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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1858)
Lltci States "alls. Yoit Orncs flsraKTBts?, ) December 31, 1-57.) r 'I'" ba ruce!itd ai tba Contract ti... LepH.rt:a:r.t umi. 3, p. ia., of Wednesday, arch 31, lSi3, for conveying the uuils of tbe Unit d isUt.i for four years couiinan-ir'g July I, and cnd;og June 33. 1S2, in the Terrirary of Xe hrasksi,iiQ. tie' routes aud by tha ached uio3 herein aoecined, ... . . I)aci.ions to bs mvlo by April 2 1. IS53. (Ecusiint carMjthe furmi and iitstructiont o- " x i. ) UJOl. From Omaha City to Council EIuT,Iowa, 5'nilei and b iok. daily. Leare, Omaha City daily it 1, p. M; Arrire mt Council liluiT same day by 3 p m ; Xare Council Bluf daily at i, p m; Arr i at Oaaha City same day by 6,p ra. . 1 1002; From Omiha City by Nebraska City, Kear - ij City, Mount Vernon, Brownville, Xenuka City, . and Kulo, to Whitehead, 150 miles, and back, thru tia?s a week. . Leave Omaha eity Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at 5, a in; Arrireat Wtutehead 3d day by 10 pm: . ' Leare Whitehead Monday, ttedaesday. and Fri day at 5, a m; Arrive at Omaha city 3d day by 10 pm. "".It003. From Omaha City, by Elkhora Ci'y. to Ftmcinelle. 57 m le and back, three tim?s a week. L?3TeJmha,City Monday, Wednesday, and Tri car at 3 am': " Arm's at Fontanelle next dnys by 12 ; .Lsare FoataneUe Tuesday, Thurlay,and Satur day at 1 p m: Arrireat J) ma'j a city next day by 7 P B- Ui0. fr m Omaha Citr, by Bilk-view, Cedar Ir&nd., Uock Muffs, LewiJtown. Three Urore, and Wyoming, to Nebraska city, 120 miles and back, three tinics week. - - Iit-rt Pm thi Jliayj-STadnaiJay, and Fri djitSa m: y ...... Arrire at Xfbraski City 31 iij 1 r 6 p m: Wre-vVebraika eity Monday, Wednesday, and Ffiiaratil;- t " - ' - Arrire at Ota ib City 2-1 days by 6 p re; -1 05. From Oma.Ua City by F.lkhin-n eity, Ba taaian, Columbus. Fort Kearney, and Fort Ltra u:e, to Salt Lake, 1.015 miles and back, once a to-itth ; - ...... Lave Omaha City cn the 15:h of each month; Arrire at Salt Like in thir'ydiy thereafter; loreSjUl.ik; on the I5ihuf etch m n:b : . -Arrive at 0:n ha City in Ihirty d iy tb-reaftcr. Ji.dto en I at V"Tt Laramie, omitting Fort Kcar rer Suit I ake will b eon lid.-Ti'd. liJOI. Fr..mOmiha City, by Florence. Ft. Cal ' tonn. Ie S its Cummin; city. Tekttn ih, Ulack Ilird. anlOinuli. t Dihkot city, 110 miles and back, three tims a week. ---- -.Lwe Omhacity Uonday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 5 a m: " " ' Arrire at Dahkota city next day by 10 p tn: L.-ave lUhkota city Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 5 a tm - Arrire at Omsk city nxt dy by 10 pm. - 1 inor.v Fnn Omiha city, br Elkhorn city, Fon UrMflle.'KnDnin Water, and Fort R-indsill. to Fort IVrre, Jf,3 m k-j.tnd hick, twics a m nth. . .. , Xsa.e (inkacity ltaud I5ih of each month at Cun; ; '. ': ' ' '."; Arrirent Ft. Pirre An the 10th diy by 10 p m: L?ave Fort l'ierre on 12thnd Ifth if each mnth at fi,a ra; ' . An-ire at Omaha city. oh the' 10th dy by 10pm; ;Jli'l tAran )n?e a wjek will h oonidr d. '. Fro ltichanan.byFontanclle, twDeSoto, 8 miles and bi k. once a week. li?re forhannn 8. a m; ." Arrive at S-t njxt4y by 6 pm; JU-are Ie S .to Wednel ir at 8 a m; -Arrireat Huobinaa nxt diy by 6 pm. 1 1009. From F.inUnelle to Ftemont, li miles and Tiack,B?e a week. .. : "Lrar-PvrtanelleSatnrdiy'atram; Arrive at Fremont by 12 m; . Leave Fremont S iturJ ly at 2 p 13; '-' . ' .-Arrire F.'ntancll br 1 p in. - 1KM0. Fr-m Orog-m. Mi.nri. by Olire Trfancb, to Kui.. 23 m;les and bck. three times a wwk. Leare Oregon Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 am: Arrive at IlaUby 1 2 m: Ieave Uiilo holiday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 pm; Arrive at Orejpi by 8 pm. 1 10 1 1. Fr..m Uulu by Archer and Salem, to Mary ri!ts. in vnsa. 103 milfu and biok, once a week. Lare Uulo Monday at 6 a m; Arrire t Uaryrill next day br TO p m: Liavo MaryjvUle Weda-nttLty at 6 a m; Arrive at Kttlo n?xt d ir by 1 0 P m4 - l:di tooTnm.'nce&t Siint Stephens, to ran three tiiD'i a reek are invited. , .. . . " ' liOlz. F.ra li -llvrew, by Fairview and riatford to Ashlan I, 13 mile and back, ones a week. , Leare Uoliaview Friday at 6 a m; ' Arrive at A-hlani by 8 p tn: ..... Leave Ahlml 'nnljy at 6 am ; Arrive at I5j11 -view by 8 'pin."'"'. JtiJ to end at PUtfod will b considered. ItOU. From (Jlenwootl. Iowa, by Cerro Gord(. nelleviowrand lUi!etn,1n Nebraska Territory U ! Frcmr)Pt,,,43 , milennnd back; three time a eek. , Lara G'.enwood Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 am; '' Arrive at Fremont by 8 p m; Leare Fremont Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 m; - ""Arrive nt Glen wood br 8 p m. ": : HO 1 1. From Or.-gon. M. by Fireat City and Ua?h BUutn, to St. Stephens, 30 miles and back, twice a mil- "rore Ore-on Mondny and Friday at 8 a m; Arrive at M. S ejihens wtne dy by 8 pm: L"ra Su Stephens Tuesday and ' Saturday at 8 am; ' Arriri at Oregon aame d iys bv 6 pm'. 1(015: Prom ilatsmjuth to Lswurille, 20 miles and back, once a week: . " Lave Plattm uth Satord y at 6 a c; ' Arrive efLwii-ville by 12 in: " Lare Lewiinrille Saturday at 2 p m; "Arrire at Platytnouth by 8 ip m. tl 8lB:. Fxoai IVtmonti to Glen wood, Iowa, 9 miles and b ic't, three timss a week. . ; , I?are Platsmouth Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 9am:.." "Arrire at G enwrvwl br 12 m; L3ve i.ljuwood Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 p ra; ' ": ' .ArriTjat. PlitimiTith by 5 n m. 11017. Fr m PUUmouth to Glendale, 15 miles and hark nc we-k. "Leave 11atxmnih SUnrdiy at 7 am; ' Arrjve t Oni'.a'e by 12 ra: ' Leave fllervV-le Satnrd.iy at 2 p m; Arrive at i'la.