1 - I K i y u v m -Ay ; Ay vy fVv v . V i DEVOTED. TO ART, SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, NEWS, . POLITICS, GENERAL jlNTEIJISIIliCE AND THE INTERESTS 0T NEBRASKA. CITY OF BEOWNVILLE; NEMAHA COUNTY, N. :Tj THURSDAY, JUNE ,17, 1858. VOL. II. NO. 51. ' - i i h 6 Nebraska CtfiucrUsct R. W. FURNAS, Scni Story Hoailey k Muir's Biiliir, (Coraer f -fi irst S.rff U.) . BROWXVILLE, K. T. TenTr ifFii i stance, ;,C at thecal of 6 scantls, 7 Jit m m m m m I S.C9 .r i. wu! b fsrauie-i at S 1.39 rer -IlmTtiel tbe tAih awvspatiea the crier, ; t-trii- a : " p.V.TtS OF ADVERTISING: it tw' oaa insertion, r .k J ii si -al i sris Lack aJi. t.i9 4.09 fix iart, e tire Kttis, ill Be"--. ce rtr, Uijm Cardi U I Uaes cr 12.03 5.C9 1&S3, Oi JWLT, co.ee 25.08 2).W Cce-fea CU&at, cm Tear, - , .v Lalf Ci6!TR, i I c'-iJ, foenk - - - - - ; ia Cla nao, it r cu ita, ...v-w :3.C9 19.00 s.co ::.C9 13.C9 10.09 6.C9 liaeW4exeaI.i'. c're (in alranre,) 5,00 Ca ia adrane wk'.l be retired for all iTerU9e euaUKept wt-ere wiaal rt-fasitility is known. Tet jt eett f-r ta.i etaae rul be.aiied t tb aVcr rates. .v S airertseaittt will be cormiered ty tae year, uOta rsr;fed the mxasscript, r preriotts'.y -e4 V- betwee lie f rties. 'irtrt'i m.-,t Eirkrl ca teforr'orm -wr ir'J.,ts. wi'.l be eannaed until - - 1 arderea eWc-i chfTi aeor-.tg y AJiadreruaemeeU i tra saseortraiiefitper . k ?-. i ia a.irirxr. Tie pr,;- of yearly iren5?ers wilt be eontB J . t ta th-ir ctrn b4Jine;aai a'.l adrertise- m:u i-truialrr tLerelo, to be raid for ex- eady adrertbert hare tie pririle-e f e bar -in; i-i i.AA ir--'t-nfr.tj cbarrl double tkt AdrefCeta;Lti a tie inside excluiirely will be et--jd exlra. JOB PRINTING! v-- ( o o rriAY o EaTicx aJ leltotbe Adrertiser OSce Card and Jv Presses. New Ttt of the latest styles, laks of a2 colore, leases, i Pfer, EaeU.pe, Ac. ; we art av rr"red to execute Job W ork of erery de-serptk-e ia a style unsurpassed by ay other ofice is tie I'ti'd t-tales. . , . PartscaUraitentioiwKl b-pvAto orders faom I stance ia barinr t'-" promptly attended to. The Prrrtr. hios bad an extenjjTe expe rieaee, will rtV leif lrwni'' ttenti&o to this braack of bas.aes. and hope, in tbeir endearors to k..tS in tSm excellence of their work, and Mausiu cbarres to rweeive a share of the publie patp.aa. BUSINESS CARDS. MISS MARY TURNER, I'lLUIIER A! ID DRESS MAKER. TCia-Tt Street, one door above Cartons HaxJu BUOWNVILLE, N. T. Eor.ncts end Tnmmir.gs clvays on hand, C. V7. WHEELER, ArcMtcct- and Builder. mrr tzlz?. a- Tj. c. jonnsoij, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOUCITOR IN CHANCERY AND Real Estate Agrent, - . VILLE, N. T. SiniEXtES, Coa.Vi'ni. Jessap, iloatrose, Ta. B. S. DenttT, in. ' Wm.K. McAllifter, - - Cba-.ss F. Fo-Ier, " R. W. FartiA, DrownTil'.e, 5. T. - O. F Uke, - " Ksy 7, 1W7. JOSS K,. f il.ltr, - i-iv. d7-ly I. T. YTliyte & Co., wholes aL as airaiL PB.l.t8 I MY GOODS, GROCERIES Dtovoa; IHirxiituro, Cotitry Produce, ! - BROWNVILLE, N. T. X ' l : j. hart & son Crecon, Hoi: County, lliasourL , . Hee-cor.5tr.t!TcniandaIldeKrjiitiouof Esmus, Eacdle, Lrid'.es, Ae Ac. ' 5. Ii. Erery article iBoarebopUmaauIacturwd ey oarlT.nd warranted to srtTesatisfaetioB. JACOB S.1FFORD, Attcmcy dud Counsellor at Law. CEXIILLL I5SCTiANCE AND LAND AGENT. 3rn2iLASiiA crrr, e-. t. 1TTTTX attend rrf.mrtlT to e!t bnisness ectmsted V to bieeare, ia Nebrvska Territsry and West ern Iowa, ----- - -- - ----- September 12, Tlnl5-ly E. S. DUliDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, itCBIX, EKHiBDSO J CO. K. T. mtX rr":'- In the 4-everal Co arts of tbe 14 Judicial t-.-t, aci hrrezi-i to i ma'.tem cnrfcted with tte trot c- s. V"x. HtLrJtsait, 1EJ-. ot Netr?ka City, 0 Q- a1- i'.l a;rt r in the rriec tUa td isiporiant 5u:ts. bej. 13, 'J7-I1-U' A It - 1 M I !;E?.!AiIAU!:DAuEIlT, Hill te'ect lxodi, fTTsuf l tt.es, pay Uri, &c. titter is Cjuisu or NeVrota; tsr, nsd enter UUea canuiiuc; inresx im p-rvtxrt r, hirer tell tt.. uxae. and wiil in t.ve a hiJ earrect j-Uu bl Wvitti:pt, cocat.e. -c. ail land wc St reet to etsvry, mslwtere dessrei wui tartii jaxus L i&t is li ta; the iiase. B:nj lie !ei :t:er ia lie eaonty w: in all cun be i ie t pre fell a&l reUabie iui -ii:u'3- A4in X. L. Coate. eiiher al B.