THE ADVERTISER. K. W. FUllX AS, EDITOR. THURSDAY 210RXIXO, MARCH If. 13 ycnaSaCoantj- Agrlcaltsral Fair. j The officers of the Nemaha County Agricultural Society have determined to hold the first annual Fair ca Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 13ih, Hth and 15th. The ?rcund selected is on the farm cf Judge Jesse Cole. la oiTerinj 'remiiims, the Society has adopted anew system which we are firm ly of the opinion will result ia creating end perpetuating an agricultural spirit un surpassed,' at least, ia any country the age of ours. ISo money premiums are offered bfthlssociYty." AH are appropriate agricultural periodicals or . works. This plan cannot fail to "be productive of the greatest good. Orer' three hundred xveek Jy, semi-weekly, and monthly papers, de voted exclusively to agricultural interests will thus be circulated ia this. county j be- tidesa large number joi standard books vpoa various subjects connected there with. ' ' .- - : We have for a number of years, teen concerned in getting up and conducting Agricultural Fairs, and have ever been ia favor of this system.' We know "there are many who usually compete for pr'em 'iums whose real interests extend no farther- than being permitted to carry off a few dollars of the society's money. Such -rnembers,howeverare worth very little, if anything, to such associations. We want .members whose object and desires are to excel in . the exhibition of stock, r 1 . e . . We trut there is not a farmer or me chanic . ia Ne maha ' county but : who will take' hold' of this matter ia earnest, with a determination that this county shs.ll ever maintain her present position at the head of the list in the Territory. We have the 'land;' we t"have ihe , intelligent enterprise iag farmers"', and" we only need concert of action, and ."every shoulder to the wheel." '- ' " in--' r : The .Missouri river is now in good boating .order, and we may safely expect a steamer wiihia at least ten days. , On -JLlonday the ice gorge above broke loose and for two days the river was completely ' filled .with floating ice. It is. now clear, vwhh a handsome rise of three and a half .feet. . . r. . . The .Florilda and R viand arrived at St. .Josrphpn the 9th, filled with passengers. - Wc learn,' from a passenger who arrived "here by stage, that Jefferson City was fil led to overflowing with those seeking ' a ! passage to various points up the river. ;:.Lac(! Sales-fThe way It .Works. "'t ' In speaking of Land Sales and the re sult following, the Council Bluff Bugle ..says: . .. . . . . ,r ; The' Land Office ia this City was open ed for private entry on the 23d ult., and at the closing of the office on. Saturday evening, over eighty-four thousand acres , had be en .entered, being an average of near seventeen thousand acres per day. The entries are mostly made with Land Warrants, and we think, mostly on spec ulation, although we notice a great many 'who1 were making entries for actual culti-vatiori.- -' " - 1 ' , ' At the railroad speed with which the ' Register is making entrys, it will take but a very short time to clear the Council Bluff's district of all the land subject to private entry. - .Some of our friends have thought that the opening of the Land Office would make times better; but we .think it will have the contrary effect. Every man in the country who can raise fifty dollars is adding a 'Forty' to his 1 farm, and Uncle ' Sam will ship the money to the East, when ' we, of the West, ' may bid it a long fare well. . ; Shameful. ' Dueling and knock downs' appear to ,bi ia the regular order of business of late The Saint Louis Republican of the 21th :ay3: . ' ; I- Washington was full of rumors of im pending duels, on the 20th. -Even Grow and Keitt are said to Rave absented them selves for the Canada line, to take a shot at each other; but. the thing is altogether improbable. There is more likelihood of truth in the., stcry. that General Harney and Colonel Sumner have had some cor respondence looking to a duel. There was a difficulty between them last sum mer, and Colonel Sumner objected to Gen. Harney sitting as a member .of his court martial. Both gentlemen have been at Washington for seme days, and it is said that shortly after their, arrival, Sumner addressed a note' to Harney, asking him to meet him outside of the District . Gen. Harney sent the "note to the Secretary cf . war, and at the same time addressed a nnote.'to Col. Sumner, stating that he in tended to make it an official matter for investigation, and he has accordingly pre ferred, charges ajjainst Sumner.. Colonel SuntfTcpii'cd WHamey harhe" could1 have nothing' further to do with a man 'who "would screen himself by his official position.'1 " Afterwards they are said to have left the District, one for the North and' the other for the South. A third 'affiir' caused quite a sensation. A'. C. Rhind, formerly of the Navy, sent a challenge to Commodore Boutwell, in consequence of' certain charges made in a pamphlet, recently published hy the lat ter. B. refused to accept the challenge. Rhind then posted him as a "coward and a liar." The thing stops here for the present. Lieutenant Bell and