-m iith by 7 p in. HM3. Fr-im latitinooih. by Kenngha, to Wyo ming. 20 mib'S. ami b ictc, once a week. Lve Plit-'nourh SAturdayt 6 a m; Arri-.eaf Wyoming br 12 tn: .L'are Wyoming Sat unity at 2 p m; - Arrire at PUtxra uth by 8 p in. , 11)19. From Marvsrille. by Forney and Plmt Tailey, to Fort Kearney, 1G0 miles and back, once a week. . Leare Marrivnie Mon-lay at 4 a m: at Ft. Kearney Thorly by o p m; " Leave Ft. Kearney .Moudrfy at 4 a m: . Arrireat Marfv'ileTonrl ty by .6 p m. . li'tdi to ran by a pri-osed schedule will be consid ered. . ' I';d U run three times a week will be enn'lrel. . ' 1 102U. Fn.w Wy-ming to Salt' CreV 50 mile and back, once a we'k. . lc Wytooiog Friday at 6 a m; - -Arrive at Salt t'reck bv8 p in: lave Salt Creek aturdny ai 8 a m; ' Arrive at Wy.ijnin by 8 p ra. 1K'21. Frm Knoha to Sidney, Iowa, 20 miles M batk. throe Uws a wetlt. . Ix?ave Kenoih Monday, Wednesday, and Friday . B I o a nn - - Arrive la Sydney by 12 m: - Iarc Sydney Monday, Wtdae&daj and Ffiday at Arrive at Kenrha by 8 p m: - . TTTT?.-Frota Xebralm tJ.ty, .by Fort Jvfarncj to Aa ll u .w i n .e1 ana bacac.ono& tnontk. I"are K?bnk lt . evry mnth,' i--4. ' Arrive at AH JI-Ilow .n 10'b dy thereafter; Ieave Ash It."l-w'on lOihcf ererr rflonth: " Arrive at Nchruka City ca the lOdx'day there Ti4'mn twie a mntb.atid lorrA atFt.Kear IWT. rrrnttin? A-h lioll.w. will be errilred.'" 1 1621. From Nebraska' Citr by Kenrt ey City, t .dney,- low, n rnues and back, three times week Lc3to ycbrfi'ka City Monday, "Wednesday, and Friday at ft a m; . , , . . T c, , . Arrive at Sidner rams drsby li cv . Leave SiJwy ilonday, Wedaesdayand Friday at 1pm; ' - - '' --L Arrive at ?TebnsVa Ci'y wm y tr 7 p m. " ltnH. ' Frw'Xr-tr.iska fity-by IIainnton.Teom Mh.Tnrley Cre k," and Orto Miion, U Iarjavnie, 112 miles wtid biek. one a week. Iyere NtbnuV.a ( H'y M.'1ay at o a m: Arrive at MrvviIU WeIno1v by 5 p m: - . -' Isre MarrTi!leThurl at 5 a m: . ( f Arrive at Nebrvia City Sitttrd-iT by 5 pm. 5!".1 f mo thr time a week will be eonsubreo'. iWS Frrn Mrs-ka City, by Ottoe City. "Mr. Vernon "llrowTviVrf. Nmnha City. Archer, Whir Clnudanl nn'.o. to Xemh A-pney, Kansas 1 S( nstles at.5 bk. 'nr. timw ek. Isizre Sfbrska City liotiaj, Wednesday, and Fridav at C a m; ; ; ArrivB at rsiha Arwr next dar. by Hts; - fcre TCemha A jeacy Monday, Wednesday and TrldnT l5.V?K-.Va ntw 't dsy by 8 p m. , SJVi c F;.n. "Xebri.ka City, by Otroe City and TJn.n.i:o- 43 miles and back, oncea W. N'ehrvk City Monliy at 6 am; Arrive at f.5nd-?brl!)prn: Jv. Pnrl Tu'siv at 6 am; Arrive tN:v-raiU City by 19 p ss. 14027. . From BrpwDville to llockport Mo Spulet aal batk. Kix tiuiesa week. - " ' ---" licave liruvrnville daily, except 9 a m: Arnvb at Hwkport by !2 ui; Loar lkport daily, exoept Sunday, at2 pm; , " Arrive at Urownvjlld by 5 p m. v 14323. . Fn)m HroWiirLlk, by Ueatrioo to Ft. Kear ney, 22'J miles and baok. on a moutn. I. uv.i Kr.iMrnviilti 1st lit CTW7 inontU: Arrive at Ft. Kearney in seven days thereafter; JCfivtj. Ft. Kcany I0:h of every month. Arrireat Hrownviile in seven daya thorearter. U029. Fr m lirownville to Tarkio Mo .23 miles nd baok. three timji a week. ' : h ave i'n.wuvilla Mouday, Wednesdjy, and Fri day at 8 a ni: Arrive atTwkio,by 6 pra; Leave Tarkio Tuesday, Thnrsdy, an 4 Saturday at 8 am: .;....,,-. Arrireat Brownvillo by 6 p m. 11033. From Florence to MajnolU,Xowa, 30 miles and back, once a week. Leave Florenco Monday at 8 a rc; Arrive at Magnoli by fl pm; ..'!.' Leare Magnolia Tuesday at 8 a m; , Arrive at Florence by 6 p m. 1101. Frum Gumming City to Mag nolia, la., 20 miles and bick three timjs a week. i Iare Cuaiming Monday, WeJnesday.and Friday, st 6 a ir.; - j Arriris at Magnolia by 12m: . . . Ieve Magnolia Monday, Wciatday, and Friday at 2 pm; - '-'-' Arrire at Cnmming City by 8 p ra; - 1 40 12. Frora Mt. Vernon, by Sccora, Mo., to Lxa dsn 15 miles and back, twice a wet k. Learo Mount Vernon Monday and Thursday at S a m;- Arrive at Linden by 12 ro: . eave Linden Monday and Thursday at 2 p m; Arrive at Mt. Vernon by 8 p m: ; 140. ik Horn, 25 miles and back mce a week. i i Leave Onrbli Monday at 9 a m; ; Arrire at Elk Ilrn by 8 p m: ' Leave Eik ll.irn Tuesday at 9 a e: ; Arrive atOmadi by 6 p ra. ' ' ' ItOH. Fn.mQmadi. by DahtU Cify. andScr geantV Muff, to Sioux City, 17 miles and back, three lime a wwK Leave Oiaili Monday Wednesday and Friday at 6 am: ' ' , Arrive at Sionx City by 1 2 ra: - , . Lave Sioux City Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 2 pm: " ' Arrive at On idi by 8 p m. W vi't. From Dakota to Breckinridge, 70 miles and ba.-k. onoe a week; Leave Oahkota Mndiy st 6 a in: Arriro in Breckinridge next day by 10 p m; JiJHve Hreckinri la W-dn:wUy at 6 a ra; Arrive at Dahkoia nextd iy by 10 p m. -, 1 (023. Fr.ra DuhkoU to St. U.lena, 50 miles and back. nce a Week, ; Lave Uahkota Frid iy at 6 a m; Arrive at St. Ilelona y 10 p m; Loava St. Helena Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Dahkota by Ifp n. 1 H-17. - From Oahkota to Wacapanna, 15 miles and back, once a week. L-re DahkoU Saturday at 7 a m; ' Arrive at Wacapanna by 12 m: . Lire Wa-Hpinni S iturdty at 2 p xr; Arrive nt Dahko a by 7 p tn. ' i 110JS. Firm Dahkota ity to South Pas., 750 luilea and back once a m nth. L-ave Dahkota n 1st of -vcry month ; Arrive at Sont h !ws on 25th day thereafter; IaVe outh Pas l-t every in nth: . .Arrive in Dahkota. in 25 4lay thereafter. '. 