EZi3LL -MTD jmUTER GOOES!! DEALERS VJ8 AND UaIa St. between Froat EroTmviUa, A 1 ";..;.v..-hats & Stovest Furniture, Flour, AND 1 ! J. U i V77 x i i i . e WE hare jut opened a heavy Stock f Fall and Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Stable and Ittcj lice, which wc are now prepared to offer to the trad at extremely low prices, For Cafcli or Country Produce, . OetaWria, 1S57. .. . TZalS-tT CRANE A HILL. OF I. T. WHYTE & CO'S, UROWirVTLLE, N T. Jt, hara jait reeeiTed an entlre!y nrw msd larj;e ajuffltirnent of Superior Goods, which wa win sell at VV . a reasonable prices as any establiiiuiaent in the Wet, our motto being ''Lira and let Lire." -Wr hare now in store a (Treat raricty of the following articles, which we purchased for Cash and 9onie qaeatly can sell cheap on the same terms: ' a ' BUY GOOPS & GEIOCEHIES, ItILa.P-rTVTAI)13 CIiOT.I I I INTO-, HATS AIID CAPS, BOOTS MTD SHOES, I 3?."CJ3ELWZ'7"EJ2.E3? : Queensware and Willow Ware, FARM iJlPLIMENTS, ; And a'Unc assortment of Light Groceries, Sooh as Spice 1'eppcra, Soda, .Salaratus, ingfr. AUpice, e'to. ( m And- a good article cf Smoking ami Chewing Tobacco. It Is a pleasure to ns to show good., and we ask yea to rail round atd see for younelre. Oet.19.lSi7. r2al3-lj I. T. WIITTE tt CO. t S3 ' siesel eft; C2ree3l32a,xixrL, Slain St. one door above Luslibawh & Carson's Exchange Bank) Brownville, N. T. TC proprietors would mot rej.ectfu'!y inform the cilirer.s of Brownville and the publio gtnerally that they have received and are now opening one of tho largest and most complete Stocks of Clothing Lvcr brought to this mnrktt. , Their .ssortmest of- XsaLraaai every variety cf Textures and Prices ; ns to invisible Ureeo, and Liotns. cassimers, satineiU. CaFCmerett3,ana Jeans, all made np ' " accurdiLg tj the latest fushionable cut. , Their variety of vests is superb, exbrc::nj the very la'.cjt Baltimore Clotliiiiff Store Kay a!s re f .un 1 at ail x'z a ae se"e?tion of Cravats, Stocks, Tycs, Collars while or eolored, Ilandker hiefs, Suspenders, Carpet B.-is. etc., which we wiil sell lis cheap as any establishment in the West. "'.' Wo Uavo the Cacst and best assortment cf Doable ami Single Overcoats, Ever tronght to : MATS AND CAPS, . Warranted to suit the most fastiduoas. A fine assortmtnt cf COATS, Dress, Frock and Sack. ' PAXTS, Every Style and Description. ' VESTS, To please "Large and Small. : sniRTS, Both TTkite and. Fancy. . Orer Shirts, Overalls, Dravi ers, and Knit under shirts. - Back. Cloves, Mitts, and Riding: Cloves, etc. WE would but ask th public tota'l, axamine and judge for themselves whether the Clothing at the Baltimore Clothing Kinporium is not of better made material, eut with better taito, better trimmed and twentv-6ve portent, cheaper than they have ever bought elsewhere. -October 29th, 1S47. v2nl3-ly SIEGEL A GREEXBATJU. WE offer to the public, we are confident, largest and bwl selected sto:i of Grvea the Groceries ret offered in this market: Ilhds Sugar, JO Sacks Coffee, 125 Sacks Flour, 5 Ticrres luce, SI Obis iloiasses, IS Boxes Star Candies, J Boxes Soap, 150 Sacks Salt, IS Bbls Cider Yiniger, 150 bbls Selt. . ' TERMS CASH! !! . - ' l.T. WHYTE A 00. Ecu Wholesale Grocery House V7-c. RITCHIE, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL .-.X. ... B2AIXSIN Gic)cerles, .AVines, Liquors,! ' CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, Corr of Main end Tranca S.'. to HiddU't Old Elc4. Pf-poti'f Men.' llvleiy ST. JOM.IMI. 3IO. - " TT AVTC Jnft recrivrd x.i litpcht snl mrnt eoinplcte tui(4 tbe ibore es rrtr vC'ieJ in urper Missouri, to wbk-h tl.HJienu.Hicf n.erchints :A dealers is re pvctlQlUiu; invir tuivu, jparcliaCil tbeni pnwicipaUy It tula i Ui very lowe.-t p ML!Ie price;, in Buhn, Jw I'ork bt fcu Iu:, leel cvnttJent hat I can tiffet in4iuirmsit( lht re rir-ly foun-1. Rl hopiii;, by f.iir snd triernl (iei.lnp. Ww p;i ,-.n 1 gi'yrt GviB, to merit a lit-rl h&re ot 5.trl ic. C'.i'l ,n examine my stixs ar.4 vrKK-ffse pucha.:i. t-Itj ;ic bonnJ to i.illow. In tny stxlj w.i t t f-iu;i every anicio tisuhliy cpt ia a "9 I Gwct Iii.u:-e. ARNOLD &.C0, Liquors, "Wiues, Cigars, &c, - Ht ctlCers ia Distilled Wtlsker, ' Hifg ea bacl. and are cv:.tart'y rr.iviai larse pvlleot all k-ivts cf lt;n ar.d domeslie ij-jn ir, iua, frordtais, ti'-tca ef ery ce(.