ttv. If if (Oi "If rrr 11- - r U Ay a! , 4, Ay Li DEVOTED TO ART, SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, COMMEECE, NEWS, POLITICS, GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. AND THE INTERESTS OF. NEBRASKA. VOL. II. CITY OF BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA COUNTY, N. T., THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1858. NO. 31. I MY -ax -v vy vw prtt Nebraska &&pcrtiscr a KITXI AXD rrSLIiilED EVERY TUTBSD AT B V --m nT A C? C- T A TV" T fVTVT 1 JXVlNAO Cu lJKjrJJrif Sxond St. bet. Main and. Water. f Lake Block,) " BROWNVILLE, X. T. fToneyarif paid in advance, - '- 52,00 ' u at the eud of 6 months, -,50 ,ub of 12 or more will be furuihed at $1,50 pf im, provided the ch accompanies the vrder, tiherwise. KATES OF ADVERTISING: .jaar, wl2 lines or less,) one insertion, s additional insertion, inuDlh turee nunitts, " nx. mjhthf,- " one rear, ies Car.1 wt 'ix-linea or less one year, Columu, tfne ft, -half Column, 5ne year, fourth -rith " " Cjlumu, ix nuntbs. half -Cji JXu, x months, $1,00 0,50 2.50 4.U0 . 6.00 1U.00 o,0 CD.00 18.00 - 35.00 20.00 10.00 8.0 20.00 fourth - M . 1 eighth ' . C.lumn. three nrmth. half Column, three months, fourth " ;ghth " '.' MinMnr-an liiatf? for oSeeinadranee,) 13,00 10.0(1 5,00 sli in alan-e wul he required ir n aavertise- t eii-rpt wh"?re actual rtfi.onsiUlitT is1 known -a tit '-snt C:r tach change e aMed .to the juliii Uuiiuess CarJsof five lines orless,for e rates. far. 45,00. e tjverti-iernenrs trill he considered by the year, g pwciUk-l -n the tnanascrij, or preTiously jTcrti?eniatsi,t martca on ifiecopy iora ?peci- rtiaibfrf inertiorif,will bf tonttnued until or; I out, -har ed acrordin'.y. LI i.iTerti'vrant frnn tra-ngers or transient per- .. to be nid in.lvanee: ' . j nrir:l"re f venrlv nivcrtiseTP willbe ronfined 'v fn their i-wn buines : and till advertisements tr::iinin" thereto. t-o"Ve paid fr extra. eariT wlrertiscrs hsre the privilee cf changing r airrrt?ements craarterlf. ,edcd advertisement? charged double theabore irr rt'uementi on the inside exclusively will he fed extra. . BOOK AI3D TAIICT OB PRINTING! T;r. jul ledt the Advertiser Office Card and I'wj.-?.. New Types of the laves t style. Inks of '. jrs. lrtiis, Fine Paper. Lnvcl(-j.e5. Ac. ; we b w prepared t" execute Jot- Work of every de- i-m hi a tyl unsurpassed by any other oSce t'nitefl tAt--:. articular attention will be given to ordersfrom a J; in hiving them prousplly attended to. it I'r iprietnrs. who. having had n extensive cx n;c. will rive their j'ier3in:il attention to this h if ba' J hupe, in their endeavors to , -lb in th-.! exrell.'nee of their work, and naajq receive a stare of the public milage. US NESS CARDS. BliOWXVILLE. A S. nOLLADAT". JRGEON, PHYSICIAN OlDBtotrician. EHOWNVILLE, N. T.; !citn hire ..f puWie p:tronagc, in the various te r.f Uio j.rufnss ion, from the citizens ofllro wn aiid vicicity. MISS MAIIY TUKKER, " UJKER AND DRESS MAKER. -3 Street, between Main and Water. BUOWNVILLE, N. T. . wis am! Trimmings always on hand. C. W. WHEELER,. cMtect and Builder. 3rowrLvillof JAMES W. GIBSON, LACK SMITH -.-ond Street. between Main and'ebraska, BROWNVILLE, N. T. TJ. C. JOHHSOIi", FORNEY AT LAW, UUCrrOR IN CHANCERY AJC'D Real Estate A sent, Er.OYVXVILLr, N. T. '. KEFEIttXCES. . non.Wm.Jessup, Montrose, Ta. N . - S. UcntlT, . 44 " -'"ins t:. Mi'ller, Chicago, IiL N -K-. McAllister, - ' N Jribc Cr WWWr, " h.vles N. Fowier.' ". ,.- ;V r'erguioa, Urowaririe, X. T. u- Lake. 7.1S5: 11. i'EERV. M. D.. GEON, PHYSICIAI And ELDOiiADO, 21. T. .rTF,rLLY Kni'ki professional er w M lb.ii9ns ,f Xmha rountr ndaj- I T. Whyte & Co., n58AX AM) RETAIL DEALERS IX GOODS, GROCERIES Quecnsr.-arc,, Ccxsitry Produce, it" J G. W. HCRN, UA J. X , . X . VT7ILL attend prowptlr to all Imsiness in his pro V fewion when called on : inch as subdirin- Claims, laying out Town Lots, Drafting City I'lats- ete., etc. 3-tf OLIVEtt BEXKET. TTM. B. GAKKIT. JAMES r. . FISEK. ACCUSTCS KVIGIIT. OLIVER 13EZIETT & CO Hanafactnrersand TTh ale sale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, ISo. 87 Hain Street. (FoBMBXTfNo:lol,CoKSBor ilArx akdLoccst.) ST. LOUIS, MO. WM. OSBOHN. DEALER IK CLOCKS, WATCHES, Jewelry, Mated Ware, Cutlery, Spoons, Ac, te. IIERBAEKA CITr, IX. T. Hf Esgb-AVIXG and Uetaibino done on short Q.ilkt and ALL WORE trAKRAXTEl. A. D. ITIRII, Attomer at Law, Land A great and Notary Public Arciicr, Richardson Co., J. 1. Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska, assisted by Harding nd liennet-t, Nebraska City. JACOB AFFORD, Attorney- and Counsellor at Lav. GEXEHAL TNSURA'CE AND LAND AGENT. And Ilotary Public. 1TEBRASKA CITS', K. T. 'JLL aUend promptly to all buisness entrusted V a I . w his care, in N ebraska l ernwry ana v( cui- era Iowa.. September .12, 1356. vlnlJ-ly W. R LOAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOT AND LAND AGENT, Arclier, Ricnardson County, X. T. XJotice to Pre-Emptors i ! . J. S. UORBACH & CO., Attorneys at Law 5 .LIZ) REAL ESTATE BROKERS, cm aha city, r:. t. WILL give prticular attention to preparing all the necessary papers for Pre-emptions, and renderinranv assisUnc which maybe required by pre-emptorsiD proving up their Tre-emption rights at the L. S. Land U&ce. tt-6m R. E. HARDIXG. G. C. EIXBOCGH B.. F. TOOMEK. HARDING, Kli.'EOUGH Si CQ., JUaxufartnrer ani Wkol'iale Dealer in HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS, Eo 49 ilain street, bet. Olire and Pine, ST. LOUIS, MO. . Particular attention paid ii manufactitring our finest Mole Hats. J. HART & SON aiiLryiiw. . Oregon, Holt Countj, MissourL Keepeonstamtly on handalldascriptionof LXarness, Saddles, Undies, Ac, Ac. N. U. Everv article in our shopis manufactured by ourselve,nnd warranted to give satisfaction. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. GEOEGE CLATES. J. W. I.E3. Clnyos c; Loo. Real Estate and General Agency, Oil AHA CITY, K. T. REFER TO James Wright, Broker, Ifew York, W'm. A. Woodward. Esq. " Hon. 11.-Wood, Ex-Gov. of Oaio, Cleveland, Wicks, Otic and Urownell, Bankers, " Alcott k Horton, , ' CoL Robert Campbell, St. Louis, James liidg way, Esq. Crawforn and Sackett, Chicago. Omaha Citv,Aug,30,185fi. Tlnl3-lj BEN NET, 3.IORTON & HARDING CT Wk uW-MHn C M tTT,rk3 U XT 11 1 V I it ATTORNEYS AT LAW, J"ebraska City, V. 3"., and Glenwood, la. TTTILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and V Western Iowa. Particular attention paid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and eoileetica of debts. KEFEnEXCE: Hn. Lewis Cass, Detroit. 4 . . Julius I). Morton, M j Michigan; Gov. Jot-1 A. Matteson, Springfield. Ill Gov. J. W. (irinies, Iowa City, Iowa; P.r.Fifiled,St.Loui?,Mo.: Hon. Daniel (). Morton. Toledo, Ohio. P. A. Sarpv. Hollcvuc.N'ebraska Sedgewich Walker, Chimgo.Ill: Green. Wearc k Benton. Council BluSV.Iowa. T. B. CUillXG. TOIIX C. TTIJl. CriIIXG & TURK, Attorneys at Law k Real Estate Agents, COT A HA CITY-, K". T. TII-L attend faithfully and promptlT to all hui- ness entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and landa en trrie and pre-emption, collections, Ac. ' Office in the second story of Henrvl- Hootsnew building, nearly opposite the Western Exchan Bank, Earnham street. . Dec. 27, 156. vln2Stf A. A.EKADFOK.D. WM. J1CUXXAX, Kebraka City,X.T. l.L.xe'aiHT, Browaville.X. T. BRADFORD, McLEXNAN k McGARY. AND SOLICITORS LV CHJXCERY. Brownville and Nebraska Citv, N. T. BEING permanently located in the Territory. we will gire our entire time and attention the praeiiee of our profession, in all its branches. ren in Litigatioa, Collections cf Debts, Sales and Parchaetof RealCUte, Selections of Lsnd, Lea ting of Land Warrants, and all other business en trusted to our manageaeat, will ruceive promptacd faithful attention, - KEFrSESCES. S. F. Nuckolli, JTearasjaCltT, Uichard Brown, UrowoTiile, Wm. IlobliUell & Co., Horn. James Crair, Rt. Jo?eph.Mo., Iion.JamesiLIlagheg, t. Louia, Ho., Hon. John R.Sheniey, . . . t Mepsr. Crow,lL'Crearv4 Co. u Jlesgrs-S.U. Hubbard 4 Co., CireinnatiO, Hon. J. XI. Lore, KeCkuk.Iow. Tl'El : t Jux 7, 18f5. Democratic Meetin Agreeable to previous notice the Demo cracy of the Territory