Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 25, 1858, Image 4
4.2 J. 1 1 j t ; U : iv BHOWITVULE" COLLEGE p,!tTC' tte Medical Department Tar Facc'ty " . j. . .w. a nnriiiin.T' ui - x.. u.mdiiv evening next K VClizVciock, and wna twvmi.ii .Jrr on tbe evenings 1 Thesda eixrry februa rue f the Urown- mmence their Mdday of ill riv- day. Wed- ' , rrldrr 0f each week. Tbe tntrodaciory lecture tjy ? -1 -;n be oub.ic aud delivered Hi the Brown- :e:y tl the rcnia.nde :ue class. cat; fccjrocaredof the Dean. FACULTY: of Uie lecture to be siren pti jvit tttlt.:am ap-xoltj. m. d. professor at Anatomy. A. S. noLLADAT, 31. D. professor of tbe JTaciice .f Medicine. jonx KePntRSox, it. n. . - ! P.ofe-sor ci Jiaie.ia liedica. -. . ED.LLEKA. B. . . V 1 JrivKor cf Chemistry. ' z.c jnnxsox, Professor c! .Medical Jurisprudence. Feb r Wil. AI1X0U. Iean. GIKIS TTA5.TED!!! . ;abe Boarding li-juse Wi liaai R di, Brwiiville - t Two nod industria rirls to cok and do oihei ; iMhich r,j! wares will te circa. Xuua I' iu -- " - - - i . . pfcJkrP-J -c well reCvii-iruwKW E-own vllle, X. T. Wir.LlAlIROSSELL. - March IS 1S5. . n38tf CLAHtl NOTICE. T. Peter Baily and all other whvtuit iny concern T,.u are hereby nuUied that 1 will appear at the lnd ()2ce ia nr.-wnviiie. ieraat.a cuu;y. eorau Terr-.tcy, ) thelSihcaycf Slaich, 1&5S to prove up ai.J r:e-empti''e'Sv)nilf-wfct quarter of taction Ko. niii, T jwnfctij Xu. four, corUi f Ejngc 12 cast of sixth P. af ii..rcn 13. ISM. ut3S Notice. NEW Tltl-WEEKLY MAIL: - -n ' ,, rnoM - . i . -1 TO ' ' ' ' fa BROWNYILL K, NEBRASKA. GEO. X. lalCLAUX, . , ) TTATING uen the contract for earryir; the HI Mail between the ab.Te points, takes this method j cf informing the public generally that he ha prepamtiona for running Hock on the abuTe named route: ' ' ' ' ' ' : Leaving II V Port eTeryTocsday, FnJay and Fnixiay, at 12 o'clock M.: arriving at Brownrille at t.'clock. P.M.: teaTing liroirnvilie for lluck Port, janic evening at 3 tcluck P. M. This n.ute coniKvty at liock Pot?-with the St. Jo icj.h and Coum-il Iliu5sta5 line, and at Erotrn TilJe -with iheSfncliueloiaicgfrcmToiKrkaKanHas, St. J'-r,h .Mo.,lndeK.-iden(rc, Kamas Cif) Ld other piiiiti below ; and to Nebraska City, Omaha City and nth er joint above; and New Fort , earner, we?t; The subscriber hopes by diligent attention to business and atxotnmodfition to eustcmers, to merit a share cf the public patronsje. ; ' Particular attention paid t the coiir yiee of Packages tot parrels. Charges m -derate; '.. .oc couni.tLilitv for unavoidable ateidenU April 7 8bfi. ; II. A. TERRY & CO.; - WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALERS f!f " ' " GHrlenr Field & 'Flower Speeds, Fruit irres, chrurs, ur-pe, Vidps, c:cj ; ZjIk.xei tot assorted . Garden Secda constant a haml for 63lc lew. Crescent City, Ijwa, Feb. 20, 63. v2a3S-3m ' BRANCH, CROOKES FROST, ' S a w M an u f a c t u r e r s; t ". - "'ST. LQUISAIO. " - Office 26 Vine Street, Alanufactory on Broadway, North St. Louis. - .- Extra Cast Steel 52111 Saws, Circular Saws from three to seventy- . fiv e in dies fidly warra ntcd. From onr long ezpe.u-coe in faanufactnrlas Saws, in the Kasters Sutes aud lUiCUnd - parctaers caa depend upt.n naLas our oods eiual to the best manufactured. 23-ParUcular atteatiun paid to reairioj all LiutU of Sawa. Xotice ii hereby riven that t a tneetrn-of TTinaebaec I nd Ferry Company held at Wiuucboco City, X; T.. on tbe 12ih day f March 1366 that a tax of ten dul ;xrf vh feviecl on each crrtil5ca:e cf stock to p-ry octtrys rf tiiJ c-nipny it wa further rr1cred tiiat aid tax (L- uld he paii in or efre the S5:h artr rAM iliare ut the tax i tu t pa:4 upun Leiore that day will be aold tar mill . ,. ' LEWIS rmLLTPS rresidcntprjtem. "BitrKO Cotsocer Sec ury. innebp Ci.y N . T.. March 13 1S59. Jo3S Farm for Kent. JhiVe-a pienJ.d acd well improved Farm wticb I ... 1.. rr.t t & rsn;niUe w oa lavorab.c teriii '1t particular tatiui.e at this t-ffl ;e vt of J. G. ilELVIN' Xemabj Ci.y K.T. , A. HOLLADAT Stt- D- Vt. ARXOXJ) M. D. HOLLADAY & ARNOLD; Physicians, Surgeons, Otostotrioia: r.i:f)VNVll.LL. . I. V, ir tkeir Brwfesiiunal terices to the o:je:if Xeuia acu -aj Iraskaand ilmouri, March 4. laba 1858. SCARRITT 4' 2IAS0K, Wholesale and Retail Iaaufac:arefs bl Furniture and Upliolsteiy liVasIiinIon Avennc, between ; LOCIS, MO SECOND AND T1IIRD st's, ST. ala- cve.ed io bait Cloth, CURRANT SEED. Of the bet varieties, and wairaated fresh and rer.uine put up in 2iceat pjcMies, and tor sale by H. A TEJUlTiiCO. Crescent C.ty, I.jwa. N. B. Scut by mail postpaid, at 25 cents per paciuge. v2i.J5-3m Feb. 20 '63 FRUIT!! The aabscribers have on Land and for sle lav for each, a t-ue lot of New Kix btlle Biackberry &el Antwerp Urpberry. Ii iMtk:e l). ange R ipberry. Red Dutch Cor xaui, laobella Crape. CaUwLaC.ape i-c lc IX. A. TEItRT & CO. 2i.35-3m Ciesceil City. Ua. Rare and Valuable Seeds. We will Ee-4 Ly mail pjst paid, to any addres. iiack- ages of the following teed.i at the price, annescd: 'l L. iA: CARR WLo'essIe BuMjLselleK,- Stationers, ill Wo. : 1. '. - . BLXAK BOOK ilAKLTiCTUBEIlS, Ho. 49, 2.1 sun Street, tii. Louus, Ho. Keeps ojuuatly o band, all tbe Spelling Bock, Arithmetic, Grammar. Geoarraphies, Piiilooophie.. tadiuc B-joks CisUtH. Dictionaries, Chemistriea, &c.' &ow ia Os, which they Ter at the lowest prices: TKEIS ITOCK Or '- FOHEIGK AID DOMESTIC Stationery; Blank Books, Tvrltlns ana Printing Taper, lias been aelec ed witb t!ie jtreatest care, and u e;ual to nay in the W. Hslar an - - " XTEXSINE .BINDERY Attached U their etablibment, they are prepared to manufacture all kiudaof 11 Lank Book to ardcr, at short notice. The Steam FeTryBo3t IS COAIaKU TO UltOVVKVlLLE; 4 a torn -. -y V - - EZIASTUS E. PARKER IS now pared l prepara&daeouLPre-eciption pa per aud tr.t be xwrrect. 1 have taken the trouble tw post myelf up in regard to the Pre-eupitou Lawg ,iud Contested Ciaims,and will always tcel pleasue iupviagadvice,Eiai.,totbuBewhomjycall ou me. Hav- Usiaile.-vite Ui'. rcmaia permasentiy aettied ia Keuo-ha Cjuuiy, I will exert my time and Uleuu to the advance ment Ml our new aad prosperous county and tiie Territory atlarire. Ii5iE.d Warrants lioas&t ana Sold. OFIlCi:. one door Weit cf Crane k mirAn Brown k. Xlailaoi's Bew OSice wiicre te cut b4 twnd at all tioiea daring boHnesa hours. '-. t " ' "'- I ha veme ctod claims t i sc.J of tLe trat choice, tim bered and prairie. ' ' ' ' ALSO Several coed and e.isioie sou in Brownville. whica 1 wlil din-puitewf ' cheap lriUio:n time, purchaa er payiuj; ton per cent iaiere&t. K- E- PABXER. Brcwnville.