-iptiutu. imported 4 tats, wtuch will ts o.d iow tot cahbor approved . er. ' john Mcdonough, House, Sign, & Ornamental Painter. e LAZIER. v nnovrx villi:, .v. iy V ' CJ -irs ev W s. X Clf D-1 ftvr Jff IN -lCx ffS 'trr7irN 53fl ViSJ Lds KJ, -izSJ and SesonJ U., II. , CAPS, Bacon, COTJirritY PRODUCE. p 9 m fi a Color they hove Brown,' Blue, Black, risible and rtyles and patterns. Ia the this Territcry. ' "THE PRESS." X NEW DAILY NEWSPAPER. By John W. Forney, . I PROPOSE estaMUhing a l-'lret Class Daily Kewsr !er in the City or Philadelphia, between the 20th of Ju ly ana the 1st ot August, to bo entitled "THE PRESS." "Tiie Psiss" will be Iiemocratic in Us ilitics, and will iuuiii Uie pulley ot tbe present Katinual Aduuuis tration. It is bit Ottrtniaation to make it worthy f the sup port f every clas of refers. Dignity, uouarge and in-depei.-leDCc. in tbe utteranoeof my entiment.', enterprise ana eftcieacy in the ComaiercUl, Literary and News De partments, and repect fur tbe opiiuoos vt outers, will be kept c.u.tDatly tn view. . I hr enibarkrJ ait my own means in this project and lnt74 t uiUlJift up a journal that will not ou iy be Cred itable t. our c.ty aaa Slate, but will furuUh me an inde-pen-ieut l.ve'.it.xKl. a A tfciwtai ex'ensive experience In public life, and yearw coruection witb Journalism, w.ll, I nope, for ' Tbe Pres," a favorable reception. My friends in the diflTerent Warts and Counties cf Pennsylvania, and In other States, ni!l place me under many obligations by giving '-The Press" a helping band.' -TTRMS OF "THE PRESS." Pally fper aioum) in advance . ' is Weekly - . .... Ad-'-ess the TMitoi-'aiid Proprietor, at tie office of "Tbe Prws." Xo. 417, Chestnut Street, next to Pennfyi vaula Bank Building, above 1'ourtb Street. Philadelphia. JOHN W. FORNEY. NEW STORE VERNON? NEBRASKA. MT. A. HUD LET," Ataoas to fte wblie tst l.ebas purcTitsed th exten sive Sw;s f Goc Jj brouirM to this place ty Mr. Dailt, ard new iCers t sell Dry 5ool, Grocerleii, Hard War?, cuieen ware, &.c, at prie.s as fan it can be foand ia the K"estern country, rr uasa or ia eiucje lor cjuutry nrococe. Oct. 1. 'CT-eU Land For Sale. CH acres PrsB rand tiro miles from Brown. vt : i s 4.5 acres of whiit is timber, balance bottom TTainej jo sores vnttr fence and beine cultivated th awuia year , d aovse, iUbl.'well,and barn lot. The p.cpenj i.i be soid at reasooat le rates and terms, t . WM. HAKDLXT I iBiturt vf B. 'vr. rrxsas at "XitrStcr efSsfc ; t V 'Jr-ht ) sr sx r. CASAir, ) xaxtih w. sick,) , TEST, A V 3 4. B. WHITS, - ici.lUuffi,Iowa.. ) Nebraska City NlJ JXS. V Coooc, CASSADY , TEST, EJDEN & CO., (Successor to liiden fc White.) LAND AGENTS. . KZBILISKA'-CITT, K. T. r HATING made arrangements by which w will receive accurate! copies of ail the Townships embraced in the Lastern portion of hebrask, we are now prepared to offer our arviocs to the " Smiatiers of Jtbratka territory" la Drilling Declaratory Statements of Inten tion to iro-empi. oecunng .rre-emp-tions. Locating; Land. Warrants- AND ENTERING LAND, ; Land Warrants Bought and gold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. reticular attention paid to Buying- and Selling Pro)crt on commission: Also, to making Collections an 1 forwarding remittances fe any part of the Union. Atlanta of ail kind j alwsys in band. i , KErEKESCErt. lion. A. A.EradforJ. Nebraska City. 8. J. Ncc.ol!-, Messrs. Dolman A West, Peter A. Keller. Thomas Lnmpkia, Juno 28, 135J. vl-ni St. Joseph, Mo.1,. .Washington City KEROSENE OILS, ' DISTILLED FF.OLI CO A.L. (Secnred by Letters Patent.) ' Kiboskxb Illuminating Oil. The light obtain ed from this Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other oil or fluid heretofore disoorercd; is inoxplo tire, and will Temain limped in tho very coldest weather. The Company recommend as the lamps best adopt ed to this Ocil, the Kerosena Lamp;, manufactured by the following parties: Messrs. Cornelias A Baker, alio, Dyott, of Philadelphia, E. V. Ilanghwont & Co.. 4H3 Broadway, the Brooklyn Flint Glass Co., o. 73 Broad Street, Messrs. Uiots A Uo 133 Wil liam Street, L. Mcrcierl37 Elm Street, N. Y. Samples of different styles cf Lamps can be seen at the Office of the Company. - KZR03KVB LceriCatixu Oil, No. 1. Prepared to snit'the finest, and all other kind j of .Machinery burns brillianty in Loecmotire Head Lights Car Lamps, and all the ordinary Solar and Hand Lamps, and stands as grca' adcgreeof rold as best S perm Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship ue. j ' Kebosknk Lcbiiicatixo Oils, ?o. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and will bo found to possess adrantngev orer any (Mis in tae market at same prices will not barn and has been thus prepared to 'meet the re quirements of Railroads and others. KER3SENB 15INNACLB Oil. I'repared expressly for Ships' nse, and will be found admirably adapted for use cf Steamships, Men of War, Merchant Ves sels, Lake and hirer craft, and bums in all cabin stateroom,, binnacle, forecastle lamps, signal lan terns, Ac. Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as long as be?t Sperm, and will burn all night withont requiring to be trimmed, an advantage that will be obrious to ercry Shipmaster, The .Koroseno Oils can be obtained from the Wholesale Oil Dealers. Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New York, and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company n many of the principal Towns and Villa go of the United States, the Caaa- days, and the lilnnU of Cuha. Local Agents appointed (in conformity with the rnlos established by the Board of Trustees, ) on ap plication to JUSTEJfS, General A yen! t, Kerotent Oil, Co., No. 50 Beaver Street, N.Y. X. B. Circulars with full particulars, testimonials, prices, ic, will be forwarded on application as above June 25th. 1857. v2 2-lr NEW TUI-WEEKLY MAIL. FROM hock poriT, 3m:o. TO ' : . BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. GEO. E, M'CLARY, HAVTNG taken the contract for carrying the Mail between the above points, takes this method of informing the publio generally that he has made preparations for running a Hack on the above named route: Leaving Rock Port every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, at 12 o'clock M.: arriving atdirownviile at 2 o'clock. P.M.: leaving Brownville for Rock Port, samo evening at 3 o clock f . M. 1 his route connects at Rock Tort with the ft. Jo seph and Council Bluffs Stage line, and at Brown ville with the Stale lice leading from Toneka Kansas, at. Joseph Mo., Independence. Kansas City and other points below; and to Nebraska City, Omaha City and other points above; and tw rort Vearney, west; The subscriber hopes by diligent attention to business and accommodation to customers, to merit a share cf the public patonare. "' Particular attention paid t3 the conveyance of Packages or parcels. Charges mr.uerate:but no ac countability for unavoidable accidents. April 7 1)355. 43-tf BROWNVILLE STEAM MIIX, KOEL, LAKE k EMERSON, Brownvillo, IT. T. B. V. e would respectfully inform tho eiti sens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we have always on hand a large and well selected supply of L,L.uliL.U, which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for legi delivered at the yard I or on the bank of the river. ' ' ' All orders accompanied with the each, will recelv our immediate attention. A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO., Machinists, Founders and Engine Builders, I'xont street, "West of Smith,' CINCINNATI, O. Would most respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are feow pre pared to execute all orders in theirline, with prompt ness. Uaving lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they tow possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. aw Mill Engines of every Description. Constantlr on ban ': consisting of the Sash, Circu lar and ilaley. Mill Gears and every description of . asiings, warranted to be wca inaae in every particu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to evorsee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms us any other shop in tno country. - 1 hose in want of anything in our line, would do well to give as a call and examine our new patterns. , NEERASKA CITY Insurnnco Company, ; Capital Stock 50,000. . NEBRASKA CITY, N. T.' - rpniS Company, under a liberal charter, is now L fully organized, and their entire capital stock of ifttf Tuoutand jJollart, paid in and secured. Ibcy are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal term?, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in tbe profits of taceompacy. The operations of the Company, will be confined, for the present, to making, or caituo risks, with a maximum liability of $12,509 on any one bottom. Being tbe only Insurance Office, on the above pop ular plan, West. f the Missouri, it confidently ex pect, a generous support irom Western Merchants. We respectfully invito the Missouri River pa- trounge. PIEECTOES: S.F. Nuckolls, - Chas. F. Holly, H. I. Bennet J. L. Armstrong, W. N. Binchman, Miles W. Brown, A. A.Bradford. officers: CTJAS.F. HOLLY, President. ' J. Gasstdb, See'y St. Lonis Agent Col. W. P. Howard. April 2d, 1&57. ' 42-ly DOWDALL, markham.&co., WASINGTOII FOUNDRY, Engine and Jlacliine shol, ' cousin or secokd asd moroam itsieii, .ST. LOUIS, Mo. Vintifactnrers of Steam Xngiaes and Rollers, Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Snple and Double Circclar Saw Mills, Tobacco Screws and Presses Lard Kettles. Lard Screws and Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines Bnildins Castings Tfiina Improved Patent Smut Mills, fce. 2T9AGET3 for the saleol James Smitb k. Co.' Su perior Machine Carta. vtnft-ly LOWE'S Xiaw Offlce. OX.UU CITY, X. T. Zfew. Hardware Stoie.. "Skncf the Sstt. - - . : r i .