C..ectr2l end Jule t't ; , .y. ..' zin, mo. . ' t : 1 . r .?.-v vp tee ti CHATTEL AutLu E;Krcrojts: J. B. JVanilzsrXB Howard, J. A."Own,Xtlttn Tooth, J&kaXi.UiuUQbn H- liken, W. fl. Peneik, James f.sy, X. J. McAsban, A. G. Msmfieer. & t ... ;. . . .. j B JSXIN03, Pres. '- y.McAsais, SecV v. " ' ' " " IS aow ready to receive application for Life, Fire, Mnn and 1-iverrisk. A cub return of 25 pee cent. Will be allowed o a cargo premiums. Lossur omptly. adjusted, and the usual facilities given to thepatrautuf the Qce. t ; . ArriU6tfa,lj67...,..t., ......, v44-3 r- as "1 HI 1 t B-w'. aJ W. i-? WEBSTER,' MARSH & C O., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers itcady - Made , Clotliing:, '.'SI. 5rain St.; St. Louis, Mo. ' ffTIBTS. rRAWERS. OVFKAT.T.S, MIIFT,' ? aiMl Hit kindn of FUE.7ISHIIIG G00D3. AtSO FALL STOCK Ofi i. - GIFT'S :AND. BOY'S CLOTHING, WbicU we offer at iow at any House In de Citr. " WEBSTER, MARSH fc CO. 1 - v - - UiVUCELEH& WILSON'S , : - INCOMPARABLE - 'c ' " - SEWING MACHINES ' w. Mcdonald & co. ; ; Nor 79, Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. ' Are takWttf tba Viae of alt otter machine to - Families,:; Press-LIakers. $72? JCLTT iQIFUEl. , Ttei tra the Bimplrct, Speediest, Cheapest an4 most dnroie JlaotiiiK existunt. , , . . ...... Agents Wanted In Every ToTnTln t!sc West. B. F. SNYDER, - - idnrardlns and Commission ' ' --T And : Steamboat Agent, : ST. JOSEPH, .VO. WallkaattliaLeveeat allhonrsnponthe arriral of Sieaolatt and attend to the Collection of Bills and Bumik 1U wuh him with prompt dupatcb; also attend in tb iietcivintot gooda for boats, either for St. Louis or upper. XIhuu(L., . ,' . Will "be- f mill in the office of Dolman &. West Real TMt A Fr!t, Xarket Square. DULLER; a BOISAUBIN, r' Importers of French and German - IC OXKIG-GLASS PLATES, She 1 1, Sky-LIlit, and floor Glass, is, feecona bu &u louis, jio XartKactarrrtrt Ornamental Lukins-4iia Framea. St:dsedGi3CT in'll its Various Branches, lior Churches; Pullio'and Tnrate .'. Buildings. Wrnafiiental Work fof Sltamboats. "' v HAYDEN & WILSON. " Import cri end Mtnvfacturert of AWD- Coach Hardware," ar - Carnage' Tiiuimiugs, Saddle Trees, Ilames, Spnngs and Axles, Patent and Enameled Leather, $KIR71NG, ' - HARNESS, & ' BRIDLE LEATHER. No. lI, 3Iain Street. St. Louis, Mo. Afe vto pared to offer to their customers arxl the trade an abaortaneat of article unsurpassed, in quality and cheisjincM, by any Uouse in their line, Kat or West rr Commercial Nursery, .sBLOOMINGTON, ILL. TMs fc-teri(!iied beg leave to inform the Nnnerraiea and Farmers of the West and South-west, that they are 'exteiiatvejyengageiiiB the propagation of , . . BOOT, GB.AFTKO AND BLDDF.D STOCKS FOR MUSERIES. especially, thfl( APPLE, and a few other lardv'f rtilts HsviQg siit near twenty years in selecting their Fru64 tke tr4 uaavinepliat Uiair IM kantrM ed, both in regard to the quality and the proportion in whieh tUej-cultiviic. Being Very desirous.! dissouiiua- titigtbtwatwirMv astt)'e they a4otth attbodtt willing out small, cultivated sUks lor the Xursery, as leiiiglariiiore practicable ad safe, than to incur thegreat expense; relay pii rldt tof ttli)pa large trees, which fliuujT always be raised near where thev are wanted. FrBiJtheirt'ng experience they Hatter themselves that aiiiffi'' kfrlttonly uoh hardy varieties as succe4 weit n TTierortt. Snd bud. 011 seedling stocks and the m6stde iral.le, teawMWI totf tiiTrJyhiiwb".,' Therraiiiii; wj(l be lone atfb propeT'scason, and tn the 1est manner The ftBrwtll ttt aarked securely and thipcd by express, with, the greatest care in early spring, to any part of the West. They have also, on hand, the largest and best crop of iucl&Rl HEDGE ix.ivri.'.'.'. cvei T.n.. for sale on brut term, by the thou arid or iiiiuiuii. TU?y tnay e Shipped in the Fall or SSprlag.i Ttieir jr lor j ursery suktx w in be found as l-w as any othf r of iqun! quality in the Union. Catalogue andTreat-1m- wu iiedge Cnltur, sent gratis to all applicants. Paltutiage solicited. Orders for Xursery sloik ihould lie prior to 23th of December. ... T. .. Address, OVEKMASfc JfAXX, ' ' o;r. 15; - Bioonuugt.m, III. ,rt To Fruit Growers. BIN"GT OF 1858. . It ttd iirltltioa to our general stock of Fruit trees, weTrtcif the attention of Planters to the following nrlwin particular, the stock of which is esten tircvAndof Lhe finest description : . , I'eara or Cluinoe, Dwarfs and Pyramid?, two to three year'i jjrowth.- Trees of bearing sire can be ruppHe9r aTew sorts. ' ' Cherrleg of Mahler dwarfs and Pyramids, very strong" and" well fyrmedT-all the best sorts ia culti vation. , .''.... .i ... Furcjsn Grapes for Tineries strong two year old plaa5 1$ jf'ts p01 ta popular u'rlu- StrawberrieTpwar(Uof foWy raricties includ ing UiAvoy'a Superior, Longworth's Prolifiic.Hook-; r' Needling, iiennessee, Jenny Lind, Scott's Seed-' ling, to; Aiso the finest French and English vario lic, including Trollope's Victoria and Triumphede l-amd. bwo s iiperb, hardy, and prolifio varieties. Itaspberries -llrinkle's Orange, the hardiest and bet light toi wed variety known. Also, Merveille fcc 4 hawons, and Belle de Fontenay, the two best autumnal sorts superb large fruits, and prolific. All these fruits hare been propagated and grown, w'uta the most scrupulous regard for accuracy, and may be relied upon. Early orders solicited. .vvr'fLLWAXGER A .BARRY," Monnt ifot'e urScrieg, Roeeestcr, N. Y. tio4fl-2t DORCniCSTEIt