Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 13, 1858, Image 1

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NO. 46.
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' -.iji v a F mm w . ii ai b
Nebraska CliiucrUscc
E. W.:FUKNAS, i;
vcocdStory.Hoadley &. Muir's Building,
(Corn of Min and Fint StrwU.)
t. . .
t.TffifpW in drnce, - - $2,00.
" u ' " " " II " 3,00
r" bl of 1J or mor Wl11 f"1"11 J150 Pr
l'' -T,dd tbfi csh acconipmiei th order,
. : 4 , J
; 0,50
' 6,00
. 35,00
' 20.00
cjfk ddUnal inwrtaoft, .
,uit, ooe-'iooiitk, i
, ' ' ' six HJOBth
, ,ooeyer,
-r, (''''ds of M 01 lc!S one Jear
If Column, on
. Coiomi. iix Booth, ,
, if Oiomk, fix month,
. Mr " -
tWma three BotThi,
' Kf Clama, throe monlbs, -
I -JUinr fndidUt for offic (in d?nee,) 5,00
-...rnt wtrectul recponinbiUtT it known.
pfraent fcir eachchanje will bo .fcddod toth
aJrertiwrnent will be considered hj the year.
cified on tho manuscript, or preTiously
yti n between the pftrt'ies.
irrrtisemenU not marked on tbe copy forn spee-
lumber of inertim will be continued until
tmi oitand ebaryad acoardingly
lTsiertieicnte from tmnsorortransient per
nio be raid in ndrance. ;
1 nrUilenof rrly aJrcrtiwrs wnibeeonCn-
I . aigtdij to their own boinM&;and all adrertiae
Isu not jferfainicj thcrato, to be paid for exr
tAy aJvert'iT5 have the privilege of f hanging
.-radvert-wdient (juarUTly. .
& lfd aivcrtijciasnU charged double the
retstc. t 5 ;
UnrUfui-HAi on thejnaide exclusirely will be
jjjrd eirtra. ;
Hiring ad led to tbe Advertiser U9iM Card and
fre!.New Type of tlie latest styles, Inks of
- fjre,Bronis,"r ine I'aper, Envelop, 4c; we
t i prepared to execute Job Work of every de
ptw ia a style unrarp-sscd by any ether office
:tht United States.-'
Fwjcular attention will e given to order! front
; Ua" in having th:tn promptly attended to.
Tit Proprietors, having had an extensive expe-
(w, will give thotr personal attention to tbi
iuaof bui-ess, and hops, in their edeavori to
I s, Vth in' the excellence of their work, and
fuwable charges to receive a f hare of the public
". - - r
?iiiTry.turer; '
Ixa Street, one door above C arsons BaxJt.
',tef end ' 4rMtH ini 7iry or' land.
ircMtect and Builder.
ras. 3'j". T-X.-3 a j rzLZXz srs.
, ,TJ, C. JOECtlSON,
Ileal Estate Agent,
non.r.Jessup, Montrose, Pa.
K.S.Bcnt!v, - " "
i'-a C Jiiller, Chicago, Ll.
.K. McAllister, - - -fMe
F. Fowler, 44 " '
R. W. Fornas, Brownville, N. T.
yJ, I?5Z. "-ly
I. T. Yhyte &Co.,
Queensware, Hardware,
Country Produce,
-.uuovnvit;ij, .N". t.
Oregon, Holt Couty, iliaaoari.
, peootucUy on b and aUdascription of Harness,
T", bridle, ., e. . .
tt. Every article inonrshopismanufactmred
"flv,rid warranted to givesatistaetion.
ruey a.nd Counsellor at Law.
- Ana.t.ot2xy Pctlic ; ...
, ' -CEBHASILA CITr, IT. T. . .
attend promptly to H bnisneM entroftad
, t-tcare,in Xbbrasia Territory aod Vst-
"Ptfttber 11, Uo. , vlali-ly
' ; E. S. DUNDY,
prartlre in te twil Gnrt of the td Judical
nd atteixt to all matters cuniyected with xhfi
( ?'" Wji. Kikaii. .Kiq.p of Set'raska Gftjr,
tn the prosecnliim uf ImjportjjaX Suits.
hi OvT-v,.. CD
Will telrct lind, i n rent it ate titles, par taxes, tucZ,
f ittier in Kantas or Kebratka ; buy, sell, aod enter
lauds on commiuion; inveft in town property, bay or
ell tbe same, and will always hare oa hand correct
plats of towntbipt, counties, fcc., showing all land (ob
ject to entry, and wbere desired will famish parties Uf
lu in the states with tbe san.
