J THE ADVERTISER. rivWILLE. APRIL 15, 1S"oL tn,U" T i: IiMS: Treniccicus Excitement. : . Crise Si Hi lx. are now receiving their Ejrirg supplies. cf gcods. the Luge IT1' pid ia advance. - $1 PO at '.o eifci -f taottLs, t -.- ".-It - SCO " ' gvtrt wi! a rvjatied at $1 & per C'i ,44 u cmi ma in U wwr, ant .CABPETQ&' 1S5S JOB- WOUK. R;1 idl'-.tu f S Type ''T.. Bni. Car. 4.C.. mad to to "Adver- j l I f .J V:. -tc " ,,",-.-atlttrHo: J Tt;Lili "o ri " b.uu.wjuuu Can. ATier hour's lock ttacng piles" of every desiralle article, re are forced to acknowledge the stock of this house the most magnif cent ever yet cpen-1 ed ia this market. The rush to secure first choice, has teen and is yet trecaen- doas. All 0122: to show 3Ir. II ill's "ix-pasee'' tT proprietor fcen-g fzt.j-jcr atawlf . aod tavm- us - mpiy aa iF"u!-b B4j.-il r-scT Ji Printer. d- Jfn V.'Ttv Bt i aw-wBic xcytx, fcx.; wUl i!TfJSi a -a pe;-r aarfi to, v ie4 g.vt saiiafactwc o uu pay. lb teal . . - 1 Karl --rt - frfM t. IB rfaT C f U ii- Ch-draa'a S Store, SO West rwftwwtt. M'J .i.tiki'L X. S4ai Sto, Broadvay, 'AV IT, ,,,,-.1 7t P""I1,I,5t Tn v nit. s Pwlwni afreet, Ch-rag. fxiel ouu U .cit 3toTi?two and Ad- -is'f .Vlver-ir, sd receuve and re- j. for ioj cr.j.Lwaumw, 3. 133. 2o Si , K. tr. comer 0Ut 1 Mi taste ia laaliinj sekctiwiis. riest stock is yet to come. Their hea- Yalnal)le Subscriber. Mr. Jaxes Hckst, cf Atchison cocnty, Missouri, called at our otBce last week, and paid his subscription on "Advertiser" fcr izottarsiz advance. "Would that many more aided to our list. sach mi jht he ieai in th'. TsrritocT. eomin fri . coming fTm Trio tie MmN of iuttM'ee Ve vrui a tecrma ev ; T, asd persona rtlaua uir - it up aciabr Cale-m i:SeJi Ut--1 lo . J...H.- A :e--:-'," wta!t tali it rn'-e4 Nebraska Koase. ' . . Weneglected last wek to call attention to the adrertisenient.af the Nehresta House in this city. . Mr. Biket has becrme a"partner with Mr. Edwabes, and the house lias ..been re- arranged and fitted up anewk and no pains will be spared to make their Quests comfortable and feel at home. Success to the Nebraska House. -ITfcwrifia Advertiser " kaTirg cest tirculttios of tnj ri?1, ia WTliclesAi Mercliiiit-a a 51. ind olier Hast- t&ts par- Ttjrrit e. wa find -o better adve.-tirs nciun , wxr-i at a la-jeai'f iwt.ee ri r P"T-"" - Clotbins. Talk about hard times cr high prices! Vhy. Siegel can Ct you out with an en tire suit! coat, rest and pants for iLne idlers. lis received per steamer Janu ary another new louof extra fine clothing'. boots and fcboes. , Ladles' 'SPRLXG -SL1LES. v - a. Mcdowell & comtat. Are low In recen t f tlieirrprisa; ItaporUGtc; whkh bsvc bees prv-iixvi ia H'-and far c Ji. for ltwii ilir huofea tre a4Ttjru:aac direct 4E:;-:rtticc fit as E-ircpe, t Ute piratart ia anauunocK loat ve r the tctf iirect laiput-tert lrvaa KejUtd franc ia U jrtat traiiu'M.uklkiitiwia batnlLbe lartel and anot kxk rtertacortcc t iL jcOTuitry, eunaittr.g uyar;aj tulluan: - -4 44tad 3- Sea- Xe4a!lions; ' 6-i nyai Velrei; towroli Freaci veiTets; X) riu ijrai VTU 1000 Dv K-rt Crumley Erts ae'ii ; 9X rolli Johs Cror?- ft Strs'sTateety Brarwte -SX rolla B:faiuG'; 3ij r-)l r.aie A. HjuttLi:'s; liO rv'il Britif lw -.;;ijc; lKiOroiit heav Erfiuk turaw-p'r; , liXOfceaiT atfi'rta: Tjcethet wiia rte ar4 -etuck f Cvaeatie CarpttU, fvr tiettc:4!elr.e, Tur broult wes tteuviia- Al9KO) allt4-ti-t:.'.taB4.-bck EsaUisS r, 50.O " 6-1 - - " . ;. " - l. " 4-4altd " " ,3iC0 Cseaa auitiaj a!l wijth. 15C0 thects of ! clo'h 13 t feet wiJe; " psoe J- -i 5-1 S-l and u-l, oil ciuia. Abo tbe U-Tt tit cf rc, liluti cuvera. tofa raira, Hits, stair rti, tabli ol! clotlei, .c, of any eaUUi;ii tr.rt.t ia tLe ixbl:it. - - Tu :;he retail ra-iumer ait ve wk ia a ci'.l, te jtiTice thna that ve on at lower iiia jy iU.-er htai ia tie vest. T. L wbwlesa'e pcrttjser ve vould jt tiiat vo ciAuffe .A3:rcr iitei-cameuu Uiaa acj Otablt.tiL.?Alr itl f in J.ev Ygrk or aaviuj parctafe'J'ocT-etifin'TtniS; fursh.ve are prepare"! t tffrr oar R !s at the rerjr lowest puces f iiuurtatiiia. A. S 'WWEa k. Co., d X siSU A?ril 15. oo-ta. ; . , New Spring 'Goods, 185b. 0 BROWN & CO., Xo. S, 3Iaia Street Saflttt Ixml', Invite Kr?baaU ifitui(St. Louis to fieir taimei" ttcxXufev Sv'p:S,Gli, ...... r.. , nIPORTATIOIT. OF 1853 Black Gr.de Rain Si: U; Black ana ColoreJ Satiaa; Printed J.uxJic:a; th!iwt; Iaacs; Wbi: Ouolaf EmbroiJe::e; Lace Gmc!; Uiwesj Ejfie.y; Lict Stit'ji. tc. brvva &, Ca.. kit recy f r exhibit. the U'.cct TartTen and Ame. tiin iij.ejcf hmpd and bjp kin; frt'ch Si.ri recti-; riltu. tf all atylej, kilkcravjt, drea trun-i.ai-j rxhes eumLa, bctlcca. toff-: her wtli. tire cares rVrasM, o!TB ttct ai(J eiort faitiucalyte ceirn. Caali baves. cke jU-cb.a er, aa-I prompt loengTls itia j iLLs cijirkrL axe iBviLfJ t exatLJue Ar alecs And pr.. 1 ' .1 . KRO-OTN, i. C., 73 JLiia Street Saicl Lcaia. Atril 15 163S o'2. ' 1858. : :: : : TI858. v: SCAUR ITT $ JTASO, L JVholesale and Retail Manufacturers cf Furniture anil-Upholstery. : Yf asMngton ATcn-e.tctTrccn la etr Warcrerakc vi:l t fscaa tsa Utaiacd best tyies mie t y tLebest vorkaiea ltd vt atrperixr BMtt ral .al lTub. bErsTEAU Fine It w evc-i asrf Vah-anr, Wa!aa4, Oak anJ Cberry. vi-.t ht p 3sl Cia. py. MDEBOAP. -3 aoMfwucO. XihjCBT, rt aa4 TTaJ- act vrb SireioiXirb.e T p. WARLli3 nj SiiClllAilZ5.Roew3oa, Xa kcrsny, ok aixi Wa!aet. SOKAS ifilipjiDT an! Walnat, e-ered tatairClca, Lasucz 3J B.-ucte.:e. JiCRKACS Fine K sevood. laiS3ay. 0X aaa Val Bat. vUt itailia lo9 as4 Oval GlawMia. - OntacwwO. S-!aay.' CWk aaU H'aainU&d&j Cener tni SiJa TIi i.a JlaibleTopa. ilAT E.t"ti hsvm-l Jlaacgiicy, vX aci Walanf at i&Aay atyie. A:w: Fite EosevorI, Xiiocscy, Oax t&a Walnot Pari., Ejtt.y an-1 Uotiii: Cfcairi; evry ;R.Kt tf Caa ion, Kusa u-i Cce in EiKepUaa aJi Cculase Csairs ; KdSitreQt Cbaira, Plana St!ls, O.tcsuni, iocHsiouli, Corner auf aiie batojt. fstesiion Tables, Suvet iti'.Iii, Ice Ikies, W.e al lu Sjies, Scariiu't Pateal L'janpe Ee-i-tejJ. tilLT LOOiilXli GLASSES ?,'&' Pitr C)i?, Ovals. MjaJe aJ Stuart; WjuJ 'ri.rta lr;a a sorrmet.