Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 24, 1858, Image 2

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    11. W. FURNAS, EDITOR.
The jr::rJ number icv: , lite t.3
ce::.I Vdume cf the Nelr-. 1:aAdi r
us:.r. I: is customary, ia the newspaj . r
vcrli,ca su;h c-2ichs, tc ike ciae
tLIr. cf a retrc .ctive view. Notwith
standing the usually conceived notion that
a glance at the jast is unpleasant and
ftd, we do D r.t rrescr.t with rather
cheerful and satisfactory enactions.' Vi'hen
we lock Lack two ' years, to jhV period
uhen we first set foot upon Nebraska soil:
when we humbly sent forth the first num
ber cr, our pr ;r then ill third. in. the
Terr''.-ry frcm cr- -.rstively:ian un
known p ...r. a ..-ill village in" the Far
West, consisting u less than a dozen log
call -5 urrc--;ied ly nc.Ies, hazel, c,
cr.i pcpulain - to , correspond n:r was
. cuch a condition of afiai.r3 cc:fl:xec! to cur
' ' cwn locality, but was pr.--- th-.;.)hout
,. 'Nebraska we say when .j kJk back
thus and it seems but vesterdav. because
cf the rapid flight of time uxl compare
. wi;h the present conditioner state cf af
fairs, we feel .to "rejoice, with-oy-cn-fpeakalle
and full cf glory" almost-. 'In
this short perjol c tine iho lo caLm
have given place to stately mansions and
elegant business houses ; the netles and
' hazel have disappeared, and i:i their place
Lih'y cultivated and ornamented grpand
and clean, neat graded streets and alleys;
where was net to be heard the sound, but
ferj;.m, or me uospei, now im word. is
" regularly, dispensed by. the followers o
there who ia olden days went forth by
Divine command to preach to every nation
tongue aol kindred, with the comfortin
assurance that "I am with you even to
the ends cf the earth;" and where the
handmaid of this religion, Education, had
not yet taken hold, now the "instructive
tongue and the attentive ear" are busy
"from Monday rnorn 'till Saturday even,'
and the two move hand in hand . to en
lighten and evangelize this portion o
God's footstool. Where on our beaatifu
and fertile - prairies nought was to be
seen but the waving green of nature
planting, r.o.v the labors of the husband
man speak ; thousands of acres of cultiv
ated fields where nature's sod has been
disturbed, are now to be seen the luxu
riant corn and golden smaller grains;
where . the whoop of the untutored savage
alone was heard, as with bow and arrow
he chased the fleet de'er, now is to be
heard the tinkling beH of grazing herds
and the merry song of the plow-boy. This
is not a change pictured by fancied ima
gination, but is real is the "change
wrought in a few "moments."
We never write or talk on the progress
thus far. of ISebraska, Nemaha county
ana urownnile, tut that we naturally
enough to-be-sure find ourself peering
into the future, and being impressed, as
we think no reasoning or observing mind
can fail to be, with this fact: that that
portion of the country, say between the
. mouth of the Platte river in Nebraska
anl the Kansas river in Kansas,; and be
tween te Missouri river and the Rocky
. Mountains, must in a short time become
- more densely populated and valuable than
any other portion of the United States.
. Nature appears to have done more for
this country indeed, we think, has been
particularly partial rthan for any other.
r The millions cf acres of land lying within
the boundaries mentioned, in another gen
eration will be peopled, for it has attrac
tions and capacities to contain and support
. wnole nations. Another writer says :
"Looking back towards the East we see
a country'which, in two generations, has
Deen won irom tne wild man and buffalo.
and now contains hundreds of thriving
cities, thousands of towns, and millions of
peopie. is not the future as fraught with
nrnrrrpss as tf met ? lv;n .
i o m m uui i wo more
generations find the Anglo-Saxon herdin
nis cattle and watching his .sheep on the
slopes of the Rocky Mountains ? And
VT-1 ' 1 rA iVta Tmi V .... VI 1 . .
uu tiuise, wun us nrntnin'T
speed, as it rushes over its iron track, be
laden with the manufactures made on the
Missouri river, and return with the beef.
uie wooi, ana me golden coin ?"
All along the Missouri river, the great
thoroughfare of the West, within the limits
spoken of, must be numbers of large
flourishing cities. "The thundering din
cf a thousand worshops, and the chimes
of an hundred church bells'. will alterna
tely break upon the ear, and wealth be
come concentrated," and "there w ill be no
end to advancement and prosperity.
- May not Brownville, as a young ctow-
ing, and thus. far exceedingly prosperous
cuy, expect to become m tune one of
those Emporiums ? Surely she can
Everything points to her as such. Her
. location, in one of the best counties in the
richest country in the world, already more
densely populated by thriving, energetic,
enterprising farmers than any other in
Nebraska; with all the river advantages
desirable; timber,' stone, and stone coal
without limit almost; her population
notwithstanding the unprecedented pres
sure of the times multiplying rapidly ;
business in almost every department in
creasing and spreading everything indi
cates rapid . and , permanent progression.
