- i - i u r i a : In . ia- TC. ;;ia ur- m. t -. i in Jsci-i -ture, ! 7H. r lit r- re, ' r r : rarivn ;errk nat-1 i .Jiii"' . J ''Governors Message V. and House of lltpratntatives : We arc assembled, to-day, under the ' ist favorable auspices. The Territory j nJebraaLa has, thus far, achieved" all tjher friends could ask. Her early or- jjr illustrated" the sifety and expansive Jvs of the rri.ncirIes of tlie federal i npa':t( from which naturally sprang her I (ranic A t. The iinrrilit cf cr "Great Seal'1 has lu Gfi"- 1 pui-AJiiovEaErcTTT" j.js been vindicated; "PaotREss" verified. jYace and Good Order, practical vigor j manly observance cf Constitutional u.vaiions have cliaraclerized the con- i ,n of our people. , xso danirerous ajnta rt of our people. pi.-ed to taLe root ; but the seeds of in-iu--trr, education and law, planted at the cmnjenceroeiit by enterprising and prac ti.il men; have yield the legitimate fruit 0 a fe and eliicient self-government, fiidcr sr.uh'riicumstances, and inhabit-' t country of such vast extent, natural lAuty and productive Wealth although eatable dis-seniions have given to our jis'.er Territory a wider notoriety we Jaay well congratulate each other, upon our venfi'-ation of- the . political truth, ' Ifcppy a' pcopk whose annate are tran- Ye have, assuredly, no ordinary cause of pnritude to Him who ruletf over all for the opportunities vouchsafed bj the advantages of geographical posi tion onhe great natural line - of cotn pprce foremost place in the race of Territories and the iacilities of modern improvements, bikI great - enterprise to promote our advancement ia every de partment of industry and art. By conti L"jd adherence to wise and moderate rjuueils Ly earnest and real public spi- nt and internal harmony, immigration will l-e rapidly increased our new coun ties pfedily populated the great cities of the seaboard will identify with ours ;heir commercial interests and capital, once more liberated from financial para Ivsis, will find its safe and more profitable lavestmeut in the fee-simple of our fertile woodland?, prairies and valleys. Reposing entire confidence in the integ rity and intelligence of the representa tives of a great people convened to deli Watc for the general good, I cordially unite with you in a deep sense of the res pnsibilitics devolved and a sincere desire 10 co-operate with you in meriting the rxl opinion of our constituents at large To protect most effectually their inte rests; to tlevate public character; to fos tor industry, temperance ana virtue; to build up institutions of charity, to edu rate those who are to follow us; to stimu late to public spirit and moral' manliness; to systematize and adapt the duties of territorial, county and township officers; todevelop onr Eatural&nd mineral wealth in a word, to direct the supreme pow er to the best good of the governed, and achieve for Nebraska that sterling name and conspicuous place which her natura resources and the spirit of her people de serve and demand, and to effect all this iu the short space of forty days, in an as- p'ltllrof two houses and conflicting inte rests, 'in a manner satisfactory to any of t, is certainly a task requiring conscien trmis and constant application, regardless of considerations of personal or local gra tification or advantage. Ve meet to-day, for the fourth time at the place first chosen for the Territoria Capitol, and in the spacious and imposing fdifice now nearly completed under the ' appropriation cf the General Government and through the public spirit of the city of Omaha. The cost of the structure having far exceeded the estimates, and the deficit having been promptly contri Kited for the general good, there can be no doubt that the justice of an earnes appeal for the re-imbursement of the amount ($50,000) will be recognized by every citizen: nor can -we refrain from the belief that Congress will not be reluc tant to defray the additional requisite ex pense. ' The actual necessities of the Territory roquirt the services of a Surveyor Gen crai, and assurances have been received encouraging the hope that an effort to se cure such an appointment will be success mi. TV memorial for the proper distribu tion of troops along the Emigrant line should also be renewed, in connection with an application for grants of lands for railroads. The propriety of such assis tance from the General Government is umr.jpwionable. - We are on the direct line communication between the great ppns ef the Atlantic and Pacific. The conunrrce of the lakes swells the tide, With the mineral and agricultural wealth fif the north; and if, to-day, the wisdom ul the federation should be called upon to fa the most feasible way and profitable national route, it woidd seem that a deter wiflajjon in favor of this natural line be tween the Depots of the far East and West, along the valley of the Platte, would be coerced by the necessities of trade, with the force of mathematical truth applied to experimental practice. Frivate enterprise caunot be relied up on to undertake so stupendous a project. Under the social and business system of this country there is no monopoly. In dividuals, wjth or without money, credit, or pJsi:ion," may project Railroads and other internal improvements, barter in shares, and at last abandon their schemes to their own advantages and the ruin of others. The fluctuations and uncertain- tics of private speculations will not be se riously entertained, in the action of the General Government upon a matter of such admitted military necessity and na tional importance. Provision for a Rail roavl to the Pacific, along the route above Mentioned should be urgently sought from Congress at its present session, before the most . valuable lands shall have been secured by speculators or settlers. - AVe may congratulate each other,' how ler, on the actual commencement of a woTk of -approximate and preliminary im portance. The arrangements for the completion of the second division of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph .