (iorton will preach in the School House on Sunday next, the -;')th inst., at half past 10, P. JI.J Mr. Tipton in the evening at early candle lighting. Brownville Mail Arrangements. EASTERN MAIL. Arrirc Daily (Suniluys exeeiteil at five r. M. Ihji'.irti Daily (Sundays excepted1, at half just ei-ht, a. M. SOUTHERN" MAIL. Arn'ri x Tri-wcckly, on Mondays, Wednesdays and I'rMnvs. D jiirt On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. NORTJILItX MAIL. Arn'r'n On Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. JJcjntrti On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. FORT KEARNEY' MAIL. Ltarrs Brrwnvillo on the first of every month, reaching Ft. Kearney in seven days ; lea ving Ft. Kearney on tli'j 10th -lrrr, At lirownvillc in 7 days. TARKIO MAIL. L.trr Drnwnville, on Monday?, Wednesdays and Fridays at H o'clock, A. H. rrlcrt At llriiwuvilleon Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 o'clock, a. m. OFFICE HOURS. From 7, o'clock, a.m., to 12, m : and from 1. r. m. to 6, r. m. C. (J. D01C. FY, J. M. Election is Coming. The assessment is now complete for the City of Ilrown ville for the year and in the Mayor's cilice ready for inspection. Those feeling themselves agrieved can come Titward ami have a hearing any tune within twenty davs from this d ue. II. JOHNSON, Marshal. Urownville, July 22, lS.Vi. BEARD & BROTHER, I'ltcii'llIETORS OF THE ECELSIOIl nn m ni woes, S.1LYT LOUIS, .MO., Bank Safes of Hardened Steel, nnd llnlleii Iron, Jewellers" and Express Safes, aiiiisj iJank Locks, &e. The recrnt te-t of Sales of the ditierent Manifactuies in the ollKAT I'lUK of ihe City Itiiihiin-'s. in winch the Kx elsior tnuniphe.i over ail ethers, tuily establish es tLe siiperioi 1: y 1 1 ihe K.velsior Sat'', which merits the confidence of all interested In Rrc, and the securi ly of their coutents. The Excelsior being the nly tare alter beins in Hie Are for ninety hours, and taken out red hot, lhat saved the Kicks an ! Papers, -while a lsrce number of the others, In the iire bni 3 short time, were taken orrt with their contents entirely consumed, must impress all with the necessity of ex uninin-t their ftafes, and those purchasing in I e sure beyond a doubt, of the Safe having k, , the test and cmo out victorious, we pledge oiiselvcs t" maiiutact ore none but such 11- can Le relied on, and reler to the toll., wing Ccrtifirafc. Vp, the onderigded. take pleasure in certifying to the Mccessful test Heard .. Hi other's Kxc els-tor tire provf Safes n ere siihinit ted to m the burmug of theCity Hmlding", the 111 net cent h ot .'o ember. IH.'-ti. ami are J u: tuled in leitnnmeiiding them to all who coed sales. Ham. . miiii I'.iniY j.weson . Co Cllltl l S Pl ow , I 11 Suit I I. . ( ABfMV Par 1 Kim. 1 in Jim en Ki.utK 11 cm eiiRi n 1 1 i 1 T 1 tin v. Jim n SimiMAwv !t I ' N AN II 1 I I M N llUIIS Til. 1. an Knii: 1 ui McM Til N , It I I N I INI', on I'll 1 I w I 1 lis i 11 I) A J M 11 1 n lt.AUN Mill Al Ms X 1 ll Hivrt: Wii.kv sN. Haste Si hit .N. Hun UltllWN (il'IHlIN t CO W I. Kw ING it CO jiuin a hall x 10 Sll M'l.l K.II 1) AY -V CO Till! lAdXSlOK Took the Premium o er the l est Kastern Manufacture at the Mate Fair, in Sunt I.cuis; is fold from thirty to titty pei cent le s a,i