Williams, of the caralry service, tried the effects of a pop at each other without much harm being done. . . ' The week's entertainment wound up with a quarrel between Clay and Cullom, which there is some hope of an amicable termination. A correspoadent of the tsame paper gives the following as the cause of the difficulty between Clay and Cullom: Messrs. Clay and Cullom happened to meet on Saturday evening in the drink ing saloon attached to Brdwn's ' Hotel, when the latter 'invited Mr. Clay to join him in a glass of brandy. Mr. Clay ex cused himself on. the ground that he had that moment drunk with another friend. Mr. Cullom insisted and Clay "yielded." The former then commenced a eulogy on Old Harry Clay,' and told how he (Cul lom) left Kentucli-y, and going into Ten nessee, bearded. old Hickory in his den, in defence -of Henry Clay.' Mr.1 James B. Clay thanked him for j his-devotion to his father also gilding uhaU he was'not the only one who had bearded An drew Jackson that General Combs, too, had dons the same" thing. (The reader must recollect th.1n:the contest beiween Jackjon and Cowls the latter - fame off second best.) Mr. Cullom flew into a rage at this remark, and shaking his fist in Mr. Clay's fa :e, asked- him if he in tended to insult Lira. The latter replied that, such was farjrom hi3 intention, but that he did not altogether like the dem onstration made. . At tlis 'Mr. Cullom struck him, and the parties were imme diately separated.' : Soou after the chal lenge passed. Cape Moore. ' e were- shown a letter last week from Capt. W. E. Moo be of Omaha, in which he denies making the statement that Oma ha had five hundred armed men in readi ness to sustain, .the minority in their at tempts to retain the Capital, as made by our correspondent,; L L. Hamev, Esq. Had we the letter in our possession we would publish it tntire. Far be' 'it , from us to "wrong or seer wronged" intentionally, our friend Capt. Moore; and "we .take pleasure ia saying that he,as a member of the Legislature, and as a citizen, has never endorsed the! course of "fire eaters"- oa either side. He is strictly a conservative man. We wish Nebraska could boast of more such among her public men. By reference to Mr: HambyV letter it will be seen that he makes the-assertion only as having been . .communicated to him by the Cap tain.' ...)-. , Nebraska Legislature. Let not our readers conclude from the disgraceful conduct of our legisla tive members, ;that there s not virtue and intelligence enough among our people to set us right at the next political tribunal.' This will surely be ,dQnz. Nemaha Vol. Journal. " ' . . . ' ! In that case you will surely not return the ex-Cciuncilmau from your county, or the superanuated Chambers arid the 'quiet Benedict, who keeps his mouth shut : be cause he knows nothing to any, ' in the House.' ..The loss of such spirits. .would hardly grieve the honest people of the ter ritory, although the rogues would miss a cheap man in Furnas. Send men to make laws, 'who themselves obey the law, and w;e shall have no more scenes of violence in cur Legislative Halls.-Omaha Ntbras kian.' . ;.. There is one fault, very apparent among western editors, viz: their inordinate pro pensity for abuse, and this proclivity is too often indulged indiscriminately, or from selfish motives alone. Can we not upon sober reflection, get along in another way? We know'that it is said that 'The wrath of man shall prsise God.' 'Shall we there fore, go on in sin? God forbid,' c. .. , We knovnpt of the 'justification' for the insinuations in the above article against Mr. ' i unias; but our' own intimate ac quaintance With him for the last ye.r,rin duces us to say (if we know .anything' of human nature) that he is ehcap in the rea dy and prompt exenyse pf the noblest emotions of the human, hearty We may be mistaken; and we are ready to b a re versed but not without proof. Nemaha Valley Journal. ,.' f.;"', . Territorial Agricultural Society; At a meeting cf agriculturists of Doug las county . held at Omaha on the 30th of Januarj', the undersigned were appointed a committee to correspond with different agricultural societies, farmers, and stock raisers generally in Nebraska, oa tho im portance of forming a , Territorial Agri cultural Society. --....,. . , .The Committee take this means oi so liciting information from all parts of the Terrhory in favor of said organization. The importance of a Territorial organi zation need not be argued , as its impor tance is apparent, to every firmer, and ftock raiser in the Territory. . . . ' Please address by letter either of the undersigned at Omaha, stating their desire to go into said ' organization. Due notice will be given by the Committee of the time and place oi meeting for a permanent or ganization if .sufficient encouragement is given by the citizens cf thie different coun ties in the Territory. , j . , All papers i a Nebraska are requested to publish thia notice. . , . W-M. LARIMER, Jr. ) , J. M. THAYER, Com. : E. ESTABROOK, . , Dated, Omaha, N. T.,Feb. 22.,. It U stated in the New York Journal of Commerce that the number of per sons at this time receiving alms' in Jthat city