rpUDVERTISER. uTe, APRIL 29, IsHjT TERMS: rear, if piid in advauce, " at the end of 6 months. 12 fZ 00 2 60 3 00 Number 602. PROCLAMATION By the President of United States. " " . r mi.re be furnished at $1.60 per ,"ti tLe cafch accompanies the older, not1 r'"- " JOD WOKK. -mt extensive additions of Kew Type, Cuts, Bronzes Cards, A.c, made to the "Adver .wti ,claimt be able to turn out Job Work in r,'4T.iirDacd by anyofttce. Tbe proprietor being ,tflir'," Jiterbinel't and having iu hi employ an rTL nd experienced Fancy Job Printer, ii ' . ... out-done in the execution of Job W T...,n one d- ork. 4 . ... ,,ut-done in tin ,nt one f raster' latest Improved Card ,V,nk. Work in Color, Bronte Work, fcc.; will ' k reticular attention. from distance will be promptly attended to, (Hlei w Rive satiff action or no pay. Beat S1 . T.tter. Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. Wn Vari! General Advertising Agent, in rear of " i.iies'11 and Children's Shoe Stere, 80 West ls.frl Cincinnati. c ,1'ra owe-Co., Xo. 316 an 343, Broadway, w-ISd, American. Canadian and European "ugand Subscription Ofllce, No. 133, Xaau St., f IJrprDPCn0E. x- W- conier 01iT0 nd Mal V c, lui. Mo. , (-! .. ,rr. 3 Dearborn afreet, Chicago. 7h .mod Aeenti to solicit Subscription and Ad- If for the Advertiser, aud reccisve axid re- auuiCk therefor. wureiderit in this Territory, coming from various . the state, often supgest to us tbe name of P-" m n.tchborboou. who wonld doubtless .-i-rnber.it they could. see a copy of tbe "Ad- s" "!,..rikiad a upecirucn copy, and persons ng. will conkid'cr it a wliciution to become regu- r..r.'tf rV and others, feeling sufficient Interest to .llub' can reuic the uual per cent for. their psiie- . T rrrnless notified at tbe close of the Volume to dis fnuetbe -Adrertier," wcthall take it for granted Twbscribers wiih their paper continued, and shall etnunf ly continue to send as heretofore .5 rj- The "Nebraska Advertiser" having m j, the largest circulation of any paper in &e Territory. Wholesale Merchants in St. jfloit, St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East O markets where Nebraska merchants pur sue, will find no better advertising medium , tbe Western country .-3 tt hive just completed a new stock of Blanks of every acnp'ioo. neatly executed on fine substantial paper; ire prepared to fill orders at a momeat's notice and , rnoosbie term. tfbive also a plate of tsmi'l mspof South Platte, M-tki. for printing common sited envelopes, with any -tl(iuines card attached. Orders solicited. rL'SXAS fc LAXGDON. Kettle renwood." We have again received from our fair btva correspondent "Leaves from my ;Wi Loj Book." for which we will with pleasure find room in our columns next teek. "M." was received too late for- this ml, but shall appear in our next legions. ' Rev. Mr. Gortos, the Preacher in charge for this circuit of the M. E. church, will preach in this city at 10 o'clock: on Sunday next. In pursuance of law. I. James Tiactinnan. Presi dent tit the United States of America, do hereby de clare and make known that public pales will be held at the undermentioned Ixnd ofSccs in the Territory of Nebraska, at the periods hereinafter designated' to-wit: At the land eflice at LROWXTILLE, commencing on Monday the aixfA day of S4,emler next, for the disposal of the public lands within tbe following named township, viz: North of the ilasc Line, and east of the Ct'.i priact Meridian. That part of township One outside of the Sac and Fox and Ilalf-Urecd Nemaha Rcserxation, of range The parts of townships 1, 2, 3, and fonr, outside of the Sac and Fox and Half-Dreed Nemaha Uerer Vation and fractional townships 5 and 6, of range sixteen. That rart of townshin one outside of the San and Fox Reservation: township 2, the parts of townships 3, 4, and 5, outside of the Half-Breed Nemaha res ervation, and fractional township Oof range Mi That part of townshin 1 outside the Sac and Fox Reservation, townships 2,3. and 4, and that part of township i outside of the llaif-lireed Nemaha Res ervation, and township 6, of range 14. Townships 1,2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 i f range 13. Townships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 12. Townships 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 1 1. Townships 1, 2. 3. 4, 5 and 6 of range 10. Townships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and f of range 9. At the Land OSce at NEBRASKA CITY, com mencing on Monday the sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named townships, riz! North of the Rase Line and East cf the sixth Principal Meridian. Fractional townships 7 and 8 of range 15. Township 7, and fractional townships 81 9, 10, 11. enl 12 of range 14. Townships 7, 8, 9,10. 11 and 12, and fractional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and fractional townships 12 andJ3, of range 12. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional town ship 12, of range 1 1. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11. and fractional town ships 12, 13 and 14. of range 10. Townships 7, 8, and 13, and fractional townships 14, la and Id, of rnnge 9. At the Innd Office at OMAIIA CITY, commenc ing on Monday, the sixth d;iy of September next-, for the disposal of the public lands within the fol lowing named townships, viz: North of the Rase Line and cast of tbe sixth Prin cipal Meridian. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and 16 of range fourteen. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 1C, and 17, of range 13. Fritctional townships 12 and 13, townships 11, 15, and IS, and fractional townships 17, 13, 1 and 20, of range 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, IS, 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20 of range 11. Fractional townships 12 13, and 14, and town ships 1' 15, 17, 13. 19, 20, of range .'.0 Functional townships 14, 15 and 16, and towtships 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 9. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, miliUirr, aud other purposes will bo excluded from tbe gules. The offerings of the above lands will be comatcne ed on the day appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they arc advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus clos-d;but no sale to be kept open longer than two wees'!, and no private entry of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of tho two weeks. tiiven under my band nt the city of Washington, this thirtieth d.iy of March . D.ouu thousand eight hundred and iiliy-cight.. JAMES BUCHANAN. By the Pr.'s'.dcnt : TnoMAS A. IIf.ndk:cks, Commissioner of tho Gener.il liuJ Office. T. H. EDWARDS. AVDItKW J. BERET. EDWARDS & BERRY, Proprietors of the NEBRASKA HOUSE. IlToivnvillc, N.T. The undersigned having entered into a co-partnership hi the hotel bubiness at the above named House, and having made an etnire cbaige of room's, Ac, and lutaple- te:y repai'-ed ana renovated tbe whole ettabhsbmebt. tLe? are prepared to atconimodatn tbe travelling public audregulur boarders In a style not surpassed by any other hotel in the Territory. Cliartrcs Moderate, and every facility offered to plate our guests at ease, aim supply them a near as postible with tbe comfutta of a homo. AprilS 1863. n41-m EDWAI.DS fc BKRRT. 1858. 1868. SCARRITT $ MASON, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of Furniture and Upholstery, Washington Arcnae, between SECOND ASD THIRD ST 6, ST. LCCIS. MO 1S58 CARPETLNG. 1S53 SPRLVG Mcdowell SALES. k COMPANY. A. Are now lu receipt of their sprinir importations, which have been purchased in Knglan 1 for cash, for though other Lucres are advertising direct importations front Kurope, we take pleisure in announcing ibat we are tbe inly direct importers trum England Fiance in tbe west ern States, and hive now on band the largest aud finest stuck ever imported to tbiscouutrr, ecru idling In part as follows: 9-t. 6-4 4-4 and 3-4 Kew Med illions; 6-4 rojal Velvets; 500 rolls French velvets; 200 rolls Kuyal Wiltou; 1000 Do Robert Crosslcy Brus sels; 2000 rolls John Crossley Jt Son's Tarcsty Bruscl-: 2 XX) rolls Brinton's; 3000 rol .s Prardoe St Ilooman's; 1500 roils Bright' new aesigns; 1000 rolls heavy English three-ply; 1000 heavy surenlne; Tocetfcer with tbe larges stock of Domestic Csrsets, for the wholesale tiade, ever brought west of tbeuioun tains. Also 2000 rolls 4-4 whiteand check matting; 2000 " 6-4 " " " 8000 " 4-1 and " " 3000 " CoMa matting all widths. 1500 sheets of oil cloth IS to 30 feel wide; 200 pieces S-4 4-4 6-4 6-4 and S-4, oi I cloth. Also the largest stock of rugs, tabW covers, sofa rugs, Mats, si air rods, table oil clotiies, fcc., of any estalus!a ment in the count -y. To the rctaM ccsicmer, all we ass is a call,-to convince them that we can and will sell lower than any other house in the west. To the wholesale purchaser we would sav that we cin offer them greater inducements than any establishment enter in Kew York or Boston, having purchai-ed our entite ftock for cash, we are prepared to tfler our g xxis nt the very lowest pr tecs cf importation. A. MCDOWELL fe. Co., 6S Main St., St. Louis April 16, 15iS ao42. SPRLNG AND SIMMER GOODS. FIELD, BEARDSLEE c CO., Importers and Jobbers, riece Good Tor 3Icii?S lVcar, Vo. 53, Main tt.-eet, St. Louit VTc are now in receipt of a large and complete stock of g' Cj( suitable for theSpring and Summer trade which wetfferontbe nnst tarorable terms. The stock con lists ia part of tbe following g'xls, viz: CLOT11S. Cassimers; Doc?klns; S.iiinets; Tweeds; Cashmeretts: Jeans; Corduroys ; JIuleklns ; Linens ; Uottonades I Al pacas; Drac D'Ettes; Farmer's Saiins; Testings; Vel vets Serges 6lc ; every description of tailora' and cloth lers' iilmmiags. A complete stock of Blankets. A full assortment of wool thirts and drawers. Merchants, Clothiers and Tailors visiting the city for the purpose of buying their S pring Stock will find it to their Interest to examine our stock before making their selections All orders will receive prompt attention J I ELD, BEARDSLEE & CO April 16, 1S53 no42 Illlln cry. Our fair friend Miss Mary Turner a removed to one door above Lush b & Carson's, and opened in fine tprjf tyle. Her spring and summer fools, loth in the millinery and drcss bAid branches of the business, are un surpassed, end decidedly the assortment is the choicest wc hare ever seen. Ladies pive her a call if you wish a "love of a knnct." NOTICE TO ri.E-EMl-l ION CLAIMANTS. Every persen cntith d to the right of jirc-cmption to any ot the land within tho U unships and parts of 'ownhis above cutXi no rated is r quircl to es tnllih tho smuu to the s itiaf.iction of the llegister and Kocfivcr ot ilio proper lund fiii-e, and make jiavmcnt therefor as hii ms praciieable al ter seeing this notice, aud before the day apiintcd lor the commencement of the public sale of luo lands etn- braciug the tract claimed, otherwise such claim will be forlcited. THUS. A. ULNUliR'ICS, Commissioner of tieneral Land Office, pril 22. lSj-no 4.1 IF. Clark, Has just received from St. Joseph i large and splendid assortment of heavy ud fancy Groceries, "Wines, Liquors, Cigars, If you want a good article in Lis line we are sure you can be satisfied by calling upou Milt. L W.Moore. See his advertisement in another cjlumn. He is located near the wharf it Nebraska City; is one of the real driv-go-ahead Young America style of roun men ; attentive and faithful to bu siaess, and should be well patronized. in our Warerooms will be found the latnet and best styles, made by the best workmen and of superior nsate al and rtnt.h. BEDSTEADS Fine Rosewood and Sahogaay. Walnut Oak ai;l Cbeiry, with high posts and Cnopy. SIDEBOARDS Rosewood, Kahocaiiy, Oak and Wal nut with Shelves and Marble Tups. W AKDltOiSKa and SECItETAKIES. Kosewood, Ma hogany, Oak and Walnut. SOEAS Mahogany aud Walnut, covered Jnhair Cloth. LastinK andBrocateile. BUREAUS Fine Rosewood, Jfahr-cany, Oak and Wal nut, with side case, Marble Top aud Oval Ula&tes. Kxsewioo:. Mali -cariy. Oak aud W aluut Wajhstands. Center and Side Tables with alarble Tops. HAT BACKS Uosewood, Mahvgauy, Oak and Walnut of many styles. Also: Fine Rosewood, Mahosany, Oak and Walnut Parlor, Easy and Rocking Chairs ; every variety of Cush ion, Rush and Cane Seat Reception and Cottage Chairs; Kecuinbent Chairs, Piano Slools, Ottomans, Foot.tools, Corner and Side whatnots, Exteuston Tables, Showei liaths, Ice Boxes, Wire and Tin Safes, Scarritl's Patent Lounge Bcdteads. GILT LOOKING GLASSES Splendid Pier Glasses, Ovals, Mantle and Square; Wood Frames ia large at tornment. BKDDIXG Sprtni, Ilair. Moss. Excelsior and Husk Matrasses; Feather Beds, Pillows, Bolsters, Comforts, Sheets, &c, all of the best material, and warranted to be Irc-h, sweet and new. Every article warranted