-K. T. Oct. 15 1S57. riU16iy 0 mho 4 luner. Scr.r fLuA NewO.ange . ... da Ice Cieam do f Jewet t do m , Campbellite Co Superior do Binuey'a Extra Fine Citron Cylindrical Pumpkin (3 feet Golden AptMe Souash Mammoth lied ToBiaio - Yellow Cherry do (earliest) F:s do Or tie whole list for $7 00 Address H A. TEBRT4.CO. T5t.35-3m Ciecem Cltr.' Iowa loaf) SO ceiU 25 TO 25 , 15 . 5 2S 0 20 . 20. i ; ' --SO ' - - 1 25 MAMTACTORY. Ma.In Street, Bromiville, wV. ' T. ' J Wm:: T. Den, KLSPtOTr LLLx returns hi sincere thanks to the citizens of Lmwnvillc and furroundin? country for their liberal and ertienxive patronage they have extended him for fhe last -arteen mttth aiuce laoomnieuced bulnchs in the above ulace ; that he has fitted up hi new establishment Xo. 16. Main street. fif theculice purpose ofccomuiulatiug all thoee wa wiih n prtromte luai to their-teoou and aho-enmak to wsr; and havtn tewcel tbefcest quality or leather suitable for the West, and having en puped exiierieucfd workmen he would Kay to the public that he it now ready. U- serve them on tbe shortest no tice with a superior arlcle of Boot and Siioes, sewci or peered at as low pricts as any other esubiirhment in C-Rpairlng flaue on the shortest notice. 3 aoHS r. tyso. HACE)iT. 75 - i LSil LOOita, For sale, by I. T. WTTVTE CO. Biwoville fiaioon. ; , TnOIPSON c MARSH; i -Thirst st, between. Haia and Atlantic:, HAVE purchased the alwve 'named saioon. formerly wnHl byW nr.-Alderman iaudA-w annouae rhetr readt- xesstotLC-rthe epienriau tasr:e Urc Ervwnviliians aud others with every variety of goou things usually kept in such establishments. 'Tis here you can get your tine twstor."tarrtiiies lobsters, resh venison, prairie chick ens, and such like and seme of that glorious good ale with which o"wathtt.wn. Give us a call. November 11,1867. rJWy TYSOIf & E&CKIIEY, - ' BKUWNVrLL, NEMAHA CO., N.-T. Land Warrants lfe'jht ar OM. -Laud entered a Tim. Ciaiai and Town Lou Bought ard SjH. 1-rsn- Money, atake lavestaieart rnd Locate 'Warrants -00 time, for IHtt Oealer. - - . -w- Prc-I2n?piion- Papers Prepared. OFFICE Nex; dour to C. S. Lin: CiC. utrKaExciis Geo. H. Xixon. tcpUter L. O. C. B. Suiith. Receiver, Smock & wihiiuii, L. R. Tutt't, ' - ---- B. E. Petrratn &. Col, EiuisrsjT lion. U. V7. ScStild, R. L- McGhee U Co., . Tootle is. Fairleih, Oct. 1 '57 , - - Brotravi:ic,'2f. T. , -LtxInetottTlfa.-"' ' OmabaCrry N. T. " 'Council Bliffa, Iowa. ""AVarren. Fean. St. Louis, ilo. ' St. JaieI,, " ' " A. W. PUETT. . .... H. 6.-W1J.KIS30N' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OMADlY N. T. Will attend to all business 'entrusted to their care Col. Jesse William., .. - TairuelJ, Iowa. Gov. Jos. A. Wright, . Ind:anajM)li?, Ind, Mr. F.S. Uwoek, . 'Wav-hin;bo City. -Hon. Jhn G. iritt -r.ociville.lnd. Hon. ir Miller. " (luaaha City. N. T. E. S. DTTNDT, - ATTOltK Lv Y ; 'A T "L A W , AKCHER, EICnAItESOK CO. 5". T. ' . ' TTILL practice in the several Courts of the 2d Judicial J District, aid atteud to ail matters connected wuii ue Protc?.-iun. Wat. AIcLxx:.'AS,. Eip., of Neorasku City, will a.-Ais; me iu the proiCuUoD cf important, SuiU. ' , Sept. 10, '57-ll-:f . , I.. l ' THE G BEAT D EX AXD F0'" T" " " S13TGER?S iiEiy ZXO 31ACIIIXES. : lLtricg . leadered tiaur exaMve-accomsaotiatinn. necessary new exaibiUona and sales rooms hare been ued up in taalaica store in Glaiow Bm, - - Jio.loa. Fourth Stieet. Above Lacast, aaUi.aarly ppoite to Vine street, - i w -fet. Louis, 3Io. The superiority if SINGER S ET1XG "KACCIXE3 beimt mvertI1yckaowleded, allusion to tt wotd beeni -eupererseatftry. - Ot ttievast tramberof Machines sold darius the tbsrt time the Western repot has fcreti c-ftaluhed ti Mfe has been re:umM or tailed to yieid tie highest fiatisfacii ju. This fact is peculiar to Sinccr's Sewuw -Madiiae alone; and proves the substantial ground upon which the custdEaT raarantec is tased. ..u. vt-- -. - - - RDW1X DEAS Ajeut. All tboee knowing themselves indebted to the Corpora tion of Bruwuvilie will pieaecoiae forward and pay up as n louper inUuieeucc will be given. v2a35if F"cb2a '5S U. JOUXSOX itarshal. innr trrerooms wi 1 te found the latest and best niti i,v itiebe&t woikiiieu aud of acpe.i.'Xuate vrSTirlS Fine Rosewood and Mahogany, Walnut Ask ndL'h.rv wi.b hicb Ik I aud Cjb ty. RllklMiaRiS It arwuod aiabaii , ok and Wa- kui w.hiaeiTe. aJiu Al b.e T p. . WARD ROUES and SECRETARIES. aUwood, hop.uv )ik and wtiiut. S)FAS a-duRny audW.lUUt I.jvurre td B .ica.e.le. nt kKi: Km U.ewood Mab ciny Oak andWal bui wj.teeecjwe MrbieT v a:d tnrai Glares. . i kaii tijt iul -i.d Vt a.uut Washitandr rater .nd4e Tat.e wi.h MaiMeTot. ht RACS. R-ewo. aihcirany ,-ik -aud Walnut t vli kaMicnl lihn:anv. O.k - and Walnut Patur. Lai-y a-na R-cki.4: CUaitv-, every va.lesy ! Cash iou Rush txl Cue &eu: ltv:tiiiou aift Co.late Chairs ' 'E-jTiiint Ci. .ir Puuj S.i-i )a.Ul.Us F.oJstoo 0.iic: il Side Vt.;j: rts flste..i.i, SUowe n.Lh I.f B.,ii. Wire aud TU. Sa.e.- Scar. lit e Pa. eu L -uni-e. ht'-i: le-nl--. - -- - - ! iiILT L'OtOT. KG TiLASJ S(.leiibJ Per Gias? , Oral. Mu:i;aJ S urc i "Wo M Fiames m large -sortmeLt. BtDUlNfi Spring E. ir M s EsceUior and Haik M.riJr; Ke. le: Bm1 Pii - B I :ei C.miorit Sbeets 4m;.. li ot ite ocs; ad wariaiiiel ti be fresh wcet aiui iew. Kvc-y articie w.rfat.ed a repT-en ed a'J at p ices as Uiv m auy iu is l' J" Coriponiiut. Orue.'e f.ricl;ed and fai.hftttly We cordiaiiy inv;.e eeiy ouc who wibe to call and examine and p. ice our ft jd a-we asepiease! Ual'W oar c-jod. wrx) (tve y all the inform ti,B m sur power. All articie -ld by is careiuliy packed aud dehveied OS B-uU or at tbe "h-jute, - - Tery Respecltully, SCARRITT k. MASOX. w37 Xebraslui 3Ioncy Take Xotiec Proa -and after abas date we win not take ary.Xe bratka paper xcept the Plane Va4 7 Bank and Bank 5eoraka, onry ai auicountof ten pa. ceut. CKAXE fc IiTLL 1. T. WHXTHA. Co BrowwviHe. alarch Bth 1SW Bo38. The Couutrv Geiitlemaii, s -' - .