Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 20, 1858, Image 1

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Ay Ay:.
NO. 47.
Nebraska CUmcttiscu
v-JStory Iloadley &. Muir's Building,
GrB,,r -f Main First Street. J
'' UHOWNVII.Ll-:, N. T.
t mid ' mintlm.
o h.of I2r in tc w l bo furnished at il.iil per
1 .-"j,-,! she .Jh '-eouiiauici the ordt-r,
HI ! " lcs j ouo iusertiou.
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rh ,.lli!i .nal ms-Ttioa,
leiquar.,M inootn,
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ii m"'iths,
( illC y-ar,
,;, Car.N i six lines or lus,(mc jeat,
jO-luuia "'5 y61""'
liilf CJumii, ..tie year,
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Column, six month,
half Column, fix month,
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Columo three tn ntb,
Ulf Cilutno, ibree ni mths,
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a -i.Ktli "
S till 111 3 -III - v - . v f
f .r (in advanr-e.1 5.110
I Cash in Imim ai ll.c-i iirdfr all advertise-
i-..t wlier.- a -ttril reiwtiisibility in known
i f h c'.- is !' ea h "ill -e added to the
5 . ' .
it mi., m
Xa aWerti'-m -ni wi!l .- - ond -rod by the year,
,.. ,r
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,fi -.1 ..n ih- mi i'iTtitt. or iroriotisiV
Alr-rtn-ra-n not m ""a "" i"c ' " -"
W nu;o xt .f i f rti .us. itl! b v.ntiuuej until
Vi-fwt ..ut.and . ! d a-i-..rdi!U'ly
A!l.lver:i"" "it --n -'n iorf .r rau"ieii1
br raid in advincc.
Thf imrW f y-.irlv lvertwcri ail! be jontin
if.(i;rd'y t.rtb-ir ..w:i basin -;.ad .ill dv'rtie
iit B"t Krt:iiuing thereto, to be aid for ex
tn. Ve.ta lvorti-or. Inivc t'le ;rivilee of ebaning
t.r dv'Tti.'ineiii (ii:iri.Tly .
All I vl d al.-.-ru-in -tit i-hif-d L.uble the
llrv nn t .n ih j ni' J' flu"Vjl i"
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t 1 1: tw.-.
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I3ivin rdlsd to t5: Adi-i?rtier Office Card Hud
Mi l'res'. New Tyie of ttie latest xtyle!". Ink of
ilMloron.H.'oiiiTsi. -in r r. K iy.-I. ). Ac: we
ri t i tiru'e J.b Work nfwr? 1
nti'ton fi a t vl-; n:ia ,neil by any other offii-e
a the I'nited S:te.
Parti -nl-tr H .ntion will '.n'v-nt i order fo-in
d,;a.iri in i'in i -in illy att-rMl'd t.
Th? I'nrir ft its !i v'm ; 'ia l tn xtonsive v.x
will r! Ui'i- i-roiil n't-'n'i'.n to this
Wa-h of hiiiin iTlh i", in l!i-ir end av .r t
&e. b'hin !i --il-i- -f tli -ir w rk. anil
"a 'W ; chAr.' t i r-i'iive i 'i"re of the ;.ldie
Kiln Street, one door above Ca eoeb Back.
Iwncis and Trimmings always on hand.
Architect and Builder.
Tlii'-" sr.". Lrjm L. O 17
Browntrlllo, T3"- T.
A X 1
Real Estate Apcnt,
imowx villi:, n. t.
ton. WiU. I.-miij., il .utrose, I'a.
K. S. Went I v. " "
John C. Mi'ti -r. Chi ; HI.
Wni. K. v AlMter. - "
Ch irUw K. Kowler, -
K. W. Furnas, Krowuville, X.T.
O. K Lake.
7. IS57. 17 lv
I. T. Whyte & Co.,
Qiu'eiisw r, II nlw re,
Stovos, IT tirnituro,
Country Produce,
nilOWNVIl.I.K. N. T.
Oreert, Hjlt County, Miosouri.
Koep lonstanlly -n hand all lecriitiouo 'lames.
lle,ttridle.Ac., Ac.
