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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1857)
IHSU FALL AIID DEALERS AXD Main St. between Front Brownville, M AE I BOOTS cb : HATS & CAPS, Gloves, Furniture, :.v- Flour, Bacon, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. T 7E We Just opened a heavy Stock of Fall and H ana ianey line, which we art now prepared, to oner to me traae at extremely tow pricey For Cash or Country Produce. October 39, 1857. v2nl8-tf . . CRAKE & HILL. , .- . -, . OF hi AT I. T. WHYTE & CO'S, EROWNVILLE, IT T. W; have jnst received an entirely new and large assortment of S a prior Goods, which we will sell at as reasonable prices as any establishment in the West, our motto being 'Lire and let Lire." . We hare now in store a great rariety of the following articles, which we purchased for Cash and Oonse- jneatly ean sell cheap on tne same terms : IMY. GOODS & GROCERIES, Xt,TT A DY TVT.V TIE OZjOTUUNTO-, EATS AIID CAPS, EOOTS AIID SHOES, y Cncensvrare and Willow "Ware, FARM IMPLIMENTS, And a fine assortment of L.l?ht Groceries, Such as Spice, TepperH, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc, etc i And a good article of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Ills a pleasure to na to show goods, and we ask yon to call round and see for yourselves. OcU 19.1857. . v2nl8-ly L T. WHYTE el-CO. ; Maln SL, one door above L.uslibau?li & Carson V Exchange Bank, j Brownville, N. T. "Till proprietors would most respectfully inform the .; uey nave receives ana are now opening oneoi me largest ana most complete stocks or Ulothing , Ever brought to this market. i 1 - . Their assortment of Xmbraces erery rariety of Textures and Prices ; as ' , -mi - jrf-ti.i : c IBVlsioic onsen, ana vacuus, vnsimerj, onunfii. iaFonicreiui,ana Jeans, ail made Bp according to the latest fashionable cat. Their rariety of rests is superb, embracing the Tery latest styles and patterns. In the c Baltimore Clothing Store : V ay also be fonnJ at all time a fine selection of Cravats, Stocks, Tyef, Collars white or colored, Ilanikcr- Wt have the finost and best assortment of Bonblo ami Single Oyercoats, Ever brought to this Territory. "7 MATS AND OAF, Warranted to suit the most fastiduons. A fi ae assortment of COATS, Dress, Frock and Sack. PACTS, Every Style and Description. TESTS, To please Large and Small. SXXXIiTS, Dotb Tf hlte and Fancy. Over Shirts, Overalls, Drawers, and Knit undershirts. ; ' Buck Gloves, Slltts, and Riding Gloves, etc. . WE wonld but ask the public to call, axamine and judge for themselves whether the Clothing at the ' Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of bettor made material, cut with better taste, better trimmed and twenty-lire percent, cheaper than tbey have erer bought elsewhere. October 29th, 1857. vlinlS-ly SIEGEL & GKEENBAUM. LW 5XAXFF ACTO R Y. Main Street, Brovcnville, ,Y. T. Wm. T. Den, . RESPECTFULLY returns his sincere L.I thanks to thecititens of Brownville and f - surrounding country for their liberal pat tvnaga extended him since he commenced operating la the above line and place, and be would say to hiti Id and new eastomers who wish to continue their patronage, that he has just returned from St. Louis with a large stoek of the best qualitr of Leather, elected indcr his own inspection. The quality of JLaterials, style of work to be had at the above estab eat eaaaot be sarpassed West of St. Louis. Brownville, Jan. 3rd, 2S57. 51-tf T - DR. J. L. McKEE, SURGEON N DENTIST. Brownville, N. T. TEXTS rLCCCED AND FILLED 15 THE MOST ArriOYED MASSES. ' Mar H, 1857. 43-tf WE offer to the public, we are confident, the largest and bet selected stock of Groceries rer offered in tnts market : y Had Sugar, 50 Sacks Coffee, 12J Sks FWnr, 'S Tiereen Kice, W Bbls Moiaws, 1 Boxes Star Caudles, V Boxes Soap. 150 Salt, .14 BbU Cider Viniger, 150 bblo Sclt. TERMS CASH! I! 1.T.1TI1YTEAOO. ITUY7 YLB2JL JMt CraaaadTlMo4nre HUl kave this day trm& mm ti rtnrli amlfT tke tbe flrwi and tty K of Oraaa tlUaadwlllcuatiaaethe HercanUle boxioeaf at the el J artarKcAUbMecDucirrJiuo. JOlmt!T5 ft-1 w IKK. TUODCUt KILL. ' T7ETTEE GOODS!! IN and Second t. IT.- 9 Winter Got-ds, embracing everything in the Staple f - citizens of Brownville and the public generally that to Color they hare Brown, Blue, Black, risible and i'..! .