14tU9. . Fnvm Dahkota t'ity. bv St..Jhn. Ayo wiy Cn-ek. nn I Running Water Hirer, to Ft. Lara mif, 400 mik-s anl ba k. oiK-e a m nth. ' Leare Dahkota 1st f erry tn nth; Arrire t Ftl Ltrauiie in 15 days thernfter; Ieare Ft. Laramie 17th of every m nth; Arrive in Dahkota in 15 Hvi thereafter. v ' Bid.H to end at llunnin' Water Uiver, 300 miles le ditance will heconiid 'red.' ' -" 1 10 10. Frm Dahkota Citr by Sioux Citr, I wa Ft. Ui.ikout and Ft. Kind ill. te Ft. Pierre,-300 mil.-g and b-iek.oiice a m uth. Lare Dahkota I -t f every m nth: ' .. . Arrire at Ft. Pierre on 10th day thereafter; - L -are Ft. Pierro I2ih of every month; . .. V J Arrireat Dahkota on 10th lar thereafter. ( 130 11. Fr m Lgan to Sioux City, I , 6 milea an 1 b ick. three time a we k. Iiave L"gm Moud y, Wednesday and Friday at 0 am: i . i - ; Anreai.S:oix City by!2 m: Leave Sioux Gity. MtAday, Wednesday, and Fri- dav nt 2 p in; Arire at Lojan by 4 p tn. . 11042. From Niobrari taLigan 50 miles and back, on e a wee 6. L'.'ave Xiobrari Fr'dy at 6 a m.. a Arrive at Logan by 10 p in: .' :' Ijsayj Loyin Siitur.lay at 6 am; . ' j . .r Arrive at Xiobrari by 10 p m. . 1104. Fnm Tecaaueh to Helena. 20 milts and back. uoce a week. ; . . j r '. Liare Teeuras 'h Saf nrd iy at 8 amj- ..ji , Arrive at Helena by 12 m: r: t. ls&ve Helena Satnrd iy at2 p m; . ' Arrive at Teouni'ieh by 8 p m. -1 40 1 4. From Ttiree Groveto Weepins "Water. 20 inMc. and back, ne,e a w ek. L'jji ve Thiw (imve S iturdny at 8 a m; Arrive t Weeping Water by 12m;- - - ; ; Ienve Weeing Water Saturd y at 2 p m; Arrive at Three by 8 pro.; i ; 1 10 45; ' Frm Counml Hluff. Iowa, to lhlL-view. NebM 10 miles and buk. three times a week. Lave Council Bluff Monday, Wednesday andFri-, day at St am: - . , ..- .-. ' - Arrive at llellview same days by 12 m: .? Ienve Bjlleview Monday, Wcdueeday and Friday at 2 n ro: - - -.-. - - - - -- Arriv.5 at Council Bluff eamo Anrf by 5 to m' L Bids for 6 times a wek se.-vice will bd considered. POKMS OF PMPOSAL GCABAXTT, A:.'D CEETIF- 1C.VTB. The undersigned ' whose post rfflje' ad dress is county of 1 State of 1 p op e to convey th. mtiisof theb'oi edS'te, t.omiulyl. ibosto June 30, ibb'i on r.ute J . between - and cree ibly to the advertisement of the P.ttmisie General dated December 31, 18o7. fur the annual sum uf asilars. This proposal is mule wi h full knowledge of the dis tance of the route the weight of tbe mail to be carried and all other -particulars in reference to tbe route and tervice aud ca eful elimination of tbe laws and instruments attached to the adve.tisemeut. Dated (Signed ) Gcaraktt. The nnderflned re-iding at . , State of nndertake that if the foregoing bid f.r carrj jng the mil nroureN i. beac ep ed by thePostmatte 0?neral the bidder Fball p.i r U the let day of Aucuut. 1853 en- ter into the requi.ed oli'.igation or contract to pe form ineerrtre prup ed with gixiri and sufncient suretiei. this we Uj underAtaudins disUnctlv ibe41ieattons and Iiabi;l ie assumed by guarantors under the 27. b section of tbe act of Coiigres of aa'.y 3. 1336. Daied . (Signed by two guarantors.) '. - CtlTt KICATES. ' ' The under? iened potm tter at . State nf ce noes unaer lit euin or onice that be is a -aoainted with tee above guarantors, and knows them to bo meu of pri-perty, and able tu make good their guaranty. Bated (Signed.) ' IKSTUCriOXS. Containing condition to be incorporated in the con tracts to tat extent tfie aepmrtnunt nuij item proper. 1. Seven minutes 11 allowed to eacb intermediate ffle when not otherwise specified' for assorting the tn 'Uf; but on railroad and Ktcamboal route the e is to be n m re delay than Is sk.fl:ient for an exchange o( the m ill bass. 2. O i railroad and steamboat lines, and other routes here the m de of enveyjnee admits .f it thepeci il asentsof the deputmeut also post t Bl -e blanks, bags lks aud keys, are to be conveyed without extra Cbarpe. . 3. Oi rail mad and rteaniboat lines the route agents of the department are to be c aivoyed without cturge and for their exctui-ive use while traveling witb the mails, an sci'tnm diKai cir or irtment in the cen-e.J of-a car, pri pe ly limited wanned and "Tdrnihed and adip'el to the convenient epa -atton ana one seenrry of ibe malls ii to be p-oviiled by tbe contractor, under the direction orthe depinment. ... , .-'... -I Railroad anteimbwt otnpinles are required to t ike the mall from and de.lver ir Into' ibe por nfTice at tbe c mmencement and end, f their routes, and flora aume n t rare han SOr xl f-om a- sta.i ih or laad' ine. proposals may be mbniitted fot the -perform ifKf if all othe: ride service that U, f jr e over eigaty rorirt ;rm a 1 indma or eta t m. : . Receipts will be requi ed. for mall bajrs c mveyed In ctia'-ce of pe-Tons employed by o mpanie. lTiere win also r wiy bill p-epved by , ostmasters, or other, agemgoi tne r t ixn e uepartment to acromp mj the mans pen!ying me number and deainailonof the Fbvet al b ps Oo OieprinHpal Haeerou'e hkewie -receipts will te required and way bills forwarded; the lattpr to oe es immea oy tne Feverai poetmaciers, lo insure f em- irry in tne cenve 7 oi man nigs. . . -o psy -witi oe mne rar inpa not peno-med , an-1 r eacn of sucb omUid ns not nmsfsc'ori'v explained three times the vvr of the trip- m ty be deduce. For arrival o far behind ttae as to h eax connection with depetidina nulls and not srffl ieotly exensed ooe-f.urtb of thecompenaatlon f.r the tr'p is subiect to fo-(eiture neanc 1 n will also be (fdered for a gradeof ne formance inferior to that sped Bed In the contract: ', F r reseated deliuquemlea of the kind he-els f pecifled, nlaTed pert- wuei proportunea to the nature- thereof and tie Impor tanceof the mall wnybarade. 