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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1858)
c3 KM i -u)m-M tnUedStcs Halls.' "f ... " Dt-Cfinber SI, lfcr.f P' rwi-Willba received at the Contract Offio cf tbu Dej-astawnt until J, p. nv, cf Wednesday, Alarch 31, lSjSy for conveying the mail of the Ueit 4 Suts fn1 four ytrs5oinnicncing July 1, 1853, and enSng'Jspe 30, 1SC2, ia the Territory of brajla, on thbloutes and by tba schedules herein specified. ; . Pecfeiocs to bemaie by April 24, 1S5S. ' ' . (raaun carsfullj the form and instruction a nerrd. ) . . 1101. Tron Omaha City to Conacil Bluff, Iowa, toll 1 Utk, daily. . lve Omaha City daily ai 1, PiK; .' A-rrive at Coaneii lilall Mine day by 3 p n ; , ' 'sear. Council liluff daily at 4, p m; -Af '4t Omaha City tame day by 6,pm. From Omaha City by Nebraska City, Kear 7 City, Mount Vernon, Brownville, ICemaha City, and Rulo, to Vhitehed,150 miles, and back, three time a week. Leave Omaha eity Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at 5, a m Arrive al Whitehead Si day by 10 p m; Leave Whitehead Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 5, a m; Arrive at Omaha city 31-day by 10 pm. 4O03h From Omaha City, by Eiiborn Ci'r, to Fontanel!, 47 rubles and back, three timet a week. Leave OmabaCity Monday, Wednesday, and F ri ds at 6 m: Arrive at FonUnelle next days by 12;, Leave Fontanelle Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day atj pm;'. " I',' . " Arrive k Omaha city next day by 7 p m. ; 14004. From, Oasaha City, by Btilmw,'Codr Island, Hatsniouth, Rock Dinffs, Leivistown, Three Grove, and Wyoming, to Nebraska city, 120 mitei aad back, three timet a week. Leave Uiaha City Monday, Wednwdaj, and Fri day at6 a m; Arri t Nebraska City 3d day by 6 p ny . Leave Nebraska city Monday, Wednesday, aad Friday at 6 m ; Arrire at Omaha City 3d days b C p m: 14095. From Omaha City by Eikhorn city, Bu chanan, Columbus, Fort Kearney, aid Fort Lara mie,, te Salt Lake, 1,045 miles end back, once a month ' Leave Omaha City on the 15th of each month ; Arrive at Salt Lake in thirty days thereafter; Leare Sal Lake on the 15ih of each month ; Arrire at Omaha City ia thirty days thereafter. Bids to end ai Fort Laramie, omitting Fort Kca aey Salt Lake will be considered. 1400(5. From Omaha City, by Florence, Ft. Cal houn. De Soto. Cummine city, f ekamuh, Black Bird, trod Omadi, to Dahkota city, 110 niilei and back, three times a week. Leare Omaha city Monday, WednoHday, and Fri- Aayatda m; . Arnre at Dahkota eitv next dart by 10 p m; Leare Dahkota city Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at a m; Arrive at Omaha ckv next dart b 10 D m. . 14007. From Omaha city, by Elkborn city, Fon tanels, Running Watorrand Fort Randall, to Fort Kerre. 400 miles and back, twice a m ntb. Leare Omaha city 1st and 15th of each month at nam; Arriveet Ft. Pierre on the 10th day by 10 p m; Leare Fort Pierre on 12th and 17 th of each month at 8 an: - S Arrire at Omaha oity on the 10th day by 10 p- m; 15id to run once a week wall be cons aera. 14008. From Buchanan, by Fontanelle, to De Soto, 0 miles and back, once a week. Leare Buchanan Monday, at 8, a m; Arrire at De Soto next day by 6 p m; Leare De Soto Wednesday at 8 a m; Arrire at Buchanan next day by 6 p m. ' 14009. From Fontanelle to Fremont, 15 miles and back, once a week. . . Leare Fontanelle Saturday at 7 a m ; Arrive at Fremont by 12 m; Leare Fremont Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at tontanell by 7 p m. 14010. From Oregon, Missouri, by 01 ire Branch, to Rulo, 25 mitts and back, three times a week. Leave Oregon Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 am; -Arrive at Rulo by 12 m; Leare Rulo Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 pm; Arrive at Oregon by S p m. 14011. Frcin.ltulo by Archer and Salem, to Marys ille, in Kansas. 100 milles and back, once a week. Leare Rulo Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Marysrilie next day by 10 p m: Leare Marysrilie Wednesdny at (J.a m; Arrireat Uulo next d.iy by 10 Pm. Bids to commence at Saint Stephens, to run throe timet a week are invited. 14012.. Froa Bellview, by Fatrriew and Platford Leave Bcllcview FriAay at 6 a mj Arrive at Ashland by 8 p m; Leare Ashland Saturday at 6 a tnf Arrive at Bellcview by 8 p m. Bidt to end at Platford wul be considered. 3 4013. From Glenwood, Iowa, by Cerro Gordo, Belleriew, e.nd Hazletn, in Nebraska Territory, to Fremdnt',v40 miles and back, throe timet a week. Leave Glenwood Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 mi . Arrire at Fremont by 8 pm; Leare Fremont Tuesday, Thursday anl Saturday at lam; . Arrire at Glenwood by 8 p m. . 14014. From Oregon, Mo. by Forest City and Ruah Bottom, to St, Stephens, Similes and back, twice a week.- - T . ' Learb Oregon Monday and Friday at 8 a m; Arrire at St. Stephens same days by 6 p m; Leare St. Stephens Tuesday, and Saturday at 8 am; Arrir? at Oregon same days by 6 p nr. - 14015. From Plalsmouth to Le wist ill e, 20mil and back, onoe a week. Leare riattsmonth Saturday at 6 a ia; Arrive at Lewisville by 12 m; ( Leare Lewisville Saturday at 2 p m; Arrire at Platsmonth by 8 p m. 14016. From' Platsmouth to Glenwood, Iowa, 9 toilos and back, three times a week. . Leare PLatsinonth Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 9 am;" Arrire at Glenwond by 12 tn; Leare Glenwood Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 p m; - ' ' Arrire at Platsmonth by 5 p m. 14017. From Platsmouth to Glcndalc, 15 miles and back once a week. t Leare Platsmonth Satnrday at 7 a m; Arrire at Gleodale by 12 m; Leare Glendale Saturday at 2 p m; Arrire at llatsmouth by 7 p m. ' 14013. From Platsmouth, by Kenosha, to Wyo ming, 20 miles, and back, once a week. Leave llatsraonlh Saturday at 8 am; Arrive at Wyoming by 12 m; Leare Wyoming Saturday at 2 p m; Arrire at Platsmouth by 8 p ra. 14019. From Marysrilie. by Forney and Pleasant Taller, to Fort "Kearney, 160 miles and back, onoe a Lcavi"Marvsrnic MonJny at 4 a m; Arrive al Ft. Kearney Thursday by 8 p m; Leare Ft. Kearney Monday at 4 a m; Arrire at Marysrilie Thursday by 6 p m. .Bids to run by a proposed schedule will be consid- erod. Bid io run throe times a week will be considered. 