assembled at the Capitol Building at 11 iclock A. M. Jan uary 8th. 1B5S. On motion of 3. P. Rankin, Esq., Hon. F. Kinney, of Otoe county, was called to the Chair, and Hon. W. G. Crawford, of Dakota county, was elected Secretary. On motion of A. J." Poppleton, a. com mittee of five was appointed to report per manent officers for the permanent organ ization of the convention The Chair appointed J. C. Turk of Da kota county, -Hon. S. A. Strickland of Sarpy county, Hon. JL Stewart of Douglas county, E. H. Clark oi .Washington county. " On motion, the Chair appointed the fol lowing committee on Resolutions : Hon. C T. Holly of Otoe county, Hon. A. J. Foppleton of Douglas county, Hon. V. G. Crawford of Dakota county, Hon. L. L. Bowen of Sarpy county, Hon. J. S. Stewart of Washington county. - The meeting was then addressed by the President, and. Hon. S. A. Strickland of Sarpy county. On motion, the meeting adjourned until 2 o'clock P.M. ArTEESOON SESSION. Convention met pursuant to adjourn ment, and was called to order by Judge Kinney, temporary chairman. The committee on permanent organiza tion made the following, report : FOB. PRESIDENT. Hon. John F. Kinney of Otoe county. -TICE PKESIIiEyTS. Hon. E. CTj ones of Dakota county. W.B. Beck of Burt P. G. Cooper of Washington J. Steinberger of Douglas Amos Gates of Sarpy J. Van Horn of Cass J. C. Abbe of Otoe S. A. Chambers of Nemaha C. McDonald of Richardson A. F. Cromwell of Pawnee John Reek, Esq., of Platte J. M. Oakes, Esq., of Dodge SECRETARIES. 1st Sec'y, J. Howard of Cass county 2d " A. W. Puett of Dakota 3d , J- S. Stewart ef Washington. The committee on Resolutions through their chairman, Hon. C. F. Holley, re ported the following, the first five and three last of which were unanimously aler ted, and the balance withdrawn by the committee. Rtsolved, That we affirm the Cincin nati platform of 1856," in its letter and spirit, without change cr obliteration. Rtsolved, That an early organization cf the Democratic Party in Nebraska Territory, is demanded alike by the pre cedents of the past, and-the requirements of the future. Resolved, That in organizing th? party in this Territory, upon a common plat form, we will literally know neither North, South, East, or West, but will extend the hand of fellowship to all Democrats who adhere to the principles and organization of the party, whether they reside North cr South of the Platte, or in any other section of our vast and extended Terri tory. Resolved, That no better day could have been selected than the anniversary of the glorious eighth of January, 1S15, for the natal morn of the Nebraska Demo cracy. . ' Resolved, That the principles of pop ular sovereignty, set forth in the organic act, is the vital element of Democracy, and cannot be and is not rejected by any Democrat. Jf01 T tinned at the same birth with our sister Territory, and inher King a common legacy, under the-benefi-cient provisions of the Nebraska-Kansas act, the Democracy of this Territory can not fail to feel a common sympathy with whatever may affect the weal or darken the future of Kansas. Resolved, That as government can only derive its just powers from the consent of the governed no constitution for a state orgrcization can be binding upon the peo ple to be governed by it, except by their full, fair, and untrammelled concurrence and ratification. Resolved, That the people in organiz ing their State government have the same right to mould all their other domestic institutions, as to mould that one of slavery7. Resolved, That so far we look upon the administration of James Buchanan as the correct exponent of Democratic principles and while differing on the. -score of expe diency from its recent exposition upon the Lecompton constitution, we have an abid ing confidence in its honesty and fidelity to democratic principles, and look forward to no event which will impair that confi dence; cr release us from our allegiance. Rdiolved. Tiiat in order to consummate the final organization of the Democratic party in the Territory, this meeting do recommend to the party in every