IjTtria'ifa County District Court Xcbrsska lrriiory To June I , V Hen" .on 'd plaintiff. JaBifi W. Henton. tu .,f , ,0 it issued notifying the said defen- Lw-e tbe first AU a 1i.utbetlflt0'ti'e Herkcf the 1"-- "llitor the county of Kemaha. a peti !n . ciBst the said defendants. Xaihan i vrJLs, Sv Jiuir- u1 TbosP Haywood, I.. .hrniin of ciclit hundred dollars opn ZfJnt mad If" ttieinon tbe 224 day kjt PT,nll,;,f ike sum of ur lrundred and thirty , i D VJ' 's j months al.'er tinte, with ten per ""d,; And w)i-reas a writ of sum. f B n the trst fijy of Mar. AD i'.,, reeled to tlie sheriff of said county ,atea r directed to tlie alien .-rt',n'MA not found a 10 1 F''B?svl:i:'-aIoreaid ' T5''; l4 - tailSaiiaa Kay wood ai - ren ......... ihinoti therefore colic u I ana ETHu!r that ' treB .-a ! er the petition aforesaid on " .mew"''- - . uic.'-r j tie second oay of Uie said June . "f Tl-nirt. tobe I''d on the third Tuesday, ,"".,.,, ,f June. A V IS&S, default will beeoter- ikem a4 j".6"1 rendered against them - c.-c. jouxson, - -i i 1 - . ... . . . . , , bis"- " " th L-urc be lA-bUshcd In the Nebraska 1 ft"1 HASTIN W RIDKX Clerk. By Chas G Uobset, Deputy Legal Notice. of Kehrka ss jirmaba County jflllKt , tdwardt I iwards its fc-l"" 1 Nemaha county District court. EirniuD A D 1&3. giumotis Viiwr and i Poutlieriy .... I).f Jofeph Tcacue has caused a mere win I iTVCK ottW.cie.Hf the district court in couritT ot .Hi.aha uion tres- tbeM.ddeienaants. W illiaui E-iwardt, Ja : Mwsrds. laac tdwar.S. J"hn hdw.rd Samuel I er aii'l H'liliam D, ur-herny. claiming of them ... ..f tw.i tl.on-and o-iiarsior a certain trespass liu,itH on him tl.c J'l'h Tcapue by them the TL.n,!.r.u nn iLe seventh day of January, A U 1868, "Lid tbe said county cl Nemaha. Nebraska Territory '., time tLry d.d iben and there break into, erher, 1,-iv. tear don, an.l burn don a certain dwelling aiJ t;s the J.isei'h Teapne, feitnate and being . uid cuuntvof Nemalia, aud for other wronus that ibeDamUliere di'l to him the said Joseph league i..fTtaiiiaceanil against the teaca oi.tue com 1 (cseallb t tbe said Terr'y of Nebraka. And whereas r-.t umin m issued in ta d cause, on tbe first day 3 ju a D l"vjS. as aforesaid, directed to ihe sheriff J"'id county and by himrctHrncd not found as to the !i!elnts Jacob Edwards, Isaac Kdwards. John 'tniit. (ieoipe ilannon, Jame-1 Walser and VTilliam 1fW rty Tberelore notice is hereby given to said fj. towards, Isaac Edwbrds. John Kdwards, Geo'ge jisuB. Janies walser and WiKiam Wi.upherty, that I ii !tey appear uirl p.nswerthe said petition afore jaasT betor Hie morning of the second day of the June terni of tbe s tid court to be held on the third ' 4ay of June Al) lvS default will be entered against Attest C C, JOHNSON, alio W. r.tDtn. Cierk Att'y for Plfff. BtChs G. Dorsev. Donuty. 0mere4 that the above be published in the Nebraska jsrtruser lor four sr.ctesMve v.ceks. according to law JiASTIN W. KIDEN, Clerk, iiy Chas i Doksey, Deputy 4 stay 13 . LCGAL, XOTICE. Territory of Ncbr.is.Sa ) i. B Eoiabirc k C j. "1 Nemaha county District court, scan:!"! Neb.-aska Territory to June Pleasant H h Fer i Wrtu A U ISoS Vbereat the tlainlilTa, A. B. Uolabird . Co., have auteua ssaitniois to be ixued iiotiiying the said Uefen iaaltbatoa oiitxtore the tirst clay of June A D 1658 ttiet will be oti ttloin the cilice ol the clti kcf the Ins- ) tricttsurtt slid lor th sid county of Neniaha, a pen- tK u stini)ij it asainst the said defendant' Pleasant W l.ers,cliniiNg ot laui the sum of one thousand dollars, ipussceriain prmisiry u- made by hioi ua the fifth sir of Hay A 1) 1S57, lor lie sum ot five hundred and uurty-four dollars, payable six nuths arter date with in per rul interest, the said notedated Cincinnati, Slay i, 1897. and payable to the order of A llolabird k. U. And whereas a writ of summons issued in said cause m the firth d.iy vl .Miy i I) ISoS as aforesaid, directed to the slieiifl .f said county aud ly hini returned not lirttid. Therefore notice is hereby Fiveti to said Pleasant I Incrrs that unless he appear and answer the said ffU;i..n aforesaid on or before the mor..ingof the second r f tbe said Jane t(rm of the said court to be held on tbe tbird Tuesday, tbe cfieetiib day of June, A V lb5S, stuult will beetitered afainst him and judgment ren ttreil acainst him thcrejn. Attest U. C. JOHNSON. 1UT1M C ItiPrw. Clerk Att'y for Plt'fT. i I'pmil. Ifpulr t' tr.i.kat tbe above be published in th Nebraska iit'tiser for four successive week according to law. JiASTIN W K1KKN. Clerk , . , , By Chas (i Dorset, Deputy. Mv May 13 Admiaistrator'3 liotice. Joel WettfaW vs tllen Maristt Sarah Martm- Petition for the sale of a land war rant for distribution among heirs. Xfle Bond and I In the Probate tonrt of Nemaha Ahsolnm wetfall 1 county. Nebraska Tertitory. Notice is hereby civeu lliat Jiel westfall, administra tor ct tbe estate of Isaac west fall, deceased, has filed in myofnoe his j!iiion for the sale of a forty acre land s-srraiit. part vf the assets of the estate of said Isaac westfall deceased, for distribution among tbe heirs of said westfall, and unless you the said E!len Marlatt, Sarah Jlarlin. Effie Bond and Absolom westfall shall be sad appear Iwfore me at my cfllce on the morning of Moodav t be 7ib dny of June, to show gotd cause why said land warrant sboald not be sold, order will be given by ineforthe sale of thesame for distribution as aforesaid. Biy II n46-4w R. J. WUITXET, Judgeof Probate. Les;al ITotice. Iiaac T Wliyte iThyteitiCo ") Attach V, VfTlirtric Tai'y lank j Nenul tachment in the 2nd Judicial net in and for the codnty Xe maha Vai'y Hank J Nemaha. Nebraska Territory Thmnaa i.MlKov. a'resi'tent Nemaha alley Manx : hir Tou are hereby notified that the plaintiff, in the abov entitled cause filed their petition in attachment at th November term A l lbJ ci said court, claiming sf tb Neuiaha Vallev Bank tbe sum of three huudred and twenty eight .dollars and one cent as money due nun ..ir.fi ..r i,i il i.i pirhaiice drawn bv said llank in tun, rf uid nbi.