11 Ay it DEVOTED , TO ART, SCIENCE, AGKICULTUKE, COMMEECE, NEWS, POLITICSj; GENERAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE INTERESTS OF NEBRA SKA VOL.. -II. CITY OF .BROWN VILLE, NEMAH COUNTY, NVT.V THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1858. NO. 32. . : (I . : W 0 Ccbraska SUtocrtiscr. 4, gp'-K M fTBLlSIIED tTEItV Till' USD AY BY fUKNAS & LANGDON, j S:conl St. Let. Main and Water. ! DUOWNVILLK, X. T. fr ..icjro.irif io u wuucc, - , - $2,0'. t cho ou.i ! 6 months, ... I tou l';jtsut Ur ui -re will be lurui.Uiol t $l.oi ui sun. j-r.ivi.li.-J itic cish a conJiMiiiic-e the wrJci', j ..iaerwie. KATES OK AD.KUTISIXC: $1,00 0,0 S.5u t.i0 fi.Oi- -iU.it" j.oo ri.l.mi 3j.lHI lS.iMi .10.0(1 3d,0M en.oi; .111.00 8.00 20.0H n.ou 1 0.0 ! fi.O') 5.o . . j i .re ,.ij u aia ..ir j: .u iiitnu. li ix ".li-i;. - ' .jj y :-ir. ' l .1 -it li'i i r less ine yer, ) i iiu u i. u " !r, ', -; lit J i i a i. i -irf ,'nurtb " a-.ia - ' it j a i. ix u iuih. iili O.iani, 'is u itb. Linn - -iiib ' ? ' i i u.i, '.'ireu ii ruths, ' nlf ('ui j:ii i, i irf ninths. - f.ijah " - -icii'h " " " i 1 1 1 1 ii.; -ill li'-..- mr;irii' VH I I I l 1 1- III i:t -'n' cl t'-f 11 i tv'rrti- 1 ,t 'iuil . -;'inivjtitT i?kiiWH. ivh -hfiairf . e a-iJol to the I i r ! 1 it ! if 'ii i t' i 14 :o? Our i nl fiv'f line? orledi.rir ,'J.i. vi . tr tieiiri ill be considered brthe renr. j ,: .s . . i scia.' I iu. uian user i jit. r .ireriouslj i -r " ap.in 'ietw..'ii the i)ftrtic5. lv r ie iient net marked .Kithe?ijT foTii peci 'tfl a uner if insertion, Till b" ottinucd until or vel -.it, m l -'larked .accordingly. - " V I i lr ie-a jnt ;ora trap;crs'or transient por- a-i. ' ni:d in -i-lrance. T i iriv;i -e f v'cir'.T IrerfMorp will be ronfined ', ;i I't fi V'ir wn'iaMn-c: in I ill ;x1rerti.ciuent; . 9.--ti:iin hereto, to t iild for extra. Yrir!Tvlrcrtiershavc irivUgc of changing :hir nlr'im-Mit nnsirferlT.' . Vil vl.'dalrertUsmsDtscnargcddoublethcabove Vl--rti;inenti)n the inside -xclusivelj will be ' BOOK AND t'AKUI JOB; PRINTING! to Ox O O o S3 O .i ;Ue .ilvcrt;. r dllict K.utd and I iii t':ii, Xai Tvp; uf the latest style, lu"ks of i'I : '1 t. HftuiZ'.?, Fi.ie l'aji'jr, Knvi'lvei. i:c. : wc re iviw ireptrei to execute Ji b Work of every de in .t Siyl ; uasurjiosicJ by any other office inths L'nitod Stti-. i'.irtieuUr attention will b givn to orders from a iistia-e in h-iFiji.; them roniiitly iitttMided to. T i'j ri st irs. ho. l iving li:il an extensireex : -i : c. will 4"ivo t ie r personal attention to this o"v i 'i i h1u:ji,4 1 1 h ipe, in their jn leavers to . 's, . tb in hi xjeUence of their work, and nAjq c'iarges,to receive a share of the public pvtrotwg. B US N IvSS CARDS imoVXVILLE.- -A. S. HOLADAY, :URGEON, PHYSICIAN -A.23.cl Obstotrlolazi. nitowx villi:: x. t.: S .!i -iTa hirci.f ulilie .ritroiiaire.-in the Various i h-'s if hi Jr.ifc'sion.froin thccitiienyot Itrown II"? in 1 vi -iuity. ; MISS MARY TL'RNER, M1LUNER AND D3ESS MAKER, Fit Stree, between Ilain and Water. BIIO W.N villi:, X. T. 'JlonnrU und Trimmings always on hand. c. w WHEELEP, Archit 3Cb Tl-JLli'S .35'J. L.-ll TfA'JSJi iSS, JAMBS W. GIBSON, ii LACKSiMITII Sdrpn'd Srrect, between 'Main and Xtlraka, TiltOWNVILLE, X T. TJ. C. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY A XI) Real Estate Agent, BROW'S VILLE, N. T.' REKEKIjNCCS. Hon. Wm.Jessnp, Montrose, Pa. H. S. licntly, John V. Miller, Chicago, 111. Wm. K. McAllister, - -Charles F. Fowler, ."' B. W. Ferguson, Brownville, X. T. O. F Lake, - " May 7, 17. 47-ly It. TEERY, D., SURGEON, PHYSICIAN And . ELDOHATO, N. T. vi -s m thecirix ,f X miha e..imtv tndiul "i n? - iHnri. b.-b in XebraFka and Misfnri. Mrh. IS57. . 