THE ADVERTISER. "jOWNVILLE, MAY 27, 1&3. TERMS: mm paid inadvauce, . I? 50 V " atttee&dof C months, 2 tj . " " " " 12 " 3 00 rinhi TJ or furnished at $1,60 per , accompanie the order, not yMTt- " JOB WORK. .ltk r(rctit extensive additions of New Type, Cuts, i-ti, Brnnres, Cards, fcc., mad to tbe "Adver reclaim to be able to tora. eat J oh Work in ""rTBrpnted by any office. Tb proprietor being '"rtrfL1 pnaier himself, and having tn his employ an SV"1, iL experienced Fancy Job Iricter, it de ""'ji avt tc &eut-dooe ' the execution of Job Work. frktxiaf e Foster' latest improved Card ) Work" ln c,lor "nst Vort, Ac.j wiil iwlitVitr. particular attention. ortvn tro -tnc ts promptly attended to, warrant to saUUacuun or no pay. rTTn'es ntiledat theeloseof the Volume to dls--uotbe 'Advertiser,' we shall take U for granted subscribers wish their paper continued, and shall eordinf ly oootinue to send at bcretofore.J " ' Cim Docket. The following list of cases has been farniiied us ly Charles G. Dorsey, Esq., Deputy Clerk of the District Court for Xenaha county, as comprising the Dock et for the corning terra cf that court, to t begun at this place on Tuesday next. 4rroMT. D.LalcGarj rAKTTES. Tbos. Head Ti G. W. Simpson ACTIONS. Tresspass Thompson JLEtUlrook 1 B. B. Thompson D L a-'cGary Thos Head Tresspass livreca i tU Attach men t g. Leiden J Steamer Asa w ilgui T C. Johnson 1 A. J. Benedict t r Esosspson 1 MeGsry J J. X. Kci'y et all Tion-poa k KeGary "1 Jerome B. Pratte Johnson J O.F.Lake Xelden ) I. T. Whyt k Co. r 1 -- Damages Damages Attachm't IcGary A Johnsc J Xcmaha V. Back Jt-Lssoa a Bcldea 1 K. W. Furnas r T McGary J Tler, Davidson A- Co Certiorari Bslieo'JILB. Strong Certiorari ErOarj J John Baird XcGarj k Thompson 1 Japer Edwards r Ti Johnson J Geo. W. Lewis Liabrookl F. DaTidaon f " fchnscn j Lake, Noel k Emmerson l-Garj ) Robert B. Stout f T Lasoa j Jno. T. Scott et aU t-Gary j IL D. S.'Xeeper Matoa J John McPherson et als Appeal Ai?nmpsit Damages Debt settle! IrGary 1H.D. S.Lejr ' V TS JLaoa J John iltllierson at !s Atiach't settled IcGary " Crane k HH J e A. Allcnnan fcGary ) R. D. Maoterscn V TS J W. A. Ancrman Johnson I G. Harmon, Crane 4 Hill Beldtn J J. G. HcCatbron Uuoi "J W. "VT. Hackner TS XeGary J C. F. IcketU Attachment Attachment Appealed Attachment Johnson Joseph L. Teagu Tresspass BewtU k MeGiry J Wra Edwards et als Julian ") James M Cinton YLOirj J XatLan Haywood et als Mtuon 1 A.B. Kolabird k Co. t Ka7 J r.M.lScrs H7 ) Ef ers k Cc 1W7 Ales.D. Ekeea . - Assumpiit TS A.F.Sberf Halbcll Aleiander TS Moore k Crow nice Assnmpsit JtJiBtOB McGary IcGary V:Cry Assumps! DrJonAHawk . TS Geo. C. Fcrpuson DUlon Hat-k TS James Ferguson Ttter Marten TS Alex, llailam Dillon, Thompson Assumpsit Debt Debt HcGvj k Co. TS Debt Thos. T. Haywood Dillon, Thompson k Co.. TS BL yeiaier EswkBrotC TS Lewis Nesl DrttA UercbeIrod 'Alec. It. Fergus I. T.Whyte k Co.. TS n.F.Hutcbins Jcha T. Edwards TS R.B. StontetaU IloUittell k Co. Jest hoel J.R. Davis TS Jese Noel J. C. L'aris TS B.C. Berber etals I. T. TVhyte k Co TS Jcli a S. &T:cict Trm.oinuclACe ii. n Kst Wm, HolUUcU VS E. B. tout Wm-Uollititll k Co T. . Tbcs. B. LJ wards LnLbar-h k Carson TS B. B.SuBt at els Jchn F. JIoss i Co ' TS J.D. 2S. Thomr-suB et all Hawk Bro. k Co BjGary t-Gary L-Gary Debt Assnmpsit Assasnpsit Assumpsit i seGary fcGary Joetson fcCary Assam psit Astasipsit Assnmpsit KcGary t J I S Assumpsit i .XcCarj iiXSOB ,:lcCa7 ;:Gary j Assumpsit Assumpsit Assumpsit Assumpsit Gary Assumpsit 3 j Assumpsit Ti John G. Mel Tin Asm in psit 4 Be! ary Jesse Johns Daatges Jerome HocTtr itJ JaarDavU ' i TS ' m L.i.n:iu 4ry JuhnB-DarU 1 Tl Assumpsit Assumpsit C. C. Ik nolmss TA"m. ITobUtaU 4 Co. v T.S.DryJea Lasl.l&uph k Carson TS II. Taker etali R.B. St ut Tl J. D. y. Thompson et als Jews Johns, Asia a; psit Assniopsit Assvispfit Appeal j' A Co! Jen Jerome IlfKTer ! , - CnA'CESr. . A B-'.den Jesso Kocl et als i, IcGary Cty cf EroniTie pJ TTm. Edwards lJ. Tl Irjanctlon Icjuaction i. L. S F. KnckoTa et als Ta. Title . jt nsoa Lottj Jvetls et au Jchn Es'.ca vs Icjonction m. C'-ooeh B. B.Bariil:.w ts Decrt of Title C, E.L--.i . T1 f:T ? Rev. T. Vr". Tipton trill rreach at trie church in this city on Sunday next, at half past ten o'clock. Keep Cool- Dr. Holladay, at his Drug- store on Main street, has been receiving re cently a supply cf new and fresh articles In his line ; the most prominent and to be admired and patronized these warm daysis the erection of a Soda Fountain, from which gushes the ice-cold, "spark ling beverage prepared" yes well, it's nice, cool and very pleasant to take. Call in and test for yourself. Cock Port Banner. This paper comes to us this week with the salutatory of Silas Putear., Esq., as its editor. We hope Mr. Fuy ear may have a pleasant and successful time ! Hoping against hope, we aclcnow ledge, when applying the wish to an edi tor or publisher. Won't Walt. During the past week we have noticed three large yawls pass this city laden with passengers for below; one or two have been fitted out from this place. They are tired waiting for boats, and determine to navigate "Big1 iTuddy" on thoir-own hook. Fine rmhes. Our thanks are hereby, tendered M. F. Clabk &. Co., for a box of as nice dried prunes as could rx ApsWoA nn try tnem; be quick, too, for they 1 . are nearly all gone. Ectnrned. , Dr. McPherson who has been east for some two months past, retarded this mor- ninsr per steamer. Several families from the States came wkh him. The brothers. Robert and John Morrison, who have both been here before and made arrangements to locate, are along with their families. ArcMtect. See the advertisement of Mr. Groses Edwards, Nebraska City. Vve are in formed by those' who have a personal knowledge of Mr. Edwards' qualifications that he always gives the most perfect satisfaction. - Organ Grinders. Our streets have been filled with an unusual number of these noisy nuisances the past week. They, like most hand trunk