SMnw lis. Post Orrsca Detabtxijt, ! December 31, 1S$". ropr.fa!s win be received at tbe Coo tract Uf.ce thia DeW.meot until 3, p. a., f WednwJay, arch 21, lo jS, lor conveying tbe miwi of the L'ntt A b latin for four year commencing July 1, liiS, and ending June 3v, 1852, ia the Territory of Afe tra.fca. os the routes and by tli scbedales hereia poeiiel. ' ' . Decisions to bm&do by April 2-t, T.853. Eenmine cartful! j tic form and instruction a mcx4. ) . 1 ' 1 W01. From Omaha City to Council KafT, Iowa, mil: and hack, daily. - Leave Omaha City daily at 1, p. M; - Arrive at Connril Muff same day by 3 p m ; Leave Council bluffdaily at , p m; ' Arr atOinaha CitysatnedAy by6,pra. 11002; From Omaba Citv by Nebraska City, Kear ney City, Mount Vernon, Brownville, Nemaha City, and Rulo, to Whitehead, 150 miles, and back, three timet a week. . Leare Omaha city. Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at 5, a in; Arrive at Whitehead 34 day bv 19 p m; Leave Whitehead Monday, 'Wednesday, atd Fri day at 5, a m; - m ArrireatOaaabacity 3d day by 10 pm. ""14003. From Omaba City, by Elkborn Gy, to Fontanelle, S7 miles and back, three times a week. . Leave Omaba City Monday, Wednesday, and Fn dar at 6 a m ; . Arrive at Fontanel! next days by 12 ; - Leare Fontanelle Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day at I p m: -, .Arrive at Omaha city next day by 7 p m. 100. From Omaha City, by Bslleriew, Cedar Iiand, Pktsmouth, Bock Bluffs, Lewistown, Three Grove, and Wyoming, to Nebraska city, 120 mile aoi back, three times a week. Leare Omaba City Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 6a. m; . Arrire at Nebraska City Sd day by 6 p ikS , ... "Leare Nebraska city Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 am; - i Arrire at Omaba City 3d days by 6 p m; . 14005. From Omaba City by Elkborn city, Bu chanan. Columbus. Fort Kearney, and Fort Lara mie, to Salt Lake, 1,045 miles and back, once a month; , . lavo Omaba City on the 15th of each month; " Arrire at Salt Lake in thirty days thereafter; Leare Salt Lake on the 15th of each month ; . , Arrire at Omaba City in thirty days thereafter. Kids to end at F.t Laramie. mtiug Tort K.ear nev ;aU Late will be considered. 1400(1. From Omaba City, by Florence, Ft. Cal houn. De Soto', Cummin; city, Tekamah, black Bird, and Omadi, to Dahkota city, 110 miles and back, Leare Omaba oity Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 5 a m; Arrira at Dahkota citr next days by 10 p m; Leare Dahkota city Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at i t m; Arrira t Omaha eitr next dars br 10 D m. 14007. From Omaha city, by Elkborn city, Fon Unelle, Running Water, and Fort Randall, to Fort Pierre, 400 miles and back, twice a monta. Leare Omaha city 1st and 15th of each month at 6 a. m; ' " Arrire at Ft. Pierre on the 10th day by 10 p m; - Leare Fort Pierre on 12th and 17th of each month at 0 a in: Arrire at Omaha city on the 10th dsybylOp m; Bids to ran once a week will be considered. 14G08. From Buchanan, by Fontanelle, to D Soto, 60 miles and back, once a week. . Lear Buchanan Monday, at 8, a m; Arrire at De Soto next day by 6 p m; , Iieave De Soto Wednesday at 8 a m; ' Arrire at Buchanan next day by 6 p m. 14009. From Fontanelle to Fremont, 15 miles and back, once a week. Leare Fontanelle Saturday at 7 a m; Arrire at Fremont by 12 m; Iieave Fremont Saturday at 2 pm; Arrire at iontanelle by 7 p m. 14010. From Oregon, Missouri, by Olire Branch, to Rulo, 25 miles and back, three times a week. Leare Oregon Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 am; Arrire at Rulo by 1 2 m: Leare Kulo Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at Xpnr; Arrire at Oregon by 8 p m. 1401 1. From Kulo by Archer and Salem, to Marys Kansas, 100 milles and back, once a week. Leare Culo Monday at-6 a m; Arrire at Marysrille next day by TO p m: Leare Marysrille Wednesday at 6 a m; Arrire at Rulo neat day by 10 P m. Bids to commence at Saint Stephens, to rnn three times a week are invited. J 41 2; From Bellriew, by Fairriew and Platford to Ashland, 40 miles and back, once a week. Leare Belleriew Friday at 6 a m; Arrire at Ashland by 8 p m; . Leare Ashland Saturday at 6 a m ; Arrire at Belleriew by b p m. Bids to end at Platford will be conrfderod. 14013. From Olenwood. Iowa, by Cerro Gordo, Bslleriew, and Ilazleton, in "Jiebraska Territory, to Fremont, 40 miles and back, three time a week. Leare Glenwood Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 a m; , Arrire at Fremont by 8 pm; ' Leare Fremont Tuesday, To ureJnj and Saturday at mj Arrire at Glenwood by 8 p m. 14014. From Oregon, Mo. by Forest City and Rush Bottom, to St. Stephens, 30 miles and back, twice a wek. Leare Oregon Monday and Friday at 8 a on; Arrire at St. Stephens same days by 6 p m; Leare St. Stephens Tuesday and Saturday at 8 am; Arrive at Oregon same days by 6 p m. 14015. From Platsmouth to LewUviIle,2fJmil es and back, once a week. . Leare Plattsmouth Saturday at 6 a m; Arrire at Lewisville by 12 m ; leare Lewisville Saturday at 2 p m; Arrire at Platsmouth by 8 p m. 11016. From PlaUmouth to Glenwood, Iowa, 9 miles and back,' three times A week. Leare Platsmouth Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 9 a m: Arrire at Glenwood by 12 m; Leare Glenwood Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 p m; Arrire at Platsmouth by 5 p m. 14017. From Platsmouth to Glendale, 15 miles aaiback ona a week. Leare Platsmnuth Saturday at 7 a m; Arrire at Glendale by 12 m: Leare Glendale Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at Platsmouth by 7 p m. , - - 14013. From PlaUmouth, by Kenosha, to Wyo ming, 20 miles, and back, once a week. Leare Platsmouth Saturday t 6 am; Arrire at Wyoming by 12 m; Iear Wyoming Saturday at 2 p m; Arrir at Platsmouth by 8 p m. 14019. From Maryeville, by Forney and Pleasant Valley, to Fort Kearney, 160 miles and back, once a week. if Jave Mamville Monday at 4 a m: Arrire at Ft. Kearney Thursday by 6 p m; Iere Ft. Kearney Monday at 4 am; Arrire at Marrsrille Thursday by 6 p m. i Bids to run by a proposed achedulo will be consid ered. , .a Bids te run three times a week will be considered. 