.ADVERTISER, WILLC.DEC. 31 ,1S57. T 1: , ,,Tif Vi or i-j 'c IlMS: $200 2.30 12 " z oo iii K lamibed at $1 60 jr ,h accompanies liie rder, not in adv-auce. t iLc tad of 6 months, , fXn-lve a';' ' .f,!Mi." .-,.:". ';';..., ..eured Fancy Job .Printer, in de 't :, ..at-done ia Hie execution of Job Work. r,t J''OI) , f i . iter's, latest improved Card yr wk in C!orf lirouxe Work, kci will ' -. -..' attention. 1 .-a 1 T' r C Jllll VUKh. iti ms of ew Type., vaw, ic, made to the "Aver ,!e to tarn wt Job Wui k in ofil "e- Tin1 proprietor beins and bavins in bis employ a 11 -taltce pTCJipii icuuw iu, pjve satisfaction or bj pay. fxNtR Ferguson, our Dele- re:??, end Lol. U. r. Kaskis Clianse or Location. Messrs. Zctok &, Baldwin formerly cf Oregon, Mo., have removed their large and extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, &.C., to the thnviiij town of Forest City, Mo. They have constantly on hand every article usually found at such establishments, and we hope they will meet with that success their enter prise and energy so richly deserve. for valuable public xlocu- to r Increase or Mail Service, ,.. .( a petition in circulatic -tu.aster Otiirsi asking lor our .. ..; u.iiii route from Nebraska City to Kava.: Mission, Kansas Territory, to .. i-. n.rJ ) a tri-wetklv route and ! extendi d to St. Joseph, Mo. ; ... consider a very essential route v.J ' tt JIv calculated to accommo- a:. '- r t:t a iare and r..untrv. We hooe 1 . t. r,, .- ut rontritiuie uis V V-"- 1 . - - - - i:: s.Turing.this much needed in :A ...ur mail facilities. New Orleans Picayune, Is too well-known to need any commendation from us, rnd those desiring to keep pos;ed as to the events and polit:cal questions agitating the extreme South can fiad no better means -han by enclosing the subscription price of So,00 addressed to Lvmsden, Kixdall & Co., No. G6 Camp street, N. O. : 1:: important our Dele- as- Li U. S. Land Oficr, ? Brov:;.viUc, Dec 5l, 1S-57. $ . Editor : have, for mv own information, ascer the bearing of th mercury upon temperature of ih- winter at this town 1 the lh t. tho morning of the 31st would interest some hand vou the The Baltimore Patriot. " - ' Published by Messrs. McJiltox Vv'ilis, IJaltimore, is one of the best exchanges we receive. It contains all the news of the day, political, literary and miscellaneous articles of the highest order, and no pains are spared to make itvhat it is a standard and reliable paper. Price 81,00 per year. ORDINANCE" BQ.it ordained by ibe Council of tbe city eif Browr vii;e, Tbat all it city orders sball bear ten per cent I er annum froni tbeir date until reieeuied. A; proved Dec. 1, 1S57. A. S. nOLLADAT, Mayor. Joiix II. Jljtrx, Eecorder. T. E. IIAYCOOK. Attorney at Law HEAL ESTATE AGEIIT. 31oant Ternon, Xemalia Co., PirtuuUr attention paid to tbe pi ad ire of law and col lection ol debts in tbe counties og Xemaba, Pawnee, t;htis'U. ind Kichardfeon, Xebraika Territory. KeaL estate buosLt and sold im cudiquamuq. Land warriuts ijcated for distant Ueilrrs. Pre-emp-Uob paper carefully prepared. 8EFEH5 TO Sarn.n. Elbert, Plattsiijutb, K. T. II P Bcnnet. "tora.-ka city. X T O P RichartJbon, Omaha eii;r, X T Penuer Fermison, M C, Bellevue, XT -Caiady k. Tet. Bankers, Council Bluff, Iowa Cx. Serpeant tt Cook, Fort iH-smoines, Iowa. Pjem!er 2, 157 i;231y ZOOK BALDWIN, Porost City, Mo Dealer m And 7 MEDICINES-. Cliem ioals. Dye Woods, DyestulTs, us, i-aints, and Painters Article arnishes, "Window-glass and Putty, French, English, and American Perfumery. FIXE toilet and sharing: soaps, fine hair and - tooth brahe, paint brush Furgical and den t 3 al instruments, spices, snuffs, manufactured Prospectus Cor the Toiirih Year OF THE COSMOPOLITAN AllT ASSOU1ATI0X, Ending January 2Sth,lS5S. PUECHASE OF THE FAMOUS DISSELBOBF GiLLEEY OF EE-PURCHASS OF THE WORLD RENOWNED STATUE Powers' Greek Slave! The Management bavegreat satisfaction in annotmcmg thai tbe Cosmopolitan Art Association, after three years of unparalleled i-ucceM, enternnptmiiu fourth year un der the niui-t brilliant auspia. Tbe purcaae f tte preat Dusoel.Jorf collection of paintings at H cott of one bnndred and eighty thousand dollars ! And the re-purchase of Power celebrated statue of the Greek Slave, at aco.t of sbt thousand ckdlart, together with several hun dred other valuable works of Art, render he indacement to subscribe greater then any heretofore offered. Among tbe large aud valuable collection of paintings tij be awar ded as premiunw to subscribers, on tbe 25Lb of January, lS5ti, are niany from tbe Dustcldorf Panungs, en:brac inj; tbe well known Othello and Vedemo.a., The Fai riet, The A'ymph of Diana, The Trial of ice, witii numerous other of surjws'Sing beauty and value. Tap wrk in Maitle will embrace Powers' Unoi and original statue, The Greek Siave.zin, tbejolbtwmg beaa'-iful works in Carrara marble: TheSictue of Au rora, The Statue of Ptvehe. The Smr,h nf a. Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles Ttifst!H'ient' a id F"ldelit,h emhraciu?, m an, several Varnishes. "Window-srlass and Puttv. turc-aud IJ- j. eras 01 UDScripiign: Every person eul5cribing '.hreedollars before tbe SSth cf January' next, IS08, ien:itlel tt the -aige aud cuetly steel Jingraviag Manifest lettiny splendid f,3 en graving, also a copy of the Cosmopolitan Art Junrual one aot beautiful magazine in America; also to a certificate intbe awardof preniiunis, t.y which a tine ,-,.? v- . . f 4 1 ..1.. r U,,cc,; all the j-ttent medicines of the daj: pure ; admithe S ncr, ior me year Tins it is seen inat ivr every three d.illars paid, the subscriber not only reee;bs a Bidendid ORDINANCE 7. Ic it ordained by tbe Council or tbe city of IJrownvilie, That the sum of four thousand dollars be appropriated f.r tbe purrnire f grading Atlantic street, frc-m tbe Levee to Six.h street. Approved Dec. 1 ISoT. A. S. HOLLADAT. Jlcvor. John n. ilATi;,Eecorder. 1. 1 ;rt'viia dav- M., 12 M. I fil I on C!i'at':hes nnp-iron with I will receive sealed proposals frnrn now until the first M 'twiay in January 1S.V lor the grading of Atlantic street lrom the Levee to Sixth street. Tbe proposal to be ir cubic yard for cut and fill. Tbe siHxesstul bidder ill be r quired to give bond.