-nitrs and du and remaining unpaid; and that a writ ot attachment waa issued by the of ih curt, which was returned not found as to you. Tou are therebire wtifiod that unless you appear at i..ii.rmf.r ii t .ol miirt. to he Isecun and held at n.nrt hmitf in .he town of Brownviile. on the third dav in June A D 1S63. aud answer said petition, default wi ll be entered against said Bank and jo-ltmeut rendered thereon. MASTIN W 1U1JEN, Clerk, 6-w Ny 13 u5 chas G Dorset. Deputy LCGAL. XOTICE. n.ri B Ttarkali.w. rrtT 1 Second Judicial District rs C" i.urt .1 VnhrMskiTerrirorv Samuel E Ropers. Deft I T i June term A D lt68 emina cjunty. Thvui iho summons Issued in the atwve entitled ...... k,rin ijsnn remrned 'not found' as to you ...a c ,..,i k u.,cprs. Therefore you the said Samuel E Rogers are herebv notified thai n or before the first day of June A V 1SSS. the petition of Barton B Biikalow, tv, n'aintirr m ill be on tile in the cftu-e ( f the clerk of said District court for Nemaha county mi the chancery .denr s.i.d court, nravinsfor a decre e of title as against H...cer 10 lots iiiiuiher six and fourteen block number tweuty-four, and lot numt'cr six in block number thirtv-uve. and kK nomher five in block number .f,. .11 in the town of Brownviile in said Nemaha couritV. ss marked and numbered upon the recorded plat .. ...rf o-n Aixl vou are further rmtirted ihat unless pot appearst the next term of said District emirt. to be began and hel- at Mid town or Brownviile wilbin and for said Nemaha county on tbe fifteenth day of June A D IMS andon or tsefore the mornip.e of the second day of said term, ud pJead te said petition, the same will be taken at c-A aral juduemeat hy default rendered agama you therein tor said lots aforesaid and costs of B:t. V P- I" McUAUY, Att'y for Pl'ff. , It is hrrbV erre-1 that the foregoing nxtice be pub lished in tbe'Nchraska Advertiser as the law iti such case provides- ' MA5T1VVT. TslUFN. clerk, UvCh ts. G. lKiKSCY, Deputy. ISIIAIvI REAVIS, - ATTORNEY' AT LAW, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Fa"n City, Kicbardson County, NebrasVa, Will five prompt attenti n to all professional busi ness entrusted to his care in Richardson and adjeining counties; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-emption pa-PR.-S, Ax., x , aliy 13, '68 n46-6m O. B. HEWETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND ' ' ' REAL ESTATE AGENT, Browmllle. Nebraska. mil attead to buaine la all deparuncnuof hit t essioa. . . ' Pia-emotor Eiprhta Secured. T-nnd 'Varrants lor lale. OSce cn First St., bet. ilaia and Water. KEFEB.BETCES: Kinney k Uolley, Nebraska City, Cheever Sweet & Co., do J. Sterling Morton do Brown k Beunett, Brownviile do R. W. Furnas Brownviile, N- T. May 13. 1S5S. v2n46U EOUGLAS-SMiOON. ilab sireei, one door West cf Post ' - Brownviile. N. T. Th subscribers respectfully inform the public they have opened the above saloon, where tb best qua' r.ty f ' ' . AVlnea. li!auors. Setrars. Oyster. Bardines, and everrretreshment for the inner man. usually at snvh establiahmeuts, will be fouud and servel Trsatyle. v -. , ; COfF,. Jircwnvilie April l50vtsS, . . - a i S fc '': tt' 2m email Oounty lebratk.a, 'iemtory. . Take notice that I. E. T. Rainer. th Tti for tbe county of Nemaha, Nebraska Territory, will of fer at public tale and aell In front of Johnaon'g Hall, the prace In which the District Court In and for the county of Nemaha afcreaaid waa last leld, and In the town or Brownviile, county teat of tail Nemaha county, on the 6in June, between tbe hourt of nine o'clock A H and Cve o'clock T H, all the lands situated In taid coun ty on which tbe taxes were levied during the year 1857 ttill remain due and unpaid, unlets the said taxes upon said land be paid prWr to the time of sale as herein a dot mentioned, wiih interest from January last, at the rat of 2d percent per adhuzn. HAKES. Wb. D. AiUa LOT. BLOCK J TAX. 5, 13 80 81 ' 70 12 13 14 28 27 49 59 60 80 62 10 15 12 23 29 20 3 20 10 21 11 8 115 115 164 103 66 22 I C B 1 1 2 1 4 1 15 T H 11 IS 1 2 12 1 6, 8,T 3. 12 rt at E. il. Andersoa rt f A. J. Benedict Jesse W. Bradshaw 6.40 4.80 25.94 5.60 80 8.00 tt Jeremiah Barlow 2,11 9,10 12 18 15 8 4 8 1 1 Urownville Hotel Company Jaa.M.Chapi n M 15.52 Jodson A. Chaple 11 6 4 7 3 13 , 4 10 Ml 13 32 64 ' 1 23 29 22 33 69 ' C3 es 65 64 103 14 70 21 2 55 70 45 65 27 22 23 44 32 35 33 34 36 45 40 8.00 Kbeneier R. Coiling bamuel S. Cox n ft m 2 " " 7 George Claj (Browa'iAdd'n)!, 3,4,6.6,7 Jacob Easterly 11,12 Thos. B. Glen k Lett Henry 9, 10 3.20 1.1 s.ot 1.19 Willis Hill (Estate) 1 1,2 3,4,5 16 2 4 5 Horn 10 7 2 1 12 15 10 3 5 ir 7 4 14 3 16 11 1 : s : 7 15,15 s- 1 3 15 , Kf4 7 7 11. 12 9 22.02 1.60 80 80 Jos. H. Holsey WW Tlobert O. Hatten Henry C. Joneg Had ley v. Johnson 47 43 53 67 63 , 60 61 64 66 80 12 13 15 47 24 66 45 35 59 63 39 33 43 61 60 65 66 81 83 39' 42 20 39 57 27 1 42 57 44 1 7 8 9 6.40 John J. Kirk 80 A. D. Kirk u it a' 4.52 Aldenon Keaton Matbew Lamarqne John McDonough D. L. McGary 8.50 7 9 4 IS 2 1 9 Kf2 Hot 5 hajfofi 1 5 8 1 11,12 1,3 si M U 12.88 McBride and S. "W. Bowen J. B. Morton Nemaha Valley Bank J. W. Paddock 410.40 92 , U. k Hiram Patterson 1.19 Pegram, Biddle&Co 2,3 9, 10, 11,12 M u M W hair E half all of blocks 10, 14, 16,28, 32 in Brown Addition 28.00 Sam.E. Rogers 1,2 3 9 15 18 17 22 24 27 23 33 35 33 39 40- 42 45 43 67 53 60 61 62 64 65 67 66 56 39 22 20 47 2S 37 18 41 45 46 49 13 47 56 59 61 63 53 6 It 62 63 43 45 60 67 63 4 85 3,5,6,7 : 8 6 2 2 6,14 ' 16 II 9 6 5.6,13 i 13 - 5 10 II . 14 II I II 2 I, 10 I 13 II 10 7 13, 14,15 3.4 8 I, 2 . 3,14 2 8 10 3 11 2,6 16 II 6 7 . 