5,f5in I. T. Wliytj & Co., ra t.r.sxLt; ami ietail dicalkk in pUYG();)D3,GK()Ci:HIB u'litvhbi iena -rs nis proii-ssionai r- ii 1 l t 10 1 ' ' ' . . Ccun J7 Produce, UUOWNVILLE, K. T. DANIEL L. McGARY, ITTIS1SY IT 111, AXD SOLICITOR LV CHJXCERY. Brownville, Nebraska Territory.. Will practice in the Court of Nebraska, and North wet MisboUii. REFERENCES. Messrs. Crow itcCreary Cj., St. L'uls, 3fo. II n. J 3 mes H. Uuhh, - H..U J. bu U. Suep!y, ... Dj Hvii. Jaii.e.-CiiK, - St. Jierh ilo. II. ,n. SiiUh dvn, . d, . J;J(.'C A. A. B.vdloid, ' Xcba ka City. K. T. G. WV-ilL'ItN, . IWllAL'A CITY, N. T. WILL attend promptly to all business in bis pro fession when i-jillcd on : such as sulxl.ving laini-, btying out To teetc. ru lots. Drafting City l'litU 37-if HVKf BKX.xrT. MK1 P. KI8SK. tM. K. uaKKIT A. arursTrs ksight OLIVKll BENNETT & CO., 'Manufacturers and WhalesaU- Dealer? in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 87.tlun Bt.eet. Fokmklv,Xi. lol.(' iisuoif 1 i s vvdLoccst.) ST. LOUIS, MO. WM. OLOUN. DK4LEK IS CLOCKS, WATCHES, . - ' JeweLy i 1 itcd are, Cutkry, Spoons, Ac., Ac. NEBRASKA CITY", N. T. Jj0TEsrvimj and' Repairing done on short notice and ALL work warkamtd. A. D. KIRK, -Att6rnc.r-at.Law, Land Agcat and Rotary Public. 1rchcr, Richardson Co., J". T. Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska, assisted by Harding nd Bennett, Nebiaska City. JACOB SAFFORD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GENERAL INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT.. And Notary Public. NEBRASKA CITY", N. T. WILL i Attend promptly to all buisncss entrusted to his care, in Nebraska Territory and West ern Iowa. . September 12, 18515. vlnl5-ly W. P. LOAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOT AND LAND AGENT, Arclier, Richardson County, IV. T. Notice to Pre-Emptors ! ! k J. S. IIORBACH Sr CO., Attorneys at Law, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, OMAHA CITY, N. T. WILL give particular attention to preparing .ill the necessary papers for Pre-cmr tions, and rendering any assistance which maybe required by Pre-cniptorsin proving up their I're-.emption rights at the U. S. LaDd Office. 45-fiin K. S. HARmSO. G. C. Klillidttill K. F. TOOUKK. .HARDING, KIMBOUQH & CO., HuMifaitHrers and Wholetult Dealer in HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS, . io xo.a n street, net. j ire cna jrine, ST. LOUIS, MO. Partieul: r Attention laid to manufacturing our finest Mole llas. J. HART &. SON ay & iihiss Oresaai Hjli County, Micsouri. Keepconstantlvon hand all description of !Iarness, addlw, I!rill?s, Ac., Ac. N. U. Every article in our hop:siirinufaetured bv 'iurelve-,iil warranted to iivt atisfa-tioi.. liEAL ESTATE AGENCY. UEOKCiK CLUES. i. W. I.EE. Clayos cC? Xjoo- Roal Ebt'tt- ;unl Inn ru A rrfnrr OZJATIA CITY", N. T. REFER TO .lames Wright, I'.roki r, New York, Win. A. WiH'dwfrrd. Esq. " lion. U. WihmI. Kx-Imv. of Oh hi, Cleveland, Wicks, Otic Hnd Uh.wuvU, liackers, AlcottA Morton, . Col. Robert dun pbell, St. Lk.u'is, James Ridgway. Esq. 1 Crawforn and Siu-kett, Chicago. Omaha City. Aus. 30. 185R. vlnl3-ly H. P. BENXETT, J. . HOltTOX, . II. II. II AKI'INO BENNET, .AIORTON & HARDING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, -Ycbraska City, A. T., and Glcnwood, la. T7J praotk-e in all the Cmrtsof Nebraska and V Western Iowa. Particular attention paid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of debts. . REFERENCE : IIn. Lewis Cass, Detroit. I .. Julius D. Morton, f Michigan; Hon. Daniel 0. Morton, Toledo, Ohio: P. A. Sarpy, Belle vue, Nebraska: . Sedgewieh A Walker, Chicago, 111; Green, Weare & Benton, Council Bluffs,Iowa. T. B. CCJtlXG. 0US c ICBk;. CDIING & TURK, Attorneys at Law & Real -Estate Agents, ; : OMAHA CITY, N. T. T7"ILLaf.ttmlf;lit1jfuMyfcnu prowjUv toallbuni V ness entrusted M thoui, in the Territorial or Iowa Courts, to the pnrrlase of tt tx and Iaid i n. trriesand ';iri,-,inp,i-ia.'wlbtitii-ps. Ac. Oflice in the soi'ond "tory of Henry f ltiotnew buildins. n?ar!y pnosiie the W.tern Exchango Baok. Farnhnm )ref. . . Dfv 27 .Vt. vln2S'r' ' " " i . DX jY L. .McKEE. r iPnYBIClAIff .,, ' AND :.'