Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 20, 1858, Image 2
i ! Legal Notice I C7 THE ADVERTISER. II. W. FURNAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MORNING, KAY 20, 1858. ! nail EoadT" Much has been said and written within ihe two years past, in relation to various contemplated Railroads across the country from the Mississippi to the Missouri. All to be speedily constructed and be the making of Nebraska. From the first pos session of a knowledge of the Missouri Valley, we hive been convinced that the first Road that was to benefit Nebraska would be that from St. Joseph to Council Bluffo, and further north, as trade would warrant. The wind work for east and west roads having been completed, we rejoice to see on foot something looking mora like reality. We refer to the St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroad. This road, if built and it surely will be cannot fail to be of incalculable benefit to Nebraska; and Brownville in particular, as it will pass so near us only the river separating. It will be the first touching point, as it were, in Nebraska. That our - readers may be posted as to .what is about being done, we copy the "following from the Council Bluffs Bugle, and shall hereafter take occasion fre quently to refer to this matter : On the 17;b inst., a meeting is to be held in this city Tor the purple of organizing a company to construct a railroad front this ciiy via the Missouri river bottom to the Southern line of the Mate, to connect K ith a road which is authorized to he built by Ihe State of Missouri to the northern line of that Stale. We hope ti e meet lug will be fully attended by delegates from the couu lies of Mills and Freuutil, and that a company will be f.rganiied. The Couiuies of Pottawattamie. Mills and Frem-int have the means, or can procure the means to Luiid this road. It is only forty-eight miles from this city to the southern line of the State, and it is a reason hie calculation when we Kay that the road can be con structed on this level bottom for $20 uoo per mile, malt lug the whole costof the road $WJ 000 Pottawattamie ha already voted $300 000 in aid of the Mississippi and Uli.nri p...f1 .11.1 u-o ... , . Mill. ....... I V . j about the same amount in aid of the Burlington and Missouri road. These votes were given under a pledge from the companies that the road should Le completed to the county within three years from Jjme 1S57. Now thereis no probability that either company will comply on their part and hence the counties are under no legal obligation to isue the bond in their favor. The sum of $600,000 is already voted and all that has to be is to divert the loan to the St. Joseph aud Council Bluits Toad, and we have two-thirds of the means necessary to construct the road. If Fremont county will vote her proportion, then, the company wiil lack but $60 000 of Having sumcicnt means to construct the riad, and this amount can be raised in three days by private bitb - acriptioa. Now the question to be decided, is it tor our ' iuterest to build th s r.iad:' We think it is. Wc think road from thiscity to St. Joseph will be of more ben fit to thecouutie3 mentioned an Eastern mad, be cause instead of taking tra:e from the counties, it will bring trade to them. It des not require a prophet to foretell than an Eastern road will take all the trade from the towns at the western terminus. Dejiots. will be constructed at or near the center of all the counties through which the road passes. At these points towns will be built up, and the citizens in the vicinity of them will go to them tj do their tradintr and sell their pro duce. Whereas, now Council Bluffs receives the tri!e of the country for one hundred miles East, and the towns in Mills aud Fremont will do the same. If a Southern road is constructed, it will be fed and supported by the Missouri Slope on the one side, and Nebraska Territory on the other, and will be a payi:i;road. Tradewill pour in from the Valley of the Missouri on both sides of the Toad, and the towns along the road will be supported by a trade extending back one hundred miles in the country; nuiituniiif.asiern roaa ttiey win receive me trade from thecountry for a circuit of aluut twenty miles. No one will suppje for a moment that the citizens of Cass county will come to Councii Bluffs to trade when they have a railroad depot as a thriving town in their uud.t. The citizens or Montgomery county will not trade at Glen, when the railroad is constructed and they have a dep t at their oun'y seat. The people of Page county will u t gj to St. Joseph to do their trading a distance of eighty mile-, when they have a railroad omiuunica'icii within twenty miles of them, wherethey can sell their produce or send it on to au cistern market Construct the Sxtthern road immediate y, and trade r or the co.iuties mentioned and those titty miles bickwill bed. awn to it. II is St. J ossphany interest in this road? Most certainly she has; with its cjiistruciioti she sec urely retains the trade which she now has and will be blessed with the increase. Let the Eastern road he con structed and a large portion of her trade is cut off, Hi St. Louil any interest involved lti thee instruction of the Council Bluff, and St. Joseph Kiiiroad? Let her citizens lojk at the trade of the Missouri Valley, and then answer. Fifteen hundred taiies above this city ate imboats navigate the wild Missouri" and a valley as rich as the valley of Niles is found upon her borders. This valley is capab e of producing food eimu-'li to sup ply the whole Cuion, and the time is not far distant when the Missouri river will not aff.rd the means or con veying her surplus to ma. kets of the South and East. If St. Loins desires to secure this trade, she must lend her aid iu opening a thoroughfare by which this trade will be p.ured into her lap. If sne allows this trade to be tapped evei y 40 or 60 miles by Eastern rad, a g-eat porti n uf it will be taken from her. If the betters her lf now in the construction of the Council Bluffs aud St. J .sepa road she will secure a portion of this trade, which will certainly go E ist via her formidable rival Chicago if she permits the Mississippi and Missou ri Riilroad to be constructed before the Council Bluffs aud St Joseph road is completed. St. Louis has it now In her power to check hei i irmidablc rival Cli.Mgo, by laying bdd of and pushing ahead this road. The policy of the Mississippi and Mis.