as represented, and at prices ns low as any other house in the city for corresponding quality. Orders solicited and faithfully filled. We cordially invi;e every one who wishes to call and examine and price our E xxls, as we are pleased teshow our Roods, and give you all the information in our power, All articles sold by ua carefully packed and delivered on Boat or at the house. Very Respectfully, SCARRITT & MASON no37 MILTON F. CLARK, WHOLESALE AXD ftXTAIL XALEa IX G-rooeries, WINES AND LIQTJOKS, No. 9, Main Sired, BROWNVILLE, K. 1 - BR0WNVILLE COLLEGE The Faculty of the Medical Department of the Brown' vilie College announce that they will commence their course of Lectures on Monday evening next, S2d day of February, at 6 1 12 o'clock, and continue two months. giv ins the lectures on theevetiincs Monday, Tuesday, Wed' nesday and Friday of each week. The introductory lecture to the course will be public and delivered at the Brown- vilie Hotel, tbe remainder of tbe lectures to be given pri vately to the class. Tickets can be procured of the Dean. FACULTY: WILLIAM AP.KOLD. M. . Piofessor of Anatomy. A. S. HOLLA DAT, M. D. Professor of the Practice of Medicine. jonx Mcpherson, m. d. Professor of Materia Medics. E. D. ALLEN, A. B. Professor of Chemistry. v. c. jonxsox, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence. 35-1 1 Feb IS Wif. ARNOLD. Dean. LIcCORLIICK'S Reaper & Mower for 1858 V. HYATT i Co., Agents, Is asrain offered to the farmers of Missouri, and Nebraska as the best R.aier in the world, aud the best combined Reaper and Mower, and is so warranted. For five years past 1 have avoided attending the various State and County Fairs, for tho purpe of seeking premiums, re- caruiuc my machine as too well known to need that sort of commendation. InJuly last tbe United States Aft ricultural sccicty, at their Fair at Syracuse, New York awarded to me a GOLD HEDAIj and DIPLOMA. For the best reaper, alter a severe test, in heavy tan Fled rye ocr hilly and uneven ground. Also the 'Great Council Modal' was awarded by the exhibition ur all na tions in L nid n iu 1651 to C. McCormkk on the cround of the oriian.illity Mid value of his AMERICAX REAP ER. and a. so at thefreat l'ten, ti Exhibition at Patis, ia 1853. was awarded the Grand Gold Medal of Honor. Also thehiSliest prize awarded to any reaping martiine by the ll. yal Aricultu:al S -:iety of England in 1857, and still more gorious, the highest sntislaction and approval cf over 100 OoO farmer of my ( country. Farmers dei-i ins the M.Cornick Reaper and Mower for the pre:-cnt ycjr will he:ure by leaving their oiders kbould be sent on t elore the 1st day of March next. April 15, 1S58 iui3 CITY LOTS. I hsvc for sa'e a number cf hcaailf ullf located lots in tbe Cityof Brownville. which I am authorized to sell at bargains for cash. New comers will do well to call on me befoie making ) urchases. R. V. FCRNAS, Brownville, March 25, '68. Real Estate Agent Farm for Rent. I hare a splendid and well improved Farm which I wish to rent to a responsible person, on favorable terms For particulars inquire at this efnee. or or J. G.MELV1X. March 18, 1S5S. vCn3Sif Nemaha City, N. T. A. S. HOLLADAT, M. D. WM. ABXOLD. M. D HOLLADAY & ARNOLD DroTrnville, Nebraska Territory, J. H. lirlAUN & Co., HAYING pun.htsed the entire stock of Goods belonc- tng to .'. R. DaviH, together with large and extensive additions just received, 1 a si now prepared to furnish every variety of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, FOB. HOTEL AXD FAMILY USE. I have In store, and for sale cheap, a large supply of rest COFFEE, quality Rio and Java Every TEA, quality and price. SUGAR, Havana crashed and best article of brown sugar. MOLASSES. Large supply of superior New Orleans molasses. Bel chers and Golden syrup. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Extensive variety and all of the best brands. FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting in part of PICKLES, A great variety and put up expressly for family use. PIE FRUIT, Every description of Fruit, such at Fresh Peaches. Apples, Cherries. GoosO' berries, Currants, Kubarb, &C, For sale cheap and warranted fresh and good. OYSTERS AND SARDINES, A largo supply of the best brands and warranted good. TOGETHER WITH A large qnmtity of various articles of domestic use too tedious to mention. WINES AN D LIQUORS Port, Native, Champagne, Muscat, Sherry, and Claret Wines Extra Qualify of French and American Brandies, BRANDIED CHERRIES, Wolfe's Slicldam Schnapps, Cheap for Cash: Pure white lead. Putty French sine Castor oit Cbiua sine Cod liver oil Red lead tweet oil Venitiao red Olive obi Raw and burnt umbra Glue Spanish whiting Patent tMdlctas, all aorta Cbalk Cough candies Turpentine Fancy candiea Lined ol Castile soap Tanners oil Toilet soap Copal Varnish Washing soap Japan Tooth brashes White Tarnish, Hair brushes' Liiberage Cloth Brushes Paint brushes . Almonds soft shell Varnish brushes Hard shell Almonds Sash and Window tools Filberts, peacana Wall brushes Pea nuts Lettering Pencils Figs Tuble paints Raisins Camel hair pencils Oysters In can Blenders Sardines Star candles Black and Imp Teas FhySiCiailS, SlirgCQIlS. OldMoiiongehcln,Bourbon,andRy Tatossa. This sprightly little steamer, again plying between St. Joseph and Council BiuiTs.rnade our wharf on Friday last, with freight and passengers for this city. Capt. Morrison, is deservedly popular, nd we heard nothing tut the highest pmise bestowed upon the officers and crew in regard to their efficiency and care for the wants of the passengers. Monzo Child. This highly popular, elegant, adfast running Missouri steamer reach ed our landing on Saturday last, leaving t a goodly quantity of freight and quite cumber of passengers. This boat will tare its share of patronage with such men uCapt. Holland and Carso Si Wood cft to manage affairs. The clerks w ill accent our thanks for St. Louis files. Tfce St, Marj and Isabella, Both landed at the Brownville wharf cn Saturday. Each left with us passengers and freight. Ibe Sioux City, Landed here last Mondny very heavily laden, for this and other Joints above. She had the Tawnee dt le gation of Indian chiefs on board, who ere returning from Washington city. Clerk Bakek has our thanks for favors received. Sealed Fropasals Directed to the Commissioners of Pawnee County will be received from and alter this date, until