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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1858)
! i HE ADVERTISER, aROUNVILLE, .MAY 0, 1S". T Lit MS: if TT it paid in advance, - - $3 00 at the end rf mom hi. SW " . ' " " "It " a 00 " ,4 r more will be furni.bed at rr eun provided the ecouuiiwiues the order, nut ;er"- JOB WUKH. - . rcut enens;ve additions of Sfw Type, Cuts, Z M B-..nze.,Card. kc, made to the "Adver l,'fr..i ---i.,,., to be able to turn out Job Work in . r" w . - - ---- iffle. The proprietor beinf ... m .11 'In L. .' ' ' r ..uTr himself, and havicir in but employ an P.actMi F-ncr Job Printer, in de- i'"1' " , .... ,n the execution ol Job Work. llum i , , . a10""?" ' . .t.r' latest imm-oved Card niTin one ui L.. 1 Blanks. W.rk in Coi -v- -v. - " brume w urk, x win Li with particular attention. wlers from a distaoce will be promptly attended U, 1 warranted to five a ausfactioo or no pay. CU0Rr k GtLiraT, Proprietor! of the Real t.t;e News Letter, Maaic Temple, Chicago. III. 1 H PAnvi", General AdveniMiig Agent, in rear of S T-rk. Ladies aud Children's Shi Slre,80 Wet iamb Street Cincinnati. VitscHEn OwinAvCo., No. ns4S, Broadway, ."ur'ew WlD A-ue.ican Canadian and Eur-ean t4,r.imsaud3uucriijtiaiOfflce.Ko IM NawaoSts., "j'f' l)LTPCiiE K. W. corner dive and Kai ireet, St. L-'Uin. Mo C BKHfCiti Dearborn street, Chicago. kfu:bjnie4 Agent, to illicit SutwripLi us and Ad rtimeu: for ibe A.lvertir, attd receitve and re f,:fi tot monies therefor a-on resident in this Territory, coming from various iT,.fl, of ibe State ofteu suetiet lu o Uie name.- of in their old ueiulib wbssl- b.i wouol o..tti.e M eti mtm llWTllV!tll I III ' 1 . ... m ' - ' rrifint will cinwe. wt im i - . rjtmaier and irfrr, t'.it4 i.fn.dpnt to ot op aclab. ea retain the tuual pet cent ..r thiir irofit ie . jfrnle DoiiMeilat the cli t.f Me Vulnhie Vo r:inthe Atfvertlr,"' weiM tjic "U f-f criiltd yt ui scribera ih their ytpfr c.n'.iM'jed and fha : ,iMrJ:ii ly coOUuue to wnd a berftn!o:e t2 3" The "Nebraska Advertiser having much the largest circu'-aticm of cy.api ui tbe Territory, WholeaIe Meichuts in t?t. Ixmia. St. Joseph, Cinc' and other st ern markets where Jebraka merchants yur chtse. wol 2nd no better adve-.t Rir.g medium m the Western cou jtry -CS ITf tne jut onu',ie-ed a w t.k .if Hank- of every tMtrilriw uemti? executed on iibt inml pacet ; tui are p'epared 10 fil vrdork at a m.nieut'a notice aud r, rrif t-.nn. ffhive a'w a p'.ae -f aamail map f S .nth P;atte aia '.t p-inuii c- mm .11 i7e etive i-jie wiih any e1 latine- caid ai:a-bed O 1- ..lfi ed K W. rtKXAS isproveraents. Nothwithi'aiv'isi ihr "light 1 mi 'i j ...i . . l.H ' iip-1 will Miau. aim, una; u to J. i:i n". j liit pn i;t ! I t! a.Ki nr.- 111 .'ff xt liMv.- and of n.ore ! ut u.ract: r il:au :. r C V. V 1. lid k a 1 't: ire. . !o tl a. r . i i:inpl uaz a 11 1 1 w . rv r. lam :tr 1 o iwevfi Fourth and Fifi. . Mr. C- L)ll":IK. tin a.iJ . j p . riui'.h, uo n- arly t jiii U ttd a large two story I jiiihng 11. ariy opposite the new hotel. .Mr. Jaiod M a hijo, merchant tailor, is t-n cling a similar Tuiluing next to that of Mr. D.'user. C. G. Dorsey, E'p, postmaster, is trtctinz a Dew post office building on Main street, next to Maun & Co's Drug sure. W ,i StictL is erecting an exce.lent residence on the corner of Sixth and Main street. O. F. Lake is also putting up a neat residence, on Main street, between Sixth aud SeVeUth. R. C. Berger is building a neat brick cjttage on Atlantic street, between Sec ond and Third. The New Hotel is completed, and now ready for occupancy. We noticed tjuite a number of other buildings under way in di;Ter:ut parts of the city. Mr. Johw Ullert is making exten sive arrangements for making brick the present season. His first kiln is now nearly ready for burning. Cpenlnsof Sprln? Races. The Spring races opene: over the New market Course, near this city, on Satur day last. But two entries were made: Dr. Holladay's grey mare Flying Cloud, aad Milt. Clark's black colt War Eagle ; sukes &o; forfeit 610; owners to ride; one mile heat betting 11 3.4 to 12 on Flviiifr Clexxl. Both nags showed life, and care in training, coaequently some difficulty was xperir-nctd in making a start, both beiii quite fidgety at the post. Flying Cloujl jumped off with the h ad at a good facej closely waited upon I y War Eagle, Thy ran thas about one-fourth the dis tance, when War Eagle dropped off, and dayhg-ht was nbservalle between the ly a judicious use of the left -pur, 1 u a again brouht up neck and neck, flying Cloud seeing the danger made a depi ratf ru.h, and by two trnlei sue 1 cudvd i.: ;i;iJig wimi .r I y a n c , attt r i iuot ixt.iiing fii.ih. T:i!ie, cveri bi:;l. The aniti.aU were trained: liyaig CJ.n.d !y rb uimgof Chicago, War Eagle ly Whitney of Ne w York. Sornclhlns Mee. Mr. Wm. T. Des will ac cept our thanks for a present of a bounti ful supply of wild game duck, plover and snipe, of his own shooting. Mr. D. is "? ure ihot especially among feather ed game. His delight is with gun and dog, and he never fails to "bag game" ufficient for his own bachelor table, and to divide with his friends. Long life to Him. Still Uicj come. During the past weeks, our itreets have been almost constantly crowded with immigrant trains coming from Iowa and Illinois, settling in this nd adjoining counties west of us. They iil bring with them large numbers of live stuck horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. Rev. T. Tiptos, President of the Brownville College, arrived this- morning .learner Hannibal Doings of the Counlj Conrt. Mat Term 1S39. IVesem, full Board. It was ordered that the County Surveyor, T. IV. Bedford, be instructed to survey out a road leading from Peru to Brownville via Sprinkle's mill. On petition, the town of Mt. Vernon was incorporated under the provisions of the general act, and A. Carter, T. Mos ley, T. E. Haycook, J. G. Medley, and J. E. Dewry, appointed trustees. The following orders on the Treasury were drawn, viz: J. D. N. Thompson, for services as justice of the peace D. Flasters, services as sheriff, S31;70; J. R. Rickards, services as surveyor, 810.00. . Justices of the Peace in the following precincts were ordered to rf turn a list of jurors to the county clerk, as follows: Brownville precinct 19 Nemaha City " 6 Mt. Vern n " 9 The County Clerk was ordered to ad vtrtise two weeks in the Ntrlra-ka Ad- veriiaer for sealt-d projv ;tls ir thr pur- T 1 pose ol en t tifiga im.i; -y .ci :i. Adjuurn. d lo ui--t on :r-; lay ui J une n xt. Sioni toal. :l;iV la.