-from the Missonri river to the Pacific, have been Perfected under the direction of Messrs. Henry O'Rielly, John J. Speed and other mmTnt contractors and practical tele ciphers. While the public pulse has Deen so quickened by the hope of an oce anic .communication between the old and fcpw worlds, comparatively little has been id ia respect to a line of ".more direct benefit to our own country-rto be.tuiltjtiver The statutes are limited, confused without either money or favor from the Government -and requiring cnlysuch protection as the interest of the, country demand for the security of. emigrants. The proprietors only solicit a proper dis tribution of Government troops in. garris sons separated by a reasonable distance and having a certain and daily communi cation by means of detachments. I3y troops thus apportioned the letter mails could be regularly transmitted, travelers protected, railroad projects advanced, the country colonized, and the telegraph line completed in a short space of time,. with out additional expense to the General Go- ernment. The citizens of the West cannot regard with indifference so public pinted an effort, and in which the only encouragement asked is the protection of intercourse which should long since have been conceded, in justice to western in terests. A memorial should also be forwarded, praying for an appropriation for a Military liridge across the Platte river. Every good citizen ardently desires that the rui' less sectional alienation heretofore existing between the two sections of the Territory -should cease forever, and will heartily approve the endeavors of your lonorable body to contribute to such a result. The importance of the . -earliest transmission of these memorials to Con gress should elicit immediate action. ; To the country at large, the pas has been truly an eventful year. A disastrous monetary revulsion delayed for a time by the great supplies of gold from west ern discoveries has befallen us at last prostrating credit destroying confidence ruined individual and associated capi talists disclosing monstruous frauds, and rinsing distress, penury and beggary to the doors of ten of thousands of the in dustrious classes, all over the Union. In the public prints are long lists of failures and of broken and suspended banks. The immense influx of coin has only stimulat ed to an increased manufacture of paper promises. It is estimated that about two thirds of the currency of the country is Debt. The crisis was inevitable, and it remains only to profit by its severe and emphatic warnings. It may be urged that specie is again returning to us lormer channels ana that public trust will soon revive. Yet what amount of coin will repair the inju ry already wrought or ailord a basis of security ajrainst human avarice stimu'ated to extravagant speculations and unscrupu lous excesses, by the facilities afforded by nn insecure Bankinjr system ? I he his lory of "profitable" banking is inevitably the history of alternate depression, over action and ruinous expansion. . May. we not hope that the events of the year will lead to a ireneral reform, and to the res tnctionof paper to the use ot commercial men? Believing as I do that the whole ystem of- Bankincr- is insecure even when based on State Stocks and securi ties where one promise to Dav is based on another both perhaps equally fallaci cious and being especially convinced that the institution of banks in this Territory was impolitic, and that there are imper fections m the charters, I respectfully urge that some adequate means be taken to remedy the evil, and protect our citiz ens in future. Many persons who have realized from such systems advantage to themselves, may have heretofore seen no danger to others But 'he experiment u.Ln o. 10, f ('iu, ioA r,A uouU,iaa0l) tuny iniu, none can be so far deluded hy the tran- sient stimulus and temporary v"igor impar- tedtobusiness transactions by traffic in expanded credit, as to fail to see the ne- ..flccV. of n,i;t;rtnn1 nmtortmn f l,l,nr and of the great agricultural and other producing interests, upon which our true 1 - . prosperity depends. The action of the first few years is apt to fix the character of the future State and, in the important respect of the financial policy to be pursu- ed, no timidity, or. indiflprence, or inter ested motives should he permitted to pre vent or postpone a determined effort. to avert in future calamities such as those from which the country is just emerging The Banks now in existence in the Ter 1 kX IA1 Aval ritory are perhaps as safe as most of such institutions. Prudently manned in their ;fWvr w f0,r, f .Vo nnmmnn.-t-r suffered loss. Yet it is equally true that their profits are to be made hereafter. In the meantime gold and silver, withdrawn from Eastern adventures and depositaries may be expected in sufficient quantities for the ordinary purposes of trade. Al though, therefore, paper money is now so identified with the business habits of com munity that the prospect of its abolish ment, perhaps for a long time to come, seems impracticable, and to many, absurd, yet, within our own jurisdiction, by pn per safeguards and restrictions, we may approximate such a result; and may now provide that the full specie equivalent of all circulated bank rarer shall be at all times within the reach of every citizen. By a monthly or at least quarterly inspec tion of the Banks by sworn and respon sible officers, it can be known that specie means are actually held, fairly propor ... r,or- tu rlm.l.tmn f tol- r o .mniUr ,ir,nm;nni;.-n JL AJii.ll rv J. Vlt J JL Up a. uvuuuuiittvivu .1 c t r.-..-i Ul lit l tuaii u. c uuiiaiSf . aiiu aucinuiua r taAUr .,1,1 k rr.K;v,Worl nnri 1. : ii - 11 may ue urutmcu uiui vuiinuisMoucia shall assume the direction of the affairs nf isiicnonpd TVinks on the first dav of - ----- J' their suspension. It seems also worthy f l-;,-,, -..V,aVrf iV. oTKaccira c nnn..;,ia,nimn wVintTinr tVus rT-roc!v VL Wlisiuciai.ou, viuvi-n-t vv-.. Ul V-Ulisicit k tx null, n 111. 4 hi vau , importation of foreign bank bills should not be restricted by requiring me auai- tional endorsement of such Banking Hou- rbnrtrrpd nr nrivate as may issue t J v.. i V,n uot ue iwiuvicu uj 1C4U11 ub .uv hem. Thi Jnstitntinn nf Bnkrunt and Relief nvhn bppn iirn-pd bv manv for the purpose of au"-mentinr our Territorial . . 