Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 10, 1858, Image 2

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. THCHSDAY M0E.'1'G, 2VXZ 10, 1858.
"TrnrTrcrSi FZaln Till:. "
.We believe Erownvilla and
county possess catural acvsnt: :es in
many respects, which woM eventually
trini them into notice without the aid of
the press. Yet, ia this fast age and
country, we believe the fact would have
i tlbrcadj
t v.)
at has teen acc
years wuli
cf iha Press, would
town in Nebraska which has
-.3 exigence, andwhcse proprie
' ! it to le r . re than a paper
t-ran- i
t:-vn, h:
- v .
recourse ti the-, press
as a
i.-;tans ly
its advantages and
mi? if he test
a f :
Nebraska ewes
3 growth a:. d prosperity
d labors cf the; press. In
.2 e:
rr.t instances ia tn:s i em lory, newspa-
.ave be :
n and are yet sustained by
. -1 ' I .. i . . i j
rnrato ccnin ounces c: property r.ow-
l ra.
.a ii not iu? c?.s3 wna our paper.
. .i . ,
Jvertiscr receives no ?ucli patron-
is uitrr.;U s:;?;v t
dud e.Tjrts of its proprietor-
- -r . , p ' f 1 -.1 '. . - ...
. "ii is very iar ircu llmulj p4-jaj3iiL tu us
M refer to an enterprise over which it is
our lot to preside; indeed we ryould not
A c-n ninl.l tx'O nnv imv airr.i.l it. OilT"
ii ll tr..M s kj la . a r -t uii m - a l u aav w v mm m.r v
object in writing this article is to let the
'property holders' and business men parti-
cf this city, know that they are
.not 'doing their, duty .towards sustaining
this enterprise. Few have en idea cf
"the money and labor requisite to carry on
a newspaper at all respectably, especially
ia thi3 western country. It costs us, inde
pendent of paper, ink, and interest oa mo
ney invested in our establishment," 'over
iai dollars per day to publish the Adver
tiser. It requires our daily labor to sup
port cur family; we spend the .midnight
hours and Sabbaths in searching ex
thanges, or raking our train for ' matter
"with which to fill the paper weekly; while
ethers rest from their .daily labors, and
enjoy the privileges of the sanctuary. It
requires' just such labor weekly to pro
duce bur paper! ''. '
we ask, is it not
much of one individual to sustain the en
tire burthern cf aa renterprise which has
done, "and is yet doing, more to advance
tne interests cl tne town ana community
than any other ; especially when that in
dividual is as little interested pecuniarily,
almost,: as any one. else therein. : We
tnture me assertion tnat mere is not a
paying printing establishment ia ,Ne
traska. i We are confident that the Ad
. vertiser enjoys a better patronage than
any other ia the Territory, and yet it is
anything-. Men who
labcr as we do ia this country expect to
make something. There are hundreds of
ether tranches of .business to which we
could devote one half the labcr we. do to
this, and make a fortune. We can stop
the publication cf our paper and make
money with our job office; for. we have
the best above St. Louis, and a good run
cf custom. matters now are, it
requires the profits therefrom to make up
the deficiency in the newspaper depart
memv- : r. , .:'
The Second Volume of the Advertiser
expires on the 21th of this month. " Its
continuance "will depend entirely upon
assurances we receive between now and
men. ve leei confident our property
holders and business men have never for
a moment reflected upon this matter, and
all that is necessary to ensure ; the exer
cise of their usual liberality and public
spirit; relative to all enterprises in which
the public interests are involved, is to
make the plain statements we have, to
gether with a direct appeal to them.
- While opon this subject, we cannot re
fraia from giving place to the following
excellent and pointed extract frora an ar
ti a e in the. Boston Chronicle, under the
head "Hard Times and Newspapers"
"If the people knew the difficulty news'
paper publishers have to contend with,
just now, they would never want to be
dunned half-a-dozen times for such small
amounts as two or three or four dollars.
Labor, paper and ink have to be paid in
V . . J. I. 1 ' f
casa; yei we aouoi very mucn ll mere
are any establishments which could : be
more man seir-sustaining, it customers
would only pay what Ihey owe, withou
taking from one to two years to lo it. ;
If the press of the country gradually de
ciines oota in number, aunty, ana respec
tability mose who have abused the leni
ency of the proprietors ' ia the matter of
credits, will be alone to blame for the un
fortunate issue. And that such will be
tne case we can easily toresee. lne storm
la the commercial world will destroy the
weakest, ana many or me oest or our
newspapers. Men cannot perform mira
cles, and printers nave at yet failed to
discover an easier way of satisfying the
demands of paper dealers and the cravings
of industrious workmen with anything
tut the pelf. And how they are' to get
this, when people will not pay the Pr:n
ter, is a mystery, particularly as the
tanks don't accommodate country news
paper proprietors. Few people have any
idea, of the labors of the editor his trials
and difficulties at all times, but particu
larly in countryoffices, to be the general
ficc-ijzacf Lis "establishment." "I
Nat only has he to write for the bene
fit -of the public, under all circumstances
--ia sickness cf:Lody and. distress of
mindto be at one meeting in the day
time t-Li - another -at night to leave
friends and family at the LiJ of. every
passing circumstance in lh.3 public world
cf Lis locality; not only has he to do
this, nd sacrifice comfort, health, and do-
rnestia pleasures, but he ia compelled to
work at the "case" ia every spare mo
ment 13 keep his own books to do his
own collecting; ia short, from morning
to night, frora week to week, and from
rear to rear,' to labor like a' slave to pro-
! vide his faruly with tread. And if he
j nake-s a tare after all, he may be
well satisfied, fir hundreds do less. And
Low 1"j7 ihre are who dq more ! 1. Work
their establishments ai cheaply as possi
ble live as frcgally and economically as
they can yet few country publishers se
cure as much property in a dozen years,
as an mechanic will do in half
the time - The Tery f-tture cf;the nevre
paper business; -with its long' credits' and
small pre f..:3, and tad debts forbids any
thing like die accumulation cf wealjh, and
we have very, liule hesitation in saying
that, had our country brethren generally
taken their meens and labor their ' pa
tience ard. energy to any other. -market
;han the one they have, found for them,
they would have this day beea tenfold
better cfF, in a pecuniary., point, of ...view,
than they are, or have been, wnce they
became newspaper proprietors. !
