Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 18, 1858, Image 4
Post Orrics DmtmnrT, - ."t?, El 1 S. 7.f be received, at tue Ltract v.;kw ii Dcirtun'ot oc.ii 3,.p'i m., of 'Wednesday, arch 3 1, Iif Sr f mji3 ti Bna ii the t bij- MdJii; Juba 4. U52,iaJ ao-.Iiriiry-of -A e triuW,a (he routes and ty the; sdiodaies herein peeked. ' ' .'? r ? I'ccifiiiss tobetnudeVy April 21,135!.- - '. ;' " (Examine cartfdlj te orm$ and inntryetiom an nxed.) . - . . ' . , .,'..-. ' ; HQfll.' From Omaha City to. Council Eiaff, Iowa, alios And beck, daily. ' LeeveOmahaCity daily a l,p.M; "Arrive tt Council Kuff same day by J pm; ' I tear Council Bl u fl daily at 4, pm; " :, .;.', Arrive t Omaha City same day by 6,pm. - -. From Omaha City by Nebraska City.Kear- eyCitr,3Ixiut. Vernon, Brownville, Nomaba City, ad Kal'o,o Whitehead, ISO miles, and back, three timet a week, Leave Omaha eity' Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at 5, Dlt Arriveat Whitehead 3d day j 10 pm; Leave Whitehead- Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at fi. am? .-....''.' : ArriTtatOmaha'cIty 3d (lay fcy 10 trt. T,i ". , r!30i3. From Omaha City, ty Elkhorn Cij, to ficuaslis; b7 miles and back three times a week. r .Leave Omaha City Monday,, Y.'edaosdny, aM Fn- iaratftanj - - - j -AjieatFof3TTfcx!r,i.f5rv; , pU.rt FonUneSeTaoIiayiTLdrsday; andSi?Pc i cay at 1 pro; Arrive at Om&t a" ej!y text flay, ty T "p W. . IMOi. From .Omaha City, by ikllewew. Cedar Uaad, flat mouth. Bock Biufa, Lewistown, Three Grove, and Wyoming, ;to Nebnaska eity, 120 miles and back, three times a week. ' ' '' :- , Leave Omaha City Monday, Wedaesdij, and Fri day tt4an;; . r. - - n-- '-'. t Arrive at Nebraska Ciry 34 day U p m; V jftryfbraiUCity- latdsyr'Mclnir5rkoa Fn-ifatS t.ofT 'V. t X Arrive it Omaha CityM days r f tn; ' "14CK5. ""From Omaha City by Elkhorn city, Bu elanan, Colombo, Fort Kearney, and Fort Lara mie, to Salt Lake, 1,015 and back, once a "Leave Omehe-Gity'o'tbe 15th. of each month r Arrive fttWfjAket ttlrtf layf Tbfresner;7T LearfefealtLake ontirelMhof ach- month Arrive at Omaha City in thirty days thereafter.' ' lSd to end at Fort Laramie, omitting Fort Kear ey Salt Lake will be considered. 1400S. FromOmaha City, by Florenfe, ,Ft. Cal honn. De Soto, Camming eity, Tekataah, Black Bird, and Omadi, to D&hkota city, ,"11 CT miles and back, three times a week. " ; Leave Otoahh dry Monday, Wednesday, and Fn iayat5am' : '"; ' - ' Arrive at DahkoU eityjjext dnys hy lajLia; ' " Lea vlutxi'-J iluoiajj TTiiay M1 Fri day at 5a m; . n . -Arrive at Omaha city next days by 10 p m. 14007. - From Omaha city, by Elkhorn city, Fon tanels, Ronning Water, and Fort Randall, to Fort Pierre, 00 miles and back, twice a month. . Leave Omaha city 1st and 15th ef each month at tLMiO'-S'-f " x U'.icUJ Arrive at Ft. Pierre ea the 10th day by 10 p m; - ' Leave For firrreon ithao4 of each month at 6 ant ; : T Arrive at Omaha city on the 10th day by 10 p m; s Bids to rB onee a week will be considered. 14003. From Buchanan, by Fontanelle, to De Soto, 0 miles end back, onee a week. ;; t ',' leave Buchanan Moaday, at 8, a m; , .. Arrive at Pe Soto next day byCpm; a Leave De Soto Wednesday at8am; - Arrtre at Buchanan next day by 6 p m. - 1400.'' From Fontanelle toFremont,15 miles and bark, onee a week Leave Fontanelle Saturday at7a m; ... . Arrive at Fremont by 12 mj Leave Fremont Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at Fontanelle by 7 p m. 1 14010. From Oregon, Missouri, by Olive Branch, to Rttlo, 25 miles and back, three times a week. . . Leave Oregoa Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at I am; - :t . . s Arrive at Ralo by 12 m: Leave Ralo Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at P ; '"'.' . , , ' Arrive at Oregon by 8 p m. ' 14011. Fromjtulo by Archer and Salem, to Marysr fiUe, la Kansas, 100 milks and back, once a week. Leave Rolo Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Marysville next day by 10 p nu . Ieave MarysviUd Wednesday at a m; Arriveat Kolo next day by 10 Pm. VJ; Bids to commence at Saint Stephens, to run three time a week are invited.- , . J4012. From Bellview, by Fairview and Piatfbrd to Ashland, 40 miles and back, onee a wedu : -Leare Bellevicw Friday at 6 a m; ; , ' ' Arrive at Ashland by 8 p m; ' Leave Ashland Saturday at 0 a m"; ., . Arrive at Bellevie why 8 pm.' ' Bids to end at natford will be conridercd. -J 4013. From Glenwood, Iowa, by Cam Gordo, Xelleriew, and Haileton, in Nebraska Ttrritory, to Frtaest,1 iile'and back, thrse time! a oek, t Leave Glenwood Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 am; V "V" r s- . ,LV Arrive at Frf mont.By.8 p m; , Leave Fremont Ttiesday1, Thursday and Saturday at fa in; ' ' ' . ' -"' r " Arrive at Glenwood by 8 p ra. 11014. From Oregon, Mo. by Forest City ana Rash St Stephens, 80 miles and baek,' twice- a week. - ' ' " ' By Leave Oreron Monday and Friday at 8 a m; . Arrive at bt. S tephens same days tjr 6 p m; Leave St. Stephens Tuesday and batarday at 8 BS . .." . , , , , Arrive at Oregon same fiayd by C p ttJ I. Tl4013..f From-Ilatsmauth to LewL-vUle, 0 mifce and back; once a week. " - - L Leave PUtUtnouth Satnrdny at Jam; AjrriverLpWisvinebJ I2m; ' Leave Lewlsvi'.le Saturday at 2 p m; f "Arrive at PJaUwoath by 8 p m. " v 1 jCiliJ il n.mi FUL'msuthf to" Gfocivood IoWa 9 miles and back, three times a week. . ; , ; Leave Plau'uiouth Monday," Wednesday,' and Fri day at 9 a m; . Arrive at Gleawood by 12 ra; Leave Gion wood Monday, Wednesday, and Friday atJp m; .vil'l.' .! ArTrreatPlatsmoutkby5p m. -. : "14017. From Platsmoath to Giendule, 15 miles and back once a week. ' ' Leave PUtftnonth Saturday at 7 am; Arrive at Glendale by J.2 m; ' ' . : ", ..Leave GlendaiaSurday at2 p m; Arrive at I'latwnouth by 7 p m. 14018.'",Frem llaUmoatk, by Kenosha, to Wye- m'ng, 20'tr51s,n3 back; once a week. ' . t Leave rjat raouth Saturday at6 a mj ' ' ' . ' JLrrUaAt, Wyoming by 12 m ',,".'