r THE ADVERTISER-. jt. W. rUUK AS, EDITOR. THURSDAY HORSING, JANUARY 23, 135S. Gallagher & Gilbfbt, Proprietors of the Real " Kstate 'ew Letter, JtasouicTenipie, Chicago, III. S 11 Pabvik, General Advertising Agent, in rear cf N'aw Tork, Ladies' and Children's Shoe Store, SO Wwt Fourth Street, Cincinnati. ViifCKEU, Owem & Co., No. S46an343, Broadway, Xew Turk. ' " Akd&ew VTiKD, American. Canadian and European Advertising and Subscription OHice, No. 133, Xa-sau Su.f ' JWK?rDccDXBiD.3E, X. W. eorner Olive and Mai reets, St. Luni, ilo. B. P. McLcxo.Troy, Ohio. P. U. H. Darst, TippvQO. Oilo. , ... - W C. Mmoi. Covi'JKton, Jty. A.D. KIBK, Archer, firaska. IT W. Fete, Oregon. Mo. iiLLO!itHAWK, EockPvrt, Mo. Riorxk White, Nebraska City, It . T. Da. M. W. Tate. Linden, ilo. T J . B a use Jf, Three Grove. N. T. -' ir authorized Agents to solicit Subscriptions and Ad vertisements for tbe Advertiser, and receisve and re eipt tor moies therefor. - Prwni resident In this Territory, coming from various portions of the States, otten suggest to us the names of invsons In their old neighborhoods, who would doubtless became subscribers if they could see a copy of tbe "Ad vertiser." We Always send a specimen copy, and persons receiving, will consider it asolieitativin to become a regu lar subscriber. . Pjstmastors and others, feeling sufficient interest to "make p adub, can retain the usual per cent for tbeir trouble. " V . .... ; j-J-Cnle notified at tbe close f tbe Volume to dis- . tb'tf subscribers wish tbeir paper continued, and stall accordingly continue to send as heretofore. -J .13" The "Nebraska Advertiser" haviiiz raucb. the largest circulation of any paper in the Territory, 7holesale Merchants in St. Louis, St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East ern markets where Nebraska merchants pur chase, will find no better advertising medium . in the "Western country-2 ITe Live just completed a new stock of Blanks of every iescrijtioii, nc-tly execute! on fine substantial paper; and r'e jncp-red to fill orders at a niouicut' uotice and m reasonable tennv .'.,.' -i- 1... ., . tm.11 TTlr nt Rnnfti Piatt. i? c it i t . o - - - i . Xebravk. for priming common hmkI envelopes, with any GMi'eibusiuejScaid atUcbed. Ordera solicited. . 3i rt'RXAS & LANG DON. t-Scmana Talley and Western Exchange money taken at par for indebtedness to this nice, brownville lljtel ecripat ten per cent premium. -2 Will Answer Soon- ' We find, on our "return,- a "huge pile" cf letters on our table requiring answers. - He will attend to them in order and as speedily as possibles Nebraska Legislature Cause of the DiScultr which occurred on the 7 th ana Mh. Last week we promised to place before oar. readers the real cause of the diffi culty which occurred ar Omaha, on the 7th and Sth of the present month In Capital Omaha, Bellevue, and Nebras- j ka City. The two latter charge that unfair means were used to defeat them. The former contending that she "only sue cecded by playing stronger, the same game all three were engaged in. ; As J for this, the people outside of those localities care but little. The Capital was Seated al Omaha, and the then town company dona ted to the territory of Nebraska, as evi denced by a quit claim deed to be found on the first page of this issue of our pa per what is known as "CepitolSquare,' "for the purpose of the erection1 thereon cf the Capitol, and the use and benefit of the territory of Nebraska forever, so long as it shall remain su:h, end afterwards for the use and benefit of the State of Nebraska when it shall become such.'. Congress had already : appropriated the very liberal sum of 50,000 with r which to erect the necessary builcins-s for terri torial purposes. Gov. Izard as the agent of the general government proceeded to expend this sum by the erection cf a Ca pitol building on the ground above refer red to. After spending the entire $50,000 and creating a debt of 6S.000 additional, he left the tiding in an unfi nished condition only one story high. Here, we might very appropriately en large, and speak of the wrong ihus in flicted upon the people of the territory, by commencing the erection of that building on a scale certain 1 to far outreach the munificent donation for that purpose. The fact is $25,000 ought to have erecN ted a building on an economical plan.u amply sufficient for the infant territory, and which would have been an ornament not only to the city of Oma)ia, but the territory, and answered all its purposes of a Capitol Bill might produce it. . . . . . ir J r l L - . that I hapa id lull e irrnT ill iniriiLtr. t I nnH rrt tntinnfi rictus, viz : nave we win, ixi. -"b"- - 1 . h, r o,v,o Hp r,eovh of this Terri- if any, between him and the people m was