Being tbe oldest settler In the county will in ail
caies be sble to give full and reliable information, -
Address A. L. Coate, either at Brownnlle or emaha
City, Kebraska Territory. ' : tm-ia-ra
t AND - s- - '
BrownrH' Nebraska.": V ;
Will practice in the Cout V'of Slra5ka,and irtrth
west Missouri. " -. . -
Messrs. Crow, HcCreary . Co., ' 5tImi, Ms.
Hon. James M. Uughs, - - IM ,
Hon. JubnR. Sbcpiy, - 'Do
Hon. Jamea Craig, r . - - St. Joseph, Ka.
Hon. Silas Woudson, . !
Judas X. A. Bratlford, , Kebrafeha City. X. T.
S. r. Nuckolls. Kq.
Surveyor and Land Agent,
Wl 1 1 attend promptly to the selection and loca
tion cf Government lands in the Nemaha land dis
trict: surveying town sites, and subdividing land;;
drafting city plata,and all other business of a Gener
al Surveyor. lie will locate warrant on time for
distant dealers: file declaratory statetemenU of in
tention to pre-empt ; make out pre-emption papen;
and always on band to look out claims Tor actual nt
tiers. .
W.W. Ra-.iger, M. D., , New York City, 1
Scwal h Withington, Boston, Maw.
Rev. T. W. llowe, 1 Pataskala Ohio,
Coi-W. E. Atkinson. " - i
George H.N'ixn, lieriter Land OSce. Brownville,
Lnohbaugh & Carson, Banker?, Brownville, Ji. T.
R.W. Furnas, - u
Reil Kbtate & General Collecting Agents,
Agents for Iowa Ins. Co., Oskaloosa,
ALL business entrusted to our care will meet with
protupt attention and warranted correct. Paper prepaf'
ed for rersons istiing to pre-empt. Declaratory sitc-
uients made out, etc., etc.
JJJ-Office on Fint btreet, north of I. T. Wfeyte it Co .CS
J. IT. Crimes, Ex-Governor Iowa
T. L. Price do Missouri
Auiitin A King do do J
li. S. Kayre h. Co., Glenwotrf, Iowa
i. Doushty Council Bluffs, Iowa
Apri! 8. 1S58. v2nl-Iy
- A. D. -KIRII,
Attorney at Law5
Land Agrcat and Kolary Public
Archer, Richardson Co., J. 1.
Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska, assisted
by Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City.
Archer, Richardson County, X. T.
Jaaiac(arer nd Wlalfdle Dealer
Ho 49 Main atreet, bet. Oliwe ana Jfine, t
Particular attentioa paid to manufacturing our
tnest Mole HaU.
C7X-7"0- cfiS liOOi
Real Estate and General Agency,
James Wright, Broker, yewTork, ..
Wm. A. Wodwrd, Esq. " "
Hon. K. Wood, Ex-tiov. of Ohio, Cleveland,
Wicks, Otic and Llrownell, Bankers,
Alcott Horton,
Col. Robert Campbell, St. Louis,
James Ridgwsy, Esq. " -Crawforn
and Sackett, Chicago.
Omaha Citv. Aur. 30, 1 856. vlnl3-)ly
Xcbraska Ciy, V. T. and GUwood, Ia.
"T7ILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and
Western Iowa. Particular attention paid to
cbtaiuicg, locating Land Warrants, and collection of
Hon. Lewi Cass, Detroit. Micn
Julius D. Morton, ) 6 '
Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Sprintfield, 111
Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa;
B. P. Fifiled, St. Loui,Mo.;
Hon. Daniel O.Morton. Toledo, Ohio: ,
P. A. Sarpy, Bellevue.Nebraska: ' " : .
Sedgewich & Walker, Chicago, 111:
Green, Wear k Benton, Council Bluff,Iowa.
f, ) MARTIN W. K1DEN,)
a. ) Nebraska City NTj
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
(Snoeessora to Hiden t- White.) i. i
HAVING made arrangements by which we will
reeeir aoc urate eopies of all tbe Townships
embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska, we
are now prepared to offer our services to the .
" Sniisiifera of Yebraska Territory.
In Fillinjt Declaratory Statements of Inten
tion to jrre-empi. oeeii ri-n rnmp
tions, Locatias Iacd Warrant--
1and TTarrant nought and Sold.
Particular attention paid to Buying and Sailing
Property n eoma-jsion: Also, to aa-king ColIecUons
asd forwardiag remiUaneef U a7 part of the Union.