0 . . J . wealth thenrsttor the accommooaiionj nf in-vK-Pnt dphtnrs. rpdtir.ed to embarrass-1 mpnt hv unlnni-pfl for disasters the last for the security of encumbered capitalists orr-;nt fnrpirrn liabilities. Under no such lar-s ran a iust discremination be made between the unfortunate deliuquent and the successful and unprincipled swindler, TUir i(nrtr pfTprt is to" ignore the fnltb nf contracts and demoralize society without conferring ultimate tenefit. Con- Idpmtirms of policy as well as of moral rlirtatp tbat our real welfare can only be nnncnlfpri hv nrnimvinfr and retainincr cifo lpvatpd nd honorable txysition; the prnprlonr-P nf communities as well as individuals, having abundantly taught that true happiness and greatness have no f-i'onrl en :nrp ii Integrity and honor.' . Our code of practice is universally Te- years are nearly exhausted, and the tie rr.rrlp.! bvj ibp'bflr as mearr; and defec- mand increasing. At least SjOOO copies br.. jl- and contradictory. In consequence both the bar and public.' ars, unable to deter mine the correct caode. of "procedure-' in cases of frequent occurrence; and the jud ges being lef : without a statutory guide in. their decisions," have too great a latitude of discretion as little desirable to them as annoying to - parties. To" accomplish the desired amendment, one or more practical and experienced Iavryers ahould be appointed, and such reasonable com pensation allowed as will induce them to contribute the necessary time and study. It is impossible for a committee of the Legislature, amid the pressing duties crowding upon them in a brief session, to devote to the work the required ability and attention:1- Ti.ere are needed steady i and faithful comparison of any part of the code with another, and careful examina tion of analogous statutes of other states and of the decisions of the courts. In August, 1S5G, Congress passed an act for the purpose mainly of reducing the expenses of the Territorial courts thrown upon the federal treasury.- Under this law the judges are required to fix the times and places of holding the courts, but are restricted to three points in the Territory, or one in each district. Hence parties, iurors ' and . witnesses are "compel- led to attend from remote parts of: the districts or. the judges must assume the responsibility of delaying proceedings. An effort should be made to amend the act by a provision allowing each county to assume and defray the additinal expense necessary for the public convenience, The necessity of passing an act permitting the paj-mcnt by the counties of the extra expense in case the law of Congress should be amended is obvious and imper- ative. .. ' I The increase and changes of our popu- J lation seem to demana a new arrange- ment of judicial districts. The recent and rapid settlements northward of Da- kotah, extending to Niobrarah, have im- posed an undue proportion of labor on the I ludire of the third district. A modihca- tion of the present division is therefore sucjrested, by attaching one or more counties north to the Capitol District, and uniting the counties south of the Platte, in the allottment to the second district. In the action of nearly all Legislative Assemblies and communications from Executives, the highest importance has been attached to the faithful administra- tion of an efficient Common School : Sys- tern. In a country founded on the abso- lute eauality ot the people, it is vitally necessary that the character of the Dis- trict School should favorably compare with the grade of Select Academies, thus plac- inr the means of thorough education within the reach of all. - ! Oar Territorial Assembly has provided an adequate law, the provisions of which have, been almost 'entirely unheeded.' Many County Superintendents have fail- ed to qualify, as prescribed in. sections 19 and 20, chapter 18, 2d Statutes; and the County Clerks have provided no substitu- tes; nor has the forfeit been collected by the Prosecuting Attorney as provided in section 23. Others have neclected to re- port to the Superintendent of Public In- struction on the 1st of .November, as or- dered in section 32. Thus the law has been rendered virtually a dead letter. In many, if not all the counties, no districts have been formed: no taxes levied: no teachers employed and no steps taken 111 respect to School Laws. The Act of . , , , . congress ot. l:), proviaing ior uie sei- ection of other actions in lieu of the 16th and 32nd, when occupied and improved prior to the surveys, has temporarily abridged the land tund, but it is tne cuty of the County Superintendent (Chap. 18, ,) to examine, anot m parcels, anu 1 1 a. 1 a. a. iL... a vaiuu me ml-uoib nui ums uiwu, others after they shall have been selected I respectfully call the attention to this and e otner requirements oi uie aw,M umip rulB w u, s , , ei.I5llIlg IUSUUI LfS lllay UC IlliUlC Bioiiauic and the system put in force by the 1st Monday of May JS53 the proximate time for the regular meeting in each School District. For information as to the state of the , 1 reasury, reierence is maae to uie rpot of the Treasurer herewith annexed The revenue law now in force is inapplicable inoperative, and requires a thorough and careful revision. hile the military spirit of our titizens is believed to be unabatted, drill and dis cipline have been greatly neglected. Companies exist in nearly every county, but their organization in many cases is imperfect, or suffered to decline on ac- count of changes of residence. These duty of legislating for a patriotic and con deficiencies should be supplied. Situated fidin'r people, return in health to the on the frontier we should be proviueu at all times for self-detence or co-opera- tion with the Government anainst inter nal enermies. Our Election Law needs an amendment reqiiirinsr Clerks to transmit to the Terri torial Secretary a list of the Uounty jui cers elect in each year, and of all the resignations or removals of Urhcers or Notaries Tublic. During every session, special acts have tieen mssea, anpoinunq- noau wuimissi' oners, ureat inconvenience nas resuneu 1 t . from their nemifjence or inattention. It ; i7 1 , ,., . is surresica laai renames miouw ue im- I nnsod for such non-fulfilment, or that r - . 1111 11 ' County -Supen isors should be annually elected. I . ! l our attention is cauea 10 a more rifjiu nnfnrwmfin t nf lVlf act trt TirPTPllt the flT- unfnrriimpn t of thf act to Ttreieilt the IIT- I . . . 