-i - i ... i T . "THE PRESS. A XEW DAILY NEWSPAPER. By John W. Forney, I PBOPOSe etblUhinK a Kiret Claw Daily Nwia- per in the litr ot Philadelphia, between the '20th of Ju ly mm tue 1st or August, t be entitled "TOK PRESS." "The Pbers" will be Democratic' in IU uolitic. and will Ru.uin the policy of the present National Adminis tration. It i niy determination to make It worthy of the sup port of every class of readers. Dignity, conarge and in dependence, in the utterance of my sentiment, enterprise and emciency iu the Comruercial, Literary ami New De partments, and respect for the opinions ut others, w ill be kept constantly in view. 1 have embarked all my own means In this project and intend building np a journal that will not only be cred itable to onr city and State, bnt will furnuh me an Inde pendent livelihood. A iK.nicwuut extensive experience in public life, and many years omnecUou with Joarnalixui. will. I bone. cbtain f..r '-Tlic Press," a favorable reception. xy inendi in the dinerent Ward and Conntles of Pennsylvania, aud in other States, will place me under many obligation by giving "The Presa" a helping haad. TERMS OF "THE PRESS." Daily (per annum) iu advance - -v Weekly " S Address the Editor and Proprietor, at tlie effloe of The Pre." Xo. 417, Chestnut Street, next to Pennsyl vania B:ink Building, above Fourth Street, Philadelphia. JOHX W. KOKNKT. NEW STORE MT. YERNOnJ NEBRASKA. A. MED LEX, Annonmes in the public that he has pnrchased the exten sive Stotk of Goods broortt to thi place by Mr. Daily, and now oners to tell . Dry Good. Groceries, Hard ITare, uucensTvare, &c at prices at fair as ran bo found in the Western country, for i ash or in exchange lor country produce. (XI. I, 07-O1 Land For Sale. " OA Acres Pre-empted Land twe miles from" Brown- " vine 1 AO acres c4 which i rimhor. Na larva bottom prairie : 20 acre nnder fence and brine cnltirated the econd j ear t "d fcewe, stable, well, and bam lot. The iropcriy win oe m at reasonable rate and terms. WM. U AND LIT tnqnire f .v. rrmsAt it "IdTertiser office. t.t,'I-U tn 3 WAR'S 1 MARTI X W. EJPE5,1 V XS. P. WBITC, ) Nebraska CityST) CASSADY, TEST, RIDEN & CO., successors vo bmen ; nite.) LAND AGENTS. (Successor! to Kiden White.) IfBSASa.l UTI, n. T. HAVING made arrangements by which we will receive accurate copios of all the Townships embraced hi the Eastern portion of Nebraska, we are now prepared to offer our services to the " Squatter t of JSebraska lemtorv. la Filiinfr. Declaratory Statements of Inten tion to iTMmpt. Becunng .tT exemp tions. Locating Land Warrants- AND ENTERING LAND. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling IVopertr on commission: Alsa to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. Ulaaks of all kinds always on band. REFERENCES. Hon. A. A.Bradford, Nebraska City. S. F.Nucolls, - Messrs. Dolman k West,' St. Joseph, Mo., Peter A. Keller. Washington City Thomas Lumpkin, 44 , " Jane 23, 1856. rl-n KEROSENE OILS, i)lSTIL.L.ED TKOii COAL. (Secnred by Letters Patent.) Kikoseki iLLcmxATuta Oil. The lirht obtain- ed from this Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other oil or fluid heretofore discovered; is inexplo tire, and will remain limped in the Tery eoldest weaincr. The Company recommend as the lamps best adopt ed to this Ooil, the Keroacno Lanipe, manufactured ty the following parties: Messrs. Cornelius k Baker, also, Dyott, of Philadelphia, K. V. Hanghwont k CoM 4S3 Broadway, the Brooklyn Flint Glass Co., Ao. 73 liroad Street, Messrs. Diets Go, 133 Wil liam Street, L. MercierlS? Elm Street, N. Y-- Samples of different styles of Lamps can be seen at the Office of the Company. - - . -Kerosksk Lcbricatinq On, No. I. Prepared to suit the finest, and all other kinds of Machinery burns brillianty in Locomotive' Head Lights, Car Lamps, and all the ordinary Solarand Hand Lainps, and stands as great a degree of cold as best Sperm Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship use. kEBOSEXi Ltbkicattxo Oils, No. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and will be found to possess advantages over any Oils in the market at same prices will not born and has been thus prepared to meet the re quirements or Kauroods and others. aerosenk uiJiNACLB uil. rreparea expressly for Ships' use, and will be found admirably adapted for use of Steamships, Men of War, Merchant Ves sels, Lake and River craft, and burns in all cabin stateroom, binnacle, forecastle lamps, signal lan terns, 4C. Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as long as best Sperm, and will burn all night without requiring to be trimmed, an advantage that will be obvious to every Shipmaster. The Kerosene Oils can be obtained from the Wholesale Oil Dealers. Ship Chandlers, Druzeists. and Grocers in Now York, and the regularly appoint ed Agents ot tne Uompany tn many of tne principal Towns and Villages of the United States, the Cana days, and the Island of Cuba. Local Agents appointed (in conformity with the rules established by the Board of Trusteos,) on ap plication to JUSTEXS, General Agent, Keroteut Oil, Co Is o. 50 Bearer S troet, N. Y. N.B. Circulars with full particulars, testimonials, prices, will be forwarded on application as above. June Zith. isa. r3 NEW TUI-WEEKLY MAIL. FROM TO BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. GEO. E. IJ'CLARY. HAYIXG taken the contract for carrying the Mail between the above points, takes this method of informing the public generally that he has made preparations for running a Hack on the above named route : i Leaving Rock Port every Tuesday. Friday and Sunday, at 12 o'clock II.: arriving at Brownville at 2 o clock. r.M.: leaving Brownville for Bock Port, same evening at 3 o clock f . M. This route connects at Rock Port with the St. Jo seph and Council Bluffs Stage line, and at Brown villo with the Stage line leading from Tope ka Kansas, ht. JoseplrMo.,lndependence, Kansas City and other points below; and Ut Nebraska City, Omaha City and other points above; and New Fort Kearney, west; The subscriber hopes by diligent attention to business and accommodation to customers, to merit a share of the public patronage. Particular attention paid to the conveyance of Packages or parcels. Charges moderate; but no ac countability for unavoidable accidents. April 7 1856. 43-tf BROWNVILLE STEAM BHHLX, NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON, X. B. We wonld rospectfully inform tho citi ens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we hare always on hand a large and well selected supply of LUMBER, which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for logs delivered at the yard or on the bank of the river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receir onr immediate attention. ... A. R HOLLABIRD & CO, Machinists, Founders and Eng ine Builders, front street, West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O. Wonld most respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in theirline, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. aw Mill Engines ot every Description. Constantly on han-l: consisting of the riasb. Circu lar and Mulcy. Mill Gears and every description of castings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. Ihose in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call and exnmine oar new patterns, NEBRASKA CITY luauraxioo Company. Capital Stock $50,000. NEBRASKA CITY, V. T. rPinS Company, under a liberal charter, is now 1 fully organized, and their entire capital stock of iff ihoutand Dollar, paid in and secured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, ana take risks, upon equal terms, witn tne most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in the profits of me company. The operations of the Company, will be confined, lor tne present, to marixc, or cargo risks, with a maximum liability of $12,600 on any one bottom. Being the only Insurance Office, on the above pop ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous support from Western Merchants., We respectfully invite tho Missouri River pa tronage. DIRECTORS : S.F.Xuekolls, Chas. F. Holly, II. P. Bennet, J. L. Armstrong, YV. X. Hinchman, Miles W. Brown, A.A.Bradford., OFFICERS : CHAS. F. HOLLY, President, J.GARSiDKjSec'y. St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard. April 2d, 1857. 42-1 j DOWDALL, MARKHAM, & CO., WASINGTON FOUNDRY, Engine and Machine shop, CORKER OF SECOKO AND MORGAN STREETS, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Manufacturers ot Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw and Grist Mill Machinery. Single and Double Circular Saw Mills, Tobacco Screws and Prenoes Lard Kettles, Lard Sorews and Cylinders, Wool Carditis Machines Building Casting. Tnung's Improved Patent Smnt Mills, fcc. r?