-t. ' - - ' '-' btUIiIXG Sprinj. Hair. Mo, Esct!lsio;f aid n-sk Xatra&sea F enter &e.is. Pillova, Bol titers, CcBUorta, Sheets. .c. all of tlia txait nuterial, and a-arraale4 ta a rresli. avaeA aai aev. Everj' article varranteJ as represented, attJ at prices a low as ar.y tber hotue ia the city fur curresawiktinj 3BhtJ r , - - - - - , - , -k - r4(uHctd aaai'hfally fllled. " . " We omiiatly icri;e tvery ue vlio visb.es to cat! and euaiineandpric ur too-!s. as ve ar pleased toabow our K-u.f4. ami five you all tie iaformattxa ia oar power. All article aolii by a cartslaUy packed aod dcuvered cb Boat or at the bocse, t Very Ete-pectfuliy, -SCARZnT av HASOX. ' at37 . . . f m mari of Gaiters. " Of the finest style, and man ufactured from the finest material, can be had at Crane -Si Hill's. . Theodore- . ,nia'1atte : -.1 1 - .T . . .1. .V .1 Jl r veiuve a o a p.; w "- -- - . L'.a ca u.i a. irictk. vii us tue uiutT way, ior K-lVfi'-r?lZ ZT- Ixl-U .,..11 --,1. K- a. ... .-el taMoess card atlacfce-l. wderi 1V Doings or Uie CosbtjICcart. Ann Term 1SSS. Presenr, Judges Hall. Cole, and Son ars; E. E. Park-r, Clerk. B. B. Thcjr.poa was appointed consta t, to fill cc2y occasicued. by Mr. Ed rsrJs not filing bond. - -. The fclowir.' persons were appointed qufring the necessary sized covering for our " better-Lairs pedal extremities, I watched an opportunity, and slipped a pair of those nice high heeled '"double struck in th woFe" gaiters into our pocket." Don't any body else treat us thus, as we ro 'bobbin 'round." es ct e.c-rrtr?, i i in me seTerai pre- fnr nnf vear Z ' SPUING AND SllMEl! GOODS. FIELD, EEARDSLEE & CO., Impcrtcrs ahd Jobscrs. 1 . Piece Goods for Jlen'S lVear, TTe are nv in rec ipt of a larpe and complete stock of e d a UUi tor '.lielSprin; auj SuaurMT tnnlelitUi HilfiT ob the iiot taiuiii'oli! terms. Tla Stockton- i tU;t ia part of tii foiIo ins c -,, v.i : (.LOTUS. - . Ckcsitnert; rxeski!iH; lUtinet; Tveeds; Cashtncrttts; ! Jeui-s; Cerlur 5 S'.ltkins; Linens; CuttonaJes ; AI- picas D:a D'.Ciet; lanuer'a sauD; Aesttcet , el- vjt?r(:- tTr escrtrtiva of taiKtr' aod cl ti. iers' triiuuiiiiici. A cwniplete tockof B'.tmkets. A full assortmeiit of wool ibitlr and dra vers. ' Jt.jrchaiitj.Clnthieriaad Tai'ors viMtiar the city for the crimwflwylntiwr Sjirirf Pock viftfiEd It tteir mtertt tnkiiaHocr fk ttiurc aiaaac Uicir ieleioiia All vxJers ii.l rereive promjit attention. FIELD, BEAEDaLEB fc CO. April 15, 1S5S ao3 - cicts in this tro'inty, No. 1, .VaAa Ciy. John Tiarnes, J. L. Sharp and Dr. TVLitinrrer.-, : r - . v " lXo;2, 'TrmiiZt.' Homer Johnscn, G. W. Bratton, A. H.V.hze!L No. 3, .Voimf. Vmon, Wm. Tate, A. Dodd, R. W. Frame. ' No.' 4, Shronfs. r . L Kinnison, P. Starr, E. Reid. No. 5, Lcngs. J.CdVuca, Hughs, J. Conrad. A new precinct, No. 6, was established St.- Frederkk, anl C.; A. Freyberg, CSopualer anl B.'Otten?, appointed jud res cf elections. - , . ' , The town cf London r on petition was ircorporated imler. the rrncral-act,-and J.Haamaa,.J. K. Oook, N. Minnich, E. LaLlcr, and Tw-JIeap, appointed trustees iercfor. The Clerk was instrutted to issue orders f:rthe following persons and amounts, r.z: ' C. G. Dors y, D-rputy District Clerk, 133 0o;. Belden services as attorney in rro c?e. S2J: Furnaa Si, Lanpuon, paiin jliank,, D. Piasters, services e assessor, Sol; R. T. Rainey Treasurer, ?.6; J. V. Hall, county judge, S6; Jesse Cole, county judge, -6; D. C Sander. 3i7 judge, SG; E. E. Parker, 'county der'a, S41; same S? 0-j Roai Siipervisors were appointed for if term of one year as folio .vs : District No. 1, J. C MTathron; No. 2, J, S. Miaick; No. 3, J. L. Combs; No. OX. Philip; No. 5, J. Long; No 6, A. Ilcghs; No. 7, Grice; , No. S, C. A. Treyluirg; No. 13, G. Wl Crow, No. 14, -M'Mahan; No. 15, E. Bush: No. 16, K Gilaore. ' Retnrned. Hon. G. W. CaAwroBD, member cf the House from Dahkota county, who was, during the last session of our Legis lature, called to the States on account of sickness in his family, then on a visit their friends, passed our city on his . re turn on Saturday last. Mr. C. is one of the ablest and truest men in Nebraska. Vould that we had many more such. is3s :- spmesuxs. 1S5S WF: ENDERS '& CO., YTOioIesale Clothing Warehouse, .Vo62i,if.tinS:reeJ LoU, " IlaTe jy, tcsit jd a f ;i and m;lete stock of Sprin:t acd Summer clotL 'ar. vhivh u unsurpasted in extnl. t0 j quility, au.L vo.-kminiiip, ia asy otner cojse ia tb I l u:uq. jvii i'ui viLib'U? 15 umuo vj urn npmhij f.tr t'ais market, at oar .Uannfaclory, Simmons L'uci, Latre and r! e larf-f will '5nd it for tte'.r interest ta ci've cs a call, in o (hyVe turelves to sell for cask. cr to prompt roea ai i:ivs tbal vill defy all compe- titi.v-i. A full -' I-r Sutlers and Santa Fe trade. Win. F. EME.1H Sr Louif, Jolin W. E1GKIX1W, Boston. no4z Scarle. Petticoats. These -much talked of a la Lady Gore Ouseley musnt-mention-ems, hare made their appearance in our city. They can be had at Crane &. Hill's No. 17, Main street. We wait with in terest their appearance in the street. I nmfnrr V 1A1 aV e?--- n-n. Fe.5e Feegcsox has again f-aced us under obligations to him for a supply of valuable documents: . Hon. SiVl Cox, of Ohio, will accept cur thanks for pullic documents. To Hon. James Cbaig we are j-itltcd for similar-farors. Our thanks are abodue Hon. Prestos Kiso of New York, and Hon. J. D. icht of Indiana.for favors. . Mr. Hill, of this city, vho Las spent several weeks in St. Louis, has jusr re turned, and informs us that the general opinion is, that the heaviest emigration eer known wSi come into the Missouri valley this year. More to Nebraska than to any. other poiut.. Let thcra come. Here is soil, climate, and .health unsur passed," nd "what Is'of almost equal iin-: portance, we are free frcra those internal wranlings which serve to . create heart-. burnings and disturbances,; and which cannot fail to retard the progress and de- velopement of the country. rrcoorjiiicK'S R6aper&IJower for 1858 r C. IIXlTi; & Co Agents ' , erscf Mis-uri,anJXebraka . , rl.l, n.i the best CuuiLiaed f i wjrratled. For Sveytaru ling tbe various Stare and i ixv 4 seeking premiauis, rt- 11 veil known to ued lawt Hol t ,;:y lat the Cnlted States Af- iii.