! i I i . i f ! r I 1 I 1- i I s : t I 1 t t I ' t r s t -1 tl i I ! I i ! ADVERTISER THE 3R0WKVILLE. APRIL 22, 1S& TEUMS: it paid in advance, - $5 00 at tbe end of C months, J 60 ."'-" "12 " 309 ! r-a of 15 ni '' will b furnished at $1 &i per j .-sVco. Pvided lt c accompanies the urJr, not I .tierwse " ' juu wmk. ir -Ji receat extecsive additi'ms cf Xew Type, Ci i'cd luiA, arnze. Card, fca:., rnlt to the "Adt Cuts, ver- ii-r ve claim to be aii'.t to tura out Job Wt ta passer asuarpassed fcj any ofiVe Tbe proprietor being .aciica! pricier bio:f, and bavin ia has employ an i mplished and experienced Fancy J0 Printer is de-f,-x;aed tet-Ve ia the erw-ttUuiiti Job w k. (&AViLg vae.ot Fier' latest improved C.d LrM ) Black W It in Cwlor, Brofase Work, -c; will viia paruculaf attention. Jar from a distance wiii be promptly attendee w, aid warranted to give ati.f action or do Py- CitAACSr GlUrtt, rn p :etors irate J.ew Le tr, Maic Tetape, Chicago, I.i. H Paavi Geoe.al Adverting Agent. ia rear Vew Tok Ladies' aivl Children's Si.e Store, &U West fctt Street Ciaio'1- VlitCHCB OWISXCj. No. JiS ia4 349, Brodway, ye T-rk . r,rw MTID A-ae cva C4a.ii4u Ami Euri-pean -n.UgaudSsuscT.pa a tree Ni ISJ .-.., j ' DrDDtll DG t X W. C.ill'i O.ivc ai.d k'i .-- .Mr'jieu-J lur Uie A4.er:ic rw.v ii- re- e-rr r?-i nt la tti Territory. Conors; rria rrtwU . j.m"f U Sta-e f tea saz.ret tj u. tbe HAaie .f siri'rce rsb11" eoid et a e-py oC the "Ad- ' r.ter We aiwayi ad a speciaien ccpy, and persona re-Wit coaei-i' it a alicitaU.m to tec. me a rega- Uinjaaitea a4 other, feeltnc auf&aest interest w trttt? i e . - M , -r;,,, s.A.flelat thecke. the VIntne to di eontftc -Adrmer." wertall take it f- rented twtt ttik-ra "":'sh tbrir ,)',p'r c,t!B,5,1- n1 ha1" ardinf! cur.nue t. n! a heretofore -C2 ' tT The "Nebraska. Advertiser having such the U-gC5t circuatica of tnj papr ia tie Territory. Wholes ile Merchants m St. Isyai St. Joseph, Cujcinnati and other Ext ern markets where Nerat-ia merchants pur chase, will find to better advertising medium in the "Western country -T2 cf?c. We r Mit'T fW on ft: e .bu.ual ppe-; nd rr F-ep--i - eei d t"i 11 o atttir-i. r n..... rrS-N AS k. LANG PON. Prospects or Fruit. There has letu rcctriv.d at this place, fjr Xcsnahd Cut.r, this spring. sera.ty l:u thousand fee' hundred fruit trees. R V. FcBN AS, EQ. Et3r Sir: Our D.l .gate to G-'Dgress, Ha- Ftuutr FtrgUion, hai LinJly for wtrdtd to the Brownville Lyctutu and L'ilnrv, s.ne verV valualle looks, which I will t pleased to deliver in charge of e Society as soon as an organization can be had and the proper oScers elccttd onder thtir charter. Rpxtfully, . D. L. McpARY. Allow us to urge upon the incorpora- ) tors of the Brownville Lilrary.and Lite- ssociation. the propriety of an or- rary ranizatiuu. By nd orranizmz a co-cper- iiicg with the Brownville College, a good Library and Literary Society would sooa U the resulL Scrioas AUrsj. We learn, just as we go to press, that Josrph Dcroin, a chitf of the Otoes, was kilh d bv a rr.aa caratd B dJow. prominent yt sttTuay We hare ben unat le to l-arn the partictdar of the attray. BcGtl'jw Lz g:vc-n up ar.d desires a trial. lit says ntittt d the def-d in rrlf-d U ntf. Liui rtlf h CO( 11- In To'ira. S. W. Swi E IGITT, Sio.ii C Eizle. waa iu oi.r ci'.v nn Friday last. We rtgrrt nut st tiug bitu jiadeniovinz the rltaaure of. uiakiojr a 4 at -J personal acquaintance, card on our deik. We found his Those who desire anything in the Dry : Goods or Grocery line will do well to call : at Cka5e Si Hill's, and in.-pect the new .and beautiful stock of Goods there offer ed to the public. At the present rate of sales, ia a few days it will Le too late; therefore go iamidiattly. Friend Rub er: cf said firm has our indirided thanks for a beautiful and appropriate pres nt. i We call atttntion to th e caru oi our youcg frifnds McLacchlln & Dorset iu another colurniu Thy Lave a large amount of land warrants on Land which wi'.lUr dipo-d of chtap. Mac'emrgy a..d CharU y bu.-incss qualitications are such a: to injure th ir access. R.ad the D-wnioile Ertctcd I v John" -a the firt pae. Siich a production is rariy io be iu H witii. En!?ran(. It btar-r-rtad This tttamcr rtachtd our wharf Oa Friday lat, after a ttllOUS trip of tWO eeks. She was ht avily laden. Landed hravy lots of frright and urtnty-fivt pas- -er.gers fcr this point. AsaWIIcs. The osa Wilgus made our levee Saturday afiernocn. Left several pas seers, and fifty-fire thousand five Atn trtd fruit trees, evergreens and ornamen 1 shrubt;ry. Horencc. . TTKic' clamnt c: f o rr o w nmrC-A wt B c-r wharf Cn Saturday. Ltft a CUinber cf passengers and household goods, seve saall lots of freight and 5000 fruit trees. .Onaha.' Ihe elegant and popular boat Omaha t,j . .... , .1 ,:a nn ... & ma 1 v a. .1.. viua ua.l i. uu ncuucauay last. ; Left US tn nrisAnpr nnd (if rai 1inf :.rr. Wiicox. h is r l:23t;j;is for : St. Lo .iapcrs. boat furn -th s-J officered as the Umaha is, cannot d to have a hlcrul thare of cuiicu. Hoses Grccnirood. Reached the BrownviJIe wharf on Saturday, with freight for McFherson & Co., Dr. HollaJay, J. Thompson, and ten passengers with household goods for this place. Scalcd Fi opasals Directed to tbe CVmwiioiier of Pawnee County will be receiTel from and after ttU date, mU tie C -t'il. a djyinjaiy next. Fjr the erectioB i a Ojurl Hovie in. Pe tenet Cilg. Pavcnte Count. A T., U .utt luwiug d;menrtua and nyie namely : ?iid L fiut U. be thirty feet Ion and tventy-rour feet iJe tw Tories higa tbe lower story to t ii-ided into fuar apartment. !a one ead two rx.nu tvelTe feet 4aare a bil thrun;h tbe cesrer eirftt lew vide. In the other end a ruotn tea feet wide ty 11 feet loop; a piaia.