-AGKNTS for the sale of James Smith it Co.'s Sa porior Machine Cards. v2ng-Iy LOWE'S Offloo. OMAHA CITY, JV. T. jxrstiaas p. casady. Council Bluff, Icrwa. ; WHITE, RUSSELL, & CO. Xlooltrort, TVTo. WHOLESALE AD BETAIL DEALERS IS 11Y Ell. -BIERUM HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Medicines. Dve StaEs. Saddlery, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Queensw are, Stoneware, limvare, IRON, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS c. Also, Furniture of all kinds, "Window Sash Door Frames, &c. New Hardware Store. Sign of the Saw. ' J. FLAHERTY, Tmrmrter W'hnlMnJe and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE JJD CUTLERY. ST. JOSEPH, MO. " IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and most varied arsortmcnt of goods in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechan ic's tools of every description, direct from the mt approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive spent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cat Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at the factarr prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, iron, steel, ft ails, Ac, of the best brands: in a word, my stock is Tery complete, which, for its quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of trado from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in the general Hard ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi tion, bnt has convinced me that the true principle of trade u small profits and quick returns. -January 1, 1857. vln20tf J0IIN C0LII01N & BROTHER, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post Office.) WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DBALER IX Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings. ST. JOSEPH, MO. TTAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer- XX lean and foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves k Son's Files Scissors and Edge Tools Butcher's do do Spear A Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and American horse nails Post hole angers Amos' shovels and spades Lull k Porter's shutter Butts Morticing machines ' Circular, mill and muly saws Plane j and plane irons Coopers drawing knives Pocket knives Knives and forks Brass curtain bands and pins Door locks Augers and auger bitts Corn knives Briar scythes Grass and grain do Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vices Mouscholo Armitago an vils American anvils Stocks and dies do adzes and wood tools Tress Hoops liutts, cast and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons Pad hooks, breech'gloops rad screws, cockeyes Ornament?, racks Plated and com. stirrups do do iiitt-s do do Buckles do do Kings Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf fkins Upper leather "Briddle do Skirting do Harness do Belting do Goat skins Enammelled leather Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs Peg floats Pincers Shoo thread Bristles, was Lining skins Binding With many goods embracing a complete assort ment of the most desirable which they will sell at the lowest prices. J. COLllOL Ji & lKO. April 16th, 1857. 31-ly THOMAS WILLIAMS. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Urownvillc, IV. T. Will practice in the Third Judicial District in Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit m the state of Missouri. REFERENCES. Richard Brown, Brownville, N. T. U. W. Furnas, Dr. John McPhcrson, Tippecanoe, Ohio. James Foster, Oregon, Mo. George N. Miller, Archer, N. T. George Ferguson, MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER t BROWN VTLLE, N. T. A NNOUXCE to the public, that he is""trewired XX to erect Steam andsWater Saw and Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. Repair ing oi maenmery ot an kinds. ALL WORK WARRANTED. He is also Agent for A. B. HOLL1BIRD & CO'S Western Foundry. CINCINNATI, O. LEE & LEAVITT'S Saw Manufactory, And are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on band, by these es taoiistiments. . Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. REFFEREXCES. Noel, Lake k Co., Brownville, X. T. Steam Mill. K. W. r urnas, lUrownville, " Muir, Hann k Co., - " Dr. Hoover, Xemahacity, " u " P.M.Rogers Pawnee city, " Nuckolls k White, Rockport, Mo. " " James Lowe, Linden, " " " A. B. Halliberd, Cincinnati, O. Brownville, June 18, 1857. v2 1-ly Dillon, Thompson & Co. Large frame building cor. Main and ROck, ROCK PORT, MO. Whosesaleaml Retail Dealers in A5D GROCERIES. Hardware, Queensware, Drugs, Hats" Caps, Boots, Shoes, Tinware, ' Stoves, Furniture, Iron, Nails, Plows, and Fanning Utensels. WILL have, on the opening of navigation, a large and varied accession to their present Stock, which will be fold Low for Cash. February 12th, 1837. 