-- ' A Journal Ayr fie Farm, tie GtrdriL,' and Fcrctidc Is pulliiiied at Altauy , N. Y.t ly LITIIEB TICKER AND SON, EDITOES AK1 PE. FRIZTOES. AisociateXd., J. J.TUOMArj, L'-iou Sprins-, N. Y. . TrM $2 00 a year if paid in advance, or $2 CO if not paid iu advance. The postage on Uu paper is but six and one-fourth cents per quarter, payable 111 advance, to any part of the. United Mates. The same publishers issue the CULTIVATOR, cn Uie rt of .each miu:h.. lilcrniean annual volume of about Oopaae nmde up from the Couutrv Gcutienia, P;ice ocenu a year. IMPORtAHTJHFORMATlON ! TVvtnt W11TTE. hanina removed from 35 Vine st tj ffo. 7, Pine Street, St: Louis Jlo Cantlnuett to be consulted on all Diseases of a Priv-.te Nature. Bv a Xtmg course bf study and practical experience r unlimited extent, Br Wbyte has the praliacaiion of pre sentina the unfortaaste with remedies that ave never failed t cure the moi.t alarmius cases of Taxes ! Taxes ! ! Taxes ! 1 ! Jet)eAUliiuureaiaHu.ii utc uoiiunw - ciicf .im Impure Blood Scrofula. G-morrhaa. Ulcers, Pains and lhst'es in the region -cf Procrealwa "Ipflamniai Win ot the Bladder and Hiir.eys, Ab6ceses, Humors, Irisatful Swellmps aiid tbe"JJi train of tt,rr;bie tendint;tl)iaalaAfiUif!ai8aes e aiaiie to beourue as harmless as thesiruplest ailinss of a child. SEMINAL WEAKNESS.. Dr W. devotes a great part of his time to the treat ment cf tboseraswca.hsed tr secret and solitary habit which ruint. tbe boiy and mind, ttnntuns tne lafortunate individual for eihur Ircininess or society. Some or the sad and meTancboly v nrt prd aert by br"f rarry ha bitsuf youth are Wekne trf the Bck a no Limbs, Dix- Tiness oi tue neao viuiuessoi nnuii ra;iiuiiju 01 iue Ileart Pypepsia Xewness He anretueat of the Di pestive P ,wf fmt'ms of Cotisunrptiiiti ' &-C. Tbe ftarjui ejTtrmJOU me miai are snuoii to oe areaa- ed vix : lrof ilem.ry Contusion r lae is uepressmn of SDirits Evil Forebodincs. AveriM- to -S Trety - Serf- Distrust, Timidity, ft.c. are anions tut evus protiutea. Such persons before c- ntemplatnig marriace should con sult a physician of skill and experience, ana be ai once rfRtrit health and hu-piness. Feier and Ague Cared! Warranted! .All letters omtainins a fee addrecd to C. D. WITlTt M D. St L'Uis Ho win meet win prompt attention and ticine sent secured from otwervsf nn. . , X3Thc strict ett tecrccy obtmsta tn all cate. I).it"t forget the place :. 23"3To. 7. Pine St., Saint Iiouia, lu.oCa T. E, HAYCOOK, . Attorney, at Law v BEAL ESTATE AGENT. ' Mount Vernon, Nemaha Co., Particular attenf ionpaid to the prac; ice of law and col- lectwn-of lebt'-in the counties ok X etna ha, Fawaae, Sohnspn, and Richardson jvebraska Terriury. .Real Uie .boucht and soid on c.immiion. Land -warrant, located for distant dealrrs Pre-emp- tion pjpers carerul!y prepared. EEFEBS TO , . Safn ll. Eifcert Plattsruouth X. T. ; H P Bennet. Xeb-a.-ka cliy XT 1 O D Richardson Onuxa city. XT 1 Fenner Fenruson. MC, Beiievue. X T Cassady &. Test. Bankers. Council Bluff Iwa Oouk Seriteatit k Covk, Fort DeMnyines.-luwa. Decembe'S 163T --. ' : n231y John McPherson . Has 200 6ac .b o'" Wheat Flour, warranb- ei r.rst quality wbich he wn bell for $4 5u per 100 11,. for B.-" nville Ilo el Scrip. Valuable Claim for Sale. . Tho cn-5crrinel will sell a valuable claim at a bar gain a. they aie do e.-niiuet to tell. It c.m-i-ts of 1tK acres all bottom laud: one half of which is timtNr aud ibe balance pri. iei 40 ac es uti'ier truce arid cuui va'i 'n. It i situated oti tbe Little eiuoha Kivei; nine miles from Brownviile and about the same distance from Nemaha City one nule nurth of L n?'s bridge. Applyiotbe uude.s ijned onttep rtnise joii.v urcnEs ?a-S4-pd LEltCEL BCGUES ' BA5K15G HOCSE OF LtTSIIB AtTCR & CARS05 1 BrcjititiUe Februa y 1 IS53 On and after :his-die dep.sitr. accmut; will be peued fjr epecie currencv aud scuu payable in satne kind o! funds. Checks most be nn.ked ;! dinpiy. j, Oflice hours f . om i to l'i a M nd 1 to 3 T M ; , LUSnBAl'GII iv CARSON. FasMooable Tailor. JACOB MARITOX, EBO'vVKVil.Ll :, IvELEASKA. . lte,-pectru!:vaTin'unce to the public that be has on band a i.:Tccsii:ck o' Cloths, Vestings, &:c., ' Att- laice assort atvut .f : " READY-MADE CLOTHING ; Wli.;.-h ke will Feil at ost prices. He flatters hims-erf that he undeitands tiis business thorough iy and all work warranted c-niinc fr; nj his e labii-Lwent. aiai ct atfj as low as any oiLtr cos-jjctitor In this p!ce or the West. A eat Fit Guaranteed. nm LOTS TOR DOXATiOX! V ; ' in Tnr NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T. The proprietors of Aspinwall are now prepared to co- sale FIFTY beaaLif ul residence and butanes lot. to . ACTUAL SETTLERS; " Or to thac who will e-ect houses upon "' "Mierm-i-f i- prove tbe same. TbeyUuv aUo-rsAi-vcd two lots for each tr the fulti-wraa Ctiritian denominarlviJS vir : Bap tut, CatkolicMlhodu! Rffornor Chr;tian ChnrvH Ejiitcopal, X.u.'AcTaa. JYeatyfcnca. jbjuI luitelMrcth rersons in search of homes, or locations for tbe variou prancbe of e.-pecttul .y invited to visit As- pin all as it is confidently lielieved Ihey win be pleased Totaote ur.rrnaiaicl with the fcicatiou of A.-pinwall tt isotuy eos.sary nmr it is lucaied n the wBthwet side of the Missouri River, one Tuile below the mouib of.taaLiUte 2k ev aha, at aXauius van; rcoeatty knewn as ' XeaPs Poitt." whose beau.i.'ul aud comuiaudiug site Ua for year attracted the attention aud excited the aamlratioo of eve-y traveter up r itwn tbe Misuti Rive.'. At thi p. itit the Missouri s unusually r.arr.w; the channel deep; batiks nolid ail uixriiaiipeabiej Se tiaakA adture tta. Imtiud -fur aie- miie aUiv aud heiow the iiiTti ; all va.-ieieof tiui'ocr; .ivueof all kinds on ar.d tear tbe ai'.e. Though feat recently surveyed. Apinwall cntiins two to e aula pvaum f wer City inhabitants ' All that rdesi:ed au ejirniiaii-oi f the Ucaaoti; of the aatnral wfearr, taeilitte f jr athirpius P"int to ib inte rior; the adFautaaa ol the suriuuiuiiug cintry a.c Xjpvjfing or exagreratiun i required to build up a point . j-e4 ia: "sad ra e-mtnral aAvantarev. . I . COME ANJXSEiJ March 11. IMS. . $6000 Scrip Wanted, Fr the same amount oi Rci Esuie in low dgurcs. App.y to s-- LCSHBAUGH L CAnSOS J05AS CEA5E. THEODORE Br Crane dlz ' FORWARDING AXD COMMISSION MFSCHIWTI, - AND STEAM ii OAT AGENTS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries. Ilardwarc Q'leensware Furniture stores, -- se?i. MILTON1 FCLA11K -! WHOLES ALX ASD RETAIL DEALER IX Grooeries; WIHES AHD..LiaUOBS ' JV. 9, Main Street, BROWNVILLE, N. T. ATTOBHBY- AT LAW, itiiow.riLLi:, s. T. Wi'll-wrirs doeds'tl every kuid aud contrasU for every pur5;;se, wi h warranted leal accuracy. usee, in tie liaising Kvuse of Lu.