S. B. Ererratiole inour hi'i: minufaA-tured
T rlve-,i,d ar"ined to ive atisfaeli,., .
Attoruey ;iud Counsellor Liw.
And Notary Public.
AXTILL attend promptly to all buisness entrni-ted
' to hiicare, in Nebraska Territory and West
lowa. September 12. 1S5. rlnI5-ly
-'ILL practice tn the ifvrrjl C ot t:e id J-'di-i! i
r"rt and attend ia!l mte- o.iir.M-ed wi ll tire I
sit me in ij.p pr : ti nio ;i-t 5-ii
epi. 10 '67-ll-rf
X 2
- r
"1 I
5 A H Ti T ?f
STRVCYOK & XOTtltl rillMC,
Will cc!rc( li!nU. mvesliiJi'.e titles, piy luses tk.i,
i'ber m K.Jtl1 or Net.fikd; buy. ell and eiiifr
la ul mi c .iiiini-i i ; i.ivcl iu ttwu projierty buy or
i.ell ibe h;k1 have on
piais ol Lewu.-bipt coumiei) k.c. t-ln a'iut! alt lands sub
ject to eut.y jikI wu ; e ilei ed will lumun parties uv-
inz In ibe riate i.l iliemme
B -i;m ihe enter in ibe c unty .will in oil
a. f be ..bie to kivc tun ami reUrfbie iutrtua.ion.
AJ'l e A. L C ie either ul Browuvilieoi N'enubt
mum m uw.
Brownville, Nebraska.
Will practice in the Court of Nel)r.-kj nd North
Wll AllsBUU.l.
Messrs. Crow McCreary & Co.,
ll .ii James il. 11
Moil J bu K Sbeply,
Hon. James CcaiR
St. Louis, Mo.
St. Jorepb Mo.
Nebrarka City, N. T.
II hi. SilUAW ds. n.
Judce A. A. Brad.'oid.
S. '. Nuckolls K-q.
Surveyor and Land Agent,
Wu nttind jrouiiitly to the seieetii.n and loea
ion ;f (i-voii)iiic(it lands in the Nemaha land di
triet: tmrveyin; town sites, mid (subdividing land-;
drnl'tinjjfity pint. and all other bu?iii!vs of a Geuer-
il Surveyor, lie will loeate warrant on time for
li-tii tit Uualers: file declaratory etateteiiictiU ol in
tention to tire-eiit : nv.ike out fire-ein:ition liilers:
and always on hand to look out claims fur actual set
tlers. t;eff.u to
W. Ssnser. "A . IK, Now York City, A WitliitiU n, liost. n, Mm.
Itev. T. W. How.;, l'ataskala Ohio,
Col. W. E. Atkinson.
(i.N.rire U. Nix ti. Kepftcr Land Office. Urow -ville,
l.n-bbaiib Crn,, lJiownvillc, N. 1.
I! V. Kunia. " "
Real 1 Mule & General ol ecting Agents,
Ascnts for Iowa Ins. Co., Oskaloosa,
ALL buiiie- entrusted to our cue will meet wi;ta
pr. inpi atten in and warmtuedivriect. P.tpe pi ('par
ed lor : erf lis isliing to pre-empt, Declaratory slate
nients uide out etc., etc.
!?-OnVe on First street, north of I. T. Whyte & Co. 5
J. W. O ime, Kx-i .ve nor Iowa
T. L P ici! do Mi.-sourl
Ausiiii A Kins do do
(i S. tayrefc-Co., Glen wood, low
ti. Doinrlitf Cundl B.uffs, Iowa
April 8 lH5d. v2iil-ly "
Attorney at Law,
Land Agrat and Xolary I'ublic.
.'Ircher, RicfiarJson Co., J. T.
Will iractice in the Courts of Nebraska. assisted
by Hardinjrand Iknnctl. Nebraska City.
irrtur. Khliardson County, X. T.
K. II IKMMi. ti. C.
KIM lit it (ill B. F. TOOMER
Jin..o-f.i-'r'' 'h'J'ilr Itxili f i
Ko 49 M n strert. bel.O " e end Pine,
i'artieuh I iteiitim "1 t" man u fact urirj: our
Sin i Mole lla's.