accordingly given dv iur. jibbx w iwww-u.. v x T , . , . , , - itl- . Otoe. For .he benefit of .hose'noi.fa- a V P'f " T 1 miliar wi.K .he rules or customs if irjW, as . are expedient, Uplu.aU ana ne ..ZTZ , ? . . t i , oml iW? . ; . -v appoimeu w.waivvu iiuu,iuai. t h t . t .. . A c. . .r, i j i U, rm- the question as a mere legal one! cannot given for effect, we here state that it has testifies as follows: j ; ) been customary in the Nebraska Legisla- My name is Samuel A. Chambers; arri V " : 1 W to-day and fifty-nine years of age: w;asa meraDer 01 r" it.., the House of Jlenresentatives at me last useiuiana nonoraoie. mat. utiiyt . . x, tt . t w.i Jays informed between the notice c.nd Ae House g in Committee of bill in this case. The notice failing to the U'hole on the subiect of the election ture to give notice or a introduce it to-morrow; bill and recoarnize" &c. we trust his intercourse with the' people of Nebraska may prove his administration Itali. readers Ne- i Wa ? rhrt 'Jesifmed. a bill 'was of Public Prinfprr I heard "Mr. Poppleton e teei quite sure our ,or,,l intrnduced. Now we come and .Mr. Steinberrer, members rfrom I braska readers : especially are looking infrnrhnr, th Douglas county, and jir. iviinmch.; irorn wltK continued interest lor "the latest . . , Nemaha, sav that unless the Capitol Bill -t tt4.v m a ;t;tJ Bill. members of the House from Uoutlas - '.JJTZ f.;nhU yws irum iaui 3 UCXWiC ,uuu,tt,lu , . ywa,a niuiuiuwil uu lutuu. uuouivjj -'"" 1 ... . county; ex-members; fanatical fire-eating be transacted during the session j-was occupy a, precarious position cn me leaders, who heretofore, and do yet gov- out of the Hall when the difficulty between border? and the maxua "in time of peace em and control all things of a' public na-i the-bpeaker- and -others commenced; prepare-for war37 was never more appli ture in and about Omaha, swore on the Lnear(1 lhat 1 l2re as a call lor mem- caHe than t0 the people of Nebraska at Yr.r in thn h.bbv. Ders,' ?r,wi.,?f1D"TlhTCseBt. surrounded bv peculiar circum s""u ' -" at me aoor so intense mat it was wnn ' ." . - . - . . v 9 I . - . ! 11' I and in the bar of the House, that "unless difficulty I made mv way within the door, stances as we are fket Bill he withdrawn, not another act cf and was utterly unable to get to my seat recent reports that the Mormons intend any kind should pass during the uim iub uar; ucu a Bui "' u. emigrating slon -They would "SAoffi the talaif Jto. we. stated last eek, for Brigham Territory that the vhcels of kgislatioiil ,xhnTn j -Ja iTr. TVfnmhv mpmher ounS to change is policy of bullying cowd wd would be lloclced up, if they da- of the Housefrom Douglas county, and a the United States would be to unprophet .. l"- lrin ., ..- 1 111,. 1,1 i l red further to interfere vitA this Lamtol lT- ivimDan resident or umana ana wno nimseii oeiore nis people. Question!" That "the Capital belonged rui.b page will be found, under - . , , . . . jjunnsr tne scuxae i saw;ivir. iianscom, a iT.: -tj t .. t-u: . toUmaha, and she would retain it, even nTnmiont nu;n nf n,h nnA nt uie "au. Ampuiiam num uiuSiuu, mpmber of the Lpcrislaturp.' rush tnward -he latest reliable predictions, together glas countu " That the "Legislative the parties and seize the Speaker who with important army orders. Halls would be drenched with blood " was then torn irom the stand to the floor where 1 could no longer see because of "RrnwHYillft llfttPl. Was in the House on the mornin- of e are pleased to witness me rapia CD I w the 8th when a motion was made - to ad- progress toward completion our Hotel has as a Capitol for at least fifteen or twenty years to come. - i r Congress failed to make further appro priations for the completion of this buil ding; feeling that she had already dealt; A together with many other such expressions and threats, Such conduct towards the representatives of ,the people while en gaged in their legitimate duties, could not journ to Florence ; did not vote on the made within the last few weeks, under fail to excite in the bosom of any one pos- moon; after 'the motion- carried, 'the the persevering and energetic efiorts of sessed of .he least spark of patriotism, &.!!!? a!