Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 22, 1858, Image 2

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' -v - v -a" "" -i. I ill(lT II FT
rl . ,r"""V. ii .ii -.... I. II I I """" IWWH1 '
Miu-uuwiin mi Miimi imMifff , ; -
r - - - - . t i
HI I " " ' I
Oar out-door engagementshave leea
such the past week that we have been
enabled to devote but very little attention
to our paper.
PnMic Land Sales in Nebraska.
: In our paper cf to-day will be found
the Proclamation of the President for
Land Sales in this Territory, commencing
oa the 6th cf September. JLa.nds for sale
in tbis district arc those in Nemaha, Ri
chardson, Pawnee and Johnson counties,
905.7S5 acres.
-m m m
n. W. Parker, .
- Whose., coming. tve noticed, .last
Treek- arrived -here cn Friday last,
together with E. A. Austin.'and a num
ber' of other from I ronton, Ohio. They
locate at Austin in Clay county.
We regret that the journey hither, and
'entrance of Mr: P. and' family into"- the
rn TT; ,
Atrniury, wis tj ciu. aaia xhv.xix.
quite an elderly lady, died on board the
steamer Florilda, between St. Louis and
this city. It is thought that a sudden
fright,' caused by a report that the boat
was sinking, after striking a snag, was the
immediate cause of her death. Every at
tention was shown and assistance render
ed cn the part of the.cfHcers of the boat
that could be desired; and we are autho
rized in this "public manner to return the
sincere thanks of the relatives and friends
for the manv acts of kindness cf which
"they were recipients.
The remains were brought to this city
for interment. The most solemn and
touching scene we ever witness d was to
see a son, in a strange land and among
ptranfrprs. administer burial service over
the remains of a mother. There being
Do "omciatmg rnemoer oi uiu iHitujmi
Church in this city, Mr. Parker read the
iunerai service muiseu. iuj aiuiyuou a
clouds pass away, and the sunshine of
happiness shed its cheering rays again
upon the stricken ones. -
Correct the Mistake.
Bv-the-wav. There is not a better
Hone Correspondence.
our Territory, were led with the expecta
tion of becoming participators in the
great "speculations"' that have' been - go
ing on for the past two or three jrears,
and realizing fortunes in a brief , period.
"Hard tirnes" has come; the Capitol, pro
posed Railroads, Government Depots, &c.
have about lost their, attraction for; the
unguarded, yet intelligent, high-minded,
honorable and industrious farmer. Spec
ulators hare been deceived, their money
" ' : Omaha, April 10.1S53.
Dzah FcaxAs: .
Governor Richardson returned to Oma
ha during the week, having the appear
ance of excellent heakh, and giving to
Nebraska' at last a permanent executive,
it lViTTprvtnnrl to he his intention to
make this his future residence.
Nothing more is said respecting an ex
tra session, and the probability is that investe(j n paper towns, banks, and worth-
mhp will be called. . as there are irany wirnn.ortv n't hih: fifrures."r Laborers
- - - , ... I mS 7 n
n'niKiLId nrfTinrif nt?? for and orrainst it
throughout the Territory, j : 1 -
We have heard nothing yet of the ap
pointment of the successor of Col. Rankin
who resigned the Marthalship, nor of a
new Secretary to fill the vacancy occa
sioned by the decease cf "the Hon. T. B.
and mechanics have also met with ,dmi
culties." Prospering under the high prices
paid for labor, almost without warning
ihey were thrown out of employment, or
if they get work it must be at reduced
prices. Gentlemen, we offer youa com
mendable, field for, your operations, you
that desire a home, that will work and
On Friday night last the great opening krjf again, come, vre welcome you. You
ball cf the Messrs. Keith, at their new must not expCct us to overrate or offer
hall onFarnham street, came off with a inducements that we do not expect to ful-
full house and pleasant company. " fim : All that we request is, before you
An effort is being made by a union of iocate to give us at least a passing notice,
the city church congregations in prayer as j am satisfied that our county will
meeting assembled every evening at the piease you if you are to be suited in this
Methodist chapel, to have ageneral revi- Territory or in the western country,
val, and a protracted meeting by arran- a word to tnose that wish to settle in
gement commences to-day at Council town or vicinity. I would recommend
Bluffs. So we may look out for the re- Salem as the place, being the county
suits. They appear determined to wake spat npar .v. contre of "the countv. hav-
up Nebraska on the subject of religion.
The ministers of the Methodist church
have all left for the Kansas and Nebras
ka Conference, to be held at 'J opeka in
the first Da&ied Territory. You may
therefore prepay for new lights in a
short time.
The Douglas House has recently chan
ged proprietors and been thoroughly re
novated by the new occupants, Messrs.
m i w
ing advantages or limner, water, and
snrinrs on totvn site. Fourteen miles to
Missouri river, and fourteen to west line
of county. Business facilities of town:
grist and saw-mill in operation, iwo
stores,' plow-factory, wagon shop, black
smith shop, one grocery, two hotels, two
practicing physicians, post-office, &c; and
improvements being made with a firm and
steady advancement.- A good and sub-
Adams and Nelson. It also opened out Utantial bridge has recently been erected
with a commencement Lali winch gave across lhe Nemaha, at a cost of $550
bti,wi vww. ine proprietors or baiem nave spent no
uourt as acjournea alter running ots for gasserS; it needs none. The only
thorough a lengthy calendar of cases, and recommendation it needs is to be seen and
Judge Hall came off of the bench with witness the advantages and location
ureal creuu. auu Lrenerai sausiacuon on r.o.-., t : i . 1 1 :.i
the part of a learned and attentive bar. fair t0 be one of lhe first inIan( town
A Republican paper is to be started
here the first of May by Brown :& Sny-
1 X T 111 1 1 l '
uer. loumayaa tneretore bucme on
the armor for a political fight.