-outi Railroad company has been to proceed no faster with tlieir road than they arc ided by the counties through which the road passes. The county of Jasper has refused to aid her and hence the road will be stopped ather border until sh; yields up tier support, after which it will be constructed to Dcs Moines, the capital of the State, where following out a former pi ecedent, thay will rest two or three years. Now as we have sh wn before, we have the means to build the road to the State line. If the citizens of Si. Louis will take our bonds and let us have the money to go on wiih the w .rk. The State of Missouri has voted loan of $700 000 in aid of the construction of the Southern portion, and this road can be built in two years if the citizens of St. Louis, who have a gret in terest in its construction will take hold of it, and push it ou to completion. Since the above was in type Richard Beovvjt, Esq., of this city, who attended the Convention at Council Bluffs, informs us that the meeting was largely represent ed from all points along the contemplated line, and that there was but one opinion, viz : that the road ought to be, could be, and must be made. A charter was sec ured under the general act for such pur poses; a thorough organization effected ; books opened to receive subscription of stock, and heavy amounts immediately taken. A competent engineer wes sel ected and ordered into immediate service. We do look upon this enterprise as one in which the interests of Brownville, and i in fact all Nebraska, is more deeply inter ested than any ever before conceived. Will our monied men and property hold ers give it rkcir immediate attention ? We believe they will. Kansas. Below we copy the yeas and nays of both Houses on the passage of the "Eng lish Bill" as reported by the Conference Committee. As we intimated last week, this bill does rot submit the Lecompton Constitu tion direct to the people of Kansa?. But indirectly they, under the provisions of- this bill, now have an opportunity of giv ing an expression; either accepting or re jecting the whole aflair. Of course they will choose" the latter. While we despise the trickery and treachery -which has shown itself all through this affair of late ; the spirit which conceived and gave utterance to the land bribe offered ja the English Bill, u-e cannot see why .the people of Kansas ought not to feel as though they had secured all they leEired. Certainly, .1 i ti me result is really a popular sovereignty triumph! Although in its marked tha pe While it has been contended by the and half the money requisite, with which friend $ of the Lecompton Constitution to erect a jail thereon. The corporate that it should not be further submitted to authorities promptly stepped forward and the people, the English Bill i3 on!y a dodge entered into a written obligation so to do. by submitting the land grant to a popular . We are not posted as to the plan of rais vote: but at the same time declaring that ing the money with which to consummate the vote upon the ordinance shall decide this project, whether by immediate and the question of admission, and so to be, dir:ct taxation; or by borrowing funds; Dracticallv. a vote uuon the constitution, or issuing warrants, bearing a reasonable 4 ' If the ordinance is accepted, so is the constitution : and if reiected. so is the onstitution. Ia fact, therefore, we con tend that the constitution is really submit interest, payable say one and two years hence. Times are exceedingly oppres- 1 -11 1 .1 . T 1 sive, ana will De more so u ine i.ana Sales are not postponed. Consequently ted to a popular vote. All the Lecompton the people are in a poor condition to bear taxation at present, lnis is one side ot the question. The other side presents this fact as a strong argument: The want of a jail has cost the people of the county more the past year than is proposed now advocates have gained is the verbal pre tense that the constitution is not submit ted. It is perhaps fortunate they are so easily satisfied.! All the opponents of the Lecompton Constitution demanded was that this to expend in the erection of a jail instrument should not be forced upon the While we fuvor all manner of improve people, but submitted to their vcte, and in ments, and compliance with the wants of spite of the flimsy evasion this point is county or city, we advise, especially under certainly gained. present financial oppressiveness, in public Objections are made to the bill because matters, what we endeavor to practice in of new conditions imposed upon the ad- our private affairs, the ttnetest economy mission of new States in regard to their wj hope the county and city authorities population at the time of their admission, have taken this view of this enterprise; There is most assuredly injustice in ad- and farther, that they may find another mode than that of taxation by which to less population than many counties in the carry States ; thus giving it two Senators, and Seeds from (he Patent OfflCC. equal power ia this respect with the old- Commissioner Holt has forwarded to e:t and most populous State in the Union! the Nemaha County Agricultural Society While we contend for the correctness a supply of garden seeds for distribution, of this principle in itself, we regret to Small supplies, sufficient to secure a stock see in the English BiU so unjust a discre- of seed for next year can be had of either mination as to what kind of constitution of the County Judges Hall, Cole, and should be submitted to the rule. Sanders, or at the Advertiser office. It The following are the yeas and nays in is hoped those who get seed will give the House : them close attention and report to the Veas Messrs. Ahi, Anderson, Atkins. Avery, Secretary the result of their experiment uarKJiuue, liisnnp, itococK, Uowie, Uoyce, 13 ancti, Hraan, liurnett, Uurn?, Caruthers, Caskie. Clark of .Vi?souri, Clay, Clemens, Clinjrmin, Cobb, John Cochrane of New York, Cuckertl, Corning, Cos, Craig of Mo, Craio;eof . C, Crawford, Curry. Da vidson, Deward, Dowdell, Edmundson, Elliott, Eng lish, Eu.slis, Florence, Folfj, Garnett, Gurtrell, Uil lis, Gilmer, Goode. Greenwood, Gregg, Groesbeck. Hall of Ohio, Hatch, Hawkius, Iiopkiu.1, Houston, Uugues, Hui!cr, J.wksun, Jenkins, Jewett, Jones of Tcun., J. Gliiae.y Joiic-a (,f Tu., Owen Jones of 1'n., Keitt, Kelley, Kunkel of Md.. fim ir, Lindy, Law rence, Lnidy, Letcher, Maclay, McQueen, iMason, .Vaynard, Mil-js, Miller, MilU.n, Moore, Xiblaek, Pen dleton. Peyton, 1', Phillip, Powell, Heady, Ite.i- gin. Keilly, hblhn, hussvll, handidge, bnvage, n-iiios, fv-otr, Bearing, boward, bhavr of . G.. Shorter, Sickles, Singleton. Smith of Tcnn., Smith of a., Stnll worth Stephens, Stevenson, Talbot, Trtr,... r..,l U..ii,:.. wt.:,.. ri,;i, iv-j-i...