cuarautecd to be ciua! to any in the 1 nil 1 .1 Slat,-.. Al.. ni.iiiiif .0 t ui cm of l-UhtiiinB. Ilod. of Test quality, and PUMPS of all Descriptions. HEARD &. BRO-, No. 15. Mam Street, Saint Louis, M . July 22, IS5H. Iyv3ni JAMES HOGAN. Book- Sincler, AND CLANK BOOK MANUFACTl RER, Southeast cr. 2nd ami Ioc ut SVs. ST. LOUIS, MO. All kinds of Blank Books, nude f the best paper, ruled to any pattern, and tewed in the new unproved patent mode. LIBRARIES, PERIODICALS, MUSIC. &c, bound in any stylo, and at the shortest tu tu e. Havin; been awarded the Premium at tl.e !a.-t Me chanic's F'air, he feels corididcnt in it.suring iatisfacti, n to all who may ci e Lim a cail. July 22.1, liS. 1 v3nl Claim Notice. Ti.TnImn r.r..i-j ni,l ill it ni.iv roncprn. Yon are hereby notified that t will appear at the Land Olli. e in r.ruwnviile. on Thursday Juiy '!n. - lUocl.fK PM., t prove up my riLiht of pre-emption t the north east quarter of .-oi : 11 17 township no. noith of ratine at east of s:-h principal Meriuian. July 2-2. 1S. S. WESTI.r.Y Pt N'AS. Claim Notice. T.) Anthory Swift and all whom it may concern. Tm are hereby notified that I will appear at the Lam! Ofti e 111 Brownville. NV!,ru.-k.i Ternary, on Friday, July 30th. at - oYl, .-k. P .M . t prove up my ri?;ht to pre-empt the Northwest ii i.utcrof Section 5. town-hip 1! nvc fourteen. DAXIKL K- SKXTO-V. July ISiS. HEW GROCERY "PROVISION EOUSE, J. IIJIORillSON, AT THE Old Stand of M. F. CLARK, liKOWXVILLE, N. T, Where ran he found a full supply of Family Groceries Ham and I'.acoti, M n ki t 1 and Cod Fish, Teas, Miliar, Coffee. Candies. N uts. Wine Crackers and Cheese, Lui'iort. anil Willi's, Sardines. Clears and Toh.oco, Oysters and Lobsters, Peaches, Prunes, Blackberries and Whortle berries, and all articles usnal'y kept inn Fancy Grocery Storc.wjiick he will sell for ratalior produce as cheap as the cheapasT. Will yuu tsive ine a fhare of your coiainuod patronaue." " BrownuilTc, Jj:!- 15Lh, lSS. v3n.1 Spring-Wagons for Sale! Ti e undersigned brought out recent ly from Pennsyl vania, a number of new, li-ht Siirmi: Wni, ns. admi rably adapted tothiscountry. They are all perlectly new. in oed older, and are for sale on reasoiibie terms, for cash. Apply to L.TI .ndirr or dpt. I.T. Wbyto Rr. wuville or ii.xself. at T.r te It. ck. C. W. Ci 1 1) 1 i N . S. July l.", n31v WATCH MAKER. Will, with a si i k of Jewelry, and preparations f. r rep 111 110-'. l-it .is fol low s : Itrownvil .! . - - Atisrttst C Nemaha City - - - " ti St. Stephens - "9 lt'll'l .... "II He h.'i es w .:li a irood sfnkof coeds and close atien tioii to merit and re. cue a liberal p.itroiiae. July I,"., 3n.1 Archer Town Company. .bVr Id the Shareholders in the Toini vf'lrcher, Richardsoii County, V. V. At a nieetitior the shareholders in the said town held at Ui her on 1 be t v ein Ii "f July. lfS, it was resolved to lay a tax of (s." upon ce ll share for the purpose or p i in,' for a re-survey of t lie Town, and to raise money to pre-emiit the same. All shires up oi winch the tax rem mis : i i 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 t he 1". Ii d y of An;ii-I next, fill In' iiio. The money is to e sttlil tut th'tt ilutf to pay the s paid to ,1 iscph Y i n 1 1 , President