Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1857)
TAB ADVE RT1SM yTILLE, DEC. 17, ISoT. ... if naid in advance, $2 00 2.M . at tbe end of 6 months, rtR - . u 12 " JOB '' f or more will be furnished t $1,60 per the accompanies ike cider, not JOB WORK. re additions of Xew Type, ?it, i. .Tl-nt exien-i lit- i-f . .... Ur.irtTfUi. I rds. &.C., made to the "Adver- - i . . l,Ji tr,.rk !n f -' l, hvnvoffloc. The proprietor being rr biniself. n Bavins rn his employ an priater '..vpH-hed 1 experienced Fancy joo rnnter, i oe- out-dime in tiic execution ot jot. ora f"ui ' ..n of Ftcr's latest improved Card . ' . i Blank- vr..rk in Colors, Bronze Work, fc.c; will ' -ui. particular attention. ( m distance will be promptly attended to, . V ulrraiited ive satisfaction or no pay. . . For 1 be Nebraska Advertiser. Temperance Xo!$. are different classes of truths icre kVngiaS to the subject of temperance 1 1' II. . all 1Tv:cD are respectively appucawe 10 .: e different conditions of life. On the pre'iit occasion I solicited the attention rich and educated. I trust I will ted in demonstrating that either their iiiCCt't ran use. of the old king, or, as it much r ....-.-. 1 t . Vionrvpnc the use by these for; whose indulgences they are ' u suffer, is the grand procunn causes of JjL'ir misf fertunes and their social inequa li,v. I trust 1 will prove to the satisfac of ever' rejecting mind that if this aie source cf degredation could be dried reat majority of the community Id rise tothe possession oi conipeieutx. - ! A . rt Ik: it may be asked ; How can all this U wiibuf preat profit, how can property rurem'being, be lost by the intemperate viiout being gained by the temperate ? 'The drunkard realizes toe table oi me "Destruction is ail arouna mm. rpas tree. The house in wiiion ne lives aescwiua wkfa a swif ler -decayi The farm he ma forirets to bear the life sustaining ..i 1 f J A - hurrestand is luxuriant only in briars j aal horns; weeds choice out the grass in Lis fields ; insects consume his orchard ; w o r,U-n is smitten .witn Larrenness ; len is .Lis feiwt -fall and lay open his crops to 'dofredation;- his cattle becomes like the .ia kino of Pharaoh. If . he is engaged tradt his calculations always err; his D.s prove inadequate to the execution of Brians; ne. consort rperswho defraud him; he seeks to : Gambling and that Tr:neveLis lonune i.y .gaiuuuuS shorter he be a course to inevitable i -. t is cn:y a ruin. If mechanic, his right t bud forgets its cunning he frames s ioaae whose parts will nof go together. If c tailor, he spoils the cloth He. would His work of what- e into rrtr kind it may be ceases to be enquired j Ifier and -bears the lowest price in mar- j 1 . .1 c ,:t. in nne, wnaiever me otxupauuu 01 ; Dtemperate manmayhe, disaster at- ! fcd. him. His rashness upsets a stage, j ; Ls acglisence explodes a power mUl or j .aaeacboat; his foolhardiness Ayrecks a .Li?.-- Out of the countless millions of 1 uralih which every year are cast into ; .1 is ocean, a few dollars may fall upon .the hallows or near the shore and he Leciaimed; the restsinks into unfathom ahle depths and is lost forever. Srinnp "Rnltprt FVltnn rirtd hppn n Knt.t.i. . . 1 suppose the long, laborious and secluded Tkd hpehthy Eli "Whitney in inventing an.d perfecting the cotton gin had been pent in u urp room, yet who .can doubt "tiat intemperance has robbed our country if many Fuitons and many Whitney s. "We inow that the brightest-minds are most subject to its-diafjolicd seductions. "Who :a .the. circle of "his own acquaintances d?s not reriiwnbersome shining intellect, -).le IrigLt orb of mind rising in splendor -;iu rapidly ascending to a refulgent day, ut suddenly shrouded in everlasting 2.:rht ? And by what means do all this iery and woe come uix)n : mankind ? The answer is plain ; some wealthy mer- tiiants import liquor from abroad that they l iay increase their wealth ; some capital ists, from the nutritious grains and the JA-'Iiug fruits of the earth, distill it at lsae that they may add to their capital; t.'.e legiilatures invest ce rtain subordinate tribunals with discretionary power to tnt so many licenses as the public good, -s as the public good," for such is the qhemous phraseology of .the law, may Squire. To men. who are themselves iJi-fortably and happily situated, one lr-is not long and the licenses, are e"-ntcd. Forthwith every licensed per ! - repair? to his' appointed place, opens -- fountains 'of destruction, and the work I gii:s. 'In one region, a peaceful citizen h tutchrred, in another midnight blazes T conflagration, in a third the earth- voice of riot is heard at its work 1 demolition. From all sides a 'rushing of. affright . and contentioa afflicts far, mingled with such groans of ao i.( as never came from the -dark temples ye druids-where human victims were ruiced- by hundreds. This process : -as -simple, and, my readers, it is sim S': 'ca, horrible in its -simplicity, and it fatal as if is simple. The it" is simple. The death- Arrant ti tat Lat roes but from the executive r-aer. under tb sign manual of the . . . - ! !Vertior and authenticated by the great ?'H.of the stat , 3 . e; commanding the sheriff ; -ectitioa upon the body of a mele , 'ort is not more certain to be executed Ti .n .t - Viat body than under our present i " cia usages these evils are 4 -'ted. v.-,v to be in- ' : i ca ret'Jrnmg season npon l 7 cf society, at that annual meet " k Ur.