.'',. ..Leave Wyoming Saturday at 2 p m; , , . , , . . . ? Arrive at ttatiroouth by 8 p m. 5 , 1401t.'"Frooi Xlarysville, by Forney and Pleasant TaSey, to Fort Kearney, 160 miles and back, once a -k.. ,',,''''";' " . Leave'irarrgvr.Ie'Monday at 4 am;" ' 1 , Arrive at Ft. Kesrory.Thurwlay by S p m; .' Leave Ft. Kearney Jtonday at 4 am; , ,. ; v. Arrive at Marraville Thursday by p ra. , - Jiid to run by a pro posed sched ula will be oonsid eni. :- ' - ):' Lid to ra a three times a week will be eenxidered. 14020. From.Wycmlrgtd Salt Crock, SO miles and back, once a week. " ' -., Leave Wyoming Friday at a m; ..' - Arrive at Salt Crek by 8 p m; Leave Salt Creek ba! jrday at 6 a m; Arrive at Wvomip v. 8 t m. 14021. From Konosha to Sidney, Iowa, 20 miles 4d tatk. tbe Lmea a week. . . 1 Lea v is ile rudsy, eanealay, and tx:day Arrive r Fyduey by m; tt r, - -Leave Svdaey Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Arrive at Kenosha bv 8 p re; -14022. Fmra,Nelraka Cityby Fort Kearney to jy Fort Kear ic a-jnpalh. 1 till, li.. Asn Uoilow f v ua t ana dck.ooc Leav5'ijratka.l.a.t)l every m1 Arrive at Ash Hollow on 10th diiy thereafter; Leave Ash Ilvdow on luto cf every monttu Arrive at Sebraska City pn the 10th day thcre- Vter.:- ' ' 1 ' t -'J-'i 4- I'd Is town' twice a month, and to tad atFt-Koaj er. omltttcf A.h floilow.will be considered. . i-' i 14023." From 'ebraka City by Ksarney City, to Kitfney, ' Iowa, 15 -juios ".and back, three times 'a week. . : i ' v - Leave yebraAa City Monday,- Wednesday, and Friday at 8 a m; Artivet SldDcr B.vae v by 12 m; .' .: . A Leave Sidney MsndayW ednesday, and Friday at 1 pas; uii t i',. . ., . ..I. i. Arrive at 5bsiika Gty. same dre by 7 p mr Tlt,-Cf rttTTi .a CivfMiUtadTotum ei Turkey 1 st O tto1! isjiclija Marysrille, lizmuesanaaacK.aoce a weecv ')U, 1 Leave 5ebrk IJity Monday at I t m; t Arrive a imrym :.a eanesaay oy 0 p m; Liv Marysvil'.e Thursday at o a 11: ""JlHn at S'shratia City Saturday by 6 a ra, Ls torsathre rimes a week wit be considered, I4fl5. From Xebmska City, by Ottoe City, Ml. TerBOBtProwiivirie, Nemaha City, ' Archer, White Cloud and Rule, to X eirh Ajretr-y, Kansas T-i SP miles aai back, three times a week. ' " '"'. " ' Lsr "ctfska Citydsy, 'Vfedaesday, ;nd friiy at 0 a ; . .., . .... ' 1 tn ! Vmulil IrSMT CMt dlTI Wis Bl! Leave Nemaha .Agency jdaadey, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a m: ... , . Arrtra at JCswrwka dry ' ext day by 6 p m. r : 1425. . Fiota yelraska City, by Ot toe City and Zt Paao,. Licdsa, iio, 40 atilcsand baJt, oncea -ereck. ' ' " J !.; Xicave Sebraka City Monday etta m, '; . , . , . Arrive atUaden by 10 p m; ? u - :: " Leave LiTvlla.XaetJFatias; i. ts J U Arrive aiKfers!ka t'lty by II paa. 1 fvih Ercwnrlfl 1 JtotJptfJi. 8 miles snd,bfk, aii times aw (lc. .. - . ..- .LeareBrowoville daily, except So nil y, at S a m: j" Arriv at Uockport by 12 m; i ',.c , .-i,': -. Leare Rockiwt daUy, fxcept S Jnlij,ht2 p m; :T Arriveat Brownviila ty 5 p m. - 1402S. From Jirownvilc, by Bsatriee to FC Kear ney, 220 miles ftncTb.tck, 4nce a month." . . Leava Browarille 1st tif every ' '.'.! , " Arrive at t z. tkearney ia serpnjaayifVarTeai.tcr;.. - Leave Fu Kearney l&tkjDf . every monii-,. . 1 . Arriveat B?wnTii! in seven dars Ihereaftcr. 14029. From Brownville toTariue Mc 23 miles and lack, three timet a .week." ' 1" "' . ' " Leiive BfownrlUg Hopday, We3ae!ay, anl Fri day at 8am; -', ). i, .-.; ' EI- . -Arrive a. $ pm; . ,.- . ) Leave Tarkie Tu&iday, Thursday, and r'aturday at 8 am; il " - :" ' ' ,' J t:y- '' ' - Arriveat BrownriKe by Up nv ' - , 14OC0. . From Florensn to Jl2gao!iIowa,: 30 miles end bpek, one a week. , -, ' . , ' .'.i.v: . Leave FloTaase Monday at 8 a m; y, t Arrive atMsgnolia by 6 pm; ,.: IeaveMsrvioiiaTBesdiyatS am; ' Arriveat nwetK-e by i$ p m. ,! ' ,. l i avua. i " ' i j ' j ij r i . . , miles ani oacjc taree tuass a weeiu, i : .Leave Cuiauiing Moniiy, Wednesday, and Friday, itDae; ! d;. --o '.---:-.. ; ,-- ' : Arrira at M;iffnolia-by 12 m; :i v '' :,' ''' Leave Magnolia Monday. Wednesday and Fridsy ati jrpnt;;-.; . J..:'--i'...,:?.:,i Arrive at Camming C3ly by ? 5 ni; ,t , , F t ; J40SI.,. From MtBon,yoorJ.lIo.,toLifl- den 15 miles and back, twice a week. - .5;.. : Leave Mount Vernon Monday and i'aursJayatO - Arrire at Lin ty 12ro; ;','"T. ' " '' . ;S' . Leave Linden Monday and Thursday at 2 p m; .', . Arrive at Mt. Vernon by 8 p in; '. .. 11033. From Omadi, to Elk Horn, 25 miles and back once a week. ; 1 ' ' " ; 1 M ''- ' Leave OmaU Mpndayat im;'-l,:!-''",:-Arrive at Elk Horn by pm:, . .... T Leave Elk Frn Tuesday at9 a nu , '. Arrive at Quadi by 6 pm. . -,t : .. 'jn - 14034. 1 From Omadi. by Dahkota City, and Scr-- geanfs Bk,to Sioux City, 17 miles and hack, three limn fVffk:" - .Leave .fruadl Monday yoiaeai&f and, Friday at 6 ISirAoj-'Aiy m r;vt5ia Lave araa CJtyMoS3y,"WcJl!fS(laj7 andrH- dayar2,p mr" . ; " ,7 Arrive at Oraadl by 8 p m. ' ' ' ' 14035. ! From Dakota to Breokinrid;re, 70 biles and back, onse a week, , ....... Leave Bahkbta Mondsy at 8 am;'::" Arrive in Breckinridge next day by 10 pm; Leave Breckinridge Wednesday at 6 am; . Arrive at Bahkota next day by 10 na.i 14035. From Bahkota to St.- Helona,' 50 miles and back, once a wuek, Leave Dabkota Friday at 6 a m; 'c ' Arrive at St. Helena, ty 10 pjn; !, i,t , Leave St. H elena Saturday at 6 a m; , Arrire at Dahkota by 10 p m. . h ; 14037.: From" Dahkota to Wacapanaa, 15 mUcs and bat, once a'Week. ' , t' v- ; Leave Dahkr4a Saturday at 7 a m; "L ' Arrive at Wacapanna by 12 m; . ,, , . Leave Wacapanna Saturday at 2 p m; : . Arrire at Dahkota by 7, p m.: oi- - 1 - 1033. FroiB DhkoU City to Sooth Pass, 750 miles and back once a month. . . , " .Lenva Di-hkota on Istof every month ; '; " 1 ' , "Arrive at Soath Pass on 25th day thijieaTter; Leave South Pass 1st. every month;.;." t . :. i Arrire in Dahkota in 25 days thereafter. 14039. From Dahkota City, by St,' Johns, Ayo- way Creek, and Running Water River,' to Ft. Lara mie, 400 iailes and back, once a month'. ; ' 1 " ' Leave Dahkc t lstef every month; t Arrive Ft. Ijnrasnie ih 15 dnys thei-fearter; -Leavs Ft Larwrrie 1 7th of every mqiitb; r ?T Arrive in l)ahk.