-pen tiircai.e iel:r frvia tbe bil t. tbe Curt iu ni abre ; said Court Rs'tu tu be twen'y by tweuty- ' fuorfeet aai properly t-e-i.fl in pUia styie. Tlie re-I ViAlSMlr a. t.m DTtriAr t- V a j v, 1.1.1 ;n.. i.. - I aized rouDtf. tw vot-iie d xrs three feet wide, six ipt i oizcd rornf eight inctetbiph. . ne and tUree-fuartb iocbt Uinci ; 6 iui-le d r. twwfeet eight iucbe wiue mi audablf : feet bh and ote auJ a U-iif iiKbe thick ml t.. be ! fonr panne: each. Eight en wuwt-w tweWe Iipbts ' each. It) by H fl-; wiad., xi: d -r ca-ias euraers and bj. cljia wisu-e !tit: (i v-iji runi t member ; p-jec t & e:r.rn uicbe, and r.iae k3die. J derp retained with tbe tike; tiirt-e a.ti . f iii.t bite : ieit rciac iu ide ait at. S-i4 h-to be m Iraoie it p j:i.f b'oe- i h , ji.ni ? Liu;re rif 'hebi-; ie: t tarci-h eve.y bin? f .r tbe c r?p.e- n t tbe bi-L-' dli wk 1! i . iu e 1 iicel W:i.Ut MdtL? a e enrf &.C - i Sid tci:!irs t I c- mp'eted oo Jarcy 1S53. One bi!f the price t- be pid a the rem ajde- when C :i Loi! Lefote the first cf tbe wtk p'i. gr et.-es P ed a: Pjwuee -i:y ihi-5 hd.iy4 Apri 1557. By u.'der vl iiie C'.r.'y c tu.s;i-t Deer: - - ' G E. DOWNING, County C c:k Attest April 20 3m w Notice. Persons iin!tb;ed U tbe nnder.-itied will c ni far d atid cettie a b nrter icdiieiKwiit a.t be given. Jlotei ecrtp taken at par. THOMPSON 4. JIAP.SFI. BrcwnviKe April 15. h IS5S. i'2-:f T. W. BEIFt)RD, County Su veyor ECDSON GE0KGE Nil J PbbUC BEDFORD 5c GEORGE, SURVEYORS, CIVIL LXGIXEERS, ;real estate agehts, Office cn LlcJn ttrcet. ' WILL atterrl prwptty to all haine eatrac'el to them ia .be line tbeir pft,feMin. Will btryand?ell Lind warrau i make time cutties attend ta the e.ec tijn and I cjti.-ti I G. verMienl L3&i Snvey Twu ti es cb!iTi'te L in. I., take.u; City Piat 4.c. &c, U tviaz been Uc .ted ij the Te iury f .r tie part jeir, we:e prepared t- ct .ke the ra.-t cb- ice .election t r actnal rit.e Wiii py uxe iaverip.te title, and. rendra-:istrfiice tit c.uteted caee. at the C. S. Lmd ffl. Letter of ir.tjai.y p-ontTt;T jnwe. cd. t RrB TO it n. W C Reva Id J bu J IiKt et. i., E-q. II a Gjlu.ij a Gr. w H a Jeph G. Crane ; F.yaii k. Cha-ies. Land A tents , B -te- &. Heilitea, B.tiiker Ln bturb A Cru Banker R W. Farna Eq. KmjTNti.n Penn. Ctnciunti, Ohio U'sbiujrt. n City, D. ( T iyun Obiu SicuxCity, Iuwa. d- do Brownrille, N. T. d do D. W C. Cieiver Geohicical Engineer Scrinton Pa. Koto- R Edwaribi. Esq. St. J.epfc ilo. Cal. J Jin G. Fell Waveney Pa W. G. Ge.rre, Real Etate Acent, Dayton Ohia Ap i! 8 I53 v2tt41-y.y ! T. H tD" AKKS aMjKKW J. CZU.SV. j EDWARDS & BERRY, Pro rietors of the NEBRASKA HOUSE. I ISrcmnvillc. JV.T. ! The BnderytneI bavtng en eredinto a c i-p-rtcerbi? in the hotet burines at the ab.ve r.jn:U II me and bjviDC ni le an entire cb4ne t.f r.Hoii A.C., utMiutuple- teiy repaired and lem vaicdthe whole ei-ti-bliiLitient. they are prepred to acc -nini' jljte tbe traveUinp pub.ic ani regular boarders in a t-tjle not su:paoed by any i other hotel in the Territory. Cliarges Xoderale, and every facility offered to place our rnet at ease, and fupp'.y tnem as near as poible with tbe curaforU of a h-.ise. April 8 1SGS. r,41-Cm EPKARPS BKRRT. Ordinance No. 11. Be it ordained by tbe C .nmil cr tbe Ci;y of B-own-vii!e That all owner or owners f l..t or I.. ts fontiiist oil Ifinrtreet. from the river to Seventh street, be and are hereby required to grade ra cmb and putter the Mdewaiks t- aaid streets the width oX miewtlk t be cine feet, tfee width of rutter three feet, the -aid pave ment to be made of brie k or -fone md t" be t ne in accordance with a grade to be e:;tabllbed by tbe city Engineer, and ail to be c. mpteted by tbe first Ly t.f September next. And it not d- ne ty i4id time then it hill be the duty of the M irsbal :c mplete f-ttrh w.,rk at the erpen-e of the t wiier or owner i f each b.t er lots and it nt paid for wiien c mpie'eii ibe Jfarhtal shall hell wh lotor iots f.nr said espen-e fl strivinir notice of fuch -a!e for three p.ecedina; week in the NeJrak A tverri-er." Approved Ap.il B 1339 Atet A. S. HOLIPAT, Joh U. macs, Recorder. il-yo-. For Eent. A firm 2 uii.e r d b c-e stb e. bn krn ail urnter teiice de tetjoe wi bsireatit ir ui B ..wi.viile C I.tainit.f a tLer b-i.dmp 4ar:esif tut;4 and :t ::es t p--tute a!i-o t-R-f r -d water runitiux tbroVh it F-ir fu-'h !-itf i ma.i -x .' Ap i. 8 1S56 1,41 -at p y WN WHEELER it IVti e N . i.iTHZli ITO ILFY. f:3V.T V MtK. . IIO ID LEY 31L lii. . LAXD AGENCY, Urowutiile, Aemaha Co., A. 1 Wiii tH-Uvt 0crcui'--ut L-tuti-; Si.jaie L;iia nr raBts in Nebraska, Kansas. Western MI-ri and !': ei4l't dbl : j taxes fr .n-n-res-i'-a a: bnj aud m:I1 n4rtj u c. laeaL-ion : IoiimI War ratit bought siod 4d at maiket jrL-es. ; lrejvui't-tk-a ip'-rs jrerredT Ae. We bve tor Je !,t in the City cf Rro tvi'.W, South hrowsiT.Ue, t nuibaCitj.Table liik,l)rraLi. h- Jlwt K" - Temrj . i.ear TaUe Kock. cuntr. tir sab.-. A I. so, tit N email eounij, myr vcl i-n-tty tor ntlei-rreut. Office Comer ma;n and First Streets. KKFKUKNCJKS. f .acta.. Ilcjiktt'a'.r'rs i laitorUT: a 1 -rs'IItick X.l David !t-.dU-Y 1'rs t i'auaDi.-i t ailr.il. tieu.C. T. IlflTyer---t bantr Oak l;t.k. llrtfotd. lA-e.'l;ail-r& C. ....Lrmifi.rd,C..Er. Coilius, Kcli. ! K.rby Louis, Tba waa V. Tuelpa - Mobil-, ATa C Wils-o tn). -L'ut.i, Ala. W: P UVLKAt'T " ' M.ft.Ofb.rti - x, M3d. III. !..... ... ... .. .1.1 . ii- i ir .... ; ii.Arvt.uaia. ijb i asu -.- I. iiitsp, rervtt A LV lnkeri Lrt-iajUe, i ;. Ilex. X.S. Wurd " l-tL.rp & 4dvs .-S.-rtir.tfC, II. Ii. Mrso v K d Kfcl'.N. V. jWiIJ atn-l r.rbu.v,baia. Att"j Ali atiy. N. Y. Kt-v. Ii. U u. l'hiR.; at Vjri di i. iciciirj. N.i. J. A. irk r l il Wajhiu'i-u. Ii. C A. T. wtltniT, Kecrirer Land Ool- --Ura-tha H-ra-; Lrertt. Council Liuls, la. hcwnT.lle. April I. 185S. Liimber ! Lumber ! ! We are prtnd loturni.-'n atoarSicatn Saw .Mil!, -iitc llr.-wuviile iu Trains Forest,' allktr.dsof IcmUr usui-IIj fi und in tbe West, and wiir rhoice Iti inters .itabir fur wng ns. fumitur ti f..r bui', j i ''S I'urjit , rfx-ucli aii llit-koty. Oak. Asb. l.Lick ; Walnut. Svcaiiiore, Linn aini Cotton woI, which we ' bavcoj-iatitlj n band.i.r will jrejAreat sbort no j tre. at the lowest market prices, bills sawed to tr uer, n r stcamtnAt. t ill .w b ?. on tbe sbarei. , r by the hnndred. Ilill for lumb r can le K-ft at ur .fSce. in lir.wovi:le. We will Im furnish latn- " iuc Foaiirs. it I'j uie nuiiunii ni i.ur in. 11 at Table K.:k. IlUADLEY X MUIR. Unwnville. Svr.X 1. Land 'Warrants. 