Who cannot prophesy a tri-Lt future for
Brownville, for Nemaha county, fcr Ne
braska? . ' : . :. :
iis to ourseu ; tne tncf space of .two
years spent in Nebraska we, shall ever
regard as the brightest portion in our
earthly sojourn.- Coming with not id ac
r-;z::Mzvt cr friend is -ths; . Ternary
net a face- that we had ever before gazed
upon we rejoice to now number them by
thousands, and in every settled portion
-' too cf the country. The ' extensive ac
I quaintanee feade" v. hi br1," sjjrits from
ahr.wtt every State in the LYionanl in
fact .fron almost every r ation of the
g! be; witt whom our intercourse has
been of the most pleasant nature socia
bility and good feeling being a peculiar
characteristic of all western people, espe
cially on the extreme border abundantly
repays rur labors. . .; . . ,. "
r Wieh 4ur .brethren, of the. Press we
have enjoyed the -friendly grasp of - the
pen wielding hand, cr 'h? agreeable chit
chat secured by use of the types. 'Here
is another indication cf the onward e pro
gress of Nebraska,' perhaps, to
the settlement of any other new country.
l ne. 1'ress nasi a p roneient position in
every portion cf thi3 land, and in "number
has increased from thre3 t sfablishments
to nineteen within ih? - past two years ;
una me iact mat mere- nas not been a
nispension'or failure among them, J is the
best evidence in the world of the intelli-
gence and enterprising chcracter of the
people who are settling Nebraska. ' :
..That oar course as a iournalik or ' as a
servant cf the people Las pleased all, we
not Tnr a ni:.;.TofrK?rflTnf'no..iJra. "TT
either capacity we nerer 'expected it, we
never labored for it. farther .tWm..M
be secured in the discharge of dutv. - As
:uch,wehave been impelled hy hiffher
motives thnn simnlv w-Jih ' xmAleA vfTnrt rn
endeavor to please this that or the other
body. We have through countless sleep-
less nights, together will all-the mind
and thought with which nature5 atd
education Lavft UP( ,
discover the path of duty and right,: and
with the aid of our rPS.n r1 cniha
walk therein: Onr t
hasbeentolabor.asaeitizer, rA W.
-. to"-" "d "J"M
naKst. for the adranr.ment f tip, Jnt.r.
, j
ests of the immediate locality in which
we are situated, vvhen they do not conflict
with the interests of others. In a higher
capacity, we have studied the interests of
the whole country, not , for to-day alone,
but for the future ; and with these inter-
ests, the present, future and the solemn
oath of office constantly in view, we have
acted. . How far we might prove success
ful in pleasing, we have never stopped to
uiiuk or enquire, uur own conscience
assures us we have discharged what we
conceived to be our duty.
In the Terrltorj
The Omaha Indians received their
semi-annual payment of $20,000 on the
Jlst ult.
i . . . rr ' m . ...
.u -anair or nonor" is announced as
on the tapis, between certain parties , in
Florence. Cause pretty young lady.
P. S. . Mentzer, of the Courier, advised
them not to fight, or they 'might get kurW
and they made up.
courier says that large crops have been
put in by the farmers around Florence,
ana irom present appearances there will
be a large yield everything looking
remarkably well.
Willit House, at Florence, ; has been
sold tor $5,000. o
. I
Kock JJlufis, has been entered by the
proprietors, and the Mayor is now issuing
warranty deeds for lots.
.me immigrant landed at Omaha an
excellent Steam Saw Mill, designed for
the Omaha Reserve at Black Bird. A
machinist accompanies it at the place of
its destination. ' This is a fulfillment of
one of the treaty stipulations with that
tribe. . .
The Dakotah Herald says there will be
more wheat grown in Dakotah county the
ntAAAn 1 Mil I
creui sfuboa man wiu te req tared to
supply the inhabitants, leaving a large
surplus for the consumption of other por- Deen tund near .the Platte,- and about
tions'of the Territory." This will also be fifteen miles from Omaha; which mea
true to a much greater extent as re;?ards sures about three and a half feet; and an
corn and potatoes.
- .
AAiai, oaic ui Keai tSWie.
S. F. Nuchols, Esq., a few weeks since
uiaujr ui IQTK. JOUT
it i. . , , ... I
tTe wiiu ieorasKa
lands adioinicff St. StenTiPn fiftoor
vi .u- --r---. Dess t0 attract much attent on. A four
below this city. The price ranged from LPn . i ' 0f .r
Slioftii... .u . : r
wC . umgu w- ue
rnmnnntr r,.,V.: - 1 . . i
"17.7. T. " 6enu oul iar?e
ill! nnr rr cmtfyM rt- k . a. 1
w v..s,lB ujcjucwui season.
- 1
ConinlimoBtarr. . i
Wolb'otice by the Clearfield (Pa.) Re-
pullican, that E. S. Di;ndt, Esq., of Ar-
cher, Nebraska, who-has recently return-
from an Lastern tour, was, while at his
native town, tendered and accepted a
complimentary supper by his former as-
sociate s in '. the legal profession. ; The
proceedings are somewhat lengthy, and
we are sorry we have not room for them
in our paper, buch demonstrations while
gratifying to those for whom they areror. 11 can now be done on reasonable
gotten up, also speak weUf or professional
standing,...: ' 1 "
, Eitra or Call Session, t.