Let th-3 public ponder these few simple
truths Well, aril make up; their minds , to
ease the laborious occupation of the Print
er, by paying him punctually what; he is
honestiv entitled to."
Somthow there
has been
the past
-k chnoiit aa entira failure of ,u?vb
by our mails. Consequently, we are un
able to present much of a variety in our
present issae. ;., . . .. ; .1
; The principal iopicin newspaperdom,
c rat head quarters, at present is, relative
to our
Relations" with Great
Britain.' FreseEt indications squint strong
ly toward a "brush ahead" with John
Hull.. We are pleased ' to see the Admi
nistration taking prompt and active steps
tD maintain our national honor and rights.
In this it should be cordially supported by
all; without regard "to political opinions,
which divide us incur borne affairs. '
Official statements fully establish the
fact; that' acts of aggression by British
cruisers in the Gulf of Mexico have been
so frequent, and so: extraordinary as to
awaken indignation; and call for atten
tion on the'part of our Government.
Orders have been given in Washington
for the preparatiou of additions to the
Home Squadron, for the purpose of cruis
inir in th; neirrhborhood of Cuba and
- i -
elsewhere to protect at all times the pro
perty and rights of American citizens.
The Committee on Foreign, Relations
in the United States Senate,' on the 28th
ult., reported : '
"No less than fifteen American ships in
the harbor of Sagua la Grande; and six
on the high ; seas, are officially reported
as having Lad jo submit to aggressions
from British cruisers. Each additional
arrival brings fresh accounts of aggres
siens by the same power on our flag. It
ha3 hitherto happened in isolated cases,
where similar aggressions have occurred
through misconstruction, that the United
States have been content to accept a dis
claimer cf the attempt, but the continued
and preserving character of these outrages
is such as to arouse the indignation of the
country, and to require to be arrested at
once, and to end at once and forever, the
countenance of such indignity. The slave
trade 13 the alleged excuse. The Commit
tee will not discuss that. It is sufficient
that the United States, though often in
voked to do so, refuses to recognize the
right of police. They rest on the prin
ciple that the marine' under their flag
cannot be questioned without their con
sent, and th) committee deemed this a fit
occasion to cleclare it as a principle of the.
United States, admitting of no reserve or
qualification,' and to be maintained at any
cost.' ' .
The Committee "refrain from recom
mending further legislation, only for the
reason that the President has ordered all
our available navy to the infested waters
with orders to protect our llag. It is be
lieved that this measure will be serviceable
for the present io stopping the outrages.
The .subject has also been brought to the
notice or the offending power, both through
the Minister at London and the Minister
at Washington. ' We cannot, therefore,
until we receive a reply from Great Bri
tain, deeide on measures that will be a
guarantee of the future, for nothing short
of that will satisfy the American people.
Therefore, while refraining from recom
mending present legislation, the Commit
tee unanimously i .
, JJesomJThat American ships at sea,
under the American flag, .remain under
the jurisdiction of the. country to which
they belong, and therefore, that any visi
tation or molestation is an infraction of
the sovereignty of the United States. ,
J?orci,That these aggressions demand
such unequivocal explanation from Great
Britain as shall prevent their recurrence
forever. ' ' "
Resolved, That the Committee approve
of the action' of the Executive, and are
prepared to recommend such further leg
islation as circumstances may require."
' The New York Courier'a Washington
correspondence, of May 2Sth, says the
Government expects important intelli
gence from England by the next steamer.
It is understood that Lord Napier has gi
ven his opinion that his Government will
contend for the right of visitation aa a
distinct right of search. Should dispatches
from Mr. Dallas confirm that expectation
the relations of the two countries will
suddenly approach a. casus belli. The
Administration promises to meet the con
tingency -with , vigor. The instructions
thrown out are, that orders will be given
to bring in for adjudication all British
armed vessels committing acts cf outrage
upoa our commerce.. ;
Under present circumstances we are
called to considsr the miserable state of
our' navy, and cn this point quote from the
Washington blahs : ; . -
"Our little navy is called upon suddenly
to play a mart important part in the de
fence of the country. In times of jxjace
and scietyl the public mind is apt to fall
into lethargy m the subject of our defen
ces; but, when the a'arra runs throughout '
the land, and the country is called upon to
punish aggression cr defend itself, then
we naturally turn tc our gallant little na
vy.. Whit is its condition ? How isit
prepared to maintain the h:;:or, of the
courtry? Unfortunately, we ca-tnof re
ply very theerii to these questions.
Jealousy or incompetency -las stricken
frora tie ranks a large namber of takers;
and tad economy has permitted our ma
rine to become, perhaps, far beiciv that pf
any great Power of tjie globe, in "either
numbers, weight cf metal, cr efficiency.
