Jt f . i 1 f&aema THE ADVERTISER, It. W. FURNAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MOUSING, JttiC 31S58. Absence the greater part of 'tae pre sent week, is our apology for so meagre en amount cf editorial. s-, On the first page will be foand the Democratic Address" to the Territorial Democracy." v'In'Tiif" rSitlssae" we "shall "be able.' to lay before-our readers the doings of the PlattsiiioVir Convention which meets ta- f (look oat for Premiums. We have purchased, and just received "from" 'ihe celebrated 'Bock Herd" of De tons, New York, ! a pair male and fe male of fine calves, "Nemaha" and ."Minnehaha."' - We intend to bo on hand , ' at,the coming County Fair .with them. While speaking of the fair and premiums; ''" justf "count us in" on cattle, swine, shang hais, fruit, vegetables,, flowers, ana orna- menial residence. Eev.T.W.TIptta. We neglected last week to notice th t "commencement cf this Rev. gentleman's "labors in this city. ' Perhaps notices, by "partizan presses, of religious efforts, may by some, be considered somewhat out of lace. let, m this . instance, the very favorable impressions made, and evidence given of thorough theological scholarship, tpgether with thejride we feel in. so va . ' luable an acquisition to our list of citizens, wilUifldoubtedly be sufficient apology, if ,any is nexessary. We. have. known Mr. Tipton by' reputation for years; first in the legal profession, .as occupying a lead z ing position at the Ohio Bar ; and for six years past, as a very useful and highly ;preckted-Mtt&iSter tf the Gospel." We ,z rtpcalcbut the 'language, of all ' who have "''enjoyed--'the "privilege' of hearing him when we say his equal is seldom found, as toripe scholarship," reasoning powers; in : fact all the requisites necessary to inter c&t arid instruct an audience. " He locates here in compliance with a call from our Citizens ; is delighted with ' our city and '"surrounding Country' and we trust his la tors may be crowned with the most satis v, factory 'success. .. ; . ' In another column will be found the proceedings of "another public meeting '.'relative to Land Sales. Yet, another ... meeting will.be . held next week in the ; ..western part of this, county. We are ti pleased to see the actual settlers moving energetically in this matter. .-. We suggest the calling of a general - mass meeting of the whole county at an early day, at some convenient point, ' where and when a full expression of the whole people may be had. -r Sale of Lots. . . .The sale of City Lots, which took place J on Monday last, went off in a most satis ' factory mlnner. Considering the tight ness of the times the prices were extre ' mely good, ranging from six hundred dollars to one hundred. Most of the lots were sold to persons who will immediate i ly improve them. Returned. We are pleased to announce the return ' of Judge Black to his new home in Ne braska. He is in good health and spirits, and will enter with renewed energy upon ' the arduous duties of his office as Judge of "the Second Judicial District. - 1 Complimentary. That spirited and well conducted paper, " the Rock Port Banner, in referring to the : ''sale of city lots in this place on Monday 1 last, pays our city the following compli ment: , .. iThis is, with one exception the largest city in the Territory, and is rapidly in creasing. We question whether there is ' icity in Nebraska, the future prospects cf which are better than Brownville situ ated on the river, the " county-seat of. a , county rich in agricultural resources, con ' taining a population noted for their enter ; . prising spirit, go-ahead-ativeness and t abhorence of old fogyism, it must evi ". dently be a city of importance. Capital- " ists, speculators, and those seeking a good ''"location for a home, should attend the sale on next Mondaj'. The investment will prove a profitable one. . Prospect In Finances- - .Since it is determined,-whether we hare peace or not, to keep an extensive ,. military depot in Salt Lake Valley, it is : r quite certain that the expenditure of mo ! ney by Government in the West will con tinue throughout the entire season. In addition to the .large amount already , about to find its way into the channels of circulation: through disbursing agents, t- eeveral million more will yet be expen- iedV ; ' ; ' " The St. Louis "Evening News of the 20 th says : : "It is announced from Washington that "the Committee of Ways and Means, af- tet conference with the Secretary of the ' Treasury, have determined to bring in a : bill t5 authorize a United States loan cf fifteen million of dollars, instead of pro ' viding' for another issue of Treasury - Notes. - The "loan will be a decided re - lief measured It will draw permanently " from ' the New York Banks a Urge a ' mount of sepcie and start it to circulating i through the country. ' jThe expenditures on the part of the Gove rnment will neces-- be rapid and 1 krge, for, a year to come. Our Delegate, Hori Fesxeii Febgc- 4 son has again placed uk under obligations K) him for a continuance of favors DiCccItics with England. We are pleased to observe the firm and prompt action of the Administration in re pressing the domineering spirit which Engtaid has .' recently ; manifested