Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 22, 1858, Image 4

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    2 0
W O oj v
Fojt Orncx Dztiztxzst,
December 41, l"- J
P rrrtrJi wll! ba received at the Contract 0!lce
f tbi's Depirtj?nt oa'Jl 3, p. tx,cf Wednesday,
Kan. a 21, I for ouvejicg the mails cf the Cn:t-
I stiTii f,r f.ur yean e-jtiimenTis; Ja'y 1, ISiS,
atl eaiicr. Jc-e 2 J. 1552, ia the Territory 01" iKe-l.-aia,ca
tie rvusaad lj tie acheless herein
I-oeiioss to be aside by April 2 L Izii. cvrj-llj tie fore and inUrm&ionM an
mz'4. )
U?3l. Frija 0ha C;tj to Ccuc3 ElafIowa,
i kJn and back, diilv.
lar 0iha C.ty dii!y at 1, p.M;
Arrive at Coa?il EiuS nse day by 3 p n ;
f,ervel, C -- '-ufaaily at 4, p m;
Arrive t Ocala 7itv same day by p a.
lir'Xl l.. aCi'ybySebraAC;ty,Kear
ey City, Jliust Vernon, Brswr.vlSe, hesiaha City,
and Ealo, to Whiubead, UO nules, i b t9
L2.1 a wtt'z. .
. Leave On aha city lT?nisy, Wednesday, aai !.
Uy, at J, a r:
Arrives: Whitehead SI diy lylO p a;
Lc-ave Whitehead JL.niiy, Wednesday, and Fri
day at 5, a m:
Arrive at Onia city H day by 13 pn.
143:3. From Omsha City, by Elkhcrn Ciy, to
j j . x roa um& 07 .7 t -
itaucl'.e, S7 rc:ics anl Wi, three time a week. -?sve
Ojjili CUy Mvsday, Wednesday, and 'ri-
air a: 6 a m ; ... .
Arrive at lociantlie next days ty 12 ;
. Ltave Fontiaelle Jiesiij, Thursday, aid Eatar
izj at 1 p c:
Arrive at Oizila cUy axt day ly 7 p ra-
l;C31. Fr a Omaha City, ty DttTietr, Cedar
Ie:a&-i, f"4t.T,3 Iv.k L;i.55.Lciritowa,Tcre
Crore, ati 'ryve'e, to XcLrsla city, 123 Bile
a J ink. tbr-e t iataa week.
Lsare O .ubi City iltiiy, Weiaesday, and Fri
dy at 5 a a :
Arr4T Kt Nebraska City Zi day by 6 p c;
Laro r.'ebnjk iy iicalay, 7edaaliy, si
Frii-y at 6 a m:
ArrireatOmibaCi'.yJ! dtyi br p m;
It '05. Troia 0:iLa City by Elkboni city. Ba
ctanaa, C!ombB, Fort Keirct-y, aai Fort Lara
die, to fcIt Lake, 1,045 miiea aai task, tco a
lszrt Gv.y CitT ca tbe 15ta cf rvca north;
Arrira at i't Lcie In tLirty day Ukerar;r; -
L-are SaiiLH? m the I5:b f ejwh crib :
ArTirs at Oi.)l,t CVy ia thirty day tbTeafter.
K.J toes J at rrt Lnramle. oaiittic-Ftrt Kaar
.B?T S'; LaVs will hn evn'.leTS.
iin. Fr TTCr.V4 Ciry, ty FOrr?, Tt. Ca!
bonn. De S.V,Cac:3in; ei'y. T-kaiabf Ui:k Bird,
rpl thavli. DbU city, 110 mile aai lock,
tLre li jyn a wtt-le.
LAr OxiLa c.ty SI,aiay, 7edacaday, and Fri
diy at 5 a m:
Arrira at Da'k-.u r'ty next dy by 15 p n;
Lrare DabkoU city Huaday, WeJaeiday aai Fri
day at 5 a it,:
Arme at Orca city znt dyi by 13 p n.
1 4007. Fnrti Orraha city, tr E.'khoro city, Fon
UMue, Kcnr ir; Wa'er, aiil Fort lUndaU. to Fort
rrre, X '3 nhics ad Uvrk, twice a mocth.
. Leare OaaLa city lii -d 15ia of each BOBth at
6 a c;
ArrireatFt. Firrre en t!i8 I3;h dy ty 13 p m;
Lw Fcrt rierre ca 12:basJ 17th cf eacbmoata
at 6 a tc;
Arrire at Or.-vha city oa tba lOib day by 10 p m;
V) roa cr.? a week wi!l bs csns derd.
lit . Ux.biuia.tyFoiUtatllo, to De Soto,
Calcj ard tack, o:e a re;!i.
Leire licchaaan ViorAzr, at 3, a n;
Arrire at I? i; A next dty ty 6 pia;
Leare De ?.-to Wei.-iesday at 3 a m;
Arrire at Dacbnnari next d"y by ft p ra.
14il'3. Froui FolUlcUo toI'rcai9Et,15 nules aid
tak, cd?o a we' k.
' Irara F&Bnc-l'. Ratnr.Iy at I to ;
Arrive at Fremont by 12 vr.
Leare Frcooct s'atnriiy at 2 p tr,
Arrive tt Fontaneiln by 7 p ra.
' 14013. Ff.p Orjw, lliwuri, by 0!:ra Eracch,
to Ua'.o, 25 mi! anl tick, tbrce time a week.
Leave Oregon iioi-iy, Wednesday, and Friday at
Arrirs at Hu'.o'oy 12 in:
Leare Hula ileaicy, trc-dncilcy, tad Friday at
2 pia;
Arrire at Oregon by S p ra.
14111. From Kala by Arcber and Saiem, to Uarys
ric, ia Kanea. IO n:!!ej and back, once a week.
Lfcare Cc'.o !os-:j it Ca m;
Arrive at Mary?ri.i crxt day by 10 p ta:
Jare Maryari" Wednesday at 6 a re;
Arrire at Kiiia next dy by 10 Pn.
Lidi toeoamence at Haiat Slcpbcos, to run three
tia, a're'k are inviti.
1 312. Froa IkUricw, by Fairriew and Platford
ta Ashland, 4) aiiies and Uack.cnco a week.
Icare L.lcriew Friday at C a to;
Arrire at Asblani by 8 p m;
Arri; e at Ik'.icvitw by S p ia.
iiiJ to cad at llallWd will bo considered.
14013. Ir'.rn (li?r.w.vd, Iowa, by Cerro Gordo,
C.-Iieview, and IIiifUn, in Nebraska Territory, to
Frcsiout, 43 tallc and back, three times a week.