14020. From Wyoming to Salt Creek. 50 miles and back, once a week. Leare Wyoming Friday at 6 a m; Arrire at Salt Creek by 8 p m;. Lear Salt Creek Saturday at o a m; Arrir at Wromini by 8 p m. 14021. From Konoha to Sidney, Iowa, 20 miles and back, three times a week. Leare Kenosha Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at e a m; Arrire In Sydney by 12 m; Leare Sydney Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3 pm, Arrire at Kenosha by 8 p m: 1 1022. Fmm Nebraska City, by Fort Ketxney to Ash Hollow 400 miles and back, once a month. Leare Nebraska 1st ot erery month, Arrire at Ash Hollow on 10th day thereafter; Lear Ash Hollow on 10th of every month; ' Arrircf at Nebraska City on th 10th day ther- a.ter. Bids to run twice a month, and to end atFt.Kear ner, omitting Ash Hollow, will be considered. 14323. From Nebraska City by Kearney City, to ridney, Iowa, 15 and back, three timet week. Leave Nebraska City Monday, Wednesday, and xnday at 5 a m; . Arrire at Sidaer earn dnrsby 12 m: Leare Sidney Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at l p m; Arrire at Nebraska City same dars by T p m, 14024. From Nebraska City by Hamilton. Teenui' ash, Turkey Cwk, and Otto Mission, to Mary STille, J 12 mile and bock, onee a week. Iear Nebraska Gity Monday at 6 a m; Arrir at Marysrille Wednedar by 6 p m; Lear Maryrill Thursday at 8 a m: Arrire at Nebraska City Saturday by 6 it m. Bids to run three times a week will be considered 14025. From Nebraska City, by Otto City. ML Vernon. Browtirille, Nmah City, Archer, White Claaad Hulo. to isemaha Agency, Kansas T., 80 - milit abd bfcck. tnree timas a week. Lar Nebraska City Monday, Wednesday, and -Jnday atea m; x Arrir at Nemaha Afetvr next dars by 6 a m: Lear Nemaha Agency Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 am; Arrira i Nebraska City eU day by 6 p m. 14C2. Frn Nebraska City, by Otto City and C. . w A M ft t - r: Paan.-. a Linden. HO- u mn ana dbsb. owm wk. Iiar Nbrka City Monday at 6 a m; , Arrir at Linden by 10 p m; ' Laar Linden Tuesday at 6 a m; Arr atNirrJik.City by 10 p . 14027. From Erawnrillc t Hoclport Ua, 8 miles a&J,bck. six timet a week. , Lav Urownviii diuly, xccpt s aaaay,at saw Arrir at Rockport by 12 id; Lear Koekport litily, except Soitiay,at2p; Arrrreat UrownrUl bv 5 pin. 102H. Front Erewuriiic. by lieatric t Ft BLear- ner, 220 miles and back, ono a month. , - lear iirownriil 1st etf erry nvt&; Arrir at Ft. Kearney Jn seres days thereafter; -Lear Ft. Kearney 10th of evory month , Arrive at Bfownriile ia aerea day thereafter. ' 1402). Fnm Lrowcrill to Torkio Mo- 2i mile and baok. three timus a week. ' Iar Brownrill Mjniaj, Wednesday, and, Xn day at 8 a m: . Arrive 6 pm; ' - . Leare Tarkio Taesday, Thurdy, and Saturday at 8 am; ' Arrive at Bfornvine by 6 p m. 14030. From I'lorea; te Magnolia, Iowa, 3( milei and back, one a week. . 4 Lar Florenc M jnday at 8 a m; Arrir at Magnolia by 6 pm; Leare Magnolia Taesday at 8 am; . . 1 Arrire at Florence by 6 p m. . 14031. From Cumming City to Magnolia, la, 20 miles and back three time a week. . - - - Leave Cumming Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 6 a m; .-'-; Arrir at Magnolia br 12 m; Leare Magnolia Monday, Wednesday, and Fridsi at 2 p m; Arrire at Camming City by 8 p m; 14032. From Mt. Vernon, by Sonora, Mo., to Lin den 15 miles and back, twice a wk. Lear Mount Vernon Monday and Thursday at 6 am; Arrire at Linden by 12 m; Leare Linden Monday and Thursday at 3 pm; Arrir at Mt. Veraoa by 8 p m; ' 14033. From Omadi, to Elk Horn, 25 miles and back once a week. Leare Omadi Monday at 9 am; ' Arrire at Elk Eora by 6 p m; ' t : Leare Elk Horn Tuesday at 9 a m: Arrire at Omadi by 6 p m. . 14034. From Omadi. by Dahkota City, ani Ser geantV Bluff, to Sioux City, 17 mil and back, three Limn a week. Lear Omadi Monday Wednesday and Friday at 6am;.- , Arri t SmBT Citr br 12 m: Lear SiouJt Ciy Monday, Wednesday, and Frir day at 2pm;; ... , Arrire at Omadi br S n m. 14035. From DakoU to Breckinridge, 70 miles and back, onee a week, . Lear Dahkota. Monday. at 6 am; Arrive in Brockmridge next day by 10 p m; Leare Breckinridge Wednesday at 6 am; Arrire at Dithkota next day by 10 p m. 14036. From Dubkota to St. Helena, 60 miles and back, once a week, Leare Dahkota Friday at 6 a m; Arrire at St. Helena y 19 p m; Leare St. Helena Saturday at 6 am; Arrir at Dahkota by Iff p m. 14037. From Dahkota to Wacapanna,15 miles and back, once a week. Leare Dahkota Saturday at 7 a m; Arrire at Wacapanna by 12 m; ' Leare Wacapanna Saturday at 2 p m; Arrire at Dahkota by 7 p m. 14038. From Dahkota City to South Pass, 750 miles and back onoe a month. . .' Leare Dahkota on 1st of erery month ; Arrir at South Pass on 25th day thereafter; Leare South Pass 1ft every month; Arrire in Dahkota in 25 days thereafter. 14039. From Dahkota City, by St. Johns, Ayo- way Creek, and Running n ater Hirer, to x t. lara- mie, 400 miles and back, once a month. Leare Dahkota 1st of erery month; " ' Arrire at Ft. Laramie in 15 days thereafter; Learo Ft. Laramie 17th of erery month; Arrire in Dahkota in 15 days thereafter. Bids to end at Running Water Rirer, 300 miles less distanc will be considered. 14040. Fr m Dahkota City by SiosxCity, Iowa, FU Lookout and I t. lio&dall. to i t. l'ierro, 900 miles and back, once a month. Lear Dahkota 1st or erery mottb; Arrire at Ft. Pierre on 10th dy thrcftfter-) " Leare Ft. Pierre 12th of every month; Arrire at Dahkota on 10th day thereafter. 