! . SUHGKON DKNTISIV Br .wnyill N. T . ' ; ' .. FILLII) IS TI'I. MOSF arrnovw? 'MaJ----"'A. 43-jf Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, 111 Gov. J . W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa: B. P. Fifiled. St. Louis.Mo General Orders by Lieut. Gen. Scott. GENERAL ORDERS XO.15. Headquarters of the Army,) New York, Pec. 29. j In pursuance of the authority granted the General-in-Chief ly the ar Dep artment on the 8th instant, Brevet Lieut. Colonel Harvey Brown, 2d artillery, will, with the companies and officers now un der his orders, immediately proceed to the organization of an artillery school of practice at Fort Monroe, ' Virginia, of which he is hereby appointed comman dant. He will submit, at an early day, a code &f regulations and plan of instructions for the school on its present basis; and, in all that relates specially to it, will correspond direct with the headquarters of the army. He will forward, for the approval of the General-in-chief, requisitions for ord nance, ordnance stores, and material for fitting up with fixtures, tools, implements, paper, &c, &c, a suitable laboratory: for such ordnance, ordnance stores, &c, as' may, from time to time, be necessary instruction; for such materials as may be required from the quartermaster's depart ment for the school, and which he may not. as a past commander, have authority to order, and for such books, instruments, Sec, as it may not be within the power of the quartermaster's or ordnance dep artments under existing apprupria tions. He is authorized to expend ammuni tions at such times and in such quantities as may be necessary, but in doing so he will exercise a judicious economy, so that the benefits, and not the expense, of the institution may be the first to attract at tention. By command of Lieutenant General Scott, irving Mcdowell, A?st, Adj. General. GENERAL ORDERS NO 16. December 30. 1657. I. "Arrangements having been made by the Post Office Department to establish im mediately, a weekly mail from Leaven worth city as far as Fort Kearney, the mail between that point and Fort Lara mie and the nearest station of the troops in Utah by the commanding officer of Fort Laramie. As nearly as possible these mails will be semi-monthly, on the first and fifteenth of each mnth. The commanding officers of Forts Kearney and Laiamie will give their per sonal attention to this duty, and will con fer freely with each other, and act in con cert in relation to it. At each post an exact account will be kept of the number of letters, documents, Sec, received and sent, with the date of their receipt and transmission. The letters, documents, &c, to be sent in the mail will be made into convenient packages, enclosed in stout wrappers, and sealed. Th several packages in each mail will be numbered, and the number of letters, &c.,.in each written upon it. With the mail a letter will be sent to the commanding officer of the next station, giving him a list of the packages sent, with the number of enclosures in each, - The receipt of the mail will be acknow ledged, and any deficiencies in it noted, by return mail. The commanding officer of Fort Kear ney will put the mail for Fort Laramie, and the posts beyond, in separate pack ages; and if on their receipt at Fort La ramie, the seals' of the latte r have not been disturbed. , they will be forwarded without being opened. The same with respect to packages coming from Utah for places this side of Fort Laramie. II. The commanding officer in Utah will give orders to the commanding offi cer of the station receiving the mails frcm Fort Laramie to act in conformity hereto and will give such further instructions as rray be necessary for the safe and speedy collection and distribution of the mai's