TtirtrrFirm Coesxcss. Washington, Jan. 12. norsr. :p went into Ccmarihtee cf the . .1 TT- . V .i. rioto nT ir.p union on inp CZi ui- -"lv w annual message. .-J thif frnm trp wrlu 1 I I'll M. h-- w v. B a A ; ' .,f our auonaI history until tn? -,u . . . 1 ,t-v to restrain our citizens irutn ""'IS hostile execitions against na- .. ltVi two rp nt nonrn Trf ""l.iv cf Walker afforded evidence ! i itvof the application of the ' t v-v w. It was wronrr for the j of . to co into fillibusteriniT op?- ' .-re. This has been its. poncv lor i f -r past, and it lias too long- winked at j '"'..- fi!lllusterinsr. An examination 'J)' documents snow tnat Lommoaore vHiinc has like a true and honest sailor j-ried out' his instructions. It was not ,! jjtr to expound law. SEXATt. Ir. Doaiitti introduced a joint resolu ,r directing the presentation of a me- Cnmouore. Paulding. January 13. norsr. Mr. Ciav said this was the first time w had had the privilece of aUureSfing l -a T. orns Mite jVssemoiv. ana ne was -raduea in now rising to sustain what he :eiiev6d to be law and order. They hae 5en the remarkable spectacle of the Ad-; r-iaisiration apparently unsupported by -sown friends' and on the reception of trery message from the President, op- i v-Ttucities were taken to assail and peck i 4 t . ct him. He acquiesced in every word the President had written on the Central American question. It was neeessarj question. that instructions shoi li be issued for m- Waiker"? expedition, and to terruptmg restrain ou violating tne r.eutratjtv laws. Walker was brought home with th view of saving nts neck, and 'for that he should be gutetul. He broke n?t onlv international, but statute law. He' escaped from this country un der false colors. Mr. Clay maintained that it was not cnlv in the power, but it was the dutv of the President to send for Walker on the high seas and bring him lack. He thought that Commodore Paul dinrr committed a crave error, and that this remark by the President was suffi cient censure of the conduct of that officer. SEXATr. The Senate debated a motion to recon sider the vote adopting an amendment to the joint resolution extending and defin ing the power of the President in regard to the nomination of officers who are af fected by the action of the Naval Retiring Board, which amendment when present ed shall be construed so as to allow an increase of officers on the active service iistas now authorized by law. Messrs. Houston, Toombs and others, earnestly favored the reconsideration, contending that the effect of the proviso was to prevent justice lein done to the officers who have teen injuriously affect-1 ed by the action cf the Naval Retiring Board. Mr- Toombs srjoke of these officers as t.-.rr vrtirr"; rif thp nit IPriitiiOLi! I treachery. Mr. I laie eulogized Cora. Stewart, and eounce:d the Retiring Board general ly. When he closed his remarks there vvas a" slight -demonstration of applause in the ralieries which were ireneraliv filled bv ciTicers of the Nav-. A lonz debate ensued cn the amend ment, which was reiected. 1 ml norsr. "Mr. Tottle said that there was but one feeling araourr all right-minded and dis interested men and that was satisfaction that Walker had been arrested in his ca reer of crime, and to that extent Commo dore Tauldiug had vindicated the honor and intejrritv of his country. He heartily concurred wi:h President in his i views on this question, and although in the opposition, he would endeavor to sustain him as far as he could even ag ainst the President's political friends. He entered his protest against the system of Americanization which was so earnestly advocated on all sides of the Hall. He denied that we have the ncht to Ameri canize Central America without invita tion; and because that country would he of advantage to the United States, is no reason why we should lay violent hands j upon it. Before undertaking to Ameri- j canize our neighbors they should be in- ! formed of cur theory of Government as j set forth in the Declaration of Indepen- j dence, and its practical working under i the Constitution. In regard to human ! bondage he earnestly deprecated Territo- rial a grand lzement. .The acquisition ofi every foot of land, as experience proves, I has only weakened the country and en gendered animosity before unknown. Mr. Lamar frankly acknowledged that the promotion of southern interests was secondary only to the preservation of southern honor. Although the South was in a "minority, she, relying on the invin cibility of truth and right, had been ena bled to command the respect of her friends and defy the malice of her enemies. While justifying the Lecompton Constitu tional Convention and the result of their action, he said Gov. Walker violated his pledges, disgraced his trust, and in flee ing from Kansas scattered the firebrand of discord and dissension ; and Stephen A. Douglas, who was for lugrrinrr in Ca lifornia all over law, was now ende&vor mg,tj outrage the rights of the southern States, and subject Kansas to the risrors cf the inquisition, because there was a slight "prospect of its becoming a slave State. ' . ' . "The chairman reminded the gentleman that it was not in order to allude to Sen ators by name. Mr. Lamar replied that he d;J not re fer to any Senator, but to a distinguished aspirant for the presidency. Laughter. Mr. .Montgomery contended that the true doctrine is, when the Government is at peacewiih any nation every citizen is at peace wiiliit- if. the Government can not invade -territory citizens cannot. Cora. Paulding did nothing less than his duty ! m arresting Walkerand it was his" Juty j .to tend him back