15041. From Logan to Sioux City, la., 6 miles and back, three times a woek. - . - Leare Logan Monday, Vr ednesday and Friday at 10 a m; Arrire at Sionx City by 12 m; Leare Sioux City Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 2 p m; Arrive at Logan by 4 pm. 14042. From Niobrari to Logan 50 miles and back, once a week. Leave Niobrari Friday at 6 a m. . Arrive at Logan by 10 p m; Leare Logan Saturday at 6 a m; Arrire at Niobrari by 10 p m. 14043. From Tecumseh to-Helena. 20 miles and back, once a woek. Leare Tecumseh Saturday at 0 id; Arrire at Helena by 12 m: Leave Helena Saturday at 2 p m; Arrire at Tecumseh by 8 p m. 14044. From Three Grove to Weeping Water, 20 miles and back, once a w-'eic Leare Three Grove Saturday at 8 a m; Arrire at Weeping Water by 12 m; Leave Weeping Water Saturday at 2 p m; Arrire at Three Grore by 8 p m.' 14045. From Council Bluff, Iowa, to BelUriffir, Neb- 10 miles and back, three times a week. Leare Council Bluff Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 9 a m; . Arrive at Ltellview same days by 12 m: Leave Belleriew Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Z p m; - Arrive at Uouncu Biuu same days ny a pm. Bids for 6 times a week service will be considered, a FOKJI3 OF PBOPOSAI.. GCARAXTT, CERTIF ICATE. . t The undersigned, 1 whose post office ad dress is county of . state of . propos es to convey tbe mails of tbe United States, from July 1, iSoSto June SO, 1862, on route ft o. , between - and ' greedb!y to tbe advertisement of the Postmaster General, dated December SI, 1867, for tun annual sum of - Collars. This proposal is made with full knowledge of the dis tance of the route "tbe weight of tbe mail to be carried. and all other particulars in reference to the route and service, and also after careful examination of the laws and instrument attached to tbe advertisement. Dated (Signed.) GfARASTT. . ' f. The undersigned, residing at , State of undertake that, if tb foregoing bid for carrying tbe mail on route No. , be accepted by the Postmaster General the bidder shall, prior to tbe 1st day of August, istti, en ter into the required obligation, or contract to perform tbe service propped, with good snd sufficient sureties This we do underHUiUding distinctly tbe obligations ami liabilities assumed by guarantors under the 27th section of the act of Congress of JcJy A 183'- - Dated (Signed by two guarantors.) CCBTiriCiTES. The undersigned, bos t master at ' State of certifies, under hit oath of office, that he is acquainted witn tne above guarantors, ana cnows laera so oe men of property, and able to make good then guaranty. . Dated (.Signed.) IXSTTCTlOirS. Containing contlilumt to be incorporated in thvcv' tract to tn txien tut atpanmtni may ceem proper. 1. "Seven minute are allowed to each intermediate office, when not ot tor wise specified for assorting tb mails; but en railroad and steamboat routes there is t) be no more delay than is sufficient for an exchange of th mail bags. - 2. On railroad and steamboat lines, and other routes where the mode of cmveyance admits of it. tbo specist agents ot th department, also post office Blanks, mail bags, locks and keys, ar to be conveyed without extra charge. i k. On railroad snd ftevnboflt lines the route agents f tbe department are to be conveyed wit boot charge and for their exclusive use while traveling witb the mails, a a acommulation car, or apartment in the center of a car, properly lighted warmed and furnished, and adapted to tbe convenient separation and due security of the inailH, i to be provided by the contractor, under the direction of the department. Kaiiroaa and steamooat companies are required to tsse the mail from, and deliver it into, the post office at tie commencement and end of tbeir routes, and to and from ait oflces not more than 30 rods from a station or lane. ing. Proposals may be submitted for the performaiu of all other side service that is, for offices over eighty rods from a landing or station. t Receipts will be required for msil bags conveyed in charge of persons employed by railroad companies. There will also be way bills prepared by i ostmasters. or other agents of tbe Post Office Department, to aoromoanr tbe mails, specifying tbe number and destination of the sever al b4gs. On tbe principal stage routes likewise, receipts will be required and way. bills forwarded; the latter to be examined by tbe several postmasters, to insure regu larity in in o suvery ox mail nags. . i ; 4 K pay will be nude for trips not performed; and for each of such omissions not - satisfactorily explained, three times the pay of the trip may be deducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to break connection with depending mails, and not sumcientry excused, one-fourth of the compensation f r the trip ia subject to forfeiture. Deduction will also be ortered for a grade of performance Inferior to that tperitied in tbe contract. For repeated delinquencies of tbe kind herein specified, enlarged pen alties proportioned to the natnr thernof and tbe impor tance or ine man. may be made. 6. For leaving betiind or throwing off themails, or any portion of bem for tbe admission of passengers, or for bong concerned ia setting up or running an express con veying intelligence ia advance of th aaall, a a, carter's pay may p ueoociea t. Pine will be irrpod, unless the linquncy be promptly end satisfactorily explained by certificates of postmasters, or th affidavits of otbr creditable persons. for failing to arrive in contract time; for neglecting to taketh mail from or deliver it into pot office t for suffering it (owing, either to the unsuitablenes of the place or the manner ol carrying it) to b