county to hold primary meetings in their respec tive county seats, on the second Monday of May, 1S5S, or at guch other time as may suit their . convenience, and to elect cne delegate for each member such coun ty may be entitled to hi the Legislature, to meet at a general IDetnocratic Territo rial Convention, to be held at Plattsmouth in Cass county on. the first . Thursday cf June, loos. . , 1 jtcsoivea, Anai me Lnair appoint a committee of -seven to tlraft an address to the Democrats of the: Territory; also a caenmittee of three to correspond with the leading Democrats cf each county. ' Jlciohxd, That tho Democratic paper? of the Territory be requested to publish the proceedings of this convention. After which .the convention was very ably and eloquently addressed ... by Hon. J. F. Kinney, Hon. O. P. Ricliardson, J. C. Turk, Esq., Judge Holly, Judge Black, B. P. Rankin, and others. On motion, the convention adjourned. J. F. KINNEYi Pres'L , J. Howasd, Secretary. - ' " ' :I ''Report'" of the Select Committee of the Council in relation to the' Capitol Bu ilding aud Grounds in Omaha City JVe- " Iraska Territory. ' '"" The Select Committee appointed to in vestigate the condition of the Territorial Capitol building, respectfully beg leave to report : That they have made as thorough an investigation of the subject as their op portunities would permit ; that they have examined the Hon. Secretary of the Ter ritory, (the. present Acting Governor,) and also the Hon. Jesse Lowe, .Mayor of the City of Omaha, which examinations were reduced to writing, and are here with submitted, with the accompaiying papers, and made a part of this report. By reference to the testimony of Secre tary Cuming, it will be seen that the late Gov. Izard has left in the Governor's of fice no papers or vouchers showing how or in what manner he expended the ap propriation of fifty thousand dollars made by the General Government for the erec tion of a Capitol building for the Terri tory; consequently the committee in the absence of Gov. Izard, have no means of ascertaining how that appropriation was expended, whether economically or other wise ; Gov. Izard seeming to act without reference to the wants and wishes of the people of the Territory, and entirely inde pendent of and above them, although he was simply the trustee or agent to disburse this appropriation for their benefit. This conduct on the part of the late Governor the committee deem extremely reprehen sible and worthy of the severest censure. It will be seen from the testimony sub mitted that the Capitol building is yet far from a state of completion. The appro priation of fifty thousand dollars ly the United S tates has "been expended ; fifty two thousand dollars has been expended upon it by the City of Omaha, under the direction of the Mayor; an indebtedness of eight thousand was created in favor of the building, fey Gov.' Tzard, beyond the amount of the appropriation, which in debtedness has to some extent been as sumed and paid "by the City of Omaha, making in the aggregate the amount of one hundred and ten thousand dollars, sixty thousand of which is beyond the ap propriation; and the lowest estimate to complete the same without the ornamental work outside, including the columns, &:c, is twenty thousand dollars, making the cost of the building beyond the appropri ation, eighty thousand dollars, and with the appropriation, one hundred and thirty thousand dollars when completed in this manner. If the original plan is carried out (even in the cheapest manner) with the columns, Sec, the lowest estimate is seventy-five thousand dollars, which add ed to the present cost, makes the whole cost when completed, one hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars. The committee are of opinion that when Gov. Izard undertook to erect so magni ficent a structure for the Capitol building of this infant Territory, requiring so large an outlay of money, he exhibited a lack of prudence foresight and common management, greatly compromising him as a capable and eniuent public, officer,. acting as a trustee