- Fair at Svr.ieuae, Ntw York, 1 11' Is airaia t..Terei as tee best Ilvr' Reajvr and M m' pa 1 have sv1 Coonty Fiur.- i garulc niy"ii,i . of CuiuuieiKl iti ; riculiural sode j. awarded to bhi a'j GOLD I . For the bfl ri..' pled ryeiivet b . If , , a i and DIPLOUA. f nr i severe test, iu keivy tati- . iiitcn around. Alotbe Greut ('rli::i i the exhibition of ait tui tions in L"ndui u :-! I C. 31-rCornU-k. on tbe crttird of Uia oriiKU.'ri Ii-t J.Mul bu AMERICAN KEAI ES. and also :tt. iwt t:.jU:urKaKlabittou at Pa Li. la fiSS, vas au jr.ii-! I ; t tt ii-I Gtld ileUI of n. tior. AImi 1 1 biKt pp.;,; si ., Il4 to any reaping machine by it e KvTaiA)rriCi:itu'aj St il'JU Kuglaixl ta lsoT, aad ;ill mire ek-rinus, tlKi.ajMifet Mt!jctiio and uppurulf over IvO 0j0 fara er f luy own rxontry. . Farmers de iugtlic aCCormirk Reaper and Hover for the pre.-ent year wiij secure ty lejvin their orders tlii'Old be sent 0:1 ljr t the 1st djy nl ilarcb acxt. April 15, 165J-ii8 . E. S. DTJKDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, " Aitrntc-, icnRDSOs co. s. t. WILL practk-e ia tbe acver.l Charts tbii ii JsdiciaT Diktiict, aid attend to all matters conrecttd viiU the r-rofern. " 1f. SuLrTSAX. Esn ; of Setraka CHy, will assist me in the pruee.uUQ of uiporcacc Suits. Sept. 10. ';T-ll-Tf Wanted ! A LADTashoc?e-ieepcr, at the Hrmttsrr? cne wtth- ot iacunibiaoce p.;:crted. S:tut:oa permanent, auXJ compensalKO tatialictory: AcWrcs. joaxs. jiixxicic. ilsrcliSS 1SS3 cSStf Ebowxtille, N.T. BEOWIIVILLE COLLEGE Tie Fcn'.ty of tbe Medical Derarfraent of the Erovn ille College annomictT that they viil cvintaence their curse of Lecinrcs on Voo'ljy cvenicT next, I2J ilay of Fhrnarr, a: 6 1 ;i o'clock, arJ cjrtiaoe (mi months, sir-, inj tbe lectures on tbeareninpotonday, Tiesday, V'ed tiesday and Fiidjy of eaca week. The introductory lectore to the court e wilt he public aitd delivered at the Brtwa- ville Hotel, the retuunderot the lectures to be liven pri rately to the class. ' - " TUeUoa beprocmredctthe Deaa. .FACTXLTT: "'' " - WII.T4AM ARXOLD. It. D. " Professor of Anatomy , . - . : ... ... A. S. noLLADAT, X. D. M Xl Professor of the Practice of Xeiidse. " V r JOnX McPCERSOX, II. D. ' " Proles s.-r of Materia iledica. ' - E. D. ALLEX, A'. B. . riofessor cf Chemistry. - r. c. jonxsox, - - Prnfesscr pf Jiadical Jnrisprudetre. 35-lt.FebU . . . W3L ARXOLD, Deja .it r . GIRIS TVAXTEDJS! At the Boardios Hausot t WilHxm R.SJell; BrfivBTiUe. X.T. Two jt-.wd. industrious s;rls to cook anI-do othei huasework; for which socd vaes vill be given. Xone needa;ply unluss eil reccairr.rnJe'J. WILLIAHROSSEU Brexrnvil'.c, X. T., March IS, ISiS. n33U Farm for Rent. I have a H''eiU:d ard veil improved Farm vfcich 1 visa to rent to a responsible per: n, on favorable terms Fcr paibcu'.ars inquire at this cSce. or of J. G.aELVIX. yarca 13, 1633. v2a33if Nemaha City. X. T. A. S. HOLLADAT, M. D. VTM. ARNOLD. M. D. HOLL ADAY & ARNOLD, Plirsiclaas,' Sorgtons ' J.XXcl. OtoStotArlolCaXXS. , BU0WXV1LLE, JT, T.; .. , . ,-, Respectfully tender their professional ser-ces to the Citizen uf X:tuaha and ndjutmug counties, hot a ia braska and -Mif soun, March 4. K5S Johii McPherson Has 200 Sacks of Fail Wheat t'lo ar, warrant ed Hrst coaiity which he will sell f or SJ 60 per 109 Jw. for Bnnville llorc-1 Scrip. miltox k ceaiik; - - wMOirxAij: asD kztaix. iiaui ,i G-rooorion, WTirES MTD HGUOES, Vo. 9, .IL:.! Sired, EROWNYILLE, N. T. EAVIXO Bmruaased '.ha eatire sr.ock el Goods be!JT Ire to E- D.t-.s. tugeLhr v.:fa lrre and ex'eni.v- adU:iuBMSt reccired, 1 am avw arepare4 M tarsisla areT variety oi" . ilcai"y jinl Fancy GrrericJ, FQA IWTL ASD FA2VLT VSS. I aara ia Ktc rt, aod fr sale ci'ejp, a larja sc;;ty at COFFEE, Beat .aaiity Eio 34 Jxr Xary (uaUfy aod price. Haraaa anibed and best article cf brown mjar, -' JIOL-iSSES. Large aupplj' of acperior New Orleans molasses, Bet- cSefi and Guides ayrap. TOBACCO A.VD SEG.1RS, Xxteasive variety and ail of tit best bran us. FANCY GROCERIES, . Consisting in part cf TICKLES, A great variety and pat np expressly for family asa. ; r IE FRUIT, Every description of Fi uit, sack aa Fresli Peaches. Arroles. Cherries. l berries, Curraaus, Cubaxb. &c Fcr salo Cie-p "and varriaied frfraa and xd., OYSTERS ASD SARDIXES, A large saply of tie best brands aod warranted food.. . ' TOGETHEK WITH . A large (jnmtitT of varljua articles cf domestic use too ledioos to mention. ' Front Street CroTiiT Hie, Nebraska Tcrrixorj, J. H. MAUN Co . - .' Ext Jest received rie . .. L.UIGEST STOCH li EST OF SJIXT LOUIS, Consisting,- ia rart cf Waoii for Sale.1- - a I v.1 iiaose a las-re a Hi'itiaw-ivr vjjt w: oct wdterais Uasy iiwuunj(. x.'r.mu.'AS. ths foHowin'3 articles, which they propose vt sell Cheap for Cash: ?tre v'a tet Prenii siac CUca rite . . iiM Ifxi VuiiiUiB re-J Kav and bartl Bnrt S;ani.a kiUj CUalk Turpentine Liaseed il "dxcers oil . ' v Uopol Varuisbi Jupaa ' ' " 'm white Taraiaa Luberajre , P.un, brasbea Varnish b-abes Haa and wuidcw tools Vail brashes Cetteriag Pencils Tuble paint Caaiel hair pencils B ienders Star candles PVty Castor cil Cod Urer cit Sweet til Olive eU Glae pjentmed:.