-ciy Eni county officers at C"ar' accordg to law and custom, licen U; rt generally granted, after the last ' erhas received his ckartcrof des- traction and retired, and while the official dignitaries who hare granted it are left for a moment alone, suppose their reason should faithfully perform its cfice-by bringing causes and e ffecis ; together, by presenting iatire very room where' the licenses had been granted he effects of .those licenses for the corning year, sup pose that on closing the book 'where their decisions are recorded, suddenly, quick as thought, a terrific vision'of Cthe future consequences of, their conduct should start into living reality before "them. . Here, miirrf prpr H-irfc nthn-nrt thP rnnm nnn news down his victim before their eyes. There the outbursting flame reveals the flying incendiary. Here caged beneath their feet howls and shrieks the victim cf deli rium. On this side of the tribunal the gray hairs of a parent are brought down 'with sorrow to the grave by the worse than parricidal blows of an impious son. Apart and alone, her frame convulsed with unspeakable agonies and her tear ful eyes covered with her hands, kneels and prays with unavailing prayer the once happy wife; song and smile no longer come unbidden to herlips ; . she seeks seclusion ; she ilies from sympa thy ; for the voice of the tenderest con solation tortures her like fire. Where now are those burning vows of love, those attestations of undying fidelity, which imprecated the vengeance of hea ven on their violation ? Vows and at testations which she had garnered in her heart and made an idol treasure. Th?se priceless pearls they too have been sto len and melted in the cup of abomina tion. See all around those groups of desolate children; hunger and naked ness have been their father's love, and snow and winter storms their mother's breast and sonjr. But I will not. I cannot delineate these intolerable reaiities. They cannot be spoten ty mortal tongue. They cannot be j bv mortal raiu(L Isovv, if the more favored classes of our society will do nothing to arrest the progress of intemperance, which more than all things else creates bad men and mnl-ps bad.mpn worse, thev mav well coun for their perty and fof their families, h table jaud They occu of security commotion h hVAnr nf nonular will break below their feet. The tumults, the outbreaks of violence which have al ready happened, are only tremulous vib rations foretokening the earthquake that is yet to come. Fiercer paroxisms will ensue sun snocks irom Deneatn as win upheave Q foundations of law and lhe 0f justice, and or- and ' ' Q hose classes of society against each other ag gteady earth hself were 5 were rocking plun ia its orbit. The favored cWs may think they occupy favoreJ apartments the ship but tf it does f , , . , j with the steerage Some philanthropists j among whom was that excellent man Dr. Woodward, who wrote a series of essays on the subject for the press, proposed - r T r" : 1 uie trtcuuu ut a iiutptuii tur tucuiwics like a hospital for the insane. My friends, the only true asylum for inebriates has been constructed. It was constructed in the year 1550, in the State of Maine. ' Neil Dow was the builder, a nobler archi tect than Sir Christopher Wren, or those who poised the dome of St. Peter in the upper air. It is the grandest asylum ever erected or conceived, for its base embraces the whole area of the State, its walls are co-extensive witn tne boun daries of the State, and it has g. dome no less lofty and resplendent . than the arch of heaven above. Wherever the means ef inebriation are excluded, there is the true asylum for inebriates. Massachusetts and Rhode Island have spread the protecting arches of this roof over their soil. Minnesota has already done the same like a young man resol ved to be strong and great, and therefore taking the early vow that promise wisdom and length of days. I trust that the Ex celsior Territory, Nebraska, will follow v.: i j i . ixitij. cAduiie-, ana Decome a Mate in morals as well as in power. And then from the Ocean to the great lakes, water and not fire shall be the nourisher of man and joy and not woe the companion of his household. . ALTOONA. H. F. Hark, It IS reiresnmrr in fVooo hftrA times to find the poor printer occasionally remembered, and our especial thanks are due to friend Clakk for a box of ex cellent and fine flavored cigars. Mr. Clark has recently purchased the establishment formerly owned by J. R. Davis, and having made large additions thereto is now prepared to fill criers for any amount ani style of Groceries, either at wholesale or retail. Those patronising him will find a liberal dealer, and an ho nest straightforward business man. Siesel, Of the Baltimore Clothing Si ore, has just received a large supply of new cloth ing which will be sold low for cash. Dake ia a general favorite, end serves his frjends with a genial good humor re freshing tg see. Call and examine. Tlie TVasMngiQii Union. Published at Wash ington, D. C, is a strictly national4 pa per, upholds States rights, and js the or- gan of the National Democratic party and of the Administration. No" Democrat should be without it and no one can be fully posted on matters connected with the administration, unless he peruses the col umns of this paper. Ed ited and publish ed by TYw H. Harris, an "able writer and v sound National Democrat. Tbe -Weekly-Star, Published at "Washington, D. Ci, W. D. Wali.ace, editor and pro prietor, is a desirable literary and politi cal journal," The Star is Administration, and reliable as to its information and ge neral intelligence. Sound on all questions of interest it is invaluable to the general reader and should be in every household. MEBROTYPE NOTICE. f J. II. JitlXXICn respectfully invites Ladies and Gen tlemen to call at Lis Anibrotrpe Gallery, where speci men pictures caii be seen of tte first quality, and where you can haTe a miniatHre taken tliat cannot be Kurpaed in beat ty and durability, and which will be warranted nt to change in any country r climate. Children can b taken el fair days in from two to live secoubi. Please pive me a call, I'll try to accommodate all. Lockets and Breastpins Filled. 