1 ( '-glDYERTISER, rVNVILLE, MARCH 11, IS-'S. TLUMS; $1 00 2 50 .. " ' " ' tie end of S months, IS 3 0 mnr will be furnish! at (I SO per tl toiler, But ire. JOB 1YOIIK. 1 r-x:ea:ve liuoo of New Type, Cut, P . . I. -,1c J m.U la(V .4 i .J TjiS, a -'-'" " J " " " ' - 1 .. (i f. c.jin io tf U Urn itt J. Work in -wi-j?Ti ty any eft ;e. ThevTvpniKiw being !. p-utec titn TJ. and having is Its etr.pVy ,u Tu .'i-i'-M aad experienced Fancy Job Primer, i.'de t lfi.ule uui-ik.e in lie ex,ecutioauf Jb Wort. "" ,. u.r - ! f 'er latet r:-t.rved Card j H i:... TVotk ia C ivr. Brorue Work, &X.J will Vw'Jr, (...m ..um at-ibe prcpt;y a'.tc-ded to, .V.rTiC w ge uir-'k: "v j.ay. " Ijeiter. ai"" Tetr.ie.CUca. 1W. r tavist, Ueaerad Advemtuig Ageat.ia rear of ' ' r . ! Chatdieu'a Shoe store, so Wot ' visi"sEa 0 wis Co., J?A. 3 U aad 2 IS, Ilroadway, ' -ar Wicr. Areri-am. Canadian aad Enre-reaa !,,:u.kj U ab-cr.pti.-ntoe. So. l33,XasaB bu., i f I'ri)Plml. X. W. corner Olive sad Ki ' .; m l v.. i. , i r ' l-rs&.T.-ry. C.i. ' n H H I'AMT. T4'?'.CL.io. j - c Mrsci On icr-.n. kly. I . p Siaf- Archer, Neraka. s g r pnti.Orc: a . t "KTE, Nfjrm-kaC.ty.S T. I jf x VT. TATt. I.!2o, ilo. t . i nrM. Ttrc-e Grwve.X.T. u' AdvefMrt, ui tvii aoiU re :as.'U:e titerer. . ' Tt-i it 'L Terrii-ry, cmlcj frora Trl-o f.f tif Vte. cn?7 cretto as th- r.ar.r- of ,lrr.tr. if tfcy 14 cf T tt. "Ad WZr" lrTteMa-ir.iet.pr,u4pero r.n"iripjt ir.tcrt t to r . . ve . .-'tjkrc ana c nrs. . ..' Aterviarr." ?t.JLil Ukeitfr srantpj ,. u tL-c.-i'-r .h tliir pi;-rr cont;afl. and tbaU , riJl.T cuntU.n to s lireuiore.J 1 Ths "Kebr&sk Advertiser" tavicg racltl1ire5t circulttion of toiypAper in Territorj. nolel KerchanU in St. Loais. St. J oeTli, Cracia.ne.ti And other Ea t- r-trkets frhrre Ifctrtska merchants ptir- tiia. will Und co better AdTertiaing m&iiura Uthe Western coantry-CS J of - ffirt u't c.jf.i r c-i a r.ctr K.xm -i cnj j-:;.t. eLMUtl tb.lantil pir; VrV pf wrf. to fill orJrrt at a &jieat'i tot.ee and i it.4T( akwplt' eP Biaih Piatte. j ,: f ,r prm'..u cuiuta-jo iae4 eiveior, Willi any ' --" ta.ae tr4 attaibM. tr.l-r thcited. jt rt'SVAS fc. LAXGD0X. Completed. i Tae Efide across iLe Nemaba at L:r;g's Croicjr, has, we are informed, t . l r TV.-r. tf a coinp.eie l ir w:ns ume ju ' -n west of us, desiring to trade at ;-:ivnriHe, can notv at all times find a :fe and converuent crossing at the point i -;ve narned. Anotbcr IriJe is aho coaaj-leted at ilx-ver's Mill. 1 Sull aaciher bridge is needed about b.!f vny between tbse two. Oar Ntmaba Ci:y friend bare yet an- ilr Lril-'e cn foot, tear tbe luouth cf Ncrr.r-ba. Tliis one too, is ni'jcb 1. A HrteoroIo?lcal Table. " Br.0W5TILLX, N. T. Gro. II. Nixos.of'tbc Land Of Col. '..eiti kindly furniabed fur publication he io. It wing Meteorclo-ical Table for tbe . w w- :n:ctbs of January and February: January. ah rt 5rM. J7 33 l!5 2-3 40 33 Fbruary Djv 8 aw sf t rH. 1 3 4 1 V.'J 34 33 2S 3-5 20 7 14 12 3-2 4-5 4-2 3 4 5 G 34 4G CI IS 26 30 32 o 20 41 6 23.52 2S 36 30 10 M 23 0 37 35 15 31 25 S 21 9 8 22 20 12 10 s s 2S 19 9 2S 42 28 10 3G 3-5 31 11 23 3S -39 12 3S 42 33 1327 41 3-5 14 33 44 37 r2 27 23 16 20 35 3-3 17 20 32 2-5 10 11 1.2 13 11 1-3 16 17 IS 19 6 5 14 30f 2S 20 "24 2S 3" 3 6 4 6 14 13 19 13 19 IS 20 19 30 37 31 33 34 IS 29 24 IS 30 24 47 29 3-5 47 20 23 40 21 14 IS 22 0 16 21 3-0 52 44 15 37 6 10 :-2 4 23 44 50 43 24 4S 51 50 25 42 42 31 2G 32 49 3,3 27 32 4S 3S 30 32 20 29 21 3S 27 "i i a "? 21 SO 34 33 23 16 33 21 32 45 37 2-3 C2 52 45 26 40 C2 60 27 35 30 30 2S 20 28 13 Tbse f. .ires narked with aa aster- ( indicate the. number of degrees l'.owztro. j rarnltare ani rpHolsterj. ' j "e call special atieiition to the adver i ifcm?nt cf Scare.it Sc Masox, Saint -Ls 31a. This is, perhaps, the most "i'elve house cf the kind in the West; We erervdiinj in their line canbehad, a.t the most farcrable prices. Their is gr.ten cp in every desirable style, 'uiathe m?st durable? manner. Per- orderly can rely cn havij their or- jts as faithfully filled as thonrrh they present, and made the selection ia rrson. take the libeny of invitinthe mer '-s cf dJs city, aiid others wi'iin the v 1 of cjt circulation, who are about iRg their spring purchases in St. Loa I to cz'.l aad eiamine the ' ixagniSceat tjci Sc a kbit & Masox. Returned. f . H. Hoover, tsq., who has been ereral months past on a trip through lo a.ni Indiana, returned on yesterday He imports "ticht times5 ' in the .West." States, great deeire to t'onstrj Ccnllcman- ead th rroinectus of this excellent cultural newspaper. V"e taTe been 1 aslant reader of this paper for six Ht rjast arj ft. I free to pronounce it -f the very best in the United States. I UNRIVALED ATTRACTIONS t! AXD PTJTNAIJS MONTHLY. Tiro cjixr uc.izr.vrs ix cxzt 00,000 Copies tlie First McnOi!! MAGXTF7CEXT PEOGRAUlfX FOR 1SI3. $20,000 .v sptr.vx3 works or art. FIVE-DOLLAR EITGRAVUrG' To Erery Subscriber. THE GREAT LIBRARY OFJTER. AGENTS GETTISO EICS ! Tt.e onU-o of Em?rii"i Slinrine and Putnam Moaitly ka .veo Ut tbeconsu'.idatcd work a arcoUlinn MCud to tut one naiilar r.Lb:ictiD in ILe cunatry, and Laa ao-urcd I'jr it a 6.ub JiaUL-o of literary ad -LUuc U!en: prctuMy cnriraie-1 ty any olLor rxv'oict ia the wria. Vznr; He C:st ni-jiitti. tba Mle in tbe traiie and ecnsnd fri-n t ulcrif.r ext!pd90 CO cpiei. aiid th r.u:n:rt :rc!y i-co! of ihe c nl,dred work are C2iver!!jr o tk:(i-4 to Live &crpaed in the ridini of ttiesr l-'trary c; te:;t krA :tc bein'T aad profn-scn! of lae.r (.icvcUl i.lui'.faton, any Hign.i.t erur Vf I ce i--jeJ from tbe An.orican f.re. Eiieocrari'l by tLe-e cvj :rice rf favor, tte tnb.i.-Lers have de:rmin ed teuni.Ttf rre tte new rolcme in Jar.nry w.th still ai i.li.jtiil a:tra'.i-ns, and to offer sach in iuotmenla to at-criVcr as can at ttil to plsce it, io circnlaUuii, at the Leid cf American il;?ai.tea. Viit ihe view ttey row ancouiKe tbe foll.mbjj T iri'i1d pr-srataBie. Yl( j Lire pcrcLa-i itit u-erb j.J Cvt;y itl-pU:e " 4The Last Supper," a n-lll rrcetii ory rt it tower imzrv-atlmx n:lr i i tbe yer If w3t c:..