- II ' i utiii;f .tunc, . i ill iivj , if inllltt, i , . . 1 1 . . VooJmi Vorten.iike, Wright of Ga., Wright of above ihe business portion of the landing, Tenn.. and z lis. and over at Bloody Island, waiting for i a ; .icB'i'?, aAuuuii, iiuriiin. Aiiurews. jeu- . Indians Killed. j We are informed that two Pawnees were killed near Plattsmouth, sometime ast week, by a Mr. Wiggins. Our in formant sava that Mr. W. was ridinsr alone in his wagon, when he was attack ed by two Indians, one of whom he im mediately knocked down with ins whip handle. The second Indian drew a ritle upon Mr. W . and was in the act of firing, when he seized the gun. and discharged the contents into the body of the Iudian, causinrr instant death. Upon examination of the first Indian, he was found to be mortally wounded,' and in a short time died. i Much complaint is made in that vicinity g - j of the thieving propensities of the Indians and a determination is expressed among me wmtesto getriaoi tnera,n necessary, by iorcible means. umana limes. Gold in Missouri. The St. Joseph Gazette of the loth says: We have iust learned from Mr. II. W. Stephens, who came in directly from Gen try county, that Peter Stephens, Esq., Deputy Surveyor of Gentry country, made a discovery of gold on Cowan's Branch, one of the tributaries of the West fork of Grand River, Several old Californians are now at work on the branch, making rom one to six dollars per day. The gold is very tLoa suad light, and it is believed by those who are digging for it, that heavy deposits exist somewhere in the neighborhood. Lxtensive placers are also found in Ringold county, Iowa, and a large number of persons are at work upon them. The Difference. A gentleman from a St. Louis Whole sale House, who has been out over a two month collecting tour, informed us the other day, that he had much better suc cess alonjj the Missouri river than the Mississippi that the proportion was as two to one. Steamboats laid up. The following we clip from th; St. Louis Republican of the 10th. The following named boats have been laid up at this port on account of dull busi ness, no business at all, or, what is worse, a losing business ; The Aunt Letty and Admiral were taken charge of by the U. S. Marshal, who had them piloted away from the Levee for the present. The Granite State, WT. S. Nelson, Edinburgh, Brazil, Red Wing, Chippewa, Saracen, Harinoniii and C. Bluffs, are all lvinsr Deuer umes, eacn costing tneir owners a dollar a day for watchmen. The Emi grant, Asa v ugus, Isabella, Omaha, Flo rence and T. L. Tutt, are all lying at the Levee, doing nothing. Some of them are waiting for their turn to load in the Inde nt, llillinglmr.-t, llunghaui, Ulnir, Bliss, lionhato, br.tyton, Uuir iit,-,., i,urling:iui ', IJurrougns, Cuiii))-bi-ll. Case. CLiiT-e. Chiii.iu:in.Clurk of Conn.. Chirk f X. V., C"lf.ix, Coimii. Covode, Cr.irin. Curtis. I;iinrt-1, llavi.i of Mcl., Duvisof Ind., Dar sof Mass., ij.ivii of I w:i, D.iiv;iH, Dean, Dick, Dodl, Durfec, Kdie, Fnrnswi'i th, Fen ton. Foster, (iiddino, Oilman, ... 1. . J.! i- . tTti ia ir u Ki!,ijruouiii, irnmgcr, uru , itau ci .u.iss., liar- i i. t i? t e T)i cc n t . Ihd. Harri. of Md.. II t.rU f in., iiaskin. Uioknmn. Pdem People s Line of Bluff Packets Hoard, Howard, Ke.Ioz. Kelsev. Kilo-ore. Knapn. All 01 them have paid Oil their Crews Lea.h, L ,v,j ,y, MoKibbin, Marshall of Ky., The steamers Michigan, Oceana and Illi Marshall of 111., Morse of Me.. Morse of N. .. Mott. . T , .a Mamiy, Xi.hois. oiiii, .Palmer. Parker, Pettit, Pike, uol.s' iew wneans Doats, are lying very l' tter, Poiiif, Quittia'n, Kk-aud, ltitchie, Kobbins, quietly on their oars waiting for a better nc.ocns, iw..vce. snw 01 ill., enerman ot unio, timp rnm no- nh iv mm tViom cmo thing to do that will pay them for turning their wheels A large number of boats that have not yet got up steam this seasan for any pur pose, are laying to the shore below the landing; All the boats named kept their fires up while their prospects paid the wood bills. Others will soon follow their Sherman f X. V., Smith of III., Spinner, Stanton, Stewart of I'm., lap;tan, 1 hayur, loini'kins, I nder- vrood, Wade, W-lbri Ige, Waldron, Walton, Wash burn of 111., W ushburne of Me., and W llson. 103. The vote in the Senate was as follows: 1 EAS Mes3M. Allen, Rayard, Benjamin, Uiggs. Biler, Uright, Ilrowa, Clay, Davis, Evan, Fitzidi- triuk, Green, Gwin, Hammond, Houston, Hunter, lverson. Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Tenn .Joins. Kenuolv. Mallorv. Mallorv. Mascn. Polk. Pugh, Sebastian, Siidcii, Thompson of Xew Jersey, example, and drop off their various trades. unless a great change for the better takes place in the business. The steamer Spread Eagle, Capt. La Tl l- uarge is gitting ready lor a mountain trip, and will leave for the mouth of Yel low Stone next Thursday. To.mbs, Wright, an I Yule -3 1 Xays M'.ssm. lirodorick, Cameron, Chandler, Coilainer, Crittcudin, Dixon. D.Kilittle, Douglas, Durkee, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Hale, Hamlin, Har lan, King, Seward, Simmons, Stuart, Trumbull, uae,ana usoa -'.'