Blanks of all kinds always on band.
Hon. A.A-Brad6rd. Nebraska City
S.F. Nuckolls, " " .'J
Messrs. D'lman k West, St. Joseph, Mo..
: Peter A. Keller. . . . . WaiLinjtou City
.Thomas Lumpkin. " " .
JaaaSS.mS. vl-nl .
Second Street, between Main and Nebraska,;
BEOWHYILLE, jr. T, " -
; Troni EmitrT! Journal of Ay rlcnlture.'
Adorn Year Schoolhosscs.
It is scarce to Te wondered at that we
have so much iof rudeness and uncouth
vulgarity in' society, when we look at the
Dlaces where the ceoDle bnn? ud aheir
children. nA thine with four sides and a
roof with some optmngs called vnndows
and doors, seems by most to be deemed a
fit Dlace to 'school" their children. "The
wonder is. rather, that so tnuch tif rood
oraer una cecency are sun leu. i nave
traveieaovera Iarpe nart or tins state,
and no little ia . other States, and have
carefully noticed.' the care, or want of
care, rather, paid to school buildings and
accommodations. But few places can be
found, where pectde hare that apprecia
tion the inflaence'of the surroundings
at school which they need., John is sent
to school, .where scraper or mat is. un
known, perhaps where not a tree can .be
found to shade him from
e noon ay
of a north-1.,
sun, or mitigate the severity
TI ' k V. V I
is a stranjer, or smoke stifles him. ' And
b , .a a. , I
tct. nrsmnL-A stitlp him. And I
men ma uiviiiKr uiiuei mat lie 13 su
heedless in his conduct, is so coarse and
irty. How 13 it with his sisters ? Gath-
enng irregularly in an unfenced, uncared
fnr fnrmrn hililninrr iinrmrrrti Vil ft ft nn
unsightly, especially in its internal arran
gements, dislike of education, unlady-like
manners can hardly fail to be the result.
There is a great shameful neglect as
regards out buildings. This topic may
not be enlarged, upon now. I would I
could make every farmer realize what
responsibility rests upon him as .to the
morals ot nis ctuiaren, it he senas tnem
to a scaool without proper guards for ; na-
tural decency Could I write as I feel on
this topic,. I doubt wheLher every one who
reads this would be as regardless, of this
point as iierttoiorti. n tiy , taere.. r
wnoie counties, to my certain Knowieage,
in wnicntne natural instincts or mouesiy
w-w i - f
are Ignored 14 the building and arrange-
ment or scnoomouses. na, as a nam-
ral consequence, eacJi generation is more
regardless of Mch matters at home-and
this will
Parents, look at tins, 'think of it, and
disgraced." See that WOttr school is not by
see wi jout uisu.i is iiu iuiiiici iuus
it very location and. arrang-raenta cor4
rupting tpot in the community. ; : '
Let schoolhouses be neatly built . and
wen arrangeu. iveraemuer auat,. ior
"-11 J V V
years that may be the chief, home of 3'our
cnuuren.- oe mil ii :i3 uruueny ssur-
ii a. . T -. ' w !
rounded; it is no sin for a tree to grow on
school grounds;; put a fence about so that
yourtrees may be protected from cattle,
ana me ooys win set out anu iae carei
of them as their own trees and shrubery,
to beautity th? premises ana renne their
own hearts. Your daughters will not
shrink from attending school at such a
place, but will be glad m early morning
10 join meir bongs m tue suiuuiyaru
mose or me rooms ana oiue Diras in me
trees their brothers have planted. -With
a schoolroom neatly furnished, with maps
and charts and pictures adorning the
walls, not only will renaement ana genii-
lity be promoted, general good manners
1. t . l.. Ji.
raisea to a nigner sianaara, dui me pupiis
will learn more of arithmetic and gram-
mar, geography and reading.
iarmers, look to your schools. Know
your teachers, and have proper places for
them to teach. One day in the year
ii'i 1.. . .il
more wouia oe ceuer sutjxii j m uie
schoolroom, a quarter towards buying a
map or a picture'to adorn the walls of the
onn p'o i . p-o-p in rpnav.vnu we 1.
You can get enough more work of die
Vis.- r ruimKnr.a .-n
, ij. 11. a.
The Composition Of ihC 3III1C at Va-
m B k
riOUS ilCie- OI ineiaj.