-aTi:.e or Xeti t C:tT, Nrai Ternlorr. tat-tt-rl Will prictioe ia tie CurU of Xeraitanl 3Tortk west X.4oari. RZrzr.ENCES. Xescrs. Crt w. Jf cCreary a Co., Ilo. Jaoies 1C. HIl II oa. J.iin R- Sbevly, Hjo. JiajeCra;j. St. Lo'Jii, X. Pa St. Jos-; h, Xa. Boa. &iiu Wooj a. JwSee A. A. Bradford. Kebraika City, X. Do ATKINS ON, Surveyor ancl Land igent, ATTsT STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T., VTiil attend rronjrtl ta tbe w'ecik aad loe- tioa cf GorercifieBt latdi in tbe rmiba land dit triet: aarreyinj town rites, acd cabdirid in; lands; draf iicg eity piats, and all ether busiaesa of a Gener al J-arrtTor. lit wi.l locate wvracts on uaie i jc dlitant dealers; tie declaratory auteieaststt cf in tention to pre-eni4 ; make oat f-re-tnpaoB paper: and always oa band to lock oat cusu igr actual set tiers. TJIFES TO W.W. Sa?er.'il. D, New Tork City, Kewal t Within;tn, Boston, Mass. Ker.T.W. Howe, Tataskala Ohio, CoLW.E. Atkinson Georye ll.Nixt - rtdOSoe.TlrowDrr'e- Lu'tbangh k Carson, arWiiankerZ UrownrUie, S. T. K.W. Furnas, - . - I n Tl P n d TUfiTTDCnri J. U. it. CL D. D. 1 ilULirUll Red Estate 5i General t Cl'.eCtiu; AgCStS, Agents for Ioira Ins. Co Oskalcosa, biuHM enirasted to oar care will wieet with emmet attention and warranred ourrect. Papers prepar ed lr persons wisbinx to pre-empt, Declaratory ataie- ments mace out, etc., etc. 3-Ofice ea First street, norta of I.T. Wtyt av rCFCUEKCES: J W. G"imes, Ex-Goremor Irwa T. L- rVic - do MiMocrl Aeun A aUnf do r. s. lirrt h. Co.. G'.enwooi, Iowa G. Poo-b r Coonal Biuff. Iowa April 8. ISM. rtr41-1y ' . A." D. KIRK, . Attorney at Law, f ind crat and Xotarr i'uuuc Archer. Richardson Co., l. WillmetUeia the Courts of Nebraska, assisted by naniicf and lJennett,eoraxa.ity. W. P. LOAN, ATTORNEY . AT, .LAW. LOT AND LAND AGENT, Arcrier, nieharfiscn Coanty, N. T.j E. K wmnivo. a. C. KIKBOCGH K. T. TOOJCEX. HARD1KG. KH.20UQH & CO., Jae"tirtrer.J Wloletale ieaere ( HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS,! No 49 Kain street, bet. UJiTe ana fine, ST. LOUS. MO. Particular-attention paid to manufacUrLxg oar Eaest Mole Hats. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. , J. V. LAX. ClavoB eJCs 3Lroo- Real Estate and General Agency: omaha crrr, it. t. REFER TO James Wrirht. Broker, Kew York, W 1 Vn.iwrd. Esa. " Hob. R. Wood, Ex-Got. of Ohio, Cevcland, Wicks, Otic and Erownell, Bankers, iW't A H.-.rton. 4 Col . Robert Campbell, S U Louil, James Eidg-way, Esq. " Crawfora and Sackett, Cticajt). Omaha City. Aag.36.lS56. TlnU-ly tt.r.igssrrT, j.b.moktow, x.a.Hx&MNo BENNET, MORTON Sc. HARDING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .Vtirciia Cu'y. .V. T., cni Glenvocd, Ia. TTTILL practice ia all tbe Cocrtsof Xtbraska and V Western Iowa. Particular attention pail to cbtaininlocatinj Laal Warranti, and coll ectknef debu. BEFTntEXCE: " Eon. Lewis Cass, Detroit. t:,.v;.. JnUusD. Morton, f lKl4,S Got. Joel A. Matteson, SpringSeld, III Got. J.W.Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; . , . B.P.Fi:ed,St.LoaL,Mo.; Eon. Daniel O.Morton.Tolcdo,Ohioi P. A. Sarpy, BeUerae, Nebraska: Sedsewicb A Walker, Chicago, 111: .Green, Weare A Benton, oancn i.bes ,towa. JXJTXKSGN- r. CASADV, ) Jf iBTIS V. lTtS,l J AS. . TEST, JAS. . WTTITE, K ConncilBioiTs,Iow. ) NebraskaCityMJ CASSADY, TEST, RIDEN & CO., (Successors to Eidcn fr White.) ' LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITT, HATING made arricgemerts by wlica we will reeeire accurate copies of all the Towasiips embraced in the Easteni portion of Nebraska, we are no w prepared to offer oar senrices U the 1 : " Scuaiicrs of .Ytlraska Territory." Tn rahnr Declaratory Statemerjfcj of Inten tion to Pre-empt. SecunK Pre-eiai-tions, LiOcatiiiK Land "U arrax.t- . AND' ENTERING LAND. Land Warrants nought ana Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. Farticnlar attention paid to Baying ani Selling Property oa commission: Also, to making Collections and forwardicz remittances to any part of tat Union. Blacks of all kind alwars oa hand. ( REFERENCES. Ron. A.A.Bradford, Nebraska City. . S.F.Nneiolls, " Messrs. Dolman & West, St. Joerph, Ma., -Peter A Keller. Washingwn City Thomas Lumpkin, " Jane3,lSi6. Tl-n4 iii 11) ilU ill 111 liiiU, Let us ccntrfcr a abort, spai. 