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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1857)
THE ADVERTISER. 11. W. L' URN AS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MOEXIXG, DECEMBER'!, IS:?. a. H. rikTix, General Advertising it""." r " Xw Turk. Ladies' and Children' Shoe v-rth Ktriwtt f'iurinnili. OUnf; o n w ruicHtt.UWti&Cj., No. 31Gan J48, Broadway, Xw Turk. ' N Anvil WIWD, American. Canadia nd European Advertising and Subscription Office, So. 133, Si-, Kew York. ... . . .... J. K. D;?DriicEf X. V. comer O.ivo and Mai streets, St. Louis, Mo. Jl. K. McLcKO.Troy, Ohio. D. II. II. IAMT. Tippecanoe, Ohio. V. C. M vncca. C.viinrun. Kjr. irt. Iliac, Arcbor,-'ebraska. I. W. PKTr, Oregon. MO. iMLLOM fc !lAK, Rotk Tuftf ' ' ' .? f K) KiDEMfc White, elra:if.a..F,.i I. M. W. Tate, Linden, Mo. j Biucn.Tlirra Grove. X.T. Aramthorizcd Acents to solicit Snbsriprionsand Ad ertiemn:s for the Adverser, aud receievt and re ceipt fur ni-iida ehercfqr. t - r rrcon r'eidmt inTbi IctTitorr, coming from Tari portion of the State, often sugcest to ns the name of pert6tiilnT!ieirtM wplytHw"? wUo tnkle become subscriber if they could nee a err of the "Ad vertiser " We kl way send aspecimen copy, d person receiving. w;ll cwiwder it a splitiuUon to become a regu lar tubucribcr. , ... . , rimaters and others, feeling suffldent Interest to make up aclub, can retain the usual per ccm oi iui i trouble. rj-Tnle-a notified at tbccWeof the Tolnmc to dU- continue Um th AdterUrr." -re Uiall take U granted lat iubcriber wifh their paper continued, nd ihall that subscriber wish their paper asevrdingly continue to send a heretofore.C5 Advertiser;" having 53" The "Nebraska . ... , much the largest circulaUon of any paper in s. t.. onioi6aa Merchant in St. tha Territorr. Wholesale fiiercaania in Xiouia, 8t. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East earn markets where Nebraska merchant pur ehase. will find no better advertising medium in the Western country We wish some of those indebted in th nffir-ft would make us a Christmas present of a little scrip. "mi " ' 1 ' 1 Editorial Correspondcricc. ' ,;' Omaha, Jf. T.) ' Dec. 13, '57. $ This the Legislature gets The past week has morning fairly under way, Wn snent nrincinallv in talking matters X M into shape both branches being in ses- iion only a few hours each day. The following are the Standing Oom- - J w mittees appointed by the President and Speaker : ' . '. ' C0T5CIL. Judiciary. Messrs. Bradford, Rogers and Kirkpatrick. ' Finance. Ways and Means. Messrs.1 Kirkpatrick, Reeves and Allen. ' Education. Messrs. Furnas, Bowen and Puett. " Military Affairs. Messrs. Bowen, McDonald and Clancy. !. Highways. Brideres and Ferries.- - - w rr J C 1 1 jMessrs. Baiiora, ir urnas, ana oau.oury. uxpenunures.. iuers. mciyuuuiu, , ft J 4 T ' - 1 I r ' -r C t- . I T' i " i j ir.n u - jvirk-paincKauu luiivuiuia. Tminr. I .lhrnrv. nlpssrs. l,Ianrv. I Alien ana xraaioru. Public Buildings-T-Messrs. Rogers, Sa lisbury and Puett. ' Elections. Messrs. 'andSafford. Counties Messrs. 'and Safford. Pno-ore ri.pp Printing. Messrs. Kirkpatrick, Ro gers and Puett. .. Agriculture. Messrs. Reeves, McDo nald and Furnas. Enrolled ond Engrossed Bills. Messrs Allen and Reeves. . nousE Privileges . and Elections. Messrs Campbell. Strickland, Chambers, Pad dock and Beck. - Ways : and . Means. Messrs. Thrall, Steinberger, Beck, Jones, and King. Judiciary. Messrs. Crawford, Pop- "pleton, Marquette, ' Campbell and Sulli Tan.':;' v ' 1 ; -; Accounts and Expenditures. Messrs Able, Armstrong, Benedict, Rogers .-and Sheldon. Agriculture. ' Messrs. Chambers, Cromwell, Yanhorn, Murphy and Mor ton. Roads. Messrs. Stewart of Douglas, Robb, Jones, Thrall and Minick. Militia. Messrs. Gates, Cooper, Clays, Thrall and Sheldon. Pnl,1if P.nlMinrra Xr flrniinrls. !fps5rs uwnv viui-mw.. " 1 v - - I .Hail, Donclan, Holloway, Poppleton and Benedict. Internal Improvements Messrs. Clays, Davidson, Robb, Mmick and Rogers. ; Federal Relations. Messrs. Donelan, Stewart of Washington. Murphy, Gates and Crawford. Engrossed & Enrolled Bills. Messrs. Paddock, Davidson, Abbe, Yanhorn and Cooper. . j - County Boundaries and County Seats.- Messrs. Taggart, Hail, Holloway, Van- horn and Beck. Corporations. Messrs. Holloway, . . - .1-1 i .1 , .-. ZT' IV: Tk!16 m ; lillllfll 1 . ..AOCl 3 SVIli f A All U.A.A IfAl nick. Morton and Davidson , Banks and Currency. Messrs. S trick , land. Sullivan, Robb, Stewart of Douglas and Steinberger. Common Schools, Colleges, and Uni versities. Messrs. Stewart of Washing ton, Murphy, Sheldon,' Armstrong and Cromwell. : Public Printing; Messrs. Marquette, AJanoson, laggan, luunuu uuu .nu- ,Btrong.- - . ; : In the liouse no bills of a general na tore have ' yet been introduced. Local bills being interesting only in the locali ties to which they belong it is useless to mention them here. In the Council, a Bill providing for . the better regulation of Schools in this ..Territory has been introduced, passed its ecoud reading, and is cow in the hands '" of the ttanding committee on Education, A Bill to license and regulate the bale ; f ATalt;- SriritiW ru V,nn,,t T.m-R. lias uiauc iuc same uio auu icicucu ' 'it ' ' T . . .1 ! ? V": ' I I'J- LAJiUlUHlcc UU JUUlulili y- , . A Homestead Bill has been introduced and referred. Jt is somewhat liberal in .its provisions,, but will no doubt be consi - .- 4erably amended before being passed. ' 4. .