3""Ofllii Xeiuaha Valley Banting House. t-2-lt Browiiville, Dcc2, 1S37- '' $6000 Scrip Wanted, For the aame amount of Real Eutate in Brownville at low ngtires. Apply to -' tUSIIDAUGH & CARSON , FOR RENT. A good 4omfortatle House bi1 email eUb'.e, in a tract of laud adjoiuinp Die city of Bruwnville. u23-3t Dec 5, 1S57 - HOADLEY k. MU1R. Potter Wanted. I will give employment to a good, industrious Putter, well acquainted with the business. JOHN JIcPHERSOX. n23rr BrownvU!e, Pec 5, 1857. THE CL.EYEL.AIVD VltAIX DEALER Will commence the seventeenth volume on the first dy of Jacuanrncxt. It will continue a Xational Pe tnucratic Journal, readable iu every State and Territory of this Union; The Plain Dealer lias now leen publish ed seventeen years by the tarns individual ; has fought Hve Presidential, and twenty-one State Campaigns with out missing an insue, and is now iu better pluct to flpht tbe battles of DemocracT than ever. Hand to baud have we contended with Know JCothingism, UrccIeyUm, Bce- tufiiui, iiiu oiaca .Republicanism ; until now we see theational Democracy triumpqaiit o'er them all. The National Administration is ours Pennsylvania. Iowa. Minnesota, and Ohio have been gloriously redeemed. It iseontidentty predicted that in three years, or by the neat Presidential election, every State and Territory in the Union. will be Democratic. We huve passed through an extraordinary year. While the earth has brought forth in unusual abundance, and the lancl is burdened with a surplus of rich products; bauks bsive been burstinjt about u on every side; and panic, lite "the pestilence that walks at uoou-day," has pervadel all branches of business. This paper bubble system burst just in time to save the farmer harmless, havinfi still in hand his crops instead of worthless bank rash, . r E TEXTS OF THE TEAR TO COHE. The policy of the new Xational Administration is to be established. A new Congress, Deatocratic in both bran ches, is soon to assemble. The President's First Annual Message is tobcdelivared. The new State Minnesota. Kansas, and Oregon to be admitted. Our Union is to be enlarged to thirty-four States. In Ohio, an Indepen dent Treasury is to be established; and the Black Repu blicans muted ! XOW IS THE TF&S.E TO SUBSCRIBE ! We shall have every week list ef all the broken banks, The latest market reports. Tales, andTeletrrapUs from all parts. TKHA1S : Single Subscribers $2 00 j Clubs of twenty 1 25 Clubs of ten 1 .50 Clubs of forty 1 00 Pay invariably in advance. To the getter up of club, oneop pratis. Post Masters are especially requested to act ai A sent. Clobs can commence at any time. Those desiring tbe President's Message and other Pub lic Documents can subscribe bow. , Subscribers- to the new volume sboale send in their names as early as the middle of December,, so that they may be registered in time Tor the first number. All fnnds received at current rates, and if registered, at our risk, Address, J. W, GRAY, Cleveland, Ohio. "The States. An Independent National Democratic Paper - 1 : 1 2 A. TIT L - . It will represent the sound constitutional principles which have ever been upheld by the Xational Democrat y but it wl 11 sot be so entirely political that its columns will interest the politician exclusively, nor so subser vient to party aa to betray principle at the command or power, to disguise its convictions it the suggestions of expediency., In adJUion to tbe discussion tf important political oues-ti'ins, its columns will be devoted to the proceedings of Congress, thecurreht transactions of the Government, to general news, and matters cf interest appertaining to Literature. Agriculture, and Commerce. The Weekly, it will be perceived, is published in a double sheet form, and is printed on superior paper, wi:h bandKUie bold type, at the following reasonable rates of subscription TEfi TEAR. Single crpies $2 00 Two copies 3.00 Three o-pies 3.00 Ten copies, to one address, and any larger number mx the rate of $1 per year (,10,00 Ten copies, to the apdress of each subscriber and any larger numier, at $i so each $12,00 In order to oblige those whodeM re to subferibe for a paper published in Washington city for a shorter periid than one year, we propose to furnish the w eekly States on the following terms : FOB THREE JIOXTHS. Two copies $1 00 Five copies 2 00 Ten copies 3 00 FOR SIX MONTHS. Oiiecopy $2.00 Five copies 3 00 Ten copies 6 00 Any postmaster, clerk, or other person, who may send five srbscribers, with $7 enclosed will receive aa extra copy. JtfPflyment in ' eases i TeqniTen invariably in ad vance; and no papers will be forwarded until the receipt of the money. " . tjTlJC proprietor of "The States" was one of the ori ginal founders of the 'Washington Union,' and his long newspaper experience before and since the establishment of that paper justifies him in promising a paper well worthy of thei r pattonage. Piuprietor. XATIOXAL POLICE GAZETTE. This GreatJournal of Crimes and Criminals is in its' country It is the first paper of the kind published in the United States, and is dlstintive in its character It has lately passed into tbe hands of Geo WMaUell &-Co, by whumi: will hereafter be conducted Ut Hatscll was formerly Chief cf Police of Xcw Tork City, and he will prvbably render it one or the most interesting papers in the country Its editorials are forcibly written, and of a character that hhouid command for the paper universal snprt. 33uberiptions. $2 per annum ; $1 for six month, to le remitted by sabscribers, (who thou Id write their names and the town, county, and 6tate where they re bide plainly) To , ' GEO W HATS ELL & CO. Xational Police Gazette, Xew Tork City CIGARS & TOBACCO. VINING & SWAIN, Importers and Hanuiactarers of Cigars AND Tobacco Commission Mercliants, 86, Main Street, St. Louis, Mo. Keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment or GEKMAJf, DOiTESTIC, AND HAVANA CIGARS ALSO (For acconnt of the Manufacturers, and for sale at their prices) every Tariety of Virginia 3Iannfactured Tobacco To which the attention of Dealers is respectfully Invited !5"Country orders will be put up, subject to tbe ap proval of the purchaser, and if nut satisfactory, can be held suUject to our order YINTXG k SWAIN, T. E. HAYCOOK. w Attorney at Law Alt D EEAI ESTATE AGEITT. Honat Ternon, Kciaalta Co., Particular attention paid to tbe practice of law and col lection of debt ia Ibc countie of Nemaha, Pawnee, Sanson, and Eaciardson, Xetraska Terrii-ory. Heal isatate taairht and old m cowmltwion. Land warrants located for distant dealrrs. Pre-emption papers careful )r prepared. KEFEX.S TO Sm. TJ. Elbert, Plattsmouth. N. T. D P Bonnet, Nebraska city, X T U Richardson, Omata dly, Js' X Penner Fereuson, BC, Bcllevue, If T Cissadir it Test, Baukers, Oonnci Bluff; liw Ck .k , S eirennt & Cook, Fort Desntuinee, Iowa Pfceniber t. 1K57 . r.31? Iotice to Tax Payers. The payers of Xemaha county are herebv notified that taxes are nw due, and that I am prepared at all times receive and receipt for tlie same. Taxes not paid on or before tae fcrw of unuarr, H53, will be sntw ject to a Renal tj t cat-; v j fcrit.t. per' annum ad. lUUona 1, axr(iiinj to our Uevi t up w. B,. J. f