;eok;k clayks. j- " LEK-
ClaycS et? Lioo. Ebtite and Gnunl Agency,
lames Wright- lin k, r, New York.
Wiu. A. Wooduwd. Lsi. "
Hon. U. Wood. Ex-tn.v. ol Ohio, Cleveland,
Wicks. Otic and Hiownell. Hunkers, "
AlcotlA; Horton, .
Col. Robert Campbell, St. Louis.
James Kidgway, Esq. "
Cruwforn and Sackett. Chicago.
Omaha City. A n-j. :10 tS.Sft. vlnl.H-l.v
Mraska City, -V. T., and Glenvcood, la.
ll.l. practice, in all the Ci urtsof Nebraska and
Western Iowa. Particular attention paid to
tbtaining. lo -ating lud Warrants. and collection of
lion. Lewis Cass. Detroit.
ilio.- O. Morton. " S
tiov. Jk I A. Mattcon. Springfield. Ill
(i.iv.-l. W. (Jriincs. Iu City, Iowa;
H. I'. Kililed. St Loiiis.Mo.:
lion. Uauiel O. Morton. Toledo Ohio
i. A. Sarpy, Itellevue. Nebraska
Sedgewieh A Walker. Chicago. Ill:
rren. WeareA llenton. Council IHnft.Iowa.
Conticil Uluffs.Iowa. J Nebraska Ci'yN T)
Successors to Kidcn rf" White.)
HAVINt. luade arnuigctU' nt.-by which we will
receive accurate copies of all the Township
embraced in the Easter .1 jar iou of Nebraska, we
are now prcjaired to offer our uervico to the
44 Sqvaiters of Nebraska Territory."
In Filling Declaratory Statements of Inten
tion to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-emptions,
Locating Land Warranis-
Land Warrants It outfit and Sold.
Particular attention aid to Buying and Selling
Property on commission: Also, to making Collection
and forwarding remtttancegto any mrtofthe union
Blanks of all kind always on band.
Hon. A. A. Bradford, Nebraska City.
S. F.Nuev ll. " "
Mesm. Oolman A Wt, St. Joeph, Mn.,
Pctr A. Keller. Washington City
Thomas Lumpkin, "
Junc2S.lS5. vl-n4
H L A 0 K S M T 1 1
V V t t 1 I
.111 t i 1 i-
Farm and Garden.
From the Country Gont .eman.
Culture cr the Locust.
4 Harinrr noticed from lime to time, in
quiries luade about tLe propagation of
the Locust, I thought perhaps a brief, ac
count of some of my experiments might
be of service. I am n-.w grubbing out
some five or six ucres of timber which
'I u.!? Jt tp ectjvfiv tr yerrs ago.
then intended as a permanent investment.
The variety which is generally grown
on Lono' Island, has been preferred in
the New York market. It is peculiar
for its uniform straightcess of trunk, sel
dom having crooked branching heads.
One upright leader seerns to give a dir
ection to the whole energies of the tree.
The Black Locust has not been much
known here. I conclude it is the same
variety which I unfortunately stumbled
upon in my experiment. The seed was
procured at Grant Thornburn's store in
New-York. Before planting, it was
scalded and then planted in a fie'd with
corn, every fourth hill in every fourth
rowr being designated for the locust seed.
It germinated about as soon as the corn,
and with some exceptions pretty uniform;
some of the plants arriring at the height
of five feet the same season.
The field was continued in cultivation
about four years afterwards. It was then
manured moderately for wheat, sown with
timothy and red top grass seed, adding
clover "seed in the following spring, and
regularly mown and pastured about four
years longer. Since that time it has been
used as a permanent pasture. For the
last two or three years the common high
bush blackberry has spread out rapidly,
and has now usurped near half the whole
ground. For the firit ten years, this
field, which originally comprised eight
acres, gave promise ot a successful ex
periment. L p to this period the trees
had grown well. About this time the lo
cust grubs made their appearance in ex
traordinary numbers, and their devasta
tions exceeded anything before known on
the Island. Many of the finest trees of
large size in this part of the county, were
entirely killed. My young plantation
came in for a large share of damage, and
a n-reat manv of the trees were ruined
They were sadly scored, and the squalls
at erv thunder-storm, snapped them on
nt the grubbed places, leaving many va
cant places in the grove. That portion
which survived, is still inferior and rough,
having reached various sizes, in value (at
ordinary prices) from three dollars to fifty
cents. Some of the trunks are large
enough to square six inches from ten to
fifteen feet. They were originally de
signed to occupy one rod of ground each.