'the SSLn, Ty. 1 SOLICITOR L CUJ.CERY. with the past, at the coantencemeni of fof tve power cf tie recpls to pursue piir e aer v!r w k.e Brownville. Nebraska. . Ue -lerntorial organizations of : the ufnwJw!f L.t ' Afkym.aa.tncus.1- JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH SecondStreet,bctween Main and Nebraska, BUOWNTILLE, N. T. " 7 . LIxsceHaneonsl Crlzstloa cfXeT Territories. I lb Ink we have been slotrly asd- cca- sistently apprcachiiig tie gTeat doctrine of pcrular eorereirntTerer since tie. in- cipiescy cf cic ciitiosal crutence,'nd tion and leirniM dwcussica ia th rreseat & I Ia the orpuzauoo cf tie first tcrntory, rr ttr-' - rresiGeai, tonress, ana tjrorernor. row, only about levea are appointed by all those high powers. Tien, tie Governor and Judges were tie law-rnakinj pover, now tlie Legislature. ? ' At hrst, Coaqreis reserved tie nebt to disapprove of tie laws enacted for lie Kuvtriimem n uie peopie ; now suta pn- vilej-eand restriction are abandoned ani way. In that organization, when the time arrived when they were allowed the pri vilesre of electing ia part a portioa cf their Legislature, lie voter must I - tie owner or ntty aen s ot una. Deicre ,oe coullerjoy tbe privilege of saying who reoresentalive cl the neDla. In cur Or-I . , "T f '. c 5 110 JJCa restnciipns are inaen- ed; but tne xtrj opposite, wnica allows , - , ""'-"'" . -ri former period; and that is, to permit the foreigner, who Las only declared his in- more treeaora in elections tnaaai any tenuous, to cast ns sun rage .untramraei- led, fcr wbom he deems proper. . M first, the ciuzens of a territory only naa tne privilege electing tne memDers cf th.j House of . Representatives, who were reqairea to possess a property qua- liScatioa cf two hundred acres of land, before tiey could serve the dear people, and tie Territorial Councilmea were re quired to be the owners of five hundred acres of land telcre tfcey could serve, and t3en wre appointed ty tne Congretta of lie L tuted States, and not at any time by the inhabitants. r - . JNcw, the Legislature and voters are free from property qualifications, and both branches of tie Legislative Assembly are ciosen by the qualified voters of the .v... j. ..... Then, the laws enacted by the L,egis- H Assembly had to be sent to Congress for approval cr they were not the of LUC loxiu. . . . Under cur orranizaiion tie Legisla- ture has the right to pai all needful rules and regulations pertaiaing to the best in terest of the territory, without lnterfer ence on the part of the General Govern ment. The Governor could convene. pro- rogue, and dissolve the Legislature at his Pleasure witiout tie consent of the peo ple r their representatives. pi low he can only caU special sessions on extraord hoary occasions; and cannot at any ume dissolve the Legislature without their agreement. Then nearly all the ofneers were de pendent uroa tie General Government for place, and tierefore had to obey their r. ; v; M n nrm,w , i.iit.Li 1 j a ajl ii iruiLit'iij aja-a aa a w avaaw inreferecce to their omduct mJ cUons s' -a y.i.i.v.-.!-. c-Sc allv. or U Uhead..M Whr moniously and on snort notice. . . . At this time, tne great majority cr tne & j- . officers look to the people for support and "hat is thought ? A fountain from place, and are accounttble alone to them, which fiovs all good and evil intentions and even the appointees cf the President a mental flood, electrical ia the force and think it their duty to consult tie wishes of rapidity of its movements, silently flow tie people, and seek tteir enmmendation ing unseen within its avenue--yet it is and approval to sustain iand support tiem. tie controlling ppw?r of animated nature, At first, tie Delegate to Congress was and tie chief