AlScr, Xres. Xctnaha co. Prospectus for llic Fourth Tear - or THE COSMOPOLITAN.; ART 'ASSOCIATION, -Ending January 28th, 1S5S. ' ' ' '. . tvhchash or the FA3I0US DISSELCORF GALLERY OF HE PTJECHASE OP THE WORLV RENOWNED STATUE Powers' Greek Slave! The JXanaKcrnent bavejrreat saUsf action in announcing that tbetKui'.poli(n Art Association, after three years of unparalleled success, enters uponita l ourtlt year un der the most brilliant auspices. The purchase of the irreat Dusseldorf collectiu of painting t a cost of one hundred and ciphty thousand dollars.! And the re-purchase of Powers' celebrated statue of the Greek Slave, at a cost of six thonsaud doliart, together with several hun dred other valuable work ef Art, render the inducement to subscribe irrca'.er then any berctorore offered. Among tbe large and vlub;e collection of paintings tq be awar ded as premiums to subscrilers, on the 23;ii oi January, 1S38, are many Trow the DuelKrf Paintings, embrac ing the well known Othello end Dcxdemctw, The Fai ries, The NjmphoJ V,an, The Trial of IIuu, bx., with uunieruiifc others of snrpasing beauty and value. The works in Marti '.e will embrace Powers' fatuous and original statue, The Creek Slave, also the following beautiful works in Carrara marbie : The Statue of Au rora, The Statue of Fxuche, The Xymph of Arno, The Student, Fidelity; riabracinz, in all, several hwidred niagnifitent and cohtiy works iu Pruning, Sculp ture, and Bronze. . . Terms of Subscription: Every person subscribins three dollars before the 28th of January next, 1868. i entitle! to the large and costly steel Engraving Manifest Dettiny a splendid $3 en graving, also a copy r the Cosmopolitan Art Journal one year tbe most bcautUul magazine i America; also to a certiUcate in the award of premiums, by .which a tine work of Art may he received gratis; also to a free ticket of admission to the Dnsseldorf and Cosmopolitan Galle rier, fortheyear Thus it is seen that for every three dollars paid, the subtcriber not only reeeivt s a splendid' , three dollars engraving, but also, the beautifully illus trated twodollar Art journal, one year, together with a I certificate in the annual award of premiums, by which a ; valuable work of art in painting or sculpture may be re ; ceived in addition, giving to every subscriber on errniva I lent to the value wf Ave loUars, ami a ccrtifcate iu the award of premiums, gratia. .;.. JdThe engraving "Saturday Kighf'wUl he tarnished in place of Hamlest Destiny if deircL- . To those w ho prelcr the .Magazines in place of the en graving and Art Journal, the Association, will furnifh, with a certificate in the award of premium, any one of t the following 3 uagazinea, viz : - . .- - ; Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly, (combined) , The Atlantic Alagazine, Harper's Jaagaiine, Gtidey's .. lady's .magazine, uranaci's, Blackwood's, South ern Literary Messenger, Or any oneof the following British Quarterlies, vii : Edinburgh, North British, Westminster, -And Loudon Quarterly Bcvicws, or Littel's Living Age, and twocertificatc.i, 6. Owing to the new Feries of the Art Journal, It cannot be furnished free to any except to thote who subscrtbe to the Engraving. To all others it i a year in advance. A copy of either f the above Magrzinen, and a copy of . the Cosmopolitan Art Journal will be iurnished for $5, ' including two certificates in the award of premiums. Thoe subscribing $6 for two memberships, taking any i one of the above Magazines and ihe Engraving, will be entitled to the Art Journal free and two certificates in tne award or premiums. Persons taking live member hbips, remitting $15, will be entitled to an extra copy or the Eiigraoing and Certificate. Address C. L. DEKBT, Actuary C. A. A., W8, Broadway, Hew York. Subscriptions received by 11. W. FURNAS, Hon.Sec'y. BrovmvilkyJ. T. DISSOLUTION OF C0-PARTNEES11IP. The co-partnership heretofore exisUng between J. II. Maun and A. -M. Holladay, under tbe name and style of j J. H. Maun & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con ! sent. . . j It is anxiously desired that the affairs of the firm be I immediately settled; therefore tohsewhonew of believe . themselves indebted in any manner whatever will take due warning. It must be done ami that too without de . lay. All debtfiniust be paid to A- S. Holladay,. who ; will be found for the present at the Post-Office. . ! J.JLMACN, ; n22-::ov. 25. 37. - 'A. S. HOLLADAY. PINE LUMBER ! ! ! THE undersigned respectfully inform th oitizecr of Brownville, and Nemaha ami surrounding counties that we now have in operation a Fine Lumber Yard in lirownville, where ve keep for suit a well selected stock of Fine Lumber from tc 3 inches. Also, I'ine Siding Worked Flooring, Pine Shingles and Tine Lath, all of which e will sell t fair prices . 3? OB CASH OI3XT. ." Hrownrille, June 24lh,185T. W. II. WIIXIAJISy: ' WHOLESaXK AND' KBTaJb JJEALIli 'IN : r STOVES & TIN WAKE . Oregon, XkXo'm9 " ' i rTIAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or j 1 gon and the public in general, that he has on hand the most extensive stock of Stores and Tin : ware, ever offered in this market. Mr stock of Tin ' ware is of mj own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Ketail at St. Louis prices, i I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved : patterns both Air-Tirht and Premium. Among them . may be found Filly's .Charter Oak, the best stove now , in u?e, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre : mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Siies and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWEH THAN AXY DOUSE IX TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and patting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAilS, vl-n5 Oregon, Mo.; July 5, 1856. Land "Warrants It. V. ItlUIR. JCJ-Enquire of B. VT. Furnas, 'Advertiser Office.' NEW FERKY. Across the Shute At the Head of the Island above I BROWNVILLE To IT. S. Hall &. Co's flaw Mill. I npilE undersigned announces bo the Public that he J. has purchased the Ferry privilege eranted Jack- eon Peter?, at the last Session of the Legislature, I and is now prepared with a new and substantial boat, I at all times to a:'Eccdalc the publis. Charges usual rated. TTRIAII SMITn. Jane 11th, 1857. 