-ve4 at ot of ovt-r flW, ty the U;eee'.eVrared A. L. Dick, frf-m the or:if.al it Ktph.tt liufhm, after Laaria I ita, ann i iie iarset steel-f;a:e en?ravirtr ever ix evu:ed in tbiscuitry, L,-:b? three times tte sue vt tbe cr.inaay tbree-djl'.ar eiraviars. l"!'e first iicprci-i.ia. ut tLueiirrjvine are held at 10 it wa He intcriUooof Hie arti.t tLat ivotie nf tbe er.sravita rticld ever I e ifforcd fT a !e scm thin 5, tci7ricb!y Wi rti tbal amount. Tlins every tiree-U-'IIar mh.-rriber ili receive tbe Miwuue one yr chea- at 3 aud hu fr-letdid eravins, rictly worta $5; tbi! cetliiig f.T $J tbe value of fci. VT f sLall et-uiiacnce etrikin; orlthe rraTintr irunu d:ate:y jet it cn tard y be exccieJ tint inipret-sions ol w Urge i f! at un be uka a fast as rhpy will be railed for Ly ubscribcr. Wesliall, therefor, furniab tLeui m the order in which Ll.cr:jrtiiDi are received. Tac-sc woo desire to cUj.d tbeir e:.grav;ri?s early, and l.-bci ilie erst impre-iorif, aboaid send ia Uieir snl cr:p?ins witboutde'.ay. Tbe e:;fravica:4 on be fe:.t cn rblleri, or ia anv o:ber mancer, as cobxribera thall oriier. 20,000 IS WORKS OF ART. la atklj '. the !iprb enirraviiis of Tlie Last Sapper which will I prewmel u every three-dl.-ar aubKriuer .'.T the pablheri have ojriple'ed rran;eiin"its for the diuibution. tn the ii:iidjy of December, 1S5S, a t-rie of fpleudid w.rl;.f art, crsistiae of ne hun dred rub i-id rare Oil PiiaiiLfs, valued at from $100 to f 1 JOO ejeb. Also 2 OJ rajjiiiucetit S eel-Plate Kuprav ir.. wjrth f rom $3 t.. J.5 eicu, and 1000 ch ioe H-iiiday B -rth from $1 to etirb, makite in all over three thoe. ai:d tin. worib twenty HK-usatid dollar. In-!'e $3 to tbe publisher aiid yua will 'mnieace recivinc tueifjizii.c ly retorn mail. Tou will a!o receive with the first e -py a nalered aubscritton re ceipt eolitline vn to tbe rmrrav'.r.r ' f "THE LAST SUPPER." and a chaste to draw cce tf these three the usacd prizes. P.E AiiOXSTrErTOU SUOtXD 5rBSCRIBE FOB EMERSON'S MAGAZINE i or r-.nt : Becme is literary content will, during the year, euibrace co-it.-ibr:ia frrn ver one hundred d.f- wri'er and thlcteri. nuniVerine among thein the Kt rlic?.ihed of Americin author. Seroni: Becau-e ii eJit'rtil departmenii. 'OnrStn- u-, H.iar w iD.ium acil our Ono. will ea te con-'.sK-:eJ ly an able editor aud it wl!l "jrpa jn the va- rie'y ar. i riODei o! its elitriii couicnt. aiiy other nia- garine. Third : Kriv it w-!i c ntain dcrlr tLe year near ly Fix hundred piconal ilicsirattom from deisni by tbe be-i Aaiertcan ar!!. Fourth : kccaa.e for the scm cf $3 yon will receive Ui afienJid muctbiy, more richiy worth that nm than acy oibrr n.s;az.Le, -ar,d the uirb eograving of 'The La-t Tipper. ' wr.'th $5. Fifth : iKvacse yta will very l'.ke!y dnw one of the three ih'uai4 priie to be diiribnted on the 25th day if Iteccniber r-rhapa ite that i wona $'.0X. N.twi:b:andro; Ibattiiee extra..rdinary .nduceinenta canrKt fail to accomplish the objects i tb fubiiber wiih -ut farther eff .rts. ret they hare deteimtned to coaunre tbr-cTi inerr TIIEUIilliT LIBRARY OFFER. T'i an-lrjn bo will get up a club of twenty-four snt.riters, either at ope or auore pot.tKfBce, we will preiit a p'enl:d Library, Ojiim.g of over Forty Ij-ye IVnnd t ol ume. e:ub-ac:nc the most pupnlar work in t item irk pt. The club msy be lormwl at tiie club price J a ycr witbruc ice er.jrravine, or at the (all pri-e as. Ki;b Uie ensravmg of tbe lat Sorrer to eah ub5cnher Lift and description of the Libraxj, andpecimen a.py of ite S!pzir.e. wmi re f- rwa:de1 n rece:pn of 25ceut. tver iMi Libraries, er 8,000 volume, have already been distributed in accrdjncj with tti t f!"t, artl we tbon!i be ( 'aJ of anop-' Tt-.:r.i:y to forrii-h a Library to every ce-pyman, to every ksijl.1 teacter, or to acme one at evesy post-cf3ce in the country. SPECIMEN ENGRAVING. As we desire topiaceia tbe LjlJo every t er-n who prep.e t get up a club, and il of every agent, a copy of tbe engraving of "The Last bi;pt-er," as a specimen, each ar.tictuit iK'cr us $3 will receive the eazrav- r;. port-paid, by reti-ti tr.il. a recineis cf our pub icaucas and tee: the riua.'e-ed r.cr.p:ou receipts, ettt.tung tee im-i it te me aiaauioe ine year am to a l cLace in tte rn:icn. - T;s c3er Is nly made to thtx-e be tics-re to a-1 as ret.ts cr to form clubs. Address O AKSMITn A Co., ' X j. 371 Broadway, Xew York. THE .NEW YORK Steam Saw-Kill AND MACHINE COMPANY. Capital $250,CC0. TV:s eotrjviEy has been organized with the above capi tal for the pu-pveo' u:r'.vm the demand for the COilBiXATiOX PORTABLE STEAM SAW-MILL, AXD OTHER taPROTED HACniXEBT. Tier tare purcLafed te er.'.re ma-hitery tcisiness he'e" fore carried oa t-v J. M. Eraerscn k Co , also the 31 ni jniery Works at Vender on the H-id;m, car this c'y, a&d with the expettecce ad fr;..t.e comUed in its ontiQ.iati ju are ; : edited to ft. rath macLinery cr all k.bU at dure literal rate thaa Las ever ieea cdered at at.y otbr ei1.a,'!i5fcr8er.t. The C xnLicatiu Saw-Mill was rst-r-.tel Ortober 1S58, and is tow peers.i;y arkncwle'sl to l-e the cheaper, cwt practical and eJSciettt lcriter ciannfactur-jis nia c'ur.e :n the world. A lane cumber ct tr.em are in 'scc::-fe! tpetiiion in iJTerert sectivr., of this octtry, Cafda. Cuba. at:dSou:U America, and wherever tbeir Bttri: tave bceu teted they are bemz ai-ptej t y lum ber man u fact urers inpre'erence I. all other mills. Tue !ilowio? letter expre-stes the peneral i pjnon of thnc who arc in? the Cmlination JJill . Messrs. Exekos & Co Gentlemen t I have tried ihe, saw-mill purchased of yon. and will say that it per form well ard nore than nieetsmy expecLttions. 