in'rer gard to ,the ri jht cf search. I Ourvsea men have lofcj been subjected to incdnj reniencei ana; outrage v from' .the proud Queen oF the occaa under the pretext of right to search vesseh under certain circumstances. Ine wnole matter Las been laid before Congress : The documents transmitted to ' the Sen ate include v letter, from Gen. Cass of May 10ih,' to Secretary- Toucey, asking lha: a vessel of .war be .sent to the Cuban coast, with instructions to render prompt protection 5 to all American vessels. The Secretary of 'ther- Navy wrote to the Prtisident on the 1 la of May, that theU. S. steamer Fulton . had been ordered to cruise actively on the northeast coast of Cuba, and take such measures as may be deemed necessary to protect all vessels of the' United State;?. Orders have been given for (hi immediate preparation of the razee Savanah and the Brig Dolpnm to join the ' home squadron for the pur pose of: cruidng in the nighborhood of "Cuba, iind that the steam frigate Wabash now fitting out in Is lew x ork as the flag ship of the Mediterranean squadron, had been directed to show her flag in those watersVand protect the property of Amer icaa citizens. ' . . ' . Secretary Cass to Mr. Dallas, May 18 says, when all the facts have heen ascer tained, proper - representations will be made without delay to the Government of Her Majesty agaicst this search ml ves sels belongirg to the United States by the naval forces of another power within the territorial jurisdiction of Spain. The Government of the United States is fully satisfied that the Government of that country will adopt the most efficient means to protect our vessels resorting to Spanish ports from lawless 'violence. Such pro tection they are entitled to, and if it is not secured elsewhere, it must be in the power of our country. ' Mr. Cass says he is not informed wheth er any injury was sustained in consequnce or the proceedings against these vessels if there were, it i j expected it will be made good by, the Spanish Government, or by means of its -intercession with the government of Great Britain. These fla grant outrages against the United States, he addds, Lave excited deep feeling in the United btates, and have attracted the attention of both Houses of Congress Their continuance cannot fail to produce the most serious euects upon the rela turns of. the two countries. , The Presi dent confidently believes the British na vai officers, in the adoption of these hijrh handed measures, have acted without au thority, anJ have mistaken the views of their Government, but it is not the less due to the United States that their con duct be disavowed, and that peremptory orders be issued to prevent the recur rence of similar procedings. You will communicate to Earl Malms- bury the reasonable expectations of the President that this subject shall receive the immediate attention of her Britanic Majesty's Government, and that the offi cers who have been guilty of these out rages shall be held properly responsible tor their conduct, and that where pecuni ary losses have been sustained, the inte.r ested parties shall receive just consider ation. Land Sales in Kansas Postponed. By our Saint Louis papers of the 21st, we are able to lay before our readers in formation of the postponment of the sales of public lands, in Kansas. Telegraphic dispatches from Washington of the 20th state that Messrs.- Winchell, Morrow and Branscombe, Com missioners, appointed at the bettlers Mass Convention m Kan sas to procure a . postponement of the land sales or procure a loan fund for the squatters, have had in company with Mr. rarrot, delegate frcm Kansas, an inter view with the President, who intimated his willingness to postpone the sale unti October if they thought it best, but de sird them to call cnthe Secretary of the interior, lhe latter stated that the poll cy of the Government wiuld be to sel all the puhlic lands possible the present year tor the purpose of revenue, but con sented to oefer the sales in Kansas unti November 1st and 15th, when they wil take place. T J . 1 . rangeraent extends to NebraskaW not ii uoes not arrear wnetner mis ar. the presumption however is that both ter ritories will be placed on an equal footing. oi f. Jo. uaz. , ' Billy Bowless. The famous chief Billy Bowlegs with one hundred and twenty-three men, wo men and children of his tribe were col lected at the lest accounts ready to leave Florida for ever. Assinowah had also come in with all Lis family to the west with the others. ' Halleck Tustenugge was prepared to leave, but had returned to the cj'press swamps to endeavor to pre vail upon Sara Jones and his party to go also.' The old chief, Sam Jones, it is re ported, will not listen to leaving. He is now blind and unable to walk without the aid of a stick. He has eleven warriors in his band, all of whom are much attached to him. Thcj e is something solemn in this remnant cf a warlike people leaving the Everglades in which they have so long defied th utmost efforts of the white man to expel -.hem. As for the blind old chief who still refuses to go, why not let him end his days, which' are-few, in the land cf his fathers, and leave his bones among those cf the mighty but nameless of his race ? '"'.''' ! There is another band of Indians who have been used to trade in boats with the Bahama Islands. The steamboat Range with some "of Billy Bowlegs men had gone in search of them toMatteo Bay. It was expected that , when found they would agree to go, but so far the search after them had been entirely unsuccessful. Secretary of Kansas. , Secretary Denver having received the appointment of Governor of this Terri tory, and having accepted that important position, Hugh S. Walsh Esq., has been appointed Secretary. . Mr. Walsh has been connected with the duties of Secre tary for tearly a year past, and we have no hesitation in saying that he' will attend to the duties of the office in sach a man ner as to give satisfaction to the govern ment and do credit to himself. Lecomp fon Bern. Jcdse Black Presentation Cere mony. , Weclipthe following accofcnt of an in teresting presentation ceremimy from the ittsburg Post of the loth inst : Avery interesting ceremony took place at the St. Charles Hotel, where the mem bers of the Scott Legi&o of Pittsburg pre sented to their v former commander, Col. W. Black, a sen-ice of plate. J The mettinjr was called to ordex.-and Captain Alexander Hays was appointed President, and bergeant John iteynoias Secretary- ' " ";' - ' The. President stated the object of tne meeting, after which Mr. C. H. '. Rippey, on the part of the Scott Legion, stepped forward and said to Col Black" that on the eve of his departure to a farMistant home his companions in armsof-the Scott Le gion had. designed to present to him,, a testimonial or their respect ana grauiuae. He then "alluded to the; Col's fine quali ties as a soldier and a man, as displayed in his kindiess to those under hii com mand in sickness, trouble or distress. It was not necessary for any testimonial to be presented to keep those pleasant mem ories alive u the hearts of, those present but in after years, when the : Colonel and the rest had grown grey, these tokens wodd bring back pleasing recollections. He,' therefore, on the part of the Scott Legion, presented this service to him, with the best wishes of the body, one and allfor his future prosperity; " ' The service consisted of a salver, pitch er, and a pair of goblets, all of massive silver, neatly engraved ."Colonel b. V. Black Scott Legion." On the pitcher was the following: ; . ' VERA CRUZ CERRO GORDO PUEBLA. PRESENTED TO COLONEL S. W. BLACK, SCOTT "LEGION ; OF PITTSBURG, 1S5S. In accepting the service Colonel Black said if he possessed the utmost art of an actor, he could not assume any teeling equal to the reality which stirred and swelled his bosom, and if he possessed the art of concealing his emotions, he could not restrain that sensibility to which he- was constrained to yield. ' For the first time he ' was embarrassed, and his faculties refused to do their office. Word hitherto, always at his command, had fled, he almost feared, forever. If all the friendly ,' influences of this place, where he had ' spent so many years, had com bined together to make him happy by' one act of kindness, they could have contriv ed no better demonstration than this. The splendid gift he accepted gratefully, without attempting to thank the givers for all they had done for him, feeling that if in the midnight hour, 'in their 'career abroad, he had made one hour hang less heavy to a comrade, the mention of it this evening was a rich and a large reward He was about to leave his old home for a new one, where a new career was marked out for him and all belonging to him. On this pitcher was engraved Cerro Gordo, Vera Cruz and ' Puebla; on his heart was engraved 'the name of every one in the Scott Legion. After a few feeling and appropriate remarks in rela tion to the American volunteers, he con eluded by saying that he would take this splendid offering with him to the far, fair, fertile west, which was to be the future home of himself and children, and it shall occupy a place there with his others, the onlyjewels he possessed; closing with an invocation of "uod s blessing and its richest abundance, now and forever," upon Mr. Ripley and his companions in arms of the bcott Legion. The meeting then adjourned, and the Colonel was cordially congratulated by many old friends. The occasion was one of touching interest, and went off very pleasantly. Arizonia. We have advices from Arizonia to the 1st' of April. Letters from Tuezon, Tu bac, and other points in the western parts of the Territory, report a miserable con dition of things in the valley of the San ta Cruz. The Apaches continue to sweep over the country without molestation or hindrance. These savages had made j recent foray upon the Mexican and Amer ican mining settlements near Fort Bu chanan, and were, on their retreat, pur sued by a company cf dragoons from the Fort, and seventy or eighty Pomos Indi ans. The troops proceeded in the style laid down in the books, and the Apaches escaped, favored by the beacon of danger furnished by the camp-fires of the sol diers. The Pimos were immediately dis irusted with the scientific warriors. About fifty families were preparing to leave the valley for California, from fear of the In dians. They had been worried by the savages, and neglected by the govern ment so long, as to have lost the resolu tion, as well as the material resources necessary to their own defense. The settlers want three or four companies o: volunteers for their protection. Utah News. We learn from a gentleman just from Fort Leavenworth, that the news of Gov Cumming's entry into Salt Lake has been fully confirmed. Brigham Young had no official notice of his removal, but formal ly resigned when Governor Cummin? presented himself. There was a grand demonstration on the part of the mor mons, and much ado generally over hi3 excellency. General Johnson was great Iv distrusted at the tame conclusion to which affairs were tending.