. Bell and Pearce paired off, as also did Fitch and Sumner. Bates, Henderson, Reid and Thompson were sick and absent. Vine Growing. We call the particular attention of our Nebraska readers to the article on first paTe.byProf. Swallow,' Vine Growing The Public Printing Plunder A Sensible Act. Yesterday the Speaker laid before the House certain correspondence and docu . t l menis in reiauon to maian anairs in Oregon and Washington Territories and California, the course of Gpn. Wnnrl in tn .uissovn. Ihe Trofessor's accurate respect to Indian warsia the Pacific de- personal knowledge of the subject, to- partment, the conduct of Anson Clarke, srethpr with hi? pminpnt stnnflinrr n nntV.. inaian agent, &e ority upon such matters, renders this ar ticie particularly valuable. Our special -..,... f, it: t 'caiuu caning uiitnuon as we uo IS, that every point in the article is equally applicable to Southern Nebraska as to Missouri. The thousands of acres of bro ken land immediately along the banks of the Missouri, are most admirably adapted to the cultivation of the grape. We have endeavored heretofore to impress this idea; uui naif iceii met wnn tne answer "too cold too far north !" or "it won't pay like corn, wheat or potatoes !" As to the soil and climate we have in Prof. Swal low s article, no fine spun theory, but practical evidence, founded upon personal and scientific observation. As to the pay, a very short exercise in simple division shows the inccme per acre to be two hun dred dollars. Thus it will be seen that our hills, which are thought by some to After considerable discussion, the mes sage and accompanj'ieg documents were laid on the table, and a motion to print was voted down. This was a very sen sible act on the part of the House, not withstanding it will deprive the grocery establishments of the city of wrapping-pa per for a year to come. vVe understand that the manuscript of said correspondence and documents weighs over four hundred pounds, and that six clerks have been laboring on it for nine months. The course of the House in voting against printing such listless documents will meet wi'.h the approval of the who'e country. The printing of each Congress can be done for a slight advance on what it was done for ten years ago ($250,000) if Congress will study the same economy now it did then. The vote yesterday is a very good indication that the day of the public printer plunder has passed. Mates The Cla) ton-Bui wer Treat j-. The following are the preamble and be "too rough for any earthly use," can, resolutions reported from the Committee by proper attention, be made the most on Foreign Affairs : provable portion of our highly favored country. There is perhaps nothinir pertaining to the "farm and garden" iii which we have always felt interested more than the cul tivation of fruits; and our notions have ran strongly after the grape since possessed of a personal knowledge of this country. We have not time or space to extend our Whereas the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, designated as the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, is, under the interpretation placed on it by Great Bn tain, a surrender of the rights of this country, and upon the American construe tion, an entangling alliance without mutuality either in its benefits or res motions, and has hnherto been pro ductive only of misunderstandings and controversies between the two Govern ideas at present, but promise to refer to ments ; therefore, be it this interesting subject again. Resolved ly the Striate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ijhic tcu I uig7eoj usztinuitu, me President of the United States be request ed to take such steps as may be, in his opinion, best calculated to eifect a speedy abrogation of said treaty. It may have escaped the observation o: the readers of Congressional news that both Houses of Congress have resolved to adjourn on the 7th of June. They have &o resolvpd. Cocnty Jail It will be seen by reference to the no tice "to Contractors," that the County commissioners nave aecioea to receive proposals for the erection of a County Jail. As they reserve the right to reject all bids, we take that as an indication that their decision to build will depend greatly perhaps entirely upon the amount of money necessary to erect the building It is proposed, we believe, to only erect A New York paper says that recent at present, such a building as present develop-. ments implicate Mrs. Burdell wants demand ; and upon conditions that Cunningham in the murder of Dr. Bur the city of Brownville furnish the ground, I dell, beyond doubt The people of Tennessee will be called upon to vote on the first Thursday in Sep tember next upon the question of calling a convention "to revise, alter, or amend the Constitution of the State of Tennessee. The expenditures for the support of the military academy at West Point last year was S9o,505. Under the law of the 3d of March, 1S57, increasing the pay of cadets, the estimate for the current ytar amounts to SI 16,737. The JIarkets. COBHECTED WEEKLY. liKOWNVILLE, May FloI"R, sack 15CCKWUKAT Flour, (4 Sack Corn Meal, y bushel Corn, bushel Oats, bushel, Sugar, B) COFFES, Tea, Chickens, $ doi., Eggs, do, FbeshBeef, $ Tb " PorK, per 10 lbs. Potatoes, bushel, Salt, Lumber, Cottonwood, per 100 ft., Yellow Pine, Butter, Cheese, y ft, Lakd, JJails, per keg. Wheat, none in market Whisk y, per gallon, Salt, sack, Molasses, Rkass. $ bush, P HlPES, Vlb, 20' 1858. .'50 4,(10 2,00 75 50 40 120 15&l7i 100 2,00 10 6(?8 $ 5,5 Oca. 6 50 11.10 $2&2,50 8,00 25 25c 10c 6,00 3040c 2,00 75 2,50 8 Sr. JosErn, Whe at, bush, Corn, T$ bush, Flour, cwt, Buckwheat Flour, $ cwt, Fresh Pork, ft, Potatoes, $ bush, White Beans, y buirh, Butter, y lb, Eggs, y dot Chickens, y doz, Dry HinKS y ft, Coffee, y ft, Sugar, y ft, TEA.y ft. May 17, 1858. $1,00 25o .$3.25(.375 ... 3,50(4,50 ixAdiAa ... 25(.30c 1,50 1525c .. . 8c $2,00(32,50 9(?10o 1.314a 5057c Died. On Saturday the 8th inst., in Atchinson county, Mis souri, jemima, wire ot itenry u. iiougn, anu aaupmer ot James and Betsy Roberts, aged 18 years and 5 months. lleei life and peaceful death were thine : And it the pure in heart Shall see their God where seraphs shine, That is thy glorious part. Democratic Mass Meeting. There will be held at the city of Brownvil !e on S:ttur- da May 22 1S5S. a Mass Meeting of the Denncracy of Xcni iha courily for the purpose of appointing delegates to attend the Democratic Territorial Convention ti be held at Platmouth on the 3d day of June next. It has been thought up n consultation, best to meet in mass niee;ing for that purpose, without reference to the appointment of delegates from p.ecincts. It is hope'! therefore that all who feel an interest in the establh- ment and ditTusi. n of National Democratic principles will attend aud encourage by their pr-ence and counsels MANY DEMOCRATS. Masonic Notice. A braska will take plac f 2d day of June next, t ' v AM By order. CLAIM NOTICE. To Edward L. Ros and all