This would give, on five acres, eight hun
dred trees; but the grub and other causes
have combined so effectually to defeat the
experiment that there are only about
three hundred trees ou the piece, of any
About the same time, I caused some
six to eight thousand young locust tree-,
of the varie'y commonly growu here, to
be planted among the timber i. the
woods adjoining, and a few were planted
in the field before mentioned, where the
seed had failed. Iu all cases these lat
have escaped the grubs, at least so far as
not to be seriously injured, although
growing in the same field. The soil on
which this experiment was made, is a
lirht loam, somewhat intermixed with
small stones.
If the soil be very similar in its mecha
nical structure to ours, I should strongly
recommend the planting from the Long
Island variety. Great objections were
urged against the other when first intro
duced here, as a timber lacking durability.
It was long before I could -satisfy myself
on this point, and I had strong inclination
to cut down my trees: but I know believe
there is little foundation to the objection.
It grows somewhat faster than the com
mon variety here, but the growth is very
consieerably expended iu large diverg
ing branches, which seriously injures its
value; and it is much more difficult to
split for ship tunnels, for which there is
a large demand. It may easily be known
from the Long Island loeurd, by its dispo
sition to produce seed the trees as soon as
they acquire a few years growth, being
covered with seed pods after- the leaves
have fallen. R- M. C.
Vine Growin? in Missouri.
Columbia, JIo., April 15, 1853.
Hos. J. R. Barret, President of the St.
Lovis Agricultural and Mechanical
Mv Dear Sir: The noble efforts of
your Association to promote the agricul
tural and mechanical interests of our
State, have filled the hearts of all Mis
sourians with pride, and caused us to look
forward with high hopes to the beneficial
results which are certain to flow from such
Will you permit me to make one sug
gestion and give my reasons in a few
words? The reasons, first
France has about 5.000,000 acres in
vineyards. They yield annually about
95,000,000 gallons of wine, besides some
95,000,000 distilled into brandy; they
give profitable employment to about 2,
U1KI.00U of people, mostly women and
children, and an annual income of more
than SI, 000.000,000.
Now. N-ir, I believe it is clearlv demon
strated that then are in the highlands of
S v.aiiru Mi.wuri m ire thnn 5.000,000
v'tm'-'iI ?: xh; ml
of the
' vi-i -yi
'1 ' I
a;, v.
acres might be occupied with vineyard
without detriment to other departments of
husbandry. They would yield annually
at least 100.000,000 gallons of wine;
furnish employment both pleasant and
profitable to 2,000,000 people; give an
annual profit of over So00.000.000, and
what is still more important, the pure
nourishing juice of the grape would take
the place of the vile, maddening com
pounds used under the name of wine and
brandy; drunketinw u.ouliigiv place to
sobriety, and our people, nourithed by the
grape and its pure wines, would become
as robust and hardy as they are now dar
ing and indomitable.
You may look upon this as the bright
dream or a too hopeful imagination. But
it is based upon a careful study of our
climate, soil, native grapes, and the expe
rience of our vine-dressers.
I fearlessly declare the proposition
solved. The meteorologist, for many
long years with patient watchful care, day
after day and night after night, has
weighed the air with his barometer, gau
ged its moisture with his hydrometer, and
measured the rain and snow with his
rain-gauge, while the thermometer has
indicated every change and extreme of
temperature. The record of all these
facts, proves our climate as well adapted
to the grape, as it is in many of the best
vine-growing countries and of the old
world. The botanist has found all the
wild wines of our country at home in our
midst. He has noted their giant growth
in our rich broad valley, and their larger
and more delicious clusters on the dry
sunny hills. The geologist has interro
gated every rock and plant from which
the soils are formed. He has noted the
sand-stone, the lime-stone, the porous
flint, the marl, and the decaying and the
burning plant, all commingling to form a
light dry soil, rich in all the vine demands
for its perfect development. The careful,
exact analysis of the chemist give the
same results.