is more, than one sixth ? of the entire trtnti ion; , .A-ajs. numyier is entirely supported by two of the remaining five- sixths, the other three barelv supporting themselves. " It is passing strange that people will huddle together in cities to starve, and de populate the 'rural districts.' There are probably thousand: and thousands in New York and other cities who have legitimate- raately no right there at any . time, even ly no right there at. any time, even the most prosperous. These people might obtain comfortable subsistence by going to work on the farms where tiey belong, and where their labor, is needed. Aspiimall, N. T. Read the advertisement of the Aspin wall Town Company in another column. There are lots for you on favorable terms, most cmainly. . Plain fcat Sccnd, The Janesville (Wisconsin) Standard, whose columns often contain some of the ablest vindications cf Democratic princi ples, tlms closes a vigorous review of the Lecompton question. The language is so plain that no man can fail to observe its justice and truth : . ' . ' n ViTe believe that the approval of the Lecompton Constitution by theactionof the Democratic members of Congress, un der the pressure of the power and iuflu ence of the administration, will be a gross and wanton violation of the pledges which our President "and Senators, ;and Repre sentatives made to the party and to their country prior to their election ; and if the dearest principle of .our political faith is to be violated, and the rights of the peo ple tyranically invaded, let the fin and the punishment be not on the great Demo cratic party of the -Union, but upon the unyortiy sen-ants whohaye betrayed their trust. ' - . . . Courting Cousins. ' One cf the favorite customs m all civ ilized communities .is the flirtation and courting of cousins. The' Legislature of Kentucky, however, has interposed its authority to . break up the delicious cus tom they have passed an act prohibit ing the marriage of first cousins ia that State. " ' - - ; The Saint Louis Republican notes a heavy operation; in provisions ia that city on Tuesday, amountingjat a, money value to over SlOD.COpi The seller was a gen tlemn of Peoria,' and delivers most of the stuff in that place at advanced quotations. This transaction ; includes, in round fiar ures, 2,o00; barrels of mess" pork, 1,000 tierces of .lard, and over 50,000 pieces of cut meats: The mess pork sold at $15,50 and the lard at 9' 1-4' ccnts-' ' In the Board of Aldermen of Provi dence, Rhode Island,' last week, a peti tion, , was. presented from a citizen who complains- that the assessors, tax him and asks that his" name may- be put on the lkt' ' ' r -:' The Virginia State ; Senate passed a bill bn the :18th ult., prohibiting theemis sion of notes of a less denomination than ten. dollars after the first of August,. 1858 and of a less denomihatiod .thanCtw-enty dollars after the first of Augusti 'lSSO. This is an important step in the right di rection. ' : ' r,." General Concha has granted permis sion for jhe publication of a newspaper in tlie English language in Havana. It will be styled the Cuban Messenger.- This is the first time, such permission has been granted, thbugh repeatedly applied for. ' According. to the Mobile Tribune, the merchant who made the first shipment of cotton from that port is- now living and engaged in business. The first vessel loaded with cotton he had-to send to New Orleans td get 400 bales to fill up. Six hundred thousand .bales are. now annually shipped from Mobile. . . . , , , , , ; . , The; Kentucky .Legislature adjourned sine .die oh Wednesday the 17th ultimo. Among the acts passed were extensions to the charters of several banks, 'which ex pire. in five or six years, far 'twenty years longer, ., j-.- .. .; 7 ,. :. Lieut.l: Allen Supposed to be Lost. i ;iThe .Oregbnian states that a few weeks since Lieut, Allen, of the U. S,Army, left Dalles, Oregon, with a a small party of men for i Fort Simcoe., ;When' they reached the Simcoe Mountains there was a severe storm raging, and the men fear ing they would not- be able to make the trip in safety, returned, leaving Lieuten ant.Allen to pursue his journey' alone. Since then he has not been heard :from, and it i3' supposed he perished on the mountains. . He had about $35,00'0 ia cash about him. .;: ;::Bassl2a America. . ; The annual statement of , the Russian American Company for 185G has just been officially -published in St. Petersburg. It reports the colony as a prosperous condition, and developing an active com mercial intercourse with . Eurodu, San Francisco, the. Amoor river, and the Oc hosk sea. It is anticipated th;it the staple product of the country ice will at no distant day be one of the principal arti cles of export, three thousand tons hav ing been shipped to San Francisco in 1S5G. The company will declare a dividend of 12 per cent on the profits of the year. British Ship Letter Postage. W e are requested to state that the Brit ish rate of postage upon letters dispatch ed from or brought to any part of the Unit ed Kingdom by a: private ship, whether steamer or sailing vessel; has been reduc ed to a uniform rate of six pence (12 