fcr punishment by the" cTTer.ded State. The President had com-; totted a. mistake in being too nnld and forbearing towards Walker. ' Mr. ZoiiicefTer though: that it was our F-kcy let the neutrality laws stand. He did net believe that Wallier had violated them. lie knew that Walker was not a pirate and a robber. "Walker was a quiet, modest person; a mac of fine education and understood the laws better than many who so grossly and coarsely denounced him. The Committee then rose and the House adjourned. Daily Line of Packets between SL Loais and St. Joseph. We learn from the RjcpvlUcari, that Cap:. Brierly has been so far successful in his efforts to establish a- Daily Line Packets between this' city and St. Louis. Early in the rpririrr twelve first class beats will be. m the trade one of ihe boats leaving "St. Joseph and another St. -Louis . punctualiv everr day in .'the ( a new boat now being built by Captain Brierly, it is said wni be one of the hnest and fastest boats that ever turned a wheel in the Missouri river. She will Lave v carrying capacity cf 300 tons. Capt. Brierly says she will be abk- to make the trip to St. Joseph in two days. She will not draw over SO inches light, with wood and water aboard. The boat will Have 52 state rooms, and will ac commodate in first class style, 20 passen- o-orc witli Viorti T1P H"H x-W Vf VPrV rr nr,A V, Q nfTma -inrl cnl,-vin r-nr,n riniTi The lxxts which comprise the line are the following: Ben Lewis, Brierlv. Master. " Morning Star, Burke " Kate Howard. Sanson 44 D. A. January, Yore Twilight, Shaw 41 Col. Crossman, Cheever 44 Minnehaha, Baker 44 South Western, Dellaven 44 Hesperian, Kercheval 44 Meteor, D ratlin . 44 A. B. Chambers, Gillam ,44 Florence, Throckmortcn 44 J They are all new and first class passen i ger boats. None of them have run more ' than one season. A line of better boats j could not be selected. The line ha, been organized, and everything arranged for its operation excepting the days of depar ture to be taken by the various boats composing it. So soon as the metier is settled the result will be made known to i the public. St. Joseph WEBSTER, MARSH 6i CO., n r r cturers and "Wholesale Dealers IN Ready Made ClotMng, So, Main St., St. Louis, Mo. STI1RTS OVF.llALLS. GO( t.IUl, ol F UEinSHLG GOODS. ALSO TALL STOCK OF GENT'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Which we offer as low a anv Tlonse in the City. ArEBSTER MARSil k. CO. W. E. HARVEY. L. VAX WYCK. General Lnd Aernt. Civ. Enc. Sar. ft: Draffn. HARVEY, VAHWYCK & CO.,3X- (sciieral Land Aneots JJobrn f8"i x City. ARE connected nith agencies in tVashiD?:un City by which tby arf enabi to prosemte claims acainsi the Lnu ed iiate- (rtnrrnncnt. or attend to airy tiiairie.-s !-- fore the General Land trice w),ih dispatch and to the 6a:isiactiin of tfceircustomers. One of the firm being a practical Engineer .ind Ssrver or (having been Kr many vearb connected with the I niied Stales Coast Sarveyii engaged on works of l.ilernal 1m proremeufc.) we are prepared to make Surveys of Towns. Farms. tr.. in any part nf the Tprritr-ry; and having eciaped the hest Draftsman in tlie Territory, can execute ilaps. Town riats, anddrawiues cf all kinds (mechaaical, archnectcral, &.c.,) to the perfect fcaUcfactin our ctn toniers. (c:a.er2-2d lT 2n51y B '. LI SHU A loll JNll. L. tAHSOf LTJ3HBATJGH c CARSON, BANKERS ASD GEXERAL LAXD AGEXTS, Dealers iu Coin. Uncnrrrnt Mi.rtev. EsrhanrearKt Land Warrants, liROWNVILLE. N til A II A CO.. N. T Kspeciai aiteui' n will be eiv'n to Buyins and Sellinp txrhange tn the cme f the United Si.te. id. Silver, and uncurrcnt liink Notes. A coi:ant sup pty ot Lua.l Warrants on hand fur sa!e rojt cash, or en tered on i.;ne tor Pre-eniptr. All Warrants s.ld by m guaranteed in evpry re.-pect. Wiil file Leclaratorj"Siaie ments of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emption Paper at ehort notice. louufi lijkjn best serniri tie. at western rjte- f interest, anj iaventnients innde in Land or city property f ir ciuut capitalists. Cullec tions cpon all eonvfinent j.. i:its will lieprtmptly attend- eJ t and proceed remitted iu excLau2e.t current rates. I Bills ff Kschanse on Knzland. IrelatMl anl FraiKe ol j tamed at usual rates, with cht of Exchange on the East ; added. lepcsits reotivedon Carrentacconnt andintirest a!lowel fiecial depnit. OFFICE iliu St.. ne.r T". S. Land Office. REl r.BEXCI.S Lied. Brother & Co.. ilerchjoits, aicNausbtou Carstoiiii Co., ' Hi.-er ik. White. " Y.-nr.e. CarMn & Eryant. " Jn. Tririni-Mn ilasoii Co! of Port, E. JI. "undersoil Js.C. Jlenchauts. M . JA. Yeatie Co. No. IT Broadway, Wm. T. SniiUi.u Km;., Banker, Philadelphia. Pa. Baltimore, if 1. New Tork. Washington,!). J. T. Stcvpns. Ei.. Att'y at L-w, Jno. S. (iilUiier. Late 3-i Attd. U. S. T Tjrlor it Krieeh. Banker, iicClclUnu, i-crutgs-. Ch. atcrchants, Hon. Th.. G. Pratt. 11. n. J. W. Geary. Ex-G.rv. Kansas, Hrn. Ja. O. Car'r, P. B. Small E4., Pres't S. Bank, CVd. G. Schiey, Alt'y at Law, Charles Parens it Co. Bankers, II. C. uttJc C . " Greene. Weare is. Rice, " lou:laii k. Watson. ' Ciiraco. 111. St- Lonif 3lo. Annapolis, if d. ' rcna. X ers-erbr-rs. Pa. Uacerstown, Ht. Ke.kok. Viva. Council Blnff'', Pes Jloine, c . Tittr-n, " Xastoo. 