T 'fT rERMSt if ps.i in advance, - . oc T" . ,t tke end of mortis, (3 00 11 I 00 more will be furaithed et f 1,60 per f;& '".-j ti, cwk accompanies the order, not -T - ' " JOB WORK. . xtia; asMitioas of Kr Type, Cuts, f T7ruoi.CrU, made to the 'A4rer BMecinmtobatletoturaout Job Wutk W" I'.-nvt T an,- office. The proprietor being iO, .vjitTbimwU, arid hsvingtnhis employ an (focu1 J,'M4etrta Fancy dub Printer, it de stfl1"'' K ut-duo im the execution of Job Work. kiib 7 of e.tar's ltot improved Card ..... flu"" w - . . ir Lr rill f-f ' .jj-uca) w attention. , : -.,.. 1 p'tV,,01tjuico will b promptly attended to, 0rrV ...a k v.tv sattstactfoa or vo par. 1 ' -' rr- 1 ot tbe.fceal S tter, Masonic Temple, Chicago, lil. n Aavi. ueral Advertising Agent, in r .... r " 1 . aad Caiidrea's Shue fctere.&O West ... J " i n il II II 111 - 'tIh" ,'owiafcC. Broadway, fr! snD. American. Canadian and European m4 Secriptiua Offlco, No. 133, aiutg a la.. "i nrnDtllDOI, K corner Olive and Hal i . ' L-'.irtli, 6J Dearborn street, Chicago. -.ntfcurned Agents to solicit SabscrtptivDS and A4 ",. t..r tbe Advertiser, and receisve and re -UfSIBCU- gf ase.e. trior. mooi reidcnt in this Territory, coming from rations " . ... eta. .ftn iiiHHtu n the names of K"00.. ,Kr Id neitrtitwrhouds, would duobtless tuucribers if they could see a opy of tbe "Ad- rl'. VjucotiuoierUaavltauUun to become a regu- , tier ' roieT aad others, feeling sufficient interest to etft e adub, can retain ine nsnai per twi lur oetr ft-Cnlert notifie t Utecleaee tbe Volnmetodie- - .. II tw-.ll II isti8eeUe "Acen.T,- ...c - ttcreTSwisk their paper cooUnned, a aball eordlngly eonUame te send as heretofore tf -n,. K'ebrtui. AdrertUer" haTln such tb lrrt circul-tion of any paper in Territory. "Wbolee-le Merchant! in Bt. I,ottU, St. Joeeph, Cincinnati and other EasU (TB Bi'arkeU where Kebrtuka merchanU pur tfcM iii find no better adrertising medium the "Western country -CS ' ' 7T.Tj A.TNJ1XX3. clso. ' Te bae Jut completed a new stock of Blanks of erery -crtptic. neatiy executed on tne substantial paper; Tire prepared te tU erdera at a moment's notice and reaoable tenns. nl, alsoaplateof asma'l mepot Sooth Platte. rt-kk. for printing common st1 eurelopes, witU any imxul bonne card attached. Orders solicited. . W. TCRXAS. Tcr tne Ladles. Miss Mary Turner, Main itreet, knowing exactly the wants of la- iei in the millinery and dress-making line, has undertaken to supply those who heretofore have been compelled to do i-khout manv articles in that line,; with ilmost everything their hearts can de sire, or monny purchase. We don't know -whether the "lords of creation" have cts to rejoice or not. at the fine display of nice goods "expressly for the ladies" at r TV. ' . ...a Vol naa mnct ro iLept in tke family; smiling, faces pre ived; beauty improved, and so here oes the twenty cellar slugs," and next Sunday out comes wife or daughter, as 'ite as iit &iikV with a new rig from Miss Turner s. All right. Miss I.jmr- ckisc&lieT stock all ia. rhiladtlphia at "'panic prices,''' f course. Therefore the Hadies may rely upon getting something ww, nice, fresh ana chfap. 1 e V liave been veeemng some iresu vnj-plies lately,: f tig up their house a new, extending their trade, and making new arrangement generally. ; Those , of you ho want a little of the "crittur" for medicine "for the stomach sake" can find seme genuine, pure, "old Bour bon" at Mann's; none of your "rifle" hich kills offhand an hundred and fifty yards; or extract of "strychine;" or double barrelled shot gun" that kills a can and all his friends who may even pass that way without stopping.' To this Bourbon" mak'eaV.iffht aque'us aoMkioh, together with a saccharine mixture, and you have a preparation not in anywise "bad to take." Ba jserreotjpe Gallery. Amon? other neglected local notices we have failed before to speak of the erection of a sky-light Daguerrean build ing, expressly for that purpose. Messrs XaiK k. Mihkich har3 fitted up a neat room on Main street, next to the Bank Wilding, and are now taking as fine an Irotype pictures as can be secured any here. They are both permanent resi cents, and having evfnced such enter prize we hope they will be liberally pat ranized. . DraT. ' : r : We hare neglected to notice that, traong other necessary city enterprises, James Fleming has procured a fine new Any, and is now running it for the accom modation of those wanting anything done in that line. Success to James. - T. Dca : " ' Shoemaker, Main street, has just received a new supply of stock, and is now prepared to furnish anything in his line from a coarse stoga to a fine gaiter. Give him a ca.lL Cm ss Seed. ' ' We have heard this spring nu iriero'us enquiries after grass seed of va ricus kinds; particularly of Hungarian Grass Seed. We see M. F. Clark has quite a lot of this seed on hand for sale Whyte &. Co. have also a supply of Ti mathy and Blue Grass Seed. . 0. B. ncTrett ' '; ; See the card of this gen tleman 'in another column. lie Las just located in this city, and conies well recom mended by those with whom many of our citizens are well acquainted. Trf Tfcea. . - M. F. Clark has some of the finest While Fish we ever tasted since in' Ne-trajla-i W 'p peak f rorn the Book avviog to Milt's usual liberality. Better run tU aJacj.-if you expecpo get any;" .-' r' ,'l J;' . . by Is It Tolerated? "Why are fellows crazy from the effects of strychnine whisky, permitted to parad up and down our principal streets, yelling and hellowinz at , the top oi tneir voices, language ct tne most pro fane and obscene character I Have we no ordinances to prevent such disgraceful conduct ? Or have we no officer to see that they are enforced? ',. Some mode of punishment should be provided: A work house, chain-gang, or whipping post. Ect. Ellllnsl j, ; ' ' ; ; '.. Of the Presbyterian branch of the church,- preached in this city on Friday and Saturday evenings last, and on Sunday preached the funeral sermon 1 l 4 of Airs. Parker, whose death we men tioned a few weeks since as having occur red on board the steamer Florilda. The Rev. gentleman interestingly entertained large and attentive congregations at each holding forth. r- .