the flrM Mon day in July next. For the erection oi a Court Home in Pavnte Ciy, Pawnee County, .V. T., of tLe fol lowinx dimenoions and style namely : Said house to be thirty feet long and twenty-four feet wide, two Ftories bitch, the lower ttory to be divided into four apartment, iu one end two rooms twelve leet square, shall throuph the center eipht feet wide. In the other end a room ten feet wide by 24 foel long; a plain open staircase leading from the ball to the Court Rouin above; said Court ltoom to be twenty by twenty four feet and properly seated in plain style. The re mainder oi the upper story to be divided into two equal fixed rooms, two outside daors three feet wide, six leet ei?ht inches biph, one and threc-rourlh inches thick 6 iiiMric doors, two feet eight inches wide, six Mid a half feet hipli, and one and a half inches thick all to be four pannels each. Kiphteen windows, twelve lipbts each, 10 by 14 glass; windows and door catimr, corners and base, plain square style; Grecian cornice seven members; projection eipliteen inches, and nine inches d?cp, returned with the mite; three coats .f paint, white lead or tine. inide ami out. Said house to be a frame with p.sts and braces, wilh a pxl bbiusle roof, the bid der to furnish everything for the conplction of tbe buil ding oak floors, joiu'.ed and liucd, walnut biding, drcs sed. &c. Said building to be completed on or before tbe first of January, 1S59. One half tbe price to be paid as the work progresses the remainder when finished. Dated at Pawnee city this 5th day of April, 1S57. By order of the Countv Commissii-necr; ... , O. E. DOWNING, cst County Clerk pril 22 3m no 43. FREE PORTER'S SPIRIT Girr DISTRIBUTION. Ariel Obstotrioiaus. BItOW.NVILLE, X. T. lies pectfully tender their provisional services to the citizens cf Nrtnaha and adjoining counties, both in Ne braska and Misouri, ilarch 4. ItuS Valuable Claim for Sale. Tho undersigned will sell a valuable claim at a bar- Itaia as they are determine.! to sell.- It omsists oi 160 acres all bottom land; about one half of which is timber and ihe balance prairie; 40 acres under fence and culti vation. It is situated on the Little Nemaha River; nine miles from Brownville and about the same distance from Nemaha City, one mile north of Long's bridge. Apply to tbe undersigned on the premises JOHN HTGTIES 3m-34-pd LKMCKL IIUOIIF.S Whiskey, COMMON WHISKEY, ALE, &c. CHEESE, Just received 60 boxes superior Western Reserve for sale cheap for cash. SU11U. r. Ul-AKN. Special Notice. ALL those holding accounts against J. R. Davis will call on tbe subscriber and have them cancelled; and those indebted to blin will please call and settle, as long. er indulgence will not be given. MILTON F. CLAHK. Front Street Has Just received the LARGEST STOCK VEST OF SAINT LOUIS, Consisting, in part of the following articles, which they propose to sell Brownville Hotel ErownTilley Nebraska. , FOR RENT OR1SALE. The fine new brick Hotel now nearly completed will be by Orst day of April next is for sale vr rest. T tccse acqnaiated we need n at na further aitrvenc menu To thoe at a distance allow us to say that Browa- ilie U one of tbe most thriving your.g ernes of N bms i. Contains a population of about 300. Tbe Land OHk fr the Nemaha l-nd District is located here and ia ac tive operation The land sale wiU iaot likely Uk place on or before July next. Theuotet is suilicicntly laife heme au by bo. J siorie igh to aecoinnWate any number almost ol pairs aud yet not ou such an exte uive Kale but that it c&& purchased or rented and kpt, aud pay well. It was erected by a stock company whose principal w Ject was to secure a first claa Hotel ia tbe place, ami they will scil it at cost mUl euber sell or rest, las prefer to sell. Nouenecd mate application to rent except tooM war are txptritnetA in hotel business, aud caa euiueweU recommended. Apply ia person or by letter to eltber R. W. FURNAS, President; Or ALEX, HALLAM. Sec'y. BrownTllle, Nebraska. February 11, 183. yj-uaiette, St Joseph: Plaiadealer, Cleveland; Stales, Washington City; statesman, Columbus, U ; i-nqnirer. Cincinnati. St 1-ouU Republican and New Turk Tribune, copy weekly to amount ol $3 aud send bill to this ofacr. J0H.Y. F. KINN'KT. CHAR. T. EOIXV. KINNEY S: HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. XEUKASUA CIT1,S. X. Will.practice in the Courts ol this Territory. Coll- tlon and criminal business attended to throui bott K -braska, Western Iowa and JiUsouii. Will attend the Courts at Browuville. rUn3-6n l east Powders. TOBACCO, Of the best brands, chewing and smoking. Cljars fin est quality and flavor. FRUITS AND LIQUORS. Preserved fruit for pies, brandied peaches, fresh pea ches in cans, pure liquors for medical purposes. Jamaica rum, Holland Gin. Irish whisky, Bourbon whisky, ginger brandy. Cordial, Port wine, cherry wine, woite wuie. Malaga wine. STATIONERY. Foolscap papor, fancy letter paper, gild edge notes, and envelopes, plain, fancy sad embossed; pens and pen holders, inks of all kinds, inkstands and iaucrs pencils, seal tint wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of Ferfumenes, Comprising Lyon's Kathalrion, cologne, pommade genuine ox marrow, bear greose andoils, musk and t sences of all kinds and of tbe finest quality. t3"Pbysicians' Prescriptions attended ot the day and uight. ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 3 or FIGS, Consisting or TEAS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, SOAP, TOBACCO, SUGARS, COFFEE, MOLASSES, CANDLES, POWDER AND SHOT With all articles usually found at such places, They invite their frienis and the public generally to give them a call, and they pledge themselves to give tbenx satisfaction as to price and quality of their gocds. TERMS CASH EXCLISIVELT. Nov. 21, '67T3-a33 r. IVSnBACCH. JSO. L. CAHSCtf LTJ3HBATJGH & CARSON, BAXKERS AXD CEMRAL LAXD AGEXT3, llealers In Coin, Cncurrent Money, Kxchanxe and Lind Warrants, UKOWNTILLR. NKMAUA CO., N. T. Especial attention will be given to Buying and Selling Exchange on the principal cities of the United States, Gold, Silver, and uncurieut Bank Notes. A com taut sup ply of Land Warrants on band for sile. roa cash, or ca tered on timo for Pre-emptors. All Warrants sold by us guaranteed in every respect. Wil I Die Declaratory State ments of intention to pte-empt, and prepare P.e-cmpfloa Papers at short notice, alouey ioaneor upon