1 asi we'.l pleased with iu rerfonnarK-e. 1 set it up on a small stream tb-t aff roel ccr.st.nt water about as thick as my little flacer which was mnch more than sufficient to supply the Nailer. Weare abio Ut rut 3 000 feet ? beautnul lumber in 12 hours, with something less than one crd of wsod. It is the very thing we have sv much needed in our c unty for a long time. With a littie trouble and expense we are able to move It frm five to ten miies per day, axl set it cp in the hart of the timber, which save the great burden of haunts the legs a lonr distinccto the rn.il. Tours, respectfully. JKSSE CTRH, JTL., Louisville Tennessee. The Corr.par-y have ptrchased Lund's Patent Feed Ar ransemect. which is !ln.vtTited and derribed in the Scteatinc American fur October 24. This adds, greatly tots, enrierirv the mill. - The Conbiario Xliil wiih all tue recent improve-ine-ts, and steitm pjwer ,f 15 horses, is capaile frma svir.f fr.'ia S.WWlo 4.0CO feet in 12 hoars, and i acid far $1.65. tiie ?fw tosk cmrrL.tr. saw-mill Is manafactured only by this C-nupany. I; is of supe-Vr cm fm ti. a.ab sold fr5per cent les than other jailis of no greater capacity. A mill with 3S toS4-inch saw can be -!d for $;60 te S-V.i, ati with a 20 horse en j;re and boiler isid fr6.2.SOO. Stee Engine and Boilers : Enzinet of fram one to IPO h r'erwer; Loyonct.re, Tnluisr. Hue and Cy ;aftr Bo.lert furtiisLedat greatly reduced price L-om fortcer e,aotatic.ns. Prawir.cs, with plans and specification for buildicgs and machinery furui'hed gratis tocurcastciera. Competent mechanic are sent out to put up and set in or-erat ion our oicjttnery. when required. We also maa-fsc'nre Sitar.'e Machine. P.'aai'aj Xfottiwc. Saer-.Vi. ard Afccainrry in Central. Special attentica (aid te srettine cp Sheftin.j ad Pul Hri fur maBofzctortc, and all kind of Af.iJ-Jt'riyAf Work. Tut Cpt;y are selling; in great number a Patent Ccnicel Burr Stone Mi.'l. fr tone, corn meal, and all kin-Is rt feed, which i pronounced by expTierk-ed mi! sev. the best mill ever constructed. It w ill grind more grata ia the same time end with half the power of any mnl of the tame price in tbe market. We also fumia other style of Urie.'-.Vi.la when re quired. WTI. JC0XTV1VF.RT, Prescient. Xo. 371 Broadway, XesrTork. THE "WEEKLY TIMES, CHICAGO, ILL- Contaiaing nil th? reading matter of the Daly. Pub lished cve-v T:ia"dv Slorti.ug. SHEAUAX & C.13IEB0X, E-iitors ar.l m hetr. ia.:jt3: Single M3c-iters. h ranr.im.$1.50 wants al Vii. Twcmb of ten a:ii TlRESERVF.I) FTtriTS.- P : raw berries, 1'eacnes, A Wtortltbe frries Ac , e tl be bad at WHYTE A CO "S. BRANCH, CR00KES & FROST, Saw Manufacturers, " sr. tons, jf r x Office S6 Vine Street. Manufactory on BrcaJwav, Ncrth St. Louis. Extra Cak Steel 31111 Sairs,v Circular Sates from three to seventy five incites fully icirranied. Frrx osr Ioei erre-io in inaEn.rartnriBir S;itr. in tte R:He:B 5Ulw inxiaiid. rvrchasers ea4enend cjvn ijidu..; car g -u equal to tbbtst maufaeia.-ed. df"Pirticalat auea'aum paid to repauriui ail Iim of L.fcA. CARR Vi'!io!esa?e Booksellers, Stationers, BLNAK BOOK IXS IT ACTUEERS, 2Co. 49. Kin Street, St. Louis, Ma. -Kee?s c-j!it-itiy oti hiiud. all the Spelima; llooka, Ariti.iaetics, Graaitn;irs, Ceoctahiev lliiliHiopiae, Heading ftjok. Hiitorte. Kictioo.-iriea, Cliein:strie, kx. tow in tse, w!iu:b t ner tffe r t th LOWEST PRICES. THE: I at ITOCK or TOSEIQA" ALVD DOIIESTIC Stationery, Blank Books, T)ritin;and Printing Paper. Ka. U-ra Kc!ectd w;t, tbnKreatetd care, and ieiiial to any it thf-We-.?. llai!i?in EXTENSINE BINDERY' AttadiM to their es'il i.rtcient. tfcey are prepare-l to oanuactcre ail kiuis of liiaiik B kt order; at abort ixitice. SIMS 3IIAUTACTORY. ilx'irx Street, :". ' . Eroirnville, wV. 7. Wm. T. Den, - EESrECTFCLLT rctcrns hit Bmicre 1 TP tbDki to the citizen of Brownrillu and cammDdiD; country fw their libcnil and externive pa'rotistte tfcey !ave ertende-Jhira fcr tf e last fifteen month lince bncotnoieuce-l business in the a Vive place ; that he hi fitted u his new establihntctt Xo. 16, Main treet, for theentire puTp-e of aecTmmolsXing all thse who w.U to prttvmize hicito have thetr toots and fkoe arte to orjer; and having teii-cted the best qiulityof leather suitible fcr tbe Afet, and taviij en fugred etperieuced w rkmtrn fce would fay to the public that nei now reairy ti -ve tfceraon u.e t.norict no tice with a superior arcie t-t Boon and baoes, iiv;: r, pecse'l. at as low prices as any other tstabiuhiiiunt in the Territory; ... " IMPQRTAHTJHFORMATION! Doctor WHTTE, hating remove! from 32 Vice it to Xo. T, Pine Street, St. Louis llo Continue to be cvnsi;itcJ cn all Diseases of a Private Katuro. By a long oBse tf stndy and imctical exiwriece of unlimited extent, Dr Whyte has the gratification of pre sentinB the urif rtuiiate with rentedies that liave never failed to cure the cist a'.armius fuses cf GOXORRIICEA AXO STPUrilS. Beneath his treatrnunt all the l.-irrors ofTennreal and Impure Blod, Scrofci a, tKDirrbia, Ulcer, Fain and Di!.tres in theresion cf PT'jcre.ition luflarnmatinn of tbe B akler and kliuiieys, Abicees, Humors, Fnalitful Swelling, ai.d the !t train of Horrible symptoms at terdiiig thisclir of 6iexe lie male to bscctre as hara er as the simplest ailirzsof a child, - SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr tr. devotes a gre&t p;trtof hi time to tie treat ment of those ci scscauf ed ty a wrei and solitary lial-it which ruins the body and wind, unfitting the infununate individual for either basine or society. Some uf the fad atid cielanclioly elects prod wed ty these early ha bitsol youth are Weakne of the Back sue Limbs, Dn-iine-8 of the ha1. tiiuaes of Sight, Palpitation of the Heart. Pypf paia, ev nmess IeriuemeBt of thc.Di- zetkve Pc-wer. Svtnntcni. of C'jlisriniption, ik.e. The fesrful (firli o:t f fie aw ni are mtich to be dread ed. via : Lrit Memory, Confusion of Idcts, Dei'ression rf Spirits. KvillVrelxd jibs, A vernioB to 5:ieij', Self Distrust, Timidity, &:.. are amonR the evils prodtced. Such persons beto-ec mtcniplatitis marriage shotild con sult a pliyiciau ct rkil I and experience, and be at once restored to beai hand tappincs. FPTPr 4,rnP CcrPd! WarTantOflT All letters onl sininc a fee addressed toC. D. WHITE, M. D., St, Loul Mo. -iH meet wiih prompt attention and mHicine sont secored from otervalloB. rj-rie strut at t 'crccg obterrtd in U eaten. p..n"t forget the place :-E3-3To. 7. Pine St., Saint Louis, 'ifo3 nijly $6000 Scrip Wanted, Fr tb Mine inovit of Be.l Rstate in Brown vine at low figures. App!y to LtSHBAUCH s C1KSOS MILTO F. CLARK, WHOLESALE ASD RE TAIL DEALEB. IN C3r rOOeriOS, WIHES MB LIQUOES, .Vo. 9, .Main Sired, BROWNYILLE, N. n AT1XG purchased the entire sbxri of Coc4 lielonc- ir.g to R. Divis. whether