1402U. From Wyoming to Salt Creek, 50 miles and back, once a week. Leare Wyominp: Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Salt Crock by 8 p m; . Lear Suit Creek Saturday at 6 a m; -' Arrive at Wyoming by 8 p m. '14921. From Kenosha to Sidney, Iowa, 20 miles and back, three times a week. Leare Kenosha Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at a ni; Arrire In Sydney by 12 m; ' Leare Sydney Monday, Wdnesday and Friday at 2pm, Arrire at Kenwha by 8 p ra; " 14022. From Nebraska City, by Fort Keerney to Ash Hollow 400 miles aad back, one a month. Leare Nebraska 1st el every caeotb, Arrire at Ah Hollow osi 10 th day thereafter; Leare Afh IIollow oa 10th cf erery month; Arrive at Nebraska City on the 10th day there after. ,Ii is to run twice a month, and to end at Ft.Ke&r- aev. otnittinir Ash Hollow, will be considered. 14323. From Nebraska City by Kearney City, to Sidney, Iowa, 15 miles and back, Circe times a week. Leare Nebraska fcity Monday, Wednesday, and tnday at o a m; Arrire at Sidney same dxrsby 12 m; Leare Sidney Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at p; ......... Arrire at Nebraska City same days by 7 p m. 14824. From Nebraska City by Hamilton, Teen ru eh, Trky Creik, and Otto Mission, U Mary grille, 112 miles and bkek. one a week, fjeare Nebraska City Monday itCsn; Arrire at Marrsrilla Wednesday by p mj ! Leare Marrrrille Thurday at ft a m; Arrire at i'ebrasta City Satnrday by 8 p ra. Bids to run three times a week will be considered. 14025. From Nebraska City. byOttoeCitr. Mc Vernon, Erowurille, Nemaha City, Afcfeer, White Cloud and Ralo. to Nemaha Agency, ilanaas T- 60 miles and back, three timas a week. Leave Nebraska City Mowday, Wednesday, and Friday at o a tc; Arrive at Nemaha Areney next days by 6 t m: Leare Nemaha Agency Monday, Wednesday and rndsy ate a m; Arrire at NtbrsVs Citr et dsT bv 6p ra. 14C23. Fron. Nebra-U Ottoe City and n Paso, e Linden, Mo, 40 miles and back, neea week. . i Leare ebrsk City Siotday alGais.; Arrire at Linden by 1 0 p m; . , Leare Linden Tuesday at a m , AfHreatNtlmka Ciy by lpm ' 1 4027. From Brownvirie to Eociport Mo., 8 miles and,bsck, siX.Umesaweek. , .4, " leave lirt wnVuIe daily, esoept bunday-vt 9 a nr. Arrive atKoctiport by 12 m; Leave Itookpcr t daily, except Sunday, at 2pm; Arrireat Brornriile by t pm. 14)2. From, Browcrillu. by Bentrice to FL Kear ney, 223 milss aal back, once a month. lAtrt ilrown t: lie lit of erery month; Arrive at Ft . .Kearney In Keren days thiireiftef; Leavc'Fb. Keu-ney IHh of ercrj month , Arrireat Bromviile in stfren days tbei-eafter. 140J9. From Brownvilts to Tarkio M) 28 miles and back, three times a week. Icave Brovnf i-Ue Monday Wednesday, and Fri day at 8 a m: " I Arrire at TarVio,by 8 pta; Leavo iw Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at T m; Arrireat Trrownville by 6 p m. 14033. Ffrji Flerenee to Magnolia, Iowa, 30 miles and buck, onoe a week. . . ; Leave Florence Monday at 8 a mf Arrive at Magnolia by 6 p m; Leave Majrnclia Tuesday at 3 a m; . s Arrive at Florence by 6 p m. 14021. Froia CummicgCity to ilagnolJe, Lu, 20 miles and back threo times a week. Leave Cummifig Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 6 a m; Arrive at Magnolia by 12 m; Leave Magnolia Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 p m; Arrireat Cumming City by 8 pm; 14032. Fi oult. Vernon, by Sonora, Mo, to Lin den 15 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Mount Vernon Monday and Thursday at 8 am; . . Arrive at LirJen by 12 m; i Leave Linden Monday and Thursday at 2 p m; : Arrive at Mt. Vernon by 8 p nr. ' 14033. From Oinadi, to Elk Horn, 25 miles and back onco a week. ' . ' Leave O mad i Mondayat 9 aTn; " Arrire at Flk Horn by 6 pm; Leave Elk Horn Tuesday at 9 a m: ArriTe at Ouadi by Cp m.. " . 14034. From Omadi. by Dahkota Cily,nndSor geantV Bluff, to Sioux City, 17 miias and back, three times a week. Leare Omadi Monday Wednesday and Friday at 6am; V ' . . . . ArriTe at Sioux Gity by 12m: , Leare Sioux City Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 2 p m; - ' ArriTe at Omadi by 8 p m- 14035. From Dnkota to Breckinridge, 70 miles add ba:k, once a wi-ek, ' Leave Dahkota Mond.-ryatS am; . Arrive in Breckinridge next day by 10 p m; Leave Urocki nridge Wednesday at 6 a in; . Arrireat Dubkota ncxtdny by 10 p m. 11035. From Dahkota to St. Helena, 0 miles and back, once a week, . Leave Dahkota Friday at 6 a tn; ' : Arrive at St. Helona i y 10 p tn; , . ' Leave St. Helena Saturday at 6 a m; . . . , Arrive at Dahkota by 10 p m. 14037. From Bahkota to Wacapanna,15 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dahkota Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Wsfnpanna by 12 m;' ' i Less Waeapanna Saturday at 2 p m; . , . Arrive at Dahkota by 7 p m. 14038. From Dahkota City to South Pass, 750 miles and back on3 a month. . Leave- Dahkota on 1st of every month ; Arrive at South Pass on 25th day thereafter; Leave South Puss 1st every month; Arrive in Dahkota in 25 days thereafter. 14039. From Dahkota City, by St. Johns, Ayo way Creek, and Running Water River, to Ft. Lara mie, 400 miles and back, once a month." Leave Dahkota 1st of every month; ' , '- v Arrive nt Ft. Laramie in 15 days thereafter; Leave Ft. Laramie 17tb of every month;: , Arrive in Dahkota in 15 days thereafter. ' Bids to end at Running Water River, 3C0 miles less diFtanee will be considered. 14040. Fr. m Dahkota TCity by Sioux City, Iowa, FU Lookout ittvl Ft. Randall, to Ft. Pierre, 300 miles and back,onco a month. ' .. Leave Dahkota 1st of every month; ' Arrive nt Ft. Pierre on 10th day thereafter; , Leave Ft. Pierre 12th of every month; . Arrive at Dahkota on 10th day thereafter. 15041. From Logan to Sioux City, Ia., C miles' and back, three times a week. Leave Logun Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 am; Arrive st Siont City by 12 m: Leare Sioux City Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 2 p m; , . . ' . Arrive at Logan by 4 p m. ' 14042.. From Niobrari to Logan 50 miles and back, onco a week. - Leave Niobrari Friday at C a m. Arrive at Logan by 10 p m; - -. Leave Logiyi Saturday attain; , Arrive ai-Njobrari by 10 p m. . 