Ixaro Gieuw(Kd Mjnlay, Wednesday, and Friday
at C a ta;
Arrive at Frrtn'-nt by 8 p ra;
Leave Fremont Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
Arrire t C',enwH4 tr 8 p tn.
14314. From Oron, Mo. by Forest City and Tlusb
JVtum, to Su 6lcj htm, CO ca.iet and Lack, twice a
' L-are Orej"n M-nJy and Tri lay at 8 a a;
Arrire att. S'ej-Vns uniao daj by 6 p tn;
Iere t. Slejhcnj Tucs-Liy and Saturday at 8
a ni ;
Arr:r at Oregon came days by C p m.
11015. Frcia l"iaraf.iub to Lcwiirille, 20ail
and back. tw a week.
Leave IUtUa utb atcrdny at 6 a m;
Arrive at LewiVule by 12 m ;
. liare Iw tortile .SatnrJ-y at 2 p n;
Arrire at l".aum-tita ty H p ta.
llOlC,. Fr'.in 11-itra'iCtb to Cienwood, Iowa, 9
B:ie and bacV, thrca a wer;k.
Ixare I1a;i:noulb ll.nday, Vt'cdnctday, and Fri
day at 0 a tn:
Arrire at lenwood by 12 m;
Leare bnwo-d ilor.Jjy, Wcdneiday, and Friday
at 2 p tn;
Arrive at PlatsmoBtb by 5 p a.
. 14017. From llatimoutb Ut Glendale, 15 milea
and back "n?e a we-k.
Ieare Ilat-rn'.uth iviforlsy at 7 a m;
Arrire t G'i'rri'Iilo by I2m:
lare G;snlaie Sa'.ur 1 jy at 2 p re;
Arrire ct llatn'nth by 7 n tn.
" 1 it I . Fr mt HaUinonlh, by Kenoaba, to TTyo-
Diir;. 23 m.l -t, and t' k, .ne9 a week.
Leare l"at"r.outh .iturlyktC ati;
Arrive at Woiainj by 12 m;
lfLve Vyn5r, .rator l ly at 2 p n;
. Arrire at llat.Tn'Juth by H ; in.
1 1010. From Marjiri'.!-, by Forney and rieanact
Taller, to Fort Kearney, 100 a.ilc and back, once a
we'.k. .
Leave Marrrvi'.Ie Mndy at 4 a a;
Arrive at Ft. Kearney Thursday by 6 p a;
Leave Ft. Kearney Mondiiyat 4 am;
Arrire at Marysviilo Tburliy by 0 pn.
Itids to run by a proposed schedule will be corutd
hlA to rcn tbre tiuej a week will be eon:Jt-rtd.
1 402u. . Froa Wyoaicg to alt Crctk, IV mihi
and tack, once a wee.
m Leave Wyoming Fridty at C a m;
. Arrive at ialt Cre-k by S p ni;
. Leave Salt Creek Hatcrd.17 at 6 a m;
Arrive at Wvominz by 8 p ra.
14321. From Konosba to Sidney, Iowa, 20 ailct
and back, three time a wce.
Leave Kenosha Monday, Yi'ednesday, and Friday
at 0 a m;
Anive Jn Sydney by 12 m;
Leave Sydney Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
Arrive at Kcnoha ty 8 p m:
14022. Froa Nebraska City, by Fcrt Kearney to
. jun 11 jilow iv) reiien and dack, one a aontn.
Leave Ncbrafk l?t o. every mnth, -Arrive
at Ah Hollow on 10th day thereafter;
Leave Afb Hollow on 10th c f every aonth;
Arrire at clraika City cn tbo ICtb day there
' ftcr.
Cids torua twice a month, and to end atFt.Kear
Cy,-0!nitUn5 Ah Ho!ljw,will be considered.
14323. 1 raa Netraka City by Kearney City, to
. . m tlW . . .
K;dr.fy, iow;i, lJ nue ana oacK, tnree timej a
. weik.
Leave Nebraska City llonday, Wednesday, and
Friday at 6 a:
Arrive at SiJncv same JiTsby 12 m;
Leave Sidney Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at
Arrive at Xebratka City fims da ty 7 p in.
" 14021. From Nebraska City by Uaailton.Teenm
" h, Tcrkey Creek, and Otto Mission, UMarysvillc,
112 mile and bac. oi.e? a wet.
. . Ieare Xc'.raka City Monday at 6 a re;
Arrire at Varyfvilld Wcl.-v?slay by C p a;
. Lav Marrff ille Thtir?d.iy t a a:
Arrive at Ntlri.-ki City Satnr?T by 8 p a
. i:;J to rsa lhre l:ir,ei a week will be considered
Iil25. Fn.a fbmka Citr. byOttoeCity. Mt
rrr.nn.rr,.wr.r:;'e. era-iha City, Archer, tute
C.-b4 a- I IlL.'-k, ti Zt Ag:Bj, iansas 1
aid I.R,-5c. three tima wotrt.
t r; r, -. C:tT et cay by 0 p ta.
1 ; V Yr a. NclrxiU City, by Ottr City and j
n Fa . l!::-:,":, 3 Eistai lack, cseea
rr.te i t Cr,ia ly 1 D p n;
L' - !-i T" viTtltarsj
Iiva Vrt. C.ty il&Lday, Hcaaesoay, ana for failing to arrive ia contract time; for ncgiecungto
r-', . r.. takstts nail froa or deliver it into a post efflce; for
i., tutrerinx It (ewing either toUiewnsaitablcness of the
Arr'vs tt irz Asn-r cextdf.Ts by 0 p a, Tltct 0T cinn,r a carrying it) to be wet. Injured,
Ikva X .-.La A-cn?y Monday. W ednesday and ttrcyed. rctbed or lost; and for refusing, after demand.
----- mm w - I
1 i:i7. Trcn Emirnrie to Eoekport Mo, 8 miles
and bck. six time a we-ek.
Leave UrowBvir.e tbHy, exeeyt Soadty,at 9 a ra:
Arrive at lUint by 12 m;
Leave Kockport daiJy, except Snaday, at Z p ta;
Arrive at Lire war ilia by i pn. -
1 SI23. Fra Bfowcviik, ty Daatnc t FLlicar
arrr25 dies and tick, case a month. " ! ' ' '
Leave iirownville 1st cf every rwctt;
Arrive at Ft. Kearney in wrea days thfTtafter;
Leava Ft. Kearney lOtb &f every c-ata ,
Arrireat Dronvile inseyn days tbeteaftw.
I IHZ7. Fr.a Drowcviile to Ttrkio lltt 23 mile
aid tack, three tiass a week, .
Leave DrowarlUe Monday, Wedaesdaaiid Fn
djyatSaa: Arrive at Tarkic, ty C p m: ...