-. J. FLvAHEBTyy . ' Iarrorter. Y holasaiaand Retail Dealer In AnTferican Grerman, English & French JJ.iRDJVJRE JJfV CUTLERY. - - - - -. ET. HOSEPUf MO. IS"K()V receiving and opening the largest and most variid at'ortmentof soods in the above line ever uffored jn any market west of St. Lonis. My t-toek embraces a full ana complete assortmeat of Cabinet and Housn Builder's Hardware, Mechaa ia's tocls of rery description, direct from the mts4 approved manufacturers; agricultural and-Jicrticul- sural txls and implcmeats, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com inanity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am e celebrated sws, which I -tarv urices also ais oxive agent for tae sue or tnece St. bonis Circular Mill and Cross cut Saws. will warrant, and fill all orders at ibe factary prices. Also a Urge assortment of lions, KiScs and Pistols, Iron, Sttte!, Sails, tc, of the best brands: in a word, my stck is very complete, which, fo. its quality anJ price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will cemmand a liberal share cf trade from this and adjoining counties. Mr arrangements for importing and ageteios for American Hardware Mtnufaei nrers, together with a long experience m the general tiara ware trade, enables me; not only to defy ail competi tion, tnt has convinced me that the true principle of iraJo is. ratal! profits and quick returns January 1, 1857. rlnzyu 1W111WST01 JOHN COLHOUN & BROTHER, (Siga of the Padlock, opposite the Post Office.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PKALER IS Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Slices, Leather and Shoe Findings. 53". JUSJjPH, MU. TTAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amcr- LA ican and Foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves A Son's Files Scissors" and Edge Tools Batcher's do do-. Spear & Jackson's saws Knives and forks Brass curtain bands and Gimlnt pointed screws pins Door locks ', Auger and auger bitts Cora knives Briar scythes Grass and grain do Nails i Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wood saws Unffii n and American horse nails Post hole autjers Ames' shovels and spades Lull & Porter's shutter Bu:ta Morticing machines Circular, mill and muly saws Plant-sand plane irons Coopers drawing knives Blacksmiths' Bellows and Yiecs do adzes and wood tools Tress Eoops Euttn, cast and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyero Irons Plated and com. stirrups do do Bitts do do Buckles do do Kings Breast and rein snaps LasU, pegs Peg floats Pincer Shoe thread ilousehole Armitage an vils American anvils Stocks and dies Pod books, breech'gloops ma screws, cockeyt-1 Ornaments, racks Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins Upper leather Briddlo do Skirting do Harness do Belting do Goat ckins . Enammelled leather Bristle.), wax Lining ckins Binding With many goods embracing a complete assort mcnt of the most desirable which they will sell at the lowest prices. J. C0L110UX A BBO April 16th, 1857. 31-1 George Fergnson, MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, BROWITVIIjLE, n. t. AiryOTJXCE to the public, that be isprepared to erect Steam and'Water Saw and Merchant MilU at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair- ing ujmacninery tii an Kinds. ALL WORK WARRANTED. IX) is also Agent for a; b. hollibird & co's Vestern Foundry. CISCISSATI, 0. r LEE & LE AVITT'S Saw Manufactory, And are prepared to receive and fill orderafor any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these e- taoiisiimcnts. Letters of enquiryj'promptly answered. REFFEBEXCES. Noel, Lake A Co- Brownville, X. T. Steam Hill. K. AV. Furnas, Brownville, " Muir.Hann A Co., " " Lr. Hoover, Nemaha city, 1'. II. Rogors, Pawnee city, Kutkolls 4 White, lUickport, Mo. James Iiow'o, Linden, A. B. Halliberd, Cincinnati, 0. ; Brownville, Juno 18, 1857. M v2 1-ly Dillon, Thompson & Co. Large frame building cor. Mina and K'Jtk, ROCK PORT, MO. Wbosesale and Retail Dealers in AND GROCERIES. Haran-are, Qaeensware, Drurrs, . Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Tinware, Stoves, Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows, and Farminp; Utensels. nave, oo tiie opening of navigation, a v v large and varied accession to their Stock, which will be sold Low for Cash. February 12th, 1857. . 35-tf OLIVER BENNETT & CO., MAMTFACTCREBS AX WnOLEALrt DEALERS IS Boots Shoes & Brogans, Xfl. 87 2ALY STREET, SAfXT LOUIS. 