1 f ,1 to iV A J s 1 V ! QVy Ay ; i vy A Ay y : DEVOTED TO ART, SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, NEWS, POLITICS, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE INTERESTS OF NEBRASKA. VOL. II: CITY OF BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1858. NO. 43. V m I it rfir I Y ! . M r nS a' vv m i 1 J 711 - j i i -J ! i ! ai! Nebraska U)octttscr FURNAS & LANGDON, ciiSury Hoaiiey Muir's Building, Qr of Main and First Streets.) bhovxvii.le, n. t. forctseVearif p-tdd in advance, - - $2.05 J. " - at tbeeuJ of 6 months, 2.50 -I - 44 ' 12 - 3,09 C X of 12 w m-ir 5 furnished at $ 1.59 per ncsai.i-roTided the csh accompanies the order, j ctherwiie. ' I Oae sii't ' tO '' or le" &oe insertion, $1,00 tTi0 2,50 4.0'J .oa 12.00 a no 60.00 ro.oo lo,00 "ute aqare,, one ec 5 three ninths, ' - u C:.X C)r-"i, . , coe jer, Eaiaef Cardiff six cr Is Oa Cwlama one yea.r tue year, half CJca:ii. m a:hf - fourth " " ' ' - C.israa three- ra:n"b, till L''.s.', ihe ci 23.00 io.no S.oo 20.00 13.0:) A2apca--in .Aiii;date f-r t-3 'in advance.) 5.03 Ciii io i o:e wi.'i Nr r--"'2siireif-.r all adrcrti? Crt? ei-et wacre a.-t!ial re?T.IhiHtT i kcown. . Tea r.--trrc: VT esh choxTre will oe ailed to the a'i-r! rv:e. dr?-:ijB?ri will be eonsidired bythe ye.r, pw';5c-d the' m-inasrrij-t, or freriocsly ijUoJ cks b'.w:2 the rirties. .iTeni-ecientj fit mirkd n tbeeopy for a pec iid taxier l in'irti will bi cja:in?d until frra-c ouiud e"onrcd a?MrdiD1:'y ' AUadriii?Ta nts fntn trn crs:r;raaaient per-r-i.to be r.d ia adr-vnre. 'Tie criril?i of Tea'It adrcrti?r will be eonn ei r.ciTj u tbeir -wn ba-:n".aal all adrertiie ec: col jrt;ain; thereto, to- be pail fr cx- I . . Vear'T adTerti-er; hare the prir-.'.ee of ehanjic tie r aJrertieuient qaartonj. I'd adrertiseauaii cha-jod doable the a'anTeraiea. AiTirn;atEU ca th iasids exasirelj will be eiarrtj extra. . . BOOK AltD" FANCY JOB. PRINTING! ,1 Eavlc- ml-led to the Advertiser OS,.- C'ard and Jb Pree?.yew Type of the la:et style?, lahj f etldre9,Kncxes, t ine Paper, ETe!pe. Ac; we are a: w prepared to execute Jb Work of every de-CT-iir.n in x yie aa'arpaiied by acy other See ia tne United States. .Partkaiar attention will be jive a to order from d:taivee ia h via; th?ai promptly attcrd-! to. The Prpiet-rs hivinr aaI an ;xt'?aiive expe rience, will jr.ve their p?r'cil attention to thi. hraaeh of ba-uae, and bpe, ia tlieir endeavors to pieaeT h-th in the exrellen" of their wrk. and reaaonable eharja to receive a share of thejvnblie ptr-aar. BUSINESS CARDS. 3I1SS MARY TURNER, MILLIIiER AND DRESS MAKER. Frrrt Street, between LI sin and "Water. . ' BUOWNVILLE, N. T. Bonnets and Tnmmir,gs alvrays on hand. C. W. WHEELER, Arciiitect and Builder. TJ. C. JOHr"SON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY . AM) ' Real Ctale Aent, BUOWNVILLE, X. T. nra. Web. Jesa;., Jlvmtn.e, Pa. ii. BcBt'T, - - - . ". - John U. Miller, Chha-.s HI. Un. K. McAllister, " . Chr!e f. Fo!-r, R. W. Fcruaa, Urownvii'.e, X. T. "O. F Lake, -i!ay 7.1SjT. 4T-1T I. T. Whyte & Co., .pRY GOODS, GROCERIES Stovos, rurnitiiro, Country Produce, BROWNVIM.E. X. T. J. HART c SON Oregon, Hcl: Coiinty, LLlotiri. , K?p?oEstantIy on hand all Jescrij tion f Harnees, tidies, bridles, Ac, A. . B. Every article io oar hop is maaafactared fcytrse! v csan4 warranted t rive-'atii'fact'H.r'. JACOB S.1FFORD, Attorney and Counsellor at Liw. GEiTEAL IXSUILLNCE AND LAND AGENT. And ITotary Public, mm has ha crrr, e-. t. TVrLL attend prtuzr-tly o H haiecess entrusted . . to his care, ia Nebraska Territory aad Weat nlcwa. feeptembeTl2,155. rlaU-ly . E. S. DUNDY, ATTOPwNE Y AT LAW, ABCHER, RICnARDSOW CO. K. T. fvT"1- Prctce ia the several Court ir the id Judicial rf- t Ml Uniti aU matters connected with the T-w. Wm JLXiJrKAK E-n. r Nebr-k t City, a. ' l" 1x---1l J iinpoctant S-aita. mm liEMAHA LAND AGE11T, SrRTEYOR &. NOTARY PnJLIC, ViII aeleet laadj, iarestunte titles, pay Uies. kc, riiher ta insqi er Kebrk; ivy, sell. a&4 eater lands on caucus!":; iaet ia town pn.perty. Iut jt Mil the tame, and wiii ivtr bare o& Lnd correct plat of tovcah:p4 c BEties i.c, tbowics all laac!s tcb ject to entry, an4 where de:red wiU turnuji parUea Ut inz in ite states the ume. Beiug the ol!e-A e:iier ia the eBT5tr frill ia all cae be abie u pre fall and reliable iafnaria. Add-e A. L. Cate. either at BrownUlw Keraata City Kebra-fca Tefritary. 