35-tf OLIVER BENNETT & CO., MANTFACTTSEB8 AXD WHOLESALE DEALtRS I!f Boots Shoes & Brogans, NO. 87 MAIN STREET, SAINT LOUIS, JIO. ABE NOW IN RECEIPT of a complete assortment of goods from their own and other manufac tories, adapted especially to the Western trade. ' Purchasers are invited to examine their stock, manufactured and selected with great car and warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive rompt andcarofol at tea tion. IMllDMlSfOI AYEIt'S i Fill S; T0S ALL THE TTOP0SE3 0J A FAMILY PHYSIC. . i... i mililio demand for an linrais nas inn iiru - -- -r5- T.,,rt5ve pill which could be relied on as sure and perfectly safe in its operation. Tbia has bet n prepared to meet that demand, and an exten- sive trial 01 ita virtues n w" j - -what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. , 1 .,. Knt tint MT TO it is ensy to maae a pnjsn. , ; ,i V make the best or all pill one which should have none of the objections, bnt all the advantages, ot .i it,:, v.. tuon attpmnted here, ana with what snecesa we would respectfully submit to the public aeciRion. n nas wcu Uuwt-w v v.1tKTA that a! m ok t everr purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of thorn produos o much griping pain ana revulsion in me j w than counterbalance the good to be denved from them. These pillt produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc- A iiam t rUt fVnm their use in WIT quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been spoedilv enred by them, we may mention uver uompiaini, m " f linTnHiiivii tjnranr and Loss of An- petite, Listl'essness, IrriUbility, Bilious Headache, Uilions jr ever, ever ana Ague, iuu m mo . - . . 1 1 V. A AVik ana and lx)ins ; lor, in trutn, au inesc wcuu. wu- CtJUCIlLC VI UAQuavw aBUMvw aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos- uveness, x lies, V'uuw, and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, L leers A11U U1IUUI11J W wo u'wvu, uiv6iumv.) - r. any and every case where a purgative is required. iney nave aiso proauceu some uihui" ouv i l)V.nn.Hstn Clnnt T)totmt Gravel. Erysipelas, Palpitetion of the Heart, Pains in the CacK, oiomacn, ana ciae. iney buuuiu uo utu; taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their fi'mtii.nt .fi'nn rm t j, dvrmilatnrv avstem. reno MIUUIUll U 1 . VM M.W " J J ' vate the strength of the body, and restore the . . - . m . 1 1 " wastea or aiseasea enerses oi ine wnoio unjuuBiu. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists ; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any tiling which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped, they are Eleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no arm can arise from their use m any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box FK ETA RED BY DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cent! per Box. Five Boxes for $L AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For (be rapid Care of C0FG1IS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, llKOMHITIS, lVIIOOPIXG-COtGU, CROUP, ASTHMA, AXD COXSIIWPTIOX. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. Not only in formidable attacks npon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Ac. ; and for Chil dren it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever Las been, and that the genuine article it sold by J. H. MAUN, k CO., Brownville, - Bernard, AdamsA Co., St. Loui3. And all Drugists in the United States. Juno 25th, 1857. v2 Steam IVtlll, Patent Portable Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Reed, Uolabird A Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of a .rood Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. Un tne late exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Medal was awarded them for it. It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes; it is superior to all otners tortnemostextensive Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Horse power. The above Mills are manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, 0., where they con be lurnisneain any quantity at short notice. The above Mills warranted