-..Tu;h & Carson. r.KFER TO ' Hon. Jotn 'A. Bliisbam C-d:z, " w K. Carter, CievelAui, P. PSpaldir?. " B F Ltiter, Canton, " S Lifctn. - " W ni R Scpp M t . Tertua, " :.-. SP Chase C.dumbas, ' Tbos. Ford itansdeM, Jas. Crats St. Joserb, iTo. rownville Oct. 22d '57. - - -vintT-ly PcrlcrJs Spirit of Uio Tiiaes. General Pirrchcnin- Agency, TUK ciufctaatty increasing demand upou us to excrete eomruisious for itie parcbaeof all kindsur articles, built for residents and ni -residents of thecty. h is'uid jcchI us to establish, iu Coiuiccuoa wiiU our ncwfpjjer ci.u r priiCj a under the iruuieoiato ucr .ou ot olc of our ra, as sisted by tbe most accoicyluLcd exper-s, 'tr tvt&lyixy j erliclt ia tr.e vcriii. atie-iiva wi-I be pali to t!:? 2.errtlcn, pur chase aadssieot tliorouv-h-brcd Cj.i:. Ii.Tie S.ock. trained Dp. Ferrert aua fancy F.wls CjrriKe Bi:?iy and Saddle Horses Cirua.'es Harness an! SjUitief, 'lime Watches, every Uescri;-u.a of Fire Aria.-. sortiiR Arti cles FishiiiclWsanl Tatk.e Alasic aiiwl ilus-iai Ia-tru- ment, Yactts Sail 4 U.,a-j Furu;are Sue Wines. Li-iuors, and Siitar: ; Ciickeiacd Ball BaU P-ua, &c, oc AomcrLT'caAL IIflejiexts oi ibUr?tatid ntost improved kiud; iet.ds, Plants. Fruit, Torcji aud i aade trees, and ail kinds of Xtoois treaUnj.ia sul ectsc im- portacce to Lie Farmer, Hut uultant, and Florist. State F.oojis Ejgaged ia advato. cn Sienciei sand Packeu tu leave for Sarvpe Califoruia.. tieWew lL.da.-8. rauypartof U.ew-.rld. TLi -u-iU obv ia : e Ue nccbssi.-y to residents f isianrl totras a'i-3 ?iaoen wlie: e ns:eair agencies exist..o, cumins to tv To:i twoortlireet.-c.s tn advance as Uioy are nw! v required to t: either to tbtiin psa;e crtosecurea.izib.e ac-.uiiatia-tions. In tlus lieijjrttaent. vrc will I re-tiT to srcui e Rooirs at Eotei at favorable ra;e, s-jasio ororcct the stranger f rem ix.p;.?iiin us we.i as incoaver.;f ucc ; and iu short, to pericrm -iy destri-Jan of that would ordliiari y rc'jtii tac prsse-oe ci tlie parry tiraaelf. - Gentlemen whod?!re to firm DS-aries. orwaomav wbh to prw:urc tue Choice Literature of the caa al-jjys rely up-n tur judgement. aal se.ection. Also, Blank boot and Sutionery, ad ZoUaad Xcwi Paper, r printers. FOB. TEE LADTES, we will prcciaro tae latest Fashion Plater, styies or B cne. samples of tha newest varit- esof poods Cosmetics verfuiue ami fany articlos. asd we shall always be pleased L ?uru.vL every ibinscuuneci ed wi:h their-wants. In short, for arty service which mny le required, tic public may re.'y upon us, w;:li the moat perfect tor fide lit y, and tLspatcb . A t !y to GK..J. W. WTTXE3 & CO., Porter's Spirit or tte Times. Zii Broadway, 2C. T. X. B S abaci ip:ions for Porter's Spirit of the Trues, a Spirting Lne-ars Ai icaitrrral, Famiiy Weekly X ew p.pcr. may Us fortr arced, to the same ci.ecUca. Tunas, S3 a yur, - 0"uis. 4 tt tt Potter Wanted. ' 1 will give employment to a good, industrious Potter, Wil acquainted wiih ihe business. JOUX AlcPnERSOX. . nUtr Brownvillo, Dec6 1S57. - -ZOOK-&BALXWINt forest City,. 3VTo.f -J' Gr 'And M"EDIlNIHg. Ije Wo6Qs9 ' DyestulTs, Oils, Paints, aiid Painters Articles Vanishes!, Wiiulow-gl uSsiuil Putty, GLASSWARE," French." English, il Atuorican Perfumery. '"PiXE toiler aud sharing sohj, Cue 4iaii and tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical and lent al instruments", spices, stiuils. manufacvured u.u-cvn: all the latent medicines- f the day: j.urt- wiaes anl bramiie. fvT m-rdieal jiurpc-se; choice Uiiletuiid falKV urti.-W. etr..ett.-. : -Agents for tlic sale of T)fJ "WisiarV lUlsam .f Wild I'herry. Uogor s Liverwort. Tar at:d Canchalagui. " 0-sixd' India C'bi'laitrue. I hare a 1UM t'1- ,-;..:--e ca (vod tert-s to w. y w-a wa. F- T.IT!i:Ar,. 'V i aa I A i. ) QH HZIIT OI c , . ALXXA1CDE2 UALUM. LateCasii'i Nem.ha Valley Ek HALLATJ, Tit Sser-ew H.:l sow nai'.y er-r- ts by first tl;y or Ap:;l ncx. is for mIc it T::r. Ii trios acqaaiated we need rr ale to riru:r .r.n.uf mer.t. T.. tao-e at a Stance allow c io 9r,r tlwt 1Wo.-i-vu.e is ire of the mo-t tari-fius y-uss ciUaa cf J e-s -ka, coat .iiss j p..;i:ii:1un ot siut S0). Tta Laati Vi'.'r.v for the errIia Laul BiStr'u is located bere iud Li c- t live oiera:i..i Tie laud laie will cio.t lively Lii ilac n or t-cfjre J-sty next. - TueK.iel is stridently lsrr-rl-cin 6!ty I st.jriea biii to aar-.mmodate any nucivcr a!wit cf patirttt, at;U ye: not cn srch an extenatv scale bui taat U cats, purch-ised or reared ar-d kept, aud pay well. I: was a i ec'ed by a stork c-jmpaay whose ptindpal , ject was to secure a 11: st clasa Hotel la tbe plssre. tLl , tirr will tell It at ccatr-will eliber sell (tin:; act prefer to sell. . . IWokaneed make sn-licafisn to rent except tiose srtso are tsperinctii la hotel bUAicoss, aad caa ccaat wa.1 ,. rccoiarrjended. .. ' Appyia ptrscn or by letter taeitrcr r. w. Frz2.A5,r-i suot, , , Or ALHX. EALLAlf. Sec'y. " T,rownrille, Nebraska February II. 1S33. ' ' . r3";ax::e St Josnb: riaiudeaier. CleveUad; StaUw. W.shinirton City; Statesman. Coiurahus, Oj die airer. , Cinicaari. Ei Luuia Reptib:c:it sndXw Isrk i'ii'jui. Cj;yeei'y:o amount of ami tend Uil tithacCU. . is TEAI5STEE.; : MlCIIAEiVCA"TNEy. Isfo-raitbepubiisCiatBeisprcpa.rsdata.1 llr.a. tA Coallkiudi of wots wi h a teaii. Also ii .prffjMurtU. b CArTVpssSPn-rerslo ardailredpclat. - rZuii Feb 13 1CC3V 1 ... . W. II. UTIalalAJXS, - WHOLES ALK AND RETAIL DEALE IS STOVES k TJ N WARE Oroson, HIo., TAEE3 pleastiru it: ajiaounchi; the citizens of Or gonatid the public imgcneraL, be baa on hand tbe most iermve stck i fetoves ana Tin ware, ever offered in thi; rnarket. My aU-cli. r f Tin ware is of rnj own uianufaciurc. aad ii fur siilcal Wholesale aud Uetai! at St. La.uii yrues. I would call particular attention to my stock f COUKIXG STO VEri. cmririsioj; tlw wiost improved pattern both Air-Ti?ht and Premium. Arrtonr; them maybe found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove nt.w in use, the Asiatic Air-Tiht, Pioneet and prize Pre mium. ALm Parlor & Bos Stoves r: Oi various 6ne and Patterns, which I wril .ELL LOWEU TIIAX ANT HOUSE LX TOWN. Partic-uliir attention jiaid to makin-; and ruttiny up Tin Gutters, iu the town and country. Also, re jtairrng done b short in.tiee aiul ou reasonable term . Old eopjer, Lross and Pewter taken in erfhanje for w..rkr ware. W. . WILLIAMS. vl-n5 ' ' (rcr n. o.