We are credibly informed that Gover-
nor Richardson will most likely convene
the Legislature so toon after the approach
ing election' as it is ascertained who the
members elect are say immediately af
ter the Land Sales: t -
On the first pago wiU be found a num-
ber.of useful and interesting articles
"HaTe we a National policy "Devon
Cattle."- MGardtniriT Onmiwn' ttrtB 1
r ' ' (, i ;? T ,1
Omaha, June 20, lS5a
MOKxr. ' 't ", :e.-. '
Tee busLn?? ; of loaning ;r.en:yai high
nt: : of in re.-.t appears to bo taking the
; lace of tli ; tc. .i mania, c f '". Instead
i.f ccnversitioLs at Ui3 corners' cf the
streets and at the many land :"rencies,
respociing corner lots ar,d wild cat pecu
lations, now is heard the still greater ope
rator in the persons of the money-changers,
who are closely calculating the larg
est possitle percentage .which,, can be
obtained, and the chances of ever witness
ing the s principal -after " leaving their
hands. . . . . .. ;- -
, Many, anxious to accumulate rapidly,
have branched .'out beyond their knowl
edge, and , .their, shortened,, judgements
have allow? d them to run into" unknown
and dangerous piths.- They have conse
quently T. en lei into an impassable cha
perel, which has confused their progress
and cor jelled them to retreat occasion
ally at considerable loss. Finding the
road cf the uoney changer a hard cr- to
travc1' manT Lave concluded that the
fascinatio"s by which Uiey were allured
om a good paying legitimate. business,
h?ldarkened eir imaginations cf gain
Ied lhem inll7aJ:4.L0lMl Eal-
- .. .raic b lti bal FAIfl
Extnsu'e preparations are being made
.V gtuiiuransis or uougias county
t0 make coiderable shew .this yearin
1 way of an annual f a ir.: c
AUC XiSl VL premiums reas Deen concl
ded upn' and comraie(js Appointed who
n me juoges as: to ; who . may be
e sessM competitor in each class.-
; Ciety 13 etatorear Omaha
wnerever the most convenient and suit
abIunds can be found, on 'Thursday
auu 1 ,uay in3 me aaY Ot Sept
ember and the lst day of October next
- mera are taking. Hold of this
rri.. e ... ... - ..
i . i ii ?
,uailcl wllu nsiaeraoio energy, and
""7 """o expect a large and
:V.T ' ' ': "
w encouraea w present
"""j mnuito ui. uuuic luituuiaciure, ana
share in the premiums and praises of the
association, and the laudations of an an-
precialive public. . They are ; to have the
benefit of the judgement of their own sex
as to the quality of the articles presented,
and receive premiums not inferior to the
sterner sex.
Success to this and all other enterprises
of similar character, especially in the
.territory of Nebraska.
It should be the first business of the
next Legislature to appoint a ioint com
mittee of revision frnm thai
i w... uw unu UUU V .
Ii . . .. J
wnose auty it should be to. make a thor
ough examination of all the passed sta
stutes of the Territory now in force, and
bring together all that are not repealed in
sucb manner as may make them readable
and consistent. This course can be pur
suea and more probably aecomplishcd du
"Dff tn session than any other way they
maY adopt.
Whilst that - rommittee would be at
work, the Legislature could pass urion
criminal statute, and such other important
general acts as may be necessary for the
ProPer government of the Territory,
II appears to be.useless in Nebraska to
appoint statute commissioners to report a
V0 01 Iaws "r adoption by the Ledsla
tive Assembly, as that has been tried and
Proved a failure
0ur aws are in bad condition at the
Present time, being contradictory, incon
sistent an(" uncertain; therefore the short-
est possible plan should he n.nntp t
xmS them out of that' confused state in
lhe shct practicable period.
jaikview coal bed.
-It is reported that a strata of coal has
old English collier is employed , to work
the mine
There is bnt liitl A .v.;. '
try is all underlaid with coal, as it has
v wMvfc luig tAUU'
Wn f,l ,V 1 1 .e .t
"vvu.vuim ju ocvciai uuiiiuusui ine i er
r tnrv nt oe re . e ,
"a3 ucc" uiacovereain
fMent .!,. f .-.i. '
VL iiUHUUt .me
Omaha Reserve is of considerable im
hxrtanr.e. nH htAn nm;v- -4 ii
wv"" vujuua auu jJt.1
ievuoaiiehi si ra . u. Wo0Jjr-cj.
Many are waking up to this subject, and
lnvestigations talked of, which may yet
Proveot advantage to ISebraska in the
wy of ascertaining the extent and value
of 1,3 coal fields.
Tins is a convenient time to search the
"els of the earth whilst many are idle.
and "mPatient for something to turn their
nanas and nunds to for employment, and
ine capitalists can ahord to investijrate
terms. .
; 'As notices will in -all
made of this case and many opinions en
tertained in reference to the matter. I
will endearor to give you the history of it
as u comes to me, and, as as I think, from
reliable authority. ... ' i
The Elkhorn is situated about eighteen
miles west of Omaha, in the
hood of which within the last vear a lar
and - respectable 'settlement has : been
made of industrious and nM,Wn -;;.
, ' 'UU c cuucovurmg ig open upeX-
tensite farms. .They have their claim
organizations as elsewhere . in the .Terri
tory for the protection of the Squatter.
' It appears that Mathews purchased a
cliira for which he gave three hundred
dollars, and a man by the name of New
man pre-c.rspted it and refused to redee d
as is cust mary in the west amongneigh
bcrs. Methcvs cemmenced To cut tl
timber cfl' and New-man. forbid him say'
ing that he would "take 11 he cut, and
went accordingly on to the ground to ful
fill hi3 promise. The claim association
learned what was going on and went im
mediately cn to the claim' to see the pre-
ernptor, who. seeing .them approaching.
tied to a house' where the association met
him, and after some conversation in ref
erence 'td.fhe claim", Mathews was urg
ed and induced to shoot himl After the
excitement etvas" cvf r " Mathews 'cain e ' in
and k-ive himself cpto the sheriff. 5 .