-iaN, all arris li:3 candies Faacy eamistv Castile socp' Toiiet soap Wash. . t m? TjoIU bruises Ilair brurhes ' Clota Brushes Alm;oii sof, shell H int shell A law ads Fiiberta, peacaiia Pea ants R-ucios Oysters ia caa 1 Sardines Black and I my Tans Cisara fin- IeaakPwaera.' TOBACCO, Of the best brands, cnewicf and smcking. est qaality and Bav.r. FRl'lTS-AXD LIQUORS. Preserved fruit for p;e. brand'ied peachea, fresa pea ches in caa. pore l:,tirs for medicjil purposes. Jamaica rum Iloiljcd Gin. Irish whisky, B. arbon tiiy. rner Goose- I brandy, Cordial, Prt viae, iirry wuia, vtuua viae. JLAul wine. STATIONERY. Foolscap paper, fjacy letter' paper, gild ei cotes, and cnveMipcs. plaia. lancy aud emtxiftsed; pen. aud pca- ooi'ters. t:iis of all kinds, lokiUBds and i jLwrs yemai s, sealiug wax waters. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries, Comprijir.g Lyon's Kirbairioa. evtse. poinnuiJ. jeauiue cx marrow, bear ;reje ai.d Jils, moslt and a v apt!-e of all kinds and of the finest quality. r"J" Physicians Prescriptioas attended of the day and ait. WIHES AND L1QUCRS, ort, ' . ; ... . - Natir.?, ; . . v Champagne, ' ' Muscat, -. : Sherry, and , . . Claret Wines. ' Extra Quality of French and; American Brandies, BRANDIED CHERRIES, YToIlVs . Shcldam Schnapps, Old Monongehela, IJoarbon, and Rye Yiliskey, COMMOjV WHISKEY, ALE, &c. CHEESE, Jnst received 50 bcxes superior Western Reserve for sale cheap for cash. JtlLTOX F. CLARK. Special Notice. ALL those lioMins accounts a.intj. R. Dvis vill call on the subscriber and havo them cancalled; and thoe indebted to him will please call and settle, a loud er indulitence vill not be eiven. MILTON F. CLARK. also Blackwood. Blackwood's Edinhurg Magazine, 4G, No. 3, has been received. Con- nts : "What will he do with it ? Zanzi kr, and two months in East Africa Our Convicts Food and drink Sullivan Cumberland Curiosities of Natural Hlnory A few more words from Mr. J-tn Company to Mr. John Bull. DITOKCC B. X. Ilutchins, - 1 Ia tbe liichani'On Conaty TS. V District eourt, Second Jarli- El'xabeih lla'.chini.) cinl Distsict. IIjj tertir, ISjS T Eliwbcth llutchics, the defendant ia tao case. ; Vt'U wijl p'cae take notice, that I have procht an action io the Kirharilson C-nty Litr:it urt, Sce.mil Judicial District cf Nebraska Territory against you to obtain decree of divorce from the botuls of matriDJonj, which have Lit h-rU) united us.. ..M; api'lieavtion fa divorce is fountied upon t lief round d your having committed 'Isltcry. A kearing will be b.-td unon mr raid apTlicatini in the id connry, on the first Tuesday in .May. 1S5S, whun and where vttcan attend and make d-fcB! gainst ihe tid charge. . B. II. UL'TtillNS. Territory uf Ni.brajVa,) County uf Uichardson. ) I certily that the fortpiDfT f ntitlod fuit has been brought in the Uicbanl-Hn County District Court, aa set forth in the Ihvo notice, that the papers therein ar now in file in uiy cliioe and thnt the mramous has bceu returned mum trt iar(l, a tu tbe defendant. Wifnes my hsrid and rrivata feat, (there bfin oeal vet ir.vid'jd for the a:d eonrt.1 the 24lh d:j of SUrv'h MASTIN W. UIDEN. Clerk, Per Geo. Van Lew, Deputy Clerk. April, 1, 155?. nolO 4t CLAHVl NOTICE, 7 To B, X. natchias Wm. SIcElroy. and all vlicm U may concern. Toa are hereby notified that Ivill ap pear at the Land Office in Brownrille, Xemaha vnaty, X. T-, on Monday. April 26, 1858, at S o'clock, P. M.. to prove op my rurht of pre-emption to the northwert soarter of section No. ten, township No. one, range No. sixteen east. April 14. 1559 lvn WM. t. GKER. Claim Notice. To all wbtii It may concern. Ton are heretrr noti fied that I will appear at the Land Offlce in Brovn ville, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, on V onday, the6ih dsy of April, A. D. 1S58, at 3 o'clock, P. M. and apply to euter, as a Pre-emptam ripht the north vest quarter of section Xo. fourteen, Township No. one, Bange no sixteen, east. Brownville, April 15. 1V2 JOnX CIIAP3IAX. j i. D. JacnarT. I - This steamer, oa her way to I Randall, lay at our wharf Saturday 1 hht. She landed large quantities, of j frh: fur Crane & Hill, Siegel & Green i kura and others. Also quite a - number Passengers. W asias Saloon. It is only necessary for us to that Gorr fi Dbee have opened a Jxn with the above came, to insure it liberal patronage , and Dave's very ap- rtraac.is indicative of good living, and plethoric person 'suggestive of the I'M. things "cf this life ta be found at their hilUsLaaet. ' Claim Notice. To all Vh-tn it may concern. Tou are hereby notiSed that I will appear at tbe Land OrRce in Brownville, on Thursday, April 22. 1S56, at t o'clock P St., to prove op my risbt of pre-emption to the southeast quarter of of section nine, township one, range sixteen east. April 15. 1S58 2tli J. K. BCRBANE. JOHN A. PARKER & CO., TTASUIXGTOX, 1. C " J0HX A. PARKER, late Reciter cf the Land Offlce, Omaha, . T., having resigned his cOice will berealter, .D wnnecUonwith cne of tbe best Iod Lawgivers hi the country, attend to all business conaJed to hiat; and es pecially PBE-EMPTIOIT CASES. . Which tie has made himself thoroughly acquainted with bv study and practice for year. , Ilereferste the Heads of nepartmects ana Xetcbers of Cnogreos of ewth Houses. All applications for services mast be accompanied with a fee to insure attention. January 38 1858. IK.31-Iy . POUTER'S SPIRIT FREE Girr DI3TRIBUri0ir. Tbe prrpiietcrs ct '"Pv-rter's Spirit (f the Times," v:ll in Jury next. tnke a free diir.t.uun of $1 0U0 am .n; tlMtir Year.y Subscjiters whose yearly. UQ:?rrirti n shall have three inoutbs to run, after the dare of dis tribution. Fof convenietice as well us te add int (at to the G;ft, tieuittihuiion will be governed Lythere-r- t of tbe great race that is to be run in KtiUnd on tbe S I of u!y next, kno.ru as race for tie Gwdnroud Cup. Tii on ec is uiiticr tbe special patronape ot tbe Dcke of fiiditBond srd is one of the aio-t prince ly ef tin' Engiicfa taiing year. It was thi meeting stlcvied la.