wet. Injured. destroyed, robbed or lost; and for raf using, after demand, to convey the mail as frequently as the contractor runs. eritemcem&s m rtnniug a eoaca, car or steamboat on a route, T.The Postmaster General may annul the eon tract for repeated faiinreatornnagmeablytooontraett forviolat Ing tb Port Offlc lawa. r disobeying tb Instructions of tb dnpsrtmeot ; for refusing te disdiarg a carrier when required by the department to da so ; for assigning tbe waHwiwiMTOi ue assent oi tb Postmaster Gnrai: tor mating a express as .afurasaad i r for trsasertlba' peiwMM or pacxa atauabi saaUcr f la t. Tb 7otmaater General uy order aa iacrass of srrtc on a ru. by ul u,wmg tbfior k pr rataiacra ua lb euuuact pf. Hi mf vbauge ctkedai wt tie prturM and arrivals m ail , uid parucaisrty W hum iasu erxurm tu ouucecuwu wiui mlruada, visa tui tuc( pay, pruviuttd Ute lauauaa' Uao a awl abridged. U uuf aiM mimx au iuu vl siMMit. ml Ujwiu witiuu lb rtricUvua vt Ute law. a or rsia u o( w Uit lU 1iuuaJ stuca ur mrrira, if any. Xb fiuairacurt- may, iuaevtf, in ife csmi vi iocreaac at speed, rUnq.ttikft it uuuaa by giving sceaipt uouce m lu uepartiiMiui Utat he lire! r timing tu Ui carrying Ui or der iuio eQeut. Tae Pukuaaolet Uoeral toj aiM curtail ordiacuauuu ibe serrtce, iu wbvt or iu nut, at pro rata decrease ui pay, ailuwiuKuu uwuui t eaucacumLtetuatiua oa ibe aootuii dipeiud wiiU, wbeovver ta tua opiuiua the public iuie.tMU reqoir ia cbjae, or in cm be dot sire la suparveo H by a diuereui graac vt traDpurta Hun. . -: t. Paymenu will b made by col!ecUois from, i dratu uo puuuaLrii or iierwi&, after tb cxpuatiua taf acb qaartcr say la february. May, Augiwl aod &Q rcsubar. . . 10. Tb distanc ar given according ta tb beat Infer mauoaf but no Lucreaaeu pay will b ailvwed abouid uey b greater Lbanadvertioed, U tbepointa to be supplied be correctly stated.: iiid&tri mutt mforn ihtmete on thU point : and atsa In reference w the weight vt tb mail, tbe condilWa of tbejoada, bills, su-aama, aic, and all toli-brKiK, serriea, or t asimcuous ol any auM by wbich may be incurred. KocUiiufor additiwn al pay baned on sucn grouuda, csu b consider! ; avr for alleged nuaiaaes or ausappreneuaioa as to tbe dear of service; nor tvr bridge deatruyed, or other obstructions tncreauug distance, occurring daring tbe aouiract term. Utnce establibbed alter tbiaverUsemeai isissoed, and also during tb contract term, are to be visited without extra pay if tbe ditttaoc be not increased. 11. A bid received after tb Ust day and hor named. or without tbe F oar ante required by law, or that com bines several rouies in on sum of cotnpnauou. caanot be couaiderau in coinpeuuuu wiiu a regular prcfuaal rea sonable in amount . - 13. Biddt should first propoa for service strictly ac cording to tb advertisement, and tbeu if they desire, separatadly tor uiQerent aervice ; and if tb renter bid b tb lowest offered for tbe adverUd service, lb oth er propoaiuooa may o couaiaerea. - - 13. There should b but ou rout nil for in a propo- 14. The route, the service, th yearly pay. the" nam and residence of the bidder, (that is bis usual post oQlce addreM.) and those of each member of a firm, where a cvtnpau oners, snouia be aittiuctiystatod; alaothemod of conveyance if anigner mode tban borseback be intend' ed. The words wnb due celerity, certainty, and seen- rity." inserted to indicate the mode of oonverauc. will constitute a star bid. When a star bid is intended, no speciSc conveyance must be named. Bat in case two mode of conveyance, 'are named at the same compeasa tion, the highest or best for tbe service will be taken. 15. Bidders are requested to use as far as practicable. the primed form of proposal furnished by the depart meut, to write out in full the sum, of their bids, aud to retain copies of them. - - - Altered bids should not be submitted nor should bids once submitted be wnndrawn. , . Sach bid must be guaranteed by tw responsible per sona. , - General guarantees cannot be admitted. Tb bid and guarantee should be signed plainly with the lull nam of each person. . . The department reserves the right to reject anv bid which may b deemed extravagant; and also to disre gard tb bios or failing contractors and bidders. 18. The bid sbouid be sealed, superscribed "Kail Pro posals. State of," addressed Second Assistant Postmaster General, Contract office, and sent by mail. not by or to an agent ; and pocmasters will not enclose proposals (or letters of any kind) in their quarterly re turns. 17. Tbe contracts are to be executed and returned to the department by or. before the 1st day of August. 1866. but the service must he commenced on the first -July pre ceding, or th mail day next alter that date, whether the contracts be executed or not. No proposition to trans fer will be considered until tbe contracts are executed and received at the department; and then no transfer will be allowed, unless good and sufficient reasons there for are given, to be determined by the department. In all cases the retiring contractor will be required to be come one of tne sureties on tb new contract. - 18. Postmasters at offices on or near railroads, but mora than eighty rods from a station, will immediately af tar tbe Slat of March next, report their exact distance from the nearest station, and how they are otherwise supplied wi-.b the mail to enable tbe Postmaster General to direct a maii-mesenger supply from tne first of July next. 19. Section 18 of an act of Congress SDtroved March 1. 