with large and extensive additions just received. I am nw prepared to furnish every variety ct IleaTv and Fancy Ciroceries, FOR HOTtL AXD FAMILY VSE. - I Lave in store, aai for sa'e cheap, a large srtjply of COFFEE, Best quality Bio and Java TEA, Every quality and. price. SUGAR, , . nvata crested and best article of fcrown sugaT. MOLASSES. Large sapply of superior New Orleans molasses, Bel- cher' and Oo'.den fcyrup. TOBACCO AXD SEGAS Extensive varies and all cf the best hrtnids. FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting in part of PICKLES, ad put up erprcialy A great variety for fatniZy use. PIE FRUIT, Every description of Fruit, uch as Fresh Peaciea. . Arp'es, Cherries. Gcose bsmts, Curraats, Eubaxb, etc, For sale cLeap aad warrattcd fma and g.oi. OYSTERS AXD SARDINES, A large s tpp'y of U;e best brands aud warranted good. TOCETniR WITH A large qumtity of various articles or domestic ttse too tediuu. to nieatiuu. W I KES AMD LIQUORS, Port, Native, . - Champ ue, Muscat, Sherry, and Claret Wines. Extra Quality of French and American BraniLies, BRANDIED CHERRIES, TTolfe's Sbcidaru Schnapps, Old Monongehela, Bourbon, and Rye Vhiskey, C0.VM0X WHISKEY, ALE, c. CHEESE, Jst received 50 hexes super.-or Western B.e?rve for sale cheap lor cash. lilLTOX F. CLARK. Special Notice. ALL those holding accocrta against i. B. HiTiswill call i the SLbsc-iber and have tbi-m cinctllH; ami tboec indebted to him will pleat call and settle, at lush er inculftocc will not be given. MILTON F. CL.VRK. The Steam Perry Boat " IS COilOG 10 1R0WKVILLE, And- ERASTUS E. PARKER IS now prepsred to preptre ci ttkct lTe-eraptiie pa per '.J warrant them l te carect. I have taitea the trhrcble topoit myself opia rtsur J t tie Pre-empUun ucd CvQ':ed C.aiiui, anJ vi lilwHya feel pleasure in givin j advice, gmu, to loose C:o miy-eail id me. liar iosadenre remain periuiner. .y e".t:e4 ia Xenuha ea:ity, 1 w.ll crert aiy unc r nimu to the advaoce Bici.l it ccr Lc-w aui priej--i:juiily tnl leniUy at Urje. Land "Warrants Eoijfct and Sold. OFFICE, cr e -?r TCeU cf Crsie fc. Hill'i.in Brown . Ha!! a n't ccw Cftce, where he cs fee futtad at ail Uoien during bu:3s.- !urt. ' I have t A cUims to sell -l e lint choice, tint bared nd prair.-e. " A L&J seTe-ai fr4 ai.d elisfc'e loU ia BrownTille. which I Bi:l (Lapufeuf ciif.ip for cannot oti time, porchaa er payiu; ten per cent lai ret. E- E. PABXZR. Brownvil e. X. T. Oct. 15. 1SS7. vld&iy 75 - fi-fc i0 U iii, Fir laie WTTTTE k CO. IIiwiiYillc Saloon. TUOHFSOX & :4Ansn, First st between Main and Atlantic, HAYK iircUed the a!.-ve Bi3iid talotn, f'jrraer'y oa ned by Wm. Aluertuan, arid n..wa:ifttnc their readi nea to ti. klo the epecriaa U.c U ht ihuwavilliaii aedcthnswi-.h every variety of e--xI thin?t nmailykept in such estjbl i-hiaEfj. 'In here yn cm get your fine oymtn, sariidM, b.:ers. lreh vniion, prairie chick ens, acd t.tch l:ke mj some of ttar, ?Ioriouj gxd aie withmhicli to vi-!i ,14 wa. Giveocacall. XiveniVer 11, io7. tCO-iy A. W. PrETT. PUETT at.: G. WILKINSOX. & WILKINSON, 1 Saas&S Agents ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OJIADI, N. T. ; Will attend to ail busii.-e&a entxustel to their care - ' PKF.TSXXCE3 Col. Jesse TVilliam.s : Fair2!tl, Itra. Oov. Jf. A. right, Jlr. F. N. F.oock, Hon. John U. Davis, Hon. Geo. L. Jlillcr. Ib Jiuraioli. In3, TVaUliinj;ion Citj. Roekvillo. lad. Otna'haCitT. X.T. T. E. HAYCOOKj Attorney at Law HEAL ESTATE AGENT. Monet , Vernon, Xeiaalia Co., Particular auentujj paid to the practice of law and col lection of debts in the counties r Xemaha, Pawnde, Sobnson, arid Richardson. Xebraka Territory. Keal e&tate ' bought and sold on oimniissioti. Land warraut locate! for distant dea.rTS. Pre-emp-tiun pJirs cjrefully prepared. KErtRS ,to ' ' SUm. II. Elbert. Piattsniouth. X. T. H P Bennet, Xebtatka city.X T O D Richardson, Omaha cily, X T Fencer Fe-cu?on, MC, Bel'erce, "XT C'aSi.idT k Tet, Banker. Cotncri BieQV Iowa C-ok, N?rratit & Cook, Fort Declines, Iowa. Deemlr 3. It37 ... - . . - S3fv - ZOOK &. BALDWIN, Forest Oity, ZvXo. Dealer m 3IEDIC1LNES .'. Cliemioals,'' 'Dye Woods, Dyestuffs, Oils Palais, and Painters Articles Varaialies, Window-glass and Putty, GLASSWARE, French. Eu'lHi. and American Perfamcrr. . FINE toiiet and ebaring; soaps, tine hair and frO tooth bnuhe. paint brnshe: surgical and dent iA al instrument?, apices; licuffs, manufactured tobacco; all the patent iaediciaes cf the day; pure toilet and fancy article?, etc. Asents for tae sale or Dr. Wiur" Llalsam of Wild CheiTy. r r.. gcr's Liverwort. Tar acd Caiichalatia. .Osgood's India Cholasoae, . . Jones' American Cho'.a wjne; Ouys.tt'5 Yellow dock and Sireaparllla; u " Smith Took byrop. -k Jnty23, 1S57. v"al- yly DKUG STOKE! rront Street ' , BronnrlSle, Nebraska Territory, J. H. lVlAUl, & Co;,-. Ilis Just receive- the LARGEST STOCK WEST, OF S.1IYT LOUIS, Consisting, in part of the following articles, which they propose to sell Cheap for Cash: Pure white lead Putty ' . French line Castor oil China itr.c Cod liver cil Ked lead Sweet cil Ycnitian red Olive oil . . . Raw and burnt umbra Glue Spunish whiting Patent medicines, alt Chalk Couh candies Turpentine Fancy caEdtes LinreeJ cil Castile soap Tanuers oil Tvilet soap C pal Tarnish - Wastirg so a? lapan - ' T wth trushos White Tami!i lluir bruihfs Litheragc . Cloth Ilrnshes Paint brnsho. Almonds soft shell Vamishbru.-l.es Iltrdst.eil Almonis Pn-h and wLadcw t x'.s Filberts, peucans j Wall bribes Pea nuts Levering P'incils Fi;r Tu le paint Puiisins ; Camel hair pencils Oysters ia ui ' - 7 B'.or.'iers S.irdim?s Star caudle . - ' Black andltnp Teas 1 X east Powders. . , Of the best brands chr ing and itrxkicg- Cfears fin est quatity anl flav.