31 d Cnniberiand, 3i. liavaiiii Alabama. C-1. bam llambleton, Att'y at Law, p ud?c Tbos. Terry . Prof. II. Tutwiler, On. 8, '5T-v2-nl5-tr JOXAS CEASI. TIIEODOai Hltt Crane c3 tt-ti - rORWAEBIXG AXDCOX3IISSIOK MEBCHAKXt, AXI) STEAM BOAT AGEXTS. Wholesale and KrtuU Dealer in lry tjoois. Groceries, Hardware. Qrieenswire, Furniture, stoves, Flour, Bacon, Ac, sepi-SA. '57 BaowrviLLE, X. T. r. LAKE.. lirownville. V. ti. HUOVIB. Ncimuha Citv. LAKE & HOOVEH, irn? ti li asd X0TARTS PUELTC. Brownville and ITemaha City, SEBB.ASK.A TLURITOET. TTTlLLprrmptljattend to Land Agencies, Pafing taxas. JJrawia;; money, birring and c Jing , L-s- buyS d Kliir on Coiarnisrn, taking tAlicetias forditantdalsraiid ull kinds cf basinw pertaining to tKcirprofesMon. - rarticurattcabsin will be give u iu EliEg declara tory statementir to fr-easpt and prwimir War ranty Deids fmm the Town authoruic. lYrson cwi icg tows lots, residing at a distnwe wishing to jr(ure Warranty Deeds will do w.dl to place the agency "in nr hands, uilwin : preseatin tiieirQaitriaim Ieeds forasid Lot w'ithin the ex-pirAtk-ncf sis mcr.ths, as after tlut time all U;a not Leica fiiU fee s lu. . . j LiJnks a'wrtys on hand. N. L. Letters of inqniivanswered prtinsT-tlv Karrh St. 57. 1 Vl-1y Watchmaker & Goldsmith. " A. GYS, : .', - ROCK PORT, MO. . FEC? leave u infrra the fcblic ihat be hag located in the above tiained tt-wn and cStra or saie 41 sJioice "cio CKS, WATCHES, JE WELRY, an Mter srti-les esnally kept in-siJi esUtlishEieati at pii :fr v ci;n- tci iiii.uu. : j r. at. exrci wiici cs, tiocLs aiul jev.-elry he cat. vire jtfect satiiajsc- " tr. i 33 ha?S Murase !;: rerctveti at ,t it . re ef IE iiul. u a a iJ. LjuJ FOR SALE FOU SCRIP. we have 100 Overcoats which vre will sell At cufct prices for ltrownvilie Hotel Scrip. SIEGEL & GEEEXBACil. AU these indebted by ncte or cwont to .M lAlIister, Dctfit'r it (u are hereby notiael to ccme forward and settle iaxediattTy aj longer indnleence will not be Riven. - CJLA&E & HILL. BOOTS and SnOES A Tremendous Stock, just rewired, owned, and for sale, by i. t. watte k co. RESERVE! FtUITS: Strawberries, Peaches, hortk berries 4c , kcq to be bad at J.T. WHYTE ACQ'S. Eagle Mills. bT. JOSUPH, MO. JAMES CARG1LL Proprietor. MAXUFACTUHES and keeps constantly on hand for sale, all luDds of Flour, Meal, and Feed staffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to crerybody that ever Used it. . Kt. J.weph, Ma-, Aug. SO, Tlnl3"ly To the Public. 1 PTJEXTTAKS !1 person; fmm bnjiBK bt lot, or eri-cunf ny buildinps in me tuwii of AX RAXC1S CO " iSjiid tows i iiKl ui oil my clim, vrbicfa was jtuaped by iln. SUtier. &iid I bj tba notice make public cir ititea:ioD c! cuuiesting.ber ti-Lt to tht hime, before tue TuiLed States Commniis; uni?r. 3 Sebrahtian and Su Soseji Gazette cop7 1 2tcrth. Sul B.11 to this Office Sept. 10, '57-1 1-1 m -UIIJ.IAJI ED'SLOAX. Commercial Nursery, BLOOMDyGTON, ILL. Tbe nndersipied oes leave to lnionn the N'nrserrmcn and Farmers of tlie B est and Sonth-wtt, that they are CWiiin el v enkrjafl in the prT'''',,n r liOJT, GRATTKD AX1 BIDDEO STOCalS FOR JVXRSEUIES, ejpecianr the APPLE, ani a few ..ther hardy Fruits. Having Fpent war twenty years In selecting their Fixits, thry are now cocineed that their list ii unsnrpasi ed. both inrecard to the ouaU'y anl the proportion in whjehther cultivste. BexngTery desirous ot dissemiu-4 tin j Um s idely aa psibie, they adopt the meihuu i eiKlir4:ut svull. cuiUTatel i.utis Xur the Xurcry, a lei!islar znortpractiohle aad sau'e.thantoincnrtliereat expenie. deljr anJ ris of sbipping lanre tree, which should aiwayr be raised near where they are wanted. Frouijbeirlon" experience thry f!atter themselves that they .re perfwtly acqnainted with the alxve husiness, and Uiey eraftonly such hardy varieties as succeed well on ti root, ajid hud, on seelhup stocks, and tbe xn.stde sirahie, tender and hi II hardy kinds. Thegrafting will be d.m' t tbe proper season, ani. in the best manner. The iUtc'i will be packed seen reiy and shirred by express, with the jreatet cjre in early pri'ig, to any part of the West. Tin?y have also, on hand, toe largest and best crop tl XACLrRA HEDGE PLAXTS ever crown, for sale on best tenr.t, by the thonsanl or million. They may he shipped in the Fall or Spring. Their pri;erorursery stock will he found as low as any other of eoual quality ju the Union. Catalogue andTreat- ise ob Bcde Cnitnre, sent trraas toall applicants. Patronage sohcite-l. Orders for .Nursery stock should be wait prior to 2ith of leceriher. Address, .OVEEMAK& MA XX, Oct. 15, ,57-clG Kiiiominston, m. HUDSON GEORGE, (DEPUTY COUNTY SUr.YEYOR) SURVEYOR J.YD.LJXD AG EXT.. ilAix Street. ' 15KOWXYII.LE, X. T. WILL attend promptly and faithfnlly to the selection and iocautJi of liovernnmul Lands iu the Xeznaha Laikt Pis'.rict. Survey inp Town t ites.sutxii vicing Lands. Draft injrCi'T Flat. and allother business of u general Survey or. Will bny and sell Land warrant, pay taxes, investi gate titles, i'lle Declaratory Statements of intention to pre-empt, and nta'Ke out Pre-emption papers at short no tic', and always on hand to look tut claims for actnal set tle's. Investments mace lor distant dealers. Letters ol inquiry answered promptly. BJirEB. TO Daniel Bertel, Banker, John Mills. Cash. Dayton B.tnk, p. P. Lowe Gmkle i. Strong, W.nid &. Xead, Alot-es, Kj all & Caaries. Land Ajtcnts, Dayton, Ohio, do do do do do do do do Cincinnati, Ohio. Sioux City, Iowa. Brownville, K. T. do do do do do do It: own tL nallam. du It. W. Fnrnas. Editor Advertiser, Sept. 24.aT-nlS-vJ tf otice. LMUtT uSelrnil-a Ad cut iter": L'kae Sir: In looking over the lagtrnmber of your paper a notice attracted my attention signed by Jerome Hoover, Esq.. in which he states that certain stories are in circulation that the nndersigncd claim some interest in Nemaha City for the purpse of in juring its prosjerity. It may do quite well tocir cu'uiie a report of that nature where the facts are unknown, but to t'.ioso knowing the facts such a statement is merely foolish. And lor the purpose of giving a fair opportunity to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn all persons from purcbnpng any pretended claim or interest in th said town of Nemaha City, from the said Jerome Hoover, a? he has sold and received psiy for nine-twclftli of said town.andsutt is now pending to place the undersigned in prmsession of the interest by thcra purchased in the same: aad they have tot authorized tbe Hoover to sell or dispone of any portion of their interest, but directed suit to be brought long since for its recovery. Yours, Ac. . . . J. MARSHALL. . JNO. DONIPHAN. JAS.HONIPIIAN. K.L. UALLAIiD. IL. C. 1JISII0P. L. I). MIU) A. . WOODWARD. S. F. NUCKOLLS. CHAS. F. HOLLY. March 23th. 1357. 