Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1857)
HEW: 'FALL' AHD 4711'! '- " DEALERS Xain St. between Front Brovmvillc, ...... U: I u . 5 .' : 115? J ay Ujitri ..BOOTS! : -cS? Stoves, Furiiiture, . ' . E!our,v. - Bacon,. . , i ' . : V - AND COUNTRY1 PRODUCE WE hare just opcacdo heavy Stpefc of Fall and "Wirier Goods, embracing crcrythlug in tno Staple and Fancy iiao, which we are now prepared to ofi'er to tfco trade at extrcaiely low prices, f --, t -Tf For Casli or 'Countiy Produce ' ' 15 fr 1 . October 2S),' 1S37. T2alS-tf ; r .. CRANE & IIILL. . ' ' ' AT" - - ; I. T. WHYTE &:CO;S; WE hare just received an entirely new and large a.ortment of Snpcrior t7ods,- which wo will sell at as reasonable prices as any establishment in the Westi, our motto being 'LirQ and let Live.7 -We h-ire now in t tore a great variety of the following articles, which wo purchased foxCaahand oonso quentlyean sell cheap on tho fame terms: . , . ' " " A ' . .."" ' HATS MD. CAPS, BOOTS' . AND " SHOES, Ms K it ml Queensware and And a fine assortment ; Such as Spce, ; 1 ; Salaratup, .' ' ' Ginger, And a good articlo of 1 " ' '-' '-. .. Smoking andi'Clicirins Tobacco?' - ;r , rrr.- ,. Ills a p'caurc to ua to show goods,' and we ask you t0':call round and sod for -yourselves. -i-; (JcL 19.1857. . v2nl8-lyl . . , , . . A liT. WHITE & CO. fiassadsr IDG! Slain Et one door above Xuslibauli r Carsons Excbane Banli, . , ; BroOTiville, N. (T;: : j U: ; - , TUB proprietors would most respectfully inform the citizens of Brownville and tho public generally that ' ; . they have received and are now opening one of tho largest and most complete Stocks of Wttiiiiij . Ever brought to this market. " r , Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices ; as to Color they have Brown, Blee Black; visible and ' invisible Green, and Cloths, Cas5imer3,Satinetts.Casbjuerctte, and Jeans, all mad) up ' . ; according to the lutostfashionaUoeuC Their variety of vests is superb, embracing the very latest styles and patterns. In tho " . .. . : f. ., . i '. .paltimore ObtMng tore ' Ynj hfo be found at all time a fine selection of Cravats, StocksTycs, Collars white or colored, Handkcr thiofe, Suspcnaers, CarpetBag?,etcwfeichwewillscllasehcapasany cstabiishmcnt in tSe West. " .' We have tho finest and best assortment of Ever brought to ' j 'Warranted to suit the most fastidious COATS, Dress, Frock and Saclt. , t - PAXTS, Every Style and Description. ' . -1 TESTS, To please X,arge and Small. ; - SillltTS. ilnlli TTljKr n'nA Pniirv .'' . : Over JSUirts, Overalls, Drawers, aad'Knit under slUrts. ' - .UucXi Gloves, Mitts, and RIdingr Gloves, etc, ; WE would but ask the public to call, axamine and judge for themselves whether the Clothing at the . .Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better mado material, cut with better tasto, better trimmed nu vwcniy-iive jirrci-nu cutitpcf inaa mey nave ever (ktobcr 29th, 1857. . ; ., . r2nl8-ly rrrs , 31 AXUFACTOIIY. -. . . . , .. . Main Street, ... r " - - yErownvilk, wV. -T. . : ' ;r WiiL T. Den..;",' respe6tfclly returns his sincere yj T.thaiiki to tho citizens of Brownville and surrounding country fbr their, liberal, a t rongctculcd him since be commenced operating In the Above line and place, and he would say to his old nd new customers who wish to continue thoir patronage, that be has just returned from SU Louis . rith a larg toek of tie best quality o( Leather, electo4 -under-hla own Inspection. Tho quality of .bw.trlals,iylef work to bohadat tbe'aboQ Cgtab. mont ctcot bo rurpassed Wcstbf St.Ixiuis.'t iiAwnvillc, Jan. 3rd, 2837. r. ..; 51-tf . t i - 4 i t ' 1 - '- El ,DR. J.iL. McKEE, - suii(jEONa:s dentist. ,V Brownvflle, N, T., : TttTH FLCCGED AKD FILLED IW THE MOST . r APPBOVXD JIay-Ii, 1S57. V,;.,.' . 43-tf "f- i- -"-s -r r-s-f r fm r i .. . f-5J Win. TT7S effer to the public, wo are confident, the t - largest .and best selected stock of Groceries " vcr offered in this itarkett , , , . 6 Hhds Sugar, ; ' 53 Sacks Coffee, . . w , i VL.ur ..... 5 Tiertics Rir. ' f SO'ULIj Molasses, 15 BoxoahtarLaadlcs, . i'ft r-xc Soap, - 150 Sacks Salt, . . 15rUisCidcViniger, 150 bblsSelU , . ' r TZiiJiis CAsmir - . l.T. WIIVTE& 00. . r;:- . NJIW FIRM. J.-na 'n Till I fwve tby fcHtv. VwXo-iarUK-c iap un U-ritioae f.nuiW-U style. -ronua- U siH wii:.-u(iui.e tho Mercantile tUoiuossatlUsul. 1 1 oT Me A Lister, JJoiU:r ft. w. jitci :f ". GOODS!! r H A. ! IN ; - H 3 VJ and Hccond Bis ii IT. i and a- 1 I. 