210. ARE NOW IN RECEIPT of acompleteassortment of goodi from their own and other inatrofac- tories,adapted especially to the v eslern trad1. Purchasers are invited to examine their stock. manufactured and selected-with great care and warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive roinpt and enreu attention. L. &A. CARR Wholesale -Bcoksellers, Stationers, BLNAK BOOK 3IANITAC1TRERS, a o. 4, id am fctreet, bt. Ijou .3, mo. Keeps constantlr on kand, all the Spelling Books, Arithmetics, Grammar!, Geographies. Philosophies, Beading Buoks. Histories, Dictionaries, Chemistries, ax. now in use, wbicb they ofTerat the LOWEST PRICES. THEIR STOCK OT FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Stationery, Blank Books, n nliusr and I'rimini'aper, ITas hern dele:tod i:b the Kreaitt-t ca. e, and is evaal to any in tie Vest. Having an EXTENSINE BINDERY Attached to tbir establishment, tbey are prepared to mmofacture all kiudo of Bluk Buuka te order, a short nctu-e. -T DR. J. L. McKEE, " raSYSIOIAKT AND SUEGEON DENTIST. -Brawnville.-N. T. TEITH PLUGGED AND FILLED IX JUESlOSr APPROVED MXIIHtR. . . -w AYER'B FIIIS. XC2 AIL THE FTJEP0SZ3 07 A - FAMILY PHYSIC. Tttrp has lone existed a rnblic demand for an 'effective pnTtrative pill which could be Tehed on as irare and pertectiy saie in i v. been prepare-1 to meet mai ac "-"r:r aive trial or us virtues nas iuiiv...v.v o..-..- -what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical pul, but not easy to make the best of all one which should have none of the objections, but ail the advantages, of every other. This has been attcmrreu nere, . with what success we would respectfully submit to the publfc d-cision. It has been ivnioriunaie ior tiont hitWtn tht almost evcrv purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so muca , jcriping pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance tae gooa iu u unw uv. them. These pill produce no irritation or pam, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement m tne boweis. x-eing purciy otni.ia nn hnrm ran arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Amors- tne com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in ita various forma of Jaundice. Indigestion, languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listleasness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all tnese are out we con sequence cf diseased action in the liver. As an penent they anora prompt ana urc icuei m -vn PHm Polio. UvRcnterv. Humors, Scrofula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impuritv of the blood. Irregularities; in short, anv and every case where a purgative is required. Thev have also produced some singuiany suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsv, Gravel, Erysipelas, ralpitation or the Heart, rains m me Back, Slomacn, and Mae. ineysnouia oe irceiT taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the svstem for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement eii-sta; but nn necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Ueing sugar-wrappee, iney are Eleasant to take, and being purcljr vegetable, no arm can arise from their use m any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box PltKPABKD BY DR. JAMES C. AYEB, Practical and Analytical Chemist, ... LOWELL, MASS. Frio 25 Cents per Eox. Flv Boxes for SL - AYEIt'S CHEERY PECTORAL, . . For tbe rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, IIOA USELESS, CKOMIIITIS, VH00riA.-tOlUi:, CROIT, ASTIJUA, AD CONSUMPTION. This remedy has won for itself5 such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtnes in any community wbere it has been employed. So wide is the held or its use fulness, and so numerous the eases of its cures, that almost every section of the country aboflnds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and wbere its sirtues are known, tne nublic no longer nesnaie waai nnuuoie to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. - JSot only in lormiaabie attack t upon tbe lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds. Coughs. Hoaksese-ss, Se. ; and for Lhil- ukkn it is the plcasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept wp to the best that it ever has been, and that the genuine' article is sold by J. II. 31 A UN. A CO.. Browuvillo, Bernard. Ailnm-A Co., St. Louis. And all Drugixt in tbe United States.' June-25th, 1H57. - t? Patent Dortable Mill, rrillE ub-rilers. have entTcd intu a purini-mhip A under the linn or Iteed, llulubird X Lo., mnntifitcture tho J. C. Ilced, Patent Purtiible !risi Mill ami are now prepared to lurm-n all ttiose in want of a giMid Com or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simiilicty and economy; exuel any Mill inth world. Ou the late exhibition of the .Mtt-hanit- institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Medal was awarded them for it.. . It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes: it i superior to all other fr the mMt extensive .Men-han Mill, as it is for grinding the farmers feed by Horse power. Tbe above -Mills are mnnuracturcd by the under signed at their whop in Cincinnati, ()., where they con be furnished in anyuuantity athort notice. The above Mill warranted to iierfurin as tollnw. 