LOTS FOR DOXATIOX ! UNRIVALED ATTRACTIONS ! ! is inE Iff OF MFID1LI i! ! EmcrsonV nagazine U VEMAHA COUNTY, N. T.; " FUTI7A1TS ZlOllTJUVT. -l(lri of iipimll ere now prepared to do TV " ' . ..r.,1 rt.irlnr sxul hui ruu inf. La riFTi ' ACTUAL SETTLERS; ik t will erect bouses upoe and otherwise im or""?' .m Tlirr bsve also reserved two loti tor iheiMlowingChristian denominations, vis : Bap ?.,kr Mrlhoditt, Rform or Chrittian Church, .i uuker.n,J-eU!Jtertan, and tailed Brttk-X two gat-it iagazats j.v oxei g in search of hntoes, or locations for the various . ...... m iiNimii u it in iLra u i ikil n f- ,, MtttnndeniiT oeiievea uey win e piowa. r!L uooquiniM with tne location of Aspin all, It ,Teeeary tony, It is located on the southwest 2tM Bissoun R'ver, we raUe below the month i.iue Xemshe. at a famous rnt recently knowu .tetVt Pvift." whose beautirul and commanding m f"T vrars attracted the attention and excited tbe ' m ml every traveler op or down the Missouri MaF At hjh p ant the Missouri 1 nnusually narrow; ,Tl'.i. Sft; banks solid and unchangeable ; Ne- rr rwk bound fr one -mile bve and betow "7 . ,n varieties of Umber; atone ef all kind ( fcO.OOO Copies tlic First Monmi! MAGNIFICENT rROGRAMMB FOB 1SS8. $20000 -V SPLENDID WORKS OF ART. aMa FIVE-DOLLAR EUGRAVHIQ To Etery Subscriber. THE GREAT LIBRARY OFFEIt. TJJiurt ut recently ureycd, Aspiewall con taint two Z$oA population of over firty inhabitant All J Centred i an examination of the location ; of the Sural hrt facilities for a shipping point to tbe inte- tM advantage of the surrouiKiiDK country, lie. . gr exaggeration i required to build op a point JLt t rare nalnral advantage. 'OJMK AND SEE! (d. 1L WW- noM I tbie indebted by Bote or account U McAllister' -J- a Co. are hereby notified to come forward and . nunieduteljr aa lonccr indulcenre will not CRANK fc HILL. HUDSON GEORGE, (DEPUTT COUJTTr euevetor) S&VEY0R AND L-f-VZ) AGENT, Ham Etheet, into fVXVILLE, N. T. rU-L attud promptly and faithfully to tbe selection kcatioa of (Vorercment Lands in tlie N'eniaha Land jnct. Sarreyinf Town ltes, subdividing Lands, Draft Otr Plats, and all other business of a general Surrey . ill buy and sell Land warrants, pay taxes, invest! polities, File Declaratory Stateraenu of intention to pt-enit, and make out Pre-emption papers at fhort no ixs, sad always on hand to look out claims for actual set ,r. Investmruts made for distant dealers. Letters inquiry answered promptly. ' KCrEK TO PMiel Ferkel, Banker, Dayton, Ohio. Mills, Cash. Dayton Bank, da do r Lowe ' do do cnk it k Strong, do dj A h. NL do do If Smith, , - ; ; Cincinnati, Ohio. fc Charles, Land Acents Sioux City, Iowa, bt II. Xixon, Land Register, Brownville, N'. T. iatbbsach Carson, Bankers do do tnn fc. nal lam, do do do g. W. raraas, KUitor Advertiser, ' do do 5-pt.l4,61-ol--2 tf . BRANCH.' CROOKES & FROST I The Rf Anrn T7prrv Tlrint aw Ilanufa'cturersr, is COiiiNG TO BFwOYiiiLE, Office v5 v ine Strtet. Manufactorv on Broadway, Ncrth St. Louis. . Extra Cast Steel 311J 1 Saivu. Circular Saws from thrczto seventy- t;tvvie j ttAy warranted. BEOWITVULE COLLEGE Tt.t Facnlty of the Medical Department of the Brown ttlte Cotleye announce that they will commence their wcree of Lectures on MrayUy evening next, 22d day of fArnsrv, at I rt o'clock, and eontinne two months, giv M 'be lecture on tbe evenings Monday, Tuesday, Ved-tn-lay and Friday of eara week. The introductory lecture kttbr onre will be public and delivered at tbe Brown rilir Dotel, tbe remainder of the lectures to be given pri i!y to tbsclBK. TiAeu can be procured of tbe Dean. . ' FACULTY: VII.UAM ARXOLD, M. P. , Professor of Anatomy. A. S. IIOLLADAT, M. D. Pro.'cssoc of tbe Practice of Medicine. - jonx Mcpherson, m. d. . Frufessor of Materia Medica. E.D. ALLF.N. A. B. Profesor of ChfUiiBtry. r. c. jonx5ox, Frofessor of Medical Jurisprudence. IS-It Feb 1 Wit. AHN'OI.P, Dean. 75,000 lbs. Bacon. LTFtiHD fc. nORX, Sonora, Mo , have for sale, cheap for rath. 5,0o0 pounds enoeUeul bacon. iUfc-ly March J, 'M CLAIL1 NOTICE. I Con. I). Tarbell, Jaaifs M. Deinton, and all others k..oi it may concern. You are berely notified that I ill appear at tse Land Office in Browuvjle, on Thursday kirli t2. at S o'click. P m, to prove up my right 4 sre-emption to the W lr3 of the south-west quarter u the ' 1 r2 of tbe northwpiern quarter of section Si, viMu I. north of range 12 at. Sk-t Mrch ilh, '68. R. W. MU1K. "ll. A. TERRY &CO., riOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX Garkn, Field & Flo cr Seeds, Fruit Trcs, Shrubs, Grape, Vines, &c. t)"Bxe of assorted Garden Seeds constantly on surf. fr sale low. Crm-mi City, Iowa, Feb. SO, '58. v2n35-Jai "CURRANT SEED. , Of tb bst varietes, and warranted fre-b and genuine (at up n 25 cent package, and for saie by II. A. TEB.RT Jt CO. Cresreat Cily, Io a, X Sent by mail, poatf and, at 15 crnti per package. fcJo-lra -Feb. 2t' lb FRUIT!! Tie subsrribeT bare en hand and for sale low for cat n, lo lot of New Horbelle Blackberry. Bed Antwerp lHrTT, Bnackles Orange &aipberry, Bed Dutch Car rut. Lobelia Grape, Cats ba Grape, fc.e. ate. II. A. TERRT tt CO. rtJt-Jm ' Crescent ty, Isra. Rare and Valuable Seeds. will ser.d bv mail, pool paid, to any address, pack- ana f the Sal lowing sredf at the prices annexed : AGENTS GETTIKO UlCn I The anion of Emersoe'a Xagazint and Putnam's Monthly has given to the consolidated work a circulation second to but one similar publication in the country, and has secured for it a combination of literary and artistic talent probably cnrlvaled by any ether magazine In tbe world. Daring tbe first month, the sale in tbe trade and demand from anbscribera exceeded 90,000 copies, and tbe numbers already issued of tbe consolidated work are universally conceded to have surpassed in the richness of their literary contents and the beauty and prof ottennaa of their pictorial Illustrations, any Magazine ever Co lore issued from tbe American press. Encouraged by these evidences of favor, the publishers have determin ed to commence the new volume in January vKk atul additional attractions, and to offer such inducements to subscribers as cannot fail to place it, In circulation, at the head of American Magazines. With these 'View they now announce tbe following splendid programme. They tave purchased that superb and costly steel -plate engraving. "The Last Supper," and will present a copy of it to every three-dollar sub scriber fui tbe year 1USS. If was engraved at a cost of over $6,000, by the late celebrated A. L. Dick, from tbe original of Raphael Morgben, after Leouano De