K'LACKliERRIE.' ,;.'::',ovoyt tto Co., ' ' o.7t?Ierchants' Roiv, Boston, Ui FER FOR SALE 5,000 BLAKBERRY. The Dorchtatey Blackberry has not received the attentions St I superior merits deserves. In attentions in supenor merits oescrves. in compe- tition With lie Larton, has carried off every WizeT before Vhs Mij&achasetU Uortk&lMral Society the last two yean. . . , ., The Cvmm tlee state In their annual Report for 1857, 5 bat in each and every inttauce where thev questioned the coutributors for the purpose of learns ing their inUiridual opinions of the merits of one or the other voriety for market, there was not a single dissenting vo.ee as to tho superiority of the Dor chester over the Law ton. The Dorchester is of su-i-eruir flavor, iha berry is much laraer, is equally at hardy, and fully as prolific, bearing carrirge well, and retaiaidg its black color." . 'Strong plants will be sold as follows : 100 for $10, 50, for t6 25 for 13 50, and 12 for $2. ' mUPERB GERMAN ASTORS. ' oveyA Co.,nvite the attention of amateurs and tha pob'.ie t their splendid, collection of German Jkaiemrilaviriet for twenty years given particular arttntion to t e improvement of this showy flower, n't bavirg btieaa warded the first prise of the, llaa ' -alio -ticaltaral SoeieU thirteen fimes'einoe It 14' txblbilion of superior fl&weTS,tIfer lor en iruee . -rti jenU of seeds as. followt i. , - -1 . 1 n jietiii of (ae various, btautif ai kinds.' t. ; :' -.-. - .' . .j . r .,es of. tie same, extra," " .' T5e Ak&,4 . $-4-H '"Peony flowered, , r V 50c No. 5. 4-, 4 sr.; v Globe and Pyramidal, ex'a 50c 0. 6. 4 . a O,ol)0 1i8anv a-c extr-, 25- ?' Vv t " Tbs Ee,ir crown-flowered. 25c Aiae the f)r wmg Tare seeds : Calceolaria, Ciner aVerteaa,.is)ta. HoV.vUock, Carnation, iVArj P-apim, Pansey, Di,y, k vedfrom nam ed eoUooUon : extraZi eerux e, K With a a. oxtaaeot of 800 other varieties of Hewer Seed ; the r,','-"1 "i11. VWa "teuda i lncludint: the ji.boara ftqaash ) summer tit, ulbs, Ac. Addrej soa:t Ke.7,MercaaBta'Eow Boston. . lV VO. S5S 1858 Seasa-AFraiienint vt The nvvSilis- souri River Pa sserer Steamer CAFT. JOE WtlASD. .T""1Uiiat Ciilia IBrtttV, CfmahTttty, Flor-kz-uKiZT' B Motor City -"ecket.ftir fltoui City, uieujs, oujitia. Council Bluffs, Sellevue. Sc. Mary's, Plattsmouth, Wyoming, City, 'ebr-It . City, Linden, Brovnviil, rukporf, aenitmc Laud ids, Saint Stepn eus, White Cloud. Forrest Cily, Oregon, Iowa Point, Sa vannah, ax. JcBfphfnjpftBii,; A'cfiu?' Wcj'toa, rort Leavenwvrtb. Laveuorta City, Kansas City, kc. s Theue, twtrt, and magnificent passenger and freight steamer ALOVZO CHlLIVJtt KOLLAfcD Hartf,m apun the oieuii:; uf na-rigaUjo, return her regular trii, ui Uie above trade, ami to ail the intermeoiate point on the Xutouri rivpr. ,Dr pBtroas caa rely not on It upon her continuity: ito the trade during th entire noatinesea on, bntat flcdiic lnli- eeatoii, tunas tha yatit, that for qnicknft and reifularify of trip, at well at superi ority of paent;er accommodation!, and general arrange menu, that thrrt ptx(lle4 bythes ! any other boat rnnuins on the rier; tiaviug recently teen placed in the ln'jttt anrxceptUoabte condition throughout, pre paratory to engiitfiux In the approachinj aeaato'4 baai- B6M. ' I ' "' ' The ateamer Aloaia tliiU, it new, baring ron but a portion of one feason, and for the very liberal jiatron- See nhehat reo'ived, tlapU Holland desire w poem bit thanks to hi friends, and to ray to tbeas that thtfy will andhia bout aialtorftrei ful lr "P to the ataadardof a grot clara, wel ooerlaiuaoarl Kiver paasingor mean er, and a tuch Iiapea u receire a reaaonaois unraer the patronage or tin snipper ana me puouc sunurauy. March 25. v2li3S i : - ' OKA CBAKt. J-:.!!.! THEODOBB H1U,. CrailO db 3E3.11T." rOBWAKDIVQ AM' COMMISSION MERCHARIB,, AND STEAM BOAT AGENTS. irbolesale and Mctail Healers in Dry Goods, Grorles i Hardware, Oueemware, Furniture, stoves, ... Flour,. Bacon, tc ept.21, '57 ' Browkyille; IT T.' Land t Warrants. 17,000 Acres of Lard TVarrants for sale and to loan to prc-emi tors, Ij T VSON 4 UACKXLY. , Lumber I Lumber I! ' Wa are vreuured to furnish at our Steam Saw Mill, opposite Browcrillo in"Frairie Forest,"? all kinds of lumber Tt?nallj found In the West,. and sotno choice lumber suitable for ws.rtrons, furniture, and Tor build- big pnnosH, fc.,ineiiM Ilickorr, Oak, Ash, Ulack Yi ainui, r; Team ore, Linn ana VOiionwooa,iriiicn we have consUmuT on hand, or will prepare at,itort no tice, at the Jowost market prices, bills sawed to or- der, for 8teambts. Will saw Iogsoa the-shares, or by the hundred Hills for lumber can bo lift at oar office, in Brownvil'.e. We will also fumuh lurn ber saw upon tho shares -or by the hundred at our mill at Table Hock. XlUADLbs & JUL IK. Brown ville, Aril 1. - -' ' '' GEXESEE VAEEEY Al'RSERIES. I The Kew-Eochelle Blackberry. VTt have on hard a law and fine stork of thia popular fruit, when we can dispose of either at wholesale or re tail. Dor pi jrts brr-ybT aid viarorofls, tne preper afe and ic tor uncitntul pUntirnt. -Oor price . per -thotv Band is 120; per handr.Hl $12.60; per dozen $2. H e can also supply planU ol the new native Grapes at low prices, at well as agencril section of small fruits. A. xKOST cl CO. f; 'rn-t ValfefXorerie3, KothestefX. X. J 1S5ST 'SPBISGS.UES.; 185S w.f. embers: 4 co., Tlholesale Clothing Warehouse. r ' J.?2! -Maipjitreet, St. Louis, ' Ilave Just reoetada felt and complete stock of Spring and Summer cloUiinu; hih is unsutnasiirf ifT extent. c.ualit;i, .and .Jk'ttrluiiansMp, in arty otLer lious in the . 