peddlers, are on the look-out for little articles of value that may be found "laying around loose." So be careful when they are about. Look o'ut for bogus half dollars. There are plenty of them in circulation here abouts. v ; . Temperance lecture. - On Friday evening last, Rev. T. W. Tiptok of this city deli vered a most excellent Lecture, on the subject of Temperance, to a large and attentive audience, at Johnson's Hall. Claim- ITotice. To John Bidler and all others whom it may concern Ton are hereby notified that I; Stephen B. Miles as mail contractor upon route No 16O0I, will apiear at tbe Land Office at Bro-wnville, Kemaba county; Nebraska Terri tory, on the 80th day of June, 1863, at 2 o'clork P M, nd apply to enter as a mail station by pre-emption the south-west quarter of section thirty-two, in Township &o two, Range 14, eat June 10, 166-3. n50 3t - ' S. B. MILES. Notice. Whereas George II. Vick Riy, Charles A. rreyberg and others, have, by notice published in the Xetraka Advertiser of the 27 ih May 1S68, piven notice of the in corporation of the St. Frederick town company, in Ne maha county, Nebraska Territory. This therefore is to admonish the public that tbe said pretended incorpora tion is a grots fraud, and that the pretended incorpoia ur, George II. Vick Roy, Fres berg and their ai-socialcs tn that behalf, are none uf them residents of the town of St. t rederick, nor have they any right, title or Interest therein. And further, that persons who debipt locating or investing ln stid town must apply to the undersigned who alone is authorized to dispose of any interet-t tbere- !. ' C. K.. iEl'KCHKivR. St. Frederick May 27, 1S53. 48-6w Notice to Contractors. The County Commissioners of Nemaha county hereby give notice that tbey will let to she lowest responsible bidder, on tbe sixth day of July next, at tbe court-house door ln the city of Brownville, the contract for erecting astoneor log Jail in the said city of Brownville, Ne maha county. ' Specification, of but h plans can be seen at the ct.rt's office in Brownville The commissioners re serving tbe rifht to refuse any or all bids. Terms of paviacat made known on day of sale. By order ol the Board, IRAiTCS . FARtESt, County clerk. June 1. 'SS 49-ow All pervont are herely notiued that 1 ml take the neressary steps to the re-opening of the contested case ot James Ferguson, for the purpose of more fully in vestigating his right to enter the south west quarter (1 4 M south west quarter A) aad lot number fevr (4) of sectim eighteen in township five (6) rango six teen (16) east, 1 bereby warn all persons not to pur chase, trade for, or in any way to negotiate for any por tion of the above doner ited property. May27,. '63 T2n46U AUGeSTCS KOCVTZB. 1 I caution ail persons whomsoever against buying from Augustus Kountse and Wm Ruth certain town Iota known as 'Benedict's Addition' to Brownville, Nebraska. JOHN" McPUERSOX. Honey Creek IliUs. Th nndersigned respectfully announce that they are prepared to all all orders la their line promptly at tbeir mills four miles northwest of Brownville, ueiir tbe mouth of Uoneycreek. They have oa hand tbe liirgesl and best assortment of lumber, shingles and lathe ever offered tn the county or Territory, consisting of 43 000 feet teasoned siding; 40 000 " - cotton-wood flooring; 20.000 " trcamore " 10.000 " eak and ash 26,000 cotton-wood, soft maple, lyra and walnut finishing lumber; - 60,000 fencing; 100,000 " joists; sills, studding and scantling it al most every site both hard and soft wod; 20,000 " rough and square edged sheatbings lso 200,000 superior sawed shingles, oak, walnut and ootton wood; also 150,000 lath, a superior article, of uniform length, thickness and width Their mills are under the charge of experience! and efficient men, and the undersigned flatter themselves that the quality of their lumber will compare favorably wita any other made in the Territory, all ol which will be told to suit the times. GIKKV, SPRINGLX & CO. Honey creek Mills, May 20 '63 4Stf Eagle Elills. trr. josrrir, no. - " JAMES CARGILL Proprietor. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand for sale, all kinds of Floor. Heal, and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most farorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. 1'or character of Flour refer to everybody that ever used it. ( St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30,1858. Tlnl3-y ' Land - Warrants. 17100 Acres of Land ioaa to. pra-emptors, by Warrants for sale and to TYSON k LTACK3ET. VlLYZlllll. is:3 SPllLYG SALES. SIcDOWIXL & COMPANY. A. Are now ln receipt ol Uieirspriaif (mnorUtioM, wkih b are been purchad tn England for cth, for tbourtt oiher honsCT are advertising direct importations from inrope, we nak plctfcre in aiinoaodng that we are tte o:aly direct importeri from England France in the west ern States, and hire mow oa band the lanrrt mi no., s:ck ever imported to IbUixiuatry, coLiutma innartu ' follow : r ! -4, -4 -4and8-lNewXeaii:ions; 2oa rolis lujyal WiiUu; lXX) Do Robert Crowley Brne- 5 2000 rolls John Cross.ey i. &m's Tapesty BroseW rolls Brintoti's; 000 ro:l Prarduo "i. HoomanV. 1600 rolls Bright's' ww di signs; 10C3 rolls heavy Engliili tbree-plyj 1000 heavy sujeraac;. . Topetber 1th tbe birces stock of Doinwtic Carpcta, for the wholesale trade, evtr brought west of the moun tains. Also 2000 rolls -4wlJt8 and cbeck matUnc C000 ' 6-4 " " ' 30(K) 4-4 sal " " SOOO " CocMiaatlntf sll widths. 