I notice by the papers that a gendeman
by the name H. C. Wharton of Nebras-
the Territory. Settlers emijrratinj: here
hat are desirous of locating immediately
on the river and near towns, will find that
we have our ratio, Pulo, Yancton, Win
nelago, and St. Stephen, all grasping for
ikn M .1 1 I
iw,!n ftwMrhtrtPstnWJsh n tiW manu. . . . ... . .. . u.u.tmuu), a u;y are guou iwauoas
factory than Brownville. Abundance of Ua nas alntecl c,aUet' although and luilding up rapidly by industrious and
.good timber at hand, the demand afinost we woma no1 llke 10 be considered too good citizens,they recommend themselves.
than St., IIo., distant ninety know if any such Derson resides or ever
Clues. ' WKveJ n Torrltn,,. TUln. PuJn.A". T.. Anril 11
The above we clip from the Brownville pointment was made to a person who was Dear Furnas
iit i
Advertiser, and is a mistake made either net considered an inhabitant. We are getting up a, remonstrance in
intentionally or ignorantly, which is cal- ,,T - . " . , , , , .
eulatftdtodo Mr? Hoffman, who 'is the ter was frozen here on Monday this county to keep the public lands out of
proprietor cf the large "Empire Star n5Snt last, 5th inst., to the thickness of market .for at least one year longer a?
Plow" factory, in this place, great injus- at least three-eights of an inch, and yet we think that it would be highly detri-
tice. Several thousand plows of a supe- jt appeared to injure nothing although mental to the best interest of Nebraska
nor cast to any tnat nave or can oe maae. vegetalion has put a een face the t0 have the lands offeied at public sale as
in St. Joseph acknowledged to be such . .. .. . i 0.1 i .
v . i A. . M 4 . . l . I - I ui tut 1 am am rtfkr it- r n n . . i. n
the time fixed to offer them.
V e hope ; your county will heartily co
operate with us in this matter, and will
have petitions circulated through Nemah
by practical farmers who have tried both surface, and in the low grounds grass is I
I m sir a
is or sumcient height and auantitv to
support cattle, and the trees are beginning
to put on their spring robes
tipril 12. Snow covered the ground
last night, but going off this morning the and Johnson counties as well as the coun-
. . I ... I . . l 1 - .
rietta. Holt county. Brownsville, Nodaway ground being too warm to retain it lonjr. ues or"i or you. uut let us strive at
county, and t orest city. 1-rom the pre- WAWKO. Meast to keep back the lands in this Dis
sent indications, Mr. liottman will be . - trict.. Will you not go to work in earnest
au:6 io supply iitt u' lumiu iiiui is -annosi ocuem, j. l., April 1, 100. :n .Til-af tpr 2
l - - - r i it t i ----- ...... ..v. .
unumuea in your seciion icr many years
to come, and not have to employ one addi-
manufactures, are turned out every sea
son; and in these plows are for sale in
almost every country town in the North
.west some of which we will name in
order that persons will know where to
. procure them : Brownville N. T., Ma
tional hand. Uregon (.Uo.) Jews. or that our town or country needs a cuff
I ' x
With pleasure, Mr. Cundiff, we correct from newspapers, or letter-writers to
the mistake; plead guilty to the charge of keep it moving that I am induced to write
!rrrnm nr-A-" 4rtfitt" tViirlv miloc nf tfiio rmrfinr!of ' Tlit t'Un ."11
uuw, .ww- .w .u.wu vx i vuiuuiuuitunuili UU 1 vuc CCI6C Will
the distance mentioned; but "adhere" to justify the actionv Location, advantages,
the assertion, 4ithere is no better point at prosperity and climate, are the "substan
which to establish a plow manufactory tials" that guide the nen that rpnnrt mr
o I - J
than lirownville." further, we hopff 31r. rectly; that leads the emiorant hither
Hoffman, so long as his plows give satis- who will undoubtedly bear; testimony to
faction," may be liberally patronized by those facts; and it certainly affords the
cur people, until we have a manufactur- author pleasure to know that the asser
ing establishment of our own. , tions' and description that hemavive
1 - J CD
will be substantiated by numberless living
Our Delegate Still at Work. witnesses. Under those circumstances I
We clip the following from the ash- am willing to commit myself.
bgton Globe of the 2d inst. f . ' I will say that we have as good if not
By Mr. FERGUSON: Several peti- the best county hv the Territory; we
nons or citizens irotn xsemana. and raw- have bo superior : we know none.- TTip
nee counties, Nebraska, praymg for the reasoL lhat Richarilson f(1nnjtf llia
establishment of a mail routf from Brown- ' . ,
ville, via Nemaha City, Monterey, Plea
T vi: .. :n .j
Fni-rn luallcl 1 ' unc juu ivm, anu
Not because ithas become fashionable 1 Uimk "ou ca.n accomplish much.
settlers to jump the same, ana no au u
. . n.lnnlinn fit
our power to carry out -the
pre-emption, laws of -the United
States. ... ,
Resolved, That we will use all proper
means to prevent persons entering iauu3
who shall not have faithfully and. literally
fulfilled all the requirrments of the. pre-
tin jJiiuii b. m i
Resolved, That we consiaer uuuc
tiilpH tn nrp.pmnt the public lands, who
shall not reside upon the claim with their
families (if families they have) thus giv
ing at least presumptive proof that they
intend to occupy and culuvate them.