Professor Boedeker has analyzed- the
milk of a healthv cow at various times of
the day, with the view of determining the
changes in the relative amount of its -con
stituents. He found the solids of the
evening imilk (13 per cent) exceeding
those of the morning milk (10 per cent),
while the .water contained in the fluid was
diminished from 89 per cent to 36 per
cent, lne fatty matters craduallv in
crease as the 'day .progresses. In the
morning they amount to 2.17 per cent, at
noon 2.63 per cent, and in the evening
o.52 per cent. This fact is important in
a practical point of iew; for while sixteen
ounces of morning's milk will yield nearly
half anounce.of buttr,' about double this
quantity may be obtained from the eve
ning's milk. ; .-The casein is also increased
in the eveninir's milk from 2.24 to 2.70
per cent; but the albumen is diminished
from 0,44 per cent: to 0,31 per cent
1 . 1 ' . . -..
gar is least abundant at midnight (4. 19
per cent) and most plenty at noon (4.72
per cent). The percentage of the .salts
m.linrnM mct ri rhano-p at. n nv tin.P
vi wpi,. -r..v .-
Where the Cacao Birds come from
.There is ah nt sanation in Philadelphia'
composed of aloat; thirty Germans, who
aim at improving' tha breed of canary
birds,' and last mon'h they published their
ihjrteepth annual r .port Ffoin ?that
appears tht th bird sales in j Philadel
phia are toi$hi$ to .Germans, and amount,
toS40,pOO apouajiy, nad .'three-quarters
of that sum is deriv f rptpn the sale of
canarjes. Te c)ijnori or onginai canary
?s of the Jca-t ylue,an4 sells at bout Si:
apiepej the. .improved kiridsring '(fr6in
i$ to $l 0 or? ect, 'end are from Central
Europe. Tj -'jrciat majority -of.-
birds are obtained from Belgium, where
they are "brought in" houses, by - the pea
sants," who raise them as a pastime.. They
axe what are called "long and "short :
breeds. Birds. . of. . the ' long breed are
procured- from Brussels, Antwerp - and
Dietz,' where; ey sometimes obtain ex-
travagant prices.. Their, cost depends
upon tne color ana snape,-me pure goia
'n yellow being', the most . esteemed. ;
iney are only usea. ior.ine. purpose w
ureeamg, ana onenumes sen ior !u a
pair. The short breed ia raised sby4 the
people or tne tiartz mountains. ,
y j-,-igiu,
is most
prueu. ocwuine mzncuu , i
; Snpposcd Economy la Bread.:
'.Twenty-six pounds and thirteen ounces
of good bread have been made from
fourteen pounds of . flour and one and a
half pounds of rice by the following-method:
r-Tie "up I the rice in a thick Hneh bag,
allowing it ample room to swell, boil for
.am fn.. l. a.n..1 . Ua..mah '
i paste; mix this while warm with
,..f ..j.-.. .v i
yeast and salt; allow the. dough, to - rise
. - ' , ' ..
near the ore, and divide into IqaYes. , It
is. affirmed.' on hiVh authority, that flour
. A , . u ',i;. k,
- - -mv -i.- ce... --i
. ; . O " .
thus treated ".will, be iifty.percer,it, more
, , . . 0Fmethod. but it
l. C i
ment than when made by the ordinary
Prajlagfor Each Other.
We see by the Eastern papers that the
Pastors of) the different denominations in
theEast have" become "so .zealous"' in .the
cause of religion that they not only 'pray
for the cpnver5ion of mankind in general
but are offering ud upnlicaions to Deity
for the conversion of ministers of other
denominations in particular. For instance
the Rev. Mr. Chambers prays thus for
the Rev Xheoore Parker :
q Lord , ,if lhis TOan r Parter'i is a
x y
Subiect-Qf. Tracer convert him. and -bring
him inte 4he kingdom of ; thy deat Son ;
vt :r v0 ;a Wnnd th rorh f tho
j .influence of the.Gospel, reoM him
out of thawa v. arid let his; influence die
him f"
4Ori Tiri ' prf1 mrinfu!inn. nrH ills
' 11 in
nt0 his (Parker's) siudy this af-
Unrntinn fnr hia laWs t-mnrrnw-rr hf
f-flmi anrf tuwb TiKihino hw
hall attempt " to desecrate thy holy day
by attempting- to speak to the people;
meet him there. O Lord, and confoimd
. . . '
h m so ,ha. he. Khali, not he; able to
jpeak r : ,,-,
, i.irrl ' -p l-nnw thst rsnnrt nrrryp
' ' I ' T ; ' 1
him (Parker) down, and the more we
Eay ajrainst him.Vthe: more; the I people
floci- after him, the more they love and
revere him. O Lord ! what shall be done
for Boston, if thou dost not take some of
theSe matters in hand ?"