1600 sheetB of oil clo b IX to 30 feet wide; 200 pieces 3-4 4-1 5-4 5-4 aad 8-i, oil cloth. Also tbe lbrcest stuck of rui:, Ubl covers, sofa rnfrs. Mats, stair rids, table oil clothes, &.c, of any estalish ment In the country. lothe retiai cmtmnsr, all we afk is a call, to convince them that we cafc and will sell lower than any other house in the west. To the wholesale purchaser we would say that we lan ofer tterti greater in4ucments thansny establishment eitlier iu Kew Tork or Boston, having purchased ocr entire stock fur cabr, we are prepared tn offer our goods at the very lowest prices of importatioo A. JIcDO W U. &. Co., 68 Main St., St. Louis. If sy 15, ltS do 42. , , XSXXAai REAVIS, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE AGENT, . Falls Citr, Bichardson County, Nebraska, M ill give prompt aitt-nti b to all professional busi ness entrustud to his care in Richardson and adjoining counties; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-emption pa pers, fcc, &o., May 13, 68 n-16-ta O. B. HEWETT, ATTORIIEY AT LAY REAL ESTATE AGENT, Erownriile, Xebraska. Will atteni to business in all departments of his pro fession. Pre-emctore Rights Secured. -Land Warrants lor Sale. Office on First St., bet. Main and Water. ,BEFERaEr:i:8: Kinney k Uollcy, Nebraska City. Cheever Swoetfc Co., do ' J. Sterl .na Mortoa do Brown fc. Bennett, Brownville . R. W. Fcrnnd do Brownvillo, N. T. May 13, 1358. r2ni6tf Land Sales! The nnden:icnes, owaer of forty-six acres of land ad joining the c ty of Brownville was originally laid oft as a portion of ihe tirwn site desirous to dispose of the same, and wiil do so on exceeiincly favorable terms. Apply to'- JOI1N McDOXOUGH. May TO, lS.i3 n rrtf ; ., Brownville, N, T. ' - Main street,one door West of Posl-Office, T3row3ville. N. T. ' The snbscribers respectfully inform tie public that they have opened tbe asove siloon, where the best Qua lity of Wines, Liquors. F grs. Oysters, Sardines, and every rel resbtaont for (he lDIier irmn. nttit v V atsmh eetailUhuienis .willbe faund4l.d served up in Brownvillo April 15 Ji, 1853. 4J-6m Wdgonfor Sale. I have a litit twu-bors wagon which I will disprse ol cheap for cash. c. a. LANGDON, B. F. LTJSHDAVGH. .'HO. L. CARSOK LTJ3HBATJGH c CARS Oil. BANKERS AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Dealers In Coin, Uncnrret.t Money, tx :hanee and Land Warrants, BROWNV1LLK, NEMAHA CO., N. T. Especial attention will tx) given to Buying and Selling Exchange on the principal cities of the United States, Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrants da hand for sale, FOR cash, or en- terea on time lor re-eraptors. Al 1 Warranti sold by ns guaranteedin every resect. Will file Declaratory State ments of inu-ntion to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption rapers at sixti notice. Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made in Lands or tity property for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, atcurrcnt rates. Bills of Exctange on England, Ireland, and France, ob tained at nsvT rates; -with, cost of xchance on the East added. Deposits rweivedon Current account and interest al lowed on sjieclal deposit g. OFFICE Main St., near U. S. Land OfBce. KEfERENCES ' Lind, Brother h. Co., Merchants, Philadelphia Ps McNaugbton, Carson &. Co., " Wiser k. White, " BalUmore, Md. Young, Carn Sl Bryant, ' , Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Port, '" " E. M. Pumlerson & Co. Merchants, " M. M. Teakle & Co. No. 17, Broadway, New Tork. Wm. T., Banker, Washington D C J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law. " Jno. s. Gallaber, IteldAud. C. S. T., Taylor &. Ericgh, Bankers, McClel land, Scrubs &. Co. Merchants, Hon. Thos. (1. Pratt, Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gor. Kansas, . Hon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley. Att'y at Law, Charles Parns &. Co. Bankers, II. C. Xutttt Co. Greene, Weare k. Rice, : " Douglass &. ITatson, Col. &am lluiitlcton, Att'y at Law, Judge Thos. PeiTy, Prof. 11. Tntwiler, Oct. 8, '67-v3-nl5-tf . Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo. Annapolis, Md. Penn. Mercersbnrg, Pa Hagerstown, Md. Keokuk, Iowa. Council Blul' Pes Moine, " Tinton, " Easton, Md. Cumberland, Md. Havana Alabama. CITY LOTS. I tare for sale a nnmber of beautifully located lots in the City of Brownville, which I am authorized to sell at bargains for cai-h. New coiners will do well to call on me before making i'urtuaes. R. W. FURNAS, Brownville, March 23, '68. Real Estate Agent. BA5KIKO HOUSE OF LUSHBAUGH it CARSON r Broatnnlie, February 1, 1338. t On and after this date, depositors accounts will to opened for specie, currency and scrip payable in same kind of fundi, Checks must be marked accordingly. Office hours from 9 to 12 A M snd 1 to 3 P M, LI' SH BAUGU 4. CARSON-, ' Fashionable Tailor, JACOB JIAIUIOX, T3KOWNVLLLE, NEBRASKA. Respectfully announces to the public that be has on hand a iarge stock of Cloths, Vestings, &c, ' Also a large assortment of 1 READY-MADE CLOTHING Which he will sell at cost prices. He flatten himself that he understands liis business thoroughly snd all Vork warranted coming from his es tablishment, and charges as low as any other competitor in this plaoe or the West. A IVeat Fit Guaranteed. DROWS & CXIXTOX, - - FKODITE DEALERS, Fonvarding & Commission LIERCHAIiTS, No. 78, North Levee, St. Louis, Mo. Orders for Groceries and Manufactured Articles accu rately filled at lowest possible rates. Consignment for sale and re-shipment respectnlly solicited. Shipments of all kinds will be faithfully attended to. . Koferrencea: Messrs. G II Rea & Co St. Louia B-irtlett. McComb t Co do Gilbert. Siiles It Stannsrd do Bon. W H Bufflngton, Auditor State of Missouri JQHarm.n, Esq, Cairo City, III. Messrs Molony, Bro'a it Co' New Orleans, Louisiana JD Jackson, Esq., do do Messrs Hinkle, Guild & Ce . T HimnurkCo Brandel! fc Crawford W ood rtff & U untington, II. Billincs, Esq., -May 12, 1S53 45-Sra Cincinnati, O. do . Louisville, Ky. Mobile, Ala.' Bcardstown, 111. 75,000 lbs. Bacon. LTFORD A HORK, Sonora, Me , have for sale, cheap for cash, 75,000 poun is excellent bacon. v2n3S-ly March I, '63 TOOTS and SHOES A Tremendous Stock, jniit XJ received!, opened. and torsale, tv " I. T. AVnYTE k CO. ASTrperiorstockerxillmeTyand Dress Gotds at ny new Millinery estab!ihment, ono door abore Lushbaugh et Carson's BankiDg House, Brownville, K. T. 44tf MARTTI'RXElt. OLIVKB BEK.VET. JAMES P. riFKB. WH. B. O.IREIT. ACaCSTT KKlGHT. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., Manufaeturersnn l Wlalesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, LiO. 87 Main Street. (FOBMlLT.XO.lOljCtiKNBOFMAIX ASDLOCCST.) ST. LOUIS, -MO. TjEESERED IRriTS: Strawberries, Peaches, XT" WhortUberrits ifce , ;e., tobe"bAat ' ' " - I.T. WUIIE COJ. 1 3 Number CC2. PRC 0LAI.IATIOIT 1ST the President cf Tnlled Stales. In pursnarve of law, I, James Buchanan, Prod dent of the United States of America, do bereby de- ctars ana make known that publio talcs will bs held at the undermentioned land offices in the Territory c Kebraska, at tho periods hereinafter designated' At tbe land eSce at E?.0 WNYILLE. eommencinir on Monday the tixth day of September next, for the disposal of tbe publio Unis within the following narrd township, riz: North of the Base Line, and eac t of the 6th prbci ilefidian. That part cf township One outside of tht Sso and Foi aad ilalf-Ereed Xemaha Kcserxation, of range The pferts of townships 1, 2, 3, and four, outside of the Sac and Fos. and Eaif-Breed Nemaha Berer Tation, and fractional townships 5 and 6, of range sixteen. That part of township one outside of the Sao and Fox Eeserration; township 2, the parts of townships 3, 4, and 5, outside of the Half-Breed Nemaha rea eiTs tion, and fractional township 8 of rang 15, That part of totfnihip 1 outside the has and Fox Iteswation, townships 2,3, and 4, and tlatpertof township 5 outside of the Half-Breed Keraaha Res ervation, and township 6, of range 14. Townships 1,2, 3, 4. 5 and of range 13. Townships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 12. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 11. . Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 1C. .- Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 9. - At the Land Office at NEBRASKA CITY, com mencing on Monday the sixth day of gptember next, for the disposal of the publio lands within the following named townships, vis: North of the Base Line and East of the sixth Principal lleridian. Fractional townships 7 and 8 of range 15. Township 7, and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, It, and 12 of ranee 14. Townships f, 8, 9,10. 11 and 12, nnd fractional towasiip 13, or range 13. Tewnships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional town ship 12, of range 11. . Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractioraal town- snirs iz, ii and 14, or range 10. Townships 7, 8, and 13, aci fractional townships 14, la aad 18, of range 9. At the Land Of5ee at OMAHA CITY, oommene ing on Monday, the sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the publio lands within the fol lowing named townships, vis: North of the Base Line and east of tho si.tth Prin cipal Meridian. fractional townships 13. 14. 15. and lfl r,f Tn fourteen. " Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 16, aad 17, of range 13. Fractional townships 12 and 13. townshios 14. 15. and 16, and fractional townships 17, 13, IS) and 20, i range i-. fractional township 12. townshios 13. 14. 15.16. 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20 of ranj-e 11. - Fractional .townships 12 13. and 14. and town ships 11, 16, 17, 13. 19. 20. of ran re 1.0 f jactional townships 11. 15and 16. and lownshins 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 9.: . , . .' Lands appropriated by law for the 30 of schools. military, and other purposes wiil be excluded from tne sales. " . . The offerings of the above lands will be commenc ed on the day appointed, and will proceod in the order in which they are advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed; but no sine to do Kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. uiven under my hand at the city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March A . thousand eisrht hundred and fifty-eight. JAiliiS K7CU.ANAX By the President : "Tnojf is A. Hkkdeiocs, Commissioner of the General Land Offioe. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Everypersen entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships above enumerated is required to es tablish the same to the satiafaction of the Register and Receiver of the proper land offioa, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed for tbe commencement of the publio sale of the lands em bracing the tract claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited. TI10S. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of General Land Office. -dpril 22.1858 no 43 Scaled I'ropasals Directed to the Commissioners of Pawnee Conntv win be received from and after this date, until the first Mon day in July next. For the erection of a Court Bcmh in Pawnee City, Pawnee County, N. T., of the fol lowing dimensions and style namely : Said house to be thirty feet long and twenty-four feet wide, two stories high, the lower story to be 4-vided Into four apartments, iu one end two rooms twelve feet square, a hall through tbe center eight feet wide. In the other end a room ten feet wide br 24 feet lon a plain open staircase leading from the hall to the Court Room above ; said Court Room to be twenty by twenty- lourieet ana properly seated in plain style. The re mainder of the upper stow to be divided into two ecu&l siaeil rooms, two outside doors three feet wide, six feet eignimcnes high, one and three-fourth Inches thick; iusiuo uoors, two reel eight inches wide, six and a half feet high, and one and a half inches thickall to be four pannels each. . Eighteen windows, twelve lights ea 10 bT 14 glass; windows and door casing, corners and base, plain squaro style; Grecian cornice seven members; projection eicht deep, returned with the rake; three coats of pjint, wtite vi urn,, myiuo ana out. cam Douse to be a frame with posts and braces, wish a good shingle roof, the bid der to furnish everything for the conpletion of the buil ding oak floors, jointed and lined, walnut siding, dres- BRU, CtU. Said buildins to he eotrmlMrvl mi nrMmi. . r " r v. i-i v MiB UlCh VI January, l&o9. uae half the price to be paid as the work progresses the remainder when finished. Dated at Pawnee city this 6th day of April. 