other, whom u njy c incern. Tou are hereby notified that 1 will at pear at the Lnd Office at Eruwuvillo, Nebraska, on Friday May 2d 1858. at 10 o'clock a M, to prove up my riyht of pre-einpu..u to the northwest quarter of section twelve, tu tuwu4iip two, in range number eleven east. May 20 47-2t . ROBERT TAILOR. GKOIKiK ARMSTRONG. Grand Secretary. Claim Notice. To S. B. Miles and all whom it may concern. Ton are hereby not tried that I will appear at the LiQ4 Office in Brownville, Xeraaha county, Nebraska Terri tory, on Friday, the-Sth day of May, 1863, at 2 o'clock P. M ., to prove up my right of Pre-emptun to the south half f south-east and north-east of south-east and south-east of north-west quarter of section No. thirty, Township No. two, Bange no sixteen, east. May 20, '53 47-2t UEN RT C. WOODKN. The annual communication of the Grand IvdgeF. A A. M soiis of the Territory oi Ne 'e at Nebraska city on Hie commencing at 10 o'clock Laud Sales! The undersigned owner of forty-six acres nf land ad joining the ciiyof Brownville was originally laidtffas a portion tl the town site desirous to dispose of the same and will do so on exceedingly favorable terms. Apply to joiin Mcdonough. May 20, 1853 n47tf Brownville, N, T. HflUEUBT STOCK A large number of our cattle for the ttaij expedition recently strayed away from Nebraska city, which we are anxious to secure. They are undoubtedly In this region, somewhere not far on. They are all branded oa the side near the back with figure of an ox yoke. we will give liberal rewards for their return to our agents in Nebraska city, or Richard Brown, Xsq., In Brownville; or any information that will lead to their recovery. MAJORS, RUSSELL fr WAD DELL: Nebrask city. May 12. '53. 46tf DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership between J II. Maun and A. S. llolla d.iy in the Drug busiuess under the name and style of J. II. Maun &. Co.. commenced April 10th I&53. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be c Uiintied in the name of A. S. Holladay, who will settle the : traits r the late Arm. May 17, 1S53, 47-3t A. S. HOT.LADAT, J. U. MAUN, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Holladay t Arnold dissolved partnership in the practice of Medicine and the Drug business, April lOib, 1S53. Either will attend to the settlement of the busi ness of the Arm. Those knowing themselves inlebted will save cost of suit by calling immediately and paying their indebtedness. May 17, 1S53 47-3t A. S. HOLLADAT, WM. ARNOLD. Brownville Hotel Oi vstuaiy utiuwu 'imnioiT. Take notice that 1 R. T R iiney the Treasurer in and foi thecuunty of Neniaba Nebraska Temtoiy. will of fer at public sale and sell in front of Johnson's Halt, the place in. which the District Court in and for the Cui in ty of Nemaha aforesaid wa list held, and In the town uf Brownville. county teatnf said Nemaha ceonty. on the 5th June, between the bou; o aineu'cWk A M anil five o'clock P M. alt the land situated in said coun ty on which the taxes were levied during the year 1857 still remain due and uupaid. an less the said taxes upon said land be paid prior to the time of sale as serein above mentioned, with interest from January laat. at the rate of 25 percent per annum K AMES. Wm. D. Allen Will be sold at Public Auction MODAY, MAY 31st, 1S5S. The Brownville Hotel with the five lots belonging thereto. Terms $500 cash down, and the hotel scrip to be taken up as it falls due; viz: $2997 on the 6th of November next; $-2023 on the I5ih D ecember next, and $980 on the 1st of March. 1S59;; any amount exceeding the above to be on a credit of one and two years. Brownville May 13 n46 O. F. LAKE, Sec'y. V To Contractors. Soalad ".proposals will be received at the Comity Clerk's oflu e in the city of Brownville until the first day of June next for the erection of acontyjailiu sail city. Specifications can be seen in the clerk's office. Prcjiosals received for either a log or stone building. The com missioners reserve the right to refuse any or all bids. J. w. n A LI., JESSE COLE. D. C.SAN DEI13, Commissioners of Nemaha county. May 17, '53 47-2t Claim Notice. To all whom it may concern Ton are hereby notified that 1 will appear at the Land Office in Brown ville, on the 22d day ot May,18o8, to prove up my right of pre-emption to the south-east quarter of section tix, in township one, ranee sixteen, east. May 13, 1853. a47-lt WILLIAM SHERMAN. O. B. HEWETT, ATT0RNEY AT LAW REAL ESTATE AGENT, Brownville, Nebraska. Will attend to business in all departments of his pro fession. Pre-eTrrotora Eights Secured. Land Warrants lor Sale. Office on First St., bet. Main and Water. RtFr-RRErCES : Kinney &. Uoiley, Nebraska City. Cheever Sweet H. Co., do J. S:e 'ling Morton do Brown & Bennett, Brownville K. W. Furnas do Brownville N. T. M;iy 13 1S53. 2n46tf ISHAM REAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Falls C ty, E chardson County, .Nebraska. Will give prompt atter.ti n to all professional busi ness entrusted to his ctre in Richaidon and adu initig coiintie-; also to the drawing of deeds pre-euiptioii pa pers, be, ti.c , May 13 '63 n4G-m Diton. & clixtox, PRODUCE DEALERS, Forwarding & Com mission MERCHANTS, No. 78, North Levee, St. Louis. Mo. Orders for Groceries ami Mauuiac'nied A tides a.-cu-raie.y tilled at lowest possib.e rate-.. C u-innieiu t .r sale and re-shipment respeclully solicited. Shipments or all kinds wiii be fui:btully attended to. lteteneiicea : Messrs. ft II Rea t Co St. Louis B irttett. McComb & C ) do Gilbert Mi;es i Sianii ird d Iton. W If BiilBnjxtoii Auditor State of Missouri J Q Harmon E.-q Cairo City III. Messrs Moloiiy, Bro's&Co' New Orleans, Loui.ianj JD Jackson Esq., Uo do Messrs llinkle Guild & Co, F H mini ir c Co Brai deil &. Crawford Woodruff Al Huntington, II. Billions, Esq., May 12 1858 45-3m Cincinnati O. do Louisville Ky. Mobile Ala. Beardstown, III. Claim Notice. To all whom it may concern. Tou are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Office at Brownville Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, on Friday the 21st May, 1858 to prove up my right to the south-east quar ter of section four, in Township No one Range 16 east. May 13, 1868. nl6 2t MARCUS F. PARKER- CLAIM NOTICE, To William Thomas and all whom it may concern. You are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Office iu Brownville. Nemaha county, N. T., on Friday, May 21. 