1 1 . . '. i . . v : i 1 - ... , vuiuvt.au Aiuwtiutuiuif is indue Ltv u. tfxprvssiy for this market, at our Manufactory, fcimintms blot-t. Boston,.. ...... J Large ana clte.buyrs will flnd it for their interest ta yive us a call, as we pledge ourselves toell for cash, or to prompt men at print's that will defy-alt compe titinn. A full stock I"' Sutler aivl Santa Fe trade. Wm. F.. DHS, fit." Louis, John W mU)T, Boston. ,0 J Ji,42'.' Du Page County Nursery . ; . t . T NAPERVILLE, ILL. ; The proprietors of this establishment would call at tention to their very largo and extensive Stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, btirobs, and Plants, which they offer to the spring trade nt wholesale and retail. . Apple Trees, Fear Tree and Cherry Trees, both stan dard and dwarf . ...... . . . 4 Peach Tres,iufii Eutbei. 3 I 1 " ' tJrape Vines Isabella Catawba, and Clinton, in-large quartitiesji Northern, Muscadine, Choicer Oak. 4.c, in small quantiiiet I , . V " ! i i I i I i Curranrs iLvsriky ltcd tMitchby thethollsandl ' ' ' Raspberries, Bluckberree I.awton. ttrawberries Peabody'sNew HaiUbu, and dtUer choice varieties. Asparagus imot Rlmbarli roots er Pie Plant Victoria, Liunea, Scotch lr-brid, Mammoth an.f other varieties. nedgcPlants (age Orange by the million Osage Oranjte Seed, Apple Seed Irts and good and in large quantites. Ornamental Department! ' Ornamental trees and shrubs. Everfreen trees and shrubs. Roses Over three hundred varieties, embodying most of the new and cboice varieties of Moss, Hybrid, and Hardy Perpetual, Bourbon. Noisette, Tea, China, China, Bengal, Austru VtarieirCUnibing, SU'lJuae Roses. .Pieuies Trite HerLateots; DaUllakyhrk other bulbous tis, . f, , , tL-r Hardy, Border, and Gree ittonse Pljii4t-K-mbrtn(g the la'gest stock at the northwest. . .. . . Order solicited. Catalogues'bent to all applicants. ' ' . Xo. 1. Descriptive Catalogues of Fruit and Ornamen ; tal trees andjilirubs, Xo. 2, Catalogue of Dahlias, Bedding-out, and Green house plants.,, , , ... Xo. 3. Wholesale Catakfrue. . - " . ...... March JTn.40 2t. LEATTS ELLSTTORTn. j. .r wes-flake; f a. a -button. i WESTLAKEt. BUTTON, '-- M&nuiHC cunD-jb- cnimnav uinuiiittu MiiWl. ,w uuilUill Railroad Car, Illot K Pump,1 Bolt Cornir.-of Main & liiddle fx. r Contractors out tits constantly on hand., such as Rotary Pump,, Cars, Sideec End Cars, ;VheelbarTovs, Scrapers, Single and Horse Power Derricks, &c. . Blacksmithini of all kinds. Bridge and Truss Belts of any length. Workmanship warranted of best nnality. F. LAKK. Brownville. W. II. IIOOVEB. Nemaha City. LAKE & HQpyER, . ., Mi liiuri a r in nnnnrni . AND NOTARYS PUBLIC. NBRkSKA, TEBRITOET.- ; WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Paying taxas, Drawing money, buying and soiling Real Estate, buying and selling on Commission, Making Collections for distant dealers, and all kinds of business pertaining to their profession. I articular attentom trill be riven in filing declara tory statements to pre-empt and procuring ' War ranty Deeds from tho Town authorities. ; ; Persons owning Tows lots, residing at a distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to place the agency incur hands, (alwaj (presenting their Quitclaim Deeds fir said Lot Vithin th ex piration of stxtnenths, ar after Jbat time all let not ueeaea will betold.i.1. V ij vv vi; , a Uianks alwtmt i hand. " rr i rsnrit N B. etterk of inquirv answered promptly,!; March 26, '". 4l-ly - - - - - " " - e t T Editor "Xelrtitka ' Adn-rti iet'i -- - 1 De ia-Sut: Ju Tool angrb vcr theiast anther f your v 1 it romc Uo?ver Ls1 n wh'cu BUtcs that eertaia stories are in circula tion that the undersigned claim some interest in Nemaha City for . the puraose of in juring its prosperity. It way do quite well to cir culate a report of ttu.t nature where the facts are unknown, but to tnote knowiag the facte such statement is merely fot lish. . . I, And for the purposo cf civing a fair opportunity to peteoaate-asoerlaio the tacts we hereby warn all persons from pumhaslrrg-aily .pretesjded claim or interest in the slfd toita tt Nemaha City, from the said Jerome Hoover, at be has sold and received pay for nine-twelfths of sanl town, and suit is now pending to place the understood in possession of the interest bv them rmrchased in the tame: and they have not authorised the said Hctrer to sell or dispose of any oortion of their tnteiest, out aireexea suit to De brought long since. for Tls reioYcry. " . ' - "' 0' JNO. DONIPHAN,. J: J AS. DONIPHAN. ;rl.bai.larp tw U. UlSt ;HOP. ,;. -'4 - L. U. BIRD. : v A.41.ATOOE1WARD. 5 F. XCCKOLLS. rr r T? A 1 1 A CSAa f. IBJLLYrr sUtrcl 2A.lS57i i 1 Xi. l ii. ti. sil-tf JOIINOIcDONOUGH. House, Sign, & Ornamental Painter, UL.AZIER, ft. , ,. BROWN YILEE, IS. T, rj Iwdert can be left at the City Brag Store. J S3 husk Vattrassesjiist received at the store of Aug. C,IS57. aS I. T. WHITS. BOOTS and SHOES-A Tremendous Stock, jus teceived, ipenediind forsale, bv " I. T. WHYTE t CO. v ilUUJ Yaluable Claim for Sale, tho undersigned will sell a valuable claim at a bar gain, as they are determined to sell. It consist of 160 acres, al 1 t-w.ntti"tr; aexronsria half nhith ts tfoilef j and ibe"!La lance pratrte; W acre tinder tehee and euTti- vation. It is situated on the Little Keniaha Kiver; nine miiea Trrn Ttsrtiv.Q in& about fhe same Sistanoe froasi iMiM vli-l uiic mi; uwuiu iian ;ri(iwi II pp ly to the undersigned on tno pre mise . JOHN HUGHES Ira-M-pd . . . LEICCKl, BCGHBS NEW ARRIVAL -r- ' OP f ? V .