1 1043. Frcm Tocumseh to Helena, 20 miles and back, once a uetk. . . - Leave Tecumeih haturday ato am; Arrive nt Helena by 12 m; ;; Leavo Holer a Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at Tecumseh by 8 p m. 14044. From Throe Grove to Wcepins Water, 20 miles and back, once a week. , Leave Three Grove Saturday at 8 a m; Arrive nt Weeping Water by 12 m; Leavo Weeping Water Saturday at 2 p m; . Arrive at Thretj Grove by 8 p m. 14045. From Council Bluff, Iowa, to Bclleview', Neb., 10 miles anl back, three times a week. Leave Council Bluff Monday, Y ednesday and Fri day at 9 a m; Arrive at ueiiview same anys oy i m: Leave Bclleview Monday, Wednssday'ind Friday at 2pm; Arrive at Uouccu lilun same days by a pm. Bids for 6 times a week service will bo considered. FOailS OF PBOPOSAL. GPABANTT, AXTD CESTIF- 1CATR. . Proposal. i The undcrsiasied. i ' whose noit oMce "ad dress is coanty of , State of , propos es to convey tbe mails of the United States, from July. 1, l a j to June 30, iw2, on route betwen and uireeblr to tlie advertisement of the Postmaster General, dated December 31, 1857, tor tbe annual sum cf -r dollara. ' This proposal is miie with full knowledge of Che dis tance of lUt' rt fAo, Vxti weight of tbe mail to be carried, and all oilier particulars in reference to Ui? route anil service, iixl h'.so after careiul examination of tbe Jaws and instruments attached to tbe advertisement. Dated ... ,.t (Signed.) GCAfcAXTT. , -, State of unuerUke that, if th- f oTegt'ing bid for carrying the mail on route No. , be arxepted or the Postmaster r.eneral tbe bidder bliall, prior to tbe 1st day of Augu&t, 1858. en ter into ti e required obligation, oiontract to perform tbe service proposed, with good and sufficient sureties. This we do uuderftsoding distinctly the obligations aad liaUlilics assumed br guarantors under tbe 27 in section of the act of Congrcsn of July 4, 1836. Dated. - (Signed by two guarantors.) . Cxrtiiicates. , . The nndersijmed. postmaster at State of . oertiiiei, under hi$ oath of office, that be is acquainted witu tbe above guarantors, and mows them to be men of property, and able to make good their'guarantv. Dated . (Signed.) . . IXSTCCTIOXS.. ' Containing .condition to be incorporated in the con tract to the extent the department may aee proper. 1. Seven minutes are allowed to each intermediate office, when not otherwise specified for assorting tbe mails; but on railroirl and steamboat routes there is Io be no more delay Uiau is sufficient for an, exchange of tbe mail bags. ..... . . 2. On railroad and Bteamboat lines, and other routes where tbe ' mode of conveyance admits of it, the special agents of the -department, also post offl'-e blank, mail bags, locks and keys, arc to be conveyed without extra charge. . J. On railroad snd steamboat lines the route ajents of the department are to be conveyed without charge and for their exclusive use wbue traveling with the mails, an acoinmodiitionicar, or ap:rtmeiit in the center of a car. properly Uyhted, warmed-and furnished, and adapted to tbe convenient vepnration and due security of tbe mails, is to be provided by the contractor, under the direction of the department. Railroad and steimboat compsnies are required to take the mail from, and deliver it into, tbe post cAce at tbe commencement and end of tbeir routes, and to aad from allcffles nrt mare thin SO rods from a station or land' Ing. Proposals may be submitted for the performance of nil other si'1 service that is, for effioes over eighty rodi from a landing cr station. Eecchits will b required for mail bugs conveyed in charge of persons nniployed by railroad companies. There will also be way lulls prepared by ostmasters, cr other agents of tfcel'ost Ofrke Department, to accompiny the mails, specifying the nuratcr and destination tbesever al Jnps. On the principal Rtage routes, likewise, receipts will be required autl way bills forwarded; the litter to be examined by ti e several postmasters, to Insure regu Urity in tbt dclivciy of mail bags. . ... 4' Ktf py 1ll be madd Tor trips net performed; and foreachof such iinkssiotu not satisfactorily explained, three times the tJ" of the trip may be deducted. For arrivals so far beiind time as to break connection with depending mailK. and not sufficiently excused one-fourth of the cumpensat.on for the trip is subject to forfeiture Induction wiH alo he ordered for a frradeof performance interior to tht oecilled la the contract. For repeated dpiinquencie )f ke krnd herein specified, enlarf ed pen alties proporji .nea to the nature thereof and tbe impor tance of the mail, mar be made. , 0. For leaving Iwjhind or throwing eft" tbe mUs, er any portion of tntia fr the admission of passengers, or for being concerned in setting nt or running an express con- rering Uitellicenre ia advance of the mail, a quarter's pay may be deducted . Fines will re laposed, unless the delinquency be promptly and saasfactoriry explained by certiflaites of postmasters, or il e sndaviis or other creoitaoie iersons, for failing to arrive ia contract time; for neglecting to take the mail from, cr deliver it into a post cflce; for sufferiag it ft wing either to the nnsuitableness of the plsce cr the rnmcer of carrying it) tone wet, injured destrcyed, robted or lost; ani ft refusing, after remand, to convey the mail as frequently as -the eontracwr runs, er is eoncexned in running a coaoh, ear or steamboat on a route, . . . . .. . T. ,ThePostmasier General mar annul the contract tor repeated failures to run agreeably tocontract; rorvioiar ln the Post Office laws, or disobeying tbe im-trurtions of tbe department ; or refusing to discharge a csrnor when required by tho department to do ao; for awigiing the eontrart wilhs it th assent the Postniater General tar ruBr.itvt aa stprefs aa aforesaid w for tj-sacpwrJlng persons or packages conveyiof mailable matter out of the mail. I 8. The Postmaster General mar order aa increase of service on a route by al lowing therefor a pro rata increase on tbe contract pay. lie may change schedules of Me. partures eM arrivals in aU- caaes,. and- patticnlarly to make (hem perfxm to connections with railromix, witli eut increase cf py, provided the running lime be not abridged.