: Several colonies are making the requi
site preparations to move to Nebraska and
others have -already made their appear
ahce here this spring. This is certainly
a very advantageous way of emigrating
and settling.a new country. It is encour
aging at the start to know that the com
pany is composed of friends and agreea
ble associates, that the journey will be
among strangers by single fancies into 'a
strange land. The protection and assis
tance -of the - association is found to be
very beneficial, not only in traveling, but
at 'their new home;-' and opportunities
rcr.tne estatilishment of schools , and
churches immediatly after their perma
nent location is a great item with the en
ergetic, intelligent and enterprising fron
. Stores, shops and all the conveniences
of the farmer can be more readily ob
tained among them and supported profit
ably than is the case where the country is
settled by the slow process of moving by
single families in the usual manner. They
also, have all the profits arising from the
sale of lots of a town of their own loca
tion, and indeed how admirably will such
an arrangement contribute in every re
sped to the . prosperity and happiness of
such a combined comunity where every
assistance required is rendered each oth
er and their new home made comfortable
and pleasant.
Necessity appears to require that an
extra session of, the Legislature should be
convened as soon after the next election
as'practicable. Our laws should be re
vised and compiled, and new acts passed
to ccmplele the code. A criminal statute
is much needed, and the Territory and
counties are suffering much for want of a
revenue law to support the government.
Murder, arson, theft and misdemeanors
are the order of the; day and the guilty
often go unpunished for want of a direct
law for their correction and conviction.
Many consider themselves at liberty to
commit depredations without suffering
the infliction of a penalty. Judges, jus
tices and many officers doubt their havin
proper jurisdiction, and therefore proseT
cutions are not encouraged and many
cases abandoned and otherwise thrown
out of court." ,
If something is not done towards per
fecting our laws the people as now dis
posed will take the government in their
own hands' and disorder will be the result.
After the election and- when it is ascer
tained who are the representatives of the
people, let the Governor call " them to
gether in Extra Session, to transact busi
ness of public importance in the passage
of the requisite general statutes.
?. When the Legislature shall have as
sembled they can then make that the
regular session for this year and thereby
obtain their compensation as usual. !
Gre at necessity on the part of the peo
ple in reference to this subject is certain-
y a sufficient reason for pursuing this
course, and we hope it may be acquiesed
in and encouraged by those who are to be
benefitted by it. . '
The statutes could be published and
distributed much sooner by this course
and thereby have order brought out of
confusion. '
" - ' HotrsE Bemuse.
; A gentleman in Omaha it is said made
the attempt on the 17th inst. to burn his
own duelling. Shavings were obtained
pine kindlings prepared, part of the house
vacated, and all the necessary arrange
ments m'ade for the accomplishment of his
design : The other portion of the house
was occupied by a family who kept board
ing house, and the sleeping apartments
were principally in the second story. The
lire was communicated in the corner, im
mediately, under the stairway, as if in
contemplation of first destroying the only
cnance for escape for those above. The
house and petitions were built of pine,
canvassed and papered inside instead of
plastering, and consequently the flames
caught readily, but were discovered be.
fore much damage was done.
: He was arrested, taken before the May
or, tried, and sent to jail to await further
investigation. . It is supposed that he was
after the insurance. WAWKO.
, : NaTlgatins the Els Neaafca.
, We learn that a small steamboat suc
ceeded without much trouble in ascending
the Big Nemaha River as far up as.
Falls City, a distance of about twenty
five miles, i This cannot fail to prove
gratifying. to the enterprising citizen of
this Coarishing and prosperous young cify.
Halo AVcsicrn Ce-
We have before us the first number of
a very neatly executed raper bearing the
above title, and hailing fromRu! in
Richardson county. It is edited 1 our
old and particular friend and correspon
dent Hc:t. A. D. KiaK, assisted by T. M.
Barrett, Esq. Of Mr. Kirk and his
ability iocouduct. a -higa-toned, scund
paper, we need not say a word; he is too
widely known, being one of the earliest
settlers in this section of Nebraska. The
Guide has our best wishes.
. ; r Awake. 'rn-- : r -T.
Reynolds,' of th? Nebraska City
News, whojpassed down the river a few
weeks since "asleep," returned yesterday
per steamer Dan ConversJ with his eyes
.wide open.-- He had wi .h him a - better
half, by whose efforts, .we, presume, he
was enabled to discern at'lhis point some
thing more than a -4Land Office and
Printing Office." 1
Council Bluffs and St. Joseph B. B.
rThe survey of this road is progressing"
finely, and we understand the engineer
reports the route as much better than he
at first anticipated. The President of
the Road was here one day last week,
and reports the citizens along the road aa
wide awake to their own interests, and
-tltatHlnrlrars-nai3ontt but every coun
ty along the line will subscribe liberally
to the stock of the Company. If they do
so, and we have no reason to , doubt that
they will, the road will be pushed ahead
a little faster than any other road in the
West. The counties of Pottawattamie,
Mills and Fremont, can build the Road
within their own limits. They have a
large amount -of Swamp Lands which
they can and will appropriate in aid of its
construction. The grading and' bridging
can be done this season, and the road once
graded and bridged, there will be no dif
ficulty in procuring the rails.
; While in St.' Louis, while we conver
sed with several wealthy citizens of that,
place, relative to the road, and all agreed
that it is a road in which St. Louis is
deeply interested, and would aid in its
construction. The counties in Nebraska
and Kansas, lying upon the Missouri riv
er,, are also deeply interested-in the con
struction of this road, and we doubt not
from the interest already taken in the
matter, will materially aid in its construc
tion. L,et the ball be kept in motion;
every revolution it makes adds to its size
and importance. Council Blvffs Bugle.
Hon. Henry B. Anthony, ex-Governor
of -Rhode Island and editor of the Provi
dence Journal, was elected by the Gen
eral Assembly on the 23th ult., U. S.
Senator, for six ycavs, from the 4th of
March next, receiving 92 out of 100
A dispatch to the Chicago taners. savs
the majority of the Judicial committee of
the Senate have reported that Messrs.