&S,t the'eomraotor for the carpenter work, Mr feelings of the most indignant scorn, and p0ppleton of Douelas Speaker, and also Geo- -Likens. Mr. A. Gates, who re drove conservative men. who hitherto had electing other : subordinate officers. I ceived the contract for doinjr the plaster tared but little about the simple Capitol stl-- remained in my seat directing some ing, has already commenced vigorously yMocirnn tn ini-ft i,T,fi;; documents to my friends, after coroplet- LvA ,vrtru :n his dpnnrtmpnt IVV mnv I A O inn- hi K I ri 1 I fiii inn Ui 4 1-j-k. Kn i-rvn I . . . positions. The Bill for relocating the of 3them and take them to the post-office ; safely look for the Br0WllvilIe IIotel 10 Capital w-as read the first time, a point Mr Morton of Otoe spoke to me from his open coeval with the opening or navia upon which there usually is no debate and seat saying, V You have not the franking tion. never n vote. The. minority to keep rood privilege you have no rights here." I their threat that "no bill of anv kind r,ePhed i, hai "gb-s and would Assert - - . ; . . v . mem. ine.opeaKer men ordered tne ould now pass" obtained the floor m Sfirmnt-at-ar mslo ; "cfear th'e" IWe liberally with us. .The . city of Omaha, through her corporate authorities, wih out authority from the general 'govern- considering the next subject matter the from all refractory members take him Kansas Election Officials Returns. i . o space mentj or the legislature of ' the territory, assumed the labor and , expense of . com-' pleting the buikung. To perforin which) owe need not consume - time or and in addition, assist in erecting a jail,' with a lencrthy exordium. All court house arid hotel in' their city,' they ! eiticuoji or a territorial rnnter and boldly announced their determination to 6ctapy it for the next nine days, unless the majority would "withdraw the Capitol B 'Jl V The affair was now fast approach- ... .a know that the recent session of the Leg- issued $60,000 corporation scrip, in small iifg the culminating: point, and the two iklature at Omaha was broken up : That sums,r to become a, circulating 'mediunvf parties occupying the lDositions of "you the majority temporarily adjourned to and advertised upon the face of this scrip mcst" and Florence, the nearest point at which coinmodations could be hadr out." bome one other? of the minority added "and see that he does not take more. than belongs to him."- The Sergeant-at- arms approached me when I-replied "I can cro without bem .nwi'out; he .took hold of me and walked w'.th me to the door. From the time Mr. Morton s poke to me until I left the Hail there was con tinued cheering and stamping, by the mi nority and lobby. As I went out I looked VOTE OK THE LECOMPTON CONSTITUTION On the 4th inst. Constitution with slavery . 74 1 ': - vtritr. Tin" - " 90 ...... .iW. No constitution On Dec. 21stt 1857. Constitution with slavery " with no " Majority WE WILL NOT, It IS not J i i-j '' . I : 1 .i.- :i . . J ... .. J . ac- uuw " vus feccureu oy a pieuge or mori- sirangt; nor uneipecieu mai a general back and discovered Mr. Toppleton, the and there 0F city tropehttw 1 his large "pitch in, "Knock, down and drag out ' newly elected speaker, near my back with t Governor 301- Secretarv of 9,953 6,143 509 5,574 TirrPPrtpH trtdisrhfirrrp it lpofimfit fnrif- amount OE CUITenCV. Dem? as It W.1S. tiansi That the minority remained al a:ioat, it iS not strange Aat great. ar-xiety when outsiders, prominent and wealthy e1-cf umana, aujourning irom uay to uay ior "iuiicsicu, uiiu cuquuiea muu ,ihacu3 vl wiaaua, uu uau uccxi uauiu mat vvas asjjamed of his conduct. want cf ' a quorum, occupying the time, bill holders, toknowtrAa city property continually, the Douglas county delegation t ... . . j ' m i t i ' r . . ' ' . . I . . i . i . . i i ' nd spending the money 01. the' people m a wnai amount was pieoged ior its re- to acts or violence, rusn wiinm me Dar, - Mr. S:1 A. Chambers, having carefully takini evidence of interested parties; dempticm. .The city authorities of Oma- seize the Speaker of the House, hurl him read, the above, subscribed and swore to publishing in pamphlet form and sending nk t0 satisfy the: numerous ; enquiries I from the stand, and crush him to the the same before me this 25th day of Jah a anJnJ.n. .,;t.1 ,!. I niadp." h-v infJivirTunlfl nnil . thrnurrh ' I flnnr ; thpn wr sav law. ordpr and cnmmnn I uary, I80S. utiuuu, iu cuucaiui. il uiiuic iu iiiatvc i j j , mo 1 - -j , . . v j . . TJ XV "PT? I"P m puDiic oeneve mat mey tnemseives i vr cso ujaiwusjwmuuswime iciiuory, u") ngma "thought they were acting correctly. rnade and published in the papers of the people trampled under foot, and m Delusive idea! . , .. .. v their city an exhibit of pledged property, suit added to injury. The defense cf lhe.maiority as to.their naming: blocks, lots, &c,; and in this list, -The minority offer as one of the feeble adjourning to" Florence ? is most ably set to the utter astonishment of nearly every props to their position that the Speaker- should occur among the members. . But s gavel drawn over me; He afterward STATE OFFICERS. Free State majorities : Governor 330; State, 301; Treasurer 371; Auditor 304; Con gress 696. Wouldn't Pay Them. r . . , .. .... f ,; ' sfsmI t m sn ine fsecretary ot . this lerntory, Hon. IIOUSE. Free State members Pro-Slavery " r , Free State majority SEXATE. Free-State members Pro-Slavery " 29 15 14 13 6 Free State majority Free State majority on joint ballot 7 21 i m t r t forth by the .Committee appointed toVait one out ol Umaha,- appeared "Capitol anuotnersoi tne majority acted rudely on a, xj.. umlg. paia me minority wno . li -"-ii " fc' i ! i ' ' i Cn... 