- with approved security f r tbe due performance of tbe woik wubia six mnntbs irvni tlieleuinc tbereif. JOIIX II. A1AUX, EecorJer. Dr. 41 wines and brandies, for medical purposes; choice toiici ana taucy arxicies, eiceic. Agents Tor the sale or "Wistar iialsam of Wild Cherry. Roger' Lirt rwort, Tar ad Canchalajrua. " Osgood e India Cholaoapje, " Jone.s American Chlagotrue; u (5uTsottV Yellow dock and Sarsaparilla; u SmithV Tonie Syrup. July 23, 1857. r2nl-ylj LOUIS WALDTER, House, Sljn, and Ornamental Painter, GLAZTCK, GTIATTTEB, PAPER IIAAGEIt, NEMAHA CITY, K". T. Takef this method of informing the rublic that he has retihivj-d his paint shop from Rockport. Mo., to this place II thinks h.niKt lf qualified to utidertake any work per taiau to his line of business, and respectfully invites tbc pjhlic to give him a call. Please leave orders at the "Advertiser" office." Kjv. 19, 1357. n21-tf L.'-is Li t diii 11. i. Lu' published rJJiatn, that there' is ;. r in the Teniperature ORDINANCE i.d South I);-. . -.a. :i. I m. 5. P. M It- . ' 31 ' 40 ' 34 13. 32 o-IT 4S 14. : -53 47 ":. 44 -51 4-3 j0. ;3 ol 45 - 37. 41 43 3S 31 3o 32 1H. '2'J 3-5 32 -jo. 33 3o 35 21. 32 33 2S 22. 21 3j 25 23, 2TJ 4ti 37 . 2-1. 30 34 29 2": 32 34 2S L- k 23 31? 34 27. 3tV 41 3S - 2- 2" 4U 33 2(.f. 3D 3(. 3.) 3f). 3J . 44 3S - :m, 31 jni Porter's Spirit of tbe Times. General Purchasing Agency. TITK constantly increasing demand upou us to execute coninnss'.ons for theiHircbasecf all kinds of articles. Iwth for residents and iicn-residcnts of tbe city, hastndiKel us to eaiauUU, in cttunecUou with our newspaper enter- piioe, a 1 . Pnrcliaslns: Ecreaa under Ihe immediate supervision rt one uf Jur fir;n, as sisted by the most accomplished experts, Jor gvjifljing ami arlitle t ihe world. Particular atteatw-n win be paid to the selection, pnr- cb3se, and sale of tborough-breil Cattle and Horse Sr.ock, trainoil !g.s. Ferrets, aiki fancy Fowls, Carriage, Bugpj-, and Saddle Ilors', Carriage, Iiamesg and SadJlef, Time Watobes, every iecriptiiu of Fire Anns. Sporting Arti cles. Fishui? H-xb aud Tackle, 31 nsic and 31 usical Instru ment, Tacbt, Sail and Iitw Ikvats. Furniture, fine Wanes, Liqnors, and Sipars; Cricket and Ball Bats, Pads, &.C., i.c. AcaictrLTUKAL IllPLrMEKTS, of tnc u:e.iana uust im proved kaids; Seeds, Plants, Fruit, Forest ami Saade trees, and all kinds of Books treating on guMectsol im portance to tbe Farmer, IluriicalturiSk, awl Florist. IState liooiis 1'3 ACD in advance, on bieaiaersanj Packets b leave r r Euroje. Caiifonua, the West Indies, or any part of the w-jr!d. This will obviate the necejsity to residents of inland towns, and piace? where no steamer eiicie-. csistof cmintoXew York two or three week in ailvance as they are now frequently re;uired to d- eitbe to .btsin pa&aase, or to secure eligible axomukoda- unns. in tnisdepartuieat. we will be ready to secure Boons at Hotels at favorable rates, so as to protect the stranger froui iuijut-ition is well as inconvenience; and, ii short, to perform any description of commission tbt would ordinarily reiuirc the presence of the warty hi:ii3c!.'- iciitienim who desire to form Libraries, or who may wish 1o procure tbe Choice Literature vf Hie day, can always rely uimmi our jochtecuent and Mdection. A1k, Blank books aud Stationery, and Bouk and e- Paper, f jririiiters. Jiwnville Salcon. V - J THOMPSON i M A11SII, First rt between TTain and AtlaJitic, HAVE purchasel tbe above named aiiiii, formerly ownel by Wm. Alderman, and now aunouwe their readi ness to tickle the epicurian tastes of the Brcwnviiiians and others with every variety ..f pod tb in? uul ly Xe;-1 iu such estabiikhtnentH. T:s he re you can pet your fii oysters, sardires, lobsters, tres'a ven:n, prairie cl ic ens, andwh like and some r tbat piorious ?t ale withwliich to wab it d"wn. Give usacill. Xovemter 11, lc-.T. r.00-iy New Arrangement! Front Street Ki'oivni ille, Aebraka Tcrriiorj', I: i. G. mercury t civeu. II. MXON. ir.at . a fair tt anions 1 'xi-i'ia-; New Year's Call. rivpratk'i:; have Veen ; ;:r veii! tru-nds to initiate : iuau ai-pvcpriate manner . 1 :.ile ii.dividi.:-al For lhat ( t arrau'-uirnis have been made to ! rancv II"p" on New Year's ; are assured bx . 1 1.1 and evervthini k:iovie-2" ir, wiii.l'e ii of ,1 Te 1 !-aM;-'i o! Tet i:. .4iubmt)e No 1 thi.'se en jarred in .p. L"i even- one if yn'.mre fond of mo'1, vou will not the T0. the re- s. Be it ordjined by tb Council of tbe city of Brownville That the owner or owners of biTs cn ilaiu street be re i'jirrl to cut all tt?p brush and rei:i"ve all the rubbish ' it ;he street in trvin ;Leir repeciivc- l"ts t" tbe centre f sai l street and that the uue be completed by the lirst dav of January iiext J'i Should the owner of any lot or lots f.i ! to comply v i:b the prvii ..n of tbe fi'vt section of tbi- tlrditiance, it shall be tbednty of tbe Marshal to have tbe sa;::e :.i;c at the exsen-e of t!:e owner of iai '. lots, aiid if the suite is not paid for by the owners of said lot- within one month from the cn:p.e'i.n or sa:d v.oik tbe M.irha! -h.ill proceed to sell so ni'jcb of said lot? as will pjy said intlebtedness, tirst pivinp tt-ti days tioti.e of s'ict time cf ?a.e. 3d It is Lereby made the d-.?y of the Slarsbal t sf that JIair. street i.-cleaned of all kinds ofw.nnlor lum ber a; the ex;e:i-es of tbe owners or such w..n,d or luc -br. st civnij: she par'y or parties reasonable time to reai'-ve tbc same atter civiiyrdue iiotivO to tbat enect. Approved let: 7. ISix; A S HOLLAPAT, 3Iayor Joirx n 3Inrx. Eecjider IMPORTANT INFORMATION! 