Tinci, and is the largest steel-tilate engraving ever ex ecuted in this country, being three times the sue of tbe ordinaay three-dul lar engravings. The firtt impressions of this engraving are held at 810 and it was tbe intention of the artist that none of tbe engravings should ever be offered for a less sum than $5, being ricbly worth that amount. Thus every three dollar subscriber will receive tbe Magazine one year cheap at $3 and this splendid engraving, richly worth $5; thus getting for $3 the value of $3. We shall commence striking off the engravings Imme diately, yet it can hardly be expected that impressions of so large a plate can be taken as fast as tbey will be called for by subscribers. We shall, therefore, furnish them in the order In which, subscriptions are received. Those who desire to obtain their engravings early, and from the first Impressions, bbould send in their sub scriptions without delay. The engravings can be sent on rollers, or In any other manner, aa subscribers alull order. $20,000 IN WORKS OF ART. . In addition to the superb engraving of The Last Supper which will be presented to every three-doliar subscriber for 185S, the publishers have completed arrangements for tbe distribution, on tbe 25th day of December, 1853, of a series of splendid work of art, censisting of one hun dred rich and rare Oil Paintings, valued at from $100 to $1000 each. Also 2 000 magnificent Steel-Plate Engrav ings, worth from $ to $5 each, and 1000 choice Holiday Books, worth from $1 to $5 encfa, making in all over three thousand gifts worth twenty thousand dollars. - Inclose $3 to the publishers and you will Commence receiving tbe Magazine by return mail. Ton will also receive with the first copy a numbered subscription re ceipt entitling you to tbe engraving or 'THE LAST SUPPER." and a chance to draw one of these three thousand prizes, I From wir lone exneriecca in minnf Artcrlnv Rawi. In tbe Eastern States and Ecfclwd, parctasers can depend apon nnoing our goods equal to the bent manufactured. O-Farticular attention paid to repairing all ainda of MWI, L.&A; CARR Wholesale Booksellers,' Stationers,' BLNAK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. av. -in, uun d tree i, t. Aiouia, no. Keeps constantly on hand, all too Spelling Books, a run met ics, grammars, ireogi-apbles, rnilosopfciei, Beading Books, Histories, Dictionaries, Chemistries, te. bvw in ue, wdicb uiry nnwit it LOWEST PRICES. THEt STOCK Of rOEEIQN AND DOMESTIC Stationery, Blank Books, lYrltlnsr an d Prlntln s Panetv f Has been selected with the greatest care, and is equal to any m uie wmt. - Having an . - . . . - t EXTENSINE BINDERY y . V Attached to their establishment, they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of Blank Books to order, at short notice. And- ERASTXS E PARSER IS now prepared to prepare aid make out Pre-emption pa yers and warrant them to be correct, i Gave taken tbe trouble to post sayitelf up in regard to the Pre-emption Law and contested Claims, and will always feel pleasure In giving advice, gratis, to those who may call en me. Hav ing a desire to remain aermanently S4ttltl la NTemaha county, I will exert my line nd talentato the advance ment of our new and prosperous county and the Territory at large. - ...... .. Ijfcna warrants Eougnt ana Bold. OFFICE, one door West of Crane k. BlU'n,ln Brow It Eallam's new Office, where he can he teend at all timea during business boar. I have some good clahna to Mil of the Cm choice, Um bered and prairie. ALSO several good and eligible kite in Brownville. which 1 will dispose of cheap for cash of m time, purchas er paying tea per cent Interest. as. K. r ASHES. Brownville, K. T. Oct. 16, 1S57. Tiololy 75 - mE 1001US, for aaley I. T.WHTTE A CO. Ann - -' Boot; f2s MAAXFACrrOItY. llaia Street, , . . Brownville, JV. T. - Wm; T. Den, Ktsrto ir LiLY retnriti his eineere thanks to tbe citizeni of Brownville and surrounding country for their liberal end extensive patronage tbey have extended him for the laat fifteen months since be commenced business In the above place! that he ha fitted up his new establishment No. 16, Main street, for the enure purpose of accommocmir g all those who wish to prtronize him t have thoir bouta and shoes make to.onier; and having selected tbe beat quality of leather suitable for tbe West, and having en gaged experienced workmen be would say to me puouc that be is now ready to serve tbeio oti tbe shortest no tice with a superior article of Boots aid Shoes, sewci nr peceed. at as low prices as any other establishment n the Territory; - j"Rplrlng done en the shoruikt not ice. Brownville Saloon. THOMPSON & MARSH, Tin at -between Xlain and Atlantio. HAVE pmruased the above named salcon, formerly owned by Was. Alderasan, and now announce their readi ness totickle the epicurian tastes of the Drown viliians and others with everyTariety of good thingrusually kept in snch establishments. Tis here you can get your fine oysters, sardines, lobeserf, fresh venison, ralrie chick ens, and sack like ad some of that glorious good ale wita which to wast it down. Give us a call. Kovember 11, 1867. nS0-ly J0H r. TTJOJ. W. W. HJlCsTKXT. TYS01I & HACSinSY, ? GZJIEBAIi LAITD iAGEITTS, B&OWXV1LLE, NEMAHA CO., X. T. Land Warrants Booght and Sold. Land entered on Time. Claim and Town Lota Bought and SvM. Loan Money, Make Investment and Locate Warrants on time, fur Distant Dealer. Preemption Papers Prepared. -OFFICE Next door to V. 8. Land Office. arrEBExcxe Gee. H. Nixon, Register L. C. B. Smith, Seeeiver, Smock at Williams, L. R. Tuttle, B. R. Pegram fc. Co., Banker, Hon, ii. W. ScnSeld, R. L. McGhee at Co., Tootle at Fair leig a, - Oct. 1. 'M Brownville, X. T. Lexington, Mo. ' (rmahaClty.X. T. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Warren, Praa. St. Louis, Mo. St. Joseph, " : E. S. DU1IDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ARCHER, RICHARDBO CO. K.T. WILL practice in the several Courts of the id Judicial District, and attend to all matters connected with the Frofe:sion. War. McLcxvan, lEsq., of Nebraska City, will assist me la the prosecution of important Suit. Sept. 10, '67-lI-ti a. w. m'rrr. M. 0. WILCfNSON. PUETT & WILKINSON AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UMAUI, Li. T. j 2 Will attend to all businej entrusted to their oare BKFEBXKCK8 HFi?,i:OV ATi. -- - - niE GREAT DEMAND FOH SlXGEn'S SE1TIXG 51AC11XXES, Having rendered more extensive accommodation necessary, new exhibitions and sales rooms have been fitted up in the large store, la Glasgow Bow, - No. 106, Fourth Btraer, . Above Locust, and nearly opposite to Vine street, feULoul, Mo. The superiority of SINGERS SEWIXO MACHINES being universally acknowledged, allusion to it would seem supererogatory. Of the vast number cf Machines sold during the short time the Western Depot ha been established, not one baa seen returned or failed to yield the highest satisfaction. This fact is peculiar to Singer's Sewing Machine aloae, end proves the substantial grounds upon which the customarr guarantee is based. EDW IN DBAN, Agent. Col. Jesse Williams. Got. Jo. A. Wright, lf. r. N.K&ocE, Hon. Jobs G. Davis, Hon. Geo. L. Miller, Fairfield, Iowa. Indisnapolis, Ind, . Washington City., Bockrille, Ind. Omaha City, N. TV REASONS WHTTOTj SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR EMERSON'S MAGAZINE for 1S58. Firtt ! Because Its literary contents will, during the year, embrace contributions from over one hundred dif ferent writers and thinkers, numbering among them tbe ntoht dmtinguuihed of American authors. Second: Becautte it editortal departments. "Our Stu dio,' Our Window,' and 'Our Olio,' will each be eon- ducted by an able editor and it will surpa;s in the va riety and richness of its editorial contents any other ma gazine. , Third : Because it will contain daring tbe year near ly six hundred pictorial illustrations from designs by the best American artists. Fourth : Because for the sum of $3 you will receive this splendid monthly, more richly worth that sum .than any other magazine, and tbe superb engraving of The Lat Supper,' worth $5. Fifth i Because you will very likely draw one of the three thousand prizes to be distributed on tbe 36th day of December ltS5a perhaps one that is worth $1000. Notwithstanding that these extraordinary inducements cannot fail to accomplish tbe objects of tbe publishers without further efforts, yet tht-y have determined to continue tbroeh tbe rear THE GREAT LIBRARY OFFER. To any person who will get up a club of twenty-four subscribers, either at one or more post-offices, we will present a splendid Library, consisting of over Forty Large Bound Volumes, embracing tne most popular works in the market. The club may be formsd at the club price $3 a year without tbe engravi.ic, or at the full price $3 with the engraving of tbe Last Supper to each subscriber List and description of tbe Library, and specimen copy of the Magazine, will be forwarded B receipt of 23 cents. Over 200 Libraries, .or 8,000 volumes, have already been distributed In accordance with this offer, gal we should be glad of an opportunity to furuish a Library to every clergyman, to every school teacher, or to some one at tfe'-y nost-olBce in the tountry, ' IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Doctor WHTTE, having removed from 32 Tine at to ItJo. 7, Pine Street, St. Louis MoM Continues to txi consulted on all Diseases of a Private Nature. By a lone course of study and'practlcal experience of unlimited extent, Dr Whyte has the gratification of pre senting the unfortunate with remedies that iave never failed to cure the most alarming cases of GOXOZIRIICEA AXD SYPHILIS. Beneath his treatment all the horror of Venereal and Impure Blood, Scrofula, Gonorrboja, Dicers, Pains and Distress in tbe region of Procreation Inflammation of the Bladder and Eidneys, Abscesses, Humors, Frightful Swellings, and tt along train of Horrible symptoms at tending this class of diseases are made to become harmless as the simplest ailing of a child. SEMINAL WEiVKNESo. r Dr W. devotes a arrest part of his time to the treat ment ef those cases caused by a secret and solitary habit which ruins tbe tody and mind, unfitting the lnfortunste individual for either business or society, somo or the sad and melancholy efiectH produced by these early ba- hitaof vouth are Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Diz ziness of the bead. Dimness of Sight, Palpitation of the Heart. Dvpepsia, Nervousness. Derangement of thel'i i-PHtive Powers. Symptoms of Consumption, etc The fearttu ei'tcil on int mina arc mucn to do unrat ed, viz : Loss of Memory, Confusion of ideas, uepresilon of Snirits. Evil Forebodings, Aversua to bociety, ieu- Distrust, Timidity, &c., are among the evils produced. Such persons before contemplating marriage should con sult a n' rsician of skill and experiijnce, and be at once rpKtnred t5 health and carpinc6. Feier and Ague Cured! Warranted! All letters' containing a fee addressed to u. v. wuitk, M. D., St, Louis Mo. will meet with prompt attention and meriicine sent secured from observation. vy-Tht ttrxctett tecrecy oottrveu in au eatet. Don't forget the pi see : 0"No. 7, Pine at.. Saint Louis, HoCJ n25ly 86000 Scrip Wanted, For the same amount of Real Es-jito in Brownville at low figures. Apply to LU9HBACGH & CARSON T. E. HAYCOOK, Attorney at Law AND REAL ESTATE AGEHT. Mount Vernon, Kemana Co., Particular attention paid to the practice of law and col lection of - debt in the counties og Nemaha, Pawnee, Sohnson, and Richardson, Nebraska Territory. Real estate bought and sold on commission. Land warrauts located for distant dealrrs. Pre-emption paper carefully prepared. KEFiaS TO .. Sam. n. Elbert, Plattaroouth, N. T. " H P Bennet, Nebraska city, N T c . O D Richardson, Omaha ciiy, NT . - Fenner Ferguson, MC, Bellevue, NT ,-, Cassady fc. Test, Bankers, Council Bluff, Iowa Cook, Sergeant tt Cook, Fort Deamoines, Iowa: ATT0HITEY AT LAW, ; BROWNVILLE. N. T. Will write deeds of every kind and contrasts for every purpose, with warranted legal accuracy. - Ofilce, la the Banking House of Luacbaugh k Carton, KEFEB TO ' Hon. John A. Bingham, Cadis, Ohio. "WE. Carter, Cleveland, " RP Spalding, ' ' B F Letter, Canton, " S Lahro, - - " Wm R Sapp, Mt. Ternsn, - ' SPChaae, Colnmbua, " The. Ford, Mansfield, " " Jas. Craig, St. Joseph. Mo. rownville, Oct. Jd, '67. . yinH-ly ::Portcrs Spirit or tlic Times. . . GescralPcrc!i2in3 Agency. TUX constantly increasing demand upon as to execate commissions for the purchase of all kinds of articles, bulb for resident and nta-residectsof the city, hastadsced us te establish, la connectioa with cur aewspaper enter prise, a , Pnrcassliit Eurcaa"' I under the immediate supervision of one 3'f firm, as siated by the most acoompiikhed experts, for rnyftfmj ng rhclt i the world. Particular attention will ee paid te tae selection, par- chase, aadaaleof tbwrottga-ared Cattle and Morse Stoct, trained Dog. Ferreta, and tanry Fowla, Carriage, Kurgy, and Saddle nurses, Carriages, Harness aud SwWIcf, Time watches, every description of Fire Arms, Sporting Arti cles, Fishing Rods and Tackle, Mnsie