All these facts demonstrate the peculiar
adaptation of our soil and climate to the
culture of the grape. But we are not
left to the deductions of science alone for
our conclusions. The vine-dresser, after
fifteen years of careful culture, pronounces
the experiment r triumphant success. He
reports an annual yield and profits far
greater than my estimates in tne torego
mg preun-uuu
The Meteorologist, the Botanist, the
Geologist, the Chemist, and the Vine
dresser, each and all, have proved that
Missouri may compete with France and
Germany with the production of grapes
and wine. The terraced slopes and rid
ges of Central and Southern Missouri
with their warm, rich soils; the delightful
climate of our Southern Islands, with their
clear, Italian skies, and dry bracing air
from the Western Prairies; our myriad
native vines, trracinrr every ccpse and
thicket, the purple clusters and foaming
vats of our prosperous vine-dresser, all
proclaim the possibility of these magnifi
cent results.
To hasten this auspicious day sme ef
fort should be made to secure the compi
lation and wide circulation of a work.
which shall set forth in a truthful and
plain, but earnest manner, the qualities of
our climate, as proved by meteorological
observations, ihe properties of our soils as
shown by geological and chemical exann
nations; the abundance and character of
our native grapes, and the experience of
our vine growers, and show from the facts
thus collected, the peculiar adaptation of
our State to the cultivation of the grape.
Such are the reasons. My proposition
is that I will be one of twenty to give S50
each to accomplish this purpose; $500 to
be given as a premium for the best essay
on the subjects above named, and the re
maining S500 to be spent in publishing
and circulating the same.
Now will not the prospect of $2,000,000
happy vine-dressers on our sunny hills,
and an annual profit of 8500,000,000, in
duce every philanthropist and political
economist to hasten the time when our
"poor flint ridges" will be as valuable for
vineyards as some of them now are for
their rich mineral veins; when the vine
yards of Arcadia will compete in golden
profits with the glowing furnaces of the
Iron Mountain, and the vine-clad hills of
the beautiful Niangua, will vie in wealth
with Potosi and Granby?
Very respectfully, your ob't serv't,
Culture or the Sweet Potato.
The following extract is from a circular
issued by O. S. Murray &. Son, Twenty
Miles Stand, Warren County, Ohio, who
grow the Sweet Potato extensively for
the purpose of furnishing the public with
plants in the spring:
The best variety for the North is called
the Nansemond, from the name of the
county in Virginia, whence it was taken
in New Jersey. Joseph Evans brought
into into Warren county. Ohio, many
years ago, where it has been successfully
cultivated ever since. One peculiarity of
this variety is, it is mature and good for
use at every stage of its growth. Anoth
er peculiarity is, its adaptation to a great
variety of soils even loamy clays, quite
heavy with clay, if lying elevated. AI
- 1 most any soil that will produce corn well,
will produce this except low alluvial
grounds, where there is too much of vege
table mold that causes excessive running
to vines.
Use animal rather than vegetable ma
nurt that U, from the stable, rather
than tni- straw-Mack. Tiil .t- piy.
h- ! Tt. r fo- .-il' i!ii::r W.- sub
',) Li.
and are sure it paid. New grounds pro
duce this crop well, where there is not too
much vegetable deposit. Not turf. Turf
should ba subdued first with another crop
corn or wheal is favorable.
PIjw when the land is in good condi
tion no matter if a week or two, or three,
before time for planting. At planting
time, pulverize well if necessaay, with
harrowing and rolling; for, what is bet
ter, drag-crushing;) and throw into high
ridges, by turning together two furrows
with a two-horse plow, making the ridges
about three and a half feet apart from
center to center. Set the plants, separa
tely, twelve to fifteen inches apart in the
ridge some say not less than eighteen
inches or two feet. We use a common
mason's trowel in setting thrusting in
the trowel somewhat obliquely, and as
the trowel rises, the plant in the other
hand takes its place.