best ocuri ties, at western rates of interest, and investments made In Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Colleo ions upon all convenient points will be promptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted in exchaiiee, at current rates. ISills of Kxchause on F.nclar.d. Ireland, and Franco, ot tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on tbe Xask added. Deposits reccivcdcn Current account aud latere allowed on special deposits. OFFICE ilaia St., near U. S. Land office. RcrcEXKcca I.lnd, Brother 3t Co., Merchants, UcN aughton. Larson io., " liiser tt White, Toung, Carson Sc. Bryant. " Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'rof Port. E. U. Punderson Co. Merchants, M. M. Teakle k. Co. No. 17, Broadway, Win. T. Smithson, Esq., Hanker, T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, Philadelphia, Pa Baltimore, Md. I M M M C M Kew Tork. Wabiagton, D. C. Jno. S. Gatlaber, Late 3d Aud. C. S. T., " " Taylor & alriegb. Bankers, Chicago, 111. McClelland. ScruKits it Co. Alcrcnanls, W. Uum, m. Hon. Thos. 6. Pratt, Annapolis, an, Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Got. Kansas, Penn. Hon. Jas. O. Carson, Mercersburg, Pa. P. B. Small. Esq., PreVt 3. Bank, Uagerstowa, Mi. Col. Ceo. Schley, Atfy at Law, " " Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers, Keokuk. Iowa. II. C. N utt Jt Co. Council Bluff" Greene, Wesre it Rice, ' Pes Molne, " Douglass & Watson, " Vinton, ' Col. Sam llambleton, Att'y at Law, Kanton. Md. Judge Tbos. Perry, Cumberland, Ml. Prof. H. Tutwiler, Havana Alabama. Oct. 8, '67-vS-nli-tf Notice. Persons Indebted to the tlndcr.-ifnM will come for ward and settle as lonper indulgence will tot be given. Hotci tcrip takcu at par. TIIOiirSON &. MARSn. Brownville April 15rh, IS53. --tf T. W. BEDFORD, HCDSON GEOltCJE, Couuty Sur-evor Notary ruimc BEDFORD & GEORGE, StKYLYORS, CITIL ENGINEERS, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, BROWNVILLE NEBRASKA. Office on Uain Street. WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to them in the line of their profession. Will buy and sell Land warraius, make time entries, attend to the selec tion and location cf Government Lands, Survey Town sites, subdivide Lsnds, makeoutCity Plats tc, &c, Having been located in the Territory for tbe past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for actual settlers- Will nay taxes, investigate titles, and render assistance in contested cases at the U. S. Land Offl-e. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. WE R'B TO. lion. W C Revmlds. Kingston. Pcnn. John J Pendlct-n, Esq. Cincinnati, Ohio Hn Galutia A Grow Washington City, P. C. II. m Joseph G. Crane Payton. Ohi Kyall fc Charles, Ijind Acents, Sioux City, 1 jwa. Bis cri. Hedpes, Bankers do do Lu.-hbauch4L Carson, Bankers Brownville, N. T. R w. Furnxs.Esa. do do D. W, C. Cleaver, Geological Encitieer. Scrantots, Ta. Rntus It. Edwards, Esq. ?t. Joseph 3lo. Cl. John G. Fell Waver ley Pa W. G. Ge.rce, Real Estate Agent, Dayton Ohio Ap;i!8. 1S-M v2n41-yly Tqc prtprietors cf '-Porter's Spirit of theTimes," will in July next, make a fret- distribution of $1 OOO amuiig their Yearly Subscribers whose yearly subscription shall have three month!! to run, alter the date of dis tribution. For convenience, as well as te add interest to the Gilt, theuistribution will be governed by the re sult of the great race that is to be run in England on the 2S:h of July next, known as race for the Goodwood Cup. This contest is under the special patronage of tie Duke of Richmond, and is one of tbe most princely of the English ratine year. it was the meeting selected last year for the memorable debut of the American horses on the English Turi; and it is more than probable teat Prioress and other American horses will, ou the ap proaching occasion, appear in it again. As toere wiil probably, be thirty or forty horses en tered, and some fourteen or fifteen to start, we propose to distribute the si, boo as follows: First, we will comer a tree Gift of 8500 in cash, on the Subscriber who, in the distribution shall obtain tbe nameof the winning horse. To the subscriber holding the nameof the second horse, a free gift of $2Wi; tmd to the subscriber who holds the name of tbe third horse, a tree cilt of $100. Among those who hid .trie names rr the remaining horses which started, otber than the first three, we will distribute a free girt of $100 in equal parts; and among those who hold the names of horses which were entered and did not start, we ill distribute in like manner the remaining $100; so that there will be in all $1,000 in cash divided among atHit u gu;s. The distribution of the names of the horses among our subscribers will ' cnecreu oy putting tnem into a u ass ballot box. and taking tlieuccfootb simultaneously wilh the number of the receipt of each yearly subscriber as found upon our books. The horse thus drawn will, of course, become tno encs en competitor lor tte victory to the Yearly Subscribers, and each subscriber, will know ir he has drawn a horso, by the duplicate number of his receipt, which wc w ill forward him in advance from our books. ' The distribution of the berses' names will take place on the evening of Saturday, tbe S4th of July, at our tftlcc 310 Broadway, New York, on which occasion we shall alsodislrit ute the names of the same horses iu an other but entirely sepatate, Free Gift to Aeents. of Five Hundred Dollars, among those cf our re tail Agents who have leer. in the habit of selling ten or more copies of our paper regnlarly, for eight weeks pre vious to such distribution; and for every extra ten cop. ies each Retail Agent or Newsman may sell, he shall have an additional share in the Pistribhtion. We take this mode of rewarding our subscribers and Aids, in preference to employing Traveling Areu choosing rather thus to give what we would pay away in sivh oxpenscs and commissions, to tbe Subscriber lum. self. By this means, the subscriber receives for tbe usual subscription price, not only his paper for the year, but a larcc sum in cash in tbe shape of a very novel and inter est inu gratuity. The subscription prire nf Porter's Sririt is $3 a year. Postmasters and others who furnish ten yearly subscri bers, will in addition to their premiums, be entitled to one share for the Apeut s Uift. It is our present intention to continue this system cf cf Free Gilts, and make to our subscribers and A;ents to free distributions during the following and each suc ceeding year; the tlrst to be decided by tte EPSOM DER BY of 1839. to be run in the early Spring (and for which two American horses are already entered 1 aud the oth ersbythc PONCASTER ST. LEGER. the annual great meeting of Enelnnd .