Leare Tarkio Toeaday, Thzsiizj, and Satorday at
Arrive at Crowrville ty p a. .
1430. FromncrencetoiIajt:oUa,l4w,23iai:e9
aad back, cvrx a wetk.
Lexve Fl-K-encfl Mordsy at 5 a n;
Arrive at ilarslia ty 5 p a; ,
Leave M3rcoiaTiieiay at S an; ji
Arrire at Florence ty 6 p C
14331. From Caamic; City to lTattoUa, la, 23
allet ai back three times a week.
Leave Caaaic Moniay, Friday,
tt 8 a a;
Leave MajaoUa Monday, Vreiaesday, atl Friday
at 2 p a;
Arrive at Caamir City ty 8 p a; m
122. Froa Mt. Vernoa, by Soaora, 2io, t Lin
den 15 clej and back, twico a week.
. Leave iloaat Teruon Miaiay and Ttarsday Jit 6
a a;
Arrive at L;nl?a by 12 a:
i.eive Lirdea Monday and Thursday at 2 p a;
Arrive at 'Mt. Vernon by 8 p m:
14333. Froa Elk liorc, 25 rcilej and
back once a week.
Leave Oaadi Monday at 4 "m;
Arrive at Elk Unm by 6 p a;
Leave Eik Horn Tuesday at 9 a ta: r
Arrive at Oxadi by 6 p a.
14034. Froa OaadL by Dahkota City, aad Ser
jeant's SioaxCity, 17 miles and back, three
limes a week.
Leare Oaaii Monday Wednesday and Friday at
6 a a;
Arrireat Siccx City ty 12 ra:
Leave Sioux City Monday, Wednesday, aai Fri
day at 2 p a:
Arrive at Oavdi by 8 p a.
14335. Froa Dakota to Breckinridge, 70 miles
and back, rxee a week,
Leave Dahkota Monday at 6- a a;
Arrire ia Breck.nrid cert day by 10 pm;
Leave Ureckinrilje Wednesday at 6 m;
Arrive at Dahkota next day by 10 p m.
14325. Froa Dahkota tJ-St. Helena, 50 rrilei
and ba.:k, once a week.
Leave DahkoU Friday at 5 a a;
Arrive at St. Hehna y 10 pin;
Leave St. Helena Satarday at 6 a m;
Arrive at DaEkota by 10 p m.
1U1Z7. From DahkoU to Wacapaaaa, 15 miles
and back, once a week.
Le-ve Dahkota Saturday at 7 a a ;
Arrive at Wacapanna by 12 a;
Leave Wacapanna Saturdsy at 2 p a;
Arrive at Dahkota by 7 p in.
14033. Froa Dahkota City to Soati Pass, 750
miles and back onco a month.
Leave Dahkota on 1st of every monlb ;
Arrive at South Fass cn 25th day thereafter;
Leave Squtb Pass 1st every aonth;
Arrire in Dahkota in 25 days thereafter.
14033. From Dahkota City, by St. Johns, Ay 0-
way Creek, and Running V ater Kiver, to i t. Lara
aie, 400 miles and back, once a month.
Leave Dahkota 1f t of every month;
Arrive at Ft. Laramie in 15 days thereafter;
Leave Ft. Laramie 17th of every ajonthf
Arrive ia Dahkota in 15 days thereafter.
Bids to end at Ii 3 lining Water Eiver, 300 ail ess
Ie3 distance will be considered.
14040. Fr. a Dahkota City by Sioux City, Iowa,
Ft. Lookout and Ft. Randall, to Ft. Pierre, 300
miles and back, c ace a month.
Leave Dahkota lit of every month;
Arrive at Ft. Pierre on 10th day thereafter;
Leave Ft. Pierre 12th of every month;
Arrive at DahkoU on 10th day thereafter.
15041. From Lc'ran to Sioux City, Ia., 6 miles
and back, three times a week.
Leave Loraa Monday, Wednesday and Friday at
10 a a;
Arrive at Sioux City by 12 m;
Leave Sioax City Monday, Wednesday, and Fri
day at 2 p a;
Arrive at Logan by 4 p m.
14912. Froa Nictrtri to Logan 50 miles anl back,
once a wees.
Leave Xiobrari Friday at 6 an.
Arrive at Logan by 10 p m;
Leave I5gnn Satarday at 6 a m;
Arrive at Xiobrari by 10 p a.
11013. From Tecurajeh to Helena, 23 1 taile and
back, ones a week.
Learo Tccumsah Saturday at 6 am;
Arrive at Helena ty 12 m;
Leave Helena Satarday at 2 p m;
Arrive at Tecumseh by 8 p to.
11041. From Three Grove to Weeping Water. 21)
miles and back, once a w ;ek.
Leave Three Grove Saturday at 8 am;
Arrive at Weeping Water by 12 m;
Leave Weeping aUr Saturday at 2 p m;
Arrive at Three Grove by 8 p m.
140 45. From Council Bluff, Iowa, to BeReriew.
Xeb 10 miles and back, three times a week.
Leare Council Lluff Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 9 a a: .
Arrive at Bellview grae days by 12 a;
Leave Belleritw Monday, Wednesday and Friday
it 2 pm;
Arrive at Council Ulua same days by 5 pa.
Bids for 6 times a week service will be considered.
The tnilersizned, , whese post efflce ad-
ure i or , siate or . .. DroDo-
e to convey ihe mai ia ot tlie Unitd Slates, from July 1,
i3 10 juneiu, ivii. on route to. , between
aol , fci;Teeib:y to the advcrtUernent of th
p.Atrnaner General. dat.eU Jjecember 31, 1647, for tbe
annai turn 01 ooitar.
Ttia jTL-pjikl i maie witn fall knowledge of tbe Ji-
tance ot the route, the weitfit cf tbe mail to be carried,
ao i aiiotber particular in reference to tbe rotiteaivi
rnce. ai.l alM after careful rzamir.ation cf tbe laws
m i tntrutucnt atucbci t tbe aUrcrtieaient.
TT,e en-JenlTied. refUlnj? at , State of
tiMerUke tbt, if tbe roretfolna bid f.,r earrrlnr the mail
" route S'j. . be ac:etl by the Potn.fcater General
the nwT abail, t-.-ior U tbe lit4ay of Ausoat. eo-
triti?tbe Tt'iunt'l olWjtim, or cnitr;t to perform
tbe Cfvi': t ? with K'A u norflciet t auretiea.
Ttii we ui4rttat,o,iri oUtmaiy tbei'trfttl inj ami
I'.abi'Ule armrried by (oarantMs wrcer ttft J7tti section
cf tbe a tcf c4izrecf js:yj,
la'.d (SiiM'-l by two gsarantots.)