mainspring of. all our ac- elected by the Legislature, and therefore, tions. ' far removed trom direct responsiouny. to - i "I !.. - - the people, and was partly equivalent to heincr elected bv the Congress in which ne servea, S3 tney enese me vyouncumen of the Legislative Assembly. . ii uns ume me pec pie nae uxv i-iui and privilege of seiectaig the maawnom tneywant 10 represent tneir wants anu interests ia Congress, and of whom tiey can require ooedience to accompnsa uieir desires in uie nauonai naa ci me govern- v . ' vi a uirwi.T LH;iiiij it as o-t-ut-u uii Congress'htid the entire control oyer the governments of tie territories, and claim- ed the privilege of enacting such laws as tney might deem essential ana necessary for their government, in ail their rnuma pal relations. iNow that doctrine is Demg strongly contesiea apa enpri maue: to the people rule and "leave them perfect- ly free to form and regulate their domes- uc insiiiuutms in uieir bwu tuv. The time is rapidly approaching when tie Organic Act of every . territory . will be fco framed tnat it can easily oe under stood as aa "Enabling Act" allowing tie be taken to ascertain when they may It 4 l IfcWA lUi tit. -4w-4tA i. Ct A J VjUi W VVSAW have the requisite population for admis sian into the Union of States, the Legis-' latare to .make provision by lato fori a) when adopted shall be sent to Congress n l Y.a rrt.TitOi1 l-iPrn?Att ia tbf fVinstf- pation through the express will of the peo . ..... pie to be ruled and governed bv it. xne sifts ci tae ussaKuie progress fjonventioa to frame a Ujnstitutioa wmcn 1 oa a luxurious coucn witaout jt shall be jiubmitted to the vote cf tie peo- cut it down as a thinsr to be pie, for their approval or ' rejection, and If you cannct get tie window male by lis territories torards ht true principle or Squatter' SoTerei;pty since the first crgzsizatioa cf terriiorial orerxi- nent, incline cs ta tie belief thai the period is net very remote srhen Congress will acquiesce as to lis nztl cf tie peo ple cf new countries beiorgic j to tie g-orerxaeiit, ta assemble peaceably to gether for consultation and action, and tirougi conventions c? their otrn calling, to take tie initiative i' steps, which will re sult ia a -complete territorial or22ai2a.tioa. nrst appealing to Uor.resa td gut t nor bitedtyittotie States are reserved to the States respectively or to tie people." Those powers, net expressly given m J it, or necessarily flowing from tiem, are J retained by tie. original source of power, the people. .Both tie National and State coTern- ments are formed by tie consent and de- ,vn: - fr. ,Va n?a. tt .v., .v i and that no rigit can be cancelled, abrid ged or restrained by Congress, or any of ficer of tie United Slates, except where the power is given by the Constitution. Ia the i ederal. Constitution all powers are in be ccmidered as rroiibited.whioh not e ipressiy or incidentally confer- ' n- t.?i.t . - Ailc people CtiEg uc source wi ail yvv dl of territories have j. 1a -rt.fn ,vP1 vht. nl tri ,0oe fn v Mlt.OT .vOTKnra leges is to deduct m tat powers tney nave ted to General Government, and remader asCenaiaed to be ,t,: --t, v.;t tr,P, rnntrnl L nd amclv sufficient to iustif v them ia the nrnir;T,t;nn nf tvA rnvpm. ment iatheir cwawaVt vi'bvit first consulting with Con gressasto tie propri- ety of such acourse. ia accordance with their reserved rights. . llaving arrived at a full and complete organization by the election of all officers, except such as the Government usually appoints fotjhe Siatesthen the- territory would be ia the same condmoaanu stage of proceedings as to their readiness fur action as territories organized by the in tervention of Congress, and after an el- ection under an Orranic Act, Trio nrriiT!rJrtmru in! Uma fnr iPrr;torial nnn as wpH in or.p rasp as a aiw ui-kJivuiiuuwiM a. ew1 Sim t v aw tae otner. ana tne iunas Kept eououF b f PDoiritea 0fecera Ue government, who could be made res- pcnsible for the proper discharge of his Hiiti in tho niil vir . ; A tn -...ire" f flccrSf nQ fears need be apprehended, as appomunems seiuom aua largely 10 . me talent of tie territory more than in num ber, as the past experience would prove. The people would certainly possess the same good sense and qualifications mat they ever had ia the States from which they emigrated, and be as well prepared to carry oa a government, as ia any oth er territorial organization. 