- Ke mj-also' rrdor aa iucreaaei'or epeed; al lowicg within tbe restrictions cf tbe law, a pro rata in crease of pay for the additional stock or carriers, it,acy. Tbe contractor may, however, in tbe catte of increase of speed, relinquish the contract Vy giving prompt notice to tbe department that be pref tndoin? so tocar7ing the or der into erect. Tbe Postmaster General may also curtail or discontinue the service, in wboleor in part, at pro rata decrease of pay, allowingona numtb's extra compensation on tbe agioant dispensed with, whenever in bis opinion tbe public interests require tbe change, or In case he de s res to supercede itiy a different grade of transporta tion. ...... 9. Payments will be made by" collections from, or drafts on pustmasters or otherwise, after the expiration of eacb quarter say in February, Hay, August and .No vember. . . .. . . i 10. Tbe distances are given according to tbe best infor mation; but no increased pay will be allowed should they be greater than advertised, if the points to be supplied be correctly stated. Biddert mutt inform themtelvtt on I Mt point: and also in reference to tbe weight of the mail, tbe condition of tbe roads bills, streams, &c, and all toll-bridges, ferries, or obstructions, of any kind by which espouses may be incurred. No claim for addition al pay based on such grounds, can Uo considered ; nor for alleged mistakes or misapprehension as to tbe degree of service; nor for bridges destroyed, or other obstructions increasing distance, occurring during the contract term. Oftleos established after this advertisement is issued, and also during the contract term, are to be visited without extra pay if tbe distance bo not increased; - . A bid received after tbe last day and hour named, or without tbe guarantee required by law, or that com bines several routes iu one sum of compensation, cannot be considered in competition with a regular proposal rea sonable in amount. 12. Bidders should, first propose Kir service strictly ac cording to the advertisement, and then if they desire, separately for different service ; and if tbe regular bid oe tne lowest ouerea ior me aarenisea service, me out er propositions may be considered. ' 13. There should be but' one route bid for in a propo- ai. '"". .'---- , " - - - " -rr r-- 14. The route, the service, the yearly pay, tbe name and residence of tbe bidder, (that is bis usual post oGice address.) and those of each tnemtier of a firm, -n-here a companj offers, should be distinctly stated; also tbe mode of conveyance if a higher mode than horseback be intend ed. The words "with due celerity, certainty, and secu rity," inserted to indicate the mode of conveyance, will constitute a irar ota. w nea a star dm is intended, no specific conveyance must be named. But in case two modes of conveyance, are named at the same cumppnsa lion, the highest or best for the service will betaken. 15. Bidders are requested to use as far as practicable, the printed form or proposal luruishaa by the depart' ment, to write out irf lull tbe sum of their bids, and to retain copies or tb&n. . . Altered bids should not be submitted nor should bids once submitted be withdrawn. - 1 Eacb bid must be guaranteed by two responsible perr eons." ... , . . General guarantees cannot be admitted. Tbe bid and guarantee should be signed plainly with the full name of eacti person. The department reserves the rlijht to reject any bid which may be deemed extravagant; and alsw to disre gard the bids of failing contractors and bidders. 16. The bid should be sealed, superscribed "Mail Pro posals, State of ," addressed Second Assistant Postmaster General. Contract office, and sent by mail. not by or to an agent f and postnasters will not enclose proposals (or letters of any kind) iu their quarterly to-. turns. 17. The contracts are to be executed and returned to. tbe department by or before the 1st day of August, 1856; but the service must be commenced on tbe first July pre ceding, or the mail day next after that date, whether tbe contracts be executed or not. Ko proposition to trans fer will be considered until the contracts are executed and received at the department; snd then no transfer will be allowed, unless good and sufficient reasons there for are given, to be determined by tbe department. In all cases the retiring Contractor will be required to be come one of the sureties on tbe new contract. 13. Postmasters at offices onor near railroads, but more than eighty rods from a station, will immediately after the 31sl of ilarcb next, report their exact distance from tbe nearest station, and how they are otherwise suppliod with the mail to enable tbe Postmaster General to direct a mail-messenger supply from the first of July next. 19: Section 18 of an act of Congress approved March 3, 1845, provides that contracts for the transportation of tbe mails shall be let in every case to the lowest bidder ten dering autneient guarantees for tbe faithful performance, without other reference to the modo of such transporta tion than may be necessary to provide for tbe due celerity, certainty and-security of such transpotation. Under this law a new description of bids have been received. They do not specify a mode of convey&nce, but engage to take tbe entire mail each trip with certainty, celerity and se curity , using the terms of tbe law. These bils are styl ed from the manner in which they are designated on the book of the department, star bids, and they will be con strued as provKiing for tbe couveyance of the entlae mail, however large, and whatever may t the mode necessary to insure its celerity, certainty and security. In ail cases where the lowest grade of service is be lieved to be sufficient, the lowest lid will be accepted in preference to a star or specific bid. When the lowest