To the above' the Rev. Theodore res
poni3 jn the following manner,1 and it is
sincerely "to be hoped that both these gen-
Uemen's supplications may be answered
by the Most High,- in every particular :
. Oh! thoti Incomprehensible Power,
governing all things, be pleased to make
Jnbn Chambprs a mnre intelli-rpnt man:
aire him a lareer charitu and a Mter mdsr
weB. se bim to read more, to think
7 '.
more and taIk less; enable hmv to see the
folly of his course, in denouncing every
body whose views and opinions are not
norrowed down to his own little field;
teac0 bim to reflect before he acts, to
observe before he condemns, and to be
.- . .
caref ul lest his own lmacrination leaas
rantive hi3-seose-.of-rid-t!. .nd Oh!
especially make John Chamber vreyer
-.-. .a - - ,-n.,;nr,o in r,rl r,
hove humanity more; keep him carefully
I r -1:.!-1 .!!--.. Ut
I mnn. nr auemntin?r to Luild un his own
cause, by vilifyinsr his neighbors who dif-
fer from him in opinion;' open his eyes to
1 A . m . am '
the beauty with which , this wona over
flows; make him a student of ature, an
enquirer after true knowledge and a lover
of goodness-, and above all things, make
John Chambers lore and cnerisn, me iruin,
to strive after it; to" diffuse it abroad, and
to irrow daily more'and more its worship
per, then the congregations who listen to
him will also become wiser, better ana
happier, and there will be a revival of
e:ood deeds and kindly oflices such' as the
,11 , . -
world has rarely, witnessed in an Ortho'
dox Christian community ! - Ihese things
are asked for the sake of Yisdom, Jus
tice and Truth. . Amen. .
An attorney before a bench of magis
trates, a short time ago, told the bench
with, great 'gravity'
"That he had two witnesses in court in
behalf of his client, and they would be
d sure t5 speak the. truth, for her had . no
,u opportunity to communicate with them!"
A Slander
r . ri 1 t, 1 .v .
. J o
hope, from a woman is truly sincere in her
praise. , ,fc . ,
. The following pertinent question' was
addressed to lawyer : T.T( ,T3
"If distance rends' encnantraeht T'to the
view, " and the view refuses to return it
can distance obtain any legal redress ?"
The lawyer refuses to answer until ie
receives a retainer.
"Have you not mistaken the pew?'
blandly said a Sunday Chesterfield to a
straiiffcr who had entered it. "I bes
your nardon,' said the intruder, rising
Christia4V, ... .. . .- . - : -.j i
' '' r Snlcide.
Mrs. Gallagher, of Westport, Missouri,
committed saicide on" uednesday last, by
taking an ounce of arsenic, :some lauda
num; and pills of opium. She conceived
her charcterhad been traduced," and hence
this quietus upon her life. When will
vampires learn, that because a woman is
alone in the world, that her character : is
as dear to her as to those who have rela
tives to protect them. We envy no one
that slandered her, their thoughts and .re
flections when alone, with the silent mon
itor of tonscience. -Kansas City Journal.
:i i
What ICs made up ot
' lne census of tne Lmted &tates, says
an.exchangej show3 that we have two
millions and: a half farmers, one hundred
thousand merchants, sixty-four thousand
masons, and nearly two hundred thousand
carpenters. ' e' have fourteen thousand
bakers to make our bread; twenty-four sary to the production of good crops, and
thousand lawyers to set us by the ears; provided the price of grain is remunera
forty thousand doctors to "kill or cure," tive, and provided but I tell you Tho-
and fifteen thousand editors to keep this
motley mass ia order, by the power- of
public opinion controlled and manufactur-
ed through the press. '-
- Debster reduces everything to mathe
matics. He got married because kissing
saved fifty per cent on his sugar tax. Old
bachelors please take notice.
- flT.r,nin t has hppn finplv rWr.
ved, "is in the-proportion of the number
.....v , . w" J
of things we love, and the number of
things that love us.':
. The young ladies down East complain
that the gentlemen are so poor that they
can't even pay their addresses.
, The celebrated artist who crowed so
naturally that the sun rose three hours
before, its time, has recently finished a
picture of the moon that is painted with
such wonderful fidelity to nature that it
can't be seen in daytime.