'J.,'.'; I tTi nicir-r ' flrnnt if- T -.. -,1,1 I hrnVp im thp Rif tinfT nf thp T.prrislntnrA upon tne vrove.rnor, anu.wmcn was puo- i m, i. a , i n u u uuiu j.ut.ii.i.vx .. i . . viuuv n. n numu i -"i- -""'"o D.... iisnea in our Foreign Correspondence. Paris, Dec. 18 1S57. paper-last week.. It is un- " ' yigevu jut inercuemjjiiiii cj ocTip iS'i1111 iuuju suui a uiMuruauie oc- uct"ja vmy jl muiuiugo, Dear Furnas: necessary to add another word.-: , sued-lj the aty of Omaha. :: : v " : ,1 i cur at any place, and lor any cause, and adjourning ior want or a quorum, their per gince my last several things have The minority has put forth a pamphlet Under these circumstances, "well known the parties come out of it without having diem ; but refused to pay the majority, c u remindin the forgetful that al- purporting to be a "report of the joint mrougnoui tne lerniory, memoers oi tne sam orus or aone acts .ynicn in them- nvuo wtru ecgagea until me last nour oi reicrns on the political sur- committee of investigation, appointed to last Legislative Assembly would have selves, abstractly, were perhaps improper the session m endeavoring to discharge face, opposing parties still exist, who are examine into the causes and consequences proven recreant xo me interests ot a con- or- muecorous. ine American people me auues ior w men mey were eiectea: rp(iv tft ,rv tnp:r strpnrrth and vitality. in the Nebraska Legjsla- stituency at large had they not, upon as- hold sacred tne right of speech and of ac? enacting good and wholesome laws for the an(j ta.e llie first 0pporunity to awaken ' of the difficulty ture which occurred January 7th and 8th, sembling, instituted strict investigation tion, and when an, attempt is made to Territory. The same distinction was also 1S58," to which we will give attention in mt0 tne true state of affairs concerning deny them that right, they are very likely made in .regard to the postage of mem- a future article, in its proper place in the territorial property. One among the first to; lgdexcited There are many instances bers. yy e will do Secretary Cuming the ere- dit however to sav we believe such a course was not in accordance writh his feelings or better, judgment. He had been for weeks confined to his bed: his ppottunity public spirit. Under such a system as the present one, little occurrences have a great deal of significance, from the fact that both government and people consider them as such. You doubtless recollect that the repub lican party, at the late election, succeed ed in electing seven of its candidates to programme of investigation. : We will acts of the Assembly, therefore ' was to on record where their acts might be de say: however, here, that it like much else appoint a "Select Committee of the Gouri- nominated "revolutionary." Such argu- that is -being said by individuals, and the c" m relation to the Capitol building and ment is too weak to require answering ; very few papers m the Territory which grounds m Umaha city." Upon this yet it is the style and nature of all we sympathize with, the. minority, does not committee was placed Hon. b. L,. Kogers have yet seen coming from that side of touch--not even hint at the real ques member from Douglas county and a re- the question. There is a studious avoid- body racked with pain, his brain scorched .p Legislature. This body convened two tion or subject matter at issue. - siuent or me city oi Umaha, who after ing ot the real and true issue. The minority gravely charge the major- making a report, to' the Council which - We have this week given the real and vised and instructed almost hourly by the ity of "having deliberatelj" and premed- hvill be found m full on the first page of I true cause which led to the difficulty on Omaha . Regulators itately broken up thesittmcrof the Leeris- to-day's raper is tound actinias a mem- the 7th and bth, and will next week- nm: '44You will not cet anv pay while at ,- . . . 