-treat tor 'Xe nuaa irabledcbat of Uie Amei ican bans calhc KnliihTur-; and it is m . re iL.u pruyaLle that Pr.oress aud other Aaieiican hore will, on tiiu .p practi:i: i-ccasijii, ai'iiear iifjt Slain '" As there will prjts.r lie 4hiry or forty li- rsesri tered, and wiuie f aru-eu r fUteeu t" start, we propose to distribute he$l W.0 as Kilovs:. Fi st, ve ul o nier a Fiee Gift of $500 in caeh. cn the Suixctil'er who. in the distribution shall obtain tbe name-uf the winning iK-rse. Tj the sut!.criler holdinu the name f the xr id borse, a trie gift of iu; i ltd t the Ti'cr;lr whs holils the name of the third hor-e, a free fittof $ll. Amung ili se who hld the names tf the rcmainns hor-es which siart'Jd, rther than it e first three, we rill distribute a ict gi:t i $l'J0in e(al parts; and aim.n; th )e wiio bt id the name, of h-rc wlitch were ente-ed and did n t start, vre v.'iil litr.bu'e in tike tmnner the raauiniLc 'MK v th it there will e iu all f 1,000 In ea-b divided am jng ab 'Ut 3J g.f :s. ThedistribBtii-n .d tlie nauies of the horses ammic onr subscribers will be ctTtcsml by putting them into a pi ass talhti hiX and t.kU:i tM'iiceiu.;h s.ftiultaniusiy viUi tbe nuBitier of the receiptor each yearly suUsc: 'W-r as found u;n our b.ok. The Lorse ihusdrwn will, of ciiarte aeciie the chosen compeutor for the victory to the Yearly Sube.-ribcrt., aud i-ach BHbscrilK-r, will know if Le h is iri t a bore, by the dt:p'lca'c iiutctier of his receipt, which w e w ill forward him in advance frcra our bo.ks. , . The d s'ribu'ion af the herses' cames will take place cn the eTt ini cf Sa'ird:iy. the ?th of July, at our tfllee 340 Bn-aavay. Xev Tork. on which cccastun ve shall also distribute the names of the ame hon.es ia :tn- otuer but eaitirrly Keprato, J?ree Gift to Agents, of Five Hundred Dollars, among those of our re tail Agents who have leen iu tue habit of selling tea or niore copies of cur par-?r regularly, f.r eight weeks pre vious to such distribution; and Tor every extra ten cop ies each Retail Agent or Xewsman may sell, he stall have aa additkit-.al share ia tbe Distnbhtica We take this mde f rewarding oar salixcribers and Aidf, in preference to employing Traveling Agents choosing rather Urns to give what we would pay away in sach oxpenses aud commissions, to tbe Subscriber him self. By this mean. tb subscriber receives for the nsnai subscription price, not 'n:y his paperfor tho year, but a large sum in cash in the shape of a very novel and inter esting gratuity. The subscript ion price of Porter's Spirit is S3 a ytar. Pottmasters and others who furnish ten yearly subscri bers, will in ad'lit ion t. their premiums. le entitled to one share for the Agent's Gift. It is our present intention to continue tins system of of Free Gifts, and matte to our sutscribers and Arnt to free distributions during the following and each oc cceiiug year; the first no be deciled by the EPSOil DKR- BT of 1S69, to t run in the early Spring (and for wl kh two Amer:cm lu-e are alrevlv entered ) and the oth ers fey tee CASTER ST. LKGER. the annual great meeting of Entlnnd fot tbe Fall. As ia both these last turned meetings there are always about two bcr.dred higa-meltled racers c tiered, the interest that vill at tend the distribution cf tbe competitors amcng the readers of our prper my easily becuuecived. For the rresent year, In consequence of tho cloe ap proach tfce I' by, ve have chosen for conretieiKe, the gre.i ace f ir the Goodwood Cup. P. S. The distribation vill take place publicly, nxder the super in mJence of a Comnuitee of Subscriber and Nevsaeitts. Valuable Claim forfiale. Tho umier.-ifncvl will fell a vl".it,ie cla.M at a bar gain, as they a:e determine-', to sell. It consists ot lt acres all bottom laud: abont ouo half et which U timber and ihe bila'KP irairie; 40 acres under fence and culti vation. 1: is situated en the Little Nemaha River; nine miles from Brownville anl about iheuie eislance Iron Nemaha City. one mile north of Longbridge. jlpp'-yta tte uitUe.-b.jned on tbe premises- -. , . " johx in:airn3 ' 3in-34-pd LEMUEL HVGUES 1 Bankiko norsr or LrsHBArcw & Caiuox BrOiXKtiUc February L, lsj&ti. - - , On and after this date, depositors accounts will be or;ncd fur siiccie currency aud scrip payable in same Kind ot funds, t hecks must be markedaccordingiy. Oruve hours fioci 3 to 12 a M kim! 1 t3 F M. LCSIIBAVGa CARSOX, FUAXK1JN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 103 Vina St., bet. Fourth and Fifth. Cincinnati, 0. C. r. O'DRISCOIX & CO. 1 fanufacturers and dealers in .Ncwf. Uook ana Job ItJ. Type, t'rinting Prcjse. Ce, .JU:?9, Ac, Ae. Ink, and Ttintin Material of Every Description, STEREOTYPING of atlkiad-Uooka, Mio. Patcat Medicine Directioc. J"a), Wm-j tQgrevia, e., d p. Braii j and Pattern Letters, various styles, ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or rjja FIGS, s:ociss:is'. Consisting of i . , . TEAS, RAISLYS, CURRA.VTS, SOAP, TOBACCO, SUGARS, COFFEE, MOLASSES, i CANDLES, BroYznvilie Hots! FOR RENT OR SALT.. Tie rn! new brtel E -tel Bow aearly wasp;eldrw.) Ve by arss dr .'A;rU rest is fr sale wc tet. Ta tee acTa-u'ed ? r-d f a.' rir-ter an-Maacw meut. To ta-. t a ditnre .! a a. sw ttan lruw vti.a is ti e of tke saot urivu yocn ntaroet Xibm ka, cutita ta a 1 ?:.! Ina cf ats: &v. Ta L4 Kli-S tu the Xemala lud Citrict is located a era 4 ia ar tiveei-tiaii a Th Iaa4 sales vJ Blest LktiJ tale place .a er t e..e J ary aest. T5 Uitr u stJ2 seat ly lar-re ctS K) Vy M, v tUi acc-.-iaaiidata aey suxcVer aiaiurt ef yntrmfc and yet rxt eo ssca aa exteaaiv scale feat teat it cm pcrvaaied or Tented and tear. te4 pay w.U - t It was erectel ty a stcci eau are w We priacipal ject wis ta sec.a a Srxt cUiss Kjtei ia the pjar. lad thev v.'