- Resolved, That to an actual semeia c
extend a hearty and cordial welcome, and
that should they at first come without
their families, we will, afford them an
opportunity of. going, tor them cy proivoi-
iugtheir claims f9r any reasonauie icuu.
of time during their absence.
'-Resolved, That a committee of three be
appointed to carry these resolutions, as
far as practicable, iiito effect. (L. VV.
Sanford,' Julius Tyler, and John Lokie
were appointed committee.)
rRcsolved, That we cordially invite the
citizens of they other precincts to hold
meetings and co-operale withus in our
future action upon the subjt ct.
.Resolved, That a copy of the procee
dings of this meeting be published in the
Nebraska Advertiser aud Nemaha Valb y
Journal. . '
J. J. NORRIS, Pres't
Joim Lokie, Secretary.
. Death or coi. iiemon.
The . telegraph apprised us, about 4
o'clock last eveiiiiig, of the death, in
Washington City, of Thos. H. Benton.
No other particulars were then commu
cated, except that both Houses of Congress
in token of- respect for the deceased, im
mediately adjourned. This was . an ap
propriate testimonial of respect, inasmuch
as Mr. Benton was a member ot the
Senate for thirty ytars, and afterwards
served two years, as a Representative
from the St. Louis District. . The critical
condit on of his health, had, to some ex
tent prepared the public mind to ht ar of
his death, rut it occurnu at a somewhat
earlier priod than it was expected. His
desease has been, termed cancer of . the
stomach, and a vigorous constitution
could only be interposed to postpone, not
prevent; his. dissolution. In the 74th
war of his .age, calmly, with a full
knowledge of hi condition, he ''put of!
this mortal coil, and even now he is at
There are those who knew Col. Benton
long, in his social and political relations,
who will be summoned, and will be raady
to do ample justice to his memory and to
his character. For nearly forty years he
filled, a large space in the public eye.-
Even before his election as a Senator
from Missouri, he was not unknown to
fame; but it was only after his election in
1826 that his name became associated
with the names of the most illustrious men
in the country. His Senatorial career,
for two-thirds of that period was undoubt
edly a brilliant one, but that brilliancy
was not such as we all accord to Calhoun,
or Clay, or Webster, or Barton, or any
of those Senators who are regarded, in
the public esteem, as his cotemporaries
He was a man of great labor, of indomi
table will impelled in every action of his
life by "a desire for success, and tasking
every faculty of his mind to bring about
that result., VYhathehas done for Mis
souri, what he has done for the country
what he has done for his own fame, is
matter for the historian, and we shall not
encroach upon his. province. Republican
lUth. I
1 .1 A A M
splections. To ena&ie uicui w ;
it may be proper that you (Register and
leceiver) givepuonc noutc
thorities, that on or prior to a certain uj,
which you will appoint, recommendations
will be received from them of school je-
ections for certain townsaips,
tOWnsmps ll iivtwutj f j ,
designate in your notice.: . ,
. 2. The quantity. ot school lana.seie-
ed for a township is to be located within
he limits of such township, proviaea a
sufficient quantity , of good land exists
therein. If you are satished that a sum-
.... II 1 V fmnr
cieut quantity or gooa ianu cauuui uc iuu
therein, the selcuon is to be maae in
the nearest - adjacent , township wherein
good land exists. ' ' ' '
o .... XT 1C
. When a portion oi section xv. v
or 36 exists in a township, the balance of
theouantitv to which the township is en
titled, under the'act of 20th of May, 1826,
is to be selected. .
4. The selections for any one town
ship are to be made in one body of land,
if practicable, it not in separate quarter
x 1 . . . L
sections. A less quantity man one-quur-
tef section is not to be taken. ' Fractional
i i . . j i .
sections aje to De exciuueu, except m
cases where a portion of section No. 16
or 36 exisis in the township, and a selec
tion has to be made of the balance of the
quantity of land to which such township is
entitled; and where the quantity cannot
be located on a quarter or half section, m
such cases only may fractional sections or
parts of fractional sections be taken, ac
cording to the legal sub-divisions, to make
up the deficiency in quantity, as nearly
as practicable.
5. Fractional townships created by
Indian' reservation, are not to be under
stood as coming within the meaning of
the act', as, when the township is , com
pleted, it will then have its proper school
landsJ ; ' . '
From Washington.
. Washington April 6.'
The appointment of Persifer F. Smith
as first in command of lhe Utah expedi
tion has-txasperattd Gen. Harney. The
war department was besieged by Har
ney's friends to-day, who wi:fi 'him ap
pointed to a couimaud elsewhere. There
is great excitement on the subject.
Mr. Colt, u is understood has made a
contract wittr the war department tor
SI. 000.000 worth of his arms.
A' bill is soon to be introduced for the
of five additional regiments of
School Lands.
Omaha, April 12, 185S.
The Commissioner nf thf fipnpml
Laud Officehas decided that the title to
our School Lands has not yet passed from
the General Government, and will not til
the lerntory becomes a State. . They
ora nnrj in ,rocr-n n i I t... ..... . ..
nrsn:int tn nrormn? nation . mnn;n.i '
.w w . iuug mi. lllwC llliy I Sgll . .
Public Mectin
santville and Table , Rock, to Pawnee
city in said Territory.