1858, at 2 o'clock, P. M., to prove up my right of pre-emption to the southeast quarter of section twenty-nine township two, range fifteen east. May 13 1S5S 2wn4tf JOSEPH B. HARE. Notice Is hereby eiveti !lU WnfLEf II. HORN has obtained from the Probate Court of Pawnee Motility letters testa tamentary on the estate of Reddii k Horn, late of said county, deceased, bearing date January 11th. A D 1858. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to exhibit them for allowance to the Probate Court of said county on or before the 9th day of August, 1S58. or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if tiot presented within six months from the dale last above moutiored they will be forever barred. j 45 j n, G. LORE, Judgeof Probate. AMBROTYPES. The under. and built a ijky-light (side lights connected) Daguerrean Gallery on of Brownvil that we are igned having entered into a co-partnership mer of Main and First streets in the city e. would respectfully announce to the public tiowprepared to take pictures ith all the beauties of t fie art, aud at reduced prices. Pictures in serted in lrx kets. pins, &c. in the neatest style. Being experienced artists, we have no doubt that all who want good picture i can be pleased. Call and see. MINN1CU &AKIN. Brownvil lie. May 6, n45tf Potter Wanted. I will give employment to a giMxi, industrious Potter, well acquainted with the business. JOIIN McPnERSON. n23tr Brownville Pec 5 1S57. 75,000 lbs. Bacon. LTFORD & HORN. Sonora. Mo , have for sale, chep for cash 75 0KJ pounds excellent bacon. v2n36-ly M-irch 1, 68 LEGAL AOTICE. Sec.-nd Judicial District court of Nebraska Territory. To June tei m A U 1S5U for I Nemaha coiiuiy. Seed Corn and Seed Wheat For Sale at the Farm t Prairie Forest op-osite Enworttls A pril 1. IIOADLEY k MUIR. Henry D. S I.eeper, ri'ff vs John Mil'herson, William L I'e guson and Rachel A. Def . Wite eas in the abi ve entit led cause a writ of attach ment and suiniii ns against the said William L Fergu son ami It nhel A Ferguson was i-suci trom the tll.e of theclerkof saidc-uit which said summon:, has been re tu tied n it found' as to y.;u Ihe said U ihtani L. s. ri and n uhel A. Ferguson. Tbeiefore you the said wilii mi L. Feigtisotiand K ichel A. Ferguson are he: e by notnted that said Plain-itT Henry U. S. Leeper. has f ed in ihe i trice of tho clerk of the District court for Nemaha county Nebraska Territory hit petition for an attachment in aid of his suit heretofore began for the sumdf two hundred and ten dollars and six y one cents, wi.h interest on that sum at the rate of six per cent per annum ru in the seventh day of November AUItiM, audihat he has caused to be attached a the property of you the said Willi ini L Ferguson and Rachel A Feigu son lots numbered Vine. two. three ten. eleven ami twelve ot Id ckriuriiber thirty-nine in the town of S-uth Brownville in said county. Anil you are further notified that unless you appear at the next term of said DUtiict Court to be bejini and held at B: owm ilie in said county, on the firreenth day of June A D I85S and on or beroie the moming ot the se?nd d iy f aid tetni and p.ead t. saitlpeti i n judgement by default will be had jniinst you for said sum of two hundred and feu dollajs and six tvone cents, with interest as aforesaid and for costs. D. L. McGARV Att'y for Pi'ff It is ordered and de'ei mined that ihe foregoing notice be pub!ihed in the Nebraska Advertiser as the lawm such ca-es reqiti es, MAST1N W RIPF.N cle k. May 17. 4T-4w ByCltAS. G. DORSET, Deputy. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons not to buy from Jame-t Ferguson now a resideut of Brownville. Nemaha county Nebraska, the following described real estate viz: the south west quarter (14) of the south east quarter (14) and lot number four (4) of section eighteen (18) in township five (.r) ranze sixteen (16) east, or any portion thereof as 1 will contest his right of preemption thereto; the same being a portion of a town site This therefore U to warn all persons against trading, buying or in any way to negotiate with the said Ferguson for the above described tracts or parcels ot land. v2n33!f AI GySTCS KOCNTZI. To the Public. "Notice is hereby given to all persons" that James Ferguson is not "a resident of Brownville, Nemaba co., N. T " nor has he been, but is a resident on "the follow ing described real estate in the southwest quarter of the south east quarter, and lot number four of section eigh teen in township five, range sixteen east." and further, that he is the only resident upon the said tract Dow or heretofore; consequently the only legal claimant. If persons are solicited or contemplate purchasing any of Baid property, they will save themselves being swindled by readi-g this notice, and refusing to purchase of one ' Augustus Kaiuntx." JAMES FEKGISON. Brownville. April 21. 1SS8. 33 husk Mattrasses just received at the store of Aug. 6, 1S57. n? I. T. WHITS. OOTS and SHOES A Tremendous Stock, ju received, opened. and torsade, by " I. T. WUYTE A CO, E. M. Anderson A. J. Benedict Jewo W. BraJahaw Jeremiah Barlow Brownville Hotel Company Jaa. M.ChapU r LOT. 5, 13 7, 8, 13 15 1 1 2 1 4 1 15 7 U 11 18 1 2 12 1 5,6.7 3,4 12 2.11 9, 10 )2 18 18 8 4 3 1 1 Judaon A. EbeneierR. Collins Samuel S. Cox 11 ft 4 7 3' M 4 10 ,H 13 2 7 George Clay (Brown Add'n) 1. 2, 3, 4,5. B. 7 Jacob Easterly 11,12 Thou. B. fJlen Lett Henry S), 10 Willis Hill (fcstate) tt BLOCK J TAX. 81) 81 70 12 13 14 28 27 49 53 60 ' 80 82 10 15 12 23 29 20 3 20 10 21 11 8 118 115 104 1P3 58 32 I C B 32 64 1 23 29 32 3 69 63 66 65 61 Jas. II. Ho!sey rr Robert G. Hatten Henry C. Jones lladley D. Johnson John J. Khk 4 A. I). Kirk U 44 Alderson K eat on Mat hew La marque l 1.2 3, 4 5 16 2 4 5 II 10 7 2 1 12 15 ID 3 5 II 7 I II lo ll 5 7 is. n 5,11 4 1 3 15 f 4 9 John McDonongh. D. L. Mcliar H. i of McBride and is. W. Bowen J. B. Morton N'em.tha Valley Bank J. W. Paddock S. U. k Hi ram Patterson w, Riddle & Co, M M U 7 7 12 9 7 9 4 its 2 1 9 f 2 5 half of 4 1 5 8 1 11, 12 1,3 5 2.3 9, 10, 11,12 w half E half all of blocks 10, 14,16,28, in crown t Addition 106 1 1 70 21 2 56 70 4f? 55 27 22 23 41 31 31 33 :tl ?fi 4 17 4S hi .W iid fil 64 OK 81) 12 13 IS 47 21 fttl 45 3(5 59 6S 39 38 43 61 60 65 6d HI .83 39 42 20 39 57 37 1 42 57 41 1 7 8 9 32 8.40 4.80 25.94 5.60 80 8.00 15.52 40 8.00 i.. vi u.i II IIJ- Territory of Nebruki Ncm itia t' jama. w. lUnwti again-a Nathiun lliywood, R. W. Furnaa, R. V. Muir and Tb.. t. Haywood. Where the said PKintitr. James W rr caasetl a summons to be isued n.iu t,,.. . I. Nebraska T--lu( C;"- hu canseu a summons to be iskiied n.iu Jm, , j, dauta that cm or efre the first aay ,., - Jf'rn Ik. ..a 1 1 i 411. . ,. . "' wuumtip ine cmce oi u, tle i-ai Irict court, in and for the ald cunt " li tion in assumpsit agaiu,i the said 4e.C..i '" Wti Haywood H W Furnaa. R V Muir. ,, rl ."'