-'' 'J JF w iS ' v v -i and - : : :"v'.'.t,iji,w;a.ke.v.j. CIIEISTIAN DEUSEE. 1JK0WNVILLE, OUNCES to the public- that he haijwt ie- il ceiv ceived, per Steamer Emma, a rerr lurge and well assorted stock of Parlor and , Cook Stoves, of sew and improved patterns, as follows: i Shanghai JSIeYated Oven.- " ' - COOK SIOVES, Buck's Clippen Oven. " Improved Pattern 3 , Charter Oak u all of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rate and on as accommodating terms as any other estab lisnmcnt in this region of country. - I have also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared to put up rutteringand spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. A shure of patronage, is solicited. y ; i .' ' . ' C jDETJSEB. Brownville; July 18th, 1857. v2n51y 1 Machinists, Founders and l Engine Builders, ' i " 11 Yront street. West of Smith,' " " " ' ' " " I CINCINNATIt O. TT7'ould most respectfully inform tneitfriends and f th e public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in thefrline, with prompt ness, iiavm lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, theybope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which uu u.reiuiwe a eiiesaini t uiem, f-tn'-i-' t aw M 1 Engine of every. DcscriptfOrr ' constantly on han t: consisting of the bash, Circu lar and lluley. Mill Gears and every description of castings, warranted to be well made in every par tic u lar. -- . ; : p; They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables "them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms s any bther shop in the country. 1 ' -. -' ..i .Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to give ns a call and examine our new pattern. K GEO S "EAYER. & CO " nnT TiflrTirTn iTiTinwnTifi 7 I UML. lMMll MUMi, a.li I General Land Agents, Glenwood, . v , . ; r vPlattamouth, Mills co, Iowa, ' Cass co. Nebraska. promptly attend to Lapd Agencies, Inves v ,V , tigating Titles,Paying Taxes, Investing moa-i ey, iJuying and oelling J own Lots, Buying; Selling and Locating Land Warrants, and all other business connected with their profession in Western Iowa and corasKa. J.'M; DEWS, Associate Attorney:" iti'n:uL:N c es Greene, Weare A Benton,' ( O. Doughty A Co., Greene, Weare A Rice, Council Blufls, Iowa Ft. Des Moines u Cedar Rapids, " ureene & care, Nixon A Goodman, Tootle A Greene, . 1 - " , Cincinnati, Ohio. Glenwood, Iowa, .Cincinnati, Ohio.' N. W. Thomas, ", . . ' SchoolyA Son . Gen.' Wra. Irick, II. Johnson, Vincentown, X. J. Hightstown, . Philadelphia, Pa. . u . , ifedfi'fd, JJ. J. 1. Reed A Son, ' Robinson & Hro., - - ' Burlington Co. Bank,' ? . T. E. HAYCOOK; Attorney at Law AMD REAL, ESTATE AGENT. Monut Vernon, 'Ncraalss Co.T1 ' Particular Attention paid to the practice of law and col lection of dents in the comities oKKeibaha, Pawnae. sonnson, ana tucnarason, AeurasKa territory. Real estate bought, and sold on commission. Land warrants located fordistant dealtrs.'Pre-emp-: i tion papers carefully preparod. 1 " 1 ,-. REFERS TO I . r I Sam. IL. Elbert, Plattsmouth. !f. T. ," II P Benuet, Nebraska citv, In' T i i 1 ' ! 1 O IT Richardson, Omaha ciiy, X T ' "Fenner Ferguson, MC, Belleviie,' KT 1 Cassady & Test, Bankers, Council Bluff, Iowa i i oa, sergeant ot Uook, t ort Detmoinesj Iowa. December 3, 1867 n23Iy Porter's Spirit or the Times;.' - ' . r ' Ij I ' - .. . 1 v ' J 1 l3erieTai--T'iirrnnBino' Aerss-nrtp THE constantly increasing demand upon as to execute commissions for the purchaseof all kinds of articles, both for residents and non-residents of the city, has?induccd us to establish, in connection with our newspaper enter prise, a DnvAlincInn Tfnwnnn ,! a uaiiiaaiuo Aiuicitujfj: under the immediate supervision of one be onr Arm, as sisted by the most accomplished experts, for tupplying ang trlicle i the world. Particular attention will be paid to the selection, pur chase, and sale of thorough-bred Cattle and Horse Stock, tratnea uogs.ierrets, ana fancy Fowls, carriage, Buggy, and Saddlellorses, Carriages, Harness and Saddle!', Time Watches, every description of Fire Arms, Sporting Arti cles, Fishing Rods and Tackle, Hnsic and Musical Instru ment, Yachts, Sail and Row Boats, Furniture, fine Wines, Liquors, and Sigars; Cricket and nail Bats, Pads, Sec, tec. Aohicxltvral implements, of the latest and moat improved kinds : Seeds, Plant's, Fruit, Forest and Shade trees, and all kinds of Books treating on tHilject-f im- nortanre to the Farmpr. Horticulturist, and Florist. State Rooms Exgaged in advance, on Steamrta and Packets to leave for Europe, California, the Vest Inflies. oranyrartof the. world. This will obviate the necessity to resident sof inland tewns, and places where no steamer agencies exlsl,or coming to Kew l'ork two r three weeks in advance as they are now freiuently required to do either to obtain passage, orto secure eligible accommoda' tions.? In thisdenartnrent, we will be readrter secare n UoOMsa.TaioTEl.sat farable rates, ato protect the stranger from imposition as well as inconvenience; and, iu short, to perforrrt any description of commission that would ordinarily require the presence ef the party himself. . Gentlemen who desire to form Libraries, or who may wish to procure tbe Choice Literature of the day, can always rely upon our judgement and selection. Also, Blank books and Stationery, and Book and ftews Paper, for printers. . FORTITE LADIES, we will procure the latest Fashion Plater, styles ef Bonnets, samples of the newest varie ties of goods.