Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 29, 1858, Image 1

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Ay -Ay
NO. 44.
Nebraska duuettiscr.
rrciioryHoailey &. Muir's Building,
(Corner of Mala ad First Streets.)
F.BeyeBrirpa.iiB-i'". - - fMJ
' .4 i the end of months, ;,50
M 3, co -
Cab of 1 J or m f will be farciihel at S1.S0 per
ubub. prorided the caa accompanies the order,
But 6'vliCT" iM-
-are f U I'; -ne insertion,
Each add.tiaaal iBserticn,
Use square, cne nv.'-.o.
WV.l select Usdi, inTet:rte titles pay Uses, Ac.,
;UiCT in Kansas or brsk ; bur, teil, and enter
lands oa cimmisunn; tnet in town prooenf , buy or
ell tbe udk. and will i"irt Bae on hauS correct
flats of tuwat,lri, counties. fcwiaf all lawU sub
ject to entry, and where den red will ruraiah paruea Lit
iar in tne stale with tLe ume.
Beinf the oldest settler In the county wilt la all
cases be able to five full and reliable informatu.
A-Wre A. L. Coate, either at BrownriUeor Xeraaha
City. Kera..ka territory. r-fc-r.
dree mottLs,
" s;l inoa:tis,
a one year,
tene Cards of six Lcei or less, cne year,
VotCoiaBin one year,
Tjae-aalf CBmn, neyeir,
- fourth "
" CoiBtBtt, tlX BJOBthS,
half Column, fix moctLt,
IVurh "
VrV. fc - "
" Wtrnn three niont&j,
kalf Column, three m;ntbi,
foanV -
;Sth m m u
aBBoswieg- ranlidate for oSce (i adTacee,) 5.00
Caia tB ad ran-e wi'.l bereqcireJ ff-r all adertie-
fetaU eirejt where artnal rejpor.Mbility ii known.
Tea per eett f ar each chaaje wiU bea4ied to the
1W1 rate.
Kb adreniement wir beeotuidered by the year,
taleat ipeeified on the njacBenpt, or preTiously
arwed apoa between the parties.
AderU.nieBU n-t nsarksl on theory for a
!&4 BBBtber of inrti -ns, will be eonUBued nntil
rered octand cbarp-d aoordirp'y
Araieru.ens?nt fro!B ?trar.rortranient pr
anna La ( nlA in adranr.
. -. . i
Tbe priri of yearly a-lrert;er wi,i oe eonan
i ndjed.y to their own"bttiBe:and all adrertie
Bttu Dot i-ertaiBics thereto, to be paid for ex
tra. ,
Tear'y airert'ieri tare the priTDce of ehaBjiBg
Iheir a4rertien3f cti qnarterly.
A'J leaded a-irerlisements charged doable the
Vtc rate. .
Adrervaemsr.t? on the iBid exelttsirely wul be
taved extra.
Browimlle, Nebraska.
TTi'.l practice ia tne Cor'.t ofKebra&ka,an4 Korth
M Ki&aoBri.
MefT. Crow, JfcCreary &. Co.;
Ilm. JimmM. Hofhs,
Hub. Jfco K. Stieply,
Bon. JametCraic,
Bun. Siloa WaudsuB.
J wire A. A. Bra t'ord,
S. F. Nockoll. Kf-q ,
Ct. Vnit, Mo.
St. Jartepk, Ho.
Xebraska City, K.
1 ' r I
Baring added to tie Adrert'.JCf 02?e Card and
J Prwawi.New Type of the latest f?y!e, liiki of
a2eoMrei,Ernie,"r ir.era7f'r, Enyelopes, Ae.; we
art bow prepared to exernse Job Work of every de
Hriptio ia a etyle a?urpmed by aey other oEee
the I sited Mate.
Partiralar at urn lion will be pren to order from
i.ftaw ia haria; tbeia prorortly attended to.