1 ctor WITYTE, having reiv"ei from 32 Vine ft to o. Pixie Street. St. Louis 3Io., Continues to te c.'iisulted on all . Diseases of a Priv.itt? Natare. By a Ions c nrp (.f study and practical experience of ii.i'.iiintei extent. lr Wbyte ha- the pratiac.tioti of pre senting tbe uiii ruinate with remedies that have never Jjiied to cure the nust aiarmiuc: caes of GOXORKIIiEt AD SYPHILIS. Brrsra'h bi trratml all the horrors of Vvxsereal and Impure EliM-d S rofuia. Gonorrhrra. Tlcers, P.iins and lst-es in tlie reri'n of Procrejtion Inf.annnation ot tbe Bladder and Kidneys, Ab-cesses. nur.tors. Frightful SweUir.ps. and tbe loin: train of Horrible sympti'ins at- tendinp this class t oieases are Eiaae to necome as harmless as tbe simplest aiiinzsof a child, SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Pr W. devotes a preat part of Lis time to the treat ment of tho-e ca-e- causeil by a secret and solitary habit which rums tbo ! -ly and nund. uniittinc the Infortunate individual for ei'her t'usiners or society. S -me of the sad and melancholy en'eits pri-duceil by these C3rly ha bitsof youth are Weakness cf the Back atw Linit's, Diz ziness" of t"ne beail Dimness of Siht, Palpitation of the Heart, lyiepsia. Nervousness. Ueiansenient of the Di gestive Powers Sysiptonl of Ccnamptii.ii. &c. Tbe fcerfu.1 effect x on the miiuiare much to be dread ed, viz : Iv'ss 01 ilem ry. Confusion of Ideas. Depression ! of Spirits Evil Foretxdinps, Aversion to Sjtiety, Self i Distrust, Timi'lity, is.c. are amonp tbe evils produced. ' Such persons before c ntemolatins marriace should con i suit a physician cf skill and experience, and be at once 1 retoredto beaith and Inppiness. I Fever and Asue Cured! Warranted! i All letters c iitainin: a fee addre-sed to C. D. WHITE, i 31. D., St l.ouis 31o. will meet with prompt attention : and medicine sent secured from dservaton. 1 strictest tccrecy olttrned in all cac. ! iv,nt forpet tho place : ; t3Ifo. 7, Pine Et., Saint Louis, Hon J. H. TviAUN & Co., Tlas just received the LARGEST STOCK WE ST OF SJ IX T LOUIS, Consisting, in part of the following articles, which they propose to sell 1 I Cheap for Cash: Pure white lead Putty French zinc C'a-tr oil China zinc C -d liver oil Ued lead .Sweet oil Veniuan red Olive oil I P.aw and burnt nmbre iln ' Niamsh whiting Patent medicines, all sorts t'haik Couth candied Turpentine Paaay caiidies : Linseed til CaMile soap i Tanners oil T )i'.d soap " . ! O pal Tarnish V."ahinp soap ! Japan Toth brushes White Varnish Hairbrushes Litberaze 1 Cloth Brushes " Paintbrushes Aim inds soft shell Varnish brushes Hani shell Almonds Sa.-h and window tools Filberts, peacans Wall brusbes Pea nuts ! Itteria? Pencils Firs Table saints Ki ins ; Camel hair pencils Oysters in can j BSenders Sardines j Star caiKlles! Black aud Imp Teas Yeast Powders. i the last chance our ave of securing good 1 u uavs uiier. and t urin ry one desiring anvthina in J. V" all mean-1 Clti- 1 ike- Mr. Minxich is the best operator LsJ in this lace, and his pictures ;urpa:"'d l y any we have ever He intends staying a ilia i 11111T his line 11 era ue rv . ia the Last. AHBEOTYPE NOTICE. J. n. MIXN1CII resjectful!y invite Ladies and Gen tletnen to call at his Ambrotype Gallery, where speci men pu-rures can be seen of the first quality, and where you can have a miniature taken tbat cannot be surpa-sed in beauty and durability, and which will le warranted not to change in any country or climate. Children can be taken or lair days in from two to five seconds. Please give me a call, I'll try to accommodate all. Lockets and Ureastpins Filled. House. "Office in Nemaha v ailey Binkin; r.2.1-4t Brownville. Iec2. 1S57- di at lr Potter Wanted. industrious Potter, I will cive employmtat toaso.l, well aciuaiutcd wiih the bu-mes. of the Nemaha V all ev Bank n-r:r Brownvnie. iec 5 istt. joiix iurnniisox. J, II. Maun k Co. ' This enterprising firm C. have dvr.iade- new and extensive additions t their stock of Dregs. Medicines, Per- ; a;ery, c."', and. all articles cf the bet iii t-e iounQ at tncir Trout street. . Ladies will find ir-tavonLe-perimncs ana lancv toilette ar'i'.i.'s there in the greatest abundance m.d variety. We might -mention in this connection -.'lat the lovers of the weed will find that article at John's in all its various fjrms, i;..d of the best brands. "We speak know ii.eivin regard to cigars. Btackwoods Magazine. . For November has .'"st been received: It is unusually well Iled wiui the purest literature of the day .and should be in every household. Price 3 '00, per year. Address, Leonard Scott & Co., New York. The' Ohio CnMvator, . . ; Commences a new volume tin the first of January. It is such an agricultural paper as every one should have who owns a farm or garden. Pub ihed twice a month on heavy book pa--Ir. 1C pages to each number. It is de moted. to the interests of rural life. Terms " 1 ,00. per annum. Address S. D. Haii- -Lditor and publifher. Columbus, Qhb. . TIIK CXEVCIaAXD PL tXX DCILER 11: ci innieuce the seventeenth volume on the first day of January next, it will continue a National De mocratic Journal, readable in every State ami Territory ot llu- l ui'in. Tue r,.iin Deuier tasn. w lein pi;blib- eu seveti'e-ii yari ly the same null vicinal ; ha louzl.t nve r;esideuti.l, and twenty-one Stale Cauipibnis wi;L- out mi-MU-an i-ue and is n ,u in bettor i.iurt 1.. ti-i t tbe battles of Democracy than ever, llaad to hand bav e we contended with Know Noibm?isiu. Greeii'vi-ni cheri-m, and Black Kej.u hcamsm ; until 11. w we see tbe National Democracy trianipquut o'er tberu all. n.e Naiunal Administration is urs Peansj Ivan, Iowa. Miane-'ta. ana Ohio have been gloriously redeemed I; l-cjnndently predicted Uiat in three year?, or by the neat P. evident iat election, every Slate and Territoiv Ui tbe Vuioii wm W Dem n-ratic. . We have passel through an cxtraordinarv vear. While tbe earth ha- biouilit forth ia unti-ual abuislatK-e, and tbe land I burdeueil with a surplus cf rich pr.l'ucts: i banks have been biirstn abrat u on eveiv side; a-id I panic, like -the Kstilence that walks at noon-dav," bas i pervatled all blanches rt business. This pa-.er' buUdf ; sytm burst just in time to save tbe farmer harmie-" hivins still in hand his crops instead cf worthless baai I trash. I EVENTS OF THE TF.4B Tn rnxrr Te iH'.icy of the new National Adaiiuwtration is M be taL!,sbed. A new c,ngre-, lemocratic in both Iran-c.,e-, i-. m to as-emble. Ibe President's Ti.st Annual Mesrase is .bedfUvared. Tbe new states-Vinuew" i Slants, and Orecoo to be admitted. Our Union is to ' beenlarced to ibirty-tour States. In tL,n . i,2Ll dent Treasury t le estbii.