4 3 13 7 14 6 - 10 - 14, 13 . - 16 , 7, 8, 9 10 u tt m tt u tt of ti u a tt u tt tt cleik the the u at tt tt Tues Mastin W.r.iden W. C. Stout R.B. Stout u Joseph L. Sharp , tt , . . Edward A. Scot ill u tt Tho. R. Sutten at tl tt tt tt tt for the in Joscpli Thompson Jas.W. Taylor U. H. Visscher 4t at Jones n. o, NAMES rs" 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 Win. A Alderman, N W yK S E i 2d 25 15 15 J.M. Chaple. E hf S E M 12 16 15 II. W. Denman M Fletcher Dowler N W i 10 N E fractl i 10 N W M 20 NE M 13 SEj; 13 N E X 8 N E X II KEJi 19 WhfSE 29 N E yA S E 29 SendSEi si SW l 25 fartSWj 29 NWqrNW 32 WHNWqr 12 SEqrSEqr 12 8Wqr 26 - NWqr 16 NEqr 17 15 14 F. A. Howler 11 It It A. Dodd J.V. Dennu Thos Poil G. C. Ferguson A. M- Fergus u IS IS IS af tt Thos. Heady Win. Handley J. N. KeUey m WmBLeacn Henry Neemire I 15 13 15 pro- 15 15 14 15 Jacob Nofsinger 15 B.P.RankinJ.F.Kinnyl.l. 2 Mary E Rankin k i F Kinney N E qr 12 C TXT T IS 15 15 tt D it qr a Sf SE or 1 25 20 20 26 29 32 15 Jeremiah Snyder JohnT.SooU - VTht NEqr part S E qr 15 IS IS 14 IS 16 a lot SEqr part SS of SEqr Gilas Strong Silas TidweU B n qr Wheeler k Brown If of N W qr of - Office, ' ' ' J qr IS 7 3 27 13 9 31 IS u DavidWoodrnl , F.W.Rockey John M Hind man Valentine Schcr C. G. Dorsev Uayll:.8. hflot4 IS 4.00 14 10.43 14 3.20 that NE qr SWqr ' NWqr S E qr 15 14 u kept np in 42- , tf KEqr i-4 . R.T. RALVEY, Treis'r fW-niD at iwf,. IT. Notice ;r: is aeret.? gsen thafvnrrir It. BOMtn obtainei from the Probate Court cf Pawnee cmich. letters testa- Umeiitsry on the estate of Eeddirk Horn, late of said county, deceased, bearinr date January llih. A D 1I5j3. All per-)n having claims ttainst said vstate ir herebj- required to exhibit them t t allowance to the Probate Court of said county ou or' before the 9th day of Augiuu, jiMo, or tney may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, andif not presented within tix months from the date last above niontioned thov will be forever barred. 45 H,G. L0r.E,Jud;;e of Probate. EOTYPES. The undersigned tavihg et terni latoa co-rmrtnershln and bnilt a skylight (siite lights inntcdl Dasuerrean Gallery cn comer of Alain and First atreeu in tbe city of Brownviile, would respectfully announce t the public tnai we are n w prepared to tka pictures wit ail the beauties of the art, and at reducer) prices. - ? xr lures in serted in lockets, pins, Ac, in the ceattrst sty.e. Being experienced artists, wq have no doubt that all who want good pictures can be ploa&ed. Call and see. - " M1NNICII -AEIN. Brownviile, May 6, n45tl Brownviile Steam Ferry! OS TIIII :-rr-3 3IISS0URI RIYER. Th Houte from Brownviile to Ft. Kearney. ,3 " . U . u . -t 1 . - - - . i - ' uu uvm iucuco iaj vsiLiurmo, IS Ulo nearest and most practicable. BAKER TcODINGTON ANNOUNCE to tho Travelitis: Pulilie that ther are now running ns a lerry acroi the WisMjuri jivcr at An entirely new, tsubnanUtl and commodious STEAM FERRY BOAT, Which arrangement will secure a certain and safe passage at, all times and in all kinds of weather. The Proprietors do not assert boastinsrly, or for I be purpose of gaining custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is tho best crossing of the Missouri Krver in -Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownviile to Fort Kearney and from tbenoa to Uiilwornia is the ne.ires for evidence they refer the reider to the nap of th Country; and are warranted in ssying it is the most practicaMe route by personal experience, as well as that of hundreds of others who have triveled it. We claim therefor that this erosjing and route holds out peculiarly favorable ir.ducumenU, to jersons going to California, and solicit thoir patronage. ot withstanding our superior arrangements for a safe and speedy crossing, our charges are the same as other Ferries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. fifKocollect that vith our facilities of Power, no kinds ot weather trill tire rout our lioats irom making regular trips nt all hours. SiTA skitJand hand will be in readiness tocross foot passengers stall times of n.ght. n20 ovciaber lHh,I!57. W. E. HARVEY. U VAN WYCK. ! Civ. Eng., Sur. it Draf t'n. General Land Agent II AI1VEY, VAX WYCKX& CO., Gencrallacd Aaeots ITeT3xrar3ls.e, City. ARE connectel with apeicies ia Washington City by which they are enabled to prosecute claims against the United States G ivcrnmeiit, or aU4Qd to any business Pe- fore the Genenil Land tfRce wi:h dispatch and to the satisfaction of their customers. . . One of the firm being a practic-.l Encineerand Survey or (having been for many years connected with tbe Cnited Stales Coast Surveys en?aced on works of Internal Im provement) wc are prepared to make Surveys of Towns, Farms, Ax., in any part cf the Territory; and having engaged the best Draftsman in tbe Territory, can execute Maps, Town Piitts, anddrawiiurs of all kinds (mechanical, architectural, 'ic.,) to the jcrfect satisfaction our cus tomers. October 1357. , "' " n5)V5 ' ED. W. rtlOORE, . ' Geneml (Steamboat Agent; roRir.iRDr.vG q:ommissiox merchant, NEBRASKA. CITY, N. T. Goods sold on Coniuiissiou and prompt returns made. Particular attention given toreceiviug, Storing and For warding all kinds of treii ht aud produce. 80 SO Office on the Lievee. Storekonse in tbe same bloct with Kearney TTotel. Kefer to the Men hunts of Nebraska City; Fife tt Michael St Louii Mc; I Harper ik Scuder St.Lonis; John A. Warden " Joseph Mclntyre " Shakellord. l inney&Co" Barcklay, UinkleitCo " April 29, ltiS 3-44-Iy Wdsron for Sale. I have a liht two-horse wagon which I will dispose of cheap forcah. C. S. LANGDON, r. LVSRBAUCII. JXO. L. CARSOS LiU3LIB AUG H & CARSON, . 39 80 JJAA'AXRS AXD GEXERAL LAXD AGENTS, Dealers in Coin, Concurrent Monev, Kxchanjeand Lund Warrants, BROWN Vli.1.8, N KM A II A CO., N. T. Especial attention will be given to Buying and SCllir.g Exchange, ou the principal cities of taa t nitea states, Gold, Silver, and uncui rent B.ink Notes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrantson hand for sjle, for cash, or en teredon time lor I'le-euititors. All arrant sold ny us guaranteedin every re-pect. Will file Declaratory State ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare rre-enipuon Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made in Lands or city proierty for distant capitalists. Collec tions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend' ed to and proceeds remitted in exchanpe, at current rates. Bills of Exchange on Kngland, Ireland, and t ranee, ob tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on the East added. Deposits received on Current account andinterest allowed on special deposit? OFFICE Main St., near U. S. Land Office. REFERENCES Lind, Brother &. Co., Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa. McNauphton, Carson 6i Co., " " " lliser & White, " Baltimore, aid. Young, C;irson & Bryant, " ' . " " Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Port, " " E. M. Fuuderson A. Co. Merchants, " " M. M. Teakle & Co. No. 17, Broadway, New Torx. Wm. T. SmithKin. Esq., Banker, Washington, D. C. J. T. Stevens. Eq., Att'y at Ljiw, " ' Jno. S. G3llaher, L:itc3.1 Aud. V. S. T., " " Tjylor & KrieKh, Bankers, Chicago, 111. McClelland. Scruggs 4i. Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Ma. Hon. Thus. G. Pratt, Annapolis, Md. Hon. J. V. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas, Penii. Hon. Jas. O. Carson. . Mercersbnrg.Pa. P. B. Small. Km., Pres't S. Bank, . Ilagcrstown, Md. Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Iw, " Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers, Keokuk. Iowa. 11. C. Nutt&Co. " Council BluJ" Greene, Weare & Rice, " Des Moine, " n,,.itlas W'stnon " Vinton. 15.00 Col. Sam llainbleton, Att'y at Law, Ea.ston. Md. Judge Thos. Perry, Cumberland, Md. fiS Prof. H. Tutwilcr, Havana Alabama. Oct. H, '&7--nlo-tr i . 34.54 trmrr T y rm r I have for sale a nnrr.ber of beautifully located lots in 12.00 the City of Brownviile. which I am authorized to sell bargains for cash. New comers will do well to call me belo. e making urchases. R. W.FURNAS, Brownviile, March 25, '63. Real Estate Agent. 1.60 Banking hovse or Lushbacgh ik Carsom ) Broinnville, Februaiy 1, 1853. . ) On and after ihis date, depositors accounts will opened for specie, currency and scrip payable In same kind if funds. Checks must be marked accordingly. Office hours from 9 to 12 A M and 1 to 3 P 11. Ll'SUB AUG II & CARSON, 1.99 2.38 80 Fashionable Tailor. JACOB MARITOy, BROWN VILLE, NEBRASKA. Respectful ly;nnoun3C to the public that ho has band a large stock of Cloths, vestings, &c, . Also a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING Which he will sell at cast pricos. 3.52 2.00 He Batters biciseif that he understands his business thoroughly and all work warranted coming from his tab.ishuient, and charges as low as any otner ojmpeuwr 11.63 in this place orthe West. A Heat Hi uarantecu. DIIOWX &v CIaITOX, PRODUCE DEALERS, 19.70 6.90 6.90 Forwarding. & Commission 9.69 6.90 MERCHANTS, No. 7S, North Levee, St. Louis, Mo. 8.4 17.64 Orders for Groceries and Manufactured Articles rately filled at lowest possible rates. Consignment for sale and re-shipment respectully solicited. Shipments 19.32 15.72 of all kinds will be faithfully attended to. Keferrences : Messrs. G H 3ea &. Co St. Louis 12.68 Bartlstt. McComb & Co do Gilbt-rt. Miles St Stannard do 20.60 6.40 Hon. W nBsfftnston, Auditor State or Missouri JOTIarm.m. Esi. Cairo City. III. 6.90 Messrs Moloiy, llro's fcCo' Kew Orleans, Louisiana J D Jackx.n. Kso.. do do 12.18 Messrs Hankie, Guild & Co, Cincinnati, 0. 4.08 P llanimar A Co Brardell k Crawford VoolruJ A Huntington, H.BilHrtcs, K,., Myl2. 1853 45-Sm do Louis-ville, Ky. Mabile, Ala. Beard s town, 111. 36.00 5.83 75,000 lbs. Bacon. 6.40 LTFORD & HORN, Sooora. Mo , have for sale, 12.07 for ca-sh, 76,000 peunds excellent bacon. v0n36-ly March 1, '63 B OOTS and SIIOES A Tremendous Stock, received, otiened.'and forsale, by I. T. WHYTE A CO. Land V7arrants. 17,009 Acres pf Land Warrants for silo snl loan to pre-enrters, by TYSON & HACKNEY. 5.80 4.00 i.n " V "" - " - - ' Nutaber 602. t V; I PROCLAMATION Ey the President of United StUtcs. In imrsnanee of law, I, James Buchanan, Presi dent of the United States of America, do hereby de clare and makt known that public sales will be held at tbe undermentioned lanl omces in tne .territory of Nebraska, at the periods hereinafter designated' to-wit: - At the land effice at BEO Vv S V 1LLE, eommencina on Monday tbe lixtk day of September next, for the i - i - 4 , i j . ,1.. ali : aispoeaioi tne puoiio lavnos wuuiu sirs luuywiug named townships, vis: North of the Bate Line, and aast of the 6 th prise MeridUn. ; . , That cart of township One outside of the Sae and Fox and Half-Breed Nemaha Reservation, of rangs 1. The parts of townships 1, 2, 3, and fonr, ontside of the ac and Fox and Half-Breed Nemaha Rercr vation, and fractional township 5 and 6, of range sixteen. That part of township one outside of tbe Sao and Fox Reservation; township 2, the parts of townshipu 3, 4, and 5, ontside of tbe Half-Breed Nemaha res--ervation, and fractional township 6 of range 15. That part of township 1 ontside the Sae and Fox Reservation, townships 2, 3. and 4, and that part of township 5 outeide of th Half-Breed Nemaha Res ervation, and township 6, of range 14. Townships 1,2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 of range 13. Townships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 12. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 10. Townships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 9. At the Land Office at NEBRASKA CITY, com mencing on Monday the sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named townships, vis : North of the Base Line and East of the sixth Principal Meridian. Fractional townships 7 and 8 of range 15. Township 7, and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11, anl 12 of range 14. Townships 7, 8, 9, 13, 11 and 12, and fractional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7, 8, V, 10, It, srnd fraction! Uwauklpa iz and l-i, ot range lz. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional town ship 12, of range 11. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional town ships 12, 13 and 14, of range 10. Townships 7, 8, and 13, and fractional townships 14, 15 and 10, of range 9. . At the Land Office at OMAHA CITY", eorameno- ing on Monday, tho sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the publio lands within the fol lowing named townships, vis: -North of the Base Line and east of the Eixth Prin cipal Meridian. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and 16 of range fourteen. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, of range 13. Fractional townships 12 and 13, townships 14, 15, and 16, and fractional townships 17, 18, 19 and 20, of range 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and IB, and fractional townships 19 and 20 of range 11. Fractional townships 12 13, and 14, and town ships i:. 