The uvlerUn1. comater at . Bute of
eTt.le, ndrr hit oat of omct., that b a axauainted
with tLe above Kuarar.tora, ta ri i tbera to be men cf
pritenr, ana able U make aooa tbe.r guaranty.
I"te4 iinti.)
Containing ton4Uion$ to It incorporated in the eon-
tracti to trie extent tnt aepartmtni may te proper.
I. rVvrn rniou'-f ure allowed to earl Intermedia) wbea not otberUe tixfi iOol fwr Mtaortiu tie
mall; tot on railroal ar1 neumooat route there i v
teno m;re UcUy than ia um:ii:ut I A aa exchange of tb
J. Ot railreal end ateatab't Unef, and ottr ronfe
wbcre Uie rulc of ctiveyai'ce ii4uita of it. ti.a
genu of the Siriaririieiit, al put om bl.t;kr mU
b.ifc, locka and keya, ure U be conveyed UUoul extra
t. Oa railroad and steamboat linei the ronto asttila of
the depart ment are to be convej el wit boat charre and for
their exclukive uo while travellcR with the rnalla, an
acotiimiatl'in car. or apartment in the cenu?r of acar,
rorcrly lifted, warmed and furnished, ana adapted to
the cotivctilrrtt arparation and due security of too mails,
i to be pruvided by the contractor, under the direction
or the department.
Railroad and ateamboat companies are rec. aired to take
tbe ma.t from, and d-iWer it li:to, tae pott i.mce at tbe
coinmpncement and en-l or their ronton, ami to and: from
11 offices not more than 80 rods from a alationor land-
ins, proposals may he Bubmltted for the performance
tf all other tido servicethat Is, foroftlcea overtijjhty
rois rrom a landing w atatmn
Receipts will be required for m.ill bars convej'td in
charge ofp? etntdcived by railroad companies. There
will also be way bills prepared by 1 obtmasters, or other
centaof thPot-t OHlw Department, to accompany the
mar. a, apecifying thenuratx'rsndde.Minatiunof theserer
1 bRs. On theprindpal atage routea likewise, reipts
will be required and way Ml ia forwarded; the latter to
be examined by the several poRtmastera, to Insure regu
larity in the delivery of tnnil bags.
4 Ni pay will be m.ide for trips not performed; and
for each of inch oniiisions cot aatufactorily explained,
three times tho pay of the trip may be deducted.,, for
arrivals so far behind time aa to brtaz connection with malls, and not ai.fScient'.y excused, one-fourth
or the compensation for the trip is subject to forfeiture.
Deduction will alto be ordered for a grade of performance
inferior to that specified in the contract. For repeated
dehiKitiencies of the kina herein rppcincl, enlarped pen
aluea proportioned to tbe nature thereof and tbe impor of the ma; l. may be mice
6. For leaving behind or throwing off the mails, or any
parti..n of them for the admission of paseneera, ox or
being concerned In setting up or rannirj; an express con.
vcyin; intelligence in advance ot tho mail, a quarter's
psy may be deducted
4. Tines will be imposed, unless the dcllncueitcr be
promptly aad satisfactorily explained by certificates of
pstmaters, or the afldavits of other creditable porsons,
to convey tbe mail ss frequently as tht contractor runs.
wif ia rtanitg t coach, car or stcamhoat cn a
7. The Prtmater General way annul thecontract for
repeated failures t run agreeably tocontract ; forrtclat-
ir.g the Por. laws, or disbeyinir the instructlors of
the dopirtmftit ; fr refahing to discharge a carrier whea
revise J I y tle dcrartnent to do so; for assuming tte
cratra't v i ,iut th! af lit of the P.!master General!
persoca tr packafst conveytn: mailable matter out of the
nasi. .
8. The Plxsmosier General may order aa increase of
service od a route by ai lowing therefor a pro rata increase
on tie contract paj- lie may change ccbedslea ct de
partures aad arrivals in all; cases, and particularly 10
make tiers penona to coacectious wiia rimts. wim-
ut increne of pay, proviitrd the renting time ce no
abridged. Be nuy alto order aa Increase cf fieea, ai-
lowiae witaua tae reilnctions vt tbe law. a prw rata in
crease of p-aT for the a-kiiiicnal atxk: or carrieTa, if any.
Tae contratttc raay, fcawever, in tte caj?e cf iacreaae of
sped, renix!iish tae contract by ginrg prompt nouw
tw ijmrtiiMvi tt t.arrfmd.iiuso tocarrvuis the or
der into ellecu Tie romtev General may also curtail
or dUconUnu the service, ia whole or in part, ai pro raia
decrease oJptry, allowing one raoeth' extra corn pensauoa
oa the anwunt aispens whenever ia tus optnioo
the public inreresu require lhe caaxge. or ia cxo bede
sir to supercede it by a taereat grade of traasporta-
''IT'paymenls will be made by collections from, or
drafts on luatmasters or otherwise, after tte expiration
of &mJ quarter say ia rebruary. May, Auguit aad -
T13. Tte distances are givea according to the test lator
raalan ; tut no iarreased py will ts allowed should they
te greater than advertised, U the rn,inta to be supplied be
corwnly slated. Bidden rrnut in form thtvutlvtt on
tkit point : and also ia referent to the weytht of the
DiiL. the co&iiuca of tte roads, tills, streams, &c., and
all u-ll-torilses, ferries, or obstructions cf any kimi by
whida expenies may be incurred. Ko claim for adoition
al pay baed on suca grounds, can te considered ; nor for
alleged mistakes or muappreteasion as to the degree of
service; nor for bridges destroyed, or otter obstructions
increasing duurjee, occurring during the contract term.
OOot established alter this advertisement is issued, and
also tiering tte contract term, are to be visited without
extra pay if tbe distaace be not increased.
11. A bid received after tte last day and hour named,
or without Ue guarantee required by law, or that corn
tines several routes ia one rum of compensation, cannot
be cjn&idered in competition with a regular proposal rea
sonable ia aniou-U
lx. BiJJers should first pre pose for service strictly ac
cording to tLe advertisement, and then if they desire,
separatedry Icr different service ; and if the reyuler bid
be tin lowest ottered for tte adrcrtUed service, tbeoth
tr propositions may be considered.
13. There should be but one route tid for in a propo
sal. 14. Tbcjcure. the service, the yearly psy, tte name
and residence of the bidder, (that is tis usual post office
address ) and those of each member cf a Cm, where a
compan oC ers, should te distinctly stated; also the mode
of cv&reyasce if a higher mode than horseback te intend
ed, lie words "wrtb. due celerity, certainty, and secu
rity," inserted to indicate tte mode of coiiverauce. will
constitute a afar Did. ween a star bid is intended, no
specific conveyance must be named. But ia case two
nixies of conveyance, are named at the same compensa
tion, the highest or best for the service will be taken.