2 : DAKOTA. Prettj Thongllts. What is crime ? A wretched vagabond . , . iravennj: iromriace to piace ia inuuess 1 - . " . - r ;.; i r. uirw isu. u v m ,w.a e uo i " 1?, .SK iZ ! v. A a w m w tat is nappmess t A cuttemyt mat roves from flower to flowr in tie : .vast rardeaof existence, and which is easer- iy pursued by tne vain mummae ia nope of obtaining the prize ; yet it continually i evaaes uieir grasp. , vyt js fashion ? A beautiful enve- lope fof mortality, presenting a ghttering and eiteriorf me appearance of hkh gires no certaia indication of the Tpai r u ,t mntampd therptn. ; i . I I iidl 12 lb 14, I XX CLiLi aVAUi; UCVCiOC thnt hirh: w prhi m finer and arTpjih wten partaken of at the expense of cm- ers; tat use(j &t our cost it oecoines bitter and unpleasant. ' " . - p. a Swedish journal says : : Dr. Rhodes, physician, has set to music the palpitations ieij 34 arregular beatings of the neart of female who is a patient iathe hospital at XJpsaL This disease, written ia musical notes witn ocaver3 . ana semi-quavers, forms a of waltz, and is one cf the 1 curiosities in pathological anatom Open your window wien you retire w I SJV UV OAUA Wtr AAA UtUWA) v i-"" . m will die with sins enough uarepented cf, - if you do all you can to- promote health. Better sleep in a barn vri,h plenty cf good air, than in a' splendi41y furnished room riease remembered. up or down, smash out a pane cf glass. - . . . I v...' . .... , . , r - 1 it is leared mat tne late neavy irosis will cut siort the peach and strawberry jo t wciacy. - He slrtfjlcd U Xm tei. Sestnssled &ean Ta preveat tiat, aa bol aat Blicate3; Srt, as luIttcalT lijJitalac aeard her exilaXia, Ati Hr 1 aad off ka routed. i Bat wkea ae rttnrse4 vi faeraiuA Uzi, ! SiboviBtf clearer tLal ae vaa Xrcbled , Ad Uirwttesel fcy main tarce to carry ter Ee criij, 'Sioo't, i &c yor letlov U'ltl. - m k eettr ariroacted aa p4 fcn at feet, Prajiat Wad, a cLa tl raaleJ, Skat abft al4 farsr tiza aa4 try i be raneet, Xad tat j, "cia'fro ! aa4 Utt dear fu-I rcca&ie. . "See aertv we caa UTe, wOt a l4axer ta roaa, He uii, aaaa't we, ut earp aol taey aaanied! . " COXTI5UID. ksA ptatZj beasaed orer taea Iutc'i re-ctoed raj . fTiai anc(rooa and trle t ttis balladj Ee LK " w, "1 Q ljTIy San- tae cloe of tie dr, tier aalUed. He pi acked bet tb swetet and loreUest Eiwr . .' Taat Dearl tte pata waere ttttj wandered. Isd wnea tae exclaimed, '-Lei cs torn t:ozi this bower And roaa. aear i&e pood' den tbey poa -erel. and wcea tae clad sua kid bis radiaat aga(, ! AM whra the frvc a "jxl eTeaisx aad croak e Said tae bride "As tae aooa is jast peeainx la sigtt. Vetl walk roBBd tbe slope" aad taey sloped Old time sertlr passed e'er tte banes (J ibis pair, Jfr and ar perplexity dasnted, .. And wbea tbe meek nnsaand aiked wrhat shall I wear? Sbe answered, "Flid pint" and he panted ( so.ukeatjodwue. -was bis wardrobe her care, r"" seemed to her wicked ) And when she broaxnt linen, so aUinlnf and fair. Sayt&g, "wear tais, pick wby, be dickied I And vbea a bhxht had of di rtaity came Ta (laUdea the boate where it tarried, Tbey pat to a rote that the yevna stractrs nase "Sweet Carrie" shaald be aad 'twas carried. Cupid Swallowed. " Totter day as I was twining . loses far a crowa to dine la, . What, of all toinss, "midst the hes S&oakll lighten, fast asleep, Bat taeliitle desperate elf, . The tiny traitor. Lots himself t By the winxs I pincaedhija np Like a bee, and ia a cup ,. Of lay wine I sank aim. And what d'ye think I did I drank aim, ' Faita, I thonjht aim dead : 2Coth! : There he lires with tenfold gleef : -,." ' Aad now Uas mumeat, witnhis wings, I feel aim tickling bit heart-strings. A Pcizlbs ',,Poae.', a Properly punctuated the following non- Uense becomes sensible