(4a in I3hys theTeafter." ;' " ? 1 Bkls to end it Running fWater River, 00 miles less distance w;n te consticrcd. . 14040. Frcia Dahkots City bv Sionx City, Iowa, Ft. Lockoat. aJ(LUt;aiudall. to' Jl.lPfetre, '300 miles and back, once a month. .. ; "' Leave Dahketa 1st of every month; ' . . ' Arrive at Ft. 'Hem on 10th da thepeafter; ft , Leave Ft. Pierre 12th of every month; ; i ( Arrive at Dahkota ton 10th day thereafter. 15041. , Front Logan to bio ax City,-Ia,, 6 miles and back, three times a week. -...;; v., Learo Logan Monday, ednesday and Friday at loam;,,,. V f r ' Amrs it Sioux City by 12 .m;' " Letve SioutCity Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day at 2 rp m; 1 j i '- " '- 1 Arrive t Loran by 4 p m. ...;, .'; - '; 14042. ; -From-" Nwbrari to Logan SO miles and back, onee a week-; ' .-;-' " '- Iave Kiobrari Friday at 6 a m' ' ' A ' ' Arrive at Lofan by1 10 p m; ," "' : ' Leave Logan Saturday at 6 a m; t ' " Arrive at Nicbrari by 10 p m. 1 ID 131 From Tecumseh to Helena, 20 miles and back, Otoe, a-woek. Leavt rloeunneh Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Hcbma by 12 in; ' i Leave Helena Saturday at 2 p m; f 1 Arrive at Tetnmseh by 8 p m. 14044.' From Thace Grove to Weepir'r Water, 20 miles and bacg, ouce a wees. ... Lieuro iuiti um cuiuraujsioiii; Xob 10 miles and back; three times a week. Leavo mmi xm 1 .plait Xonday, n ededafnOd Frir day X4i a"m v - v.-w Arnve.nt Usllview same days by lira:.. - , . -Leave Belle vigiy. Monday, Wedaesdav aadrFxiday at 2pm;i'J .-.'' Arrl'at Conned Bluff same days ly 9 pta. v 1 Bids ioT 0 times a week service cosdidcred ;').! u' r FOSiI3 OF PROPOSAL GCARAXTT, Al.T) CEETIF- 1UATE. . FBCirsAt.,,1 , The tnaersipird, ; ,'whofe post 'efflce afl; dretis is ' county of , State 'of . 1 , propds e to eom ey the mailt of the United States, from Juty I, IS06 u June 30, lac-, eo: roue o. , between and , kgreeM7 totbe Uveniaciriit of the Putt master GcneraL, diitcd December 31, 18ii7, for the annual sum ef dollars. Ttis proposal If. made with full knowledge cf the dis tance of the route, the weight of the mail to be carried, and all other, particulars in reference iti the route and service, and als after careful examination of tketaws and instruments attached to the advertisement. I Dated .t .. . . - i.' '! . .j-. filgned.) The unilersipned, reViflifig at : Btateof nnilArlnkn i 1 IhA ff lild frtr jitVrtmr f h Tini I on ronte , be accepted by the Pttsttiiistcr fJencral the Lidde shall, brior te the 1st day or 1S68. en. teristetlie required ol)li!?atjn, or eonlruet perform the service nrowmed. with oot and snfflcient sureties This we do ondBrtShnaUia5ttji thetBimtitlons and liabilities as jiimxJ hy Suarantors under tlio 27 1 i sactiun of the act of Coaaress of iti'y 1836." , " r- - Dated - (Si;ued by two guarotors.) - 't VrflW-'Mili! tl The nnderMirned, postnwKier at j State of u4ne. H ruler hit-oath of once. Uiat he is aciniainted wua the above rasrantorc it a kn-s tnetu to ftu men of property, and able to ma it? .food their georanty. Dated 'a .'(Si3nca.) . . 1 ' ' IXST'CTIOXS.' '.;"'X '' Containing condition to bt incorporlbd,i the eon- ineu to Me eztem t ne atpaiimtnx may-utein proper. 1. Seven m, awes are nil jwe4 to. each Intermediate office. whim tnwt iithfrwie SDecifled forssoclHkarUie niatlr, but trrtarilrdad and steambonr routes tte're fs to be no more 6Uy than issurtcieut for an exchange of the niallbags. ' - " " 5? bn'rii1ro;ui tnd steatnSj-it lines, .'and other routes where The xandeotconvcyati e admits of it, the special aientsof tho 'deiiartment, Uo post, oface blanks, mall bags, locis and keys, are ' to te conveyed without extra cuartB. . ,(iJ.. . . ...... 3. tn nrilroad and ttMruibcat lines the route agents of the depir.mum areto be conveyed without charge and for their exclusive n?e-while traveling with the mails, an acommoftrilirfr Wi orirnrent In the" center of a car. propeflr"!t?hredr7rannea and furnished, art4 adapted, to t:ie convenient reparation ana one security or tire mam, iH to be'pttvided by the contractor, under the direction of the department. ' Rallroal and Btearohoat companies arcreouired to take the mail f it ta, and icliref it into) the po: office at the com.mertci!ta;nt and end f tl.cir toutCA and Uaail from all Mftc4 liotmsre than 89 mds from a tatiotir land Ingi : Proposal -may-bo seNnitted far vhe pert'ortnance of ail- othr rtde-rvrct--t!int is, for offices over eisht riosiroia amwiinf or staiwn.' -- Receiits HI be required for mail hacs converetlln Charge et : esois employed by mllrwd coiwpmies. There Ml also ko wy WIls prepared byi ostrtastets; or other aceatsef thhPust OfTke Ieprtinent, to- ao-onipany the mails, specifying the number iind.derTirt.atwn.of theeever al bsps. Oa thepidudjkilrfiUieijute Hkraii, receipts wilt bo required ad ra lulls ftmrded; ffce, Matter to be examhied ly thereverai "ps'-mastersi to ln ure-regularity ta the Celiv-jvy tf msil tncsr- .--ii--.-' - . . A. Xo pay will be mad for- trips not' performed and for eactrcleBh'emionssatifciisreined, three teWtit Wf tbtiHnyfV4eutiid Fcr arrivals so far beialad !?- JNak corinenion with depecdini; n-jis, cd Jrs?s,irTihetl;yxcusel, tne-fourth cf the saiprnstftCMip'rrTp'wr sucettoffoi-iture. Dcdorrtrftrwrtl a'l'SS heWer'edfor k gratfeof pCormane Inferior latitat specified Ih fse 'otintract."' Foif repealed Olinqaeades tt tiokiod hettln specie 1,' rnlarjtea pen alties proportlsnet to the a;iire thereof and tae impoc tanoeof tfcemi.;!, maybeaiatie. .. . . .