- .. As to the passage of ; the three bills above mentioned we have no doubt. ' Yet, like all important bills of a general ap- - plication, they will drag slowly, especially throuch the House. They afford a fine - 'opportunity for "a speech," and .all aspi , ;' . -.m-U.7.. I,. ty rants ior oratorical iluuc hui uuujin-bs ''claim the'floor." In the Council, a Select Committee has been appointed to act in connection with a similar one from the House, to enquire mlo all the fiarticulars relative ;to. tha Ca- b fiiol building-, and report: ; ( " A The buillicg being as it is the proper- ty hi the general ; government, its j ewn fopd spent in the erection, anl..under control of its own disbursing agent, II doubt the right of the Assembly to demand such information. Yet I have no doubt Governor Cuming will furnish all in his power. A'Slect Committee has also been ap- pointed to enquire into the condition of all Banks in the Territory and repot,- ever before, tnpught of, never betore car Here arises another question of ; . doubt,' ried intq execution. Our new Hotel Will Provided the suspended Banks have vio-1 latcd their charters, are they subjects of the Legislative Assembly or of the Courts? The Legislature may throw around,' not only the suspendod' Banks, but those in active operation, SI such restrictions as 'to y- tfll tQ);ci To arrive at what IS J . " ; , , . lor uie general ooa unaer ail circum- thoughf, truly. . We staQce. TT ,1.1 f uupe w uai is uwie uiay uc iwt tuc gwu ui Li. if wp nrA tn barn nanPr ciirrpncv. WrIth n,i- rQ w cn,j thy whatever, neither do we feel like 1 striking down those that tare sustained f rifimcplroc 1 -t ' . ' Aiiiunas aiso been lntroaucea provia ing for the formation cf a Territorial lioara or Agriculture, it is tne same bill introduced last session, but which was lost "amid the rubbish" in the House. It is an important bill to every locality in the Territory. Everything that can be done to encourage agriculture should be looked after. In this connection another important bill ha3 also been introduced, viz : a bill providing for the encourage ment of the growth of Hedge Fencing. A Bill to amend the charter of Nema ha City and another to incorporate the Nemaha City Hydraulic Company, have been introduced and passed their second reading in the Council. F. Hotel, Scrip. oome excitement was cieated in our i ! evil I i ousiness circles on inursciay ol last week, bv the rpnort that our hankprshad J i I l" Italic AXUICI OCIJU UU UCUUSIl. I Mr. Larrds. ntin lias Pvinnpd his nsnn - - ' 7 . . . . pntprnrismor and nublic snirit. authorizes us to sav that he Has never refused nor does he intend to to treat this currency 1.1 .1 ! 1 1 T 1 i I me same as iuu currency oi an renaDie I o r"i I -o unt nA i-r -in hneinaeo hmicoe I par and rejoice at the opportunity of do ing so. It seems very singular to us, that any one of this community should manifest a disposition to put down, instead of endea voring to uphold, this invaluable ; circu lating medium double so in these tight times and shows a want of public spiri- tedness and energy truly reprehensible. It likewise appears to a reflecting mind that business men who are as thriving as those among us (we do not allude to any ! class, but all) should feel "cramped" for , funds whereby to make remittances East, merely because of the issue of six thou- sand dollars of a local currency,' which will not pass current in the cities' where their goods are purchased. Do we - not use that amount of money almost ' daily in our local business transactions ? Do not debtors demand and receive, for ser vices rendered, to those indebted, the .. . . ,'!. nium 0f uus issue, in tne circle oi every r 1 1ir j rtronir-Tnup nntir . iih sivpr. hiiu ...v.j , wm be corroborated oy every one, i .i. : t- ;. i iv: sucnis me case, jvery uu money is secured beyond the possibility of failure. Is such the case with the "ilog Eye Bank" and its promises to pay, and j the "Mud Lick" institution, and its is sues of "payable on demand" so eagerly sought for and greedily grasped ? Were the intentions of the Hotel Corn- nariv sneculative and called forth by the i j i f and secured only as banks are at present bound for the re demption of their currency, then would we also discountenance them, and be as will- ing to denounce the institution as any one. But it is not. It offers, after all other means have failed, to secure what we have lonr needed, and what will prove to us a public good to the travelling community vij 5.fnff a first-class hotel. sv In this connection we would say to those indebted to us, "Give us produce or give us Scrip." !. GoTcrnor's Message. t We publish in to-day's paper this ex- cellent document. It is lengthy and nec essarily crowds out much interesting mat- ter which was prepared for this issue; but we are assured it will prove far more interesting to our home readers tnan any J thin pIsp we could imblish. It is an able uiuuc. ciiim uvi vumu uua -k. ......1 i.Uwl n Itm wui,iAlinn I l'luCU Uia usuu.i ioittui hi i,iuuui,uuu. We received the above document by the kindness of Capt. I. T. Whtte, who pro jcured it at St. Joseph during a visit to that I . .. J place. :I ; .: :j , . . ! Two days later we received one through I the kindness of the postmasters between here and Omaha city. Receive our thanks gentlemen, and rest assured we remain as grateful as though it had ne ver reach us. ' It was marked "via : Rock . Port; Mo.," tut we excuse you on the ground of not having your spectacles at hand. tliriSinias. This