from and to the various stations and indi viduals within his command. III. When any letter, document, &c, marked on official business, comes in the mail to Fort Kearney, underpaid, the commanding officer of the post will cause his acting assistant quartermaster to pay the amount due, that the letter maybe ta ;en out of the post office and sent to its address; and any letter. &c, marked on official business, coming to Fort Kearney in the military mails without a stamp, will be prepaid there in like manner, and mailed. IV. ' The General commanding the De partment of the WTar will, hereafter, as experience shall show them to be neces sary, make such modifications in these de tails as will further tend to the regular and safe transmission of mails within his command and as far as the first military station in Utah, and will insure a strict accountability, from the several officers concerned, of all mail matters passing through their hands. " ' V. As the ' commanding officers of Forts Kearney and Laramie may not have now at their posts, '. nor be able at this season, to obtain there the necessary means to t naVle them ' to discharge the duties hert-in laid upon them, as the ?ar-rj.-on of Fort Karny is" cak in numbers, and as the srvici1 of D la ware, Shawnee or other civilized Indians, can, it has hi ru rV nrest nt d . 1 -c ,a- van' a 2 o'ulv t in 1 1 yvd "m'tht? mail srrvitv, not only ftom For; KearuVto Fort Laratui'-' lut Kv-mhI the latter, the comma! d.wg officer of the troops in Kansas will, immedjau lv on the tbc rctf, take th fo Lwii;g measures : j Id. Ti' hffngc the .service ' uf . n n ofj the i mobt n liable and experienced D la - ire. Shawnse. or other civilized Indians ware competent to undertake this serrice. Five of them to report to the commanding offi cer at rort Kearny, and five to the com manding officer of Fort Laramie. . . ' 2nd. To procure four covered spring wagons, light: enough to be drawn with ease by, two mules two for Fort Kearny, and two to Fort Laramie. . ' , 1 3d. To furnish fifty good mules in good order twenty-five to be employed on the route between Fort Kearny aad Fbtt La ramie, and twenty-five between the lat ter and Utah. As some of.the mules may have to be packed, twelve pack-sadles will be sent to Fort Kearny. 4 ' The Indians, mules; and wagons io be fully equipped and furnishd. : , -' -. 4th. To cause to be made a sufficient number of stout bags for the mails, water proof if possible, and to furnish, as far as he can, a supply of wrapping-paper, sealing-wax, twine, &c. .'--'' ' 1 . He will correspond with the command ers of Forts Ktarny and Laramie further in this matter, and will afford them such other as-Stance therein as may be within his power. ' ' The Indians means of transportation, ioc, herein ordert d, will be sent forward at the earliest day poible. By command of Brevet Lieut. General Scott, irwin Mcdowell, ' ' .AssVAdjV General. United States Mails. Nebraska. i Post Office Department, -, December 31st, 1S57. . Proposals will be received at the Con tract Office of this department until 3, p. m., of Wednesday March 31, 1S58, for conveying the mails of the United States for four years, commencing July 1, 1858, and ending June 30, 1S62, in the Terri tory of Nebraska, on the routes and by the schedules herein specified. Decisions to be made by the 24th April, 1858. 14001 From Omaha city to Council Bluff, Iowa, 5 miles and back, daily. Leave Omaha city daily at 1 p m. Arrive at Coucil Bluff same day by 3 p m. Bids to convey the mails in four-horse coaches invited. 14002 From Omaha city by Nebraska city, Kearney city, MountVernon, Brown ville, Nemaha city and Rulo to White head, 150 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Omaha city Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 5 a m; . . Arrive at Whitehead 2d day by 10 P m; Leave Whitehead1 Monday, Wednes day and Friday ataam; , Arrive at Omaha, city 3d day by 10 p in; . Bids to convey the mails in two or four horse'eoaches are invited." 