for the Territory. The Committee are of opinion that in no event should any of the expense attend ing the erection of this imposing Capitol borne by the people of this Territory. The original appropriation of fifty thousand dollars was a munificent donation by Congress, and amply suffi cient, if it had been properly applied, to erect a building which would J have been an ornament to the Territory, and abun dantly answered all its purposes as a Ca pitol for a generation. . Yet this appro priation has been swallowed up and the Territory as a whole has received, as yet, no benefit from it. If any party has de rived any benefit, it is the city of Omaha, in which the Capitol building is situated, and in which the money has been expend ed. It is btit just," therefore", that the city of Omaha should undertake and agree to save the Territory harmless ; from "taxa tion, in the amount that has already been, and which must yet be expended to com plete the samel The Committee take pleasure in reporting ' that the - City of Omaha has recognized . the justness of this position, as will appear by the fol lowing resolution, which was unanimous ly passed by the Common Council of the Ciiy of Omaha, on Monday, January 4, 1S5S, and is made a part of this report : " Resolved, That the Mayer be instructed to assure the Select Committee, .Messrs. Bowen and Rogers, appointed on the part of the Council to investigate the subject of Territorial Capitol Square and the completion of , the Territorial building erected thereon ; that the city of Omaha will m no event make the expanse incur red by said city in completion of said building a -charge to the Territory, except in case an appropriation be made by the General Government for the completion or. saia Daiunng.- - " '.. Resolved, That the Mayor be instruct ed to urge the Legislative Assembly to memorialize Congress for a auf5c:ent ap- pended by the City of Omaha and com plete said building. The Committee were also instructed to enquire into the title of the ground upon which the Capitol building is situated, and to demand from the Mayor of the City of Omaha, a conveyance to the Terri tory of the same. They have performed that duty, and as appears from the testi mony of the Mayor of the City of Omaha the equitable title to the same is now in the -Territory, the Mayor having thB title m trust for the Territory, and will make a deed in fee, whenever called upon by proper authority. All of which is respectfully submitted. ' L. L. BOWEN, S. E. ROGERS. Hon. T. B. dcMiicc, Secretary of the Territory and Acting Governor, states as follows : I When Govi Izard left Nebraska he turned over to jme his office furniture and safe, but no public papers cr documents, correspondencl, record, books, or any thing else coniected with the business of the office, except five contracts submitted to the Committee, one of which relates exclusively to pe Territorial Library, the ethers to the; Capitol building one of these made by Graham : Steinwocd, of St. Louis, with Gov. Izard, is for cast iron wall plates and iron girters to be delivered on the levee at St. Louis on or defore May 13th, 1S56, the consideration in which contract was three dollars and forty-five cents ber hundred. The amount of this contract s not known, but is certi fied by Gov. Lzird as paid in fulL An other of these contracts made by John A. Singleton and Pf A. Badeau of St. Louis, for iron caps, cornice and window sills, for four cents per pound, delivered on the levee at Sf jLouis. The amount Dot ascertained, butthe certificate of Gov. Izard appears to its full payment. An other of these contracts is made by Gov. Izard with John md David H. Naylor for the manufacture lof zinc cornice to be de livered on the leree at St. Louis on or before the 15th of June, 1556, contract price four thousand six hundred dollars. Upon this amount. Gov. Izard certifies he has paid twentysix .hundred dollars, when it appears by the contract that seventy-five per cent.' of the whole amount was to be paid on the delivery of the same upon the levee, which leaves due a balance