-, . DroTra & Clinton. .; We call attention o the card of Drows & Clintos, St. LoMs, to be f .1. . .. . n I found iq, our advertising coiumjis. r rom the testimony of those who' have had to do with this house, we take rleasu :e in earn- estlv recommendin? it to the favorable consideration of those in this region bav ins: business in .their line in St; Louis., Plows! Hows!! v Whyte tn Co., and Crane 5c Hill, have been receiving new supplies of plows -the past week. t Noticing these farming implements be ing put off nearly every boat this season, we made enquiry as to now , many been sold here the present season iinu me numner to oe o?er tnree nun Thil is ind i o or sent to individuals from a distance. This looks very much like we had farms' in this region.,' Isliam Ecavls- lur. iieavi3 is a young tT T e lawyer of ability and standing in his pro fession; has recently located at Falls City. We take pleasure in recommending him to the favorable consideration of those in that region, or having business there abouts. Great Sale or REAL ESTATE. 196 City Lots BROW if VILLE, ' JfEBRASKJl, On Moudjy May 31, 1858. ' i The undersigned will sell at public auction, commen cinx.iu Muuday Msy 31, 1863, aud CoiiUuue rrom day to day nntil alt are Mild O.VE H VXD RED AXD SIXETr-SlX TO WIT LOTS in tbeciiy u( Brownville, N. T. A great portion ui tne lots tw be sold are auiuiig tbe best in tbe city, some of w hicb have tnil(iiUK' up-n them. This w ill be tbe first public rate ot lots everlieldln Brotrnville, and no such an opportunity will likely occur attain fur obtaining pro perty in tne imm city tn importance and population in N'ebrak. Tue ae will be positive, and every lot of fered will be Mid to tbehigbet bidder. T tboee acquainted with Bri.wnviUe and the strr. rounding ciuDtiy, another word need not be said than to announce tbe sale, time, place and property. To oth ers permit at to say that tbe cuy of kWww nviile is imme diate, y on tbe wet bsuk of the Missouri river: it the county fest of Nemaha county, the most denrely settled and lest improved, acilculturally, of any other In Xe- brarka, a fact acknowledged by all who have esamiLed. ' The Land Office " . TOR THE ' Nemaha. Land District is looted it tots rtrr and has em An art Ive operation for near a year past. The FreMdent has issued bis procla mation for land sales, tn take place on the sixth day of September nfzt. at which time more land wilibe offered for sale In this District than any other iu Nebraska by near three hundred lhnusand acres.'. The city now hs i population of over 10U0 lnbat4iati'J four heavy niercah- tire hi'uoes, oecther with nunreronsfrosH tradihgettaU likbments of variovs kind; a fine Urge brick hotel, forty by seventy feet, tbree and a half stories high; a good school house in wbicb large and fl..t)nthinit ichool is kept up Ue enure year; twoergamsed churches and a fine large building now in progress t erection for tbe third. A steam terry boat is now, and has been lor nine months past, crossing the Missouri river to and fro at this point.. We deem it unnecessary to enumerate far ther, as the city Is already no well known. But will say", however, that we are confident no point in Nebraska offers better inducements for investments. Terms of Sale : One third cash; one third in six months and one third in twelve m inths. . April g9, C8 BROWN fc BKA.TT. Claim Notice. To Thomas t. Easterly, and all whom it msy concern. Tou are hereby notifies that I will appear at the Land Office in Brownville. onthelthdsy of May. ISM. at 1 o'clock P M., to prove up my right of pre-emption to the northwest quarter vf section eight, in township five range fourteen east. April 29. ISM 2is jusfc.rilJ5.uau. School Lands, The following are tbe lands selected as School Land ia lieu of that wbkh has been pre-empted in this county. and also land selected for fraction U towa.Wpi : Northeast quarter of section 82 ) ' . Southwest jy townshlp 5, range Is Kort beast Southwest South' est Seutheast ' Southeast 6 J 6 townsh io 4, range M April 29, 1358 4w WM. TntrRBER. , Xeraahaoonnty Sup't Pub. Inst'n. A superior stuck cf Millinery snd Dress Goods at sny anr Millinery etblibment. one door an-ve Lusnbaugn a. Carsoo's Banking House, Brownville. V. T. DOUGLAS SALOON. Main street, one door West of Posl-Office, Brownville. N. T. tk. .ithtn-ih rpsuoctrullv inform the public that they have opened the above saloon, where tbe best qua lity of ' Wines. Iiquors, Sefrrs. Oystera, Sardines, and irf refreshment for Ihe inner man. nsaallykep at sikh establishments, will be found and served p in nrst style. GOFFfcDBKK. Hr.iwnvill AnrH 15lh. 1853. 1 43-im O. H. M'LACORLIR CHAS. DOESKT. MclsAUGELZN & DORSET, li llaln Street, 6ronnTlllc,K.T., Buy snd sell Land Warrants, make out snd Me declar atory statements; make out pre-emption papers; pay taxes, investigate-tittes , - - . , . Buy and seU property on eommistion; fartush land warranu for time entries, aod attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land agency business.. Parties lar attention paid to the selecuoa of Govern ment land and the location ef land warrants for parties residing at a distance. MCLAUGHLIN ft. DORSKT respectfully refer to George H. Xixoa, Jtsq., Register Brownville Land Office. . . Chitles B. Smith, Ess;., Receiver ct Pablte Moneys' Keswaha Lad Drict. ';, -7" Robert W. Purnas. Kh.. Rditor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Lushbangh h. Carsa. Bankers Brownville, non. W. M T. Hamilton, Uagerstown. Maryland. Lewis R. Newcomer Ksq. Baltimore, Md O H Barnet, Esq . Daytoa Ohio. . - Bon. Fenner Furgtison. Delegate -W Congress from Xebraska TwrritoiT, Wsshington, V. C. "!" ' j John A..lfaL,E.