1 Mnvi ...i ... v - 1 inir of woods, marches and prairies, (page lOrt let StitnPl tninwrft Tirpsenation v--, iso, us otatuies; wmsuic picai of properly and growth of timber Notaries public are reminded tc -V...,a ,,V.i;4 a -a rcmlmloil tn Wnn xiu.ai ic pu.u, "4 - v.... .-.r r. 1 --4- -Ot tair record ct meir oinciai acts. 16, pace 53. 2d statutes. ) It is also siijrs;ested that complication in county accounts may be avoided by as .1. - J C 1 1 7 A O signing me a uues oi otuwt ruiw yum missioner to trie County Treasurer. Our agriculture may he developed by aiding the formation" of industrial societies in every county. Premuuns ( though small at first) offered by indivi duals or associations for the largest useful crop, the best improved stock, &c, would invite competition and form a nucleus for wealthy combinations. Nor can it be be lieved that the encouragement given by a small appropriation to each county from the territorial revenue, for the purpose of a increasing the most fruitful of all sources of profit, would fail to meet the sanction of of ihe people. The number of copies of the laws here- I totore ordered to be printed has been in sufficient. The editions of the first tw of the statutes of this session should' -be published, and the Secretary instructed to sell the volumes remaining, af i er. distri buting the ".authorized number " to public officers: 7 ; r - . 7 i "1 rt tt 1 It is a source of gratification to consider the actual progress of the Territory in the past year, by ths acquisition of. property and the rapid settlements by pre-emption. A large and valuable tract has been se cured from the Pawnees, through" the treaty framed by Commissioner J. ,W. Denver. The chiefs of the Punca tribe have recently repaired to the Federal Capital with Indian Agent J. U. Robert son, with - the intention of concluding a similar treaty, and ceding their unsurpas sed farming and timber lands, j . The United States wagon road from the Platte river via the Omaha reserve to the Running Water (L'eauquicoart), under the direction of' Col. Geo. Sites, has been constructed for the distance of 103 miles, including 39 bridges. The rich bottom and bench lands of the Missouri and the numerous valleys, of the small tributaries along this route are fast filling up with senlers who have already realized promising returns from their la bors. Our obligations are iustlv due to the Hon. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior for the : expenditure . of this appropriation in a manner so productive of public benefit. ' t . ' 1 ' '.,'- ''V ihe Alilitary lload to i L Kearney has been nearly hnishf d, includinir bndsres built after the most approved- plans for strength and durability, (the bridge across the L.lk Horn being 200 feet in length,) and the road itself giving access to one. pf the most fertile and commercially import ant vallies in the great v est, Interesting information in this cornice tion has been obtained from, the Register of the" Land Office, Orr.aha city, showing uie pre-emption uunng me, season just passed of more';., than 400,000 acres of Land. The area of Nebraska is greater , than that of New York and the New England states. Our invigorating climate, pro ductive soil and natural advantages will attract multitudes of emigrants driven to our shores by the political troubles of the Old V orld. Politically, we have equal reason 10 rejoice. Uur tuture increase will give to us the control, to great extent. of the country's political destiny; and it is gratifying to believe that that power will be used with a patriotic and unfalter injr determination to defend the Federal Constitution, and preserve the Union of the States. Safe, thus far, from the ; in terf erence of reckless agitators and the mad efforts of intolerant fanatics, we can furnish to the world an enviable proof of the legitimate en ect ot -the genius - and spirit of our republican institutions. No retribution can be too severe if through casuistry, or local strifes, or political inti delity," we prove recreant to that beauti ful federative system to which we owe our existence, and under which alone we can achieve true and permanent great- ness, I have thus presented to you, gentle men, plainly and hurriedly, such const derations as have occurred to me uncer tain until the eve of your assembling, wnetner in my incidental position sucn a communication would be required.' Once before we have met under similar circurn- stances. Since that initial period, the bitterness of sectional strife has been measurably allayed. Strange faces and new interests have taken their places up- .U,4 t .1... uu ui iagc,.uuu inauy w uie unur m our early history have passed away or been lost in the throng of events.- Men, out of repair, politically or morally, will continue 10 oe prosiraieu, anu meir names expire with the forgotten influences of uie 4.a?i, uui um t-uui juuuy xeni- 1 i -vrir I I mra rn with annrmantad nnrl . UB.ic prevailing force, and realize m its future fortunes all that human hope or ambition . vmtwijr u. nate capacity, and in view of the muta- tions of public affairs, and the vicissitudes of life permit me to assure-you, each and all; that I cherish a sincere desire for your'success, individually, as well as your I i ll I n uWw15 w ui iutC tu uu May no personal resentments or local alienations hereafter . mar the, harmony which should inspire the intercourse of the representatives of the government and of our people! May no boundary na taral or artificial prevent the union of all our energies in building up an eminent, honored and thriving state ! , May you be prospered in all your laud able aims and ufter performing the high comforts and friendships ot your respect 1Ve homes. T. B. CUMING. "The States." An Independent National Democratic 'Paper I'uDiisnea at w asrungton, v.m. It will represent the sound constitutional principles which have ever been upheld by the National Democracy but' it wi II not be so entirely political that it columns interest the politician exclusively, nor so sub.cr vidit to party a to betray principle at the command of power, U (Ut-gul&e its conviction at the suggestion, of eIelleIl(-y. In addition to the aiscnsswn m important political questions, its columns will be devoted U the proceedings of Concres, the current transactions of the Government, to general news, and matters of interest appertaining to Literature. Agriculture, and commerce. The Wecklv, It will be perceived, is published in double sheet form, and is printed on superior paper, with handsome bold type, at the following reasonable rate of subycriirtion PER TEAR. . - Single rcpies ') .