1 - w . i'." I O J A J lature ; paralyzed its action, and prevent- ber of the pseudo ; committee . of the ceed to show that there was no excuse Florence !" was a much used argument ed the transaction of all legitimate legis- minority, in taking evidence, the great whatever for the obstinate position of the on the' part of the minority, to induce, if Jr.Ucn." -We' shall "at present simply nar- majority of '.which ; js frcm,; citizens; of minority that the Capital Bill could not possible, members not to . go on in the :ov Df the Emperor who hated and feared rr.tc the train of 'circumstances, which in Omaha, or those interested therein, and have passed, and they knew it and that faithful discharge of the duties devolving - an(j was mus unexpectedly relieved cur opimcn ieuio me unnappy ana mucn seuunig 10 tue peopie .in pampmet iorm to me oiocKing 01 me wneeis ot legislation upon them, i They actually suceeeaea in Qe njs apprehensions. Of the remaining to le .regretted result on ihe.Ttn and 8th, prove that the majority "deliberately and vvas done by them premed 'itately. and for detaining one member who thought more republican members, Messrs- Carnot and and in, future articles treat of connecting premeditately broke up thesitting of the no other purpose than that of gratifying of the "almighty dollar" than of his Qoudchaux refused to take the oath pre points.or side issues, and leave the peo- Legislature!" ' r ; "r;; ... ;:; a spirit of revenge. . obligations to his constituents. V, ;;, scribed, and, of course, they were denied pie, w no are to De me jury in mis matter, ine cemmmee ascertained that the " . - Perhaps the . minority nonestiy mougnt tfc ritrQt . a seat d th : electiom dp to make up their verdict as ; to who are Jlayor, Tion. Jesse Lo4,near nine 1 ; " The Documents. ' that all their obligations to the peopl ciared voidby the President of the Lens rcauy j-Ltpuasiwc .iur .iuu rong in- raonius since entered in irusi,m accord- lieiow we publish the affidavit of the were discharged wnen mey nau "legis- natJ t j But thp four nthpr Afpr, dieted. J 1 r , -- ance yith the provisions of ciur territorial Hon. S; A;. Chambers, one of the mem- lated for three 'dollars' a , day" perhaps Henon Cure Olivier and Darimon took kjmv inun iauai position upon me vapuai iaw, me grounus upon wnicn .me city is oers ot the House trom -this county. This meY had no. nigner motives to prompt me oaw an(j geats r Therefore w weeks ago, and intense interest was felt as to the course the republican members would pursue. Cavaignac was one of the seven, but, as you know, he went down, to the grave but a short time before the meeting of the Legislature, to the great Our New Governor. now have, for the first time since the coup d-elat, an organized republican oppo sition in the Legislature, The repub licans elected are men of ability who will, question is well .known .throughout the located, and had made :to all parties hold- is but "a commencement of a host of testi- Uhem! i ' If so, far be it from us to censure Territory : 'That we have never believed ing quit claim deeds, txceri the Territory mony which the majority have in store them. the Capital .in the proper place: . that lof 'JMlraskay warranty deeds' to their for the people. This evidence is taken it ought eventually to be removed intothe respective interests. . ; .. 1 " 1 ' '-'.' and published to show the tyrannical and interior to stimulate and assist in settling By reference to the report of this coin- bullying disposition of the minority, even the country. Bui that for the present mittee it will be seen that, although it after the majority had retired from the perhaps while we "remama Territory exhibits a series of. .wronp 'infficted upon Hall., To think that men occupying the i t n:t,.. . 11 l . I .i '. t i I -"- e- .- r, ; .7 r., vw" , p-.cwi.uu.w UL u liec UI1U LrovernuT, ot iNeorasKa, vice iuabk , ..inen we have next two other events fr;n;n at Omaha. We have; therefore to deny luf that the territory eqiiiiably .independent people, m connectionwith Izard ; that he accepted the appmntment; that have produced considerable sensation, labored, the two years vre have kn .a owned the property at jsfue;'and a seem- an ' excited and boisterous :Uobby; should has arrived in the Territory, qualified and evidencing, as they did, more fear on the member cf the Legislature, against the inff willingness to give a deed manifested, take the advantage of . an aired - jrrav- Vntp'.'