-hst; and the' Black Kern ulicaii routed ! i-u-NOW IS TRE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE V. e shall have every week A list cf all the broken bank. The latest market reports. Tale-, a-.hlTeieprapas from an -rti Single Subscribers 2 ou t club .f twe-ny ri 5 Clubs cf ten I 50 J Clcbs or fortr 1 , Tay invariably in advance. Ta the petter"up of club onrc r frratis. Post at aster are e-peaally reiTstei to act as Acents. Clubs can commence at any time Tbo?e tfesirin? the President's Alessage and ether Pub lic D.icnments can subscribe now. Subscriber ta tLe new volume shoule eiid in their names as early as the middle of December, so that tbev may be registered ia time lor tbe first number. All funds received at current rates, and if registered, at ur risk, Addres-. J. W. GRAY, Cleveland. Ohio TOB.IVCO, Of the best brands, chewing and smoking. Cigars fin est qualitv and flavor. FRUITS .1X1) LIQUORS. Preserved fruit for pies, brauclied peaches, fresh pea ches in cans, pure liquors for medical purposes, Jamaica rum. Holland Gin. lush whisky, Bourbon whisky, g:u;--or braudy. Cordial, Port wine, cherry wine, wuite wine, Malaga wine. STJT10XERY., Pixilscap pirer, fancy letter paper, ?ild edpe notes, aisl envelopes, plain, fancy and embossed; pens and ieti holders, inks of all kinds, inkstands and Pavers pencils, sealinif wax waters. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries, OmprisinR Lyon's Kathairion, colojrne, p"mniade Pennine ox marrow, bear prease and oils, muskande setwes of all kinds aud of tbe tiaest quality. Jr" Physicians' Prescriptions aitendedi ol tbe day and night. ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Consistins: of TEAS, . SUGARS, COFFEE, .MOLASSES, CAXDLES, POWDER AXD SHOT "With all articles usually found at such places, three dollars engraving, buuaiso, the beautifully illus- irateu twodollar Art journal, one year, together with a certificate in tbe annual award of premiums, by which a valuable work of art in painting-or rcutpture may be re ceived in addition, giving to ever subscriber on equiva lent to the value of five dollars, and acertiaca'.e in the award of prsmiums, frratis. fXy-The eiurraving "Saturday N'i?bi"will be furnished in place of .Manifest Destiny if desired. To those who prefer tbe itasazines in place of the en- priiwusanu .an Journal., the Ashkuii.ii w ill XurniBb, with a certiflc-ate in the award cf premiums, any one of the following $3 Magazines, viz : Kmerson'i laitazine and Putnam's Monthly, (combine-!) The Atlantic .Magazine, Harper's Ma'uiine, Godey's jLaay s Jia-;aziue,uran;ii!;'s, Biackw-.jal'8, South ern Literary Messenger, Or any one of the following British jn.irterIie.H, viz : i.iiiuDurgii, .Minn asriiish, Westminster, And Loudon Quarterly Keviews, or Littel's Living Ase, ami iwoceriinoates, b. uwing to ue new series 01 the Art Journal, it cannot be furnished free to any except to tbose who subscrtbe to tbe Emrravln?. To all eth;rs it is $ a year in advance A copy of eitber or tbe alve Magrziues, and a copv of the Cosmopolitan Art Journal will be furnished for $5, lncnminpiwoteriincaies vi ttie awardof premiums. Tuose sunscrinm" tor two memberships, taking any one of tbe a!xve Magazines-and the Enzraving will be entitled to the Art Jottrua free, and two certiilcate in tbe award of premiums. Persons taking five member ships, remitting $15, will le entitled to an extra conv of the Etigraoincr and Certitiiate. Address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A., hroadisatj, Nete York. Subscriptions received by II. FURIYAS, Hon. Secy. Brotrnrille,X. T. W . II. WILIalAalISi WHOLESALE AXI' LET AIL DEALER IX STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, IVTo-, TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or cn and the public in general, that bo bas on hand the un.t extensive stock of Stoves ami Tin ware, ever offered in this market. 11 y stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is fur sale at t iKiesaie ana tu:iaii at St. Louis prices. I would eall particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVE S. comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tiht and Premium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the be-t stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. ko Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, wl.ieb 1 will SELL LOWER TTIAX ANY DOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and j utting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, le- j-airutg done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Oid copper, llrass aud Pewter tr.ken in exr-aange for work or ware. AV. V. WILLI AALS. vl-ni Oregon, Mo.. July b, 18jo, Land Warrants oir Sale. 11. t. jinn. r E VT.-Furnaii, 'Advertiiirr OtMCC.' NEW TEBEY. Across the Shute At the Head of the Island above DROAVNVILLE To IT. S. Hall & Co's Saw Mill. THE undersigned announces to the Public that he has purchased the Ferry privilege granted Jack son Peters, at the last Session of the Legislature, and is now prepared with anew and substantial boat, at all times to accommodate the public. Charges usual rates. UKLVH SMITH. Jane 11th. 1857. . 3S-.,m FOK Tim LADIES, we will procure the latest Fashion Platef, styles of li miets, samples of the newest varie ties of g'xls, c smetic, perfumes, and fancy articles, and we shill always fe pleaded to furniah everything couaeci- ed with their wants. In short, for any service which may be required, the public may rely uon us, with the most perfect confiiieuce fur fidelity, and dispatch. Apply to GEO. W. WILKES & CO.. Porter's Spirit of the Times. 313 limadway, N. T. X. I. Subscriptions for Porter's Spirit of tbe Times, a S'lortinp Literars. Agricultural, Family Weekly News P iK?r, may be forwarded to tbe same directum. Terms, $3 a year. D. A. COCHRAN &. CO. Dealers in Groceries, dc., Post. OSce Buildinr, Tlain Ktreet. IJIIOIT.WILI.C, X. T. Hereby inform tbe publl t tat thev have rrchiie'! tbe stixk of gw-Uf ormerly belonainc toj. II. Mats is. Co., cf thiscily; have m:vle additions thereto, au.l are now cflering for sa le in tbe same room a very choice e!ec tiou ot tiroccrios, ZVotions. stationery. Extra Fine Kottled aJrandies, lyints. Cordials. Preserved rrmitsi. Contort! nnarj-. Purchasers niywely vponottiini:. t-omn not b ire but pure and excellent articles. Ve solicit a share of pa tronage. Xovember 11. 