6is-42--9 DANIEL L. McGARY, HTBID1T- fl-T LAW. AND SOLICITOR IX CHJXCERY. Brownrille, Nebraska. TTill practice ia the Courts z XetrasU,aa4 JTarta west Jtisscari. tEFEREXCXS. XessTt Crew. JlcCreary i. Co., Hja. Jio- M. Hoh, na J tn E. Saei:y, " -H ia. Jiines Cra:j, H .i. Silas WuiKls. . St. loca, II. St. Joseph. Ka. Xj -Xebra?fca City.y. T. Jadze A. A. Bradford, S F. Xack ill E.. H.M. ATKINSON, Surveyor imd Land'.Agcnt, IIS" STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T., TV"u: attrEd proajpi'r to the M?IeeTi- n awl loca tion cf tirvernsiieiit una id trie 2em ia laud Cis M -t: furreyic; town ?itPS. and yuUIiridic land-: drftincifjr pUts.a:id all other biiitn-s f a Gener al Sarreyu. Be will Wate warraU cb time f.r aitact dealers: .ie declaratory ftatetemecU of it- tent.n to rre-eiBT t : make oat pre-eni-.4ion papers: t i. . ... ! M ilia aw W A 3 1U Aa4Uja Uf BWaV V. 1 a Want II IT a Jl Wkau k tiers. r.m:r. to W. Sar.rer. 31. l) Sewal k Withinton, Hht. T. V. H.iwe, 5"ew Trk Ciry, F-r-ti a, 3Ia. ra:a.ska!a ChLo, C t. W. E. A'fciasoo. lieH-- II. Nix a. Keriter I,nad Ofice. Iiri.w: Till.j, Lahbaagh A Careoa, Leaker, LruwnTille, S. T. R. W. Fansa-". - J. D. N. L B. BaTHOMPSOK Red Estate &. General d'ecun Agents BEOWi V TLIan, I. T- Agents for Iowa Ins. Co., Ostaloosa, AL-L ba-iBes entrusted to wr care wiil tr.eft wiih prt-mpt attention and warranted ci)rre-"t- Papers prepa--ed fwr ; erns wishing to pre-empt, Deciaratory abate ments nude out, etc etc. 3-0v.-e on First street, north oT I. T. Why-.e it Co.T2 ErEsarvct3 1 J. ft". G'ices, Ei-G reraor I wa I. L Price do .Missouri Austin A Kicsr do d G S. Ljrrea Co., Glenwoul, twi O Donch'y Coozci! B.bSTs, Iowa Apri! 8 IS53. Tfl.ly A. D. KIRK, Attorney at Law, Land Acrcat and Xolary Public Archer, Richardson Co., .V. T. "Will practice in the Ccnrts of NebraskaTaaai3tcd by Harding and Uennett, Nebraska City. W. P. LOAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOT AND LAND AGENT, Archer, Richardson Conntj, 5. T. R. E. HAEDIXG. C C. KIX50rGH K. F. TOOXZR. HARDING, KIMBOUGH Si CO., Afjw?rtsrrrtaBt Whnienu Sealer i HATS, CAPS k STRAW GOODS, I7o 49 H&-11 street, bet, O ire and Pine, ST. LOUIS, MO. rarticalrr attentioo paid W maaafacinrins our finei M.de Hat?. UEAX ESTATE AGENCY. CEOICB CLATXS. J- LEE- Claycs efc Loo. Real Estate and General Agency, OilAHA CITY, 3ST. T. REFER TO James Wrieht, Eruker, 5"frw York, Wm. A. Wo-.dwi.rd.Esq- Hon. 1 Wood. Ex -Got. of Ohio, Clereland, Wicks. Otic and Uruwnell, Bankers, " A Wet A Hortoa, ' Col. Robert Campbell, St. Lrtuia, Jim"- llidrwy. Esq. Crawforn and ackett. Oueaso. Omaha l?. A:r.3n.lg3. Tln13-1j B. r. BENNETT, J. . JIOKTOX, K.H. aaRDISfi BEN NET. MORTON & HARDING. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Sebraska Ciy, .V. T., and Glei-xrood, la. "TT ILL practice ia all the C-urt- l Nebraska and Western Iwa. Particular atttnli'-n jaid t obtaiain. IvatiE Land Warrant?, and odlecticc of debts. H'B. Lrwis Cas.Letn.it ... .'alio I). Morten, - M-.n; Got. Jie A. Matten, Sprirgftld. Ill Gct. J. W. Grime. If-ja Ci?v. Iowa; B. 1. FiEled. St. L.aiOIo.: " Hon, Daniel O. M..rton.TUdo. Ohio; P. A. Sarpy. P.-'.Icvae.Nebrapka: Seil-rewih AvWaJkcr. CfcicS".?ll: Greti. Wear A Pnto.n. fVmnril UlcfT-.Towa. jtrrEiiS4.x r. casait, JA5. D. TEST. Cunncil II! a"s,l..wa. ataKTlx v. kisi CKN.l Ji. . WHITE. Sebraka City I CASSADY, TEST, RIDEN i CO., (Soecescs to Riden White.) LAND AGENTS. JfEBRASKA C1TT, y. T. HAVING made arrar-cmrnu by which we will receive accurate copies of all the Township embraced ia the Latera pcniw of Sehraska, we are bow prepared t c2"t oar iervieef to tia 44 Squatters of Xtbraska Territory.71 In Filling Declaratory State men ts of inten tion to Pre-empt. Secure rg- Pre-rnj-tions. Locating Land Warrtnts- AND ENTERING LAND. Land TTarrants I5ons:htand Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. Particular attention paid to Haying and Selling Property on eommiint Alsv o aking Collections aad forward! ct? rensittanees to aey part tf the Union. Blank cf all kiids alwav? no hand. nEFEKOCES. Eon. A.A.Brdiard, . Xehmkanty. S.F.XneLs . " 44 k West, Ft. Jceeph, ilv Peter A. Keller. WashLatoa City Thomas Lamrkin, 44 44 Jne23,l&56.Tl-a4 JAMES W. - GIBSON, BLACKSMITH Seeoad trest. between