cher. I!y order of the Meeting, Archer, J nl I i 1S.VS. f the C.'inp my at Ar JOSEPII YOl'NT. NOTICE. As I shall be called away from home f. r the next three or lour n eeks. an c cue wishing to see me will plee call upon Judged. II. llewelt. will iharge ol my business during my alt-eme. I would t urt her take this i. ii . isi.. n to recoiiiineiid Jii'!;e llewettusa cmpc tenl and reliable altoruey. w Ii will .nr faithtill and sal i-!aotoi v a'.teutioli to any biisiiic-s entrusted to his management. 1. I.. .M tl.llll. Urownville, Ju!y M:h, Is.Vs. Krmovtt! el'iht' County Scat. I h ive a house an 1 L t in I'.r. w nv il le on Main street. The lot is a c .iner one. convenient to water. c. A g. d dwelling house with time rooms, a wardnbe, ive. 1 w ill sell the above properly (who Ii cost me eight hun dred dollar.) f-r four hi ndi ed i nd liny d .1 lars. One hundred and ei-bty-tiv e lioi lars is required ca-li down; titmir a Land Warrant taken i n the balance. For fur ther particulars call on Messrs Liishl a'c-h Cii-n, ltankers. or n the Proprietor at his . nice in I'.row n vi 1 le. July 1". lS-Vs-liu K.K. PA HK Kit. Special Notice. Trrilirj f Xi lirnl,ii. ('miiili A' moh'i- ". Notice is hereby given, that at the next annual elec tion, en the first Monday, being the 2d day of August. ls.jst. there w 1 1 1 bo an ejection tor the i e-..i ai ion ol the County seat of said Nemaha county. The voters are re ipiired to designate on their ballot the place cf their choice for the re-lo. aiion ot the Coiinly Seat, liy order of the If. aid if Commissioners. In testimony whereof. I hereunto set my hand and S. I atlix the seal of ihe said County, this hi i ,.,j f S"f July. A. 1). ISO. K. K. PA J n I v 22, IV1.S-11I 21 Coiiutv Clerk. R. L. DODGE, attoiixeyKtlaw AND SOLH ITOIt IX CHAXCKKY, itison wili,i:, .m:isi: asea. Land Warrants bought and soi l. I're-emptn 11 pa ers caretully and correctly prepared. (iKI-'ICK 0:1 Maiii stiee'. in I'.rown and llenniit's ltat.k ing House. p.kfkrknc;-:s II ui. rentier Fergus. 11, " li. W. Km lias " It Brown Kinney i llollev July 8, -.JS-3ii2-ly P.ellevue, Nebraska, llrow n ilie, " Ncbr.isk 1 City FENNER FERGUSON, itfonicv and Counsellor vi j:, n i: huaska. City Property for Sale ! I two f'T-'el lent. 1 -ts, on each of who his a now, coiiitortahle and i-oiiveuieiit hoii-e. b..i h on M ini street. One is in Itlock IS. and the other 111 l'.h. k-i. inibe City of Urownville. I will sell either . u er I.H'T.i ble terms. : : one II, ml cah. and one thud in thiee Hi' Tit lis. and t!te halam e in six months. If not so id I v t he s h day of Si p: eni'ier re t . one w 1 1 1 be sold - 11 that day to the highest, bidder, "li -.11110 let in-. July I ). Lis (;. y. in; i tiiN. Brovnville House. IJUOAVN VILLI:, M'JiUASKA. MORRISON VIIEELER I Alillotiii. e t . the pill, lie that thev h ive tal.i .an ! the new. large, and c..ii.:iio.l;.,ns buck Ib ie 1 cent ly c, tuple:. I inibeCny .f II.owumI. 1 They have torni-lnd it froiti cellar to --.i-' tire new furniture; lire ail i.ii. 1 tila'ed and ti',i-l.e.. The table, we j r. rui-. j limes con ti. 1 11 the Lest the '..iint : y can . ;: -r 1 I ng re- .