and Musical Instru ment, Tachtx, Sail and Row Boats. Furniture, Ine Wine. Liquors, and Sigars; Cricket and Ball Bate, Fda, fcc, Re. AcatcvLTCBAL IMn.BMEiTt.of the latest and snout Improved kind ; Seeds, Plants, Fruit, Forest and Shade trees, and all kind of Books treating oa subjects of im portance to tlie Farmer, Horticulturist, and Florist. STATE KOOMt Xsqagsx) la advance, oa Steamer and Packets to leave for Europe. California, tbe West Indies, or any part of the world. This will ot-vlate the necessity to residents cf Inland towns, and place where ae steamer agencies exit tjuf coming to New Turk two or three weeks in advance aa they are aow freeaeotly required to do either to obt&ln passage, or to secure eligible accommoda tions. In this department, we will be ready to secure Room t at Uotci at favorable rates, so a to protect the atranger from Inrpoartion as well as Inconvenience i and, in short, to perform any description of cemmiasiaa that would ordinarily require the presence ef the party himself. , . , . Gentlemen who desire to form Libraries, or who may wish to procure the CAotce ZMtrsturt of tkt day, eaa always rely upon ovr judgement and selection. Also, Blank books and Stationery, and Book and New Paper, for printer. . .. i . FOB THE LADIES, we will procure the latest Fashion Platef, styles of Bonnets, sample of the aeweat varie ties or goods, cosmetics, perfumes, and fancy articles, and we shall always be pleased to furnish everything connect ed with their wanta. In short, for any service which may be required, the public may rely upon us, with the most perfect confidence for fidelity, and dispatch. ' Apply-to - - GEO. W. WIIXE3 & CO., Porter's Spirit of the Times, US Broadway, N. T. B. Subscriptions for Porter's Spirit of the Time. a Sporting Ltterars, Agricultural, Family Weekly News paper, may pe lorwamed to the same eirectica. Terms, $3 a year. Potter Wanted. I will give employment to a good, industrious Potter, well acquainted with the busmen. JOliX MCPHERSON. n23tr Brownville, Dec I, 1867. December S, 1357 nl31y- Z0OK & BALDWIN, Pofest City, XaCo. Dealer in And MEDICINES. OlieiaxiOealid, Dye Woods, Dyestuffs, Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, ULAoMVAlit, French, English, and American Perfumery. tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent in al instruments, spices, snuffs, manufactured tobacco; ail tne patent medicines oi tne aay; pure wines and brandies, for medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, ete.,etc. Agents ror tne sale or Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Canohalagna: ' -1 Usgood a India iboiagoeue, Jones' American Cholagogue; Gnysott's Yellow dock and Sarsaparilla; Smith's Tonic Syrn p. . , : July23, 1857. -- v2nl-yly w. n. triiJLiASis, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALER IN STOVES & TINWARE Oresou XL-Xo., rPAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or X gon and the public in general, that he has on band the most extensive stock of stores and 1 In ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for tale at Wholesale and Retail at St. Lonis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of C00KINQ STOVES, comprising the most improved patterns beta. AifTight ana Irenuum. Among them may be fonnd Filly's Charter Oak, the best store now in use, the Asiatio Air-Tight, Pioneer and prixe Pre mium. Also . Parlor & Box Stoves Of rarious Sites and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANT HOUSE IN TOWN, - Particular attention paid to making and putting np Tin Oa iters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term v.. T". . . . 1 . Via copper, rtrass ana rewter utaen in exenange tor work or ware. - w. w. wiuuam, rl-n5 Oregon, Mo., July 5, 1858 Dr. NEW ARRIVAL OF S0a Q "7" 333 and TINWARE. RlCRann Hbaww. If tti vnr Rutiv. Pioneer of Nebraska. Late Cash'r Nemaha Valley Bk BROWII & UAIjI AT.T. ., BROWNTILLB NEBRASKA. OUR atteatioa will be given to the following business vis: To the buying of Bank note, and, loanlngjmoncy.joa good security, "' M and selling of Eastern Exchange. " -,,,.. Lami Warranto, " collection of debts in Nebraska, Iowa, Northern ' Missouri, and Kaunas. " buying and selling of farm, town lota, or unlm " proved land. " selection and tniff of Landa for settlersjor others, either with land warrants er money. Remittance can be made to us In Drifts, or Deposited with Banks or Bankers (object to our order. ' We will enter lands with Warrants or Cash, pay all ma, taxes and commissions for one-third of the gross profits, accruing from the sale of the lands. In Nebraska and Kansas from two to three frill Mont acre of the finest lands in the Union are being offered for ale. Foreign capitalist will find here a f tch field for in vestment. Investment judiciously made in Western lands and town lots are now paying from fifty to five hun dred per cent. We solicit the pntronage of the public, confident that ur experience and knowledge in the business Will enable us to give entire satisfaction. Having a large acquaintance rathe Mississippi valley It will not be difficult to give reference when required by corresponents, as regards our standing; and will at all timea cheerfully answer all letters of enquiry. Brownville, June 25th, 1307. . v?Z-ft Wason for 2 ale- - I have a licbttwv-herse wagoe W'ich I will tistoM ef ea good terms to asy ece wishing. E.W.rVKXA. Brownviib Hotel FOR BEITT OU C ALU. The 6ne new brick Hotel new nearly eoapleted-art'J' be by trst day ef Aprtl aext Is for sale er realU ta tnose acquainted we need make ae furtaer aasnesice Bitot. Tj the at a distance allow as to say tat Iwr. villa la one of tbe moot thriving yean cities ef X tifr ks, eontains a popsiatioa of about 800. The LaM Office tor the Nemaha Land District is located here 4 In tiveopenstioa. The laud sale wilt awes Ukely taka place on or before Jaly neat. - v Tbe Hotel i sufticient: r large being 60 ay so, stone e high to accommodate any number almost of ps trows, and yet not oa such an ettev.ive arsle but that it caaae purchased or rented and kepN aad pay well. It was erected by a stock company whose prtariiel eh- Ject was to aecure a first class Hotel la the place, aa4 they wm Mil u at coat will either tell or reatt prefer to sell. None need make are Heat ion to rent except taese m are trptrienttd in hotel business, aad caa (ozn well recommendetL Apply ia person er by letter to etthar R. w. FL'ikN A3, President, i Or ALEX. HALLAM. SeCy. , Brownvilio. Nebranka. February II. 1SSS. . Cytissette, st Joseph: Plaindealer, ClevelaaJ:' StaieV