to perform as follows 36 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 30 M u u u 30 u 15 250 24 " " u 20 13 200 20 " - - u 16 - 8 - 150 As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to quote irom our numerous recommendations, received, GEORGE F. KENNEDY, K.EAL ESTATE BROKER AXD GEXERAL L.1SD AGEXT& Florence Ltty, j. 1. Brownville Bakery AXD Confootiouary. EVAN WORTHING. BEGS leave to announce to the public, that he has erected a Bakery nd Confectionary establish ment in the City of Brownville N. T., and will keep constantly on hand, and is prepared to bake to order Bread, Crackers and Cakes of every manner, style, discription and quality. He has had much experience in baking and consequently feels quite confident he will be able to give satisfaction. A liberal patron age is respectfully solicited. EYAN WORTHING. July,23-'57-v2n6-lm. E. ESTABROOK, UNITED STATES District Attorney. Omaha City, X. T. EEQUTRED to be in attendance officially npon all the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the Territory, tenders his Professional services to such as need them. He flatters himself thathis facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to bis care. ' Omaha City, June 7, 185S. GEO. P. LICKIIARDT, WATCH MAKER, AyicI J owollor, OREGO.V, HOLT COUNTY, MO. TAKES the liberty to inform the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he has opened a Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store, In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of Violins, Aocordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension eases, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ae. He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to bo. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. July 28. 1856. vl-n8tf PRESERVED FRUITS; Strawberries, Peaches, Whortk berries Ac . Ac. to be had at I. T.WUrTE ACQ'S. PATENT GRAIN SEPARATOR. Ml UBSCEIBER is now preparea w inrniM JL Fanners and others with his . t ."GRAIN BtrAKAlUB, for the present season. It is nnnecessary to speai particularly of the merits of these Machines, as they are too well known throuzbout the country to need extolling ; but the fact that they have heretofore and aro continuing to receive the premiums at the State and Countv Fairs where thev have been exhibited is sufficient to induce all those in want of such a Ma chine, to purchase one of these. . At a practical ies or iuu otwi.wi i.miui with the best of those made in England, in 1353, it received the highest commendations of the press, and f the leadin? erizulturalista of that country. I Jiave a large number of them on band, ready for the coming crop, made of the best material, and war ranted to do good work. I have made many valuable improvements in inese machines within the last year, and have no hesitation in warrantinr them superior to any in use. I am also preparing a large numoer oi irawioras Improved Clover Ilnllers, patented in 1854, which are greatly superior to his patent or 1844, being tn itseii teeaer, ana grcaiiy ahead of it in other respeoti. They will b .manu factured under the immediate supervision of tho patentee, who h&s permanently located in this place. r. , . i r t. u J ineaoove eui represents mv iuur oorw - tor, and is designed especially for the tanner a own use." Im also agent for McCormiek'i celebrated REAP ER and MOWING MACHINE, combined. J. R. MOFFITT, Tiqua, Miami county, Ohio. Improved little Giant COIttf & COB PLAXTATIOJT 31 ILL, 2?rloo IlodluoocL rpnE subscriber has puruhnsed exclusive right of X Temtory in the West, of the above celebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all times, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner. It is now more than a year since the "Little Giant" Was introduced to tho public, during which time, it nas been constantly growing in tne popular favor. The improvements recently effected and patented makes it the most perfect machine ever offered for general farm use. It is furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs as follows: No. 1, 225 No. 2, 330, No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minutes are sufficient to set one up, without mechanical aid, and when once adjusted, it can with safety be entrustsd to a boy. r ull directions accompany each Mill. Prices: No 1, $35, will grind 8 bu inealperhour.with 1 horse IVOZ 411, JU " - I " No 3 50, " " 15 " u