1S57, ' " By order of the County Commlssinnefera ''-1 Attest G.J5. DOWNIXG, . . .... Count- Clerk. April 22 Sm no 43. Notice. ' Persons Indebted to the undersigned will come for ward and settle as longer indulgence will not be given. Hotel scrip taken at par. THOMPSON & MAKSn. Brownville April 15rh, 1853. - 2tf T. W. BEDFORD, County Surveyor HUDSON GEORGE, Notary Public ' BEDFORD 8c GEORGE, SURYETOES, CIVIL ENGINEERS, - AND REAL ESTATE AGE UTS, BROWXTILLE NEBRASKA. ' Offlce on Main Street. , .j TILL attend promptly to all business errustei to them in tbe line of their profession. Will bey and sell Land warrants, make time entries, attend to the selec tion and location of Government Lands, Survey Town site, subdivide Lands, make out City Plats, Ac, Ac, Having been located in the Territory for the past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for actual settlers. Will pay taxes, investigate titles, aid render assistance iu contested cases at the C. S. Laid Office. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. , . , . WE BXFEB, TO - V non. W C Reynolds, Kingston, Pepn. John J Pendleton, Esq. Cincinnati, Chio Hon Galutia A. Grow Washington City, D. C. Hon Joseph G. Crane Dayton, Ohio Ryall fc Charles, Land Agents, Sioux City, Ioira. Boster fc Hedges, Bankers do do ' Lushbaugh k Carsoa, Bankers Brownville, h". T. R. W. Furnas, Esq. do do D. W, C. Cleaver, Geological Engineer, Scranton, Pa. Ruf us R. Edwards, Esq. St. Joseph Mo. Col. John G. Fell Waverley Pa, ' - W. G. George, Real Estate Agent, Dayton Chio April 8. 1863 v2a4l-yly LCTBXB HOADLtT. BOBRBT. T. MCTB. IIOABJLEY & ElXIlt,1 LAND A.GEjSTCY9 BroWnTllIe, Peruana Co., Iff. Will select Government Lands : locate Land War rants in Nebraska, Kansas, Western Missouri and Iowa; collect debts; pay taxes for non-residents ; buy and sell property on conSmi3sion ; Lund War rants bought and sold at market prices ; l're-emp-tionapcrs prepared, Ae. - e have for sale lots in the City cf Brownville, Sotth Brownville, XemahaCity,TabIeKock,Onjaha, St. Josepb, Mo., 'El wood, Kansas Territory, Lands near 1 able Itock, 1'awnee eounty, lor sale. Also, in Nemaha eounty, improved property for sale or rent. OQce Corner main and First Streets. REFERENCES. Lueius Hopkins. Prs't Importers k Tradersllank N.T. David Hoadley Prs't Panama, Railroad, Gen. C. T. Hiliyer - Charter Oak Bank, Hartford, Lc, Butler A Co. .Hartfcrd.Conn, Collins, Eellojj tKirby" St.liouU, llo Tbomaa W. Phelps --Mubile, Ala-, C. Wilscn A Co. o.Uw, Ala. Wm.P.Wcbb.At'y M. B. Osborn A Co Rook Island, EL Ja'sILArcbibald, Genl AelD.I.. A W JUL tscraaton Gilleepie. Pearce & Co., Bankers Carboodale, Pa. Rev. T. S. Ward " ? Lathorp A Jones Scran tort. Pa, B. G. Morse Bed f allsX. Y. Wniiam Frotbineham, Att'y Albany, N. T. Rer. R. Nelson, Principal Wyoming; Seminary, V.Y. J. A.rarker t" t o- ashmton, ! A. T, Gilmer, Becciver Land Office Omaha I Horace Everett, " Cciiajil Elu3,Ia. t t.rowavili,ArrUl,l&5a. IILLTCCr f. clapj:, VSOLESALS ASD RTTAI1 XZAUt Uf Orooerioo, TTETEJ AIID UQU033, : Yo. 9, Main S!rect, BROWNVILLE, N. T. HATTXG pirchasetl the entire stork of Goods belong ing to .'. R. Davis, together with large and extensive additions just receive!, I am now prepared to furnish every variety of Heavy ana Fancy Groceries, FQR HOTEL AND FAMILY USE. I have in store, and for sale cheap, a large supply of COFFEE, Best quality Rio an! Java TEA, quality and Every price. SUGAR, Havana crushed and best article of brown sugar. MOLASSES. Large svpply of superior New Orleans molasses. Bel chers and Golden Syrup. TOBA CCO AND SEGARS, Extensive variety and all of the best brands. FANCY GROCERIES, v Consisting in part of PICKLES, A (Teat ariais s4 st , xyrwl tat faoally ose. PIE FRUIT, Bvtry descrlrUon of rrdt, uA u Fresh Peaches, Apples, Cherries. Goose berries, Currants, Bubarb, &0-, For sale cheap and warranted fresh and foot. OYSTERS AND SARDINES. A large supply of tbe best brands and warranted good. : TOGETHER WITH A large qurntity of various articles of domestic use too teUious to mention. - , VIIIES AIID LIQUORS, Port, . - Native, . . '- ! Champagne, , Muscat, ', Sherry, and ' ' ; Claret 'Wines. Extra Quality of French and American Brandies. BRANDIED CHERRIES, Wolfe's Sneldam Schnapps, Old Monongehela, Bourbonand Kye Whiskey, COMMON WHISKEY, ALE, be. CHEESE, Just received 60 boxes superior Western Reserve for sale cheap for cash. MILTON F. CLARK. Special Notice. ALL those holding accounts against J. Jl. Davis will call on the subscriber and have them cancelled; and those Indebted to him will please call and settle, as long er indulgence will not be given. MILTON F. CLARK. T- FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Kx 168 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Pifth, Cincinnati, 0. C. r. O'DRISCOIX & CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job Type, Printing Presses, Case, Gllies, ka., Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description, STEREOTYPING of all kind Books. Music. Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, Ae., e. Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, JOHW P. TYSOK. W. W. HACKNEY. TYS01I & HACE1IEY, ' QENEHAIi LAND rAGKNTS, BROWNyiLLE, NEMAHA CO., N. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Ind entered on Time Claims and Town Lots Bought and Sold. Loan Money, Make Investments and Locate Warrants on time, for Distant Dealers. Pre-Emptlon Papers Prepared. OFFICE Next door to U. S. Land Office. REFERENCES Geo. H. Nixon, Register L. O., Brewnville, N. T. C. B. Smith, Receiver, " Smock ts. Williams, Lexington, Ho. Omaha City, N. T. u. js. I'uttie, B. R. Pesram A Co., Bankers, Hon, G. W. Scofleld. Council Bluffs, Iowa. . Warren, Penn. St. Louis, .Mo. . St. Josepb, " R. L. McGbee t Co., -Tootle ft Fairlcigb, uct. 1, '07 75 PLNE DOOKS, For sale, by I. T. WTIYTE k CO. a. w PUETT. X. 0. W11.KIK30X. PUETT WILKINSON, A AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, U31AD1, JN. T. v i.i attend to all business entrusted to their care REFERENCES Col. Jesse Williams, Fairfield, Iowa, r.0,rV,Ji.V-i''VVr5Sht ' Indianapolis, Ind, Mr. F.N. Roock, Washington City. Hon. John G. Davis, Rockville,Ind. Hon. Geo. L. Miller, Omaha City, N. T. ZOOK & BALDWIN, orost City, Mo Dealer in !EL "0".. CSp (3 ITS And OHeTTsioala, Dye Woods, DyestuiT3, Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, UIASSWAUE, French, Enelish, and American Perfumery. jl- FLXE toilet and shaving soaps, One hair and V tooth brushes, paint brushes, sunrical and dent- al instruments, spices, snuff's, manufactured tobacco; all the patent medicines of the day; pure wines and brandies, for medical purposes; choioe toilet and fancy articles, etcetc. Agents for the sale of Pr. Wiatwr's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Canohalagua Osgood's India Cholagogue, -Jones' American Cholajroxue; , " Guysott's Yellow dock and Sarsaparilla: " Smitirs Tonio Syrup. JnIyZ3, 1857. r2nl-yly Lig-htning Bods. STAXD FROM CXDIR ! T all waota it may concern, you are hereby informed that the undersigned is now engaged in putting up the best das of Lightning Rods manufacture in lb Eat, sod oa tbe most reasonable terms Having had iong ex perience in the business, he warrants al work done by aim to ee oone right. u. n. it Aits u REFERENCES. ' James Buchanan, Washington, I. C.l J. C. Bremen Tidt:e, Washington, D C, Mrs Victoria, London, Eng' lanl; Louis napoleon Bonaparte, Paris, I'raiice; Eicper or Alexander, M. Petersburg, Russia. . Browsviixx March 25 no3'itf. . j. d. it. Tiiorpco:r, Attorney at. I . 1. 1 Hasresumfd his professional business, and will prac tice in all the Courts of Nebraska, and the Courts in Atcbin-MH! Cotiniy, as, OScc one door west of I. T. Wiyte's Store, Brownville jteDTaK. . y . Brown viUe, April 3f f . svUly t m Is breby given that WHILST H. BOTtN hu eMalned from the Probate Court ef Pawnee county le.ters testa timestary oa tbe estate of Reddick II .rn, late of said eounty, deceased, searing date January llih, A 0 1SS3. All persons laving against said estate are ereby required to exhibit them for,alk waice to tae Prcbat Court of ssid eounty on or before the 9th day of August, 1S&S, or they may be precluded from say benefit of said estate, and if not presented wiiblo six months from the date last above mentioned they w ill be forever irreo. H, G. LORE, Juiigcof Prsbite. AUBItOTYPES. The undersigned having entered into a oo-rartnerstlp and built a sky-light (side lights connected) Daruerrean Gallery on corner of Main and First streets in the city W Brownville, would respecUully announce to the public tliat we are now prepared to take pictures with ail the txiautiesof tbe art, and at reduced prices. Picture in serted m lockets, pins. Ac, in tte neatest style. F-ein experienced artists, we have no doubt that all who want wd pictures can be pleased. Cailsndsee. KIXNICU A AKIN. Brownville, Hay 6, c45tf - Brownville Steam Ferry ! O THE t.....i,...-J MISSOURI RIVER. The Itoute from Erownville to Ft. Kearney, suia irom taenca so waiuorma, ts vtxa nearest and. most pracugatle. BAKER &C0DINGT0N AXXOTJXCE to tbo Traveling Public that thpy are now running as a Ferry across the Jlis-t uri aivcr at An entirely new, tvbstontial eui co-nmiiioui STEAM FERRY BOAT, W hicn ar'anemeot will secure a certain and safe passage at, all times and in n'-l kinds of wcathtr. The Proprietors do not assert bcastincly, or for the purpose of gaining custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say thi is the best crossing of the Missouri River in Nebraska, and when tii.y sy th. toate from Drownviil. to Fort ikearncy and from thence to California is tae nearest for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds of others who nave traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements for a sure and speedy crossing, oureharges are the same as other t cmet in rtcbrask.i, all being regulated by legisla tive enactment. pSTRecoUect that with our facilities of Power, no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from making regular trips at all bour3. Ei7 A skiaand bant will be In readiness tocross foot passengers at all times of night. . b23 ovember llth,l57. W. E. HARVEY. L. VAN WTCK. General Land Agent- Civ. Eng., Sur. It Draf t'n. nARTHY, TAX TTTCIi & CO., General Laud Asents 3NTo"fcivslsLf. City. ARE connected with agencies in Washington City by which they are enabled to prosecute claims against the United States Government, or attend to any business be fore the General Land office with dispatch and to the satisfaction of their customers. One of the firm being a practical Engineer and Survey or (having been for many years connected with the Cnited Stales Coast Surveys engaged on works oflnternal Im provement) we are prepared to make Surveys of Towns, Farms, Ac, in any part of tbe Territory ; and haviog engaged the best Draftsman in the Territory, can execute Maps, Town Piats, and drawings of all kinds (mechanical, architectural, Ac.,) to the perfect satisfaction our cus tomers. October 22d, 1357. nJlvj ED. W.BIOORE, General Steamboat Agent, FORWARDING t COMMISSION MERCHANT. NEBRASKA CITY-, N. T. Goods sold on Commis.ion and prompt returns made. Particular attention given to receiving, Storing and For warding all kinds of freight and produce. Office on the Levee. Storekonse ia the same block with Kearney Hotel. Refer to tbe Merchants of Nebraska City; Fife A Michael St Louis Mo; I Harper k Sender St. Louis: John A. Warden " I Joseph Mclntyre . " Sl-akelford, Finney A Co" I Barcklay, Hinkle A Co " April 29, 1S03 , v2-4t-Iy Watclimaker & Goldsmith, A. GYS, - ROCK PORT, MO. BEGS leave to inform the public that he has located in the above named