17.000 Acres of Liud loaa to pre-etoptors, bj Warrann for Bale nl to TYSO & IIAUKJfEY'. DITORClo. B. X. Uatehir5, 1 la tbe Webarlon Coanty ts. V DLtrirtetirT, Sfcr.nd Jndi- Eltxabeih IIotfbin.j eial pisrsict. May term. ISjS Ta Elizabeth Uutcbic?, the defendant in tbe case. You will please take notice, that I In re proajfct saction in the Kichard.son County District Court, an recna joujciai iisinci ci iienraaia . lerntory ajrainst you to obtain decree i.f divorce trotn the bands of matriiauDy, wbkh have hitherto united as. Mr ! ap)4ication f-ra diree u fouc-Jtd srn thegrou Tot your baring c.mmitU-d adultery A . heari nd or will be bad upon my said appucatjon m tbe raid connty, on the first Tuesday in ibiy, lS-S. when nui where yu can attend and make defenw aptinst the said eharg-. it. II. IIUTCUIXS. Territory f Nebraska, gg County Iiichardm. ) I eertity that tbe furefoin f ntitl d rott fcas bee a broozhtio the UtchaniM Caaty District C mrt. a set r.-.h in th n.tk-e. that to-- iApr ! therein are now ,n file it hjt t0c- and tlat the - pumraoD been rctarutd wta itt tareafxa. as to the defendan. Wi-ts taj'-.f! in-?. '; t'os-al t t r.i :!. i '' t :li of iiircti lio-i. : A r April. 1. 1 S3j.- ti 4 4: - ... . ' . -t ! W . l.ii-rV. il.-rv. I.ivrl.vty C'.- rk. .4.1 33 b a-k Mat:rasesjcst r.eivedat tfct tore nf I. Ill Aui..,:i-7 .X. CARPETING. 1S5S , SPRLYG &1LES. a. Mcdowell & compaint. Are aiw in receipt of Ueir priRK nnjjLTtatwo, which lure tx-ea purchased lq EngUnd for cj. B. for thunsa tb bouses are ad-erti-iit direct ixuportatiun from Europe, we take pleasure ia niDuanciiig that we are tbe only cirect importers frc Eng.and Fiance ia tbe wei-e-n f-ttes. and hive tww vn bond tie U:?est snd flaet stock eTer imported to ihiafciuKrj-, conaiauns iapariaa ftillfl as? r 9-1 -4 4-4a3l3-XewMea:iItK.ns; I . 6- rcyar Velvet; 500 mil FretKh Ttlvets) 20O rvlls'Eoyaa Wiltuu; 1CQ0IK Egbert Crobdey Ercs eeu ; 2;0 rolls Jota Ctossley i Soii'a Tapety Bni-el ; 2 1.0 rolls B iatt&'sj 2KQ DltiP.are fc biooaian't; iCn.i) rI!s Brifrut'a new ile-ins , 10OnlU heavy Engdsa, tbree-p!yj l(?:obevy suretfine; To:e'ber wi n tie taxgea ittoH l Domestic Carjtn, fcr tie wbjlesjletratle, ever brauKbt west uf thetuuta Win. Al2G00 rulls-4 whUeaoal cbeck mat: in; 20l0 " 6-4 " " " 3iXO " 4-4 acd ' 1 " 3X0 " C:-.a raattimr ill width. 13C0 sheets .:f il cloth ia t. 3t feet wide; SJC' pifne, J-t it S-4 Uid S-t, Ulciwih. a!mo the U eet tkTif tujrs tb3 coren sofa rcs, Xi. vail" r!5. table oil clothw, tc, of any eiti!UL aten! in the c iwr.y. T. the reui; ou'onier. .ill we ak h a cill.focnTince ?li-ia ih. w en .ltd wi;t se;l l-.wer thiu any other b ,ce in the vtf T 'the wte !r epu'cbler we wu;d suT -h tf we c.a i fTVr hrm p-;er i!Ml-enletlt tbau auy e-t .l lishk..ns. ei'ber iu Xcw Tx k r B. s- n h iTic P'l rhj e! t 'ir euU . e -t.k t -r ah we ate pri ced to LtTer in- e it's th terj s. wt y i-:e .f iaiy..rti:icn. A M-MJWF.lXii. C., tSitjjH.l.. a. Lout. April 15 ISi1) u; 42. CLAILVI NOTICE. ToTL ius M ore Win. S R .I:f, ami nil Uhers whom it m.iy cito b. Too are hereby tHt(3eti t appejr at the Laud Office in Brt wnvilie ou Saturday J4 ty lslISo8 at i .('clock Fn as I intend to prove up my richt tf pre tap I lo tbe no thet quarter of st-ctiuut-ix torc ship tsix n-.r:b of ranse fitteca fJ-t. 4J2 Aptil 15 68. ANDREW J. ?C0TT Claim Notice. T all wh-jtsi it any ejicern. Tu are hereby el ided tlial I wlil appear at the-Lad OB in Bruwuri:ie, n Tardiy April 22. IS58 at 1 u'tttock 31 , ti prove np my itcbt of p-e-en;pii ti the soutbea.-t turier of otiettiop t.i.-e t. wn.-btp (.ce rupe six een est. Ap.itlilS-S 2. J E. ECRBAXK. SrRIXG AND SIM3JER GOODS. FIELD, BEARDSLEE Cc CO.; Importers and Joist ers. , Piece Goods for Jlen'S TTchr, A.. ?. J'tif ktr er .Sf. Loni We artnt.w in receipt i.f a larpe ani com; lee stock or p l-suitable for ibcS? iaj: sjiJ Sani3er trade wtuch w e wtTer b tbe iui ur..abie term. The s'.ctk con stats in part of tbe fwlb.wiujr ir.dj. vu: CLtflHS.. C-"inier; D e-kin.-; Satinet.-; Tweeu; Coshnterett?; Jean.-; Cotdur. ys; jt tekiiit; Li:ien; C it. n.ale.-; At p.cs; DiapD'E te-; Farmer'i. S:ins; Vesting; Vel- ;i sirKe ; every de-crip:i. n .! taib.rs' uttd cljth iur' ti imiuiii. A c nipiete tockt.f Bi.nkets. A fail as; jr.ineB.1 ..f wo 1 thirts and crawer. e chjr.ti',Ci'jihier and Taiitxs vi. iticztbe ci'y for tUe prpre oi buyitig tbeirtpiinir Stk wilt And it to thfii in. erettt examine oar tirk before mkiu their se.ectiona All orders wi.l receive pnjnr.pt auet.it n. FIELD, BEARDSLEE it. CO. AprU 15, 1S56 cc42 1S3S SPBIXG SALES. 1S5S W.F.ENDERS & C0 , lYIioIesalc Clothing Vfarchousc, .V.j 62, JL1i Sti"eef, Lout-, Hare jnst receivel a full and coiap:ete sttk of Spring aa-l summer el., ihiuv; wai b U uuu. parted iu ex etit qaal.ty, and wo kmatuhip iu any other houe in the l"Li.;n. All our rtitkiu? is made by n exp es y f..rtl.i matkei, at our Maaaiacti.ry, SirumoOa block, Boston. Lure and cl)e buyers will find it for their interest tj ftive a a call, as we pieie ourselves to sell forcah, or to prompt men at iices ih.it will defy all rompe t.ti ti. Atcllktoi k f..r Sutlu s and Sntj Fe tr.de. Win. F. EN DEES. St. Louis, Jbn W. BiGELOW, Bost.in. uu H MCCORMICK'S Reaper & Mower for 1858 C. HYATT & Co., Agents, I j acain effe-ed t tbe finners of at issonri and Nebraska, as tl.e best K.aper ia the w.jrld and tbe best onibinet Fu'apr ami JAoer and is s warranted. For Ave years past I have avoided attending the ,vari..u S a e acd Co unty Fairs, t.ir tbe purple oi seeking p:eniiuui re faruiLif ciy machine as too we. I known to need that sort cf Ci niDieixlatiun. In Jaly List the United State A? ricultaral ooe:y, at their Fj-r at Syracuse. New Toia, awaiiiel to me a " GOLD MEDAL, and DIPLOMA. For the best reaper, after a severe test in beat tan plcl tyeover hilly and uneven yotiud. Also ihe Great Crenel: Meilai' ws awrdtdby the exhibiiun t all na tt .ns in L-ixt.n iu lSol t.i C. itcCoinii - t u tbe sroimd i f tf e oriLiujiriiyar.d value of bis AMERICAN REAP ETt :ii5dals at tbes -e.it Freif-i Exbioi.ivrt ai Pa: is. in 1555. was awi.ded tbe G-ai d G-!d iieljl.l H-4W. Also theb3i.et pize aw.T-iJel to any reapir.tr mhine by ihe R. yal AarlcalttJ at ie yf EnsUiid in and will in ire e'oriwi the biLit atisr:tijn attd approval ,,t ver :U) WX) ft net -f my ;.vu c.mitry Farruev: de i ii.? tbe M-C tuick Reaper ar.d Mower for the pre e?:t yer wi.l e--s:e by levinz their ..dir rh' u.d teear f t let-' O the i?' dy ut jfa.'cb nexr. Api ii 15 ISsS a A'i PORTER'S jPIF.1T FREE Tl. p p ie .,i 1. tt t' S; if: 1.1 ;te Ti;ies ' wi.l l;ee 'ii-n'ib i-i n t $: ot ra it; :!eri yeai'iy" ?uo. v ij i. n iiU. ui- rai.,i;te. ti.e ua e ' t ai iti J aij i tx ni..