'I am so lame from the railroad crash
of last week I can hardly stand '.said a
limping, hobbling chap. - ell, then, I
V , Ud,uaes'T
said his friend. Damages!-no, no; I
nave naa aamages enougn uy pem ; ir 1
i ior au, tnnig, u wmur rir..f
"Doctor, pway how long can a man
- - '
live without bwains ?" asked a Chicago
exquisite of the City hhysician, who had
been commenting on the case of an idiot
that had recently died. "Couldn't say,
exacilv was the Doctor's ret) v. "but if
you tell me your are, I can make a rou"-h
. ' ' .
- w- w
- j
"Have you anything else old ?" said an
English lady at Rome to a bey, of whom
iv'ii 1. 1
sne naa ooujmt some moaern antiquities,
"Yes," said the young urchin, thursting
forward his hat, which had seen some
dozen summers, "my hat is old." The
ady rewarded his wit.
4 u 1 j , 1
An old lady combatted the idea of the
o ' J
0TT.nn 16 T nT Tne- lfii-n H v mrrpi n m
. 1 , " J 111
For," said she, "what becomes of tho
people in the moon when there is nothing
eft of it but a little streak V-
.i ; '
The heaviest kind of a . brick is the
brick in, the hat
Never stop to take a glass of ale after
church-sen ice is over,
xv liiui.r -uiicu iu sun iuiw a iiuvtueui
a .. nj v: ' . ij
ctao-P Rpn.iim-in'"
o . j
No professional man lives so
from hand to mouth as a dentist.
He knows his nose. I know he knows
his nose. He said I knew he knew his
nose; and if he said he knew I knew he
knew his nose, of course he knows I
khow he knows his nose.
A woman's heart is like a fiddle it
requires a beau (bow) to play upon it.
- The truest epitaph we ever saw was
that of a clown. It simply said, "Here I
Surely some people must know them-
selves they never think about any body
else;) j ; , ! i y: . Y ,
Too much of a good thing
0 , ,
oney-gra ers
nothinsr. ' ' onder if m
believe that?
( .
What frpntleman can. with anv sense of
r.mnriptv. ask ft fat woman to lean on his
arm . .
, ' ., w .
The four great evils of life are said to
be, standing collars, btove-pipe hats,
tight boots, and tobacco.
........ 11 !.!:.- lib. .t.., .
ny ! n u.u - '
reaustj is buio iu uu -v
to the fire.
An ..t,r mit W..t savs "if time is
... . . 1
luuii.y 11 v nm vv, .,.,..
.'... . ...
." K& t.-tn 1.1 I l A f . AVI'Fi liirtl Hi ) ! 1 1
of his for the "hard.
. . - ...
The following toast m rr f-ntly Kn:
"The ladies May wo kin nil the eirla
we. piease, ana piease . an ui. fin s$
it youoDserye a gentleman wmi m
arm around the waist of a young; lady, tl
mm 1 ' 1 , '
is morally certain that they are not iunr
"Father what does a printer live on?"
Why, child?" "Because -you had'nt
paid hirn for kree yers, and SOU take the
paper.'..: c . 1 - . -
Farm ' and ; Garden.; '
- - prom Emery's Journal of Agriculture.
-Will he Succeed?
Will he succeedl is -the oft repeated
question. of discussion, when neighbors
meet and gossip over the affairs cf others.
''Don't know," says Jacob, "he's a mighty
stirring fellow, but he's got a big job on
his handtwo thousand dollars in debt
on a quarter section of land, and', the
whole to be coined out of the soilinthree
years. Yes, the whole' to be elaborated
from the chemicals how idumbering in the
soil,' in the shape of carbon, nitrogen, oxi-e-en.'
hydrogen, sulphates.' chosphates.
carbonates, heat, hsrht.- and electricity.
O.yes! there's elements enough in the
soil and out of it, to brinsr the two thou-
sand dollars to the'surface in a palpable
form, provided nature and art succeed in
producing the atomic combinations neces'
mas, I wouldn't stand in his boots for all
he'll make in the tree years, constantly
harrassed by that debt, and more likely
than not, the chinch bugs destroying his
wheat, the army worm mowing his oats
and: barley, the . frost killing his corn,
horses dying with the bots, cows with the
hollow horn, his children sick with the
measles, and himself stretched on a bed
of sickness ith a fever, and deliver
rrom sucn a iix. i iear me poor iei-
I -11 T ,1 , , .t 1, T .
.au fle ms worm, wen i pay
8,wue auu "llie one8 1
I do.'
"Well, Jacob, your tongue runs this
morning, like it was oiled; but your view
of his case presents a doleful picture of
his future success all disasters, from be
ginning to end. Now, I ; predict that
Joshua Naylor will come out all right, and
be worth in five years more than either
of us." "Pshaw! Thomas, you are wild
as a hare.