1846 provides that contracts for th transoortatlon of the mails shall be let in every case to the lowest bidder ten dering aufncient guarantees for the faithful performance. wnuuut mr reference to we muue oi sucn transporta tion than may tie necessary to provide for the due celerity. certainty and security of such trans potation. Under this law a new description of bids bave been received. Thev do not specify a mode of conveyance, but engage to take tne entire mail each trip witb certainty, celerity and se curity, using ine terms or tne law. xnet-e blls ar stvl ed from the manner in which they are diignsted on th books of tbe department, star bids, and thev will be con strued as providing for the conveyance of the entire mail. however large, and whatever may be the mod necessary to insure its celerity, certainty and security. in an cases where the lowest grade of service Is be lieved to be sufficient, the lowest bid will be accented in preference is a star cr specinc nia. - Wben tbe lowest bid is not a star bid, aid specifies eith er no-mode or an inadquate mode of conveyance, it will not be accepted, but set aside for a specne bid proposing ine necessary service. Wben the bid does not specify a modcof conveyance: aiso woen it proposes to carry "according to tbe adver tisement," but without such specification, it will be con sidered as a proposal for horseback service 20. A modification of a bid ia any of its esseetial terms is tantamount to a new bid, andcanltot be received, so aa to interfere wun a regniar competition, after the last hour set for receiving bids. 21. Postmasters ar- to be careful not to certify the sufficiency of guarantors, or sureties, without knowing that they are persons f sufficient responsibility an all bidders, gurantors, ahd sureties are distinctly notified that ou a failure to enter into or perform the contracts for tbe service proposed for in the accepted bids, their le gal liaoiiiuec win oe enforced against Mam. . . , 82. Present contractors, and persons known at tbe de partment must equally with others, procuje guarantors and certificates of their sufflc ency substantially in the forms above prescribed. Tbe certificates of sufficiency must be signed by a postmaster or by a judge of a court of record. A. V. BROWN, Postmaster General Groceries! Groceries!! Fresh Arrivals ! Heavy Additions ! ! Prices Greatly Reduced! CXJRRESCY TAKEN AT PAR 1 1 J, B. JETTNII7G3 Cor. 2nd and Frances sts, St. Joseph Mo. HAS just received at his store room, corner of Second and Francis Streets. St. Joseph, everything desirable in his line, which he purchased for tbe Fall and Winter trade, at greatly reduced price for Cash,- and whieh he will sell at corresponding prices for cash, or to punctual customers. Among his recent receipts are M do Fresh Peaches, 15 doz Prime Apples, SO dos Assorted Fruits. 20 dot Lobsters 1 St 2 lb cans, 300 doz Field's celebrated .Oysters put up this fall. 20 half Barrels new white Pih. also Codfish, 100 boxes W R Cheese, 60 boxes K D do, 600 lbs Currants, 60 boxes fresh raisins, 100 boxes dried her ring, 600 lbs Goshen Butter, 200 bbls crackers, 60. bbls nuts assorted, 600 lbs Peanuts, 100 boxes assorted ai fancy candies, 100 do gum drops and motto Lozencers. 200 drums Figs. Ave. Also a large lot sugaa and molasses, which will be sold at prices considerably below the prices sixty day ago. St. Joseph, ov. 8, 1857. Sin S. LOCEWOOD. 1857. & E. POatlHOT Lockwood, & Pomeroy, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every de scription ; i or wnicn tne; wui pay . the higbeat Market Price, . , IN CASH. COUNTRY Merchants are invited to examine our J stock of Hats & Caps for th approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stock shall not be excelled by any House in St. Louis, Our pnoes will be low, terms accommodating. Call and see us at our New Stare. Second St. St. Josephr Mo. 3 2-f3 to GEO. P. 11CKHARDT, ViT.Cn JIAELEG, OREGOS, HOLT COUNTY, MO. rpAKES the liberty to inform the citizens of I I I -v Urownville and vicinity, that he nas opened a Watch, dock, and Jewelry Store. In Oreron, Holt county, Uo., where be will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Uold anailver W atcbes, Clocks and Jewelry, wmcn be will setr extremely low, for LAM1. Also, a fine lot of Violins, Accordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles. Uold rens with uold and Oliver extension cases. Silver Thimbles. Ac, ie lie is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Every article bought in bis establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. My 28, 1858. vl-n8tf LOWE'S M. OMAHA cjy. jv. T. BROWNVZLLX3 STBA51 52ELIL, IsOEL, XAKE & EMERSON, XSzTO-vpcrsaLxrlUo. 20". V. N. B. r. We would lusneetfutlv inform thoeiti sens of Nemaha county and adioininr hliasouri. that we have always on hand a large and well selected supply of LL, wf.KB waeaafuramhatlow ar rates thaa any mill in the Territory. : . j l';L Market prices paid for log, delivered at the yard or on th. bank of the rtver. . All orders accompanied with th cash, m 01 recetv our iauncdiaU atteotiea. - -;. . v -;-: rj II SMLrZHJD j. AW. at ". - Mala St. between Froirt and Second sJ r!tf Brownvill3, II.,'- V'" v 11 . 1 i ; ii'ia kQi) r V 7 a .. ... i , ftme furniture, :- ;;: ' Flour, i Bacon, ; ; . AND WE hare just opened a heavy Stock of Fall and and Fancy lin, which we are bow prepared to For CasH or, Country Produce. v2nl8-tf - J- 1857. OF JlPSaSuSjpaawsjl 4jpVwnSWB jaianav ggiMm eJiJ tLil Liu I. T. WHYTE :& CO'S, UnO WNVILLE, II T. TTTE havt just received an entirely new and large v asreaHonable prices as any establishment in the West, our motto being "Live and let Lire. We have tow in store a great variety of th following articles, which we purchased for Cash and oonse quently ean sell cheap on the same terms : . Q y si. 