-.iU th rlniip f his nfTiro;-Wa ran nf th rAVAmmoi thn .. k n sittinrr silptlif nrA Mionn. i i' ' i ' :i ' ' i I : t . ' Tt 'Al a" .1 The most of our readers 'are probably m every favorable opportunity stand up avrare that Col. W. A. Richardson, of m behalf of their party and dispute the Illinois, was appointed by the President, ground inch by inch. agitation cf the subject: feelini? that Yet there was in all the answers; of . the headed man, sitting silently and peace ing, wa3 a description of the magnificent fetes given at Ccmpiegne by the Emperor, f the luxury spread in the imperial apart ments, of the costly costumes, of the splendors of the concert andAballrocm3, of jthe somptuous dinners, "K and how well both the Emperor and Court, master and servants, enjoyed themselves. The two pictures presented so striktng a contrast that the government, fearing the effect such articles might have, forthwith sent its warning. The suppression of La Presse still pro duced greater, excitement. The Presse is the leading journal of France. Its cir culation is the largest, its influence the greatest, and is to the French people what the London Times is 'to the English. Founded by Eemile de Girardin, who has been surnamed the 'prince of journalists,' and edited by some of -the most talented writers Paris possesses, the Presse has done much to advance the interests of the Democratic party, being at the same time very careful not to overshot the mark and thereby incur the always dreaded warn ings of the government. - Some time ago the principal editor left the charge of the editorial columns of the paper, and the younger and 'more hot-headed spirits of the editorial corps resolved to throw more fire in its columns. On the 4th inst. the Presse contained a very able article of Mr. Peyrat, in which he sated that a re volutionary movement was growing up all over Europe, and called on the demo cratic party to get up and march, it be ing time to act.. The next day the jour nal, did not appear; the government hav ing ordered 'it to - be suppressed for two months, which 'suspension will cause a loss to the proprietors of' that paper of perhaps half a million of francs.; - ' : The manner in which the present gov ernment is leaving its footprints over Paris will be an astonishment to the next repu blic. Whereverjt is possible, in the vast improvements going on in the city, to introduce' a name that recalls the present dynasty, it is done without scruple. Thus we have applied to. boulevards and streets the names of Bonaparte, Napoleon, Im perial Prince, - Empress, St. Eugenie, Sebastopol, Alma, MalakofT, &c, &c. A new and magnificent boulevard is about to be commenced, on "a length of nearly two miles, and is traced on a straight line through the populous Faubourg St. Antoine. It has been called the Boule vard du Prince Eugene. It will 'destroy, at its commencement on the Boulevard du Temple, six of the principal theatres, and in its course encounters streets and houses at all imaginable angles.; This Boulevard is certainly one of the most useful' of. all the new improvements ; but its main fea ture,,and usefulness in the government's eyes, is that it puts a streak of day-light through the revolutionary quarter of Pa ris. Immense barracks are now in the way of erection, looking directly into this Boulevard, large enough to accommodate four thousand men with ample munitions and affording quick communication with the vast barracks of Yincennes, and its inexhaustible stores of material of war. Heretofore it was impossible in case of revolution to have such a communication, on account of all that part of the city be ing in a state of revolt and completely barricaded. But hereafter, cannon placed at the barrack will rake the entire Boule vard, destroy barricades and keep it open to the entry of soldiers and material from Vincennes. So you see that the government is tak ing its precautions ; the same stategic plan and features having already been carried out in all the improvements and new boulevards. A revolution, by the old fashioned way of erecting barricades and acting mostly on the defensive, is now al most impossible. Perhaps it is so much the better. When the people will again raise the standard of insurrection, they will have to act on the offensive,; and their motto - be "onward;"-a mode of -attack better suited to revolutionists, especially the French; and I trust the improvements made to prevent and crush revolutionary movements, will in the, end be the very means to favor their success, overthrow the Empire and Emperor, and proclaim the Republic. NAVILLE. Widows' Pre-emptions, V -The Register and Receiver has inform ed us, that a decision has been made by Commissioner of the General Land Of fice, "that a widow having made a set tlement upon, and filed a declaratory statement for a tract of land, with the in tention to claim the same as a pre-emption right, does not Moose her claim by a subsequent marriage. And when a wid ow so circumstanced has complied with all the acts essential to a right of pre emption before marriage,-. is. 