-k a tt.ei' Wr.y S.:i tLair'have iiirte IU( tribiiioii. For c.iivtiuecc a.. eu tu te aU ia.e est lubi? Git-, '-iie'ii-t.'ibu.ijn wiii be stove-ned by tur re T. i.i tLe Kt:ai iace :1 t is lobe i"u: in E;i.Uiid -a ibe 'S-b ( f Jaiy i.ext k&owuas ra lor tbe U-jmlwwil Cup. Tbi cii.est is uudet tbe special pvtrouae of tbe Duke ot Richuit-nd atid is one oi ibe n-t piincciy of tbe Eai.i.-b laii .e ye-. It wa the meetiiijt ttiected la-t year tor ibe intm nature debut ot tbe Aoie. lean ho ses ii the English Tu.i; arni it U ture than probable that Pri jre. aid iber AtnerK-an h'jie wi;i. .n tbe ap pr acbinz i-ccasioa. appear ia u anoiu. A there wi.i p.oUio;y. be tbi:ty ..r Tir ty h. re-entered, aiid some f- urteeti -r flltceo t.mtait. we p opj.-e to disitibi-:e ;he$. UOO as i ilws: Ft st, we wi:i ivuter a F.ee Gittot $3C0 in cirh ;ii tbe Sub: ct ibe. who ia the ii.-iribnii n .-Lji i obtain .be u.tuieot tlie winning h- i re. Ta the .-nb-c ilr h.jniitin Tho i,:m i.t tLe see ud borne, a tree citi ti AUt w a.al ! to ihe u!:iiber who ho.'iU tbe natue t ihe tbi d horse, a ii ee gi.'t f $:Cw Atxong :b-tsewho btd the name f the nniait:ui bsrses which sta .ett other r.b tbe n si three we win distttbu e a f.ee gift ot $100 in e;ua partr; and am those who iK.lrt the names of lfrses which we.eeti eiel and !id n i start, tre fl ditribu.e in like manner tbe rem.iBtiia ftlOO; s- that ihere will be iu all SI WX) in ca-h divitieu .itaou? abmt 30 guts. Tbedi'triburi in f :fce naines of the hore arcngour sub:- ibeta will be ejected by putting thetn into a jrla s bail. I l x at-d iakin ibeaoei'ooih riiuultatieuasly with tbe number cf ;he receipt l each yearly bubsc.iber as luuti 1 tipa in b oka. The horse thus drawn wilt, of cou.e bed me thech. ten cmpe i.or for the victory to ibe l'e irly SiiUscnbers, aud rt ubscriber, win kn w if bebas drawn a bor.-e by th dup.ica e oumfer of bis receip', which we win fot waid bim in advance from our b.. k-. Toe distribtttu-n of the bmos' n ttre win tke place .ii the evetiU..! vl Saia tbe 24 th f July, at ur t fit-. 340 B.oaiiwaj- ew Toik n wtichocctri a we shall al-odistribuietbenanienof the same horsw in an other but enti ciy separate, Iite Gift to Agents, ot FiVrt HuxiGrea Doiiars- am.tr those of our re tail Atrcat w ho have been in Ihe habit f sel.iiir ten or m. r c. pies of -ur paper regnUii Iy for ei:bt weeks p. e vioas to such disttibution; and for every extri ten o.p ics mh Retail Aitent ir Newnvia maj eli, he shall bnioan adtiiii. nol hare iu the Di-tribbtb n We take this m de of rewaidins onr subscribe sand Ai.!.-, in prefe ence to emploj-ine Traveling Jjre!i.s ?bM3sitic rather thus to give what we would pay away In -sab -xpene aud ct.ni mission to tbe Sul! ilef him self. Ky this means the suotcriberte.eives for tbe usual subscrip kb p: ice n-.t on y Ins paper rur the year, but a lane sum in cab. in the hape uf a very novel ad iater estiaKrtui y. Tbe svbsc: ipMon price of Porter's Spirit Is $J a year. Postmasters and otters who fu-ui-h ten yearly s&bc. i- bers wiii iaal lui. B to their premiums, be entitled to ote shai e Tor the A?entV Gift. It Is out present intention. b continue this f ystera of of FreeGttts, and make to our subscribers and Acents to free distributions during the foil, win? ard each snc ceecing year; tbe erst to bedetided by the EPSOM DES BT r 159. toNran in the early Sprin? (md for which two American b'-cee are already entered ) and the oth ers by the DONCASTER ST. LEGER. the annual great meeting of Englnnd for the Full. As is both tiese last named meeting there are al'vay about two hundred bijo-nteitled racers entered tbe interest that wi.l at tend tbe distribution of th- comperitors aniens the reJe.r of our paper may eatiily bee .nceive-L Ft- tbe. preiem year, in ea-ejueiice of tbe close ap proach t-f the -De: by we have choeen for convenience, tbe great.race f r the Giwimd Cnp. P. S The "istributi.in wi'l tie pl.ice rnblicty r.n'er the snpet Intendence cf a Comnitteetf Subscriber!; and Newsagents. BROVVIiVLLLE STEAM ilMLLL, K0EL, LAKE & EMERSON. X2zro7S7Xawlllo, 37. K. B. We would r.-titful!y inform tho etti IC328 of Xemaha eoenty and adjoining Missouri, that wn bare alwar on band a large and well delected so pr ty of 1X32 II I ;: It, whh h we can furnish at low et ra te5 than any aiill n The Territriry. M.trket priee it for log delivered at the yrd otn tbe bark T tbe rier. All rdrrs acct to;ni'4 with the-rs wio reet-iv r err -nimMite arr-lnn-ti Claim Notice. TaJac-b E. Ct--(-r td al I r fbe- wb r It may m nceTi T -u arel-ereby nV-fed th3t I wt!! sp;or at ibe Lrol f :11itat Briwt.vii'e Xti -".alt. a!belb Ly.f April, lt5S. to pi4e ' p ciy rikt i f r; e-eni; i a to tbe uJi- ' cm quarter U cca.a itt, Li u. t,.Lia wee, tuni U ( 1S5S 1858. : ziz " 1858. SC ARU ITT i5- MASON, "Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer of Furniture' and ' Upliolsterv Washington AYenue,l)ctT7cen SECOND ASD THIRD St's, ST. LOUIS, SIO Ia out Ware rooms win be. foend the Iatst arI best styles, made by the best worktuen and of upetiur mate r at and Cui-b. BEUSTEADS Fine Rosewood and Mahojany, Walnut Oak and Cherry, wrta high posts and Canopy. SIDESOARI'S HosewooJ Xahosan, u.k and Wal nut with Slietre and JJi"b:e T. p. WARDROBES and SkXRETAJUES. Rosewood, 3Ca hosotiy Oak and Walnut. SOFAS ilaligaJiy and Walant, Cover e4 in hair Cloth, Lasiittg aud brocate.ie. CoREACS Fine R..iewooL atah.fany, Oak and Wal nut, with side tire Marine Top and Oval Glasses, P- sewooa Jahe any. Oak and Walnct Waahsunds, Center and Side T-b.es with Mai b'e Tops. HAT RACKS R-ewood Mahogany, ok and Walnut of many styie- Ai: Fine Rosewood State? any, Oui and Walnat Potior, Ea.