-. Ni loa-l;. let w i:h en- e. Weil oii- . -ball at all . Our loiUor. shall lie ns cure ai are made. a. v.e cur I a e iti person freni reliable uiamit n Hirer.. W e ! i-iMii a iiii.i-p i ten ded notice unuecessury and cm i n le by .-iiiing the pub lic that we re determined that no 1 11.. it on our part shall bcwantiattlu render the Kr.oi n .lie ll.,u.p a tir.t da.. Hotel. AJAtttlr'.u t w lif.n Ltu Julv 8. lS-sSin S liool nitricl Ao. t. School meeiini; called lCL-ally by . S. Whitnev. The above lli-irict coinpri-e. se' tnn- '.'It. -.'. J.". ;,, 'U Tun nship .') Itanite l.'i. ami the so il tr e t iiiarier cf Section 19, and the west half of Se t n 11 3n, T .u p. hip ft. Kalite Id. Acconiin-to the call al,.. e niven. Ibstrict met, ;,t,. elected J M. Snow T. n i.urer. li n i l-.u PI i.trrs and Frederick T tun S.- 'y. I 1, .t.inious v te as rlv en to build a brnk .ol - l i :: m the . -enter of thfili--trict. -J'1 feet 1 v iS and !t f'-eti;'1 u,e; ei.'ht wind.-w. m. : .....r. ?l,.t.-ie r-.-.f. Wr-lun :vi day., the e w 1 1 he a t. iv levied u 11 all if the Ian-1. and personal property w thin the di -1 net ah. '. e 11 1 mi d. .- ul-fb-iein to ere. 1 and i.., sai 1 S. 1..-.I II .'.sc. Proposals will he rc ei-i-l 'ti the 17t'i day cf Julv. KVi, at I, i.'ii Kk P M. at the hi.u.e of It. J. Whitnev. for fiirii! material and ere. ; 1 :i' - aid to witti the furtiit ;re as .1'. ve n 111 c-i. t. -e'.hci- A s.-h .ml tneetino cf the Di.trii t i -r e. i 1 ! ' v 1 i"ed t meet at Ihe aiue tune, 1 y order cf U.J. HITN HI', Bruwnville. July 1. Pi ts.'ient. Administrator's Notice. X. dice is hereby jriven that letter, of a Imitus'.ra'ioti of the e-tate f (ieor-re Lewis was, on the ir-M dav of J -inn lIVS. granted to I ivid I) Lewis. A 11 person-1 win-j faid estate are rc-c.o-ted to pay upimnedi ttely, and ail jer sons having detnar.'ls a-am.-t -aid e-t ite are rc-in-tr! to pre-ent them for allowance within three months and all demnmls a?iin-t ra.l estmtp n ,t pre-, t.ted within ix months will he forever birred. I A V I r I). LF.WiS, Adnnriistrat' r 1 f ti.e estate i f t.e- rre Lev. is.. HrowiHiile, July 1, 1 5 oS.-i: lO.v To nm P:iitM)s: I' ivir-,' f. H out mr sf.k and wis;im- to e, -e i i-r I tt-iiipss as i.n a. jv.ssihle. -w-., w. ni l rr- .e-t . ur :. k tol- t 1 oa' i i.:i 1 -1 ' : a . . ; I 1 r ! v t.ote 1 r c i-h. F t "!.o 1 e-ent we mil he r 1 : ; oi ,,j : ,. o- t.reetil ill. II s ' .re. V. l.-l-l- Ue '.'.ill t cur f.iii. i-, and cu-t. tnii- teii.-r.'iv. p!l .1-1 'l to -'! l CLAKK .V Co LIVERY STABLE, WM. ROSSIILL, EBOWNVILIE. N. T. Announces !.;- pul i. that he 1- pre-, i-c t., afr ln.. date l.i...i-l.,t::-i I', 1: i-vie- ; t. - lift her w llli - . ! -.ite ii .r-e.. f.-r c veii.t 2. He Will a.- . b aid 1. 1- :-.r: at.. e .sc 1:1 tr.i 1 v the diy, week or 111 -mil. rTrv.vs FAvvn.r.i.t -j June lu. o-.. r " m&m School. The subscriber would respectful ly announce tl, hnbitants of tro n ilie that be will open a SCIIout. Tuesday. IheK.h itist.. for the instruction of s i.h tmpU, as may be entrusted tit 1. is care. ir the present, it. school will be opened at the S tied Ibois. TE rms Peruu arier i f Eleven Weeks. Common Km:.i-!i Branches - - $ir) Higher Hraiiches - - 6,00 No deduction made l-r absent during the 'erm, ct-pt in eases of protracted illness. Those wd. enter it any time during the t!rl three weeks