-q.. Attotoey at WW, rps, jua. Brownville, April W. " Seed Corn and Seed Whei,, ,, Tor Sale at the Farm at Trnirie F.' st bpofiitt1 Krawagilla, April U J. .BOllttJST Mb IK. ""VICTOniOTJO t ( i , ( .. , , O Yd TAUT. ARCTIC 'UlilliEST; . Airoiiy err eaae ! Sickoem or twaUhWUre or dca-.hr ar tbe Ltr,g tntolreJ in tbe n'tcprtju ir rvjetioii of tWa a by tne nutnyrs to external d.MMd lujuriea. Haringre eiTd the iniorwineat of tbrdi ttii Jh1 mmm, tUe late I. Ka r, i4 iUt-Dieary tentel dur i'if two aful Uiut ia tbe re uT eteruul ice, it i now cuu fng into irtirrel ue in erery we tt of tin civilized (kibe, aod iu m rUit eitmi are erybre aciliiij; xluiurXtsHmt. THE AFFLICTED 11EJ0ICE. ! ' - iitM itn aod thocsaxtb : KjQ butt levied lt Tirtuex, ud are njdiciiig ia fredutii Inmi luuc li -rrmr I'AiN and MsKAi J failed ISJ I tiiui.". rMU.KAU.lA, JU1KU- --O J A T I S U, HltoH I KAR iX " '"V AU!KiwTnil-AUJr-Arejee k V . i,lie,l 'H HMtKS Hut- 1THS A2CTIC LIXaTXXT ill afTonl 'ton (nstaut rtlkf. ijerjUJ u "liable to , Fnrllieie lmdfl eenVnt. Uie AI'ITII' IILII!L'UK ..1 II - ! vl Mi ......iw UitlMNII .nUVHl VO 5v tent on luind. Utt iiaUurda on I i LI! It, end inim eiliate relief, orien ar g from dwith. Kerw strain- M')'$7k boat hod ruilnoid train alinuid I it I'SSJL: keep it. Who ll.nt I... tl.a p.i i-limk of angiiixii Mlerel by the r -iVr . nmime.1 TKIiliiH OL. -T lf..l.'A.I u...l . . ... - . lum&Zt-T'' "t""'ns anil coIKmii,., jwt L TV. g "'A 1, VJ C .U tH?" t Tjv fiji i .. . era oi reneriog f TV;.'. I'l'eir tcrttiro 1,..1,1 .l.nv. li uw I-ruciioieitexiiitiiitliU iidruUu.g agent Ilia THE EOTHEES .COHPAKION. It cure CAKES IV TTTK HKKAMT, SUI!K KHIU-a, H)1!K MfX,Vlall1,fce- I a' dies who i.riie a pure akin, TM1 of iia'leit, blotcliea, wurf e4 U lwonlntlMHM ad ea. enweenew, aUmiM attack thee lreKen' on'oeauty'a domain aHnRi tlwr aear with the AIXIIC UKlklr.NT. It ia exeelU-et for the llair, ci line it a ImkIIIit. gloaxy ap- Vv.J " 'rance. ItU GOOD FCH MAN AND BEAST. It U a aorerelpn remedy fo i.w-r. or any ro Mriimir tnliiaiiie lMlu., lmill le without tlii vl lia ble remedy. . For sale by all rexpeclaMe lrupg'st "n'l Tenlers Trices of the IJiiimeiit, U ceots. tOcenlil SI k lit tle. ' A one-dollar liotthi eonUiim as nuicli Ijuiiueutaa eight taeuLy-live-eeht bultkM ' EXTRAORDINARY' AKKOI'XCEMEIST. ' Every .urdm.ietof t dollar Wrflle of the A1XT1C IJX iMrLNT receive. t.1 liragg''exirnMe. 1lie L'MIKD. STAIR? JOLItVAU of New York, for one year. Hie Journal is a large illiitrnte1 r each number eon taining siiteen paired, brautifully printed on clear lihe Kper, ami lilM with oiirinal matter trom ih. rmwt bnl lit writers of the .cmHitryi. f 'erUlicnteof siibncriptKia and full particulnM of the li'wel and fhilinlhrojiic en-tei-prix ol whicU thk olTer turne a rt, will sccouioy each boltK-. - r . . . An AGKST WAXTFOIn EVKHV TOWN sod VTI.TAGS. SRAUO t BtniSOWICS, St. Imla, Mo. -Nicer York Ominc. No 371 &KOADWAY. CommanicatioasKbouU always be addrewied to St- Louis. j. h: MAUN & CO., Agents, Brownriile, ft. ED. W. MOORE, V : General Steamboat Agent, FORWARDIXG ty COMMISSIOX MERCHANT, JN KBfiASKA CATV, N. T. Goels told on Corn iniKsiim and prompt returns msde. Particular attctitiou given to receiving. Storing and For warding all kimlh f freight aud produce. OQceon the lievee. Storekouse in the same block with Kearney Hotel. Refer to tbe Merchant of Nebraska City; Fife & Michael St Louis Mo; I Harper & Scuder St. Louit; John A. Warden " I JoBeph Mclntyre " Shakeiford Flrmeyfc.Co" Barcklay, Uinklefc Co " April 'J9, 1866 - "a-44-ly Wagon for Sale. , ' I bare a liaat twu-borse wagon which 1 will dispose of cheap furcai-h. C. S. LA'GDOf, JOHN. P. KINNEY. CTJAft. P. BOLLV. KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KEURASKA CITY, If. T. Will practice ia the Courts of this Territory. Collec tion and criminal buciness attended to throughout Ne braska, M ei-te-n Iowa and Missouri. Will attend tbe Courts at Brownvillej v2n33-6m B r. LtlSHBAWII. M JKO. L. CAKSOF LTJ3HBATJGH & CARSON, BAXKERS AXD CEXERAL LAXD AGEXTS, IJcalcrs in Coin, Cncttrrent Money, Kxihanue and Land Warrants, . BROWNVILLE. NK.MAUA CO., N. T. Kspecial attention will to given to Buying and Selling Exchange on the principal cities of the United States, Gold. Silver, and uucurretit Bank Notes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrentsoa hsnd for sale roa cash, tr im tcredoti time ror P. e-emptors. All Warrants sold by us guaranteed in every reswX Will file Declaratory State ments ot intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emptien Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best securi ties, at western rates of interest, and investments mide in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec tions ution all convenient mints will be nromotlv attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchange, at current Tales. Bills of Kxcbdnce on Kncland, Ireland, and France, ob tained at Uhut Urates, wita-cnei i Kxchange on too East added. l)epiKlts,rceivcdon Current account andinterest allowolou scial depusits.- k : , . OFFICK Msm St., nc;ir C. S. Land Office. REFERENCES l.lnd. Brother t Co., Merchants, Philadelphia, Ps. sHiauaiKvu, vaiDUU Sk SS lliser&Wbite. . Baltimore, Xl. Toung. Carson k Bryant, " . Jno. Thompson Mason, l'r of Port, ; " K. M. Panderson Si Co. Merchants, " " M. M. Yeakle fc Co. No. 17 Broadway, New York Wm. T. SniithMtn Esq., Banker, Washington, I C J. T. Stevens. Etq., Att'y at Ijiw, Jno. S. (isllaher, Lite 3d Aud. U. S. T., " Taylor & Krlogh, Bankers, Chicago, 111. McClelland Scruggs & Co. Merchants, St. Louis. Mo. Hon. Thos. G. P.att. Annapolis, Md. Hon. J. W. U'-ary, Ex-Cov. Kansas, Penn. Hon. Jas. O. Carson. Mercerfburg,Pa. P. B. Small. Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Uagerstown, Md. Col. Geo. Schley. Att'y at Law, " . Charles Parsons & Co. Baukcrs, Keokuk. Iowa. U. C. Nuttfc. Co. " Council Bluff . (Jreene, Wcare fcKico, " Ics Muine, " Douglass ts. Watson, . " , Vinton, " Col. S;ini llambleton, AU'y at Law, EasUm. Md. Judge Tbs. Perry, ' Cumberland. Md. Prof. II. Tntwilcr, II jvana A latania. Oct. 8, '67-v2-nlS-tf J : CITY. LOTS. jt. I have for sale a number of beautifully located lots in tbe Cityof Brownville whicb I aai autlnrised tosell at bargains r.r cash. New cuuicrs will do well tn ctll on me befo.e making 1 urcoaees. R. W. ITRXA3, BrtimTille, March 55, '68. Real Estate Agent. Farm for Rent. I have a spleiMlid and well improved Farm wi whicn 1 wit.h to rent to a responsible perw.n, on favorable terms For trticulars inquire at this bfnee, or f J. G.MELVljr. March IB, 1S83. vjn38tf Kemiiia City, K. T. A. S. KOLLADAT, M. D. WM. AltKOLD M. D. HOLLAD AY & ARNOLD, Physicians, Surgeons, u3k.xkcl Obstetrioiaixa. BU0WKV1LLE, N. T.; RnspecfiiI1y tender their professional services to tbe citizens ot N-eiha and adjoining counties, both in Ne braska srd Missouri, March 4. 1S38 Basxiko noriE or Lcsrbacgr It CAasoN ) - Broointri. February 1, l!i68. t Ot and after this date, depositors accounti will be opened for specie, currency and scrip payable in same kiwi of funds, Checks must be marked accordingly . Office hours from 9 to 12 A M and 1 to 3 P M. . LCSHBACGH k. CARSOy, FasMonable Tailor. ;:r;!'''xicoBljilRnoye!'- ' BKOWNVXLIiE, NUB BASK A. Respectfully announces to tbe public that he has oa hand a large sfock of ' . Clotdis, v estings, 5cc, i - Also a larse assort meut of READY-MADE CLOTHING Which he will s-U at eost prices. He flatters bimselt that ke understands his business thiirixitOvly and all a'ork, warranted coming from his as tat.rishnicnt, and chirges af. low as any other cuinpetitor ip this place r tbe Wel. , ' A TVoat lit Guaranteed. ' 4V X .fr'-V llilU I VK?J0 eliicli lirieiireaniicll,eiir. I and Li It dM- 11 VZr7ln fourteen. J J JPi i' 4 HALT. WOf NIK. H'ltAK'lI- 1 FraJi area, i-j-i'vxui fx swkkny.sj'AVIX.KIKU.'.I ranee 14. -V. t 1 tPff W" I'ONK. lil:-IIKAI, lOIJ- Fractio ii lit j u j . n c n -. as. r 1 : . 1 m a 1 xrit i; s- r c. ri mniwr, merj nna in, ; - M ,"le FRUITS; Strawberries, I'eaches, Whortkbcrrici te , tc, to be bed at i ' .:,.a.tt -I.X.WBYIeC0S. ' rt t T ' .i v: : pi Number 602. X PROOLAIIATION Hy the President oftnitcd states. f : f t r ' " In pursuance of law, f, Jtme Bncbantn, Preji deet of the Uuitei Sfrtet of America, do hereby de clare and make knows that public sale Till be held at the Ddermentioned land cSces in the Territorr of Xebrwka, at the periods hereinafter designated to-wit: At tbe land effice at BR0 WXVILLE, commenciB j; oh ilocdar tbe tixik day of September next, for the ditrposalot the publie Uodi withia the following tunned township.-!, rig: '' ' i ' North of the Kose Line, and eut cf the 6& priaef Meri-Jis. - - ' That part of township One outside of the Sae and Fox and Ilalf-Breed Kemaha Reservation, of range TT. - -.-r- - The parte of townVhipe 1, 2, 5, iand four, outside of the Sao and Fox and BaJf-Breed Nemaha Rerer t at ion, and fractional townships i and 0, of range sixteen. That part of township one outside of the Sae and Fox Reservation; township 1, the part of townships 3, 4, and i, outside of the llalf-Breed Nemaha res ervation, and fractional township 6 of range 15. That part of township 1 outside the Sae and Fox Reservation, townships 2, 3. and 4, and that part of towns-nip ctjuleof the Half -Breed en-aba lies tTTation, and township 6, of range II. " Townships 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 of range 13. , ' Townships 1,2, 3, 4,5 and 6 of range 12. . Townships 1, 2, Z, i, 5 and 6 of range 1 1. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 10. Townships 1,2. 3. 4. 5 and 4 of range 9. , 'At the Land Office at NEBRASKA CtTYjcom- Vnencing on' Monday the sirth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the sonowing named townships, ris: North ef tbe Base Line and East of the sixth Principal Meridian. , -, Fractional townships 7 and 8 of ranee 15. .: Township 7, and fractional townships 8, 9, 16,' 11, BB114 0I range li. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, and fractional township 13, of range 13. ' -, Townships 7, 9, 9, 19, 11, and fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. , . ' t Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional town ship 12, of ringre ji ... . ..s -T.i s-,..-,j,,, Townships 7.8. 9. 10. and 11. and fractional taira. ships 12, 13 and 14, of range 10. Townships 7, 8, and 13, and fractional townships 14, 15 and -16, f range 9. - At the Land Office at 0MA1TA CITT, commenc ing on Monday; tbe sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the fol lowing numed townships, Yii: ; ttortb ol the Uase Line and cast of the sixth Frin- endiAn. - , Fractional townships 13. 14. 15. and IS of ran tra onnl townships 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, of '; ' nal townships 12 and 13. townships 14. 15. and fractional townships 17. 18. 19 and 20. oi range . - . , . , ; ; Fractional townshin 12. townshios 13. 14' 15. ll. f , n ' ' 17, and .18, and fractional townships 19 and 20 of range it. ,. Fractional townships 12 13. and 14, and town ships li, 18. 17, 18. 19. 20, of ranee :.0 . ; fjactional townships 14, 15 and 16, and towaahips 17, 18. 19, and 20, of range 9. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military, anu omer purposes win be excluded from tbe sales. - ; . j . - Tbe offerings of the above lands will be commenc ed on the day appointed, and will proceed in tbe order in which they are advertised, until the whole shall bave been offered, and the sales thus closed, bat no sale to be' kept open longer tharf two weeks, and no private entry of the lands will he admitted tin til alter the expiration of tbe two weeks. Giren under my band at the city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March . D.ond thousand eight hundred ana mty-etgnt. r JAMES BUCHANAN. - By the President : 4 " Thomas A. IIkkduicks, Commissioner of the General '.and Office. NOTICE T0PJIE-EM1H0S CLAIMANTS. Every persen entitled to the right of tire-eruption to any ol the lands within tbe towuhips and parts of townships above enumerated is r. quired to es tablish the same to the satisfaction of tbe Itetrtster I and Keceiver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing tnis notice, and bclore tbe day apiiointed for tbe commencement of tbe public sale of tho lands em bracing tbe tract claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited. THUS. A. HENDKICKS, .... Commissioner of General Land Office. 