cents) the ha)f ounce.' . : .r ;. . ( 0 vAlf. letters,' therefore!, : mailed in - the United States, and transmitted to Great Eritian for conveyance thence by private ship to any British colony br.f oreign coua try beyond sea, must be prepaid 33 cents the single. rate of half ounce cr uader. Wash. Union. " . . : ' ' Pennsylvania Legislature. Habbisbchc, Feb. 24. A majority of the Senate Committe on Kansas resolutions, have renorted a reso lution in favor of the Lecompton Consti tution, accompanied with a lengthy report urging the speedy admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Constitution,' with a declaration of the right of the people to alter it whenever desired, through the proper legal means, and sustaining the grounds assumed by the President in his message. A motion to postpone to allow the mi nority report to be presented, was defeat-1 ea by a unitea vote 01 me uemocratic members. The identical first glass which created all the drunkards has recently been discovered. Home Correspondence Nebraska City, ) : Feb. 22, '53.5 IIox. R. W. Tv&sis: pear &V Yours of the 17ta was re ceived yesterday; aid I take pleasure in complying with your request, as I am wil ling to see all the farts go before people. I have just publishei a statement in the J"ews, of the 20th, orer jny signature con taining all the information desired, by you. Lest you should fail to see that pa" per, I will however state that the 'exact words' endorsed upca the bills presented to him on the 12th day of January by Mr. Allen and and myself enrolling commit mittee of the Council , arid Mr.Taggart, Mr. Hail, and Mr. Abbe enrolling'com mitte of the House, were as follows : 'Tais paper -was left in my room on yesterday, Jan. '13th, 1S5S, - after I had refused to receive it. I neither veto nor approre it ; but very respectfully return it. W. A. RICHARDSON. "Jan. 14th, ISoS." : . Upon our introduction to the Govern or, Mr. Allen notified him that we were the enrolling committees of both branch es of the Legislature, and that we had a number of bilh to present, to him for his approval. The Governor then advanced and took the bills, out of the hands of Mr. Allen and Mr. Taggart, remarking that he should take no action ori them, that, he htd not been engaged in the controversy; that if . our proceedings .were legal, and our acts valid, be would not so much as as throw a straw-.. in the way of. their be ing declared so by the Courts, Sec.. Wbea reminded ! by ra that the Legislature would consider them laws if not returned with his objection within three days, and being asked whether in that case he would would file them in the oflice of the Secre tary cf the Territory, ' he. hesitated,J but finally answered that, that 'was.a matter which required consideration.,'. - , 'He also said, during our conversation, that ifi the .Legislature ever passed the Capital bill -fairly; he would not veto it ; that he thought it his duty to aid in carry ing out the will of the people, as expres sed by a majority of her Representatives. The above is the substance , cf the con versation with the Governor. As to the manner in which the bills were returned you, probably know as much as I do. v They were never returned to the Leg islature at all, but were thrown down upon a table at'the WiUett House, surrounded by' a promiscuous company of members and others, about 9 6'clock at, night. I believe with you that those Acts are laws, and nd one more sincerely regrets than I do that the Governor jcould not in his heart to act with theiarge majority of the Legislature, r The simple fact of his being a democrat, does not satisfy me (as it seems to satisfy the Editor of the Ae?s,:) nor do I believe it .will satisfy the people, unless his acts correspond with his pro fessions. It will be remembered that Governor Izard was a Democrat ; but his mere professions did not satisfy the peo ople, nor yet the aforesaid editor. . I, ; however, am jiot .yet disposed to distrust the - Governor. , T hope and believe he will yet act m'A.and for the people. I think he has been deceiv ed. He was led to believe that if he took a stand against the legality of the procsedings of the majority, and request ed them to return to Omaha, that they would do so. But he had heard but one side of. the story, and mistook the temper of the people, and I shall continue to be lieve that he will be found on the people's side, as soon as a "favorable opportunity presents itself. . The News, in commenting upon my ar ticle seems determined to impress it upon his readers, that the majority are opposed to submitting, the Capital question to the people, and that the minority would vote for such a till. Nothing could possibly be farther from the truth. .If the people ask for it, let it be submitted; bntl wiir venture the prediction that a majority of the 'Minority' will vote against any fair proposition to remove the Seat of Gov ernment; It is plain to be seen that all this '.'f us' about submitting the Capital question to the people is for the purpose of throwing sand in the eyes of the peo ple and diverting them from the real is sue.. . The question is , have the people's Representatives