of the term wuj be 1 ha 1 -'e l for 1 1111 ion from the commencement; if a,,r fn 111 the time if entrance to the close. Tuition bilii will be due at toe middle of the trm. at which tniie payment or other satisfactory arrangements i c re ii'ii-ed. It is desirat ie ti: if t!i !se who attend shi nld enter u ear.y in the term as joiiMe Brownville. Juiy 1st, ISjS-im J. M . C1IAPF.L. Gil EAT SALE OF 3?OT77-I3. LOtS. AT I5HOW"YlLLE, NEBRASKA, On 3Ioutl;i3 , Ai!. Ii, isr. The nndersisned bavin-; laid off 11 portion i f tl.p i,1n,i owned by him. adloinimt t lie City of Brownville. Xehron. k 1. inio crrospotidin ; in ! with other lots in sai,( City, strei i s ami ., Keys also t i correspond, will ofter f..r sale to the highest bidder coin 1111 n 1111; .11 .Monda" ii -ii.t l, ISOri, Two 1 1 mid red Lof-i. T i tho -e .ic,;ninf ed it nred onl v be announced that the lots 0 tiered are ivnortioii of tlnfFeif.iUonCl.itui.'' -iliuh lies almost m the heart of the Ci'v. but i.wim; t.nti hiving been nicoitivst until ipute recent ly, hos not ,,rn I. ult upon or otherwise improved. The Lan4 oirlce at Washington havin decided the contest, th Intidlias been entered and Warranty tleed can be isiven. To thus wihina.ti) invest in Nebraska town property n t better point irep-'t unity rati he foiuM. TKK.MS Onfltt,! casli; one ihirj In three month and the b,i!im-e in fe umaih. rwreT b 111 rtBe,n the premises, or my giving hoiul to-deed. July I. IVS, JAMES KERCCSON-. Land Warrants, ror Czxf-tl. nncl 011 Tinio We are prepired to loan Land Warrants of all nzet,, settlers on u. li tune as the) may desire long or li..rt at the usi,jl rates. A constant -iippiy of Warrants will be kept on hint for salens ('..ea; as ti.ey can he nought elsewhere in town. liny of regular .Sellers and beware of bogus warrant. All warrants M l.y us will be irnarante'sl to h cetiiuue in ct ery respect and will be et banged if tr leci ive. I'.eing permanent lv I, , led in lirow nvi lie. we can U was bo found at I lie old stand a few d.MT-i east of the lirow m il ie House. LI Ml i! M r. II t C UtSOV. P. inkers, and Dealers in Land Warranti. B '. I i sii 11 M ; 11 jni). I., r tijui IiTJoHBATJGII 6c CARSON, ' BAMKLKS AM) (. L VL.'.I L LAM) AUE.TS, EM-al r in Coin. I'ncurretit Motiev. L. hatige and Land Warrants, llltow NV II.I.K. NKMAIIA CO.. N. T. E-pecial atteti i 'ii will te given to lluing and Sell in; Ko!i nue on the principal cities of the Lulled Statci. tiold, ."silver, and nn ait 1 cut Hank N 'tes. A constant uj.. p!y of Land Warrants on hand for sale. TOR CASH. r cu lt red on tune tor I'l e-etiiptors. All Warrants hoM hy 11 guaranteed in every re-ppot. Will tile 10 laratory Snip, incuts..! intention to p. e-einpt. and Papers at short notice. .Money loaned iiihiii best securi ties, at western rates of interest, an I iuv est ments nu,!, in Lands or 1 1 1 y property for distant capitalists. Collp,-. I cn s upon all cn en tent points will he prompt I y attend ed t no I proceeds renin led 111 exchange, at current lolN. .f i:ili.ii - 1 Kngland. Ireland, and Frame, nl- I imed at usual rates, with cost of FoV hange en the K.jt added. Deposits rooeivt don Current account and inlcrc-l a'loWedoli s ci ial depirsits. Ol TICK M 1111 St.. near U. S Land OllVe. tin TllfM ks Itrother Co.. Men bants, McNau.