Fitch and Bright are entitled to their
seats as Senators from Indiana. .
A. D. Youncr, of Flatbush. Kv.. sued
Laban Letton for 810,000 damages, on
account of the wife of the latter charging
Young's wife with infidelity to her hus
band. The iurv gave him S4.000.
W -J " 1
A few days ago Adam's & Co.'s Ex
press wa3 robbed of $10,000, between
Charleston, S. C, and Columbusr Ga.
The company promptly paid over the
amount4 to the parties who entrusted it to
their care.
A. G. Blakely. of Missouri, has been
appointed Consul of the United States at
Mrs. Guthrie, an old lady resident in
New Concord, Muskingum county. Ohio.
oiea a tew days since. Irom eating of the
eaves of the common Garden Rhubarb
or Pie Plant, which are exceedingly poi
sonous, although the stems or peduncles'
are harmless. -
The wife of the late Henry William
Ierbert was in Indianapolis, la., for the
purpose of procuring a divorce, at the
time her husband committed suicide in
New York.
The Great Flood In St- Louis.
The Republican of lhe 14th says :
"Upwards is still the tendency of the
water, ana at. a rate which is hourly
spreading it over fields and in parts of our
own city. For the twenty-four hojrs
ending at b p. m. of yesterday, the rise
was nine inches, the last three inches
occurring from six in the mcrning, and
indicating some slight abatement of the
volume of water.
Dispatches from Boonville and Jeffer-
son City report the Missouri river sta
tionary at 3 p. m. yesterday. From the
Upper Mississippi the reports are contra
dictory, lietween Keokuk and Rock Is
land, one account says the river was fall
ing; at Hamburg another account reports
a rise 01 mree incnca oaiuraay Mgnt.
A dispatch from Cairo says, that the
Wevee had given away on the Mississippi
two miles above the Point, and that ' the
J waterwas rushimrinm Cairo. iThe occu
pants of houses were remc.vinar their
goods and families as fast as possible, in
anticipation of the submersion of the
town. ' .
A report was current yesterday that
the splendid bridge on the Great Western
iiailroad, across the Sangamon river, had
been carried away. The Watash is high-
. i . . - , -
cr man at any time mis season.
Another EipcdHion to Xlcaragna.
It is currently reported in the East and
South, that Gen. U rn. Walker is about
to return to Nicaragua with a formida
ble force; and under more favorable au
spices than hare attended any of his late i
expeditions. In the present juncture of
anairs, wnen the establishment of W al
ter in Central America promises to add
to . the strength of our couetrv. and to
tnwart tne desirns of the Bttish m that
-fcv, B p.rauUjB uiWp iu 53
Opposition tO this expedition than Was for-
rnciij luauutrsieu.- ...
1.. :r ..j l . .. . I
nuu uig suuifiuuuiiy IS
Aune With indiVnatinn 1 Hrit,h nntr-J
At a tima rKn T, VT. i of
yea uu U.C juerccani vrsseiS, sectional
.1. r.L . i . - , the
"Mavu MUdtuui c IA iu U Lf l
wun tne opposition hertofore ohered to
V Biker S movements ll Cenleral Amf ri- 1 fwny whereof I have be'eunte ret my hand and
.ii. .... .. I caused lhitrrxi ujI ..f .. t..... . . ' ' .
ca wm ne lost sigbtof m tne benefits r.m. 'i.Vi mx
y - - " w - M viiivf, vw i
securing a focthold in that quarter of the
Report in therhiladelphia Argus says Gen. alker is about to sail fo
Nicaragua with three thousand associates,
The Richmond Sou'th thinks; cf course
this is an exaggerated sta:ement, but that
it is not at all improlalle, however, that
Gen. alker will seen return ta ruca
racua, and with a s'.ifacient amount.
force to insure the quiet occupation o
the country. The internal disturbance
of-the Isthmian province invite bis pres
ence, while the movements. of M. Belly
make out a sufficient case for the passive
acquiescence cf our own Goverment. Y e
cannot imagine a more obvious . and ef
fectual expedient for the defeat cf for
eign intrigues in Central America, than
to assist Walker in the conquest of the
country.' -All things considered, we may
hazard the assertion that - the United
States .Government will notagain. ir.ter
cept a "rillibuster" expedition .to Nica
ragua. St. Joseph Gazette. '
Gasping, DjTn?.
.We observe reluctantly the melancholly
fact that many newspapers now published
in JNeuraska and Western Iowa are gasp
ing for breath in short, dying. We sym
pathize with thfm and with them fee
disposed to come down on the people who
induced their establishment and then have
refused or neglected their support. News
papers cannot-be published without the
daily expenditure' of cash not credit
xnonoy, ai.d Editors and proprietors are
unfortunately so nearly human that they
are ouige J to wear clothes and consume
food thereby entailing personal expenses
upon their journal. ' -It
is altogether a ' mistaken -notion that
type, paper, ink, press and journeymen
can be procured, worked up. worn out
and used up without the consumption of
any money whatever, and the people who
entertain it are generally either fools or
knaves. -
Uood .Newspapers build town3 and
whenever wes see a paper die.out from
want of support we shall know that the
town is a failure and a humbug. JVV
brasTta .Veu j.
Republican Convention
According to previous appointment, large number
of tee Republicans of Nemaha and Johnson counties
convened in Xemaha City for the purpose of nominating
candidates to fill the offices of Councilman and Represen
tatives in the next Territorial Legislature.
On motion, AMclici was called to toe chair, and G W
Fdirbrother appointed Secretary.
On moUouof Mr Hjycook, a committee on resolutions
was appointed consisting of S JlcConiga, S G Daily, Wia
JT Ball, J W Wells, and J P Crotber.