- $2 00 Three copies . 3.00 1 - -lrc. .- .n- tr- -nmW at the rate of At per year $10,00 Ten cepies, to the apdress of earn subscriber and any lairer number, at l 30 each .$12,00 In order to obi igu those who desire U snbferibe Jor a Paper published iu Washington city for a shorter period thanone year, we propose to furuoJi the Weekly Slates ca the following term : ' FOR THREE JtOXTHS. Two copic $1 00. Five copies 2 00 Ten copies - ' 3 00 FOR SIX MOXTHS. One copy : - $-.00 Five copies v 3.00 Ten copies - OO Anv postmaster, clerk, or other person, who may send Ave subscribers, with $7 enclosed will receive an extra copy. tPayment ia all ca$e is required invariably in ad Tance; and no papers will be forwarded aiitil the receipt of the money. tThe proprietor of "The States" was one of the ori Final founders of the 'Washington Union, ' and his long newspaper experience before and since the establishment cf that paper justifies him in protuising a paper well worthy of their pattonage. JOHX P. HEISS, Pioprietor. PINELUHBER!!! f II HE undersigned reypectfully inform the citizeor X of Brownville, and 'em.ih and urrounlii.& counties that we cow have in operation a Pite Lumber Yard in Brownrille, where we Veep for ale a wc!l selected stock of PineLnmh-r from tc S inches. Also,' line Siding AYorked Flooring, Fine Shingle and I'ine Lath, all of which a e will soil ' fair prices i FOB CASH OXLY. ii. liuowx 4 c: BrownTille. Jaae24lh.lS57, t rcrtcr's Spirit f ilieTInie 1 I General Pxurchasing Agency. THE coMtantly increasing demand upon hh to execute eonimiitfhins (or thepnrrbaeaf all kind of article, buth fur Tefrntf and nti-rctMeuttof iht city, Juu'xtlucni Oi U establish, ia connection with oar be-vpjper enter prise, m nndTthimmelmieitTviiiMi f oueoflknr Irat, a. ittel br the moat aco!utlultuu cserU, J or supplying angmrucie is icon a. r Varticiilar at leutiuu frill be paid tolhe aetec'lon, pnr. rtiise, and sale. if thoroufh-bietiCsitteaiid U'rse Stutk, initial Uofra, renets, ami t&iicj Vuwla. tarri.ite. tintsj, and Saddle Uortcii, Carriages ltarnet ail SUUief, Txiuv Watche. every description ot i'ire Anns. Sporting Axu- cle. Ki-hiiic RrtJs and Tlu-le. Mnstie nd Jlusical !n.--tru- ntent, yactitn.Sail an4 Rnr Boat. Furniture, tine Vp uses, 4 Liquor, and 8icar; Crk-ket and Ball Barn. Pl. &.0..&T. AGKICCt-Tl RAL I.MPLEMEHTa, 4f IU Uit SJkl m.t improved kinds ; K-wlf, PlaniH, Vrnlt, r uret al thale trees, and all kind of R ks tre.innynn suljectof im ponanca to tbo Farmer, lkrtics!ttirii, b.I riurtsU' " STAtX Booms Ji7aged iu advance, eu sieatueri ana Packets to leave f r Enrope Cit:irrni. the West Indtett, or any part of tbo world., Taia will obviate tlie ucccuMlr to reideata of inlawl towas, and plaice wbcre no steamer aireucieo exit Jut comiag to New York two or tlirec week in advance as tbey are now frequently required to do eitber to obtain p:isai;e. or to secure e'.igibfo aot'mmoda tiona. In tbia department, we wiH be ready to secure Booms At Uu?KLat favorable rule. aoaJ to protect tae stranger from imposition aitweil as incouvenience and, iuoliort, to terforoi any 4ecri;,tM'U of coinuiiASiou ttiut woui4 or Uiiioruy require Ibc presence of tlie party tumseir.. .. Gentlemen lideHre to form I.ibrrit, r who may wish to procure the Choice Literature of the don, cait always rely cproi ur jmlsemeiit and seiwli-m. Also, Blank ti-jti iiint SUtwuery, an J took ud ewi Paper," for t riders. ' 1 - - . FOR TOE LAD1KS, w wiH pfoenre the Utest fasliion Platef, styles of . BoiuieU, samples t.f the ncet varies tie of Sixli,tnetK3, perfumed, 4ml fancy nrlicles, and we shall always lie plaod to furnish erery thing cnunect Cd wuhthair TantK. , . .: ; -. :..-: Innhort for njf wrvice which may b required, the public may rely upon us, with the roobt perfect couiiacucc.' wr naeuty, and iUpaWh. Apply to , r . ' . ' GEO. W.-WILKES . CO., j PorterV Spirit pf fheTtmex, IM6 Broadway, V.T.' X". B.Subacrlptiona for Porter Spirit of the Time, a Sporting Llterars, Agricultural, family Weekly New paper, may be fifwarde! to thetame dirciicu. . Term, 3 a year. , . , , . ; ........ Richard Brown, ALEXA!VDEK llAll.AM. Late Cash'r Keuiaha Valley Bfc Pioneer of Nebraska. j BROWN &. IT ALL AIM, ' 33 Jk. 1ST :E5L E3 , UliUW.yiLl.E SBSAStkA. OUB atteutiou will be given to Uie following buslne vir: . ' - . ' ' ' , To the Vnying of Bank note, and loaningtconcy',on good security, -, a , ,. . nd kelliug of Kastern Exchaiuje. ; 1 " . Laud Warrant. ; i ", collect inn of debts in Nebraska, Iowa, SortUejD " itissori, and Kansas. ' " buyintr'and selling of farm, 'town lots, or tinim " prevel land. ! selection and entry- of Land for nettlert'or 1 ' others, either with land warrant or money. - i Remit tauce can bo tunde to us iu Drafts, or Depukited with Bank or B inker subject to our order. We wi II enter hinds wi tU Warrants or C.i-b, pay all fees, taxes andconiiiilssions for one-third of the gross profits, accruing from the sale of the lands. In Nebraska and Kansas from two to three mil lions acres of the finest lands in the I'uioti are being offered for sale. Foreiftu capitalists will find here a rich Held for in vestment. Investments judiciously made in Western laud and town lot are now paying from Qfiy to five hun dred percent. We solicit the patronage of the public, confident that enr experience and knowledge iu the business will enable us to give entire satisfaction. Having a largo acquaintance in the Mississippi valley it will not be difficult to pive references when tequircd by correspoiientH, as regard our standitii;; and will at all Umes cheerfully answer all letters of enu,uiry. Brownville, June 25th, 1867. -ft GEO. S. EAYER & CO., HI BITS ME, .. .. AND , , General Land Agents, Glenwood, ' - '. -J t .Flattsmouth, Mills eo, iowaa - Cn3 co, 'cbraskw . WIIX promptly attend to Land'Agencie, Idtc' tigating Titles, I'ayic Taxes, lnr.estiii; monf ey, Buying and Soiling Town Lots, Maying: Selling and Locating Land Warrants, and nil other business connected with their' pruto-iitrtlln .WstcrrIowa ttiid Nebraska. , J. M; LEWIS, Associate Attorney.: ! . 