3S-3m NEW ARRIVAL OP S irg? O "V 2E5 and TINWARE. CHBISTIAN BECSEE, BROWNVILLE, ANNOUNCES to the public that he has just re ceived, per Steamer Emma, a very lurge .and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stores, cf new and improved pattem",ss follows Shanghai tlevated Uvcn. COOK SIOVES, Buck's Clipper Oven. fmprortd Patter u ' ' Charter Oak 41 " u all of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rate and on as accommodating terms as any other estab lishment in this region of country. ' - I have also now on hand every mraisite variety nf Tin ronwr and Shc;t Iron ware, and am prepared to put up guttering and spouting ami all other wrk ?n m,lin. at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. A share of ratronaSe is solicited jg' Brownville, July 16th, 1S57. r2D51y NATH'L POPE COUSIN, Land and General Agent, WASHHS-GT01T.CITT, D.C. Ilarinz rcii:ned the slutation which he has held in the Ueueral Land Oiflce for the last twenty years in chanrecf the Pre-emption Bureau offers lilnsei vices ia the nroMCUtiua of cldims before the DeiartntfTit, under shpnre-ectDtion laws, town site act of 1&4I, fcc. k.c. Mr. c. will also cive attention to cases betjre the Pen- ion office, proccre Land Warrant to parties eutitled. and prosecute claims before Lonprc?. scrrns T6 ! alon. s A . Doug:ia. iittw., U. g. Semite, J. 1). Bri;iht, Indiana, C.X.Sman, alkfeigsn, .-.., R. J..hdson. Arkansas, " Dan'l Wells, Wisconsin, House Kepa. Jl -J.'t Bi;tn. llji,nu, f shr. B. Sandidpi;,' Jyiuif iar.a, VKini-A:'riemiricts,I(Vifr JstLl Ofdoe J. S-Hiiwm, Esq! chief Clerk , lion. E. K. Ilniitinpiton. Ei:vtnr. In liana. Jam Sf.ields, FxkTdtn'r,' 2HaunMu Ca.s'-.PauiAripneM.u , Messrs. Sweeny, pent K Co,, fianrtaa, Washrnton r.tiro &. bourse, " do flo Brotbera. tf0 4 Suterr Ja t co, do o0 Also, tothe trict LandOmoers senerallv, and to K vrii1 bniM,'6' at ,beseat vt R"vernn,ent for years. fs tusiness letters will rtcesve atten- won unices afvpfwrvo-j v ' f r 1 1 in -r ! ..n Porter's Spirit or tlie Times. General Per chasing Agency. THE constantly increasing demand npoansta execute coiumKsioiis for the purchase of all kinds of articles, bah for resident and non-resident of the city, hasfiudoced us to establish, in connection with our newrpaper 'enter prise, a , ' Pnrcliaslng Bareaa J J under the immediate supervision of one orjour firm, as sisted by tbe most accomplished experts, for supplying ang article in the world. i Particular attention will be paid to tne selection, par chase, and aalewf thorough-bred Cattle and Horse Stuck, trained Dags, Ferrets, and fancy Fowls, Carriage, Buggy, and Saddle Horses, Carriages, Harness and Saddler, Time Watches, every description of Eire Arms, Sporting Arti cles, Pishing Rods and Tackle, Mnsic and 31 usical Instru ment, Yachts, Sail and Kow Boats. Furniture, flue Wines, Liquors, and Sisars; Cricket and Bal i BaU, Pad, A.C., ac AGRiCTLTrRAL IMplevehts, of the latest and meet improved kinds ; Seeds, Plants, Fruit, Forest and Shade trees, aa all kinds of Books treating on subiectsftf im portance to the Farmer, Horticulturist, aad Florist. . State Books Engaged in advance, on S tea mors and Packets to leave for Europe. California, the West Indies, or any part of the wurld. This will obviate the necessity to residents of inland t iwns, and places where no steamer agencies exist,(of coming to Kew Tork two or three weeks in advance as they, are now frequently required t do either toobtain passage, or to secure eligible accommoda- J turns. In thU department, we will be ready to secure Rooms at Hotels at favorable rates, so as to protect the stranger from imposition as well as inconvenience; and, iu short, to per.'ortn any description of commission that would ordinarily require the presence of the party himself. . .. . Gentlemen who desire to form libraries, or who may wish to procure the Choice Literature of the day, can always rely upon our judgcnM-ut and selection. Also, Blank books and Stationery, and Book and Xews Paper, for printers. FOR THE LADIES, we will procure the latest Fashion Platef, styles of BJhnets, samples of the newest varie ties of goods, cosmetics, perfumes, and fancy articles, and we shall always be p leaned to f urnhdi everything connect ed with their wants. In short, for any service. which may be required, the public may rely upon os, with tbe most perfect confluence lor fidelity, and dispatch. Anptvto GEO. W- WILKES k. CO., Porter's Spirit of the Times, 348 Broadway, K. T. N. B. Subscriptions for Porter's Spirit of the Times, a Sporting Literars, Agricultural, Family Weekly Jiews- puper, may be forwarded to the same directicu. Terms, $J a year.- .-:,:...'. Richaed Brown, Pioneer of .Nebraska. ALEXAKorm Hallam, Late Cash'r Xenuha Valley Bk BROWII Sl TTA7,T.AT.Tt BA3XT BR0WXV1LLK K'KRRASCA, - OUR attention will be given to tbe following business Tit: .- : - '. To the buying of Bank notes, and. loanlngjmoneyon good security, . and sel Iiug of Eastern Excliange. " " Land Warrants, - ' collection of debts in Kebraska, Iowa, Northern Missouri, and Kansas. buying and selling of farm", town lets, or unim proved lauds. . . ... selection, and entry of Lands for settlers "Tor u others, cither with land warrants or money.' ' Remittances can be made to us in Drafts, or Deposited with Banks or Bankers subiect to our order. We will enter lands with Warrantsor Cash, pay all fees, taxes and commissions for one-third of (he gross profits, accruing from the sale of tbe lands, In Kebraska and Kansas from two to three millions acres of the finest lands in the Uuion are being offered for sale. Foreign capitalists will find here a rich field for In vestment. Investments judiciously mde In Western lands and town lots are now paying from fitly to five hun dred per cent. We solicit the patronage of the public, confident that cur experience and knowledge in the business will enable lis to give entire satisfaction. Having a large acquaintance in tbe Mississippi valley it will not be difficult to give references when required by corresponcnt8, as regards our standing; and will at all times cheerfully answer all letters of enquiry. Brownville, June 25th, 1S57. v23-ft GEO. S. EAYER & CO., I ESTATE 1DQH General Land Agents,. Glenwood, " iPlattsmoutli, alii la