Also, several . petitions of. .citizens of
Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory,
praying for an appropriation
lands for the use and benefit of 'Brown
ville College," in said Territory.
past county cf the Territory, bound-
the south . by Kansas, on the east
Missouri river. We front on the
eighteen miles, securing all the ad-
A Sure Ihius.
ed on!
by th
the benefit that may, and is derived from
the same. Geographically,-it will be
plainly noticed that we Lave an advantage
in regard to dirnate. something, to be
was held by the citizens of Table Rock
and vicinity at Table Rock city, April
10, 1S-38.
The meeting was called to order by
John Fleming.
On motion J. J. Norris was appointed
chairman, and John Lokie secretary.
The object of the meeting was stated
by H. N. Gere.
A committee of three (H. N. Gere, E.
L. Selfridge, and John Fleming) was
elected to draft resolutions expressive of
the sense of the meeting.
The following preamble and resolu
tions were adopted.
UTiereas, the intention of our General
Government, in enactiug the Pre-emption
Law, was that the industrious rnnr
man, the homeless, and the uufortunatp'
should find an asylum, and obtain an hi-
ges that any county cau claim from norable and comfortable home; and
Whereas, Our Territory has been and
is, more tor less infested. with speculators,
land sharks, or claim monopolizers, much
to the detriment of the real and bona fide
settlers of the same ; and
We are glad to see that every county greatly desired in a country as far north Whereas, i Their acquisition of large
save one in Hon. James Ceaig's District, as cars. In regard to soil, fertile prairie "d" V Hnuues or iana, not only pre-
' . " 1 I contc tha cull l i C .L .
Mo., have held meeungs and .ftofated production of tame, and m:A .irf Va,:S..r'T
delegite,s to a convention with instructions evenness of surface, our county cannot be lerially interferes with the establishment
to go for the nomination of Mr. Craig for 1 Deat m or out M this 1 erritory. He of schools, churches, and other useful and
re-election. This makes the nomination have one of the best watered counties in necessary institutions; and is deleterious
:$ure; which is equivalent to an election e Wesi; the Great Nemaha river pass- IT tI,any re4sPee.,s ta th.e Prosperity of the
.in that District. ' V ; ing through it, supplied by the north and :ZZ:X t Z ? 1 0
south forks, Muddy and other tributaries: Iforft ' ' ' .
Steamer Saltan Bnriiea. - - J streams affording water suSicient for Resolved, That we.: citizens and vntprc
We learn from the. St. Louis Republi- mills and machicery of every, ;descriptiou of .Pawnee" county; will hereafter -in all
caathat on April 1st the steamer Sultan at all seasons of the year.-Those streams "a.Ilu fy ii proper means.
on her -ay f rcr St. Louis to New Or- enumerated above all pass through some General Government and ihp tww
leans, when about five miles above Ste. portions of this county: They are all of Nebraska; discountenance, diseourno-p
Gecevieve, was discovered to be on fire, well timbered, giving us a sufficiency of ahd'so far as in us lies; prevent the ac-
timber to the amount ;of prairie; which mslUone large booies of, or numerous
ii . - .11 i.. , tracts of the public domain, either bv iii-'
will secure to us eventually cnpf the dividuals or iLitutions.,- : 'f
most populous counties in the Territory. Resolved, That we are opposed to the
Emigration West ! has heretofore,' by early disposition of public lands by auc-
momentary inducements, been drawn to lion, as it prevents or delays , the actual
Ivansas and the northern nortion tt-Ne. "lnt ox roe lerruory, ana permits
j- -
end although every exertion was made,
the boat and cargo became a total loss.
Including the crew, some sixty-five or se
renty persons were on board. ; Henry
Ely, pilot, D. D: Moore, clerk, the bar
keeper, carr.e unknown, Joseph Black
burn, watchman, Martin Dix, second
'ftcwsrj, Thoihas Cannon', Dennise Calla-
fbzin, pantrymen, are lost. Ten others
it the crew are missing.
Che beat, valued at '$25,000, was in-
tzfzi fcr 517,000.' -The cargo xzs in-
V .-
braska. Those who went to Kansas were
generallyraeh of the ."gymnastic" order,
or speculating politicians, and I must say
in all candcr that few went tliere to select
them a home, expecting to remain in
peace and quiet, -A large 'number of
these that went to tho northern portion of
speculators who are seldom residents of
the. same, to monopolize tbem, to the
great injury of the actual settlers and the'
prosperity of the Territory. :
Resolved, That we will appoint a com
mittee who shall be authorized to enquire
into the legality cf ail the claims entered
in our neighborhood by non residents,
and if it can be done, we will encourage
By a joint resolution of Congress an
proved March, 1857, it was resolved that
when settlements shall have been made
upon School Lands before they were sur
veytd, or when these school lauds shal
have been occupied by town sites before
the survey, and the settler can bring him
self within the provisions of the Act o;
4th September 1841 or the occupants b
town sites be enabled to show a combli
ance with the provisions of the law of the
UJd of May, 1844, then the right to pur
chase said lauds, so settled and occupied
shall be in the said settlers and occupant
respectively, and other land for schoo
purposes' shall be selected in lieu thereo
by the proper authorities.
In thk Territory, the County Superin
leuueiJis oi common schools are the pro
per authorities to make the selections: and
as this must be done before the land &ales
which will probably occur in September
next, I thought it would interest your
readers generally, and the County Super
intendents particularly, to underhand on
what principles the select ions"' are to be
made. To this end please insert the fol
lowing attract of a circular sent from
the General Land Office' to theRegLter
and receiver of this district.
Yoursi &c.
Sup't of Pub.Insl'n.
Selections are to be-made on the following
- . principles :
For each township or fractional town-
snip, containing a greater quantity o
land than three-quarters ofanentire town
ship, two sections are to be reserved.
r or each fractional township containing
a greater quantity of land than one-half,
aim not more than three-quarter of a totvn
ship, one and one-half sections are to be
reserved. , . .'