-y and Hxkin? Chairs; every virjety of Cush ion Rash and Cane Seat Receptiun and Cottape Chairs ; Recumbent Chairs Piano Stooim. O..mns Fuotstixiis, Comer and Side Watn.ts Exteusi.jn Tables, Showet B :tbs: IceB.xe;.. WL e and Tin Soles, Sfcartitt' Patent L-nnste BeHe.d-. GILT LOOK..NG GLASSES Splendid Pier G: as.se?. Ova Maotieaud S iare; Wood FiartMs Lai large a tfortment. - ...... BEDIMXG Spring Hair Mjs. Excelsior and Hok Matrasti; Ita.ter Beds. PiUows. Bjistera Comforts, Sneeta. kc, all of the best material, and warranted to be iresa sweet and new. . Every at ticie warranted a3 represented, an-i at prices as low as any other buse in the city for correpoinliaj qnaliry. O ders solicited and faithfully fliled, . , Wecordiaily inri.e every one who wbhes to call and examine and price oar jtjods. as we are pleased to show onr R.AAlfj. ai iiveyoa all the iaforrnatiia in our power. All artices gold by tis carefully packed and delivered on Boat o' at tbe boose, . Very Respectful. y, SCARRITT &. MASON. bo37 Wanted ! A LADTashotise-keeper, at the Hcrmitarte cce with out iuftuibt.ajie pe-cried. Sitaation permanent, and c.;tnpenaii.,n satisfactory. AiW.es. . JOHN S. MINNICK March 15 1S55 n23:f Baowsyiux. X, T. BROWHVILIE COIXEGE Tbe Facnrry of tbe Medical Department uf ihe Brown viue Collate annotince that they wi I emmetw e their c nre of Loctnrcs .n M.tiUy' evening next. I2d day of February, mi 6 1(2 ictock, and cjiuinia? lwu m.u.bs jciv ins ihe lectuires on tbe evenings M jodSy, Tuesday. Wed nesday attd Fiiday .f each week. Tbe iatr44c:ory lecture to tbe coarse wili le public aiid delivered at tbe Brown ville notel tbe retnoiiiderof the lectures to be jiven pri I TAteiy to the ciai'.- Tkcu C3J be proenred of the Dean. FACTJL1T: WILUAM ARNOLD M. D. P of esor of Anatomy. A. S. HOLLA DAT. M- D. Profe-sor of the Practice of aitdicine. john Mcpherson, m. ii. . Professor of Materia Medica. E. D. ALLEN, A." B. Professor of Chemistry. C. C JOHNSON, Professor cfMedical Jurisprudence. 35-lt Feb 16 WM." ARNOLD, Dean. GIRLS TTAXTEO!!! At the Boarding House of William Rossell, Brcwcville. N. T. . Two od iudusr.ri.ins sirls to cck and dj thet housework; for which (tix.d wares will be given. None need apply unless well recommended. WILLIAM ROSSELL. Brownville, N. T-, March IS 1S58. toStf Farm for Rent. I have a splendid and well improved Farm which I wih to rent to a resp-.nsiule pe-sn on favorable terms For particulars id quite at tbiscfSce. or of J. G. MELVIN. Varch IS 1S58. v2r.3Stf ' Nemaha Ciy N.T. A. S. ECLL1D1I, Bf. D. WX. ARNOLD M. D. HOLLADAY & ARNOLD. Physicians, Surgeons, iVrtcl Olostotzricicaxxs. HICUWV1LLL. .N. T.t Re-'pectftiny tender their professional ervices to tbe citizens of N'Ji.tlia and adjoining counties, both in Ne braska and Missouri, March 4. 1S2S John McPherson Has 200 siftCs.8 ot Fait Wheat Flour, warrant ed first quality which he will sell for $4 50 per 100 lbs. for Brownville Hotel Scrip. Valuable Claim for Sale. Th-. Ttndcrsiini'M will sell a valuable claim at a bar gain a they an de.ermiael to sell. It e nsists ot 160 acres all bott. ni Urn?; ab ut one half of which is timber atid ike balance prai-ie; i0c e- ruder tence and cuMs vati u. it is sitjitel n the Little Nensiba River; cine nii.es fr.-m Brownville awi ststut .be same distance from Nemaha City .e mile Hunt f L ag' bridge. Apply to tbe undersigned .n ibe p emies JOHN HUGHES 3ji-3 l-pd -LKMl'gmrGHE Banking rocse or Lcshbaich & Carsox t Broji'.viiU Feb. a y 1 liiS n and ufrer bis dire dep sibT a .cnt.-. wili be peuod f--r specie currency and sc:ip p;iyab:e in same kind . f fuels. Checks ni'tst be mi ked ,v.'dingiy. Cfl-e hour f -om 9 U 12 a M .nd 1 3T M Ll'SHBACG n it CARSON. FasMciiable Tailor JACOB MARHON, BKOWiVVlIaliE, NEBRASKA. Repecttnllyanm.unces to the public that he has on hand a ill pes:. xk of Cloths, Vestings, &c, Also a large astsortmeut if READY-MADE CLOTHING Wlii. h he will sell at cost pr:ce. He fl ifters hiiitself that he nnderstandj -hi business th.ifnocaily and all work warranted cmiicr from b es tab.ihniect and cba rge a low as any -.her competitor in this pi ice or the We-t. i - A Xeat Fit Guaranteed. ' 1858 1858 Season Arrangement. r.LGCLAR ST. LOCIS i.ND fclOCX CITT PACKET. - INDEPENDENT LINE. a. j-or iexingxon. Kana.i. Leavenworth. St. J..-eph. Ainaz-aiia u rio. a-vrreyi city, wimevioua jirwwuviue, lin den Xebrask.1 City Pia'tsniouih Saint Jia y Bel.evue Couuci. Bitffs Otnaba FUetK-e,Crescetat Ci: y. De Sa, Wo.airtite Tekamah Decatur Blackbird Omadi Sar fcent's B.uiT D..k iah Sioux Ci:y Foy tic Ciry, Coving ton La:i Saint J..hns. St. James, Coiicord Oppochee, Xi-b-.arah amt Ft. Randall. . Tbe welt kown. light draught Freizht, and unexcep tionable Passlnger steamer rrill, on the earliest opening of navigation resume her trips in ile above trade, (ii! all intermediate points on the Jf iseoori tiver ) and c.aatinoe them wiUi her usual retrala.ity throucLout ibe enthe eascB. Thanktul for tbe very liberal patrona? bestowed ttpi.n tbe OMAHA tbe past teaaon we trust by strkt atten tion to the business, the want of sbippws and comtort of rassciJ?crs to merit a courinnanve of ihe sjime- AXDREW WIXELAXD Master. . i. WILCOX. Clerk. March 25 l333ii LiglitDing Eods. STAXDFR031 ODER! . ' To all wb.-ru it may c.tKeru, you are berety informed rhat the undersigned is now en'ed in putting up the be-t class of Lightning R-ds manufactured in ibe East, and on the most reanable terms Hav-ng ka-1 long ex jierience in the busiTiess.. be warrants all work done by bim to be done right. " H. II. MARSH. REFERENCES. James Buchanan, Wasbmpton D. C J. C. Brecken raKre Washinston. D C? Mrs Tiwrix Lion, Eng laa'J; Louis Kapolc n Bonaparte, Parii, Fiance; Emper or Alexander St. Petersburg. Ra-ia. ESOWSTILLE March 25 Bv39tf T. E. HAYCOOK, Attorney at Law SEAL ESTATE ' AGEHT. Mount Yernon, Nemaha Co Particular attention paid to tbe practice of law and col lection of debts in tbe counties og Xemaha, Pawnae, S bnsoa and Ricbardsoa. Xebraska Terriojry. Real estate bought and add on emmission. Land warraut. bicated for distant dealrTs Pre-emption papers carefutlji prepared. ariRS to ' , . -: Sam. H. Elbert, Piaitsmouth X. T. II P Bonnet Xebaska ciry SI ' ; ' :. ?' O D Richardson, Omsha ciiy. XT-. Fenner Fei-tuson, MC. Believte, XT - CaJsady &. Test Bankers, Cvsncil BlufT Iowa Cook, Sergeant fc Cook. Fort Des.ia. ines, Iwa December 3 IS57 li.y JOHN McDONOUGH f biiiii, &tr:i m nt 1 P.iinti i, Hulls GLAZIER. "ir-Jersra l!eit at tfct'i:v Drta St. re -2 I Tr.