co, Iowa, - . Uasa co, Nebraska. "T 7ILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves Y tiratin Titles, Paying Taxes, Investinff mon ey, Baying and Selling Town Lots, Boyhrg: belling ana Locating Land v arrants, and an oiner business connected with their profession ia Western low and Nebraska. J. M. LEWIS, Associate Attorcev., KEFERIiNCES: " : i Greene, Weare & Benton, G. Doughty & Co, Greene, Wenre & Rice, Greene A Weare, ; Council Bluffs, Iowa, W U. il Ft. Des Moines : ' Cedar Rapids, ; Cincinnati, Ohio.. Glenwood, Iowa, . , Cincinnati, Ohio. . u . Vineentown, J. J; Hightstown, " Philadelphia, Pa. 2Iedford,N.J. A txon & Goodman, Tootle &. Greene, N. V . Thomas, Schooly & Son Gen. Wm. Irick, II. Johnson, Heed & Son, Robinson & Bro, Burlington Co. Bank, TO THE PUBLIC. OntbeS6;hof January last, I conditionally contracted to sell to Robert Hawk and J. G. Jielvin a part of the land known as Neal's Point. Said contract has been for feited by the failure of said Ilawkand Melvinto comply with the conditions on their part. I therefor, take this method of warning the public not to purchase stock in said land or in a town cat led Alamo, which I understand is about to be raid out on said tract, from any persons. I am the sole owner of said land, and will make no titles upon sales by either of the above named ftentlempn. 1 further state that although Ibuve therishtto retain the amount they paid me as a forfeiture. I am not disposed to do so, and now notify all persons concerned that lam ready and willing to refund to Messrs Ilawk aud ilelvin the amount thev paid me on said conditional purcb je. Aupust loth, 1857. LOCIS It EAT,. Emigrant's Land Hunter ! ! ! . EOYT &. SMITH BBMllfflllffi AND JL Nemaha City, and Pleasantville, If. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. ENTERED OX TI3IE. Land Claims and Town Lots BOUGHT AND SOU). AND Investments Made for Distant Dealers. BEING practical Btrveyrirs and one havim? bad three years experience in the "West," will devote oar entire time and special attention to the Selection and Entry of land or claims for settlers aud all those desirinc choice locations. Address, . , IIOVT is. SiflTTI. Xemaha City, X , T. EEFEBS TO A Schuyler, Republic, Seneca co., Ohio. HI Sear les, Tiffin City, " " " Dr P Inntkeep, Dayton. Iowa co., Iowa. Rev W Kinj;, Archer, Richardson Co., N. T. S Wiseman, Genoa BlufTi, Iowa. J P Schuyler, Novelty Works. N. T. F Ferpuson, Brownville, X. T Clinton D Turner, Attica. Seneca on., Ohio. E3 Letters f Enquiry Promptly Answered. 3 A usust 13th, 1857. a3-n9 ly Z LXFOED. J. T. IIORX Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers in HDnry Groods AlfD GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, HOOTS, XXOZ23 ILTS AND CAPS, Kails. Plo iv s, stoves, Furniture, &c SONORA, MO. Arril 9th. 1S57. 43-tf 15,000 IbS. OfBaCOn For sale, cheap for Uan. by LI r Ulw a. fiUli. Sonora, Mo, April 9th, 1857. -tf To The Public. On the 2Sih of January last, we, Robert Ilawk end Jihn G. Melrin, purchased cf Loui. Xeal the L" kiviw-g a "eari f or Alamo -ftraska Teniory, which we have paid for in roll, and for which we bold his Quit-Claim deed, and also a bond for a Warranty cod m oqs as he thall receive a Patent therefor. Thee.'miitioflj of said bond have been compiled wi:h totlie letter on our part. We. The said Ilawk and Jlelvin and onr associates, torewars 2.11 k.m It maj concern tot to purchase of said I IuU Neal any part of said tract or town site, take any '" 'or stoiie therefrom, or make any luitrove- v. , , . . Lis rirhta to the wrts U14.ft.1tj, as pe ntet; foT.," . T ame tn the proj'er courts. - " " -i V 1 -' ROBT. VIXWTt, SOUS G. MtfLTIK, S. T. XTC ROLLS, H. XCCK1X)LS, . 3t. TOOTLE. WASn. HZPXER. ?AC()B F. HAWt, ' M.JEFF. TIIOMPSOX, fi.n. EiTnuocK, - 5 WM. K. DILIAOX, li. W. HAWt. . GATMAKER. -JOXAS VAXGCXDT, 7 f Trriiwx-VlV. m UrOlTDVIllQ THOirSON & Piret rt, between Hi HAVE purchased the above 3IARSII, 2. an I Atlantic. . named saloon, tormerly owned by Wo. Alderman, and now announce U.ei' readi ness to tickle the epicurian tastes of the Brownviiiian and others with every varioty of good tftiugs Easily xe;t in inch establishments. Tis here yo c.u rt-t your r :e eyr.srs, sar'Lnoi, lobster, tresh veV.i .,i, prairie r' t ens, and sucii Le nnj socio of that fc.orious ale with which to wah it d-wn. Give ua a call. November 11, lScT. n20-ly New Arrangement ! D. A. CQCIIIUN h CO. Dealers In Groceries, lc- Post OfSce Bnild.n?, Tlain Etreet. Hereby inform the publi that they bare purchased le stock of goods formerly belonr"" r J. H. KirnkCo., of this city; bavemaile addi.. reto, aud are now offering for sale in the same roi verychoice selec tion of urocenes, HOHORS, PttallOnerj", Extra rice I'oltleti Ilraadles. Trincs, CortlliUs, Prescrred Fruits & Confectionarr. Purchasers mar rely npon obtaining from us nothirg but pure and excellent articles. We solicit a share of pa trmage. . . . ypvember 11, 1S57. riO-lyg Scott city Steam Saw-LIill JOHN C. HUFFMAN, Scott City, Mo- (Immediately owosite Brownville, X. T.) Announces to the public that he has leased the new steam saw-mill recently erected by Hr. ileek, located as above, and is now prepared to furnUh tbe citixetiH of Missouri and Nebraska with an extra quality of Lckbeb of every description and &3JVED L.1TI1S of an excellent quality. Ashore ot patronage U solicited. November 11, 1857. n20-ry MEW &0IDS, JOHN McPHERSON. I have-just received an entirely new and larre assortment of SLTERion - coors, A W 1. B'.ll l ! JUWUIMWIQ i( us ad mil j establishment in the West,' I hare now in' store a treat Tariety of tbe fol lowing articles, which were purchased fot CASH and consequently, can sell theap on the samo terms: DRY GOODS, IUTS AND GAPS, SADELEEY, BOOTS AND SHOES IIAROTTARE AD CXTLiaiY, . QUEENS,WARE, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Heady Iade Clothing. And a fin assortment of . LIGHT GROCERIES Such as L . Spice, , Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, - - ..... , Ginjer, . . '1 . Allspice, 19 November 5th. etc., etc. w. prrrr. x. o. riLrixsox. PDETT & WILKINSON, . I r 3 n J j" "Sj fry ' Until - HTl AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i'OMAJDJ, N. T. Will attend to all business entrusted to their care . - ! BEf EKXNCES CoL