town and offers for sale a choice stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, and other articles usually kept in such establiihments at prices which cannot be complained of. Being an exper ienced watchmaker he flatters himself that in repairing watches, clocks and jewelry he can give perfect satisfac tion. - is 6m. . Land Warrants ! FOR CASn AND ON TDIE, To Pre-emptors. Buy of regular dealers, and avoid bogus warrants. All warrants sold at the effice are guaranteed to be genuine In every respect, and will be exchanged tf de fective. LCSHBAUGn & CARSON. Bankers and Dealers in Land Warrants. Brownville, N. T,, April 22, 1863. n43 MAATFACTOItY. NO. 10, MAIN STREET, Brovcnrille. JV. T. WILLIAM T. DEN, Respectfully informs the public that he has Just re ceived bis new stock of Boot and Shoe material, and is now prepared to furnish any desired article in bis lino at as low prices as soy other establishment in the Ter rltory. All work warranted. He hopes by strict attention to business, and keeping constantly on band a superior assortment of Leather, Trimmings, Ac., for home manufacture, to still merit that liberal patronage which be has heretofore received. jCfRepairing done on the shortest notice. 3 All work to be paid for on delivery. April 22. v2nl . Nebraska Money Take Notice From and after this date we will not take any Ne braska paper except the Platte Valley Bank and Bank Nebraska, only at a discount of ten par cent. I. T. WHTTE A Co. Brownville, March 8th, 1S53. no33. JOHN A. PARKER & CO., WASIIlAGTOri, . C JOHS- A. PARKER, late Register of the Land Office, Omaha, N. T., having resigned his office will hereafter, la connection with one of the best Land Lawgivers in tbe country, attend to all business coufided to tim J and es pecially PRE-EMPTION- CASES. Which hebas made bimself thoroughly acquainted with ty study and practice for years. .- He refers to the Heads of Departments sod Members of Congress of both Douses. All Applications for services must be accompanied with a ree toinsnrt attention. January 28, 1868. no31-ty T1T7 riTtTTTTTTT.T.TI STEAM EIHilL, NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON, , Srownvllle, 1ST. 27. it. ts. Wa win M , -.-..r-M ... - . . .i-w uii y wiam ug ciu sens or remans eounty and adjoininr Missouri, that ... . . -- ana wen selected mammmmw, wuicn weeanianusBatlow -- ----- J - A crriLorV. Market prices paid for logs delivered at the yard All orders aoeoippftaied witli tbe cb, wiU reeeir VUt UIUAtCtAAIIVO MbwVJIUUa T. H. EDWARDS. AVTJRrW J. SXSBT ; . EDWARDS & BERRY, Proprietors of the I7EBRASKA HOUSE. BrovtuTiUe, X.T. The undersigned having entered inta a co-partnership iu the hotel business at the above aamed House, and having made an entire change ef rooms, Ac., and tomple tely repaired and renovate! tbe whole establishment, they are prepared to accommodate the travelling public and regular boarders ia a style mot surpasbcd ty any ether hotel in the Territory. Ciiar?cs 3Iodcxate, and every facility offered to place otur sxests at ease, and supply them as near as possible wills the covforts ef a heme. April 8, 1SG8. n41-2m EDWJJtDS It BSRP.T. jons. r. ninrrr. chas. f. hoixt. KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOJIIASILA CIT V, 3T. T. Will practice ln tte Courts of this '.Territory. Colieo tn aad criminal business attended to throughout Ka braska, Western Iowa and Missouri. W.I1 attend the Courts at Brownville. v2nU-3 S3 bosk Mattraes just received at the store of Aug. 6, lafff. L. T. WHITE. 4k js at. W W V ii i i sW SMOG'S AHOiiO m Amry r e. ! rci.i. ar i'...a t Ufa or ilt Oil Xi a-s Oi c. n-stiaas larol-HI bs a !!pt.oa .r rv;iica of tits pa e .i by lb. martyr t antn-Mtl d wae.. anl UJurw. l!im' no eetred tl Iadreineut of CJ d u tiMuivlieJ low, the tat It. KJNE, aaU l:f I.cacy tevted li.r two anful intm ia tbe ! .on ef eti.TO.lit., it U Bow tm i :j ill to grtirrnl m ia ry t.uu of U.. civii.wi (k-ba, aad ita u.jrTnions cutnw ttw;tls .xuUdj astwuULajcU THE AFFLICTED EEJOICLV 0 rtxrn;:rs ami thccsa&i Lt t.ii.i i;. tirtu, ant atw rejoicing ill f.-wdoiB frnra LiiBvnii PAIN and LJFA.-, UuUii.r rcDcliea liad fatl to cire. i5t to the n.t.V- V films, ,U'1!AI(,IA, lUi,rX'- v UATissi w.r.t i tut, a-tst- Atllii.rlXnil AC1U ArevMl alll.cte.l with 'l l SUKkS iut ) f.riii4 from ISJS, J-I KA!i ivitss, m;i;: i.yi l iiiir I tun AAkliaV Am.ka...a..S i wFU fTor5 yo I.i-.loit tt'.iet. LrerrbeiJ ts bslne to r fF1 IT)1 For Vif im!f, tccMcnta tbe I - r-. i r In in. . 1 1 - 'I't ott l"1"', for it 0'.mi , '. , .'. T-t aua itnni eiliale rvot'f, oflee saf. f w "'a uoul ucaiu. r.fsry buat nnd niiroad trsia sJioolJ Iwp It. TTLo tliat has twsird Ue slu-ii of angmsli sltcied by tle sraldd and in.iine-1 t iciium of SY !nii.n!i nnd coll i.-oons, dri not f- t-l tlutt snni. mrans of n-li.tirg their torture should always La '-csibl f Sued t!e. yix in tl.w IT Tri i balmy paia controlling ij-ut. ltls Tin: hoiiees' cc: S'TTr,''T It cur CAKES IN TTt B It K AST, SO'tK NUTIJ5J, SOllii Jit, Miil'Ii, Jul 1a d.e who prixa a pur tuna, - void of riiiiplc, WoteltM, :nrf . and ail diwwloraU'iM and ereacDees, should attack : trpMsers an bran 1 'a aymln as warn. tli.v aprf j wilh the ARCTIC UNli..