rhyme, and is ' doubtless as true as it is curious, though as it now stands we admit that it curious if true. is very I saw a pigeon making bread ; I taw a girl composed of thread; - I saw a towel one mile square;;' . I saw a meadow ia the air; I saw a rocket walk a mile ; I saw a poay make a file; I saw a b!acksmiia In a box ; I saw an orange kill aa ex ; I saw a batcher made of steel; 1 saw a penknife dance a reel; I saw a sailor twelre feet high ; I taw a ladder in a 1 le; I saw an apple Cy away; ' I saw a sparrow making hay; ' I saw a farmer like a dog; : ' I saw a pof py mixing grot I saw three men who saw thee too, And will confirm what I tell yua. Lucy I wonder how , it goes to kiss , those creatures with a horrid luvusiauic ,r I Altai Mary Vhy la I Lucy, of course I don't . Lucy-AVeU. I'm ss tsU boot I brush and try il Lucy finds out and the scene closes. . . . .1. 1 Teacher Boy at the foot, spell admit tance. ' . Boy-Admittance,' Teacher Give the definition. Boy -Twenty-five cents nirgers and children half price. q ; Khisde, daughter, whistle, and you XL have a cow; I never whistle in my i;fA T rWt -ri;tli mrv n wri';t"l daughter, whistle, and you shall have a husband; I never whistle ia my life, but jji whistle if I can, A witness was called to the stand to rnve his testimony. Having . taken his place, he turned to cousel kt the bar, and w.fnr 0, TO erTB.iiv 1 w1 J t ewij , aikaiawva, mauv mmv ft 1 00. Jt wasnt bad in a young lady of our acquabtance, who, when requested by an old bachelor to take s seat upon his knee, in a crowded sleigh, who replied "No, thank you; I am afraid such aa old a seat would break down." An Eastern exciange says : Two la u;.. .1 n; ; " .v ; 1,.. Tme er3f S ies wirf truvpHrT in thf rar Tit irpplr mar ried, but I heard tiat my husband was ; I . o ' :f,t,' v , kiuedt in jfittsburga, and 1 am going 'Well, Ive got a dead sure tirng on my husband, remarked tie ether, . "for saw hint buried five wt;eks ago.' An eld Dutch tavern-keeper, who ha his third wife, being asked his views matrimony, replied, "Veil, den. yoa see tne nrst ume 1 marries ior . love aat wash goot; den I marries for peauty dat ..1 t. ... . . . ... j C .... ptaib-wi w, Bjuiguui ue wu, aea dis tune l rasmes lor money, and uis jr fvnfc - r i 5-. Frea tbe CleUad Hraid. ) Eirlj Dais cf Frccr:2i:::i . Abct two years since, tiellenul con tained aa account of aa eld peer ca tie early history of Freemasonry, written sometime ia tie fourteenth century, aad discovered a few years since amocg tie ancient manuscripts in tie Eriiah Muse- a. Ia lookmg ever some ell vo'ames a few days since, we chanced ca a fitting companion to- tie poem in tl 1 shape cf certain questions and answers Iitive to Masonry, written by Henry i. cf Lr.g land, and putuisied in tie wcrks jenn w a reiga cf Henry Yiil. Acccrcicgta tr.e manusmpt, ireema- sonry is tie "skill cf nature, tia under standing cf the miit that is tisreia, ar.d lso the skill cf reckonings, weights and measures cf making Louses and "al odier tiTges tiat make guide tomanne." jlasonry commenced ia tie . cast. wience it was brougit by tie Yenecians, wio spread it wherever tiey traded. One Peter Gower, a Grecian, becoming ini tiated in Egypt, formed a lodge ia Greece, wience tie art spread into France and JLngiand. Masons hav'e from tune to time communicated to mankind such cf their secrets as migit be useful, reserv ing those tiat mirit do harm ia evil hands, and those tiat were necessary to keep the unworthy cut cf tie craft. Tie arts taught mankind by the Masons, were Agriculture, Architecture, Astronomy, Geometry, Numbers, Music, , Poetry, Ciemistry, Government and Religion. Tie first Masons received direct from God tie power'tjf discovering new arts, and tie craft still retain tiat pctrer. All discoveries made by those out cf tie craft wPTmal.rrV,n -v;!,t f1?nn. frw out new arts when thev rle'ase. The ae-! crets concealed by Masons are finding new arts, and tie art secrets, so tiat tiey conceal what tiey cioose from the world, but tie world can conceal nothing frota them. Tiey con ceal the art