'in i : ; Willow Ware,. of IJght Groceries, i -1 ' 1 .y Poppers,-,-. Sodai , ., - Allspice, r ctc etc.' v this Territory. , .t A'fiue assortment of ' t f- uou"nt clwhcre SIEGEL & GREENBAUJI: THE PRESS." A NEV DAILY NEWSPAPER. By John W. Forney, I PROPOSE cstablUliine a First Class Daily Newspa per ia the City of Philadelphia, between tho 20th. of Ju ly ana tlio Ut r August, to bo CiiUt lcd "1'IIB PRESS." 'The Press" will'be Deuiocrutic in itg, iniUtjcs, iid will mstaih the policy of the present National Adminis tration. ;" ' - .,.' It U my determination to nialte it worthy of thcunp port of e-rery class of readers Disnity, couarge and in dcpcDdciice, in the utterance of my teatlments, cuterprUe and cmcicncy in the Commercial, Literary and Kews De partments, and respect for the opimons of tthes, will be kept constantly in view. - I have embarked all my wn means In tnis rject and inteHd bttiidln? vp a journal that win not only bo cred itableto out city and saie, but will furnish me an inde licndcnt. livciitviod. ', '.. .. . .,, ..,...v4 , A soinewb it extensive experience in public life, -and many ytar' connection with Jutn-ualisui, will, 1'hope, obtain for "The Press," a favorable recrption. My frlemlg iu. the different Wards and Counties of Penitgylvania, and in-' other StatfH, Mil place me under mauy obligations by giving 'The Presa" a helpiii; hand. ' TEUMS OF "HIJ PRESS." Daily (per annum) In advance - . -"Ateekly t t . $6 S Address the fcditor- and Proprietor, at the ofllce of The Press;" Ko. 417, thestnnt Strtet,- hest to Pennsyl vania tank BuiWing, above Fourth Street, PhMndelpbta. ; 40HX W. FORNKT. . IEW: STORE jpiiVERNONf NEBRASKA. i rr-A. MEDIiEY,' '.' Annonres U tli.,uWicllna'aeha purchased the exten sive "toWc ff tiootlff brgcsld to tbis j bf itrv Dailt, ; . iJ 'm .w offew to tell- t ' : f i Dry Groceries, Ilartl TTarc, at prk-ts ns Tir as ai be fonnd in the Western country, for CVli r in pxehauge fir country ruce. Ocl. I. '.T7-uU 1 ' - LUnd For Salo. Qf Acr'ea Pi c-eiurod Lmd tw miles from B'-owii. vil!; 45 ftrrojt .f wtjh i.4 t,iw-ep VeuncC bu'iom J 7ra'rl?y5D croa titr iv.v aiid tui.i,uiv-d 1 I i-xn iid year ; pou.1 li'mc, stable, wei 1 and bai n lot. Tho l?roicrty wili be sold at roaaonable ra'M tc.-ms. .!.(-' 'M. HANI) LET. JEPFE!;! SON'?. CAADTj1 j-MiBTlJf V. KIBEN,) JAS. Co CASS ADY, ; TEST;;, RIDEN ; & cor, "(Successors to Riden fc Whito.) LAND K NEBRASKA 'CITY, N. T. r-iriVO'w.J. .rrnnwmonhbv which WO Will Lrcceivo accurate copies of all the Township- o Ambntecd In the Eastern rortiou of acbrasKa, wo are now TrTarcd to offer our acrrices to the ; " Smuitters of A'tDrasKct lerriwTy. In rmine: Declaratdry Statements of lnten AND ENTERING . LAND. T.oiiii YFnrranls Houfflat and Sold. LAND V. ENTERED ON TIME. ' ' irticulai attention pn UI to Paying and baling TVr-nr. .nmmission: Also, to nmking Collections forwarding remittances to any part of the Union. lilanks of all kinds always on nana. lion. A. A. Bradford. S.F.NuckoUs, Jlcssrs. Dolman & "West," Peter A. Keller, ., -. Thomas Lumpkin, 'i Juno 28,1855. vl-n4 Nebraska Oity. St. Joseph, Mo.,'' Washington. City i KEROSENE OILS, ' i' DISTILLED FKOM COAL. (Secnred by Letters Patent.) ,. Keroskkb Illuminating Oil. Tho light obtain ed from this' Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other Oil or fluid heretofore di?covorcd; is incxplo sive, and will remain limped in the very coldest weather. . - - . Tho Company recommend as thelampsbcst adopt ed to this Ooil, the Kerosene Lamps,' manufactured by the following parties: Messrs. Cornelius & iiakcr, also, Dvottj Of Philadelphia, E. V. Uaughwout & No. 73 Broad Street, Messrs. Diets & Co, 133 Wil liam Street, L. Mercicr 137 Elm Street, N. Y.- Samples of different styles of Lamps can be seen at the OSico of tho Company. ' ' " '; ' Kekosexe LrcKiCATiNO Oil, No. 1. Prepared to suit thoy fiaeafajrv all other kinds of Machinery buiM- brilliwrty in-Locomotive Head Lights, - Car Lahfs, and all the ordinary Solarand Hand Lamps, and stands agroa a degree or com as nest opcrm Oil, and is admirably adapted to ltauroad and atcani shin use. : : Kerosene LrBRiCATixG Oils, No. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and. will bo found to possess advantages over any Oils in tho market at same prices will not burnand has been thus prepared to meet the ro Quiremcnts of Railroads and others. . - ' -' Kerocexe Binnacle Oil. Prepared expressly fnr Shinu' nso. nnd will ba found admirablv adanted for bso of Steamships, Men of Waf, Merchant Vcs- fcls. Lake and River craft, and burns in oil cabin stateroom, binnacle, forecastle lamps, signal lan terns. &o. Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as long as best Sperm, and will burn all night without requiring to be trimmed, an advantago that will bo obvious to every Shipmaster. . The Kerosene Oils can be obtained fron tho Wholesale Oil Dealers, Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers inAcw l ork, and tho regularly appoint ed Ajreilts of tho Company in many of the principal Towns and Tillages of tho United States, the Cana- days, and the Wand of Cuba. Local Agents appointed (in conformity with the rulos established by the Board of Trustees,) on ap plication to ' - ' JWSTEJYS. t, General Agent, Kerotene Oil, Co., . ' No. 50 Beaver Street, N.Y. UfkB.Circulars with full particulars, testimonials, prices, Ac, will bo forwarded on application as above. JuneZ5tn.o7. tZZ-iv NEV!TRI-AYEEKLY IS1AIL. H.OOJLS1 F0I1T,J1M0. BttOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. HAVING taken the contract for .carrying the Mail between the above points, takes this method of informing the public generally that ho has made preparations, for running a Hack on tho above named route: ' " '"' , ' ; Leaving Rock Port every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, at 12 o'clock M.: arriving at Brown villo at 2 o'clock. P.M.: leaving Brownville for Rock Port, same evenin at 3 o'clock P. M. : " This route connects at Rock Port with the St. Jo seph' and Council Bluffs Stage lino, and at Brown ville with the Stajre lino leading from Topcka Kansas, St. Joseph Mo., Independence, Kansas City and other points dcIow; and to JNcbraska City, Umaha City and other points above; and New Fort Kearney, west; The subscriber copes by diligent attention to business and accommodation to customers, to merit a share of the pabiio patronage. Particular attention paid to the conveyance of Packages or parcels. - Charges moderate but no ac countability lor unavoidable accidents, April 7 1856. 43-tf . BROWNVILLE OTeam max, NOEL, LAKE & EMERSON. N. B. We would respectfully inform tho citi zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that wo navo always on Hand a large and well selected supply of LUJuBEK, which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in the Territory. ; Market prices paid for logs delivered at tie yard or on the bank of the river. .' All orders accompanied with the caeh,wiU receiv our immediate attention. - AJ$ HOLLAJBIRD & CO.,- Macliinists, loundcrs and ". r r -'-.. . Engine - I'ront Btreet, "West of Smith; ' CINCINNATI, O. TTTould most respectfully inform their friends and .tV Vi. the public generally, that they are noWpro pared to execute all orders ia their line, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increasod facilities they now possess, they hope to uivtiii tuuuuuinioii vi iqb nocrai patronnoT) which has heretofore been extended to them. awMiil . Engines of every Description. Constantly on han i: consisting of the Sash, Circu lar and Muley. JHll Gears and every description of asiings, waxraniea to do weu mado in every particu lar. .. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their csiaDiisnmcnt, wnicn enables taern to oversee all work in that lino furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonablo terms as any other shop in tho country. lhose in want of anything in our line, would do w uj tttcui ttuu u..,iuiiiio uur new paucrns. .. 11 3 : ' t. NEBRASKA CITY177" Insnranco Compniiy. capital stocK 5U,uoo.' NEBRASKA CITS', ST. T. rnniS Company, under a liberal charter, is now L fully organized, and their entire capital stock of Vl3 -4"95;" Jouarw, pnia in anasccurea. They are prepared', from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with tho most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share io the profits of thecompany. f . . . : r r , . .f The operations of tho Company, will be confined, for the JprescnV'to marine,: or cargo risks. with a maximum liability of $12,500 on any one bottom. Being tho only Insurance Office, on theabovo pop- u lar plan; West of the Missouri, it confidently .ex pect a generous support from Western Merchants. . We respectfully' invito tho Missouri Riycr pa tronage. DIRECTORS : " S.F.Nuckolls, ' l. " . Chas. P.nolly, -H. P. Bonnet, 1 J.L.Armstrong, W. N. Uinchman, : Miles W. Brown, ---. - A. A. Bradford.. f. " - -officer;; - A '." CHASF. HOLLY, 1'rosidcnt, :,M 's . 1 , J.Garside, Scc'y. ; St. Louis Ascnt CoLW. P. Howard. , April 2d, 18o7.- ' ' -. 421y ' DOWDALL, MARKHAM; & CO., WASINGTOIT FOUNDRY, ! Kn-?Inc anil Machine s)Liop, ! CORBEa OF SECOKP AICD MORC3AN ifnETS. ' ; ST. LOUIS, Mo. .- ' It nun fact n re rs of Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw and Grist-Mill Machinery, Single and Double Circular Saw Mi 11. Tobacco Screws and Presses Lard Kettles, Lard Screws and Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines Uuildicg CaMiu:'s, Yonus'a Improved Patent Smut Mills, Stc. t3"A(;EXT3 for tba sale of James Smith & Co.'s Su perior Machina Card.