42-tf IIAYDEN WILSON. Invert ert end Manvfarfrtrrrt of S j9l 23 X Xj ES aZ 72" AND Coach Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Siddle Trees, Hames, Springs and Axles, Patent and Enameled I-catlicr, SKIRTING, HARNESS, & - BRIDLE LEATOER. No. 11. Main Street, St. Louis 3Io., Are prepared to rffrr to their customers and the trade an assortment of articles tmsunwssed. in Quality and cheapness, by any House in their line, East or Vest. MILLER & BOISAUBIN, Importers of French and German LOOKING-GLASS FLATES, Slieet, Sky-Uirlit, and Floor Glass is, second fet., kLioms, juo. aianiacturerft ai Ornamental Looking -Cilass lYames. Staiaed Glass in all its Various Branches, for Churches, Public and Private ' Buildings. . Ornamental JVork for Sieamloais. B. F. SNYDER, Forwarding and Commission And Steamboat Agent, ST. JOSEPH. MO. VTxU be at the Levee at ail hours upon the arrival J Steamboats, and attend to the Ci.Ilec:in cf Bills and Business left with him with dispatch: al attend to the Receiving uf goods lor hoata, either for St. Louis or npper .Missouri. Will he rund In thetfSce of Dolman 4t Vest Heal E'tateApenis, XarSet Sqaare. - WHEELER & . WILSON'S INCOIIPARAIILE SEWING -MACHINES j. w. McDonald & co., No. 79, Fourth street, St. Loais, Mo. Are ta'itmr the place of all other machine to Families, Dress-Makers. Tfcey are the Simplest. Speed.est, Cteae.t and most , curu i asan exisiani. Agcnis vianiea in tycrj io;m m tlie West, t. M. YOrsG. J. W. STXWAKT. YOUNG & STEWART, rorvrartHii? ana Commlssica TjT. erc23.arLts- And Jlannf acturciV Agents, KO. 37 5KCOTD STREET, ET. LOOS itO. Particular atT4!Uua paid to the sale ef all kiad f - j , ' ,1 Carder for the purchase rt Cincmaati, PitbsTg or St. Lcis atisulaciared articles mill meet with prt tnn tt'r.M"n AND HOLLOW W ARE S.ept constant hy cn haa tne lattsr at tie reduced price BRANCH CROOKES & PBrOST, Saw Manufacturers, ST. LOUIS, MO. ... - Office 35 Vine Street, Mancfi.ctory on Broadway, Korth'St. Lews. ' : Extra Cast Sieel 3I1I1 liairs, Circular Saicsfrom three to seventh five inches fully warranted. - 1 Front our lone experience in maatifartnriiig Sanra, la tie I-astern S;ates artd England, purchasers can drpeud ujton Cnd;nt; our fronds equal to the beat mia a factored. C3"Prucclar axie&Uoa paid to repairs ig All kind of Saws. . - . L. U A. CARR Wholesale Booksellers, Statics 'arc ELXAK BOOK MAXLTACTrREIlS, Ko. 49, ilain Street, Et. Ijoaia. Mo. Ccepa conhiantij on Jaaikd. all the SpelUos Books, Aritametlsi, Urainmarn, Geotrrapltiea. Philosophies, Keadiap Bxtbs. Histories, Xictionariea, Cbemiatries, &c. now ia use, u-bicb. tby offer at tbe LOWEST PRICES, THEIR STOCK OT romrtaw and doitestic Stationery, Blank Boolis, TVritinprand Printing Paper, Has been selected trtih thp greatest care, and ta equal to any in tie West. Ilavms an EXTENSINE BINDERY Attached to Uieir esUbhsbment. they ar prepared to manufacture all kittd of IS Unit Book to order, at abort not ire. - - Mr. fin' - 3IAXTFACTOIIX. ILiia Street, Brovmrifle, V. T. Wm. T, Den, KESrEUT LLLi returns bis itneere tl tanks to the citizens of Ilrownrilie sod surround in eoantrr for their liberal nJ estensire patronage tkey Itave extMul!i.m for the last fifteen months 6incc beammencedbusiBes in the above place ; that he has fitted up his new establishment o 16. Maintrect, for the rntirr ptrrposootacconiniodatinj all thoe who wish to prtronize him W lave their hoots and shoes make to order; and having selected the best quality of leathersnitable for the West, and having en gaped experienced workmen he would say to the public ttiat he is now ready to serve them mi the shortest no tice with a superior article of Boots and Shoes, sewci.or nursed, at a lw prices as any other establishment . in the Territory; r - rJ-Repairin; done on the thirtjit ntiee.mT3 IWPORTAIlTJHFOEMATIp:!!. Doctor WTTTTE, having remoTcd from 32 Vine t to No. T, Pine Street, St. t-ouis 3Io Continues to bu consnlteil in all Diseases of a Private Mature. Bv a long cotrrse of srady and practical erperience of animated extent, Dr wTiyte lias the gratification of pre senting the nnfortnnate with remedies that have never failed to cure the most alarming cas4 of GoxonnnfEi ad sirrans. Beneath his treatment all the horrors of Venereal and Iinpnre Blood. Scrofula, G-Tnorrhoea. llcer. Pains and Distresin theretion of Procreatitn Inflammation f the Bladder and Kidneys, Abacesses, Ilnmurs, Frightful Swellines. and the long train of Horrible tj-mptom at tending this class cf diseases are made to become as harmless as tbe simplest aiiinesof aLM. -SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr W. devotes a rreat part of his time to the treat ment of those cases cansed by a secret and solitary habit which ruins tbe body and mind, unfitting the lnfortunate individual for either business or society. Some of the sad and melancholy effects produced y these early ha bits ef routh are Weakness of the Back ana Limbs, Dii zirtess of the head. Dimness of Sipht, Palpitation of the Heart. Dvpepia. Nervousness. Derangement of the Di gestive Power. Symptoms of Consumption. &.C. Tbe fearful ejftctt on the mind am mcch to be dread ed, viz : L-)SS ef"jieinory. Confusion uf Ideas, Depressi m if Spirits. Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, seal Distrust, Timidity, fcc, are among the evils prodnd. Such persons before ontemplatinr marriage should con sult a uhvsician ef skill arnl experience, and be at ofcee restored to health and happiness. FeTer and Ane Cnrcfl! TVarrantetl! All letters contaimne a fee addressed to C. D. WHITE, 31. D., St, Lonis Mo. will meet with prompt attention and medicine sent secured from observation. ttrictest tecrery obtrrvtd in all cat a. Don't forget the place : r3"No. 7, Pine st. Saint Xiouis, Ho-T2 n251y $6000 Scrip Wanted, For the same amount of Real Estate in Brownville at low figure. Apply to LtSHBAUGH it CAKSOy MILTON F. CLAIUs WHOLESALE ASD EX TAIL DEALER IX Groceries, WETES AITD nQUOES, JYo. 9, Vain Street, BROWNVILLE, N. T. HAVIXfr pnrchased the entire ftock of Goods bekme ins to R- Davis, together with larpe and extensive additions jnst received, I am aow prepared to furnish every variety cf Heavy and Fancy Cirocrries, FOR HOTEL AXD FAMILY USE. I have ta stcre, and Tor tale cheap, a large snpply of COFFEE, quality Rio and Java Best TEA, quality aad Every price. SUGAR, Havana crushed and best article cf brown sugar. MOIISSES. Large aupply of superior New Orleans molasses, cher's and Golden Syrup. Bel- TOBACCO A.YD SEGARS, Extensive variety and all of .the test brands.. FANCY GROCERIES, Consisting iu part of PICKLES, A great variety and put uj- cxpresily for family use. PIE FRUIT, Every deacriptioi. of Fruit, auch as TTVoch "PAachea. A-DTjlea. Cherries. Goose berries, Curracts, Habarb, &c, For sale cheap and warranted fresh and good. 0TSTRS AXD SARDINES, A large supply cf the heat trand and warranted good. TOCETHTll WITH A large qurctity of various articles of dozaes'ic use too tedious to mention. WINES AH D LIQUORS, Port, Nairre, Chamra?me Muscat, . . Sherry, and - ' A Claret Wines. Xxird Qualiiy of rrcncH anfl American Uranilics, BRANDIED CHERRIES, T5olfes sxieltlaxa Sclxaarps, ! (Wi ATnvrTrrplinla IWTTrhnrt. nTlfl IlVG j Yliiskey, C0MM0X WHISKEY, ALE, ire. CHEESE, , Just received 50 boxed ix peri or Western Reserve for aalechcaalarca. , aj. Special Notice. ALL those holding accoants ajraiart J. &. Tavi will call on the subscriber and have them cancelled; and those, indebted to him will please call and settle, as km8 tr indulgence wUlBot b fnvea. . . MILTON F. CLARK. The Steam Ferry Beat IS COMING. TO BR0WKVILLE, IS now prepared to prepare and make out Pn?-eiiHUon. pa pers and warrant Uieai Wfce correct. 1 bjve Ukeu tbe trousle to post Hirlf rptn reiurd to Ue Ire-eaaptio La-wa and contested Claims, and win lwar (eel pleasure inBiTinRadTjce,.trratIs,totbosebomaycall on me. llaT Icta desire to remain jerasaaentlr eu'.ed in Jemaba count,, I will eaert my ume anti talents to the advance ment of our nen and prosperous county and tbe Territory at Urge. . - Iand vTsrrants Jiougat aaa Sold. OFFlClv. ose door Vest of Crane k. nili'sin Brt.-om fc. IJjdlam's new OHce, wbere fee can be louad at ail Umea daring tmtinesH bours. . 1 have some (fond claams to sell ol tne cru cnoice, um bered and prairie. ALSO Several sx-a and eligible lots in Browsmne, wMcn I will dipoeor clicap far casncr cm time, purcna er parinsten ir cent interest. . K. fA It 6 I&. Biwrri!le, K. T. Oct. 15, 1357. 2ol51y - I'lNE IHiOiiS- For aIebT - - - O I.T.WnTTE4C0. DFOTTDTille -S THOMPSON & MARSH, First St., between Main and Atlantic, HAVE purchased the above named saloon, formerly owned by M'au Alderman, and nww announce their readi- &eMtotick.e the epienriaa tastes of the Brownvilhans and others with every variety ol good things usually kept in such establishments. Tis here you can set your fine -oysters, ardiBes, lobsters, iresh venison, prairt chick ens, and such like and some of that f. lor iou good ale with which t wah It dawn, Giveuacall. Noven-ber ll,lo7. n5-ly a. w. rrm. at. u. wiulinsos. PUETT & WILKINSON, JzT -iiiJj 'rLa lj;! (&f ifclZa !j'mJ AND ATTOKITEYS AT LAW, OMADI, K. T. Will Attend to ail business entrusted to their care MFEKTSCES Col. Jesfe TrTilTianjs, rairfielJ, Iowu. Indianapolis, Ial, Wa.-hinton City. Kockriile.Ind. Omaha City, N. T. Got. Jos. A. Wright, Mr. F. Uoock, - . Hon. John G. l)ari?r Hon. Geo. L. Miller, T. H 1IAYCOOK, ' Attorney at Law HEAL' ESTATE AGEHT, 3Iount YernoD, JN'cuialia Co v. . Particular Attention paid to Hie practice of law and col lection of debts in the counties o Nemaha, Pawnee, Sohnson, and Richardson. Nebraska Territory. Real estate boucht sjkJ sold on conimision." Land warra.ats located for distant de3!rrs. Pre-emption papers carefully prepared. RErrns to Sam.H. Elbert, Plattsmouth. ST. T. -HP Bennet, Nebraska citr, XT O D Richardson, Omaha city, X T Fenner Fenrason. MC, Belfevne, XT Cassady &. Test, Bankers Council Bind". Iowa Cock, Serj:e;iat &. Cook, Fort Desmoines, Iowa. Decemtr 3, 1S57 n231y .. 200KL Si BALDWIN, - D-aier ui ' ' 53 1BL TEJ G- - Aug .. ciiemlbals. ' Dye Woods, Dyestulls, Oils. Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, AYindow-ghss and Putty, GLASSWARE, French, Ecgli&h, and American Pcrfamery. FIXE toilet and sharicr soaps, n tair and tooth brashes, jaint brnshc?, ?nrpcai and d ent &1 instruments spieef, rauff?. minnfactured Wtxaeeo; all the patent medio nes or tne aaj: pare wines and brandio?. for medical pnrjKjses; choice toilet and fancy articles, etc ..etc. Agents ror the sale or Dr. Wistar'E lialiam of Wild Cherry. " Holer's Liverwort, Tar suiJ Cacchalana. ' Oigood'r India Cholajozue, u "Jone3 American Ch&iagoue; ,t Gnysott5 Yellow dock and SarsaparlUa; " Smith's Tonic Syrup. JnW23. 