1 our years from this date, the two
neighbors .met ajrain, and renewed the
same subject. "Well, Jacob, myprophe
tr t f fill !?- t Vi . wr tV.-.nei rA iftlll rc
' -A ha uao ),,.. a
hia 4m weU fenced and in good tilth;
he has a fine gtock of bIooded c6atlle and
horses, and is worth more money to day
than either of us who have been farmin?
hpn f thfi Uvpnfv ,
: . .,,ys Thoma3) x believe you are right:
!..!. I 1
now is it mat me man nas got aiong
s st and so well . Ihere is a mystery
about it 1 cannot understand; can you ex
Plam 1 d0 not know tnat 1 can sa
tisfactoniy, but this 1 know, he always
oougni me oesi siock ana me oesi loois
1 1 - j j.i .1 1
Qe C0U1U lirH,i anu inen l00K g000 care 01
!! !. I 1 J .
mem; ne pioweu nis iana aeep, Kepi 11
oiear 01 weeus, ana savea an nis manure;
had everythinsr done in" its season and
well done;' lived well, but economically,
I . .
and attended oersonallv to all his busi
ness; and further, I know he had a regu
lar library of books, and takes several
agricultural papers; and further still, he
told me himself, that he farmed it in ac
cordance with the well established truths
I ., , . , , .
I npu'n9npr Nnw vnn Irnnnr n much
1 MU MUM . . , Wb. . . . . (UUVU
I - . -
about it as I do." ''Well, Thomas, there
may be more in book farming than I had
Joshua JNaylor succeeded; and why?
Because he added the lights of experience
to the innate' or acquired elements of
success in his character. Those elements
were, concentration of mind on a definite
object, with a will to dare acd to do; a
. J . c :: .
uuL'iuem. uuiiui. ui seizm me most
11 1 t u 1
-.anaine uicuiis, . uu su-ssiuiiy appiy
ing them to the object m view, and an
1 1 1
indomitable perseverance that knows no
failure. He wiped out with the sponjre
of a determined will, from the code of
his life, "I dare not," "I don't koow'and
I can't;" and substituted hi their tead,
I dare," "I can," and "I will." A fix
ed and unwavering determination to sue
ceed, backed by an untiring persererance
is a sure palladium to success, a fortune
m reserve to every lucky possessor.
R. Jr. L.
from Emery's ioarnal of Agricnltare.
Artichokes A Response.
In No. 14 of your Journal, you have an
article on artichokes and ask for mforma
tion. Now, what knowledge I have of
them, I impart to you with the greatest
good will. In all our (I say our, for
there is more than one who joins in with
me yjnn- what I say of the artichoke)
experience with them, wLich has been
over twenty years, we have found no
good in them.
So then, the good qualities I will leave
for some one else to tell. With us they
have been evil and continually evil. Mr.
Somebody says they yield bountifully; no
doubt so do most bad things. I suppose
the Canada thistle would yield many
lUB auaua
bushelsio the acre; but for this reason
tunii :
shall we raise them ? Of a truth, I had
rather have the Canada thistle sown on
my larra than the artichoke, and l-had
I iVaw ami . w . .si-t A v.1.a .!.. T. 1 a... a
H 1 1 UlllT.L OiiV UliU UU1U HdLt; Llll. 1LIL lUUC
- 1 - - - , . 1
I . . I .V. . 1 . . .l1 .
miny uriuaiuiumuie ariicnoice in my
Twentv-ohe veara ao-o we moved to
thh State green hands on thefarm-so
vrirdftiit that, by the recommendation
nn greener than ourselves, we planted a
fcy, w'ilh ' the assurance that
llif-y wi'uU nmke good pickles. W
aa 1 t 1 11
fuiu).l iimt 4 bkunk tail j'oula answe
full 44 vv4l i lurpen our appetite, Fop
ihv lirl few years, we did not take much
notice ot ilmiu. At last ye fouod they
were ukiiij-too much liberty running
to the east and to the tvesi,
to the north
: iana to uae. aomn. itereu
reupon, mo cui-
gently set ourselves upon checking1 their '.
farther conquests, and we have been bet ,
tling with them ever since. Last spring ,
and summer we hired a few toliiert of
the hoe to come to our assistance. A '
portion of the lacd infested by thera wo
fenced oJ, and turning a dozen hoj into :
it, we said with John, the ostler, "Root, ,
hog,or die." To-day we are farther t
from success than fifteen years ago. I
had a garden spot, in which there were
some of -thess land plagues; at a. rouh
guess, I Jug uja3bout a thousand as tho
tops appeared, some cf thera a foot and a
half deep, and many more which were in ,
the rows I cut off as often as once a week '
in eight or ten weeks; I thought - I Lad :
conquered them, but this ' spring I find
many of thera thee yet. . ,
Now to those who think of planting .
them, I would raise a warning voice, and
say, beware ' how any one imposes on -you.