.i sen u at ccti-vtu et-ber aeU rct; eat jrtr. to se'.l. . None awed r-xt ipai-catlca ta rent exrapt Vaaae vaa are erwrnr a-cu ia autel bv.vias, ari cats ceavejweti ' rcomtaenId. Ap?;y ia pervra cr iy lefer ta e:t jt R. W. riTRXAS, Prtikblftt, " , Or ALET. RALt-tV. Sec'y. PreTa".!:e, Xeiravka Pe'wuary 11. 13. !3lait. St Jejk: PUirdtr, Clve4aed fwate. WasAiaf.oa C'yj S'aiesraa, CaZumOtM, il Jlaeaarwr, I C:c.-iir.a:i. St LvU-s Uopa;.caa aad.S'ev Tosk Tiiaaa. eo y week.yto 'ainvom ( $a aid send till to t T oCcw. t joas. r. E!:-rr. cute. r. sour. KINNEY & HOLLY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AUSU.lUA 11I1.A. A W.It pTaciH-e ia th Courts cf U i Tcrr'--ry. Co15n. tioa ard er.ra:aal business attoti.K-1 ta t srcogV! N , brassj, Veticrti I va aad; S'.jjuil. Will ase th- CVur-a at BrowBvtil. rUu S r. irnnMs. jxo. .. cautf LusnBAuan Sl cahson, . A.iRS ASD CH.MRAL LAXD ACZSTS, 4 Dealers In Coin, ' Caewrrent M"W, Kivtitce Land Wirraata, EnOWXVIU.S. NSiAHA CO., N. r. K--pecla! attetusja vi:l be gveo to liayipg aal Se"i5t Kxctia-fe ua the pnacrful cities if th t'nited ta", Goiu. Si.ver. iii uiKurrent Bi:i Nct' A e aj'sut sap -ply of Land t arrant va rani for sa. Tom CAktt. or ti teredou time far Pre-ewiXors. All W trrsuts iJ by u. guarasteed iu every rnct. Vi.ieie Pec'.aratory S't meets vf ite ltiva to j : e-en.pt, and prepare Pieiapisit. Paivrs at srurt notice. Xorey loaned upon bet s eccrt tieai at western rate of interest, sad lnvetBjcts aaade in Lauds or city property tot distant enpita'tsta. Collee- tions un a: convenient points will be prumjify atta ed tvta&d proceeds rexntttiMiuaxcharg. at current rates. B.!U vt ki.l ue ca l.oaland, lreiaud. aol P-auce. ot tained at uu.il rate. wi:h c t cf Exchange oa th East Kiaei. Deposits receivedoa Ciirrent account aad interest ai!twedn Sforil ilepwits. Ofl ICE lta.nSt.,aeirC.S. Land C2ce. mi tatxcis Lind. BroUter &. C.. .Vrrvtuiits, McXauib:on. Carina i. C., " Hiser&wtTte. " Tou: . Carsoa Jk Eryant, Jno. Th'HnpB Msoa, Col'rof rrt, E. 3t. Paa.!eruB A Co. il en hauls. If . af . Yeak e 4 C j. No. II, ilroaaway. Wbi. T. Sniitaxva, Ei., Uaaiker, J. T. S-.evens, E.q., Att'y t Law. Jno. S Gillaher, La:e3iAud. C. S- T-, Tayl or it Kri.Hh, Banke-., SI .-:; :i:wt. Sw-rwc a, Co. atersaaata. Uoo. Tlio.. G. Piatt. U a. J. W. Geary. Ix-Gov. aUnsaa. lion. J'as. O. CarMin, P. E. Small. Exj., Pres't S. Bask, Cot. Geo. SchH-T. Att'y at Law, Ciarle Parii & Ca. Bankers, H. C. Nut:. C . " " Greene. Wea-e . Rice, " Douglass k Wa.-sa. Col. Safa UatiiLletoo. Att'y at Law, Jud?e Tho. Perry, P-.of. 11. T-.tniv, Oct. 8, 's7-rt-15-tf PhilaJ.lr-hxa. Pa. Baltiniore, Jfl. Nw Tark. Waanagteo, D. C. Calearj, IT?. , l. Loan, ai. AnnanaUaJt4.'1 . Pna. : At rrv.rsbnra. Pa. llagerstowa, H U Keokuk. t-ra. Council Bluff Pes kuo " . ViBtun. . " , la..tn. if J. . Curuoerlacd. XX. llavaaa Alaba.-ia. POWDER AXD SHOT "Willi all article a usually fcund at such places. They invite their friends tnj the public generally to give theta a call, and they pledge (herufelTe to give then satisfaetion as to price and qaahtv of thc.r gocds. TERMS CASH KXCLISIVELY. Nov. 21. '57-v5-t22 jonn Ft TYSiH. MT. W. IIACKNCT. TYS01I & HACKNEY, G3NSKAL LAND AGENTS. BROWNVILLE, X Kit AHA CO., X. T. Land Warriflts Bought aui Sid. - Laid entered on Time. Claims and Txvn Lots Bought and Sold. L-mh Mjiiey, Make luvtstxients and Ltcate Warrants ou time, l r , Distant Uea'ers. :; Pro-Eiuptlon Papers Prepared. Ol F1CE Next door to c. !. Land jmce. .RCrERENCCS Patent Portablo Mill, THE subscribers have entered int'v a partnership under the firm of UeeJ, Uolabird A Co., te manufacture the J. C. Heed, l'atcnt Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish atl those in want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplicty and economy : eseel any Mill in the woild. On tbe late exhibition of the Mochanle 'r.stlttiie in Cinctnnati.a Jf'Jtf wjsawarJcJ tLeuiicrit. . It is adapted to all Oram grinding purpose?; it is superior to all others fir the most extensive Merchant Mill, as it ii for grinding tke Farmer feed by llorse power. The above Mills are manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they exn be funii.-Ued in any quantity at short notice.. The thovc Mills waminted to perform as follows: 3r ii. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 2i Wheat, $"rtO JO u m . u m jo - 15 t i0 .t m w o M II " , 20 u a u in u g w i As tliis Mill tells its own story.it is unnecessary to quote from ournitmenusreeomutendation?.received. AYatchmalvcr & Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK TOUT. MO. BEflS leave to infornt th public that be tas lieatH inthe.-.bjve named Uwn aud vd'ers for saie a cltotc stock of ' CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, . and oiher articles usually kept ia such estaMishments at " prices whih cannot becKiniMjioed of. Boi ia aa erper teneet watch maker h flatter himself that in repairln watches, ciiAka and jewelry he caa give p-jrfeet ssusfao r ti-n. la Cm. . Eajjlc Mills. bi JOBEPn, MO. JAMES CARG1LL Proprietor. MANUJACTCRES and keeps cousUntl? f on bind for said, all kirids of Floor, itlratt, and Feed s,tu3. Orders aoliciled and promd!y filled on iiicst f.ivornl'i terms. Cash paid eonataiiUy for Wheat. F.ir character f Flour refer to everj bvdy that ever u ed ?. , St.Jwoph,M...,Aug. 30,lSa. rlaU-ty AclirasUa 3Ioncj Take otlee I Tmm anj after this date we will not take anr Ke braska paper except the Plane Valley Rank aud Bank Xehr a.