1 1 erenceS i j Greene, Weare A Benton, G. Doughty & Co Greene, Were & Kico, Greene A Weare, Nixon & Goodman, Tootle Jt Greene, . -N. W. Thomas, Schooly it Son . Gen. Vm. Irick, II. Johnson, I. Kecd & Son, Itobinson & Hro-, liurlington Co. Bank, Council Bluff's, Iowa.'i Ft. Des Moines u. Cedar Ktids, . 44 CiiK-innati, Ohio. Glenwood. Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio, a u Vinccntown, N. J. Ilichtitown, 44 l'hiladelphia, Pa. 44 tt JIcdf.T.l,N.J. TO THE PUBLIC. OntlieSSlhof January last, I conditionally contracted to sell to Hubert Hawk and J. U. Melvin a part of the land known as Xeal's Point. Said contract ba been for feited by the failure of said Ilawkatid .Mclvin to comply with the conditiou on their part. 1 therefor, take this method of warning the public not to purcha.se ttock in said land or in a town called Alamo, which 1 uiulcr.-t.ini is about to be laid out on said tract, from any persons. I am the sole ownerof tatd land, awi will make no titles upon sales by either of he ab-ive niimM -rentlemen. I further st,it that although lhare tnc riKht to retain th auiuunt tlieypaitl me as a forfeiture, 1 am in 4 disposed tudo so, and now notify all persons concerned tn.lt TaTiireany ar.d willing: to refund to Xesrs lliwfe and Mclviur the amomit thoy pnid me on said cenditiena 1 purchase. Aupnstl6thf 18&7. ,.-ri, LOUS ARAL, I - Emigrant's Land Hunter ! ! I HOYT & SI.IITH ill AND Nemaha City, and Pleasnntville, N. x and Warrants Bought and Sold. LAXD EXTCRED OX TIME-. JLand Claims and Town Lots jm BOUGHT AND SOLD- A"SD nvestmcnts Made for Distant Dealers. BF.1XG practical Surveyors and one having had three year exirience in the "West,", will devote our etitire time and -ipecial attention to the Selection andtntryot land or claims for settlers and all those detlring choice locations. Address, uorr -SMitit iomaha City, X- X. , . REFERS TO : t .. A Schnvler, Reimbl ie, Semsca co., OIUo. . : i ' . l)V.Searlc.s,TUIiuCiiy, " " " l)r P limskccp, Dayton, Iowa Co., Iowa. Re V Kirti?, ArchcrrUichardoon Co., X. T. S Wiseman, Genoa muffs, low. J F .Schuyler, Novelty Works. X. T. F Fc-rpu4n, Brownville, X. T Clinton D Turner, Attica. Seneca co., Ohio. JT3" letters f Knquirj- Promptly Answered. J3J x Autatt 13th, 1S57. A--1.9 ly A. LYFORD. J. T. 1IORX Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL r r r- r ... Dealer in Dry Goods GROCERIES, ' HARDWARE, QUEENSWAItE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, , , Kails, Plows, Stoves, Furniture, &c SOKORA, MO. . April 9tn. 1857. . 43-tf l.VOOO lbs. oflJaCOnForfale, cheap for Cash, by LYF0KD A n0U. Sonora, Mo-, April Otb, 1S57. 4Vtf To The Public. On the 26th of January la?, we. Robert Ilawk and John G. Melvin, purchased f Iyuin Xeal ' the Land known as Xeal's Point or Alamo, in Xebra-ka Territory, whic'i vre have paid for in full, and for which we b-dd his Quit-Claim deed, and also a bond for a Warranty deed as soon a he shall receive a Patent therefor. The condition of fs id bond hive teen complied with to the letter en onr oarl We, the aid Uan t axil .Mclvin and our associates. hwersnt all whom I: may concern nut W parchase of said Ixinit Xeal any part of said tract or tovn site, take any timter, coal or stone therefrom, or make any hnprov ment thereon, as we intend contesting his rights to the samo in the proper courts. ROBT. nAWK,' JOT1X G. MELYIX, -S. F. STCKOLLS, . H. XITKLOLS, M. TOOTLE. ' WASH, n FPKKR, JACOB F. ITAWK. ' - - M. JEFF. THOMPSOX, t . t i ' S. II. HITCHCrX t, a WMk K. DILLOX, r-- ) " " . W. HAWKrv " !, ' A. (.AYMAKFH." ' i . v - -Jt!A!TAXfH'!nT F. M. TUOMPSOX. Attgtist. 1S07. . 10 3m . . mm Vm 1 THOMPSON & MARSH, First st between Main and Atlantic HAVE prtha;ed the above tic4 t-rme.-;.' Wt.wned by Wm. Alderman, a4 iww auMiuuott UiMirieaiU- neat-lk!c the eprcurian taste l H e ltrowDviliurii -tid others with every variety ol fi thir.j usually ke;t in such establishments. TU hnre yu can Ke your r. ie oysters, sardine, lottr,tnwU veuiaon, pr.ii ie cfci. k ens.andaucft like and soma i f Uut m -riouy goi'd ie. with which ti m-abUdwu. . Civ luacali. X Novfn1er 11. In7. New Arrangement! ! D. A. COCHRAN & C(X ; 4 Dealers In Groceries dc, r Post Office BnildrriK, Main Street,'- - msunxviiaiaix.T. Herrby inform the publi tbat they h;ive pnr.liasel the stuck of coods formerly belonging toj. II. Mac.W CO , of thiscity; have made addition thereto, and are i.w tiering for sale in theaamcrvoiu a very choice clec tuu of r . ir. , - , , , C.rocorles, Xolions. Stationery, Extra I'iiic Iiottlecl IlraatJIrs, 1 Wlnew, Cordlulis 'Preserved Frultt& Conrcxllonary. T urch.t.ser may re!y uincbtnunK fr. m s ii.ihirg bat pore and excel lent articles. - H e solicit a barc ef pa trouape. XovoniDef IT, mt'" .f---.r- - -TitS.iy-2 Scottcity S teamaw-Lim t y-n at i JOHN C. HUFFirANV U i Scott City. 3Io.. (tminediatelf ojpoite Brownviile, -V. T.) Annoume to the public that he ha leasvd the new teatn saw-mill recently erecu-d by Mr. JJeek. located above a above, and is now Dreuarod to f uminh the citiiens of Missouri aid Nebraska with an extraquaUtr f LuJlBSTt 1 ol every ascription and i jU WED LA TflS" - ' of a-etrt--tity.-liatef paUwtuiga loli itcd uJly T i,,1- 4 NEW, :-.. BS, JOHN .McKIERSON! ' "' I hare just received jui entirely new auJ larrrc stssortiuent of- ..-' ,- - StTERIOIl GOODS, Which I will sell at a reasonable price a any establishment in the -Vest'. '' . : I have now in store a great variety of the ti lowing articles, which-were ; purchased fur CASH and consequently, can sell cheap wi tbo samo tertui : DRY GOODS, JrroceneS; HATS AiND UArar S ADELERY, BOOTS AND SHOES HARDWARE ASB CITI.OIY, QUEEXSWARE, uBOOTS AND SHOES, Ready lMado Clothing. -:: And a fine, assortment of . . LIGIlTiQROCEIUES. .J Such-a3 -j.--. v pice, i, crpcrs;.r - .-tSqdarivJ ,-ialaraUJSr 4 11 . NoiTinBer oth. A. W. PI ETT. PTIRTT k WTLTHNSON.-T Sltl-Clr Bfsil;kD AND ATTORNEYS AT, LAW, OMADI, N. T. Will attend to alt business entrusted to their care . - ' BEKEKESCRS Co!. Jesse Williams, Fairfield, Tow. - Gov. Jos. A.. Wright, JaJiimapoli.