season of rejoicing and-fire- crackers is at hand, cad" great prcra; ions are- beii"' .mnJe. to have a ."bou. time gerierdly" bv our neighbors oil the otner gjJe of the creet. None have been nie bv our "yourr;i friends at this place as ai intend to participate rjia' the,-gay and lively young people on the Missouri side. However it is the intention if our dancinrr community on New Year's night to have an extraordinarily and intei sely superb, and extremely grand "Fan- cyllop.V the tie Hui ultra,, the jsc. Jana magnum bonum, of all things in that line be ready for the occasion and all mil have a good opportunity of displaying their "poetry ; of rQOtwn'j j and making love to the girls. - N. B.; We shall carry a;club onltha occasion to keep the girls trom. making lore to us. .' ! .! '!.' Read he interesting description of '"ine leiDpie ,m rans, uv uur twies- . ? . ; , Jt.. ' : mi i ,; ' ' r 1 pondent, in that place. It will be. conclu i i tr l . l Qea ncl1 ' " e teresting letter which has been crowded out by, the Governor's Message; . but wil! appear new wee nena jjs is suu pegging away at k nend JJjej is still "pegging his occupation, saving toles, at the j ol stand on Main street, where those desir ing a handsome and graceful boot or shoe can be accommodated on the lowest terms, See advertisement. , The Ladles Repository.' ! For December is on our table. We consider this the best ladies Monthly pu blished anywhere. Each number contains two splendic steel plate engravings, and contributions from the first writers of the day. - The publishers address a special call to the ladies. We are sure, if they take the matter in hand, there will be no cause o: complaint in regard to the lack of sub scribers. ".Ladies, you especially have an mte rest in the spread and influence of the Repository.' Will you lend your aid to WllCt. tXllO UUJVi . VUU UU It effectively than you. Call upon your heigh w.'arf frc iUm A UUl J fl-AVtl t 1 J U i 1U t& wni.uix ui n. laia 10 tis n tti juiu Ultll uu"1" vuc tuu" UU"S "-"c l'lc sent month of December a thorourrn ran . . ... . . ma'L-;nff tv,om o;r,t-;. the real character and claims of this ma rro 7inft vwtk von Itf Knl lottA tmi T A " rrkonl t a1"-""- -jr Ltutic numu icoun m n " " . pository, immense a3 it now is. bhall i be done?" Address Swokmstxdt& Co, Cincinnati. ' The Christian AdTocate. Published by the Methodist Book Con cern, Cincinnati, Ohio, is the largest and best religious paper published in the Uni fed States. It is devoted to the spread o: religious principles, ihe cultivation of. mo rality, general intelligence, the arts ; and sciences, and abounds with the best , lite rature of the day. Price $1,50 per an num. ' ' : '' ' Omaha, Dec. 9, 1857. Editor Advertiser': 1 ,' . ' '" Ihinking , a few notes of. "passin events at the capital would interest your readers, I drop you a line. There ssems to exist among members a much better feeling than usual. ' How long it may remain so is dufficult to say, I AUiii 11 Ilia V 1 C 1 11 CL I LI BJ 13 UUlUtUli IV Ctt 1 Thg or ' ation of bolh Houses i . . I place altera tew caucuses, and, as you doubtless aware ere thia, resulted I . plpction of Dr. G. L. Qmah President of me Council, and J II. Decker, Esq., of Nebraska City Speaker of the House. Both are libera hijrh-minded gentlemen of conservative views upon the conflicting questions the Territory. The Capitol question may be brought up before the close of the session. If for lhe re-location of the Capitol can succeed, it can only do so by removin it to the interior, lhe most prominent poini talked of at present is Columbus Platte county, on the Loup Fork. '. That this place possesses more natural ad van tages perhaps than that of any interior point, the well informed will readily ad mit. Itis geographically in the centre of the Territory, and is one of the most fertile portions of Nebraska; is in the Platte Yalley, at the junction of the Loup and Platte rivers. 5 Being in the imme diate vicinity of the .Platte, Loup For and bhell creek, excellent timber or van ous qualities prevail in the greatest abun dance, together with any amount of good stone. It is immediately on the Military Road to California ; is about midway be tween the Missouri river and New Fort Kearney. The country around is already rapidly nnmg up ana is capable or sus taming perhaps a heavier population than any other inland' point in the Territory, The weather is quite mild for the sea son of year - The current of . the river perfectly clear,' no floating ice even. 1 Nothing of importance yet being fair! before the Legislature, news is some what meagre. More anon. . ' V . .' j - - . . ' . , J. R- : The above is somewhat out of date, yet coming as it does from an old friend, we give it a place in our columns. Ej. Weather mild and pleasant. The Markets. CORRECTED WEEKLY. , Bbowxtille, Dec. 17, 1857 Flocr, p gaekw Buckwheat Flocs. & Sack- I . .... . i ' . f l So' v)R), y bushel-. r4"? Oats, V bmhel,. COFFEE, Tea, ... .r."... lo i Chicixvs, V dos., Eggs, do, Fbesii Beef, 8 44 1'orK, pjr 10 lb i. Potatoks, bushel, Dried Apples JJ bushel,--- Okejn, do. Casts, H)f 2,00 25 63 85,50(3,6 50 4.00 4,30" r 25o , 15c ' r 10o' 5101,10 6,50 itiin, .... ... Halt...... N ails, per keg, Whjskv. tr trallpn. .... -4- 4LcHBEK,;t.ttonw(iti,T)cr JflO Yellow l'ine. ft.f.--.JISi(S2I50 8,00 UcTTEBr: .v r.r.T. .-r.Tv:vr, . 30-, bALT, f) bnsb, do V sack, Molasses,.-... Bkans, ) bnah. -Dby liiDE3, y lb, 1,00 3,00 1,10 3,50 5 Sr. JosErn Dcc.'9,'57l "Whbit, bush, ...'