i u No 4 60, - " 20 " " - 2 " tsF Liberal discount to dealers. JAMES B. CnADWICK, No. 63 Locust Street, bet. 2d and 3d June 28, 1856. vl-n4 St. Louis. Mo. ALLEN BOOT 6. W. COZZEX3 ROOT & COZZENS, LAND AGENTS. Omalia OAty T. 1s HAVING made arrangemants by which we receive accurate copies of all the Townships, as fast as surreyed, in the Temtory, we are now prepared to oner our services to tne citizens of the Territory, IX FILINU Declaratory Statements OF INTENTION TO PRE-EMPT, Securing Pre-emptions, LOCATING LAXD lTAKJlAXTS. AND ENTERING LAND. Land Warrants Bought and Sold Land entered on time, etc. PARTICULAR attention paid to buying and selling on Commission Also in making Collections : 1 1 . u - t : a , i - . . psria ui mc .territory anu CSiera lowa. April 7 43-tf FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY X. o. 163 vine St bet. Fourth and Fifth, Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'lMUSt OLL & CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book ant Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac, Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind-Books, Musie, Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, Ae., f-e. - Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, Herring's Patent Champion WITH Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks the snme fiat were awarded separate Me'l.r at the World's Fair London, 185 1, and the World's Fair, New York, 1853; and are the only American Safes that were awardrd medals at the London World's Fair. These Safes are now admitted to be superior to any ever offered to the public ; and the subscribers chal Iengo tho World to produce an instance of these Safes failingto preserve theireontents through the hottest fires, or a l urglar picking the lock. The subscribers and their agents are theonly per sons authorized to make and sell Uerring's Patent Champion Safe, with Mall's Patent Powder Proof Locks. R. C. HERRING A CO. Green Block, 135, 137 and 139 Water St., and i Murray St, New York. March 5 th, 1857. 3S-om Tailoring! Tailoring!! Tailoring!!! E. K. PAISKER, Merchant Tailor, Atlantic street, West of noblitzell's Store. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA TERR. HAVING bought property and located permanent ly in Brownville, I offer my services to the public generally, if they want any thingdone in my line of business. I can always bo found at my post, or. more properly speaking at my bench. lVork Warranted A'o Fit Pay! Particular attention paid to cuttinggarmcnts and laying off work for the Sea ui trees. The greatest portion of my life has been devoted to lay trade, in which I consider myself inferior to none especially in tbe cutting department, and I hope by close atten tion to my business to merit a share of pnblio patronage. - E. E. PARiLLR. Brownville April 16th, 1357. 44-ly a'oceE'iesn LOOL TO YOUR INTERESTS! ! ! Co To Wm ix. T,. yrxfit, On Main Street, Where you will find iheltit and Cheapest Groceries IN BROWNVILLE, AT WHOLESALE OB HETAIL. THE subscriber would invite the publio to call and see his large stock of Groceries, which have been selected with great eare, and are now offered at unusually low rates. Persons in want of Coffee Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Confectionery, Fresh Fruits ia eans, Tobacco, Scgars, Candies, Ac, and any other articles usually kept in a Grocery and Variety Store, will find it to their advantage t call before purchasing elsewhere. Also, by tho whole sale, as fine a stock of Brandies, Wines, Gin, Monon gaheU,and Kye Whisky, Sch naps. Champagne wine, Ac, as ever was brought up the Missouri rirer. Fish of all kinds, constantly on hand. Country Pnia -e Wanted for which the highest price will be pid a snare oi pumic paircnage Is respectfully alici. ted BKnrovia, J an 18th, 1857. K. DAYIS. t3 Mm JTEMAJLAClfrf,, ALAKGESTOCj very dins that tents jjj Jpi ROCERlEs au. op wmcH.Tvi wnT-tO, ch-eapeb .nuarmflggg-; vv anted A GOOD b lac Lnniil, 7", . '..w4tey, jM- sharp Julyi.1357. JcaliiCi,T,X.T. DAVID n. X'LACOULIX. " McLACOHUS MOMlt BEAK, ESTATF AND -Tirtt Street (oppoHtt tkt MZ.J BROWNVIXLt. Iff T ' Will attend to Filing LeclaiJ , Securing Pre-emptions, Locating iZl, TlntawiMi. T a Land Warrants BtiughfamlSj? Particular attention will be raiJtob selling property on eommiss.on and nut menta for distant dealers. s Correspondence solicited. to j, , , t HEFER TO tl Bradford, McLennan A iicU.ry, Xebra,k,Tr X ? Mc herson, Morrison.A Hut.