14003 From Omaha city by Elkhorn city to Fontenelle, 57 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Omaha city Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Fontenelle next day by 12 m; . Leave Fontenelle Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday al l p m; ; - Arrive at Omaha city next days by 7 P m - 14004 From Omaha city by Belleview, Cedar Island, Plaltsmouth, Roc . Bluffs, Lewistown, Three Grove and Wyoming to Nebraska city, 120 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Omaha city Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Nebraska city 3d days by 6 pm; v , Leave Nebraska city Monday.Wednes day and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Omaha city 3d days by 6 pm. Bids to convi y the mails in four-horse coaches are inviti d. 14005 From Omaha city by Elkhorn city, Buchanan, Cohiinlus, Ft. Kearney and Ft. Laramie to Salt Lake, 1045 miles and tack, once a month. Leave Omaha city on the 15th of each month; . - Arrive at Salt Lake in thirty days thereafter; Leave Salt Lake on the 15th of each month; Arrive a Omaha city in thirty days thereafter. Bids to end at Ft. Laramie, emitting Ft. Kearney and Salt Lake will be con sidered.1 1400G From Omaha city by Florence, Fort Calhoun, De Soto, Cuming city, Te kamah, Black Bi-d and Omadi to Dah kota city, 110 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Omaha city Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Dahkota city next days by 10 p m; Leave Dahkota city Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Omaha city next days by 10 pia; ' . Bid 3 to convey ths mails in two or four horse coaches are invited. 14007 From Omaha city -by Elkhorn city, Fontenelle, Running Water and Ft. Randall to Fort Fierre, 4C0 miles and back, twice a month. Leave Otnaba city let and 15th of each month at 6 a m; Arrive at Fort Tit rre on the lOih'day 1 y 10 p in: " J ' ; " ; L ave'Forth Tiem 12th and 17th of tadr month at 6 a n ; . Arrive at Omaha city on the 10th day ' 1 y 10pm; r B.di to run once a: 'week will be consi- der d. . - 11009 From Buchanan to 'Fontenelle ( 1 y De Soto, CO. mil ; week. . i miL s. , and lack, once a Leave Buchanan Monday at 8 a m: Arrive at De Soto next day by 6 pm; .Leave JJ3 -boto Wednesday at 8 a m; . Arrive at Buchanan next day by 6 pra. " 14009 From Fontenelle to Fremont, 15 miles and back, once a week. Leave Fontenelle Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Fremont by 12 m; Leave Fremont Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at Fontenelle by 7 p m; 14010 From Oregon, Mo., by Olive .branch to Kulo, 25 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Oregon Monday, Wedesday and Friday at 6 a in; Arrive at Rulo by 12 m; Leave Ralo Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p in: ' . .-.Arrive at Oregon by 8 p m; 14011 From Rulo by Archer and Sa lem to Marysville, Kan., 100 miles and back, once a week. Leave Rulo Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Marysville next day by 10 p m; Leave Marysville Wednesday at Gam; Arrive at Rulo next day by 10 p m. Bids to commence at St. Stephen, to run three times a week and convey the mails in two or four-horse coaches are invited. , ; ' 14012 From Belleview by Fairview and Plattford to Ashland 40 miles and back, once a week. Leave Belleview Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Ashland by 8 p in; Leave Ashland Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Belleview by 8 p m. Bids to end at Flattford will be consi dered. 