1 t- For le iving behind 1 throwing off the mall, or ae portl a of them for the art mist in of paMengers. or for neing c nrerrieo m setttnn up or running an e xp' ess con- veringinieuts-ence in acvance 01 the mail, a quarters piynny oe aeaacieu 6. Fines will be Imaged . un'e the dsUnaiencr b promptly and tatifaerily explained by ceniacaree .f p.tmaters r the affldaritc of other e-edltable pervens. for falling to a-rive in omtract time, for Gegtingto take the mall from or deliver It into a prt a:t for sn faring It fjwinc either to the nntuiUMeneH of the place or the manner of cirrying 1 ) to be wet. fniored destroyed robbed or lost 5 and for refusing after demand. to onvey ihe mall as frequenny aa the e nrraor runs tit U c tncerned In renninr a coach, car or steamboat on a route, . . '. 7. TbePwtmisier G-netal wiay a-anl theewtraet for rf pftrM filin-fs to run af'-eably toeontrsct : for riolat Ing the P.t Office laws or dlober1nt tbe Inductions of the depirtmen: ; for refnelngto discharge a carrier wlien reoniied ty trie oepiriment 10 00 so 5 for assigning me contract without the aosent of the Postmaster General I for rcnniDg aa express as aforesaid , or for transporting persons or packages conveying mailable matter out of the ' a. T&e Postmaster General may order an increase ot . US vuivu Uiw. 1 VI a yrv t l luC vaiUnWtt W 1 ui 1 unuuifc Mute lliMi Mui wibjiM iiiO eofc. l.iiU vl tu w a piv lu- lue wim;I Wjy. ui,'i., lu iuQ l'B itl iuVt'eV ut kVW, CLUidUu .-C MliOi lif gmu tulili OuUCO .0 wi mc.i.iij.e lUe be. ice. 1 u imi, m 1 i t.a. UOw. Cm; i tS. 4v W Ua vui U.i4l ' iX.. iulin.'uilvU 1U kuij wwMt UbyCtlMa V,.u, WuCUeve. lO ulifUU tuc y-o.i lue.Csia t.ui.e iO uauii3, oi' lu cjfc ue ue i.ea i u,';ue 11 ty oiueieui titouebi u aUji Parninfi-wiii h md bv collection! from, or diatuuu iK.uiueii jor vue. wie, uiier tu exiiyii4i 01 eacunuai. y 'eouy, jay, Auguw. ua iiv veioer. - - ; - - - ' 10. tut distances are given according to the best inior maaou, oa. iKi uic. wn be .ivwtu iuuiauiey be gieair inu averueu, u meuuiut to oe uvi)iieuie cwnevviy ciatvd. lie iui or W(.Ktt tia alo la teicteace m ute Wt-iht wl uie iui me iuuiuM t uie tvu, kutui3, .e., aua tt Miit-OitUe, ieiie, or wu u.iviu vi y kaiia oy wuiubeXyvi.. uiy 0 cuiiaiiv Uuiuou 1 yy. imU M MUi givmaJ cu be Cvuu;i'eo. j sf ij iiic.eoi.i uiue, wur.iuif ibe aiu.Ci i.ui. Ctntt eoaiJicU u.e Uiiauvc uoeuieuv uiaaued mU omu uiiui iu wiMi;t mia, iw wi.iioUt iiXh u tiie uiuc o titfi iuc aaeu. : tl. a otU reevtveu ivei' te uy ud hour named, or wiUiwUk Uie itHwaiea oy iuw, wt uia owui biue sever 10 m m vow ou.u A v,iitfu,, iu, ciu be OwuMuervd tu ixuiieuuvii wiui a ieui( ;t-wpobt iea uubte akUtuak ' it. iiuueikuv;u.d first prtpooe for service atriclly ao cv.uiug 1 be uk era.euivik, ua uieu u iiy ueut, kii.edy iwr uiueivuk etvice, utiu uie reyw.orud t ui i.wm ir ue oveiued e. vim, iiiooUi e prupvMaavUk uu.y oe cwiLiJeeU. 14. i4io. e kittfiua oe bat vu iwute bid for la a propo sal. 14. Tho route, the service, the yearly pay, the name and retieuoe of tiiebiutiei, (4t iabtauui pvt i.mce aoJ.e ) uu tiivike u ech uieuiber ot aU.tu, wbe.ea CsiitiMii) Uie-i, kbwUd oe miucij i"i.eOi'sisii ibviUudk ""7 ui CvuvcyiK'e it bi'uu, luwue iba L.-.-toct be ium ed. Xuo Wtfida wttu uue tei uuu.y, ud cu my' iu..ieJ tu iacucave lite uiudo ol C-Jiiveyauce, wiiJ ciuu.u.e a sf or lid. Wnotf a ktar bid Uia.euUed no kueciiij bvuvejuu-tj uitiai be naiaed. ISui tu cae iwu luodea uf Coiivi-yauce, a. e umeu i die wme cuipeusa liiMi ibo bl;iiet wi best i( Uie e vice wi.t oe latej. 15. liidderk ae retiueaied to ue au tat' as p.acacjble the p.iiued fu.m of uivpAl luroL-hed by ibedepan meat u uui i.ttuu ibe.uiu ,f iLeir bids, iid tu teaio ccyies vt ibem. " - - ' .. AitC.euuids kbouid not be submitted nor should bids once kubiuiuedbe wi.bdrawu. Kach bid must be guaranteed by two responsible per sona. General guarantees cannot be admitted. The bid and guarantee tbvuld be signed piaiuiy wiib the lull naiuewf eacb person. - . Toe department reserve the right to reject any bid wnicli may be deemed extravagant; and sis . u dibre- gaid me bids uf laauiis cu. factors aua buldera IS. Tbe bid should be scaled ibed '-Mail Vto posals. Site of ' ." addreed -Secund Aahistani Postmaster Contract ffl;e and sent by mi! ntH by ertwor agent and pmaiers will not enclose proposals (ir uf any kind) la their quane-y re- lurus. 17. The contracts are to be executed and returned to the (ieuarimeiu by or befuie tbe li day or Auui, but the se:vue must be c mmieoced on lie tt.oi Jolyjue- ceointt o.-ine icaii .(yex. alter iht dale wliitue. tbe coniriCts. be exicu.ed Or not. p.'.:poiiloii io iraa ler wm t CoUeiaeied uniu the o-mraci are executetl and received at tbe department; and ibeu uo trsn.vter wiii be allowed g xl and sufllcieai reasuiu ibe e- for are Kiveu 10 be de eiinii.ed by the depariuieut. la li Cit-e ibe re iriug c niracior will te required lo be come -ne or tbe suie.tes on ibe m-w coiitiaci. 13. P miaier att m. esonor near railroads but tri6re than eigh y rode, from a station will immediately after the ,3 1st of Much next, teport their: exact distance from the n 1 rent station aud bw ibey a.e otbe. wi.-e bupp.ied wi.b Hie mail to euab.e ibeP suiaster todl.ecia uiaii-uie. sender supoiy liom the first a Ju.y next. 19. Sec 1 n 18 of an act of C-rfiftress appruved March 3, itHO p oviues 1 tat ciuracts to.' ibo tmu.portati ,n of .be imiis ebjit be ici iu eve-y cue to ibe l.wesi bidder ten ue guaraueei ror abe laubfui pe formance, 1 a ui umer reie ence 10 me m aie or sucti t -ati-porta-tion th in may be ueccssary to provide for tbe due ce.d i y ce -taidty and t-ecu i y of such tran p .ta i n. Under this law a uew deicrip.i -n of bids have beeu received. They c not speci:y a lavle or caiveriore but eugjue to take toe enn.e tnul eicli trip wnli certain y cele iy andn ca.i;y u.