15. Bidders are requested to ue as far as practicable.
tte printed form oC proposal famished ty the depart
ment to write out in fall tte sum cf their bids, and to
retain copies of them.
Altered bids should not te submitted nor should tids
once submitted te withdrawn.
Xach tid auet te guaranteed ty two responsible per
General guarantees cannot te admitted. The tid and
guarantee should te signed plainly with the full name of
each person.
Tbe department reserves the right to reject any bid
which may tc deemed extravagant; and also to durfc
gard the bids of faikng Contractors and bidders.
16. Tbe bid should te sealed, superscribed "Vail Pro
posals, State of addressed Second Assistant
Postmaster General. Contract t ffice, and sent ty mail.
not by or to an agent; and posmastcrs will not enclose
proposals (or leueru of any kind) ia their quarterly re
17. The contracts are to te executed and returned to
tbe department by or before the 1st day of August, 1SSS
but the service must be commenced on the first July pre
ceding, or the mail day next alter that date, whether the
contracts te executtid or not. Ko proposition to trans
fer will be considered until the contracts are executed
and received at tt! department; and then no transfer
will be allowed, unless good and sufficient reasons there
for are given, to te determined ty the department. In
all cases tte retiring contractor will be required to be
come one of the sureties on tbe new contract.
13. Postmasters at. offices on or near railroads, tut more
than eighty rods from a station, will immediately after
the 31st of March next, report their exact distance
from the nearest station, and how they are otherwise
supplied with the mail to enable tbe Postmaster General
to direct a mail-metsenger supply from the first cf July
19. Section 18 of an act of Congress approved March 3,
1S45, provides ttat ontracu for the transportation of tbe
mails stall be let in every case to the lowest bidder ten
dering aufScient guarantees for the faithful performance,
wii.uuuioi.ner rererence vo me moue osucn transporta
tion than may be necessary to provide for the due celerity.
certainty and security of such transpotation. Under this
law a new description of bids have been received. They
do not speciry a modo of conveyance, but engage to take
tho entire mail each trip with certainty, celerity and se
curity, using the terms of the law. These biU are styl
ed from the manner in which they are designated on the
books of the department, star bids, and they will be con
strued as providing for tbe conveyance of the entire mail,
however large, and whatever may be tbe mode necessary
to insure its cele-ity, certainty and security.
In all cases where the lowest grade of service is be
lieved to be sufficient, tbe lowest bid will be accepted in
preference to a star or specific bid.
when tbe lowest bi d is not a star bid, and specifies eith
er no mode or an Inadquate mode of conveyance, it will
not be accepted, but set aside for a specific bid proposing
me necessary service.
When tbe bid does not specify a mode of conveyance:
also when It proposes to carry "according to the adver
tisement," but without such specification, it will be con
sidered as a proposal for horseback service
zo. A modification of a bid in any of its essee'iai terms
is tantamount to a new bid, and cannot be received, so as
to interfere with a regular competition, after the last
hour set for receiving bids.
21. JT?t masters are to be careful not to certify the
sufficiency of guarantors, or sureties, without knowing
that they are pcrsonsof sufficient responsibility ; and all
bidders, gurantors, and sureties are distinctly notified
that on a failure to enter into or perform tbe contracts
for the service proposed for in the accepted bids, their le
gal liabilities will te enforced against thorn.
22. Present contractors, and persona known at the de
partment must equally with others, procuje guarantors
and certificates of their suffic ency substantially In tbe
forms above prescribed. Tbe certificates of sufficiency
must be signed by a ptntmaster or by a jtidpe of a court of
record. A. V. BROVVX.
Postmaster General.
Porter's Spirit of the Times.
General Purchasing Agency.
THE constantly increasing demand upon us to execute
commiifcions for the purchase of all kinds of articles, both
for residents and non-residents of the city, hnsf:nduced
us to establish, ia connection with our newspaper enter
prise, a
Purchasing Bureau
under the immediate supervision of one of?our firm, as
sisted by the most accomplished experU, for turplijinn
1 -. . ... . t .
on7 arucic in inc world.
Particular attention will be paid to tbe selection, pur
chase, aad sale of thorough-bred Cattle and Horse Stock,
trained Dogs, ferrets, and fancy towis. Carriage, Buggy,
and Saddle Horses, Carriages, Harness and Saddlcf, Time
w atrbe, every description of Fire Arms. Sporting Arti
cles, Fishing Hods and Tackle, Mnic and Musical Instru
ment, Yachts Sail and Row Boats Furniture, flue Wines,
Liquors, and Sizars; Cricket and Ball Bats, Pads, &c, &.C.
AcriCultuea x IMPLEMENTS, of tbe latest and most
improved kinds; Seeds, Plants, Fruit, Forest and Shade
trees, and all kinds of. Books treating on subjects of im
portance to tbe Farmer, Horticulturist, and Florist.
state lioosis Kxoaged in advance, on Steamers and
Packets U leave fur Europe California, the West Indies,
or any part of the world. This will obviate the necessity
to residents of inland towns, and places where no steamer
agencies exUt.Jof coming to New York two or three weeks
lo advance a they are now frequently required to do-
either to obtain passage, or to secure eligible accommoda
tions. In thi department, we will be ready to seenre
Rooms at Hotels at favorable rates, o as to protect
the stranger from imposition as well as inconvenience;
and, iu short, to perform any description of commission
that wonld ordinarily require the presence of the party
blmaelf.. ..; .
Gentlemen who desire to form Libraries, or who ma
wish to procure the Choice Literature of the day, can
always rely upon onr Judgement and selection. Also,
Blank books and Stationery, and Book and Xew: Paper,
for printers.
FOR TTIE LADIES, we will procure the latest Fashion
Plater, styles of H.nnets, samples of the newest varie
ties of poods, cosmetic, perfumes, and fancy articles, and
we atall alwayabe pleased to furninh everything connect
ed with their wants.
In short, for any service which may be reauired. the
l-utlic o,y rely upon us, with the most perfect confluence
for fidelity, and dispatch. Apply to
r . GKO. W. WILKES & CO.,
Porter's Spirit of tbe Times, 343 Broadway, N. Y.
K. B.- Subscriptions for Porter's Spirit of the Times.
eprting Llterars, Agricultural, Family Weekly News
paper, may lie forwarded to tbe same directum. Terms.
$3 a yiur. -
Groceries! Groceries!!
Fresh Arrivals ! Heavy Additions ! !
Prices Greatly Reduced?
Cor. 2nd and Frances sts, St. Joseph JTo.