.', For each fractional township containing
a greater quantity of land than one-quarter
uuu noi more than one-halj of a township
one section is to be reserved.
For each fractional township contatning
a greater quantity of land than one entire
seciion, and "not more than one-quarter of a
iuu,nuip,iu;o quarter sections are to be re
served.. .
: The following general rules nrp. tnha
, , a a
1-, When the lands have not been of
farorl n K..LI.'. !. . 1 i .
iv,iv, xi uuuc sme, me selections are to
be made prior to the sale. The schoo
committees, trustees, or other - authority
haying . official coguizance over school
lands, may be permitted to recommend
On the 10th inst.. on tbe Missouri River, ilr?. Tamer
Parker ia her 6Sib yeur
Remaining in Urownville Post Office, for quarter end
ing April 1, 1S63. .
1 Am
Alley C!iarle 5
AnUersoa Charles H
B. . '
BallarJ A S
Breckenrulie Mr
Bortlow B B
Brown Charles
Black W D '
BurleyMrs Vary
Burner, KlUha 1 registered.
Corlett Joha
Camtbell David 2
Aiesmorth S C
Armstrong KT J
Bradley Robert
Bauer rrancois-Joseph
Buxton UP 2
Bell Aaron
Brown David
Beirry Jolin
Byrre John
regulars. .
The war department has already been
offered ten regiments of volunteers.
It is intendtd to reinforce Col. John
son with 6000 men, including two regi
ments of volunteers.
General Smith will leave on Wednes
day, en route for Utah, to assume com-
Senator Davis' physical condition has
become more critical. He has lost the
sighi of one eye.
Washington, April 8.
On motion of Mr. Montgomery of
Pennsylvania, the House proceeded to
.u ' : j . c .u tr
Mr. Montgomery moved that the
House adhere to its amendment. ' ,
Mr. Bocock a:ked whether if this mo
tion was agreed to. all chances of settle
ment would be cut off".
- The Speaker said he would decide the
question when a contingency arises.
Mr. Grow of Pa., moved for the pre
vious question.
Mr. Seward of Ga., mored to recede
from the amendments.
Mr. English of Indiana appealed to
Mr. Montgomery to withdraw his motion.
Mr. Montgomery said that it would af
ford him much pleasure to comply with a
request of the gentleman from Indiana,
but he could not consent to withdraw his
Much confusion prevailed, and various
questions were aktu regarding the ef
fect of the vote.
The House then proceeded to vote on
the motion to adhere to the house amend
ment. The motion was decided in the affirma
tive yeas 1 19, nayo
It is stated lhat the President has di
rected the' issuing of instructions to the
Federal officers to prevent the organiza
tion or fitting out of unlawful expeditions
within the limits of the United States, for
the invasion of the Northern States of
Mexico. This measure is adopted on the
representation of the Mexican Minister,
that he has cause to -apprehend that par
ties in the Southwest are about engaging
in such an expedition against the State
Sierre Madre. Washington Star.
The House of IUprescntativts passtd
the Deficiency Bill on the 9th int., 113
to 97. Itwaa rejecttd the day before.
This Is about a fair sample of the judge
ment, the patriotism and the wisdom of a
large portion of the'nn mbers of that tody.
Oil the 8th they killed the bill, for .vhat
reason no one knows. On the 9th, they
brought if to life again, and passed it. It
goes to the Senate, and will receive there
it is hoped, immediate action. St. Louis
Cameron MisSlusey
Cotiklin Miss AHce
Coniptou Vm
The Markets.
kuo i Vi u.js, April 15, 1853.
Floib, y sack i3U0((i.4.t 0
CoitN Meal,$ bushel... i.
COKN, J biwuel ....
Oats, y bushel,...- ........
fi-r.; ... ,
Coffee, .... :
Tea. .......i..., ;
Chickens, $ doi.,
Eggs, do,
FbeshBeep, 1ft bV.
Tone, per 10 fbu . V-..
Potatoes, $ bushel,-. .
Salt, -.,......
Liiibeh, Cottonwood, per 100 ft.;
Yellow 1'ine,.. ...... ..
Kails, pe ke.-
Wheat, none in market
Whisky, per gallon, .. .. .
Salt, S buib,
do ' 1$ sock,
Bias's, ? bush,
Drt IIides, R,
I 9
. 50
:. 2,00
: ' 8,00
' 10c
, 6,50
Davison Ilomer
Dubee George
Dodge Robert L
Dimon CnarlesV :
Eastman Jubn L
Emon James
Freeman Farnam
Fowler Richard it
Gerder Willni Will in!
Uorbach J A
Hart John
Jewell PA
Kirkabam Solomon
Lewark Elijah J
Line Abie
ikidfflt C 2
ll- Grew Archibald 21
Marvin John
Matter Joseph
MclntireThomaa II
McGrew Levi
Osbura Humphrey
Olbricht Auuntttua
Piuney Ger;eM
Pool Uiaa Elizabeth
Ross James A 3
lCberii Jotiah
Syasooe & Smith Messrs
SiueaXehenii th
SiraiherGevF 2
Siandley Motes
Straley itraiiry E
Swan &rh A
Titns Jaroe A
Towu: enWm t
DewTiden Daniel
Dodpe Oliver
DreweryMrs E!ita
E. : ' .
Edwards S
Wcrrall Mirie Ljuus
tt'd lijf Piik
W a1 Co! G
wiUiam- Francit J
Waiters 1-aac
whiiton Peer
Fowler D S t
Feidt VTui
II .