1S57. - T2n1--vW DUBTLKG-. TIRLE ! rront Street DrovraTlIlc, ebraslia Tcrritorjj J. H. MAJJN & Cgl, r . Has just received the LARGEST STOCK IFJEJSr OF S.1I.VT LOUIS, Consisting, in part of the following articles, which they propose to sell Cheap for Cash: Pure white lead Putty French sine Castor oil China sine Cod liver oil Red lead Sweet oil Tenitian red Oiive oil Raw and b n rut umbr e G I ne Spanish whiting Parent medicines, all aorta Chalc Cocjch candies Turpentine Fancy candies Linseed oil Castile sop Tanners oil Toilet soap Cojial Tarnish . Y.' ashing s ap Jaran T ioth brn-hes White Tarnish Hair brushes Litcerage' ' " Cloth Brushet : ." r Paint bniahee ' - --- AtnKMtds noft shell - Varnish brushes Hard hell Aimouds Sash and window tools FlU-erts, jeacaas Wall brushes Peanuta Lettering Pencils Fhrs Tuble paintn Kais-ins Camel hair pencila . oysters ia. can Blenders vanliaes Star candles Slack and Imp Teas Yeast Powders. TOJS.iCCO, Of the best brands, chewins and smoking. Cigars fia- est quality and flavor. - JjlUITS AJYJj liquors. Preserved fruit for pies, brandied peaches, freh pea ches in cans, pnre liquors for medical purposes, Jamaica rum, IlolUnd Gin, Irish whisky, Bourbon whiky, ginger brandy, Cordial, Port wine, cherry wine, wan- wine, Malaga wine. STATIONERY. Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, pild tis notes, and enveb'pes. plain, fascy and embossed; pens and pen holders, inks of all kinds, inkstands and Fabers penciU, sealing wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries, ! - Comprisinff Lyon' Catbalrton, tc lofne, -pornmace pen ume ox marrow, bear prease and uils. musaands ewes of all kinds and of the finest quauty. 3" Physicians' Prescripuuns atteudedt of me day and niht. ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORTf-BIT or - n C1 a Conslstiii? of TEAS, FIGS, SUGARS, ' COFFEE, RAISIN'S, CURR.1NTS, .MOLASSES, C-1XDLES, SOAP, TOBACCO, POWDER AXD SHOT TViLh all axtidea asraalrj' foinid. at such, places. They invite tieir friends and He public reneraHy to give themacali, and tneypled;e themselves to rivetiem satisiaetica as to price and quality of their touda. TERMS CI STI EXCLrSITELY. J.v. 51, 57-v5-uC2 STEAYED. Strayed from-the suhscriber ah-iut the lt sf Acrust, 4 larse brindie steer-5 years 1L cae hvrm-lihtly droop-acs- All Lntornwioo in regard to said fiier will be thark fully received and rrwss-d4 b the imdersicned. , EZKST U. MAXcX JOHS P- TTIOW. W. W. HACISET. 1 GEXEKAL IiATTD AGrirTS, BB.OWXVlLU XEJUAIIA CO., N. T. Land TTarranU Bo3i:ht and ui.d. Land c:er-l n T:me. Claims and Town Lots Bouili! and Soil. Loan iimey. liaxe Investments and Locaie Warra.u on time, fcr ' Distant Dealers. IPre-nmption Papers Ircprircd. , OFFICE Ne door to V. i: Land 02cf . it Fr.ajscr. jieo. II. Xixn, Rtgisier L. C. B. Smith. Receiver. iv WrTWTvi!!. Jh . T. I i .... i 3uuck k. Williams, L- R. Tattle, B. R. Pejrram k. C, Barkers, Hon, G. W. Scdeli, R. L. McGhee fc CV., Tootle & Fairleih, Oct. i. 'n Lesiaitoa. Sfo. fo. - Oaialn C.ty.K. Cran-n! I .':Ti, Jews. H'arren. I'e ua. St. Louis. X-i. St. J.eph, " E. S. DTJITDY, ATTORNEY AT LATT', ARCniK, E!!CnARDS05 CO. PT. . WILL practice in tbi several Coart cf the 21 Judicial District, and attend to ill matters oiinnrcted with the Profession. Wsi. iUlxs ;."V, of M :t- raka Citr, will asiiist a iu the prvecuuo& of uacruc: Suits. Sept. 10, 7-Il-tt THE CBEAT DEJIAXP TOI sixgehs ,i:ri. n Acinous, Having rendered mure extensive accvmmoda'-oni necessary, new exhibitions and sales rvm have teea fitted cpia the la.-pc btore. in Glasgow Bow, Na 10C. Fourth Btrtf Above Locust, and nearly oppottte tc-Tuse strest, The superiority of SINGER'S SSW1XC UACEIXES being universally acknowitsred, al.usion to it would seem supererosatory. Of thevast uumberof itchJie fcolJ during the short time the Wetif m Depot ban been established, not one has been returned or foiled t yield the highest satisfaction. Tbis fa:t is peculiar to Singer's Sewing Kachme alone, and proves the substantial grounds upon which the customary- cunrantee is based. KD'V'IX DEAX. Aieat. AlTollSF'Af MV7, BE0WXT1UE, IT. T. Will write deed of every kind and contracts far every purpose, with warranted lepal accuracy. Udice, in the lUtiiiss Hons r r Lnahbaugh k Carson. REFER to -Hon. John A. Bine bam, Cadiz, Ohio. " W K Carter, Cleveland, " RP SpaWing. - " , . " EF Leiter, Caitcn, ' " S Lahm. 4 " " TTm R Sa?p, Jit. Venue, " " SP Chase, ColusnVi s, Tlios. Ford. AUnsfeeiJ, " Jj.s. Crai?, St. Joseph, SIo. rowoville. Oct. '2ul, '57. v1alT-ly Potter Wanted. I will give cmploynient to a sood, industrious Potter, well aciuainted with the buine-s. JOUX McPHERSOX. n23tr Brownville. Dec 5. 1557. Notice to Tax Payers; The Tax payer of Nemaha county are hereby notified that taxes are now due. and that I am prepared at all times receive and receipt for the same. Taxen not paid onor before the first day of January, IS3S, will be sub ject to a penalty of twenty -five percent, per annum ad ditional, according to our Uc-vpnue Law. R. T. RAINKY, Tres. Xemahacn. W. EI. TITLLIAJIS, nOUrSALK AND SET AIL DEALER. STOVES & TINWARE TAKES jlearnre in announeins theeitixen cf Or gon and the public in general, that he ban on hand the inort extensive slock of Stores and Tin- vare, ever offered in this market, ily stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Retail at trt. Loais priees. I would call jnrticalar attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improTed patterns both Air-Tiht and 1'retnium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in U5e, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Tioneer and prize Pre mium. Also : Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Siie-j and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY H0ESE IX TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term-. Old copper, Urasa and Pewter taken in exchange for work or wan;. - W. W. WILLIAMS, vl-no : Oregon. Mo.; July 5. 