-hioii. Cai son X Co., " lllser N. t lute. Young. Car-win . P.raiif, Jno. Thompson Mas,, 11. Cd'rof Port, K. M. Pundersoii iV Co Men !i. 'tits, M . M. Veakle .V. Co. No. n. nromlway, 111. T Muithsoii. F.s. . Hanker, Philadelphia. Pi. Baltimore, -M l. New Turk. W astiuiKtoii, D C. .1. T. Stewois. F.-. . All y ..t Law. Jno. .S. IJallaher. Late :i. And. I . S. T Taylor .s. ki le.h. If inker-, McClelland. So ugg-.V Co. .Merchant', lion. Tho.-. ; Pratt. II on. J. W.tiei'v. K-i;,.v. Kansas, Hon. .1 is. o. Carson. P Ii Sin . i I . F . . Pre.'t S. Ifink, Col. t.eo. S. -hlej . Att'y at law. Char I o. Pai .on. . Co. ISaiikers, II. C. Nuit Co. " ireeiie. Weave Kn e, " Douglass X W.i's .ii, " Col. Sam llaiohletoii, Att'y at Law, CTii. ag, III St Louis. M A nnapollK, M l. Penn. .Men ershurir. Pi., Ml. Keokuk. I'W.i. Council ICiutl " lies Moiiie, . Vint. .11. " Ka .t ..n. M l. t 'umber land. M l.' Havana Alabama. Judge Thcs. Perry, Prd'. II. Tutwilcr. Oct. H, ';7-2-iil5-tf Yancton Town Company To all whom it mar concern. Notice U hereby ttivi-n that the undersigned have this'day associated arid in corporated them-elves together under the name and style of the Y;jiut oTT T 0 w 11 (' 0 hi pii n y. The prin ipal place cf transacting the business i f tlie company is in the tow ti of Yancton 111 Ku hardsoii entity N ehi ask. 1 Territory. The general nature if the business of the onip.itrr i Coal nun . tig. and buyi 11: and .clung Keal Folate at th town of Y. melon. Ne'u.i-k.i Territory. The aiiioiint ot capital k of the Company is net to tweed live hundred thousand dollafs. to te paid 111 xf reu Hired I y the lt -Law s of the Company. Corp"rali"ti c tiiiiieio 1 d on the 2l.t day April, lSo, a-id is to c.iii nine t or 2i u ars. The huhe-t .1111 oint i f indehtp.lne-s of tie Corpora tion -hail at to tunc eveed it AM l dollar. ; 110 m re than two tlii'd. of Hie C 1p1t.1l St. .1 k paid ill. The .itia.r- ot 1 he C i 1 ..rat cn are to t e conducted t t a P. e-ide:it, i e Pi e-i h ot. Secretary and Tiea-nrcr, and a It ard of i tors 'o be elected semi- mi 11.1l ly. IIKNKY n d I.T. N .1 Sll MtP. A l Itl'.nWN, 1IKTI1 M ( Kill I.S, TnllN W SMI I II. I F.I IN (i Y Noll Julv I. I-..-.S. S V M CKIM.I.S. K T lllMMKnMl. I1K.NK Y Hot t.l.Asi WILLIAM I O11K, 111 KSTON Nl CKOLLS. Claim Notice. To William A. -V-Coy .rid all w I otn it may rotnerft You are herefv n titiel thai I will appeir at fhe I. in I Oltb e in BrowuMlie. Nomaha coiritv, Nrbrickn Terr tory. on T11e-d.1v. the IS I d iv of A ilk'u-t IsX. ;it lllo'i h- t A . .M . , to up my r .nht cf 1'rt -e nipt ion to the r 1-1 hill if tie nr'h-ea.t in. liter of section No nini'li'iri and the we-t hall of the nortli-we. inarter sei 1 1011 V'. twenty, low n-hip No. live north, in Itamie No fourteen cist. Julv ir, s-.s-3t JAMF.S L. (,.)IIKKN. sr. (.i:o!i.i; toV.v oiuiv. ItintwM ir.i.r. N. T June III, l"oS. Pur-uitit toacallof t;,( Srcr.'i.irt cf tho St. flonrc T'W n coin', anv. auuoruni of ir- slockholde'i, tin. 'Iv met at tfeitll eol U.J. Whitnc-. On call theie fouini pri.ent, M-s -t oMo- tw ..