-or the Fall. As ia both these last named meetincs the-e are always about two hundred hich-mettled raiers entered, the interest that will at. tend tbe distribution of the competitors among tbe readers of our p iper may easily be conceived. For tbe present yeir. in consequence of the close ap- nrtacbof the Peiby, wc have clioscu for convenience, the great race for the Gjtilw.md Cup. p. S The I'.istrilmtion will take place publicly, under the superintendence cf a Committee of Subscribe! and Newsagents. Banking house of Lushbaugii it Carsos ( BroainvtHe February I. 1S53. J On and after this date, depositors accounts will be cpened for specie, currency and scrip payable in same kind of funds. Checks must be marked accordingly. Office hours from 9 to 12 A M and 1 to 3 P M. LCSHBACGH & CARSON", Fashionable Tailor. JACOB MAR1T0X, BROWN VIL.LE, NEBRASKA. Respectfully announces to the public that he has on hand a targe stock of Cloths, vestmgs, &c., Also a large assortment cf READY-MADE CLOTHING Which he will sell at cost prices. He flatters himself that he understands his business thoroughly and all work warranted coming from bis es tablishment, and charccs as low as any other competitor in this place or the V est. A ft eat Fit Guaranteed. i 1858 1858 Season Arrangement. REGULAR ST. LOUIS AND 6I0UX CITT P CKLT. INDEPENDENT LINE. For Lexington, Kansas, Leavenworth, Sumner. Atchison, St. Joseph, Ain.izoma, low i-viut, rrest Lity, w niiet. louu, jirownviiie, lin den, Nebraska City. PUttsmouth, Saint Marys. Believue Council Bluft.4. Omaha, Florence, Crescent Cuy, PeS-to, Woodviile. Tekamah, Decatur, Blarkbird, Oinadi, Sir- cent's Bluff, Dakotah, Sioux City, Pacific Cily, Coving ton, LoKan, Saint Johns, St. James, Concord uppochee, Nicbrarab and Ft. Randall. Tbe well known, light draught Freight, and unexcep tionable Passingcr steamer FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 163 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Fifth, Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOLX, & CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Hook and Job Type, Printing l'resses. Cases, Gullies, &e., 4c. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description, STE It EOT Y 11 N Ci of nil kind Books, Music. Patent Medioino Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, Ac, Cc. Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, JOHN P. TYSON. W. W. HACKNEY. TYSON & HACKNEY, GENERAL LAND AGENTS. BROWNVILLE, NEMAUA CO., X. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Land entered on Time. Claims ar.d Town Lots Bought and Sold. Loan Money, Alake Investments and Locate Warrants on time, for Distant Dealers. Prc-EmpUon Papers Prepared, OFFlCli Next door to U. S. Land Office. REFERENCES Steam IVElll, Patent Portable Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Reed, Holabird & Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplicty and economy; excel any Mill in the world. Un the late exhibition of tbe Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Jfedal was awarded them Cor U. It is adapted ti all Grain erindini'pcrpoges; it is superior to all others forthenxistextenive Merchant Milt, as it is for grinding the farmers feed by liorse power. ihe above .Mills arc manufactured, by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they con be furnishedin arjy quantity at short notice. Ihe above Mills warranted to perform as follows: 36 ii. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 44 M m 3o u 15 " 250 2 i . u 20 " 13 2D0 20 " " " " 15 " 8 - 150 As this Mill tells its own story.it is unnecessary to quote from our numerous recommendations, received Watchmaker & Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK PORT, MO. BEGS leave to inform tbe public that be baa located In the above named town and offers tor salt a choice stock of CL 0 CKS, WA TCIIES, JE WELR Y, . and other articles usually kept In such establishments' at prices which cannot be coinp lai dc I of. He inn an exper ienced watchmaker beflatiers him-olf that in repairing watches, clucks and jewelry La can five perfect satisfac tion. l'J 6 in. Eagle Mills. BT. JOSEPn, KO. JAMES CARGILL Proprietor. MANUFACTURES anil keeps constant! on hand for sale, all kinds of Floor, Meal and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable term. Ca?h paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to everybody at ever used it. M. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 19:3. vlnl.l-ly Geo. IT. Nixon, Register L. O., C. B. Sm th. Receiver, " Smock w illiaius, L. R. Tut tie, B. R. Pepra-n & Co., Backers, Hon, G. W. Sci ficld, R. L. McGhee & Co.. Tootle &. Fairleigh, Oct. 1. '57 Brownville, N. T. 44 4. Lexington, Mo. Omaha City. N. T. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Warren. Fenn. St. Louis, Ho. St. Joseph, " rill, on the earlier opening of navigation, resume her trips in theahove trade, (and all intei mediate points on the Missouri river ) and continue them with her usual regularity, throughout the entire season. Thankful for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon the OMAIIA the past ceason, we trust by strict atten tion to the business, the wants of shippers and comfort of passengers, to merit a continuance of the same. AMJlttw i.uaau, Jtaster. J. J. Wilcox, Clerk. ilarch 25. n393m Lightning Rods. STAXD FROM IXDER! To all whom it may concern, you are hereby informed that the tiiidcrsigued is now engaged in putting up tbe best class of Lightning Rods manufactured in the East, and on the most reasonable terms Having had long ex perience in the business, he warrants all work done by him to be done right. H. 11. XAKSU. REFERENCES. James Buchanan, Washington. I). C J J. C. Brecken- ridge. Washington. l t; Airs i icinria. linuon, . r.ng- . mmrtTITTlVTO A m T A TTT land; Louis mpol.vw Bonaparte, Paris, France; Eruper- Mil JXVlM Hi X D Xi, J. JLlXi. VV . OMADI, N. T. W. II. lVIIalalASIS, WHOLES ALK AND RETAIL PEALEJt IN STOVES & TINWARE Orogon, IVXo. rpAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or i eon and the public