-r. FRUITS AXD LIQUORS. Preserved fra'.t for ties, trandtetl peaches, fresh te'a- ehp in cans, pnre li-jTvws for metical pnrp.es. Jsniaiea rum. not land Gin, ln-li whisky, Ikurt-oa vbirky, ginger bfundy, Cordial, Port wine, cherr, -wine, wnne wiue, Kaiaga wine. STATIONERY. roolscap paper, fancy letter pajr, gi'd !g notes, an-1 envelcfes. plain. t.ncy and e-abo?erf; pen and pen- hoMers. inks of all kitvls, inkstands ana tabers pencils, senline wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of rerfnmeries, C-irrisine Lyon's Kathairi-in, cologne, prim made gentrineox marrow, bear grease and ouls, out and a sen-es cf all kinds and of the finest quauty. r'j- Pbysirians' Preicripticns at teii4 of the diy and night. ALSO' A SPLEHDiD ASSORTMENT OF Consisting of TEAS, FIGS, SUGARS,? ; COFFEE, RAISIXS, CURRAXTS, ; M0L.1SSES, SOAP, TOBACCO, CAXDLES, P 0 WDER AXD :SH0 T WitH an articles usnaTy fotmrl at ruch places, Tbey invite their frFtrids and the pcbl& generally to j give them acall.andtbey pledge tliemseivts to irive teem sausfaeuun as to p. ice and qnalit v cd then goto. TERMS t CASH EXCLISI1LLY. X- v. 21, ILand J 9 J warrants i ' A. KA. It. V. 3XUIK. UInjal- cJ E. W. Ttaiua, Arvarti-Oaioa, '. -VT. W. KACaTTET. TYSOII & HMKIIEY, GHXTRAL LAT7t AGTr::T3, k-tOiVXYZLLS, XHJAHA C J-, X. T. LsrJ VTJ-r?Tr$ B-jutht r.r.i sAt. Lir. 1 a:ercdoa Tinie. Ci3:n;s"a:.d TjWti Lou Bvnst td SjM. Loia Jt-.ter, Hjke Itveiitxeiitj a:4 Locate Uur5.i ca timo, f l:t3-t Ie:i!er. Prc-Eoplioa Papers' Prepared. Cli lCriext Cmt u C. i-tnd OCie-' BEFEEE5C1.S Geo. If. Xiar H ister j t.-swnviile, T. C. B. bral:S , JU-ctiver, - I R. Tut;i.i, li. E.. res-r.si t cV EAii.eri, G. W. Scofit-M, K. L. ilj-ee at C Toutlc i. fiiriei.i, Oct. I. !5T LiiiliU-O, Hi. OujaaCI'y.K- T. IViiuul Fluff, Iowa. Warrea. Pean. St. Louis, U k St. Jueifa, E. S. DDTTDY, ATTORNEY AT .LAW, A2cnr.it, kicuakdsox co. jr. t. , WILL prurti. e In the several C ort of the 21 Jadiciat District, ail attend to all iDitfe connected wiitt the Profeissoo. VTM. McLessas. ;L.,it "ebrask City, will assist ie ia the pfiocci.tiM important Suits. Sfpt. 10, 67-1 1-tf IFS 'FITiTO A T TTIK GBEtT DF.'f AXD FOit SICER'S SE1TI.G 3IACIIIXES, I! it le; renderel rtye extensive accornm-3iatmns necesia-y, new ex!t:ii:t.:;s an! sales rooms have been fitted u? in the lirre store, in G'.-nyw Bw, 27o. 106, Fourth Street, AbfveLcast. an3 neir'.y tppite io Viae street, ' SUiAtul i. 35o. The superiority of SIXGKU S til WING VACSIXES beLng utuviTiiily acnow!ed;ed, alission to it would -coD, supererogatory. Of tbe r.tt-t ucuberof Machine sold diiiir.i the liort lime the Western DepA has been established, at cue ha beenrutamed or failed tyie.d the bil.e-ii sau-sctuB. Tim, U:ct U r:uliar to ticger"!. Sewing Machine a'.oii?, and proves the substamiaL Srounui up A wh.cb the ctisu c-.arr trrarantee is bared. F.DW1X PEAS, Agent. S3. TT7Tt3D2air, ATT0EI.EY AT 'LAW, EEOWSTIUE, S. T. Will wrs'e dec5s every kind and costraats for every parpoe w.th warranted lejs: actreracr. (J-ace, in ths Buur.ne Fouso of Lc;hbati;h & Carton. HEf Kit TO - Bon. XAn A. B'mstam, Cadii, OMo. - IT at Cner, Clevt lsnd, "jL P Spal-llr?, 44 ' "BP Lei'.er, Car.tri, " " 5 Lhm. -. Wm B Sanv Mt. Temin, " S P Chase. Cole tubus, - " " Thoe. Ford, MarsacH, " " 4a. Craip. St. Joseph, Mo. Townville. Oct. S'J. '57. v2n!7-tv Potter Wanted. I will give employment to a Rood, industrious Potter, well acquainted wuatbe biiiii e. joux mcpheesox. n23tr Erornville. Dec 5, ISC'!. W. If. "WILLIAMS, WIIOLESALR AND RETAIL rSALEK tTt STOVES &. TINWARE Qrogoa, no., TAXES pleasure in aanouhcin the citizens of Or fen and tbe public in genera!, that he has on hand the atot extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, Ter offered ia this market. 5ty stock of Tin ware bt of nty own rar.nnfacture, and is for sale at Vi bolesilo and Ueta.Iat bt. Lc uts prices. Iwo'i'.dcall particular attention to my stock of LUUhvLMs blUt La, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tis;ht and Pre m iota. Among them may be frand FiHv's Charter Oak, thebejt stove now in ue, this Aiiatic Air-Tight, Fionecr and prize I're- mium. Alio Parlor & Box Stoves . Of Tarious Sizes acd Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER TIT AX ANY HOUSE IX TOWX Partiett'ar attentin raid to nakicg and patting op Tin Gutters, in ttio Uwn.ai:d country. Also, re pairing kne on s jort notice nr.J on reasonable terms Old eotrtr, ISi-ass and Fevrter tak'i in exchange xs ir r T T I ,f lor wnri or wartr. . r . i li-iaoi l-n5 Oref n, In... Jaly b, lSifi NEW ARKIYAL OP 3? O "7 S3 J3 and TIN W A U E . eilBISTlAX DEISER. LitOWXVILLE, AXyOUXCES to the public that he has just re ceived, t-er Steamer Emma, a verv lnr?e and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook. Stoves, of new ard improved pattern,85 fellows: ShiL?hai E'evalcd Oven. COOK SIOVE3, Fuck's Clipper Oren. " I.npror.ci Pulicrn " ' Charter Oak " ail f which I pieJe rnyself to sell at as fair rate and or. as acconin.dittr. terms as toy other esta'o iishment in this region cf country. I hare also ne w etj hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, nr.d am prepared to put up gutter ins; and spoiling and all other work ia my lice, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warranttc give satiifiiclioo. A skaro of ratronagc is s jlifited. - C DEUSER. ' rirotrnvil'e. July 1 jfn, 1?.VT. v2n j ly Is'ATH'L POPE COUSIN, Land and General Agent, - was Hin"GTOir err r, d. c. Iljviig rCiigned the situation ithich he has held in the Getieral Land Otlice lor the last twenty years in charpe tf the Pre-eitipt.on Bttxcati cf.ers hie services in the p;i4cutun cf cl.ims be.'.ire the Department, uiider she pre-cziption laws, town t ite act of 11, Ate. Ac. 2ir. C. will also give attention U, cue before the Pen sion office procure Land Warrant to parlies entitled, and prosecute claiflia before Cor-irrcss. y RXtERJ TO I rioa. 3 A. Douglas, Illinois, L". S. Senate. . D. Bright, Indiana, C. E. S:r.ar,liicb;?an, " K. W. Jhdson. Arkjnsao, " , Pan'l Weils. Wisconsin, Iloiise Hops. C. C. Washburne, - Bct't Smith. liiinota, " John B. Sandide. Lnuiiani, " Thomas A. Hendricks. Cotn'r Land Offlce. J.-is. S. Wilhc.n, E q. Chiff Clerk Hon. E. M. EantinTton, Kx-Cyn'r. Indiana. Jme SI ie'd. Ex-Coai'r. iltnnesota . Geo. C. Whitii-;,t'-'r.i'r PeaMoiis. .Gov. Jledary. Su PauL, JlitiesoU Aiessrs. Sweeny, Fetit & Co., Bonxers, Vashintcn Pairo & X-iurse, do di ,' j Chabh Br-thers, dJ r ' do ; Snter, Lea i. Co, d . do . Also, to the District Lmd Offlrrs ger.eraVy, and' to all whe have ha1 lM ftiaes at tLeseat ef ji verament fr years." 