14013 From Glenwood, Iowa, by Cerro Gordo, Belleview and Hazleton, N. T., to Fremont, 40 miles and back, three times a'week. Leave Glenwood Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Fremont by 8 p m; Leave Fremont Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a m; Arrive at Glenwood by 8 p m. Bids to convey the mails in two-horse coaches are invited; 14014 From Oregon Missouri, by Fo rest city and Rush Bottom to Saint Ste phens, 30 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Oregon Monday and Fnddy at 8 am; Arrive at Saint Stephens same .days by 6 pm; Leave St. Stephens Tuesday and Sa turdae at 8 a m; Arrive at Oregon same days by 6 pm. 14015 From Plattsmouth to Lewis ville, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave Plattsmouth Saturday at 6 a nu; Arrive at Lewisville by 12 m: Leave Lewisville Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at Plattsmouth by 8 pm; 14016 From Plattsmouth to Glenwood, Iowa, 9 miles and back, three times a week. , Leave Plattsmouth Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 9 a in; Arrive at Glenwood by 12 m; Leave Glenwood Monday,- Wednesday and Friday at 2 p m; -v. Arrive at Plattsmouth by 5 p m. 14017 From Plattsmouth toGlendale, 15 miles and back, once a week. ' Leave Plattsmouth' Saturday at 7 am; Arrive at Glendale by 12 m; . Leave Glendale Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at Plattsmouth by 7 p m; 14018' From' Plattsmouth by Kanosha to Wryoming, 20 miles and back, once a week. : ' . Leave Plattsmouth Saturday at C am; Arrive at W yoming by 12 m; Leave W yoming Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at Plattsmouth by 8 p m. 14019 From Marysville by Forney and Pleasant Valley to Ft. Kearney, 1G0 miles and back, once a week. Leave Marysville Monday, at 4 a m; Arrie at Ft. Kearney Thursday by 6 pm; Leave Ft. Kearney Monday at 4 a m; Arrive at Marysville Thursday by 6 p in. Bids to run by a proposed schedule will be considered. 14020 From Wyoming to Salt Creek, 50 miles and back, once a week. Leava Wjomin? Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Salt Creek by S p m; Leave Salt Creek Saturday at 6 am; Arrive at Wyoming by 8 p m. 14021 From Kanosha to Sidney, Iowa; 20 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Kanosha Monday, Wednesday anl Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Sid nay by 12'm; Leave Sidney same days at 2 p m; Arrive at Kanosha by 8 p m. 14022 From Nebraska City by Fort Kearney to Ash Hollow, 400 miles and back, once a month. Leave Nebraska City 1st every month: Arrive at Ash Hollow on 10th day thereafter. Leave Ash Hollow on 12 of every month. ' Arrive at Nebraska City on lOthi day thereafter. Bids to run twice a month and to end at Fort Kearney, omitting , Ash Hollow will bp coniderfd. ' . . . 140-23 From Nehrasba City bv Kear ney Citv to Sidney, Iowa. 15 miles and: back, thrpp tmps a wek. Lcav N-tro-ka Civ Monday. Wed nesday and Friday at 6 j m: I Arrive at Sidney lyl2m: Lfavi Silnv Mnday, Wednesday and Friday a? 1 p m; Arrive at Net raka City ferae days ly : 11024 From NfhrasVa Ci-v 1 v Hamil- ton; Ttcumseh', Turkey Cretk and .Otoe Mission to Marysville, 112 rr.iles and back, once a week. , Leave Nebraska City Monday at 6 am; . Arrive at Marysville by 6 p m; " Leave Marysville Thursday at Gam; . Bids to run three times a week will be considered. . 14025 From Nebraska City by Otoe City, Mount Vernon, Brownville, Nema ha City, Archer, White Cloud and Rulo to Nemaha Agency, Kansas T., SO miles and back, three times a week. Leave Nebraska City Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 5 a m; Arrive at Nemaha Agency 'next days by 6 p m; , ; Leave Nemaha Agency Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Nebraska City next days by 6 pm; x Bids to convey the mails in two or four horse coaches are invited. j 1402G From Nebraska City 5 Otoe City and El Taso to Linden, Mo., 40 miles and tack, once a week. Leave Nebraska City Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Linden by 10 p m; Leave Linden Tuesday at 6 am; Arrive at Nebraska City by 10 p m 14027 From Brownville to Rockprt, Mo., 8 miles and back, six times a wek. Leave Brownville daily except Sunday at 9 a m; - -j Arrive at Rockport by 12 m; . Leave Rockport daily except Sundahr at 2 p m; C Arrive at Brownville by 5 p m. From Brownville by Btatnce to Fort Kearney, 220 miles and back, once a month. Leave Brownville 1st of every month; Arrive at Fort Keari ty in seven days thereafter. Leave Fort Kearney 10th of every month; Arrive at Brownville in seven days thereafter. 