the right to legislate up on, this subject? I have no objection to submitting the matter to a vote of the peo ple ; but, before this can be done, the bill must be passed by the Legislature ; and according to the News, the majority must 'promise' not to agitate this matter , be; fore the Governor will call an extra ses sion. Verily, if the minority can have everything their own way, it will be a long time before it will be submitted to a vote of the people, and I think it will be a long time before the majority will buy the privilege of returning to Omaha, by sacrificing the rights of the people. : Respectfully yours, . MILLS S. REEVES. The above letter from Hon. M. S. Rxeves 13 in answer to one we addressed him inquiring "what was the precise language endorsed upon each bill returned j by the Governor ?" It had been said that 1 we had misrepresented. Having no desire whatever to do sointentonally,we addressed Mr. Reeves the abeve interrogatoryand ndy cheerfully make public his reply. There is, however, as will be seen on comparison, no difference in spirit or substance,(retween our statement and 'the above. ' "'J . " 1 Foreign Correspondence- ' " r ': ' Paris, Feb. 2,' 1S58.'' Deak Fcrsas: ' I have been absent the last few weeks, which will account for the interruption in my correspondence. , On my return here I find that I would come 'slightly behind,' if I. attempted to stat8 the several events that have occurred during my absence, as doubtless you, are already fully posted in regard to them. The principals are the death cf Radetzky, the Austrian butcher in Italy, and of those two renowned f e tors Mile. Rachel aad Lablache; and finally, the late attempt upon the life of Napoleon. The sensation produced by it is far from subsiding,' and, therefore, it may be proper to make it the main subject of this letter. The narrow escape oi theErcperor and Empress; the boldness f the attempt, and especially the manner in which it had been prepared, combined, and executed ; have caused a great deal cf consternation among the family and ; partizans of the Emperor. " New developments serve to increase the fear, for they show that the attempt of the Rue Lepclldier was not an isolated one; similar attempts upon the lives of the Pope and the Kings cf Naples and Piedmont, having teen previously re solved by the conspirators ; and that in England, Belgium, Switzerland. Italy and Spain, the revolutionary refugees were ready; had Orsini succeeded, to make an irruption into France and raise the stan dard of insurrection everywhere through out' Europe. 'According to the confession of Rudio, one of the prisoners, the con spirators were five -hundred ia number. The conspiration still fully exists; for ev ery one of the five hundred is bound by oathto destroy the. life of the Emperor. As- often as the circumstances will war rant the attempt, the whole band are to draw lots from a box in which there will be five winning numbers, and the five members winning these are held to put in execution an attempt upon Louis Napo leon's life. Consequently, if the confes sion of Rudio is true, the unsuccess of the late attempt will not prevent others from repeating it, which probably does not of fer a very smiling prospect for the Empe- ror- 1 '..'-V- ' . .' " But very likely,'the only result of the attempt will be the curtailment of the lib erties of the French people, to' us the language of Mr. Bonaparte, which means that their fetters will be tightened. Al ready a decree has appeared , ia the JLW iteur, dividing France" into five military divisions, each of which will be' comman ded by a' Marshal of- France. The com manders, i is said, are designated, and, of course are chosen among the most devoted to the Empire; it suffice to name them: Castellane, Bosquet, Canrobert, Baraguay d'Hilliers and Magnan. The supreme control over all these divisions will be giv en ta Pelissier: The deeree states that one of the objects of the new organiza tion is to secura a greater facility in the suppression of troubles within, the State, as each of these Marshal-Governors will have extended powers in his department. bo that what 1 told you some time ao will be fully realized : France, is to be ua der the despotism of the Sabre,' the worst of all. - '..... . . The Press will also suffer tv it. '. The liberty of the Press amounts to almost no thing; but it seems that new restrictive measures are to be decided on. Several journals 'have already been infoned that they would be suppressed if they did not moderate their language for the future. A journal has been "warned,'.' for adding after its notice of the Emperor'e speech, at the opening of the Legislative bodies, hat "According to the telegraph, the cheering which followed his . Majesty's discburse was most enthusiastic." The offense was in these words: "According to the telegraph," thus leaving a doubt, when, says the -warning, "Every one knows that the cheering must have been of the character indicated." Yesterday, a bill Was introduced in the Legislative. Chambers, empowering the Executive to remove from Paris all per sons who may be deemed dangerous to the public safety. Another bill .provides for the constitution of a Council of Re gency, in case of the Emperor's . sudden death. What next? NAVILLE. - The Louisville Democrat says of the triumph of Harris' resolution in the House, "this ends the Lecompton dodge in the House. It will grow weaker daily. Those who voted for the examination do not intend to sustain the Lecompton Con stitution. Ihey intend to prepare the ar tillery to kill it, and they will do it effec 1 1 T .1 1 11 1 - tuauy, uy tne tune me wnoie tninar is exposed, it will have no friends. TheLe- comptonites, ia claiming a majority of 21 in the House counted their chickens be before'they were hatched, v From Wasliincrlon. , ' " Washington, Feb.' 23. The conVnittee to investigate the al leged corruption in connection with the passage cf the Tariff Act, have examined five wituesses, and summoned fifteen oth ers. Wolcott remains in jail, firm in his determination not to comply with the de mands of the committee. Distinguished friends continue to visit him. The Sergeant-at-Arms of the House has been notified that Williamson, who was forcibly brought to Washington from New Yore as a wituess, has entered suit against him in consequence. - . Washington, Feb. 24. Thft commissions 'of sixty-two Postmas ters, principally in New England and the Western Statestincluding Cincinnati, ex pired yesterday. Many of the incum bents are here looking after reappoint ments, while a larger number are seek ing their places. The Cabinet had. the subject under consideratian, bat arrived at no conclusion, as the expectants were inr formed this morning at the Tost Office Department. Senator Green will make the opening speech on Monday on the Kansas bill, and be followed by Ccllamer in reply. Sew ard will speak on Tuesday. . The President to-day, sent to the Sen ate for confirmation, an unusally large number of nominations for the various offices. The appointments nearly alto gether having been made during the re cess of Congress. The Administration as yet, have re ceived no intimation from Mr. Dallas cf his intention to voluntarily vacate his mis sion. . . The challenge having been withdrawn, and thseconds retired, Messrs. Critten den, Tooms and Mason of Kentucky, ef fected a settlement of the difficulties be- tween Clay and Cullom, who have return ed to Washington. Washington Feb. 25. The defeat of the Army Bill is not con sidered conclusive respecting an increase of the Array on the part of the Senate which body will await the action of the House on the measure there pending for additional regiments. The Committee on Elections have come to no conclusion in relation to the con tested elections from Ohio. It is not true that the House Commit tee on Territories have agreed to report a bill for the territorial government cf Si erra Nevada, they have merely decided to consider the memorial cf the subject. - Mr.: Clay, cf Kentucky, appeared in his seat in the House to-day, and received the congratulations of his friends on the settlement of the late difficulty with Gen. Cullom. - ' The Supreme Court will adjourn to-morrow until the first of April. The 3Iarkets. . CORRECTED WEEJLLT. Browsville, March 11, 1813. Fi.orK. y sark $V,50 liL'CSWHElT FLOVS, l SACS CorsMkai, bushel--- Corn, V bushel Oats, y bushel, Sugar, y Yd Coffee, Tea, CmczEss, f? dot.-, F.ccs, d-, Fkekh Brtr; y It " I'orK. per 10 lb.. Potatoes,? bnsliel, - l)EIEDArrLE3 Jbushct, Green, do. Salt, LcjiCEii, Cdttonwnod, per 100 ft., Yellow Pine, ' ; RCTTEB, CUEE3K, yt', - Lakd, Kiee, ' Nails, per keg, I.. ...... Wheat,, none in market AVmsKy, per galloD, . Salt,. bu?h, do y suck, MOLASSE?, 15kaxs,? bu.'h, Drv Hides, y lb, 1 4,00 75 Si) A3 IM 2.00 20 iO 4.00 4. 0 t,00 30 :so 12o IS -.0,50 J.00 3,09 U 3,50 5 St. Joseph, Feb. 21,1353. 8 65o 25o Wheat, y tnsh, loux, y busb, Flour, y cwt, 13UCKWUEAT FlOI K, 1 CWt, FKEsn Pokk, y 1'OTATOES, y bush, White Beans, y bush, l'CTTER, y lb, Eoh, ydoz CuietKs.s y doz, Drt Hides y E, ' Coffee,) S, Sugar, 2i, Tea,V fc, - $3tOOJR50 3,50(ji,50 , 1,50 i:,'im50 12o 2,004c.i 0 12k1.-50 ltey'i'c 50y.75o St Louis, Feb. 22, 1P53. ..... r...-...-. 95c($t,03 Z13 3G Q 3So WnnAT.y laib; txKN, y bn?h, Oats, y bush, .. '. Floue, y bbJ, BrcKwnEAT, Fr.orR, per cwt, Sl.00 .2,12)2,25 $1.25 - 55a 25 fr 2lo- 17,U'13c lO' 10?Z JiBANS, per bash, .... . Potatoes, per bushel, molasses .. -. .. Whiskey, Drt Hides, A. S. flOLLADAT, M. D. WI. ARIOLO. M. a HOLLADAY & ARNOLD, Physicians, Surgeons, ana uoatotrioiaxis.' BUOWXVILLE, J. T.; Respectfully tjrtdor their professional serrk-es to the citizen; of Nemaha iiui adjoining counties, both iu Ae or.i-.Ka and iii"uri. March 4. fW FIFTY LOTS FOR DOXATIOA'! - IN THE 71 AflTIT i1 NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T. TLe proprietors of Aspinwall are now prepared to io- nuteFIrTi teaatiful residence and business lots to ACTUAL SETTLERS; Or to th:se who will erect bousescpon and otherwise im prove the same. They have alo reserved two lots for each of the f.plK.wniit Christian denominations, vii : Bap tist, Catholic, Methodist, Reform or Christian Chun'li, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and United Breth ren. . Persons in search of hemes, or ligations for the varioiw branches of Imslnes. are respectfully invite! to visit As p:nw ill as it is confidently believed they will be pleaded. Tv those una-iuaiiited with the location of A.