Tae Prorrieinrs harin' had an extensiTe exr
riaara, wUl pire their persoaal attention to this
araaca f banners and Kope, in their eniearor to
rinii, bota in the excellence of their work, and
naaoaaUe charges to reeeire a share of the public
Surveyor and Land Agent,
Ti I ! attend promptly to the selection and loca
tion el Government lands in the Xemaha lanl dis
trict: surveying town sites, and subdividing lands;
drafting city plats, and all other banners of a Gener
al Surveyor. He wi'.l locate warrants on time for
distant dealers: file declaratory statetenients of in
tention to pre-empt ; make out pre-emption papers;
and always on hand to look cut claims fur actual set
tlers. EEFEI! TO
W.TV. Fancer. M. D, ew Tork City,
Sewal A Withiagton, Boston. Mws.
Rev. T. W. IT .we, l'aUckala Ohio,
Col.W. E. Atkinson.
emerge H.Nixrn. Kesis'.er Land Of5ee. Brown ville,
LnV,ban;h A Carson, Bankers, Brownville, N. T.
K. W. Furnas, "
Real Etfat & General Collecting Agents,
A?ents for Iowa Ins. Co., Oskaloosa,
ALL busiie ensrseJ to our care will meet with
prompt anemiun and warranted correct. Paper prepar
ed for persona wit-tufie to pre-eDpt, Declaratory state
ment maoe out, etc., e'e.
J3Omce on First street, north of I. T. "Wlrte k Co.I
J. W. Grimes, Ex-Oovemor Iowa
T. L. Price do Hit-souri
JtUf'.iB A Kiie do do
O. 5. kavreitCo., G'.enwood. Inwa
G. rx-uphty Cuuncjl B.uff, Iowa
Apri! 8. n.' v2n41-ly
Attorncr at Law,
Land .tsreat and Notary Public.
.irchtr, Richardson Co., .V. T.
WIU practice in the Courts of Xebrafka,assitei
by Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City.
Archer, Richarason lonmy, y. 1.
Xaia Street, cae door abore C arsons Bank.
Lonruit and Trimmings alvays on hand.
ArcMtect and Builder.
Trxr-r 22?. rzLZV. l-z -rrrxs 22.
Urownrlllo, T.
Real Kstatc Acnt,
TIoB.Wm.JessBp, Montrose, Fa.
B. Bentiv, - - -
Joha C. JiiUer. Chicago, Til.
W. t. MeAUister, - - -Charles
F. Fowler, - " "
' R. W. Furnas, Browuvilte, X. T.
n r ike. "
Kay 7. 155.
I. T. Whyte & Co.,
Qaeensware, Hardware,
tovosi. rurnlturo,
Country Produce,
Xo 49 Main street, bet. Olire ana irme,
rarticulsr attention paid to manufactnriag our
Cnert Mole Hats.
Congress Tliirtj Tears Ago.
'Gen. Sam Houston is said to be the
only member of the present CongTess,
who was also a member thirty-fire years
ago, when Edward Ererett formed one
of the three hundred constituting; that
There are some slight inaccuracies in
that statement (say the -A", O. Pitxrpint)
although not material. The Congress, in
which Geneml Houston and Mr. Everett
were members together, was that of 1825
-'27, more than thirty years ago, but not
thiny-fire ; and the whole number of I
members was 231, and net 300. It is of 1
that Congress that Gen. Houston was the
only member who is a member of this
Congress. But he is far from being the
only surviving member, and there is at
least one member of this Congress tvho
was in Congress long previous to 1S25.
Mr. Crittenden, the venerable Senator
from Kentucky, was in the Senate in
1S17, more than forty years ago. Hous
ton left Congress in 1827, and did not
come back till 1S46, having not only been
out of Congress, but for the most part out
I of the Union, brought back, if all accounts
of his ante-annexation coquetry with
England be true, rather agaicst his wilL
That Congress contained a great many
men who have since acquired great rep
utations, and occupied the highest posi
tions in the country. Four of its mem
bers, Van Buren, Harrison, Polk, and
Buchanan, have since been elected Presi
dent. Two Richard M. Johnson and
Wm. R. Kicrr have been elected Vice-
Presidents. The presiding officer of the
senate was John C. Calhoun, then in the
zenith of his popularity and the highest
vigor of his intellect. The eccentric Ran
dolph occupied the seat which, at the
close of the term, was filled by John Ty
ler, afterwards President. Daniel Web
ster was in the House, and Hush L.