- 'Jtilv i. Uichakd Blows, . Piwuer of Xeoraska. BHOV7IT aUOWNTlLLli NKBRASiA. . cmaStcniioawillbcsv-entdtbe loUunaria; b tuncss vir: To the boyics cf Bank n-.tes, and laanics ,moi:y,on gcd securiry. " . . " " and sellius of Last era Expanse. " " " L.ind Warrants, C iUection of debts in Nebraska, Iowa, XjTthent " Musouri and Kaunas. ' . . " buyiu; and selling of fartn, tcwti lota, or Bnint- proved Unas, . . " selection aud entry of Lands for settlers or others citLer with land warrant or m.i!y. Remittances can be made to us in Drafts, or Deposited wiih Banks or Backers subtect t our ortter. We will enter land, with WrranuorCasb pay all lee taxes and commissions forune-tbird of lbs fro J proiUa, accruin; from the sale of the lauds. In Xebraisa and Kansas. fr m two to three millions acre of the fioest lands In the Tjni'jn arc beins offered lor sale. Foreign capl:a:ists will find here a rbb fleirf for in vestment. Investments judiciously made ia Western lauds and town Iota are now paym; f rum any to five hun dred per cent. ' , Wc solicit the prttronage of tbe public, confident that tnr exrei ience atd kn ow.edse in the busineBS will enab.e us tocive entire satisfaction. Having a la-g-e tcri In the Jlississlppi valley It wjij not be d'.ncult to rtre references when requtreJ by eorre?poneni. as resta-ds our standiuz; andwillat all times. cbeerfnlly answer ell letters f enquiry. Browuville June 23.h. 1537. . . v2J-ft - Jmtfl-'-Ainf tewn (-hflig-gm': (iuyottV Yellow dock acdSaraT,axlll; JuW 2U, 157. - - .24 '57 "BltOWTf Vf LLI . X T. 75,000 ibs. Bacon. LTFORD &. HORX, Sonora. Ho , .have f fr Bale, for cah 75 000 ikhuhIs excel lent bacon. ; v2n36-ly Mirchl'oS cheap t U - a. a n.C3 . All tbe iadoUed ey uot r sccouat to McAllister' Poster a. Co. ate hereby ttwubed to ooiac foiward and setue immediasiy as ionge audulcence will not be pveu. ' - CRAKE i II ILL. HUDSON GEORGE, (DEPUTY COUNTY SUT.TEYOR) SlHirEYOR.M'D LJUCDiAGEXT .Mai h 3teet. ' ' ' ' ; i.uUvVXYTLLE, T. WILL attend urawrptry aatd faifbfuiry to the election ssad scatva of (iuvernaiest Lastd ra lb Xemaba Land iMtrtct. Surveyiuf Town sii,uhiividiat Lands Draft i aj City Plats, aad ailoer hut-iaesscf afeueral Survey or. Will buy and sell 104 vnau. pay taxes investi gate titles. File De-riiratn'v3 a'euien-.s vt ianti- n to I"--tnpt. sad tnjke .ai. Prt-emp i: r.persar t-hort n. Ik, atnda wjyswu baud io look ul claims f' r wrauai ei tir. tavHitea: fttade rot dasiant dealers. - Letters of isy)i.) attswe.dv"iiia::y. slj ta to . ... t ' Pam! Be Bar.kei, J-oti a.i:- f.-i. ti y:..;i n.i. T P.-L--e . - k. Xed. M es Saii-.h, Jtyatt k Charies' tanrl Arenta. eo. H. Kix-m L-iutllUn:Lrer, Ivri-.- OV:k. iLi .. -. 1UE SEW YOKK Steam Saw-Hill AXD MACHINE COMPANY. Capital $250,000. This company has been organized with the above capi tal for tbe purpose of supply ing tbe demand for tbe .. ClXMBlXATlt3X-; PORTABLE STEAM SAW-MILL, AXD OTHER LUPKOVF.D ilAClHXERT. Tbey have putchased the entire machiuery business heretofote cai ried .n by J. M. Earsn Co , also the Miit?oSue-y Works at Yoode. s on tbe Ilmlsoti. near this city and with tbe expet ience and facitiiies cmbined in its organization are preparfvl to f urnmb tuacUinery ft all kiadsat more lileral rates than has aver beeu olliered at any other establishment. Tbe Combination SawM J! was patented October 1SS and is uow generally ackaowieded to t the cheaper, m t practical atw ettrcrent lumber tuantifacturing ma chine in the worm.' A tante -namber vt them are in succerssfat-operali'-n iu difle-eTrPseciwai. of Ahia country . Canada Cuba an-lSiiuih ATBCiiua. an. wbe.evev Uner merits have been tested they are beinir srlopted by lum ber manutactorerjnP'''crciiCS tu.all other mills Tbe lolli.witur letier exi-'eseef the ceneral opinion of tbM- who are tfsiryi ibe C-mbina:i n Jlill . Aiessrs. at.MEaso.N Oo ioiuletnjpTi : I have tried ihe saw-niill porobaed of yoa and wj say thai U per forms well andinore than meetsmy expectations, l am well pleased with iw performance. I set it up on a small stream that aff iroed c instant water about as thick as my little finper wbich was n.uch nvire than suflicient to supply the b iler. We are able u. cut 3 000 feet of beautitul lumber in 12 hnurs. w less man one oru ii w.a.' the very tbtng mutu bwiwi iu oar c unty ior a ion time. Witfc nttie trouble and expense we are able to , it frxm nve o ie:i mi.e- peruy. and set it apm the hart of the timter. which saves the preat burden of batilitiir tie logs & . . . . i . ipiijl uistiu(.r to inr mm. -Ycrrrs. re-pectfully. "JESSE KErJl"Jn ' "'" ' 'Lnin-iUe Tenissssee The Company have purchased Lund's Ptdent FeedAr- raueement winch i illustrated -atxl aenrribed tn the ScientittcAmtiicaBfor October 54. bis aWf." greatly . Je LontHxehon .Vt with all . the recent iuprv- meu, .ni steam p ..we: of la horse, is uaptiMp rjsn sawlnc fr,m 3 Out) to 4 000 feet in 12 tours, , and is stfld ror i coo. " r THK"i:rwT6nK:cnnrr.i stw-imy: Is suaaufactared uuiy by- tnisCompsnv. 1 1 is -or superior - -m sou zaper-cent let -item intner mills tt no ereater eanaciiy. a mill -ith 16 :to6siach. saw can be sowl li floo to $500. and with 20 hart eu- pina and b i!e' iss Id f.r$2 2i.D. -TtBM-Lngiiin ni Hoilert ; rayfaejirfriiTone to 100 iore p..wer, Iacmofie Tubular Tlue and Cy linder Botlert ruraished at greatly reduced vriiXi traia Drawii.cs, w,tk Hrs sndapcriBcatinna-tfor ibnlldinss and maehinery fartushe-lTratis tootr c.istours. Competeat mecbanic are sent ut to ymt up and set In "oeratum our machirierv when recnired ' -W:als -maaQfaeture Shinntt Machines" Ploninj llockme Smvmr-MUU. and Mockr, in Gener! Special aUenU said t nettius: up Shfthuf ant PJ 1 for taanulactories, and all kinda r. mil-Wright The Company are selling In preat uunibers a Yaffil Conical Burr Sione ATM, for fionr, tx-m meal atd ail kmdsorreed wHcb Is pronounced bv rxperiewra mii lrt.tbebe.tiaiU ever obstructed Irwin rtind nt irraia ia the same time tnd with hilf the powwr-f any tniil cf tbesaut prioe Uatbe r.).rkt. . . -., We alsv fnrru b other stysf Grtaf-lii'ai.whtn " r. ' : ' '' "wm. .vnm.iHrr.v.T tii 7 ' '' ' -' -X-..37I BxMtw.y. XewTotk:. IIAVIXG rurciased the entire stock "of Got.ds inc to . K. d.vis. uiperner w;n tarse w extensive additions jnst received, I am now prepared to furnish every variety of Heavy ana Fancy fwrocrrics, FOR HOTEL AXD FAMILY USE. i I hare in store, aad for sale cheap, a large supply of AICOFFEES i Best quality Rio and Java ! Every ,TEJ1,: quality, and,' price. SUGAR, Havana crushed and best article of brown sugar. DM1DG -ST0KIE ! Front Ltreet Krownvillc, Nebraska Territory, Jv,H. -lVIATJN & Co., NEW ARRIVAL OF O mSU' and :' . TIN W A HE GEO. S. EAYE11& C0., BEAl IffiE 1 AM) General Land Agents, GVnwood, i-liittsnioutli, MilN eu, Iowa. Oa?s ci, Xebra.