-piriwal!, it is only necessary to jay, it is located on the southwest side of the .Missouri Hirer, one mile lielow the mouth of theLft'le N'em.iha, at a point recently kiMitu as ' Neal's Puint," whose beautim! ami commanding f ite ha lor years attracted the attention and cxvited the admiration of every traveler lip or down the Missouri River. At this point the Missouri is unusually narrow; tbo channel ricen; banks solid and unchangeable; Ne braska shore ro- bound for one mile above awl beluw the town t all varieties of timber; stone ot all km. Is on and near the site. ltyiifch. tut recently surpye'f, Ardnwall c-ntaias two stores and a population of over fifty inhabitants All that isdCMred is an examination of tho location: of the natural wharf; facilities for a bbipyiuz point tj tlie inte rior; the advantages of the surrounding country, Jlc. fivjf:n or exaggeration i- required to build up a Pont pjbset-s! n-i such rare natural edvanuges. - - - COME AND SEE ! . JCirci 11. ISo-i. . n 33 f8587 1858. scAuniTT 4- msox, Vholetale and Retail Manufacturers of Furniture and Upholstery, Washington Avenue, between " SEt'OJfD AND THIRD St's, ST. LOUIS, MO. In oar Warerooms win be found the latest and best s;ylc, nindo by Uic best workmen ond of superior mate rial and tl'iih. BEDSTEADS Fine Ro?ewood and Maht,frany, Walnut, Oak and Cherry, with high posts and Canopy. ( SIDEBOARDS Rosewood, Mah.ifc'any, Oik and Wal nut with Shelves and Marbie T.p-t. WAUDHOBE3 aad SECK2TAiilES. Ilotewood, ! Jf hosany, Oak and -Walnut. SUl-'AS M ihogany anl Walnut, covered in hair Cloth, Ltin and Brocatcile. BLTtEAl'S Fine Rosewood, Mahomny, Oak and Wal nut, with idecaes, Marble Top and Oval Gljaes. lt.x.tewood, Mahi.gany, itui and Walnut Waahstands, Center and Si lo Tables with Marble Ti ps. HAT RAClvS Rosewoo-l, Mahyirany, Oak and Walnut of many styles. AUo: Fmo Rosewood, Mafconarry, Oak and Walnut Parlor, Ka.y and Ruckint: Ciiairs; every variety of Cush ion, Bnh and Cane Seat Reception ami Cottage Chairs; Recumbent Chairs, Piano Stools, Ottomans, Fooftools, Corner ami Side Whatnot, Extension Tables, Shower Baths I.e Boxes, Wire and Tin Safes, Scarritt's Patent Lounee Bedstead. tilLT L(HltlXJ GLASSES Splendid Pier Classes, Orals, Mantle and Square; Wood Frames iu large as sortment. BHDDIN'G Spring, Ilair, Mocs, F.;-elsior and Husk H ttrases; Feather Bets, Pillows, Bolsters- Comforts, Sheets, ic, ill of tie best material, and warranted to be fre.-h, sweet and new. Ev;ry article warranted as represented, and at prices as low as any other hutise ia the city for corresponding quality. Orders solicited and faithfully filled. ' We cordially invite every oue !ia wishes to can and examine anl price our foods, as we are pleased to show our goods, and give you all the information in our power. Ail articres sold by n carefully packed and delivered on Boat or at the house, , Very Kcspccifully, SCARP.ITT & MASOX. ho37 Aebraska Jloney Take otlee! and aftec this date we will tint take any Ne braska paper except the Platte Valley Bank and Bank of Kebraska, oniy at a discount of ten par cent. CItAXB fc TtILL, i. t. wnrn: & Co. B.-wnvii!e, March 5th, 1SC3. nc33. The Country Gentleman, A Journal for th Farm, the Garden, and Firttide, Is published at Albany, N.Y., by ; LITIIER TICKER AND 80X, . " EDITORS A5D FKcPKIXTOHS. - Associate EJ., J. J. THOMAS, Union Springs,!?. Y. TtUMi $2.00 a year If paid in advance, or fc5f;0if not paid in advance. The nostae on this paper is bnt six and one-fourth rents per quarter, parable in advance, toanv nart of tho i mtni ttate.4. Theamc publUhers isjue the CCLTIVATOlt, on the nrt of each nunta. It forms an af.nual volume of about 40w psres, made up from the Country Gentleman. Price eOTate yr. TTTT d T T I MnlJ WllL 1j NOTION All those indebted by nx nf rrJ7TZ Dfiier & Co, re he-fby ,tiaci to ,, r'1" 1 " luimwuimi u loafer lnli. -' BILL i HUDSON GEOHoS VUtrcTY COUNTY StRYVYAnN ' SURVEYOR JND l1yD "EL - MATS STREET WILL iteixj nromntlv nj location of Internment tics, acd ai 1 aj-ion hn.J t , look . t c;iT " j! vestment cu-Jn for u"J. !!" r Z I tier. Inve- cr icqalrxanawcreU promptly. er.. Julin SIl;Ls.Cah. Daytoo ftsak P. P. Lw ' Oni k!e Si strong, Wl & Xe:id, Moses Smith, Ryalt Cljarlen. Lirxi .Ktet,t, Geo. II. Xixun. Land Uei:itfr,' t.uhbauch lCtr.n, Bmlt. ' Brown A. II1 :m. . (k, R. Fnrnsr Kdit-w Adrert'ser Sopt.2l,67-oJ3-vitf ' t rno:.r - ! nOCS ?OHT, IVio TO - GEO. E. ICLAASKA- of infurminz tho mil Tl?"lh preparations forrunnia route tcph and Council UluJsS;:,,, HQ. Bli(l Tiilo the tt ;inel.JinB fromToMkaKrn!!" St. Jeph M,,,I1Ve:n.lence.Ln.a;te px.tntsbe.jw; to clrka CifT, olnaha rV and other points above; nml Nc- ort wet; JEe subscriber hoK bj lt' to business and acecmtn.;dath)a to ouitom.r. , Tacks cou April 7 1S5.1. 43-tf BEOWNVILLE COLLEGE Tte Faculty cf the Jtolical Deirttimi (,f tbm ville College auueunco that tliey win oniuwrA-, u. course of Lectures on Monday evnin( ua-t "i: d,7 Vebruayr. at 1 1 k-J o'clock, atd cmtinDe t- month, ,,, in the lenrcs on tbeeM!nliiKs V -Mir, Tikx ," ne-iay ad Fr.