We have built six large steam-frigates ;
had, perhaps, four efficient steamers pre
viously; and after that,"',ve' have nothing
tnat begins to compare wita tnose wno
may be our foes. - r -r i:-.rr,r
The steam marine cf England js ten
times as great as our whole naval force,.'
Does" not the present state of things sug
gest that we.should make' the nary .strong
er? On the eve of hostilities, with the
country clamorous for "redress of outrages
without an example almost, because no
warning was given, and no excuse exists,
two miserable little sailing vessels are all
our Government can send to the Gulf to
recruit a home squadron," Which, at .best,
is but a meagre affair to show" before the
Gulf ports while we artf astonishing the
natives of the East with everything new
or improving that adorns the . navy, and
our crack shin is taking on board a tele
graph cable in one cf the harbors of Eng
land. ' " " .
There is hardly a 'sin.JIe ooiection to
even a very powerful navy, except its ex
pense; and there are extravagancies and
follies enough, if urtailed," to support "a
very large establishment without the bur
den of a single cent. The Government
gives away, writh a liberal hand,- millions
in land; it has been making stupendous
improvements in Washington and all over
the country, and it maintains an army of
officers which might materially be reduc
ed. ' All sorts of extravagancies have
been so grafted on the ' system that it
would be well to cut them out.1 .In this
task the Administration would heartily
unite. ' We do earnestly, hope that Con
gress will not adjourn until a step in' this
direction be taken. The country is an
xious to see its defences put right.". It
will fully sustain the strcngest measures,
and hail the man as a public - benefactor
who leads off m the good work."
"Sleeping the Happy Hoars Away."
- Reynolds, of the Nebraska City News,
has gone East ; 'tis said . to fool some
weak minded woman. Under the head
"Editorial Correspondence, Steamer Han
nibal, May 24,"we find the following: -
"Brownville is as yet of but little, im
portance, except that she lias a Land Of
fice and an excellent paper, mechanically,
&t. btennen we passed wnue I was
sleeping, so I cannot speak of the pros
pects of the town asl should in all proba
bility if I had been awake." : " ' :.
Those acquainted with the facts cannot
fail to conclude that Mr. Reynolds was in
a very sleepy condition when he was tak
ing items. In fact his own history shows
him past taking notes, shortly after pass
ing this point." ' 'Tis , no Wonder, he felt
drowsy after making such an effort. Now,
Milton, we are glad you were content to
be easy with us ; that you was not as
funny as you could be." Please don't
strike us again, or we shall surely give
up all hopes of ever making a town at
this point. t -
The Plaitsmonth CohTcntlon.
From Mr. Hackney, who has returned
from the Plattsmouth Convention, we
learn that there was a full attendance of
delegates nearly 'every-county in the
Territory, being" represented.' ' Resolu
tions were adopted in favor of organizing
the party, re-affirminr the Cincinnati
Platform and approving the general pol
icy ot Mr. liucnanan s Administration
and ahso in fator of submitting the Con
stitutions of all states hereafter to be fram
ed toa vote of the people for ratification
A Territorial Central Committee ' was
appointed. - '
We are unable to place Anything fur
ther before our readers this week, no
having received a copy of the proceedings
From The Plains
A correspondent of the St. Joseph Ga
zette, writing from Ft. Laramie, gives
the following items of news, which, though
the date is not very recent, will be found
of interest to our readers : ;
"Col. Hoffman left here on the 25th
of April, attached to his forces which he
brought from Ft. Leavenworth, three
companies of infantry, 'which were sta
ticned here, for Camp, Scott, or rather
Col. Johnson s command; all looking well
and hearty, also one hundred and thirteen
wagons belongiug to Messrs. Russell &
Waddell, loaded with supplies for the
troops at Camp Scott. 1 . 1
"Go.v Cumming has gone into . Salt
Lake, and a compromise between the
United Slates and the Great Brigham
i oung. is anticipated.' Probsibly . he wil
have to sacrifice a few spirituals, of which
he has a great number. 7 ;
"At this moment, (the 1st May,) there
are three feet of snow in my door, the
heaviest snow storm we have had this
winter, and as the Platte River was up
before the snow, we can, we think, look
for high water."
The effects of the snow alluded to in
the above, have probably been manifest
ed in the rise which has for some days
been noticed in the river. The writer
anticipates a heavy rise. The June fresh
et, which is but just. now commencing
may be a heavy one, and m conjuction
with the other great tributaries of the
Mississippi the Missouri may add its por
lion to the Hood at the South. : '
Jin Lane In Tronic-
We4 learn from Mr. Symms cf the Hes
perian, that a difficulty occurred at Law
rence between Jim Lane and an aboil
tionist in relation to a claim. it appears
that both were armed, and after some
words Lane pulled out a pistol and in
flicted a mortal wound ; his antagonist re
turned the shot, but with little effect.
Lane is now in prison, awaiting his trial
at the next term of the District court to
be held in Lawrence. Si. Jo. Gaz.
From the following it will be seen that
Governor Richardson is after the I-::sia
this Territory "with a sharp stiuk."
and vehope he' r.r y succerd i:i
ight ing matters up.
"Execctivk Orrrrr, O tmia,)
: 'May 1:3, HZ:. f.
AMXS G. Ci:. -
District slifornev, 1 ' District X. T.
Sib: The r.:t ,: iT-r;-; '. I Le:
islitureof the 12 th of ::- . -, tSu-
Chapter 23, Section 2, r;v .
A.ttorney the power, v.;,:; :
it .Sis duty, to file, infer;:,:. .! : .. .