White in the Senate men whom large
masses of devoted friends uuavailingly
strove to elect to the Presidency. Benton,
then a giant among orators and statesmen
was in the Senate; so was Hayne, of South
Carolina, who died so young, and so deep
ly lamented ; Forsyth, who never had a
superior as a debater in the Senate, after
wards Secretary of State and minister to
Spam; Louis McLane, who successively
became becretaxy of State and of the
Treasury, and minister to England; Levi
Woodbury, afterwards Secretary of the
Navy, of the Treasury, and Justice of
the supreme Court of the United States
In the House, besides McDuffie and
Hamilton, and Philip P. Barbour men
wno nave lett great reputations uncon
neciea wi;n putnc stations mere were
Edward Livingston of Louisiana, Secre
tary of State and minister to France; W
L. Kives, or lrgmia, also minister to
France; Andrew Stevenson, of Virrinia
.. T-v 1- 1 1 . T
minister to rngianu; ana, moucrli we
name mm last, not tne least conspicuous
there, Mr. Everett himself, whose name
had already become widely known for
ripe scolarship, and who became, succes
elapsed when a kick from a ride us horse
killed him. Robert consoled the widow,
and determined at the expiration of a
year or so to marry her. He had too
much respect for her to press his suit im
mediately, and did not for fifteen months,
when he proposed. To his horror she
informed him that she was already enga
ged, and that in three months more her
second marriage was to be consummated.
Two years passed. In the meantime the
widow and her husband moved to Syra
cuse, N. Y., and Robert pciiessed by
some strange hallucination followed them.
That season the cholera swept that city,
and among its victims was the second hus
band. Robert allowed a year to pass, and
was on the point of urging his claims,
when he received an invitation to her
wedding. She was to be married to her
: husband's partner. Robert remon
strated. The lady assured him that her
present step was rot one of love, but
purely of necessity. The partnership
affairs of her late lamented were in such
state that settlement was impossible,
and to save immense losses she had deter
mined upjn marrying the surviving part
ner. She assured him alio that her sen
timents towards him were unchanged, and
that should she ever become a widow
again, she would give him the preference
She was married and in a short time re
moved with her third husband to Detroit,
Mich. But a fatality seemed to pursue
ner. Herself anl nusbana were on
board of a steamer that was wrecked
near Buffalo some years since. The hus
band perished and she escaped only
through the superhuman eiertions of a
friend who happened to be on board.
The friend was ycunsr, unmarried, and
his gallantry inspired such sentiments in
the breast of the widow, that she married
him before Robert had time to claim her
When he learned the state of affairs, he
was somewhat indignant, but she toll him
the circumstances and managed to satisfy
him with the promise that if she ever be
came widowed again, she would most po
sitively marry him. The lady with her
fourth husband settled on a farm near
Bacyrus, while Robert removed to Mans
field that he might be near her. In the
course of a year, they removed to Pitts
burgh, where the husband went into raer
cantile business on Liberty street resid
m?, however, m Alleghany city. Robert
followed them, and finding employment
determined to watch the chances closely,
One day he was passing the store of Mr.
, when he saw a terrible commotion
Rushing in he saw Mr. , a mangled
corpse upon the floor. A cast of rice
which was being hoisted had fallen and
Clayoa cite Loo.
Real Estate and General Agency,
James Wricht. Broker, XewTcrk,
Wm. A. Woodward. Esq.
Hon. K. Wood, Ex-Got. of Ohio, CleTeland,
Wicks. Otic and Brownell,Bai.kers, "
AlcottA Ilorton, '
Col. Robert Carey bell, St. Lonts,
James Kidrwar. E?q. " "
Crawforn and ackett, Chicago.
Omaha CitT.Anc.30.1555. t1b13-1j
The Red Petticoat.
' A mess Song Tune, Ytnttt DoodU.
Yankee Doodle has they aay.
A tact for imitation )
Sre how eagerl;- he takes
To foreign innovation.
We make a wonderful ado
Abont oar independence,
And yet to fore: fa shrines of taste
We dance a strict attendance.
A laglaa overcoat we wear
- 2to folly conld be bigger
' - A Htirt cpon a pole would est
About as'neat a Cgiie. ' '
Etgenie hoop, the Imperial form.