-.J,iy of ench week. Thein?'r(,ri1ctory Zi to the course will t public ami dclitjrrj it theBn. vil Id Hotel, tie reiaiuUcr cf the lecture u u , -Tately t the cl.isi. 1 Tiketi caa iic procured ol Ite Dc-m FACULTY: . WIU.HM ARNOLD. V. -j ., . . ' Professor of Aiuififiv. ' ' A. 3. IIOLT.AIHT, M D ; -Pro.'cxor of tho Pr:tii- if .MedMne. ' joirs M;,,x, jr. n ,. Professor of MuferJa VHtci. E. I. AtLK.V. A. B. Profes)r of Chemiotry. : ' 1 ' v. C. jntiS'sov. . Professor cf Mc Jari.-jrnil.'r-o. 75,000 lbs. Bacon. j LYFORD k riOR.V, Sonora. if , he fc r ai, chetp t for cash. 75,000 pounds excellent bacon. vau3ti-ly - -Garcia ,1, 'ua-. - , . . . , ... To Geo. D. T.irbcU, James M. Holntori, aid all . Km whom it may concern. You aro hereby iiolilTpd (bit I will appear at the Land Offl.-e in Brownvil.'.onTUtSwUr llarch 12, 1S&8, at J o'ci.-ck, P f, to pm tp, niy r::iit of pre-emption to th.0 Tl(i' f the south-weft Tiar'fr nd the W lIof the ntrtliwrsr-n quartet of eciioM, township 3, north of range 12 east. 4S-2v March 4th., '58. - R. W. Vt'iK. II. A. TERR V&' CO., . WnOLKS tLK AKD JlKTafL DS4.LKHS I' Ganlcn, Fkld & Hoer Seeds, fruit Jr3"Boes of assvited 6and, lor sale low, . Garden Scetlt cgnsiant!;- .n - Crescent City, Iowa, Feb. 20, '58. I -. v2iiti-3io : CURRANT SEED. . Of the bt varieties, and wrranted freuli andgenuitis put uj iu SSceLt packages, and for nl by ,. It. A. IItRT k CO. Cresrent City, Iowa. H. B. St-nt by mail, post paid, it 23 ct ats per p.K t,ise. t2ii3A-3th Fel. ?0-'5S i . FRUIT!! The subscribers have on hand ;nd for ia!e low forcifh, aBue lot of New Rorhelle IMactberrr, led Aatssrp Uaspberry, Brinckie Orange R,.pterry, lul Duuh Car r.uu, Isabella U;-pe, Catawta lirxpe, fc:, fc.; II. A. TliRilT k CO. v2n35-3m Cres'rut I'itv, Rare and Valuable Seeds. We will sed ty mail, post pai l, to any aildre-'i, icl cs of the following sveds at the prices anrexcl : Chinese Scgar Cano "- . ' Went , J tpan Uoney Wi.eruc)a " . 15 NewOrani dg , iiu Ice Cream d.j " 2- Jowett d. 23 Caiiipbellito , do ', 2' Haies Superior d. 2j Binney's Extra rineCi'ron , lo Cylindrical Pumpkin (3 net !on) 20 Golden Arple Sinadi 8 Mammoth Red To rjato 2d ( TellowCherrr do (farlieit) 21 Fii? do Or the whole list for $2,00 Ad.trers H A.TERBTisCO. ; fre--iit (. it, ! v2c36-8m Taxes ! Taxes ! I Taxes ! ! ! All those knowing thcm.-e!vcs lii'!cbte: to tae Corpr tion of Brownvillcwill olea-e come ' irvard aad t.iriu as no longer will besf.vcn. v2n35if Feb 25. 'od II Jiilivjhv. Virihl. John McPherson Hag 200 Sclt of FaUWhsst Jlonts. wsrrsat- rdtlrsl quality wlucb bewill sell forl b(.;r 1U0 It---for Bmn-nvillg Hotr! .s-rtp. , . . - Valuable Claltolrorale. a Tlio orxlerrfiimed will sell a vluabl elaini at a bar- Cain, as they are detnilnett Murtt. If consist, of H &crn. all txitrim TarVTi ab nt'oVe fcalf of 'Iiu'!i is limtier and iLe bilance fraitlr; io acres under fi?"re and citl'i- I.uijiu it iitiiatfdati1i Latt it etna ha River, cuio miles from U.-uwnvilln and about the sain? distance truai Nemaha City, ono mile north ot Lnz'sbr 3m-3J-pd LKllfKI, If Ir!I F.SI CLAIM NOTICE. To Eli K Kirk and ail others whom U mt rnnmrn. Ton are hcrfbr n"tirial that I will sppew at th l.anl Office in Bn.wnville. Neniaba crtinty. .Vebraka Territory, on Friday rhc 6t d.iy of Yxn.i, IH. at o'clock, to prove np my riftht of Pre-etr.i ii -n to the couir.-wem f(!iartcr of section Xo. five, in Township '. s:t. Ranze 15, February 2S, 'o8 2-v-p.l LEVI B7TLEH. Bassjso Horse or Llsh ven U Ciuox h Febrna.-y 1, IP'xi . ) On and after taia datw. depesitrs acaiuntr will be opened for specie. cMrrcwy and scrip pa;nb1e in iime kind of fund, rhe-- mint be marked art nrdingiy. Ofacc hour from 9 i't 12 A M and 1 t3 ? SI, LLSHBACGil 4. CJRSON". Fasliionable Tailor. JK0I5 3IAR3IOS, EROWIIVIl-LS, IJEBBAIIZA. Rcooct.'uily aBnoutyes to the public tout iv-i has on hand a iargeatockof.. Cloths, Vestings, &c., . Also large aila.ti.t of READ r-M ADE CtOTHING H'hfih he will sell ai i price. - Tie flatters hiin-;e,'f that he'undersunds his busines tbonushly and all work warranted coming from hi e tabl;Miaei, ani ciiarca m tew a y CeB-camewt-r in thig place or the West. A Xcat Fit Gnarnnieed. Oiriaa ts TT1H1. IOBWAIUISO ANICO.MMlSSI.J 3t r C1T A.1T, AND STEAM BOAT AfiEM. Wholes !e and KetaU Dealers In Pry Go-l, Crocenes, Hardware, Oneentware. FBfiuter, f toves, Flour, iJan, iu.-, ept. 21, 'fff EaDw3rvil.L, K T. Land For Sale. Iam to sell ISO acr of laad. situated wiihm two miles of' B:o5rnvi;ie; the frrester porti n m wtiKti is well timiiere'l. arxl nearly il Vifwie taod- " will be divided if dei.ed Tb implements are eou fortable hone, lot; stable, IV acrts nr.di.-r -tuitivati. n. and rails already made t LlTicieni to ies 4d acres swi ti'tnal. Warrar'y stvea. . to-rtu ii;m. i?ik..: . n . or. will b0 .tvWU L.n w,rr r1'! . (Tate titlfs, Kile DeclaMtnr. s pre-empt. . " 'rm.i j . . , 'tki. 12 oY-Iock M.: irl f " cuk. i:m, ir bs;:b,l li rsittt sam eToning at 3 aclk Y. M merit a snar or tiie pubiiu patron ' Ljres or parcels. I'uar-res nnvip-a.. i . ' utabi'.itT f..r unavoidiibU aecid .nU '