177. r.0-Iy2 Scott city Steam Saw-LIill Eiciiaru Knows, Pioneer of .Nebraska. JOHN C. HUFFMAN, Scott City, Mo.. (Immedialelj crpiositt lirotcntUle. N. T.) Announce to the puld.c taat he ha leased the new steam saw-mill recently erected by Jlr. ileek. hic:tel asat.ive, and is now prepared to furnish the citizens of kli.-souri and Nebraska with an extra quality of Lumber of every description and S-7WED LJTHS of an excellent qualitv. A share of patronage is solicited. November 11, 1357. niu-ly "c-rr::. :to. . JAIES CARCiiLL IJroprief.cr. MANUFACTURES and teejs cori.j'r .on band f jr ?ale, all kindi of I'Ionr ZZtnU ac 1 Feed staffs. Orders Svl.ctted and prompt' Uii on unst farorable terms.. Cash paid corsmtlj' fir WL-at. For character cf Flour refer ta yerj-w!jr th.it ever u.ed it. ,St. Joseph, MoAng. "3, 1325. TlulS-ly To the Public. T FOUrTAiiX all persons from btsyinj nr Vd. er er n;is any liM.n .-s in the town cf "5 AX FRANCIS CO." Said town ;j laid out on my claim, which wa juaij-e 1 by Jlr. li.iter. and I by thin notice make public my intention of contesting her right U the aarue, befcrv the Tinted States Conimnnssioner. ZT" Nebraskian and St. SepU Gaiette copy 1 Xcnth. Seixi Bill to this (mice Sept. 10, '7-1 1-1 m TULIXVM XZ LOX. Alexander Hallam, Late Casb'r Ncuiaba "VaLey Bk BROWIT c HATiIjAM, BIurvrXVILLE XLLUASKV.. OCX attention will be given to the following business viz: To the buying of Bank notes, and loaningmom;y,ou goaI security, " ' and seliiiig of Ea'tem Kxchange. " " " " Land Warrants, " collection of debts in Nebraska, Iowa, XoTthcrn " Missouri, and Kansas. " buying and scihagof farms, town lots, or unim " proved lanus. " selection and entry of Lands for settlers "or others, eitber with land warrants or money. Remittances can be made to us in Drafts, or Deposited with Banks or Bankers subject t.i our order. Ve w ill enter land- w ith Warrants or Ca.-h, pay all fees taxes and couiinissiuus for one-third of the gros pron:s. accruing from the sale of tbe lands. In Nebraska and Kansas frm two to three millions acres of -the fl:iest lands in the Union arc being .fl"ered for sale. Foreign capitalists will Slid here a rich field for in vestment. Investments judiciously made in Western : lands and town lots are now paying from ally to five hun dred per cent. We solicit tbe pitronage cf the public, confident tbat tur experience and knowledge intbe business will enable us to give entire satisfaction. Having a largo acquaintance in the Mississippi valley it will not be difficult to give reterences when required by correspiments, as regards our standing; and will at all times cheerfully answer all letters of enquiry. Brownville, June 25th, 1857. , vC2- ft GEO. S. EAYEIL& CO., m ITHI IB, AND 7 General Land Agents, Glenwcod, JPlattsmouth., Mill.s co, Iowa, Casi co, Nebraska. "VT JlLh prorriftlv attend to Land A jencies.Inres VV tigating Titles, Paying Taxes. Investing mon ey, IUijing and ijcllin Towb. Lots, Luviiig: bdiing and Loeatinir Iiarl Warrants, and al! cthw business connc. 'ted with tlicir nrufesiioa in Western Iowaand Nebraska. J. M. LEWIS, Associate' Atiornev. HKFERENCI: NEW (G(Dg, J0IIK McPIIEItSOX: I have jast received an entirely new and larje assortment of surauor. cocds, "Which I will sell at as reasonable prieesa3any establishment in tbe West, I have now in store ft great variety of the fol lowing articles, which were purchased fur CASH and consequently, can sell cheap on the same tenaa : DRY GOODS, rocenes HATS AND CAPS, S ADELER Y, - BOOTS AXD SHOES IIARDYl ARE AD CCTIJCRY, QUEEXSWARE, HOOTS AXD SHOES, Ready Made Clothing. And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Commercial Nursery, BL00:iINGTOX, ILL. . The tmder..;rioJ l t leave to Inform the Xantrywm nd Farmers uf tbe Wet and Sontb-west, tbat they M't ' Cltensl vlv engajcd in tbe propagation of liOOT, CUA1TKD AND BUDDED STOCXS T0S ACIISERIKS, especially the APPLE, and a tew ether aardy Fruit. Having spent near twenty years in aelecting tbeir Fruus. they are now eon vinced that their list Lsnnurpa eU.Kitn in retard to the quality and tbe proportion la wbieh theycultivite. Beutgvery deiruor disrnii:i tir.g tbem as widely as possible, tl adopt the method of Kiultngout small, eult;Tated stocks for tbe Xnrsery, a bciuiz far more practicable and safe, than to incur the jrrettl expense, delay and risk of shipping larse trees, watch should always be raised near where tbey are win tail. Fronijheirb.ns experience tbey flatter themselves taat they are perfectly acquainted wit the atwe boinei. and they graft ouly audi hardy varieties a succeed wall on the fHi. and bod. on seedling stock, and th moat sirable, tender and half hardy kinds. The crafting will lie done at tbe proper season, and in the best manner. 51 h stock will be packed securely and slapped by expre. a the greatest care in early pring, to any part of tbe Wiat. They Lave a Is,), on hand, the largest and bet crop if MACLURA HEDGE FLAXTS ever grown, fjr sale on bett tenru, by the thouaarWl r . million-. Tbey may be skipped in tbe Fall er Sprii. Tbeir prices for N arsery stock will be found as low as (i othcrof equal quality iu the Union. Cata!-ue andTna.l- ' ise on lleli-e Culture, sent jrratis toall applicanla. Patronagu solicite-l. Orders for K arsery sioct Kh44.M be sent prior to 25th of December. Address, UV10IAN"4i JIAXN", Oct. 13, ,57-nl6 Bbx.minston, III. HUDSON GEOKGE, (DEPUTY COUNTTY SUr.VEYor.) SURVEYOR AXD L1XD AG EXT, ilaix Street, llKOWNTILLE, N. a. WILL attend promptly an.1 faiihiully to tbe seltbn and location of Government Lands in tbe Nemaha lauul Di-trict. Surveying Tow-n site, subdividios Lands. Dndl insCity Plats, and all otter business of a general Surfrr or. Willbiy an.! sell Land warrants, pay taxes, iuvjui ?ate titles. File Declaratory Statetr.enU af intenluli t pre-empt, and make out Pre-emption papers at shortoi tice. aisl always on hand to look nut claims for actual set tlers. Investment mule for distant dealers. Lexers of inquiry answered promptly. terra to Daniel Beckel, Banker, Juhn Mills. Cxsh. Da loll Bank, P. P. Lowe finnkle & S-rrons, W.mI &. Nead, M see iMtiiih, Uyall 6. Charles, Land Agents. iej. Ii. Nixon, Land Register, Lu-bbaugh k Carson, U,mkers Urun it Hallam. do K. W. Furnas. Editor Advertiser, Sept. 21 5-;-t.l3-2 tf a eppers. Soda, Dayton, Ohio. do .. d do b d da do riot innati, CHito. S:onx City, 1 'ra Brownville, 2. T. do lo do -io . Greene, Wcare & IJenton, G. liou-hry i Cn.. Greene. Wcnre A, Rice, tircvn-; ii Wearc, Nixon Sl Vh diunn, Tixitle & Greene, N. W. Thomas, Sob. wily A. Son Gon. Wm. Irick, II. Johnson, I. lieetl o: Son, Robinson A Ilro )nrlinzt"'n Co. Hank, Cuuneil Bluff.