The Tankee Ladies follow;
Attd ia immensity of spread
They whip the Empress hollow.
The latest novelty that comes
"Was born across tht channel;
The little Queen, to please the ScotU
Has kilted the re4 flannel.
And presto ! to our happy shore
The wondrous tidings passes .
And Broadway's pave Is checkered o'er
frith bonnieHieland lasses.
Once in a way why can't e have
A truly Tankee notion ?
Nor such profound allegiance pay
To fashions 'cross the ocean f
'What could be finer now than this,
(and mark ye too bow dashing !)
A petticoat red, white and blue,
With aiiver stars al 1 flashing ?
Then hang the Tankee colors out
(And Scottish skirts confound 'em,)
Our girls shall take tbe world by storm,
With the stars and stripes around 'em.
Fatal Rencontre.
One of the bloodiest and most desperate
encounters ever recorded, even in the
annals of Kentucky, took place in Spring'
field, Washington county, between Ben.
Palmer and . Mack Booker. The for
mer was instantly killed, and the latter is
not expected to survive his wounds.
There had been some ill feeling between
the two arising from the election of Boo
ker to the command of a company that
had been raised in that county to go to
The particulars of the desperate afl ray
are these: The parties met in the bar
room of a tavern in Springfield, and an
altercation instantly ensued, one or the
other first using his fists. Each then drew
a revolver and fired four shots apiece in
rapid succession, three of Palmer's hit
ting Booker one in the left hand, a sec
ond in his leg, a third in the left breast.
The first shot fired by Booker struck Pal
mer in the groin, penetrating the blad
der a mortal wound. He was also
wounded in the leg. After exhausting
killed him instantly. He inquired if any
one had been sent to acquaint, his wife of
the accident. Yes the first clerk had
just started. Looking once more at pocr
Mr. , to make sure that he was per
fectly dead, Robert started for Allegheny
as fast as his legs could carry him. The
first clerk was only a trifle ahead of him,
and Robert knowing the importance of
being in time, from past experience, and
fearing that the clerk had designs upon
the widow, ran like an Indian. Side by
ft A fk Vv M n .mtil Vn wmiA V r A wVw
-w - - , 4 t- 1 i ic . : uicy tail, uuui ury icatucu tut;
Xtbraska City, .V. T., hnd GltnvooJ, Ia
ILL practice ia all the C
Western Iowa. I'artk
arts of Nebraska and
of State
It was a remarkable body which inclu
ded these men, Very few of the mem
bers survive, and of the whole list, Pres
ident Buchanan is the only one nsw in
public life, excepting General Houston.
Mr. Bjchanan was, however, a man of
mark then. Gen. Houston was only
known for some eccentricities, which
soon after made him notorious, if not
famous; and his titles to distinction, what
ever they are, tvere earned on another
field than in the councils or service of the
United States.
In looking over the list of members of
this Congress, -as published in .Yiles'
Register of December, 1825, we notice a
curious circumstance. The list contains
the full names of every member cf the
House of Representatives, but one.
There was a new member from Tennes-
ged to stop to make change, while Robert
who paid toll by the year, passed without
delay, He reached the house, told the
heart-rending news and obtained a solemn
pledge from the widow before the clerk
arrived. This time she was true to her
promise, and after a year had passed they
were married. As all her husbands died
wealthy. Robert is very comfortably fixed.
His history shows what perseverance will
cbtainir-, locating Land W artants.and eouectica ol
TT Twi Ca. Detixit.
JnlinsD. Morton, " f
Got. Joel A. Mattesn, Springnc'd, III
Got. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa;
B. P. FiErel. St. Louis.Mo.:
Hon. Daniel O. Mortcn.Toledo.Ohio;
P. A. SarrT.Be!levue,Sebraka:
Sedr-wich'A Walker. Chicago. LI:
Green, Weare A Benton, Council EluCs.Io
laiar attention paid u see, whose chistian name could not be
found out by the compiler; and so he put
him down thus : Polk. Twenty years
afterwards, this obscure gentleman, of
whose identity there was so much ques
tion in 1925, was elected President of
the United Stales.
OrefW. Eolt County, Missouri.