The committee on resolutions, after a short absence
reported the following resolutions for the consideration
of the convention :
Tho nnHi.r.i TntkA : t .... u . .
.v.....ivUuiu,iuc! wuuiu repori me rollow ng
lit t iiana few V. st .1 - . - .... 0
v.-,,.,,.,,., ,u,v. .omuigu Dyi0e late Territorial
Republican convention, held at Omaha in the 27ih day
of Hy. ISoS. as ruily expressive of the centiments of
this meeting, with th adiUtiun t,f tie resolution foliow-
'"s ... .
Ilerewere the Resolutions alopted at Omaha an4
publL-hed in this paper two weeks ago Kdito ) .
Reo!ved. That while we are opposl to the further
exientmn tf iavery. we will co iuiendnce no attempt to
interfere with it ia States where it alr.jidv exists
8 li DAILY,
J V CRotiier. Committee.
On motion of Jf r JTyco k, the convention resolved to
postpone tho nominating of candidates.
, On motion of Mr TUus a district central committeeof
Ave was appointed, consisting of T E rfaycm.k. CE L
Holmes, A Lawrence of Johnson county, E Worthing
and S Kennedy. Ehe omvoi..n empowered the said
central committee to appoint ubtitntei and requested
to proceed immediately to the discharge of Its duty
:.On motion, the Secretary was requested tohand copies
or the proceeuinps of this convention to the Xemab
TT . 1 I ..... t . n
""-' urownvuie Advertiser, for public
tion, with a request to the papers in the Territory to
On motion, the convpntion adjourned. '
A. MEUCK, Pres.
,G. W. Fairbrotheb. Secretary. .. ... A ,
mere win be a meeting of the
or Malta at their retrest .
satuntiiy eveninir next. As impor
, is b.iped there will be a general at
wit ousine-s win be tranrae nl I
Hy order cf the G R J A O T O
I. O. O. F.
The Grand L.Hlira nl h. TnHrv.n n.
itJT'o' 'ld Fellows, Nebraska Ter.itory,
' will convene at Omaha on the Second Tues-
m ti one next.
, . . R- W. FURXAS G-and Sec'y
ij-i-apers m the Territory friendly will piease copy
rror u'eserorid B.-ismle will meet at the
iT. - Voi "-"f"r M"ty, at o'clock on the 4;h of
...... .ch,, iu r.eci a colonel, Ueut. Colonel, Major and
A finite nt r..r . v. o . I u . . . '
By order of Bris'r Gen'l, n. P. DOWN S
O. P. Mason, Adj'tGen'l 2d Brigade.
The Markets.
. KOWfvinjt, June 17, 1S58
rLorB, V sv-h.... .... 2i0ttJ4.0
uiii.iuuri.uiB, f oACK.-
Cokm JIeai,, bushel.
Cork, y bu.-hel-.;.
Oats, V bu.shel,
, Sugar, V fi. ......
Tea, ...
Eggs, do,
Fresh Deep, Tb
" I'ori. ntrlOlhi.
; - .40
- 12
. ,00
. 6,00
Potatoes, bushel,...
Lijibeb, Cottonwood, por 100 ft.,
Yellow Pine.
Cheese, S,,. ."
I'AKD, ,
Nails, per keir
Wheat, none ia market
wuisey, per gallon,
Salt, i sack,. .. ..
Bkaxs, buh. ...
Dr ilioEs, a, ..
30(3 t0o
Wheat. bush,
St. Joseph, June 14, 1S53.
WM. ft OU.4TI,
-Floi-r, ewt,
IStCIWHEAT Floi r, Cwt,
Fresh Pore. lb,
Potatoes. f bucb.
Whits Ueavs, bo.-h,
Ik-TTER. lb,
Efics. -4) dot
Chickens, dx, -.
Irv Hides a fl...... .... .'
' 251
$355175 .
- 85
9(l lOo
. 10c,
" , 4-00 '
- 4. 0 i
Coffee. $ Vo,
Scgar, R,
Tea. lb.
listed Apples bahel,
Greejt, do. ..i. ....
ExrctTiri DrrARTME5T, ,
Nebraska Territory.
trhMr.lll.w.nM.1. - "
torof thi.Temtory.and where.-"ii ; i. provXt
iD n election hall beordered by the Governor
Z Z ' . 7 . "orTea in in ..fflce of Andi-
ierriMry, now therefore
Governor of the
I. WilliamA. Richardson. Gnvtrnnr ni it. ;
, i. .. . 1 3 oraerinar an el-
-i!.ML?L' "ld..f, Monday
Nehraska. in. ,hi. m. .. '"'OTy
General Asta V, of tbe
dav f vt i. ' ..", . . w
- v.uiiim m,9 iraucMni IO Mill rw.t - w
ta t i.
Gowraor Nebraska Territory,
ST. GEORGE TOWS co-jr.;.
4,?IUl- t
Pnrnnant to tall of the S.reu l!,!!8-
t.. .