-, . r I -" ' ' 5. For leaving behind or throwing off the mails, 'or any portisa of .them for the editiulon bf passengers, or for beinc eerremed ia settinf up or tunning aa exprws ecn tftug irrell tpi'noo in advaao4 ' of the mail, a quarter's yayaay be dedncted ; ; ... " S. Fines will bo Imposed, tmless the dcllrotueitey be "reraptly end nati if actorily explained; by cert uiea tee ot 9oetntera, or the affidavit t otoer txe4Uabl pe-sons, for failing to arrire In contract time; tar. reflecting to Uke the mail frota or deliver it into a pct ffl;e; for sufferins; it (owirj eitter to the unsuitaMenoss of the place or the Hitinmr cf carrrihg U'to be wet. injured, destroyed. foMed cf loRt;ani for reusiag, after deniaad, to convey the- moil s trequca.tty is the coatrs e:or runs, t is concerned in aniMqs;acach,'stoamiot on a f'. . '.' - ..-v. i u;r I ..'I. ..5- .:i ... T. The Postitaetnr Genera) may ennal thecontrect (or repeated failure 4 mn agreeably tocootractj foriolt ii.g the P(t Of Ice iaws,r ditibeyiag the instructions of me oepsrmra- , ior reruicg to discharge a carrier when mi'ftred liy thf depactnent to d6' so; Kr asaignint; the .eosnravt-VkOieiavtliaeaseBttae the Postnoster General j tor runniri sa exrress as a.'omsid; er for transperting Leave -Si'tppiiig; stcr Saturday t2p ;.;,,' V- ', ijarfif at TLice Gyite by 8 pm; 1 ? f,iM-M'? 140-45.-FrimCouifc;fr Mcff, Iowa; ti' BbnaTleW: persons or pacV.njes conveviaj mailable' mattoroat of the mail. " "' " " - 8. The Postmaster General' may : strder an Increase of ervice vn a ruoic by ltwio therefer a pro rata increase on the contract pay. lie may ctune .schedules of de partures aod arrivals in all cues au-i pastiealarly to make litem perform to couwetions with railroads, wito- out increase of pay, proTWed the nuiaing time be not Oridttd.- He niay afcse -fitter tu inpfFOii iel speed tU lowuig within the restrictions ol tue iw, rata iu- crejoe of pay for tlie aitdiiijiia tuk.or carriers, if any. itie contractor may, nott evt, m tue w increases peed, relinquish the coiitracl by givug prompt notice to fue department that he prefers uoiug so tycarryins the or der hiio cJoct. XUe Poe;waier licoeral may altso curtaU ordisconuuue lne (ervice, in wlioXeor in pari, su pro rata Cccreibeul pay,ailowingoiie mouth's extrcounK;uUo on the amount Uitpouscd wiroi, whenever in hm epuiioa the public interests require thecliauge, or in case be de sires to supercede it by a diriereui grade of Mao porta uon. -""'"'"' I " . Payments wuhbe - mailt jby Collections from, or drafts on postmasters or ocbcnrue,aateT the expiration of each quarter -r- say fa February itay, Auctat ando- to. The Cistanccs are giTenac cording to the best infor mation : tut na lucrctuud Djj' will he allowed should tney be greater thauativertised, it ttepuiuts to bo supplied be correctly t.tatcd. . Bidden '..mutt . inform tfiemteive o thu pouit: aiidalao in "re.'cienre u the weight oX (ha mail, the condition of the roads, hills, .sueaiait, &.C., and all loll-bridges, ferries, or obstrticjigas of any kind by which expettue maffce ecuwci--if laim ar aMuion- al vvr '" -f I tf 'l f-''ftrtf"" " alleged mistakes or nnsarj inclusion as to the degree of service; nor for btidge. ielroj t, tot 4her obstructions increjiuJiistiocer occtttniij diiiuj. the. Ciosjct, tarsi, iate'f estaBUfnol afterttAsadverthiement trf issoeif; tiii also during the contract term are' to be vi-ftted'-wfthout extra pay if the distance be not increased." " ' ' . '" 'v 11. A bid received after the last day and hour named, or without the' guarantee 'req&ired by law-, or .that com bines several routes in one Tsum-of' CorripehsatioA, cannot be considered in coa(fcUtin tataa segniar proposal rea sonable in amount. ". . ; ;:". "r :., -'r v. inT lit. Bidders should first propose tor service etrictty ac aording to the advertisement,' 'and then it theydesirey separated ly lor different service and if the rcjterbid be the lowest offered for the advertised service, the oth er propositions may oe conaiuerea. i . 13. ihere should be nut one route bid for in a propo sal. - -. ; . - n.ia - :i. . ... .' . 14. The route, the service, the pearly pay, the name and residence of IhepicUler, ijthaL la his uaual post omce address,) andnhoeeof ec&- tnemtter-of -t firm, where a compab) offers, sbcfUK tie distlo.rtljt&tcd; ajio (h ihqde of ooaveyance if ahictijnode Jbatiorsebacfebevisaend ed. The words "with due colerity, certainty, and secu rity," inserted to.ltidicate? the iitxleM onleyauce, will coiutitute a ttar bid. ..When a star bid is inteeded, no specinc conveyance must to auinodw-Jiut in case two modes of -conveyance, are named at the same eompenaa- tion, the highest or best for. the service will be taken. 15. Bidders are requested to use as far as practicable. the printed form of proposal .furnished by the depart ment, to write out in full the sum of .their -bids, and to retain copies ot them. ... , -, .. . -i . Altered bids shouM not bo submitted nor -should bids once submitted be withdrawn. - ij ,.,:... Each bid must be guaranteed by twe responsible per sons. :.- j ...'I .,, X " General gnarsnteo cannot be admitted. ..The -bid and guarantee should be signed plainly with the lull name of each person. - - The department wwawttwnhr ite'-fteject anv hid which may be deemed' --eitfavaganr; tind stso to disre gard the bids of failing contractors and bidders. ' 16. The bid should be sealed, superscribed "Mai! PrtH po&als, State of,'4 addressed Second Assistant Postmaster General, Contract office, and' sent fcy mail, not by or to an agent; and posmasters TTlir not enclose proposals (oc.elU;rf anyai(aii) .hi theif quarterly re turns. --- 'r:v . 17. The cin tracts are to be executed and. retnriuul tn the deparrtnenjt by or tjefdre the lsjday iof iijuSt,tl8pt-r, but the' service fnufet be coHnuienced da the nrst u) ore- ceding, or the mart day next aftor tht flatej whether the contracts be" executed or "not . No protiosition to 4ran fer Will be considered until the contracts are executed and rDoeived at the department; and then no transfer, will be allowed, -unless good and sufficient reasons there for aro givenj i be determined by -the department. i -la all cases the retirine contracnor will be. . reouired - to h. coino one of the sureties on tie new contract.. 