'still entitled to pre-empt." '";: j "M, '-?: .:; loos upon tms apuuuiuuem, ua we uavci wite tu suov. i cuuue 10 tne warnin" to there were matters of more importance city authorities a "4f, i't;?.or .crrtpi?? ably at -his desk, alone as it were for before.expressed, as exceedingly appro- the journal LeSpeciaieur and .the suspen cmanding " legislative 'attention. V We in - the .way,"'and Hf Committee appointed there was not' another member of , the priate. . Mr. Richardson's long and in- sion for two. months of the journal La Ls.tc. as before stated, kept aloof from for that purpose by the Legislature were majority in the House and forcibly eiect I limits rr,Mi.rtinn with lhf affairs nf thp I ."Press. .Tha llic heal jealousies which have had too unable to procure for the Territory of him from the legislative halls, merely far West has given him a thorough know- above named paper much to do with this question, and endea- JebrvsJca a deed for Capitol Square.- because he choose to act for himself,' and ledge of its wants ; and his national ac- apparently very ino: vored to lock at the matter calmly and had its cause in an apparently very inoffensive article from r cv riM 1 diced, and act accordingly. .Two' &pjare been tor what he honestly and conscientiously quaintance and influence is such that he the pen of Mr. Amedee Achard. one of ies, promptly believed to be the interests of not onlv his rnnn'nt fnl tn h. picopdino-lv nspfnl tn Li'ir nWod rihtioto unrn , committee Ior immediate constituencV; but a constituency this and prosperous young Ter- in the whole article a word gainst the Had a deed for Capitcl made by th3 city authorit .. 1 - 1- 1,J 1 ll-J t,.. .1, r. yrsrs le"-lS. ation, ana a Knovvieugeui met wnen taueu ujiuu uy tiic f-cts we in that tirae have obtained, how- that purpose; we undertake,, to .sayua at.large, cannot fail to produce other, than ritoryw - ' - ;! A government, neither were democratic r.has forced upon us the conclusion that promise to support our assertion if -.de- feelings of the most profound solicitude !' - His advent among us, howe-er, was at principles upheld, nor republican senti- period, and he un; ments expressed: but the writer spoke of himself extremely em- the financial crisis and ift3 effects on the . - It s, . . , i . . .1 MM I - I Cr.'itcl cuestisn is perrnmently c:s- ccd -not even notice given at , tne fast tions or.ddierences have been questions barrassed by the' circumstances surround- poor, of: its disastrous consequences and ses.icnct the i-egisiature.i,i;ne commit- or? policy merely. i hey are no longer mg him. ;? - . - ; painted the sufferings of the unemployed -rn - rsrT ? ;jpfr. cor.H-.:iuoni sucn. inev are now Questions ct nnn- r We fppl onitft snrs. fmm ths short tat. workm.T clasAa '. etnns ' . . . M. I " " - -i w 9 " " X 1 O " ir--.2--vw-.-s v 1 k V ISA 14 It MU-., r 3 "useful, harmonious and healthy legisla- nied by affidavits in abundance, that' a for the.f uture welfare and prosperity of rather an 'unfortunate ti.i cin 1'2. had in this Territory, until Capitol Bill would not have been introdu- this Territory. Heretofore our 'dfssen- doubtedly ' feels ' himsi . . . , - Jl .' t r r f . "m.n riT i . rrit-Ci-r r thd lict tirn r A tfTnronfio lii.dt ttann .r. I. . V . - I ifM .n is npriancuiiv i wv wvi tnu ut-m-w l,iv. nviw v. - v. n v. v. mxti uttu uucsiitjua i uaiiiisscu -v uiu circu n" a. piiitEiL i7r-. ' 2- T.. bavins .Vaster country, Mten, ta ,,f, of lst l, 3GTIS Omaha, 2i Tjt t.,. - L. 4 I n r n I r j m , - - . v. 1 He refers t. ih,. nl 3 :'' ' "M, or Corjgress of fc.,rh ii Wrtm,.. - .cc roiusnre attention "ioe January 23, 136H. flTTORHBY if 1 - Brville, Nebra.hH Messrs. Crow. SfcCreary k d I Hon. John R. Shrp7 '! c- ' M lion. James Craig, ' ... " B " H'n. Situs WiuUson, m -"St j, JuJice A. A. Bra-iford. . V s S. F. X uckjllj, Bsq., " . -Seor c , t - Ji , the itw5uT?1 TT If CTi Tt m . . MSDEA . rUR3ASDrR0Prnr.,. " 65,. camp surpft v:r ' i 7XIV3 OPT ICATtfs, I DaUy?' pCr.anDm' PVtl. inwus, Office-Comer of Church sth I VlrT ! Dailr Trl-V-eeky -Weekly AnareseQ. c. ItRBrrCi , TcrruB, PHOSPF.CTUS 'of T ic CHICAGO TKIBTJ52 The Cbicasrn Tribune in b-iJ Belicv wai J Republican. paper rt.'im Trt.ir ratti Or.. not nominee: is th iv n -!- but during tbe srruie beiVeen Frcsw, ' : It contends for tbc Pfiniipledeslareaty fcwt vote of the Fathers of the .lapur-n- ia c n ' that ''Slavery or involr.nuTsbj.rmvw tory.now fret'." "and it tnref, iiTA shall be excluded from all National xr:;-, " i tbe iiinucncc ot the Generul Gvcrnmt J eiscd on tbe si'ie of FiefUt,:a. 1 THE iniBVME 4S A'SZWUini I The city of Chicago has b-jcome tbe wfc-.. . f as the Commercial l.u oriutu t the neati- I Tne vast system i.r rii-o,.t3 tprmiit.i,2 iB-.tf' cilities for gathering intelhcence fn aailirr ' dispatch, ar.d tbe Tnoitue is nnrii!!rtatiii! its enterprise in this ftiar;m?nt. its l, ' colnmns are filled with fiesb and Bterte14 embracinjt esHaj s, trials ia rratjTes, .aL riculture, art, silence' and literature. The tkibv.ne aj a comjieho-ai Wfa The Tribune is the" bt c mrnercial jJ?