of wonder-working, tie pow er of wonder working, tie power of pro piesying, "tie arte of changes, tie way of wynnage, tie facultye cf Atrac," tie skill of becoming good and perfect witiout tie help of fear or hope, and the univer sal language of Masons. Several other points are treated oa in this curious'relic, but tie most interesting portions are giveo in the above brief sy nopsis, which may probably interest some member cf tie "noble science." An Intelligent Wltac55. Not many years ago a criminal case was tried in which one Ben was a material witness for the state. The charsre was that one Foster mada an at tempt to kill one S. with a four pound . - t. . T. . . weisjm. lien was a stout stronsr man. with hue lungs, and not in the habit of refusing a social drink with a friend. He was only a tolerable good natared fellow when he had "a bnck m his hat." and easted on the details of fisticuff with a good relish. Ben was called cp- by the state, and politely requested to tell all he knew about it, . Alter squaring himself round a time or two, and adjusting bis quid, he began ia his peculiar nasal vcice: "Well, we all went in to the sale tiar was a big crowd thar some was drinkia and some wasn't I was. Judge, sortar so myself. Well, Noel Hales was tiar try ing to buy an old spotted sow tiat run cbse to him. Noel is a good feller, Judge, but he am t smart; he went to Jackson orlst, and his daddy got out of sight, and he went about axing every man tie met, 'whar s daddy ! "be cn, -Ur , tell us all about tie fight.n " ell, as I was saym Ioel wanted the sow, and was afeard he . couldn't buy her witiout getting some one to stand for him, and I told him if he would make safe I'd do it or die; and he said he'd pawn his fjun, but it was at Wingate's shop to bJ fixed. I told him, 'all right, Ivoel, it shan t break squares wiih us, no how. Well, Noel he bid three dollars and a dime, or a quarter, and I can't say wnicn, n portfire. "Go on, sir, if you please, about the fiVht." . 'Well, give me time to fetch it round ngnt. Neil, JNoel didn't get the sow, because John Wall bid mor'n she was wuth. Well, then the next thing a cow was put up, and Foster bid ten dollars and a quarter for her, and she was knock ed pn to him, t oster said he only bid ten dollars, and S- said he bid ten and a quarter. They got to disputia', and I thought enough had been said for a man to fight oust, but Foster took iL They kept on iawerin', and at last S. told Foster he'd be ef Ee'd scrupluate. t oster said ne d be ef he d comboli cate from what he said. Well, about this time I felt dry, and went over to the do? rery with several, and we all tuck a - stnf ennt. 1 tuck mine witasweetenia , Jude. Well Noel Hales seemed hurt about not getting the sow, so I sap, 'Noel, let's have some music to make us feel better.' Sez he, tBen I know you are a friend to me, and ef you il get Abe Lard to play 'Cotton-eyed Joe,' I'll treat to half a pint.' Well, ia this time we hearn the fuss over the way, and went out, and who should we-see bat a. lying down oa tae piezzer, and Foster as pale as skimmed milk. Sez i,nen, let s nave a iair cgnt.' &ome one said, Bea, they have already fit." "Mr. , did you see the fight? "Well, I can't say as I did, because I didau . . , ' frT' Hew still it is. long grass, and r. Tie wind frf.! cp tie cs tircuh tie gnsat swaytr.g w:..ou under which I a-n sir.irg, just as r ' 'yas tiat cticrtreer c? tiro fi e yeiii ilat lie ia tie shti.iws cf prt, and stirs my heart wivh tie ell ntcn.or;?s it brings upca its wings. Twelve years ago, I sat here just as I do now. lata greatly charged, tut all around me is tie same; tia far c J hiUs, wii their blue, miity tops, are s'.vitie4 ia folds cf white cI:uJs; tie green nex dws, with tie c::untrr s"njiir.e f ai!.ii g liV-? sweet the. :V? is; r sr -.as l; iv n pel ties. I rcmtmlcr it all. 