16, 17, 13. 19, 20, of range :.0 i jactional townships 14, 15 and 16, and townships 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 9. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military, and other purposes will be excluded from tea sales. . The offerings of the above lands will be commenO' ed on tho day appointed, and will proceed in the order iis, which they are advertised, until the whole shall hava been offered, and the sales thus closud;but no sale to se kept open longer than two weeks, and no private cctry.of tbe lands will be admitted until alter tae expiration cl tho two woeKs; . -. :, Uivt-n under jSsy hand at the city of iash tngton this thirtieth day of March j . D.ono thousand cighC hundred and fifty-eight. -. . . JAMES BUCHANAN. By the Presided : , . inOMA3 A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the General Iand Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every persen entitled to the ri&bt of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships above enumerated is required toes tablish the same to the satiafaction of the Register and Receiver of the proper land office, ani make payment tbcreior as soon as practicable alter seeing this notice, and belore the day appointed tor the commencement of the nublic" salo of the lands em bracing tho tract claimed, otherwise such c'aim Vill be forfeited. THOS. A. 11 ESU KICKS, Commissioner of General Land Office Ipril 22. 1853 no 43 ' Sealed Ftopasals Directed to the Commissioners of Pawnee Connty will" be received from aud after this date, until the first Mon day in July next. For the erection of a Court Home ta Fawnet City, Pawnee County, N. T., of the fol lowing dimensions and style namely : Said house to be thirty feet long and twenty-four feet wide, two stories high, the lower story to be divided into four- apartments, in one end two rooms twelve feet square, a hall through the center eight feet wide. In the other end a room ten feet wide by 24 feet long; a plain open staircase leading from the hall to the Court Room above ; said Court Room to be twenty by twenty four feet and properly seated in plain style. The re mainder of the upper story to be divided into two equal ile, six feet 6ized rooms, two outsido doors three feet vi eight inches high, one and three-fourth inches thick; 6 inside doors, two feet eight inches wide, six and a half feet high, and one and a half inches thick all to be four pannels each. Eighteen windows, twelve lights each, 10 by 14 glass; windows and door casing, corners and base, plain square style; Grecian cornice seven mumbors; projection eighteen inches, and nine inches deep, returned with tbe rake; three coats of paint, white lead or zinc, inide and out. Said house to be a frame with osts and braces, with a good shingle roof, the bid der to furnish everything for the conpletion of tbe buil ding oak floors, juiuted and lined, walnut siding, dres sed, &c. Said building to be completed on or before tbe first of January, 18o. One half the price to be paid as the work progresses the remainder when finished. Dated at Pawnee city this 6th day of April, 1857. By order of the County Commissi, .neeri G.E. DOWNING, Atten County Clerk April 22 3m no 43. INotice. Persons indebted to tbe undersigned will come for ward and settle as longer indulgence will not be given llotei scrip taken at par. THOMPSON & MARSH. - Brownviile April 15rh, 1863. 2-tf a T. W. BEDFORD, HCDSON GF.ORG E County Surveyor Notary Public BEDFORD & GEORGE, SURVEYORS, CIVIL ENGINEERS, AND at on REAL ESTATE AGENTS BROWNVILLE NEBRASKA. Office on Main Street. 1 WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to them in the line of their profession. Will buy and sell be Land warrants, make time entries, attend to the selec tion and location of Government Lands, Survey Town sites, subdivide Lands. makeoutCity Plats, kc, Jtc, Having been located in the Territory fcr the past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for actual settlers. Will pay taxes, investigate titles, render assistance in contested cases at the C. S. and Land Office. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. WE REFER TO lion. W C Reynolds, Kingston, Penn. John J Pendleton, Esq.. Cincinnati, Ohio nonGalutiaA Grow Washington City, D C. on Hon Joseph G. Crane Dayton. Ohio Ryall & Charles, Land Agents, Sioux City, Iowa. Boater k Hedges, Bankers do do Lu.shbaugh& Carson, Bankers Brownviile, X. T. R. W. Furnas, Emj. do do D. W, C. Cleaver, Geological Engineer, ScTanton, Pa. Rufus R. Edward, Esq. St. Joseph Mo. Col. John G. Fell Waver ley Pa. Ws G. George, Real Estate Agent, Dayton Ohio es- April 8. 1S63 v2n41-yly LUTHER HOIDLKT. StOBEBT T. MCIR. HOADIaaCT & ML'IR, BroTtville, Xemaha Co., IV. T., Will select Government Lands ; locate Land War rants in Nebras-ka, Kansas, Western Missouri and Iowa: collect debts: Day taxes for non-residents; buy and sell property on commission ; Land War rants bought and sold at market prices ; Pre-emption papers prepared, Ae. We have for sale lota in the City cf Brownviile, accu South Brownviile, Nemaha City, Table Rock, Omaha, St. Joseph, Mo., 'El wood, Kansas Territory, Lands near Table Kock, rawnee county, tor sale. Also, Nemaha county, improved property for sale or rent. Offlce Corner main and First Streets. REFERENCES. Lucius nopkins,Prs't Importers k Traders'Bank N.T. David Hoadley Prs't Panama Railroad, Uru V, 1, uilllci'.i-vuaiKi vaa imuk, uu Lee, Butler k Co. Hartford, Conn, Collins. Kelloez tt Kirby St. Louis, Mo. Thomas W. Phelps Mobile, C.Wilson A Co. .-EaUw, Wm. P.Wcbb.At'T t " M. B. Osborn k Co- Rock Island, cheap Ja's Hrchibald. GenT AeTD.I-.&WJR.R. Scran Gillespie, Pearce k Con Bankers Carbondale, Rev. T.S.Ward jnst Lathorp k Jones Scran ton, Pa, B. G. Mone Red Falls N. Y. William Frothincham. Att'y ..-Albany, N. Rev. R. Nelson, Principal Wyoming Seminary, to J. A.Iiirkcr rf- Co., . Washington. II. l. A. T. Gilmer. Receiver Land Ofibo.