Main and Xelrask, URONYILLE, N. T. Farm and Garden. HsJ.DICjilnsoii's Peim-Tan Address, CCiSO 1KD SOOT MAT CO ELSEWHERE. Sir. President I desire to say but few words ca foreign or manufactured man ures, as the class cf men I am addressing jis not one likely to be caught oa a hook tailed with guano at sixty dollars per ton, bowerer much it may do for some south ern lands or worn-out Lon-Island soils. There, I fncy, it only enriches the land, as a neighbor of mine gets rich two or three times , a yeap-th'? whole expense of Lis o atlay in his case not exceeding- a peck of rye, and that not well distilled. And because some farmer has accomplish ed much ia Ireland frosi soot, there is good commoa sense here enough to know that the soot made from burning bogs is very unlike ours, and that there is suffi cient material for renovating the soil c: Yates and the surrounding counties, ca our own farms, except plaster, the expense of which is so trifling we can use it freely. BIS TirWS 05 TrR5IPS. The turnip crop, either the Norfolk, Swede, or ruta tagas, are exhausting crops in this country. Yet they furnish a large amount cf food, and if fed to cat tle cr sheep on the same land, will enrich instead of impoverishing it; but take them erf f cr several years' in succession, and the soil will be very much reduced. En flihmen sav thev draw much of their f . i t. - ncHjriihment from the atmosrhere. It is not so ia this region, many of the scien tific farmers of the day to the contrary notwithstanding-. England has. a soft moist atmosphere, ivhile oars at the sea ron they need care z.nd nourishment, is hot and dry. There is, indeed, no more mistaken notion prevailing- than that tur nips do lest in wet weather. They re quire moisture but not wet ; they hare a long tap-root, and no plant cultivated is more easily drowned or injured by excess of water. AGKICCLTCRiL PAPEES A2CD 3JACHISIJ1T. The machinery on exhibition is exceed ingly good, and I hardly know from which the agriculturist has profited most for the last eiht or ten years, the agri cultural journals cf die day, or the labor saving machinery that has been invented and put in operat:cn. Many, farmers fancy that if they Lave a mowing machine and a reaper, it is all that is necessary ; but let me say here that these implements are only so many more reasons for in creasing the care and taxing the ingenui ty of the husbandman, for they neither run themselves, nor will they permit the unthoughtf ul or . the wayfaring man to profit much by their use. CARE iXD ECOSOMT ESSENTIAL- There has never been a time when it was more important that the husbandman should do his work well, and look c!osely to his seed of every descripticn, than the present, since the time cf the b?ack death. The seasons have been so deranged from what they formerly were, from warm to cold, and from wet to dry, that more care and protection seem to be every where required. On your soil where wheat un til the. last few years grew luxuriantly, and the failure of a crop was almost un known, you could afford to sow lime broadcast at the rate of fifty or a- hundred bushels to the acre. Ia the present un certainty of the crop you cannot afford so p of use an application, however lime is indispensable in the growth of wheat. Most cf your ether crops are not benefit ed by its use, as is the case in portions of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I ask you to bear with me while I tell you of s. much cheaper and equally beneficial mode of applying it: a half pint of tar is suffi cient to put a coat all over every kernel of a bushel, sufacient to fasten a bushel cf lime to that quantity of wheat, which would be as beneficial zs fifty or aa hun dred sowed broadcast, as the one bushel would be brought into immediate contact with the wheat. He who will take the trouble to test my pracrice for three years, by civing both a fair trial, will follow my advice thereafter, I wiil give all the particulars to prepare the seed for sowing as there is no seed that a farmer can af ford to sow cr plant without first tarring and then applying the very thing cr things his soil lacks. I wo-uld just as soon think farming without tajr, lime and plaster, as I would of keeping house without arni ca, camphor and stickicg-salve. THI MODE Or lr?LTISC Til, LIME, &.C. It