Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 10, 1857, Image 2

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end Mt-i
S II PABVI5, General Advertising Agent, in roar of
New York, ladies' and Children's Shoe Store, 80 Weft
Fourth Street, Cincinnati.
Visschkr.OWEK&Cj., No. 31Can313, Broad ay,
New York.
Andrew Wiki, American. Canadian and European
Advertising and Subscription OttJec, .N'j. 133, Nassau Sis.,
New York.
J. E. Duddekidge, X. W. corner O .v
streets, St. Luis, Mo.
B. K. XcLu.NG.Tror. '"
Du. II. H. DARST, Tipi-cciiof, '-"
W. C. Mins'GER, Covington, Ky.
A. t. Kinic, A rcher4 Nebraska. ,
H. W. Peter, Orepon. Mo.
DILLON & HAwK,KukPort, Mo.
Ride& White, Nebraska Ci:y,X T. .
d m .W. Tate. limlpn, Mo.
T. J. Barnum, Three Orove, N.T. . . , ,
Are authorized Agents t solicit Subscriptions and Ad
Tertiemcnts for the Advertiser, and receievc and re
ceiptor monies therefor.
t -
Person resident in this Territory, coming from vsrions
portions of tbc Slates, often nicest to wine ju
persons in their nM nct?hborhoKls, who would doubtless
"become subscribers if tbe.v could t-e a c .j.y of the "Ad-
ivi.!wav send specimen &py, persons
receiving, will consider It a solicitation to become a Tegu
lar mlwcrllicr. .
Postmasters and other, feeling ufnciert Interest to
take ud aclnb, can retain the usual per cen loT their
nlra notified at thecloseof the Volume to dis
cvnttizuetlie "Advertiser," wehall take it for granted
that subscriber wii.l their paicr continued, and sua.
accordingly continue to fend as heretofore. .2
rels had Satan made .Jura an eunor oi a
western newspaper.. .
Our mail arrangement from Rock Port
to this point, so far as if alone is con
cerned, gives general satisfaction, ana
we are happy to learn through a, private
letter to Mr. Causox, from Washington
city,, that it will be increased toa daily
Una at the 'letting of the spring son
tracts, at which time the present contract
expires. What we no,w want is to have
our mail matter which reaches us by the
n-nv of Omaha citv. stopped at Council
j r . 4
Bluff and sent
the' Iovra and
Missouri side to - Hock Port, by which
means it will escape tfio delay of a week,
(and sometimes three), consequently
reaching us much sooner. 1
?j- The "Nebraska Advertiser" having
much the largest circulation of any paper in
the Territory. Wholesale Merchants in St.
Louis, St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East-
era markets where ITebraska merchants pur
. chase, will find no better advertising medium
in the Western country
' ; We hope our patrons will not complain
, of the quantity and quality 'of editorial
matter in the ".Advertiser" during the
absence of the editor, as the mechanical
.department of the establishment will not
xtirnilof that attention we would desire to
bestow on the editorial portion of the pa
. ..
Tr. . The Senior will furnish weekly re-
th flninTs at the capital, and
Providence and the mail contractors per
mittiug, we hope to always lay before our
readers the latest and most reliable infor
mation in regard to matters pertaining to
the Legislative Assembly which convened
last. Tuesday.
: Stone Coal.
We have ever been satisfied of the ex
istence of immense and inexhaustible de
" posits of stone coal in Nemaha count)',
and that it is only requisite to apply the
implements of mining in order to supply
the world and the "rest of the human
race" Avith this invaluable substance.
.' It has been objected by some, that Ne
braska is too scant of timber to be suscep
tible of very great settlement ; but such
objection we hope not to hear again, when
it is known that our nills and plains
abound in that which is tenfold more use
ful and valuable, without which the arts,
.irades, manufactures and commerce would
be materially retarded, not only in our
'own country but throughout the civilized
.world. .',.'
tte say mat we nave cocrincnig piuui
that there is stone coal in abundance
within, the limits of this county, and feel
quite ' confident the day i3-not far off
when, we will be 'supplied with it at a
".much less sum than our present prices for
fire-wood. This is a desideratum, not
alonp,-- to points in close proximity to
limber, but to our beautiful and rich lands
Icnown' as prairie, and therefore ,'we see
. ,aii jjucciuic uaiiici iu men iuunuuiuiu
settlement and successful culti-ation.