'I need net wiii?er tie came so iw, fer there are ncn to hear me butthe tirds iathetcp cf tie great willow, and it wi'.l r.ct tlir.urb Ler sl-ra-ber. No, no, tiotgh I sit here with one ana wrapped clesdy around the Tave where the tears cf my manhood are falls ing thick and fast, as tie tears cf my ciilihocd dropped upca her beea; 1 know sie will net wakea. I remember it astiough it had happen' ed tilsmcrnir g how her cod, scft fia gers csed to drop like sucwilikts ca my hair, and her lip s murmur sweet ties sings ever me wiii every nightfall. O, I am a rich man new! The dews cf rbht fall ca tread acres, and tie spray c the racin: washes this moment lie k etis my proua scups; cut l would give many a goodly acre, many a treasure that reep deep ta tie holdi, to lie down cne eight under the old garret nficrs, with "that sweet ssrarh fice lending over me, with i , . . its prayerful kiss, just as they used to do, jiotner: motner: r i ",u tiocmca anaiii.ea summers r.. 1 1.1 1 1 r t . bove r h.lt yc-r memory lives way his feet have trodden, and Ii3 has cause to thank voa for this now ! Look over the shining bastions, sainted mot tere. wiii my cieeks pillowed ia the cocl. mciit rrasa. Here, only tere casting ca all my man? hood, can I be a .child asm ; ier tid wcrld will metier. never know me, deaxesf We snail know each oticr cp 1trt, toq where tie snow blossoms never wilier cn tie everlasting hills, and the autumn never braids us scarlet frinin? throuch the greea eternal summer. Your toy wid come to ycc, and from that land which is atTar orf, we shall go to more out forever, mother- . - Self-Culture. It is our business to cultivate ia our uunoa, 10 rear to tne utmost vigor an4 maturity every sort cf generous and ion- est feeling tht belongs to our nature To bring the dispositions that are lovely in private life in:a the service and conduct of the commonwealth; and, as patriots not to forget we are gentlemen. To cul tivate f nendiiips, and not incur enmiiies. To te fully persuaded tiat all Tirtue wiich is impracticable is spurious; and ratier to run the risk of falling info faults in a course which leads us to act with ef fect and enerrrv than to loiter v.t r,r days witiout blame and witiout use. lie trespasses upon his duty who sjeeps vrc his watch, as well as he tiat gees over tq his enemy. A young poet out west, ja describing Heaven, says: 'It is a world cf bliss, fent : ced in with girls. If that is true, and we are so fortsnata aa to go tiere, we intend to ask Permis? sion to sleep in tie corner fence. There is much good sense and truth ia the remark of a modern author that no man ever prospered in the world without, the co-operation of his wife, ,If sis unij " tesia mutual endeavors, or reward htj labor with an endearing smile, with what confidence will he resort to his merchan dize or his farm, fiy over lands, sail upon the seas, meet difficulty or encounter dan- r-cT It V.1.... I. " . , ' (j.-, not spcnain' raj strength in Tain, but that his labor" wiifbe ' rewarded by the sweets of heme I . Oa tie arrival cf aa emigrant "siio. la 3 .rvw a - t s . . r. a , uie art ct m. v . i mj. some years ago.wien tie Noni Carolina r lay off tie Battery, an Irishman, hearin? the gun fired at sunset, inquired cf cne ci tie sailors wiat that w as. "What's tiat? "Why. that's sunset !'i was the contemptuous reply. - sunset : exclaimed Taddy with dis tended eyes "Sunset! Holy Moses! and does tie sun go down in this country wan 6uui a oan as mat ' rtr ' Tell me, ye winged winds, tiat round ' my patiway rear, do ye not know seme quiet spot where hocpa are worn no mere? some lone and silent dell, some b.and cr some cave," where women can walk tirep . abreast, alon tie village rave ? The loud winds iissed around my face, snick ering, answered, "nary place." ' mm Sana. aaaei sssa A country clergyman, preaciicg a very ; dull sermon, ret all his censregation asleep, except a poor fellow who was gen erally considered deficient ia intellect. At length, tie reverend oratcr, . locking'' round, exclaimed, "Wiat all asleep but. this poor idiot !" "Ay," quoth the fellow, "and if I had not been aa idiot I should, have gone to sleep too." The Memphis Appeal predicts tiat a half crop of ccttoa will not be raised in tie Immediate Valley cf tie Mississippi, ca acccuat cf tie great floods. ii