-a. " ILL fTi-raytly nttttnd tn liud Aecck-s, lnvcs- tiatirjr Titles. Paying Taxes, In vest in:; tn-n-ey. Huyin and Seliirt Town Lots, Huyin: Scilia nd Uicatin;; Iand Warranrs, and !l other bti.-'ine.-'-eonteA.-ted wiih theirirLfysiiun in Western low a and Xebraska.- J. M. LEWIS, Associate Attorney. I i )-- IIKFLIUKXCPS: i jens. r. ziNXET. cux. jr. KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAT7,- XECHASIiA CITY, IS, T. Till practice la the Co -arts et this Terr wry. Ccl tlon and c-iminal tuaiaess attetniel t-a taniuiCaout !--brajia. Westeru L wa aod Aiisaouil. Wi!!, attend tAa : Courts at Brownville. v? 1 13-dm . 6A1NT LOUIS FURITITURE STORE. WE l..ive tiw tbe Uriei.t stock of coaloai ma ruius lure ever otTercd ia liu. iia. i.3., p.kaci;)a.!(; oar ia ttLai of act ure. ." FlnepcrloTtJts cf . . ROSEWOOD, ' AH0 G ANY, , WALNUT. with a larso asiortnent of IbMsrwoKl. ilabistany. Oak aad Wain it Charaber, Elainj Boost. Iiall aad Library ? 1x7 1 txir o 3 which we are selliii; at very low prices for caxa shTt city paper. E3"P. S. Theatrratljnof.thn trsd a tdted. illTCHKLL RAililELSKEP.U JL CO. ' ' B r. LcsnBAtCB. r Y t. caxsob" IaTJHBATJGH &. CtlloOrT, LASHERS AXD CEXERAL LAX3 ACZX7Z. Dealers In Coin, XJncurrent W -ney Krchance and Laud Wtrrraata, BROWXVILLS XEalAUA CO .N.T. Especial attention wul tM hit en to Bayixs; and S!!tn( Exchante oa the principal dues sf tha baued Sutssi. Uoid. Silver aud uucurrent Ba-k Xote. A eaisiaat sup ply of Land Warrants ou baudfor sale rot CASJ1. or ea teredon tinte for r.e-eniptors All War sa. . o.a by as gaaraieedin every re-ject. IVi't Hie De Iratory State ment of in eutioc to p.tsexnpt, inti prepare rre-etaption Iers at short notice. aluey loaned utxa bet sweor- ties at western rates of Interest and Inveatrasr.U mad in Lands or city p.operty for distant capiUUsA.- Col.; tiou up.,rj ail convenient u-iau will bep.oUkptty auen4 ed to aud proceeds remtitcl in exclianpe, t current ratas. Bills or KxehaJir.O cu Kulauti I c'.and sad Frarxe. oL taincd at usual rates '"''- Cst of Kxchiat 'n the East added. Ieptu receiwadon Curreut acou'tct aad interest allowed on rnecial lepuit OFFICE iiaia St. near U.S. ijtuIOCire. K.crtRi:sk. l.ind - Brcthc- St Co., VercaaLU, Tailids'jJda, P. ii.-Nauch'oa Carsoxiis. Co., " , Ilier &. WLiie, . " la'.trraort, Kd. Youny. Carson & Bfyant, " " J no. Thompson 31. mu Co'.'rof Tort, ii. Pandrrson 4iC . AleM-hasts,. .'tu r 'V- . . : i Cos just rectivedihe . . . JLARGEST STOCK WEST OF SJIJfTy- LOUIS, ; CHRISTIAN DErSEK. . iiKUVi NVILi.L, A'" XX0UXCES tw thui-ublic thiithe hasjnt re ceived, -piT JteAmer Emm, a rery lurge and well sorted stock r Parlor arid Cook Stores, of iicw and imjiri.rp-d follows: Sbatigbai ElevateJ Oven. . . COOK SIOVES. Buck's Clijypcr Oven. " Itiiproccd 'utter h " . ' . , Charter 0k " all .f which I pledge myself to 11 at a fair rate and oniJievmmdjtin? terms aj any other es tab lishment in this region of country. ' , I have also now on hand every requisite variety cf Tin, Copier and Sheet Iron ware, a nd am prepared to put ur EnUerintrunjJ spouiinjr trud all other work in my iu. at sniirt uottce, ani in a worKiuauimc mrtnrtrr, wrrmr 1 starnnixo rrrre raiisiacuou. Aehiiro-of -iiarira;e,Ij;soliciveI.-i ---. v r.wnvilV. Jnlv 11th. i?57.' ,'.; xlnblt Greene, Wearc A lleuton, G. Doughty A Co Greene. Wears X Uice, Greene A Weare, Xixon A GKlman, . i otl A (irvene, N. W. Thotiiiis, SchoIy A Son Gen. Win. I rick, I. Johnson. I. Iieed & Son. Iiobin.n A Hro Hurlinton Co. Consisting, in part of the followinj arucl&s, which they propose to sell: Cheap for Casli: MOLJlSSES. Large supply of superior .New Orleans mousses, cuer s ana wiuvu i up- Bel- T0BJCC0 AXD SEGARS, Extensive variety and all of the best brands. FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting in part of ; ... PICKLES, .-ifii-' - A preat Tariety and put op expressly for lamity -mae. ' . . , 1IE FRUIT, Bverjr description.of Fruit, such ai .... ....... Fresh. " FftJUfhee, " Apples, UflerTTes. For sale oaeap and warranted fresh and good. L"r:tiioYSTms and .sardines, A. larxe autrply of the best brands and warranted gtoa- TOGETHER "WITH '.. , ..' . A larpe qurntity cf various articles of domestic use too tedious to mention. ' ... - .. W1HES AH0 LIQUORS Pure white lead ; French sine t. -j China zinc Red lead Venitian red Raw and burnt timbre Spanish whitius Chalks.-, Turpentine Liusetid oil Tanners oil Copal Varnish , ' Japan ' White Varnish Litberape Paint brushes Varnish brushes Sash and window tools Wall brushes : ; Lettering Pencils Tuble paints i i- , Camel hair pencils Blenders - . Sur candles XeastP-Jwaerx. Poru'.-.i'-t.- - -1 : - . Native,. , Oaarnpane, ; V !,.':. i-- ii iuuscai, : . .i J... p ! .. ' -- " Sherry4,' and'' i'.i-. I).- '". " ' jv 1 rli Claret Wines, 7 . r'; :Extra Qualify of Trencli and American Braiifiles, I , , '.' BRANDIED CHERRIES, Trolfe5 Sacldaia . Scanapps, Old MoLongehebiljbaitoaaracl llya . , . .. V7Viwl-ov ; ; t ;-. . fi " JU1--C-V , Custofani c Cod liver oil b eet oil Olive oil ..Glue Patent medicines, .l ,. sorts Cousm caadies .Tauoy-candies - r - Casti.e soap soap W asking soap Tooth brushes Flair "brushes Cloth Brushes Arssjmls sort shell Hard shell Almonds Filberts, peacans . Feanuts.' ' Z i "Ttaisins Oysters in can . . ; ii.SaSdiaes. ' . Black and Imp Teas . 