53 bu-iness let?rs wiil receive atfen- tioa unless acoontpanied by a fee. cttt-iy CIGAES & TOBACCO. VISING &. SWAIN, Importers and 3finafactnnri of Cigars AXD Tobacco Commission Hercbants, So, xiainbtreet, tt. Jouis, Xdo. Keep constantly on hand a fctl and complete assortment GERM AX, D0.MESTIC.AXD ILiVAXA CIGARS AUO (For account of tie Itinufacttirers, and for sale at their prices) every variety cr " Yirslnla Mannfactnretl Tobacco To which the attention of Deiilee. is rtrrpectfully invi:el tjt ol Plry order will be pul up, snbject to the ap proval of the purchaser, aui if nut satisfactory, cm be held subject to ear erder VLXIXG h. SWAIX, FIUXKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Jia. 1GS "Vine Et., bet. Fctirtii and Filth, Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOLL & CO. " f anniactnrers and dealers in News. Bcok ana Job A Type. Printing Presse s, Case, Ga'lies, Ac, Ae. Inks, and Printing Material cf Every Description. STEUEOTYPIXG tf all kind Books, Musiei Patent ilyiiciae Uircctiom, Jobs, Wood Earerings, Braci and Pattern Letters, various style: NEW FIRM. Jtos Crane aad Tbed.we Hill bv this dy frTI newoopart nc rsbip under the the firm and sty ie of Cramr Dtii. axd will continue tbe sfercanuie buinesat thewU sUadcf atcAllieier, Doner k. C. - J?:"A3 CRASH ft. 8,17..". " TliDtaE GILL. J. V. WESTL1SI. A. A. ELTTOX WESTLAKE fc4BDTT0N, "MACHINE SKO? & FOUNDRY. Railroad Car, Block I'unip, Bolt Corner cf Main ii Biddle St., ST. LOUIS MO. ! Contractor! 5ctat einstaatlv on hard, srtr &j'f j . .nheeltarrows, Scrapars, Single Contractor! ectflts unstaatly on hard, srtrh as id Cars and Ilors-; l'ov.-er Dorncks. ice. Blacksmith irtg of a'.l ktnUs, Bridge and Truss Bs.lU of ny iertgul. Wwrkmanshiy warraatcl f test equality, Porter's Spirit c r tlie Time s. : General Ptxrchaaing Agsitcy. TIIK ert5tant!y inerciftss iJer'ar.-J trp'cn tst tztrz'.t mttiiiifort'ie puixha-eot a!! k;iKl:f artk'rt, bitb f-r restdSita anl tua-r-nlcstj of Ui city, h.,S!i tired us to eatabli h, in suuiect.a wi:a car c;ji'ef ccter pe.. a . Pnrcha?in Eiircsn' n.-r the immediate 8perviif n of oie cf er Cri. s t;M by the nit accvrspiiLe; exjert, j'tr tjyijing tng sn.c't ta the vcrld. PartksUr atie vu-n will teptiJtothe fftestioa. jnr cLie. ai,J s'eif iLo.-jti-b;cU Celtic Uurse 6tock, irairied 1mt, Ferrets, arm lncy FkwIs, Cirtue, Kzfzy. atiSiddle Uvre, Carruijet, lUtuet aad S.tiulef, T.ue Watrbe, evecy diracriiivm f Fire Arm. 5r:iug Arti cles, lifting Rod-- asd Taikle, Aluic ui Masical lntra n:ect, Tachts, Sail and Bw Bat. Farnitaie, Sue Wines Liqu.jr, aitdSixar; Cricket and Uail lia's, Pa, Ac. avc. ActKi Ltc vt!.MfLiMr.xtJ. if tae iateitas aisl improved k:ad ; SeeCs, alin s. Fruit, S jreft and ihjile tree, and all ku:d if Cvxstreuuii;in suioe'.swf ia pcrtanre t te Farcer, Hfrtlrs ttart:', ini KIc-lst. STATE ROOX E.vsiics io adrantc, tf Ste.rnT atid Pac'.'.t to leave for Eunpe. t"i!if niu. the West I-tdrfs, or any part of tbe Troriu. Tfcis willcbvlaielhe necessity to reKieuts of iti:i lwtu, aud s-'ae ahereneateacuT asertcies exist Ji f Cvmirii' to iiw xvk two er three weeks in advance as ihty an nwfrer-ctitiy tenured to 1 either to otta'ra p.issa'?. cr secure el.j.b.e aciitiitii'ti- U -ns. Ia th: oepartment, we wt'.i te revdy ta semre ItOOXa AT OOTCU at favorable r mhIo protect the stranger (rota ltn,-.;! it 0M as isC'tuvemetice ; and, in short. L per.'.r;' ay oVrntiom of coranoisMon that would oidinaiij rcqmre tie preuetica of the pJ ty hime:r. Otatitme.i wfc.jdi-ire tj form Libraries, or w'hrniy wL-h. to pr-.cure the C hcice l.iltrti-re pf the itj. On always'iely utm our Ju-iretnewt ami se'ectioi. A!4", K'ari h-ji-ict Slauouery, acd Bjck and Xewa Pir, for priater. FOTtTiTE LAETE3, we will tirocrjre the latest Fashion P'.atef, styles of B cneta, fain;'!esof tje ne-vest i,-ic- ies cf soods, cismetic, r?-f auies. art! fin.T articles, and we shall always te pleased to 'cmbeverythics connect ed with their wants. . Iisbort, f jt any service wbi'.h tnay be recnired, tbe pet licrojy rety uoa u. w.th thentuai rerfect oiunaetxe for fide nty, and dpatca. Apply to GHO. W. WTLKZ3 b CO , Porter' Spirit of the Times, 543 Broadway, X. T. X". B. S il-itripiiitis fr Pwtcr' Spirit of the Times, aSpsrtiog Literara. Acrioiitaral, Fanl'y Weekly News paper, may be forwarded tu the same tiirectka. Terus, $3 a year. RitHAar) Blowy, AUXIXDCt II ALL AM. Late L'ajU'r Xeuiaha Talley Bk Picneer of Xebrx-ia. BROWN c HALLALI, S 1. 1ST T-L E 3EL 5 BaOWXVlLLE XXUHAStA. OU2 atteaU will be siven to the foilowin; be: ices it To the bttyin; cf Battx cotes, ana,. oan.ngtnoneyon g yi security, " and selling of La't era Exchange. " " " " Land Warrants, Ciilectioa of debts iaXebraska, Iowa, Xorthern " alis-oun, arl kansas. " buyins and ieliitig o farm, town luta, or uaiai ' jrovel lands. aeicctioB ana er.try cr Latrj for settlers. er other, either with lan-1 warrants cr nvnev. Remittances can be cii : t ns in Drafts, cr Dcpuvited wi;n aarzs or Backer aiuie-l to our order. . W e wi 1 1 ec t eT 1 ind w it h Wa r ra nt or C a b. pa y a H fees. taxes and cotamisnon i irone-tlurd of the grosacroUls, accruing from tbe of tie lac.ls. In Xebrata and ICa:s frm twott three roiinocs acres of tbe flne-t liirels in tbe I'ni .n are bclnir oOered f'?r saie. Foreign capita'ists will find here a rich HeW lr in vestment, investments jtaiiciousiy made in Western lands and town Ivtsaxencw paj inz frotu nlty to flvehun- ared per cent. We solicit the pitromgo of the pul lie, conRJsnt that cur experience and knowledge in the bi.nes w.I' Tjable us to give entire atifac:K.n. Having a large aci'.iaintanee in the Misin-lppl valley it will not be dif3cult to gjve references wteu required by correspenenta, as regards eur standtng; and will at all times cheerfully answer all letters ol caiBi.