Corporation in th? Territory th
omits acts which amount to a sv
i any
.t does or
rendet or
; of th?
olfeiture of their rights nnl
as a -corpora;, on. me oa sec
saise act makes ltis duty to L i suctun-
ormaticn when required by t:. ? gover
nor, "General Assembly cr t: District
Court. I deem iV- to be 1 tr.y ctuiy under
th law to require you to file information
in the proper counties and courts, against
the following Banking institutions: Jne
Fontenelle Bank of t BelleAme, Bank of
Florence, . Western . Exchange Fire smd
Marine . Insurance Company, Saratoga
Banking Company, Omaha Citv Bank and
Land Company; Nebraska I3ank and
Land Company,. Pacific Bank and Land
Company, Nebraska Exchange Bank and
Land Company, the Brownville Bank and
Land Company, Omaha and Chicago Bank
The teven last mentioned .because ihy 4
are not authorized by law, and all of
them because . they have omitted to re
deem and pay their notes when present
ed for payment and for such ; other and
urther cause; as may be found to ex-
i I desire to call your attention to an act
of Congress, . approved July 1st 1836,
which . prohibits any and ' all Territories
from creating Banks. If that act is not
overrode by the 6th section of the Organ
ic Act, all Banks in the Territory are m
violation of law; ; Whilst I think it incon
sistent with the Organic Act, others whose
opinions are entitled to great considera
tion", think the act of "36" in full force,
and the courts had as well decide it. '
Every good citizen in and every inter
est of the Territory demands that the
Banks should be arrested at once. This
object can only be attained through the ef
ficiency of the Distnct Attorney. - It is
therefore hoped that you will give it your
earnest and undivided attention! You are
required to investigate and determine
what proceedings if any shall be taken
against the Bank of Nebraska 'there be
ing no satisfactory evidence before me
that, ii has done or omitted acts which
work a forfeiture of its 'charter: The
sole object of this Department being to
rid the Territory of unlawful and irre
sponsible corporations, the duty is im
posed upon you to enquirefully into its
course. - r ' .
I have the honor to be '
. Your obedient servant,
Governor of Nebraska.
Omaha Correspondence.
Omaha, May 31, 1S58.
The 27th was the dry named by the
Republicans for holding their Territorial
Convention, which was to assemble at
Omaha, for - the purpose of completing
their - organization. - It is presumed by
close observers of the movement of that
party during that day, that the Delegate-
Convention proved to be a failure, at least
a public one at which all parties had the
privilege of attending.
But one regular delegation has been in
from'other ' counties, , so far "as outsiders
have been able to learn, .although more
might have been present. ,The Conven
tion, or caucus more properly, was held in
secret; refusing to admit "democrats to
witness the proceedings, and therefore a
limited opportunity was offered .to; ascer
tain the exact number of delegates form
ing the Convention. ' '
Large posters were placed in public
places all over the city, notifying dele
gates to meet at Visher's Hall, and in
accordance writh said ' notices, several
democrats endeavored to g"ain admission,
but were confronted with the news that
the meeting of delegates would be. held
at a small office in the east part of townj
to which some democrats repared for the
purpose of witnessing' the proceedings,
supposing that the meeting, like all such,
would be public, but in attempting to en
ter were informed that it was entirely
private and giving them a broad hint that
their occupancy was anything but accept
able. ' ' .
The conclusion is that it resulted in a
secret caucus among the few of that party
residing hereabouts, and that no kind of
public, demonstration was made on that
Occasion. . . .
- The few known and knowing ones of
that party about town, were quite active
in reference to the matter, and the sup
position was that a general turnout was
An individual opinion is that the
the cause of Republicanism is imbecile
and powerless ia this Territory, and can
not accomplish many decided victories or
build up much strength in party organiza
tion, except they can be permitted to steal
the Popular Sovereignty plank "of the
Democratic Platform, which they appear
determined to accomplish if possible, for
the reason that they find the great major
ity of their party strenuously advocating
the doctrine of people's rights, as held by
the Democratic party, and promulgated
at every important election where princi
ples; are brought in question. ,
It was hoped that their numbers would
be sufficient, and their strength of ample
power, to be a thorn in the sides of -the
Democracy; that union and harmony
might prevail in the ranks of both parlies
caused by the honorable opposition given
by each in behalf of their own organiza
tion. It is however now to be feared that
the Democracy will har-r so lht!e to ccm
bat. even should they le successful in the
organization, that divisions may cris-?
nr-r ' themselves, v,' i eh vouhl rr
3 ,
nrhvcuslo :.: part
i ... c .
' it ti..
t lit'
ruth t
e cf soft :
i L -
and result to the advanta je
The Republicans are ircii
te pc
ir r:i
i i.
- j
are brat . :
and most p
sue to i Lite
. '. ..i. :
; tj rr.
r qi i ?:
kir.l ::
: polit
If th!
any better principl
eignty t.s an '( pr,o.
that men v. : " 1 pre
li'i prcl.;!:
serve u;:d
t) take i'
UY 15
r thr
democratic tan::
an isra cnranizatica ur.
2r the nc:r.e
Ther j are a few cf thj
iters t.ere
who are anxious for an
whilst the masses ' of the
care Dut. little about it, tor me reason
that they are mostly popular sovereignty
men,-md can very easily slide over into
democratic rans, and be on the popular
and winning side of .politics. ., It has been
suggested by some that it would be better
to defer their final and complete organiz
ation until after the Plattsmouth Conven
tion, supposing that there will be a disa
greement there, and probably a division,
in which case they would unite with the
wing which should answer their purpose
best. - - '- - .'