Commence tilling with an adjustable
cultivator, that Can be adapted to the
breadth between ridges; and throw back
the earth with a wide shovel-plow, re
forming the ridges finishing with the
hoe. In using the hoe, particularly after
the vines commence running, be careful
not to strike into the ground deeply near
the stem, lest you cut off the best of the
projecting tubers.
Put the plants in the ground from the
middle of May to the middle of June.
In some seasons you may commence ear
lier than this in some you may continue
later. Generally, the best tune is from
the tenth or fifteenth of May to about the
same time in June.
- Iu harvesting, we sometimes use the
plow first cutting the vines near the
stem. After the plowing, four-fingered
hooks are used for hauling out. When
the ground is light, it is about as well,
without plowing, to throw out with a flat-
fingered shading fork or even common
manure forks. On a small scale, get
them out anyhow, os you do beets or car
rots. Perhaps no other plant cultivated for
producing food, possesses such tenacity of
life such a fund of vitality to resist or
overcome unfavorable circumstances in
transplanting, as the Sweet Potato. The
plants can be sent, in good growing con
dition, to all parts of the United States,
this side of the Rocky Mountains, where
railroads and expresses will carry them.
We sent them last year a thousand miles
in various directions,' and heard no single
failure of their reaching in good condition.
How to Secure a Fine Display of
To obtain a fine and continuous bloom
of roses, is a matter worth striving for.
They are always acceptable winter,
summer, spring and autumn. After the
pruper varieties, highly enriched soil is
the main secret to success. W ithout this,
the best kinds of Perpetuals are little bet
ter than June roses. Some may bring
forth an occasional flower in the fall, but
nothing like a full blow, and the roses
themselve's small and puny. In new
plantations, trench up the ground two
spades deep, and work in at least six
inches of thoroughly rotted manure. If
it makes the bed too high, cart away some
of the poorest of the soil. While spad
ing, incorporate as much as possible the
manure with the soil. After the ground
is thus prepared, leave it till after a rain,
if convenient, to settle somewhat ; then
plant your roses. In doing so, fee that it
is done properly that is, the soil well
pulverized and placed completely about
the roots. If a choice can be had, select
those roses that have been dormant dur
ing the winter. You may then expect a
most brilliant display at midsummer, after
which they will produce occasional flow
ers until the cool days of fall, when they
will prepare to gladden vou again with
another rich profusion of flowers. In the
case of ol 1 plantations, or small specimen
roses, too large to move conveniently,
thoroughly dress them by laying barf
their roots, and filling in again with half
soil and half rich rotten manure. Incase
either of these are not done from any
cause, the next best thing is to frequently
stir the soil during summer, and watering
every week when the soil will bear it
that is, when it is not already surcharged
with water with liquid manure water.
Give a good soaking, enough to reach the
roots, when it is done. A very good way
to apply artificial manure, is to sprinkle it
over the bed just before rain. Guano or
fowl dung of any description, is excellent
for the purpose. June roses, climbers,
and in fact any rose, is benefitted by the
above application.
Bees Fecundity or the Bees.
But few persons can realize the aston
ishing fertility of the mother bee. Writ
ers tell us that she will deposit from one
to three thousand eggs in 21 hours !
Some have said that they amount to that
number by actual count, and tell us how
any one can satisfy himself by this pro
cess, but the trouble is a barrier to veryfy
ing the fact in this manner. It is incom-'
prehensible to many what becomes of the
multitudes of bees reared in the course of
one season. It is a fact well ascertained
that the queen of strong colonies com
mences laying in March and continues
till October, (moderately, however, at the
beginning and end of the season;) that it
takes just about twenty one-days for the
maturity of the worker from the egg, and
twenty-four for drones that in a few-
hours after a cell is vacated, another egg
j is deposited, and
this in succession is
continued throughout the season, except
a short tim after the stock ha.s swarmed.
, Tcrc uo uiher ioLiijii tut that the Ice
is a fchort-lived insect, aud they perish by
hundreds, if not housands daily. Other
wise, a hive that casts no swarm, would
be overflowing long before winter. But
I commenced to show how the fecundity
of the queen could be readily proved.