-costrtetlcs. perfumes, and fancy articles, and we snail always be pieaseaioiuruisneveryuuugcouucci- ed with thetrw-ants. " lashert; for anyscrv'ce which may.be requireov toe public may rely upon us, with the most perfect confidence for fidelity, and dispatch.. . Apply to. jr ... r - . Pcrterts Kr.irilof tha Times. 348 Braadwak. X. T K. B. SubscriDtlons for Porter's Spirit of the Times. a Sp-rting Literars, Agrtcuiteral, Fsmtly Week!- News paper, may be forwarded t the same dtrecticn. Terms, 93 a year.rr ;V I I V : .:. ') l.i Groceries ! Groceries! ! i; Fresh Arrivals U Heavy Additions ! ! Prices Greatly Reduced? - ' CURRENCY TAKEy AT PAR !l ' i 1. J, B. JENNINGS Cor. 2ni and Frances sts, St. Joseph 'Mo. II AS just received at bis store room, corner of Second and Francis Street, Ht. Joseph, everything desirable in bis line, which he purchased for tbe Fall and Winter trade, at greatly reduced price for Cah, aid whieh he will sell at corresponding prices for cash, or to punctual customers. Among bis recent receipts are 80 dm Fresh Peaches, 35 doi Prime Apples, 20 dot Assorted Fmits, 20 dox Lobsters 1 & S !b can, 300 dos Field's celebrated Oysters put up this fall. 20 half Barrel new white Fish, alsoCodUsh, 100 boxes W B Cheese, 60 boxes K D do, 600 lb Currants, 60 fenses fresh raisins, 100 boxes dried ber rinn, eoo.los Gosnert Butter, 200 Mils crackers, 60 "Vblt nuts asmrtcA, 900 lbs Peannts, 100 boxes assorted vnd fancy eandie, loo do sum drops -and wi(4to Lozemrers, 200 drams Figs.itc. Also a large lot sugaa and molasses. which will be told at pricea considerably telow the prices sixiy uy ago. . .. .,.,, r , ... , , St. Joseph, Nov. 8, IS57. , , .... SiB S. J-OCI WOOD. 1857. . . ' R. POJUROT , i laoc-kwood ScTomeToy i -.i;:.-:abolsle.n,l Retail Dealers itt T ,-, STRAW QOODS. Also, Shippers pf American Fora tf every de scription ; for which they will pay . , ,4 the highest Market Price.. i, . . ! ' IN CASH. - - i? T sOUNTRi Merchants are invited to examine' our VJ stock of Hats A Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will bo large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stock shall not be excelled by any House ia ist. Louis, Oar prices will be low. terms accommodatinr. ' CMtand see ni at our New Store. 'Second St.- Si, Joteph, M. 12-m jf By AND j'j :y.iuj' -j- DEALERS IN " ' . I'"' " ' AND ," ; ; ' ; U..My. rX t.ii vrf V - - -r t T - -' I 4 VaJr r - ' 4a -m-" ' H M : : i : M&iri St. between- Front and Second sts., t 1.- rr, sv '1 K Stove Furniture, Flour, .t ; : : V AND XE! ' V T have just opened a heavy Stock of Fall and ana rancy tins, wmcn we are now prepared to i i mt-p n ,m . a m . ft .1 ?m- t it.) :,., ; . 1: - ,For Cash or Country Produce. , , . 1857... , v2nl8rtf y I , ; : . - ' CR 1SE 4 HILL. 1, ix ml JE3L .... of I. T. WHYTE & CO'S, BROWNVILLE, N T. T7"E have just received an entirely new and large I t v as reasonable prices as an v establishment in the e are now in 8toro Kreat Taety of the following articles, which we purchased for Cash and oonse- r - : r , nn0nr.lv n Boll nhnnn nn thn so m A tArma BI& v:rGOODS! jm. . 1 eats; aiid caps, irja-a Queensware and i Wl W ' ''"1 ' ' Its ' ' " a?""JmT!1N ... anta jk ! - frrHI fl I iavPlPW FARM IMPLIMENTS, And a fine assortment ' iSncbas Spice, : '. ' ' : : SalaratuS) -' Ginger, ' ,', . ' .' .. And a good article of 1 Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. It is a pleasure to us to show goods, and we ask you Uct. lMW. : ivznis-iyj , SIEGEL & Brownville, TN. T4 THE preprietors would most respectfully inform the : i i j : mey utvu receiveu sou ru uow upjyuiug ituc ui lu? imvtim uiuo. uuiii.-b uiaku ua viuiuiu ' ' Ever brought to this market. ... ; . - Their assortment of Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices : as i invisible Ureen,ana Ciotns, assimers,caiineiis.v!unierei!,uu .rans, an wuua up according to the latest fashionable cut. Their variety of vests is superb, i . . embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In the r .! K fnnnd at all time a fine selection of Cravats, Stocks, Tyes, Collars white or colored, Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we will sell --!" Ve have tne finest SPEmG AND SUMItLER CLOTHIiTG .001 Jon Ever brought ? -HTf . F- . f I . ? i I S - ( i arolbtdt'i8uit the jrndst fastiduous. A Cue assortment of CO ATS Dress,. .Frock and Sack. 'PASTS,1 Ever St j ieand! Description.' vr TESTS, To please Earge and Small. .: 4 SUIRTS, Both i White and Fancy. ' . WE would but ask the public to can, axamino and judge for themselves whether the Clothing at the Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better made material, cut with better taste, better trimmed and twenty-five percent, cheaper than they have ever bought elsewhere, October 29tn, isa. ivnto-tyj WE offers to the public, we are confident, the . lareest and best Selected stock of Groceries ever offered in tife market ' ' ' Hhds Sugar, ; .50 Sacks Coffee, 125 Sacks Flour, . 