7 or th
n-...t i , .. . "la,
-can itiera was Imiinl prent r
o . r two-thuds the entire stor at j!',t;ta
rr, e f. A )om i og r esol nUona wera ia JLV?l-
. iiigviutOUl A- WQi;ny "-y
ntsols: J. 1. That the sunioflrB,
h.-ebv a- .sd sawinst tva shara j?h .Ur"
i. rt y. 'Le amount so asao..Mj... ."ui
for t, drst djv nf in,,.. . I
Of Stir J. f IS k; "
3 liiat nar-hol.lcrs paying thlM
t- the Treasurer a tut of the nBmuTBt ''I t
which he mslte parment. That th
deliver such li.ts to the ierrttsry vL!T,M'r ski
be to make a record of the sme. tvy
4. That ail shares apon which ui,' . t
been paid by tbo first day of Ainir T,'B,'t las J
aid are hereby deciared to be fcrVuS r U
6. Thatii-f!! iothedHTofih.l?' ,
a strict acwiir.t U ali the rT n '
segment, ami re ir? the me to a n w
pary to be held at Brwnti., .72," i ; , . JM an tiy t
6. That the provistonsof tMt...
ply to any shares upon which t. 7.7' ml fca i
the flrstday of October A 0 l!s57 lZ"
Daid. ' . v"
any shares upon which ti. ' ' M .
tbeflrstdayof October an ls. iTr "4h .
of the Treasurer, it i U HvZ fZV ;
by and wii&ibe allowance snd appr-Vai J H T'"r i
U pay any auommu agaiM lhom,av rh J! !wd
sented prior to the next meeting i th. V' "P .
that it shall b tawfttj for the Treasure? V tWv; N
th spprovi; of the President. o euii Z , i
and apply the :mlf the company w1 V
Improvements of the town sue, Pri,T to ,i. k '
ing ef thee . mpany. .wjae as xt
7. That c-ut of any fun-U iw. .
Adjourned to meet at the call ef -he S.f,tPT
To Benoen Juhnwa and
r,. Tou are kereby mrfifledl U lttTf 8 T
id Office in Browuvll :e. on the an day
o'clock, a x a T Intend to prw. BB J.
noe juhnia and all orhm -v.. ..
pre-emptioit to the south qaartr of sec 1
Wn. towushlp six.8o.-thofr.r,einrt
June 23, 'M. rKA:ClSlI,
Claim Notice:
1 1. . , . i . i n u . .
" v ag lourieen eat.-.
June23. 1So3
V. 2Tt O XX IT230T
OFFJCE-Maln St, tt of Kinn,v f Hu;t,V
( Nebraska City. 5. T.
Pertons who contemnlate buihtim- . i. .
with Deaign., Plans. Sp,IlcataN fr hm SI
any class or variety of style, and tits '
same superintended if dired. Prompt attenuua M j
to business from a distance. "niuB i p4
Strayed or Stolen.
From the subscriber, on tha airii . u.
horse small blaze iu fcreheatf, ta:l Mi.d, "luIbn
sway.backed,.bot9year,old. A t ber.l rew,;
be paid for bis return or tntelliirenc that ,t Li
bis recovery. S h
Juuen, 6i-2t 9 mile, no ih hriwVvm,
Was taken np by the subscriber, nn th. i, ....
colt, supposed to be 3 years old. wi-h S vtit, fe.t d
whtteface. Alsoagreycoltlyesroll. Tiit own,!,
have them by calling, oroviua nr..aM
JunelT, 61-3t latile SetnahsW
To all wbuin it may cnocern. T. h.rni..
that twill appear st the Lund Offiie at Ur.wtivti,(
"ebraka.on the23;h djy of June tao-t. t iiiv,t,. i
M, to prove up my right of pre-eim,iu,o t th
east quarter of section thirty, in towjship two. raus
June 17 6l-2t p L GOI.SBKHT.
Territory of Nebn.ka j ca
Nemaha CVniiiy ( "
Tu iheuualiaed voei. of aaid counlr i. k.
by given thai ii pursuaiKeui an ait of tl.e Le(ilatii
Awenibly of said Tenifuiy, emiiied ' K.eiiion. ' ap
proved Jjnnaiy 28, 16 there III be an elecliJo bad
in the aeveral pieiimi In jid ioi;tly. ni the am
Monday iu A usust A U 1858. f..r (he eietl,.n ,J
Councilman (icintly with J hnw.ucouiit T) I., the Council
of the Teiritorial Aeiut ly, tUiee u-mter (J.ntlT
wiih J.rhnw ncuuuiyj to the bout-eof Bepreeiii(iT(lil
the terri. onal arrnibl, one Couui7 HuoeriiitfMirat.j(
c-imnn.n Mbool, one county coiiiiiiiiu.k.aer lur itit tb r
eoiiiiiii-ttioiier't district. 1w JuftK-e. of the prace and
two cuni-iaoiea in snroui pteiioct, to jiatiice. r tb
peace and two constai.le in ing't pre-turr. m I -no.
eea ot the peace ai.d two cntable mtt rmlerid prt.
im-t. one c.imtah.e In Brownville, i.nt tua
ublein N'emaba ci:y precinct, one ouiiible in Rt.
ernon preinict.
Said Couuly l. divided into MS vreciix t. and rMrft.
ely inclu'ie ibe ilen:. iled Territory, tt-wil:
No. I. .Ntmaha Cily Pttanct 0. ntiii. Tmr.inip
Rant-e 15 ai.dToR 16, and Se-ii.rti ai fi 33 U U,
5 iuT6 R 16. ndect31 !l.-iT5 Ri.' '
The place tf TnUUii will Ln at Wnh itv J.
Binie. J. L. Shaipe and Uliicl Whimper, itfznat
Heitiun. . s
N'j 8 Brovsnville JVfiiacf c-ifairT I R IS Mid II
f X ept secii..oa 31 32 33 M, 35 36 ia T t Ii and mc
Ii lit 31 auJ X.' in T 5 K If. .
- The place of roUigwiil be it Bromvi!!. yttt
of e.cctiun lluiuer JuLnson, C. W. araltoa and AJrua
U. bli zell.
Nn. 3. .Vf. Vivnon Precintt ntli a eart half II
RUaudTS R IS and frici. nl T(t R l.