iuks j w
Hill nenry
Hurger H 31
Jones James
Kingsbu.y Waiter R
Kerr A S
Leach W R
Mills X E
Mavkee E.ijah
McXeely BO
MowJuhn '
McCalt Mrs Elizabeth
Ma pea Jx-nies M DI
O. P.
Osborn Win B
Proer Jonathan
Pendergaft Olive
R. S,
Rutherford C E 3
Rincjni Warren G
Stanley Mi.ns Mary
Scolt William M
Sloan Francis M
Sauds Henry
Siowelt M irtin
Scbyler J M
Terrill Mrs C
s. Thompson wm A Peter or
T. w:.eijd Oliver Vloitl
TrowbiiUtre J at
Wicland Tbot 2
wat er Geo B
wi'.liam Tho 2
wi.l nghby A.ired
waiter.- Mrs Ma i..h
A. S.
Marshall's Sale for Taxes.
I wi.l i-ell for cabb iu band at tb. Cou: t-U. use door
snihecityjuf Brownville in Nemaha couniy, ka
Tei"tiury c tnnirncmj; t.n ibe net iloi.lay in J;.ne next
and coininue Iruiaday to d.iy uum c..nip.e cd ibe foi..w
i:i? real e.tate inlaid city for iuxe n w due and un
paid fir the year A. D. 1R57 ai.d in;erest on tLe tame
amounts, lniu li e I r-l;y m year, at lhe rale
oi tweniy-nve per cent per anuuui.
Xame Lots. Block. Tax
Bradshaw James W. 3 &. 4 3 $
" 12 20 4 12
Dozier Jjhn L. 6 IS 25
Eisieny Jaoub 3 k. 4 w19 3 85
Hill Willis 1 it 2 2
" 1 51 4 95
Jarendan Jjmes 6 & 6 82 28
Matthew L . 15 29
" 1 23 25
Lccanbill David 16 32 i3
McGeeJohn 3 11 12 35 3i
Ricketts Charles 12 49 '
" , - 12 43 23
Smith, nooton & Co. 8 6
" " 7 , 13
" ' 13 14
" " 12 25
" " 14 47
" " ' 4 26
" " 15 61
" ':. 14 27
" " 10 & 12 29
" " 6& 6 49
" ' - 10 M
" " ' 11 68
" " 4 63
" " 10 63
6 6
. 4 80
" " 15 15
" " 4 18
" ' 4 22
" " - ' 6 24
' 2 k 6 42
" " 4 43
. ' " 149 45
" . " 14 47
' 15 62
" 10 65
" II 70
" 9 81 15,49
Wheeler Cyrus 2 40
" 10 47
" 3 44
" 6 69
' 4 2--
" 12 48 6 37
Nemaha VaKey Eink and
Banking Houm. .11 $266 87
In ruryuance f i, "i '. 5i3',
Lots owned by u..ii-ieMuents.
St. J5skph, April 19, 1S53.
What, bush, $1.00
Corn,$ bush, .....I.; .... .... ... 25c
Floitr, Vewt,'.... $3.25(3,375
Buckwheat FLorR, c.vt, 3.50(gil,50
Fresh Pobk, lb, VAmXo
1'otatoes. bush. . 2530c
Hitk Beas3, bu.-b, 1,50
Butter. lb, 15g25c
Logs, J doz-...
CaicKE.s-3, doz. $2,00.250
Coffer. Ib, . iii.
Tic iv a
"tf o .... .... .... .... .
Lot Bh ck Tax. Lot Block Tax. Lt BI
1 84- 14 2 84 14 3
4 84 14 7 84 14 10
6 84 14 8 64 14 11
6 84 14 8 84 14 12
13 64 14 16 84 14 14
14 84 14 5 tO 17 13
15 84 14 7 80 17 12
8 3 2 63 12 27 26 12
11 43 26 12 33 26 12
11 65 26 12 43 26 13
13 29 26 14 13 80 16
13 . 34 26 14 46 26 16
13 37 26 14 43 26 16
13 36 26 14 65 63 16
13 68 . 26 15 33 1 05 1L.
13 69 26 15 66 63 12
2 81 16 7 60 15 12
7 81 16 11 60 15 1
8 81 19 10 60 15 4
1 81 IS 2 61 16 10
13 81 16 16 61 16 2
10 81 16 11 61 16 8
7 67 16 1 62 16 1
10 67 16 '2 62 16 6
13 . 67 16 3 2 16 6
14 67 16 11 62 16 16
16 67 16 13 61 16 13
5 66 16 7 63 20 6
8 66 15 6 63 20 15
13 (S 16 2 46 20 14
12 68 20 6 46 20 13
14 68 20 6 46 20 4
13 68 . 20 3 45 J3 7
9 68 20 , 6 45 28 6 .
11 64 21 7 45 26 8
2 64 21 11 45 26 I
7 64 21 1 44 36 13
1 C9 n 6 44 . , 3d 3
2 69 17 2 43 r 62 6
5 . 69 : 17 .7 43 62 14 .