-n'-Bil.' Motl, ju rctuTvd, t-t iv. J,eJ LT.WIiriEiCO. . ' '- - - . ;-. i, WHOLISAXJE ASQ BXTAIX. XEAXXB I rooeries. WIIIES AIID LIQTJOES, . BROWITMLLE, N. T. HAVTNG prtrchasei the entire stoea cf G?crls belcntr ini to . It. Davis, together witi lar?e and expensive additi.His just received, I am now prepared to furniab every variety of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, FOR HOTEL ASD TA2I1LT USL. I have in sLtre, aad for sale cheip, a larja supyly of COFFEE Best coaltty Kia sad JiVi TEA, quality and price. Ivery SUGAR, Havana ems bed and best article ot bmwn sujar. JJOMSSES. Large supply of sttperior New Orleans molasses. Bel cher's acd Golden Syrup. TOBACCO A.YD SEGARS, Extensive variety and all cf the test brands. FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting in part of PICKLES, X great variety and pot up cspressly for fanny 'use. PIE FRUIT, Every description of Fruit, ncb as Fresh Peaches. Apples, CherriS?. ' Goose berries, Currants, Eubarb, &c. For sale cheap and warranted fresh and good. OYSTERS AND SAR DIKES, A large supply of tbe best brands and warranted socd. TOGETHER WITH A large unrotity of various articles cf dumcsUc use too teCTous to mention. VIUES AUD LIQUORS, Port, Native, Champagne, Muscat, Sherry, and Claret Wines. Extra Quality of French and. American Brandies, BRAInDIED CHERRIES, TTolfe's SJicitlam Schnapps, m a Old Monongeheln, Bourbon, and Rye Whirikcy, . C0MM0JT WHISKEY, ALE, for. . CHEESE, Just received 50 boxes superior Western Reserve for sale cheap for cash. yiI,Tly F. CLAEK. Special Notice. ALL tlsoe toidtrijt acdicrrts affatust J. R. Davis wilt call on the subsc:iber and have them cancelled; and those indebted to him will pi ease call and settle, as long er indulgence will not be eiven. MILTON F. CLARK. FRANKLIN' TYPE & STEREOTYPE F0UKD3V li"o. 163 Vine St bet. Fourth and FiAh, Cincinnati, 0. C. r. O'DRISt'OIala & CO. Manuiaciurcrs and dealers iu .n, ls,k ana Job Ttj. I'rintinj 1'reswe. Cos. Cailie. Jtc Ac. Inks, aud Printirtir Material of Every Decriptiou. steui:otyfim; of n kin rok.siiusM-. Patent Medicine Directions. Jbi, WoxhI EngreTing!, Ac.. fv. Br.ind and Putiern Letters, various styles, JOHS F. TIIOS. HACIKII. TYSON & HACK1?EY, GEIYERAI TjAND AGENTS. BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO., N. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sld. Land entered on T:ne. Claim. and Town Lots Bought and Sold. Loan Alou$, Make Investments and Locate Warrants on time, lor Distant Dealers. Pre-Cnipllon Papers Prepared. OFFICE Nexi door to V. S. Land Office. REFERENCES Geo. n. Xix n. Resrister L. O., C. B. Smith, Receiver, " Soxk & Williams, L. R. Tuttle B. R. Pestram & Co., Bankers, Hon G. W. Sci fleld, R. I. XcGbee & Co., Tootle St. Fai. IeUh. tVt. 1 57 Brownville, X. T. Lexinsrton Mo. OnuihaCUy X. T. Council BlnrTs Iowa. Warren Peno. St. Louis. Mo. St. Joseph, " The Steam Ferry Boat IS CUMING TO BROWINVJLLE, I And EUASTUS E. PARIIER I 13 now prepared to prepare and make out Pre-emption pa j pent and Warrant them tu t correct. 1 have taken tbe trvnble tupost mytf up in regard to the P.e-emption Laws and contested Claims, and willaiways teel pleosui e in giving ativice, gratis, tothe whoia.jcall on me. Hav ing a desire to remain permanently settled in Xemaha c-Hiniy. 1 will exert my time aud talents to the advance ment cf our new and prcsperuua county and the Territory at large. ; . . ' i Land Warrants Bought and Sold. OFFICE "one do.rWest cf Crane &. ntll's,in Brwwn h. Hallaai's new Office where he can be found at all tiaics during business hotrrs. 1 nave somegocd claims to sell of tbe first choice, tim bered and prairie. ALSO Several g.cd and eligible lots inBrownviite which I will disposcVf cheap for cash or on time, purchas er payingten per cent interest. E. B. PARKER. Brownville X. T. 0-t. 15 1357. vTotdiy 75 r fLNt. DOOuri, ir'cr saie.by I. T. WflYTE k CO. A. W. H tTT. M. ii. WILkN?. PUETT & WILKHNON, ATTORIffiYS ' AT LAW, 031ADI, ISYT. Will attend to all buir.j entrastcd to their care KEFEkXNCES Col. Jefse Williaru.., r'airGeld, Iowa. Gor. Jo.. A. Wright, Mr. F. '. KuocV, Hon. John G. DTi., Hon. Geo. L. Miller. Iadianapoli., lad. Washington City. Roekvine.Ind. Omab:i Citr. X. T. Z00K & BALDWIN, I?orc3t Cty IVZo.4, 3HL 1EJ Or , CHem icals, Dye Woods, Dyestufis, Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and lutty, GLASSWARE, French, English,; and American. Perfumery. fl.M, toilet and snaring sap, fine hair and toota brasbcy. aint brushes, surgical and den t al instruments, spice, inuX. manufaetared too-cm.: all thi patent medicines of the day: tore wines and brandies, for medical purpose; choke toilet and fancT article. etrefe. - Agents for tke sale of Dr. Wwtar'a Kalsum .f Wild Cherry. Riser's LMfrrwort. Tar acd Canehalarta. l.g';.d"? lu-lia Ch-latrfirae, J.iK"" Afitiiesr, Chtdaj.rH; - itr .tt' Ye!b dr.k and S Sarsa j tvri'la: Sirnth T.nie Syrep. Ju!t2t. 7. v2n1-Tly lUESKuVKU FKL'ITm: Strabs-rri. Ia chea, Wliortliberri JLe , ie-, t: be had at 1.T.WDYTE ICQ'S. - '. Tron. Street CroTrnTllIc, XcIiruG-ia Tcrrltcrj, J. H. ElSnN&'Oo.; " Has ;"tct received largest stocii TVEST OF SAI.YT LOUIS, Consisting, part cf the fell d wing articles, v. luch they propose to sell Cheap for Cash: Pure wwte lead . Pti:y Freoch iiuc Castor cil CLinatinc Cl1 Uvtr oil Red lead Saeetotl Tenitianred O.ive cil Raw aad burnt ttrnbrt Clue Sjaaish wititiuj Patent nedldnrs, all Cba-k Cuca candies Turpentine - Fancy caxd-.e Liaeedoil Cttstt.t Tanners cil T ji.ets.jap , CpalTaraiaa Wa-b.n soap Japan T:Ji brushes White Vamlii Hairbrushes Litherage CIcth Brustes - Point brasLe Almond soft sbe'.l Varnish brushes Hard shell AicatirrJa Sash and window tx". FLtieMi, peacaoa Wall brushes Peanuts lettering Pencils Ft3 Tible paints R.usini Camel hair pecci la Oysters la caa Blenders Sardines Star cattdle Black aad Imp Teaa Yeast Pvwdera. , orta TOBACCO, Of tbe best brands, chewing and stacking. Cigars fin est qualMy und r)av.r. FRUITS AXD LIQUORS Preserved fruit for pies braalied peacbes, fre-V pea ches ia can ptre liin-r for me'lical purpose-?, JaniaiCj rum Holland Gin Irish wLisky, Bourdon "bi.Sy. pir.er branily. Cordial, Port