. 75cfl,0ft , Cokx.W bosh. ...-..-..t 30c(IUo 'Flocr, f cwt,- '...'........:?3,504,50 HcciwhsaT' Flock, ff wt, . 4,o0fe4,i . Feesh Pork; V lb. ' 4lAVXo Potatoes, S bush, ..I. '3040c; (White Beaits, bush,.- , -.1,50. "Butter, V lb. 2530o Eocs, doi-- f 20(J25: Chicerns, doa.- ?2,503,00, DrtHides ; 6(60 Coffee, lb, Slgar, ) Tb, 12(?l3o ....... HC512Ke : 50(g.75o St Loris,Nor.23. '' TVkeaT, S btish, ,- -.. .. i 60c$r,00 Corn, bush, .... - Oats, bnsh, ... .'.... ' : 4()o $4,75(5(50 2,122,25 - , fl,25 55c . Flocr,-$ bbl, ...... Buckwheat, r lock, per cwt, Beaks, per bush, .... .... .... Potatoes, per bushel, MAXIXACTORY. - ; Main Street, . ' .BrownvUhf JV. T. Wm. T. Den, Ktarboir returns bit sincere thanks to the citizens of Brownvillo and surrounding country for their libcml and extensive patronage they have extended him for the last fifteen months since he commenced business, in tbe above place; that be has fitted up his new establishment Xo. 16, Main street, for the entire purpose of accommodating all those who wish to prtronizc him to have their boots and shoes make to order; and having selected the best Quality of leather suitable for the West, and having en- Caged experienced workmen be would say to the public that be is now ready to serve them on the shortest no tice with a superior article of Boots and Shoes, sewc or pegprd, at as low prices as any other establishment in the Territory; jnj"RcPJirin8 done on tne shortest notice. 5 CLAIM NOTICE. ? To nenry C Urosset. and all other whom it may concern. You are hereby notified teat I will appear at the Land Office in Brownvile, on Saturday Jan. 2jid, 1868. at 10 o'clock, a m, to prove up my right of pre-emption to the south-west quarter of section 22, township 6, north of ranee 15 east. W. H. MclMNCU. December 34th. '67. 26-2 w CLAIM NOTICE. To John H. nay and all others whom it may concern" You are hereby notified that 1 will appear at the Land Office in Brewnville, Aemaha county, Nebraska Terri tory, on Monday the 28th -day of December, 1857, at 10 oiclock All to prove up my right of Pre-emptfon to the south-west qnarter of section 10, Township 6, north of Baage u, east of the sixth principal meridian, u.- philpot. DecenibejlS, '67 n25-2t $6000 Scrip Wanted, For the same amount of Real Estate in Brownville at low figure. ' Apply to LUSIIBAUGII & CARSOU MILTON . CLARK, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER I It Gr rocoi-ioo, WINES AND LIQUORS, : . Ao. 9, Jtfain Sired, . BROW1TOLLE, N. T. HAVIXG parcbaf-ed tbe entire stock of Goods belong ing to J. R. Davis, together with large and extensive additions just received, I am -now prepared to furnish every variety of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, I rOR. HOTEL AMD FAMILY VSE. I have iq i-tore, and for sale cheap, a large supply of ' ' COFFEE, Best quality Rio and Java ' - ; TEA, Every quality and price. SUGAR, Ilavana crushed and best article of brown sugar. ' MOLASSES, Large supply of superior New Orleans molasses, Bel- cncr'B and uoiueu syrup. TOBACCO AJVD SEGARS, Extensive variety and all of tbe best brands. FANCY GROCERIES, ; ; ' Consisting in part of PICKLES, A great variety and put up expressly for family use. - PIE FRUIT, , Every description of Fruit, such as i Fresh Peaches, Apples, Cherries. Goose berries, Currants, Eubarb, etc., .For sale cheap and warranted freehand good. nVOTfTny O A Vn . OA 7?71TATJ?Q lyj.ijJ.Md XvO AlU O-alxAZlVXiO, A large supply of the best brands and warranted good. TOGETHER WITH A large nurntlty of various article of domestic use too tedious to mention. WH,ES AD LIQUORS, Native, Champagne, Muscat, Sherry, and . . Claret .Wines. ; Extra Quality of c . . . Freneh and Ameriean Brandies, BRANDIED CHERRIES, Wolfe's Slicidam Schnapps, Old Monongehela, Bourbon,' and Kye Whiskey, ...... ' COMMOX WIIISKEX ALE, Sc. CHEESE, Just received 60 boxes superior Western Reserve for aala ckean for cash. ' ' . . . ., J1ILTOX F. CLAKK. Snecial Notice. ALT. 4oe tinkling accounts against J. R. Davis wtll oil -tm !i unbscriber and have them cancelled; and those indebted to him will please call and settie, as long er iadulgence will not be rivm. - MILTON F. CLARK. OltDINANCE G. Be It erdained by the Council of tbe city of Brown- tU!c, That all iu city oraer snail owr ten per ceni i per annum from their date until reJfitied. y Approved uec. i, io. i A. S. UOI.LADAT. Mayor. ' , , - ' V s ORDINANCE 1. V Be U ordained bv the Council cf the city of Brownville, That the rula nf onr thousand dollar be appreciated fttr the porpote tj gratauj Allan. is vH me I?vrtoSixih street. Approved Dec. 1657. A. 3. llUUiDAI, yor. Jons n. Macs, Recorder. I will receive !ealcd pmposals from now until the first Monday in January 1866 for the grading of Atlantic .treet i front lbXv tu Sixth, klrcctv-.., .,.,.. The proposals to be per cubic yard for cnt and fill. The 8uccefil hid lpr will Jbe-TKiaire( to (five wiU apt-roved $emrit- fir ttio du4 peUri ince of . ibo, worH wiihin sis inuath3 Iruui tlie Ictiine tcereof. JOHN' U.MAVX, Recorder. "B itrdained by the Cutineii o th rtty of- Bmwnvilte That the owner or owners of lota on Main street be rc- dnii-ed'to ent !! fhe tnnh-irt wmwe ilr -rvMnsh vtf tbe street in front their respective loU to the centre of said street;' ana that the tame 'be completed by the first day of Jimtwry tiext 1 ;-'' r " T 2,1 Should the owner tf any lot or lots fa 1 to comply with the provisions of the first section of this Ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Marshal to have the same done at the expense of the owner of said lots, and if the same is not paid for b the i f mud loU within one month from the cotauieum at" saw work the Marshal I shall piocecd to sell so mnch of .said lots as will pay said indebtedness, Krst glmig ten flays notice ol such lime ol sale , - ' 3,1 It Is bereny made the duty of tne Marshal ta see that Main street is cleaned of. all kinds of wood or lum ber at the expenses of the owners of mch wood or lum- hor, nist civiiig the party or parties reasonable time- to remove the ame after riving due notice to that effect. ,,,.Apprgvc,lDec7.