5 Tierces Rice, 30 Bbls Molasses, ' 16 Boxes Star Candles, 20 Boxes Soap, 150 Sacks Salt, 1 , 15 Bbls Cider Viniger, 150 bbls Selt. TERMS CASH!!! ' '-' 1. T. WHYTE A 00. ' New; Wnolesale Grocery llonsc. M I ' - ' r-, t W. .C . RITCHIE, WHOLESALE'' AXD RETAIL . I ..j- . .... DEALEE IN .. , Groceries, Wines, Liquors, . CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, Corner of Slain and Francis Street. Riddle' Old aiana, vpponie nrour twin, ST. JOSEPH, ItlO. HAVE Just rexeived the largest and most complete sleek of the above goods ever opened in upper Missouri, to which the attention of merchants, and dealers is res pectfulling invited having purchased them principally fur cash at the very .lowest possible prices, in Boston, New Tork an-1 St. Louis, feel confident that I can offer Inducements that are rarefy found, and hoping, by lair and liberal dealing, low- prices and good Goods, to merit a liberal share of patronage. Call and examine my stock and price before purchasing sales are bound to follow, In my stock will be found every article usually kept tn a Ho 1 Grocery House. . ' i tVU T"1TTT -TDZ-HNTa " ATTOHirEY AT LAW, BROWNVILLE, S. T. Will write deeds of every kind and contracts for every pnrpnte, with warranted legal accuracy. Office, in the Banking House of Lushbaugn & Larson. ; ' : -. REFER TO ,' Eon. John A. Bingham, Cadix, Ohio. ' " W K. Carter, Cleveland, " , " RP Spalding, " ' !, " B F Lei ter. Canton, " ' " BLahlh, " " ;. Win R Sapp, lit. Yernaa, " , " SPChane, Columbus, . " " Thta. Ford, Mansfield. . " Jas. Craig, St. Jusern, Ho. rrwwville, On. VSi, 'Vt. 4n-ly SlinOSB s GCCD3!: i i.ii ip!nn r : I! tV'MI-'J Bacon, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Winter 3ood3,-embracing everything in the Staple otier to tne traae at extremely tow pncea, v ' . a assortment of Superior Goods, which we will sell at w est, our motto beinr Lire and let La ve. , & GulOCEIlIE , , - 1 i boots aiid shoes, Willow Ware, of Eiht Groceries, ' VepperB,1 . , ; Soda, ' " ' Allspice,' et(J ete. to call round and see for yourselves. I. T. WHYTE & CO. GREENBAUjVI; - ST1 j. y v citizens of -Brownville and the" public generally that Ua I. aa . . M,mni.. Cf A..I.A ..r . ' i . i to Color they have- Brown, Blue, Black, visible and as cheap as any establishment in the West. and best assortment ol to this Territory. 7 - BltUfcL uiitbNJiALM. KEROSENE OILS, . . JJ.STIL..LED FKOLI COAL. (Secured by Letters Patent.) Keboskxe Illcminatixo Oil. The lizht obtain ed f rem this Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other oil or fluid heretofore discovered; is inexplo- sive, and will; remain limped in the very coldest weather. . . The Company recommend as the lamps best adopt ed to this Ooil, the Kerosene Lamps, manufactured by the following parties: Messrs. Cornelius & Baker. also, Dyott, of Philadelphia, E. V. Haughwout A Uo., . iiroadway, the Brooklyn flint Ulass Co., No. 73 llroad Street, Messrs. Dietz A Co- 133 Wil liam Street, L Mcrcierl37 Elm Street, N, Y amples of uiaercnt styles of Lamps can be seen at the Office of the Company. r KKROSKNb Lcbricatixo Oil, No. 1. Prepared to suit the finest, and all other kinds of Machinery burns. brill ianty in Locomotive Head Lights, Car Lamps, and all the ordinary Solar and Hand Lamps, and stands as great a degree of cold as best Sperm O ii, and isadmirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship use. Kerosem Lubricating Oils, No. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and will be found to possess advantages over pny Oils in the market at same prices will not burn and bas been thus prepared to meet the re quirements of Railroads and others. Kehosene Uinnacle Oil. ITepared expressly for Ships' use, and will be fonnd admirably adapted for use of Steamships, Men of War, Merchant Ves sels. Lakerand River craft, and burnt in all cabin sUteroo-Bi binnacle, forecastle lamps, signal lan terns! Ac. - - . - - - Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as lone as best Sperm, and will born all aight without requiring to be trimmed, ar ad ran tags that will he obvious to every Shipmaster. - . -- - - The' Kerosene Oils can be obtained from the Wholesale Oil Dealers. Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New York, and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company in many of the principal Towns and Milages of the United States; the Cana days, and the Island of Cuba. . Local Agents appointed ( in conformity with the rules established by the Board of Trustees,) on ap plication to - AUSTEJfS. General Agent, Kerotent OH, Co.t No. 50 Beaver Street, N'.Y. N.B, Circulars with full particulars, testimonials, prices, Ac, will be forwarded on applicatios as above. June 25th. 1857. vlJlr j . V'U - . i ,ll h!a ' 'at . .' ' "' . ITevz nardtyaro Store. r u Sign of the Saw. " '' . ' i ' J. FLAHERTY, ': : -. Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia American German, English &, French HARD WARE XYD CUTLER Y. ST. JOSETH, -110.' IS NO W receiving and otaing the Ia:get and most varied arsortment of goods in the aloT0 liae ever offereoVin any market west of 8U Louis." My sCoek embraces a full and compute assf.rtaeat of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Jlecbaa- io's tools of every description, direct from the most approved manufacturers; agricmltural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a earef ul examination of this department of my stock. ; I a us also exclusive agent for tha sale ef the celebrated bt. Louis Circular Mill and Cross tut baws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at the factary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac., of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, for iU quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share ef trad from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle ef trade is small profits and quick, returns. January 1, 1S57. Yln29tr M nsa hi i.'t i JOIIX C0LII01N & BROTHER, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post Office.