If we examiue a thrifty stock in the
height of the breeding season, we shall
find combs filled with brood, amounting
frequently to three-fourths of all in the
hive. Now by observing the number of
cells to the square inch, it is easy to get
the number to the square foot; then mul
tiply this number again by the number of
combs in a hive, and we shall have the
whole number of cells. For instance, a
comb one inch square cf worker cells,
contains on both sides about fifty, at this
rate, one twelve inches square contains
over 7000. Suppose a hive contains eight
such combs, and that 120 square inches
of each of the eight combs are used for
brood, (frequently much more;) we have
eight times 120 square inches filled with
brood; 50 to the square inch would mul
tiply into 4S.000 cells. A part of these
cells, say those of one or two combs,
would contain cells for drones; these are
a little larger, and would reduce the num
ber some; also some few cells might be
empty, the young bees having jusi left
them, and a few might be occupied, one
here and there, w ith bee bread or honey.
In all, the number migh be one quarter
of what is termed the broom comb. Take
this number from the 4S.000, and we
have left 36,000 cells actually occupied at
one time with brood, including eggs, lar
va;, and chrysalis. We must remember
that the time from the egg when first de
posited, to the mature bee, is not over
21, or at most 2-3 days; we perceive that
now in the cells, must have been put
there by the queen within the last 22
days! This number divides into about
1,500 for each day! Now I see no means
of getting away from this conclusion. It
is unnecessary for those ignorant of the
nature of the bee. to object with their
doubts, or tell us that there is more than
one female in the hive, With the move
able combs that we now have, our state
ments are easily verified. One side o.'
this question is supported only by mere
opinion; the other by occular dimonstra
tion. .Mysteries of Bce-Keepng Explained.
Value or Mowlns: and Reaping Ma
chines. I see doubts are expressed as to the
mowing machine being a money saving
farm implement. Having had some ex
perience, I would like to say something
ou this point.
In 1S56, we had a field of heavy and
badly lodged clover, which was partly cut
with scythes and partly with a mowing
machine made by Walter Wood. The
best that could be done with the hand
mowing was to cut a half of on acre io a
man in a day. The stubble was then left
in such a condition that the hny had to be
gathered with a hand-rake. Having gone
over some acres in this way, we conclud
ed to try the machine and found that by
driving very fast we could do the work to
our satisfaction; leaving the stubble in a
condition to be raked with a common re
volving horse-rake, following around in
the direction taken by the mower. We
had two pairs of horses in the field,
changing teams as often as necessary;
these two pairs of horses, a man to drive
them, and the machine, earned in a day,
twenty dollars paying for the work done
the same price it would have cost had we
kept the scythes at work, and doing it
much better.
The same season we had a field of eight
acres of oats, lodged and tangkd so badly
that it would have required sixteen days
work with scythes to cut it. In less than
a day, a team and two men with the ma
chine, put the whole into gravels doing
the work much more nicely and saving
more grain than would have been possible
with scythes.
When we first commenced using the
machine, we supposed it could only be
used in standing grain and grass, and on
comparatively h vt 1 grouud, but experienc e
has taught us that its greatest value is in
tangled and lodged crops, and that it can
be usd wherever a wagon will run'with-
out turning over.
We do all our mowing and harvesting,
and gather our clover seed, with the same
machine, and in every case it does its
work cheaper and better than hand labor
can do it.
Last fall we cut a little over fifty
bushels of clover seed in less than a day,
with a man to cast off the gavels, a boy
to drive, and one pair of horses. What
did the machine earn that day ?
In cutting clover for seed, we set the
machine so as to cut higher than we cut
for hay in fact only intending to cut low
enough to get all the seed. The gavels
require turning two or three times, accor
ding to the weather, and then with a bar
ley fork (long wooden tines,) carefully
lift on the wagon, handling as little as
possible to save shelling.
In mowing aud reaping, let all the dew
and rain get off before you commence
cutting. The grass or grain will dry
quicker standing than it will after it is
cut, and it cuts better when dry than when
This is one important measnre that now
is the time to attend to: get all the stones
and sticks, and every thing that will en
danger the machine, off the meadows, so
that when the busy season of haying
comes, you can go ahead without fear.
Covr.try Genteman.