is very simple, yet there is a 'know how' to everything. I will tell you how 3oa can put a coat of tar over all kinds of seed as evenly as a painter could put a coat of paint over a board with his brush. An iron kettle is the best to mix the tar and wa:er. Have sufneient boiling water to cut the tar; mix it with hoc water; then pour in sufneient cold to make it near blood neat. Have sufneient water to stir what ever grain you put in, that the water and tar may come into contact with every part and particle ; it will then be coated evenly and is ready to be taken out. Shovel it into a basket for economy the basket may be pla ced ever a tight barrel to catch iie water ; as soon as it is done draining throw into a tight box, where yon can mix and put on whatever, your soil lacks. If wheat or barley, yon need not fear to ap ply lime and salt. If oats, com cr buck wheat, plaster , and salt. And on the soils of Y'atea county it would be benefi cial to all of the above-named grains, to sleep in strong brine twernight. Every species cf grass seed I sow with a heavy coat, and fai-tea as much plaster as paisi- lie, which draws moisture in a dry season and prevents rotting in an excessively wet cne, and I never fail to hare my rrass I seed take welL Ana to me wneaMarm ers let m say that the importance this process for their clover is two-fold; it not only dispenses with the necessity cf sowing plaster on the wneat to enke the clover catch, but the quantity that is fas tened to the clover does not come into con tact with the wheat sufficiently to give it the rapid growth rendering it liable to rust. HJSTS OX SAtTHrG STOCX. 4 Mr. President, believing that I can use Professor Backley ta advantage for a few moments, I will again call your attention to what he says: "Bat when the Hen. Senator says that the grass growing next the ocean contains salt, and that that growing in western New York does not, and farther that the chemist canuot detect salt in the former, but that his ox can. and hence his ox knows more about the composition of the grass than the chemist he talks about things beyond his ken. We know the chemist can detect the salt." The argus-eyed Professor knows the che mist could detect the salt in the grass. I gave him a fair trial and he failed. What I said then I will rep-eat, as L regarded it important information to farmers, and even Mr. Buckley might profit by it. (was it not too simple and plain for a ..Profes sor's understanding) if he has oxen, cat tle and sheep to look after, and profit by their being correctly salted. The Philadelphia meadows axe much unlike the pasture land of England and Ireland, or other pasture lands lying with in the influence of salt waier, for on lhein the grass on which the cattle feed, is al ready so seasoned with salt that they will not eat it in other forms. The meadows of which I speak, are those which have been made by dykeing, and the salt wa ter comes sutnciently near the surface for the grass to partake cf it; for on pasture equally near the Delaware, upon the up lands, the cattle anl sheep will eat salt. I regard those meadows as the best fat tening land ia the world. I have seen a bullock that was fattened there without grain that had two hundred and fifty pounds of gut fat. , I said that I pastured my cattle many years since on the Philadelphia meadows, and after they had been there one week, they would not touch salt. The pasture seemed to be seasoned just to their taste, while in Yates county, or on my pasture, they ould eat a handful in each week more in wet than in dry weather. Most of the grasses in loth places being cf the same kind, and to all appearances preci sely identical, I cut and cured on the Phi ladelphia meadows as much as I could bring home in my valise, and then cut and cured the same kinds at home, labeling them so that each might be distinguished. I then carried both to a celebrated pro fessor of chemistry, and told him there was as much difference ia the grass as there would be if one had grown on hard water and the other on soft water land, but did not tell him that such was the fact; that I wanted a thorough analysis in order to determine which contained the best fattening qualities. After a fair trial, he told me he could find no differ ence; I then told him what the difference