-t. ulwlt m Ou Tu '.1 f L:;i,Ill ol ., we ere Lad he en 1 it Til LOt OKI V LI -vfliM It 1 , E.i 1 1-1 shown a ca 1 'ltniur wuiin work U I I'ltdljC; d hi .iiy, Ir.xii which t fin J i.etn if tii 1 , vi. V 11 Cilll-. Ui t l Vf are in Mr. Juii.v stiij-f a we i I 31 i 11. iunti ot foriiK d t.pui 1 Loc ih. pro.-ptei.-v are proui5- 11 Clocks, Watches slid Jewelry. A. (jJvs.ot Kockport, has j tist return d fre-m Si. Louis, with a large stock el, Cloeks Jewelry, which he r. -post's to sell at extre me ly liw j ri -. Great Sale or REAL ESTATE. iOG Civy Lots BROWNVILLE, On MoaeLy M .y 31, 1858. Tue ntiiler sisned will sell at public auction, commen cing .u Jlar31. 154. and cuiuiuue truiu Jay tu d iv mi' t tall are i UE HVSDRED AXD XISETY-SIX TOTK.V LOTS in itiecr.yut B:uwnviiie X. T. A (treat portion of the i.t u be ild are am.'iie tLe t-es-t in the city, ih iiip of which bjve tiuinliiiicii up. n ll.eiu. This will he the first pul lic fie li'tc eer I.elJ in Brownville, and n euch an opportunity will likely occur a?in for otitainiiij pro perty in ihe ihird ti;y iu importance and pi pulalion in Xeb a.-K. TLe -ale win be iMtne, aud every lot of eiedwill be M:d to thehihtt bM'ler. Tj lii-t-e acquainted wi.h Brownville and the Ftir rouiKliue cuniiT anuiher word uped not be said than to announce the .aie tune place aud property. To oth er!" permit us to ay that the cuy of B owiiviile is iuime diate:y on the west bank ol (he Missouri river; is the county heat of Xemaha County, the most denely settled and tet improved am iculturaliy, of any other in Xe biaska, a fa t acknowledged by ail who have exauiiced. The Land Office TOR THE Nemaha Land District is located at this city and has been in artire operation f r near a year pai-l. The Pre-Heut has issued his procla mation for land sales, to take place on the sixth day of September mil. at which time more land will be offered for sale iu this District than any other ill Nebraska by Dear three huud.ed ihousand acres. The ci;y now has a population i f over I0O0 inhabitants four heavy me'can tile bouses, together wi.h numerous smil I tradiiic estab lishments if Tarl. as kinds a Bue large b. ick hotel, forty by seventy feet three and a half stones hish; a good "ch.sil h n-e in which a laipe and fl n.i-hiim mIiooi is kept upibeenii eyeir; twrganized churches and a fl:ie la:re tuil.lln n w in p res ! e.eciion for the thud. A s; earn terry boat is now and has been for ni liths past cnsint the Missouri river to and fro at this point. We deem it unnecessary to enmnerat far ther as the cuy i aneady so well kuown But will say. bowever th tt we ai coi Bdent no p nit in Xebraska otTers bene, indin-enients fir hivesiavuits Terms of Sale : One third rash; one thiid in nx tiiotiibs and one third in twelve tn nths. Ap il29 C8 BKOWX & HEXXETT. Claim Notice. To J. Kaster :y ar.d all whom it m iy c rcern. Tou are hereby notified thai I will apier at tho Lmd Office in Brownville i.n the " h diy .f May I808 at 1 o'clock P M ., to prove up my riniit of pre-ernp;i"n to the northwest quarter sec;iu eis'ht, in township five ranee foii'teen eist. Ap.il29 fyoS 2 44 JOSEPH B. ORD. School Lands, - The followins ate the lands selected as S ln-rd Land in lieu of that wl.uh has been p e-iinp'.ed in this county, and alsi land se ec;e-l f .- frc 1 mil towu.-hips : Northeast auarter of secli .n 3-. Soiiihe.-t X;rtheast Sioihwe-'t tHiuthwet Southeatt Sou'heast Apiil29, 1S5S owtiskip 5. range 14 township 4. range 14 4w W M. TITI HBKR. Nemaha conn. y S..p't Pob. liist'n. Ii2:illi23.ory- A sTerior "t MiHine-y and Pres G St tr.y new Mi.iine y e-tat ii-hinent me d.-r ab ve Lu?hVaugh & arm's Banking Hou.e lS...wnville X. T. iUt MARY TCT.XER. DOVGLAS SALOON. Main street, one door Weat of Pos-t-Office, Bro vnr to. If. T. The s: h e ilers ie pectml.y inf.rr:i the public that they -leueii the aK vo saloon, where the liest qua- llT f W .ncs. liicuo, See r. Oysters. S.trd;ne, .ind eve y ier e-fcr.ient f jr ite inner msn tisnally kep ttsuli o-taMiihiaeiits. win be louud and servii up in (.! t. GOt'F it IUEK. Bron rvil e Ap i! 15 h ISiS. 42 -6m B H U'UVCHUN CIIAS. DORSEY. Mclaughlin & eorsey, Ismid ideate, Main Street, Brotrnville.X.T., Buy and sell Land Warrants make out and file declar atory statements; m:ike out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, investigate title; Buy ami seil property on commission; fnrnish land warrant for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected m iib a eeneral land acency business. Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern ment land and rfae location of laud warrants for parties residing at a distance. Mclaughlin & Dorset repectfuiiy refer to Georce il. Nixou. Esq.. Register Brownville Land Office. Chtrlet B. Smith. Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys Nemaha Land District. Robert W. Furnas. Esq.. Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lnshbancb & Carson. Bankers. Brownville, Hon. W. H T. Hamilton. Hagerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, M4 O H B.irnet. Esq , Dayton Ohio. non. Fenner Furjnison. Delegate in CongteM from Nebraska Terrritory. Washington, P. C. . John A. Beal. Esq . Attorney at Law, Peru, Itid. Brownville, April 22. no43tf CLAIM NOTICE. To Villiam Hillburn and all others whom it may concern . Ton are herebv notified to appear at the Land Offlce in Brownville, on Friday May 21st 1S68 at 2 o'clock. Pm 11I intend to prove up my right of pre emption to toe northeast quarter 01 section i&iriy-two, township two north of range fifteen east. 46-2w May 13, '68. JOSEPH B. HARE Claim Notice Notice is herehT given t alt persons interested that I will appear at the Lmd Office at Brownville on Friday May 21st 1859 to prt ve np my right to tbe fractional south-east quarter of section eleven and fractimal I north-east quarter of secli jn fourteen in townhip one. !of range sixteen east. CHARLES SIELE. VICTORIOUS OVER PAIN. BRAGG'S ARCTIC LIMMEST. Asrnny er ease ! StckneM Of buiili ! lafe or dealht Tbe aru the questions tnTotred ha the a lopliouor rejection of tbia fpo e fic by Uie martyrs to xteroal d seises and injuriea. Having ro cs td Uie indorsement of tbcdi tirgmshed saran, th late Dr. K.i t, aDd itsefbeaey tested dur liiir two aaful Wiutentin the re rioni of elviTuil ice, il is now eoiu inj into general in erery sec tou of Ub civiliied gluba, and ita mirreloua cum ai everywhere eiajLg astobUhiuent, THE AFFLICTED REJOICE. nUXItRETS and THOUSANDS liava tested it viitues, aud ara rejeing in freedom from lotsf liucerinr I'AIX and MHEASkL Ul. ACiJK or TOOTH ACIIK Are yon k Binicini wuu vii.i snrs ?iii- II fering from DKl'b'KS, H'KAINS, tUHNS, KKK KVI-Js MliiJ TEE ARCTIC UXEUEXT will allonl n.u instaait relief. i:r) Uly u liitbla Ut ' keop il. h I hat has heanl the slu iet a ol aiignish nlleieil by I he jj -hli-d mul nu.iuiel tKiium 4' fi i-v Io-hhis n il 0 lli-ii ns doextw I Irl thai Miu.e nieiis ul it-lrf., inr ii.r i.riuie sl.oi.ld m.n be ..'! 'essil.le hi rlMnl in ll iu r. -' .'.yr' -on fx in oi ir 1 11 nt. ; in THE KOTJkTRS' CCKPAIJICN. It r..iw I A 1VK Vi f AM M-I.f MIII.I.S t! tl it iiijp n f 'l'te in. V-s:.- WM ; h1T nei : - scurf zjj ir"ki :i' '''"" "'"I ' -srr;? ereiie,... sl.o.ld attack L ' 'jUrlL.Jf tli'liwni I's slms ll ei i eitr 5'K wiili tl-e JUnr I IMMIM. U;:- 'Xi'V M ' tvetll'-i t U-r le I ;.,ir. KV-!""? ''V'S.-Jf :iini.' il I" If t.w, fc.ssy ap- XxA'Ai'Jtr; V?"" i inner. II is r.n vi JtiTi itfn ttas,! GCJJ ICR MAN :d beast. It ia nuo'ijni i.'its-,!, ft,i I 'ol :irii'i.s ill vi.11 vhirh 1 or.-e-. nifcwli;K.'iiiV ei r intr llie lliol lliill;rcll;esi.f 1 11 l i s. m i:.i., m:r II.Xl.T. MdM. MIIaKII l-S MVHNV.M'AVIX.IilVi; IONK l;l.-IIKAI. HII, r VII.. Ae. No limner, liiery slnlile teenT or snr vrn owniiii; tslimlile IliillsI S, slioohl he willrtii.t this talua hle retiMtlv. For sale by all rsiectalilo lrii)tj;its nd rVuk-ra Trices of the lanimeut. i5 cents. fiOeiMits srd $1 a Isit- tle. A otiedolhir hutiM emilains as much Ijninieul aa tight twinily hve cent 'jollliis LXTRAOSDIXARY -AXXOCXCEEXT. Every purr-liaser f a d lUr U.nle ol the Al (TIC I IX IMF.XT receives, at l"r. Ki-xpt s ense. the L'MIKD STATK JOl'KV.Al, of Neir York, lor one jesr. The Journal is a large illustrated 1ier each iuimls?r con taining vixteen iazes. heaiilifully printed on clear whit fiaper, and filln! wiili oniriiutl matter troni the nwist hnl iant writers 4 the conntiy. t'ertilicate ol suhscriptioa and full jiarticulaM of tie novel and philsnihmpic en terprie. of wLicU tins offtr forms a part, will accotujiany each bottle. An Ai-KVT WANTFTi in FTFRT TWX and TTT T.AGE. BUAOU III IUUJWKS, St. Iioala, Mo Xkw Yir Omit No 371 BKOAIWAY. Communications sbould always be addressed to St. iuia. J. II. & CO., Agents, Brownville, N. T. ei. w. o our, General Steamboat Agent, FORWARD1XG COMVISSIOX MERCHAXT, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. Gtxids sold on t'omtnission and prompt returns raade. Particular attention Eivei to receiving. Storing and For wardine all ki nits f freight aud produce. Oifice oa the Levee. Storekouc iu iLe sarutt block wiih Keamee ITotel. Hefer to the Merchants of Nebraska City; Fife fc Michael S: Louis Ho; I Harper tt Scuder St. Ixjuis; John A. Warden " I Joseph Mclntvre " SakelMId Finney & Co" Karcklay, Hinklefc Co " April 29, ISM . 3-44-ly Wagon for Sale. I have a lipht twu-horsii wagon which I will dispose of cheap for casli. C. S. LANG DOS'. juhs. r. kinm:y. cms. f. HOLLy. KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ! 1. 1 1 IS A Mi . I IT1, X. T. Will praciicein :he C -uris of this Territory Collec tion ami c: Mutual lmiiiesg attenJel to throughout Kn braska, Wesiern 1 a aud Alisouri. Wiil attend the Courts at Brownville. v2n33-6m B r. M'SHaAt'CII. JNO. t. CARSOJ LUjtlBAUCxH & CARSON, BAXKERS AXD GEXERAL LAXD AGEXTS IX'alcK-K lii Coin. l"n:urieiit M nev KchttiL'e ami Lind Warrants, BKtlWNYILLK NKMAIIA CO.. N. T. Kpecial anciiti ti i.l be (tiven to Byintt and Selling Exchunitc tn the priiiiiiMl cities of the I'uited Wtaies. trold. Silver and iiiicun eiit Bn.k Noies. A constant sup ply of Land Warrants oa baud ttr sile FOR cash, or en tered on lisne for r. e-t'tirptors All Warianis sold by us Saaran eed 111 every re-pect. Will file Declaratory Siate- in c11Ti.11 t 1 p. e-ei.ipt, and prepare P. e-eiuption Papers at shi i t 11. lice. Money loaned up.n best securi ties at wcsiurn rates i f interest and investments made in Linds or i y p.i pertv f..r distant capitalists. Collec tions tir.'ii a'.l o nveiiie: t s iiits will I e promiit iy attend- el to a:nl pr xee-1-rciiiii'feil inexchaispe. attu.-ient rates. Biils ol Eicii;,ii;e tn .i 1:. and 1. eland and France ob tained at usual rates, wi:h Cost 01 Kxchaii'e on Ibe Eist ad-led. Drposrts received. 11 Current account and interest a 1 1, we I on speci 1 i!ep 1 its Ol'FiC'K Jlaiti Si. ne ir 1. S. Lind Office. REFERENCES Ijnd Ilrothrr jk Co... Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa. M :X Hitli'on Cal m E A. Co., " " " Hi-er ft. White. " Baltimore, Md. tine Ciirs-m & Bf rant, ' " " Jno. Ji..s..i. Col'rofPoTt, " " K. M. Puii.lerson 4lCi. iierchants, " " M. M. Yeikle X C 1. N J 17 B-jdway, New York. Win. T. iiiiit!i-"ii F..