bid is not a star bid, and specifies eith er no mode or an tnadquate mode of conveyance; it will not be accepted, but set asiJe for a specific bid proposing the necessary service. when the bid does not specify a mode of conveyance; also when it proposes to carry "according to the adver tisement," but without such specification, it will be con sidered as a proposal for horseback service 20. A modification of a bid in any of its esseetial terms is tantamount to a new bid, and cannot be received, so as to interfere with a regular competition, after, tbe last hour ret for receiving bids. v 21. Postmasters are to be careful not to certify the suflioiency of guarantors, or sureties, without knowing that tbey are persons of sufficient responsibility ; and all bidders, gurantors, and sureties are distinctly notified that on a failure to enter into or perform the contrasts for the scrvico proposed for in the accepted bids, their le gal liabilities will be enforced against thorn. 22. Present contractors, and persons known at tbe de partment must equally with others, procuje guarantors and certincates of tbeir suitlc ency substantial !y io the forms above prescribed. The certificates of sufficiency must be signed by a postmaster or by a J mice of a court of record. A. V. BHOWX, . Postmaster General. . Porter's Spirit of the Times. General Purchasing Agency. THE constantly increasing demand upon us to execute commissions for the purchase of ail kinds of articles; both for residents and non-residents of the city, hasfinduced us to establish, in connection with our newspaper enter prise, a . . Pcrciiasin; Bureau under tbe immediate supervision of 'one of!our Arm, as sisted by the most accomplished experts, for upp lying ang arixcie tn me woria. Particular attention will be paid to tbe selection, pur chase, and sale of thorough-bred Cattle and Horse Stock, trained uogs, Ferrets, ana fancy 1- owls, carnage, Buggy, and Saddle Horses, Carriages, Harness and Saddlef, Time Watches, every description of Fire Anns. Snorting Arti cles, Fishing Hods and Tackle, if nsic and Musical Instru ment, Yachts, Sail and Row Boats. Furniture, Due Wines, Liquors, and Sigars; Cricket and Ball Bata, Pads, &c, &c. Agricultural IMPLEMENTS, of the latest and most improved Itimis ; Seeds, Plants, Fruit, Fgrest and Shade trees, and all kinds of liooks treating on subjects of im portance to the Farmer, Horticulturist, and Florist. State Engaged in advance, on Steamers and Packets to leave for Europe, California, tbe West Indies, or any part of tbe world. This will obviate tbe necessity to resident of inland towns, and places where no steamer agencies exist,of coming to New York two or three weeks in advance as they are now frequently required to do either to ob tain passage, or to secure eligible accommoda tions. Iu this department, wo will be ready to secure IIooms at Hotels at favorable rates, so as to protect the stranger from Imposition as well as inconvenience; and, iu short, to perform any description of commission that would ordinarily require the presence of the party himself. . . Gentlemen who desire to form Libraries, or who may wish to prtcure the Choice Literature of the day, can always rely upon our judgement and selection. Also, Blank books and Stationery, and Book and Kews Paper, forprinters. - FOTtTnE LADIES, we will proenre the latest Fashion Platef, styles af Bjnnets, samples of the newest varie ties of goods, cosmetics, perfumes, aial fancy articles, and we shall always be pleased to furnish everything connect ed with tbeir wants. ' In short, for any service which may be required, the publiomay rely upon us, with the most perfect confidence for nueiity, aad dispatch. Apply to GEO. W. WILKES & CO., Porter's Spirit of the Times, 348 Broadway, X. T. N. B. Subscriptions for Porter's Spirit of the Times. aSpsrtingLiterars, Agricultural, Family Weekly News paper, may be forwarded to the same direction. Terms, $3 a year. Groceries! Groceries!! Fresh Arrivals ! Heavy Additions! ! Prices Greatlj Ilcd'uced! CVRREXCr TAKEST AT PARI! J, B. JENNINGS Cor. 2nd and Frances sis, St. Joseph Mo. HAS just received at bis "store room, corner of Second and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, evcythinf desirable in bis line, which he purchased for the Fall ana Winter trade, tt frre.tly reduced price for Cash, and which he will sell al corresponding prices fer eah, or to punctual customers. Among his recent receipts are 60 d Fresh Peaches, 35 dux Prime Apples, 20 dot ' Assorted Fruits, 20 dot Lobsters 1 & C lb cans, 300 dor Field's eelebrated Oysters put up this fall. 20 half Barrels new white Fish, also Codfish, 100 boxes W Rt'beete, 50 boxes E D do, 500 lbs Currants, 60 boxes fresh raisins, 100 boxes dried her rfn?, 600 lbs G;hen Butter, 200 obis crackers, 6 bbIS nuts assorted, 600 lbs Peanuts, . 100 boxes assorted ami fancy candies. 103 do gum - drops and .motto Lozengers, 200 drum; Figs.&c Also a large lot sugas and molasses, which will be sold at prices considerably below the prices Sixty days ago. - ; St. Joseph, Xor. 8, 1S57. , '. . 21n S. LocKwoon. . 1857. : . E. Poxekot Lockwood & Pomeroy, Wholesale and Retail Dealers la DATS KM' ' CAPS,' STRAW GOODS. Also, Shipper of American Puxa of every de- ecription ; for which they will pay the highest Market Price, IN CASH. , "tOUNTRY Merchants are invited to examine our j stock of Hats k Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will bo large, fashionable. and well selected. In point of variety onr stock shail not be excelled by any Uotuc in at. Louis. Our prices will be low, terms aseommodatinp. Call and so us at our New Store. Second St. St. Joirnh, Mo. . . 