Washington CIT; Ststesman. CoIiimbt, O.; Ermnlrer, Cincinnati. St Louis Sepubhcan and New Tort Trtbnoe, copy weekly te aaeunt of a sad send bill te t&Sa Aee. TEA1ISTEB. . MICHAEL CAVENEY. - Inform the public that he I prepared tt all ttfies, t do all kinds of work with a team.. Alse la prepared te carry pasaenxer to any desired point. trloM Fee 10, 1368. ,',ri 1 1 11 11 1 1 .' ' iOH.V. P. El KMT. CEAB. 9. E0U.T. KINNEY & HOLLY. ATTORNEYS AT LAY7, NEIIUASILA CITY, T. Will practice la the Coorta of this Tsrrltory. Cell mo tion and criminal business attended to throughout Na brsska, Western Iowa and Missouri. Will attend tbe Courts at Brownville. rtaai-4in MILTON F. CLARK, pfl STOKE ! WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DEALER IX Front Street l o oorloD, WI1IES AID) LIQUOES, BrotniTllle, Nebraska Territory, J. H MAUN S5 Co., r - Chinese Sucar Csue Japaa noney Wa.ermelon Jf ceatt C5 ew Orange Ire Cream Jeweit rnirrllite Jlsle. Superior Binney's Kxlra do SO do SO . do .do 25 do 20 rine Citron 15 t riindrical Pumrkin fS feet" long) SO lden Apple f-;uash . 20 Mammoth Red Ti'mato . 20 Vetlow Cherry do (earliest) ' 0 Fig tv .25 fi the whole list for $2,00 Address U A. Tt.KBI SlU. dlt-tni Crewent City, Iowa Taxes! Taxes!! Taxes!!! Ill those knowing ttieeisetve indebted to tbe Corpora W Brow smile will please tome forward and pay up Iniiier indblcsace will be given. f ( eb26. 'b& H. JOUXSON, Marshal. fohii McPherson Hat 200 Sacke of Fall Wheat Flour, wsrrant- ' quality ln.i) he will sell for $60 per 100 lbs. ' kmwn vi lie Hotel Scrip. r Valuable Claim for Sale. 1 anderrigned will sell a valnable claim at a bar .s they are determined to sell. It consists of 160 vr s.l bottom Uod; about one half of which is timber 'a balance prairie; 40 acres under fence and cultt '. It H sitaated oa the Little Nemaha River; nine from Brownville and about the same distance from -eka l4tv.oe saile auwUi of Long" bridge. anly to Uie undersigned on the premise SOUS lirGTTES -j-pd LKMfKL II UGI1ES Baxiiwo Horir. or LrtiitArcw A Caesou RresrapvTf. February 1, lt68. J fa.and after this date, depmitors accounts will be for specie, correnrv and scrip payable In same of tund, CbecU must be marked accordingly. Wct hours from I to 12 A M and 1 to t P M, I.rSHBAUGU fc CARSON, fashionable Tailor. JACOB MARIIOX, BEOVTKTTIXLE, JTEEBASTTA. ""pectfa I ly announce to the ru,,lic tBat fte ba 0D Ws irpet.x:kof Cloths, Vestings, &c, Alo .a )arf c assortment of - READY-MADE CLOTHING , . Which be will tell at cort prices. tatter Limself that be understands his bnsinesa 'Vtty and all work warranted coming from his es '"Bierrt, and charges as sow a any other compettloe place or the wt. A JVcat Fit Guaranteed. " BAKE. THtOPOBB Hafct 'ftwaBruto AjrocoMMiestoa atrarw abtb, AND MTLA5I BOAT AGENTS. leale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Crocerie, UarCwaie,Oueenw are, Furniture, stoves, , . i iour, Bacon, Ax Tt.ll,,57 JJaowjtTILLB, N I. Scott city Steam Savr-Mill SPECIMEN ENGRAMNG. A we desire to place in tbe hands of every person who proposes to get np a elnb, and also of every agent, a copy of tbe engraving of "Tbe Last Supper," as a specimen, each applicant inclosing ns $3 will receive the engrav ing, post-paid, by retern mail, also specimens of our pub lications and one of the numbered subscription receipts, j entitling tbe holder to the Magazine one year and to a chance in the distribution. Tbia offer is enly niadti to those who desire to act as agents or to form clubs. Address . ' OAK.SMITH It Co., No. 171 Broadway, New Tork. THE SEW VOSK Steam Saw-Hill AND MACHINE COMPANY. Capital $250,000. . This rnaipont has been organised with the above capi tal for thepurposeof supplying the demand for tbe COMBINATION PORTABLE STEAM SAW-MILL, AND OTHER IMPROVED MACHINERT. They have purchased the entire machinery business heretofore carried on by J. M. Emerson It Co., alse the Montgomery Works at Yondera on the Hudson, near this city, and with tbe expeiienre and facilities combined in Its organization are prepared to furnish machinery of -all kinds at more liberal rates than hasever been ofTered at any other establishment. Tbe Combination SawOfill was patented October ISH and is now generally acknowledged to be tbe cheaper. most practical and efficient lumber manufacturing ma chine in tbe world. A large number of them are in successful operation in different sections of this country, Canada, Cuba, and South America, and wherever, their merits have been tested they are being adopted by lum ber manufacturers in preference to all other mills. The following letter expresses tbe general opinion ol those who are using the Combination Mill . Messrs. Emebsor at Co Gentlemen : I have tried ihe w-mill purchased of you, and will say that it per form well and more than meet my expectations. I am well pleased with it performance. I et it up on a small stream that afforded constant water about as thick as my little finger which waa ninrh more than sufneient to supply the boiler. Weareableto cut 1,000 feet of beautiful lumber In 12 honrs, with something less than one cord of wood. It is the very thing we have so much needed in our county for a long time. With a little trouble and expense we are able to move It frstn five to ten miles per day, and set it up in the hart of the timber, which saves the great burden of hauling the logs a long distance to the mill. Tours, respectfully. JESSE KERR, JR., Louisville Tennessee. The Company have purchased Lund's Patent Feed Ar rangement, which is illustrated and described in the Scientific American for October St. xuia add greatly th nfficiencr of the mill. The Cwbtnatto mm with an the recent improve ment, and steam power of 15 horses. Is capable from sawing from 3.000 to fQOO feet in 12 hours, for 81.6T.0. THE NTW TORK CIRCULAR S AW-M7TX Is manufactured only by this Company. It Is of superior constru tion. and sold for 25 per cent less tban other mills of no greater capacity. A mill with 36 to oa-inch saw can be sold for $150 to $500, andaiUi a 20 horse en gine and boiler is sold for $2,200. 5frm Anoiart snd Boticrt ; i-nginet or from one to 100 horse power; Loromofire, Tubular, Flue and Cy linder Boilert furnished at gTeatly reduced prices from former quotations. ,. .. .