1S55. Land Warrants .S'olt Sale. IT. V. IOIt. J Enquire of E. W. Farnas, 'Advertiser Office,' NEW ARRIYAIi mm OF IHp Q) TjT TTg anl TINWARE. CIISISTIAX DErSEE. UKUW.NTILLE, A XX0UNCE5 to the public that he has just re I ceive.1. per Steamer Emma, a very lurre and well assorted stock of Irior and Cook. Stoves, of new and improved patteras.aa fWIowj: Shatrbai Elevated Oven. COOK 8IOVES, Buck's Clipper Orm. " Imprortd Pattern " Charter Oak -. all of which I t .led re myself to sell at as fair rat and on as accommodating terms as any other estab. lishment in this region of country. I have also now on hand every reqiisite variety of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared to rut cs sutterinjand ?routins and all other work in mv line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. A share of patronage ii solicited. c deuset:. Prownville. Jnly loth. 13j7. v2n5 ly NATIFL POrE COUSIN, Land and General Agent, WASirxrrGTOJr cmr, d. c. H.tvinz resigned the situation which he has held in the General Land Office for tbe last twenty years in charze of the Pre-emption Bnrean offors his services tn the pros cut ion of claims before the lH-partmst, under she pre-emption laws, t"wn site act of Irdl, sic. fcc. Mr. C. will also give at;ention to cases before the Pea- tin onice. procure Lani n arrants to euuticu. aiul prosecute claims before Congress. arrEus to i Bon. S. A. Totwlas, Illinois, C. S Bcnatk . . .. J. D. liritht, Indiana. " C. E. Stnarj. Jlichian, , . ' R. VT. Johdson. Arkansas, Dan'l WelU. "VTisccaiin, HcuwEeps. C. C. Wash bum e, ' Ibib't Smith. Illinois. " , . JhaB-5andjde. Louisiana. " Tiii.uus A. Hendricks. Cm'r Land XSoa. J.. S. Wiln, i. Chief Clera lloa. E. at. H'-'-ntuiTton. Ex-Cym'r. Indiana. James Shields. Ex-Com'r. AXinneMta Ge. C.Whmrf, C-ui'r Pe&sion. Got. Uedary, St. Paiai, X;aae-otA -Atessrs. bweeny, Fent h Cj., iUnien, Vashrcton Pairo m. A'ourte, do do Ch.ibb Brothers, da C Suier. Lea k. Co, d- do Also, t9 the District Land OScers generally, and to all whohavc had land business at the seat ef government for years. J3Xo buwnes. letters will recesve atten tijn unless aco.-mpan'.ed by a fee. n21-ly CIGiLES & TOBACCO. TISIXG Si SWAEf, In;portr aad Aian-ilacturers tti Cigars - AI?D Tobacco Commission ZlIcrcTmnts, 86, ilarri Street, fit. Axruis. Zlo. Keep constantly on Land a full and Complete asortmeut I) OilE STIC,9 ID HATANA CIGA.HS (For account cf the alaaafacturers, and lor sale at their price;-) eve-y variety of Virginia llanTifnctocil Tobacco To wtich the atteutiwa f Itealers is respectful !y invited J3"Conntrf order will be pot up. sob ect u the ap Trtva! of the purchaser, aad IX not satisfactory, can be held subject our order ' TTXrjfG It STTAW, HEW.ITBlsL .. Jonas Crane bh1 Thetidor ILi; have tU av formed newo?-partnersh.p un-1er tbe the frrm and style f Cranra ILil. an liriilcr rrtiTine the Mercantile business at tha eli stuidcf aUAlIistcr.IkiXierfa.Co. - joy AS CKLXX ft. 8,1537. TUZyVO&K HILL. J. V. WESTLAKE. A. A. BCTTOX. WESTLAKE & BUTTON, k.r ti tUw4..iij Hall road Car, Hindi Pump, Holt Corner. of. Main 3c Uiddia St., 7 ... ST. LOUIS, MO. Contractors auttts eonsta: y cn tanl. suca a Rotary Pump, Cars, Sideer End Cars, .Wheelbarrovrs, Scrapers, Single and Hcrse Power Derricks, &.c. f Blacksm.tlir;? st all kinds, Url2?e and Truss Holts ef any les'h. "WcTkmaat'.p nmtifj rf Swst iii'v. t4 s,-; 2 - -'Sit li!a n ctr.n..;'.i.,i- f.-r tie-urct jie tf A I vf art. I fr res.v;:t ai-t -r- -- :t '7. ' j as to fsu., ta c-.-.s;-.. -v.:i si;.t; -p - - 1 i ut."t t ie immediate 3;c.-"-. r. t.1 ue '. C ti iUe '"MTT 'J "7 crhcle ta the world. i-jrii' attentira w:!l be pi V?9 91.'- -. JMl" c-a. at.dsjilecr thor?iiih-bred Ct;iaad ll -rtv i ; tM tried los. Ferret, and fancy Fvwi. Carr ie, B UCT. sad E'jrse, Carrugea, li jrt. a.-:.: imUilaf, Tien Ti'aus. eerr dcr:;:;.in of I .re Arr-:. ;rUaj Att cles, Fihi2Cli'M.an4 Tj.;i:e, atarc ii oi.eai ine&t, lactti.Sia ar.J B w Boat. X err ; t j.-r . 2 ne Wilt, Lyjuor. arc! i2r; Cricke". aid 111 U:s. ? -ia. Sic, i. AGatcriTVXit. IirLrstrTH, ft;. Utestasl axx t ionproTr-l tad. ; Fianu.Iru.t. ort: aud kd 1rs.. and a'l kiinii iC Bo-.ks treating on saiiecuef rw portaace t the Farmer, Horticultural, and Jf lorwt. Stati Lc?mk Exaaexo in advance, cneauera S3t Packet to leave lor Europe. Calif -.vm, th Woac lodisw, cranypartof thewor'L Tlus will abnate the aeeesstiy to resident! of iaiaad town, and p !- whT no itawf-r ageuoes ex;s: ;ccc:njto New Tori tworthra wnt. anadvac as :er are new freoently r?q.iired t ! eithrr to ot tain paxate. cr to secure el.g.biie accostmis U)rt. la th;s JfratniTst, we w:ii tradrtsrtr Rooms at IIotil at favorati rate. ra to pr' the nracer frcm mirw-ition as wc!! as ia3nven)e I ad, iu si.ort, t j pertcTSi any descr:rna tT coevmusw ' wou.ldtrcLaar.:y require the presence I tit fart h;ms-e:f. . - . - - GT.tiemn whs d-;re f j Jem Li5rarie, r wi aaar wuh to procure the Coict LtTrrt ef t A iujfi euai alwy rely our juement ivl aeitw-Um. Alto, r: Uksail SU!:;at7, azU Ewi and vm 74t jr;rin:er. FCR THr LADIES, we pr;x-r:- iteat 7a4l A Plater. syi cf Bvjnnfi. sar.rTescf the i-t: warle tiescf cwi. ccnietics, pe-fair.t. aad faarrartU".. 