wine, cherry . witie, wa.ta wiue, ilaloga vae. STATIONERY. Fociscap parer, fat-cy letter paper, e;M e!jf notes and enveioies plain faucy and eniios-e-J; peus and pen h.. !d?rs ink of a!l kinds, inkitanuj and Fobers pooUls, seait.ts wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of rerfumorie?, Cemprisicsr Lynn's Kathairlon. cckgne, pmmaie genuine ox marrow, bear grease aodoiU. tuosi and 3 w sence. of all kistis and cf tte flacst quality. J3"Pbyskians' Presort; twea attended cf tbe day and nt$bt. ALSO A SPLENDID -ASSQaTMIHT or Consisting of TEAS, FIGS, SUGARS, COFFEE, .MOLASSES, RAISLYS, CURRAJTS, SOAP, TOBACCO, CANDLES, POWDER AND SHOT With all articles usual! j found ai such pace3. They invite their fritwd and the rublic gene-ally to give them a call, and they pledge them-e.ves to rive tbcra satisfaetion as to p ice and rtna itv of their gxdj. TERMS CASH EXCLISITCLT. Nov. 21, Steam IhTill, Patent Portable Llill, flHE aubscriber have entered into a jartaersbip 1 under the firm of I teed, ll.ial.irl A Co.. to manufacture the J. C. Keed. I'atent IVrtn!.!- Crist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of a gd Crn or Wheal Mill that for dura bility, .intplicty an.l eeomttny: excel atty Mil! in the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati. a Gold Jecdf was awarded them for it. It is adaptcl to all Grain grinding purroe.; it is ipTiort4ail other f..rthe nwt extensive Merehant alift. as t ta fT gnnding the Farmers feed by Hurie pwer. The above MilNare niannfiicturcd by thennder sicned at their shop iu Cincinnati, 0 where they ei-n be furnished in any quantity atchort notice. Tne bove Mulsi warnrnted to perform a? follow?: l diam., per hour 50 D. Cora, 15 Wheat, $.'.iiO 4 " - " 15- 20 2l 44 - u jo u 1 J " 2) u " 15 " S " 15!) As this Mill tell. itn own story.it fa nrtncces.'srvto qnotefrom onr numeroii-ire'rrrnuiendatian.'.re.-eiveil. IT. II. H'lLIalAJIS, WIIOLESJALK AM KETAIL IE AL3 IX STOVES & TINWARE Orogon, ZWXo.. 'F'AKES pleasure in announcing thecitiicnsof Or- g.inand the (ubli:in 5-neral. that he bus on hand tbe ujfvst extensive s:-k of Store., and Tin ware, ever ofl.-rvd in this market. My stick of Tin ware U of my 1111 ruanafaoture. and is for tale at Wholesale and Ket.-ill.at St. Iy ui- price. I wo til 1 call particular atttntion to tny stock f COUKINii STOVKS. comprising the Host tinproveil patterns both Air-Tizht and FVetnium. Atnon tbcoj iu:;y be found Filly's Charter Oak. thel-t store r.w in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, l"ionecT and prize Pre mium. AI-o Parlor & Box Stoves JI various Si ids and i'atttrrn., which I will SELL LOWt'li THAN ANY HOL'SK IX TOWN. Prtii"u!r attention raid t mkin and t-uftinit ay Tin IJmteri, in tbe town and ir.untry. Al, re .airin done ..n h..ft notice and "ii rf:isnabr- frtti . Old copjier. lira. acd I"ewt r taken in ex -han'" Tor work or ware. W. W. WILLIAM:?. vl-n3 Ore n. d't.. Jn!y 5. 15. Potter Wanted. I will giveempb yntetit to a c oi industrious Patter well a&i-aainted wi.tt tbe business. JOHX McPHERSOX. b23:r Br.wnville Pre & 1557. 75,000 lbs. Bacon. LTFORD &. HORX, Soriora. M , have lut f.-r caj-h 75 OJO p..'in.N extelleat bacn. v2a36-ly March I, -i sale, cLep Dissolution. nrownd Tlallaru d.-.lvd p irtn.-r-Mp to f is r f fect fn u tie Crt o. .Mirrhlaat. Either of ihs Crm will attt-od to the settling up the bu-ioes. and ap nth..r.zed to Uie the nanii o thr firm for that pur-l-o-. LIIOWX JtllALLAil. ' Anril I., 1353 86000Scrip Wanted, For tte same amount cf Real Estate in B.ownvill at low C;ures Aj p:y to LCSnBAUCII St. CARS05 lOCO One Tliousand Dollars "Nemcha Valley Bank" Ntfts for sch. ir..iiridca;s narirr dsilinr. wta tni. mstitntion till addrr-eS. Afril I. l.Vg. G W. l iSt. Louii, Hj. . Claim Notice. To all whom it may cweem. Ton sre beTebT noti ced that I will appear at tbe Ltnd CrTice fa i?r. wti viUe. Xemaha eeun-y, Xebrka Territo-r, cs M. nd y the2S h day cf April. A. D. liZS, at S Vclrck P. M. and apply to eater, as a Pre-empt wn rizM tte m. rib west quarter ii sectkn Xt. fourteen, Tuwclip Xa. one, Racze rv sixteen eat. B.-owaTille, April 15. Itt?2 JOHX CTIAPIIAX. JOHN A. PARKER&CO Tf AS1IIXGTOX, D. C. JOHX A. PARKER, late Register cf tbe Land CIT.ze, Omaha X. T., having reigred his cf?V win bere:.r:er, '.2 touuection with or.ecf tbe bet Lind Lawgivers In the coUiiuy. attend to all brtairtirss couaed to hiia aiul es pecially pirc-riiPTiorr caszs. Watch he has made bistself tbor&tibiy aajtulnt cd wlti by : uiy rd prjieti.re fir years. He refers U, the IIads .t Dev-artmerrv and Members c C-igressof both n;ies. - - - - All applications for services rtit be accijmpanie-1 with a fee to icsnre ftrT.i..n. - January S 1?C8. . . jj.i. Seed Co-n ad feid Wbeat For Sa'e at the Farrr? !rti- F..? X-riTine, At,r '. 1. v.? 2 A n p.t agon for Sale.-"" r;: 1 have l.ia;t..-u.ir.e i:-t w.-i I vt:; di-pose sf aa S-m.4 te.'uia to ot.y ul wui.it: p.. w. rczx.tit. Brownville ri J la 'av EroirnTill t, illoiuaui FOE KENT OR SALE. Ti CneceT bri .k H uel di.w rcarly ci.mp!eted wi'.l tut ty first ft.y cf Ap.ii rrx i for sale or el. It tt-.oe ao-i'ijiii ed need rcate a fstrtaer Sin.,aca incnu To tb at a (.buutimw st t By that Brow vii.e is cn ot iae m-t thriving jhui cities of Nra a.i, conti.n a p. pr.'ati.a ciUat Son. Tte Lard C Cirri for tbe N rt.aia Ijud Distr.ct is located hert aad ii ar ti.ve opera: i-.n Tbe l.r.d aJe wi.l most Itiely tilt place n or l.efore Jc!y next. TbeHite! is ianVnensly laree beissCOty 60 1 tori Ur.L to accrue data any tt ruber a!s st of palrcn a&d yet not a such an extensive cale.bct inatitcaa pcrcbased r rented at:d kept, and pay well. It was e. ected ty a stock c. rrpattr wh. ie principal ai Ject wis tserttre a at clas H:e! ia tbe placw att teT will el! ft at cot will ei ber Mil rroai; it prefer to ie.1. ... N..reaeed nsle sppllcattca ta rert exsec tbo-" wtv are experienced ia hotel bvuiacc. tul coa UiCiwt;i recocjutesded. Arpij a ;rwa or ty tettw t eier R. V. FVBNA5, Pre-ke4, Or ALEX CALLAat- ScCy- Prowuvi-ie, xjbrarlta. Ffbraary 11. CjJitette St Joseph: Puindenler. Cleveliaf; Stitet. A'a"L.Eirtoa City; Statesman. Coiwwbss. O.; En;itrtr, Ctacnna-i. Sv Louis a-pt-blican andNew Trk