-', Ind,- Mr. F. N. Knock, Washington JCitv. Horn John O. Dn vis, KivckTille.Ied, J - Hon. Geo. L. Miller, Omaha City, X. T. . E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT. LAW, ARCHER, RlCH.VniJSOX rO.'H. T. VI LL practice iu the several Courts of the 2d Judicial District, and at tend to all .matters connected with the Profession. VTM. McLensax, ;Ksn,., of Nebraska City, will assist me in the prosectitiou of important suit. Sept. 10, '67-1 1-tf The Steam -Ferry Boat IS COMING' TO BROWNVILLE, And , , ERASTLS. K. 1AIIKEK IS now prepared to prepare and make out Pre-emption pi pers and warrant them to be correct. 1 have taken the trouble to post myself un in rcaardtothc Pte-etiintioii Law and contested flaittis, and williftraytlerlplcasll.'t in giving advice, cratis, totlmew ho marcalf on mi. Ilav- inn a desire to remain permanently settled iu Nemaha county, I wiU exert my time Hid Ulenu to the advance ment of ourucw and prosperous county and the Territory at large. ' ' ' Land Warrants Bought and Sold. OFFICE, one door West of Crane it Hill's.in Brown &. Hal lam' new Ofllce, where he can be Ictuid at all times durimc business hour. . : I have someiPKid claims to sell of the Srst choice, tim bered and prairie. ALSO several Rood and eligible lots Ml Brownville, which I will dispose of cheap for cash or ou tunc, purchas er paying leu per centuitei est. K. E. PARSER. Brownville, X. T. Oct. 15. I5T. xO5j D. H. THOMAS. T. A. OALLAHER. THOMAS & GALLAHER Forwarding and Coni mission iviEncrEviVTg. Xo. 23 Pine Street Corner Second, UP STAIRS. 10-ly ST. LOUIS, JO. U. S. Mail Route, From the Nemaha Agency, in Kancas, to the mouthef the AyovayBiTer.TT. T. mlUS LINE makes one trin nor week, ench war. X stopping at tho principal towns on the Missouri River. 6ood Hacks all the way throngh, and good ui ices aau uicc jftuujf iiiuh ir urivt-n. J. li. i W. DEX.NET, Contractors. Pec. 10, 1856. Tlt.27-1y 7r TINE BOOrS, For salo.l.y , -, i) . . .. . I.T.UUTTE CO. Notice. Editor "Xebrntlta Adttrtier": Dear Si it: In looking over the last number of your paper a notice attracted tuy attention signed by Jerome Hoover, Esq., in which he states that certain stones are in circulation thnt the undersigned claim some interest in Nemaha City for tbo purpose of in juring its prosperity. It may do quite well to cir culate a report or that nature where the tacts are nnknown, but to those knowing the lac Is such a statement is merely foolish. And for the rortvise of riving a fair orportnnity to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn all persons from purchaiinz any pretended claim or interest in the said town of Nemaha City, from the said Jerome Hoover, as be has sold and reccirod pay for nine-twelfth of said town, and suit is now pending to place the nndcrsirned in possession of the interest by them purchased in the same; and tbey hare not authorised the said IIooTcr to sell or dispose of any portion of their interest, but directed suit to u brought lou,; since t-r its recovery. 1 ours, Ac, F. J. MARSHALL. JNO. DONIPHAN. J AS. DONIPHAN. II. L. liAI.LAl.D. R. C. UIS1101'. LwD.BIUD A. C. WOODWARD. S. F, NUCKOLLS. . - v -. ' CI1AS. F.II0LLV. March 2lh.lS5r. " 4 3. XXZ3XjX3Z32J-, ATTORNEY -AT LAW, BKOUTiTlLLE, S. T. w in wrueaeers or every una and contracts for eriry parpose, with rjmin-1 ins: atcnrny Offlce, in the Banitins; Rouse of Luthbaugh k Carson BRFtS TO H". John A. IticKham, Cadis, Orlo, " W K C trier, Cleveland, " R P Spaidmg. " B F Letter. Canton, . ' ". SLabrv i'.i' " " .." - Wm k Sapp. t."Yernn: ," SPCha.e. Columbus, . " Thjs. Font, Man-,flei.i, ' " Jas. Crate. St. Joterh, Mo. B.-owavUle, Oct. 21, 57. . ' . - v n n ' W airlc JaMES CAlllsllJrroprkiotCl.l " rASUFACTUIIES and keeps ctnstAntly i-Vl . m laa.l.for f.i!oju,;aj of Float', He), in J i'caJ l tn Ualiua iUoiLl and pnaiptlr ftUetl on tu.st fa vursble IcrmJ. Cash paid cvnatantir for Wheat, l'or character of 1'lour refer to everybody that ever 'd.cil it. . . S'.-J.ej h.iloAt'i-SO.llnlS-l"", To the Public. - t KiV.tr.Yl'AUN a; persons front buyinc nv lot, or ereci!i;ir r r b.;iU;in:ri ! the tn of "SAX FRANCIS CO." SaMt ww it U out'. .1 ! x i' which wa jnnt;-i I Iti-c Bifier. rwl lly t u liw e tuale poblio my ltit'btt tt o.ii'cti-. he r .t to U,e a uie, before tl I Biti J $:atc C ,an roisii iicc k ' . j Xe! ra-i.n .! M. aVicjit o.it w,py 1 aiooth. Son i n;ii tu tt .1 t'di.e ' Sept. 14, 'i7-ll-Uu ,t U 1LLIAM ED SU).VX. Commercial Nursery, (BL00AlINGT0y,JIX. The n!crsi.iicd bes leave to In fur lit the Xurreryineai aiMlK.trmcrstl tli W est aixl -ath-et, that they are cxtonsi e)yetii:j4:,d hi the tr-patr-turfi Ht - XlOOTj, rKll AMJ hi 1!ICU STOCtS FOll eKxii)!y tln Al'PUZ, and a tew oiiier hardy Fruits. iljvu:j 'p-ut Lt.ir tweuty yeant in televtiiif their Fruits, tin v aiav;4irt4U.-cJ at ll.t' list i uasurpa ed, both in resaid te the trn.il ity ami the pr.'nr 'tom la "wtiieti t!ieycninvte.""- BtaiWy dcMrr-u.vnw-uin-liMit lhe:ii as widely aspisible, they adopt the aieitiv4 of , se-nii;-atMnelkicaHrated atock tor iheXnrsery. aa V'ittf fatM'T pr4i-ai-ie and safe, than to incur the sreal .Tpense,- tbkty u.Ul-vf kbippmit Urge tree, whk-si should alway be raised near where they are wanted. Froinjtbeir I. :ii'pci leme tji, natter tbcuitelve th- they are far ty rnted with tbe-3U is tod the.V'.tuilt Mi ii4rd-jriot a Koi'-. 4 oil the root, and bud. on sccllmit stock, and the nxt de ,r . 