3J-m .vv : pEAnE 'fe HILL, lc .: . : DEALERS I ' . i. in) rV-r ' v ri ..a fjJj AND 1 i 1 V 1 , U I. T3 Vo) 1 1 . i i in .r . Main St. between Front and Second its., Bar Q-srxLT7-1 n e,; 3NT- "X"- iAi io HATS & Stove Furniture, Flour, T.'TTE bare just opened a heavy Stock cf Fall and , T f and Fancy lins, which we are now prepared to oner to tne traae at extremely mw prices, For Cash or Country Produce. r 1857. . v2nl3-tl- . '. CR A5E& IIILL. OF Mi . I.T. WHYTE & CO'S, BROWNVILLE, N T. . . . - . . "" " . f. "f TTE have just received an entirely new and large 'TV as reasonable prices as any establishment in tbe West, our motto being "Jure ana let Live." ' We hare now in store a great variety of the following articles, which we purchased for Cash and oonso qtfccntly can sell cheap on the same terms : ! HATS AITD CAPS, BOOTS AITD SHOES, Hasrclware' assl .liSley, Qtieensware ' and Willow T7are, FARM IMPLIMENTS, And a fine assortment Such as. , Spice, Salaratus, -Gin :er, SmoKin: It is a pleasure to us to show goods, and we ask you Oct. 19.1857. v2nl8-ly BALTIMORE ; CLOTHING fRE. ;: siegel & greenbau ffi Slain St. one door above L.ulibaugli & Carson's ExcL v Bank, . Brownville, N. T. ;; J- THE preprietors would most respectfully inform the tney navereceiveu anaoxBiiowppcciiiguneoi luuiurgcstuuuinoavcouipieio oiaLKi ol Clothing ' " , " Ever brought to this market. ' . ' ' Their assortment of H - -' Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices; as lnvisioie urecn, ana biotas, v.nssimers,oaiincits..asnmereii,ana jeans, an made up - according to the latest fashionable cut. - Their variety of Test is superb, embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In the May also be found a tall time a fine sclocfion of Cravats. Stocks, Tycs, Collars white Tr colored. Handkor- ehiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we will sell ! , " We have the finest and .best assortment of Doable aiid Siasle Overcoats. Ever brought l& t-...' Warranted to ouit tbe most fastidaous. A Hue assortment of COATS, Dress, Frock and Sack. PAKTS, Every Style and Description. TESTS, To please Large and Small. SHIRTS, BotU White and Fancy. Over Skirts', Overalls, Drawers, and Knit under skirts: Buck Gloves. Dlltts. and Ridinjr Gloves, etc. y WE uould but ask the public to call, axamine and judge for themselves whether the Clothing at the Baltimore Clothing Kmporium is not of better made material, cut with better taste, better trimmed and twenty-five percent, cheaper than they have ever Uctober 29th, 18o7. v2nl-ly WE offer to the public, we aro confident, tho largest and best selected stock of Groceries ever offered in this market : Uhds Sugar, 50 Sacks Coffee, " 125 Sacks Flour, 5 Tierces Rice, 30 Ubls Molasses, 16 Boxes Star Candles, 20 Boxes Soap, 150 Sacks Salt, 15 Bills Cider Viniger, 150 bbls Sclt. ' , TERMS CASH!!! l.T. WHYTE & OO. w New Wholesale Grocery House. W.C.RITCHIE, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - DEALEU Iil . Groceries, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, Corn4 Main and Frncit Street. Riddle' Old ' ' Stand, Opposite Stout Hotel, ST. JOSEPH, MO. DATE Just received tbe largest aixl most complete stsclt of the above goods ever opened in nrper Missouri, to wliii the attention of rrercliants and dealers is res pectluiling invited- having purchased them principally for cif h at the very lowest possible prices, in ftuston, XewTork and St. Louis, feel confident that I can offer inducements that are rarely found, and hoping, by fair and liberal dealing, low prices and good Goods, to merit a liberal share of patronage. Call and examine my stuck and prices before purchasings sales are bound to follow, In my stock will be found every article usually kept in a No 1 Grocery llouse. ATT0EITEY AT LAW. BROjmiJLLE, X. T.'V : - Will writt deeds of every kind and contrasts for every purpiM, with warranted lgai accuracy. Ofllce, in the Banking House of Luthiaugh k Carson, t R1'B TO . , Hon. John A. Bingham, Cdis, Ohio. " W K Carter, Cleveland, " " KPSpaldinjt. " " r B F Leiter, Canton, " SLahm. " " Wm R Sapp. ilt. Venwn, SP Chase. Columbus, ' Thos. Ford, Mansfield, . " Jas. Craig. St. Joeerh, Mo. Brewanae. Ort. SM, '67. vSalT-Jy .-'-..' " ! w . CAPS, -1: , ,. , , Baboni7 AND COUNTTRY PRODUCE. Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Staple assortment of Superior Goods, which wa will sell at of Light Groceries. Peppers, Soda, etc. Allspice. v eto. at : ' - And a good article of . and Chewing .Tobacco. to call round and see for. yourselves I. T, WATTE CO. citizens of Brownvillo and the thuJ renerallr that to Color they have Brown, Blue, Black, visible and as. cheep aa any. estabiishment in the West,' -'- to this Territory. bought elsewhere.' SIEGEL 4 GREEXBAUM. KEROSENE OILS, VIS liL,jh.D UVU CO ALi (Secnred by Letters Patenf.) Kerosesk Illvmisatiso Oil. The liht obtain ed from this Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other oil or fluid heretofore discovered; is inczplo sive, and will remain limped in the very coldest weather. The Company reoommend as the lamps best adopt ed to this Ooil, the Kerosene Lamps, manufactured by the following parties: Messrs. Cornelius A Baker, also, Dyott, of Philadelphia, E. V. Ilaughwoiit A Co.. 438 Broadwav, the Brooklyn Flint Glass Co.. No. 73 Broad Street, Messrs. Dicta k Co- 133 Wil liam Street, L. Mercier 137 Elm Street. X. Y. Samples of different styles of Lamps can be seen at the UQce of the Company. kerosene L.CBRICATINO Uil, o. 1. I'repared to suit the finest, and all other-kinds of Machinery burns brilliant in Locomotive Head Lights, Car Lamps, and all the ordinary Solarand Hand Lamps, and stands as grea' a degree of cold as best Sperm Uil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship use. Kerosexk LreniCATiNG Oils, Xo. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and will be found toiosess advantages over any Oils in the market at same prices will not burn and has been thus prepared to meet the re quirements of Railroads and others. Kerosene UiSsaclk Oil. Prepared expressly for Ships' ue, and will be found admirably adapted for use of Steamships, Men of War, Merchant Ves sels, Lake and River craft, and burns in all cabin stateroom, binnacje, forecastle lamps, signal lan terns, ke. , Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as long as best Sperm, and will burn all night without requiring to be trimmed, an advantage thai will be bviojis to every Shipmaster. The Kerosene Oil can be obtained from the Wholesale Oil Dealers. Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New Yorfi, and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company n many of tbe principal Towns and Villages of tbe United States, the Cana days, and the Inland of Cuba. . Local Agents appointed (in conformity with the rules established by the Board of Trust oes,) on ap plication to AUSTENS. CeneroTA j, Kerotene Oil, Co., Ko. 50 Beaver Street, Jf. Y. N.B. Circulars with fall particulars, testimonials, price, &c will be forwarded on application as above. I June 25th, 1S57. t2JUJ tlew Har&vyar? Store."- . Sign of the Saw. J. FLAHERTY, , Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer la American German, English & French . HARD JVARLl AND CUTLER Y. , ; , , : . ST.. Joseph,, wa : . . IS SOW receiving and opening the largest and most varied araortment of goods in tbe above lino ever cfcred in any market west of St. Louis. . ; i My stock embraces a full and complete assortment ef Cabinet and House Builder Hardware, llechaa ie't tools of every description, direct from the mtt approvel manufacturer?; agricultural an J horticul tural tools and Lmplsracnts, in groat variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a Tast amount ef labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careul examination of this department ol ray-atee. i am also exclusive asent for th sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill anl does Cut Saws, which.'! will warrant, and fill all orders at the factary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, ke., of the beat brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, fo.- its quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of trade from this ani adjoining counties. My arrangements for IroportiiMf and agencies for American Hardware jianuiaeiurers, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade.enables me; not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced mo that the true principle of trade is small profits and quick retnrnJ , - V January 1.1S57. vln2'Jtf DEW ABM! SDK JOHN C0LH01N & BR0TIIEK, (Sign of the Padlock, oppofUe the Post Office.) : WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IN Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shce Findings. ST. JOSEPH, MO. TTAYE now in stre, and to arrive shortly, Amcr- 11 lean and foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves k Son's Files Scissors and Edge Tools Butcher's do do Speur A Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and American horse nails Post hole augers Ames' shovels and spades Lull k Porter's shutter Butts Morticing machines Circular, mill and muly saws , Planesand plane irons Coopers drawing knives , . do adzes and wood . j tools Tress IT oops Butts, east and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons ' Plated and com. stirrups do do -Bitts do - do Buckles do do Rings Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs Peg floats ' " Pi ucers Shoe thread ' Bristles, wax. Lining skins Pocket knives Knives and forks Bra curtain bands and pins Door locks . Augers and auger bitts Corn knives Briar scythes Grass and grain do . Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vices .-, Mousehole Armitage an vils '; ,. , .. American anvils Stocks and dies ; "'' - Pad books, breeih'g loops Pad screws, cockeyes Ornaments, nicks Girth rein and roller wsb Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins Upper leather ' Br'iddlo do Skirting do Harness do Belting do Goat skins . Enaniuiclled leather landing , With many goods embracing a complete assort ment of the most desirable which they will sell at the lowest pricfs. J. COLHOUN k BRO. . April lrUh,1857. 31-ly George Ferguson,. . MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, S BEOWBTVIIxLE, N. T. ANNOUNCE to the public, that he ispreparcd to erect Steam and "Water Saw and Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair ing Of m&CBinery ol all Kinds. ALL WORK WARRANTED, Ho is also Agent for A. B, IIOLLIBIRD & CO'S Western Foundry. CI5CI55ATI, O. LEE & LEAVITTS Saw Elanufactory, CEfCINN-ATI,'0. And are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma- cninermanuiacturea or Kept on hand, by these es utousumenis. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. - REFFERENCES. Noel, Lake k Co., Brownville, N. T. Steam Mill It. W. hurnas, Brownville, Muir, Hann k Co., u " Dr. Hoover Nemaha city, P. M. Rogern, Pawnee city, ' Nuekolls k White, Rockport, 116. James Lowe, Linden, " A. B. Halliberd, Cincinnati, O. Brownville, June 18, 1S57. u M 44 4 T21-ly OLIVER BENNETT & CO., MAXFACTmEB3 AXD WHOLES ALU DEALERS 131 : Boots Shoes Sc Erogans, NO. 87 ITALY STREET, SAIXT LOUIS, If 0. ARE NOW IN RECEIPT of acompleteassortment of goods from their own and other manufac- tories,adapted especially to tho Western trade. Purchasers are invited to examine their stock, manufactured and selected with treat rare and warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive rompt and caro'u) attention. " NEBKASKA CITY Insuranco Company. Capital Stock $50,000. , NEBRASKA CITT, If. T. TITIS Compiny, under a liberal charter, is now fully organized, and their entire capital stock of Fifty Thoutaiid Ilullar, paid in and secured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Havinir adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without lucutrmg any uaoiiuj, wia snare in tne pronts 01 the company. The operations of the Comnanv. will bo confined. for the present, to or cargo risks, with a maximumliabilitv of $12,500 on any onejottoni. Being the only Insurance OSce, on the above pop ularplan. West of the Missouri, it confidently ex pee a generous support from Western Merchants. We respectfully invite the Misiouri Rivef pa tronage. DIRECTORS : S.F.Nuckolls., Chss. F.nolly, H. P. Berinet, - J. L. Armstrongj W. N. Hinchman, Miles W. Brown, . A.A.Bradford. officers : CHAS.F. HOLLY, President. J.Garstde, See'y. St. Ixnis A jrent Col. VT. P. Howard. April 21, 1Sj7. . - - 42-ly A. LTFOKO. t. T. UOVLS Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in G-oods AND