1 . 6i 17 14 , 43 . 62 13
2 69 17 10 42 . .96 12
4 60 15 II 42 . 95 9
11 24 63 7 9 65 6
8 23 I o5 33 19 1
J 66 16 33 -13 2
3 66 6 12 33 19 6
4 66 16 2 'i 1 22 5
6 66 ifi 6 '22 1 23 13
b 66 16 6 22 1 23 14
7 66 16 14 22 '1 23
1 66 16 - 10
12 66 16 11 22 64 1
14 66 .16 2 21 , 05 1
16 66 j6 3 21 x w5 7
16 64 16 9 21 , t5 5
' 41 17 1W 21 , 05 14
13 i2 16 15 n39 13
16 32 16 16 75 W 13
1 29 16 6 16 75 4
3 29 16 8 16 75 J
5 29 16 5 16 75
16 1 IS 75 5
1 12 26 2 17 , C5 ,4
7 12 26 17 r5 - 3
9 65 11 17 5 ll
2 9 65 ,5 . 18 1 49 &
1 I 65 J3 13 ,49 16
. 9 65 4 18 , 43 l9
9 65 14 19 I
JN. 14 I 06 1 13 " 63 4
2 14 I 05 I - 17 63 4
2 7 W I 13 , W 4
? 79 I 24 63 4
7 7 79 1 26 27 4'
1 63 J" 33 25 4
2 1 63 Vj 37 63 6
8 8 63 1 65 26 5
2 23 is 1 63 26 5
6 23 16 1 69 26 6
I 23 16 1 70 26 6
10 .28 . 16 I 77 26 . 6
" - 2 16 1 73 . 26 . 6
" . 28 16 1 79 26 6
J 67 16 2 23 14 f 6
67 16 2 32 14 S
4 67 16 2 34 14 7
5 67 16 2 35 14 7
11 67 16 2 36 14 7
13 69 16 2 41 63 7
10 69 16 2 65 ' 14 8
13 . 70 6 3 13 63 .8
13 70 16 3 17 80 8
W 70 16 3 . 46 26 9
9 70 16 3 64 25 10
3 6 75 ' 3 63 28 II
7 .6 75 3 69 2 11
ck T x.
84 14
42 I 05
49 26
41 1 10
36 17
40 1 05
.40 1 OS
40 1 05
23 33
2i 2 10
4 1 05
3 1 67
3 1 57
3 1 67
2 4 20
1 3 16
I 3 15
40Q759 I
vine, on Thursday April 29. 1S53. at 2 o'cllk P M
prove up my right cf pre-emption tl thhit
qnartcr of thesouth-it n,tr. ... '" "n-'.n
ten . lownsmp tiX, ran r ur.
At the land eGce at BllOWXYir, .
Bmcd township, viz- lhla the f
Meridian. 'Cvl e tfUnfe I
That part of township Ons nt.-.
Fox .nd Uair-Breed lH J
If. ';dn,o"
Therart of townbimi 2 11
ration, and fractional towwh' i
sixteen. tlsNl,.
That ruirt r,f twV: 'V
Fox ReerTtion: township " til.t!" " 4S
3. 4. uul 5, AM of tl? lial? b V 1
erration, and fractional lotra-hitS f XV
That part of towD,hip 1
township 5 oukido of the nalf-Br.v1
erTalion.and townhin 6 rf . 'a- .
Ttrtrnrrs 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 and "t rlT
T.,Wn,hir3!.2 3, 4. 5. o.l of ST1?
At tP-Lan at 5EBHa?L '
nietitn. in Monday the xti & T J""'
nett.forthe di.sal ,,f the pob!ie L?v;
.. . - - -j,). j. "is
Xortb i-f the Las Line an l r, . 1
Fri fua! MtrldiaD. "i
Fractiml tonbtps 7 and 8 of
Townhip 7, and fractional WaA;JVi
tnl 12 of raDre 14. 5-.;
Townsbipa .8, 9,10. 11 tad ll.,.
township 13, of range 13. ""h
Townships 7, 8. y, 10, 11, andf .
iz ami u, or nnjr 12. w2. '
Townsbip 7.8 V. 10, and ll.iriL. ,
sb5i12,o rai- 11. li0ljj
un ....... , ..'..UK tl.HItj!-.
12, 15 .! 1 1. . f nn-e 10.
T. or n1.t... T Q .....1 I- ... I .
1 1, 15 and V . r,;:- '.
At tie LinJ ): .1 OVAi'HTrr
: , . V.'11. "too
inj; iu Miiiid;i t, t
frth dijijsi'id ih-- M.
1r.wiiio. n11n1r.1l f..t. i . ... .
N..I th ,,f til- ll.V l.ill - Ul, I r-u-t of ;h? jV ,
c?jal Merdi'in. '
r rat u-na i, yJt nj j.
Fra.-t:onal town.-lips 13,14, lj uirj
ange!3. . ' "'U
, Fw'i nI townshiji 12 an,i n i,.,
and Iff. and fr.ic!i.Bl townAips 17, 18,11 uj
ffr.ine 12. . mi
Vrs. ti-n-al t'-wnbtp 12. fown-lip. lJ.ll, B 1
17. and 18. aud fru-:i h! Uwnfe p )
ra 1 11.
FRt 'i. nnl tcwniii . 12 H. nJ U j.
shir.- ll 15, 17,11 19. 2 ), ' n :.i
t jactii.nal t.mi.-Li)T 1 1, Ij.iuu lii iaJtit-i,
17, IS. 19, and 2D,..f ran; 'J. ' .
ln.i.. Hp.rj.riiitcd .y L 1. r the 4
in Titarr, u .thi.r jur a. w ili fcnii,
til- SJl0T.
Tbe faring if tLe aln re land., be9ta(,
! .11 tbe tiav p.intid, and will frjj
order in wliit-n th. y art-adverts!, uuhl its t
.h:ill L'ftve hccn tilT.-rid.acd the nali sihu.rl.t;,
nimleio be kfj t o n r.n r Than to tfLst
n private entry nf the land will I'rji,;;
after tlia eXj ira i. ri of ih.- twi, steii.-.
tiivtri Qud-.T uiy hand at the city Wijlil
this thirtieth d:iy of il rdi . l.ou thanai
hundred and fiity-eiht. T
By the IV 9: Jon t :
Taos as A. Ik-iisTa
Commissioner of the Gt ntnl LauJ 0Sc.