- St. Jo. Gaz. Omaha an Exporting City. We are not jealous, not a bit ! We rejoice at the prosperity of our friends at Omaha, and congratulate them upon the fact that their town is beginning to ship goods down the river as far as St. Louis. The Hannibal which passed down on Sun day, carried down two full stopks of dry goods for St. Louis in the same packages in which they went vp and the Captain informed us that his return freights from Omaha are getting to be quite an item. On Monday the Carrier brought down a large lot of Pine Lumber, which had been sent from bt. Louis to Omaha, and from there brought back here,, without ever leaving theboat I Omaha is getting to be the shipping point of the Territory Jm. City .Aeira, Omaha Correspondence. Omaha, May 22, 1S5S. DEHOCBATIC CO 5 VEST ION. This af terioori, at 2 o'clockthe' Con vention of lhe 'Democracy of Douglas county assembled for the purpose of per fecting the organization of the. party ini this county,'" ind appoint delegates to at-' tend the Plattsmouth Territorial Conven tion. A committee on resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting was appoint ed, who reported in favor of a thorough organization at this 'time by the Demo cracy -of Nebraska. - : Gors Richardson -was invited by the meeting; through a committee, to attend the Convention, and in discharge of their duty they waited upon him, and he ac companied the committee to the hall where the Convention was assembled, to which he was introduced by the President, O. D. Richardson The Governor replied in an appropriate honorable and consistent democratic speech, and retired amid the applause of tho convened audience, who had listened with marked attention to the sound and reasonable counsels of our democratic Chief Magistrate. A committee was appointed to select names, to be submitted to the uonvention for their approval, as the proper persons to attend as delegates to the Plattsmouth Territorial Convention. The committee, after lengthy deliberation returned with the ns.mes of the following gentlemen : R. W. Steele and A. B. Malcom, of Florence ; John Steinberger, of Elkhorn; H. D. Johnson, of Saratoga; O. D. Rich ardson, A. J. Poppleton, W. A. Guire, Armstrong, T. H. Robertson, A. J. Hanscora, and G. Clayes, of Omaha. The report of the committee was adopt ed. ' Many prominent and ' unflinching democrats were solicited to act as dele gates, but refused to serve. An effort was made by the committee to obtain a compromise sentiment in the delegation. A county democratic central committee was chosen. IL D. Johnson introduced a resolution adopting the Cincinnati platform of demo cracy, and unequivocally endorsing the administration of James Buchanan. This latter clause threw a political fire-brand into the Convention, and a motion was made to lay the whole matter on th? table, after a prolonged discussion. The house was divided, and the teller dishon estly, for many in the house considered it nothing else, reported a count showing that the meeting refused to table the reso lutions, when in fact it was the reverse, as was evident to all present, and the mover must have been satisfied of that fact, for, on motion to strike out the en dorsing clause, he withdrew his resolu tions on a motion for leave by the meet ing, which was done to produce harmony and concert of action in the Convention . Such tricks as this attempt at miscount has been done by tho sanction of this same teller before. Opposition should be made to wrong doing, whether , it be by tellers or presidents, and as much in one party as in another, as error never should be sanctioned or encouraged in any man ner whatever. It is threatened by one of the delega tion that he will introduce a similar reso lution before the Territorial Convention, let the consequences be what they may to the party.' i r : From expressions gathered from the solid democracy of this county, it is be lieved that it is the desire that no endor sement of either wing of the party shall be made. . As was said in the Convention by the introducer of the firebrand resolu tions let '"by gones be by gones," which it is hoped may be adhered to by all parties and delegates at that Convention. Let a series of platform resolutions be introduc ed and adopted which may express the opinions of the party as to the course of the party hereafter to be pursued, and the principles upon which we can all con sistently stand. Let the past be forgot ten, and an effort of conciliation be made for the future. PRINCIPLES OF PLATFORM. Let that Convention adopt the Cincin nati Platform ; show their devotion to the