-l!v6 r ... . , , , " - ."-AS nOLLADAT, Mayor : ,. Jons n MDVS, Recorder ... . i IMPORTANT JHFOnMATiOM . Doctor WIITTE, having removed, from 32 Tine St to jo. 7, rinc Street, M. Louis Mo ' Ctntmucs to be consulted on all . .Diseases of a Private -.Nature. By a long course cf study and practical experience of unlimited extent, Dr M'hrte has the gratification of pre senting the unfortunate with remedies that have never failed te cure the most alarming caos of GOXORRIHEA A1XD SYPHILIS Beneath his trcatmeat all the horrors of Venereal and Impure Blond, Scrofula, jonorrho?a, ulcers. Fains and Uistre-'s in the region of Procreation- Inflammation ef the Bladdef and Kidneys, Ahscewes, IT .mors, Frightfnl Swellings, and the long trairi of IlorCible symptoms at tending this class of rii.euses ' are made to become as harmless as the simplest ailir.esof a child. - SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Dr w. devotes a great part of his time to the treat inent of those case caused by a secret and solitary habit which ruins the body and mind, unfitting the Infortunat individual for either businesn or society. Some of the sad and melancholy effects trIiiced by these early ha bits of youth are Weakness of the Back aixi Ijnilw, Du llness of the head. Dimness of Sight, Palpitation of the Heart, Dypepsia, Nervousness, Derangement of the Di gestive Powers, Symptoms of Consumption, &c. Tbe fearful effect! on tnt mind are much to be dread ed, vi : Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil Forebodings; Aversion to Society, Self- Distrust, Timidity, &c, are among the evils produced. Such persons before contemplating marriage should con sult a physician of skill and experience, and be at once restored to health and happiness. Fever and Ague Cured! Warranted! All letters containing a fee addressed to C. D. WHITE M. D., St, Louis Mo. will . meet, with; prompt attention and medicine sent secured from observation. jCj-TAe ttrictett tecrtcy obierved in all eae$. Don't forget the place : &3"lTo 7. Pine St.. Saint Louis. Tlo-fl n251y AMBE0TYPE NOTICE. J. n. MIXXICH respectfully invites Ladies and Gen tlemcn to call at his Ambrotype C.allery, where speu men pictures can be seen of the first quality, and where you can have a miniature taken that cannot be surpassed m beauty and durability, and which will be warranted not to change in any country or climate. Children can be taken of fair days in from two to five seconds. Please give me a call, I'll try to accommodate all. lockets and Breastpins Filled. t3O01ce in Xemaha Valley Banking House. ri23-4t Brownville, Dec 2, 1S57. FOR RENT. .A good comfortable House end small stable, in a tract vi iaiiu n.uoiuinK too ciijr ui jjrownvmp. n23-3t Dec 6, 1807 1IOADLEY & MT'IR Potter Wanted. t will give employment to a good, industrious Potter. well acquainted with the business. JOHX McPHERSOX. n23tr Brownville, Dec 5, 1857. THE CLETELAXO PLAIX DEALER Will commence tho seventeenth volume on the first day of January next. It will continue a National De mocratic Journal, readable in every State and Territory of this Union. The Plain Dealer has now been publish ed seventeen years by the same individual ; has fought five rrcsiucntiai, ana twenty-one State Campaigns with- i out missing an issue, and is now in better pluck to fight tne uames or democracy man ever. Hand to hand have we contended with Enow Nnthingism. Ureelevism. Bee- cherisin, and Black Republicanism; until now we see the Xational Democracy triumphant o'er them all. The National Administration is ours Pennsylvania. Iowa. ; Minnesota, and Ohio have been gloriously redeemed. It is confidently predicted that in three years, or by the neat Presidential election, every State and Territory in the Union will be Democratic. We have passed through an extraordinary year. While the earth has brought forth in unusual abundance, and tbe land is burdened with a surplus of rich products; hanks have been bursting about us on every side; and panic, like "the pestilence that walks at noon-day," has pervaded all branches of business. This paper bubble system burst just in time to save the farmer harmless, having still in hand his crops instead of worthless bank ! trash. EVEXTS OF THE YEAR TO COME. I The policy of the now National Administration 1 to be established. A new Congress, Democratic in both bran ches is soon to assemble. The President's First Annual Message is to be delivered. The new states Minnesota, Kansas, and Oregon to be admitted. Our I'nion is to be enlarged to thirty-four States. In Ohio, an Indepen dent Treasury is to be established; and the Black Repu blicans routed I NOW IS THE TffllE TO SUBSCRIBE! We shall have every w eek A list of all the broken banks, The latest market reports, . Tales, and Telegraphs from all part. Tl,'l!l Single Subscribers $2 001 Clubs of twenty f.1.25 Clubs of ten ;. 