-. Drawings, with plans and specifications for buildings and machinery furnished gratis toourcastouiera. Competent mechanics are sent oot te put np and tet In operation our machinery, when required. , ; We also manufacture SAmc'e Afacfttnes, fianmg Nachiutt, Sugar-MOU, and 3ltier? General. Special attention said to getting up Saafiee and Pt lie for manufactories, and all kindaof MUl-Wrigkt Work., . The Company are selling In great number a Patent Conical Burr Stone Mill, for flour, corn meal, aad all kinds of feed, which is pronounced by experienced mil lers the best mill ever constructed. It will grind more grain in the same time end with half tbe power of any mill of the same price in the market. We also furnish, other styles of Grut-MilU when re quired. WM. MOXTGOMERr, President. ' ' No. 871 Broadway, New York. Jfo. 9, Main Street, BROWNVILLE, N. T. rr invr. purchased the entire stock of Goods belong ing to J. R. Davis, together witn large aim exwnniTC additions just received, I am now prepared io luriuso every variety of Mcary and Fancy twrocerj.es, FOR HOTEL AND FAMILY liA'. I have in store, aad for sale cheap, a large supply of COFFEE, Beet quality Rio and Java Has Just received the LARGEST STOCK WEST OF SAIXT. LOUIS, Consisting, in part of tne following articles, which they propose to sell ; : Cheap for Cash: Every TEA, quality and price. SUGAR, Havana crushed and boat articlo of brown ingar. ' MOLASSES. Large supply of superior New Orleans molasses, Bel cher's ana Croiaen oyrup. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Extensive variety and all of the best brands. FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting in part of PICKLES, A great variety and put up expressly for family nso. PIE FRUIT, Every description of Fruit, such as Pre Peaches. AcDles. Cherries. Goose- berriet. Currants, Eubarb, etc., For sale cheap anl warranted fresh and good. Pure white lead French zinc China sine Red lead Venitian red Raw and burnt umbra Spimish whiting Chalk Turpentine Linseed oil Tanners oil Copal Tarnish ' Japan ' White Varnish Litberage Paint brushes Tarnish brushes Sash and window tools Wall brashes Lettering Pencils Tuble paint Camel hair pencils Blenders Star candles , , Fatty rE Castor oil ''' Cod liver oil Sweet oil Olive oil Glue.-. .- Patent medicines, all sorts Cough candies ; Fancy candles Castile soap Toilet soap Washing soap Tooth brushes Hair brushes Cloth Brushes Almonds soft shell Hard shell Almonds Filberts, peacans... Pea note - ' FiK - . , . Raisins-''' : 1 Oysters in can , . ' Sardines '' Black and Imp Teas Yeast Powders, TOBACCO, , Of the best brands, chewing and smoking. Cigars fin est quality and flavor. FRUITS Preserved fruit for pies, brandied peaches, fresh pea ches in cans, pure liquors for medical purposes, Jamaica rum, Holland Gin, Irish whisky, Bourbon wnisiy, ginger brandy. Cordial, Port wine, cherry wine, white wine, Malaga wine. STATIONERY. Fool sea d paper, fancy letter paper, gild edge' notes, and envelopes, plain, fancy and embossed; pens and pen holders, inks of all kinds, inkstands and Fabers pencils, aealinz wax wafers. , 0YJST1ZRS AND SARDINES, A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries, genuine ox marrow. bar grease ana on h, mass ana CHRISTIAN DEUSER. BROWNVILLE, ANNOUNCES to the pubtio that he has just re , eeived, per Steamer Emma, a very lurge and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stores, of new and improved patterns, as follows: Shanghai Elevated Oven. COOK SIOVES, Buck's Clipper Oven. - Inipi'bvtd Pattern -Charter Oak " all of which I pledge myself to tell at as fair rate and on as accommodating; terms as any other estab hsbment in this region of. eonntry. ' I hare also now on hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared to put np guttering and spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. A share ox patronage it solicited. - C DEUSER. Urowarille, July loth, 1357. 2n5 ly 'NATH'L POPE COUSIN, Land and General Agent, WASHUTGTOK CITY, D.C. Having" resigned the situation which he has held in the General Land Office for the last twenty years in charge of the Pre-emption Bureau offers hi services in tbe pros cut Ion of claims before the Department, under she pre-emption laws, town site act of 181, fcc. Rc. Mr. C. will also give attention to cases before the Pen sion office, procure Land Warrants to parties entitled. and prosecute claims before Congress. BE re tit TO I ' , Hon. S. A. Douglas, Illinois, C. S. Senate. J. D- Bright, Indiana, C. E. Stnaf j, Michigan, " Dan'l Welts. Wisconsin, House Reps. C. C. Washburne, . Bob't Smith, Illinois, " John B. Sandidge, Louisiana, " Thomas A. Heudrick. Cora'r Land Office. Joe. S. Wilson, Esq. Chief Clerk Hon. E. M.Huntington, Ex-Cym'r, Indiana. J.imes Shields, Ex-Com'r, Minnesota Geo. C. Whiting, Com'r Pensions. Gov. Xedary, St. Paul, Minnesota Messrs. Sweeny, Fent fc Co., Banters, Washinton . Pairo fc Nourse, . , do ' do ' Chabb Brothers, do do Suter. Lea fc Co. " do Also, to tbe District Land Officers generally, and to all whohave had land business at the seat of government for years. 53"No businesa letters will recesve atten tion unless accompanied by a ree. nzi-iy CIGARS & TOBACCO. GEO. a EAYER & CO., BMTE1I1I a 'fi 9 General Land Agents, Glen wood, jPlattsmotith, Mills co, Iowa, Oast oo, ebraska. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves tigating Titles, Paying Takes, Infesting mon ey, Buying and Belling Town Lots, Baying; Selling and Locating Land Warrants, and all other business connected with their profession in Western Iowa and Nebraska. . J. M. LEWIS, Associate Attorney. ; REFERENCES: Greene, Weare A Benton, G. Doughty Co., Greene, Weare tt Rice, Greene k Weare, Nixon k Goodman, Tootle k Greene, N.W.Thomas, School t k Son Gen. Wm. Irick, II. Johnson, I. Reed k Son, Robinson k Rro, Burlington Co. Bank, Council Bluff's, Iowa. M M M Ft. Des Moines " Cedar Rapids, . " Cincinnati, Ohio. Glenwood, Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio. . ;,' Vineentown, N. J. ; Uightsbown, ' Philadelphia, Pa. ! M Medfcrd, If. J, A large supply of the best brands and warranted good- "TOGETHER WITH A large qurntlty of various articles of domestic use too tedious to mention. sences of all kinds and of the finest quality. rPh7sicians Prescriptions attenaei of the day and night. ALSO ! JOHN C. IIUFHIAN, s' Scott City. 3Io- . . VnnuditJilv ermmte brotenvilie. JV. T.) nces to Ue pui-Uc that he has leased the w r saw-Mill recentlv erected by Mr. Meek, located T"ta'e. aud is now preiared to furnish tbe citiieos of 'eri ati4Etraska with aa extraquality of Lcmbeb w'"y iecriftmtt snd v tu rn rj T.V 1 WW i "aaeac-iinttauiirv. a .hare ol eatroaage it solicited. ') vmbe IL 15)67. aSO-ly 7 1 II. E S AND LIQUORS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT and is told Port, THE WEEKLY TIMES, CHICAGO, 1XI ' Containing all tbe reading matter of the Daily. Pub lished every Thorsdav Morning. SIlEAU.lN&CA3IEE0y. Editor and Proprietors. TERMS : Single Subscribers, per annum, $1,60 To clubs of tcu and upwards $1,00. PRESERVED FRUITS; Strawberries, Peaches, Whertlibcrriej &e , $e, to be had at ' Hi. WHYTE C0'S. t . Native, , .