entire Union as a nation, and opposed to sectionalism; adhere closely and strenu ously to the States rights' doctrine. Let the principle of popular sovereignty, . as we wish to see it carried out in this Ter ritory.be early promulgated by the action of this Convention. Let it be embodied as it is the nearly universal expression of the citizens of Nebraska, without refer ence toparty, that the Constitution of Nebraska, as well as other Territories, should, before going to Congress, be sub mitted to those who are to be governed by it, for their sanction or rejection. Then let Congress either accept or reject by a vote alone, without new bills, amendments or provisos. So frame the Platform that it cannot be easily miscontrued, and. embody every essential principle of the Nebraska De mocracy. Meet every question boldly, and leave no question open upon which unreasonable test may be raised by those in power. ' Consider every voter a leader of demo cracy, and the only test to be applied shall be the platform of democratic principles as framed and adopted by that Conven tion. . Endorse no man, men, or party, nor condemn none ; but let every individual who deems proper, after perusing the platform, enroll his name among the rea-1 sonable and true democracy. The democracy should adhere closely to their old and long cherished principles, antfbe harmbniousf "otherwise defeat may be anticipated ; fof the Republican party everywhere are jumping flat-footed on, to,' and adopting the true principle cf po pular sovereignty, to which they say they have been driven by the democracy leav ing it and adopting their principle of in tervention by Congress in reference to the Territories. ' Let reason rule ' in" the midst of the coancils of that Convention, and not upon the ' principle "of ' that man who would be leader by saying that the party to which he 'belongs can: do no wrong; Hot'headsif permitted to lead and rule, may be the ruin and downfall of the democratic party, although there is a consolation that they cannot destroy the true principles, upon which that party outrht to' stand The will of the democracy in every county and precinct should be expressed by platforms of principles, which should be taken to that Convention, which should embody the sentiments therein set forth. In that manner the will of the people may be known, otherwise their sentiments may not be represented, but only those of the appointees', who may have objects in view more to answer their own ends than to subserve the interests of the people. 1 ' " ' BANKS. It wa3 rumored here a few day3 since that the Tekama Banking House at St. Louis had refused to pay out, which, of course, set our citizens actively at work- to learn the cause, and the result was that the merchants and others refuse to take it. The teller at the Bank did not know anything about the bank breaking, as he hid received no news from St. Louis; living in the country, he had not even learned that they had stopped taking his money at Omaha, until some gentleman from Iowa presented their money at the counter for redemption and payment re fused as usual for months lack. The Banking house, safe and furniture, have been attached to pay certain bill-holders who had been taking their money in good faith and confidence. There was considerable of the Tekama money afloat in this community, and was the principal medium of trade in circula tion, and was the first to be paid in and paid out by nearly every person who had purchases to make or debts to discharge. Doubts are again expressed in reference to the Florence Bank, although they still redeem small sums at their counter. Wabeek is beginning to be cried down as unsafe. The result of all this financial embar rassment causes many to doubt and falter in other matters when there is really no necessity for it. It produces hardships in all ranks. With the laborer, it takes of ten all he has and leaves him without immediate resources to procure even the necessaries of life, and the trader neces sarily beihg compelled to take the cur rency in circulation, is often caught with hundreds iin his possession. All indeed who handle much money are called upon to mourn the loss of a much respected but departed friend. WAWKO. Land Sales. At a public meeting of the actual set tlers held the 10th May 1858 in Town ship no. 6 range 14 Nemaha County, Ne braska, on motion of W. G. Hackett sec onded by Jas. Wright, E. W. Reid was chosen chairman and II. Crawford ap pointed secretary. The chairman then called upon Mr. Hackett to explain the object of the meet ing which he (Mr. H.) did in a speech of considerable ability and force, deprecat ing in severe terms the mandate of the President ordering the sale of the pub lic lands of this Territory in Sepiember next. He showed the fearful consequen ces that would follow to a great majority of us by the .sale, as we were unable at present to pay for our claims, and will consequently be rendered homeless and destitute. He concluded by urging the propriety of our petitioning the House of Representatives for relief. The Secretary brought forward and read a petition to the House of Repre sentatives, which set forth the real con dition of us, the actual settlers. It em braced the views