V ioiirtaa t'toi hand all dejcrir tiou of Harness,
Saddle, Bridles. Ac, A.
S. E. EveryBrticieiBOBrshopismaBufactBred
T rselresiaad warranted to fire satif fac tioa.
Attorney and Counsellor, at Law.
And Notary Public
TTTTLL attead prossptly to all buioe en trailed
te kis care, ia Jiebraska Territory a&d West
re lwa,
&n"fiteri;,lSS6. rlclS-ly
A 1CHI1, SICnilD05 CO. !T. T.
- Tli practice is tie ereral Cjcrt of the id Judicial
JiTct, and attend ta:l matters cotiaecsd with the
rta. -WM McLla. ,E1 . Netraka City,
win mum ia tbe prucst U sr pxftaBt SuU.
la, 'tvu-u
J a s. . TE?T. J AS. D. wrilTS.
Council Blu?s,Icwa. J NebiaskaC
(Successors to Biden 4 White.)
HAyLNG made arrangement by which we will
receive accurate copies of all the Townships
embraced in the Eastera portion cf Nebraska, we
are now prepared to o2r our services to the
Scvatters of .Ytbraska Territory."
In rcling Declaratory Statements of Inten
tion to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-emptions.
Locating Land Warrant-
Land TTarrant Bought and Sold.
Particular attention paid te Boying and Selling
Property on commission: Also, to making Collections
and forwarding remittances to ary part of the Union.
Blanks of all kinds alwars on hand.
Hon. A. A.Bradford, Nebraska City.
8. F. Nuckolls,
Mesa. Dolman A West, St. Jope, VJ-
Peter A. Keller. Washington City
Tbnma Lumpkin, "
Jaae 23,155. t!-b
Second Street,between Main acd Nebraska,
Perseyerance Rewarded.
We clip the following story from the
Bucyrus (Ohio) Journal. Of course we
do not know who this modern Jacob
mav be:
We picked up a Pittsburch paper the
other day, and saw therein the marriage
of a couple that formerly resided in this
lace. There are many marnases in
other towns of people who have once liv
ed in Bucyrus, and we do not pretend to
law B -
record them at all, but m mis instance
there is an incident of too uncommon a
nature to be passed over. It is as follows:
Twelve years ago the bride was a
young lady of twenty; the daughter of a
wealthy merchant in asnington, renn.
In her father's employ was a young man
named Robert , who, the youn? lady
being bewitchingly beautiful, as in duty
bound, feu desperately in love with her.
She reciprocated the attachment an! they
were betrothed. Unfortunately, the young
lady's father entered his protest against
this pleasant arrangement, and according
ly the young people put off the happy day
indefinitely. About a year afterwards
she received a most tempting proposal,
which, urged by her father, she accepted
Farm and Garden.
From the Country Gentleman.
"Cot any Ashes ?w What to do with
inem. .
"Got any ashes?" asked an itinerant
gatherer of the dust, calling out from the
"Yes, a hundred bushels or so," an
swered the farmer.
Down iumped the ''ash-man," and was
about to open the gate when he was told
"Hold on!"
"Hold on ! .why, I want a lead of your
But they are not fortaU my friend ;
WW W 11 w
we snail need ail we nave lor use ai
Wondering what one min or woman,
rather could want of a hundred bushels
of ashes, the "pedler" went grumbling on.
Farmer, let him go ! If you got "any
ashes," keep them, and use them at home
as a manure for your farm. Let us give
you some authorities in regard to their
Ashes have been employed as a ferti
lizer of the soil from a very early age.
Cato, a Roman writer upon agriculture,
recommended the use of wood-ashes as a
manure, and the ancient Jews, Rcman3,
and Britons, burned over their stubbles
preparatory to another crop. In modern
times they continued to be employed, but
not as largely as their value wou.d com
mand, were it better understood and ap
preciated by the farmer.
Ashes are said by Browne, to "render
clayey soils mellow, and to give consisten
cy to those which are light, rather suiting
moist than dry soils, but it is necessary
that the former should be well drained."
"From four to six bushels per acre," ac
cording to Johnston, -'may be applied to
thin, almost sterile soils, with good ef
fect, larger quantities would be too ex
hausting, unless the soil be naturally rich
in vegetable matter, or mixed from year
to year with a sufficient quantity of barn
yard manure."