We. have visited two pf these mines
about being opened, one by the "Brown
ville," and the other by the "Aspinwall"
Companies, and must say the indications
are all the most sanguine could .. .wish or
desired A due degree of energy combin
ed with a little capital will bring to light
an abundance of this opaque but precious
material. And with its aid we would not
exchange Nemaha county for any other
spot on the -face of old "terra firma." It
must and ' will contribute wonderfully to
our all the various manufac
turing branches so essential to the wealth
- and prosperity of 'any people. "We rejoice
with great joy an expectation of "the good
. times" which, must surely and speedity
tome.- ' " "
V Tlie Mails..
'So -long as summer winds sweep the
.Wead prairies which on every side sur
' round us, rendering the roads as easy of
travel as' a bam floor, the miserable
brutes (called horses by a few fanatical
an infatuated ' individuals) which are
employed in the" above portion of Uncle
Sam's. political .economy, are enabled to
, perform their, duty with a decree ofre
. gufarity at. which an extrexely patient
.man would not grumble; but the: first
approach, of bad weather seems to de
prive them and the various' post-office
officials of what little energy' they may
.'have originally .possessed, and they slow
ly "drag their weary length along," re
pining at the hardness pf their lot and
pur? jag", "the stupidity of each other.
Durmg the spring and summer season
iher accommodating clerks of the various
steamboats take pleasure in furnishing
late" dates to the thirsty enquirer after
news, , and the mails enter into no part
ct our calculations as to hour "ive shall
he enabled, to furnish our readers with
their usual quantity -of reading matter;
wo remain satisfied with receiving oae
half cf the ietters addressed to us, ho
matter how long after late. When this
means of supply fails through f'toppagc
of navigation, and our cntirc dependence
is m what we may receive through the
post-pOIce, we groan in anguish of spi-
- j-it scratch oursclf bald in endeavors to
r, 0 t.r, n-te of departed iJcai, and
Editorial Cliit-CIiat.
The long expected and anxiously look
ed for steamer Arabia has arrive d at New
York, bringing highly 1 interesting news,
both of a political and financial character,
which is regarded as satisfactory and
even encouraging. The Arabia left Li
verpool on the 31st of October.
The Siamese embassy had arrived in
England with alarge retinue .and were
attracting general attention.
The American horses Prioress and Ba
bylon made a very inglorious performance
in the race for the Cambridgeshire stakes
at Newmarket. Thirty-one horses ran,
and Babylon came in last.
The Queen had approved of Mr. Wy-
manB. S.Moor to be consul-general in
thn British North America Provinces
for the United States.
Sir W. Gore Ouseley had received his
credentials as special minister to Central
America. He goes first to Washington
to consult with the American government
and the British minister on affairs con
uected with his mission.
The Arabia took out news of the sus
pension of specie payment by the New
i A. mm
York banks, which, contrary to expecta
tions, were received with evident satis
faction. The London Times and other
leiding" papers regard it as the most sa
tiJfactory annouacement that could have
en looked for.
The East India Company have been
mpeiled to borrow 750,000 to provide
r silver remittances to be made to Cal
In France the question of suspension of
specie payments by the Bank of France
has been agitated and given rise to consi
derable discussion. It is stated however
that the government will not sanction
such a movement. Gen. Cavaignac, who
received the next latgest number of votes
for President when If apoleon was elected
by the Republic of France, died very sud
denly of aneurism of the heart while out
Negotiations are going on between
France and England in. regard to an' ex
change' of territory in India. It is pro
posed that France should give to England
her possessions in Chanderragore and re
ceive from the latter as an equivalent a
portion of territory near' Bendcherry.
The difficulties between Spain and
Mexico still continue very exciting, but a
conference was to be held at London be
tween the mediators France and England,
with a view to their adjustment.
Mexico is in a very distracted condi
tion, and ere long the lurid light of re
volution will flash along her borders and
illuminate the walls of her cities. Comon
fort's fall is scarcely doubtful, and that
arch intriguer Santa Anna is negotiating
with the rebels, and will, in all probabi
lity, succeed in making himself President.