-( . B .nter, Washington, D. C. J.T. S.eve:is E-q.. Aft'y at Lw, " Jn i. S tialhiher Lite Jl Aud. C S. T., " " Tavlor l K ii'th. BnW-is. Chicago. III. McCie; land Scrubs &. Co. Merchants, St. Louis Mo. lion. Ihos. 1;. Pia;t. Amupoiis Aid. Il-.n. J. W. ieary Ex-G-v. Kansas, Penn. Hon. Jas. l. Carx-n .Mercersburg. P.t. P. B. Small Esq.. P et't S., Uacc.stown. ild. Col. (ieo. Schiey Att'y at Law, " " Charles Pars us it Co. Bankers, Keokuk Iowa. H. C. Null; C 1. " Council B uff tlreene Were & F.iie, " les Moine, " UjUglass St Wjison. " in ton. " tM. Sim II i:iih!eton, Att'y at Law, Eatoti Jld. Judce Thos. Pe 1 y, Cumberla id Ifd. Pn f. II. Tii w ile', Havana Alabama. Oct. 8 '67-v2-ul5-tl CITY LOTS. I have for saic a nuriber f beautifully l"ated lots in the City of B.ownviiie which I am authorized to sell at bargains for cash.. New comers will do well to call on me befo e making i urroases. K. W. FURNAS. B.-ownville, Jlarch 16. 63. Keal Estate Agent. Farm for Rent. I have a splendid a:id well improved Farm which I wish to rent to a responsible person, on favorable terms For particulars iaqune at this effice, or of J. ii. MtLVIS. afaith 13. IS55. v2:.38tf Nemaha City. X. T. A. t. HOLLA.DA V, M. D. WM. ARNOLD M. D. HOLLADAY & ARNOLD, Pliysiciaiis, Siirgeous. And. OTastotriciaiis. BHOWNVILLE, N. T.; Refpectf ul ly teniir their professional servicf-s to the citizens of N trnaha aad adjoining comities, both in Ne braska and Missouri, March 4. 1S6S IIamino Horsr. or LCSBBArCH & CAaOH i BroMnville, February 1, 1S58. J On and alter this date, depositors accounts will be opened for Kecie. currency and scrip payable in same kind of fur.ds. Checks must be marked accordingly. Offlce hours from 9 to 13 A M and I to 3 P Jf . LCSnBAUGH & CARSOX, Fashionable Tailor. JACOB MARII0X, BHOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. RespertIly announces to the public that he has cn hand a iarge st.k of Cloths, Vestings, &c, Also a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING Wh.vh he will sell at cost prices. Tie flatters him-elf that he understands his business thoroughly and all work warranted coming from his es tablishment, and charges as low as any other ompetilor in t!us pl.ce or the West. A Sciti Fit Guaranteed. TViESEKVEI) FRUITS: Strawberries, IWhe-s, L "WboriiiLcrru; i.c ,4c., to be had at 1. T.WUYTECO'S. Ami i'ls which other remedies had Uil-d 7A u ,!ur- fre yoa the BRON- 1 CH.TIS, NKIRAIGIA, KHWJ- mJL-'T aJATISM, HT.OHIJL EAJ1- I i. w r - 1 ji v l '' 1 1 f, F'wtheiw diTsdu:! arcMenta Ilia V il iP'l-, , Al:TIC IJMVKVT -I.miI.1 be V ' nSv'JnUjf 1"I" "n "I r,r itaffi nls niire t 'r :i' J ""' ' eluile relief, often sar V'l :'Jh'J''T' ,r"" .erj uleam- VV.. ,J . S.Cv't-s' '"Ot and isilraoil tnim should Number G02. PROCLAMATION By tlic President of ITnlted States. In parsnance of law, I, James Buchanan, Presi dent of the United State of America, do hereby de clare and make known that public sales will be held at the undermentioned land oCices in the Territory of Nebraska, at tho period hereinafter designated' to-wit: At the land eEee at BRO WNTILLE, exunmencing on Monday the tixth day of Srptmlxr ntxt, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named township, tii: North of the Base Line, and east of the 6th prise; Meridian. That part of township Ore outside of Uie Sae and Fox and Half -Breed Nemaha Rescrxation, of range 17. The parts of townships 1, 2, 3, and foar, outside of the Sac and Fox and Half-Breed Nemaha Rerer- at ion, and fractional townships i and f, of range sixteen. That part of township one outside of the Sae and Fox Reservation; township 2, the part of township '.i, 4. and 5, outside of the li ilf-Breed Nt'nua res ervation, and fractional township 6 of rnn;je 15. That Kirt of township 1 o itsi-le the Site and Fox Reservation, townsnijis 2, 3. and 4, and 'hut inrt of township 5 outside of the Half-Breed Nemaha Res ervation, and township 6, of range 11. Townships 1, 2. 3, 4. S nnd 6 of rang"? 13. Townships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 12. Townshij 1. 2 3, 4. 5 and 6 of range 1 1. Towi ,hip3 1. 2. 3. 4. b and 6 of range 10. Townships 1,2. 3. 4. 5 and fi of ran we II. At the Laud Wffk-e at NEBRASKA L'lTY. cmn- niRiiiing ou Mou.l;y the sixth day of September next, i t the d;!.sul 1 r the public lands within the "! witi iiiini'l ti.wn-Viiju. viz : N. r-hof the f.;,j.; Li-..o aud-East of the sixth l'ii-i iii K r: r:a.-ti-Ja-il t- iishi;.- 7 ar.d 8 of nn;e 15. 1 nl 1 . h.: '' w-i,lt. 1. ;,.l fn--H.7tinl -strwa-4in ij, 0, 10, ll, 1 1 t'ii it- I i Bti-tr.V 7. S. tt. H. II and 12, and fractional li:ii 1. -a . I 1. i t l i j 7. s. ). 111. 1 1, linil fr.icticiial townships i t I.:. .1' mi,- 12. j 1 Ki:s:n ;m 7. h. V, Id, ami 1 1, and fractional town- Mriiril.o' rMo'" 11. , 'f.. u-hi, -s 7. 9. HV ;il 11. and fractional town- r . , , , . . i.-:..n. i., mul 14. ami Iracti.ina. townships 1. l. 1''. i l rui,f 11. At tin- I, in.i l);Ti :e Mt I) I A II A CITV, eoinmenc- -o-. 11 M. 1.I1V. llios xrli ti .y of Sopteuiber next. UttU- d.-pi sal if ibe i.uMw labdn wiihiu tbe lot- iwu-!ii:is. v z: V-l 111 id'tllO 1J.IS0 1 and oust of the sixth Prin- ciiiii AiiT as n. Ei-jicti .ual totvnsiiiitt 13,11, 15, and 16 of range t- tirteen. Km -tional tcwushipa 13,14, 15, 16, and 17, of ane U. Frueiionnl townshijvs 1 1 and 13. townships 1 1, 15, 1 ml 1(5. an. I fractional townships 17, IS, 19 and 20, f mne 12. Fractional ti wnsl.ip 12, townships 13, 14, 15,18, 1 1, and IK, ni.d tractioual townslnjtj 111 aud 20 of r.inj;f 11. Fractional townships 12 13. and 14, and town ship-' ll. 13. 17, 13. la. 20, if range :.0 r jaciioiitil fo ii-liit 11. Isatid 16, and townships 17, 18. 19, and 20, of rau'e 9. I.Hiiih appro riated by law for the use of schools, military, and other purposes will be excluded from the sale. The offering of the above lands will be commenc- d on the itay apjiointcd, and will proceed in the itder in which thi-y are advertised, until the whole shall have been off.Ted, and the sales thus clocd;but 110 sale to be kept 0cn lunger than tw6 weeks, and 110 private entry of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Uiven under uiy hand at the city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March . thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. JAMES BUCHANAN. By the President : Thomas A. Hendricks, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every perscn entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships above enumerated is repaired to es tablish the same to the satiafaetion of tho Register and Receiver of the proper land office, aud make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of" the lands em bracing the tract claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited. THOS. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of General Land Office. 4pril 22. lS58-no 43 Scaled PropasalM Directed to the Commissioners of Pawnee Conry will be received from aud after this date, until the first Mon day in July next. For the erection of a Court Home in Pawnee City, Pawnee County, N. T., of the fol lowing dimensions and style nameiy : Said bouse to be thirty feet long and twenty-four feet wide, two stories hinh. the lower story to be divided into four apartments, in one end two rooms twelve feet square, a hall through the center eight feet wide. In the other end a room ten feet wide by 24 feet long; a plain open staircase leading from the hall to the Court Room above; said Court Room to be twenty by twenty four feet ana properly seated in plain style. The re mainder o the upier sto.yto be divided into two equal shed rooms, two outside d.sirs three feet wide, six feet eight inches high, one and three-fourth inches thick; 6 iiiMde d.Hirs. two feet eight inches wide, six and a halt reel high, and one ami a hatf inches thick all to be four pannels each. Eighteen windows, twelve lights each, lo by 14 glass; windows "and door casing corners aud base plain square style; Grecian cornice seven members; proiecri n eighteen inches, aad nine inches deep leturned with the rke; three coats if paint white lead or line iuide and out. Said house tube a frame wiih posts and braces with a good shingle roof the bid der to furni-h everything for the coiiptetl.n of the buil ding oak Boors, joiuicl and liued, walnut siding, dres sed &c. Said building to be completed on or before the first of January, 1839. One half the price to l-c paid as the work progresses the remainder when flui-hed. Dated at Pawnee cry this 5th day cf April, 1657. Bv order of the Conn y Commissi- iieer- Attest GE DOWSLNG, Mlet Cunty Cle k April 22 3m no 43. iJoiice. Persons indeb ed to .he 'i designed will come for wa:d and seti'e as ..iifcr indulgence will not be given. Hotel cCiip take i at pa.. THOMPSON & JIAR317. Brownville A? il 15rh lSi . 12-tf T. W. BEDFORD, Couuty Su. veyr HCrSOX GEORGE. NoU:y Public BEDFORD & GEORGE, SURVEYORS, CIVIL MGUEEBS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. BROWXtlLLB XEBRAStA. Office on Llain Street WILL attend promptly to all busintss entrusted to them in the lineor iheir profession. Will buy and sell Lmd warrants make time entries attend to the selec tion aud location of Government Lands, Survey Town sites, subdivide L inds nuke out city .Flats 4lc. fcc, Having been looted in the Territory for the past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for actual settiers. Will pay taxes investigate titles, and render assistance iu contested cases at the C. S. Laud Ottl.-e. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. WE REFER TO Hon. W C Rem lds. Kingston Penn. John J Pendleton, Eq. Cincinnati, Ohio Hon Galutia A Grow Washington City, D. C. Hull Joseph G. Crane Dayton. Ohio Ryall & Charles, Land Agents. Sioux City, Iowa. B-er& Hedges, Bankers do d.) Lushbatigh & Carson, Bankers Brownville, X. T. R. W. Furnas, Esq. do do D. W, C. Cleaver. Geological Engineer, Scranton, Pa. Rufus R. Edwards, Esq. St. Joseph Mo. Col. John G. Fell Waverley Pa. W. G. Georce, Real Estate Agent, Dayton Ohio Apri! 8. 1853 v2n41-yly LLTUEB 110 ADLEV. ROBERT V. MCIR, HO ADIEY & MIIR, LiUSTD AGENCY, Brownville, Xemaha Co., X. T ill select liovernment Lands : iccate iana w ar rants in .Nebraska. Kansas, western Missouri ana . . . - . f Iowa : collect dtbu : pay taxes for non-resident ; hnv and sell crorjertv on commission: Lind War rants bought and sold at market prices ; Fre-cmp- tion naners Drerjared. 4c. 'We have for sale lota in tho City cf Brownville, South Krownville. Nemaha City.Table Rock, Omaha, St. Joseph, Mo, .Elwood, Kansas Territory, Lands near Table liock. fawnee county, ior saie. aiso, iu Nemalia county, improved property for eale or rent. Offlce Corner main and First Streets. REFERENCES. Lucius HorkinM'rs't Importers Traders'Bank N.T, David HoadleT 1'rs't Panama Railroad Cm r T. Hillver Charter Oak Uank, Hartford, Lee.KutlerA Co. llartford, Conn, Collins. KetloKg f- Kirby fcU Louis, Mo., Thomaa W. l'helns Mobile, Ala C. Wilson t- Co. EnUw, Ala, Wm P.Webh.At'T " M. 1!. Osborn A Co- Rwk L-land, 111 Ja's Il.Archibald, Gcnl Ag'lD.1 .4W.R.R. Scranton Gillespie, l'eaa-e A Co, Bankers Carbonaaie, r, Kev t. S.Ward Lathom A Jones SerantoB,Pa H. (J. Morse Red Falls N. Y William Krodiingham. Att'y -"Albany, N. Y Kev. R. Nelson. I'riixiiial Wvt mine Seminary, N.Y J. A. Parker if- Co- - Washington,. I. C A. T. tiiliner. lioceiver LaaJ 0S--e Omaha Honue Everett, Council Bluffs, I. . Krownville, April I, l&A. MILTON F. CLARK, WHOLEiAUt AKD BETAI1 E-EALER IX Grrooeries, WTJJES AND UQUOES, Vo. 9, .Vain Sirtd, BROWNVILLE, N. T. flATIXf? ptrrchased the entire stock of Good belong tnn to . E. Davis, together with large and extensive additions just received, 1 am new prepared to furnish ewy variety of lieavy and Fanry Groceries, FOR HOTEL AXD FAMILY LSE. I have ia store, and for sale cheap, a largo supply of COFFEE, lest quality Eio and Java TEA, Every quality and price. SUGAR, Havana crashed and best article of fcrown scgar. MOLASSES. Large supply of superior Xew Orleans molasses, Bel cher's and Golden Syrup. TOBACCO AXD SEGARS, Extensive variety aud all of the best brands. FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting in part cf PICKLES, A great var.ety and put up expressly for family use. PIE FRUIT, Every description of Fruit, such as Fresh Punches. AppJe3, Cherries. Goose- berries, Currants, Bubarb, Ate, For sale cheap and