-thirds the u ' 1 1 e st. ck f t he Company '1 he I. ll.v. 111 resolutions win : til rod 111 ed of.. wiaii-tu-ou-iy i,...p;e.i : Ki 10ri .' I Th it Ihe sum i f two del I,ir . t.o ar. l i ln rehv .1-1-1 d ,:i,, 1 h sb. te t the ton 2 That t he am .ii nt so ; I - ria 1 1 to p.i, i ..'i '-r 1 fore the ti r-1 day of Angn.-t A 1 ItOS, t-v toe Hw-Usrn of sb m s. 3 Th., !.:,re-..,.,..r;i,.,1(.:r e. merit shall I - ..I , ., -t ,. ; he nun, her ! ).,,. share- -.- 1 l.i.!i he 111 pi.-.inent the Trea-urer -I. ill ...... 1 r - p. Ii li-i.t.itii' 1 et ar v. hot duly a sh.i I he t.. 10 .tie .1 re. ot.J . f the -atue. 1 I. T'.a all u p. 11 h n h s ml a .si' -- 11 .r nt ha- P t 1 1 ' 1 ti pa. l ! y the tir-' d v of A -n'-i-t V t I-.'n. shall 1 1- a-ld an' he- i-l v .le ,r-. to fe for:ei!e. to the c .tu , :. Tio.t it -h 1 ! t e the ,!.ly. of tin- Ttfieiint to keep - a stM, t . ,,:i.t 1 1 ail the m--no , ret eive-l up -n - - met t mil re; rr I iie ..1 toe '.. a no el . l)' ,t t 11. i r -' 1' " ' ' be l.i Id ai 11: ..v, ii-. 1 llo on t i.e sud hr.-t day ' 1 Amtut t . . That the pr.; i-ii.n i,f ih. - a- es.metit .hall red af ply to any shari.-i r.H,n he h the asCs-inent crderi"! the U O-'tober A O ISoT- l as he n beten .' e paid. 7. TTir.t cur. iy fnr) nt thecvinp tnf in the of the Treasurer. ItuhaHhp !. r..i i..r j by artd wFih the allowance n.I approral nf the Pre-ntcrit I ., ,-r n -oiin airain-r. the conipativ that mac I prr- ! setite.l pi ioi- t, the iit-vt meetimc ,,l the ecu, i ; nfi'l ; that it shall le 'awful f,.r the Treasurer, l.y and with 1 the approval of the Pi e-n!e:,t, teenier mtl,, c"..titra. t for. and apply the fund, cf the cin any m u, ,i;ll, t tic j improveinenn 1 t the touu.ite, prior to the LeKt iinci j ini: ot the 0 mpany. Adjourned to mc"t at t!ie call cf the t.creary "If J. WHITSKY, 'rrc. I! VT. Ft TtVAS. Tre-i-'rand Sec'y. I GEORGE EDWARDS, t An CHiTE ot. I 'if l K. Mo.u St, Last of Kinney fy ;,lhj i r.r j Kebrnska Cit7, N. T. Pc'.'.n- v.I.o e .u."r.'.!a'e nr r:,., ftir,.hM i I'estcns Pii-n-i. Spec,i.-ati..n-, Mr., for buildin-;- I any cia.s .; variety if sty!;., tl the ere, t. 11 oft" o; i.r.ti't r.a- .r 1 n.iroi i. ......... ... t h;i-i:.e-s from A .:,,t,,;.. 6J Was taken t;n t.y t?ie s'i! .Cnr er, on tf,c Id in.t, ci'.t. stir ir.-c'l to he 3. vears old. with 3 white feet white tee. A !-o a 1:1 er clt I ye ir old. T ieownrt " have them by calling- proviiirf proj.crrv and pi .. c:i ir-'0s H i WdilR ILL, June 17, M-"U Little Xernahr 1! rr C. Heu-er has t. n.. ed h'sTm Sh-.f fr-m Front b. M nn street, tie ,r I v , ... si'e the new Motel. h-rf ! has i penist up the la: 'c-t sf. i k ..f ware in hn lire t" ' f-.'itid in the tippc" ' tntrr. He sulicitj a c ntin'MS" d pair iiiiie. J iv l', 'iS. Claim Notice. N" t . e i- 1 1 rr ' . e -en f . Uo-.ry W. Peter. K-t e't ' A rm -t A ,'.1 11,1 We. It., m.d all it be- (leriii7 e 'i-lt . at I cn 1 e ir -it tt o I. mil inti-e at B. "w: 11 on Welt.. -!..y tl.v -'n .1 iv ,.f July to pr e :!' " r. .ht to tl.e !'..-t.e.t irter . f .-c tii-n t, to 'ii-.-I ' e. u rti . f r 11.. i--ixtc.-.i fa-t. . July l-i. I.. WIM.IAII WKU? CITY LOTS. I 1 iv.1 f-r s- , n' cf 1 o at-.tift'lly ha-atcl ..t-" tlo' t'I'y f Br .v.' . t.;. , I :-m antho'iel seil ' 1 1: Ja.i;. I r l.cll. N.-v. i-.'!,ii tv.lli!.. w el i t" 1 1' ' !' ..e .n -ik.nj 1 nr. ,, ...... . 11. W FI KNAS. li.v- v. 1! ,r .. -. Ileal Lstate