was, and I remarked neither he nor my self knew as much about grass as my ox; and from that -time to this I have been trying to learn from my cattle their wants, by consulting their tastes as to what they would eat or drink, and I do not hesitaie to say here ia the presence of practical farmers, that I have not only learned from my ox, but from sheep, more as to their wants and how to treat them, than from all the chemists, professors of agricultural colleges, royal or state nurse ries,and government trial fields, oa earth. And I am quite anxious to impart a few of the most important of the truths deri ved from the observation cf the instincts of animals. These instincts are much stronger with wild than domesticated ani mals, which latter are looked after by man, while the former select their food with much more care. Thirty-five years since, Red Jacket, the child of nature, told me how to salt deer, or in other words, how to make a deer-lick, by bor ing holes in a log and patting salt in them; and he Temarked that they were much founder of fish brine, and would leave their licks made of salt, and feed wholly on those made cf fish brine. I tested this thoroughly and found it to be true. SAI.TI5G SHEEP WITH FIJ.H BRUTE. I then tested it thoroughly with sheep for many years, and say to you that a flock of fite Saxony ewes in a dry season, will make their lambs at least four pounds heavier each, by having fish brine than common salt, while the common ewe will not increase the weight cf her lamb an ounce; nor do I believe the Bakewell, Southdown or Leicestershire would in crease them. The reason is, the fine Sa xony sheep, Ike the goat, gives very rich milk, but a small quantity of it not suf ficient for the rrowth of her Jamb. Lak in-y the fish brine best, she eats more salt than she otherwise would her appe tite for water is increased, and the more she dnnk3 the greater xhi quantity of milk she yields, and this gives greater growth to her lamb, n mist large ccarse wooled ewes' milk not being so rich, but in larger quantity, in many cases it would be injurious to pursue the course in ques ; tion. The cow can by the same process be Erode is increase her milk and not her butter. Too much salt 13 injurious in fattening, but it should be regularly fed, and more ia warm thaa ia ciid weather. Misceflaneons. Tron the Kocaeater gcyaSliraa , The Domicile Erected hj John. -nLAXSLATZO rE03f TBI TTTLGATX OF Bt- COCXX. Behold the 3f.TmV.on reared by dzdal 2cZ. See the malt stirred ia maaj a pietaoric tacit, la tae prooJ circ of Ivan's bivouac, Mark how the tats felvaioas fangs invade : Tae gotiea store ia Joan's pavillos. laid. Anon witb reTvet fo aad Tarsals strides, Subtile Grit&alkia Uhis c. Barry Elides, Griaullua grim, taat slew tne fierce rodent, TVhoae touta lasidioos Jvh ana's saccka rent I 1 ! nrw the deep-swota caaiae foe's aasaal ' That rexed the avenger of the stofca malt. Stored ia the hallowed precincts of that hall That rose complete at Join's creative call. Here s talis theimpetaoes cow with cramp led horn. Whereon the eaacerbati&x bounds was turn, TVlu hayed the feline siachter-oeast that slew The rat predaceons, whose keea rangs raa throth The textile fisres that in to I red the sraia' "Which laji ia Baa's inrwlate domain. Here walks forlora the Camsel crowned with me, LacUf eriiroj spoils from vacciae da who drew, Oi that coraicnlate beast whose tortaoas bora Tossed to the clouds ia fierce vindicative scorn. The harrring hoahd, whose braggart bark aad stir Arched the lithe spine and reared the iadlsaant far Of Pas, that with verminicidal claw Struck the weird rat ia whose iaatiate maw, Lay reeking malt that erst ia Joaa's coCrta we saw. Robed ia senescent garb that seems ia sooth T long a prey to Chrooos' iron tooth, Behold the man whoe amorous lips incline, Full wi:h roans Erv osAUative sign, T j the 'Lira maiden whose lac-alhia hands Drew alba-lactic wealth from lacteal glands Of that immortal bjTme, by whose bora Distort, to realm ethereal was borne The beast catuleaa, rexer of that sly Ulyues quadrupedal, who made die The old rdaciuus rat that dared devacr Antecediaeous Ale ia Jwha'i domestic bower. Lo here., with hirsute honors dcCed, succiret Cf saponaceous lucks, the Priest who links In Hymen's golden bands the torn unthrift, Vhose