-ijg the i$ m of tbe law. Taee bids are sty, ed f:om the nunn;r m which they arc designated on the bock of the department sta. bila and ihey wi.i be cn siruea as providing for tbe Conveyance vt the entire mall large bumiwiw ever nuy De Lem-oe uecessa.y wiiunu euswie i;y certainty aim recti, ity. la ail cies wbe.e the lowest trade of service I bo. iievea .to be etimsicnt the lowest bid will be accepted la p ie ence 10 a star or t-pecinc via. When the lowest bid is not a star bid and specifies eitta e. num Hie or an laauxjuate mceof c mvevnce it wi.i be a'-cep ed b it set aside for a speciflc bid popoing iue necessary hcrvice. when the tad de not specify a, m Hleof convevanco: also when it prop e to cany -according to the adver- iiHcment " bat without auch pecin;aUjn it will be cn. ideredas a pipoKal for horseback e. vice 1 -0. . modinca;bin of a bid in auv of i s eisee ial i,rm la tantamount lo a new bid andcanmt be immvM an tu tute tere wun a regular compe.i.ion, alter the last uuur tct tor teceiving oias. zi. J'ostru iRte s are to be careful not to certify the suftViencyuf guarantors, or sureties, without kaowimr mat tney are persons or sufficient reipon5,ibi.i y : and all bidders guranUns, and su. e iex are diotinci.y notified that on a faiiu e to en Into or pefu m the contracts for the se vice promised for in the accepted bids, their le gal U tbuitie will oeeuforcel agam.-t them. . . 22. c ntractors and pers-ms km.wn at the de pariment m.isi equany wi n others, prosuje guarantor and certiflca ea uf their sufflj eucy subtan;iallv in the forms p-e c ibed. Tbe ce titic ties t.f sufficiency mast Desiguea uy a postmaster or oy a jiia-je or a court ol rec a; v. brown Pastnitster General Groceries! Groceries l Ffcsh Arr'.viis !; He vy Additions! ! Prices Greatly Ueduced? b ti(KiA CT TA A.V AT PAR ! I T J, B. JENNINQ3 . tor. 2nd and Frances sU: Si. Joseph .Mo. ' ' TT ft a i . ,: j " iiaj jubi incivca 11 015 store room, corner or second and Francis Streets St. Joseph eve.ything derable In bis line, which he purchased for the Fall and winter iraae; at gi eaity reauced price for Cash, and whieh he wm sen ai corresponding prices for cash, or to onnctual customers. Among his recent receipts are SO d 1 Frh feicnes 30 dot I'.ime Apples 20 dr AssmHi Pm!:i xo aoz L. iDsters I d 2 .0 c .ns 300 dot Field's celebrated uysterxput uptbi rail 20 half Barrets new whi:e Flh aiso u..nnn iuu d xes w b t'heei e 60 b- xe. E D do 600 lbs Currants 60 boxe f e h raihins 100 b. xed led her ring 000 ids ir snen unt'er zoobbls crackers, W bbls nuts assorted aoo lb Peanuts, 100 bi.xes assorted at.. fancy candies 100 do gum drops and motto L zpiieera 200 drums Figs &.C. Also a large lot sugaa and molaof-es wnicn wnu ne sold atp icesconuderably below the prices SIX J ajy IK". St. Joseph Nov. 8 1857. ' 21n 3. locKwoorv , 1857. . . U. E. Pomekot Lockwood 6c Pomeroy, ; htdesaw aud Retail UeaL ri in HITS' AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American. Furs of every de; suiv"uu,. lur wuivu iiiey will PBj. r kxie ugliest marnet arrice. IN -CASH, a ...,'k riOUXTUY MerchaiitK are invited to examine our J Ukk if Mat A Gap for the niiiroachiiiir Snrinif and Soiumer trade, which will be Urge, fashionable. a . a ' aa . " hiiu wt ii aeiectt-d.. in pini ol rapety iur stock snail not be exjullod by anr li iu.e tu M, Ioum, Onr prices will bo I w. terms ao,Hmmolatin?, (.all aihl oe w at our ew Store, Second St. ' St, Joseph, M", - - - 32-rJu J GEO. P. LICKIIARDT, WAT, II II AK BFs, OREGON. HOLT DUSTY, MO. HPAKKS the Hliertv toinfnrm the citizens of JL .lirownviile ami vicinity, that he has opened a Watch. Clock, and Jewelrv Store. inuregou. I1..U count v, .m;, where he wijeep con stantly on hand, and for sab-, a good aVmrtinent 'or Gold and Silver WaU-bes. Clock and Jewelry, which bo will tell extremely low, for LAMl.' Al. a fine lot of Violin. Ape4irdcori!. Silver, and Hated Spec tacles. Gold I'ena with (fold and Silver extension ewe. SiVver.Tbimbles. atcAc lie is prepared to retiair Watches. Clocks and Jew,. J iry 01 every aescniiUon, in the best jtuanner and 1 on ue most reawimioie lerm.". ., t Every article btiuzht in bis establishment, is war- Wanted to be what, it is represented to bo.' Watch re-; pairing wimnieu mr nsBTCur. . ( July Zo. itioo. vi-nsti , ; , ;ff LQWES ; V SL. Hjevxxr OfUco, OMAB-1 CITY, JV.'- 7. : c BKOVITVILLE ; v ' . KOEL, LAKE & EMEIISON. I?. It. We would r siotfullr inform tho ctti- xena of Nemaha county aad adjuininz .Missouri, that ; we have always in hand a larre and well selected supply of LUJMDKIS, whu h we can furnuh at low er rate than any mill in the Territory. ' jlarket prices paid for log delivered ai the yard oron the bank of tbe river. ; All orders.aeavimpanied with, th cash, will receix our ucmcdiatc atitnuos. a m a . - ' . a ' it i (-.- TT"F51 Healers in a?;d; Ma.n St. betwten Fro Erownville, IT HilTS ; Stove Furniture, C Flour, ' : Bacon,: r ; :c: AND country, produce. ' W7 E jnsf opened a heavy Stock of Fall and j r and Fancy lino, which wo are now. prepared lo For Cash or Country Produce. 1R57. v2.il8-tr-' ; ' or I. T. WHYTE & CO'S, BROWXTVILLE, IT T. ? -; XTTE have jo't received an entirely new and lare artiiient of Superior Oords. which we, will k-11 at V ionable prices a. any wtablishm.-ii' in tiio Wet, our 111 tt ba'n "Li te an I Jut Live." We hare now in store a threat r triety uf tho following artadus, whicn we purchased fur Caah and 3onc- 'iuently can sell cheap n the ?umo tcrmc": . DM GO.OPa.