1,60 Clubs of forty 1,00 Pay Invariably in advance. ' To the getter up of club, i one opj gratis, Post Masters are e-ocially requested to act as Agents, t lobs can commence at any time. Those desiring the PreMdeiit' Mesase and other Pub lic Documents can subscribe now. Subscriber to the new volume sbonle semi In their names as early as the middle of December, so that they may be registered In time foe the first number. All funds received at current rates, and if registered, at our risa, Aduress, . . J..W. U3AT, Cleveland, Ohio. XATIQ.YAL POLICE GAZETTE. This (Jreat Journal of' Crimes and Criminals is In its Thirteenth year and is widely circulated throughout tbe country It is the first paper of the kind published in the United States, and is distintivc in its character It h is lately paed into the hands of Geo W.Matsell &Co, by whom it will hereafter be conducted Mr Matscll was I Iornlerl i-onceor iev xormty, and he will probably render it one of the most interesting papers in the country It editorials are forcibly written, and of character that should command for the paier universal support. . . rr"Subscriptlons, 82 per annum ; $1 for ix months. to be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their names and the town, county, and state w here they re side plainly) To GEO W AlATSELL, & CO. National Police ? uette, J."ew Tors: City ciaAES & TOBACCO. : VINING & SWAIN, Importer and Manufacturer of Cigars .' AID Tobacco Commission Merchants, 88, Main St reet. St. Louis, Mo. Keep constantly on band a full and complete assortment GEUaIAN, D03IESTIC, AND HAVANA CIGARS ALSO (For arconnt of the Manufacturers, and for sale at their prices) every variety of Virginia Manufactured Tobacco To which the attention of Dealers is ret-pectmily invited 5TF"Country orders wilt l-e put up, subject to the ap proval of the purchaser, and if But satisfactory, can be held subject to our order . ' VLXIXG k SWA1X, T. E. IIAYCOOK; . ; Attorney at Law ' ' ' A It D HEAL ESTATE AGENT. Mount Vernon, Xemaha Co., Particular attention paid to the practice of law anddd- Ifictiott of debt in tbe counties oe Xemaha, Pawnoe, Sohnson, and Richardcn, Nebraska Territory. Real estate boticLt and jkl on commission. Land warraus locate-1 for distant dcalrrs. Pre-emp-tiou papers carefully prepared. REFERS TO Sam. II. Elbert, Plattsmouth, X. T. 11 P Bonnet, Nebraska city, V T ' O D Rictiardson, Omaha ciiy, XI Fenner Ferguson, M C, Bellevue, XT ,-, Cassady k Tost, Bankerfi Cuicil Bhift", Iowa C.M.k, Sergeaot k Cook, Fort DeJiauine, low. ; Deceniber , lo&7 tit:y ZOOK & BALDWIN, Porost City, rwXo.y DesJer in ZD IHL XJ C3p S5 CHemica-lc, . Dve Woods, DyestulTs,1 Oils, Pnlats and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, .- uLASSWAKL, French, English, and American Perfumery. nvr .-j v.;. .-J i I.- . iuucihuu '"6 ""T V? tooth brashes, paint brashes, surgical and dent il 1 ' instruments, rpwe. snuffs, mannfaetnred tobacco; all the patent medicines of the day; pure wiaes aikl brandies, for'mfJioal poqioaes; choice teuexana ianc7arucies,i..ei.. i Agents ior the sale or Wistar's Brtlsam of Wild Cherry. Roger' Liverwort, Tar and Canclialagtia. , , Oagood'i India Cholaoow, ; ' Jones' American CholajToeae; ' -I Dr. u "a Gaysott'H Yellow dock and Sarsararilla: Smith' Tonic Syrup. " ' "r" Jnlj23, 1857. T2nl-yly LOUIS WALDTEUr r r- House, Si?a, and . Ornamental Painter, ; PAP E 1111 AXCER, ! NEMAHA CITY, N. T. Takes this melhoil of Informing the -puMle that he has removed Ids paint shop from Rockport, Mo., to this place Ha thinks himself qaalifled to undertake any wnrk per taimng to his uiievf b-umi,, aau .respecifully iavites tne puonu co-give dibi a e.i. - t Pleae leave orders at the "Advertiser" office." Jfov. 19, 1S67. - - n21-if DM6 .-STORE! . FTont Street .-- .r ' . . CrownvIIle, IVebraska Territory, J.' H. I.IAUN & C6.,T Tla Just received the lulRGEST STOCK WEST OF SAIJVT LOUJS, Consisting, in "part of the following ' articles, which they propose to sell Cheap for Cash: Pure white lead French zinc China zino Red lead Venitian red Raw and burnt nmbre Spanish w hiting Chalk Turpentine Linseed oil Tanners oil Copal Tarnish Japan White Tarnish Lithcrage . l Paint brushes Varnish brushes' v Sa.h and window tool Wall brashes - -Letterinx Pencil Tuble paints Camel hair pencils Blenders Star caudles Putty Castor oil Cod liver oil .' Sweet oi 1 Olive oil Ulne Patent medicines, alt sorts Cough candies Faucy candies Castile oap Toilet oap i ' Washing nsp T'Hith brushes Hair brushes , Cloth Brunhc ' A Inb, 0,1s soft shell 1 llnrd shell Almond Ktlberts, peacarui ( Pea, nuts J J. Vie Kaisins . Oyster in tan . Sardine Ulack and Imp Teas Yeast Powders. TOBACCO, Of the best brands, chewing and smoking. Cigars fin est quality ami flavor. . ' FRUITS AjYD LIQUORS. Preserved fruit for pies, brandicd peaches, fresh pea ches in cans, pure liquor for medical purposes, Jamaica rum, Holland Gin, Irish whisky, Bourbon whisky, gmcer brandy, Cordial, Port wine, cherry wine, wnllo wine, Malaga wine. STATIONERY. Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, gild edge Botes, and envelopes, plain, fancy and embossed; pens and pen holders, inks of all kinds, inkstands and 1'aber pencils, sealing wax wafers. A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries, Comprising Lyon's Kathairion, cologne, pom made genuine ox marrow, bear grease and oils, musk and es sences of all kinds and of the finest quality. Physicians' Prescription attended; ; of the day and night. ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or ffocesries.- - Consisting of. TEAS, FIGS, SUGARS, COFFEE, RAISLVS, CURRA.YTS, .MOLASSES, CAXDLES, S0APt : TOBACCO, POWDER AXD SHOT With all articles usually found at such places, They invite their friends and the public generally to give them a call, and they pledge themelve to give Uiem satlsfaetion as to price and quality of their goods. TERMS CASH EXCLl'SIYELl'. Nov. 81. '67-v2-n22 The Ohio Statesman Since obtaining possetkion of the 'Ohio Statesman.' tlie Publisher has received numerous assurance from the Democracy of their cordial desire to extend It aircula tion. We shall meet this disposition more than half way. Todo so most effectually, we have incurred heavy expenditure for editorial assistance; and for tupplyiag a very large amount of new type and material. The Weekly will be made the People's Newspaper. Except immediately daring the political canvas, it will be more largely occupied than nsual with the best varie ty of Family Heading, General w and choice miscel lany and market and commercial tables and report. Xo weekly paper in the I'nloa will contaia more genera cn-1 valuable information. It will be furnished at the fol lowing very low rate : Single Subscribers $2 00 a year. Club of three 6 00 Ciubsoffive 8.00 Clubs of ten IB ot Club of twenty 25 00 Club of fifty 60.00 Club of one hundred 100,00 All clubs of twenty subscribers aud over, must be ordered to a single address. , . . , ) The Daily contain the latest new and market reports from all part of the world. It will tie farnifhed as fol lows : Single subscriber " $6 00 Clubs of ten 60 00 - i Tlie tri-weekly ia furnished at $3.00 a year, 'or- $1,50 for six months, and contains the inside matier cf lhe daily. Clubs of ten and upwards, to one address, will be fur nished at tbe rate of $25 00 a year. - All payment must be made in advance, and the pa per will be discontinued at the end of the time paid for. 0"'rite tbe name and post-, -iistincily, tbat no mistakes need be mace in entering the names on our (ubscrjptioa bjok. JA'S. HADDOCK SMITH. Colc-mbcs, Ohio. Publisher. Wholesale Liquor Store. "OOD & WOLFSON, . , ' Importer aud Dealer in ' Foreign and Domestic Wines k Li ' quor?, Tobacco, Cigars, &c., &c. Setond Street one dnor above BeiUtic't Banking Uouie ST. JOSEPH, MO. The ubscribr have just opened in St. J.meph, ene of the large! and m t varied aswwtment of Wine an-1 Ll iinors ever offered in this market, and which they offer to Country Merchants TEX PER CEXT CAE4PER Tnan any other house in tfortb-West Musob, i MH. WOLF SOX Ha been ercngfl in the business for number of years in St. Louis and New Orleans, and Hatters l.iniseif thai he oaa make it an object to the wi sting to purchase to call and see him. Ej-Cormtry merchant are earnestly solicited te call and examlua our stock and pri. en.r-5 WOOD fa. WOLFSOX. . St. Jarjk, Mo. JOHN McDONOUCH, IIouie, Sign, k Ornamental Painter, ' OLAZIER,' 4"-- - - KROWXVILLE, X.T.' 53- Orders ctn be Iclt at the City Druj Store. JU Prospectus for the Focrth or thk cr COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATE VrnJIn January 2Sih. lS. FUJI CHASE OP TTIK FA3I01S DlSSELDORFGAUERinT --- -a. VJTO. HE-PURCHASE OF THE . WORLD. REXOH'XED ST rrjr Powers' Greek Slave t The Management bave?reat satisfaction in that theCosmuuolitan Art Aswictati.rti, ,1' n or cnparalleleil suns, enters upuniu f-r h ' " dcr the most brilliant au.pi.:e. The d ir.-k, . rreal Duh.seld.irr ci,IIfK-ti.,ii,.. . hnndred and eighty thowa4 Mlm) A,Z21'4 1 chue of Powers ers' te.ebrateil tutueof the 'ink' i tBinsand olart, fwe:her wi kJ JV' ! acost of six dred other valivibiewerks of Art femter ,,e r' un- to subscribe en-.iter tlioa anv Krni..f..r-. ... !"K,M'iit I the large and valuaole col lection of p timing to h. U""1 ded as premiums to siitocnbers, on the j "" ISoS, are mauy from the Dael-lorf p. """T.- lug the well known Othello u4 Vfifiro k'r7 r ! ri, Tht Xympkof IXana, Tkt Thai it u I The works in Mrhlw will aiiK.-A n' and ortslnal s?i, Tht Cnv Slave, i, Terms of S abscrlptic n I Hrery verwiwu'wrriinriTtlireedoUa!. r!rnk. k... ' f, Jaott-ryt-xw Dii-j. Ua titled to tb iai J?f 4 teel Engraving, Ala,,,,, iX-my-- Zu ia r1 Af t. Ik. II. .11 a . ... rier, for the year Thus it ,ecn that f. ty, dol.ars paid, the si wriker.Woi.iy wrfvs a I three doIar.eiigtiivlU. btuals. the l eanululiy iw t trated twodollar Art journal, neyear, tocether w,;k , ; cerUdcate in the annual award of prem na. by wjc. valuable work ef art in pa.nliiig orscul ture nuyt rs. ce:-vd in addition, rlviug to every suhwi iber oa tam. leni io me vatne of nve ol lar, and a sctificat ia i. award -f prsmiuius, gratis. Jj-lhe engraviim -Saturaay Siiht,,iU b furBlJll, In place of Manil-t letiiiy if dmtred. To those who prefer the Magazine in pl-f of the vj gravianamt Art Journal, tlae Association will far,-, i wit, a certificate in the awjrd of pfeniiun, ant uo. L' the following (3 Magazine, via : Emerson' Magazine aud Putnam's Kcmbly, fo.mbin. v1 , The Atlantic Magazine, lUrper' MaKazlne' ;,-,, Lady' Magazine, Graham's. Bl-acki.,!- em Literary MeMner, ( Or any cne-of the tollowinu Uritish quarterlies, vn i Kdinburgh, North British, W.iminMr ' AndLcndon yuar .crly Kev.ew, or Liltei L.:of i and two cert ideates, Owing to fhe new series of the Art J .urnal, it enn. L be furnished free to any except to th -.: wi, sebaitb-u the Rnsravlng. To all others it is Si a in .Vjni, Acvpyof either of the alove M.igrzme. aidaoV the Cosmopolitan Art Journal will be turnslie.1 iu7i including two certificates in lie award of premium i Those subscnbinu $tf for two memlte-slups tHinz Wt one of the above M:.EazimK and the -71 entitled to the Art J.uim.l fro. ...h . . 