- '-2n8-ly LOWE'S 1 ' 3LMZ&xzr omco. city: a t. J). TKST, J A3. WHITE, iiincil lJlufo.lowa.- ) -Nebraska City I T) r WIIITE, ' RUSSELL; 1 &' CO. WHOtESlLE AXO RETAIL pAI.J3 W MY iBlfelOill, HARDWARE : AND' CUTLERY, XilC CllClIlGS. WVB LJ I.ULUS, -J pTV e .TlAn' ft- RhOCS IMS ' & CaDS, ------ - ' : . ' . -- yQueensware, Stoneware; Tinwarej ' . IRON, NAIIjS, stoves, flows &c. - Also, Furniture of all kinds, Window Sash Door Frames, ice. " " Hew Hardware Store.; :'; ;;. Sism of the Sav J. FLAHERTY, Importer. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE CUTLERY., , St. joseth, jio. ; :;"! IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and most varied arsortraent of troods in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. tly stock embraces a full and complete assortmoat of Cabinet and llouso Builder's Hardware, Mechaa- io's tools of everv description, direct from the most approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin inz all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive Dmnt for the sale of tho celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at lho factary prices. Alap a large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, ic of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, for Us quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of trade from this rtnd adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Mwuiacmrers, together with a long experience in tho general Hard ware trade, enables me- not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade xs small profits and quick returns. , January i, icwi vnyii . JOHN COLHOUN & BKOTIIEK, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite tho Post Office.) WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL ' ' DEALER IN . Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings. ! 1 , .' ST. JQSEPU, MO. , TTAVE now in store, abd to arrive shortlyj; Ainer- XX ican and-foreign Hardware, such as : Greaves & Son's Files Scissors and Edge Tools ' Pocket knives Knives and forks Butcher's do 1 do Spear & Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws -Griffin's and American Brass curtain bands and pins . Door locks ' Augers and auger bitts Corn knives Briar scythes horse nails Post hole augers-' ; ' - 'Ames' sbovel? and spades I Lull & Porter's shutter 1 Grass and grain do Butts IS ails Morticing machines? - K"i 5 Shovels and tongs Circular,' mult -and muly Candlesticks - ' . saws .: i .; a i -i r ramed wood saws Planes and plane lroas i Blacksmiths' Bellows and ;Coopcr8 drawing knives . . Yiccs . do adzes and wood -' ' tools .' ' Mouseholo Armitage anT . vus American anvils Stocks and dies Tress Hoops . " ' Butts, cast and wrought Copper nvets for belts Pad hooks, breech 'g loops Tuyere Irons . " ." i ad screws, cocKeycs Ornaments, racks Plated and com. etirrups do do Uitts ' do ' . do Huckles do do Rimrs ' Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins Upper leather Briddle do , Skirting do Harness-, do ; . ' ;. Belting do Goat skins Enammellcd leather Breast and rein snaps Lasts, pegs Peg floats Pincers . , , ". , Shoo thread Bristles, wax Lining skins Binding With many gcxis embracing a complete assort mnt of tho most desirable which they will sell at tho lowest prices. J.CUL11UU.N & Bill) April 16th, 1357. 31-ly . THOMAS . WILLIAMS. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Browirrillc, RT. T. Will practice in the Third Judicial District in Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in the State of Missouri. "iiliFERENOES. " Richard Browny ... BrowiSville, N. T. R. W. Furnwu , Dr. JohnMcI'h or3on,l J Tippecanoe, Ohio. . James Foster,1 Oregon, Mo. ' Goorgo N. Miller, , . ; Archer, N. T. '-'George Ferguson, MLLLAYRIGIIT & ENGINEER - tBKOWNVTLLE, W. T. A NNOUNCE to the public, that ho i3""preparcd jtJLtocreci oicam and-water saw ana aiorciipn Mills at short iiotioo and reasonablo terms. Repair ing of machinery of all kinds. - , ALL WORK WARRANTED. nc is also Agent for , , . ' 'r" , AVB. HOLLIBIRD & CQ'S Western Foundry. J CINCINNATI, O. LEE & LEAVITT'S I ! . j'TfirT"' : ?(lw ' t fci fi tIttt -' i; j o TiTPTn nrnuTT IkJOW iXAAL4JLCiLUA J . cxetcinnati. o. And are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es tablishments. .. ; Letters of enquiry", promptly answered, j, REFFERENCE3. , Noel, Lake & Co Brownville, N. T. Steam Hill. R. W. Furn:is, t Brownvillp, Muir, Hana & Co., .r" ; . i 11 v t.