-, Iowa. . .t Ft-. Tes Moines " Cclar Rapids. " Cincinnati, Ohio. (UenworJ, Lma, Ciuciacati, OLio. Yinccntown, X. J. li'.ri.tstown. Philadelphia, Pa. 3fcdf -rd, X. J. 19 Novcnihcr oth. Salaratus, Ginger, AlL-pice, etc., etc. A. V. Pl'ETT. 11. H. WILKINSON. PUETT & WILKINSON, aLand Agents ATTORlYS AT LAW, OMADI, T. Wi'.l attend to all business entrusted to their caxe REFERENCES Col. Je?sc Williams, Gov. Jo. A. Wright, Mr. F. N. Ilowk, II n. John G. Davis, lion. Geo. L. Miller, Fairfield, Iowa. Indianapolis, lud, Washington City. KockTille.Ind. Otnaha Citv, N. T. iJllfJIB NEW ARRIVAL OF 0 W S3 and TINWARE. FIGS, RA1SIXS, CURRAXTS, SOAP, TOBACCO, Tbev invite their friends and the pnblic generally to Hive t'bem a cal I, and tbey pledpe them.-el ves to give them siitisfaeiion as to price and quality of their goods. TERJIIS CASH EXCLISITEL1. Nov. 21, '57-v2-u22 DISSOLITIOXOF CO-PARTXEKSIIIP. The co-parlnership heretofore existing between 1. E'. iliun and A. S. Hoiiaday, en ter the name and style rt' J. II. .V3na & Co., is this d-y dissolved by mutual coir sent It is anxionsly desired tbat the affair of the nm 1 immediately settlec: thereforetohsewliokrjow or llie'e tbemselve indebted ia jfr.y manner whatever will tal:e due warning. It must be done and tbat b without d lay. All debts must be paid to A. S- IT lladay, wlw will be found for th? rreseiit at tbe Pjt-Offlce. J. U. MAUX. hS5-::tt. 25, '57. A. S. nOLLADAT. The Ohio Statesman Since obtaining pssession of the 'Ohio Statesman,' tbe Publisher ha received numerous assurances from the Democracy of tbeir cordial desire to extend its Dircul i tion. We shall meet this disposition more than half way. To do so mot effectually, w e hn e incurred heavy expenditure for editorial assistance; and for supplying a v eiw larre amount of aew type and niaterial. The M eekly will Le made tbe People's Newspaper. Except immediately da rinp the political canvass, it will be tre larpely occupied than usual wiih the best varie ty of Family Reading, tieneral Kews aud choice miscel lany and market and commercial tables and reports. Xo weekly paier in the Umoa will contain more penerai rnd valuable informal! ,u. It will be furnished at the lol lowin.r very low rates : Siricle Subscribers Clubs of three Clai of five Cl Jbs of ten Clabsof twenty Clubs cf fifty Clobsof one hundred All clifbs of twenty subscribers and over, must be ordered in a single addnps. Tbe Daily contains tae latest news and market Teports from all parts of the wwrid. It will be turnished as follows : Sitiple subscribers $5 CO Clubs of ten bo 00 The tri-weekly is furnished at $.3.00 a year, or $1,60 for six months, and amtams the inside mater of the daily. Clubn of ten and upwards, to one address, will be fur nished at the rate of $25 00 a year. All payments mast be made in advance, and the pa per w ill be diconiined at the end of the time paid for. J3Write ,he names and post- ffiiesilistinc'.ly. so that no mistakes need be made in entering the names on our subscription bk. JA'3. HADDOCK SLTTTH, CoLtMBfs. Ohio. Iublisher. $2 00 a year. b 00 6.00 15 00 25 00 60 CO 100,00 and over, must CnEISTIAN DEUSER. J1U0AVNVILLIL N'NOUNCES to the public tltat he has just re ceived, per Steamer Lmma, a very lurge ami well assorted stock of Parlor ard Cook Stoves, cf new and improved patterns. as follows: Shanghai Elevated Oven. COOK SIOVES, Buck's Clipjyer Oven. " Improved I'atitru " Charter Oak " all t f which I pledge myself to fell at as fair rate and on ac?oinrnodating terms as any other estab lishmcnt in this region of eountry. I have also now on band every requisite Tariety of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, aud am prepare! to put np gutteringand spoutinjr and all other work in mv line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. A share of patronage is solicited. 1 C DEUSER. P,rnwnville. July lolh. 1S.iT. v2r.51y NATH'L POPE COUSIN, Land and General Agent, "WASHINGTON CITY, D. C. Ilavii.:; resigned the situation which he has held in tbe General Land Office for tbe last twenty years in charce of the Pre-emption Rurean otters his services in the proscution of claims before the Department, under she pre-emption laws, town site act of 1341, i.c. &lc Mr. C. will also give attention to cases before the Pen sion offk-e, procure Land Warrants to parties eutitled. and prosecute claims before Congress. REFERS TO S A. Douglas. Illinois, L. & senate. J. D. Bright, Indiana, ' C. E. Stuari. Michigan, " K. VT. J..hdson. Arkansas, " Dan-I Well. Wisconsin, IIonseP.eps. C. C. Washbcrne, R.ib't Smith. Illinois, " John B. Salidce, Louiiiaaa, " Th. ms A. Hendricks. Con'r Land Cfice. S.Wilson, Esq. Chief Clerk rr..r. v: V nmiunton. ta-.yin r, lacuana. James Shields, Ex-Cu'r, ilitnesoU Geo. C. Whiting, Com'r Iensk,us. Gov. Medarv, St. Paul, Minne- ta ilessrs. tweeny, Fent h. Co., Bmserj, Wajihinton Pairo it Xourse, dj Chabb Brother. o do Sater, Lea k. Co, do lso, to the District Land Officers generally, and to all who have had land business at tl e seat or government for years. 3"Xo business letteri will recesve atteu tion"u!ilMi accompanieil by a fee. El-y TO THE PUBLIC. On tbe2o;h of January last. I conditionally ciittracteI to sell tuIt. Lcrt ll nvk ami J. G. llelvin a part of tbe land known as Xeal's Point. Sai-1 contract has been for feited by the failure -f s.nd Ilav. k arid Meivinto comply with the ciidiiions on their part. 1 therefor, take this method of warning be public not to purchase stock in aid land or in a town called Alamo, which I understand is about to be laid out said tract, from any persons. I amtliele owner of said land, and w ill make no titles v.pou sales by either t the ab.ive nanieil centienicn. I furtherstatethat although Ilrave tberi--htto retain the amount they paid me as a forfeiture. I am not disposed to do so. and now notify all persons concerned that 1 am ready j and willing to reiund to Jlessrs Hawk and 'Iclvin the I amount they paid me on said conditional purchase. August loih, 1S57. LOUIS XEAL. Emiirrant's Land Hunter!!! HOYT &. SMITH 1I1ML Lin Mil. AXD Xemaha City. andPiea3antville, IT. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sell laAXD EXTEIlEO OX TI3IC Land Claims and Town Lots UOTJGHT AKD SOLD. AXD Investments Made for Distant Dealers. EETXG practical Surveyors and one bavins had three years exierience In tbe "West."' will devote onr entire time and special attention to the Selection and Entry of laud or claims for oC-Ulers aud all tbose desiring choice locations. Address, 1IOVT &.P5IITU. XemabaCity, X T. REFEES TO A Schnvler, Itepublic. Seneca co., Ohio. DT Sertrlos.TitVm Cify, " Dr P lnnskecp. Dayton. I wa Co., Iowa. II pv W Ki.-is. Arci.er. Uicbard.n c ., X. T. S Wiseman. Genoa P.luft's. I wa. J F ISchnyler. Xovelty Wriis, X. T. F Fer?iis.n. lirownville, X. T Ciinton D Turner. Attica. Seneci ro.. Ohio. O" Letter f llnouirv Promptly Answered. E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AltCIIER, KICH ARDSON CO. 5. T. WILL practice in the several Courts of tbe ii Judicial Di-trict, and attend to al! matter connected with the Profession. Wm. 2IcI.ENX an. .Es., of Xebraska City, will assist me in the prosecution of imjxjrtant Suits. Sept. 10, '57-1 1-tX The Steam Ferry Boat IS COMING TO WLOWNVILLE, And E. PARKER IS now prepared to prepare and makeout Pre-emption pa pers 3iid warrant them to t correct. 1 tuve taken the trouble to post myself up in regard to the Pre-emption Laws and contested Claims, and will alw ays feel pl?aure in givins advice, gratis, to those who may cal 1 on me. Ilav- :a de-ire to remain permanently sett!ei in Nem ib.i c.iuiity, 1 will exert my time ind talentsto the advance ment of our new and prc.-perous county aud the Territory at lanre. laand Warrants Bought and Sold. OFFICE, one d.wrWest of Crane &. Hi H's.in Brown k. Ilallam's new Office, where he can be found at all times durins business hours. I have some K.Kid claims to sell of the Brst choice, tim bered and prairie. ALSO Several pood and eligible lots in Brownville, which 1 w ill disposeof cheap for cash or 011 time, purchas er paying ten per cent interest. r.. e. PAHCEr.. Brownville. X. T. Oct. 15. 1157. vZ.Ioly r00TS and SHOES A Tremcndoiu Htock, ;nsl" y received, opened, and for sale, bv " I.T.VnYTE A CO. ' XV. E. HARVEY. L. TAX WTCK. : Civ. Ki.:.. Snr. & Draf.'n. Gmeril Ijind Jlaent. HARVET, VAIIWYCK &. CO., taeral Land Agents ARE connecteit with arncien in Washington City by w hich thy are enabled U prosecute claims aain.t the I inied States (vernnieat. or attend to any buinM be--fore the General Land ftlce with dispatch and to the satisfaction of theircu-tomers. ine of the nrni beiin; a practical Engineer and Sin-ey-or (iiaTine been for many years connected with tbe Cnited btaies C'.ast Surveys ensacd on work of.laternO Ini provements) we are prepared to nialse Surveys of Towns, Karms. Alc, in any part of tbe Territory; and ha-iii(r etisased the beft Draftsman in the Territory, can eifum Maps, Town Iiats. atnldiawins of all kicds (mechanical," an biteclurat, kc.,) to the perfect aaLsfacUoii ou cu tomer. October 22J, 1SC7. i2.51y JOHN P. TVSON. W. HACKXEV. TYS01T & HAC2IIET, GENERAL, X.ATTD AGENTS, BROWNVILLE, X KM A HA CO., I. T. Ijnd Warrants Bought aud Sold. Land entered 011 Tuae. Claims and Town Lot Bought and ik Id. Loan Motey, Make Investments ami Locate Warrants on time, loc Distant Dealer. Prr-Emption Papers Prepared. OFFICE Xexl door to 1. S. Land OtH.e. rzit neat ta Hon. August 13lh. a-n ly A. LTF0ED. J. T. HOliX Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in Jc. !02T37" Goods D. n. THOMAS. T. A. GALLAHtl. THOMAS & GALLAHER Forivardinand CommiNsion MET1CTT 7CTS. Xo. 2J Tine Street Corner Second, IP stairs 10-ly ST. LOUIS, .M0. TJ. S. Mail Eoute, From the Neraaia Agency, in Kancas, to the mouth of the Ayoway Eiver,!. T. rTTlTl.S LINE maker) one trip per week, each wny. x etoprirs at the principal towns on the Missouri r.iver. 6(xl liaok all the way through, and gA la lid and nice jonnjj men for drivers. J. 15. 4. V. 1JEN.NET, Contractors. Dee. 19.1 Ban. Tln27-ly - I'lXE DOOIIr Geo. II. Xixon, Reiister L. O., C. B. Smith, Receiver, Smock & Williams, L. R. Tattle, B. U. Pi"ram k Co., Bankers, Hon, t;. W. Scofleld, R. L. JlcOhee k Co., Tootle t Fairleigh, Kt. 1. '57 HpwBvll!e, 3f. ?- . Irincton, Sb. OmaliaClty.N'. T. Council BloUi, liwa. Warren, Peon, ft. Louis, M. t. Joseph, " - For rale.bj- I. T. WIIYTE k ro. Notice. B F. Ll'llllUGH. JVO L. CAISOS LU3HBATJGH 8c CARSON, BANKERS AND GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Dealer, in Coin, Uncurrent Money, Kxban?e antt Land Warrant. BUOWXV1LLE, XEMAHA CO., X. T. Especial attention will be given to Brrme and Selling Exchange on tbe principal cities of tlte United States, Oold, Silver, and uncurrent Hank Xot.ei. A constant aup ply of Land Warrants on aanA for sale, roa cash, t en terelon time for Pre-euiptor. All Warranu Mld by u . guaranteed ui every respect. Will file Declaratory lit at e ments of intention t pre-empt, and prepare Pre-emptUm Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best secuh- . ties, at western rates of interest, and iaventment made in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec tion upon all convenient points will be promptly attend ed to and proceeds remitted iaexchanre, at current rate. Bills of Exchange on Enzland, Ireland, and Frnn, ot -tained at usual rates, with cost of Exchange on tae Kat- -addl. Detwits received on Current account amliittcrest' alloweilnn special deposits. OFFICE Main St., near C S. LanI OSce. RErEKEKCt Lind, Brother k Co., Merchant, Pbila-lelplia, Pa.' M-Xauh'on, CarsjUAw Co., " Hiser k White, " Xaltimu-e. Mil. Tornc. Carson k Errant, " . Jno. Thompson Ma, Col'r of Port, " E. M. PuiKlersou k Co. Merchants, " " M. M. Yeak le k Co. Xo. 17. Broadway, XewTJ-rl.. Wm. X- Smithson, Esq., Banker, Washinftca, D. C. J. T. Steven., E-j., Att'y at Ijiw, " ' Jno. S. tiallaber, Lite 3-1 Aud. C. 8 T-, " " Taylor &. airiest!. Bankers, ; McClelland. StTUgs i, Co. Jlcrchantl, t Hoti. Tb-w. G. Pratt. H. in. J. W. Opary, Ex-Gv. Kansan, ! lion. Jan. O. Carson. I P. B. Small. Esq., Pre't S. Bank, Col. .o. Schley. Att'y at Law, Ctiirle Parwms k Co. Banker, II. C. XuttAt Co. Oreene.Weare 4s.Rice, " Iouglas5 i Watson, " Col. Sam Hatnhleton, Att'y at Law, Judge Tb. Perry, Pr-d. H. Tntw iler, Oct. 8. '57-v-J-nI5-tf AXD CIGAES & TOBACCO. Notice to Tax Payers. Tbe Tax payers of Xemaha county are hereby notified that tax e are now due, and that I am prepared at all times receive aad receipt for the same. Taxes not paid on or before the first day of January, 1S5S. will be sub ject to a penalty or twenty-five percent, per annum ad ditional, according to our lie venue Law. K. T- RA1SZT, Trcs. Xemaba co. VINING & ST AIN, Importers and Manufacturer tf Cigars AXD Tobacco Commission Merchants, 86, aMain Street, St. Louis, Mo. Keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment GEMUX, D0J1ESTIC. AND HAVANA CIGAES ALSO (For account cf the Manufacturers, and for sale at their prices) every variety of Virginia 3Iannfactared Tobneco Tj which the attention of Dealers is lespecttully invited E3-Country orders will be put c p. subject to tbe ap proval if the purct-iser, and if not satiflactory, can be held suiiject to our order TlXTXrt it SWAIX, rcew fium. Jonaf. Craae and Theodore Hill tare this day fornf t ew co-partnership under the the firm and style of Crauv il.and willcontinne the Mercantile business at the ol. and cf McAllister. Doxier &. C-o. joy AS CEAXEv (t. 8, 1557. THE JDO&S, HliL. EillU.r "XArt'a Adtertiur": Dear Sia: In looking over the last camber of yocr rifiptr a notice attracted my attention sijrned by Jerome Hoover, E.!., in which he states that certain stories arc in ciroulation that the undersigned claim . some interest in Nemaha City for the purpose cf iD Ijaring its prosperity. It may do quite well tocir j cclate a report cf that nature where the fact are I unknown, but to t!ioe knowing the facts such a ! statement i. merely f.ioli'h. j And for the purpose t,t jriving a fair opporttinity 1 tc perions to aiecrU.in the facU we hereby w arn all 1 persons from purliaring any pretended claim or i interest in the said town of Nemaha City, from the -,-.. . .. c i-.,rvilr Tiro -! Ka.J Jerome IIooT ?r, ashe hag sold and reeeived pay 2.aiIs.rio.s Sioes,! crnllnrc?ic f,rnirtwclfth,orf5a;dtowil.nd,oitiinrw ' bOjUKA, JN1U. I to place the nnder?ined in pfssesiun of the interest April 9th, 1F-57. AZ-J by them purchasel in the Kune; .and they hare not 15.090 IbS. OfRaCOn Fore,chep fcr ' tjon f thdr irAmtU Lut directed suit to be ChiraM. 311. St. Louis, 1I . A unapt lit, Md. Penn. Mercerlorf, Pa. Uagerstown, Md. Keokufc. Iowa. CoUTMilMuff " DeMiite, - Tiuion. ' EastoB.JU: Cumberhiful Md. Havana. A laama. IIII.I, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWAHE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Ca.sh.' by Sonora, Mo., April Oth, 1857 LYFORD JL nORN. 4-tf To The Public. On the 26th f January last, we. Hoirt Hawk and John G. Melvm, parclia-ed of Lnis Xe.l tbe Larl known a Xeal's Point or Alamo, in Xebraslta Territory, which we have paid for in fulL and lor which we hold tis Quit-Claim deed, and also a bond for a Warranty deed as noon a he shall receive a Patent therefor. The conditions of said bjBd have 'en eoruplied wih to the letter a onr part. We, the said Haw k and Melvin and our associates. iorew:m all whom it may concern not to p-xrhase of said Lout Xeal any pirt of said tract or town i i;e, take any timber, c.-wl or stote tbe-efmm or make acy improve utents thereon, as we intend contesting hi? rights to the same in tbe proper eouri. BOBT. TIAWK, JOIIX i. SllLTTX, S. F. XI CKOLLS, II. XCCCLOLS, M. TfMTTLK. WASH. HEPXER, JACOB F. nAWL 31. JEFF. TIIOMPSOX, S. II. HITCHCtHJt, WM. E. D1LLOX, J. W. HAWK. A. UATMAKER. JOXAS VAXOCXDT, r. 3i. xnoiipsox. Ausust, 1357. 10 3m brought lonz since f.r iu reeoTerr. Yoar, if., F. J March ;ih. 1857. MAT1STIALL. JNO. DONIi'llAN. JAS. DONII'IIAN. IL L. L ALL AUD. Ii. Cl'.ISIIOl'. I D. BIRD. A. G. WOODITAIiD. S. Y. NUCKOLLS. CIIAS. F. HOLLY. 4.2-tf J05AS CHASE. THEODOsU; roRWAKDisc asdcom Jtimos MracrAfTi,.- AXD STEAM BOAT AGENTS. Wholesale and Ketail Iealers in Dry Goods, Grweriet, Hardware, uaeensware, mniture, sueif Flour, Bacon, Jlc tr$t. 54. '57 Bao wurim. X.. T O. F. LAKE. lJrownTille. W. n. HftOTJlJl. 2emahi City. 3. ATTOEITEY AT LAW, BEOWXTILLE. X. T. Will write deeds of every kind at.d contracts for every purpose, with warranted lecal accuracy. Office, ia tiie Bank-.n? Hou e of Liiilibacch A Carson. KEFElt TO Hon. J"bn A. E.nsbam. Cadiz, Ohio. " W K Carter, Cievel,id, ' " KPSpaldins. " " " B F Letter, Canton, " " S Lahm, " " " Wm E Sapp. 31 1. Tenwa, " " S P Chase, Columbus, " " Tho. F'rd, Mansbeld, ' Jaa. Crais. St. Joseph, 3Io. Brownville, Oct. 23d, 'ffl. v5nn-'j LAKE & HOOVEB. !ilL III IITS, A VAT 4 TT"C TiTmv t rt a.VAiltlO 1'UJJialU. Brownville and ITemaha City, - XEBRASKA TEBE.ITORT. TT711.T.winiT.H.ti..l T - ..A T V taxas, Drawing money, buying awl nelliag Real Estate, buying and telling on Coritnisioai, Making Collections for distant dealers, i.ni all kinds of business pertaining to their profession. Particular attenUun willbv given inflinf declara tory i tatementa to pre-empt aal pnnrsnug "War ranty Deeds from the Town autiKiritiw. l'ersons owning tots lots, residing at a dlstancia wishing to procure Warranty Deods wll dit well to place the agency in oar bands, ( alw a j ftrewnting their Quitclaim Deed for said Lfit t )w"iihin the ei- ("'"" si. uiruuj, uw Li. a 1 uxat SiiMU no Deeded will be tolL 1 Hnki always on hand. N. B. letters of inoniiT aaswwed immiptlj. March 2.. 'i7. 41-ly Liimber ! Lnmc er ! ! nOADLT k MCIB, Whrse new Steam Mill ha jut pone lata wieritioa !a, the Prairie Forrest opposite Brownville, are nrw prepar ed to fomish the public with eery desirable variety of luiiitrr, on short notice and resabl titnas. Ther beio? an unusual amount of a ard wood timber rn tba viciuity, we are prepared to pay particuLir attention U flliinc up orders for Oak and Waluut laniUr. In short everything needed in this cooutrv can be riwied at Una Mill. zioADLinr ia wnx.