Large numbers of., political exiles are
fleeing for refuge to this country among
whom are ex-President Salas, Jose
Washington and Col. Romero.
Letters frbm Naples still . continue to
complain of government outrages. The
decided stand taken by our present minis
ter upon the first cause of complaint of
American citizens has operated very "fa
vorably in their behalf, and from that
time he has never had the slightest cause
of complaint, and American citizens are
the most respected there of any class of
foreigners. '.
7 The India news are the cause of re
joicing, not only in England, but in every
heart which sympathizes with 'the victims
of the inhuman savages who raised .the
standard of revolt. . And it is refreshing
to contemplate the speedy overthrow, of
the barbarous rebels and the cessation of
cruelties inflicted upon the unfortunate
English residents who chanced to fall in
to the murderous hands of the rebels.-
After a long and bloody resistance Delhi
has fallen; and the English army are ra
pidly and eagerly assuming .offensive ope
rations, anxious to take terrible retribu
tion, of past outrages. .We are fearful
the thirst for vengeance will lead the just
ly enraged soldiery to acts of cruelty
which will place them on a level with their
brutal opponents, and stamp the British
flag with disgrace. Let us think other
wise however, and hope their triumph
will be iempered with mercy, and not put
to'blush the teachings of Him, the adop
tion cf whose divine principles entitles
them to the name of Christians.
-We have tw very interesting news
from Washington. At latest advices the
canvass for Speakership was actively go
ing on. Ir. Orr, of South Carolina, Mr.
Pennsylvania, were the prominent candi-
9 . Ml 1 n v art-n-ar frs.
onUl it is e p.ef ure of the various post OUUCr U WC
masters COimeCiea W lin our man:. , c 1S7 AfTi'n TTtnfc nor,, tTo nttfntinn of
the receipt of which news let us be tnan- , Administration, but no definite action
fnl in nruicination. ; ... .i-i has vet been taken in new of late ad-
- - 1 I t , ra n. or !... nA ininfT WH I III k WH I - .
AtNew.York money matters w ere as- wlin ntfPmnt, nt
UU n.liU . LUC II III 1 V lUUU,
KA,vld.rnt, tbrnnrrh 'According, to present intention, ex-rre
t -i v. .nmiUB1i sident lamaf,of Texas, will be appointed
our Lecrislntnrp oncrht to be strangulated . 11
" n - -v r 1 1 rMctnr t r v trnrM ir n
hung by the neck until he is aeaa, aeaa,
dead, politically and corporally, and then
his name blotted out from the memory of
all honest and respectable men. Such,
gentlemen legislators of Nebraska, are I north end of fifty-five feet more.
our deliberate convictions. . We have,
however, too much confidence in your - d Isaac Shelby, lvins: at the wharf at
wisdom, sagacity and love of country, to St. Paul, Minnesota, got into a fight and
imnntP ptpn ,1pirp to inflict anv farther Michael Nehl, a hand onward the latter
; .Mnn nn hnt vn.i was knocked down with sx billet of wood,
will be faithful to the end ever watch
ful over the interest of the whole, people
of the Territory. You can cot eye the
"wild-cat" with inordinate suspicion. The
suming a brighter aspect and the banxs
contain more gold and silver in their
vaults than for sometime previous. The
unemployed thousands of working men
have made several demonstrations since
rttir Inst rrnnrts. but none of them SO
alarming in character as to create any
great decree of apprehension. The
Mayor has -promised to give employment,
as far as possible, on public works, which
has had a pacifying influence.
Fnrniss who has gained so unenviable a
notoriety in the late v oodman case, nas
sued all the leading New York papers for
damage to his character. ' The Times
says ; "The unusuaj fool, after getting in
mcfcuiiw, io fe ferrfe needs watching
to lie still: but by his flounderings and J , .
r w
snutterimrs must make his disaster still
moreconiplete and conspicuous."
The latest advices from Utah -report
the Mormons still at work strengthening
themselves for war. They boast of their
ability to hurl destruction on the largest
army the United States may send, even
before thev effect an entrance. On this
side there is but one road leading into the
Great Salt Lake valley, and that is through lesult could be b aW
narrow canons and over rugged paths
which a small body of determined men
could held against great odds. A singu
lar disclosure has been made at Wash
hington, which, if true, would give them
a still greater and more terrible advantage
orer troops making their way through this
The bridge over Wisconsin river at
Prairie du Chien is completed. It con
sists of three spans of one hundred and
sixtv-five feet each, with a draw at the
The Markets.