- a-1 Xo expense cr labor isipa-edio aiakeiUMrte' reliable and satisfacto-y, not only for (Xap principal eastern inarkeu . The .Literary and 3Uso;l!aneu!it nut! a with, tbe viewofmakinr ile pipers e!cJ5ae7ir,. itor, eonibiaiCg tbe sgreeablo and theutefni. "j .terms or Weekly TyiirxE. Single copy per .annum par hivariattly j idruq) i Two copies - - - Five copies . -, . . -t Ten copies - - ? ; Twenty Dipies tone aidrcs - . j Tri-Weekly per annum, in aJraiK . , . Daily - - - , - - f Specimen copies seiit t Trv)iu. JeHiri!:;! 4 ney letters. If registend, m;iv be.-nt it cirr.t if dress, . HAT, lEDILLi.T), ( : " ' I'HICtM.lS.W The Marked. t i , CORRECTED WEEKLY. " ' ' IJko wnvih.e, Jan. FLorit, ! sack -' Uk'CKWHKAT FLOCK, (4 SlCX.'-"'- Coks Meal, V bushel. Corn, bushel Oats, y buhel,. iugar, $ 2... Cokfee, TEA. Chicieks, $ dox., Eggs, do, FbeshBekf, V !! Fori:, per 10 2j. Potatoes, V bushel, ....... Deied Apples bushel,... .Gkeen, tin. Cheese, ),... , LiARD,' KlCE, Malt, LiKEEa, Cottonwood, per 100 ft., " . " Yellow Pine, v,-- i A , 23,1853. . $4,50 -4,00 75 50 ' 40 1516 15(516; 100 2.00 25 $5,50it5 50 4,00 4.50 25 15e 10u $iai.io 8,00 3" s Residence for Sii,; .The undersigned is nw. of erin.TfaieiJ j RESIDENCE, ! Siloated on the orni al 4tlari(;c aid SH consisting or three lets, eaels"d by a ivXxvsi fence, house Tiitb four eiiurrj!? rm, r-? ment cell.ir, ,-trid por:b troiticg 'saun jiid Mii necessary otilbniM iM .. . This propfTty is r,inUy sitivtM -l-"" the city anii tbi? il..i-on-Tiv a4 ctiMl ba for beauty and convcninia;. I .m rt3tetin;ul tit at a LOW FIGURE if appUaUonV m!?ti.. - A. 3. HOI-UJi- Bargain and no Humk I am n.Mf oO'briDg tci sell nv ngwly-baiii Store-'House OnTain Kreet', in the mo-it bnsineiitt: - not ville. Tbe house ja It by 40 tcet, U A ' I54 Persons wislunz to buy wt'wt -li, better Uua ! on me as I ani fully deteraiintd'wj lllot tU' bjly daxe sell. ... A.8.MUk EastonabfeS'' jacob1uf.ho571 BROWUVILIiE, . Respectrully annouut ttbe jrabaCLji hand a iarge stixkot " - . Cloths, Vesting, fc' Also -a lar;;e a...rtair-i 1 ; , . tj r a m-r np 4"l.o m.vJ liUJ. & JU A A-4 Wbi.rh bei:isell a t " TTfl lllllrik.i.l tj ,a UTi.'.CTS'JU'y 1 thorouchly anil all work T.-arraiifc-c -a tablishnient, ;uid charg? .ia lo &WMe! " in this place r the West. . , A Kent Fit ftuarantff obdinance?.; ' Be it wraained by th- foum-il of ville,vThat the Treasurer of saul f'tT1,,. all city warram iu th.? orders taurB25 Approved Ju, 4, lSi. . ,,in,rlr A JohnTI. Macn", n'!Ci.r!er. Be it ordained bv the C ntwtl -t c:- That th Uarsbal h rinu.re ! t a"1-" or I'CTS'jiis ha. cbnfrary to :., solj f,f 4 tide cf the Itic.'-poration uniiw ' ' be in additions to H-ownvilie ILi'"" th;t nch offerues b ve lc-'n C'.Iu!"'Il,',, , bis duty to repl th nm' to tLe Cuuf.'. IS. 11. 1 ....mt.t r 1 1' H it jipprovea n. i-x 4 s nuIXA3J JOHX H. JfATX KcoriiT. "COMBINATION PATEfy f TUU mill c..u.uiands'l.e niaversat - Ai It Die-'"' -t ijruer. - - . j mill men everywhere demand f.ir i: iucrea.-- cemanu i.ir ;in;rr.i-i-r. mis" . kection of this country, Caiwda, C- rii J ca. ir i-i sui e.1 r,.r eviry cti-n ot there is timber t. be ;wed. n 31 ' rSr how hard, h..wrgeet h" , ,.? nnfactories are n.,v enoscf m ';'"'' ''',! it is tlBiwt irnT-osfibte to Mi" flw are wanted. Tuey enibri""e.5el;,rii:"' and improvements, ami wiiitu " t van tases : , ,r are SimplicilBth -Sir m u y ,iMfy their enstrm ttoh that. aa:-M-no "", -up- ability can comprenena wi v- . without dungi'r or dirlUttlt;?. , . :,,hnf!l Portability Tbe wli.de- Pft,"b' till.'r quickly taken apart and pi t W.' easy to be iwved fro:n place Up.ai Ing the nect'!i.-.ity of tlrawus the i'-. the mill. . . in ,ve p', Durability--It is ooiisirarted a scbstantial manner, rons pe""'cl-- .J8' i get out of order, and will Vu-l H ' rr Rapidity It will sa titter '"-"' upright null. . The spe?d 9 " , dred strokes r-er winut.f Wi' lhe " Tbn-1' three-quarters f an in :h Jf ,tr.' , - r" r l- speea me saw win cn - P-m( d;' " j !.. 1. .ti.i u.u mi mil PH. f"' ..... oj knowing the ch mnfb it will 60 LSI knowin the character the tiD1 nrh it will 60: . EJicieney -U d-)en n s wm d tW straighter tnan the virdinajy 11111 '-,(.r:y : Ui 111 C i3 n w .1 1. - - . It t run out rf line. CheapnttTi eni a. i'.l. "v . . , , - Dorse power arra evnj'""" - hijO!' running, boned and deiiveie" - , l3t-ny$l 7o0. i ' This mill requires lets P'f ut if tlJ mill, and the power Ntmsaed machinery. ) Aeircttlarglvimr far Pl.rhr one desiriili ir.. All JS nrj Comr ThiWind VtrM 'f'VB'c sole aeenw f. r the wuern i . . . FUBNTTUBE Jy: ..WE have mwtbe Ure-' r,nflp ture ever rle-el in tiU m 0r, y manufacture. ; ' 1 ' V C; ROSEWOOD, .MAHOGANV. with largw a-isortmenj t L4i. . T1.ni llT AO.' 1 tr.Mi fr..imi,er.Dini.Ag -.' which we are lelUng at lo