means exiycs stared from many a rift Even as he kissed the virgin all forlorn, "Who milked the cow with implicated horn, "Who ia fine wrath'the canine torturer skied, That dared to vex the ioidaous murkide, Who let auroral eSne-Ke thronph the pelt Of the sly rat that routed the palace Juhn had built. The I:ud cantankerous Shanghae comes at last, Whose shouts arvnse the shorn ecclesiast Who sealed the vows of Hrmen's sacrament, Tu him who rcbed ia gan&eats indigent, Excsculaxes the damsel lachrymose, The emulgator of that honored brute taoraee, That tossed the dog, that worried the cat, that til: The rat that ate the malt that lay ia the bouse that Jjhnbu.lt. Marriage for SiioTr. To the question often asked of young men as to why they do not marry, we sometimes hear the reply, 'I am not able to support a wife.' In one case ia three perhaps, this may be so ; but a3 a general thing, the true reply would be, I am not able to support the style in which I think my wife ought to live. In this again, we see a f ilse view of marriage a look ing to an appearance in the world instead of a union with a loving woman for her own sake. There are very few men, of industriou3 habits, who cannot maintain a wife, if they are willing to live econcmi- ! cally, and without reference to the opinion of the world. Tr.p ptmi pttiI k thp ! are not content to begin life humbly, tofor breastworks, surely no cne should retire together into an obscure position, '-censure the ladies for making the same and together work their way in the world i use of "Alabama siik." .Ve5. Advertiser. he by industry m his calling, and she by dispensing with prudence the money that he earns. But they must stand out and attract the attention of others by fine houses and fine clothes. Lire TFltbGGt Lore. We sometimes meet with men who seem to think that any indulgence ia an affectionate feeling is a weakness. They will return from a journey and greet their families with a distant dignity, and move among their children with the cold and lofty splendor of an iceberg, surrounded by its broken fragments. There is hard ly a more unnatural sight on earth than one of these families without a hearL A father had be tter extinguish a boy's eyes than take away his heart. Who that has experienced the jcys of friendship and values sympathies and affection. would not rather lose all that is beauti ful in nature's scenes, than be robbed of the hidden treasure of his heart? Cherish then your hearts best affections. Indulge in the warm and gushing emotions of filial, paternal and fraternal love. The gentleman who inadvertantly took ourbeiver, (says an exchange,) and left us an inferior article in its stead, will do us infinite kindness by returning our own and he shall receive our warmest thanks, and two a notaries an aoclory for the trouble we have given him, and the 4apo logy f cr a hat' he left us. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods, and it would be strange in deed if so celestial an article as Freedom should not be rightly estimated. Are those bell3 ringing for fire ?' in quired a stranger. 4No,' replied another, they've probably got plenty cf fire, and are ringing for water to match.' A journal notices a new prima dGsna, thus: 4Her voice is as soft as a roll cf velvet, and as tender as a pair of slop shop pantaloons." Some people have a fashion cf thinking that the truth is a species of dull toma hawk; and that its efHciency is precisely proportioned ta it3 power cf mangling. Why should nc naturally conclude that Adam and Eve gambled ? Bicau; they L-t a par o1 dice. .Li Iz Us Inn cn t A correspondent cf the? New Ycrl; In dependent thus describes the domain cf the D-ke cf Devcnshire : : "The domain cf the Daks cf Errca shire would cover cne of cur largest coun ties. The psrk imrrredkitel? surreurding the palace is eleven miles in circumfer ence," and contains 3, CCD acres. The principal garden for rege:atle3, fruits, green-houses, &ct J3 twenty-five acres. There are thirty green-houses, each firm fifty lo seventy-fire feet bng. We went into three or four containing nothing but pine-apples, ripe; ethers contain - nothing but melons ' and cucumbers. One peach tree on the glass wall measured fifty-one feet in width and fifteen feet hirrh, and bears one thousand peaches. It is the largest in the