of eight hundred and fifty dollars and twenty-five per cent, of the whole amount yet due when the cornice is put up. The other of these contracts is made by niid between Gov. Izard and William F. Cozzens and David P. Hull of St. Louis, for cast iron Corinthian capitals and pilasters the consideration for which delivered upon the levee at St. Louis on the 13th day of MayJ 1556, was four thousand three hundred and thirty-six dollars, upon which there has been paid as endorsed by Gov. Izard, three thou sand dollars, leaving a balance still due of one thousand three hundred and thir-1 ty-six dollars. Q. How far from completion is the Capitol building ? A. It is believed that it will take about twelve thousand dollars to finish it with- j out the columns. . Q. How long would it take to finish the building on present plan? A. In one season. Q. How much has been already expen ded on the Capital building? A. There is nothing in the Governor's office bearing on that subject than stated before, nor has anything been communi cated to the Secretary's office at any time, nor has anything been communicat ed to me in person by fthe Governor. Q. In whom is the title to Capitol Square vested ? ' A. In the City of Omaha by pre-emption. ' ' . Q. "Who now has control of the Capi tol building ? A. I consider that the territory of Ne braska has, and the City of Omaha is bound in good faith to deed the Capitol Square to the United States or the terri tory; but the City of Omaha has a lien on the building for the amount of some fifty thousand dollars, expanded on the same. y T. B.-CUMING. - Examination of Hon. Jesse Lowe, Mayor of the City of Omaha, said . Lowe be ing duly sworn, deposes and says t Question. "What amount has been ex pended upon the Capitol building and by whom expended? Answer. 1; if ry-one thousand nine Tiun dred and forty-six dollars and ninety three cents has been expended under my direction by the City of Omaha. Prior to this there had been expended bv Gov. Izard the fifty thousand dollar government appropriation, and an additioual indeb tedness created by him amounting - to 1 a aoout eignt taousand collars. Ine pre sent cost up to this time amounting in all to about one hundred and ten thousand dollars, as will appear by books and vouchers in my possession. - Q. What would it cost to complete the same upon the original plan of Guv. Izard ? ; A. I should say seventy-five thousand dollars at least. , Q. What will be the cost to complete the building without the outside col umns f A. Not more than twenty thousand dollars. - - - Q. What will be the-co3t to complete the building, leaving' the columns, if the upper part resting upon them is made cf A. Seventy-five thousand dollars at least. Q. When can the building be complet ed? A. On my plan, leaving cfT. the col umns, it could be completed- in three months; with columns, six months. Q. What party or parties are the owners of the ground upon which the Ca pitol building is situated ? A. The territory of Nebraska. I as Mayor of the City, of Omaha, have en tered the ground and am ready at any time to make a conveyance of the same to the proper owner, which J regard to be the territory of Nebraska. " I am in formed by my brother. Dr. Lowe, that he a3 President of the Ferry Company exe cuted a quit claim deed for Capitol square to Gov. Izard in trust for the ter ritory before the land was entered by me as Mayor, and which appears by a copy of the deed hereto attached and made a part of this deposition marked (A.) Q. What party or parties are the con tractors or have been in the erection of the Capitol? A. The only contractors with the Gov ernor for the erection of the building were James A. Jackson, S. S. Bayliss, Jesse Williams and Enos Lowe, a copy of which contract is hereto attached marked (B) ana made a part of this deposition. JESSE LOWE. A Council Bluffs and Nebraska Ferry Company, to Mark W. Izard. For the purpose of the erection of the Capitol and the use and benefit of the territory of Nebraska, the Council Bluffs and Nebraska Ferry Company, by virtue of present and original