Ignorance and pride keep constant
Save the Pieces-
. Why is an apple-pie like a counterfeit
dollar ? Because it is not cvrrmi,
The man who 'retraced' thepast is
supposed to be a harness inaVer.
Egotists find the world ugly because
they only see themselves in it.
The fellow who put the thing la a nut
shell, found it cracked a day or two after-
The man who ate his dinner'with the
fork of a river, has been' endeavoring to
spin a mountain top.
When two men quarrel and fight, de
pend upon it that both are in the wrong,
each one more or less
Mrs. Partington inquires what kindcr"
razors are used in shaving notes ? The
spirit of departed Paulreplies, "raises of
money. "
'How is coal this morning V said a pur
chaser to an Irishman ho was at work
in a coal-yard. 'Black as iver,' said Pat.
Mr. Smith, don't you think Mr. Skee
sicks is a young man of parts? 'Decid
edly so, Miss Brown, he is part numbsliull,
and part knave, and part fool.'
Life is a romance which a coqttettd
never tires of turning over a new leaf of.
Fashionable society has generally but
two faults first, in being hollow-headed,
and, secondly, hollow-hearted.
Economy, joined to industry'and so
briety, is a better outfit for business than
Love is strong in pursuitfriendship
in possession.
The only things you may safely put off
until to-morrow are idleness and vice.
Gold is universally worshipped, without
a single temple, and by all classes, with .
out a single hypocrite.
The best capital for a young man is a
capital young wife. So a gentleman in
forms us who has just tried it.
Modesty is a handsome dish-cover.
which makes us fancy there must be
something very good beneath it.
He who stabs you with a pen would do
the same with a penknife, were he as
safe from detection and the law.
Byron once said: "I am convinced men
do more harm to themselves than even
the devil could do to them."
One of the toasts drank at a recent cel
ebration was: "Woman! she reauires no
eulogy, she speaks for herself!"
The most fashionable marriages at the
present time are those which are wedded
with gold love is a secondary article.
"My boy, how could you marry your
If to an Irish girl?" "Why, father, I
am not able to keep two women for, d'ye
see, if I had married a Yankee girl, I'd
been obliged to hire an Irish girl to take
care of her."
Lovely Woman An article manufac
tured by Milliners and dressmakers.
"Who wants but little on her head
But much below to make a spread'
- He who braces himself to the' wind, to
struggle when the winds blow, gives up
when they have done, and falls asleep iu
the sillness which follow.
If any lady chooses to be ill-natured
towards us, we are disposed to say to her
in bold defiance of consequences, that she
is "no gentleman."
When you bury animosity, don't set a
stone oi er i's grave.
It is not generally known that Wash
ington drew his last breath in the last
hour of the hist day of the last week in
the last month of the last year in the last
century Saturday night, 12 o'clock Dec.
31, 17'JU.
Man's happiness is saM to hang upon
a thread. This must be the thread that
is never at hand to sew on a shirt-button
that is always off.
Some 'model' women think they clean
their children when they wipe the dirt off
their notes into the corners of their eyes.
This is a mistake.
The Sunday Mercury, in a fit of revo
lutienary enthusiasm, says :
"Hurrah for the girls cf '76 !"
Thunder !" cries a new Jersey paper',
"that's too old. No, no; hurrah for the
girls of 17.
Jean Taul very wittily and truly remarks
that female hearts ai;d Spanish Louses
are very similar; having many doors but
few windows, and accordingly it is easier
to get into the ni than to see into thtm.
A lachelor advertised for a 'helpmate,
one who would prove 'a companianfor his
heart, his hand and his lot.' A fair onev
replying, asked very earnestly, 'how b'g'
is your lot?'
A dandy on board a steamboat lately
stood by and sawa youn lady fall on the
deck without ofTeriug to assist tier. On
being asked for an explanation: 'I was
waiting, say3 Poet'!?, for n introduc
tion.' A young c'er.llraaa who has just mar
ried a litiie t-eaury, says, 'she wmtd have
been tal'er. kit she Is made of such pre
cious materials tLa; Nature could not af
fjrd it'
.It is notgprvrous to blame youth for
lie fdues cf young men.-