&::'OTO.lBraiBg;! HATS AND CAPS,-BOOTS Queenswai e and .tti FARM , IIJMENTS;;. :-: And a fine assortment ;)UCb as j; ,, . Salaratuj, bpl;5. . Ginger, And a (?fo I Smokins ana riiewing Tobacco. It is a pleasure to lis to show goni. and weask you . O l. 19.1357. . . , vnH-ly .; .. Siegel- db Cl270ol5eEtxL3CO., Blaln St., one door above laislibaugli &, Carson's Exclianjrc ZSank Jarownville, N. T. TIIE proprietors would mot respectfully inform Ihe they bare received uud are now 01 i inoiie. f the Urtitiidtiioat ciyiat Icte Stockia4" ClwXhiosr '" ' . - i "' ' ' -' Ee'r bw"iuiV: U this taaikei. -a. - w O -i. " i '"' ' Their iiysoirtmont of Embraces erery rnriety of Textures and Prices: as invisible Green, and CI -lbs, Caasim-ra. Sat inett-. CsnihiucrettaTil Jeans, all inado up ; j according fcttheLljIiit Ci"hioniblf cut. Tb-ir variety of vests is superb, embnicin the very la e.-t styles aud piterns Iu (he. i I 0 IBaltiinorc Clothina: Store r t May also be found ajall timaa Bneeloetion if Craraf. Slocks-Tvei ColUr whira nr.nM ItamHr.' chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet ltigs, etc., which we will sell We hare the finest Doiible and Single Overcoats, Ever brought to this Territory. m '1 j MATS A Warranted to suit tbe most fastidu'oug. " A fine assortment of , COATS, Dress, Frocli and Sack. PATS, Every Style and Description. . ' V ' ' VESTS, To please Large and Over Shirts Overalls, Drawers, and Knit undershirts. Ruck. Gloves. Ulltts. nnd rs 1.1 1 mo- WE .uld but svk the public U, call, a'xamine, i.d judt..r theui.i lvei whether the Clothing at the liaftiinore Clothing r.ui.riuta is nit f 'bettor in id j in uerial. cut w'uh better tasu-, better trimmed in I Iwenty-five i-ereent. uheajnr Uiantli.y liaro ever b.-uhl elseuhere. ,-.!- . r vjin. iw. V2iiix-i vl . . WE offer to the public, we are confident, the Iarz-st and best selected stock of Groceries ever offered in this market : ' ' ': "'.'.'" Hhds Sugar, 50 Sacks Coffee, 125 Sacks Kl .ur, ".. , , 5 Tierces Kipe, - ''.., :i0 Itbls Molidses, Id Itoxes Star Candles, 2l H ixes Soap. 150 Sat-ka Sait, . . ' ;.':.. 15 UblsCid.-rViniger. 150 bl.lsS lt. TERMS CASH!!! l.T. VIIVTEA OO. New Wholesale GrbcerV riousc.1 - W, C. RITCHIE, r WHOLESALE: JltfDRETML) Groceries,3 :Wihs? Liquors, CIGARS. WOODEN WA RE, Corner of Main and Fraud Slreett Ridile't 01d Utana Uppotite Stoutt Hotel, ' st.Mosepii, Jio. IIAVE just received the largest and most complete stick of the ab ye goods ever opeaedlb dipper Minou.i. townica cneanenti nor me chants and ueaie-s is re HEW FEREY. .Across the Shute At thft Head of the Ialaud aoove .BROWtfVILLE . To TT. S, llall &' Co'kv Saw Mill. rIMlE undersigned aunouucei to the4'ublic that he. JL has parehastad the Ferry frivilegerratitfd iukr son Peters, at the las SesHin of the lgislatHrei and ia now prepared with a new and substantial bvat, at all times to accommodate the public - Charges usual rates. . . 7 . t j ,,....,: ... w i TJIiLlll SillTIJ Jobs Mb 1857. JWm . Ipectfullinglnvled havingpU;chased;heai-p incipaiiy , v'pb,sv itiw - ii.. i ' a for ca at the ve y lowest p-ibie p;ices- tr B W P K:SK.SJ. rl-s?,xc. h" - "'Kt' W "P"""- iNwTorkarjqSt'.-ts feel contilent that I can . ffer ! ,,r shllR -f,and will b a.tvvl ttdiqiraUyjidairted ri? I maucernenU tBat r rarely found and .ta .pins, by fair j lor use ot tstenm-mip. Men i.f W ar, .Merchant Ven UUL X,, I nl liberal dealing low pi ices and gocd Goda- to ! ftjN, lake and .Hirer croft, and burns. in all cabin . V i . u eul pairooace. " uan ana examine my stocx gtntnHiiu, bmnaele, fortastIe 'lamps. imal Man- and prices before purchasing sales are bound t. follow, tern Ac mp. "idh un- ' . In my stocV will befound every article, nsuallu kept in itinn,...!. o;i -;it -. : . No 1 Grocery Douse, -t ,- - ' llioniile ihl will rerntun fluid as Ion aa best - 1 , ' l; ponn, and will burn all nifrht withnat reonirioif i. .. - 1 1 5i arS3 L , LaaLj) .5 !, 1 '. at and Second -s 1 OA & GAPS, Winter Go-.d, embracing everything in the Staple tilr.'r to the trmleat extremely low prices, . , ' ; CB ANF nil L. i I ; iv-. - " AND SHOES, 1 9 Willow Ware, of Light Groceries, , So4a 5 Aiific; etc., etc. art! lo of. to call round and sec for yrir.elvei. ' .. .. i ,:-. ; T. WlfVTK'.r CO; ciliz ns of lirownville and the public Pfnera'lv that to Cob r iher have Un.wn: i'Aun Black, risible and as cheap as un'y cstabiishincnt in tbe.Vet, and best assortment of 3 AT ' ' .i " i MP. CAP 'v. Small. 4- , 3 V : a. r. ' Slht.KI, A tJKhtMJAUM. k e r o sefe oris; ... . DlsTli.LLI( ,FJiu:4 COAL; . (Secured ly Letters Tatent.) 'ffi U I 'i f'r ' tt" ' ,v - Kkkonr li.trwt m atin Oil. The- light obtain ed I'ri.iu this Oil txee.dslu brilliam-y that of any other oil t.rHuiil heretofore dixH.wi.u: i. inX) l." :ive. and will reniaiu limped,iu tho very coldest wrnther. " The Company recoimuend aa the lump-best adopt ed to lhi Oti, the Kerinieiie laiin. ui.ioufaclurl by the following panic: Messr. C nu l us A ISaker !!!,;Vf,'PaP,,dHl,ii,v, Svvll:'f,r,.u. C-.." WS Uroa-lw if. th Brtalyn flint u's)s li ' Xo 71 llrTwl Street MeK liu tx A C 'l.l3 ViT 1 1 a 111 Street, I. Menid 137 Kim Street. ; Samples of ditferrnt r vl 1 ltmpit can be seen at the Oth te of the tnpauy. il'rV' l.rBKiCATixurOii.. Xo, iVjVe'jnVcd to iuit th finejii, and all tfjrW Mac hinery burns briilimtyin L,i.tniili5ri Ihud Light, Vkr ImpSHinlall th4rfdiiary Si.larand 11 uul Lnmt, and standi a. srrea' 'a degree of rold a. best Srm U.'a-nd isadminibiy adapted tu Railroad aud Steam ship use. Keroskxk LrBRic,ATiN9ii.s, X-t2. 3. Superior I.u brie 'tors, and Will (nM'txitiif-top. sWs advaoU't ver any Oils in the in irket at same prices will n..t htrj lhfUi!,Nrepiire4 V, meet the reJ qmremelit.. i.f KannndA afirother.i. ' v b trimtntid. an advantage that will be obvious t f every Shipmaster. ; - The Kerosene Oils. can. be obtained fmm the Wholesale Oil Dealer. Ship Chandler. In.jlsis, and Gn-cer in New Ynk. and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Com;any 'uWiir or the principal Towns and Villues of the LTniteiTStatea. tb Cna. days, and the frlaml of Cuba. iA-al Ants apiointrd ( in eonformiry with the rulea established by the Hoard 4.r Trustees, Von ap plication too, ; T.w,,rn . 