'f"y tvt s nn nTfftnn? jf-3,9 HATS AHD CAPS, BOOTS AHD SHOES, MsFce and '..C?tt6leiyr Queensware and Willow Ware, FARM IMPLI1IENTS, And a fine assortment of Light Grocerlet, Such as Spic, Peppers, Soda, , Salaratns, Ginger, Allspice, i etc, etc. - And a good article of Smoking &nd Chewing Tobacco. It is a pleasure to us to show goods, and w ask yoa tb call round and see for yourselves. Oct. 19, 1857. v2nl8-ly I. T. WHITE CO. Bledel-db' CaoexaLTDeai-uaii tlaln St., one door above Lushbaugh & Carson's Exchange Rank, Brownville, N. T; - ' i THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the they nave received ana are now opening one oi tne largest ana most complete atocss ol Clothing Ever brought to this market. C '-'y -v. . .Z i Their assortment of Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices; as to Color they have Brown, Blue, Black, visible and invisible Green, and Cloths, Caaiimers, Satinetts. Cashmeretta, and Jeans, all made up according to the latest fashionable cut. Thoir variety of vests is superb, embracing the very latest styles and patterns; In the ;- ,7' . . ' j Baltimore Clothing Store May also be found at all time a fine selection of Cravats, Stocks, Tycs," Collars white or colored, Handker ehiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we will sell as cheap as any establishment in th West. i S ' v' We have the finest and best assortment of Double and Single Overcoats, Ever brought to this Territoi BtB .SjTD)" , HATS AND CAPS, ' Warranted to suit the most fastidaous. . A fine assortment of COATS, Dress, Frock and Sack. PAISTS, Every style and Description. TESTS, To please Large and Small. , SXIIIITS, Both White and Fancy. Oyer Shirts, Overalls, Drawers and Knit under shirts. Back Gloves, Mitts, and Rldtns; Gloves, etc. WE would but ask the publio to call, axamine and judge for themselves whether the Clothing at th Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better made material, cut with better taste, better trimmed and twenty-five percent, cheaper tban they hare ever October Z9th, 18S7. vznt-iy WE ojer to the public, we are confident, the larirest and best selected stock of Groceries ever offered in this market : ... 6 Hhds Sugar, ' ; "5ft Saoks Coffee, ' 1J5 Sacks Flour, . & Tierces Kice, 30 Bbls Molasses, 18 Boxes SUr Candles, JO Boxes Soap, . 150 Sacks Salt, 15 Bbls Cider Viniger, 150 bblsSelt. TERMS CASH!!! . I.T. WHYTE 4 00. "New Wholesale Grocery House. w. C. RITCHIE, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL PEAT. KB IN Groceries, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, Covaer Main mnd Franci Street. Riddle' t Old Btand, Oppotite Stout Hotel, st. Joseph, mo. HA. VI J-ast received the, largest and most complete stack of th above goods ever opened in upper Missouri, to which tbe attention of merchants and dealers is res-pecUullinxinvited--havingpurchased them principally for cash at th very lowest possible prices, in Boston, New Tork and St. Louis, feel confident that I can offer inducements that are rarely found, and hoping, by fair and liberal dealing, low prices and good Goods, to merit a liberal share of patronage. Call and examine my stock and prices before purchasing sale are bound to follow, In my stock wilt be found every article usually kept in Kol Grocery Bouse. ';'IIEY7:EEEET;'' Across the Shute -r At tie Head of tie Island above - brownvilLe Te 'TT. 8. Hall & Cos Saw 31111. PLC aasersigaed announces to the Public that he has purchased the Ferry privilege granted Jack son Ptrv t th last Session of th Legislature, and is now prepared with a new and substantial boat, at all times te accommodate th public. Charges assalrates. '' r rnua smith. - Jut liti 1WZ. 4 1 ' . -3 T7niT3B:G;3033!! .XT aL-t DEALERS Kv z .v;x;;o-. : a ja ' 3 :5 a;fJ j J -3w...:a -m J COUNTRY PRODUCE. Winter Goods, embracing everything ia the Staple offer to th trad at extremely low fks. CUAXEniLL. assortment of Superior Goods, whieh we will tell at eitisens of Brownville and the public generally that bought elsewhere. Sir.utL iiir,..DAUM. KEROSENE OILS, - DISTILLED FROL1 COAL. (Secured Ty Letters Patent.) Kibosive Illcmisatiso Oil. The light obtain ed from this Oil exceeds ia brilliancy that of any other oil or fluid heretofore discovered; is inexplo- tive, and will remain limped in the very coldest weather. The Company recommend as the lamps best adopt ed to this Ooil, the Kerosene Lamp, manufactured by the following parties: Messrs. Cornelius A Baker. also, Dyott,of Philadelphia, R. V. Uaughwout A Co.. 438 Broadway, th Brooklyn Flint Glass Co., So. 73 Broad Street, Messrs. Diets A Co- 133 Wil liam Street, L. Mercier 137 Elm Street, K. Y- Samples of different styles of Lamps ean be seen at the Office of the Company. Kerosene Lubricating Oil, No. 1. Prepared to suit the finest, and all other kinds of Machinery burns brillianty in Locomotive Head Lights, Car Lamps, and all the ordinary Solar and Hand Lamps, and stands aa grea- a degre of eold as beat Sperm Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship use. - . Kiroskm Lrsxicims Oils, So. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and win be found to possess ad ran tare over any Oils in the market at aam prices will not burn and has been thus prepared to meet the re quirements of Railroads and others. &KB08KXK binxaclk uil. tTepared expressly for Ships' ase, and will be found admirably adapted for use of Steamships, lien of War, Merchant Ves sels Lake and River, craft, and burns in all eabia stateroom, binnacle, forecastle lamps, signal lan terns, e. Binnacle Oil win remain- fluid as long as best Sperm, and will burn all night without requiring to be trimmed, an advantage that will be obvious t every Shipmaster. - - The Kerosene Oils ean be obtained from the Wholesale Oil Dealers. Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New York, and the regularly appoint ed Agaats eC the Company a saany f ta petaeipal Town and Villi frtTtfUTa th Cana days, and the Island of Cuba. Local Achats appointed ( ia conformity with the rules est abiished by th Board of Trustees, ) a ap-i plication to AUSTEJTS. General Agent, Kerotn OH, CV.,-" . N. SO Beaver Street, N'T; N.B. Cirealan with fell particalars.testiatoaiaJa, prices, Aen will be forwarded an application aeanev. Jtorah,lSi7. 0 AT . . lm.m f.r- f" .tSTiT aJt- . -!, . 1 v:i , ,. s:m-of - the Saw ' 1rrrrtfir. Wholesale and lletaU Dealer In American German, English & French HARDWARE AJfIX CUTLERY. , " st..jos2?iv i:o. : : . . IS NOWreivinnd opening the largest and most varied arsortmeotof goods in tha abote liaeevar offered in any market vert cf S t'. Louis. My stock embraces a lull ana oompiie snwiumi of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechaa io's tools ef every description, direct from the nwt approved man afacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and nsefal Improvement for th savinc of a vast amount ot labor to the fanning com- inanity, from wnoca J r,especttuy rqusscjxmi xaminatioa of this dspartment of my stock. I am also exclusive agent for th sale of the eelebrated St. lioais Circular JliU and Uross cut aws, wnicni will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe facUry pric. Also a lanre assortmeat ftf Qua. Sua i Pistols, Iran, StMl, AatU, Aen or th best hrantis: in a vara. my stock is very oapite, wbtca, lo. iu quality ana priee, 1 an determined te oner sucn innaematsas will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agtneiesfor American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long xprinc ia th general Hard ware trad. enables m; not only to defy all competi tion, hut has eonrinced tne that the true principle of trade is small profits and quick returns. -January 1, 1857. vln29tf iffi iiuffl sat ; JOHN C0LH01N & BROTHER, ' (Sign of th Padlock, opposite the Post Office.)4 . . - WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL V DEALER IX . Boilding and Saddlery Hardware, UK QUERIES, Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings. ST. JOSEPH,' MO. HATE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and Foreign Hardware, such as : Qreaves & Son's Files Scissors and Edze Tools Pocket knives Knives and forks Brass curtain bands and pins Door locks Angers and auger bitts Cora knives Briar scythes Grass and grain do Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vices Mousebole Armitage an vils , American anvils Stocks and dies Pad hooks, breech'gloop Pad screws, cockeyes Ornaments, racks Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins . Upper leather Briddle do Skirting do Hsrness do Belting do Gost skins Enammelled leather Butcher's do do Spear A Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and American horse nails , . Post hole augers Aas' shovels and spades Lull A Porter's shutter Butts Morticing machines Circular, mill and tnuly saws d4 Planesand plane irons Coopers drawing knives do adses and wood tools Tress Hoops Butts, east and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons Plated and com. jMrrups do do Bitts .do do Buckles do do Rings Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs Peg floats Pincers Shoe thread Bristles, wax Lining skins Hindi ng With many goods embracing a complete assort ment of the most desirable which they will sell at the lowest prices. J. COLHOUN A BRO. April ICth, 1857. . ;.. . -lly - George Ferguson, MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, BHOWITVXLIiE, a. T. Axoulauc. to tn pnbiie, that h is prepared to erect Steam ndVater Saw and Merchant . r- n rtm ... .. .. ... Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair- a m aa. a ingoi macnineryoi at i Kinds. ALL WORK WARRANTED. E is also Agent for ? j ' , I 1 T A. B. IIOLLIBIRD & CO'S Western Foiindry. ClCIXItATI, O. LEE & LEAVITT'S Saw Hanufactory, cnicriris'ATi. o. And ar nreriared to receive and fill orHur tnr an v ma. ehiaery manafactured' or kept on hand, by these ea- WUIlfUUCUVB. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. i ? ; REFFZRENCE3. " . . " T, Noel," Lake k Co., Brownville, 1T.T. Steam Mill n nr ' . m ... u. it . rarnas, 4. .txwnrnio, iluir, Hann A Co.,'. , , " " Dr. Hoover, ' Nemaha city, " P. M. Roger, Pawnee eity, Nuckolls A White, Rockport, Mo. James Lowe,' Linden, . - u A. B. HalHberd, Cincinnati, 0. Brownville, June 13, 1357. u u M M U M U t2 1-ly Dillon, Thompson c Co. Large trame mmm cor. Mma and KOck, KOCK PORT, MO. Whoserale and Retail Dealers in ZD3T37" C3rOOCil3f A5D ' GROCERIES. Hardware, Queenstrare,' Drujrs, Hats, ,aps, Boots, Shoes, Tinware, Stoves, Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows, and . Farminp; Utensels. WILL have, on the opening of navigation, a large and varied accession to their present Stock, which will be sold Low for Ca ih. lebruary 12th, 1857. -.. i 3S-tf OLIVER BENNETT & CO., MAHrricTTXEBS' KJtr J BOLT ktX DtAXXBS W Soots E2ie & Brogasa, - NO. 87 JfAIN STREET, SAINT LOUIS, MO. k& flwiT i.t KtUtiiTor a complete assortment L of roods from their own and nth., nunnr... tories.adapted especially to the Western trad. rurcnasers are invitea to examine their stock, manafactured and selected with great care and warranted oz superior qaaiity. Urders will receive rompt and care'ii) attention. ' NEBRASKA CITY Capital Stock 30,000. If XBSA8KA CUT. W. T. L fully organised, and their entire capital stock of Fifty Tkoutnnd Volltrt, paid in and secured. They are prepared, front this date, to grant open policies and take risks. Upon equal terms, with toe most favored Insurance Company any where.' Having adopted th mutual prineipi, ice patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in th profits of Maaoanpavny. The eoeradona of the Coornanv. wiTI Va ennSn.