-y. Brownville, Jucetloth, ISoT. vJ2-ft GEO. a "EAYER & CO., ml mm wmi A.NL General Land Atrents, Glenwood, r AJl!ttsmouth, .Mills eo, lowa, L-aajt cis .Xebraska. "T TILli promptly attend to Land Arcncies, Inves V tiratins TiUc-s.ruvine Taxes. Investing mon ey, Buying and SeUinr ToanLot. Buyiat Sellinz and Loraic Lsrd Warrants, and alt other business connected wiLh their proftssioa ia Uestem Iowa and Nebraska. . J. II. LL1VIS, Associate Attorney. KKl'AKXCES:. Greene, TV eare k lk-nton, Conacil Elaffs, Iowa. M U U Ft. Pes Myinej " Cel rRapiila, , -Cin-.innati, Ohio. Glen wood. Iowa, Cine i nnat i, O a io. Ti r;5ntoTi n, X. J. LiiiUtown, . u Philadelphia, Pa. 44 44 llcdfi-rd, y. J. tr. Doughty & Li.. Greene, Weare & Rice, Greene A Weare, Xixcn k Goodman. j Tootle A Greene, X. W. Thomas, Schoo'.v A Son Gen. Wm. Irick, i U. Johnson, ! L Reed 4 Sen, Robinson A Uro Burlington Co. Btnk, Emigrant's Land Hunter!!! HOYT t5c SMITH . BUHL MI KITS. AX sizrve 3tcx,s , Kemaha City, and PieasantTille, TT. T. Land Warrants E ought and Sold. LAXD rATERED OX TI3IE. Larid Claims and Town Lots BOUGHT AND SOLD. ' AXD nvestments Mads lor Distant Dealers. BE1XG practical Sirrverrs and onehnrim: ha! three years experience in the "We't," will devote our entire time and special attention to the Selection and Entry of land or claims for settlers and all tite desiring ehoi: location. Adlres, irorrkPifTTTi. maha City, X T. nrrtiis to ASchriy'er, K"bii.-. Seneca c., O'oio. DTSearlc. Tiffin Cty. " ' Dr P Innkecp. Djytn. rwa ct., L wa. Kev W King. Archer. Ki-br1jeu Co., X. T. S Wiseman, Gea-di Bluffs, K wa. - J F S-huyler, Xuvelty Works. X. T. F Fereason, 3nrrnviik, X. T Ciintou DTurrn-r, Attica. Seneca co., Otli. 3" Letter f Enquiry Promptly Ai e :ed.fJ August 13th, 1S5T. ati-u4ly 15.O0O IbS. OfllaCOn For sale, cheap for Ca?h, by LYFOKD A IIOI1X. Sonora, Arrtt Sth, 1S:7. A2-tf WOOD & WOLFSON, " ItntKrters and Dealers !n ,f Foreign and Domestic Wines & Li quor?. Tobacco, Cfers, &c, kc. Second Stree! one ioor abort Bcnffic't Bir.kir.n Ilov.lt The sulSCTioer5 have just opened in St. Jepb. -ne of the largest and most varied assort menu f Wne and Li- quors ever cifered in thin market, and a 'Licit they vCer to Country .Merchants TEX PCR CEXT C A CAPER Than any other house in X.ri!i-West J4i.-oui i. Mli. WOLF SOX lias reen engacel in the bujine-s for a number of reirs la 5st. Louis and Xew Orieans, aid Catters LicistJ that he can make it anctiect to taoee wiihiafi to purchase to cail and see him. "Conntry merchants are earne't I v solicited to Ca!I and examina ocr stcck aad prices. WOOD l WOLFSOX, St. Jatrph, ITo. IDEIrti'eisseis- 33hok ilatt, abes just rece.ved at the store of Acs. , 1S57. fas) I. T. WHITE. E. M. TOUSG. J. w. STEVAIiT. YOUNG & STEWART, Fcnrardln? and CornmIgIon ! O IT O 1JL t 33. t 3 - And .lianui'acturcrs' Age nts XO. 37, SSCOXD STREET, ST. LOCI3. v.O. Part.!, lar attention paid to the Sale 1 ail kinds a Jierchaniise. Orilers for the purchase of Cincinnati Pittsburg or St. Louis aLumiactured articles, will niea with ptin.pt attentU n. UTOIV. IVAZZiS, AND HOLLO IV IV ARE Kei crnarit'ij- on r a!i ti.e Uttar at tic reduced price S-teeStaaa. "TVT1 11, Patent Portable Mill, TIIIE subscribers Lave entered into a j artocrsbip under the rta of Leed, Ilolabird A Co.. ta manufacture the J. C. Eeed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared t famish all thoe in want of a fr-l Cent ur Wheat llill ttat for dtira- hilliy, simj..iicty and eccnorcy ; excel any Mil ia da world. Oa tie tale exhibition of the Meehaniet instatate ia Cintjiacati,a t7oictt XcJui wa awarded them Tor it. It is adapted to ail Grain grinding purpose,: it is snreriorloail others f rtherrK)leiten:.ve Merchant Mill. J it is forgrinuiSj; the Partners feed Ly Horse pcwir. The above Mills arc tnancfocttred ty the aad cr signed at taeir sbop ia C.nrirr.ati, U-. where they e n be furnished ia any coar.ttty at short DoCee. Tne aVive Mi.i wa.Tttnt'1 to perti-rra a3 fv'.iown: is. diaro., -per hear 50 li. Corn. 2a Wheat, i-l " " " - ?!) u 15 " ;.a J 4 44 4,, U 1 . ft -3 u a a 4 g a j-j As this iliii tfeili iU owa sUry, it i nnacecssary to quote from our nuaieroas recoiu&esdatioBa,re:eiveti. Yagonfor Sale. I have a li--M tw.-i e wcoo Wiicn I will Cifoaf ofl ixd tarsus t acy i-oe wiiijnij. X. Tt IVUXAS. Brownviilo Hotel ErowniUIc, Xefcrci&a. h FOE REITT OK SALE. ! Tbe raenew brick II itel aoT rerly cvnipltV 'ti be ty r.r-t dj cf ipvil as is fvr .ale tr wwt. t ttiw.; ai.uiit.'cd e ccr j taate no furthirr aJxow ment. TtlKea! a dl-tarx ai lo as is u; tkst Brws-. viiis L- on.! cf the a t ttrivu:' ynutitf c;'?e of Xetra. k. r-ttsn: a fwr':,i!'w cf e!trt W. TU' l.ttd CfKw f-jr the Xcmoha !.-d StitTiel H located here and ia live cr-crv: u The !a.;d ajle wnl saust likely Uka j '. ict r u bi rre luly next. TS c !!-! 1 Is itjic:et.t:y larte kJrr SO It SO. Iiom t.ih "o a rc-.uutt 'Lt'.e any ti n.ter a'mat (.f atr.s-a.-.d yo: rt cn sva ti et:ttiie -?j let tht it cait p'rrc!ied er rerted t'-l and r-ty well. Hr erected hy 'ock oi.:pnv w.e frlacipal ject wtis t secure a a.st cla Hotel ia the place, aad thev will sell i: at cost .ill either sell ai iea: bat prefer to e;i. . - Xse uei-t m4 ar-v'k-ri-cn t) rent ev e;t tlxe ah1 are exftntr.cei ia totei baac, sad caa ctme wi;t rcoaiujcs.:!. ... Aj'i !y ia j cra or ty le'ter U ei E. W. Ft RXA3, President, "i Or ALTT1. HALL,!!. Soe-y. Browavilie. XeUra.-ia. Fibriary 11. liCS. . ' Tf"uzc-'.e. St J-jrph: Pla.3vit :er, CieveiaatH "Siate,-ati;-;t t C:'t; S'ltcsrxir", Cjlttritua, tl.t Ea.;u:rer." Cinctnnsti Si Lent Retmh"tcan nd Xew Tor TriSm, o i y e?.y to amount o( S-i ai.d teed bill to tliia off.ee.-' TEAMSTER. 3IICIIAEL CAVENEY. . Infrnr tie pnbHe tTiit he i pre?a'ed at all time, tv doallk.Dd't of work uh a team. Also Is prepared to carry psic-jters t.i a'y doired poiat. r-n.3t Ke 10, lbj5. jos. r. 5.".rr. cha. f. bully. KINNEY & HOLLY, ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW; AERRASIi A CITY, A. T Will practice ia the Ccurts ct this Territory. Collec . ion and ctlaiiual bu:t-.ii attooje'l Ut lbroit)!aoct X brasta, Weteru I'Tra aad Hlrarl. WiH attend the C -urts at B-owavi'Te. v?;il-n SAINT LOUIS FURjMLTURE store. WE bivt now tbe !arest tut of custom mude Firm- tcre ever ctTercJ ia tLU uiarket, ptiuo pally sf ear ewa maau.'acu.re. Fir.c parlor sdts of ' j ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY, Si WALNUT., w.th a lai.te iti.rtmcnt of IUewo"d. Mahngany, Oak and VTil-vit Caamber, Dining Room, II ill and Library - 3? nrr Ifva.x'o, - whi.ra we ire "emu; at very low prices for cask short cltypaper. E3-P. S. The attention ef the trade solicited. MlTi.Ui:LUKVMJlELSaE2a.CC. N.sOltNi. w4 street. St. crli a r. irsHBAfctc. io. l. caatuil LU3HB ATJGH & CARSON, il.t.VA-EKS A.VD GE.VERAL LAXD AGEXTS, WealcrM lu Coin, CnccrreTit M.mev, Kxch.nresnd Land Warrants, BROWXVlLLt. NKHAUA CO.. X. T. 1 Fpecial atteatica will be f tveu to Buyints aid Suing Ex. t. a use on tie principal eUi: ot the tinted States, f rol.!, Silver, and uticurreut Bank Notes. A constant t"p ply cf Land Warrant on hand t-.tr a, roa CASH, or en tercdon tide for Pre-emptors. All Warrants sold by gua.