- 1. . ,i iJi, uoover, , r. neuiuv"; P. M. Rosror?. Pawneocity, ' -, . Nuckolls &.Whi(e, Rockport, Mo. , :;" , u i James Lowe, Linden, . " . . , A, B. HaJLt erd, Cincinnati, 0. ; . Brownville, June 18, 1357. t2 1-ly Dillon, Thompson & Co. Large frame building cor. Main and ROck, . ROCK PORT, MO. 1 Whosesale and Retail Dealers in AND .-. - -r- , GROCERIES. Hardware, Queensware, Drugs, Hats, Caps, . Boots,' Shoes, Tinware, . ; ' V- Stoves, Furniture, Iron, . .1 .' .-:. Nails, Plows, V. . ' and " ' ; Farming Utensels. ' WILL have, on tho oponing of navigation, a large and varied accession to thoir present Stock, which will be sold Low for Cikih. , February 12th, 1S57. 35tf OLIVER BENNETT & CO., MANVFACTCKEBS AND WHOLE" ALE PgALEKS IU Boots Shoes c Erogans, 'NO. 87 ATAIX STHEE7, SAINT LOUIS, MO. ARE KOW IN RECEIIT of acompletcassortmcnt of gJoda from thoir own and other inanofue- Pure -"crs are invited O c.vamtue Ihtir tMk, manufautarej. ' and sdox-ted witli great care and warranted of superior quality. Crdcre will rcc4'o romi t a?: 1 '-".rcfu attviitii.u. . -WT ir t t ' F02 ALL TEE PTJErOSE3 07 A FAMILY. r.nYSic. Thbeb has lon existed n publie dcTnand foF an effective purgative piii.tvhicn couia be renea on as eura on A nrfprtlv safe in its operation. This has been prepared to meet that demand", and aa exten i sive trial of its virtues nas conclusively snown wita what success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical jt'fr,-but not easy to. make the best of all pill one which should have' none of the objections,-but all the advantages, pf, ; every other. , This has Been attempted here, and with what success we would respectfully submit tO- the public decision. . It has been unfortunate, for .. . . . 1 i A. J. 1. j ' the patient nixneno Wiak uiuirot ecry purgauve medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of them produce so much, griping pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the good to be -derived from them.: "These pill produce no irritation or paia, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can. arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should Le taken iudiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to "which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we mav mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms nf Jfinnd're. Indiffestion. Languor arid Loes of Ap petite, Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious lever. J? ever ana Afrue, rain m iae oitie and Loins : for, in truth, all these are but the con- RprmMice of diseased action in ,the liver. - As an apenent they attora prompt ana sure reiiei in wu tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humorsr Scrofula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood Irregularities ; in short, an-r and cverr case -where a purgative is required.--'" . . , o They have also produced some singuiariy suc cessful cures In Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, V.Tnshwln Palpitation of the Heart. Pains in the Back, Stomacn, and Jsiae. iney snouiu ue necij taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood 1 ' . L . n.. . , 11 1 -1 1 and prepare the system lor tne cnange oi seasons. An ncpiisinnal dose stimulates tne stomacn ana howels into healthy action, and restores the appe- tite and visor. . They punlv tne Diooa, ana, py ineu stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strenath of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies ot tne wnoie organism. Hence an occasional -dose is advantageous, even thousrh ' no serious deransCmenf . exists ; but nn nr.cessarv dosins should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess- l nc mousana cases-m ir jucn a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, out they suggest themselves to the reason of every bodv : and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purtrcse than any thinpr which h.33 hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy, to employ when in need ot a cathartic medicine. . Being sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no Oarm can arise iruin meir use iu auj ijuuuij. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box . . . . riiEFARED Ur ", DR. JAMES C. ATER, r radical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. , , Price 25 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for SL. ATElt'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, K0ARSEAESS, BROAriirns, w iiooriAii-totiiii, CROUP, ASTIDIA, AiD C0ASUMPTI0X. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its -usefulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost everv section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. v nen once uiea 11s superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where Ha virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to rmnlov for the distressinz and dangerous affec tions f the pulmonary organs which are incident tn our climate. JNot oniv m iormiaaoie aiiacm the lunirs. but for the milder varieties of Colds, Covghs, Hoarseness, &c ; and for Chil dren it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever has been, ana tnat me genuine arucie is soiu uj J. n. MAUN, & CO., Brownville, Bernard, Adams& Co., St. Louis. And all Drugists in the United States. Juno 25th, 1857. v2 Patent Portable Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under tho firm of Reed, Holabird & Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. On tho lato exhibition of tho Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold Mtdal was awarded them for it. It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes : it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, a3 it is for grinding the x armors reed by Horse power. ... Tho above Mills are manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they con bo furnished in anyquantityatsnort notice. . The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: 36 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 30 " " " " 30 " 15 " 250 24 u u u 20 13 " 200 20 16 8 " 150 As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to quote from our numerous rccommendations,rcceived. GEORGE F. KENNEDY, ME AIL ESTATE BROKER t lorence Lily, J. I. . Brownville Bakery AXD Coofootioiiary. EVAN WORTHING. BEGS leave to announco to tho public, that he has erected Bakery tmd Confectionary establish ment in fhe'City of Brownville N. T., and "will koep constantly on hand, and is prepared to bake to order Bread, Crackers and Cakes of every manner, style, discription and quality. He has had much experience in bakingand consequently foclg quiteirtafidcot he will bo ablo to give satisfaction. A liberal patron age 13 respectfully solicited. . . EVAN WORTHING. July,23-'57-v2n(-lm. , , E. ESTABROOK, . . . UNITED STATES . : ' JistrictV Attorney. I Onialia City, N. x O EQUIRED to bo in attendance ofiioially upon all JLV the terms of the District and Supremp Court of theTerritory, tendon- his Professional services to such as need them. He flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to his care. Omaha City, June 7, 185G. GEO. 1 LUCKHARDiy. WiTCl:IA.K.EB5 '.; OREGONj HOLT COUKTT, MO. TAKES the liberty to inform, the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that ho has opened a Watch, dock, and Jewelry Store, . In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand,.and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver Watchci, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of Violin?, AccorJeon?, Silver, acd Plated Spec tacle?, Geld Pens wilh Cold and Silver extension ca.-i, Silver Thimblw, ic, &c. Hu ii )reiiari-d to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, ef every description, in tho best manner and on the niot reasonable tunas. Every article bought in Lis establishment, is war ranted to bo what i t is reprcuntad to ba. .Watch re pairing warranted for ono year. PUK.SEUVliD FRUITS; Strw berries, l'cochw, Whortltburric Ac , &c, tf, be IJ at - v-. I.T, Vv UYTE&CO'S. PATENT GRAIN SEPARATOR. T UBSCRn3ER is now prepared to furnish Farmers and others with his . : . "..' ': ... '-GRAIN SEPARATOR,'' :f . for" tho present season. It 13 unneces?ary to speak particularly of the merits of those Machines, as they aro too well known throughout the country to need cxtollins but the fact that they have heretofore and aro continuing to receive tne premiums at the state and County Fairs where they have been exhibited is" sutncioat to inauce mi taoro in want 01 aucn a .ma . .. . i a r 1 ir. chine, to purchase one of these. At a practical test ot tnis ocparator in competition with the best of those made in England, in 1853, it received the highest commendations of the press, and of the leadinz erijrulturalists of that country , I have a larze number of them on hand, ready for he coming crop, made of tho best material, and war ranted to do rood work. l nave made many valuable improvements in these machines within the last year, and have no hesitation in warrantinz them superior to any in use. 1 am also preparing a large number 01 vrawford s - ! Improved Clover Hollers, : patented in 1854, which are greatly superior to his patent bf 1841,' being in' itself feeder, and greatly aneaqof itm other respects, lhey wm be manu iacturcd under the immediate supervision of the patentee, who has permanently