4pril 22. 1858 no 43 . Sealed Propasals Directed to the Commissioners of Pawnee County will oe received from and after this date, until the Drat Mon day in July next. For Uie erectioaof a Courf House i Pawnee City, Favenee County, JVr T., of the fol lowing dimensions and style nameiy : Said house to be thirty feet long and twenty-four feet wide, two stories high, the lower story to be divided into four apartinentr, in one end two rooms twelve feet square, a hall through the center eight feet wide. In tbe ether end a room ten feet wide by 34 feet long. a plnin open staircase leading from tbe hail to the Court Boom above ; said Court Room to be twenty by twenty- lour feet aud properly seated in plain sirie. The re- uianmci ui me uyyrr pmii; iu uc uivmcu iuiu iwv equal sized rooms, two outside doors three feet wide, six feet J vtii iMwiro uisjU, vue iuu ajii vc-iuui t u tuiuc. Jtuivs inside doors, two feet eight inches wide, six and a half 1 feet high, and one and a half inches thick all to be four pannels each. Eighteen windows, twelve lights each, 10 by 14 glass; windows and door casing, corners and base, plain square style; Grecian cornice seven members; projection eighteen inches, and nine inches deep, returned with the rake; three coats of paint, white lead or tine, inside and out. Said house to be a frame with posts and braces, with a good shingle oof, the bid der to furnish everything for She oonpletioa of the buil ding oak floors, jointed aud lined, walnut tiding, dres sed, &e. .. . - - Said building to be completed on or before the first ot January, 1S&9. One half the price to be paid as the work progresses the remainder when fiuuhed. Dated at Pawnee city this 6th day of April, 1857. By order of the Countv Commissinneer; G. E. DOWS1SG. juiesi ". ' V' - . Connty Clerk April K 3m no 43. ' "- . INotice. Persons indebted to the undersigned will come for ward and settle as longer indulgence will not be given TT.itri serin taken at car. Brownville April 15rh, 1SS8. ... 42-tf T. W. BEDFORD, HUDSON GIORGE, County Surveyor Notary Public BEDFORD & GEORGE, SURVEYORS, CIVIL ENGINEERS, XSD REAL ESTATE AGErJTSJvvui aend to ' nnmira-ari w an VTwn a S? V k J I BROWNYILLE NEBRASKA. Office on Main Street. WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to tnem in tbe line of their profession; Will buy and sell Lni warranis, make time entries, attend to the selec tion and location of Government Lands, Survey Town surs.sooiiiviae Lands, make out City Plats ate., fce, Having been located in the Territory for tbe nasi year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for ui seiners, win py taxes, investigate titles, and render assistance io contested cases at the C. 8. Land Letters of inquiry promptly answered.' ' wtatrtaTo t. iron. VC Reynolds, Kingston Penn Johu J Pend leton. Eui -...; linn Galnlia A r.n. sr.. v;.... - . . ' " "hiuioii uity, v.i. .. . - . unio Ryall fc Charles, Ijind AgenU. Sioux City. Iowa LuMibaugb fc Carson, Bankers Brownville: X T R. W. Furnas. Esq. do .da D. W, C. Cleaver, Geological Engineer, Scranton. Pa. n ..... . i i-.i i . . . .. ' Auiuan. r.nw,iu,, f., ot. aosepD MO. Col. John G. Fell . Waverley Pa. W. G. George, Real Estate Agent, Dayton Ohio April 8. 1868 vn4t-yly LVTIIEB IIOADLET. KOBEHT T. kiCia. IIOADL.ET & BIUIR, wa t , I Wm. n a n ST a 1ST ran JSIUSS IS SItVf iv:aastaasa J.. av Will select Government Lands ; locate Land War rants in Nebraska, Kansas, Western Missouri and Iowa; collect debts; pay taxes for non-residents; buv snd sell property on commission; Land nar rauts bought and sold at market prices ; Pre-emption papers prepared, ke. , We bave for sale lots in the Ciiy cf Brownville, South Brownville, Nemaha Citr, Table Rock, Omaha, St. Joseph, Mo., 'Elwood, Kansas Territory, Lands near Table Rock. Pawnee county, for sale. Also, in Nemaha county, improved property for sale or rent. Office Corner main and Tint Street. REFERENCES. Lucius noTkins.Prs't Importers 4 Traders "Back 5.T. David lloadley Prs't Panama Kailroad, Gen. C. T. Hillyer - Charter Oak Bank. Eartord, Lee, Batler k Co. .-Hartford, Caan, Collins. Kellore KirbT'.'.Mt.LOBU, Mo. Thoroas W. Phelps wMobtlsvAie-. CWUsondr Co. Wm. P. Webb, At'y M.B.Osborn Co Ja's U.Anbibald, Genl AglD.I Gillespie. Pearce 4 ColUnkeri Rev. T.S. Ward-- I Entaw-, Ala, fHock bland, HI. .AW.K.U. Scnintoa . . . . Carboodalo, Pa. Lathorp A Jones B.O. Morse..., William Prothircham, Attv- Scranton, Pa, ..-Rcd Palls 5. i . Albany, X. Y. Rev. K. eln. Principal Wyoming Seminary, N.Y J. A.Parker Co.. Waatinrton. H. C A. T. Giltncr. Receiver Land Ofase.-.. Omaha Horace Everett, Council Eluffs, Ia. BrownviJU,Aprin,tW8. , ":f'sT- ' .7' r .e"'f : T i c . . -: ttXALXS, IX WBOLXSAXI ASO aXTA.lt. Orooeriea, whjes mid nauoES, -.1 i.;Vlf:;.'. V ili'X BROWNYILLE, JJT. .T, ... J3ATIXQ purchased the entire stock of Goods belong ing to .'. R. Davis togetbei with large and extenatvt additions just received, 1 am new prepared t fornUh every variety of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, FCS. HOTEL AS D FAU1I.Z VS: ' ' . ' . ' ' ' ' ' I kart ia store, and for sale cheae, a large saptly of . ' " 1 ' ;;" i COFFEE, B4!st quality IUo and Java . . o TEA, Ivery .aality and price. sugar, Havana crmhed and best article of brow sugar. MOLASSES. Large supply ef superior Kew Orleans molasses, Bel- . i' . etiers ana Motdea Syrup. . TOBACCO AXD SEGARS, i Xxtensive variety and all of the best brands. FANCY GROCERIES, ! Coasistinjj in part of . ; Vti PICKLES,1 lUrWlL A great vsrist j and put up expressly for family ast. PIE1 FRUIT, ' Svet y tescripHon of Fruit, such as Fresh Peaches. Apples, Cherries. Ooosa- . berrios, Curranta, Eubarb, ete For sale cheap and warranted fresh and good. 0 YSTERS A ND SA RDINES, . .