NOTICE TO Pl:E-E5il'l 0S CUm.Mi
Every peraen entitUd to the n'bt f pft--a
to any of the lands witblo the t-'woicip? ud p.i
of townhipi above enuueriied is r qiiH t
tablih thn annie to the sutifcfauUoa ot ititpM
and Keceiver of tbe proper land t'c. id ai
payment therefor as swn s ynctkib'u .cittini
this notice, aud before tie day ajwisui f tii
commence men t of the public .-'e of teriw
br acini; the tract claimed, utiienri.e mi dud
be, forfeited. ., ; THUS. A. IlLMMllV
Commisiioner of Uciicral LJv
-4iril 22. 1356-no 4.1
h. m B . . m - u - 1
Xotice i fce.ebyxi'eo "ail per a ovt iitnTf
Jauie-. Fe "giir-oo a reidectuf BrowoviU
county Netra.-k . the lUl.xmr -rill rl wuai .
the south west quartet ot tbe wuth ttt qaw!
uwiiship five (5) ranpeHx.wn ('.6) fast, or anr pw I .
inereoras 1 win xnics mi ntm i
tbe same beinjr a porthin cf s town sue Th.tbW
is to warn all nersun acainttndin:, bnyin or n
way ta negotiate with the said Fer;u for tit1'1,
described tracts or parcels of la w. . f
v3n33tr irGvarcsiorxt
To the Public.
"Xotice is heieby given to ail person " that to
F:Titnsun is not "a resident of Brnvi'.K, Xenitis
N. T " nor has he heen but is rtiJntun "ttt'M
iutC de-ciibed real cs'uite in Die i:!hwM qiarf
somh ea.4t quarter an.l Jot number hard etu
teen in t..wn-hip five rsu?e risteen rs-t." ind!ai
that Le is the i.nly reM-lpnt rp n ite tM v1
ccieuiiore, c-,ne!ieni:y at wij ir,.
perx nsare .n.ite-l or o.n efr.plate parrtiwc
:id pr..per:y tbey will save them-elvwtew.
by reah-tr this m.ike, and retains t V"?
'jtmrto.tu.4 E iiinti ' JAME3 FB,CJ
Brownviiie Aprll21. 1S58.
D.h7V 'xTjx X CH Ll "Jf
ILand Agents,
Main Street, CrownviI!e,t
Bay ami sell Land Warrants nuke out
at.,ry statements; ont pre-coPtwB
taxes, nivestieaic ii ie.-; , . . . " j,
Buy and well iy c umi;'"n
war.anta t r time e-i. a:'-ml t-
nes c imectfti i.U a fio.i i..n-t fiI
'jiiTii-tiia tar rakiaa a.ii ( t hi is 1 1 1- ' - - -
men' limlandthe i caii n t
reirtin-j; ;it ili-t in-e
ie,rpe 11. Nix
om e.
Thirl R Smi h
Nenuha Lmd Uistric;.
Le i- R. N'cwcjuie:- E'l B.iltiin re
II n. Prnner FuritUM-n Pe!r?ate
Xet-ait Terrri.ry Whi.i.'. " c- '
J hn A Beai t q- Att.:uyat L..W. rr $!
Brownvide Ap.'tl 22
lemma Liml Uistric .'- V. Farna. E q Bditor Alvsru .
' ftroirnri'le. T-
Be-pettfully inr .rm.H .re p;.t li.- th;if M -
,w i f ore.t i" fti- ni-h any de-i ed 'a ' r
:sluw p;Un as any inner ruiu-w.- t
ritory. Ail w.-k wirranie.1.
neb -i eby s.ric; attea i n t bu ine
ci-tif.tant.y 1 n hand a superb r ai rimed y i
Triniminfis fltc. f..r h nte nnnnractore, ""'s',
thai li'' al parron:iKe whii h lit his tere-w j-j
r3Hvpiiriins U -tie on the rh Ttet mir
All w ' k t be paid fur cn delivery
April 22. V2nl
J. D N.
Altomej at 15
Has resumed his professional business.
tioe in all the Courts of Npb?tik, ami
Atchinun, llo - - . , -n&"
Office one d. or west of 1. 1. Whyte's t0'e'
XebraKi. . c . ' cU3
Brownville April 22 1SCS.
T.nnrl WorrflTltS!
To Pre-emrtors. Buy of retuiar ue
tKgns warrants. .nterJ
All nmnti r.M at th t ffic9 are Vn
genuine in every respect and will be '
L HI til "H' . x
B inkers and DeI rs in LaD " t
Brownville N. T., April 22,
I huve for sale a number of h4oti,u"'ir,.l
the Citvof Br..wnviiis which I am aumor.
bargains for cat-h. New oiuers will rRii.
me befo. e makinv I urchaes.
Brownville, March 25, '53.
ill' VrsVii
To B, X H tichin Wm McElr. y anJ ,
may encern. T. o are Iieret-y vminJ
pe.rat the Lmd Lftl -e in B" wtivtlte f r i i
N. T., on Af.i ii 1 v April 26 153, ' " c i un my riirht f wMSil1"' .... rtO
nnarter cf ev:lin Xov ten, toasbis
fcixtewfeait. r r G$?
April 1 h 15Q lwri3 w