9C we shall alThhe ; leased tofcrnuhevt-y-'iii oaiatf- ed w.taUifirwiLU. In short, f t ary sprrice w-.rh xrxj b retirtd, tin public may rely tt'C us, wiihtlie tuot pet fct csAetel for Udelity, and diSpuh. Aprt GLU. W. k. Cf7.. Porter's Spirit cf ihaTiitff, W Broalway, JC. T. K. Jl. iubcr:;ti.-u for rorter's Spirit of the T-sue. a Spcrtins Literars, Aricuit-rtl, Fiiiiilylfteklj- J w paper, may be forwarded tj theaaaie ciretica. TK1&I, 3 a year. . RiCUARD EOWN, Fiuneer of Xet-raska. 23HOT71T Ai.xx?(uia HA1X.WX. Late Cah'r M it VL' e? IX 7 A r "TT mm JtEOWXriLLE XLUliAii-t. OTR v.i'.l te plren U Ue ijU-jwij tisi8a Tlr: Tu tie bejinj cf Tar.k r.;!; ai2Jau.u;rs-!e7CS3 it.-'O I, " " aMstlliuof J:i--?rurra--re. " Lao.l ;varra::r., " eoliactlon of dfVU In :eUTaaaa, ivl, 2" rt 5C3 " M;onri. and alanai. " bnyinj aad aelliiiji of tarra, town lots, etii ' proTcrt lahi. " ilcctioa and errry f Land for setfarstef other, either with land warrarw or xzsary- r.ici'.ttihie can t-e riale to u la Urarts, r fpi:el with Rank or Rankers sutject to our ortlr. We will enter land with Warrants or C ah, pay dl -, taxes and tomniisions for oce-ihtrd of the croi ptvCL, accrmns ffbm thenie of the hUkls. " r .In ebiaka and Kana froui twoti three lt'i !... 'J i acres of the fiuest land in the Union am 1uiz u!te-sl fur sale. Fopipn capitalist will nndhere aruh SfUliria vestment. Investments judiciously naade m rttem land and wts lou art aow payin; front City to I t h un did pr cT.t. v We sol:it the patroaaje of the p!hlU, eaa.laaL last cur experience ani knowiense is the bumaeri will tnabla a to five entire Sa'asfactiwa. - - Having slarse acqnamtaace la the Wi.oiss'ppi "al!e it will not: bt difficult to jtive referencstt when required , tf correttneota, an recar r tlaiKhnx; awd wjl at all t.mes cbi-erfully anwer all letters f enquirj . Brownville. June 15th, 1S57. v3- ft GEO. & EATER" & CCL' ' General Land Agents, Olenwood, ' A'latticrtoutSi, Mills co, Iowa, Caas co, etrka. "T7ILL promrtly attend to Land A ene"n, lava V V tigaticg Titles, Paring Taxei, Invent isr mos ey, Haying and Selling Town Lot.', Haying helling and Lccaiing Land Warrant, and all other biusmo connected with their profession in Western Iur aal Nebraska. J. M. 1ETH5, Associate Attcmrr. RCTmENCIuS: Greene, Weare & Beaten, G. Doughty k Co, Greene, Wearo & Hicc, Council El: 'i, Itfwa. 1 U M Ft. De Moinei Ceiar RapiU, -J" Cincinnati, J!ik.. Hit nwood, Iova, . lV Cincinnati, UAio, . Vfocentftwlt, "N'.'J. . liijhtstcwi., ; v. I'tiiaUelj ka, fa. Medrd,5.r. Greene & eare, Nixon a Goodman. Tootle A Greene, . Thomas, Schoclv k Son Gen. Wm. Lick, IL Johnson, I. lCeed 4 Son. Robinson & Hro-, DurlinsWd Co. Bank, TO TEE PUBLIC. On the2i'.h of January last, I oorditionallr ntractd 9 to sell to Robert Ilawk and J. G. Kelvin a pur-. ? the land known ah Neal's Point. Sai.1 contract eaa bee for fe:ted by th failure said Eawtnnd afelv.n to car? with the conditions en their part. I there? r,' tkle LU mi nf wini;M the cnbiia no; hi nurctaaa i.:i it said land or in a town called Alanuj, which. I sndenuad -is about to be Lud oat on said tract, from aar person. I am the sole owner of aa'.d land, sal will sake so utl urxm sales try either of tbe above named en;J 00. I tariber state thai although I have the riht to retain tw amonnt thy paid me as aforfe.tora. I am not lit?! to i so, ami now notify al ! persav cow ernt tbt-.t lasareadv araount thev pai me unsaid coadiuocal picha. 9 , Att-ut I5th, IS57. LOt IJ. KXAL. . Eniirant'i Land . lifter I ! I . ' HOTT & SI-HTH mm m Ketnaha City, trul PlaaaaniTa 8, IiT. T. Land Warrants Sought anl ZzlJL ULXIJ ETLT.r.I) OS TlliJL' ' Land Claims and Town !Lits ' - EOUCnT AITD SOIiD. ' AX Investments Mailc fjr DIstait Dealers. . BELVG practical tut' v f mi i ast cneksflig aid thraa years eiperiptire in tae "Wt,'' will jti pur ent.r fame and special at: rilioo to th Selecian arlEtryef. UnJor ciaiais far settlers and s'l tho9e(inn; caotca locatwns. .Iddress, i . J aoTT krarrn. strtat to JlSchBTteT,Xepal;:ic.2Jtteaicf., Cftaa."! V . D T Sear lea, TiJT.n Ci?y, - . Dr P Inatkeep, Psytoa. Ira oo., lra. lit Rev W Sons, Archer. Bicha nka Cu., S.T. ' . S wieTnan. Genoa Hv7, Iowa. . ' ' , , JF Schtryier. Xcverry Wnfc. X. T.! ', T Ferrnson, Brownvin. JI. T " Clinton D Tamer. Attica, Seneca eo., (rai. SU" Letters mt JLzmuiTj PiampUy iuM(UT2 A ucast U;h. 1337. a-i y LTF02D. Lyford 4J 'T Horn," niOLESALE AND ItETAIL . Dealers in -' s f AXJ GROCERIES, " ' HARDWARE. QUEENSWAHE, IIATS AND CI'S, IfaIIs,rioTr, StoTcs,rars2trrc, Lc SONORA, MO. AtriItIi,lM7. ' iZ-tt 15,009 II5S. CfTliZCVnj ForaU,ehapfor. Cash, bj . LYIDjO k I1CHX. Sonora, Mo, April 9ta, 1?5T. 4J-tf To Tn3 PnMo. On the 26th ot January last, we, Iu';rt Uawk John G. jieiTra. pnrcnaxii f Loo s J,'aI ii iimvs as Jiaal's Poi!it or Alamo, la V-tra(La Territorr. which we have pasd for ia f ail, and fir tia w hjiJ ais Quit-Claim deed, and also ih bond f-n a "K ar'aaty deed a soon a he shall receive a latent thet tios. The ccamuona of said bond baveeaertspltt with tls better oa eur part. We, the said Haw uxi Melvn ntnj ur asocia:e forewarn all whom it maj'ix-acera m purchase of ssm! Lotus Xeal acy part ef ssad tract ot ttwa site, taAs- aay Umber, aal or itone the-from. or izai. acy irsprK ments thereoo, as we inteal con;eliai his njhu to tho sasM u vao prepsr courrj.. . . Jon;i u x:tiv, r. Nn:xoLLa, - n. xnrxLOLs, m.txjtix. 'A!n. Lrprmt, JACOB F. HAWK. s. a. uitc wit S. j;; u.o.N, G. V. Hi UK. i A. C jsTM JONAj VA.s.'.LNTT, At;", 77. i aad