HAS just received at bis store room, comer of Second
and Francis Streets. St. Joseph, everything desirable in
bis line, which he p-irchased for the Fall and Winter
trade, at greatly re luced price for Cash, and which te
will sell at corresponding prices for cash, or to pnnctual
customers. Among his recent receipts are 0 dux Fresh
Peaches, 35 doz Prime Apples, 20 dox Assorted Fruits,
20 doz Lobsters 1 & 2 lb cms, 300 doz Field's celebrated
Oysters put up this fall 20 half Barrels new whWeFieh.
also coansa, 100 boxes w k cheese, eo boxes E D do, 600
lbs Currants, DO boxes fresh raisins, 100 boxes dried her
ring, 600 lbs GiWt Butter, 200 bMs crackers, 60 bbls
nuts assorted, 500 lbs Peannts, 100 boxes assorted anl
fancy candies, 100 do gum drops and motto Lozentrers.
200 drums Figs,&. Also a large lotsngaa andmolaases.
which wall be 6old at prices considerably below the prices
sixty oays ago. ...
St. Joseph, Nov. 8, 1S57. -21n
S. LocKwoon. 1 857. R. E. Pomerot
Lockwood & Pomeroy,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Also, Shippers of American Purs of every de
tention ; lor which tney win pay
the highest Market Price,
COUNTRY Merchants are invited ta examine our
stock of H&ts & Caps for the arproachinz Spring
and Summer trade, which will be large, fashionable,
and well selected. In point of variety our stoekshail
net be excelled by any llonso ia M. Louis.
Our prices will be low; terms accommodating.
Call and see n at our few Store. Second St.
St. .s er.b, Mo. , k 32-rfi
Sw' lj -
Main St. tetween
tove Furniture,
Flour, Bacon,
VTTJ have just openel a heary Stock of Fall and Winter Good?, embracing everything in the Staple
V Y and Fancy lias, nhich we are now prepared to offer to the trade t extremely low prises,
For Cash or Country Produce.
1357. v2nlS-tr s. CRAXE.& FULL.
E have just received an entirely new and I.ire assortment or bupenor Ooous, whicn we wui sea at
a r.iuinabla nriess as anvestabli.ihmcnt in the West, our motto beinif Live and let Live."
We have noin store a ereat variety of the following articles, which we purchased for Cash and oonse-
(juently can sell cheap on tbe same terms :
Hasrdiwae mid iselesry.
Queensware and Willow Ware,
And a tine assortment of Light Groceries,
Such as Sjjice, Pepper?, - Soda,
Sadarntus, Ginger, Allspice, eto etc
And a good article cf
Smoking and Chewing Tobacco.
It is a pleasure tons to show good, and we ask you to call round and see for yourselves.
Oct. 19.1857. - v2nlS-ly I. T. WHYTE dr CO.
Blaln St, one door above .uslibau?li & Carson's Excliane Bank,
Brownville, N. T.
THE proprietors would mst respectfully inforrfthe
. they bare received and are now opening one ot the largest and most complete blocks of Clothing
Ever brought to this market.
' Their assortment of
lExL&-y jIclo Olotlxiaa
Embraces every variety of Texture!" and Prices; as to Color they have Crown, Blue, Black, visible and
invisible Green, and Cloths, CnsMmers.Satinett". Cashmcrctta.and Jeans, all made up
according to the latest fahlonablecnt. Their variety of vests is superb,
embracing the very la-est styles and patterns. lutho
May also bo found atall time a fincseleetion of Cravats, Stocks, Tye, Collars white or colored, nandter
ehiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we will sell ascheapas any establishment in the West.
We have the finest and best assortment of
Double anil Single Overcoats,
Ever brought
" f
Warranted to suit the most fastiduous. A fine assortment of
COATS, Dreus, Froelt and Sack.
PATS, Every Style and Description.
VESTS To please Large and Small.
SHIRTS, Botli ll liltc and Fancy.
Over Shirts, Overalls, Drawers, and Knit under skirts.
Duck Gloves, 3Iitts, and Rldin? Gloves, etc.
WEvouldbut askthe public to call, and judge for themselves whether the Clothing at the
Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better made material, cut with better taste, better trimmed
anl twenty-hve per cent, cheaper than they have ever
October 29th, 1857.
WE offer, to the public, we are confident, the
largest and best selected stock of Groceries
ever offered in this market :
6 Hhds Sugar, 50 Sacks Co5ree,
125 Sacks Flour, 5 Ticrecs Rice.
30 Bbls Molasses, 15 Boxes Star Candles,
20 Boxes Soap, 150 Sacks Salt,
15 Bbls Cider Vinigcr, 150 bblsSelt.
New Wholesale Grocery Hogsc.
Groceries, Wines, Liquors,
Corner of Main and Francit Street Riddle't Old
Stand, Oppotite Stoul Hotel, .
HAVE Just received the largest and most complete
Stock of the ihovtf crrwuia vpr f-npnivl in itrnr Xfiuwj.nri
to which the attention of mercliants and dealers is res
pectful ling invited having purchased them, piincipally
for cash at the very lowest plnble prices, ia Button,
New Tor and St. Louis, feel confident that I can offer
Inducements that are rarely f son J, ami hoping, by fair
and liberal dealing, low prices and good Gods, to merit
a liberal share of patronage. Call and examine my stock
and prices before purchasing sales are bound to follow,
In my stock will ce found every article usually kept in
a Ko 1 Grocery House.
0. zomxjiDzriisr,
Will write deeds of every kind and contracts for every
purpose, with warranted legal accuracy.
OQce, in the Banking Honse of Lu&hbaugb & Carson.
Eoa. John A. Bingham, Cadiz, Ohio,
" W K Carter, Cleveland, "
"BP Spalding.
"BP Leiter, Cantom,
, " S Lahm.
" Wm R Sarp. Mt. Vernan, "
" 5 P Chase. Columbus.
Thos. Ford, MansfieUl,
" Jzs. Craig. St. Joseph, Mo.
Brwa:n, Oct. S3d,'t. vJnn.Iy
& EILL, :
k, 11 i " ;
Front and Sesond sts
eilizons of Rrownville and the public generally that
to thi3 Territory,
bought elsewhere.
(Secnred by Letters Patent.)
cd from this Oil exceeds ia brilliancy that of any
other Oil or fluid heretofore discovered; is inexplo-
myc, anu win remain umpca in tho very coldest
The Corcnanv recommend aathnl
cd to this Ooil, the Kerosene Lamps, manufactured
by the following oarties: Mpssr. f!nmol n.
also, Dyott, of Philadelphia, E. V. Haughwout A
No. 73 Broad Stroir. Mhsim. lii..t . v. in iv:i
liam Street. L. Merc-ipr 137 Elm Strpp7 TJ
Samples of diiferent stvles
the OCice of the Company.