Jesse Williams,' Fairfield, Iowa. Got. Joe. A. right, Mr. F. N. Rooek, lion. John G. Davis, lion. Geo. L. Miller, Indianapolis, Ind, ' Washington City. RockTille.Ind. Omaha City, X. T. E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . ABcnr-B, mcrjAnrsoiT co. yr. t. TCTLL practice in the several Courts of the 2d Judicial District, aud attend to all matters connected with the Profession. War. McLexnak, Esq., of Nebraska City, will assist me in the prosecution of important Suits. .Sept. 10,'67-11-U The Steam Ferry Boat TQ POXTTKi TO T?T?0VJVTTX"R IO OUJll U IU DliV VY V MslsT, And a . ERASTUS E. PARKE1T IS now prepared to prepare and make out Pre-empt ion pa pers and warrant tbem to be correct. I have taken the trouble to post myself np in rcp&rd to tbe Pre-emption Laws and contested Claims, and will always feel pleasure in giving advice, is, to those who may call on me. Hav ing a desire to remain permanently settled in Nemaha county, I will exert my time and talents to the advance ment of our new and prosperous county and the Territory at large. Xiand Warrants Bought and Sold. OFFICE, one door West of Crane k. llill' Brown fc Iiallani's new Office, where he can be fouad at all times during business hours. I have some good claims to sell of the first choice, tim bered and prairie. ALSO Several pood and eligible Kits in Brownville, which I will disposcof cheap for cash or on time, purchas er paying ten per cent interest. E. E. PAHaXB. Brownville, X. T. Oct. 15. 1S57. T2ol6ly D. H. THOMAS. T. A. GALLAHEK. THOMAS & GALLAHER Forwarding and Commission 3V1 Z li-LCJZ I ATJTa. No. So Pine Street Corner Second, vr stairs . 10-ly ST. L0V1S, M0. GHT1AT U. S. Hail Route, From the K"emaLa Agency, in Eancaa, to the mouth of the Ay owsy Hirer, N. T. THIS LIXE makes one trip per week, each way, stopping at the principal towns on the JlLsaouri River. Good Hacks all 4he way through, and good b rses and nice youn men for drirers. J. B. A W. BEXXET, Contractors. Dec. 19, 1856. Tln27-ly r rii. jjuutta. 1 or saie, ry 70 I. T. TVHTTE & CO. Notice. frfor "Xebrtula Advert iter": Dzak Sib: In looking orer the last number of your JRper a notice attracted my attention signed by erome Hoover, Esq., in which he states that certain stories are in cumulation that the nndersirned claim some interest in Nemaha City for the purpose of in- torinz its tnwpenty. It snay do quite well to cir culate a report 01 that nature where the facts are unknown, bat 10 mose Eaowmz tne lacu fucn a statement is merely foolish. And fox tbe purpose of ririD a fair opportunity to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn all persons irom purcnas'.ng any pretended claim or interest in the said town of JS'emaha City, from the said Jerome TToover, as he has sold and received pay for ni ne-1 welftbs of said town, and suit is now pending to place the undersigned in possession of the interest by them purchased in the same; and they have not authorized the said Hoover to sell or dispose of any portion oi their interest, out directed suit to be brought long since for its recovery. 1 ours, Ac, F. J. MARSHALL. JXO. DOSIl'HAN. JAS.D0XI1HAX. R. L. BALLARD. IL C BISHOP. L.D. BIRD. -' - A. G. WOODWARD. ... . . , S. F. STJCKOLLS. . :. ; ciias, r. holly. IT.tvK 54(1, IP5T - 3-tf d. ttt:t iT)rgr iLTTOEITEY AT LM7, TffiOTVXTIllE, s. T. T'Hl errite deels of every kind and contracts for every w.ih -rranted lecal accuracy. fte'lsaiiklnB Il-nse of Lui;abaush k Carsoa. REFEK TO tnace, Hoe, Jfbn A. Bingham, Cadis, Ohio. " W K Carter, Cleveland, 11 11 M II P Spoiling. " B F Leiter, Canton, S Labia. " - Wra R Sari, ML Veraen, " S P Chase, Coloiubua, .. Tboa. Ford, Mansfield, " J. Ctji-s. f.t. Jf"-h. V 1. Liilla. r. bi Joseph, :io. . JAMES CAHGlLLrroprietor. MANUFACTURES al kef p roraUinrljf lA. on i j.:i J fur sale, all kinJ of I2oar. Jl nU ani FeeistuT.'. Ordfrs solicited and prompt! j fiwiti cti tofvst favorable terms. Cash paid twnstant'v fir "S ('heat. For char&ctr r of Flour rtfer to ctc.-j Cat ever used it. To the Public. ircr.'rJTARX all persons rrora boyiw; any lots, r erecting any buildings in tlie town at FSA'Cns CO." S.iid town Is hud out vu iuy claita, which waH jum-o-i hy iirv Hitter, and 1 by thi notios toake poUm my iti-;n:i"Fi of contesting ker right to the same, fceftwt the United Srates Cmiiniiioiier. S3" .Nebraakian and St. Sosva Gaiette copy 1 XociUk. Send Bill to tli is Cmice Sept. 10, '57-n-lm ' H ILLIAH KD SLOAX. Commercial Hursery", , fcLOOMINGTON, ILL. The tmdersigned beg leave to inform the Xarserymrsi ' and Farmers of the West and 5oaU-wet, thai they urm exten;ive!y eucaaed in the propagation nf JtOOT, GlUJtTKU AND Is! 1DI. STlXXS FOU AXTIS CRIES. especially the APPLE, aad a few other hardy. Frnita. Having spent near tweuty yean in selecting latur Fruits, they are now cor. viuced that tlxlr li-tx nuN-nrnai- ed, both in reeard to the quality and Ute proportion Is hieh tbeycultivste. Being very dCMrouaef sj4aeuii- ting them as widely aspossible, they adopt tbe aietUlur ending out small, caluvted storks for the Nurwrr, ' being tar more practicable and safe, than to incur the. (reaL expense, dr lay aiKi ri.-k uf shtpving large trees, wbica should always t raised a here they are wair-u. Fromjtbeir long experience tbey natter tlenelve tft they are perfectly acquainted the above bnsiaew, and they graft only such hardy varieties aa succeed well . on the root, and bud. on seedlina: stocks, and He bmw de sirable, tender and half Lardy kitds. will be done at the proper scasun, and in tbe best manner. The stock will be packed securely and shipped by express, wits the greatest care in early spring, to any part of tbe Vfu They have also, on band, tbe lanwwt ai4 best cr.p uf MACLURA HEDGE J'LAXTS j T ever grown, for sale on best term, by Uh thowaad or million. Tbey muy be skipped in the Fall r Spring. Tbeir prices forXurnery stock will be found a low at sny other of equal railt; ia the Cnion. Catalof-ue and Trrt- ise oa Hevute Culture, sent gratu toall jplicnt Patronage solielteil. Orders for Nursery stct k'.w.iild be sent prior toiiUi of Docen.ber. . , Addrci, UVl;UiIAX.MAXX,..' ' ' Oct. 15, 7-nlG , Bloemingtou, 11L HDESOIT GEOEGE, (DErCTT COUNTY FrUVTlOlt) SURVEYOR AXD LJXD AGEJST, Hatx StET, luow.vtiuj:, n. t. TILL attend promptly