- . .. r Champasme, . i Muscat, ' ' ' 1 ' ; .' V Sherrv, and ; r j Claret Wines. Extra Quality of Frencli and American Brandies, BRANDIED CHERRIES, . . ; Wolfe's glieidam Schnapps, 01dMonongehela,Boiirbon,"and Rye :Ra Whiskey, COMMON WHISKEY, ALE, Sfc. OF FIGS, Conclstixsgr of "r. TEAS, ' ' ,v;! JL1ISLXS,. VINING & SWAIN, Importers and Manufacturers -of Cigars AND Tobacco Commission Merchants, 88. Main Street. St. Louis. Mo. Keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment GERMAN, D0MESTIC,A5D HAVANA CIGARS ALSO (For account of the Manufacturers, and for sale at their nricesl everv variety or virsinla Manufactured Tobacco To which the attention of Dealers Is respectfully Invited KJ-Country orders will be put up, subject to the ap proval of the purchaser, and if not satisfactory, can be held subject to our order VIXIXG fc SWAIX, " FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY i Mo. 108 Vine St, bet. Fourth and Tilth, - Cincinnati, 0. C F. O'DRISCOIX & CO. fanufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job IT A Type. Printmz Fresees, Cases, bailies. Ac, Ac. Lot.', aad Printing Material of Every Description, . STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Mnsie. Patent Medicine Directions, Jobi, Wood Engrerings, Ac, et-e. CURR-MTS, SOAP, TOBACCO, SUGARS, . ii..- ' I f coffee, ' Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles - , ,-rwXl M0L.1SSES, NEW 'FIRM. CANDLES, Jonas Crane and Theodore Hill have this day formed . new cc-oart nershio under the the firm and sty le of Crane nin.and wilicontinue tbe Mercantile business at tne on stand cf McAllister, Dozicr fc Co. . ju. aa ta&xia et. 8.1857. THK 3DORB HILL. ; CHEESE, Just received 50toT.ee tuperiof Western Bescrra for tale thaap for casti. . MILTON F. CLARK. SDecial Notice. ALL those holdng accounts against f. t), Dsvii will call da fhjt tuaacriber and have tbea uixto!ed; and those indebted to him will pieasecali aad soUle, Al long er tadulgesce will not be given. ' : ftflLTON F- CLARK POWDER AND SHOT With all articles nsaallw found at auch places, Thev invite their friends and the puWie geeerally to give thera a call, and they pledge themselve to give them satisfaction aa to price and quality of their goods. ' TERJUS , CASH EXCUSIYEIsrV Nov. 81, 'b7-vl-cM " ' ' ' . i l ' Contractors outfits constantly on hand, such at T.n.Tlli rri.r.rn.T!tn RotarY Pump; Cars, Sideer End Cars, w.- - c C: 1 ,1 i uet iisirruws, iraycis, umgic u ' Horse Power Derricks, &c Blacksmi thing of all kinds. Bridge and Truss Bolt of Bar leaftn. ' Workmanship wary an tea ei pen quality. J. V. WESTLAKE. A. A. BDTTO. WESTLAKE & BUTTON, MACKiKE SH0P-& FOUNDRY. Railroad Car, Elocli Pump, Bolt uorner ot Jiiam a isiaaie oi., ST. LOUIS, MO. StlO it. r. sirm.' tJ-Inqnlrt of R. W. rrnaa, 'AdvirUser Offloa,' Emigrant's- Land Hcmter ! ! ! zzoyt & sLxrrxx GEOUtllUK -. .. AKD Hemaha City, and FleaaantTille, TT. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. ULKD ETEJ1ED OX TIHE. Land Claims and Town Lots BOUGHT AND SOLD. AND Investments Made for Distant Dealers. BEING practical Surveyor and one having bad three year experience In the "West," will devote our entire time and special attention to the Selection and Entry of land or claims for settlers and all those desiring choice locations. Address, HOTT fc SMITH. Nemaha City, X T. BEFtBS TO A Schnyler, Republic, Seneca co., Ohio. D T Searles, Tiffln City, ' " - -Dr P Innskeep, Dayton, Iowa Co., Iowa. Rev W Ring, Archer, Richardson co., N". T. S Wiseman, Genoa Bluffs, Iowa. J F Schuyler, Novelty Works, N. T. F Fergnsoa, Brownville, N. T rilnlnnllTiini,. 1 Mi.-. Lin-. v fttiljt 3 Letters ef Enquiry Promptly Answered. august ism, iwi. jt-n ly 15,000 lbs. Of Bacon For sale, cheap for Cash, bj LTF0RD k HORN. Sonora, Mo., Aprtl Bth, IB5T. 43-tf WOOD & WOLFSON, Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Wines k Li quors, Tobacco, Cigars, &c., &c. Second Street one door above Beattic't Banking Houte Tbe subscribers have lust opened in St. Joseph, one of the largest and most varied assortments of Wines and Li quors ever offered In this market, and which tbey oiler to Country Merchants TEX PER CEXT CAE APE R. Than any other bonsein North-West Mistouil. MR. WOLFSON Has been engaged in the business for a number of years in St. Louis and New Orleans, and natters himself that he can make It an object to those wishing to purchase to call and see him. 53"Cnntry merchants are earnestly solicited to call and examine our stock and prices.Q WOOD fc WOLFSOX, ' St. Joteph, .Ifo. S3 husk Mattraases just received at the store of Aug. , 1867. (n8J I. T. WHTTK. . M. T0C50. J. W. STEWART. YOUNG & STEWART, Forwarding and Commission MeroHanto. And Jlanuiaclurers' Agents, NO. 37, SECOND STREET, ST. LOC1S, MO. Particular attention paid to the sale of all kinda e Merchandise. Order for the purchase of Cincinnati Pittsburg or St. Louis Manufactured articles wUl mee with prompt attention. ., ; AND HOLLOW WARE Kept constantly on hand the latter at the reduced price of a 1-4. rents per Ih. Patent Portable MilL rPILE tabscribert hare entered into a partnership JL aader the firm of Bead, Eolabird A Co., to wtanafaetara the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are novr prepared to furnish all those in want of a good Cora or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simpJictj and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. Va the late exhibition of the Mechanic institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Medal was award od them for it. - t -? It it adapted te all Grain rrindin purposes; it It superior to all others for the moeteztensi ve Merchant Mill, at it is for grinding tbe t arm en feed by Morse power. The above iiiiis are manufactured by tbe under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they eon be furnished in anyquantityatthort notice. The above Mills warranted to perform at follows: 36 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 39 m 30 u - a - 250 J4 at u 20 15 ' tOO on 16 - ' 8 -150 At this Mill tells its own ttory.it it unnecessary to quote from ear numerous irajMiHlaUensreeeiTed. OAin 1 LUU1S FTJBinTTJRE STORE. WK have now the largest stock of custom made Furni ture ever oflered la this market, principally of our manufactaro. f Fine parlor tztU cf ' ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, - " t & WALNUT. with a large assortment of Rosewood. Mahogany, OaH and Walnut Chamber, Dtsicg Boom, Hall and Library 'Jpxu?r tturo, which we are elling tt very low prices tor cash. - " ' short 'rity paper. . . . . .