Ashes are employed in Great Britain
a3 a manure for root crops, and are used
for this purpose in connection with bone
dust, and drilled in with the seed. Ac
cording to Johnston as much as fifteen
bushels of each are app-ied to an acre,
and often with great success. Turnips,
carrots, and potatoes, seem equally ben
efitted by ashes. "They may be used
with advantage for almost every class of
crops," says Browne, "but especially for
grass, gram, and Indian corn, though
k: ri ui.i v:, :.w accoruintr to oprensrei, -tne unnieumie
ma si-uia, laiiuci uuiitru 1.13 l'iiiui wnui , e. e i. ,
igth a-ainst Booker, who, ?ent 01 aes 13 IDOsJ Ppuoie
from one acre of orchard. HughJIatch
of Camden, N. J., obtained from four
trees of the Tewsbury Blush, 110 bushels
of apples, or 35 bushels from each tree.
Examples almost beyond number rnay
be given, where single trees have yielded
from So to S 10 u year in fruit, and miny
instances wheTe S'20 or S30 have been
obtained. An acre cf such trees would
be equal to any of the preceding instances. '
If one tree of the Rhode Island Green
ing will afford 40 bushels of fruit,, at a
quarter of a tkllir per bushel, which has .
often occurred, 40 such trees cn an icre
would yield a crop worih S4C0. Bat tak
ing one quarter of this amount as a low
average for all seasons, and with imper
fect cultivation, 8100 would still be equal
to the interest cf 81,500 per acre. New,
this estimate is based upon the price of
good winter apples for the past 30 year
in our most productive districts. Let a
similar circulation be made with fruits
rarer and of a more delicious character.
Apricots and the finer varieties of the
plum are often sold for three tosix dol
lars per bushel, the best early peaches
from one to four dollars, andpearsfrom
hardy and productive trees for an equal
amount. Of the three former kinds, two
to five bushels, with a good management
is a frequent crop, and on large trees,
five times this quantity. An acquain
tance received SS for a crop grown on
two fine young cherry trees, and 8-4 from
tour young peach trees of only b years
years old from the bud. The farmer.
then, who sets out twenty acres of good
orchards, and takes care of them, may
expect at no very remote period of hi
life to receive from one to two thousand
dollars a year, which is quite a "good in
come, and the farm can be worked as
well as if the trees were not planted on
it. An orchard is a capital which pays
yearly dividends that are better to be
counted upon than our American railway
stocks, which a person holding cne day
may count his thousands of shares, and
the next day' find them all vanished, as
Aladdin's did, in fairy tale, in a single
night. He can then sleep without anxie
ty as the goldenshower comes from above
and drop at his feet, and as the reasons
roll, so his rewards increase.
all his strength
thinking himself mortally wounded, seiz
ed the other with his left hand by the
coat collar, and throwing away his pistol,
drew a bowie knife and stabbed the un
fortunate Palmer nine times in the breast
and body. The latter fell dead in his
tracks, his body streaming blood at every
pore. Booker may possibly survive his
wounds, though it is thought the shot in
the breast will prove fatal.
Booker is the son of JudrePaul Book
er, tor many years Lnstnct Judge in the
State. Palmer is the son of the Hon.
R. C. Palmer, ex-Senator from Wash
ingtcn county, and a grand son of the late
Ben. Hardin, of Beardstown. Louisville
Courier, 5th.
A Greek lawyer recently moved, in the
Supreme Court at Alliens, for the rever
sal of the sentence agiinst Socrates.
This is coin? back a little more than
tveenfy-two centuries.
leguminous plants, such as clover, peas,
beans, &.c." Upon red clover, "the effect
be more certain if previously mixed with
one-fourth their weight of gypsum.
The use of ashes as a manure for corn
is becoming quite reneral in this section
of the country they are applied as a
hill-dressinT immediatelv after the first
hoeing, at the rate of two table-spoonfuls
per hill, or about two bushels per acre.