.. Svn claiming of them the sum of ncht t " ' eitht h in,t ...i A a certain Drumi ..nrv .r m.ta k . of May, A D 1857. for the sum of fou, bWl 124 J I w ti4 tilt. j ft. W T i ber... . 'a tr flVi dfllllir MVlhlA fliv m..n IK. .. . . r- -v .v iuijuiu. i i rr iu i, cent interest froro date. And h,.... mons issued in said cause on the flrt d.r I ,u' IS58, as aforesaid, directed to th J . I and by him returned not found as th. . Haywood and R V Muir aforesaid, me-ef hereby given to said Nathan Hayvo,i ,ui v n"Uc " unless they appearand answer the t.titi. " u,( or before the morning of the second d,y" vciiuoi mo i.m touri. to oe riei.l in the ihir.i t the fiftcenih day of June, A D ISiS. deu'lt ,m I'1'' 1 ed against them and Judirment '". c1't. thereon. -Mnt u Attest Mastok W. RtDCt. Clerk By CR AS. O. DOXSIT. Dennt Ordered that the above be pub,i,hd in tb XArk Advertiser for four successive wrek sec,,,,,,; MAST1N W RlDKN- Clerk By CHAUUomt,D,wrr c c. Jonxsox a a. siui-Tiey lor ty-j 4S-4w May 13 Legal Notico. 3.20 1.19 3 0' 1.19 22 02 1.60 80 C. i0 . 80 4.52 80 80 8.50 12.B8 39 80 410.40 92 1.19 29.00 Sam. E. Rogers 1.2 3 " 3,5,6,7 9 8 15 " 5 16 2 17 - 2 22 - 6, 14 24 - H 27 II 23 9 33 6 35 5,6,13 33 - 13 39 5 40 10 42 . II 45 14 43 II 57 I 53 II 60 2 61 I, 2 62 10 64 u I 65 13 67 II 6U 16.00 Mastin W. Riden 1" 56 W.C. Stout 7 39 8.58 R. B. Stout 13,11,15 22 4 20 31.51 Joset h L. Sharpe 3. 4 47 I, 2 37 3,14 13 12.00 Edward A. Scoville 6 u 2 45 a 8 4' u 10 . 49 I.fiO Thos. R. Sutten 3 13 - 11 47 2, 6 56 16 59 II 61 a ti 63 7 S3 1.09 Joseph Thompson 4 6 3 11 2..1S Jas. 7. Taylor 13 62 80 11. 11. Visschcr 7 63 14 43 - 6 45 u ,0 60 11,16 67 H 68 3.52 II. O. Jones 6, 7. 8. 9 4 10 85 2' ce H js H NAMES Ml 5 Q B 2(5 2n 12 o 10 20 13 13 8 II 19 29 29 31 25 29 32 12 12 26 16 17 B. P. Rankin A J.F.Kinney LI. 2 6 MaryE Rankin A JF Kinney NEqrl2 J. M. Chaple. II. W. Denman 4 Fletcher Dowlcr F. A. Howler A.Ddd J. V. Dennis Thos Doil G. C. Ferguson A. M Fergus Thos. ncady Wm. Handley u J. N . Kelley M Wm K Ietvch Ilenrr Neemire Jacob N'ofsinger E hf S E S Wjj X E fra tl i ' W M ' E M SEK N E V N E XE W hf s k y E n.i S F. 1 8 rrt s w y S WqrXW i W ' i X W qr SEqrS Eqr SWqr N War XEqr I SE or I WhfNEq'r 26 part S E qr 20 S i lot 4 2U S E qr 26 partSEofSEqr 29 - qr a Wheeler A Brown If of ' W qrof vy qr Jeremiah Snyder JobnT. Scctt i Gilas Strons; Silas Tidwell ti 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 5 1 1 63 19.70 6.90 6.90 9 69 6.90 8.44 16 17.61 16 16 i 19 32 15 15 72 16 15 12.63 15 15 20.60 14 6.40 15 6 90 15 12.13 16 4.03 15 15 15 36.00 15 5.83 18 16 14 16 15 5.T6 6.40 12.07 David Woodruff P. W. Rockey John M Hindman Valentine Scher C. G. Dorsey May 72, 139. 13 5 16 bflot4 7 5 16 4.00 X E qr 3 14 10.43 SWqr 27 6 14 3.20 X W qr 13 5 15 5.80 S E qr 9 S 14 4 04 bfXEqr 33 6 II I.I1 48-44 R.T.UAIXXY, Twi'r Territory of Nebraska Nemaha Couaty Joseph Teague agaiust William Edwards Jacob Edwards Isaac Edwards John Edwards Samuel Homes George Harmon James Emmons Mark Waiser James Waiser and Vtllllani lUKhftrtv j j w nereas the piaiuufi. Joseph Tesgne ha cidmh imuions to be iued notifying the md derendaai. al Nemsha etmnty District cmr Nebraska Turn ivry, June ttr t A t I UILJ A 1 ltrsM. summon .. ..ouvru iip,i.iiiK ins biiki iierenajDi. o,.. Ml nr hufiir th. M..I ...-. fl . laa um. u) "1 UMP .A 1 lOOO inert Will be on fiieiu the ofhVe ol the cieikoi the district curt . and the county ot Nemaha aforesaid a pen.un , ,rV passaaainst the said leleudauu, W ilium Euwjr.l. j cob Edwards, tsa.ic Edwards, J .liu Eilw.,r,K lliitno. Iln...... IT , .. v. .. : Jrl .- "omi uj mi, 4inr r.uiiiH nK Sii i rtf ; James Waiser and Wi.liam Uougheuiy. ciaHnn ' f the sum of tw thousand dollar, lor a ir.J. '' Conimi;tel ou him the said Joseph Tngue by il,m ii. & said deiendants on the seveiuhcUy oi J iioun, j 1NJ, i at and in the saidcoiiu y oi Xeui ilia Xeb.akj Tr.i.i.iT at winch time they did theu ami ihere 0 ekmiu fm'fr 1 destn.y, ie.; -down, and birn d-wu j ivium Jwuii n ' h.'Use ol his :lm sal J -srpb Teague nsa e and tenia ' i:i the said c.iru y ,f Xcm .tia, .no : mtum, lhl( j ihey ihou jii.l ii,i iij . ,iu, ti,,, sasl i. Tjg.f j to hi, dwn irc ., ir .iiiM uie oi ih ' m.uweaiih u.V ... . v .. Xet:i--k And whej, a wrliof Mini, li li i-M.d I'l -a l C4iue on lb n-.i (Uv of June A U i8.kI a. ai. it ..i I di ecud to ibe be- ff ors.ndc un.y ami by hi r, i e u i.e-l n,. Mual as lt,ik I said ile'e.ii!.nr.s J b K l.l Us, l a.' Eilw...!!. j,ta F. i .1.- tie-i ge ll.itui' ii Jnne- Waisoi ik Wn,lMl J lioiiglier.y Tfiereiore ii-.;i.e i beitbr gim L. .i.a j J ic 0 Kilw.oit 1 d..e E J tin rwj'U, H.inri ,n J unes a.Mi atut Wii.iau. I i.he-'y m,, un;es they i,,i',,, ;u,. n!i. ,.. ni , ,. a said'. n or licio.e ,he m niiik! . I .-..i j. ,.i f aid Juiie re, in .,r Hit-s i't on: t i , ii he i .hi Uf ,i ',, I ''esdiy .t J mo t I) IsVS de.j.i.; wi.i lie en e (. T them and Hxt uiLii' ri'ii-.c ei A'-.e-l I . C MastOm W Hiii:.i I'M By Chas ii I'uRjiv l,-;i r One iii rbe .0 v.- m- p .! i a .vert i e; i.. t o.f ritf e i JidlUN'IN P. 3 X.ln k. iC l v t.rce- iw.' i'i i H.lMi.V VV I'. by i ii.tjii I I. M i !3 lAAi IS. :j( l il To -i . I Xi j' i k . i . . N- oi iiia c..ii y ( A. B. II u I" ..-. i... a : i.g 'L' J : P.P.l. ill. VV R..e s. J A l Wbe'e.ts .ne piuui.ifi A ll li c.iiiMslii .-inn ji . ns lo be i-med n i -) .iL' y 1 dam mi ortici'.i ik. tt. ; il i J i r i. iheie wiii :,ei n n.u in bv . tii.o - i ,ii-. .. i t i. t hi- t. ict cmiri 1. 