-? for the present, to mabixc, or caugo rfska, with a I t!.ti'A . a aw n Kaa . , lie Log tbmovljlnsnTMncm OSLca, tbw pep tt!s.r rtlsn. Wavtit ftf thm llt.fjuanrv 1 it nnr.lrit poets a generous support from Western Merehsnis. iar .. . w - : , v mjwuauj iiiw um luawin juver pa tronage. . ' DiascToas S.F.lTacktUJ, ' ' ' Oas. r.HoTy, II. P. lien net, - J. L. Armstrong, W. X. Iliac hma. - Mtles W.Brwwn, If A.A.Smdrord. . ' . cwicim:! t i '.i.iT' r t;uAS.r.uij.i,4-mKiet. . J.UAafnnB,. ' a. T T- I rj W D VT i April Ji,l7. ' 1 tt-t at v u ' a c m :J0IIN McPirEKSOX - i 1 have just received v Which I will sail at a. la&aaa9tkBaIa establishment la th Wees. - . -1 hv now ia store great variety .v. , s lowing article., which wer pare ha 4 for r and unsaquently.eaa sell ehp a th sksm tJz ' D R Y GOODS, Cr 2To oorien " HATS AND CAPlV - SADBLERY 1 " BOOTS AND SIlOE's ! IlAUDTTAItr: A.D CtTLraw QU'EEN,8WAR9 1 . ' AJ OT X'JL' cJ li-rr ' EOOTS AND SHOER-v ' " ' Heaay Uada ClotiiiaJ : . -" Ahd a fine asaortnvem of i LIGHT GROCERIES Spice, . -' ' . ' i Pepper, Soda, 1 " :. . Salaratus, .. - - Ginger, Allspice, 19November 5th. etc., etc. Pn?E LUMBEK!! THE ondersigned respectfully inform the eitiw' f Brewaville, and Nemaha and sarraaaHiat counties that w now have la operation a P. Lumber Fard ia Brown vttJ, hr we keep , sale a well selected stock of Pine Lumber from M u 3 inches. Also, Pine Siding Worked inoorfnt.Yb. Shingla and Pin Lath, all f which a wUl seU at fair prices . - . TOR CASH OKLT. . . R.BU0W5AC. Brownville, Jons rtth,1857. T: j LOUIS WALDTER. ' House, Sfn, anil Oraaatntil 'PaintcrJ . OLA2ISS, OSALNE2, NO J PAPE JUHCEB, f . - keaiaua city, ar.-n - ! Taks this method of Infonnins the pb:io tin h.,,," removed bis paint shop I mm HoUport, Ma., to ttis nlara Ha thinks himself qualified to undertake an, awa Mr taininstohialineef busineas, and rpmiallruiitM th public to fiv him a call . " fleas leave orders at the "Advertiser" ctBce ! Nov. It. r8o7. . tilAt I Tailoring! Tailoring! . Tailoring!!: Merchant Tailor,- Atlantie street. West of Hoblitsell's Store. BROWNVILLE, SKBXA8KA TEXR. HAVING bought property and located permanent ly ia Brownville, I offer my services totho publio generally, if they want any thing done la my i line of business. I ean always be found at bj post, ; or. more properly speaking at mv bwh. I Work Warranted o Fit Xo pay! I Particular attention paid to euttmgmrmenu and laying off work f.the Seamstreas. Tk greatest portion of my life has been devoted to my trad, ia which I consider myself inferior to none espi!lj in th cutting department, and! hope bychweetl-1 tion to my business to merit a share f rubiio patronage. '- E. E. PARKER. : Brownville April 18 th, I8J7. 4V-ly A. LTFORD. 1. T. UOX Lyford & Horn, j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in j&iry CSpOOcIh: . , AHD ; .''-. i . : '. ' . ; ; GROCERIES, . ' HARDWAKE, QUEENSWARE, booto, oziona, HATS AND CAPa ? !VaJIa,IMotvs, StoveFurnltare, kc SONORX; mo. ; April 9th, 1857. 43 t ; GEORGE F. KENNEDY, j ISIHAiL ESTATE! BROKEU AXDCrXCHAL IaA.D A.i:.T Florence Ciy, JV. T. j 1 ' ' 1 ' i-. ii i i , , - i t Brownvillo Bakery j AND , COZlX0tlO3tXjr3r. EVAN WORTHING. ! BEOS leave to announce to the public, that l bs ' erected a Bakery end Confectionary establish ment in the City of Brownville X. T- and will kern constantly on hand, and ts prepared to bake to order Bread, Crackers and Cakes of every Banner, style, discription and quality. He has had much sxpenenc ia baking and consequently fL quit euntdentbe will be able to give satisfaction. A liberal patron age is respectfully solicited. EVA5 VrOETDLYO. Juy,23-'57-v2n8-lm. DOWDALL, MARKHAM.&CO., WASINOTOH TOUHDIIY, Engine and Machine bop . comma or sccouo akd asoaoAS strxzts, ST. LOUIS, Bio. Manufacturers of Steam Knslne and Boilers, Savarxt unst mil Macbinery, Single and Doable Circalar Sr Mills, Tobacco Screws and Presfe Laid Keiths, Lart Screws and Cylinder., Wool Cardiiis Machine Su:Win Castinsa. Touns's Improved Pateut Smat Mills, Ave rj-AGEXTS for the sale of James Smith A Co ' 9n pertor Machine Cards. vloe-ly NEW STORE .V MT. VERNON, NEBltASKA. j A. MEDLvET. Annonnce to the pnblic that behaa purchased the ei'eo sire Stock of GomIs broutrbt to this place by Mr. Oailv. . and now offers to sell Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ITare , , Qnfenmart.ArH at prices as fair aa can be found ia tbe Waaler country, ; Or Cash or In exchauce fur euontry produce. . tot. 1, -S7-nl ..... ; jirnaacM r. casadt, ASTIS W. BIDIV,) as. &. TiT, - b. v. w nil a, r Council Bluffs, Iowa .Nebraska City NT) CASSADY, TEST, RIDEN ifc CO., (Successors to Ridea d Whit. LAND AGENTS. IfXBUASKA C1TT, B. T. HAVING made arrangements by whwh, we will receive accurate copies of all the Twahit embraced ia the Eajtera portion of Nebraska, ue are now prepared to offer oar enrvure ta tbo " Sauattera cf J ebraska Terrilmt. . In Filling Declaratory Statements of Inten tion to rrMBpt, Beeuntie; Te- cap tion. Locating Land WaxraxiU- AND ENTERING LAND. I4ind Tf arrant s Cought and Hold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME, Particular attention paid to Bay in an-1 SelliaK Property on commission: Also, to making Cllrtioae and forwarding remittance t aaypart of th laiou. lilanks of all kind always ea aaaw. REr tRjt.. Hon. A. A. Bradford, Nebraska City. K. r.Xueolls, Mesars. Dolmaa A West, Pater A. Keller. Thomas Lumpkin, .n June 2S.1H64. vl-4 - fy. Joeeph, Washington City Scott city Steam Saw-LIill JOHN C. HUFFMAN, Scott citr. wo (Immediatehf nppomito ktwtile. !f. T) Aaaoence W tbe public that ke ha lea4 tii new steaaa saw-mill rereatry erected by Mr. Mre. asabvve. and Is now prrparvd U fnub the mttem Murt a ad Kebra.ka with aa extra tuaiiiy af Lcwsr a ef every deacriptioa snd S.1WED LATHS el an excellent eualUv. A saav S paMoe asaatataJL Meer II. 137. tjevt