14029 From 'Brownville to Tarkio, Mo., 18 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Brownville Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a m; Arrive at Tarkio by 6 p m: Leave Torkio Tuesday, Tnursday and Saturday at 8 a m; Arrive at Brownville by 9 p m; 14030 From Florence to Magnolia, Iowa, 30 miles and back, once a week. Leave Florence Monday at 8 a in; Arrive at Magnolia by 6 p m; Leave Magnolia Tuesday at 8 a m; Arrive at Florence by 6 pm. 14031 From Cuming City to Magnolia Iowa, 20 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Cuming City Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Magnolia by 12 m; , Leave Magnolia Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p m; Arrive at Cuming City by 8 p m. 14032 Fr Jin Mount Vernon by Sono ra, Mo., to Linden, 15 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Mount Vernon Monday and Thursday at 3 a m; Arrive at Linden by 12 in, Deave Linden Monday and Thursday at 2 pm; Arrive at Mount Vernon by 8 pra. 14033 From Omadi to Elk Horn, 25 miles and back, once a week. Leave Ornadi Monday at 9 a m; Arrive at Elk Horn by six p m; Leave Elk Horn Tuesday at 9 a m; Arrive at Omadi by 6 p m. 14031 From Omadi by Dahkota City and Sergeants Bluff to Sioux City,. 17 miles and back, three times a wek. Leave Omadi Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Sioux by ,12 m; Leave Sioux City Mouday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p m; Arrive at Omadi by 8 pm; 14035 From Dahkota to Breckenridge 70 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dahkota Monday at 6 a m; Arrive at Breckenridge next day by 10 p m; Leave Breckenridge Wednesday at 6 am; Arrive at Dahkota next day by 10 pm. 14036 From Dahkota to St. Helena, 60 miles and back, once a week. Leave Dahkota Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at St. Helena by 10 p m; Leave St. Helena Saturday at G a m; Arrive at Dahkota, by 10 p m; 14037 From Dahkota to Wacapanna, 15 miles and back, on:e a week. Leave Dahkota Saturday at 7 a m; Arrive at Wacapanna by 12 m; Leave Wacapanna Saturday at 2 p m; Arrive at Dahkota by 7 p m. 14033 From Dahkota City to South Pass, 750 miles and back, once a month. Leave Dahkota cn 1st every jnonth. Arrive at South Pass on 25th day thereafter. Leave South Pass 1st every month; Arrive at Dahkota in 25 days there after. 14039 Frcm Dahkota City by St. Johns, Ayoway Creek and Running Wa" ter River to Fort Laramie, 7C0 miles and I ack, once a'month. Leave Dahkota 1st of every month. Arrive at Fort Laramie in 15 days then after. Ltave Fort Laramie 17ih cf every month. " ' " - Arrive at Dahkota in 15 days there after. .' ' ' . Bids to fr.d at Running Water River, 300 miles 1 s distance will 1 e considered 14049 From Dahkota Citv I v Si mx City, Iowa, fori ookori axal Fvrt Ran miles and bac, csce a montn. Leave Dahkota 1st of every raonth. Arrive at Fort Pierre oa 10th day thereafter. ... Leave Fort Pierre 12Ux cf Tery month, " Arrive at Dahkota cn 10th day there after. ' , ' . . 14041 From Lcgan to Sionxtity, Icra-a, 6 miles and back, three times a week, Leave Logan Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 am; " Arrive at Sioux City by 12 m; Loavo Sioux City Monday, Wednesday . and Friday at 2 p m; ' ' Arrive at Logan by 4 p tr,; . . 