3 AUSTENS: ..., General A'ftxtn. Krvtne OH, Col. . : -''-- ; Xo. 50 lieaver Street, X.Y. ' Cireulari with full particulars. teotimonials, price. ic.,-wiH Uo forwarded on apilication as above. Jane 25 th. 1857. v2 2-Lf Importer, Wholesale and UeUil Dealer ia Amuncau (it rmau Eugiith Ijecch HARDWARE ' AfrD CUTLERY. .. . . 1 sr. ' apsml,-JMq. vo:: IS XOW reooi.iiig and openirig the largest and most varied arsorluieiit of sc ds in the above Jincevrr olfcrcd iu any market west of St. Iuis. i i My. stock eiubraccs a full mid complete vs.rtme it. ufCabiuetaiid House Builder Hardware, JlechAa- io'a tools of erery description, direct troui the imst approvi-d manufacturers: agricultural and hurtieuU tural tools aud implements, iu great variety, eomlin injj all the recent and useful improvement for. the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination uf .this department of my stock. Iam alio exclusire.agcnt for the sale of the celebrated St. fiouia Circular Mill and Cross Cut Snws, which 1 will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary price! Also a large assortment .f (Juns, Hide and l'istols; Iron, Steel, Nail., Ac, of the hest brand.: in a word, my tock is very complete, which, fo. it." quality and price, I am deteru.ined to offer such inducement." a will command a liberal share of trade from thi. and adjoiaijig countie. . .My arrangement for inijtorting and agencies for Hardware Manufacturer, together with a long exjiericiH'C ia the genural Ham ware trade,?naWe me: not ofily to defy all enn peti tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade j small pr. fit.. and quick returns. January K 1S57, rlni'.'rf . ", - JOHN COLUOl'N & BUOTHEK, (Sign uf the Padlock. opiMfite the P. st UHice.) - WUOLES.X LE A XI) UETA IL ' - DKAI.FK It Euilding and Saddlery Hardware, . 1 U lCOCEll J E6, Boats, SHcc., Le'rr and SLcc Fird'ns. sr. Joseph sto HAVKuow iu si. re. ao-1 u arrive shortly Aiaer ' ican and" Foreign ITirdwarefsuch aa ; , Greaves A Son '4 Files Scissors P.H-kel knives "' Knives and t rk.a : Uniss curtain bands and pin-- - ' ' Ibror lock. ' 0 Auger?, and augci bilts Corn kiiivi-s and Kdge Tools HutelierV do ' 'do : Sp"r & Jackseii'a ya ws tiiicljt xirrted rews -. iffin's and Auierican horse nails Post hole augers jues.hrvel?and spades , llriar -yjle"i rr .tulltA.. t prter-".-eLutU.r ir. atid grnin do Itultf Na I Morticing inv-hin Circuliir. ua.ll and muly - saws Planes and plane irons CMipers dnt wing knives do adi-s aud wood - tool ; Tress Hoops -.-:: Putts, cast and wn-uglit I'opjH-r for bx-lls Tayeri In-n Plated and cfn. stirrups d . do- llirt.i d.i . - do Hu-. kle. do " do Kings I'reast ant. r in snaps I'-g floats ' PitK-er. Shoe thread "..--;. llrist'es. wax ' ' Lining skins hhovelsnnd tongs . Camllotk-k. Prsinnil o d 'Ss IJI ksmiths' II. Hows and Vi-e Mouschole Aruiit ige an vil. Am 'riean a'-vils ; S i k. and iI'k j , Pud hooks, bri-et h'gloop? Pad erew.. cxkeyes Ornniin-nf. rtick. t.'rth r-in and r" er Web Silk, 3 eord threati CIf kin . Uojx-rjeiitfcer y Drid He :. do Sk;rrirrg do IL'rness dit IMting it titwf skin". . Ennmm-lied leather llinding With many gol embraeinir a rmpete Aasort tnenf.of; lire uit desirabl' wbi-b. tbt-yxill' )! a th.I..wet irH-e.r. ... J.CUUIOUX A UNO. April lrh..l7. . i ,1 ' ' Sl-lr Gabrje FerU3cn, MILLWRIGHT & EN(MNEIH, Vj. BaowiryTLLE, n..t. XXOUXCK to ihe public that he h TrrreJ to erect Steam mivI Water Saw and . Mer- hj-nf Mill ar.ihort iiotieeaiia rea-tialle terms. Ivu im i r- ing of mu-bineryf all kin!. .t . t ALL WORK WARRANTED. Ho is a!si.Agnt for - r A, B. HOLLIBIRD &. CO S yi estarn Foundry. ;; i j -1 r. l Ki'irnrlTi i ' LEE &. LEAVITT'S'. v Saw .EEanufactory, i f . t vu axs x M. X J., t V.v .... . ; j And arer-returnd to receive and tillordersforarty tm I. ." . . a a - cuwicrj iiiaiiuiaciurea or Kept ou band, by these es tablishments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered, t KtSKKEKLXCES. .. , Xool, I-ake 'A Co., I5rwuville, X..T. Steam Mijl, li. W. Furna.. Crowuvilic. " .iuir. uaiiu & 1.0., -Dr. II .over, Xemahacitv. 41 II II T P. M. U.iirer,' -: Pawnee cit v.4 , Xuekolls & White, I Jock port. Mo. .. , James Ijowe, Limlen, , . , 44 A. It. II.iIiberd. Ci.ieinnnti.O. . . , . lirowuville. Juue 18. 1857. ; ' i r2 1-ly Dillon, Thompson & Co wrge name mi id iv ti i. 31 nn aid KjiK. : V ROCK PORT, MO. , W llas.ta I., m If... I la a : . ir GROCERIES. HarJware, vuetiiawarf, Drugi, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, .Tinware, '.." Stoves, Furniture, Iron, . '. jNaili, Flows,'. ' " .V"..,' .-';; ;: " - and ; " '.''' Farming Utensels. ., ' T7"IU. have, on nit- ojHiMg .f navigation, a laru mid Vnrinl ,Ti.ii... .. ik.... ... . fc . ... ... . . . ,us" li:sviii Stck, whi.-h will bo rr Cash. r.t,rnary IZrli. AXoJ. , . ; , 35-rf .OLIVER liENNETT & CO., ; al.M FAlTI Kll ASI Wlt(II.KA.K UKaI.EK?' IX Eoots Shoes c Erosans, " X(K&1-AIMS- STtt KKT. SAXT l inn ; !, VKK XW IX UKUKIlTot acmplcU- issortnunt V of iT'HKi- from their "w ml ..tin., ......r . tonci.nir4t'4eiiierMlly u the Western tnid. " - are ioritil to examine tbir ." fork J uaefrafaeiind niwl ele-tid with warranted ..f aupertoi" ipialiry. OrdurwiUrtcive I'.IBl.l aiM :tT-tI" aiTetlll" Tl .1 ! . c .1 laaurftnco Conananv. ! Compaiy.. uidt r tv i h,t,)r. i now p-L fUi'J vrgaD.j.i.nd lheircutfr.cwT-t,ilsto.k if .7jr IoU.rm. wul inaiMt-aecBrvd. Tb-y are.prjnl rr.m abMdatej , grant op-n imlu ie. tnA nsk' l?"". term, wilh the nuJ i , . t,'"uru,ce C'"ixy y where. Having adopreil tho mutual, principle its pair.., withaaat the"miiiy J bUitf 'h iD Tv&t wf The operationaor the CompHny. will be eonflued, rorthe present, to ji ahif, or cakoo risk, with a maximum Labilitr of l20a . n anr one h-.ttora. Itng the only IiisnraiH-e OCiee, on tbealre ijop nlar jlan. West of the Missouri, it wmfid tiily ex peets generrms npp..rt from Wetwn Mer;hn. We Tjjectfully iurit the .Missouri Hirer pa tronatfv f:-. . : .'