set forth by Mr. Hack ett, and prayed the House to grant us more time such a length of time as might be reasonably supposed we ought to be able to pay for our lands, without material injury to ourselves, our friends, or the Territory at large. The petition being submitted to the meeting, was unanimous ly agreed to. Resolved, That the Secretary write to Hon. A. C. Curtis of Iowa, respectfully requesting him to take charge of and present the petition to the House of Rep resentatives. Moved by Mr. II. Crawford, and sec onded by Mr. Barnard Minnick, that Messrs. Reid, Hackett and Battie, be a committee to secure signatures to the pe tition. Resolved, That the proceedings cf this meeting be sent to Mr. Furnas, Editor of the Brownville Advertiser, respectful ly requesting him to publish the same in his paper. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet again at the same placf on the 17th inst. EPHRAIM W. REID, Chm'n. Hcch Crawford, Sec'y Thirty-Fifth Congress- HOUSE. From the proceedings of Congress of the 12th of May, we clip the following items of interest to the people of this Ter ntory'j ' . : ' , j ! Mr. Cobb, from the Committee on Pub lic Lands, reported adversely on the pe tition of the trustees of the University of Nebraska, which was laid upon the table. "MrTCobb. The Committee on Public Lands have had under consideration the joint resolutions of the Legislature of Nebraska, and sundry memorials relative to the establishment of a new surveyor's district in that Territory, and have in structed me to report adversely thereon. The proper department have determined to 'move the surveyor general's office from Kansas to Nebraska City, which is nearer the center of the district, and that super sedes the necessity of further legislation on the subject. I move that the commit tee be discharged from the further " con sideration of the resolutions and ' memo rials, and that they be laid upon the table. IMotioh was agreed to. " Mr. Cobb, from the same committee, reported back a memorial and joint reso lution of the Legislative Assembly of Nebraska, asking for one or more addi tional land districts in the western portion of the Territory; and asked to have the cpmmiuee . discharged from the further consideration of the same. ' " .v- i MrZColb. A' though our i committee has been censured for its liberality, . we have agreed to report against this memo rial. We think there are enough of land offices there. . The committee was accordingly dis charged from the further consideration; and the memorial was laid upon the table. On motion of Mr. Colb, it was Ordered, That the Committee on Pub lic Lands be discharged from the further consideration of the memorial of sundry citizens of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory,' asking for an appropriation of public lands for the use and benefit of Brownville College; and that the memo rial be laid on the table. Mr. Branch, from the Ccmmitt3e on Territories, reported back a joint resolu tion and bills of the following titles, with the recommendation that they do not pass; which were laid upon the table, and or dered to be printed: A bill for the construction cf a road in the Territory of Nebraska from the Platte river to the Kansas line. A joint resolution authorizing the ac counting officer of the Treasury to adjust and settle the accounts of a board of com missioners, appointed under joint resolu tion of the Territorial Assembly of Ne braska to prepare a code of laws for the government of said Territory.' On motion of Mr. Branch, it was Ordered, That the Committee on Ter ritories be discharged from the further consideration of the memorial of the may or and city council of the city of Omaha, Nebraska Territory, praying that said city maybe reimbursed for money expen ded for work done and materials furnish ed on the capitol building of said Terri tory, in preparing the same for use; and that the same be laid on the table. The House, on the same day, had un der consideration the subject of Courts in Territories. The first bill was, a bill in regard to courts and the holding of terms thereof, in the Territory of Nebraska ; reported back with an amendment. The amendment was reported. It au thorizes the judges of the supreme" court in each Territory of the United States to hold courts within their respective dis tricts and counties for the purpose of hear ing and determining all mattersand cases, except those in which the United States area party, provided 'that the expenses thereof be paid by the Territories or counties, and shall not be chargeable to the United States. Mr. Ferguson. I have consulted with the delegates from the various other Ter ritories, ind they have agreed to the amendment to make the act extend to all the Territories. The question' was taken on-the amend ment and it was agreed to. The bill, a3 amended, was laid aside to be reported to the House, with a recom mendaticn that it do pass. Surveyor General's OQcc. Mr. McLean, chief clerk in the Sur veyor General's Office, accompanied by a number of the attaches of the office, arriv ed here last Thursday on the Dan Con vers. He informs us that the office will be opened here on the first of June. Jle states that a large amount of work will be done this summer, and that several town ships west of the Meridian will le put under contract, and the men sent into the field as soon as practicable. JWbraska City jYtics. The Markets. CORRECTED WEEKLY. DiiOfrsviLi.K, Juno 3 , tS53. FLorn, "d sack S25U(3i.l)0 Ui-ckwuzatFi.our, Sack 2,00 Cokn .Me 4.1 bushel 75 Cok.v, busUtl 50 Oats, y bu.hel,.. 