. wawko;
" Iowa Correspondence.
; Crescent City, foica,
; May 26,- 1S5S. .
To a stranger accustomed to travelling
in the long settled portions cf the United
States, this town would present the ap
pearance of . a village of severa 1 years'
existence, whereas it is not yet more than
about eighteen months growth.
Here are several large and respectable
mercantile establishments, some of which
purchase their goods in the eastern cities,
and one or two of which are prepared to
do a jobbing business. Several hotels,
blacksmiths and mechanics, printing of
fice, meat-market, regular provision gro
cery stores as in the cities, and every
thing progressing prosperously. The
generosity of the proprietors is still ex
tended to those who deem proper to build
and become residents, and probably more
.v ' 1 x - t, l
u uuu tiaa uccu usual ill
new towns.
ie deeds are
given to donated
lots whenever
the buildin
is fully
closed. t , ' ..!.-...,-. : : i
The liberal course pursued by the own
ers has. undoubtedly firmly placed this
town upon its feet and enabled it to stand
even these hard and pressing times. The
houses are generally nicely painted and
finished, and withal quite convenient for
this new country, where so many difficul
ties are to be encountered in procuring
suitable homes. , . . .
;.-.,' . . XIUSDALE.
This is the residence of the celebrated
J. E. Johnson, editor of the Crescent City
Oraclej and formerly of the Bugle noto
riety, H like the editor of the Nebraska
Advertiser, has a great taste and dispo
sition to bp among shrubery, of which he
has a grjeat variety, which he brought
with him jon his return from his eastern
tour. Ilj: cannot be called lazy, because
he is never seen idle but if apparently
so, he is accumulating idea3 and informa
tion which he is seeking for other pur
poses than idle conversation.
He is practically a jack of all trades,
turning his hands to everything that
comes in his way which he finds important
should be done. Being free aiid easy in
conversation, you at once . become inter
ested with his address and manner of con
veying his thoughts to render them easily
understood; being practical in thought
and action he cannot otherwise be in lan
guage, which is simple and free from that
verbosity which is often found in great
talkers nnd writers. ' ',
' This farm is situated in a rich and fer
tile valley, leading in the bottom lands of
the Missouri river, and is so. located that
no view can be had of it until w ithin or
close to its limits, and consequently it
bursts upon the view without the least no
tice, when the mind and vision is suddenly
attracted from the wild and varied moun
tainous scenery around to the labors of
the husbandman, as found in cultivated
fields, decorated gardens, the convenience
of the dwellings, improvements of roads,
&c, which at once reminds- the traveller
of the old honored homestpad, where his
youthful days were spent in pleasant en
joyments, free from the cares and strifes
of maturer years.
The wheat and oats look well and pro
raise an abundant harvest if some des
tructive insect does not make its appear
ance in the field. Corn is not doing so
well, in consequence of the continual
rains which have fallen during the spring
and rotted the seed, to the great discom
fiture of '. the anxious cultivator. Much
grdund has been broken and fenced this
Season and gives evidence of plenty.
- The frosts have somewhat affected the
early garden vegetables, and shrubbery
has been partially blackened by its inter-.
tr.eir ia the.
r-rdens and
! .'.d?, but ar so small they ill r.ct . be
c. . : -ved tvithc.t ,..:se eimmau-
. :c ) r.:ay, c
? cr,
do r:;... in
ly retarding
: : c. :. . . r
:.v.::! . :
it centrally
idstcf a 1.
iravclfr: .
. ::ri r .
t--t, :r!y .
uated f.:r '
? r
1 cn
te rr.
in tLe r.
3 t:::rr c :
" the 2 j.
:t:e: s.;'
. r to'.vn i.:.
: , i !i i..t : :
r 1
: citi-
to a i
cry uvcra
i in
. ..-.
wjit : r
l ,
-- - jgh
raii roads.
vC.; an J nuch to r: y
ptusod through it for
was the amount of it.
the way cf tu'.li.-.g.
t having
made in
close times for
The surroi:;:
j-iniry ijj
ful and picturesque, having ia view the
bluffs with their irregular towering peaks,
the views of several cities and towns, the
extended landscape, and there, close by
its base, rolls that old antiquated murmur
ing Muddy, carrying along its mountain
soil, v yet adding beauty to the landscape.
Territorial Republican Comentlon.
...We have received .the proceedings of
the Territorial Convention which con
vened at Omaha on the 27th ult. We
have not room for the entire proceedings
but copy below' their Platform,' and refer
the reader to our Omaha Correspondent,
"Wawko," for details.
1. Thatin viewof the alarming position if the pre
sent Admmis'nliun, which claim for tbe Exe
cute e of the I'niictl Staie tbe authority to force Terri
tories into tbe L'uioa as States with institutions repug
nant to the people thereof; and also in ctmsi leratiou, of
the fact tfcat the friemls cf that Administration are
forming a party organization In this Territory to uiport
this odious assumption of power; it is our duty, as llep
pulican citizens of Nebri.-ka, to organize far the pur
pose of meeting the-lssue thus forced up-m do, and to
vindicate the nsht of a people of a Territory, when ap
plying fr adraiAMun as a State, "to regulate their own
institutions in their own way.