in ecncral, that he has on hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at rm rj -ri -pj a. noicsaie ana itetan at at. Louis prices. J.1IU DteaLLi J?U1I V AJUctb I would call particular attention to my stock of i " rOMTNfr TO TCTMHVNVMJ.K COOkIU STOVES, comprising the moet improved 1J LU4.MliNtT IU 15ttUm V lLilarj, ttcrn3both Air-Tijrht and Premium. Ainoni them AnO I , K f.,,,1,,1 Filled Ch,.rt flolr ll.4W4Ur.nnir Iff T I "J w lou irM m inj o vst iv t v un iiiv v v o ct v v v in v m .m.m , use. thn Aiati Air.l iht. 1'inncpr and rnicFrc. mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, which 1 will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IX TOWN" Particitlar attention paid to mnkme and putting np Tin u utters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. w. w. ILLIAJIS. vl-n5 Oregon. Mo.. July 5. H5H. EXIASTUS PARKER IS now preircd to prepare and make out Pre-emption pa pers and warrant them to be correct. I have taken the trouble to post myself up in regard to the Pre-emption Laws anl contested Claims, and will always feel pleasure in giving advice, gratis, to those who may call on me. llav inga desire to remain permanently settled in Nemaha county, I will exert my tune and talents to trie auvance- ment of our new and prosperous county and Uie Territory at large. Land w arrants liougnt ana &oia. OFFICE, one door West of Crane tt Hill's, in Brown &. Hallam's t ew Ofllce, where he can be found at all tiaies during business hours. I bavo some good claims to sell of tbe first cboice, tim bered aid prairie. ALSO Several good and eligible lots in Brownville, which lv i .l dispose of cheap fjr cash or on time, purchas er paying ten per cent interest. J,. K. fAiti-til. Brownville. N. T. Oct. 15, 1S37. violdly Nebraska 3Ioney -Take IVotlee From n. after this date we will not take any Xw braska paper except the Flatte Valley Bank and Bank Nebraska, only at a discount of ten par cent. I. T. WHITE X CO. BroT-nville, March 8th, 1S.W no38. NEV ARRIVAL and TIN W A II E . CHRISTIAN DEVSER. liUOWNVILLE, ANOUNCi.S to the public that he has just re ceived, per Steamer Emma, a very 1 urge and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved pattern", as follows: Shanghai Elevated Oven. COOK SIOATES, Buck's Clipper Oven. Lnprovea Pattern u Charter Oak " all of which I pledge myself trscll at as fair rate and on as accommodating terras as any other estab lishment in this region of country. I have also now on band every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron warn, and am prepared to put np guttering and spoutin and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrantto give satisfaction. A share of patronage, is solicited. C DEUSElt. ItrownviTIe, July IGth, 1857. v2n5 ly 75 PLNE JJUOKS, For sule, by I. T. WnVTE k CO. w. rt ETT. PUETT li. II. WILklNSOS. Potter Wanted. I will give employment to a good, industrious Potter well acquainted with the business. JOHN McrHERSOX. nI3tr Brownville. Dec 5. 1S57. 75,000 lbs. Bacon. & WILKINSON, AND LTFORD k HORN, Sonora, Mo , have for sale, for cah, 75,000 pounds excellent bacon. v'2n36-ly March 1, '68 cheap Dissolution. or Alexander, m. reiersourg, nustia. Brownville March -25 m3i)if New Spring Goods, 185S. BROWN & CO., Hy ?Iain Street Saint Louis, Invite Merchants visiting St. Louis to their immense "ock of New Spring Goods, IMPORTATION OF 1858, Klsrk Grode Rhine Silks; Black and Colored Satins ; JrintMi Jaconets; Challies; Pubages; White Uoods; nbroiderie ; Lace Goods; Gloves; Hosiery; Lace 'U, kc. Brown fc Co., bave ready for exhibition tbe latest urof,n aT)() American styles of boiips and hn.p skirts ; ren Skirt reeds ribbous of all styles, silk cravats, rei trimmings; brushes, comb, buttons, together with r ewe prauls, of the latest and most fashionable encn. Cah huye. close purchasers, and prompt men, vls- this market, are invited to examine vur stock and BROWN, A CO., TO Main Street Saint Louis. April 14, ou ii. LVTUEK UOADLKY. ROBEKf V. MC1B. IIOADLET & 3IIIR, Broivnvillc, Xenialia Co IV. T., Wiil select Uovt rniucnt Lands ; locate Land N ar rants in Nebraska, Kansas Western Missouri and Iowa; collect debts; pay taxes for non-residents; buy and sell property on commission ; Land War rants bought aud sold at market prices ; Pre-emption papers prepared, 4c. We have for stile lots in the City cf Brownville, South Urownvillc, Nemaha City, Table liock, Omaha, SU Joseph, Mo., Elwood, Ksn-as Territory, ljinds near Table Kock, Pawnee county, for sale. Also, in Nemaha county, improved property for sale or rent. Office Corner main and First Streets. REFERENCES. Lucius nopkins,l"rs't Importers 4 Traders'Batik NT. David Hoadlcy Prs't Panama Railroad, Gen. C. T. Hillyer- ..Charter Oak lUnk. Hartford, Lee, Butler Co. Hartford, Conn, Collins, Kellogg Kirby St.lxiuis, Mo., Thomas W. Phelps Mobile, Ala., C. Wilson A- Co. Eutaw, Ala. Wm. P. Webb, Afy M. B. Osborn & Co., P.ot k Island, TJ. Ja's ILArchibald, GenT AgTD.I-.AW.K.R. Scranton Gillespie, Pearee A Co., Bankers ..-Carbondale, Pa. Rev. T.S. Ward - Uthoro A Jones Sernnton, B.G. Morse- lit?d V William Krotbingham, Att'y Albany, N. Y. Rev. K. Vclson, Prirxij! Wyoming Seminary. N.Y. J. A. Parker f- Co., Wasi iogton. I. C. A. T. (lilini-r. lii'ceiver lnl 025 -e Omaha Horace Everett, Council Bluffs, la. Brownville, Ajii 1, lSd3. D1YORCC B. X. nutchins, ) In the Richardson County vs. District court. Second Judi- 1 Elistbetn ITutcbins.J cial District, May term, ISoS To Elizabelh ilulchins. tho defendant in the I ease. You will please take notice, that I nave pronght an actmn in the iiK-nardson t-ounty uistrict i.oun, Second Judicial District of Nebraska leintory against you to obtnin decree of divorce 1mm the bands ot matrimony, wtnou nave nnncrio unuea us. my arplication for a divorce is founded upon the ground of vour bavins cominiiieu adultery, a nearinj will" be had upon my s&id application in the eaid countv. on the first Tuesday iu May, 1353, whn and where you cap attend anl make defense against the said charse. II. U. Ul lOlUAA. Territory of Nebraska,! County of Richardson, f I certify that tte foregoing cntitlod fnit bss been brought in the Richardson County District Court, as set forth in the above notice, that tbe papers therein are now on file in my office and that the summons has been returned no et iarft, as to the defendant. Witness my hand tnd private seal, (thcro being