Why will you make this mistake,
for if you pknt thna, you will find it to '
be the greatest mistake you evsr made in
farming. If any of your readers can tell
us how to rid our farms of this plague, we
will remember his name as long as wo
live and at the same time tell us if the
whim about the Lombardy Poplar being '
poison and breeding a deadly worm is
true or not. u . L. B.
'A Minnesota pioneer" writing to tho
Journal of Agriculture of the importance
of establishing an exchange of experience
among farmers, says : Statistics are what
we want, and if every one, or a part, at
least, would, on the coming spring, begin
a report of his operations on one field or
all, of one kind of his crops or more, and
give a systematic report in full to this or .
some other good agricultural paper, at
the close of , his work, giving the time of
plowing, plantiug or sowing, hoeing and
harvesting, kind of weather and soil, the
cost and the price obtained, or its value,
and if he has a thermometer give its mean
indications, he will give as valuable a re
cord and confer as great an amount of
knowledge as though he wrote a rolume
theories, and commented in glowing lan..'
guage upon the beauties of some fanciful
may-bes. '
As yet, we have no railroads or tele-
graphs whereby we are the immediate '.
recipients of the experience of the States,
or lean we be acquainted with the condi-
tion of the markets, except through the
medium of a journal or paper, and for
some time we must depend upon this -mode
of acquiring these facts. Let them
come before the sons of the soil, that they i
may be profitedthereby. Farmers, one
and all, look well at this point; keep a :
register and record of your circumstances
and work, and see the coming fall if you
can't add to the metorological tables of .
our country, an! tell us if you can get ;
paid for your expenditure of tune and
money, if you do not give your result
to the perusal cf the readers of any agri
cultural paper, you will know what it ;
costs you to live, and how you stand with
our farm whether a loser or gainer. It
will take but a little tune, and soon it will I
be a pleasure, I am a farmer, end will
contribute- ;
In Season and oat of Season. .
I take it for granted thai all farmers '
have their programme for the eominr
season well considered, and will be ready
for action at the earliest practicaale mo
ment. It is a too common failing, with
even very good farmers, indeed, to neg- -
ect this most important part. ith sys
tematic arrangements which anticipate
the needs and wants in proper season, the '
abor of four men upon the farm is equal "
to six without system. We too often com.
mence in the spring with the intention of
making certain improvements if we have
time and nothing happens to prevent, and
when that is the planning, most invariab-
y we are behind tune, and something
does happen to defeat our designs in part.
and that part is often essential to success
as a whole. The prudent and calcuktin?
armer says, such and such thing must be
done, it will pay to do thera, by goo4
managing I have the means, and, "by the
Eternal," they shall be done. Men who
make up their minds in this war. are
generally favored by the Great Eternal,
and their purposes are accomplished, the
old proverb, "God help those who help
themselves," holding good in agricultural
as in other pursuits. L, G. C.
To Care Bots.
We find the following in the N. Y.
Spirit of the Times : "When your horse
has the bots, first give him some sage tea.
Boil the sage in a quart ot milk, and
sweeten with molasses. Half an hour
after drench your horse with two vials of
laudanum; in three-quarters of an hour
after, drench with three-fourths of a
pound of salts, and your horse will be
well in three hours, or as soon as the
salts operate. The tea will make the.
bots let loose, the laudanum will put them
to sleep, and the salts will cause them to
pass from your horse. I warrant the en- '
oa a fair triaL"
You are setting fence posts. Bore nn",
inch and a quarter hole through tha bot
tom and put in a pine or cedar pin, as lo::
as the diameter of the posthcle. Itw-i'
prevent frost throwing it o-t, sr.i h tp itk
resist the actionof strong wi: : wiI in.
sure you an erect fence lorg-.T.
- Do not discourage a
him a poor tool to t r.
use a good one your. ; .L
the cost, than a pocj c
child.- -J
c'.i' I f y -giving
1. is cheaper t
r. j ' matter what,
, Ditto for tiw
. " " - 1
m-t .xirint .T .4 H ti
! i