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in Building and Saddlery Hardware, . uliOCElUES, Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings. si. jvstrH, -uu. HAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and Foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves A Son's Files Scissors' j ' '"..' and Edze Tools - Pocket knives - Knives and forks Butcher's do do Spear A.Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and . American horse nails Post hole augers Ames' shovels and spades Lull A Porter's shutter Butts ' Morticing machines Circular, mill and muly wa- Planes and plane irons Brass curtain bands and pins Door locki' Augers and anger bitts ! Corn knives ' Briar scythes Gra.s and grain do Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks - Framed weed aaw- Blacksraitha' Bellows and Coopers drawing knives do adies and wood ' . I00U . Tress Hoops Butts, east and wrought Copper rivets for belts ices -Mousehole Armitage an American asrils ' Stocks and (lief - -'- Pad hooks, breech'gloops Tuyere Irons 1 aa screws, cockeyes Hated and com. stirrups Ornaments, racks do do liitts 'Girth rein and roller web do . do Buckles - Silik, 3 eord thread do , w ' . do" Rings 1 Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs Peg floats - ' Pincers Shoe thread Bristles, wax Lining skins Binding ' Calf skins ..- . Upper leather Briddle do . . Skirting do ' ' Harness do Belting do Goat skins Enammelled leather With many good embracing a complete assort ment 01 tne most desiraDle whicn they will pell at tha lowest prices. J. COLHO L'Si A BRO. April 16th, 1857. 31-ly George Ferguson, MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, iSUU VV N VIIiL.13, If. T. ANNOUNCE to the public, that he is' to erect Steam andWatcr Saw and Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair ing 01 macoinery ot a.i kinds. ALL WORK VAR RANTED. lie is also Agent for A. B. HOLLIBIRD &, CO'S. , - - .:' Western Foimdry. CISCIXSATI, O. LEE & LEAVITT'S Saw Itlanufactory, CINCINNATI, O. And are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma- cninery maniuaciurea or kept on hand, by these es tablishment. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. REFFERENCES. ' , Noel, Lake A Co., Brownville, X. T. Steam MiB R.W. Furnas, Brownville, " Muir, Uann A Co., " " , " Dr. Hoover,' i , ; Nemaha city, u" j 1" M P.M.Rogers, Pawnee city, " " 1" Nuckolls A White, Rockport, Mo. . " " James Lowe, Linden, . u t A. IS. llalliberd, Cincinnati, O. Brownville, June 18, 1S57.... v2 1-ly OLIVER BENNETT & CO., MANUFACTUREBa AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots Shoes & Brogans, XO. 87 MAIN STREET, SAINT LOUIS. HO. RE NOW IN RECEIPT of a complete assortment XX ot goods from tbeir owa and other manufac torie-, adapted especially to the Western trade. Purchasers are invited to examine their stock. manufactured and selected with great care and warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive rompt and careful attention. NEBRASKA CITY Zu.sur1u3.00 OoxxajDvxay. Capital Stock $50,000. KEBRASKA CITT, K. T. THIS Company, under a liberal charter. Is now fully organized, and their entire capital stock of Fifty 77ioiiiand JJoUart, paid in and secured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company anv where. Bavins adopted the mutual principle, iu, patrons, without incurring any liability, will sbar in the profits of tne company. . r n . The operations of the Company, will be confined, forthe present, to marine, or cargo risks, with a maximum liability of $ 12,500 on any one bottom. Being tbe only Insurance Office, on the above pop ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous support from We-tern Merchants. We respectfully invite the Missouri River pa tronage. DIRECTORS S.FrXockolls, Chas. F. Holly, . H. P. Bonnet, J. L. Armstrong, W. N. Ilincbman, - - Miles W, Brow a, - - " "'A.A.Bradford. " - -officers: . 1 - . ' CHAS.F.IIOLLY, President. J.Garsidk, See'y. St. Lewis Agent CoL W. P. Howard. . ... April 2d, 1857. - ' 42-ly A. LYFORD. J. T. HORX Lyford & Horn, V. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ! ........ Dealers in . . . ' J3iry CSrOocis GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, 0HOH3, HATS AND CAPS, Kalis, Plows, StovesFurniture, itc t ;j,- .S0N0RA, M0. r ... April lh,l?37, -t Pt 4tPV arv ist-a 1 1 ' r 1 lilt V V -2 zom JicpiinLs6x? I have, j est receivedr an- entir.1. ... r assortment of larr. : : SCTERIOH 'GOOD?', ' ' Which I will tell at aa iao.n.k . ' -ltabli.Knw.nt 1- .a. 1"a.. POO Ui,, ! ... , . 7 I have now ia stora a great vnri,ty or . , lowing articles, whieh wwr pwreka-4 L .T DRY GOODS, G-rocerien HATS AND CAFS SADELERy BOOTS AND Sumter HARDWARE A.D CtTErT . QUEENS-WARE9' ' BOOTS AND 5H0ESLV Da. J W r J n .. r , itcduy A.Ad&9 WiOtlUXlgA. J And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES . Such as Spice, - . ' Peppers, " . : ';' " ' Soda . Salaratus. ' Ginger, -, . Allspice, 19-Norember 5th. etc., ete. LOUIS waldter7" House, Sct, acrl Oraaine::tal Paiztjr OLA2tE2, GSAINEIL , ' ANT- PAPER IIAaVCIJR, " NEMAHA CITY, 187 TV - Take tbl method . . . . . 