-t Omaha Horace Everett, Council EluSTs, Urownville, April 1, ISU3. VTBOi.ES ALU AKOXTAl DtAlER T ' v. Ut, - - .4 i- I G rooorloG, WniES -MD. LIQTJOBS, Yo. 9, Main, Sired, BROWNVILLE, N. T. ' EATING purchased thoentire stock of Goods belong ing to J. B. Davis, together with large and extensive additions just received, am now prepared to furniah every variety of i Heavy and Fancy Groceries, i01t HOTEL AXD FAMILY USE. I have in store, and for sale cheap, a large supply ef COFFEE, Best 4a!ity Sao and Java TEA, quality and tvery price. SUGAR, Havana crushed and best article of brown susar. jMOLASSES. Large supply of superior New Orleans molasses. Bel- chers ana uoiaen syrup. TOBACCO AXD SEGARS, Extensive variety and all of the best brands. FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting ia part of PICKLES, A great variety and put up expressly for family ass. ..... . .. . , , PIE FRUIT, Zvery description of Fruit, men as Fresh Peaches. Apples, Cherries. Goose berries, Currants, iiubarb, s.c, For sale cheap and warranted fresh and good. OYSTERS AND SARDINES, A large supply of the best irands and warranted good TOGETHER WITH ' A large eurntity of various articles of domestic use too tedious to mention. WINES AND LIQUORS Port, Native. . Champagne, Muscat, . Sherry, and Claret Wines. ; Extra Quality cf French anil American Brandies, : v BRA'NDIED CHERRIES, . Troiares''Sbciaani' Schnapps, Old Monongehela, BourBonand Rye Whiskey, COMMOX WHISKEY, ALE, Me. CHEESE, Just received 50 boxes superior Western Reserve for sale cheap for cash. MILTON F. CLARK. Special Notice. ALL those holding accounts against J. R. Davis will call on tbe subscriber and have them cancelled; and those Indebted to him will please call and settle, as long' er indulgence will not be given. MILTON F. CIjAKK. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No, 163 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Fifth, Cincinnati, 0. C. ffVO'DRISCOIala & CO. t fanufacture and dealers in News, Book ana Job !L Typ, Printing Presses. Cases, dallies, &c, ic. Inks, and l'rintin-KMatcrinl of Every Description, STKItKOTYPtXfi of all kind Cooks. Music. Paten tModkine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrcvings, Ac, f c. Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, JOHN P. TYSOS. W. W. HACKNEY. TYS0H & HACKNEY, GENERAL LAND AGENTS. BttOWNVlLLE, KEMAHACO , N. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Land enwelon Time. Claims and Town Lots Bought and Sold. Lixan Money, Make Investments and Locate Warrants on etime, for Distant Dealers. Pre-Emption Papers Prepared. OFFICE A ext. door to U. S. Land Office. REFERENCES Geo. II. Nixon, Register L. O., C. B. Smith, Receiver, " Smock & Williams, Brownviile, K. T. Lexington, Mo. Omaha City. N. T. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Warren, Pcnn. Bt. Louis, Mo. St. Joseph, " L. It. Tuttie, B. R. I'egram & Co., Bankers, Hon, G. W. Scodeld, R. L. McGhee &. Co., Tootle & Fairleigh, Oct. 1. 'f.7 75 1'1'JS DUOKS, 'or sale, by I. T. WITYTE k CO. W. 1TKTT. PUETT M. U. WILKINSON. & WILKINSON, ' .llsSSiCsi ftlkaafi?!ilVi? i' AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OMADI, N. T. Will attjnd to all business entrusted to their care REFEKE.NCES Col. Jesse 'Williams, Gov. Jos. A. Wright, Mr. F. N. Koock, Hon. John G. Davis, Hon. Goo. I. Miller, Fairfield, Iowa. Indianapolis, Ind, Washington City. Rockville, Ind. Omaha City, N. T. ZOOK & BALDWIN, 3j,or,ot3t Ctry, ZVEo.v Dealer m 13 JEL "O C3r S , And MEDICINES. Cliemicals, Dye Woods, Dyestuffs, Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass arid Putty, GLASSWARE, Frerieh, Enslish, and American Perfumery. X ' 1 " C" MnI all. rrtnr mtv.a Ana liai, A A Cv toothbrushes, paintbrushes, surgical and dent r al instruments, spices, snuffs, manufactured tobacco; all the patent medicines of the day; pure wines anil brandies, for medical purposes choice toilet and fancy articles, ctcetc. Agents ror tne saie or Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagua. Dr. u . tt tt u u Osgood s India lbolago;ue, Jones' American Cholagogue; Guysott's Yellow dock and Sarsaparilla; Smith's Tonic Syrup. July 23, 1857. v2n1 Lightning Eods. STASD FR03I OTDER ! in Tr all whom It may concern, you are hereby informed that the undersigned is now en paced in putting up the best class of LiEhtnine Rods manufactured in the East, and on the most reasonable terms Having had long ex perience in the business, he warrants all work d ne by him to be done right. u. U. JiAitin REFERENCES. James Buchanan. Washiucton. D. C i J. C. Brecken Ala., Ala, ride, Washington, D C; Mrs Victoria, London, Enp. lard; Ljnis napoleon Bonaparte, Paris, France; Emper or Alexander, St. Petersburg, Russia. HI. Brown VIU.E March 6 no39tf. ton Pa. J. D. N. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, Y N.Y. lias resumed his professional business, and will prac tice in all the Courts of Nebraska, and tbe Courts Atchinson county, Mo. Office one door west of I. T. Whyte's Store, Brcwnvii: la. XebrasKa. Brcwnville, Apt il 22, 1KB. tO ly ( asNp wr-sat.. BHMJ& STORE, i Trent Street" BroYrnvIHe, Xebraska Territory, J. H. MAUN & Co., Has last received the LARGEST STOCK . , VEST OF SAIXT LOUIS, Consisting, ia part of the foUorin j article :, which they propose to sell Cheap for Cash: Pure white lead French sine Putty Castor oil Cod liver oil Sweet oil Olive oil Glue Patent medicines, all sorts Courfh candies Fancy candies Castile soap Toilet soap Washing soap Tooth brushes Eair brushes Cloth Brushes Almonds soft shell Bard shell Almonds Filberts, peacana Pea nat Figs Raisins Oysters in can Sardines Black and Imp Teas China sine Red lead Veuitian ref- Raw and burnt umbra Spanish whiting Chalk Turpentine Linseed oil Tanners oil Copal Tarnish Japan White Varnish Litherage Paint brushes ' Varnish brushes Sash and window tools Wall brushes Lettering Pencils Tuble paints Camel hair pencil Blenders Star candles Teast Powders. TOBACCO, Ot the best brands, chewing and smoking. Cigars fin est quality and flavor. FRUITS AXD LIQUORS. PresoTvad fruit for pies, brandied peaches, fresh pesv ehes In cans, pure liquors for medical pm-p , Jamaica rum, Hoi land Gin, Irish whisky, Bourbon whisky, ginger brandy. Cordial, Port wine, cherry wine, waild wine, Malaga wlue. v STATIOXERY. Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, gild edge notes, and envelopes, plain, fancy and embossed; pens and pen holders, inks of all kinds, inkstands and Fabcrs pencils, sealing wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries, Comprising Lyon's Kathairion, cologne, pom made genuine ox marrow, bear grease and oila, musk and es sences of all kinds and of the finest quality. 63" Physicians' Prescriptions attended of the day and night. ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or IS " O tfM jflIX SV iSa Pal H OV 7 &&lu Consisting of TEAS, FIGS, SUGARS, COFFEE, RAISIXS, CU'RRAXTS, JIOLASSES, SOAP, TOBACCO, CAXDLES, POWDER AXD SHOT "With all articles usually found at such places, They invite their friends and the pnblio generally to give them a cal 1, and they pledge themselves to give them satisfaction as to price and quality of their goods. TERMS CASH KXCIalTSITEIaY. Nov. 21, '57-v2-nI2 Watchmaker k Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK PORT, MO. BEGS leave to Inform the public that he has located In the above named town and offers for sale a choice stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, and other articles usually kept in such establishments at prices which cannot be complained of. Being an exper ienced watchmaker he flatters himself that in repairing watches, clocks and jewelry he can give perfect salisfac tion. 19 6m. Land Warrants! FOR CASH AND ON TIME, To Pre-emptors. Buy of regular dealers, and avoid bogus warrants. All warrants sold at the effiee afe guaranteed to be genuine in every respect, and will be exchanged if de fective. LUS.TBALGH 4. CARSOX. Bmkers and Dealers in Land Warrants. Brownviile. N. T.. April 22. 1S58. n43 M.41VLTACTORY. NO. 10, MAIN STREET, Brownviile. X. T. WILLIAM T. DEN, Respectfully informs the public that he has Jnst re ceived bis new stock of B t and Shoe material, and is now prepared to furnish any desired article in his line at as low prices as any other establishment In the Ter ritory. A il work warranted. He hopes Ly strict atten' ion to business, and keeping constantly on hand a superior assortment of Leather, Trimmings, Ac, for borne manufacture, to still merit that liberal patronaift which he has he retofore received. Ej-itepairing ''one on the shortet notice. 5 All work to be paid for on delivery. April 22. v2nl Xebraslia 3Ioney Take IVoliee From and after this date we will not take any Ke bruka paper except the Platte Valley Bank and Bank Nebraska, only at a discount of ten pur cent. 1. I. WHYTE i. Co. Brownviile, March 8th, 1353. no38. JOHN A. PARKER & CO., 1TASIIIXGTOX, . C. JOHK A. PARKER, late Repister of the Land Office, Omaha, N. T., having resigned his office will hereafter, n Donnection with one of the best Lind Lawgivers in the country, attend to all business conlided to him; and es pecially Which he has made himself thorough iy acquainted with by study and practice for years. lie refers to the Heads of Departments and Members of Congress of both Mouses.. All applications for services must be accompanied with a fee to insure intention. January 23, 1853. no31-ly BROWIIVILLE STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON. Brownvlllo, UNT. T". N. B. We would rosneotf ully inform tho citi- sens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we have always on hand a large and well selected supply of LUMBER) which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in the territory. Market prices paid lor logs delivered at the yard or on the bank of tbe river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receiv our immediate attention. T. II. EDWARDS. ' ANDREW J. BERRY. EDWARDS & BERRY, Proprietors of tho NEBRASKA HOUSE. y.T Brownviile, X.T. The undersigned havmg entered into a co-partnership in tbe hotel business at the above named House, and bavins made an entire change of rooms, Ac, and comple tely repaired and renovated the whole establishment, they are prepared to accommodate the travelling public and regular boarders In a style not surpassed by any other hotel in the Territory. Charges Moderate, and every facility offered to place onr puesta at ease, and supply them as near as posaible.with tbe comforts of a home. April 8, 1868. n4!-2m EDWARDS k BERRT. JOIIK. P. UNSET. CHAS. T. HOLLT. KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, XEBRASKA CITY, 1. T. Will practice in the Courts of this Territory. Collec tion and ciminal business attended to throughout Ne braska. Western Iowa and Missouri. Will attend tbe Courts at Brownviile. - r2n33-3m in 33 husk M ittrufccs just received at th stre of Aus- 6, lain. , luSj I. T. WHYTE. Boot & Sh.OQ VICTORIOUS OVEXl PACT. DRACO'S ARCTIC LINDIEaT." s"nj ov ease teai.ii ! Life er j.yN. , an tin question ii m( adoption or reiscti Asrony or ea-a ! ?;cknM teai.ii ! Life t drsUkl Th atoltMiJ ia the ctio l till aw- ( "i , , i 1 ciiic by tl.e niartyra to (iliniil fl . - f cuteawsaaa uijunirs. iia'iof is- cctrtd tli laslvrMenirnt of th di tiuguishad taran, the late Iia. Ka.S t, and inr'licaey tftd dur ing1 two aaful Vi inter ia tbe 1 ;ion of eternal tea, it Is ao eoax ing into general la vry tioo of tlx civilised globe, aad fta marveloii cure aj ertsrTwhwe exciting aatoui.'shuMtut. THE AFFLICTED REJOICE. ECXPnErS and THOCSAKM hare tla fi irjoicinz in y. iingvriug V .VV hicUlhr IU virtiwM, aad era fitMm from kvinc AI.V anil MhEASr, Uir remedied had fi.W-t to euro, 1 late yon U Br.l CHinA KtLiUltilA. F11HT- F JTflE ARCTIC LIXTiICsT .'ill afTor.l Instant mmiUf. ' tvery body is liable Ul "AND J -co For these tlisilful accident il-e AlltTIC IJM.Ur-NT should b j sept on l.sml, for il alforda ar tswaa- oold the j exj lotjona and collisions, doaanot - fl that some mean ! r-l.mj leir trti!i should always b aecesniiUa f Suehdomeaistiathia 1 M ATI SHI, K l'.tlrtlA, kAiU ! ii v -KiflTII.AfllK . a ia M rv. atliictwt wiih Ol.l bOUS at J22r :T..:. ferine, from nittlSI, H'KAINA mm, r . r .,; , Pir j? ana immaoiai reiit, outn sav V ; 3- "'S from death. Kery ati lY vt'.Oi ,V lt and nilroad train sli A A' ' '.; V fy keen It. Who that las heard lYf OvVU!-'! alirlvka efaneuiah ctttered y at-? X. scnlvled and nuiimed victini . " v-'- tl V . . , . . 