-..........,.. A large supply cf the best brands and warranted good TOGETHER WITH A large qurntity of various articles of domestic use toe tedious to mention. WINES AND LIQUORS, Port, Native, Champagne, i V " Muscat, ' . - t;). j' jf..t';Y Sherry,' and Claret Wiaes. Exlra Quality of Frencl. and American Brandies. BRANDIED CHERRIES, Wolfe's Sbcldam Schnapps, Old Monongehela, Bourbon, and Rye !.' Whiskey, COMJlfOX WHISKEY, ALE, c. CHEESE, - Just received BO boxes superior Western Reserve for sale cheap for cash. MILTUX r . ILAUrv. Special Notice. ALL those holding accounts against J. R. Davis will call on the subset iber and have them cancelled; and iVieViuadSaaiolS given.- . ..-. those indebted to him will er indulgence will not be MILTON F. CLARK. : v FRANKLIN - TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOIINDRV No. 168 "Vine St., bet. Fourth and Tifth. Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOUL & CO. ' Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book ana Job Type, Printing Presses. Cases, (Jallies, Ac, Ae. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description, STCKLUl YflNls of all kind Uooks, Music. Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, Ac, ttc. TI1 inn Tu , JjHM(l Mm ratteni .LetteTS. Y&nOUS StylCS, ;ors r. tysos. W. W. HACKKXT. TYS01I & HACK1IEY, , GENERAL. LAND AGENTS. BROWNVILLE, KF.MABA CO., N. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Land entered on Time. Claims and Towu Lots Bought and Sold. Loan Money, Make Investments and Locate Warrants on time, for Distant Dealers. Pre-Emptlon Papers Prepared. OFF1CK Nest door to U. S. Land Office. . REFERENCES Geo. H. Nixon, Register L. 0. Brownville, N. T. u. s. santn, Keceiver, " Smock k Williams, Lexington, Mo. Omaha City N. T. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Warren, Peun. St. Louis, Mo. St. Joseph, " u K. TUttle, B. B. Pegram It Co., Bankers. Hon, G. W. ScoQeld, R. L. Mc&hee Co., Tootle St. Kairleigh, Oct. 1. '07 sy - rL LUUKS, or sale, by IO I. T. WTIYTE A CO. W. riiaTT. PUETT at. tl. W1LKI.N8UX. & WILKINSON. AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UMADl, iN. T. all business entrusted to their care KKFEKENCKS Col. Jesse William., Oov. Jos. A. Wright, Mr. F. N. Roock, Hon. John G. Davis, Hon. Oco. L. Miller. Fairfield, Iowa. Indianapolis, Ind, Washington City. Rock ville, Ind. Omaha City. N. T. ZOOK & BALDWIN, orost City, 3VXo. And MEDICINES. Dve Woods, Dyestuffs, Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, GLASSWAHE, French, English, and American Perfumery. .ii tones ana soaring soaps, uu un -u V3 tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical and denV C ui instruments, spices, snuffs, manufactured too icco; all the patent medicines of the day; pure wines and brandies, for medical purposes; choice toilet snd fancy articles, etc ..etc. Agents for the sale of Dr. Wlsurs Balsam of Wild Cherrr. Kogcr s Liverwort. Tar and Cancbalagna. Osgood's India Cholag$ue, Jones' American Cholagogue; Gnysott's Yellow dock and Sarsarjarilla: M M , U bmith s Tonic Svrun. July 11.1857. v2n1-yly Lightning Eods, STAXDFROJl ODER! fa sOJ whom it may concern, yon are hereby informed tfcattbe undersigned is now engaged in putting up tbe best class of Lightning Rods, manufactured In tbe East, and ets the most reasonable tarsus . Having had long ex perience la tha business, he wsfraats all work done s? aim ta be docs right. E. H. KiESa. . RRFEBSNCZS. James Bachanan, Wastupftcn. 9. C. 7. C. Breckea ridca. Wasbiagtoa, P Ci Xn Victoria, London, Xns land; Loais napoleon Bonaparte, Paris, France; Xmper r Alexander. St. Petersburg, Russia. - . . , BKOWSVILLE it arch 2S m39U . . J. B if. THOMPSON, T 5 A , I r 4 O f I Attorney at Law, Ussresemed his profervmal bnsinevs, and will prac tice in all the Courts of Nebraska, and tbe Courts in A tcbiaaon county, Mo. OOlce one door west of I. T.Wbyte's Store, Brownville XebraK. . Brewavilla, April 22, IS58. Uij . ' r I . ' ' . .- . rrons Strewt ITrQTiXiet 27ebnu2iii Territory, Ess Just received tat - UU1CEST STOCH WEST Of SJlIJfT LOUIS, Ccnsistin Mr- ia tart cf the follfrsricj trticles, which they propose to sell Cheap for Cash: Part white lead French line Cbina'tinc Kedlead Tenitiaa red Raw aad karat snake Spanish, waiting Chalk Turpentine Patty Caator ell Cod liver ail Sweet oil Olive oil Glue Patent medicines, aU sorts Cough candies Fancy candies Castile soap Tuilet soap . Washing soa Toota brashes J "Bair brushes - ; , . - Cloth Brashee - Almonds soft shell . Hsrd shell Almecd ' Filberts, po scans Pea nets Figs . Baisins Oysters la caa Sardtaee r Lineea oil Tanners oil Copal Tarnish Japaa. ' ' White Tsralsa Lttheratre '- - - - - Paint brashes Varnish brashes '. .' Sash and window tools Wall brashes lettering Pencils Tuble paints Camel hair pencils Blenders .. j Star candles . " ' ' x - Black and Imp Teas least Powders. TOBACCO, Ot the best brands, chewing and smokiaf. Clrars fin- eat quality and flavor. FRUITS AXD LIQUORS! .x Preserved fruit for pies, brandied peaches, freh pea ches in cans, pare liquors for medical purposes, Jamaica rum, Holland Gin, Irish whisky, Bourbon whisky, ginger brandy, Cordial, Port wine, cherry wine, wait wme, Malaga wiae. STAT10XERY. Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, gild edge Botes, snd envelopes, plain, fancy sod embossed; pens and pen- oUtn, ink. ef all kinds, UUtands and Fabers pencils, sealing wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries, Comprising Lyon's tathalrlon, cologne, pomuiade genuine ox marrow, bear grease aod oils, musk and 9m sences of all kinds and ef the finest quality. 53" Physicians' Prescriptions attended of the day and night. ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or sroc'esrsle Consisting or . .. TEAS, ImJU FIGS, RAISIXS, CURRAXTS, SUGARS, COFFEE, MOLASSES, SOAP, CAXDLES, TOBACCO, POWDER AXD SHOT i With all articles usually found at such places. They invite their friends and the publie generally to give tbem a call, and they pledge themselves to give them satiafaetion as to price and quality of their goods. TERMS CASH rXCLl'SITELY. Nov. 31, '67-v3-n?3 Watchmaker & Goldsmith. j A. G- Y S. ROCK PORT, MO. BEGS leave to inform the publie that he has located In the above named town and offers for sale a choice stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, and other articles usually kept in such establishments st prices whicb cannot becotnplained of. Being an exper ienced watchmaker be flatters himself that in repairing watches, clocks snd jewelry he can give perfect satisfac tion. ' 19 4m. Land Warrants! FOR CASH AXD ON TIME, To Pre-emptors. Buy of regular dealers, and avoid bogus warrants. All warrants sold st the office are guaranteed to be gennine in every respect, and will be exrhanced if de fective. LCSftBAUGH fc. CARSOX. Bankers and Dealers in Land Warrants. Brownville, N. T-, April 33, 1889. ns3 Boot; r2s fllaoe ' BIAXUF ACTORY. ..'NO. 10, MAJN STREET, ; Brownville, X, T. ':"' WILLIAM T. DEN, Respectfully informs the public that he has Just re ceived his new stock of Boot and Shoe material, and is now prepared to furnish any desired article in bis line at ss low prices ss sny other establishment in the Tcr ritorv. All work warranted. He hopes by strict attention to business, and teeprng constantly on hand a superior assortment ef Leather, Trimmings. Ac, for bouie manufacture, to still merit thst liberal patronage which he has heretofore received. S3Repainng done on the shortest nonce. JO. All work to be paid for on delivery. April T2.v1n ' Nebraska Money Take Xotlec From and after this date we will not take any Ke braska paper except the Platte Valley Bank and Bank Nebraska, only at a discount of ten per cent. I. X. llllllIiS VI. Brownville, March 8th, 1868. nc38. JOHN A. PARKER & CO., lVAsmsGToy, . c. JOHK A. PARKER, late Register ot the Land Office, Omaha. N. T., having resigned bis office will berestter. In connection with one of the best Land Lawgivers in tbe country, attenl to all business connued to aim, ana es pecially PRE-EMPTION- CA8ES. Which he has made himself thoroughly acquainted with by study and practice for years. . He refers to the Heads of Departments and Members of Congress of both Houses. All applications for services must be accompanied with a fee to insure attention. January 88, 1968. nr.1-1y BROWNVILLE STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON, N. H. We would rosoeetfnllv inform the eiti- tens of Kemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that ! we bave always on hand a large and well selected supply of LU-MBER, which we can f Ornish at low er rates than any mill in tbe Territory. Market pnees paid for loir, delivered at the yard or on the bank of the river. All orders accompanied with the eash, will reeeiv oar immediate attention. Dissolution. Brown k Hall am desolred partnership to take ef feet from the first of XI arch last. Either of the firm will attend to the settling np tbe easiness, and are .authorised to nse the name of the firm for that par- pOM. liUUWJK st ULALLAM. April 1st. IM. S6000 Scrip Wanted, For the same amount of Real Estate in Brownville at I low figures. Apply IUSHBACGH Is CARS05 iiiiigBisssssssBawSsssjsSssaWBWSJBssfc T. B. XBWAK&e. AKDREW I. BXUT. . EDWARDS & BERRY. Proprietors of IIEBEASEA HOUSE. Ilrowmille, I.T The undersigned harms eniered into a co-partnership in rhe hotel business at tbe above named House, and having made an entire chanae of rooms, kc, and comple tely repaired and renovated the whole establishment. toey are pretwea w aco.mnwlt il travelling public i ana regular Daaruers in a style Sot aunuitcd Lr auv other hotel in the Territory. . .. - Chai-ges 31 ode rale, - '- and every facility offered to place our rucsts at eae. and supply them as near as possible witu the comforts ef a borne. April S, 16S3. Bil-Sa . EDWARDS k. BSRRT. I t AYER'S PILLS, , Aw arid s!r.jru!arly sncetssful remedy for ti sure of all Lious aiseaaes Costivenesa, Iadi y reation. Jaundice, Dropsy, lUieuraatiaro, Fevera Gout, II am on. Nervousness. Irritability, Ia&amoas -tons. Headache, Pais ia tat Breaat, &de. Each, and limbs. Female Complaint. Ae. fta, InAeed, very few are the diseases ia which a Purgative Sedi eisa is not more or less required, and snack aklt teas and sneering might be prevented, if a haras lees tmt e Accrual Cathnrtie wrre war freely asad. No person caa fael well vlila a costive habit of body prevails ; beside, it soja ter,eratc shes sui often fatal diseaaes, which saiiit have boon avoU4 v the timeJy and judicieua ast of a food paxfativa. This U alike true of Colds, feverish symptoms, and . Bilkxia deraairesaaota. They all tend to bacom tr produce the deep seated and formidable diatesapera whicb load the hearses all over the land. Ilenc a reliaUa family physio is of th trst unpertase t ; the public health, and this Till has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. Aa axtensive tri.il of iu virlars by Physician, Profs. , or, and Tatienu, has aliowa resulu rrarpasain; any thing kitherto known of any suedioiaa. Corea have been elected beyond belief, wesa they not tantiated by persons of such exalted poutioa aad character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Amona the mart? eminent gentlemen who haej , testified iu furor of these Pills, wa may mention : Prof. J, M. Locke, Analytical Chemist, of Cia cinnati, a hose high professional charaetat it a dorsed by . Johx McLk a!, Judje of the Saprtna Caart af the United States. : , - -Tho. Coawi, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. JHM. "NYiught, Govarnot of Indiana N. Loxoworth, great wiae gTowet ef tbe wt. Also. D. J. K. Cmiltox. Practical Chemist, af J New York City, endorsed by V. B. Aitok, tba richest man in America. - - . r 8. Lilaxd Co.,-lropra of tha Msrepoi.U Hotel, and manv others. Did space pefmi, wa rould manv Vurlrw4 certificates, from all parts where tha Pilla l ava been need, but evtdenoe srren anora eonvmcir.s; taast the experience of eminent public tnea la louad ia their eflacts pon trial. ' . ' ' : These Tills, the result af lone; investigation and study, are offered to tha publio as tha beat sad meat complete which tha present atata of medical science can afford. They are compounded not a the dnir themselves, but of the medicinal virtue onlv cf Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical - process in a state of pnr.ty, and combined togetaar -in such a manner as to insure the best results. This system of comrositioii for medicines has been found in tha Cherry Pectoral and Pills both to produsa a more efficient remedy tnan naa nitnerra oeca ou tained bv any process. The reason is perfectly b vious. 