proprietorship and their corporate charter and authority, do convey to Mark W. Izard, Governor of the territory of Nebraska, and to his succes sors in office, forever, in trust for said territory, so long as it shall remain such,, and afterwards for the use and benefit of the State of Nebraska when it shall be come such, all that tract in Omaha city, Nebraska territory, surveyed by A, D. Jones, and known and designated on the lithographical plats of said city as Capitol Square, being the same upon which the erection of the Capitol building of Ne braska is already commenced. Done this 29th dav of December, 1555, by order of the Directors of the Council Bluffs and Nebraska Ferry Company. . , ENOS LOWE, "'" --., President. Acknowledged before- J... Smith Hooton, Notary Public, Potawatamie county, State of Iowa, Dec 31st, 1555, and re corded on records of Douglas county, Nebras a territory, January 2Sth 1556; in book B, on page 54. I hereby certify that the foregoing trans cript is true and con ect. THOMAS O'CONNOR, . by Herald Peterson. Omaha city, Jan. 2, 1S5S. Articles of agreement made and en tered into this 24th day of July, 1S55, by and between Mark W. Izard, Governor of the territory of Nebraska on the first part, and James A. Jackson.' Samuel S. Bayliss, Jesse Williams and Enos Lowe on the second part as follows : The same party of the second part co venants, and agrees to, and with the said party of the first part to make, erect, build and finish in a good, substantial and work manlike manner, the entire mason and stone or brick work of the Capitol build ing of the territory of Nebraska, togeth er with the joist, scantling, timber, door frames and window frames for the same. Said structure is to be erected in the city of Omaha, Nebraska territory, on a cer tain ground known and described on the plat of said city as Capitol Square, and at such point thereon a the said party oi the first part shall direct. The said party of the second part agree to frame and lay in all the joist, and to furnish and set in all the window and door frames for said structure. And the said party of the second party do further agree to make and erect such structure of such dimen sions and in such proportions as the taid party of the first part shall direct and to use such proportions of brick and stone as he shall direct, and to use in said struct ure none but the best material, and it is understood between the parties that the said party of the first part is to furnish to the said party of the second part, plans, drawings, specifications in writing to which the second party of the second part do further agree that they will complete said structure by the first day of Decern ber next after the date of these presents. It is understood however, that if any un foreseen casualties of elements cr sea sons shall interpose to prevent the com pletion of said structure by the time above prescribed, then the said party of -the first part shall enlarge the time of such completion to such other . period as shall in his discretion seem reasonable and just, and the said party of the first part covenants and agrees to and with the said party of the second part for the la , bor and material nec?ary for the erec tion pf said structure, the following prices to wit : . Stone work per perch, five dollars and seventy-five cents each perch to contain twenty-five cubic feet, to be measured in the walL ... jiiars. Hewed t"-'1-. y r . , . Brick work per thousand, el-vm dollars and fLty cents, to be countc-d in the rr-tl Framing floor joist, per square, three dollars " Framing ceiling joist, per square, two dollars. Door and window frames, the custom ry price. - - And the said party cf the first yait further agrees to pay for all the abDve specified work and materials aa the sarna progresses, making such advance frcrx time to time as may be necessary to fa cilitate the same, always retaining s-cii per centage on the work already dent: as in his judgment may be necessary to . si cure the faithful performance and com pletion of the work. It is understood between thf- parties