located in this place. , ine above cut represent my four horse " "separa tor, ana is designed especially for tho farmer a own use. 1 . . . Im also aent for McCorm'ck's eclabrated REAP- JER and MOWING MACHINE, combined. - J. R. M0FFITT, Piqua, Miami couniy, Ohio. Improved Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION JIILI, -Errrioo Hoduood. rpnB subscriber has purchased exclusive right of Jk. icmcerr m the est. of the above celebrated Mills, and 13 prepared to furnish them at all times; either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most popiuvo manner. -.... It 13 now more than a year since the ! - "Little Giant" Waa introduced to the public,, during which time, H nas occn constantly growing in the popular favor. ine improvements recently eSected and patented makes it the most perfect machine ever offered for general farm use. It is furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs as follows: : No. 1, 225 No. 2, 330, No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 ponnds. Twenty minutes are sufficient to set one up, without mechanical aid, and wnen once adjusted, it can with safety bo entrusted ... v.i X'ii v i. n - a vuj. x uii untvLjuiis nouoinpnny eacn aiiu. Prices: No 1, $35, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with 1 horso No3 .50, " 15 " 1 u it No 4 60, 20 " 2 t3T Liberal discount to dealers. JAMES B. CIIADWICK, No. 63 Locust stroet, bet. 2d and 3d Juno 28, 1856. vl-n4 St.uLouis, Mo. ALLEN BOOT S. W. COZZENS ROOT & COZZENS, LAND AGENTS. Omalia City, 3NT. HAVING made arrangemants by whicn we receive accurate copies of all the Townships, as fait as surveyed, in the Territory, we arc now prepared offer eur services to the citizecs of the Territory. IN FILING ; Declaratory Statements or ' INTENTION TO PRE-EMPT, Securing Pre-emptions, L.OCATIXG IjAXD WARRANTS. AND ENTERING LAND. Land Warrants Bought and Sold, Land entered on time, etc. . PARTICULAR attention paid to buying and selling on Commission Also . in making Collections in an prw 01 mo lemtory ana v cstcrn Iowa. April 7 43-tf t ; , FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY JN o. 163 Vine St.. bet. Tourth. and Fifth, Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOILi &. CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job Typo, Printing Presses, Cases, Uallies, Ac, Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Music, Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engravings, Ac, f c. - Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, Herring's Patent Champion ' ' FIKE-PROOF. SAFES : W1TU Hall's Patent PowdtT-Proof Locksthe same that were awarded separate Medals at tho u orld's t air London, ISol, and the World's Fair. Jicw lork, 1353; and are the only American Safes that wcro awardrd medals at the London World's ratr. , ! These Safes arenowadmittedto bo suporiorto eer ouureu loine puuiic ; ana tne subscribers chal lenge ; the World to "produce, an instance of these Safes failing to preserve thcircontents through the noitcst nres, or a turglar picking the lock. . The subscribers and. their ngcota aro the only per sons authorized to make and sell Ilerrinn-'a . Patent Champion Safe, with Hall's, Patent Powder Troof LOCKS. - ''' '"'- s.c.herring'&co. .; Green Block, 135, 137 and 13'J Water St., ' . and 5 Murray St New York. Jiarcn otn,l S57. . 33 Tailoring! . Tailoring!! ' TiiilorindH E.E. PARKER, . Merchant Tailor, . Atlantic street, West of Hoblitzell's s'ioro. ' BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA TERR. TTAV1NG bought property and located permancnt- X JL ly in Urownville, 1 offer my services to public generally, if they want any thing done in my line of business, I can always be found at my post, or, more properly speaking at my bench. ITorb. Warranted ,o Tit IVo Pay! Particu!artattontion paid to cutting garments and laying off work for the S.5amtres3. The greatest portion of my life has been devoted to my trade, in which I consider myself inferior to none especially in the cutting department, and I hope by close atten tion to my business to merit a sharo of public patronage. . E. PARKER. Brownville April 16th, 1857. 