-anteet in every respect. Will file Declint.rr Siate metii of iatentu a to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-nrptk'ii Papers at short notice. Hooey loaned upon best KCurt ties, at western rates of interest, and intctmeot mada In Lands or city prr petty fur distant cipiuiist.-i. Collec-ti'-ns upon a'.l convenient y-iiut will be promptly attend ed to and prucc&ls rem. tied in exchange, at current rate. Bills of Exchangee Enttland. IreUiMi, and IVance, ob tained at usuitl rates, witj cost of Exchaageon the East iJ-l-cd- Dcpits received on Current account acdmicxebt alh.wed i ;eciai lepu.it. OFFICE Alain St., near C. S. Land OCce. RcrcacxcEs I.ind, Brother Co., Merchants, JlrXaughton, Carsca i Co., " H.tfT xa b.te,- " Tour?. Caibca & Bryan., " Jim. lhon.pson Alison, Col'r of Pict, E. M. FunicrsvB aiCo. Jfenhauts. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, ltd. M . M Teik'e & C . Xo. 17, Broaawty, Jfew Tork. w in. T. Si:ithn, E.J., Banker, Wahirg1oa, D. C. J. T. Stesens. Kai., Alt'y at Lor, Jno. S. Gnllaber, Lite td And. V. S. T-, Ttiylor & alnegh. Banker, Chicago, III. McClellaiid, Srutk, Co. Atcrcbaats, fet. Louis, Jf. Aunapoli, aid. Hon. Thos. G. Pralt, H-n. J. W. Geary, F.x-Gor. Ear.;as, Hon. Jas. O. Carjn. P. B. staii. Pres't S. Bark, ('-I. Geo. Skhley. Att'y at Law, Cbarles Paris k Co. Jlankers, II. C. Xurtk.0. " tirjvne.Weire A. Rice, " 1 . lipids A Watsnn. " C-1. Sim Hamblctoa, Att'y at Law, Penn. Mervershnrg, Pa. Uagerotowa, atd. . Keokuk, Iowa. Council BluS Ie iluinc, Vinton, Exstitfi, Mf. rmnberland. Md. Havana Alabama. Jitle Tn-. Perrv, ProL II. Tntwilcr, O-.v. 8, '67-vJ-oli5-tf Watchmaker k Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK PORT, MO. Erns leave to in'vrm the public that be has, lacatM in tLe.ibove named toa and offers for salt a chowa "clocks, watches, jewelry,, and other artalesucal!y kept iu stu b e-t.b'.ihrtients at prices whi.h cannot beo'uvplainei of. Being an exper ienced watchmaker he Hatters himself that tn repairing watries, c!'.ck3 and ;ewe!ry he can yivt perfect tatMac- tin. 1 6m. .i JOHN McDONOUGII. IIous?, SiiL, k Onrnnontal Painter, GLAZIER, 4-f. BROITVILLC, S. T, - XJT Irder Can ke left at the City Drug Slore. Commercial Nursery, ULOO.MItjrTO, ILL. The undersirrie-l l ei leave tu inT tn the S'ersetya'.en' an-! Farmers of the W'tft and Sm?h-wet, that they era extensively encared . a the propazatsdoof - . ROOT, G.KAFTF.D AND Bt I'DKD STOCKS FOft : ritSERlIJ, esrecially this APfLE. and a few other hardy Fruit. Having spent neir twenty yeai in seltKtinc their. Fruits, they :ire now convinced that their list is an.urna, e1. ih in re .-ard to the i;ulry and the proportiors la which thoy ciltivite. Heir-;vcry desiruusof disserctna tiug them a wiileiy aspi'j:e, thev adt tn method cf setniia; oot una 11, cultivated storks f-r tae Xurwry, as belar far sn.aepractK-at Ic and safe, than wiuci.r thegrent e:pe:iNe, dely and ink of (htppia; lari; tree, wtich sh-.a' 1 a!. i;. s U rait el near her tuey u'O wabtcl. Froctjtb t ir lig ex;--rii:ucs they fi .tter tuenue'.t es that tbry are perfectly anituitiled with the aUe bustnes. aid thej Er:t rtly sttc'j lardv varieties a sncceel well on the not. ndbud.en reed.ie-r stock, and the rjtr.it de slrable, tender and katf lurtly kinds. The grafting will be dte at tbe proper seasen. ad in the le-t manner. Tb t it will be packed -cnrely and shipped by expres. villi ti.e r-e vest tare ia early sprm?, to any part 1 (he West. Thoy tave ai.o, ca ha.tid, the largest and best crop of M.lCLlR.l HEDGE PL.IXTS ever gro-rn, I.rtale n 6rf term, ly the th'insaM er million. Ttey may te sh-pre.1 in t!.e Fill or 5priig. Teir prices f-ir Xorsery stock will be fonn-l a low m any other of tqinl q ttthty in the I'nioo. CataU g ie and Treat i-e en Uidze t H vri, sent gratis to ail applxtmi. Pacronsve ts-licite-l. Order for Nursery stock should te senipiior tooth of Decern! r. AMreas, VVEH2IA V A YASX, ' Oc. 15, 7-lG Bloomington, Tl. tt ta FOR SALE FOR SCRIP. ' ' we have 100 Overcoats whith we will eil at cost price for Bron nvi.ie Hotel Scrrp. t - F1EGEL St GREEXBAUaf: 100 Eagle Mills. ST. JOSTTPH, MO. J JA5IES CAUGILlProprietor. MANUFACTURES and keer constantly oa band for ta'e, ail kinds of Floor, Heal, aad Feed stuls. Orien jiicitd and promp Jy tulea oa most fa von Me terms. Cash paid constantly So Wheat. For character cf I lour refer to everj ksnly that ever cssd it. - . St. Jo?e-,A.Ly,Aag. :J,1S:S. TlclS-ly , A. II IIOLLABIRD k. . CO MacMiiiits, Fonnilers and Engine Builders, Ioastret,"Weatof 8mitii, .7- CINCINNATI, O. "VTTonll most reifp.irfany icfenn their frieri and w V the ptiblic "ncraHy, tb at they are n'w pxe pjed toeictute a.i trJersIn theirtine, with proatpl nti. Having la!- !y cc'r-!4 their thop and aiUa the iacrcised faciri'iu Ihey tow pcas.lhey hfcte ta nurlt a eoalinr.atloa f the liberal patronage a Licit his herot fore been extended to thera. aw M7 Engines cf every Description: C-jC!rtir Uy e lssi -: rotwistin of the r'aak. Cireu tar and iialry. Mi J ietir and every aeseriptiorf of . lutings, aarrsa'.e i to be well tnadc ia ewury partacu Ur. - - They have alo a BoI'erYard aUaeVd tt Cieir sUlli'shincBf. which enah.os theta U eveee a3 w;rk in that lica furTi.-heJ by lhea, and srrw pr rrtd to a.irk t e as rtaocub.e tcrais an any other eh--ti in the c-ur-ir;-. " Th.jc in want tf arythin in ear line, woaU do well to jire cj a call and uaain aur ae pat