Kekusknk Li'eric Axr"i Orr.. o 1 V
, - . . . v- mi
suit tha finest, and all other kinds of Machinery
burns brillianty in Locomotive Head Lights, Car
Lnmps, and all the ordirary Solarand Hand Lamps.
buusuhius sgre degree 01 coia as best S pem
Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Stcam
ship use. ,
KEKOSESE LrilBICATIVO Orr.9. Vft. 5 .1 Qnn- .
Lubricators, and will be found to possess advantages
over any Oils in the market at same prices will not
burn and has been thus prepared to meet tho re
quirements of Railroads and others.
rvr.KobtNE luNxACLB Oil. rrepared expressly
for Shins' use. and will ha fnnnd .tmiroi.i. - i ..j
for use of Steamships, Men of War, Merchant Ves-
pcia, t.ircr crait, ana burns in all cabin
stateroom,, binnacle, forecastle lamps, signal lan
terns, Ac. .
binnacle Oil will remain fluid a. I.
Sperm, and will burn all ni?bt ..
be trimmed, an advantage that will be obvious to
every shipmaster.
The Kerosene Oils ran b tJf v.
holesala Oil Dealer. Shin n.:....
and If racers in INew 1 nrk nrl iVimmi,.!. . - .
---- .u . vguiauj .jjuai-
ed Agents of the Company n many of the principal
Tai... ..1 I'M ! .V "tf . .... . . .r
xvnuaaua fi.iage.ioi iu. c nitea states, the Cana
days, a d trie Island of Cuba.
Local Agents appointed (in eonformity with the
rules established by the Board of Trustees,) on an
piication to
General Agent, Ktroitne O.I, Cb
No. 50 Dearer Street, N.Y.
VT ......
i. irpitiarswith rill particulirs.testirnonial, Ijs w LI be 1 forwarded flaar-ilicutitfa as above.
1T2 r wr.z- t: i
' ST. TIF 'r-VJr.sJ
June 2Mb, 1937.
i;cw Harclvzaro Store.
Si-n cf the Savr.
t3 TTT. A TTTTTiTV- ' '
Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Araerican.German, English & French
ST. JOSEPH, 310.
IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and most
varied arsortment cf goi3 in tha above lice ever
, - . . -r cif rrtii
oilJrvu in i-t U1UJ.C1 v. uw'i
My stock embraces a fall and eompiste asscrttoest
of Cabinet and House Builder's llardwtre, Mecbaa
ic's tocbi of every description, direct from tbe rsrjt
approved manufacturers; agricu'.tnral and horticul
tural tools aad implements, in gr-jat variety, combin
ing all the recent and useful improve meats for the
savin" cf a vast amount of labor to tbe farming com
munity, from whoa I respectf u.Iy request a cartful
examination of thij department of my stock. I in
also exclusive agent for tho sale of the celebrated
St. Louis Circular Mill and Cress Cut Saars, which I
will warrant, and 11 ail orders at ibe factary jTinia.
Also a btrge assortment of Guns, Rides and Pistols,
Iron, Steel, Nails, 4c, of the best brands: in a word,
my stock is very complete, which, fo. its quality and
price, I am determined to offer strch inducement? as
will command a liberal share of trade from this and
adjoinicg eounties. My arrangements for importing
and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers,
together with a long experience in tbe general Ham
ware tnde, enables m-: not only to defy all competi
tion, but has convinced mo that the true principle of
trade is small precis and quick returns.
Janunry 1. 1357; rln29tf "
if nwffl stohb.
(Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post 0ice.)
Building and Saddlery Hardware,
Boots, Slices, Leafier and Shce Findings.
HAVE now in and to arrive shortly, Amer
ican and Foreign Hardware, such as :
Greaves ii Son's Files Scissors
and Edge Tools
Butcher' do do
Spear Jt Jackson's saws
Gimlet pointed screws
Griffin's and American
horse nails
Post hole augers
Ames' shovels an j spades
Lull i. Porter's shutter
Morticing machines
Circular, mill and muly
Planesand plane irons
Coopers drawing knives
do adzes and wood
Tress Hoops
Butts, cast and wrought
Copper rivets for belts
Tuyere Irons
Plated and com. stirrups
do do Bitts
do do Buckles
Pocket knives
Knives and forks
Brass curtain bands and
Door lacks
Auger? and auger bitU
Corn knives
Briar scythes
Gra.-3 and grain do
Shovels and tongs
Framed wo d saws
Blacksmiths' Bellows and
Mouschole Armitage an
vils American anvils
Stocks and dies
Pud hooks, breech'g loops
Pad screws, cockeyes
Ornaments, racks
Girth rein and roller web
Silk, 3 cord thread
Calf skins
Upper leather
Briddle do
Skirting do
nnrness do
Belting do
Goat skins .
Enammelled leather
do do
Breast and rein snaps
Lasts, pegs
Peg floats
Shoe thread
Bristles, wax
Lining skins
With many good embracing a complete assort
ment of tbe moit desirable which they will sell at
tne lowest pnes. J. COLHOUN 4 BRO.
April 10th. 18o7. 31-ly
George Fergnson,
4 NNOUNCE to the public, that ho is prepared
xx to erect Steam and'Water Saw and Merchant
Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair
ing of machinery of all kinds.
He is also Agent for
"Western Foundry.
Saw Manufactory,
Andarccrenared to rwi ivp.n.l km ..,-, o.- .
, . . .... "lULI.l ft '7 . UXIJ Uii
chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es-
Letters of enquiry, promptly answered.
Noel, Lake A Co., Bn.wnville, N. T. Steam Mill.
K. V . i urnas, Brownville, "
Muir, Hann k Co., u "
Dr. Hoover, Nemaha city, '
P.M.Rogers, Pawnee city, ' u u
Nuckolls k White, Rockport, Mo. "
James Lowe, LiDden, u
A. B. Halliberd, Cincinnati, 0.
Brownville, June 18. 1857. - T2 1-1 t
Boots Shoes c Erosans.
A RE NOW IN RL'CEllT of a Coinpletea-uortmcnt
of goods from their own and other manufac
toriesadapted especially to the Western trad
Purchasers are invited to examine their stock
manufactured and selected with great care and
warranted of suDcrior ruinlitv nr...:n 1
rompt andcrcfu attention. .
InBTiranco Company.
Capital Stock 30,000.
TnfUM0mpan7'JUndr.a librcha'rter, is now
AJ rl7 rg?';:1: and their eQ"re capital swk of
-l . v - y"-' iu anusocureu. lnev
PrTrCd',from thi3 dule' Crl In tHdicief
and take rUk. ntv.n i ... .rwclC9
favored InsurancV Cornn ny a'y J Hlt
adopted the mutual principle, irj
fofthe SSJS t 6 Con,P"J. confined,
ZSLx h..?3iVZr c r-ks, with a'
rtsa np" .01 thM'oari, it confidpnf.Iy cx
Nonage Ujr la?lU tho River pa-
W v ti- v J-I. Armstrong.