11. iiit is, U. S. Senate. TOBACCO,., fU ' Of the"best brands, chewing and smoking. Cigars fin est quality and flavor.. it ' r :f I FRUITS AXD 'LIQUORS. .,. . t 'Preferved fruit for pies, brandied peaches, fresh pea ches iu cans pure liquors for medical purples. Jamaica rum Holland Gin li-b whisky. Bourbon whisky, snniter brandy, Cordial Port wiae, cherry wine, wnhe tac, AUiaajaas-ine. r v .... STAT10XER Foolscsp paper fancy letter paper, -gBu edge -nates, and ervekpe -plain faurr and-eeahes'se iu and pen holders, inks of all kinds, inkstands and Fabers pencils, sealing wax wafers. .' A Splendid Assonrneru of Terfumeries Comprising Lynn's Katbairion'.. Cu'.ogne, pomnuale genuine x marriw, lear gTease and oils; muskanda senees of an kinds and of tbe finest quality. - j- Physician' Prescriptions attended of the day and tight. ' ' ; INATirL POTE COUSIN- Land and General Agent, WASHXTTGTO N XJIT T, D. C. FLwing resigtieiltbe situation whuh be has beb -in the General Land Otllce lor tbe last twenty years in charge of the P.e-euipun Bmeati cfleis bi.sei vice- iu the prvMcuiion of claims before the Department, under shenre-euii ?i'n lawk, town site act of 1541, Ax.. &.c ilr. C. will also give attention to cases before the Pen sion office procure Land Warrants to parties euliUed. and prosecute claims before Cotutress. ...'.. . t EtriRS to Eon. S A. Douglas J. D. Bright, Iadi.iua, C. E.'S.uan JlichLcan, ." B. W. J -lidsoti Ai kausas, ' " Dan'IWtlls. Wisconsin, House Reps. C. C. Washburue, " . ' ' Pb't Smith Illinois. " John B. Sandidge Louisiana, , " Tli imas A. netidritlis Com'r Land Ofice. Jos. S. Wilson, E.-q. Chief Cletk , Hon. E. ii. n-intinj;ton Ex-Cym'r. Indiana. James Shields Ex-Cotu'r. Minnesota i fleo. C. Whiting. Com'r. Pensions. GovvMedary St. Paulx liinnesoU t ilen. Swceay.Font it. Co., Ban&ers, Wa a la ton Pairo Xourse, do . , do Chabb Brothers. do do J d T Suter, Lea Si Co. do : " ) " Also, to the District Land Officers generally,, and to all wbctaavehad land business at-iheseat Of government for vears. JT,X'"iiii?s letters itt reocsve atten .tion uuless- actompanied by a iee.'t n2l-ly ALSO:. OF TConsSstih of Hi TEAS i Jrc7s,:"$SUGARS, " 'MAISIX2, ; - coffee, CURRAXTS, - v : . -MOLASSES, f Witlt.a!3, articlss TXji Lasbbauh A Cam. Bankers tvti fc. llaliam. 6j W. Famas Editor Advertiser, Ber' t S7-fl!l-VTtf d' do .Clririnnati Oliio. frs.USCjty, 1,-wa. .Bvwviiie,X. T. do do do do do do K itw-e H beeby givrn tv all pe-wm n. t xa tmr rrwa i Jame FeTTa-n ow a re1entr B ownvitie Xetnaht cuBty NobTi-k t tbe foil wins de-ribed rea' estate virr: i then-uthwet ;UiMer (.1(4) ot tbe soeta sm 'qntner i (1;4) and btnn:le-". t.-(4)f sec iou eighteen (IS) in i t. wushtp five (!') ranee sax'wi (16) r tst, nr-tiny portii n i tbe-e. f a I will c a eT bis Tizht ..f y eemti heTets ' the same vein p-jrti rn i f a town - j-e T&is the-efvi e m Mrawmas, teaches, wiy to negotiate with rbe said Jrguia tur the above V torutbertui Ac , Ac U be bad at . dcri! lracu cr w4iceu vt Ian f. C03LU0X WIIJSKE Y, ALE fa. CHEESE. 1 - - - " Just T-eceivcd 80 boxes superior Western TiereHe Tor sale cheap K-c cash. . . MLTHX F. CLAI!K. Special .Notice. ' ALL thoMih Odin a?c -unt asainstj. R. Davis will rail ji tbe snbse tber and have tbem caricelieC ; and thve indebted to kim will pittase call aud settie an luug er iuda.geace will not he given. - - I muip r. clark. " SOAP, TOILICCO; CAXDLES,rr. PQimERlXDSIlQX Council WuCs, Io Ft. I Moines 4 (d;ir llaj4.1-. Cincinnati. Ohio, (iletiwocd. riwa, Cincinnati, Ohio. Vineentovin, X. J. Hi-rhttown. ! Philadelphia, Pn. I H M Iedf.-:d, X. J. Emigrant's Land Hunter ! ! ! HOYT & SMITH mm Mi ni. AXD Kemaiia C.ty. and Pleasant-viHe,, K. T. Land Warrants Bought and S eld. LAI EXTCKED 0 TI33E. Land Claims and Town Lots - . .-BOUGHT AND SOU). . AXD Investments Midef)r D!it mt Bcalcr-s -BEING fwpset ical Surver'Ts and onehavrnsttad three years experience in the ''West " will devote our enttr tHtteand sfcia attention i tbe Selection and Entry of land w claims for settlers aud all thredestnns choice locatiuns. . AIress. IIOTT fc SMITH. Xemalia City, X T TltTEftS TO A Schuyler, Rermb;ii-. Seneca co., Ohior D V Searles. Tiffin C1r' -' " D.-T loitskeep DiVU.ii Iwa co.. lows. Rev W Kmc Hn.hard-on Co., X. T. S Wiseman Genoa BluftV lowa. . JF Jtebiiyier. Xci;it- Works. X. T. F Ferguson B. awnvilie N T Clinton DTurur, Attica Seneca Co., Ohio. 3 Letters f Enuuiry Promptly Answe;ed.Q August lath, ibjii. i E. Yeakie avCo. ivo. 17 Broaiiway, J.ew To-k. Wm. T. Stuitlis..n Esq., Hanker, y'ahiUru.a,D. C. T. Sreverts -sj Atty avLaw, . Juo. S. (;alla!ier, Late 3d And. 0. S. T., " " T.iylor ICriPih, Bankers, Ctfcaigo. rfl. McCleliand Jjcruaaa k, Co.ilercliaats, 3t. Louis. Mik. lion. Thou. G. Pratt. Iln. J. W. Geary. Ex -Gov. atansas, Hn. Jas. O. Carsou. P. B. Small E-j., Pres't S. Bank, 1I. e - Schley Att'y at Law, Charles Parser. A Co. Backers, II. C. Xuttit C. : tireene. Weare k Rice, " ; . Dougiass & Watson, " Col. Sam Hambletoc, Af.'y alLAW. Jwlse Thos. Pe. ry, Proi. II. Ti"wi!er, ' Oct. b 'S7-vx-ot5-tf , AniiaptUa,J4i.. Fena. Mecer.butx,Ps. , , Eji:erstvwa, HI, . ft M Ke-kt.k. Iowa. ' 1 CotintuBiuI" . , laHXoiiie, " ViCtoU, " Ea ton. K l. Caiat-erlind. 3fS. ' navana A labasia. Watchmaker, k Goldsmith, : A. GYS, ROCK PORT, M0. BEGS leave to inform the public tht.t te aa located' in thcbove named lowu and otrtra it sal a cWe sic k . , CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, - and other articles usually kept in such establishments ai pr.cen which catitkA becuupl.i'Vi of. .' tu.-.i an exper ienced watchma'.er be flatttts hiraseLy that id repatrioc watches, clocks aud jewelry he caa gfe irfect sat.iric . j - - - - ' 1 4ra. JOHN McDOISOEGH Uousr, fcjin, itOrnimL'iitjl Painter,. s i BROVTXULLE,.X, T." nlr caa bele.'i l tl.e t'.tr Drvft &:ure. 15,000 lbs. Of IlaCOIl Fi.rle.vhei.pfr Gash, by LVF011D A HOkX. Sonora, Mo April 9th. 1S57. 