2. we re-affirm tbe platform of principles adapt
ed by the National Republican Convention at Philadel
phia, Ui June, 1864, so far as the sn:e are applicable to
the present exigencies of tbe cuuntry, and that we ar
ray ourselves under xUe banner of the party then organ
ized, -r i ' r . '
3 Tbat,wit"a Republicans cvery-wnere, we endorse
the great doctrines of the Declaration of lnde'endcnce,
and the Constitution or the Cnited States, and declare it
to be our unalterable determination to support those
bulwarks of our. prosperity, and wherever they have
beea departed from, to restore them to their original
pcrityas maintained by tbe founders of occ Republic. -
4 That the Territories are tbe common property of
the people, subject solely U ?he laws of Congress under
the Constitution of the United States-, and therefore no
institution which Congress mjy not constitutionally
establish; can have rightful existence wit jin their bor-
- L5 - That ,he tempt of ny state to en.-ibuh its
I 5oca' an1 peculiar inututions in any Territory, i in
infringement, not only upon the rights of the people
therein, but upon tbe rights of all the States; and the
local laws of Virginia and Kentucky, which reduce a
porluw o-f thmi ,.pitoo i.iri y, wmat t w mw rn-
operative in any Territory as the kcUool and tax lawrof
Kow York and Ohio. - -
6. That the action of the Administration in regard
to the Lecompton Constitution is in direct violation of
the K.aiua-Nebrabk act, and of the Constitution of
the United States. It violates the Kansas-Nebraska act
ancTits boasted principles of popular sovereignty, by its
attempt r force laws- upon a free people in airect oppo
sition to their will. It violates the Constitution of the
United States hy uing splendid bribes of proflt and co
vert threats by loss to accomplish tbe same purpose.
7. That f ree labor and free speech inherited by our
ancestors and guarantied to ua by the Constitution, are
our inalienable rights, and thai we will vigorously op
pose the introduction of any institution in eur Territory
that dezrades free labor or forbids free speech.
8. That the attempt of the present Administration to
affirm slavery as already existing in Kansas, is a base
attempt to violate the rights and privileges solemnly
pledged in the act organizing that Territory, and using
,tbe extrajudicial opinion of ' Judge Taney in delivering
the iipitiiun of tbe Supreme Court in the Drcd Scott case
i a gross attempt to corrupt the Constitution of the
United States and degrade the dignity and tho virtue of
the Supreme Court.
9. That the repeal of tbe Missouri Compromise, tak
ing bark the consideration which Freedom received for
permitting Slavery in Missouri, thus competing free
dom to tK'lit a socoud time for territory once solemnly
dedicated toit, on an entirely new principle, via : so
cal ted popular sovereignty, was an outrage on the sent i
mentsof the North an act of the grossest bad faith, and
forced upon u contrary to our wushos and votes.
' 10. That we are in favor of the appropriation of lands
by tbe general government, for tbe purpose of building
tbe Grand Fjcitlc Railroad, and all branches of said road
which nwy be necessary for the convenience and benefit
of tbe country. -
11 That we are in favor of the Homestead Bill,
wliich has been recently introduced in tho Senate of the
United States, donating one hnmlred an4 sixty acres of
the national domain tu the actual settler thereon, as a
Homestead, and that we Condemn the late action of a
Democratic Congress in deferring this Hill and tbe Pacific
Railroad to another session.
12. We will extend tbe righthaml of fellowship to all
who are opposed to the present Administration in its at
tempts to force slavery into new Territories, ami bribe
free men to vote in opposition to principles previously
avowed and honestly held.
13. We are oppeed to all Banks of Issue wbo.e bills
and deposits are nut safely secured from mismanagement
or fraud.
14. That we are in favor of one general act of Congress
under which all Territories may be organized on tho same
basis, and do all their own local legislation, until their
application to Congress as States with a Republican con
stitution, which has been approved by the people of such
States applying for admission, and when admitted as
States, it shall be on a uniform basis..
15. That the Republicans be requested to organize
Societies wherever practicable in thtir respective conn
ties, to act in co-operation with the Territorial organiza
tion .
The .Markets.
Bkow.ntillx, Jane 10, 1358.
FLorB, swk $2j0iiil.U0
UrcKwnE at Flour, & Sack
Corm Mral, i baahel
Cons, bushel
CfST9, y bushel,
Sagtir, 2...... ........
CUICKZNS, dot-.,"-
Egos, do, .
Fresh Dekp, $ B
' l'orav per 18 Eh.
Potatoes, bashu,
- ' 25o
LrxsER, Cottonwood, per 160 ft.,
-' Yellow Pine,
Cheese, B,
Mails, per keg,
Wheat, nono in market
Whiset, per gallon,
Salt, sack,
Molasses, -
Bkass, I bush.
Drt Hides, f 2,
St, Joseth, J ape 6, 1 358.
, - j5
,Theat, bush,
Cor.v, y bash,
.Flocr, sjewt,-."-
Pccewheat FLorR, ewt,
Fresh Pore, lb,
TOTATOE3, bush,
White Beans, V bu;h,.-.-
Bctter, &,
Eggs, V
Chiceess, y doz,
Drt Hiie3 E,
Coffee, y Tb,
Scbar, V lb,
Tea.V tt,
Dried Apples y bushel
- . , 4,00
usees, da.
' i. o. o. r.
.v-- The Grand Ilse of the Independent Or-
."r der of Odd Fellows, Nebraska Territory,
tj. '- convene at Omaha on the Second Tues
day ia July next, -
K. W. FCBXAS. Crawl Sec'r
tPaDsv s ia tbe Territory frieodly wj.l piavs onpy.
eras ..