1 ' d"ue ' f tne ere!,V sirable. ti'iiilcr-anillLaJXliariiy kind. Thegraftinc will be frftswr sc n, and in the best manner. The a-5cjl 5ii4,tjrely and alupped by expresa. wua care incarly sunns, to any tart of lb WW. Ihtt)' luve also, on baud, the largest aud bul crop of .1: ii. 3IACLVRA HEDGE PLAXTS ever ctot.ti. for sale on be l trrtl by the thnasaot million. They tniy b thj-ip-a In the Tall or prma. T Their prioenf' r N ursery it'k will be found wa U f a any other of equiU ijiuUitj ui Uiu L'niou. Catalocue and Treat ise on Ut io Culture, lent prati toall applimni. Patroii me sii itel. txderx for Xuxvery uch aaowld be seutp.ior to 25th of Dtvtuwr. - -"-AWrrw,--urtRA5r-M.7f ' HUDSONGEQRGE, - (Df.iTiY cor;,TV scu'v ,6r) SURVEYOR J!XV L.1X!) JGE.YT, V- I LuV iVrtLLS, X. T. WILL attend promptly and faithfully to the selecth and location of (joreriimeiit Lanl In the Xemaha Land UiIthMi Hiirveyiua Ti.we, sites, ubdividinK Land. Draft- , l"it'ity riat, aitil allqik.erbiiiiCMof a general Survey or. W i I buy and sell Uitul warram. ay taxe. Iuveti jite trt tes; rile Declaratory Statemeut of lutentloa t prc-emi t, una make out Pre-emption paper at short no tice, awl alwayson hand to look out claims for actual set tlers. Investment made for distant dealer. Letter of imiuiryanaweied promptly. ; -'':-i7r Davton. Olilo. ... d i ' d.i ti - '? d .' do . T Cli.Ulliaa,uhiii. Sioux City, Iowa. Brownville, X. T. do do r"7 vTf krf JL A.k.L du &t.K TO, , Fauiel Bet'kcl, lUtiker, J.,hn .Mills, Cash. D.iyton Bank, r. P. Lowe Uimkleaj Strong, . VTmnl 4l .hL i I' H4K-CS MUlth,- - 4 r y Kyall Charles. Ijmd Asents, Geo. 1L Skixtm. LiudlcjtUter.' T ". Liislibanh Carson, Banker Brown Jt llailam,. r"do ' aV W Kurort, FJitnr A4ve4-Mis', (tept.2i.61-nt3-v'2tf r,-x- . a. BOOTjTanJ-SnOES-A Tremendous Stock, jnst received, opcncd.and for ?le, hy - - - i :. , l. l. t il l i t, a t, v. IV. E-H-IUXT JU'AX AVYCK. Civ. En., Sur. ITTlrartT- ner.il Land A cent. harVeyt VAN V7YCK & CO., - f n in' T.ixroT3r-ii4.. Oity, RK-piiiiec1c1 "Wtrh -agencies in AVashinpton City by 'fore the Ve'erL?iri prvsc-iite claim aitainst the or alttXVd to any burines he- e with dispatch aud to the satisfaction of tlieircustouiers. tine of the linn beiiiit a practical Enplneerand Snrrey- or (haTiiiK been for many year connected with the United .Male toast surveys engatxl ou works cf. Internal lm pro' eineoU) wo are prepared to make Survey of Towns, Farnif, Alc, in any jwrt of. the Territory; and having . ensairtil the best Draftsman In the Territory, cin exetutw ' Maps, Town 1'i.its, and draw im; of all kind (meciiauicat, archiieutural, kc..) to the perfect ati-fjctiou our co-. turner. r October 220, M6T. . "J; tn iT'-t , ,-s 2 jlf JOHN P. TS(!f. "w . W.HAtKSEt. TYSON & HA0E1IEY, QHNEHAJj Li AND AGENT3, i , KlltiW.VVil.LE, XF.MAUA lO .'X. T." Ind Warranti lionpht and Sold. Land entered on Time. Claim and ttswu Lot lt-.n-lit and Sold. Loan Money. Ai.tko luvestmeut and Locate Warrants on time, for Distant Dealers, w - t;i-. ,t i:r l'ro-Ctnption l'npcr Prepared. UFFICK XCKl door to V. S. Land Ofllce. REFERENCES fico. II. Xlxon. ItCKiKter L. O., Brownville, X. T. ('. B. Smitli, Kcoeiver, " -. " " , 5niclt i. Williams, - j. iHigmff. .H. i L. R. Ttittre, ' " Omaha rtry.l-. Tr It. K. l'ei aiik i. Co.. Uaukers, . Council BluT. loa 11 .ii, U. W. Sc.dl.'ld, Warren, Penn.5 - R. L. .Mcdlire ft Co., ' St. Iul. Mo. Tootle A Fairlei:ih, bu JofcCpb, tK-t. 1. 'h7 , I V. l.tSHBAl'GII. iXO. L. CARSUf LU3HBAUGH CARSON, BAKLRS .VD- CCXEJIAL LAMD AGEXTS. Dealers; in Coin, .Uncurrent M.'iiey, Kxcharme ami Land Warrants, . BROWXVtLLK, NEM AHA CO.. IT. T. f1 Kspeoial attentimrwin be given to Bayin and 8UtD( chau.'o on . the, principal cities of the United State, Hold, Milver. and uncurrent Batik Xotes. A constant up U'y of Laud Warrants (Hi hand for sale. FOR cash, or en tered on tune for rre-euiptors. ''All Warrant told by a guaranteed in every respeit, Wll I file Declaratory State ments of intention to pre-eftipl, and prepare Pre-emption Paper at rhort notice. Money loaned upon best necarl- tiet, at western rate f interest, and investmcut nude in Land or city pnerty for dmtaut capitalist. Collec tion upon all convenient fmrntawiH Oe pmruiit It Attend ed to and proceeds rt milUd in cxclianu", at current rate. Bill Ot s;lian;;e on Lii;iaiMt,Jrelund, aud l'm:i..--, ob tained at utual rate, w ith cit of Exchange on the"K-i sdilcil. Depoit received ou Current account aud interest eilovrdoii spi-cial dep. OFi'lCE Main St-.-near l". 8. land Office. -4 4, 1 rRXrRRJtktiCS Lind, Brother & Co., Merchant, f Philailelphla, Pa. Mi Naiiftiti.il, Carson k. Co., " Hmer ft. White, r Baltimore, Md. Yi.unu. Cars..n Bryant, " Jnu. ThoiupMo Mason, Col'r of Port, . " E. M. Pnnderon fc Co. Merchants, 1 M. M.Yeakle h. Oo.Xo. lT,Brolwayfc XewTurk. w m. T. bmithsiin, Krai., Banker ,' Whiiulun. D. C. J.I. .jtuveu, F.wi.Att'y t Law- ." Jno. R. Callaher, Late 3d Aui. V . S.I'..1 m ' - Tiiylor 4. aa ie?h Baelwra, . , , Ci.uano, III. McClellamf, Scraps CO. JTcrcliaats, MLowi. Mo. ii lUut.-u. rrtUl, . , , s , . . Annapolis, Md. II. n. J. W. Geary, Kx-Cor. Kansas' ' Pen it. ' Maktk Jaa i Ciri..B - p- B- ''"a'''- -t r , fre't S. Bank,1 . .4.-1 4t7i ivuiR, rm. 1 HagersUrwn, Md. : Keokuk, 1TWa Council Bloff es Molne, Tinton, ' KaaUiU. Md. Cumberland, if L ' Havana Al-b- ma. tt'yat lav. L Co. Bankers. 11. C. Xntti Co. " . tireene, Weare Rice, ' '." IJonla? tt w ar,n, " Col. Main llamlileton, Att'y at Law, Ju.lce Tho. Perry, , Prof. If. Tutwilcr, ' (k:t. li, '57-v2-r.15.tf JOXAS CAJE- THEODOSI Crane cfcs frm , roHwAmiua a-nocommissiok asracHAiTa, AND J30.VT AGEXTS. Wholesale and Iteta:! Dealers in Vry Goods, iJrocerle, Hardware, gicenRware, Furniture, stores, P lour, Bacon, Ac., - - ' - aept.84. '67 BHQwuTtLLr. V. T.' u r. lake. w. n. noovti. Urownville. Nemaha City. ) LAKE & HOOVER; '"; REAL ESTATE- MEDTS, N0TARYS PUBLIC. ; Brownville and Neiaaia City, WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Paying tasaj. Drawinr tnoner. burin? and fUin Real , F.s!.ue buying and selling ; on Cemttissioa, Making t'ollectierrs f7T distant dealer, ah- all kind of business pertainitig to their profession. l anicuiarattcatoia will be given in filing declara tory statements to pre-empt and pine ori eg 'War- j."j icmj nun iu. i own an tu on ties. V ersons owning town lots, residing at distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to -tf place the agency In our Jbands, (alw a i rreeenting their Quit ehim Declj for ni l Let I Sr"itai the ex- piratitmof six mewths, as alter that t-oeaUiots Bel Deeded wi'.l be sold. , J.lanks always on hand. . . ff N. B. Letters of inquiiv answered premptly. March 21-.. 'o7. , ' . . Liunber! Lumber !I; IIOADLT KUIR. . . Whose new Steam Mill has just rne late operation ia the Prairie Forre-t opponite Brownville, are btw Beeper rd to furnish the pubiif with every desirable variety vf lumber, en short aotice and reasonable terms. There hems an unusual amount or bard wc4 timber la the vicinity, weare prepared tapr rartjrnlar attentiow to fill iti(r up order tir O.iH and Ha.jui a umber, la ahnrt everything netdeJ In tT.is couiitrr fair be found at this; ls Sei.tember 3-1, 1SW. '" 11 ' . .- j ratUM J 4 4.... a