They are found useful, applied at the
same time, to potatoes, to beans, and to
almost every hoed crop. We have used
them in these ways and upon grass land,
to the benefit of the crops and the perma
nent amelioration of the soil, and have no
doubt but that it will be far more profit
able to any farmer to 'use them at home,
than to sell them for the pittance gener
ally offered 8 to 10 cents per bushel "in
trade equal to perhaps one-half that
amount, nett cash.
A Thief Claiming to be Honorable.
On the nieht of the 17lh ult.,the office
of the Mill of Andrew Lincoln in Pen
field, was burglariously entered, the desk
broken upon and robbed cf a wallet, con
taining a number of papers, and between
four and five dollars in cash. The notes
amounted to some four or five thousand
dollars, and Mr. Lincoln was anxious to
ol tain them, although they might be o
no use to any other person.
Yesterday a package came to ihe ad
dress of Mr. Lincoln, at Penfield Post
Office, containing a part of these notes
and a letter from the thief, of which the
which the following is a verbatim copy
March 2d, 1S5&
Injured Sir
I take the first opportunity wright-
ing to you and sending you your papers
which are of no value to me ; Having been
at work on the Canal at Fairport until
the 12th inst, with poor pay I determined
to Quit- Seeing the Shape of affairs in
your house I thot I Might make a htwl.
had Some trouble to get in but when there
I had more in getting in the desk. I
took out the chink with the help of your
chisel which I thank you for very much.
Your Dog made such a noise that I could
not examine the contence cf the wallet. I
took the coat because I thought it would
be handy in my travels. This Mr. Lin
coln is what we call honoT amcng thieves.
I would advise you to get rid of that dog
before I come again, then I will not take
any valuless papers. Fde keep my mill
windows locked tho if I wer you. no more
until next July.
The Chicago Press, of the 16th, we no
tice, has this item:
From tbe Country Gentleman.
Profits of Apple Culture.
Loomi5, of Byron, Genesee co., N
An article in an exchange paper, an
nouncing the decease of a person, says
"His remains were committed to that
bourne whence no traveler returns, atten
ded by his friends."
The Illinois Central Railroad Company Y., says that a tree of the Baldwin apple.
yesterday received the largest passengers standing on the ground of his brother,
of the season in the shape of a brace of produced list year twelve barrels (besides
elephants, shipped at Cairo. The lllus-Jfour or five bushels cf windfals,) that
inous strangers kept tneir trunk constant- sold for iTZXo per harm, ihe year s
ly before their eyes, as they landed at the product of this tree was consequently 82
depot, having doubtless heard of the hotel quite equal to an acre of wheat in net
runners ana the tricks they have played, profit,
A. Preble, of Lincoln "county, Maine,
All suicides are childish, but here is mr.L- th frlWinr estimate, whirh will
the most youthful we have heard of : l r,0,rif mrrctirT'an tmrd nn!c morions.
James B. Darvin, a boy only nine years LiWinrr frr nmp rariptip in nrirW
or age, commmea suicide in Virginia a One hundred trees planted on an acre of
.uaJ 3 "".'w uioiutr mreai. iand wiU cost on an average 825. The
eutu to correct mm. 1 1, t,,u w t,. ; f lt,
while the trpes are rominT intn hparinT
The Hartford Courier has added an- About ftas eTnen.le.1 in Are nnrl lnbor
nouncements of birth to those of mam. ih rrma ti-r. f iha
111 I VtV'J tUntU ilVUl -AA UVBf
ages and deaths in its column. After will brimr them intn a V.pnrinrr state -
giving a birth in Waterbury, &,c, jt also When an acre of trees is in itsprime, "
add this announcement: u-ill arpraw drnkcVai, ,.m
In Prospect, March Is:, a daughter to vided the land is kern rich nA We ,md
Gecre L. Sic per, the trees well
To those who are not aware cf the fact 66 cents per busheL The .mrr.l:, r.r,lp
that there is a town called Prospect, near are valuable for all kinds of stock, partic
Hartford, the above must have a funny ularly winter store hegs. Sweet apples
look. are worth about as much as nntatne
The American Arrrirnlfririct or, . a
Ex-Governor Bashford, of Wisconsin, Upntleman within our lrnnwlfX
states that he was offered S150.000 to smaU orchard on the Hudson river, of less
approve of the first bill reported for dis- seren acres produces from
morning me lanus gramru oy congress goOO to 8700 worth of apples annually,
in aid of the Railroads of that State. Th; U net one ver of nlemir nnrl h.
w - r- -j -.w-
er or two of famine, but is a regular.