4-Mf CIGAES & TOBACCO. ' -VIKING & SWAIN, " ' ; ' Importers and Manufacturers of Cigars Tobacco ConimissionIerelianls, b6, Mais Street. St. Liouis, Mo. Keep constantly on hand a rull and complete assortment GERMAX,,t0aIESTICrUXD HA VAX! CIGAP.S ALSO (For Jcclunt of tie Jlanafaviurets, and lor aale at their prices) every variety of - i . . t Tlrginia 3IannraclnreiI Tobatco To rbica tffe attentKTi .r Deaiers is- resperfTuTly invited JCountry orders will be put up, subtect to the ap proval of the purchaser, and it nut satisfactory, can be held subject to our order ; : : ' VTXIXG k. SWAIX, - TYPE & STEREOTYPE FCUHDRV . . Ho. 168 Vine Bt bet, aTorirtliauid Filth, Cincinnati, 0. C F. O'URISCOaLIa & CO. Manufacturers and dealers in XeWs-'lJook ana Job Typc,'Printin2;l're?5eB. Cages, Gallies, Ac, Ac. Inks, and Printing Material cf Every Description, STEItEOTYiI'G of all kind Docks, llasic. Patent .Uediciie Directions, Jobs, Wood EngrcviEr-s, JaC eC C BraiidWPattcni-Iavec Janas Crane and tbaodore HiU ha,ve this ey torawl . nw a partner ship jiaSer the the flnai ardacylaf Ccaua j mi'sud will continue the Mercantile business at tae el. suni cf McAIl ister, ljzie tt. aisSr" ""' v toe lore hill. .WTXST LA S.X. WESTLAKE & T,UTTON, 1 ""';. . - r- ! aanrtfistt (Mini They iftvitelbe:tSrwnsaT,fl .te Puic-yertc-niiy to , .MflKH;.mE CnU. TUdiVJZl give item a call and-h-ypedc. heme yes t ivc Ibe in i-MO. Jja' J utp qnartv cf. Uieir guuis. : i. Railroad Car, ElOCii IUllip, liOlt WOOD & WOLFSON, larrpcrters aiid Dealers in Foreign and Dumibtic Wiues'&.Li ;quoT6, ToliLCi'0, Ci rs, &,c, &c Second Street one door abwe Beatt.c't Banking Howie The subscribers have just opened tn St. J .seph oue of tbe largest ami aiosl varil asn-rtuienls tf Wins and Li quurs ever offered this uia: ket, arid which they aSer to Country Merchants TEX PER CE.T CAE A PER Tban any other t jtii-e in Xorth-West ilus-u. L M !i. w "LF.sO.N Has tieen enr-ised in the butiness for a number of year la St. Ia-cis and Xe-sv Orleans, and Carters tiuue.f that be can make it an object to tto wistinf to purchase to call and see bim. ' E3"Co?mtry merchants are earnestly solklted to call ana cxamiud our stock and pi ice.m W OOD A. U OLFSON. St Joseph, i!o. 33 bnsk Matirasoe. just received at lua sure of Aug.. 1537. (ca - . -.I T- WHTTE. Commercial Nursery, EL00MINGT0N; ILL. ; The undersigned beg leave to uifotm the Nurserymen and Farmers or the U'w and. S-uth-wet, tbat they avr extensivelvensatreil in the propasanoo t-f BOUT,-ti B.AFTK D AXD hCDDRU I.TOCX3 FOa KL'K ERICS, especially tte APPLE tri rew Urr bsrdy Truifs. Having speut near tweutv ynn. in seiectiijg their Fruit, tbey are tu.'v convnuec: thai lieir litisuiwurja,. ed both in lesard lor the qtt.lity ami tbe proport ion ia wbieh tbey cu.tiv.-.;e. Btu-very citir,u.i dissemiu tini: tlieui aswulely asposib.e they adipt lb nicthod of teikiitia out small, cultivated storks f-rr tfce Narsery. as Ifeiuz far nn:ep.'a( :icb(e and ate tlvaii tomcor the great expense . tfel.iy anl H.k of ihipping larxe tree. should always be f.o-ed uear lite tbey ara wauicd.. FroinjUei.-1 ng eioC(nce tliey flatter tbeu-..-eives that ibry are uerlectly acUainleJ wi h the bur;nes. and I Ley :ra.'t in kuch b.trdy varifiies as succeed well on the root andbnd orr need ing ,ii!k and Ihf m f 1 1. urab.e tender aiHlba.f bard;-kinds. Tliegraf .mg wttl be done at the propei -eas.n and ia tae be-a m inner. Tbe suck will be pjcSixlsc u eiyanlshiapeUby expies- with" tbeereatesl care inear.y fptins; to .toy pari of the West. TUey have aU n bati-1 tl Li ret-l and bt etop vi MACLVRA HEDGE PLAXTS ever grown fornet.Q be! termt, br the tho-3ir:d or-. million. They my te sLifj-fl in tbe Fill or Spring. Their p ire Xir.ery stirfk will he f :nd as lw as any herof errurt;irai-intrT L'hiob. Catalogue and Treat ise on Ilc-.ige Coltu-e, sent gratis to ll applicant. , Patrnage solicited. Orders ir Nurry stuck sboaU be scat p. lor to Zl.h ot Decern! m . A:ress, OVEEilAXkMAXX. Oct. 15, S7-nlS liloonangion. Til. . MB FOR SALE FOR SCRIP. we have 100 O vero-ats which sre win tell at cost jrlee far Brownviiie Iiotel Scrip. - SIKJ3L J GREENBACK. E. M. TOC.NG. J. W. bTEWAET. YOUNG STEWART, ForTrartlins and Conralsslon MerclisaritSa And lanulacturers' Agents, XO. 37 SECtlXD STREET. T. LOUIS iiO. Parricuiar at.entiuu pail to the talc of ail kind, o Orders for the purchase of Cincnnati Pittsburg or It. Louis Manufactured articles will naee nita pri-mpl iitten'ion AND II O L LO W W A R E Kept conitantry en hand the Iattar at lie Tcdaced price of 3 l- rnt. per lh. C .4 S II EltClafrSTVX.Ia Y. ;::!'V2?o3r..4alo-'.'i;'' r. r. niriR. tSrUmjtu.-etJ . W. Farias, 'Advcruaei OJSce,' Comer oT Mnm cTTidd!e:St.; - ST. LOUIt ,ro.' Co- trrrrirs urnfn c satsntSy fenr-d rrli as ' orrti v ri:mT) - Cars, er. I,ml Lars, Whw Il-arro vci, Sera f tr-r. Siiiixlif. and '. j rr HiJrse Powt-r D rricks. ik.c. B'ackiiithi'iC of all kitxls B idze ,r;dT-u- B't cf i a&jr Itrihw , WaiVina;,iMn warr&iod of best qisiity . ' -Patent" Portable Llill, r i mix. sutcriuer3 have entered into a partnersitp JL. Hiuier the na of HaeJ, UouiLird A CoM w majiBfiKture the J. C. lieed, Patent PorUble Griit ilill an-J are now prepared to furrdah aH tbe wiht of m fowl Corn nr Wheat Mill that f r durn- bii!y, sirrplicty and economy: excel world. Oa the laie exhibition institute in Ciueinnati.a (7Jd llcdttl waaawarded Ovrafwrit. ... . , . . , . . Iis lulajitod to all Grain yrinditiar ntrpofe. : it ia ierKr Uall wiIht. f.'rtb-tnt-rexieniv- Merchant as itis for j-indin the Farmer fei-d" by n.-r-ie jj'wr. y - i - Th-r :;rTj THl axe Tnnni.tfiitcred ty.theTidrr s'at d at 1t1.--it shop iu Cincuuati, 0 Leri; tin y Co L furnished in any euanlity at -hort Kti-e.- - The wrr Mill .imtctnl u. tirrl'.no a tid'.wr: " 'Eagle -,v Mils.,1 JAMES CARGILL Proprietor.'; MAKUFACTUHES mid constazily on hand fr sale, all kisaLtof Flour. JIpsI, and Feed Utiw Orders lkit;d and prcmptly filled on most favorable ternjj. CiuiU aid constan Jy for "hcai. For (baracter of. FUr refer U every body tliat ever nsod it. , St. Joapt,h,aLAu.,;o, rlnl3-ly . . A. B. nOLLAJjIRD i' C0 ' - " MaCaablsts, Rrariers zlI Engine Biiilderc. CINCINNATI, O.. I T"T7onlrl nifif rwpectfti'Iy Infoj-n Ihctrfar z the pubil; p-RrrH'y, ilcv ari tit trx- any ..t.i intue , rsired t execuie all order- i: f ht!r!-n w!-V. r. tt--y? I of the Mecliar.ics , BeiJ. TTarin LatclT er.tir-",! thIr ".V. -. ..'r itf icir fc-.p ai; b pb. J hL: tne u:creasi-j i 1 1 u lrS- r n X :W-w lu-sntai eon'.innat ! n .f fhf iibfaT putr lias crra. rtir ben exler-.l.t; V tl. a. C cstant!y o- hau : i uisf. f tar rtAt. Ciw-a hir and 3fuk-r. - 21iT-i (iwnrs itd tvery d'.'erq'norr atiar?, warraEtf tw ee wsU tnaie ib esery pavt taru-i ! 2 '- i 2(1 A . liVlvU d i.i in., pt-r b.iitr oo I! U Mill r!!- i.'oiii or u-i.r-ur . .rn.2. Vlie.t. jtlloT lit - o 1 - - 23D Jtl - T. - (-f lfi ' S ' ' U1) Wi. -t'TV. ti -t !!;. !. rv lar. They bsr- alt a-In iVer 'i ard fit'acbrd to lhe et.M ahich tn.i'I t ?; t v-.m-r t' s- rk v" ti-r liwv- iaritisLMl, 'sy wieiu. ard ary rtrt jrtrrd ! wi-ri. i.ti ik. r.-ii- i;l-!. iv-ius a -ay :- i t ' I.-.' ;iui'ni y, -..' - ' . - ' I : h n : --rv!,.!1! t:s .- ,:-ii