-ka, .:i'v at a di.icoust of ten par cent. 1. T. w UlTS A Co. Brnvnvlire M ircls S.h. IC V in 33. j NEW ARRIVAL Sf3?00V'ES'S- TINWARE. v .JOHN McDONOUGH House, Sign, & Orniinental Painter, .. - -- GLAZIKR, BROTTXYlLIai:, X. T, "lrders can beieft at thef Ay Prug Store. TJ OOOTS and SHOES-A Treraeniou Stock, jus XJ received, oirtncd, apd fcrsale, by I. T. M ilTIE A CO, Fashionable Tailor. JACOB MARHONa BUOWNVllalaE. NEBitASKA. Fepectfnliy announces to the public that he has hand a large stoci of Cloths, Vestings, tScc, Al a laree assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING Wh'h tie will sell at cot pricj. lie nar.crs hi iseii mat he understands his business thororurh':y and ill work warranted rominft from his es tablishment, and charges as Kw as any other competitor in-this puce or the W est. . . A A'cnt Fit Guaranteed. Geo. II. Nixon. Regi.slerL. O., C. B. Smith, Tteceiver, " SirKk it WiUiauis, L. R. Tutte, B. K. Pegrtra Jt Co., Bankers, Hon, G. W. S.i.rield, R. L. AlcGaeo & Co., Tootle X Fairleigh, , Oct. k Iirownville, X. T. . liCxiuston, . CmiibaCHy.N. T. Council ii.iJ'a, lvwa. Warren, Peun. St. Iwui-i, .Ua. Si. Joseph, IT. II. TTILUA3IS, WHOLESALK AMD KKTAtL DKALKat IS STOVES & TINWARE T BUOWIJVLLaLE STEAM MILIL, NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON. 23rowxivlllo, TJ". 37. S. B. We would rospcctfully infona tLociti- rens or ."emaua eounry and adjoining Xussoun, that we bare always ea liaud a large and well selected supply of Ll'MDIMt, which we can furnish at law cr rates than any taMI in the Torritonr. Market prices p.-vid for leg delivered at the yard oron tho back vi the river. Ail orders arcctnpanicd with the cash, will receir laa ajaaAaivui v v SW 44 w Baae. , . 1858 1858 Season Arrangement. BEGCLAS ST. LOUIS AND -SIOUX CITT INDEPENDENT LINE. Tir Lexirpton, Kansas, Lcarwwfvnh, r c a . t. : .. . 1 ..v. a .w. . A C-UIIlUt l AH "i'tl, Ot j7Li, .a uaaavui, lv, i-iu. a-wi-rest City, White Cloud, llrovnville, Lin den. Nebraska City. Plattsmouth, Saint iliirys. Believue Council Blutl j, Omaha, Eloreuce, Crescent City, De Sato, Woodviile, Tekamah,- 1'iecatur, Blackbird, Oinadi. SVir geut'sBltfl". Dako'ah, Sioux City, Pacanc City. Coving ton. Loitati, Saint Ji hns, St. James, Concord Uppochce, Niobrarah and Ft. Randall. The w u known, lisht draught Freight, and unexcep tionable Painiicr steamer OTP trill, on the earliest opening of navigation, . resume her trips in tbe above trade, (and all intermediate points on the AI issouri river ) and continue them with her usual regularity, throughout the entire season. .Thankful for the very liberal patrrraee bestweepo the Oil ADA the pest season, we trust by strict atten tion to the business, the wants of shippers and comfort cf passengers, to merit con t inn a nee of the same. ANDKJXW W IXfcLAM), Master, J. J. Wilcox, Clerk. . March 25. u333ui The Steam Ferry Boat IS COMING TO BROWNVILLE, ' And EUASTCS K. PARKER IS nowpri paredto prepare and nukeout Pre-et tpticn ra cers and warrant them to bo correct. I have taken the trouoie It p.t myseti up m retail. u mc iirTtiit.jv.i Laws and vutestcd Claims, and will always feel pleasure in giving a lvice, gratis, tolhosewhotoaycail ounie. IIjv uig a desire t remain peruianeutly settled ia Xemjha comity, I 'sill exert my lime aod talents to the advance ment of ou new and prosperous county an 1 tliu Territory at large. Kind vvcxrants Eought and Sold. OFFICE, one door West of Crane 4. Hill's.in Brown & Tlaitam's Dei Ofiice, where he can be found at all tiaies Li uurmg on.- iu-!3 hours. I have me good claims to sell cf the first choice, tim bered and prjiirie. ' ALSO-several goal and eligible lots in Bixwnvule, which 1 will dispo6erf cheap for cash or on iaiuo, puruhos- cr paj iuj ieu per ceui m.e.eai. E. E. PAREER. Brown vil In, X. T. Oct. 15. 1SP7. v'JolMy ey- FiMi For sale, by I J I. T. WHITE CD. w. runT. PUETT M. i. WlLKINiaUX. KT5I & AYIUvlNSON, II -wss 5t,i ... tfVC? - AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ,; OMADI, N. T. Will attend to ail business entrusted to their c.are BEFEKK.NCl.3 ' lightaiiig Bods. STAXD FROjI rXBER! l To all whom it may concern, you are hweby informed that the cndersiirrifd is now engaged in letting up the best class of Lightning Rods manuiactnnd in the East, and on the most reasonable terms Saving had long ex peiience in the business, Le varrants all work done ly him to be dice rieht. H. u. JiAtiU. BF.FEEEXCE3. James Buchanan, Washington. D. C; J. C. Brecken ridce. Washinsu-n, D C; Jirs Victoria, London. Enc- land; Loais Nxpolecn BuDapaxte, Paris, I'raucc; Eijer- or Alexander, St. Fetertburg, Russia. Bkowxvillx 11 arch 2i uc29tt Col. Jsj Williams Gov. Jos. A. Wright, Mr. F. N. Koock. Hon. John O. Iavis, ' Hon. OecT J,. M'er. FairScld, Iowa. I Indianapolis, Ind, "Washington City. Rockville. Ind. Omaha City, X. T. T. E. IIAYCOOK, Attorney, at Law -- -axd SEAL ESTATE -AGEITT. 3Iount Yernon, Nenaija Co'm Particular attention paid to the practiciiof law aivlml lection of dts in the counties ec Nemaba, Pawaae, Snhnson. aad Richardson, Nebraska Territory. 1 .j -Real eiate bought and sold on commission. Land . warrauia located for distant deairrs. Pre-etau-ti an paper carefully prepared. BErr-RS TO Ssm.Tt. Elbert. Pialtsmouth. X. T. ' . ' . II P Rennet Neb ka city NT , D Kichatd:on, Oinha ciiy, N t ' Fenner Fercus.rt MC, Bc-llevce. XT Cansaily & Test Bankers. Ci unril Bluff, liva C k, S!r:1atoi C'jok, Fwrt IJeaaivitie, Xc&Ntr 3, ' ' tr ZOOK & BALDWIN, Pcrest City, IVZo., Dealer ui 23'iaEB.- IT. C3r S , And MEDICINES. OUlotyi icals, Dye Woods, Dyestuffs, Oils, I'nlnts. and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, vtLwiiiiir., Freneh, Englieh,".aad Aiocricau Terfuiiiery.1 tlb. toilet and sbavinr aoaps. tine hair and i brushes, paint brtuhes, surgical and dent- :stranients, spices, snuffs. mabUfactured tooseco; all the ratcat niedicices i f the day; pure wines and oraadies. tor medical purposes: choice toiIetanltancyartitles.etrete. . ' - Agents ror inc wle 01 Dr. Wbtar s Italsam of Wild Ciiprry. . K-agsr Liyerwort. Tar and Canchalagua. , O,;jod India Cholarigue. - - . Jon': Aiaeiicsa Choliro:u',; Gajsotl's Ycliow j.ck and Sarsapa:iHa; Staith's Tonic Sjrnp. . FlMi t57 toctai S3, !. hs Pi CHRISTIAN DEl'SER UKOWNVILLK, ANNOUNCES to the puMie that he hasjuit re ceived, per Sleam"r Emma, a very lurg aad well assorted stork of lVrlor and Cook Stevee,o new and improved patterns,as follows: Shanghai Elevjte-i Oven. COOIv SIOtTS, ' Buck's Clipper Oven. ' . " Improt-ti J'atttrm . Charier O.ik u all of which I pled ' myself to sell at as fair raa , and on as accoiuuiotUUi. torus as any other est Iishment in this region of country. I have iilso now on hnnd every requisito variety of Tin, CS'pptr ar.d Sheet Iron ware, and am pre part d to put np guttcr.113 and spouting and ail other work iii my line, at sliort notice, aud in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant to gtv satisfaction. A stars of patronao ia solicited. c DEirsnt. Krownviile, July lith, 1357. 