1 iii.i! tor the s.od cili: . I Nf In .t . tion in asuiiipu ju'.iiii-t ueie hi m.. I' ,.n i X K.igers, claiming i f ln:n ilic siun ol out ili..i...:.. !. i , .. upi u a certain promissory iioie ui.iile by bi n n no- li. h day or May A I) 1S67 lor ihe sum ol rtu hn d fl jiI thirty-tourdi liais pay.iti.e -ix in.'ii lii ai.r. til six p?r cent interest u..tedj rd I'riKi'.na.i kiy Oh. 1K57 and payable to I be oi tier ol A I llwUm d a Co. And whei eas a wi it ot summons ii-siie l In - od ,iu-e on the ttrih day of May A D IHdri as afoteinl ili.srrp-l to tlie slienll of said county and liy Inm remrrnl ea found. Tlie. efore notice is beieby givon tosaol F raxni M Rogers that unless he appear and arisoer ihe "1 periiioii afo. esaiJ on or before the ni .r .ing . I ll.e .ni4 day of Ihe said June rerm of ihe anl ti tin iolhfJ' the tbird Tuesilay, the fifieeiuli day or June A V default will be entered against hiuisisl jtulgiiioat rn dered against him thereon. Attest C. C.JnifXSOK. Mastim W Riden Clerk Att'y rr Plt'S. BvChas i Dorset, Deputy Ordered that the above be published in tit ebrt.t Advertiser for four sncves.ive weeki a Cording tu law. MA ST I N' W RIDtN C.etk By Chas G Dorsey, Leputy 46-4w May 13 LEG 41. XOTIC'E. Henry DS Leeper PI'U vs John Mi.-Pherson William L Ferguson k. Rachel A l'erguson def Second JndicUl Di'trn t of Ne braska Territory To June Mm A D 1-161 of District .n.urt f .r Nemaba County Nebraska Territory. Whereas a summons having been hei etofure is.ul in the above entitled cause awl by ih lie. iff of saidcoiiniT of Nemaha and Territory of Nebr.irka returnel not found' as to you the said William L Kb guson nil KkIicI A Ferguson. Therefore you the said William L Kern son and Rachel A Ferguson are hereby notified tb.t there is now on file in the unite of tbe clerk of the Dmriti court for Nemaha county, Nebraska Ten itory. t.'i p'i tion of the above named pliintitf Henry D S Leeper. whertin is claimed of the said defendants. JuhnMcKber son. William L Ferguson and Rachel A Ferguson, tbe sum of two hundred and ten dollars and sixty one cent, with interest on that amount at the tale of six per rent per annum from the seventh day of Nmember a d Lias!, as money due and unpaid upon a protjissory note daifl the seventh day of November aforesaid, for tbe sum of two hundred and ten dollars and sixty-onecents execu ted by said John McPberson and pajable to said Ratbel A Ferguson one year after dale with iotereit aforesaid, which said note is endorsed by yon the said William LFerg'isonard R hel A K.rguson. and is now the property of the plaintiff Henry D Leeper; and yu are notified that plaintiff in said petition claims of said defendants the sum of two hundred and ten .Hars and sixty one cents with interest on that air otint at the raie of six percent p. annum from said 7ih duv of Nov. afore said for money had and received i pliiu'-iff to the ne defendants; anj that unless y. u pter it the next lesi of the District court for said Nemalnt c unity alore-.i f. to be beitan and held at Brown vine in nid county n the fifteeiitb day of June A 1) ISw and un or before tt. morning of the fecund day of said term, and I lead io m.I petiiion, judgment will be had ag nnst you lor Mid i' of two hundred and ten dollars and sixty one cents ita interest as aforesaid and for r ists of the suit. D L MctiART 4ifJ fr Pi'lf It is herebv de'ermined and onle il b it thu forcn" inn uoii-e be pnh.i-hed for four weeks swn e-sively in foe Neb.a.-k:i Advertiser published ai B.o'.vn- ille in "J.'' Neni.iba coiuny. iiveu under my hand at ffl -e thislOr'idayof m iy a D 1SSH. MA ST IX W R1DIX Clerk. By 1liAS i DoiiSEf . Dcp'J'y 46-4w May 13 Administrator's Notice. Perui. n for tbe a;ef a .aoa r rant for dist.ibulioii am .n nei.'- Joel West fall v F.llen M I'latt I. .1 r. an ji.ii in. i . , - r-. D ,.. .....1 f tK I-. .!.,- f..l!-t of ori' . . . . ..... i - . i. - tib.rv. AU-M.lolll 1; ' oillltj. .-.rut . Notice is hereby siven ihal J.l wtMll iB,nil' , n tor of theestaie of Isaac wi srfall l rse.l li- " 7 ' mycftl.e his petition for the s e of a forty wairant p.rt of the assets ot the estate ot said we-tfall deceased for di-tributi. n ji:m na the lei siid wesif all, and miles you the s,.id K.ien U' '1' -Sarah M irlin Kltle B red and .Vb'nni wt-tfai ! sli.I " and appear before meat my .file on be inorniig " Monday the 7th day. I June, to show g.M I ri,aeIT ' land warrant shornd hoi be sold order mill beien '? mefor'he sale of thesaui f-r dist.iMir on an -for M..v 13 nl-4w R J . WH5TXKT J wit'1' P'' b.i" Le-al Notice. lwc T Whvte&C ) ft.rhn.ent in e 5 d J -.ii ' f , S-Di i ic i:i atid ibe . Xero.ha V..'y Ui.k JXeM .br Neb : . T-i ' v To .in f L It K f e-o fcu' V.iiet Bar.i S. V.-ii are Le.eby ;it...n.l b .. we in sh ve eni'Udciu-e n Hi their- .i i-t. in t.' -Mi.e-tt ar ihe X vember leroi A D !S67 , f said curt c '"' of she Xrmaha Vailey Bank tbe sum ol tb ee fcun.ei andlweti.y eight dollars and one cent as noiiev a upon a dralt or bill of exchange drawn by said B.rE i favor of said plainiin and due and lemaining unfJ'' and that a writ nf attarhment was is.-iue-I by tb c.' of the cuort, which was returned not f.m l'fas to y" Ton are therefore nidified that miles y n ppenr next term of the saul court to be begun nxi beid at court bouse in .he town of Brownville or the 1br T1"" day in June A D I8M and answer said f eti i n will be entered agaiust said nd iu.lirn.eetrer.nerp the.eon. MAS-TIX W RIPKN.Cerk 4-lw May 13 By Chas O Doiiitr, ,VvJ Samuel Z Rogers, Def L.CG.4L. A'OTICl. Barton B. Barka.ow, P.'H VS ?. . . r. iAfl I..T I'l J T June " Xemaba cotnty. Whereas the summon. ised above tnt.MM cauMb-vimibeen return -not found' as yo tb" said SamueTE fcVers. Therefore yoo the said fc.m'ic E are herehv notified that on or lefore the fl j' day of June A f lW. ' petition of Bart mt i.rU ' the Mid piuntitT. will be on fi ,e in the r.ltke d the cie of said District court for Nemaha ''"t side of aaid court, praying for a decree of t. le s. you the said Rogers to lot. number six .ad , block number twenty-fonr. and lot number .. ln number thirty-five, and M number flvej "" forrv, all in the town of Brownville in county, a. marked and numbered npo ' ' 'Vnie .rf said town. And you are fnrther noti fled .ba you appear at the next term f T?, began and beU at said M of B-"T0"June A D for said Nemaba county on the flfteenisisy M 1858. arwlonor before the morning of tb' 1 b, said term, and ple.d to said petition - eDd,red taken as ju-lgement by J'"Vco. against you thereon foid Ms It'ls herebv ordered that the forego." , lished in the SI$,Zr?lZt. provide. g?fA7-Q.'- , few jr ' I fiM US ii 1 c- 1 i-1 iDtW ....