18. Postmasters et offices on or near railroads, hnt mnr. fhtn eighty rods from a station, will immediately after the 3 1st of JTarchr next, report their exact distance from the nearest station; and "how they are otherwise supplied with the mail to enable the Postmaster General to direct a mailmessenger supply from. the first of Julv next. ".' 19. Section 18 ol an act of Congress approved March S.' 1S45, prvide-tlnit Contract for the triasportaf Ion of the ma Is, shall be let in every ca.e to the lowest biddec ten dering sofflcieat guarantees for the faithful performance, wit lout other reference to the mode of such transporta tion than may be necessary to provide for the due celerity, certainty and security of such tninspotation. , Coder thia law a new description of bids have been received. Thev do rot specify a mode of conrersnre, hnt 'engage to take me enure mail each trip with certainty, celerity and se curity, nsing the terms of the law. These bids are styl ed from the manner In which they are designated on the boots of the department, star bids, and they will be con strueaas prx)viaiararUicvuT.vancoof tie? hntire mail, however larre, and whatever may be'the'mode'neccssary to insure its celeritycertainty and security. I Ih ill case where 'tbe'ToVast'cradeiis sPrinci tTTSik lievid to ba-hufficient, tue' lowes4u4 -ttillJe-ccetUaid preference to a star or speciabil. hen the lowest bid is net a ejarbid.-and specifics eith er no mode or an inadquate modest donVeyance. it will not be accepted, bat set aside for a specific bid proposing me necessary service. hen the md1 does not snedfr a.mrtlaof convevance: also whea it troposes to carry' "according to the adver tisement," but without such specification, it will be con sidered as a proposal for horseback service. lit. A. modinution of a bid in any of its esseetial terma is tantamount to a new bid, andciimot be received, so aa to interfere with a regular competition, after the last hour set for receiving bids. , , . '. ; 21. Postmasters are- to "be careful Tttrt to certify the sufficiency of guarantors er-suiw.iev without knowing that they are persons of sufficient responsibility ; and all bidders, gurantors, and sureties . are distinctly notified that on a failure to enter into or perform the contracts for the service proposed for in the accept ed,'bidSj their le gal liabilities will be enforced against thorn. 22. Present contractors, and persona known at the de partmeut must equally with others, procuje guarantors and certificates of their f utile ency substantially ia the forms above prescribed. The certificates of sufficiency must be signed by a postmaster' or by a jitilge of a court of record. - - 1 'A: V.: BROWNV: ' i " . . ' : Postmaster General. : 7- r. ..' t n " i Groceries ! Groceries ! ! Fresh Arrivals ! : Heavy iAdditionfS'! ! tXTtftpiT TAKJ AJ1 V PAR LI .1 . , : J,.ii.;d Bff WHIGS. yr Cor. 2nd and Frances ffsi St. 'Joseph '-Mo. HAS3ust received at'his stire'room,, corner of Second and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, "every thing desirable in bisliae, which he purchased fof the Fall and "Winter trade, ?rt greatly reduced price for Cash," and whieh he will sell 'at .corresponding pricctijor cash, or tO'pnnCtual customers. Among his receht receipts are 60 dos Fresh Peaches, 35 doz Prime Apples', '29 dox AssoTtei Fruits, 20doz Lobsters l.k. 3 lb tans, iiob Hat Field's celehrated Oysters put up this'fall, 20 haJf Barrels new white Fish, also Codfish, 100 boxes W R Cheijse, 60 box'ds i D do, 600 lbs Currants, 50 boxes freFb raisins, 100 boses'dried her ring, 500 lbs Goshen Butter,' 2O0 bbls crackets, 50 bbls nuts assorted, 500 'lbs Peanuts, 100 boxes assorted and fancy candies, 100 do gum drops and motto Lozentrers. 200 drums Figs,&c. Also a large lot sugaa and molasses, which will be sold at prices considerably below the prices sixty aays a; St. Joseph, ov. t,iS5i'.' 21 n S.LOCKWOOP. : -. , f 1257. . E.,POJEBOY Lockwood Sc Pomeroy, Whofesale and Retail Dealers in UTS: Am 'CAPS 5 STRAW; GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every de 1 COUNTRY Merchants are invited' to examine onr stock of Hats &. Caps fcrthe appronchinz Sprine and Snmmer, tmde,'which,will ho larjcfashionable, and well sclcoted. n point of. variety our stockshall not be excelled by any Uonse in St. Iiocis. Our prices will be low, terms accommodating. . . -'Call and see ng at bdr yef ' Store. Second St.i St. Joseph, Mo. - (l -' 32-6m GLQ' P. LI CKHARDT,' 1 WATCMAK-BB, ...R , OBEGOS, HOLT COV25TY, MO- rxAKES the liberty to iuform the citizens of .tirownvine ana vicinity, that be has opened a Watch, Clock, endJewelry Store, InOrejron.liolt ootrnty, Mo., where he will keep con stasny oc'fisnd'8ftdfrPi!t,'a5tl assorttoafcf GikJ and Silver vi'ateirtS.Ailecksantl Jewelry, which ho will coll extremely low, for CASH Alscyla fine lot of Violins, Accord eon filrr, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pen's with 'Gula "and Silver extension Mncna SJ.tfA 1 V- I . 1 1 na i- n .f . . lie ii prepared tarepair.M atcnedoeks and Jew elry, or every description, m the best, maimerJatid on the most reasonable 'terms. - ". . . Every article bousM jn his; cstahlhrAepfjA war ranted lobevhatrt is reJiresintcdlotD'. WdtctTre pairing-warranted for 6ne year.'" J -,a..i-jli.aj... t Jnlv25.1S56. vl-nStf . H ? "ft r i i V. 5 Xiaw OfXico. ' OMAHA CITY. Xi T. i , : , BROWNVILLE t .-; xenB of Xeraaha conr.ty aha adjoining Missouri, that we' have always en hand a large and. well selected supply of IvUM Ii ER, wtiTclrwe can farnUh at low cr rites than ay-.milllntto5irrTitar3'.'i'j''ij it Market Tripes paid . for tog, ivaieil the yard or on the i liiiik of the river. . ' .vA.If;erder au'mpaiiit'wUS tle e&shrwjileciJ our imucaiaie atxeutiou. I "-4 '- " - r r- r rr DEALERS' IN i. iwj Vii w;.r: (C u i) kJ .:ou :.n. f .' "-:". ''. .vr -'. ' ."' .':.: " 5--; '' " '' ' - - ru .in . mi f Main S'. between r, r J r . Erownyille, IT i 1 ,, . Ji SmhiJ ...-)... ,..'.'... !HiLTS; ' '.'