Kebra,ra Hit.
c- . - at the PWtrirte-i'l'.y'
r ; .i si 1
'lcr,iiory,""tc i :
tho -id dsy i I .
jurors w,,t
B)T or ft ot t
Saiii co'.'t till ih
. . Jmi5f or
ce a D 1S, ,,
I IV tin a. st.
h urt. ... .
ara rrTistHt
t .
v at t ' ,v 4ve.tier '.
!Li. A ty.l Rtten
-r viuse oa o e4 . "
I'l.uKe is In 1. m i
T'ae nffloersof tbe Sev,iid Enink.
irilHiliiiXe'i-a.k t .' n
I--A, to e;e.-t a Colonel. Liin
. .t i t u.c ; i r.;;:.M.!e
tol,e t "
U. !.Siii.'-r!L ?5fJ,
i: m: ct i o x oti ; f
'fit fOriUK ,-
Nemaha CoiiPiy
Ti the -i'MiiS! rot
ty .iveri tint ia ptir
As-embJy ,f said T"
V'r ! J i m .-j ;!(
i Jl!d
. t Ot AO t
.ury, sunilei
n . . .
ill iil iouiltyj
jy ia Ai:.-i
(.'-mivc 'nan ( ii:;!it':hJ.Jii, I
:' 1 -rr: ,-
, l 1,1 I U,,.,.l I,.. ' .T ,
temiorial s
nu n i h-yl, me c
mmis-toner'j rtw
coitii.w s;.-.mi'A pttoitw, i&JL?,?
ue and t-Ao const ,a Lons arecinrt tiT. 'W
io.i. ... " sr
as j t f tT' eTk- w-,
, out. c usi.iij.e in hriwnviiie pr.u.n "
e ia Nemaha city c.-etincL mu -..L,.' -
Vernon rtecinr.. "
Siidcoaniy U.iivnlo.1 iato six urt &'rK(s Mj .
i im-lu,! tf f,.n..ii. n- '"mil.
foUowmg scrit,t Ter-itsry.
it 5 it Pi. m.dn. ji.e
and e I. in T V. R If. . '-
lUn.'B Ii si.
in I II lj a
T.flnl i.o ,.t ... it. i . , .
arims, J. L. Miaij.eand Dimel Hhitiiwr,
' ivnt nut i
l nr. ff-n ill jt. , m
n i 13, , I
al jiiJ 11 i i Tikm
iub pia.-n in vctingwii: he nt r..wn,li ..... i
f..mli..n ll..mor l..Un...n fi k '
Uobliixell. " "
So. 3. Ml, VfrncH Prtcinct r. nt.nns cast blf v,
B 14 and T8 B 15 and f.-atti.i.-.alTI K 14. T
itie place oi voting wilt be at Mt. Vernon, Jmfc-rf
.. - K.MUIT. a
- -, v- . - v . cl IiaitT I E IS
and T 6 R 13, aul went half T 6 K It. ,
Tlie place of voting will be atO it Shr. u.", b M
Judges uf election, Lawrence Kemison, rail!io's!i
and Eph-aim Reed. JUrr
X 5, Long iVeciurf contains 1 4 ami S K li
Tbe place of voting will be John Lung's hosse J,m.
of election, Joseph Council, williaas llsghs, tH Jnl
Conrad. t
No. 6, St Frederick Prefincf cMjiiaiTini,i
13 and east half of T 4 and 5 R 12. .
The place of voting will be at St Frederick
of election, C A Freyberg. C Topwali, and w tngs:7
By order of the Board orconmiia-ivi nt saidtvanrv
In testimony wherewf I hate hri5vtiD saadoi
anlxediho se:il of saidcointy at vtj til. a
LS Brownville. this 6th day of Jim a. isjg
50-21 . ERASTUSB. PAR.CtK, ct.untjr clerit.
Announces tothe pubiic that he is areparslio sun.
modate lhoe wirhi.'ig with Cai'Tuige.i "aiu Bia-i.e,, tllm
geiher ilh good sale hordes, 'or ciuif irtaiMl su,tt.
veiling. He will also b.ard hoes by tlie-h y, w.Ti ig
June 10, '. 5o tf
City Boarding House.
The undersigned r!eires tie x-nblio t know be u
still atbis old stand in the City ,.f BtovTivilte, and fte-pare-1
to entertain regalur N'anlers and trivelierj ra a
style he feels confident wil give tbe utmost aitisfa-riKi.
His table shall at all times contain the best themnntrr
affords. . U'M. EobSaLL
June 10, '58 Unt ,
' C, leuer has removed hm lie Sin e ir .ia Vr.ut sitrot
to Jl.iin street, nearly opposite tbe nt Hotel, fceri
has opened up the largesf sto:kf wne in bit llns'tot
found in the npper country, lie solicits a cominnaiict
of patronage. June 10. '0r3. . .. -t
Another Suspensions1
Having suspeuded farming for ihepteseni I ttfr ?r
Claim llotico,' r,,
. To John Bidler and al! others whi lii It may eoacrs.
foil are hereby nctitll thct 1; Stephe B. S.jlcs an sail
contractor upon routeNo I60UI, will aipeiir, altlieLiid
Otlkeat Brownville, Nemaha ;onr.fy, Nehrt-k T5
torv, on the 3!tduy of June, HH ai 2 o'i.l-k P.l,
and apply to enter asa mail station ty prc-tu;'tin t-j
south-west quarter yf tecliou thirty-iwo, lit Townla
Jo t-r. Ranee 14
. June 10, 18otj. . n60 3t S. B. 11 1 LIS.
From the, uOout Ui Jam ot A(iril, !