2u5 1 A. 13. 1I0LLABIRD cTcO, , Maeliinlsts, Founders asd Engine Builders, liiiatstreet.VestofSrr.ini, CINCINNATI, O. Wonld inst respcetfully inform their friend aol tbe pab'.io gcncrallT, that they are sow Lf- pared to exet u'.e all orders in theirline, with prompt- ' cess. Having lately entarged their shop ar.d with the increased facilities they row posse", ttey hope to merit a continuation of the liberal r.itnni ni whiz-k al R I has herctc for? been extended to them. OOb.. aiilO Mi EnsiEcs of every Description vonstiintiy a nan ': consisting of tke .aa, Circu lar and Aiulty. Mill Uears and every description ef Jastings, wp rrantcd to be well Kade ia t cry particu lar. - They hare al.o a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables thrna t-a oversee all work in that lino farnisocd by thcci, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Those ia tiant of anything in oar line, would ! well to give s a call and examine our new patters Oregon, Mo., "AhTttS pleasure in announcing thecilitftu of Or- con and the public in general, that he La on hand the most extensivo stock of Stove and Tin ware, wver otTorcd iu this tcarkct. Jly stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale aad Retail at St. Louis prices. I would coil particular attention to my stock of COOK INC! STOVKS, o-raprisie Vhe txtost iinprovtsi patterns b"th Atr-Tight and rremiuai. Amorg thcra m:iy be found Filly's Charter Oak, the biststovo now in use, the Asialiu Air-Tight, l'iouccr and priijrro miuu. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of rarioua Sixes and Patterns, which I will . SELL LOWER THAN ANY nOUSE IN TOWN. Iarticu1ur attention paid to making and putting op Tin Gutters, in tho town and country." Also, re pnirirvr done on shwt notice aod cn reasonable term.-'. 1 Uia copper, urass aud i cwicrtaKen in excaange I for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS. Tl-r3 Orern, Mo.. July 5. 1351. Potter Wanted." 1 will give employment to a good, industrious Potter, well acquainted with the business. n23tr Hrcvnvnin. iec a. 1001. 3IAXITACTORY. Main Street, Broxrnrille, N. T. Wm. T. Den, RESPECTFULLY return his sincere thanks to the citizens of Erownrillo and surrounding country for their liberal and extensive pjtronaee they have extended him for the last flfteoa months since be curatr.eiiced basinets in the above place ; that be has fitted np his new e -tablishment No. IS, Sain street, for theoutire purpose cf accommodating all those who wish to prtroniie him to have their boots and shoes make to order; and having selected the best quality of leather suitable for the West, aud hiving en gaged experienced workmen he would say to the public that he is ouw ready to serve them on the shortest no tice with a superior article of Boots ami Shoes, sew; or petted, at aa tow prices as any other establishment la the Territory; . JCJ"B(pjiric- dene ou the shortest notice. .3 75,000 lbs. Bacon. LTFORD & riORX. Sonors, , have for sale, for ca-h.'j OCO pounds excellent bacon. v2n35-ly alarch 1, 'M cheap '14 ' Not.ce 1. hereby gieo w ait pork-. a. not to buy from James rergasoo, now a resident of Bri-wcville, Nemaha ouiinty Nebraska, the following described real estate via: the south west quarter (14) of the aunts east quarter (lit) and l-t nuiuber four (4) of rectiou eighteen (W) in tuwaship five (5) range sixtetoi east, or any portion thereof aa 1 will couiest his rigkt of preemption threui the same being a portion of a town site. Thia therefore is to waru all persens against trading, btryicg or ia any way to negotiate with tbe said Ferguson for tbe above de-bribed tracts or parcels of land. v2n35tf . ArGTSTCS KOCXTZE. $6000Scrip Wanted, For tbe same amount of Real Estate ia Bruanville at lw ngures. Apply to LCSIIBACGH Jt CASSOX GEO. S. EATER ft CO., dust mm DDmnraf mm L?3iaiij miMix), ANlJ ' General Land Agents, Genwood. ' A'lattsmouth, Jiills co, Iowa, Gas cn, .Nebraska. 'ILL prr.niT.tly attend to Land Agrnclas, Inves, V tigallng Titles, I'aing Taxes, laresttng mon ey, Ituying and SelKng Town Lots, iJnyirig; Sellinjf aud Locating Land Warrant., and all other basinewi connected with their profession ia Western Iowa and Nebraska. . 1 J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney. r REFERENCES: Council Blaffx, Ioa. JuW!t. 1S57. rUESEUVEl L ' WhanitkcKici 4c , e FKU1TS; Strawhrtrrie, Peaches-, tobe bad at ' LT.WUYTEAGO'S. SIOOO One Thousand Uollars Tnl-yly 1 "Nemaha Yaileit Bunk"' N.J. fr- knh. , -. J Iiuliri.iiials having dealings with tl.U in.-titulii.-u will addn-p. i. VS. jL, tot. iUuiJiv. ; April 1, loo3. . . , 4 - Greene, TTcare Ji lteauia, l. Dougfcty A Co, Creenc, Wearo A Eke, Greene ft Weare, Nixon A 'joodican, Tootl Jt Greene, N. W. T bo man, 1 Nsbooly it VQ (Jen. m. Iritk, II. Johnst-o. . . I. Keed 1 S -n, Robinson t Hrv llurliaUu Co. Datix, JOHAI USUI. . .. Eii-t"t i" AND TL'l.'a Wlv le-u!o r.v! : .m:"" lia. '.-' '' - ert.fi TT . : j Ft. Des Moitves ' Cedar Kf:o. ' Cincinnati. vhl. WeuwcK'J, I" v Cineiu..:. - s Vin.-r)ton, N. J, t,,ir-, . ii-1 i a - !. N. J. ..: 31 JHItH.'Ts, a AUAXS'.- . I;r t- f -Tiii.'. c a.u, u. . nrrefle-. -vcj, '.