1. L. It cures CAKVS S TTfB . PRE ART, FORK MITliiJ, SOKE MI'S, MJIl'Jja, to. U die whft rii a pure akin, Ttwl f hwa-U. Mulch. rt and ail diMZolorationa and ta crejicencos. si ioii Id attack - .t7i :i ( i thoe tiesiimMers on bat' '-4 domain s won they aprea 4 Willi the Ai:criC UMJlrT. '. H U excellent for the Hair, eiviue itahenlUiy. ttosay ap- 1vir?ti. ..J pearuuee. Itia GOOD TOU LXAXT AND BEAST. It is a sorertipn temedy fbt the vnrioua uiwraiiea witk i whirb hordes araafilicUd, eur I o the most aIannioffeoJ PislIK.S. SPHAINS, MltlMj. lATV.il- toxo- IU1A. . livery ptprnow IS KM, valua ble remedy. ror sale j all respccta'cla Dr;i(s!,' and Dealer. -Prices of t!ie Liniment, 15 cents, CJc-nt-and SI a bet. tie. A one-dollar bottle contiuus as mucir lauisueat ae eight twenty-live-ceut bottles XamAOPsOESARY AsxorxcniESTe - Krery nurcl.a.r of a dollar Vittla of the.AI.CTlC IJM- IMKNT receire. at Pr. liiagir's e.xpeuse, the tMIKH STATES JOL'RVAl, of New a oik, for one year, me Journal is a large illustrated papereach number eoe- taininj sixteen paci, beautifully printed on clear nj paper, and Blle.1 with original matter tnwn the mot brd Fiant writers of the country. Certiticate of suhscnptiosi and Tiill particulars of the novel and plnlanlhropie en terprise, or which this oiler forms a part, will accompany each bottle. . . . . An AGKN'T WANTFT) In FTFKT TO'.V.v and Ji J Jii,a. BUAGCJ at; BtKllOWES, St. Iuls, Mo. itw Yoi:k Omnt. No. S71 KROADWAT. Communications should always be addressed to St. Iaaia, J. H. MAUN & CO., Agents, Brownviile, N. T. O. H. M'LACOHI.I ihj. uussai. Mclaughlin & borset, km Main Street, BrottnTllle, N. T-, Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, investiKatc tines , Buy and sell property on commission, iurnisn tana warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business. Particular attention paid to tho selection of Govern ment land and the location of land warrants for partita residing at a distance. - 1 McLAUGULlX it DORSET respectfully refer u , George II. SiXou, Esq., Register Brownviile Land Oflice. , Chirles B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys Xemaha Land District. Robert W. Furnas. E-q., Editor Advertiser Drown vine 4 Messrs. Lnshbatish & Carson, Bankers, Brownviile, lion. W. M T. Hamilton, Ilacrstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Xcwconier Esq. Baltimore, Md. - O II Barnet, Esq , Dayton, Ohio. lion. Tenner Furguson, Dele;ale In Congress from Nebraska Terrritory, Washington, 1). C. John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney tit Law, Peru, Ind. Brownviile, April 22. no-IStf DISSOLUTION OF PARTXERSUIP. The nartnershin between J. II. Maun and A. 3. Holla- day in the Drus business under the name and style ot J. II. Maun & Co, commenced April 10th 1S58, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued in the nume of A. 3. Holladay, who will settle the affairs of the late firm. A. S. HOLLADAT, May 17, 'oS, 47-3t J. II. MAUN. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Holladay & Arnold dissolvel partnership in the practice of Medicine and the Drug business, April loth. lS5d. Either will attend to the settlement of the busi ness of the firm. Those knowing themselves Indebted: wi.l save cost of suit by calling immediately and paying their indebtedness. A. S. nOLLAOAT, May 17, '&3. 47-3t WM. ARNOLD. W. II. WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL PKALKR IM STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, ZVTo., TAKES pleasure in announcing thecitiier.s of Or gon and tho public in gcncrul, that he has on hand the niot extunsive stock of Stoves aad Tin ware, ever offered in this market. Illy stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Kctall at St. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tihtand Premium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove no w in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, I'ioiicer and prise Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves . Of various Sixes and Patterns, which I wiM ' SELL LOWER THAN ANY IIOCSE IN TOWX. Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in tho town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice anl on reasonable terms. Old copper, Brass and I'ewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, vl-n5 Cre;on, Mo., July 5, 1959. Patent" Portable Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a .rtnership under the firm of Heed, Uolabird k Co., t manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of a trood Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill intbs world. On tho late exhibition ot the MechanH institute in Cincinnati, a Gold iledal was award, them for it. It is adapted to all Grain rri nd in it purposes; it : superior toall others forthcmostextcr.sire Mercha Mill, as it is for grinding the fanners leea by Hon power. The above Mills are manufactured by the node signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where th: con be furnished in anyquantity atshort notice. The above Mills warranted to perfom as follows 38 ia. diam., per hour 50 B. Cora, 25 Wheat, $ 301 30 u u u so u 15 , jy. 24 tt u .i u 20 " 13 " 2f 20 tt u ia g u if,. As this Mill tells its own story.it is unnecessary U quote from our numerous recommendations.received. Eadc Mills. ST. JOSEPH. MO. JAMES CARGILL Proprietor. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand for sale, all kinds of Flonr. 3Icftl, and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly fill 4 on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to everybody that ever used it. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30,1858. vln!3- j ivxi lii:ia.o:ry . A snperior stock of Millinery and Dreta Goods at ay new Milhrery etab'.i.-hment, one door above Lushbaufh k Carson's Backing Ilouse, Brownvitle. K. T. 4;tr mart Traxiia. JOHN McDONOUGII. House, Sign, & Orm mental Pdntei GLAZIER, 4-c. XHIOTJT . I lli:, X. T, - -IcaersikaUtMrlcXtat tie Ciij Prcg Store. .Q XT VX" ' .k t 'as - 1 it.iS saa-i J onyjaiii couuwumipui. tm , THE II0TEEES' COirPAMON. ' Vi I Ti HALT. V()UMS, i I V -'L' VJ IX SWFJCNV. hl'AVU. 1 L C 1f,'i V r.OK. t!'J-HEAI, ' ?. -'c V . ' EVII e. K farniar, Y-wV; FFSs 3 stable keeper, or any V ,:t .rU-J ownirr valnable IH)1 in ''jl flioul l be without Uiia