Tribnna. eery weekly tj arr.ouut of zA scaa till to tbs eS:t. JCUX. F. EIN.XfT. cms. r. bo lit. KINNEY HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, XEKRASriA CITY,.T. T. tT;!I practice ia tbe C-sr.s er this Terrltarr. ColTec ttcn and .rrtrrttcal basinet attended to tirwutaout N brjsla, Westers I .wa a id JIuscarL WUi attend Vim Coarta at Bruwavjire. v?n ,T--ii a r. i.rsH3Ararr. j5tc. t. canscj LTJ3IIB ATJGH Zl CARSO-T. EASZZS.5 ASD C EXE RAX." LAXD ACEXIS. Uealcrs in Coin. Caerrrrerit M .nev, Exihare and Lnd Wamati, BRO.VXVILLE. N Eaf 1UA CO.. X. T. Especijl at'.er.tijn witl be uvea to BnyWg arj S!!iP? Ex.hartjeoa iheprincir. il ciUi tf th United StattA', Ooli. Saver t;d ut.tirrer.t Back Nat. Ac.tRsunt sp ply et Lac I Warrant oa bnd for sale rs CAiit, r in Utelon tinie f..r P.e-eoiptv.r All Warrauts sold iy es iruantntsedia every rer.r. VT'.ll ere Declaratory State ments of iarectioQ t -ipie-empt, and p-fpara Pre-etnpti.' Puper at fc jrt n.jtic. il.ey loaned cp.n bet secarv. tie, at western rates cf interest, and investments sac! a ia Lart.li or city piopcrty Pjr distant capttaiiiU. C l!i?c tiotis nrri ail c uveiuett p inta will be pruutptlyat-.eid-thI to and precU remitted tnextfcarrsa. atcarreiit ta(.s. of Etstcha":? on Krt?Und. Ireland aad Franc, tb tatned at ust ra'es. with ct of Ex-b ine ca the Eist ad-iel. L'epiiit received a Carreat acooca: and interims at!owlun pccl.il c!ep.it!. OFFICE ilaaa St.. c-w C S. Lwl CS:. BETERXXCE IJr.d, ErtLo- S. Co., Itccoaa'a, jfcNauv-aton CatsoaovC., lliscr . Wb.t?, -Ycttn?. Cars.n A Crtnt, roilsJe'jMJ, r. a. lUltisore, Ud. Jao. Thompson Jtau. Col'rof Prt, E. if. Puu.lrrn i.C. aferchact. M. If. Teakie k. Ct. No. 17 B oawway, VTm. T. Staiiusoa E--q , Kanaer, J. T. S evens r.i.. Ati'y at Law, Jao. S. Gailaher. Late il Aud. C. S. T. Tsyl ur it Crirca, Bar.ke-s, McCiellarol Scrtut a Co. Kercbacts, Iloa. Tbosj. G. P.att. Hob. J. W. Geary Ex-Gov. Eansas, H.n. Jas. O. Cars. n. P. B. Swnill E-q.. Pre't S. Rank, Col. Ge.. Schley Att'y at Law, Kew Tort. Wa.-aintoi, D. C Cblcirs TIT. " St. L aw. at o. Ann.ipUs,aCJ. Peon. atercr.ban, P. Uaferstowa, A. I. Ceobuk. r-iwa. Council tluir les kl-ne, " Tiatoo, -Ea..toa. Jf L CorDber'.and. Jf L Havana A tat a ai. Charles Par.n k. Co. Banker, H. C. Natt Sl Ci. Greene Weare at Rica, D'usiass a. Wa ..a. C I. Sjsi llambletoo, Att'y at Law, JudseTbo. Pe.-Ty, Pi of. II. Tn wiIpt. t.t. 8 i-nl5-tf . Watcbinakcr & Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK PORT, 5fO. BEOS leave to i-f m tbe pukliir ta.-rt Ire baa .erfe in theatjve named uwa axol oiTers far salt a & "Blocks, watches, jewelry, and other articles nsn t!y kept In socb establishments at ps ices which ctnn.t bee mptalnei of. Beiag as txter. leticed watchmaker Le flatters binveif that ia reporrlnj watches. cUck. aud jewelry he can ttv pir-lect svufac ti.n. , 17 tn. Eagle Mills. b;'. JCSTTTII. ISO. JAMES CARG1LL Proprietor. MAN'UFACl'UKES an.l Irfp cotaLtnt! on hanl for sale, all kind of Flottr. .Teal, and Feed stutf. Orders soliet ted and promptly Cllcd on uwKst favorable ternr. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Roor rcfar to eTeri'bd that ever csd it. St. Joseph, MArj. 3J.I35S. Tlnl3-lj Acbravka Jloney Take Notice Fr'-rn ami after thi date we will not take nr 3T bra-ka paper except tbePiat.e Ya l.-y Bank and Banc Xtbrasita. inly at adiountuf tea par cent. 1. T. WHTTS i C v BrwrtiT-i;. 3r .rcb8:b iVA B.t. NEW ARRIVAL OF 3 37 Q "17" j5 TIN WA R E CIIIIISIIAN DEt'SEH, BKL'WXVILLE. VXX0UXCES to ths public- that he ts.jja.tt rr csived, per Stcatnrr Emua. a very I-arjp and well asorte.l stock cf Parlor and Cock SttTe?. of new cd irr.'rr.ve 1 patterT...aa fallows; SLat'gbai Elevated Oven. COOK 8IOVXS. Jlzck's Clipper Ortn. tutj-roccl Pttltrm 44 Charrer Oak all of wh'u b I pi td-i cr-e'f to sell at a fa r rat ap.l r,n as 3evii:UHiiatin terms as acy other itb lishruent in this region ? centrT. 1 have also now r.o hand every r?i:site nirietT of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron war?, and am p r? pa rr I t. put up uttcrin and fpuuvng and all other work my line, at !iort notice, an l in a workKinlike manner, which I aarrantto give 'atlsfuctioa. A .bare c-f patronage ij solicited. DEUStTT. vCn5 1 7 lirowr.vllle. July 15th, 1357. A. D. II0LLAMRD & CO, Mdf.Mr.bts, Fcuciers arj Engine Builders, 1 aunt street, "West cf Smllli. CINCINNATI, 0. 1 TTTaIJ fiv-st re-pectfully inform their friend' rt j V the public generaily. that they are uow rre l psired t' ex.Tute all order!" in theirliae.withpraipt-i j nes. UariD? lately enlarged their shop and niJ 1 tne inere.srdract.itie they nwpcs:cs,tneyLpti iu:r. a eouiinuaur.n 1.1 tne liberal patronags wb;ca 1 ha hTctof ,re Iveo extended ta them. aw MM jircs of every Deseript!:a Constantly on ban : consisting of the rah, CLtb Lr and iluley. Jlill Cear ud every dejrriptioa of .a-tins's, warractcd to be well utade in every ptirtica lar. Tr.-j a!o a CoIT.jt Yard attsched t) the'r estaltisbiuenf. whkh enabfet thew to cTerwe ail work in that line furnished by them, and are prt-pre-I to work n as rtaonatie tirsi as lay crier -s'.op in the country. Tho.se in wad of aaytiln in oar tiae, woaTJ 5s well t- ;ive us a call and eu x,u; our new patUra . GEO. L5. EAYEIl & CO., dial ran ma,- AM General Land Agents, ' C'eriTrood. VUttaaioctli. Jlillse.., Iowa. CasseM.ebRtfkrt. Vf I'-L pr.unTJy attend to jamX Aeneie?. Inrts- V tintin Titles. Faying Taxes. Iavetis j nn-I ey. F.nyic and Selling towa Lot, lijyirj: .Sil.ia; nd (aotarJux Land Warrant), and all other hia fonncrtcl tsiih their profession ia Western Iowa a id" J. 31. DEWS, AssndVe AttcrzcT, KF.FKRENCES: Greene, Wearu & Luton, G. Doughty A Co. Creeae, Weare HI;e, Greene A Weare, XLxoa k Goo-iraaa, Tootle & Grscae, X. W. Tht.ni.i5, Sehooly & Sja Gen. Wm. Irici, II. Johoin, LRee-J k Son. Ilobi nstjn X llro. Ilar!;cg.rD Co, llitl. CouacU tlzZt, I; w, 4. Celtr Eapii'. Cirtcjuriari. Oh:?. CiitiWOoJ, 5owt CiaaL!, UaL). K M TTsaestoa n, 5. J. If'hfjtows, rh..'aJ .-IpLia, I'a. tt - - JOXAS CHA5K. THE0&02JE rix.1 67EA3I L'OAT AGEXX5. ' ' . "Wholesale and Iiet.,.t Deiler It Dt Grterie9 Ia.-ja-.i.re. Q :cr-rtwjre Frrjirn-e gro s, -, . Flour, Bacal, i.r ' '.. ?!, ,:7 ' - - , .. - ;