-hias, Brown,: i 0. ILBarnet, EU Dayton, Ohio "vU Fashionable Tailor, jacobIuritox, Hiv?1vNVILLE' NJSBkAsSX detennined to locate ,n Uu pi on hand a large and well scLicttd ,tock of Cl.ik Tweed., Casiwers, Vesting, Ac tk will make to order in good style and at m, rates; or Mil by any quantity desired. He also keeps constantly'on hand sad !. supply of ready made clothing of all kisd. ' Brownville, June 18th, 1807. T;j D. H. Thomas, General Broker and Forwarding Merchut. o. 20 line Street, corner Se;ond.i spiuini julyl6T2n5 8T. toria. no Brownville SteamTerry! LfBEST CECSSLG(jp S""' 3 OT THE rg.'.l-.--V MISSOURI RIVER. The. Route from Brownville to Ft. Kearney, and from thence to California, is tie nearest and most practicable. FINNEY & COD1NGT0N AXSOO'CE to the Train Public thattitu now running as a Ferry acn thi) Mi'muri jivrr a llrovnvllle, cm aha to.N.T A entirely nev, tvhitnnhirl id eommmlimu STEAIV1 FERRY BOAT, tich armngement will shears a errtai and safo pasdCge at, all times and in all kimli J weather. The Proprietors do nut assert bjiinj!j, or for tho purpose of gaining custom merely, but ut governed by facts, when they say thi w theM crossing of the Missouri Hirer ia Ner.ra.-ka, m4 when they say tha route frcnn Brownville Wi fort Kearney and from thence to California if thenvK for evidence they refer the reader to th oapo( th Country; and are warranted in saying it th practicable route by personal that of hundreds of others who hare trareW it. We claim therefor that this trossing and rnt !J out peculiarly favorable induct nient, to fcrnt going to California, and solicit tbeir palrnnnf. Jt withstanding our sujerior airnngenwnte f s h and speedy crossing, our charges ai the iiameas tlr Ferries in Nebraska, all bcin regulated by Ltysi tire enactment. fTf"Rocollect that With ourfaciiitiw of P.". no kinds of weather will prerent eur BuU fr making regular trips at all hoars. ISTA skiffand hani will be in resdin to(M foot passengers at all times of night. n2U-y..vimitier Uth,18.)7. Watchmaker & Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK PORT, 310. BEGS leave to Inform the p"li- that lie l"?" in Uieabovo nameU town aiul offeri fcr wl wtock ut CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and oilier article niially kepi i i wh tubUohu" prke v. !.i'-h c innot beeoinpUioe-i f. ei"S " "v" ienced wjtclimaker ae flattcrii himnflf tbi watches, clocki an.l jewelrj be (an give perfni tl.m. J Groceries! Groceries!!u Fresh Arrivjils ! Heavy Adthtions.. Prlcesi Jrea(lf Ilcduced! CVRREXCr TAKES AT PAR!'- J, B. JENNINGS Cor. 2ul and Frances sfs, St. IIASJust received at hit trt room, curner ' ami Krami Street. St. J-wepb. e'"rj thinx J'r '' bis line, which he pnriiiil tr the Fall ' 'b traile, at ftreatly reliicel price t Cash, awl " " . will teli at correnpoifclin prU-e f tsb. " wvr cnntoniera. Among tin recent rTe;t re . , 36 0..iPrini Apple. h ,'r"'fvM 20 Uoz Lottcr 1 . 2 :t f..n. 3i . i Oyntempiit npthi fall. SO half nfW " ,' !, , aii CVlHsh, loo boxe W B Ch. 40 "r: lb Currants, 60 b.ei fre-li luo ta i' rirt rinir, 600 Itw GiiBlien r.utter, 2u0 M! cr. nuts assorted, 30 Ibt Peanuts, HA fiinry candies, 100 do mm dnp n,"tt" , , 200 drnms PiK'.kC Also a liW l" "" - which will be told at rkeoouUerabIy Deii." ""i aixtv dav atro. ,1a St. Vov. 8. 1867. Buchanan Life and General XxXfBi'sXX'AZl.OO CO-) Office cor 2d and Jule it ST. JOSEPH, JIO. CnATEKP AT TMR LAST KOH I n" Authorized Capitol $.1,0 00,00 J. DIRECTUM : -J. B. Jennings, I. K. Howard. J. A. i, Tooth, John Coihoun, John II. Likens. W James Kay. X.J. MeAhan, A. O. X. R. 3IcAsnA!, Sec'y. Jf IS now ready to receive application fur Li r' Marine and Kivcr rUk. A eah rrturs cent, will be allowed on esrjo rr"nitin''r;rrt promptly adjustel, and the usoid facilitir the patrons of the office. : April iota, ;rT.(T s. ickwoop. 1857. B-b-r Lockwood t5c Pomeroy. Wholesale and Ketail Dealers is HATS AND (APS. Also, Shippers of American Furs ct e , acription : for which thy .w'J v tho highest Marrei jnw Iff CASH. l8e rnOUSTRY Merehaois areinv.tei l " .r; I i .t.V nf Ilau k C.m fr the aT" 31 . '..W. and .Summer trade, which will b large. I lsat.t and well selectej. lafwiat or vsneiv -no be excelled by aoy Uouse in M. " ;.. Oar prices will be l, ru,i.xomlZ'Z' i Ca'l and see us at our New sun. - i St. Jwph. Mo, OF Gr O . 3D