44-ly ft LOOL TO' YOUR INTERESTS! ! ! Go To . T- 271. TIA vaS, On Main Street, Where yo tcill jid lthet and ' Cheapest Groceries IN BROWNVILLE, " AT "WHOLESALE OH RETAIL. . THE subscriber would ir.vite the pullio to call and see bis larjestock of Groccrie-s which have been selected with c real clxe, and are now vffcred at unusually low raUj. lVrjni in want of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, MuLusei, Cheese, Confjctionery. Frh Fruits iu can, Tobacco, Scgars, Candies, Ac, and any other articles usually kept in a Grocery aid. Variety Store, will Cnd it to tLiir advanUgo to call before purchasing elsewhere. Alsi; by the whole sale, as ne a stock of Brandies, Wines, Gin, Mocon gaht:la,and Ryo Whisky, SchE;ips,Chau:p-ane wine, &c, as ever was brought nn the Muwuri river. Fish of all ktndf, ocuftant! uYmI Cti-,trv l'r.. v uivt lor wbit-n the nighet price will ba mU. Abhhro of public patronage is rc.poetfully nolici- - ' J. IU DAVIS. Brownville, June 13th, 1357. ' t" l-6m JK.Ni Moore aT5L ALARG2 OF - JO' O" .0 2j Everything that ccmcs uajer tu s V7irtn tmtT 11 . . . --V4. July 2.1857. . -UCij, K DAVID n. M'lArGIILIN. i cLAHGITLirro -? J.jin Tint Street (WMt;, tUSS r, ill attend to Flliag DecWil-. - mar;, V Secnring Pre-emptions. Lc-ifh Enterir g Lan ' vi . Land Warrants ifoushtanK-: Particular. atteAtioa. will bo paid , 4 selling property on wmmn.L.t ments lor distant dealers. . .: '5 xorrei-pondonce solicited. HcLvrGrrnV t - . a nii-xucraon, Jiarridon.d; Hatchj' " - O. ILBarnet, Dayiof1 Fashionable Taii JACOB 3LUHI0T TTAA 1NU detennmod to UalM ia XI spectfully annt,u,:c-s to tie pi b!ic t on hand a large and will selected itk of n l Tweeds, Casimers, Vesting 4V "f will mako to-order in $A style Ml rates; or sell by any quantity desire.. Ho also keeps con3tiint:y 0D baad kIW supply of ready made clothing of all kindt ' Brownville, June 13t,h, 1857. . ' I. H. fidomasTi Julyl6v2n5 st. uarij. mo Brownville SteamTeS PSIBESTCROSSIX!e to oy TEE Missouri ami. . The Berate from BrownriKe to It. Lea' and from thence; to CaWcrm, ii 'ju j nearest and most pracfic&bla. I V. FINNEY. &C0DLVGT0J 1 ANNOUNCE to th$Trei'iifPubi;etlrt'x? now running aa a Fmj vnu Uie M.Mouri ( IIrovnvIIIe, AcmanaCoX.T. An. entirely new, ntbttm'id tni conwtiiim STEAM'. PERRY. B0A1 Which airangemeLt will secun eerUii sale passage at, an tio;es tai -ui til una weather. The I-roprictors da nut wscrt boMiii? or for the purpose of gainhjrffjitom merely, bat governed by facts, whn tliej aj this ii the crossing of thd Missouri Birer in 5e'onib, when they say the route from 2rof!i';l! to b Kearney and from thence ti Califuriii tie we" for evidence they refer the rauler te ie aop i Country; and are warranted ia sayin;hiri w practicable route by rcrsocal ei:rica.M'"i" that bf hundreds of ochcre wlio dt tntrfedi We claim therefor that this crossing aodr. out peculiarly favorable inducciucci, to going to California, and sclioit their pstr wr. withstanding oursup-rior arrangenKO'J and speedy crossing, our charjes art the s3 u Ferries in Nebraska, all being rcguIaU bj- tive enactment. ISFKecollect that with pnr facHitiw 1 no kinds of weather will pre ent oat making regular trips at all hours. ' tSTA skiff and haul will be in it' foot passengers at all times of nighL n2Q-Novemberllth.73j;; J Wcliiiiaker &Go! ' A. GY.S;; ROCK PORT, MO- BEGS leave to inform the public that K in the above named town ail s stock of ,T.Trr'"' CLOCKS, WATCHES, and other article usually kopt in " 'f prices which cannot bcmil:int-i , ' " r ienced watihmater ho l'.iitteriliinwlf " watches, clocks nd jewelry he can give Groceries! Groceries any Fresh Arnvals ! .Heavy -. . Prices CrcallT CURRENCY TAKEN AT IV- .. J, B..JEW. , Cor. 2nd and Frances ts, & and Francis Street., St. Jofei,'"?'"?"' hi line, which he punfia-en I tne ' 1 tra.l,.at greatly rcdurwl P"e ' " x' will nell at corresponding IJies (T, ' customers. Arm.iiK bi recent ref P' ' r Peaches, 33 doi Prime Apple. t4 20 dot Lobsters 1 & 2 lb cm, 300 d. 'r lino j u-v i cv-cm iru - - .-, - 6m Oysters pnt up thU fall. 2hairiwr'J7 " f alsoCtKlttsh, 100 boxes W KCacce log currants, oo oo.xf irca tjw ' ring, 600 lb Gwhen Butter. SCO ;' ; nuu as.rted, 600 lbs Peanuti. ! ve fancy candies, 180 do irnm dro , 200 drams FiK9,i.c. Also lar-'? M which will be sold t prices coiis-'r-,:"1 sixty dav bo. . , St. Jowph, Kov. 8, 1557. the Euchanan Lifs and & Insnranco Co OfSeecof 21 ""Vf AT. JOSFJ'IU CHAKTERED AT TH8 LAST tL"' Aiilhnrlzpfl V'ADlU 3 Tt Junlnn I It. H.iwirJ, - Tooth, John cJlhoun, John H-lte. James Kay, N.J. JIcAAan, J- .jj. ? R. HcAshax, ecy. ; fall S now raa-ly U reeeive'sr a-i, Marine and Kiver risks. A r- ' cent, will be allowed on car"' 'fu.;rt promptly adju3tedand the aju- . the putrons of th office. April lotn, I3J'. S.Locxwoon. t IojA T.nnVwnnrl & W W-fc W W W W r - STRAW uw,STcf5 Also,! mpt i nOrXTCT MerchaaU t?1""'.'; b stock of IlaU A CVJtSl l ad .Saiumcr trade, which ' V!,, cr and well selected. Iai.mttl 'Ije .. not he excelled by aiy Uo " ' Oor prices will U lo," CalUnde-isatour.N.:-' ; .1 rh. ' . - 83-suMitM3Jr1fcct',L In - ' Aas.e.lSjn. IWJ ' J