GROCERIES, ' -HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, boots, shoiig, , ' HATS AND CAPS, WallSjPlows, Stovcs,FurnItnre, &c SOXORA, MO. A. T JOHN McPHEKSON. assortment cf : , 1 " SUPZRI0H G(X)DSl - ! Which I will sll mt as reaionabU i ejUblishaaeBt in tbe Wes . W .Pnwsss I have now ir store a great, varUtw a. lowing articles, which were piirhasd7 i? and consequently.cao sell clear rn theJl' CAiIi DRY GOODS' IIATS AND CAPR . J XX U Xi AJ XI j' Y BOOTS AND SUQf QUEENSWARE . BOOTS AND SUOEi. auy Atidue UlCI2il. And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES ' Such 83 Spice, - Peppers, . ' 'Soda, oaiaraius, i . ' Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc.! 19-November 5th, LOUIS WALDTEIt, House, Sizn, arJ - OrrMfnral . ' nr. TTTTTl noirifvn - "'. ANB I 1 PAPC HANGER, NEMAHA CITT, W. T. Jakes this method of informice tke puMtc that UkJ removed his psint shop from Bortpoti.. M:, l iht,. Da think himserf qualified U anruike nrwBr tainimt u bis line of business, and ttspctlii-,u " the public to give him a call. ' , Please leave onlers at the ,MdvertT, eft .Nov. 19. 1857. j Tailoring 1311011112:!! T. "r t- VT.T"- f . All. Aj. A.-VAHW.ll, ( Merchant Tailor.1 Atlontio street. West of Ilobriietri Start i DKOWyVILLE, XEBXASKA URIL HAVING bought property and located psnaMtt. ly in Brownville, I offer my service to th. pubho ft enerally, if they want an? thingdoa t B. I line of business. I can always be found ttmj ! or, more properlyspeaking at m bench. IVork lVarrantoUo Fit Paj! ; Particular attention paid to cutting ((iinnenu ij laying off work fosnhe Scamstief. Ths rntxi ? portion of my life has been devoted to my inuto, i I which I consider myself infurinr t j non ei-i-iiiW in tho cutting department, and 1 hope bycL.ttW. -tion to my business to merit a ahsre . f pji;t! patronage. . i. FAKS.tR. Brownville April 16th, 1S5T. 4at ; - DOWDALL, MARKHAM, & CO., I WASINGTOH TOVUDRy I Engine and 3IarhnIiop, : coaxEB or irconD and mokqas sraitrs. ! ST. LOUIS, Mo. t Harmfncinrers of Steam Engines il Boilers, Swnd ! Grist 'Mill Kuchinery, Single and limbic Circular Saw i Mills, Ti.baeco. Screws anil Presses Lanl tert'.m. Uri ' Screws ami Cylinders, Wool" Caniini; Wn-hines BuiKinj ! Castincs. Tounjr's Improved Patent fin. m Mills, kc. ( O"0KNT3 for thesaleof Jumna Suiitb kCi 'Hu- j periur Uuchlne Cants..' lllT f NEW STOBE j MT. VEIINON NliBRASKA. ' A. MEDLEY, Annonnres to the public that nerch.wl the Mini J sive Stock of Good brought to this t l:ce by Mr. Cum ; aad now oilers to sail Drj Goodo, Groccrlet, Hard ITare, j ueensHare, Ac, at prices as fair aa can be found in the Weatera eunatrr, ! Or Cash or in exchange for country j nxlute. ! rut. i. '07-nu ( . GEOllGE F. KESNEW, RJEAJLi ESTATE BROKER lDGETJlit LA.1I 4GOT Florence City, N. T. Scott city Steam 3aw-Mill JOHN C. Ilt'FFMAN, ' Scott Citj, ilia., (Immediately opposite brovnnlle, .V. T) Announce t the public that he ta lea-Mil the nc i steam w-mill recently erected by Mr. Mek. Wiraifl as above, and is how prepaied to furiiih the citiieni f : Missouri and Nebraska with an extra tali'y of Lcmsib of Cery description and SA WED LATHS ef an excellent qnalilv. A share of patronage ia cli itft. November 11, 1867. ' ngQ-'T NATII'L POPE COVSLV, Land and General Agent, WASHtTS-OTOH" CIT7, D. C. ITavinc resigned tbe situation wliMi tie baa held ia the General Ind Office fur the lanl twenty jMr-ia charge of the Pre-emption Unrein u nrs hiie."VKea in the proMcution of claims before the I'cpartnient, nnlfr she pre-emption laws, tiwn site act of 1H1, fcx.. kc Mr. C. will also give attention to taset (wf'-re the Frn sion oftke, ptotare Land Warrants to parties eutitliit and prosecute claims before Congress. axrens to Uon. S A. Donslas, Illinois, U: 5. Senate. J, D. Britht, Indiana, " C. E. Stuart. Michigan, " K. W. Ji.hdoi, Arkancail, " Pjn'l Well. Wisconsin, Hiuat Reps. C. C. Wacliburne, ' s R.ib'tSmUh. IlluiolS, " Juhn B. Sandidge. Iutsiana, " Thomaa A. Hendrirks, Co' Land Office Jos. S. Wilson, Fq. Chief CliTk Hon. E. M. Huntington. Ex-Cym'r. I idiana. James Shields. Ex-t'otn'r, If ltinesota t ' fleo. C. Whiting, Cnm'r Petsio'ia. ' Gov. Medary, St. Paul, Minnesota . Messrs. Sweeny, Fnt k Co., Han-ieM, WMbintoa Pairo k Xourse, ik J Chabb"Brother, rto do . ; Suter, Lea fc Co, do do ; Also, to the District tafld Offlcers grniwally. aiM ta i all whohavehad land business at tlieswt of governaient ( fur years. Jt3"N- business retten ill rcee0 tion unless accompanied by a fee. nSl-iy i NEW FIRM. Jonas Crane and The-ilwre Hill have tbia dJiy f-rm4 nwc"-pnrtnership under tetb,c firm ami i'yte' Cr"" II:i',ind will continue the Mercantile 0ns .neaaitW- sULd'.f McAllisttr, Uojier k Co. JO. AS rH.x TIIR liftB HlU- f . 1867. GEO. P. LICKIIAllDT, WATCH 3IAKER. J.Tc T owollor, ny,r-n. nm T I nl'UV. Ml). m rb lilwrtr ta inform th citi'zecs (" 1 Brownville and vicinity, that be la opened Watch, Clock, snd Jewelry Store, Io Oregon, eounty. Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sal-, a good assortment ' Gold and Silver Watches. Clocks nrl Jewelry, which ho will sell estremelv low, for CASH. Also, a Cn lot of Violins, Accorded. Silver. vA Plated per- tacles. Gold Pep with Gold an.1 Mlver Mien.-i cacs. Silver lniiuoie. r.. ae. He is prepjred to repair Watches. tJlueks ami elry. of every description, in the best macn" on ihe most reasonable terms.. , Every article boozht in his establist ment. is Wafch r ranted to be what it is represented to &, . ...a II. t ,R rt pairing warranted for one year. July Zft, lsio. vi-nfitr BROWNVILLE STEA3I MILL, NOEL, EAKG&EMERSOX. . .v i r. ..i.i v.rww-tfullv iaform tho citi" scns'of Xemahaeounty and adjoinin;; Mi.s..uri. ttj we bavcalwsvs on hand a large and well sc"1" - r. r. I. " t. I-.. 1. Ii -L low- SUpply or I. L wifitu er rates than any mill in the TcrriUry. . , Market prices paid for log delivered at the 7,n or on the bank of tbe river. . All orders accompanied with the eifB, wul rr owr imraIiate attHitioa. mnv nr-rrvnlTi'ZH House, Sign, & Onnmpntal Painter, RROTT.WI LLC, T. Tj. TT -)rdr cao be left at tCitr Pnq r- OOTS and SnOES-A Tremendots St. J B received,;.KTTI g