.,, , : .. . .- 'r. . ; .f.:1. . DIRECTORS: i . i . ii Xf"knn. ""H". f. n.-ny. a '. H. P. llehrret. ' ' ' J. l,.'Anntro,ig ; W. K.Hiiiehmaii. ' 'M-les W. lirMwn, V :, . . A.A.Trdf(rd. , ..... '- ' OFflCKRS : - .."..'ft.- CII AS. F. HOLLY, President. i . . . - - J.5xiT),y.- St.Lonis Ar-nlCol.W.I'.lJowaxd. -April 3d, 1S57. i.lf if mmm im ' . - ' -lis I h"ejuii receive . ortment'of . " M ' tT ij4 , Whi.-hlwiilM,,' Gc J . l .w,ngartnl,s. wh-k wof A and con,equemlT.eun ? k PRY GrinnS X 1 HATS ANhiMQj w av jtj jj K d UARDTTAIIE AA'D CVti ' O I! R P. V si ur V.TUi j r xi I! p t A : boots and biUU ."MleClc, Amtafiae assonirxrTr?'.1 LIGHT CUOCER Spice, Peppers, ' ' Soda," , Ginger, lO-NovembGrTihi' i set PINE LULIBERTf counties that we now hive ia u:J!!n',:. Lumber Yard in Ilmwutil. m um .... I . - ll..1 a 1 . m a. .. "8 W . ..1.. ...I .1 . ... . "8 ..a.cM-icrirunurKU I 'OO l.un.h-f I ."I ilichet. AIk Pin. Sa.i;n.a V-i.-i i7''llk i r?w hingles and Pine IUh.'all of which -TN' I tair prices "-Jitf TOR CASH OITLY. Brownville. Jun. L'h..l857. hllOT3t' . LOUIS WAi nTTiT GLAZIE3, GBAII.EE- '" .'V.iP'A PC ro UAJCEB 1 . ,.T JfEM AHA CITY,- N,T. I ' Takes f hi meth..'l orinfoi niinr the' p b lc r rem ved bis paint sh. p ir.,m P-.clip.,rt Jto to n n thinks him-eil qtiaiifletf to ui denaie iit V taiiiina to bU lineot basiaes and ieopr!ini-. tbe public to Klve him a cill. . pet,lnl -T P.earelejveo.leriit tbe "Advert Uet ".9V,. X v. 1J 1?57. . . , sI T.Lcn,i!t vTa;rir4 'Ti Merchmit -;Tailor, lit it- iJ H, hiirj-ip, ' UltOXVXVILLZ.XEliltASKA TEUH UA V LN,.XWoght jarpeni u, Urawdnnn-t Ijf iq lirownville. I ..ff r my rnk ti b, j.ubl-gf.illTHlly;il tl.ey a aiir any ihw..W ;.' line o! bti.sin.Mi.. int, altay U r..nm iar,J r. lo rvn'i ilvsT.kiiiir Hl Ntv U n h, . ' ' 1 ' lVork VrarranlctlXoni.Toraj! rrll. iiuu- a 1 1. .tu a it 11.1 loeui!..i0'?,rilL.w,J njritig .IT work f. i.the Sc iiist"re. Hhe p, p.rtii-n it luts lite has hern dev.,te.l N Bty tr4r ), which I . oiisid.-r tnyselt riif. n.x f ne rh!f . 7 ; ""i 'jfuwih ti"n , business tc merit a shaw f puV4 patronagr. : ' ' ' " ' , K. K. PAUKLk. . lir-.wuvilU ltli. I83Z. ii-; A. LTFORD. J. t. BjX-; Lyford & Horn, WIIOLKSALE AND RETAIL - . ' . ' Eealers in ." . .... '' ..' ' A 5 D GROCERIES. ' HARD WAKE. 'WEESSWARE, BOOTS GTZOXSi HATS ANbOAVri. . ails, Plows, Slot e,FuTBlture, kc SONORA, MO. April9tru.'l8.:7..A ..; ...... -C :v G EOUG E a-Fr VK UN N EDVf ' ' MEAIL ESTATE 1r: HHOKKU . AYXD CEXEHAIa LAD A GOT Florence ,CVy, V. 7. ; Brnville' Bakery . OoxxToctloxxviry. ' van ji BEOS k-H to auncunce to the pub'ie. that.belui erected i Hakery and t.iifotioiiary etab!L-t-. liielif iit the Ciiyol IfroHLvitte X. T.. aJ;ill W eoin.tiitly on haud and ia prepare! to jjake W jir Hreatl, Crackers. and Cakes f every maancr. tjl',' tliscripti. nand quality. Heba.hadnnli;hMlnDrt in bakingand onseqoently fjld quite confident?! will be able t give mitisfaclion. A liberalVtru?" " age is respectfully solicited. ', f EYAX WOKTlWC". July.2.1-57-r2iiMni. " . ' "DO WD ALL. MA'RKIIAM.&'Cal 1 WASINGTON F.OTJNDRT,. ; p rn-lnq antl Machine h op, j i oaM,R or iuou aso mokoji.1 naitts.1 ' i?:i m v- u : if iOTtt:H-f nrari f. in a-'.i'ifKM ...a W SjW1! 31il 4Ijtbn y Bitarie tid,1Dt.e Ci ruiir iw; ililia, T..Imcc. Sc.iw. wi P.ees L. 1 Kettle ti'1 S.TIV .111! fV irulo W -.1 ....,.n U P.uidl-f Castiut: r .iimr' Impr. vel Pa eat nmi Mi.l ae.f iuj-,M.r.. laur me ai;ir snun ."'" jeii.r Ja..cliinCada. t.i- -rvSLS-'r : ; 3NTEW STOEE MT. VEKNOX NEBRASKA. Annotmcea to the pub-ic that be has purchaseJ the txfl' ie. Stock oi G.u t vupbi lu this place ity H... Pail , and, u..w vfTeriye l . Dry Goods. Groceries, IlnrdlTare. quccnsuatcc at pi ices a Iji rat be luund ui iae Western cuoatrft Or Carta w in exchange for Cuonur pr.Aiuce. - ! I, I, 6-uU . . ... " ' . ' JkKnCKr.. r. CASAI Y, .4Aa. U. TT.. . Colt IHll I.Lttf. 1 1. Hit- j MAUT1N.W. KII'K! , f.iAH. . a bite, .Vraskai'ujNU ' nmF.N &. CO. CASSADY. TEST. RIDEN &. ' (. Success -r tt l.'id.-n'tf Wbi'e.) , . LAND AGENTS' '-' MIBRA8KA CITY, .T. 1 . 11 A VIM t-Mimfttiu BM.S4Mv ii U-H It Wb we w I1 1 roceia-tanueaia.L"..aI4'' tli-T'Wi"''"l, .lnlini.tarnn..iL.( 1' ... r . ... Vil.Ak.. W arvm.w prrfMir-4 iwVtT r ..ur a-rTif-s tn tfc- Ia riliinic Declaratory-Stat tnents o antes- t'-tiona. ijft.ufv4; It Hai 'SVrrnt.' - AND. ENTERING LAND.." Lab'd Tfarnuitii Iloiizhland Sol& m - - ..111' LAND . , KlS'l EKED" ON JJ.m - Partieaiartlentai wi4rtt- Lujin ami Pn.p.rty .an e.nii...ui Al, to nmkinjt t'olieet" and f-rwanlia rrmirtaoes W any mrt f tbe Cni " tllnnlc T all kitwf 1wti hand. ". " . ' RKHKeXCFS.. Hon. A. A.Kra.lfrd, . , , Xebraika City. . - . r 4 .un ...llii. . . Mes.r. Dolman k West, Peter A. Keller. Thman Lumi.kin, ' T It yi. rl-nl S. Joseph 31". Wasbingtou City Scott city Steam Saw-Mill . . ' j ' JOHN cluJFFJTAN, ' ' Scott CI tv.JIo.. immtd'.attlj oppor.te BroxcHvult Announces t. the piiOlic ibat ha h-a lel , steam aaw-miii recent iy e-ec. ed br Ut. Aleek hei'. a at ve ami It nw p-eparM to furjuah the cmsej a. Mi soarlandXeb att wlJn extra quality of t-'f of every deaCipt loo ami - , : S.1WED LAWS ' ' , of an exsellenttjualPy. A share ol natrwu ' ' KoveeHw It. IW. . &3