.' v'.Jtr i toYe uFuriiitiire 9 V Monr,- 4 l ' " ' " 1 mm lnilil lt i ... X s ISlZKRCimD COUNTilY PRODUCE. id 1TTE tare inst opened 4 htary Stock of Fall ani V t and Fancy- Hne, which we are now pre part d For Cash orr)Counlry Irolncc. lS57w - t - v2nlSH.f. '.'. ,:.-'.; ' .": ". , .' .' I'M ; '.':o'-'v'h" r( i '( .T ' OF ,.;v;v. ', -; . L T. WHYTE & CO'S, : ' ' BRO WII VILLC, IT T. ' W: have just received an entirely new and large assortment of Superior Goods, which we will sell at as reasonable prices; as any establishment in the West, our motto being ''Lire and, let Live." . TVe have now in store a great variety of the following articles, which we purchased for Cash and oonse- qnently .can sell cheap on tile same therms : 1 TTKirfiTrr ch mtk t ttc 1 ',"'' 1 f ' , ' i i 0AWMD(Trm(mMD shoes,; : f . ; ' t?i Queenswa FARM , IMPLIMENTS, And a' fine assortment Such as i : . ' Spice, - . Saiaratus, . . Ginger,- ' .""'.''' And a ''Smoklrir and. I. It is a pleasure to us to sftowooda. and we ask you uct. la.iso. .. , iviniB-iyj . . , JIain St., one door abQye Iuslibaugli & Carson's Exchange Bank. J 'Brownville, N. T. THE preprietors would most respectfully inform the citizens of Brownvillo and tho public generally that they have received and arg now opening one of the largest and most complete Stocks jjt Ciothiag i ivi- I n ui ."'I' LertrecHit to tlri-market. - - -.' v. .. w- 3gh4 Their Embraces every varfety of Textnren and Prices ; as invisible txreen, ana Cloths, Cassitners,aatinctt. L'asnnierctts, and Jeans, all made 'up i I '"acsbrding tothe litist fashionable cut. Their variety of vests is superb, emoracing tno very latest I 3 O .1 .1 SaKimorc Clothing Store- Muy also he found at all limeafinesclootibriof Cravats, Stocks. Tres. Collars. white or colored ITindVer- ehiels, auspenders, Carpet Uags, etc., wnien we will iYe. hirve' the finest t w j j Doable and Siagle Overcoats, Ever brought HAT ' ' . ' Warranted to suit the' most fastidnous. A fiue assortment of .' :.' .-Tit - ....', . COATS, Dress, frock and Sack. a - i y '1 1 r ( ' PA3VTS,Every Style and Description.' VESTS, To please Large and Small. SHIRTS, Botli White' and rancS- 131 LlOOHx) Over Slilrt Ortbralls, Drawers, and Kiilt tinder shirts. ' Buck Gloves. Jlltts, and Riding Gloves, ctcx t WE-wdnld but' ask the fabric'to'calf, axamine and judge for themaclves whether the Clothing at tho .Baltimore Clothin Emporium is not6f better made mi tcrial. cut with better taste, better trimmM ana iwcnty-nve percent, cucapcr tnnn tncy rjavc ever ..October 2ath, lT. . , v ,,. v2nlS-lj . . a a.. E ofiferlto the public, we aro confident, the , largest and test selected syk ef Gocprics tver'offered in this mafSct';-. - -''-"' Ilhds Sugar, ' 1 ' 50 SaeR' Coffee, ! ' 125 Sacks Flour,. 5, Tietccs TUce. ' 30 Bbls Molasses, , !; , )' 15 Boxes Star Candles, 20 Boxes Soap, 150 Sacks Salt, 15 Bbls Cider Viniger, 150 bbls Sclt. TERMS CASH!!! l.T. WHYTE4 00. New iiolesalft Grocery Ilonsc. W.C.RITCHIE, ' WHOLESALE AMXRETAItix Groceries; - AWfies, Liquors, CIGARS, WOODEN VARE, Corner of Main nd Francis 'Slretlt. RidCle't, Old Stand, Oppotite Stout Hotel, , v v , ST. JOSEPH, MO. HATE just received the largest, and -mpft complete stock of the above goods ever opened -in uppet Missouri, to WMit'h UtattfntivBof merchants and dealers is res pectful ling invited having purchased, thenj prinripally ftr ca?h at the very lowest possible prieest Xn tosuk, Kev Jiirk acd St. Louis, feel confident that I can effer inBacemcats tbat'are rarely found, and hoping, by fair and liberal dealing, low prices and gotJtfJoMlso merit a liberal eUareaf tronago. Call and Examine my stock and prices before porcbaaing sales are bound to follow, In my stock will be found every articleyisual1y kept in ,a yoJ grocery Pousc " IEW,PEBEY. tvu Across :thq Shute -'"At the" ' HeafJ of, the.. Island afcove BROWNVILLE T'Wi s.rixaii sdvV 'mii. ICS undersigned innoWw "to the Pnblic tbat he Kad thowFerrviirivile.frT3iJited Jif35- Lliiii. AtAhc la'siSag-n of the JbgiriJl'ire, ana isnowpreparea wiiavnew sau suuliiu uoi, ata'd tifijeitd amlaf31liCt'tJief Charges OIA3 SMITU. i juS'eiVtk'.waV! i-JTCl .If (fw't?. fern ill Front ami Second sts.", "... - a. A. 3 13 LLC ' . , . . ........ . 4 . . ... . l-t..j &; CAES, f ,F OJ .. :T' ? ?'C t, Bacon, tVintex Goods, embracing everything' in the Staplo to offer to the trade at extremely low pricey - CRA!TE & HILL.' " - f) . ... V at t : : ' ! ' i re h(T Willow Ware, of L.l?nt Groceries, . . Peppers. .Soda,' ' , . Allspide, . " etc.; et?X good article of . Chewing Tobacco. to call round and see for yonrsclvcsj . ; i. TV V 11 Tiu tt CO, assortment of to Color they have Brown,: Blue, Llack, visible and styles and patterns, in the ' sell ascheap as any estabnshnittnt in the est. and best assortment of to this Territory. AM. CAPS, YOPl-V nougnt eiscwnere.-. . S1EGEL GREEXBAUM. KEKOSENH OILS, . .EISTILLED.,FrH( QO.M... (Secnred Ly Letters Patent.) ' lvErfosiSH itLC3IISATli."(l Oii. Til fight oblain ed from this Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other oil or fluid heretofore discovered; is incxplo ive, and will remain Jijnped in the very coldest weather. " ' ; Tho Ccmpanyrecommendast'Lclampsbest adopt ed to this Ooil, tho Kerosene Lamps, manufactured by the following parties: "McVsr. Cornelius A Baker, also, Djott, of'l'fcilndelfhiaj E. V. llaughwout i Co.. 48$ Broadway, thBfkIya 'Flint Glass Co., Xft. 73 lft-oad Street, Messrs.' Dicta A Co,' 133 Wil liam Street, L. Jlercier 137 Elm Street, N. Y. Samples of different styles of Lamps can be seen at the Office of the Compauy. , Kerosene Li:bricatinu Oil, No. L Prepared to suit the finest, and alt other kind of Machinery burns brillianty in Locomotive Head Lights, Car Lamps, and all the ordinary Solar and Hand Lamps, and stands as great' a degree of cold as best Sperm Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship use. Kerosene Lubricating Oils, No. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and will be found to pofesess advantages over any Oils in the market at tame prices will not burhT-andbas been thus prepared to met the re, utrctoootdtcf Rjtlroadi and. others,! ,i K )'i i' i Kf.rosfne Binnacle Oil. Prepared expreesly for Ships' ojeand will bo found admirably adapted for use 6f "Steamships, Men of War; Merchant Ves sels, Lake and Biver craft, and burns in all cabin statereecji iinnaeleforecastle lamp?, Si gnaj Jan terns, Sc. Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as long, as best Sporm, and will born all night without requiring to be trimmed, an advantage that will be obvious to every Shipmasters . The Kerosene Oils can be obtained from the Wholesale Oil Dealers, Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New Tork, and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company n many of tbc principal Towns and Village of the United Stated, the Cana days, and the Inland of Cubs. Local Agents appointed ( in eonformi" ty with the rules established by the Board of Trustees,) on ap plication to . " . : General A qtnt, Keromat 0il,'Ca4 . No. 50 Beaver Street, N.T. N.B. Circulars with full partlculars,, prices', Ac., will be forwarded, aa application as above. June 25th. 18ft. '" 4 ' ' -t32-1j Uoxr TJard77arc Store. gin of the Saw. ...... ? . ; " , jf FLAHEF.TT, . Tmrv.rttr. Wholesale an IKeUil Dealer la' American German, English & French HARDWARE AXB CUTLER Y. ...-v ..ST. JOSETHj UO. ;, ; IS NO Wreceiving ana opening me largcai uu mum, varied assortment of goods in the above line ever offered in any market wet ol lxints. My stock embraces a full aed complete assr.rtment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechaa- ic's tools of every description, direct Iroin tne mi st approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and iroplemonts. in great variety, combin ing all the recoat and useful improvements for the savin? of a vast amount of labor to she farming com munity, from whwi 1 reapoettuily mjuest a rrarcful examination of this department of my stock.' I am also exclusive agent lor the sale or tne ceieoraiea St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at Lite faetsry price. 'Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel. Nails, Ac, of the best brands: in a word, mT stock is verr complete, which, la its quality and price, I am determined to offer snch inducements aa will eotnmand a liberal share cf trade from this and arlioinintr eounties. MyarraTrernenM for importin;. and agencies for American Ha-rdware Manufacturers, together with along experiencein tba general Hard ware trade. enables me; notculy to dsfy all competi tion, bus has eenvineed me that the vue prinoiple of trade is small profits and quick rctu-as. '- January 1. 1837. - rlnSl'tf ; ; ' iwaiiiwffltsiii JOHN COLHOIN & BEOIIIER, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post Office.) . ; .WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL iV 1 PRALEW IJf BuiJ ding and Saddlery Hardware GROCERIES, Boots, Slices, Leather and Shoe Findings. ST. JOSEPH, MO. HATE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amor ican and Foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves It Son's Files Scissors and Edge Tools Pocket knives Knives and forks - Butcher's . do do , Spear A Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws ' Griffin's and American horse nails Post hole augers Ames' shovels and spades Lull & Porter's shutter Butts Morticing machines Circular, mill and muly saws -Planes and plane irons Coopers drawing knives do adzes and wood tools Tress noops Butts, cast and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons Plated and com. stirrups do do, Bitts do do Buckles do do Rings Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs Peg floats Pincers Shoe thread Bristles, wax , " , Lining skins Brass eurtain bands and pins ! Door locks Augers and auger bitts Corn knives Briar scythes Gross and grain do , , Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vices Houschole Armitas an vils American anvils Stocks and dies Pad hooks, brcech'gloops rad screws, cockeyes Ornaments, racks Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins ". Uncer leather Briddle do -Skirting do Harness do Belting do "Goatskins Enainmelled leather Binding With many goods embracing a complete assort ment of the most desirable which they will sell at the lowest prices. J.CULliULN A BHO April 16th, 1337. 31-ly George Ferguson, MILLWRIGHT. & ENGINEER, . , , ' BKOWIirVIIjIiE, 17. T. ANNOUNCE to the public, that he is'prepered to erect Steam and'Water Saw and Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Iiepair- ing oi macninery ol an kinds. ALL WORK WARRANTED. He is also Agent for . , A. B. HOLLIBIRD & CO'S .V Western Foundry. CIITCIX5ATI, O. . LEE & LEAVITT'S r cnrcufK'ATi o; And are prepared to receive and fill orders for anv ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es- laoiisunienu. . , . , . . . . Letters of enquiry ,'protnptly answered. - r REFFERENCES.-. Noel, Lake k Co.", Brownville, N. T. Steam Mill R. u.rurnas, Brownville. " if..- ' rr . n it ' .. Jiuir, iiaon s. .o., " Dr. H oover, ' Nemaha city, " .P.M.Regers, - Pawnee city, ' ' Nuckolls A White, Rockport, Mo. James Lowe, Linden, ., " A. B. UiUliberd, Cincinnati, O. . ' u u I . Brow-jville, June 13, 1857. t2 1-ly Dillon, Thompson & Co. T I 1 a -mxwm -. . Large name mm cor. juna and kuck, ROCK PORT, MO. C3rO OCl.3, AND GROCERIES. Hardware, Queensware, Drurs, Hats, ';-Caps, '..Boots, Shoes, Tinware, Stoves, Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows, M' . " '.and ' Farminsr Utensels. WILL have, on the opening of navigation, a lar?e and varied awv4ainfi tn iliip Stock, which will be sold Low fyr Cth. tebruary 12th, 1857. - 35-tf OLIVER BENNETT & CO., - MAXTFACTrKEEa AXD WIIOIFS ALB DEALERS 1.1 Boot3 Shoes Sc. Erogans, KO. 87 ATA y STREET, SAIXT LOUTS, MO. ARE NOW IN RECEIPT of aeompleteajsortmcnt of goods from their own and other manufac tories, adapted especially to the Wcitorn trade. , Pun-haters are invited to examine their stock. luiiuuiaciurea ana selected wun great care and warranted of superior quality. Orders will riT romp ana care' u attention. NEBRASKA CITY InsurftJioo Comnaiiv. Capital Stodc $30,000. ' . JE1RASKA C1TT. W. r 1 L "-T " 1 J w uiricr, is DOW fill IV onnLnizrd. an.l thiirnt:mj.n;t'.i i r i fy TJntumnd DUlar; paid in and secured. They are prepared, from thia date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most iavorea insurance company any where. Having adonted the m n f n a1 Trinir!i ir naina M : i . i f f . - . r niluvul incurring any liability, will share in the profits of The operations of the ComnariT. will IS for the present, to MAib, or CAttoo risks, with a maximum iiaoiitty or ij,ouo on any one bottom. oeing toe otity in.urance vrnce, on the above pop- I . ' ' . mv .