A line of the foreign news is, that "the steady, average yield. All this is secur-
factdties of the King of Prussia are de- ed by the simplest process, viz : good ma
chining daily. As the old King never najement.
had any faculties to spare, he must be S. B. Parson, in hU rerent address be-
get-ing in a bad way. fore the New Haven Horticultural So
ciety, states that "within a few miles of
Hon. Rufus Choate, of Massachusetts, his residence, there is an orchard of
is one of those who uncompromisingly about 20 acres, producing: about 82,000 a
a w a " -ill . .
and, to the eternal despair of poor Robert,
was married. But atas for the happy I He who is about to marry should con-
bridegroom !
Scarcely three moans had j siderhow it is with his neighbor.
Hints Tor the Season.
Borders you know want spading. It
turns under weeds and rubbish, loosens
the soil generally, andTthus gives the
root3 a chance to ramify and seek fresh
food. Without this annual spading (or
forking,) besides depriving the shrubs
and flowers of much benefit, will cause
you no end of trouble to keep down the
tiresome weeds. In such a case you will
find to your sorrow, that "all weeds grow
apace," and are difficult of eradication.
On the contrary, spade or fork over the
soil, leaving it moderately rough at first;
level down with a rake as soon as the ve
getation begins to put forth, and just
draw your hoe occasionally through dur
ing summer, and the weeds do not get the
first chance to grow.
Do you want to increase the stock of
your flowering shrubs and plants ? If so
it must be done at the same time. Those
little shocts or suckers round about the old
Lilacs, Snowball trees, and other shrubs.
are precisely the pieces required, and are
doing injury to the old plants. Take them
up with a spade, and set in your garden
in rows two feet apart or so, and six
inches in the rows; or if that docs net
suit, just plant them here and there in
among the other shrubery. Seme kinds
do not sucker or but little; a few of these
may be tried as cutting?, put them ino
sandy soil, preparing them about six or
nine inches in length, cutting the bottom
under a joint; in fact quite similar to the
way you would set gooseberry cr currant
cuttings. Supposing- they would not root
this way kindly, you will have to layer
the old plant, which consists in nothing
more than taking down a shoot near to
the ground, and burying with a little soil;
it will require an oblique cut to form a
"tongue" to root freely. If you want to
try your hand in raising new kinds, you
must next year save seed from any pro
mising flower, sow it, and the result may
be "something new."
Do not forget to occasionally divide
old large stumps cf perennial flowers. In
doing so however give them a fair chance
that is, do not take your spade and just
chop off its sides, leaving it precisely in
its original position, barring the outside
either give it fresh soil altogether, or re
move it to a fresh spot. This will infuse
new vigor into iL
The borders may be full of bulbs, and
if so, do not tread upon them, or cut then
through; rather wait for their appeara.wi
above ground. Every thing of this scrt
should have sticks stuck in to mark tho
If there is any irregular growth about
the shrubs, take a knife and jrar.i such
back, but let not your knife fcrra the
graceful into the hideous.
support Douglas and Walker. You will
remember his magnificent appeal in fa
vor of Mr. Buchanan in 1S56.
Aram; the novelties advertised in the
w - -ill
! papers are "single ana married oea-
year, the vegetables between the trees
paying the cost of cultivation."
Hill Pennel cf Dirby, Pa.', sold in
1S56, 8225 worth of early apples frcm
half an acre. Richard J. Hand of Men
don, N. Y., sold in 1S35, 8410 worth of
Roxbury Russet and Northern Spy apples
See that the plcwboy washes ihe breasts
of the horses wiih cold water every night
after work, and it is not a lA plan to slip
off the collar at coca ar.d rlean it, at the
same time wash the 1. re a si cf the horse,
remembering to dry it before putting on
the collar again, else better leave it alone
until night-
New teach t?? boys to clean and put up
their tools wh-i u they are through work.
Tbe boys a rA the tools will li;t longer
for it.
Siding is an act of faith.
to Ificg its reward.
It is