and faithfully to tbe serri and location ot Government Land In the Xentaha lt4 listrict Surveying Town sites, subdividing Laud., Ura: t ir.jCirv Plats, ari all other business of a peteral Survi v or. , n in buy and sell Land warranth. pay t.ixe. tnres a- tite titles, Pile" Declaratory Sutemeuu of iuienti-.n tw pre-empt, and make oat Pre-emptuiii paper at short no tice, and alwayson hand to look at claims f r actoal st tiers. Investment made for dutaut dealers. LeUuca of inquiry answered promptly. . . r TO Paniel Beckel, Bjnker, Payton, Obio. - - , k ' do do 4 - d -do do Cincinnati, Uhiii." Sionz City, Iwa. Brownville, S. T. lU k do " do John Kills, Cash. UayWa Bank, F. P. LOTS Guukle It Strong, Wood Jl Xead, Hoses Smith, Byall k Charles, Land Agents, Geo. II. Xizon, Land Register, Lmhbaugh k. Carson, Hankers Brown at Hallam, do &. W. Purnaa. IJitor Advertiser, Sept. 24, 87-nl3-r2 tf BOOTS and SHOES A Tremendous Stock, just received, opened, and for sale, by .., ... " L T. W HYTE k CO. W. E. HART. ' L, VAN WYCK.. Civ. Enc. Sur. k. Draft'n. Oeneral Land Amit. HARVET, VAI7 WYCK. & CO., General Land Asents TCoTDrfuslta City. .' ARE connected with agencies in WahiiitU'n City Kv . which they are enabled to prosecute claims acaicst th- United States Government, or attend to any bosiues be fore tbe General Land office with dispatch and to th satisfaction of their customers. ; One of the firm being a practical Engineer and Survey-.' or (having been for many years connected with tbe Cnltetl Stau-s Coast Surveys engaged on works orIntemaJ Jiu-t . ' provemenU) we are prepared to make Surveys of Town.' Partiis, 4lc, in any part of the Territory; and navlut" naaaed tbe best Drartsmaa in the TerriuWy, caiieaectit Maps, Town Piats, and drawings of all kinds (meefeaaaial. architectural, fcc.,) to the perfect isUsfactiuu eat eu tomers. . October EM, 1S5T. v5ly jonn r. tysoji. HACISKT. TYSOIT & HACEIIEY, GEXEBAL TjAND AOEUTS, - KROWNVILLE, XKilAUA CO., X- T. . Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Land entered 00 Tine. . Claims and Town Lots Bought and Sold. Loan Hof), . stake Investments and Locate Warrant en tin, for Distant Dealers. Pre-Emptlon Papers Prepart-d, OFFICE Next door to U. Land Office. REFEBEHCIS Geo. H. Kixon, Register L. O., C. B. Smith, Receiver, Smock & Williams, L. K. Tuttle, B. R. Pefrram k Co., Bankers, Hon, G. W. Scofleld, R. L. XcGbee 4. Co., Tootle k Fairleigh, Browaville, X. T.' it- a Lexington, Ma. Omaha City. X .T. .1 Council BlnQs, Iowa. Warren. Pen. St. Louis, M. . St. Joeph4 " Oct. 1. '67 3 T. LDIHIACGB. Jo. l. CAKi-Otf ' LU3HBAUGH CARSOir, BAXKERS AXD CEXERAL LAXD AGZXTS, Dealers; In Coin, Uncurrent Money, Exchange ami Land Warraata, BROWXV1LLE, XE-H AI1A CO., X. T. . Especial attention will be given to Boyui and Slirvi Excfaanee on tbe principal cities of the I'nited States. bold, Silver, and uncurrent Bank Xrte. -A constant sap ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale, roa cash, or tn- tercd on time for Pre-emptors. AI I Warrants sobl bp aa guaranteed in every respect. Will Die Declaratory !H ate- meats of intention to pre-empt, and prepare Pre-empt uni Papers at short notice. Money loaned apun bet ataiiri- ies, at western rates of interest, and investment niU in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Cities-, tions upon all convenient points will beprvmptryattend ed to and proceeds remitted inexebanp-e, at current rates.' ' Bills of Exchange on En;lanl, Ireland, and Prance, ob-i tained at nsaal rates, with cost of Kxcbanse on tbe Iat added. Deposits received on Current acconnt aDtfuucttet Mowed on special deposit. OFFICE Main St., near C. S. Laid OftV. ' REnaEKtEa Lind, Brother k Co., Merchants, f rbiladelphiaPa.- McXauchton, Cars.m k Co., " . Hiaer at White, " XaJtitaof. Md. TouDg. Carson k Bryant, " , " Jno. Thompson Mason, CoI't of Port. - i R. M. PniMterson A Co. Merrhanta. . . " M M. Teakle k Co. So. 17, Broadway, X-wTT;wk. Wm J.T I. Snuthaon,Ei., Banker, .. Washinctua, D. C. Stevens, s., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d And. C. S. Tjylor k Kneeh, Bankers, ChiraWlM. McClelland, Scrubs k. Co. Merchants, St. Lotus, Mi. Aaepelis,ML Pean. . ' -Mertrburi,'la;. Hagerstowii, .aj. Keokuk, lows. CtKiaol Blaa DesMotae, " , Tlaton, - Eaatoa,Md. ' ' Camber land, X4', Havana Ala baaxs. Hon. Tboa. g. Pratt, Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Gov. Kaosas, Hon. Jas. O. CarM.n. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, Charles Parsons k Co. Bankers, H. C. XuttA. Co. M Greene, Weare & lice, " . . Douglass fc. w a 'son, Col. San llamblcton, Att'y at Law, . Judge Tboa. Perry, Prof. H. Tutwiler, - - Oct. 8. 'S7-v3-nl5-tf - w 40SAS CKAXE. THZODOM 'Ml roawAftDina AXDcoxxissim MiBCRAjna, ' AXD STEAM BOAT AGENTS. . ' Wholesale and Ketail Dealers ia Iry Goods, Gromiet naruwarc, vueenaware, rnrniinre, Stoves, Flour, Bacon, fce sept. U. 'SI BaowwvrLLC, Tt.T. ' O. r. LAKE. w. 11. hoovik, Ifemaha City, Brownville. LAKE & HOOVER. EMI HIE fill' KOTARYS PUBLIC. ; BroTTiivills and ITemaha City, . NEBRASKA TERRITORT. , , . r . . "T71LL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Fij inf VV tazas, Drawing money, buying and icLinj Real Estate, buying and selling en Commissioi Making Collections for distant deal srs, and U Kti of business pertaining to their profession. Particular atten toin wiUhe given in tlin sWAinva tory statements to pre-e-apt and pra:mc "tf.- ranty Deeds from the Town an thoriliea, , - Penons wnin rows lots, midlnj 4ii&nrj wishing to proenre TTarranty Deed wU fa mt place the agency Jnour hands, (alwajipreaflntiijj their Qait clai'ji Deeds for said Lot "Vitiiin the ei.- Iiration of i.z menths, as alwr that tjre ail kU 4 eeded mil bsold. , Blanks always on hand. 3. B. Letters of inijaiiT awMred icmtM7. . March 28, 57. Lumber! Liimber!! : nO ADLT fc ML1K. Whose new Steam Mill has jast .e isla owerntina to tbe Prairie Forrest opposite Browaville. a- bow par ed to furnish the pnbUewtth every dcwrsble vaiiety cf lumber, on short notice and reasonable teraie. There beins an unusual amount of hart wood timber In ff vicinity, we are prepared to pay particular atnui.' tg. filling "up ordera for Oak and Walnut lumber. rii evervUang newled la tUs cuaatrv tn vV,i tai Mill' '"it"' v .. '