world. The grape-houses five or six ia all are 6) feet long; and sv.ch grapes ! We saw pine-apples weighing ten or fifteen pounds each. One green-house had only fig3, another enly mushrooms. B-t what shall be said of the great conservatory, filled wkh every variety of tropical plants ? It is cne cf the wonders of the world. It covers an acre cf ground, is 100 feet high, cf oral shape, and cost S-500,000. It is heated by steam and hot water pipes, which ia all are six miles ia length. The apparatus consumes six hundred tons of coal in a year. We saw banana trees twenty feet hisrh, with clusters cf fruit, sugar-cane, jj coflee-trees, bamboo, and in short, every tropical plant that can be named. Several of the palm-trees are from fifty to sixty feet high. The smoke cf the immense fire underneath is carried ia pipes under ground to an outlet ia the woods. The coal is brought in a tunnel 600 yards un der ground. One fountain throws a jet of water to the height cf 275 feet. The young folks of Ashland Ohio, are ''warring with their wishes" in a rather humorous way. The Times say3 : "A society has been formed among the young ladies of Ashland, having the com mendable object in view of inducing the young men to abstain from all intoxicating drinks even ale, beer, wine or cider. A provision of the society debarring young ladies from associating with those who refuse to sign the pledge Laving become public, some of the young gents refused to sign, protesting against such action, and formed another society, which requires of young ladies, to make them eligible to 'good society,' to abandon -hoop, paint, and Alabama silk. We have not heard whether the two parties design nominat ing candidates for the Presidency." The girls are right stick to the pledge The young men are very unreasonable. What would some of the ladies be with out hoops and paint ? There would not be enough of them for the "fellers" to court. By the way. what is Alabama siik ? Sandusky Register, 44 Young un," doa't yoa know ? 44 Ala bama silk" grows on a cotton plant ; it was used at New Orleans ty General Jackson for breastworks. Clevelander. If a man of Gen. Jackson's standing - 3 mg cotton Who Is Afraid or a Lion? Livingston, the African traveler, says when the breeding impulse is upon these animals, and a man happens to pass to windward of them, both lion and lioness will rush at him, 'but under ordinary cir cumstances the lion is a cowardly animal, and never attacks a man except stealthi ly, unless wounded. A very curious pe culiarity about him is, tha; at the very last he will not make aa attack where he sees anything to produce the suspicion of a trap. A horse belonging to CapL Loc rington, ran away, but was stopped by the bridle catching a stump. He remained a prisoner during two days, and when he was found the whole space around was marked by the footprints of lions, which had evidently been afraid to attack the hal- In.&1 Knrco frr.m tVo fiwr t fit to x-K r. thin- was a snare. It is a common belief says Dr..L-, that the lion once tasted human flesh prefers it to any other, but the real state of the case is that 4 man eater is always aa eld lion, who has grown too infirm to catch game, he re sorts to villages for the sake cf the goats, and if a woman or child happens to go nut they fall a prey too. This being his enly source of substance, he of course con tinues it until the villagers dispatch him a work cf little difficulty. The Doctor also takes the romance cut cf that majes tic roar cf the lioa. It is reaTJy not dis tinguishable from the ncise cf the os trich. Altogether, according to Doctor Livingston, the lien is a great humbug. Eliofle Island Greening. What apple do you like best ? Nine times out of ten persons that yoa put the qatstionto will answer the Greening. And really it is a noble variety," and few apples combine so many good qualities The tree is a vigorous grower though a vexatious follower of crooked ways ia its youth. It has a good eld crown, and will shade mere ground in a given time, thaa any ether sort. Pity it should be a little tender oa cur Prairies. A Kansas paper states that it i3 the intention of a gentleman ia Virginia to carry to Tcpeka, early ia the spring. 