40 .Su-ar.V lb 12ia Coffes, I5l4i Tea, - loo ClICKEX3,floi., 2,00 E;g9, dd, 10 Fresh Deep, 1? lb - 9 " Votk, per 10 $5,50(1.5 Potatoes, buhel, 60 Salt, lft.10 Lcxbeb, Cottonwood, pr 100 ft., $2J,20 Yellow Pino, 8,00 CtTTTER, 25 Cheese, lb, 25o Lard, 10c Nails, per keg. 6,00 Wheat, none in market Whiskt, per gallon, 30ii)o Salt, $ wck, 2,00 Molasses, ' 75 Beass, bash. 2,50 Drt Hides, Bj, 8 St. Josrrn, 11 j 27, 1S58. "Wheat, bush, $1.00 Corn, 31 bush, 25s Flocr, V c'i $3,25(3,375 Buckwheat Flocr, cwt, 3,50(3.4,50 Fresh Pore, ft, 4X&V4 Potatoes, V bash, 2530j White Beans, $ bu5h, 1,50 Butter, V lb, 15225 Eggs, f) dot 8 Chiceexs, dor, $2,00(2.50 Drt Hides V ft, 9(4 10o Coffee, l ft, 13iU4j Si-gar,? 1, ts Tba. lb, 50;7o Rice, 10o Dried ArFLEs Vtu3lle1,"" Gbzes, do. , 0 Married. the briJ'i parent, Xemaba count, jj BEDrtMaixl Mi Mart A. Lash. a- . A tbe tame time ana place and by tho .... TRAJiCIS Kedfe.s and Mu Beiter E The brida ere i4teri, the bridegroom, , " and both coup: e married by tbe tame ceretEy -J wbat we call "hurrying up the, cakea." What will be the blood relation, bet. . prin8S?- v Circular. The officers of the Second Bruade will him Bank Hall in Nebraska tiry, at o'clock on July, 1853, to elect a Colei, Lieut. Cxlongi ' " Adjutant lor the Sd Brieade. '.- a4 Bjorderof Bnc'r Gen'!. H,P. dn x. o. r. masos. Adj'tiipo'i -j aiii,. We happen to tnow thatDr Ainu's Chtrrf ttctmi and Cathartic PiUt aregood medicines, m claim it because we do know it. We eonSdfntir beif there is Tast amount of relief from suBtring hr"" afflicted fellow men wrapped op in the ifci! . W rations, and we ha!l freely -iueUT Mtti influent make them known to those who need tbna phia Sunday Time.' " --;"-'' - . From ihe ubrH.iit,er, uout id ij.a t, HORSKS. one a tht -rre korser lung .ne ad tLTi with a Urp scar alwut the eye on toe left Ke 0f h face, no otber marks remembered- Toe jther a i.r " dark bay era re, a mtie inclmed U be yew neofcm v.,1": mane and tail, mane m-orn by the colUr, w!,en ,'h u., borne had a sore bak. Xa other mark are rimtinJl ed. It is thought, unless separated per hrrP, ,n, , " are together. The sorrel i w.ii known tkroiu-h Kn,, and Southern Xebra.vka. a the borne rode l y cl Dickf during the Kansas war. Any informality lUini Z their recovery W!ll be thankfully receiyed and a libtrii reward paid thtreAtf. ' " 1 ftrs, 4 BTfi."3A.-K3 c !RO , 49-3w - Fa!?s City, Kiciardson nnt, K. T. Notice. Where Oeorgv H. Vcs By. Charles A. Frerbert and others, have, by u.m.. pnbliibl in the Nbrki Advertiser of the 21th Mjy So8, Blven notke of theinw. corporation of the St. Fredoruk town cunMan) , in .'. mubacDunty, Netnka Territory.' Tiib. tberefore U admonish ttie public that tho s.ud pretend ed l-w,rprs-tion is a gross fraud, nd that tbe pretenjod Ineorputs tors. GeorueH. VukKty. Frcyterffand thmr imputes in that behalf, are none ot them resiilents f the town St. Frederick, nor have they any nht. title or Interen therein. And further, that persons who diirn lcsti. or investing in siid town must apply to th underlined who aloti is authorized to dispve of any inter st tl,r. C. K. KECnrH.NEs. St. Frederick Miy 27, ISM. w Notice to Contractors. The County Commissioners 0 Xemaba county aereby give notice that they will l(;t to the lowe t re.pi,n,ibi bidder, on the sixth day of July next, at tl a:rt-btu door in the city ft ItrownviUe. the cjntr t tot titcting astoneor 1. gj.nl in tbe said city if Br .wmuie, N. maha county. Specifications of both plans can le iesn at theclerk's efflve in Urownviilo The coni.m.i,aers rt tcrving the nxht to rerue any or all Oils. Icrou uf payment made known uu day of sale. Uy ordor of the B ard, EKAiTLSK. PAHKER, County e!frl. Jane I, '53 o-ow Sale of Real Estate- Notice i hereby given that on Tuesday lhe t.kk iirtf June A d 1Ho3. at 2 o'cUnrk p m, 1 will tel! at ijti:icint tion in front of the ofllcei f the county clctk. io :tit wn cf Brownville, tho fniluwins described pi:tjrin u j town, to wit : lot number eleven (11) in block ntmr twenty-four pi). Theve is on said lot a gd ciaifort. able dwelling houso, garden. oui-hoiie', kc. J.tie iitive CUARLK3 G. VGllUZY, June I, '5S 49tf " NOTICR All persons are hereby uoii;u-d tuat l ni tike tkf necessary steps to lhe. re-penmg of Ihe cometfe ne or James Feiguson. for the purpose uf more filly fn vestigatlng hi rishi to enter the south wesi quarter (l4)of south wpt quarter (il)a:! lot lumber fi.m (4) ol section eighteen (13) in t,jwuhiv tlte none ,iv tcen (16) east, 1 hereby warn all person no; to pur chase, trado fur, or in any way to negotiate for any por tion of the above described prcpertr May 27, 'to v2i46tf Al'GiSTUS KO;XTZE. Caution. I caution an persons whomsoever iigauui outine from Augustus Kountze and Win Rnth cer'ait ton lot known as 'Benedict's Addition' to llrwnv:ie Neurits. John jicphshson. Honey Creek Hills. The undersigned respectfully announce that theyir prepared tu nil all orders in their line promp:ly at ihur mills four miles northwent of Browuulle, ner tbe mouth of Honey creek. Thoy have on baiid the Untnt and best assortment of Wiui (.