warranted fresh and g.iod. OYSTERS AND SARDINES, A large supply of the best brands and warranted good. TOC ETHER WITII A large qr.rntity of various articles of domestic use too tedious to luciituu. WINES AND LIQUORS Port, Native, Champagne, Muscat, Sherry, and Claret Wines. Extra Quality of French and American Brandies, ERANDIED CHERRIES, Wolfe's Slicidam Schnapps, Old Monongehela, Bourbon, and Rye "Whiskey, COMMON WHISKEY, ALE, be. CHEESE, Just received 50 boxes superior Western Reserve for sale cheap for cash. MILTON F. CLARK. Special Notice. ALL Close holding acc Mints axainst J. R. Davis will call on the subscriber and have them cancelled; -8- those indebted to him will please call and settle, as er indulgence will not be given. MILTON F. CLARK FltANKIalN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRV No. 168 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Fifth, Cincinnati, 0. c. r. trim is ton. &. co. ranul'acturers and dealers in New, Book ana Job XX Tyoe, Printing Presses. Cues, dallies, &c, Ac, Inks, ami Printing Material of Kverv Description, STi:nr:OTYI'IN; of all kind Books, Music. Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, 4c, d'C. Brand ami Pattern Letters, various styles, OHS P. TVSO-. W. W. HACKNEY. TYSON & HACKNEY, GENERAL, LAND AGENTS. BROWNVILLE, NKMAIIA CO., X. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Land entered on Time. Maims aid Town Lots Bought and Sold. Loan Money. Make Investments and Locate Warrants on time, fur Distant Dealers. Pre-Emption Papers Prepared. OFFICE Next door to L . S. Land Office. REFERENCES Geo. II. Sixon. Register L. O., Brownville, X. T. it Lexington. Mo. Omaha City X. T. C. B. Smith. Receiver, " Smock Williams, K. Tu:tle. B. K. Peram & Co., Bankers, Council Biufl's. Iowa. Hon. G. W. Siotietd, R. L. Mcfihee & Co., Warren. Fenn. St. Louis, ilo. St. Joseph, " Tootle it Fairleigu, Oct. I. '57 r PINE DOO US t or stile, bv I. f. WHYTE CO. 1. W. PI ETT. M. li. W LKlSO PUETT k WILKINSON, AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, U.MAUI, IN. T. Will attend to all business entrusted to their care KEFEKKNCES Col. Jesse Williams, FairBeld, Iowa. Gov. Jos. A. Wright, Indianapolis, InJ, Mr. F. N. Koock, Washington1 City. Hon. John G. Iavis, Rix.-kville.Ind. Hon. (ico. L. Miller, Ornahit City, N. T. Z v.K & BALDWIN, I'orc st City, ZWXo. And MEDICINES. Cliemicals, Dye Woods, Dyestuffs, Oils Paints and Painters Articles Varnishes, u inlow-liss and Putty, ULASSWAUEt French, English, and American Perfumery. nvr ;i, I . k.. ; ... t,.:. ...i . A , I . ivilci uiiia . . i ' i ' f, oiia.i, uuc uan aiiu ji tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical snd dent f lil instruments, spices, snutTs, manufactured tobscco; all the patent medicines of the day; pure wines and brandies, for medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, etc.ctc. Agents for the sale of Dr. Wistars Kalsam of Wild Cherry. Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagua. " Osgood's India Choiagogue, u ( u Jonej' Ameiican Cholagogue; Gnysott's Yellow deck and Sarsaparilla; bmith s Tonic feyrop. . July 23, 1857. v2n1-yly Lightning Rods. ST AXD ritOM ODER ! .To all whom it may concern, yon are hereby informed that the uixiersmned is now engaged in piitung up the best class cf Lifthtniug R Js manufactured hi Ibe ast, and on the most reasonable terms Having had Inne ex perience in the business, he warrants all work done by him to be done rieht. H. II. JIARS1I. REFERENCES. James Buchanan, Wa.biitoB V. C.j J. C. Brecken- hdze. Washinston. D C; Urs Vicuiria London. Knp laDd; Lon:t sapolc-n B .naparie. Paris, France; Emper or Alexander. M. Fetersimrg ku-u. BROWSVILLE JIarch2o Oi3t J. D N. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, Has resumed his protessl-mal business, and will prac tice ia all the Courts of Nebraska, and the Courts in Atrhinxiii Ciuntv. lo. Ottce one Lor west of I. T Wbyte'i Store, BroWnvilie XebrasZd. Brownvilile, April 23, tU. 4 7 DEIUG STEELE, Front Street KrovrnTlllc, Nebraska Territory, j. ;e. maun & Co., Has just received thff ( LARGEST STOCK WEST OF S AIN'T LOUIS, Consisting, in part of the following articles, which they propose to sell Cheap for Cash; Pure white lead Putty French line Castor oil China siuc Cod liver oil Red lead Sweet oil Vein tiaa red Olive oil Saw and burnt umbre Glue Spanish whiting Patent medicine, all aorta Chaik Cough candiei Turpentine Fancy candies Linseed oil Castile soap Tanners oil Toilet soap Copal Tarnish Washing .iip Japan Tooth brushes White Varnish Hairbrushes Litherage Cloth Brushes Paintbrushes Almonds soft shell Varnish brushes Hard shell Almjuii Sash and window tool Filberts, peacaus Wall brushes Pea nuts Lettering Pencils Figs Tuble paints Raisins Camel hair pencils Oysters in caa Blenders Sardines Star candles Black aud Imp Tea V east Powders. TOBACCO, Of the best brands, chewing and smcklrg. Cigar fin est qualitr and flavor. FRUITS AXD LIQUORS Preserved fruit for pies, brandied peaches, freh pea ches in cans pure liquors for medical purpose. Jamaica rum. Holland Gin. lush whisky. BourWi whi-ky, ginger brandy. Cordial, Port wiue, cherry wine, wuite wiue, Malaga wiue. STATIONERY. Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, gild edge notes, and envelopes plain fancy and embossed; peus acd pen holders inks of all kinds, inkslauds aud i'abem pencils, sealing wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries, Comprising Lyon's Kalbairion. cologne, pommade genuine ox marrow, tear grease and oils, muaii acd semes of all kinds and of the finest quality. trj" Physicians' Prescription attended of the day and nibt. ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORT M :1T OP i-QGei-iez. Consisting of TEAS, FIGS, SUGARS, COFFEE, , RAISINS, CURRANTS, MOLASSES, SOAP, CANDLES, TOBACCO, POWDER AND SHOT With all articles usually found at such places, They invite their friends and the public generally to give tbem a call, and 1 hey pledge ' betide! ves to give them satisfaction as to price and quality of their goods. TERMS CASH EXCLUSIVELY. Nov. 21, '57-v2-n:2 Watchmaker & Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK PORT, MO. BEflS leave to inform the public that he ha Incited in the above named town and utTers fjr sale a ctuice stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, and other articles usually kept in such establishments at prices which cannot bee oiiiplaine-1 of. Being an exper ienced watchmaker he flatters himself that inrepnring watches, clocks and jeelry he can give perfect satisfac tion. 19 Bin. Land Warren ! FOR CASH AND OX TIME, To Pre-emptors. Buy of regular dealers, and avoid bogus warrants. All warrants sold at the ifflce are gna-anteed to be genuine in every respect and will be exrhanaed if de fective. Lt'S.'.B.U'GII i. CARSON". B inkers and lealers in Laud Warrants. Brownville. X. T.. April 2i 1S&S. n43 3IA.rr.iCTOUY. NO. 10, MAIN STREET, Brownville, X. T. WILLIAM T. DEN, Respectfully informs the public that he has jut re ceive! bis new stock of 1 t anl Sh-e material ami i now prepared to furni-h any Ieii ol article in his line at as low prices as any other establishment in the Tei ritury. All w.irk warraiifcil. He hopes by strict atten i n to bnIne s anil ee;in constant iy on hatnl a superior assortment of Leather, Trimmincs. &c. fur hnie m inulaclure, to sliil merit that Irhe-al patronaco which he h is hci e ofoi e receivcJ. tjl'.ep.urmi: ilme oil the h"Ttel notice J . All work to be paid for on delivery. April S3 v2nl Nebraska 3Ioney Take .otiec From anil after this ilate we will n-.t take any Ne braka pjper except the Platte Valley Bank and Bank Nebraska, inly at aiucountof ten por cent. 1. T. WUITE & Co Brownville, STirch 8.h. 1SC3 nv.33. I JOHN A. PARKER & CO., 1VASIIIM-TOX, O. C. JOHN A. PARKER late Kc-ister i f the Land Office Otnah.i X. T., h.ivine re.-iffn?l his ilri.-ewiii hereitier '.v Tonnection wiih one i f the bet LmJ Liwir-vers in ihe aiuntiy, attend to all business coiifrJcd to b(uifai:J es pecially FKtt-ttrvIl'TIOrV UASL8, Wiich he has made himself thoroughly acquainted wiih bv studv and practice for yeirs. He refers to the neads of Departments and Members ul Concres of bolh Hnu-es. All applications for services must be accompanied with a fee to insure attention. Januarv2H ISiS. n. 31-lv EROWIiyiLLE STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON. Erownvillo, IJ. I. N. B. We would r si ecilullv inform tho citi- tens of Nemaha county aud ailjoiuin Mi-si uri. tba' we havealwnvs on hand a lar,;e and well selected supply of IjL'JIOKK, which we can l unii.-hat low er rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for log delivered tt the yard or on the bank cf the river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receiv our immediate attention. Dissolution. Brown t Hallam dosolved partnership to take ef fect from the first of March last. Either of the firm will attend to the settling np the business, and are authorized to nae tha name o the firm for pur pose. LKUW.N A il ALL A.M. April 1st. ISS'j. $6000 Scrip Wanted, For the same amount of Real Estate ia Brownville at low figures. Apply to LUSnBArCH & CAS0!f T. H. EDWAKI. ANfiKEW J. BEUKV. EDWARDS & BEIIRV, Prorrietors of the NEBRASKA HOUSE. llrovnville, X.T. The nndersiCDCl bavin en ered into a c-pirtnershfp in the hotel businex, at the naiue-l II ,use. and having made an era ire change f r-torm, tic.,andioniple- teiy repiired anJ;el the Whole establishment, they are prepared to acc nun. date the travelling pub.ic and regular bo.rilers in a ttjle nut su passed by any other hotel hi the Territory. CIiargcKi Moderate, and eve'T facility i fTerel to place our suesis at ease aud supply them as near aa pi-asible with the Comforts f a h me. April 8, 1S6S. ntl-Sa EDWARDS k. BEiRT. ) V-'-rl1 a..aaiaaanMil IYER'S PILLS. res all tee rra?osEs or A FAMILY rilYSIC, has lonr extcd a nnU demanu 6 aa erTcctie pur ;n rive whi h could be relied oo aa ure and perfectly s:fe in itx omtinu. Thin haa hocn prepared to meet tliat ditiard, and ail extru sive trial of its tirtues ras conciiisneiv nmni wi:a tint sncces it accnnit'ishe, the ptirpo dvsinter!. It is ety te make a phvMcal iH. but not ey to niake the bevt of sll .' ore which should havsr none of tLe ebieetintu, but all the advantage, of evcrv olLer. Ihis has been attempted here, audi ith what success we would respectfully submit to the pu' -lie decision. It haa been unfortunate fiw the pr.tient hitherto that almost every purgativ midicine is acrimonious and imtatitiii to toe bow . els. This is not Marrr cf themjroluc to much eripin pain and rcvtiU jm in the Hystcm as to more tnan counnrbalance the gtoa to be acmca ironi thfin. Te miVj- Drodiice TtQ Irritation or pain. unless it arise torn a previously existing obstruc tion or dcra-iscment in tne bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arts-e frou their tvse irl srrj iuntit:ty ; but it ts better that any medicine should be taken julicioos'.y. Minute directions for their use in the several disease to which they are ap plicable are given cn the box. Amonn the com plaints whiih have been speedily cured by them, we mav mention Liver Complaint, in its various forma of Janr.dire, Indigestion, I-nmiior and laws of Ap or-tite, Listlerter;s, Imtability, Illinois llradacher Bilious reter, reer and Aine, 1 aiu in the Mae and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con sef'tence of diseased action in the liver. At aa- aper.ent they afTora prompt and sure reuel in it tneness, itles, l olie. Dvsentery, iinmor, ocroiuia and Scf.rvv. Colds with norenrss of lae bouv, ulcere and iiniiuri y of the blood, Irregularities; n short, anv and every cae where a rttrgative it required. lliey have alo produced me einxniariy ee eessfui cures in Rheumatism. Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, f.rvsipelns, l'almtatinn of Ihe lleart, in m ire Back, Stomach, find Side. They should I freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify tilt blood" and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional diise ttiinulatOH the atoinacli afwf bowels into fcealthv action, and restores the appe tite and ij,or. They purify the Mood, and. by their stimulant action on the circulatory aystem, reno-- vats the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or tdscuscd eiicruics of tb.e w hole organism.- Hence an occasional dose i advaiitageona, eveir though lie serious ueraiinenient exists; but mv cecessarv c.oMiig shtuild never lie carrk-U tio far. at every purgative medicine rediuTH the strength, when tikeii to excess. The thousand cases in aich a physio is reiiuired ctirmot be ennierated here, bwt they M!g!jft themselves to the reason of every body; and it is confidently belicv-ed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which ha hitherto boen available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of at cathartic medicine, llcing sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant ti take, mid bein purely vegetable, 09 Li'.nu can arise from their use in any qntntity. For nun ate directions, sec wrapper ou the Boa I'UKI'AKKD UT DR. JAMKS C. AY Ell, rmclical mul Analytical Client isf, LOWKLL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per lox. Five Eoxei for $1. AY KU'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For tlx ruplil 1'nre of COK.IIS, (OLDS, IIOAKSEESS, mioMim is w iioon(.-( 01 (.n, IKOIP, A .lirnoA. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures rf every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely tmiu'ccwiry to recount the evi-A-tices of its virtues in any community where if has been employed. So wide U the Held of its tse fulness, and so' uuiiieroiit the cases of its cutesy that almost every section of the country abonndtr in prrMins publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the" lungs by its use. When Mice tried its superiority over every other medicine of it kind is too appa rent tn escape observation, and wTicre its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to emvloy for the distressing and dangerous aliee tioiis of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. Not only in formidable attarkt itioti the Ini'gs, but for the milder vnrietie of Coi.ns. Cot iJiis, IIoaksenkhs, Xr. : and forC'Hii uiii N if is the tileasantest and safest medicine that cun be obtained. As it has long been in constant use thrcttpliont th sj ctin, we need nut do nnre than a'rnre the irople its rj'iulity i kept up to the 1 est that it ever ha been, and tha.t the genuine artii le U sold hv J. II. 3IArX & co I'.niwnville, N. T. 1858 1858 b ason Arrangement. REGULAR ST. LO LIS AND felOVX CITY riCKIT. 1XDEPEXDEXT LIXE. t J Z" S For Leiitp!on, Kansas, Leavenworth, aL-.'-jL' j31s""iner At' liF-i n St. J iseph Amazonia, I wa iviiu iorre-t City. Whitet'louil Mn-wnvi lie. Lin den Ncloa.-ka Ci'y Fiattsnn uih Saint Ml y Helievue Council U.i.fts, Omaha Kim euce. Cre-cent Ci'y UeSoto, Wcylriiii'. Tekaniah I'ec.itur. Blackbird. Omali ir Stnt's Hl'iif Dakolah Sious Ci'y. r.iciHc City, Covinf ton L.u'ai. Sunt Jliiis St. James, Concord Oppuchee, Ni and Kt. The well k wn. Iiht draught Freight, and unexcep tiouable l'.isMi:scr steamer Orn &1c&l9 -ill. on the earliest teninR of naviitatien reumi her trips in ,he tnolu (tnd all internie-liate p nits on ihe Mi. sum i river ) and c u; iuue them w lib her usual lejula i"y thrt ckIii iiMl.e en:i.e feascn. Th inkfiil ror the very liberal paln nace bestowed upon the OM.MIA the past season e trust by atrirt atten ti. n to ite business, ihe wants of shippeis and comfort of p.i.-sci ;ci', toUiC'i' ri.nti'inm e i I the same. ANDREW tVlN'FLAND JHter. J. J. Wilcox, Clerk .Jlarch '-5 n39 3m IT. II. WILLIAMS, WHOl.KSAI.K A Ml KKTAIL fiKALKK M STOVKS& TINWARE Orcsou ' MAKIIS pleasure in ZWXo., in t he citi tent of 0r I kob and thu ini,l;c in if- iieral. that he haa on hand the most extensive stick of Stoves and Tin ure. ever". r. il in this maiket. .My ataa-k of Tin ware is of my own manulaci ure. and is for sale at Wholesale and Kef all al St. uis prices. I would cail particular atUotioo t my stock of COOKIN TOVKS.n mprisiug '.lie nrosl improve.! ;iattcni both Air-Tihi and I'rouiiuin. Amonj then may be found 1 illy' Charier On k, the best stove now in ue, ;lie Asiatic Air-Tilt, l'ionecr ami priePr ui.uni. Al-o Parlor & Box Stoves Of various S ics and I'atttrns, which I will SELL LOWKK THAN ANY HOUSE IN T0W5. Particular nttcntioii t a'.d lo muKin itid putting up Tin tin i tors, i.i the town aud country. Also, re miring doneonslv.rt n.f:i-e m il ,.n r':is.rnib!e term. Old cupper, Bras and I'cwti r taken in exi-hange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAM:, vl-ni Ore,;i.n, 31c, July b, 13jS. Steam IVEill, IlEEDS Patent Portable Mill, fJllIE subs..nbers Lave entered into a rtn-rship J. omlcr ibe Cnn T Uccd, Uotabird A Co.. to mannf.icta'e the J. C. Keel. Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want cf a good Coru or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplk-ty and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanici institute in Cincinnati, a GUd JVccfaf was awarded them for it. It is adapted to all Grain trrindinj;pnrp, : it it superior to all others forthemostextentrire Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding the Firmcrs fied by Horse power. The above M"T arc mnnnfactnftd by the ender signcd at their shop in Cincinnati, O- where they cnn be furnished in ar.y quantity at s hort notice. Tht iSove Mill warnnt- 't to v'' rn f"Hw: ?? iz. (Wnta pes hour u Il.Cts,2 Wbeat, $30ft jf) " - :', li 2a0 J u . 5 - ij - Z'lir of) .( a . u f t As this Mill tell- it tl nf nimvn-'J-' " I5f -fi.rr.'l enneeessrry ti r-i-uiiir'tidat i ii- r's '-ivd Mwzlv Mills. t i. joiFrn, mo. J A E C A K i l LL Lrojtrk tor. MAN'CF.uriTHCS hii.1 kit-t c:taiit!r on bs 1 1 ! all kiudsof Kliiur .1ft at. and r ee"! ris r-b;r solicited ami promptly fillti Btool Ijd.faU" term'. 'ash paid constantly for Wheal.; . It-net er ul Kb m r nfifl" every bwl that ever it. ist,Jfi-,JU.,Aoj. UO, ISitf. rlulJ-