'utj nuiK m nan. removed his paint shop from Kockanrt, Ma., Iu thla pin H.A t Kink . k!n,..ll 1 . . . - taming to hi line of bun, and res jeitiuily Wva-. the public to give him a call ' Flease leave order at the Advertiser' office Nov. 19. Ib67. . .. : ... , . a2Hf . Tailoring! T;iilorin?!! ' .Tmlorin'' . E. E. PARKEIl, s" Merchant .Tailor, Atlantic ttreet, West of UolditieU'i Stara. nnniiri'i'ri r n a - .t . . . .... . IT AVING bought property and located permsriea. lr in Brownville. I nfTVr tn u.. . .. ... , . .V ' , ' ' w 16a- yuuuc gcucraiij, u vney want any tbiBf 4on iB ar line of businCKS. I can always be founj tinny,f or. more properly toeaking at mv ben-h. Work lVarrant4lo Fit S pajj Particular attention paid to cutties ginuuut ai4 laying off work forthe Scamjfress.' Th greau'' portion of my life has beoa' devoted to icy trade, in which I consider myself inferior to root opxiliir in the cutting department, and I hope by clone attes.' tion to my business te merit a shire of pnbli patronage. E. E. PARKER. Brownville April lfith, 1857. . , 4). DOWDALL, MARKHAJUtXaT WASINOTOK rOUHDR7 Engine and 31achln -.hop, ' corner or sccomd and moroas sibicts ST. LOUIS, Ma. '. ' - Mannfictiirer-, of Steara Engines aud Billa s. Savind GriKt .Mill JUachmery, Sincle and Doabl.? Circni.r s.w ' Mills, Tobacco Screw and Frcsaaa Ijird Kui-. U Screwsand Cylinders, W.x.l Canlm Machme Buncos Cantinfcs. Toiiiir's Improved Patent Smut Mills, Ac. !C7"AGEXTS for the sale of James Sm.th A. Co ' Su perior Machine Cards. . , j , . NEW STORE MT. YERNON NEBRASK.. A. MZDLEY, Announce to the puhiic that he baa purch.wM-1 lhe tstta ive Stock ef Uoocis brought to this place by Mr. Dailt ; ;and now offers to e 1 1 . - Dry Goods Groceries, Hard il art, Queenmurr,&rM at price as fair a ran he found in tbe Watra country, Or Cai.h or in exchange for country prodme. fot. I, '67-nl4 j GEORGE F. KENNEDY IKE AIL. ESTATES' : ' BROKER " :'- A.D GEXERAI LAD AGE.T T Florence City, .V. T. Scott city Steam Savv-MiU JOHN C. HUFFMAN, . , -Scott City, 3Io (Immediately oppotit hroimilie. If. T) . Announce tn tbe public that he has lenl the lew team saw-mill recently erecred ty Mr. Meek, hwated as above, ami ia now prepai ed te furnish the ririierm t Missouri and Nebraska with an extra quality of Lvxser of every description and SAWED LATHS of an excellent quality. . Asbare of patronage Is Mlk-lieA. November 11, 1837. . n20-y NATII'L POPE COUSInT" Land and General Agent, WASHINQTON CITY, D.C . Having resigned the situation which be has lielJ In the Ueueral Land Omre for the lat twenty yrar ii charge of the Pre-emption Bureari ofler bifservire iu the proscution of claims before tbe Department, under the pre-emption laws, town site act of ItMl, Ac. lie Mr. 0. will alo give att-nluin to caes terte the Pen- , sion offlce, procure Land Warraats tu parti4't eutiLlal. ' andproecute claims before t'oiigresx. acrcas to I lion. S. A. Donelas, Illinois, U. S. Senats. J. D. Brleht, IfMliaaa, - C. K. Stuarj, Michiaan, " R. W. J.ihd-on. Arkansas, Ikan'l Wells. Wisconsin, House Ryj. C. C. Wa-hbnrne, Rob't Smith. Illinois. John B. Snndnlfc-e, Lnui.ianrt, " ' Thomas A. Ueuilricks, Com'r Land OlQ:e. Jos. S. Wilson, Esq. Chief Clerk lion. E. M. IiuntinKtoii, Ex-Cym'r, liuliana. t Jamea Shielils, Ex-Com'r, Minnesota Geo. C. Wbitlnti, Com'r Pcnsioiu. , Gov. Medary, St. Paul, Minnemta ' Messrs. Sweeny, Fent l Co., Hangers, Waflnaloia Pairo A Nviire, do do Cbabb BnHhera. du '! Siller, Lea A Co, Jo do Also, to the District Land Officers genera: ly, uid to, all wbohave had land busineiw at ibescat t sovertuneot for years. t3r"Xo bnsines letter will recesve .iuen- tion unless aocompanied by a fee. i.SI-lr NEW FIRM. Jona Crane and Tbe xinre Rill have tbl day f"med . newce-partnersbip under the tbe firm and style fCrne H;i!, and will continue the Mercantile busieeriatCiealw stand of McAllister, Doner Co. rAs ci a sv: ef . 8, 1857. THKPORK KIIaL .CEO. KLlCKWRDt;, WATCnjIiRED, And Jowellors j ,T . OR.EGOX, HOLT COC5TY, MO. ' T.KES the liberty to inform the citizens of Brownvillo and vicinity, that he has -.pened a ' Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Stow. In Oregon, Holt county, Wo., where be will keepoa- stantlyon band, and forsale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which . ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Aim, a In lot of Violins, Accordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, Cold Pens with Gold and Silver eiteniioa, eases, Silver Thimbles, Ae.. Ae. ' He is prepared to repair Watches, Cloelt sad Jew elry, of every description, ia the best manner and on the most reasonable tersnt. : . ' Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented te be. WabB re pairing warranted for one year, ,' ; July jti. lsio. vl-nBtf T. B. CCMIXG. IOH.t C. TCBS, ' cuira. t time: V!" Attorneys at Law &;ea.' .Estate Averts-, OMAHA CITY, 18". r. a rj ( ILL attend faithfully and promptly toail beti- SMaantrn.W .. then, ia-the Territorial or. Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and IajfJs, en-. trrie and pee-raptien,eoHetie. A. 1 ' ' ! Offlce ia the seconistory of Hanry & Rostsnew,' buildinir, nearly opposite the VTeatern tachapg Bank, Fam bain street. ' ' -' ' 'l '' - Dee. 27,' IM. vln25if . ; i QLJykR Bts.srr. " WM- w JAMES p. nan. Aruc-sTTji itifffT-i 0LTVrER BENNETT & : CO., Maoafactnrersand Whalesale Dealers! a ' BOOTS AND SHOES,' W B7 Main StrMt. . (FOBMlT,yO.10l,C0R.SROFk-lAIADLt:st.)- . a- ai m at r y ST. LUUIS, 1 -.wuwoin t : -... . l