'hileby theoldmodeofcompxjsitiosrrtre' mcdicino is burdened with mora or lesa of ten moniflus and injurious otialities, by thia aaca cici vidual virtue only that is desired for tha enratia eftect is present' All tha inert snd obitosions real ities of each substanca employed are left behind, the curative virtues onlv being retained. . Henee it ia self-eviisnt tbe effcots should pnrve, ssthfy It.vra proved, more purely remedial, and the Vwt a stirer, more powerful antidote to disease thaa taj medicine known tra the world. t: Aa It is frequentlv expedient that my mwi S should be taken under the counsel of aa atteadipw Physician, and a he ewuld not properly juire a a remedy without knowir.tr in eompowticn, I laves) supplied the accrtrate nrmnlss by which both raj Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body et Practitioners in the United State and British Ataef ican Provinces. . If. however, there should fce any one who has not received them, they wiil be promptly fonvarded by mail to liis request. n Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, twsr few would be tiken if their composition was knows I Their life consists in their mystery. X nt rnvsteries. The composition of mv preparations is laid epe to all men, and all who are competent to judjfe C ' the subject freely acknowledge their convictions ei their intrinsic merits. The Cherrv Pectoral was pronounced by scientific meu to ae a wonderful j nedicine befoje its effects were known. Manv em inent Physicians have declared the ssn-e thint; ef my Pills, and even more confidently, and ar will, ing to certify that their, anticipations were snore than realized by tnctr enecta upon tnai. . . lhey operate by uieir poweriui mcuence a aw r internal viscera to purity the blood and stimulate it into healthv action remove the obstructions af the stomach, bowels, liver, and other onrans of the body, restoring their irrepular action to health, and , by correcting, wherever they eist, such derange.' ' nierts as arc the first origin of die:ie. : Being sugar-wrapped, they are plcusant to tase, and bein purely vegetable, no harm can arise fro as their use in an v quantity. For minute directions, see wrspper on ae con. IKrAKlCD BY DR. JAfES C. AYER, Practical andAnalyUcal Clieraitta LOWELL, MASS. Price ii Cent per Box. Tie Zeis tor SL SOLD BT J. II. 3IAUN & CO., Brownville, 5. T. 1858 1858 Season Arrangement. REGULAR ST. LOUIS ADO IIOUZ CITT PACKET. 1XDEPEXDEXT LIXE. For Lexington, Kansas, Leave wort a, St. Joseph, Amasooia. uner, Atchison, luw i-uiui. iorrest City, wniteoioua, urownvine, ua- den. Nebraska City. Plattamouth, Saint Marys, aeltevae Council Bluffs, Omaha, Florence, Crescent City, De Soto, Woodviile. Tekamab, Decatur, Blackbird, Omadl, Sar. gent's Bluff, Dukotab. Sioux City, Pacific City, Coving ton. Logan, Saint Johns, St. James, Concord Oppochee, Kiobrarsb snd Ft. Randall. Tbe well known, light draught Freight, and aaexeep. tionable Passinger sioaUtr If i ' trill, 'on tbe earliest opening ot navigation, reseats ber trips in the sbove trde, (nd all intersaediste taints on the Missouri river ) snd coutinuo them with fear as aai regulanty, throughout the entire season. Thankful for tbe very liberal patronage bestowed nana the OMAHA the past season, we trust by strict atten tion to tbe business, the wsnts of shippers and comfort of passengers, to merit a continuance of tbe same. ANDREW WIN ELAND, Master. J. J. Wilcox, Clerk. March U4.oJSd TV. II. WILLIAMS, WnOLESALK AND MKT AIL PISLEa IM STOVES &TJN WARE Orogon, 2Vo. TAKES pleasure in announcing theeitisenf of 0r gon and the publie in general, that lie has oa hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tla ware, ever offered ia this market, sly stock af Tia ware is of my own manufacture, and U for sale at Wholesale and Retail at SS t. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock af COOKI.NU STOVES, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premiam. Among them may be found r illy s Charter Oak, tbe best stove now in nse, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prise Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stove3 Of various Sises and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN AST D0USI VS T0TT3. Particular attention paid to making aad putting np Tin (Jotters, in the town and country. Alto, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Old copper, Brasa and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILUAilH, vl-n5 Oregon, Mon Jaly ft, 1855. Patent Portable Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership nnder the firm of Reed, Ilolabird k Co., t manufacture tbe J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those ia wsnt of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplicty and economy; excel any Mill in the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Cold iTedol was awarded them for it. It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes; it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, as it ia for grinding the Farmers feed by Dorse power. The above Mills are manufactured by the tr ir signed at their shop ia Cincinnati, O.. where t'.ej eon be f arnish ed i n an v Quantity at short act : . The above Mills warranted to perfonn as i.l 34 ii. iUmn per boor SO 8. Cora, 25 U't 10 m m 3a m j - vv ) i U thii Mm Ul its own story. II is " quote frnm onrtinrnerrwisre-omwn ..ryt' s.reived. Eaffle JAMES CARL MAKUFAcrrui:: on hand ftf " snd Feed stutf. ' 3. PJI.MO. ' LL--lJroprietor. '. tiTtJ keeps conatantlj ;nis of Floor, 9Iral. i ;tl and promptly filled ' . Cash paid eomtaatly for of Flour refer to everybod . on most fiivcT- . f Wheat, t- r; r that ever t.vl f,'