2CO.O0O grape roots, embracing the most productive and hardy varieties luluvated ia tiiis country. tfie Pieces. What is best to trcTCSt ell raaib des- mnr 7 j"""- fcTt p - -- J- d4a -What kind cf swect-mr-ts ld c!I Ncah stew away ia the Ark! Tha N. Y. Post arswers Prestrrcd Pcirs I Spring must be welccno to the trrj-s, because they arerr-Z-crcdbyiu apprtarh- The sa a saline draught r reset lb-.: J . by nature to centralize the hear.bura be tween ntiens. Acccriing to the articles cf Tnrit in death t3 step a cannca balL C22 cught to hare dates a: cne'a fin ger ends, seeing they grow upon the palm. Why is a pig the cost eitrarrdimirj animal in creatica ? Because yea first; kill him and then cure him. ' Ycung ladies educated ta dsspisjmuis kind, generally finish their studies by running away with the footman. ; The man that rides the right-mare, ia is said, has challenged the telegraph ta tret fifty miles before a wagoa. What is the best attitude for self -defence V said a pupil (putting ca the glo ves) to a well known pugilist. 'Keep a civil tongue in your head was the signi ficant reply. The, editor cf the Lcuisrille Journal says: 4Aa impertinent editor ia Alabama wants to know when we 4intend to pay the dett cf nature ?' We are inclined to think that when nature gets her dues, from him, it will be by aa erectitart.' The moon's pale beam that 'sioU softly through the half-closed casement, has been committed to answer. Which can travel the fastest, teat or cold? 4 Why, heat yoa dunce! Can't anybody catch ccld ?' To make aa excellent jam : Sueere six cr eight women, now-a-days, mto a common stage-ccach. Cardinal Richeliea is represented by 1 Eulwer saying, -in the vocabulary . cf youth there is no such word as fail.' ulary cf youth about this is very defec tive. As many writers hare taken the trou ble to define what a wife ought to be, we may as well add our idea cn the subject to the general found- A wife should le like roast-lamb tender and nicely dres sed. He who wipes his nose with a nutmeg grater, and picks his teeth with a razor, must be a genuine focL A young lady observing her beaa pick up her handkerchief and put it to his note to get a snuff of the delicious perfume it sent forth, enquir-d if he liked it. He replied he did very much; when she ex claimed: 4Oh, yuu ought to smell my drawers.' The simpleton said he'd rath er be excused, not knowing how nice lyshe had fixed up aad scented her drawer- of her dressing bureau. 4Look out for paint, as the cir! said when the fellow went to kiss her. 4How do yoa and yourfriends feel now?' said aa exultant politician ia cne of 01a Western Suites, to a rather irriuhle member of the defeated party. 4I supaoKe said the latter we feel as Lazarus did when he was licked by dogs.' , A dutchweman frcra the interior called at a printing cfiice, and desired to adver tise her pony, which had 'lost hisself rnit a tail fnsky ver mooch, and strike "xnez'3 faces rer hard nsit his hind fists.' 'Yoa need a little sun and air,' sail a physician to a maiden patient, If I do,' was the cute reply, 4Iil wait till I get married.' A verdant young man entered a farvry store ia a city, lately, while the lady pio- pu-iur asarrangsng a 101 01 penum?ry. Sh! cf him if he would apt tke when he basiu , musk-cags v put ja Ms drovers After aa examination cf th ar ticle, he told the young lady that he net irear drcrxers and wanted to know if it wculda't do to vear them in his perdedoons. A Yankee said he liked to die a brln' to see a drinkia chap tryin' to pocket th shadow of a swinging sign for a pocket handkerchief. 'Why don't yoa wear your ring, my daughter, when yoa go cat walking? Because, papa, it hurts me -shea gentle man squeezes my hand.' He that cannot abide the storm without flinching or quarrelling, strips himself ia the sunshine, and lays down by the way side, to be overtaken and forgotten- ; A chnd, taught that she was made cf the dust cf the earth, and that God made her, said. 'Ma, has Dod dot any rn are dust?' 'Why. child?' 'Cause, if he has, I want a little brother. Juliu3, what part cb de sermonies do de ladies most admire when dey go to de church ? Well, Pompey, I can't tell what dat Ir, can yoa tell?' . 'Why, yes, ni?gar don't yoa ree ey observe de hims V - - What is the different'- between eirb an-J lemons ! Just thi 5 lerong get lu rt t f ' ' n -.-, -:. - ' 1 - - -.1 .-'-", i - - -J- -"j, '-"'j "-J-l . g. dca't.