1 t' the award of premiums. Persons taking Bv, 0,h., ships, remitting $15, will m entitled to u. t,.i m, .t thn Vn..r..i.,.r .,,.1 ... J ""IWllMt AklresC. L. DFRBV, A -tuarj r. A. k . til, Broadteny, Subscriptions rweived by i I ( 11. Y. FURNAS, Hon. St ec v. BrovnciUe,X T. 1 IT. II. lVlEEI.131St WDOLESALK AD KKTilL I IALSR a t STOVES & TINWARE' Orosou, TVXo.. ) TAKES pleasure in announcins; thecit;riof gnn and tRe pnblie in ffenerl, Unit be hu hand the most exten.sire stock tt Stovei and Ti4 ware, ever offered in this market. 11 j stock ef Tin ware is of my own msouf ioture, and is for ralen Wholesale and Retail nt St. Lou u prices. j I wonl.l cult yi.r!icnlar attention to djt rtock COOKING STOVES, comprising the grot iraprwea patterns both Air-TiMand l'rcmiam. Aiaooirticni uiav be found Fil!j'sCh.irterO:ik,thebc.t3t ,Ten.,v, in use, the Asiatic Air-Tiht, l'icneer and pnnfre tuium. Also , Parlor & Box Stoves . 0 various Sizes and Pattcrnf, tthich I will SELL LOWEi: TUAN AM LDUSE 13? Fartlcnlar aitenriaa paid to leaking ;id fiuttnf np Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Airt-i pairing done on short notice and mi reasombw terra.; Old copper, llnus and Pewter taken in M,-hnr for work or ware. V.' Y. WIIJ.IAMS, rl-ni . - Oregno, M)., Ju'y 5, 1"A J Land Warrants' r. y. !ai in. 'Aderiis4Ti(tiie.' EEcqulre of R. W". Furnas, NEW FERRY. . ; Across the Shute At -the -Head of the island above BROWNVILLE To TF. S. Hall &. Vo'n Saw 3I1I1. TLIE undersigned antiounces to the Public tUlbt has purchased the i'erry prir .lege granted Jm son Peters, at the last Session f the Ie ji.-ha.tur-, and is now prepared with anew and substantial! at all time to aocc imnoJate tin public. t'tu.-i usual rates. . TJEIAU SMITH, i June 11th. 1357. . 3i-a NEW ARRIVAL 1 OP i and ' TIN YV A HE. CIiniSTIAV iutsix s UROW.WILl.E, A iNXOUXCES the public Uat h la ju f jtx. ceiled, pec Steamer Emmiv a tery iurj well a-ssorted tck cf l'arlor "d txik SlVT" f new ami iniprovoj jxitterri', a lollows; Shanghai Elevate? Oven. COOK SIOVES, Buck' t Clipper Urn. u fiiproetd 'at'em u .Charter Oak " all of which I pled ge myself to sell at as fair r and on as accoBiJCidating terms as any ether liahment ia this reitQ of eouuiry. I have aUt now a hand every re iu sit Tan" of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, n J am prepa" to put up gutterijigand poatin? and a,l other "' in my line, at hort notk-e, nxii in work.naaji manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. A nhare t patro&ase u suliuited. . . J .... , . ,c DEC?Elt. CrowriTille, July loth, ,13i7. . - -f NATH L POPE COlLN Land and General Agent, WASHIGTOJI CITT, D C. TTavins reipie-l the sitnatiou whict be bt the General Ijnil Oftlce for the last twenty charge of the Pie-eaipiion H'U-ean hisfv" the proMcution of claints bcl-ire the l prtniet, fhe pre-emption laws, t wtj ute ai.t f Ihli, .Mr. C. will also give attention to caes before the sion f fflce. piMCure Land Warrant to parties e'' r and prosecute claim beflire Congress. i Rcrcns to I lion. 3 A. Dougla. lllZMi!, V. S. 3nate. J. ). Hnaht, liMliitira, C. K. iwri. Almiiia . . t w J. ll n. Arkl-. " i.ia'J W'c ls, Wi.-cui'MO, lljiiie Uep. C.-C. tVasaMira. ' ' R. l,'t Smith. Illinois, John B. nlil-e. l.uUiana. " Tto-eij. A iivs-irkks. Coirt'f land Uffls. J . S(. Wi!.n, r. i. Chief Clerk lion. K. H-Hniuiii!t,fi, Kx- ym'r. Indiana. J-ime- flurl, f v-Cun'r, 1inns.,ta f;eo. C. Whi'iHg, C-rfn"r euioti4. Our. Jte'arv. St. PjuI, jlinmiou f Messrs. Hweenr. Fe-it . Co., Banier Wa. I'airo At Xoor-e, d l" Chabb Brother, . do ' Ster, Lea A. Co, d Also, to the Hiftrict Lin l Offlrer ciB?rII.T-,4 all who have had I md bu.-"ines at the vt ut A tor years. fJ-.V bnsiiie letters wi:l recesv , lion nnles svn.mnaniert hr a fee. Notice to Tax Payers, j The Tax payers f N'emaha eotintv are li'" that tates are uow due. and thit I am preijr Mines receive and receipt for trst ame. 9 . Tim r-1 nines receive ana r-cinpi ror vtm auii-. ' , , -o tofr be drseday mi Janaary, tt-JN "ll "V , Ject to a penalty of twenty-five percent, per ( ditional, according to our Reventi Ijw. n, ' .T. RAIXl'.r. Tre.S,ji - DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARnE11? ! The co-partnership heretofore .ftisti W '',r'T4.rif ( Mann and A. S. Holladav, umlerthe mm n'1 ' '; J. II. Maaa K Co., kt ibis day dijolvet l-y a'i' j sent. '4 It is an-iionsly deMred that the affiiT f ""r,1.c e lmmelite!y swtlen; ther.e totise w'tokw , thenzselve iixVteted in. aay znaaiirr wialf r o( )r, due warnm. It mnst be done and that lav. All deatsni'Mtbe ' A. it. Hl'"--' , will be found for the pre-iU t the p.,sva.inve- j n52-V..25. '57 A. 1H)LI.P '- NEW FIRM .ki. Jar for' j . ana n.sni 111 M htv - . .-.,a ew co-partnership rnler the tho Inn ai ,yl". l.! fcasme-' " , aad cf McAllister, Dozier k Cv JTCM3 cns i 9 ' 8, IS5f. oeauiitiil wrxs ia Carrara ui.irble: Tes tor; The SUtue cf !:, ht, 24 g-Ck.f l i Tht Sttdntt, MvireStg; cniurMap, mlJ "M hundred magniUcClit aud fts!!y w3.'kil Ji,..', 1 ture, and Bronze. . year the most beiiniful masazme in Amines TLV 7 a certificate in the award of premiums, by whuk. , ' work of Art may be reveh en irstur. alt., t.. " t --w i IU at 1