-, shingle and Utbe ever offered in lb county or Ten itory, coo sua eg 40 000 feet seasoned siding; 40 000 " cotton-wood flooring", - ' ' 20 000 ' s;catnore " , ' 10.000 " oak and ah 25,000 " cottoO-wotHj, soft 'giap'n, lynn ml walnut finishing tunilr; 60,000 " fencing; 100,000 " -joists; nils, studding and antllnfof si. . m 1st every size both bard and m ft wood; 20.000 " rough and siiaro edged b4aihiiig tiro 200,000 superior sawed shingles, oak, walnut audtottua wood; al to 150,000 lath, a superior article, of tmifirtn Unf.b, thickness and width Their mills are under the charge of experienced !d efficient men, and the undersigned flatter tbeinet-,M that the utality of their lumber will compare favorsoiy with any other made in the Territory, all of srbiihviil be sold to suit the times. ;rF.F.N', SPEIXULK JiCO. Honey creek Mills, May 20 '& 48tf 1S38 CARPETING 1S33 SPRLVG SJLES. a. Mcdowell & company. -- Araaowon receipt of their spring iuiyo'tj.tijns, which have been purchased in Kngland for cash, ur though other houses are advertutiug dlrecl import inns from F.urope, we take pleasure in announcing that re are tbe only direct importers from Kitgland Fran:e in the wet- ern States, and hive now on band the la -get and tlnet stock ever imported to tbiscountry, coiiMtini: inpsrtas follows ; " ..... .-., 9-4, 3-t 4-4 und 3-4 Xewltelal;icns,- t 6-4 roval Velvet-; 5ooroili French velvets; SOO rolls Roal Wilton; 1000 L Boberl Crwsley Brus sels; , , 20OO rolls Join CrosIeT k Son' Tapesty Br iel-; 2XK) roll Briulon'; 3OU0 rolls Ftaidoe, k. Uootuan'i, 1500 rolls Bnpht's new deM-.'n; looo rolls heavy Kaglish three-ply; 1000 heavy sttiertint'i.. y '. Together with tbe larzes ttock rf Domestic Cirt, tor the ftp lesaletratle,,evr brought we-4 of tha moun tain. ' ' ' Also 2000 roll4-4 whiteand checi matting; 2000 " 6-4 " " " 3KM) - . " 4-4 and -.:. 3000 " Cocoa matting all width. 1500 sheets of oil cloth 13 U 30 feet wi lef . 200 pieces 3-4 4-45-45-1 and S-4, oilckth. Also the largest stock of rugs, tabteveri lot W, Mats, stair rwls, table oil clothes, &c, cf any estalrsh meiit in the country. To the retail customer, all we ask is a Mll,town:nr them that we can at.it will sell lower that, any otlir house in the wot. To tbe wholesale purtbastr we w ju.d say that we can offer them greater indn-menls ttuo nr.y establishment either in New Yotk or Boston, bav;tg purchaed our en tii stock for cash, we are 1 rfpared tn oQ'er our g !s at f he verr lowet onr-os of 1 nportanw. A. McfJOtVKl.L i Co., &i Main f t., it. U'ii- May 15, 1868 uo li. Land Sales! The nitdcrsigncd. owner of forty-six arres of land joining the city of Crownville was originally I awl off a portion of the town site desirous t dieof the same and will do to on exceedingly rairorable terms. Spulvto JOHN' MjI'OX'JI'GII- May 20. 1F5 B47tf linowgTim. S.1- "COMBINATION PATENT." IFRIGI1T STEi.1I Sim MILL. This mill commands the nveral adpurjt t ef sa mill men everywhere. AJits merits ec.m known, the demand for it iacrraies. Urders are cn.it.g from ever 'section of this country, Cinadj, Cuba, and lth Anir. ca. It is suited tvr every secti'jn ot the 'vorld wker'f there is timber to be wcd..ao matter of w hit ch irjcf'r how hard, how large or how small. Two extensive ma nufactories are now emnged in building ihijs-s mil ! r1 it is almost inixjsible to turn them ouf as fast a ,h'r are wanted. They embrace sevral valuable patents and improvements, and combine all of 1 e follow. us o- Simplicity Both the mill and power .re to simp "J their c- nstrnctton that any cue ot ordinary tnechii'cl ability can euniprehr:d thm,put ihera ip and ran tl3 without d.inter or diCI'.ulty. s PortaMitf The whole e-tablihmi-it rm be "rli quickly taken apart and put together, !bu -enderinS it easy to be moved from plaie toplace asd ?strs'l. ar.d a ing the necessity of drawing the legs a long dutan Durability It is constricted in the moot solid r'a get out of order, and will last for years with ut re jJ-r r, I J : t -. li, . . . . h. . n.. r.t CP' !D nprishtmill. The ?peed cf th saw is aloot three dred strokes per minute, and the feed from one-eigh: inree-iiarieTS or anmcii per snou. , speed the saw will cut through a io twtnfy-fonr fre' ,1. ilit. ...All4 long in about three minutes, irom ..... -knowing the character of the timber car calculate rw" much it will do. ,K-..nd FmiciencyU does its wors. wen, 1... .u,.-.... -stra.gbter than thecrdiaary mills, and thearranaemeni of tbe saw issnchastorendoril utterly impossible for it to run ont cf line. . CAepn-The entire lost of the mill, with aftn horse power an.1 everything all eomp'.eui ard running, boxe-land ready for shipment m at- '"TLtm'rnuires less power to drive thrn any other mill, and thepower furnished U sufflciet.t t.drlvewr. machinery. , tl A circular ecntatning run pjrsr.iar-. "... -anyondenn it. All irtr shield Corner Third end Mariet ttrtftt. St. I""1' ' sole arents for tbo Western and Soothers sul,y Jtarcn o, an Seed Com and Seed "VTbeiit For Sale at the Farm at Prin JEE1" towarUle, April 1. UQADLL JlS- I ( I 1 ! i