--'II.I'I' II. I j pec a getarttis sepport from Weitera JlervhaeK . -Wa r.i.n r fi tl . invtt, , V. l : . . t -. tronatre. . . r DIBECTOB3 : ' ! ' ' ' S.F.Nuckolls, ;k Chas. F. Dolly, II. P. Bennet. ' ' J. L- Anestrong, W. N. Ilinchmaa, lilies W. Brown, ' A. A. Bradford. " ovricEKs: ' ' ' ' : CHAS. F. HQLLY, President. . " - r : - J.GAEsiDx.See'y.i i SL Loais ArstV-CoT, W. r. Howard. April 7d, I7. illy Manufactory " - BT .TOTTN Arf.-pVTTTr.V ; ' I have jnst received aa. .tir,, , sortment of " ntj It t - superior; G00C8, Which 1 w?.I g as rc J7 Ullishment in tho West, -1 have now In tnr . lowing ertkles, whk'u wen," p, PM "j f aaoonsequenuy.eaaeell cl ean aT- ZZ - DRY GOODs . HATS AND SiwP ' BOOTS AND shoi BOOTS ANI) SH0R Ready Made ClothW " And a rlnA . T3 T trt r-" "ni of . i - k u Lt 2 ire t auch as r - Spice, ..; Peppers, - ". ' ; ' -Saliatus,' ).:: .. ... Gir.jer, ' yji uiuwqti e, and Armilu .j . w countic that we r.,,w h. n Lumber Yard in C-Xhu Sll N fair prices FOB CASH ONLY Brownville, Junvth.ljSr. V LOUIS WAniTLX House, Si and Ornamental Pa; GLAZIEH, GliAIER ' AND PAPE lIAXGEfi. ' HEM AH A CITY. T. Takesthis metbl of InTonnite the subht kus.w removed his paint shop from 5Uckxrt u u Ua thinks himself qualiUed u, ao.lertiB "t,? tainine to hi lineof business, an I rssMrtin' ' 1W tie public to give him a u. ' .'"'la'u PLa.UaJI JsUrsmrriarsi ii. thAltli....: .. " r :NV.rl9. , . , j , . ""JL, Scott city Steam Saw-MBl JOHN c. hltolvv f-8roU CltiOn Immediately oppor.te Brmnrillt .T T) " Announces to the public thit h-t tu ut steam saw-mill rec-ntly erec-eJ br Mr. Jiwt inniri s athive, and is now prepared k- t urni the ot mn tl Missouri and Xebraska w.Th tn 'xtratiiui1rri.ciia of every descriitinn lnt '' SAWED IATUS of an escellentqoa'itv. Ashare ot patronsjeiiioiin'rt November 11, 1667. rJ0.j Tailorins! Tailorinir!! .i,.. JkUliUl,li'., E. E. I'AKlvhi;, Merchant Tailorr Atlantic street, West cf FToblitieUi Suw. BROWSVILLE, XEBRASKA TERR. HAVING bought propertysnd located pemnimV ly in 15rownvil!e, I ilTi.r wy !rf:9f,t4 public generally, if they want, any thine Juoe it aj line of business. I can always be foaud tt ajpoit, or. tnore propcrlyspcaking at tnv bench. lVork lVarrantcl--o Fit So Taj! I'articular attention paid te etf-'grtVDtiit.4 laying off work furt&e Ke t!trvt.- The pntej portion of my life has been leroted to tiy tradi, ia which I consider myjelf inferior to nons tKjxcii-'Ir in the cutting department, and I hepe by clow ac tion to my buiiBess to inorit a hare tf twliia patronage. JJ. . JCABKES. Urownville April ltth, 13.iT. 44-tj LTFORD. i.i. amM Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' . . . - v Dealers in IDjry- Goods ASD ; GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ' XaIIi5,PIovs,Stoie!i,riirniturf,lc- SONORA, MO. April 9th, 1S57. . ' GEORGE T. ' KENNEDY, HEAL ESTATE ADCr.M:itL LA I'D AC EAT Florence Cily, v T. Brownville Bakery Confootlonnry. EVAN WORTHING. BEGS leave to announce to the pu wic, tnai at u erected a Bakery end Coniecinary estibii ment in the City of lirownville XT..and will UP cone tan tly'ort band, n o t is pr.'rared tobnke taontr Bread, Crackers and Cakes ol very manner, it; . discriptionand quality, lie bat lad mwb ,jntT in bakingand coascqucnuy ieu quiiermn.-."--will be ablo to frive t vti.ifaction. A liberal patrjO- aze is respectfully solicited. ' m, - t 1 -r .a. 1 V A. vt v July,23-'57v2n6-lm. noU'D A I.L. Af A RKHA3L& CO., WAsrnGToii.'jrotJwrBT Enjrincand .laachlnesnop, . coatiaa or second ad atoaoaa itsi.i ST. Lt L IS, Mo. MannUctarers of Stenre EnrtiaM trid Bnilera, SiJ rist Mill Atachinerr. arl liable C J . jui, iuoaoc acini m-.i.'io Screw. ,r.4 Criinder, Waol t'anl.Mf Alfi ""as f -.-t.n. v . wi pint mut jl;ti c- penor Macbifie Card. T NEW STOKE MT. VEKXON NEBRASKA'. A. MEDLEY, Announce to tbe pabiic rttt tefc. perrlajM ths emiav sire Stuck ot Goal bro?li this place by, Xr. Pai-i - avvdcera iu sen Dry Cooli,Crorerie,Hlard Har. Quccnmare, Ac, at prices as fair a ca te ruuaU ia Uie Wt etaeiOi. .. -Or Cash or in escharnte for country pml n e. . fot. 1, '57-el JIFFEJtSrtX r. CAS AST",. 1 SlITH W. BISKJ'V JAS. D- TirST, AS. P. WHITE. ' CoacilBliifs,Iowa. ) (.'efcruka City 3 1 1 CASSADV, TEST, RIDEN & CO.. (Succcjiaors.ia. Hide WliU.) LAND AGENTS. E 11 B ASK A CITT, T. T. HAYING made asraogementsly whkh ? rRfJr ksuriL iannia at ail the Tv'' 3 embraced ia the Eastern port ice of Nbrka, are now pre parr 4 to oirer euc rrvi ta fi Squaiitrs of braka TirrittTV. In Til line; Declaratory Statemerta of Inten tion to Pre-empt. Smnng Pre-em tiona, Jjocatinn Land Warraats- r , - AND ENTERING .LANIW ' Litnd'lTarrant Houht anJ ff1" LAND , ENTEHED ON . TIME- Particular attention paid t. Bnyirr r.,,l.:;:' Property on eommiwionr Also,! to nmkiug (' -T: and forwarding remittaw-es to.any jar; i f the La Blanks of all kind a!ui ou jjJ. REFERENCES, tdford, '! Hon. A. A. C-mJford. . ' Nebranka I ,T7 lers. Dolroaa J: West; . I St. Jowh. V"V PeterA.KeUer. ' Wahiag' W Tbxmas Lumrkin, Jcael'Sl. vt ai w - .c. .r.wioa noes or fini-.LumVr fm i : 3 inches. Also, lino Sldi W.VfJ I" 4 Shioalei and Fins Lath Jur -?r.l4 1 "M,nn- , 'wum