'V.N.Hmchman Miles W.Brown,
A.A.Bradford. i
Lyford cSs Horn,
j. t. noux
alcrs xn
KallPios, StoTrs,rurnItisrc. ic
AT I. !
I have
auortaett cf
eitatlisbmentin the W fcBkl
----- ia swre a rr-t T
lowtn? article.. uv. Ktl Tnetr ..
and eonsequ, atljf txsi mU M
Ready Made ClothW
And a fine assortaeltr?
Such as
19November 5ih.
aid OrcaBcKal ft:
ash .
Takes ttia method cf informing tt .k ' .
removed bis pamt shop from Rxkport Xt. h T
Ca thinks hm-e!f qualified to ui-dertiif , "
taining to bis line of baiiaes,"aod refser'?
the public to giTe feim a cjll. "-''rav
fiexse leave orders at the "Adrertiser" c .
Tailoring! Tailorir:! Ta-
Merchant; Tailor
Atlantic street. West
nuhlir enerallr. if thrr w. , . ..- .v- ,'
I o J.-- - -j --.. maj JirjlkK ,s
line of business. I can alwjyp befonadstw J
or. mors pr p-r!y sjking at niv bn-h
lTorR TVarranlcd A'o Fit 5o par
Particular attention paid to-ruttin-ran
laying off work for the Sca- tres. Ti
portion of my life has been delated to e taii
which I consider myself inferior to iorjV.J!
in the catting deprtment,andlh pe bjjlosu
tion to my business to merit a shirs if
patronage. E. E. PlsrVi
Brownville April loth, 13i7.
Engine and Machine s&op, '
cokhcx or srcosD akd moioai inuTt
ST. L(1L'1, M... .
Mannfactnrers of Stesni Ensiles and H-v.m b
Gnst alill Machinery Single and IXjab'e CirnJir J
Mills, Tobacco Scrtws ar.d Piei Lard It!i U
Screws and Cylinders, Wuol CarUas aichises lux
Castings Toungr's Improved Paten. Smut M.lli.
53"AGEXT3 lor the sale of Jme SauU k Cu.'is.
perior Jlchine Cards.
Announces to the public that hehas pnrchasrtiscaa
sire Stock of Go.xls brought to tlis p.'ace tj li Dm.r
and now oTers to sell
Dry Goods. Groceries. Hard TTaa,
Queensvi are.
at prices as fair as can be focal i i the trestra couatr,
Or Cash or in exchange for country produce.
f.-.t. 1. '57-nU .
Florence Ciy, .V. T.
Scott city Steam Saw-Mill
Scott City, Mo
(Immediately oppotite Brounvtlle. X T.)
Announce tn the public that be l lea.el v
steam saw-mill recent lj erect ed by Mr. wt
as above, and is now prepai ed to furni.-h the t.i;in
MUsonri and Nebraska with an extra quali'y hri
of every description ami . .
of an excellent qualify. A share ol ratrunajeisa
November 11. 1867.
Land and General Agent,
Having resigned the situation which lie a
the General Land Office for the last twenty T1 .
charge of the Pie-emption Bureau fTersbi.rrt
the prosecution or cUims be'ore tho Deparuneai, -she
pre-emption lawn, u.wn ite act cf 1341. a-. "
Mr. C. will also give attention to cases ' f
sion office procure Land Warrants ir'-ies e:'
and prosecute claims before Comrress.
Rcrr.Rs to
S A. Douglas. Illinois. U. S. fetaie-
J. D. Bright Indiana," .
C. E. Stuarj M -higan. "
R.W. Jh.!-. n Arkansas, "
Pn'l Wells. Wisconsin, IJoase
C C. Washburne. ' "'
H.-b't Smith Illinois. "
John B. Sindidge Louisiana, "
Thomas A. Ilendricks. Cuut'r c--S.
Wilson, E:q. Chief Clerk
E. M. Uuntinxton E.-Cym'r. ra4;-
James Shield E!-Cm'r. Minnesoia
Geo. C. Whiting, Com'r P;nii(iD.
Gov. Medary St. Paul, JIicne- , ,t
atessrs. Sweeny Fent &Co.f Banters, nv
rirt & bourse. n
Chabb Brothers. do
Safer Lea & Co.
Aiwi. ioine uiotrict Lind Otncers jo v " w
all whohave had land h
usines at theseit r
ior years. tri-xt buiniss letters
. . . r 1
tion unless acw,mpanied by a fee.
4 b3-;t
Jonas Crane and Th Hiil hav this d'T ''
nowc-purtncrsbip under tbe tbe Ann a"d
nti'.and willci.ctinue theMercanulo basiae
sticdcfllcAIIistsr, Dozier &;Co. riit
JO? a-v fftix
tf 8. 1&57
TIIK )i',''L-. -
WATCn-UAKE.Lv CTowol lor?
TAKES tho liberty to in form tbeci-"
Bnwnville and vicinity. tb;it ha h' '
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Stors.
In Oregon, 11..U county. Mo., wuere be c7, I
stantly on hand, and for sale, a good ufrf,al,gire
Gold-and Silver Watches, Clock sh-U1?
ho will sell extremely low, f.r CASH. X
lot of Violins. Aceordeons. Silver, and ."ie4t
tacles. Gold Pens with Oold and Silver ex
cass, Silver Thimbles. Ac. Ac. ,;t
He is prepared to repair Watches, Clccts tn
elry. of every description, in the best b2
on iho most reasonable terms. ,
Every article bought in bis establish krr
ranted to be what it is represented to be.
pairing warranted for ono year.
July 2K. 1b5. yl-n'ff --
Attorneys at Law & Real Estate A?-
-.-rTtt .. ........ - ttes.ll-
Wii.i. attend raiihfully ami proroj -.- .. i r
ne.s entmot.m! tn thm in tb rrTi
Iowa Courts, to tbe purcha-e of lots arl3 '
trrics and pre-emptions, cf.llections.ic RiotB
lfllce in tbe second story of HnrT r&itf
building, nearly opposite tbe Westers
Bank, Farnhsm street.
Dec. 27, 155. vlo23tf -
oLiygR besset. 'if.1!-
ixr.s r. rt3Et. jih.---
cf Eoli:rjo'".a..
HA1NG bought property and hted tm-
ly in Brownville. I rd'.r m. JT.
-5!ajw,cturersand Vhalesale Pf,f " " -j
Ko. 7 Main Street. tir)
( FO gMKLT.SO. I , CoBS or JW asb t
louis. mo.
yJ 3-U