-. a rT- . s. The attention of the trade aoHHted. MITCllKLL, XAMMKLSBXita fc CO. .. , ' ' ' NosMfc W. Swinsvlatrt. St. OT'a a. t. trrsHBAtroff. . . fao. L. caaaos: lushbaugh &CA!lSO:i,': BAXXIRS AND G.VrXAL LAND AQXXTS, Dealers In Coin, Cncurrent Money, Kxrhance and Land Warrant, ' " BROWNTILLB, NEMAHA CO., R. T. ' Especial attention will be given to Bayme and Selling Exchange on the principal cities of the United. tUatoa, Gold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A eaastant sua-, ply of Land Warrants on hand tor sale, FOB CASK, or en tered on time for rre-emptor. Al I warranto sold by ne guaranteed in every respect. Will file Declaratory State ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Fre-emptloa Paper at short notice. Money loaned upon beet eerart tie, at western rate of interest, and investments made in Landa or city property for distant capitalists. Colltc tion upon all convenient point will be promptly attend to and proceed remitted in exchange, at current rate. Bill of xchange on England, Ireland, aad Framoe, ob tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange ea the East a ted. Deposits receircdoh Current account and interest allowed on special depusita. OFFICE Main St., near C.S. Land Office. ' ,- BErxacscES Llnd, Brother fc Co., Merchants, - Philadelphia, Pa, McNaughton, Carson fc Co., " " " niser fc White, " ' ' ; Ba Hi store, Md. Toung, Carson fc Bryant, . : : , Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Port, " . S. M. Punderson fc Co. Merchants, ,f " M. M.Teakle fc Co. No. 17, Broadway. Kew Tork. Wm.T. Smithson, Esq., Banker, Washington, D. C. J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, ...... as . i Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d Aud. U. S. T., " Taylor fc Kriegh, Bankers, Chicago, UK ' McClelland, Scruggsfc Co. Mcrchanta, St. Louis Mo.i Hon. Tho. G. Pratt, Annapolis, Mi. Don. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kansas, Peon. Hon. Jas. O. Carson, . Mercersburf, f a. P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, ' Hageratown, Md Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, " . Char le Parson fc Co. Bankers, KeokiA, Iew. i 11. C. NuttfcCo. . " Council BlatT Greene, Weare fc Rice, De Moine, " Douglas fc Watson, " , f lnton, Col. Sam Hambldton, Att'y at Law, Kaston, Md. Judge Tho. Perry, Cumberland, Vt. Prof. H. Tittwller, Havana Alabama. Oct. 8, 'p7-va-nlS-f ; . iWchmaker & Goldsmith . .... . i .A. GrY S, ROCK PORT, MO. BEGS leave to inform the public that he has located! in the above named town and offer for sale a choice stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY,, and other article usually kept in snch establish irenta at prices which cannot be complained of ' Being en exper lenced watchmaker he flatters himself that in repairing) watchet, clock and jewelry he can give perfett latisfac tion. - It 3m. joiin Mcdonough. House, Sign, & Ornamental Painter, GLAZIER, tye. ' ' BROWS VILLE, IS. T, CP Orders can be left at the City Drug Store. C1 Commercial Nursory, BL00MINGT0N, ILL. ' The undersigned beg leave to inform Ihe Kurserywien and Farmers of the West and South-west, that tbey arsj extensively engaged in tbe propagation of ROOT, GRAFTED AND BUDDED STOCRS FOR .MKSEKIIIS. ... especially ihe APPLE, and a few other hardy Fruits. Having (pent near twenty year in (electing their Fruits, they are now convinced that their list la unsurpass ed, both in regard to the quality and the proportion in whieb they cultivate. Being very desirous of dissemina ting them aa widely as possible, they adopt the method of sending out small, cultivated storks for the Narsery, aa being far more practicable snd safe, tban to incur the great eapente, delay and risk cf (tupping large trees, which should always be raised near where Uieyare wauled. Fromtbeir long experience they flatter themselves thai tbey are perfectly acquainted with tbe above businesa, and they graft only such hardy varieties as sncceed well on the root, and bod, on seedling stocks, and the m te stable, tender and half hardy kinds. Tbe grafting will be done at the proper season, and la the best manner. ,Tbe stock will be packed securely and shipped by express, win the greatest care in early Spring, to any part of the West. " They have also, on hand, the largest tnd best crop ef MACLVRA HEDGE PLANTS ' ever grown, for tale on bet term, by tbe thousand or million. Tbey may be (hipped in the Fall er-Spring. Their prices for Nursery stock will be fonnd as low as any other of etjual quality In the Union. Catalogue sod Treat ise on Hedge Culture, cent gTatia toall applicants. Patronage solicited. Order for Nursery stock sbonld be lent prior to MtQ of December. Address, OYE&MAX fc JfANX, Oct. 15, iCT-olC Bloomlojrton, III. - FOR SALE FOR SCRIP. , we hive 100 Overcoat which we will sell at coat price for Brownville Hotel Scrip. - . - 8IEGZL fc GRJSaBBACM. Eagle ljlillbi.li-- bt. josxpil. no; ! JAMES CARGILL Proprietor; MANUFACTURES and keep. coEUot!j on hand for sale, all kinds ef Floejr 3IeRl and Feed stuffs. Ordertolicited aai promptly U4 on most favorable terms. Cash pai eacstamtly fur Wheat. For character of Hour refer to bt cry body tuat ever nsea it. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 36, 1854., vlalS-ly A. 15. IIOLLABIRD 'ti CO Maclinists, Fcmdeft aid "ia. '. ; - Engine BuilderD; , rront atreet. West of Brilth ' .n . " ; . CINCINNATI; O. -! Would moat respectfully inform thiai frteavSf anl the public generally, that they are x pre pared to execute all orders iatheUiiae.wiiii?.tsrA nessr Harinj lately enlarged their Jw.p b4 with the increased facilities they new pesMsi,they hope merit a continuation ef the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. '!,.' . aw Mii Engines of ercry Descriptica. ConsUntly on han-l: consisting of the Sash, Clrea lar and Jluley.' Mill Geart ahd every deeeHpttoa of J actings, warranted to he well made in every particu lar. a , . , They hare alse a Boiler Yard attained to their establishment, which enables them to oversee alt work ia that line foraished by them, aad are pre pared to work on at reasonable terma as any other shop in the eonntry. .- .... , Those in want ef anything in enf llnewoaU d weU to givt u g eall tad aaaaiae aj w hattan