The place of voting will be ai Mt. Vernon. Judtwrf
electuMi wm. Tale A D. dd, auuK w Prime.
No 4 Skrouji Precinct o nt in rail buL'Tliil,
inHTH R 1.1 Miwi w...t hifTao 11
The place of v.iiinit mill be at U w Shroiif bn.
Jiidfe of election, Lawrence Kennijoii, Ph.llip Sur
and Kphralm Red.
No 6 Lonqt arf-'ff contains T4 .i'Vl5RI4.
The pUce ut votina will he John LunaV Dour. JIM
of election, Jurepb Council, William Uuhi, and iuMpb
No. 6, St Frtderirk Precinct conUlaT laud 9 X
13 and eait half of T 4 and 6 K 11.
The place nf votlnir will heat St Frelericl. JvHtn
ttt ;c4m.u C kirybw O T pwahn ant-wta Engvlke.
Tlieie will also be an elec.i. n at tbe t:me t 't p'acea
ab.iv ti.ime.1, for t ne Territorial Awditot hT tid Tenii
tory; also the election of a Coii.t.ible ii N'rniaha City
precinct, in the plare f llui'ton Riifscl!, reitnd.
By order of tbe Bo.rd of aininilsioneri ol it id county.
In teMimi.ny whereof I have hereunto iet niy band and
' amxedtho seil-ot Kaidcounty it aw. (Dee u
LS . B.ownville, th: ntl4rrf Jaia. lka. ..
KRASTL'SE. PARKER tuuntv clerk.
EBOWN villi;, n. ,
. Anitooooe. to the pnhlie tkut b ?i Drenarwl m arcom.
Biodaietboa wUbin with Cartiato atii Bartferr to
gether wuli n.wlimo bochen. forcm(oitan. eise in tra
velling. He will also bijard h're by th djy. weel or
month. . . ,
June 10, 'od, ftytf , . .
- City Boarding Honse.
Tie nndemiirned desires the nubile tc know Unit he ia
.till athiioldsUnd in theClty of Itrowavdle. und ore-
pared to entertain regular tx.ardera and travellers in
style he feelacontldrai will give the utmost stitatin
His table shall at all times cuutam rhofest thr.,nnta
affords. vtM rom-ieii.
June 10, '58 50tf
C. Dearer Aas reuvvrl h-. fin So ,dii..
to Main street, nearly ofDovite the new H..tL hvr. be
rruul .irt
has opened up the largest stuck of ware In bit llae to te
fonnd in the upper country. He aolkcitH a Continuance
of patronage. June 10, '58.
From He stib.crlhvr, frbout the irb u.' Aotil. tw
UtlRSES. oue a livht sorret horse, long mint and tail,
wub a larite scr atxnH the ere on tbe left M of hi.
M-e no other niark lerneuibered. Th fhe a larire
dark hay niaro, a little inclined to beyow mvlie! tbtk
inaae and tail, oune wrn by the collar, when Hie left
borne had a sore ba.-k. No other mark, aril remember
ed. It is'.boaftht, aniens separated per f.fe, the tw
are t eiber. The sorrel i. wt-u kawwa tkrvneb Can. as
and Southern Nehra.lta. aa the horn r:de bj Col. liKkey
during the Kana -r, -Any inr.Nmatioe lesibna t
their recovery will b rbanktully recetred ius-v a liberal
reward paid therefor. Addre,
BrRB.tKS k. Bnn '
i9'3w , rails City, Rjtarti-n upuuty, K. T.
Claim Uotice!1
To JnhnBidler ind all otter whom It ir ay eonrera.
Too are hereby aotitied iteu I; iiieDheri Miles a. ma 1
crmtractor uputi route No lotxi. wtli appear at the Land
Ortlceat Brownville Nemaha ounty. Nebraska Terri
tory, on tbe 30ih day of Jane, 186. at I o'tIo II T .
and apply to enter ana mail ataiiou kv pre-rr1os tbt
south-west quarter ot section thirty-two, ii loutish p
No two, Rane U est
June 10, 1866. l0 3t S. B. MILES.
. tTbreas Georee H. Tick R y, Charles .1. rrei'heftf
and others, have by oo'.i' e ptibiUid in Uie Kehrka
Advertiser of tbenlh May l. iriven not ire 0f tke in
corporation of t lie St. FrWfM k t-jwn eonvriai y. in Ne
maha county, Nphraka Territory. This tt erefore is f
alnH)Oihh the public that the said pretended. lnconra
lion is a gross I rand, aad that the pretended inoorra
tors. Georee H. Vick B.y, Freytjerg and their aucints
in that behalf, are none of them reaidents nf tLe towa of
St. Frederick, nor have they any right. titH or iritirrest
therein. And further, that persons who dettisri kcticiaif
or investing in said town must apply t tho twdertrraetf
who alone is authorised i4i!puse uf any tnm-sst therw
in. i. C. K. EJtC B IJ E a.
St. Fre-lerick May 77, IS38. 4-tm
I have for sal a number of bnautifaHy ktcafedlaH
the Ciiyvf Biowaville. wbk-la t am aaihvriied to sell at'
barzaina I. cish. . New omera) Will do wl will of
me befoie maiioaj urcaacs. B W. rt.'RJfA."v i .
Brewnlla, March 5, '68. Baal BstaM Ai-
ToWm A McCy. T L ItcC-T. anal .it -J
ncern. Y.HJare herebv B..tirtl th..i , . ,. ' ,l
5 Land Orct tn Br..-nvin ..
. at loo'ciock a.m . ta :. 1.. r.'ym.
pti,,n to the south est aimrtr.V