3ft lb. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $:') .10 " ' " " 30 " lo " 2M 21 " " 20 " l:$ " 2i0 20 " " " 'S IIS " 8 " 15 As this Mill tells its own .-tnrv.it is unnecessary U quote from our numerous recommend itiorm. received GEORGE F. KENNEDV, WLEA1L ESTATE RItOKKR AXD.GFAXRAIi AG EXT Florence Ci1y, X. T. Brownville Bakery AND 'CoufoctionAry. EVAN WORTHING. BEGS leave to announce to the public, that he ba erected a Bakery vnd Confectionary establish ment in tho City of lirnwnville . T., and will kee constantly on hand, and is prepared to bake to order Itread, Crackers and LaKesof every manner. tylp, discriptiou and quality. Ilchashad much experience in baking and consequently frols quite confident he will be able to give ciUiifaction, A libcsul patron age is respectfully solicited. " ,a nuiiiuuu. July,23-'i7-v2nf-lm. E. ESTAEKO OK, EXITED STATES District Attorney. Omaha Citf, X. T. REQUIRED to bo n attendance officially upon all the terms of the District and Supreme Court M the Territory, tenders bis Profcs-iiin:ilservics to such as need them, llo flatters himself thathis facilities for "-ininir a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction toeuch as entrust their business to his care. m OmahCity, June 7, 1356. " GEO. P. LICKHARDT, WATCH HAKES, jSLtxcM. T owollor, ORECO.V, HOLT COU5TY.M0. TAKES tbe liberty to inform the citizens of Brownvillo and vicinity, that he has opened a Watch. Clock, and Jewelry Store. InOreeon, Holt couittv. Hit., where he will kcp con stantly on hand, and for file, a good assortment jf Gvld ar.d Silver tWtches.CIocksand Jewelry, whn-b he will cell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of Violins. Aceordef.ns, Silver, and Plated S- tacles, Gold Pens with tiold and Silver extension eaif, Silver Thimbles. r.. e. Ho is prepared in repair Vt atches. ClKks and Jew elry, ot every description, in the best suanner and on ihe most reasonable terms. Every article bonsht in his establish rtenf. is war ranted to be what it, is represented to be. AVatch re pairing warranted for ne year. Julyr,. 155. vl-nRif IRESEKVEII FRUITS: .Strawberries, Ptaches, Ybrt! brTis Ae , Ae., to b bad at lt. -rhytia co-3. ( : joiin. Mcpherson- . I have last received an. entirely new and largo assortment of . . ' SUPERIOR' GOODS, Winch I will sell at as reasonable prices as any establishment in the est, Ihavo now in storo a great van eiy or " ; in artltles. which were purchased for CAMl aadconsequently.caa sell cheap on the sacra Urma: DRY GOODS, GrooerieiSs HATS AND CAro, SADELERY, BOOTS AND SHOES JTAUDlYARE AXD CUTLERY, QUEEXSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, Heady Made CloUiing. And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, : Peppers, Soda, .... Salaratuv Ginger, Allspice, 10-Novrtnber 5th . ' etc., etc. PIHE LUMBER I ! ! rriUE nndersisrned respec tfully inform th citiier X of Brownville, and Nemnha and surroandii, counties that we now Jiave ia operation-a ll Lumber Yard in Brownville, where we keep for sale a well selected stock of Pine Lawber fnim X U 3 inches. 'Also, i'iue Siding Worked Flooring, Pine Shingles and Pine Lath, all of which a e will sell a' fair prices U. BUOWX & Ca. Brownvillo. June 2trh.lP57. v2-j: .LOUIS WALDTER, , House, SitrD, ar.d Ornacir-ntal Painler, OliAZIEIt, G RAINES, ""' PAPER XJl Aii GER, NEMAHA CITY. N. T. T:kes this method of Informing the public that he has removed bis paint shop from Rockport. Mo., to this place II 3 tliinia bunself qualified to ui.dertake any woik per tiiininsT to his line of business, and respectful ly invites the public to give bim a call. Please ieave orders at tbe "Advertiser" office. " Nov. 19. 