no seal yet providodfor tho said court, it e Z;n day of March ISii. MA5TIN Wr. RIPEN, Clerk, Per Geo. Van Lew, Deputy Clerk. April, 1, ISoS. oo40 4t SS. J. D N. THOLIP30N, Attorney at Law, Has resumed his professional bsinoss, and will prac tice in all the Courts or Nebraska, wtd the Court in Atchinson county. Mo. Ofllce one door west of I. T. Whyte's store, Brownville XebrasKa. Brownville, April 22, 1S53. niZ ly Land Warrants! FOR CASH MD ON TIME, To Pre-emptors. Buy of regular dealers, and avoid bcitns warrants. All warrants sold at the efftee are guaranteed to be genuine in every respect, and win ue exenancea u oe- fective. LisaBAUGii & carson. Bankers and Dealers in Land Warrants. Brownville. N. T.. April 22, 18i8. a3 Will attend to all business entrusted to their care REFERENCES Erown A ILillam desolvcd partnership to take ef fect from the first of March last. Either of the firm will attend to the settling up the business, and are authorized to use the name ot the firm for that pur pose. BROWN & HALLAM. April I'U fSJ. A. B. IIOLLABIRD & CO., Maf lilnbts, Founders and Engine Builders, liont street. West of Smith, CINXINNATI, O. Wowld rW.fH resiectfaVly inforni their friends tnd tee public jtcncrally, that they are now pre pared to execute ail orders in their line, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop d wilh the increased facilities they now possess, they bopeW merit a continuation of the liberal pntrtnage which has heretofore been extended to them. aw Mi engines or every Description Constantly on ban : consisting of the Sash, Circu lar and Mulcy. Mill Gears and every descriptirin of Jastings. warranted to be well made in every particu lar. They bave al?o a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that lino furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other siio.p in the country. i nose in want oi anything in our une, wouia ao well to give us a call and examine our new pattern Col. Jesse Williams, Gov. Jos. A. Wright, Mr. F. N. Knock, Hon. John U. Davis, Hon. Geo. L. Miller, Fairfield, Iowa. Indianapolis, Iod, Washington City. Rockviile, Ind. Omaha City. N. T. $6000 Scrip Wanted, For tbe same amount of Real Eftate in Brownville at low figures. Apply to LTJSHBACGII Bt CARSOX TO CLAIM NOTICE. To all wh.m it may con cem Ton are hereby notified that 1 will appear at the Land Office in Brown ville, cnTturfday April 29 ls'S. at 2 o'tlik P M, to prove up my r:grt of pre-emption to the- nnith-west quarter of thei-ouih-cast quarter and the torth baif f tbe fouib-west qtnrter aud tbe sonthwest of southwest quarter of section one, in townshin six ranee four teen east. JOSEPH LAVE DKR. Brownville, April 22, 1S53. ai3 it 3IAXlFACTOItY. X. 10, 3IAIN STREET, BrotrnvUle, N. T. WILLIAM T. DEN, itespectfally informs the public that he has just re ceived bis new stock of Boot and Shoe material, and is now prepared to furni-b any desired article in his line at as low prices as any otber establishment in theTcr ritory. All work warranted. lie hopes by strict attention t business, and keeping constantly on hand a superior assortment of Leather, Trimmings. Ac, for home manufacture, to still merit that lihprai patronace which be has heretofore received. JjRepajrinir done on the shortest notice 3 All w.vfc to be paid for ca delivery. April 22. v5al ZOOK & BALDWIN, Forest City, 2VXo.v 33 DHL XJ G And MEDICINES. Cliemicals, Dye Woods, Dyestiiffs, OIIh, Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, W indow-glass aud Futtv, GLASSWARE, French, English, and American Perfumery. e-ivl' :ui i .k. n- - k.;. . ...1 fri tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent Jq al instruments, spices snuffs, manufactured tooiceo; an the patent medicines ot trie day; pure wines and brandies, for medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, etc.etc. Agents ror tiie sale or Wistar's Balsam of Wild Clcrry. Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Cancbalagua. Osgood's India Cliolngoj;ue. Jones' American Cholagngue; Guysott's Yellow dock and S'arsaparilla smith s Tonic Syrup. July 2-1. 1S57. JOHN A. PARKER & CO., WASIIIXGTOX, D. C JOnX A. PARKER, late Reeister of the Land Office, Omaha, X. T., having resumed bis ifttce will hereafter, Id connection with one of the best Land Lawgivers in the country, attend to all business confided to him; and es pecially Which be has made himself thoroughly acquainted with by study and practice for years. . He refers to the Heads of Departments and jf embers of Congress of both Houses. All applications for services mo.it be accompanied with a fee to insure attention. JanoarySS, 1358. n.Jl-lr GEO. S. EAYER k CO., . m rars mdb, General Land Agents, ' Glenwocxl, Plattsireuth, Jlillseo, Iowa, Ca?j co, Nebraska. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves tigating Title, Paying Taxes, Investing mon ey, Baying and Selling Town Lots, Buying; yellinj and Locating Land Warrants, and all other bine- connected with their profession in Western Iowaacd Nebraska. J. M. DBVS, Associate Atterj REFEREXCF-S: Greene, Weare A Benton, O. D'uehty A Co- Council Kls.ST.4, Jowa. Dr. 44 44 U U u. v2cl-yly DTIKSERVED FRUITS; Strawberries, Peaches, IT Whortltberrics 4c , te., to be had at LT.WUYTEiC0'3. BROWNVILLE TEAHI MILL, NOEL, LAKE k EMERSON. BrowrL-VTlllo, HT T. ' N. B. We would rospcctfulty inform tho citi- icns of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we have alwoys on band a large and well selected supply of LUJIBEIl, which wecan furnish at low er rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for log., delivered at the yard or on tbe bank of the river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receiv our immediate attention. Seed Corn and Seed Wheat For Sale at tbe Farm at Prairie Forest on "ite Brownville, April 1. I10ADLEY A MU&. Greene, Weare A Rice, Greene A Weare, Nixon A Goodman, Tootle A Greene, N. W. Thomas, !"chooly A Sn Gen. VVm. Irick, II. Johnson, I. Reed A Son, Robinson A Rro. Burlington Co. Baiik, Fi. Dm Miaee " Cedar Rapid. " nwrowati, Ohio. G?wotH!. I .wa, CWiait44ti, Ol.i... M 44 Virrtii,N.J. )fi?!ittown, liil!phia,Pa. MeJforJ, . J. JOSAS CKAII- cm THEODORE Mil . F0W aKf. a A ) COMMISSION MtRCHIK TB A.ND SIEA-1 liOAT AGENTS"' flour, Bacou. Ac. !. It. '37 liaix.ii, itc BROWXVII.X.JC. X T. land Warrants. 17.0C0 Acre, of Land Warrants for sale ami ia Io. a to i rt-crmdor., b, TYSON k HACKS ET.