-.?. It in ttcrl'rnt for tb Hair, giring it a li-.l'.liy, glossy ap-. pearaac. Il la GOOD TOIl LI AIT A2ID E2AST. It Is a sorertiirn rmly ft tl.e various c:mm wills wliich bortcsara!liictd, ur In? tlie mot alarming rit of BKl'M. SI'RAIN5, t-TltlNrt. HALT, WOCNIW, SCRATCH IX.WEFN Y, SPAVIN, Rl ;. fioNF, br;-ii::ai, idu EY1I, ke. Ko larnier, liwry stable keerr, or any rroa oiriiip- r.litsbl 1IORSF.!, sliuuld U. stiiiiout tUa valua ble remedy. For sale by all rjectaUo Druggist and Dealers. Prices of th Ijnim.nt, 15 cents, 50 eonU and $1 a tl. A ene-dollar bottl cootaiii as aiuclt Uniaiaat aa eight tuenty-Qre-ceut boltie EXTSAOnDIXARY AXXOlCCESTa T.rrrr nurehajur of a dollar bottle of tli ArCTlC ITt- fMENT rceiT, at Pr. Brag!" pein, th L'N1T;.I STATES JOURVAU of Nw Vork, for m yrsr. Iba Joarnal is k larg illuatrats-1 paper ich iiuaiUr eoa taining sixtMQ pagos, Jeautilully pnotaa ou Clear wona paper, and filial witii original mati.r Irom the BMwit bttl lisnt writers of th country. Certificat of utMcriptioa and fall particular of tli nortd and piiilnnthrnpia ru terprwe, of which this o3ur Conns a part, wiil accompany each bottle. Aa AG EST WAVTkT In FTTtT TOWN and TTTIAGt allLACrQ & BlIUiOlVLI, St. Lsala, 1(9. Niw Yo OfTlcn. No. 371 UKOAliWAT. Communlcatioa should always b addxessad to St. Leuis. J. II. MAUN & CO., Agents, Brownvitis, N. T. D. K. M'LAVGHLIX CHAS. DOUIET. LIcLAUGHLIIT c DOHSE?, . ilt tfiU.jJ W-l lii-lVjti ii t rt J Mala Street, Cro 111c, N.T, Buy and f Ml Land Warrants, make out and Hie declar atory stateuients ; make out pre-emption papers pay taxes, investigate titles ; Buy and ttell property oa eommWHloa t fumha laoil warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to tbe selection of Govern- ment land and tbe location of laud warrants for parties residing at a distance. McLAUGuLIK & DORSET respectfully refer to Georgo il. Nisou, sq., Bcsister Brownville Land Office. Chsrles B. Smith, 81., Receiver of Public Moneys Nemaha Land District. Robert W. Furnas, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lushbaugh h. Carson, Bankers, Brownville, non. W. M. T. Hamilton, TUgerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Newcomer Kq. Baltimore, Md. O H Barnet, Esq , Dayton. Ohio. Hon. Fenner Furguson, Delegate ts Congress from Nebraska Territory, Washington, D. C. John A. Bcal, &!., Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownville, April 22. no43tf "COMBINATION PATENT." rriticixT STEAJS SAW SIIIX. This mill commands tbe universal admiration of saw mill men everywhere. A3 its merits tecome known, the demand for it increases. Orders are coming from every section of this country, Canada, Cuba, and South Ameri ca. It is suited for every section of tbe world wherever tbere is timber to to sawed, no matter of what character how hard, how large or how small. Two eitenuve ma nufactories are now enm;,-ed in building tuee mil Is, yet it is almost impossible to turn them tut as fast as tbey are wanted. They embrace several valuable patents and improvements, and combine all of tbe following ad- ' &impicifw-rBotb the mill and power are so sicipl ln their construction that any ou of ordinary mtihanlcal ability can comprehend them, put them up and tun them without danger or dilllculty. Portability Tho whole cslabftshment can be very quickly taken apart and put tegcthar, thus rendering It easy to oemoveu rrom place to place as desired, and sav ing the necessity of drawing tbe logs a lonf distance to imrtiouuy-it is constructed in the most solid and substantial manner, runs perfectly still, is not liable to get out of order, and will last for years without repair. Ila polity It will saw faster.than any other upright upright mill. The speed of a is about three fcutk- dred strokes per minute, aiv ed from oae-eighta to three-quarter of an Inch pef stroke. Tha, at a ntadiusa speed the saw will cut tbrougH a og tweoty-ftnr ft long in about three minute. From this data any one knowing the character of the timber can calculate krw mu-h it wilt do. Ejfiiciency It does Its work well, cuts smoother and straighter than the ordinary mills, and tbe arrangement of the saw is such as to render it utterly Impossible for it to run out of line. CAsapncss The entire lost of the mill, witk fifteen horse power and everything all complete and ready tor running, boxed and ready for shipment tn St. Louis, is only $1,750. This mill requires less power to drive than any other mill, and the power furnirbed is sufficient to drive extra machinery. Aciicular containing full particulars will be sent to any one desiring it. All onlert should be addressed to BKAKO k. Bl'RROWES, Corner Third and Market etreets, St. Louit, Mo., sole agents for the Western and Southern State. March 25, '53 48-ly IT. II. TTI1XIA31S, WHOLES ALU 1ST) BRTAIL DBAUtS 131 i STOVES & TINWARE Oroson, IkZo TALTE3 pleasure in announciag thecitiaens of Or gon and the public in general, that he has oa hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. 11 y stock of Tin ware ij of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Ketall at St. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to ny stock of C00KI"G STOVES, eomprisins; tb most tapraved patterns both Air-Tight and Fremiam. Asaongthnm may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer sad prii Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stovc3 Of various Sises and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN AT H0US2 IX T0W5. Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in th town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable terras. Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exehacga for work or ware. W. W. WILLIA3LS, vl-n3 Oregon, Mo., July i, "eSLxn. H11L PatentPorSblo Llill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnersLip under the firm tf Fed, Holabird k Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist 1LH aad are now prepared to furnish all those ia want of a &d Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, idmpiicty and economy; eacelany Mill intha world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Jucdal was awarded tbent fcr it It is adapted to all Grain grinding : It ia superior to all others for the most extensive Mrrchsnt iliil, as it is for grinding th Fanners fc4 by Horse) power. The aboT Mills are manufacture? j tte undi!r rined at their shop ia Cincinnati, O., wiere thej eon be furnished Is any quantity at ihertBotice. The above Mills warranted to perfana as fUlowst C8 ia. diatru, per lir.ur 40 B. Com, 25 Wheat. $309 30 - - u. m Z9 u 13 m 25a 21 m u u M u 209 10 " 15 8 " lji) A3 this Mill te'.'t its own story, ii ij unnecessary to Q.aotofioA oux nua:uouArieaiAL;oas,rocird. f -i X - , . .. i i t