that all monies stipulated herein to bp paid by the party cf thj first rfcrt arc to be paid out cf any money now appreci ated or hereafter to be appropriated by Congress for the purpose cf erecting pul lic buildings in the territory cf Jjvelrtuki.i and whi:h nay come to his hands for t!is bursement, and that no other or further liability is incurred than as such diibcrs- mg officer. In witness thereof the said panics have hereunto set their hands t:ni ealsthe day and year first abovo :ritten. " . ' In presence cf . t. ESTABROOK. Signed : . " - . '. MARK W. IZARD, J. A. JACKSON, . S. S. BAYLISS, ENOS LOWE. L. S. L. S. L, S. L. S. Inportant from WcsMEgtca. .'. Washington, Jan. JD. From advices received., to-day, it aj-', pears that the Mormons will not retret-t f rem Utah, as was. expected by the gov- eminent, but. will fight it out wpere they arc. This insures us a llcody tar in the spring. The following orders" will be . issccl ' from the headquarters of the' army ou , Monday, directing the movement of tha troops destined, to reinforce, the- troop now en route, for Utah : ' CETERA!, orders 50.1." Head quarters of the. Jlrnrj,) ... New York, Jan. 8 ' The General-in-Chief, with' the ap probation of the"War Departmeat, difecti the following movements; 1. The army of Utah will he reinCcrr ed as; soon as practicable by the First regiment of cavalry, Sixth 'and Seventh ; regiments of infantry, and -light " com pa--nies A. and M. Second Artillery. ' - . 2. Foru Smiths, - Washita, -Arbucklev and Belknap will be abandoned for thr present, and all the trbops comprising their garrisons, except the ordnance ser geants, will at the earliest possible cay proceed to Jefferson Earrack.s. The com panies at Fort Smith by the Arkansas a mi .Mississippi rivers; those at Fort Washita, Arbuckle and Belknap by the lied and Mississippi risers, if transportation ;cn the former river can be . ob'tainf d without too great a .deiay,xtherwisebyFcrt Smith ' and the first named rivers; - -. r . ' . - 3. The Fourth regiment of- artillery, now in Kansas, will take posts as follows Headquarters, with two coinpamt-3, at Fort Riley ; the Lieutenant Colonel, with four companies, at Fort Laramie ; the junior Major, with two -companies, at i ort Kearney; and two companies at Fort . Leavenworth; the companies in each case to be designated by the Colonel. This regiment will be put in march for its seve ral stations by the Commanding General of the Department of the West a early as practicable. 4, An officer of rank being necesrzry at Fort Kearney, the junior Major cf the" 4th Artillery, will at once proceed thither , and assume command of the post. . 5. In due time further orders will bo given for the march cf the reinforcements across the Plains, and preliminary mea sures will be commenced at by the several Stiff Departments .1 c:t.T3 concerned for prepar bg the troops, and the supplies for the movement. - G. Measures will also te taken for fill ing up the regiments and companies to the maximum standard; and also for furnish ing recruits for the ether troops composing the army of Utah, 7. The several Departments cf the Staff will take prompt measures to seccre the public property at the.p-os to be abandoned. - .;-.::- By command of Lie utenaui General Scott, ..... irving Mcdowell, - Ast, Adi. General. Victoria's Ciililreriv ; " ; The Queen's children arc .rap:;!? growing up. The Princess Rcyal who is about to be married, is now aged 17 ; the Prince cf Wales is sixteen; ths Prirceja Alice, whose hand is to be demanded 'an marriage by the Prince cf Oraje, is 14; and the Prince Alfred, whose 4'res:d?r8 at Alverbank" his mamma 'frracicujily visited, is 13. Beside? these four eldest, the family includes Helena, llj Louisa", 9; Arthur, 7; and Leopold, 4. -; - At the last meeting cf the ee Xxjstorical Society, a sword waspreifntci by Captain William Edmistcn, cf .Ilcrp eth ..Valley, Davidson county, Tcnn., which was wcrn by Lieutenant Co!c:.l Dupcister, a British officer, at . the, ceV- ! LratE-v , ?atile cf lung s .l0d2titn.'. ,'" Th? Lcton Era says that Farur? crt