14042 Frcm Niobrari to Lcan, ,C!) miles and back, once a week. . Leave Niobrari Friday at p a n; Arrive at Logan by 10 p m; Leave Logan Saturday at G a tn; . Arrive at Niobrari by 10 pm. ' 14043 From Tecumsehto St. Helena, -20 mile and back, once a wee!;. Leave Tecumseh Saturday at 6 a ri; Arrive at Helena by 12 m; ' Leave Helena Saturday at 2 p c; ' Arrive at Tecumeh by 8 p in. 1404 1 From Three Grove to- Weejir. Water, 20 miles and back, once a wee'. Leave Three Grove Saturday at 6 3. n; Arrive at Weeping Water at 12 in; Leave Weeping Water Saturday at 2 ptn; ' ' ' Arrive at Three Grove by 8 p ra. 14045 From Council BlmT, Iowa', to ' Belleview, Neb., ten miles and ' back, three times a w?ek. "Leave Council Bluff-Monday, Wednes- . day and Friday at 9 a m; Arrive at Belleview same days 'bv, 12 m; 3 1 Leave Belleview Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p m; ' Arrive at Council Bluff same days by 5 pm. v Bids for G times-a-wcek service will be considered. " FORMS OF tROpOSAL, CCAttAKTY,. AND CERTIFICATE. Provosal. The undersigned i . whose post office address is , county of , State of , . propeses to convey the inails of ie United States from July 1, 1S59,- to June 30, 11562.' oa. route No- betweeh- call to Fort Pierre, and , agreeably t! the ad-' . uertisement of the postmaster-General,' dated December 31, 1S57, for the anmuul sum of- dollars. - - . This proposal is made with full know ledge of the distance of .the route, the-, weight of the mail to be carried, and all other particulars in reference. the route and service, and also after careful exami- . nation of the laws and instructions attach ' ed to the adecrtisement. . . Dated '(Signed.) . Guaranty. The undersigned residing at " State or undertake that, if - the foregoing bid for carrying the mail on " route No- , be' accepted by the Post-: master General, the bidder shall, prior to . 1st day of Angust, 1658, enter, bta the . required obligation or contract, to per form the service proposed with good, and sufficient sureties. " . Dated (Signed by two guarantors;) Certificate. ; . y.t The undersigned, postmaster at . State of certifies under hu oath . ' of office, that he is acquainted with the above guarantors, and knows them to bp men of property, and able to make gocd fheir guaraity. Dated' (Signed.) Rojalty and Le?s. The superintendent of the big ship L- ' viathan, Mri Yates, declined to permit' the princess royal (that is Queen Victo- 3 ria "oldest darter") to go up into the "'. vessel, lest the wind should cause her to play an involuntary pirouette in the as- cension, as did a woman who previously made tho experiment. Whereat tLJLoo- don r ews is bold to say.: "We are of opinion that Yates is a fool., We suppose that he thought it blasphemy for the workmen to see the princess royal's 'means of getting over the gTound' as Willi3 calls stocking holders. Thjs reminds us of the poor Spaniard who had his head cutoff for making a present of a -, pair of stockings to the Queen of Sraia. , "Put3 him to death," cries the royal lady, "how dare he presume to conclude thai queens have legs !" ' Queen Victoria has, however very ugly legs, if we are to be lieve Prince Albert, who told the editor of the New York Albica so, in ' ccufid. ence. . :" . ' A . During the month of Decciriber, the ' jrodigious sum "of " $10,000,CQO ii gold was sent to Europe to pay our indebted- -ness to that country for. superfluous im ports. Of this sum, $7,500,000 was sent from the port of New York, and 62,500,' 000 from the port of Boston. A country that can afford to send eff such a sum of specie in one month ought-' not to complain of hard times. Which causes us the most bother tho" mails or the females 1 The latte'r keeps us writing letters all the time,', while tha former never ddiwr them. 1 Th man who was ' !movd to tears1 complains of. dampness of the prfmu.cs4 and wishes to be. taovLti Lack a.raui,