1357. nCl-f New Arrangement! D. A. COCHRAN & CO. Dealers In Groceries, &c., Post OfSce) BuiMing, Main 8treot, IlROWXYILLE,!.T. Ilerebf iulurm tbe publi that they have purchased the stock of gxds formerly belonging to J. II. at ACS & Co., of tttr. city; have made additions thereto, and are now offering fur sale in the same roum a very choice selec tion pf - Groceries, Notion, Stationery, ivxira t ine jfouieu uranaies, Wines. Cordials, Preserved Fruits & Conlectionary. Purchasers may.rely upon obtaining f rnra us nutbirg but pure and excellent articles. We solicit a share of pa tronage. Kovember 11, 1S57. n0-ly2 Scott city Steam Saw-Mill JOHN C. HUFFMAN,' Scott City, Mo., (Immediately opposite Brownville tf. 7.) Announces to the public that be bus lease t the new steam saw-mill recently erected by Mr. Meek. Incited as above, ami is now prepared to f urnUh the citiiens nf Mi. sour! andXebr;ika wiib an extra quality of LVXBEB or every description ami SAWED LATHS of an excellent quality. A share of patronage is solicited N -veni ber II. !So7. n2tr-: y ALLEN BOOT " 8. W. COZZESH ROOT & COZZENS, LAND AGENTS. Omalia City, TsT. Tj HAVING mndo arranemanf by which we receive ac-nte eo les of all the TnwnMhis, a fast as urveyeJ, in tbe Torritory, we ari-now prejiarcd to offer our services to the citizens of the Territory, IN FILING, Declaratory Statements OP INTENTION TO FRE-EMPT, Securing Pre-emptions, LOCATING LA.D WARRANTS. AND ENTERING LAND. Lind Warrants . Bought and Sold, L'md entered on time, .tc. PARTICULAR attention paid t buying and selling on Coinmifion Also in making t-ollcution in all parts f the Territory and Western Iowa. April 7 4:1 tf TllANKI.IN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRV Ko. 163 Vin e St.. bet. Fourth and Tifta, -Cincinnati. 0. C. F. O'DRISCOLL & CO. " TanufacluriTs and dealers in News, I took ana Jot lv.L Type,M'iinting Presses. Cases. Gallic, Ac, Ac. Jnks. ar.d Priiitinsf Mn erial of Every Desvriptitni. sTi:ui:tTVi'i(; of n kind-Bw.ks, jiusi.-. Patent .Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engravings. Ac, fe. Brand and Pattern Letters, various st!es, Tailoriuir! T Loriri!! Tailoriuir!!! ,E. E. PAUKHIl. Merchant- Tailor, Atlintic cfreet. West of ILdnitxell's Store. BROWXVILLE. XEBRASKA TERR. HAVING bought prierty ami located wriiuinent ly in Brownville, I nftVr my services to the public generally, if tbey want any tbingdune in my line of bu.iinc.-s. I can always be found at my post r. more pnijirrlvsje;iliing ul mv ben-h. "IVork lVafraiitccl o Fit Xo Paj! Particular attvntioa paid to cutting nrmcnts and layiug off work foil ho Semtrti. Tho great oi-t portion .f my Iifo has bucn devoted to my trade, in which I consider myself inferior to none especially in tbe cutting department, and 1 bo by ul"fe atten tion to my business to merit a chare ,f pnblio jmtromigH. E. E. PARKKlt. Brownville April loth, 1S57. 4 ly V. II. THOMAS. T. A. QALLAHEB. THOMAS & GALLAHER For tvard in grand Commission Xo. W Pine treet Crner Sccc-nd, fur staies 10-ly St. LOUIS, MO. U. S. Mail Eoute, Fixnn the Kemala Agency, in Kane as, to the ' mouth of the Ayoway Itiver, N.T. T1RL LINK makes one trip pr weck,ea-h wav, I Moi!ing at the princii! tjwns cn the Miiwouri River. (Jix! 11 R-ks ail the way through, and good hf icts and nice youn.r men for drivi-rs. J. D. A W. UENNET, Contractors.. !). 1!. T.S. vlnC7-lr Lumber! Lumber!! nOADLY Ik IU1R ni-Pe new Ste im 11 il. b juhi p. ne intor.yeT7tion tn tbe P. atrie Forre-t oppoaite Rrownvi.ie. a a now p-epjr-el i fcrni b theTc. b ic rK eve-y rte-uab.e variety of Uiaiber, on ,hrt no ice r.t re.aable te-ms. Tlieie l.n: an llnul am ont ot fcjrd w.d timber in ih vi.-inr-T w ure rrvret t. p r ps.iicular attrniK n in rmi n in MLia. B'lllia opnrarr. mr w. r.Ilt Innih- 1 .K... rrrjimM, n- in aim comii v can t found at tl,i ii- . UDlDLKTkurm ffZiSAllA CITY, ij't. Moore & Brownlee Would reecectfuDT general; j that they Lave- jut XeteiT4 5ttbJi vA LARGE STOCK. OF o 1 q Everytliin fiat cca'es RndiT tbsteu GROCERIES Cs,ULee2U3xrcf, AXL, OF WHICH WE WILL SELl ' CHEAPER THAN THE CIIKAPBT WantedT A C0,D ,kIi,ck,a,i,h find constant ,mn 1. mcnt, at remunerative by prlTinju' J. L-'SHAkP Nemaha City, k.T. July 2.1857. DAVID B. arcnuH. cn if trj iicLAuami-jr; PonaaiT KEAL -ESTATE AND GETCRALI, A.D ARILT!t Tint Street opposite the '-Advertittr" oj BBOVVVILLB, N.T Will attend tu filing Dcohiratio!., of intcationt Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Ijwd Www, Enterirs Land. Lind Wi.rr nits Uought snd Sold. Particular attention will be paid to toxin, ,'. 