CORSES, one a light sorrel bure, ling maae and tail,
with a large scar about the eye on 'tie left tide ef bis
face, no other marks rcuietuberef. Tbe otber lar
dark bay mare, a little inclined to be yew necked, black
mane and tail, mane worn by tbe colltt , wheu she left
borne had a sore ba.'k. X other marks are remeaiher
ed. It is thought, unless separated per force, tbe tw
are together. The ferret is etl known Ui torch Kaiusa
and Sjuthern Nebriuka. as tho hor-e role by t'ol. I)u.ier
during the Kaiisan War. Adt intr rm:i..n leading lu
their recovery will be tbankiullv refmed and a liloril
reward paid tbcrefir. Aldres,
. - .. BI. RBASk h BH!
43-3w Falls City, UichanUoii coumy,X. T-.
Whereas George II. Vick Boy. ("buries A. Freyberi
andothers, have, by Doti:e publit-hed In tlie Nebrislu
Advertiser of tli57th Jf ay LSoM, given notice of the in
corporation of trie St. Frederick tono o.mpuny, in Ne
maha county. Nciiraka Territory. Tbi therefore is le
admoiurh the public that the said pretended incorpnr
tion is a gross Irand, and that tbe pretended incorpora
tors, (ieorge If. Tick Koy, Freyberg and their astociatrs
in that behalf, are none of themreMdents of the town if
St. Freilerick. nor have they any rutlit, title or interest
therein. And further, that persons de(n local io
or Investing in, said fowti SMul apply ts th-fiiwlersirnsd
who alone is authorized to dispe of anv interes; tlK-rs-
i' v cinr iitrt .
' St.' Frederick May 17, ttS. ' - ' - - i.a - - -
Notice to Contractors- '
The County CominUsioners of Xemab a county hertbf
give notice that ty will 1st to the KwesH resitilc
bidilcr. on the sixth. das of July next. at the touri-inx'
door in the eity of Briwuviilo, the entatl for ertEtiSf
asU.neor logjail In the said city of ilrowt.v!lle, -Nemaha
county. Specifications of b-ylh pl.tiss cue te seen
the clerk's office in brownville The cninmisi oners re
serving the right to reruse any or all bls. Terms f
payment made known on day of aie. , .
By order of the Board, - ' '
EltAiTl S K. FAEiEB, Cuun'y clerk.
June 1, '58 - 4H-6
Sale of Real Estate.
Xotke is hereby given that on Tuesday tbelob 4aT"'
June A d 1Sj8. at 'J o'clock r M, I UI se:i at iridic w
tion in front of the oiTireof the county cifrk. at the tuws
of Brownville. the following described pn trty in
town, to wit : lot number eleven (Ilj ii block nui"er
twenty-four fJ4). There is n said lot a g -vd romWt
able dwelling house, garden. ou-hoii?, fcc 9u!e po
sitive CHARLES (j.POStZl,
Jane L, '58 .
All persons are bt.eby uotincxi tnat 1 w.i. tale the
necessary steps to tbe re-opening of tho contested ca
of James Ferguson, for tbr purpose ot store faitj"
vesticatinj but right' to enter tbe sotirti went jt'-
(l4)..f s-iuth west quarter (1)4) and lot aimlxjr fi at (1J
of section etphtewn (18) in township flv (6) lance :
teen (IS) e.iit, 1 beieoy warn all persons not to pur
cbasev trade !r,er in airy way to aegotiate for auy pr
tion of the above dwibe.l protr-rtv
May 37, 'ft v2n46tf ' A l"G " STTJ J. tOfXTZE-
. . i im
Icantion all persons,oever agamti outing rrni
Augustus Konntze and Win Ruth certain to 1"
known as 'Benedict's AdditUu'W EroworiJ"e?
Honey Creek Hills.
The undersigned respectfully announce that tbey r
prepared to till all orders in their line pmptlrat tar
mills four miles northwest of Browav.lle, nsr t
mouth of Honey creek. They have on baa 1 tb la-'t
and best assortment of lumber, shingles and lathe evr
o3erel in thu county or Territory, conaistiag o
40 OOO feet seasoned siding;
40 000
20 000
fetbn-wo4 floorisf )
. s;cam.r "
" . eak and an , .
cot un-woo.l. soft mnpl e, 1 yna. sad
walnut doishiDg Itouber
fencinr. . .. . t
Joistst sirs, stwWiowand scSfitlmf of al
most every swe with hard i soft wood;
rough and square edaed sbea hinf; elau ,
200,000 superior sawed shinfc les. oak, a at lat at
wood; also
150,000 lath, a superior article, of noifona lenpa,
thickness awl wiiith- .
Tjeir mills are under ihe charge of serier:ea aca
efficient men. and UiC undersigned fjatt-..themse.vea
that theqoahty of their lumr.erT.-il!, tt.Dipt.fe fsvorativ
with any other made id the Territory, ail -tf wi''
be sold to suit the times. ' 1 '
Honey creek Mills. May 20 '
A superior stock of Millinery and Press JJ
new Millinery establii-Lment. one Laaiw
k. Carson' Bauluux House, Brownville, ,'V-JL.v.--
44f , ,MiB H1
cn.. ...j lux, l .n. v. .ljl.ll a. I d l iiuii.i.ui l.f l.
moats, together with growing crops uid a lime of sir
farm for a number of years. Piirei low aixl tm,
eay. A rarechance oH'er-l to an wdBstrloiin ri'Ti ' "-
Rrirnwili Jiu la riiili- - 4UUNS. ai,MI'(.
flalA In, I..,h la.m. .l ... -1 .., 1 1 1 . .. t l.M