1 selltng-jrfoiierty on commission, and malin. in.. usents f..r distant dealt rs. ' tCorrespondcnce solicited. M.'LAUCnLL'U COSSET n ,N EEEIl TO ' Bradford, McLennan A ilcGary, Nebraska Cilv X T Mid'berson, Morrison, Hutcnius, BrowuTili j'f O. II. Biirnet, Esj.. Dayton. Ohio. ' Fashionable Tailor, JACOB 3IARH0N, A determined to Iwate in this plaw, n spectfally announces to the pullio that be bat on handa Ureand well selected s:o, k uf Cloths Tweedy Caimer?. Veotings.lc, whbbt will make to order in good style s ml at rtinabl rates; or sell by any quantity desin d. He also keeps constantly on haul and.;, supply i.f ready mado clothing of all kinds, lirownviile, Jose 13th, 1957. J1- o. .1) rinttMrect. corner MK0td,imuiri julylv2n5 st. i.nt is. vn Brownville Steam; ferry! J?BEST ckosslm; r. o.t the MISS0IIKI RUM! The Boats from lirownvihe to Ft. Kearnev. S aaa irom thence to Cal.fsrnin. is the nearest axid most p.uciicable. FINNEY & CODINGT0N j ANNOUNCE to the Traveriior PuMio that they ar , now runniiiv' as a Kerry a.-rt t tint Mi,, iutt U t IlrowiiTllle, rmalia Co., TV. T. t An entirely new lubttential end cmmodivi STEAM FERftY BOAT, I Which ar-iiiigeint-iit will sc.-U'-e a ctmio ud1 ; safe pasaga at, all time and in all kinds J weather. The Proprietors do not assert btiiig'T. or fi-r he purMseif gaining cii-Iuli merely, but r 1 governed by facts, wiien thy sny this is th b"t f cnsing of the .Missouri Kiver in Nehmska, am! '. when tbey say the mate fr. m Un.wnv.lle W tun Kearney and fr..i then er to Caiiroraia is the nrarwl ; for evidence they refer the reader to the ii'Sjiof tb ! Country; and are warranted ia sayin; it is the taut practieable route by, M-rsoiia espcrience,ss rll m ; that of hundreds of othrrs who lisrt traveled it.-( We claim therefor that this ena4ug and r uts huMi out j)wulirly favorable inducements, lo rs; going to Culiiornia. and slieit ttiei jstrofcjo. Nl-; withstanding our superior arrargr nvnti fLr S f ; and speedy ermming, tmrrhargfe nre tlesannasuiher : Kernes in Nebraska, all being rrgi.latcd by Ltpila- j live enactment. rSfl'ceoIlect that with our facilities .f no kimls ,f weather will prevent our Itoats fro j making regular trips uf all hours. L-r"A skitfand bnni will be in readineM to crow f.vl passenger at all liiii s f n gt t. n2U-. vmlwr I tfh; 1337. WatcJiinaker & Goldsmith,1 A. GYS, ROCK PORT, M0. : BEGS leive 10 inform tbe public tbat be b lol in iheabve named tuwn and itf-jri fir al a cnutt stuck of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. 't and oiher article usually kfpt in jc1i titiil li.hniCT'i ' prices wbicb ciunot bl e uipUine-l of. Mv.it n " '; ieuced watchmaker be fljtier hioi-eif th .1 in reyi '' : waicbes, clocks and Jewelry lie can gi ' perfect mu.I- , two. l IB Groceries! Groceries!! j Fresh Arr'.vjls ! Ilfi-vy AiMitioiis!'; Friers Great It Hcduced! CVRREXtr TAKSX AT PAR'.'. J, B. JENWHTG3 Cor. SnJ and Frances sh, 'Y. Jostfh Xo- HAS jut received at Ms atore room, dtner ' Se' ; and Francis S. reels Si.Jeph evei rtmiui 4tirMe " ; bis line wbicb be p'lrch.ircl f -r tbe Kj'I auJ Wint.r trade at Ke.itly reduced prire fr Civh and i'b ; will fell at crrep. ti.iiiii p ue. fit aa. ii,;":1' customers. Ani- f.s his recent 1 e cip ;ir JO ! f'5; pp.iches 25 doi K.inie A pics d..:: .if.w.r:td trun 20dos L- bftera I at 2 :b c nn 300 d. s Field's cel')'1"', Oysters put up ibis fall half Marrl new wbrt ' alsof sttii-h MOtKin WKCiice,, 60 b xtw IP1 lb Currants. Oo boxes t.er-b raoins, ICN) b le-xlu"' rinir 600 lbs i shen Bif :er 2U) b Is crackers, t ' nuts assorted 6J lb; Pejonts. I'W Duxes assor'H ai-4 fancy candies 100 dj inm drops and nucto L ie" 3S)drum Kigs 4c. Aliw a larxe I dMijaa and bwi.' which will be sold at p. iceo-nsiderably telow tbe? a? 51 s y days ae.i. i St J weph X.v. 8 157. lis 1 1 Buchanan Life and General j Inaitrnnco CTo., j Ulh :e ror 1 and Jul ST. JUSEPH, JI0. I cnTri:i at tub lakt sitsiof thi! Jf t,;" Authorized Capitol $3,000,000. ( DIRICTORS: J. R.Jenninirs. 1. It. Ilowml. J. A.Owen. Tooth. John Coiboan.Ji hn II. Liken?,. W. iLPene-M jamcs ivay, j. .icinan, n. o. .iin"n"r. I. ii. JENNINGS, rcf 'I y. R. McAsiiah, Sec'y. IS now ready to receive application for Life F,f Marine and Kiver risks. A easa return of I5 cent, will be allowed on eargo pre-niums. promptly adjnsted, and the usual facilities f Tf 1 j the patrons of the oflce. , April 15th, IS57. S. Locxwoon. 1S57. K- E. Fi)auT. Lockwood & Pomeroy, j Wh' lesuic and Retail Lcal r to j HATS AND- CAPS,! STRAW GOODS. 1 Also, Shipoera of American ffors of 'v?? script !on: frr which they H P" thehlgh-jst MarVetirive, ; IX CASH. . . ,c COUNTRY Mercl antsarr invitrd t , slock , Hits A Cai f..rfheaprroac,inx--Fi( ( and Sumoif r tradu. whii-h will be 'rr?f'h"ki.j and well selected. InpoiM of variety unrst'10 : n be e:y!led hr anv ll -useiu St. U' -. Our price will he I .w. :-rms cci.iDin-d':", CaH and so- na at our New Store, ""'jjj St. Jiwr.h. " s I nisa M i-wa Jwerrl-ri at - 'Jf VwTt I