Ueowmlle, Dec.
Ft.rtra. sack
lircKwnEAT Flour
Corn JIeae, V bu.-bel-.
CoxX, bushel
Oats, .bu.-ihel,
Sn,ar, K
CaiciEXS, V doz.,
KudS, tt,
FkeshEesk, t?R
' "..TorK, do,
Potatoes, ) bushel,
Salt, bush,
do i sack,
JIkaxs, bush,
Dby IIiues, V S,
4 1,5)
T. V. TT tv.
and died soon after from the wound.
Several others were severely wounded.
Mrs. Jane Swisshelm, formerly well
known as the editress of the Pittsburg
Visitor; has purchased the St. Cloud
(Minnesota) Advertiser, and it will be
If we must have banks, let them be hereafter issued uxder her management.
i-j .i ii a I
guaraea with all possiuie re&iriLuuavS . - , . - f , . Mntnir
the "Ming" nov stand there is too much Rjdrre, near New Orleans, on the 18th I
inducement for honest men to act Uishon- ult., between General .Lacoste and li,d-
Pstlv. We vnrv much need laws, parti- ward Garcia, the latter being the challen-
: i- :n o cer. The weapons were small swords
I n l-nnAinl I . lima ilinnriiriAtitli vrnnJ -
,. , , . , .1 IL11U V1VUU1UI XJ. Hua UUUV1UUUI lliVi-
icuucuvj wu.Ciuu.u. (,d m the abdomen.
St. JosErn,
"Wheat, bush, .... ...y .-....
Cokn, V bush,
Eeotjh, V cwk? ""
UcckwheaT Kloi-r, V cwt,
FllKSH 1'oKR, ) lb,
I'OTATOES, f bush,
AVuite Beaxs, bu.h,...
Eggs, i doi
CnrtKE.vs. "t dor.
Dry IIides t)t"
t'OKFEE. f ft,
Tea, V lb,
Dec. 2, '57.
into honest men. We have in by-gone
Wheat, ? bush,
okx, barb,
Oats, V bush,
Flocb, 1) bbl, ...j. ....... .
UrcKwnKAT, Flour, per cwt,
Ukaxs, per bush,
Fotatoes, per bushel,
St 1.ouis, Not. 23.
4.1 In
: .2,122,25
. $11,25
Seventy manumitted
' v .v:v Edward county, ii
law, or cnt-iniuai prouebs, uy yvuiu &uiua mon(j for Libcrj
laves from Prince
irginia, arrived at Rich-
pass, which is no less than their know
ledge of the Greek fire, invented by Mr.
Mont Storm, which was used with such
fearful effect at the taking of Sebastopol
r n r . n. 1 t 1
Mr. Jiiont rstorm nas Dcen engaged in
a series of experiments, with a view to
perfection in this new element of des
truction, and it has since been discovered
But to
some it may be painful to speak , of the
past, consequently, as we do not wish any
hard feelings, we will not go behind the
But, soberly speaking, we hope the pre
sent session at Omaha may be highly pro
ductive of good to the people, and of ho-
Bartholomcw, the sculptor, now in Bos
ton, has sold his famous statue ot .Lve to
an American gentleman for S5000. It
will be brought from Rome m the spring.
The dry goods import at New York for
the week ending the 5th inst., was S5-J
0-16, against 81,190.585 for the week
ending Nov. Sth last year.
$6000 Scrip Wanted,
For the same amount of Ecu Estate iu Biowuville at
low ngures. App'.yto
To J-nleric Prlcy and all others vbcm it mav
concern, louare hereby ntifloItltdt 1 will appear at
the LaiidOlUcc in Brownvile, on Friday Dec 18, 1S57,
at IU o'clock, a M, tn prove up my rinht of pre-emption
10 me wuiu-ic quarter of bectiou 12. town.sliin 2
........ in ..-. r
December Sth, '57.
lectioa tit det,ti
in the'
- r i t w
Sohnsou, ana te, 5S!?
nor and distinguished celebrity to each
member of that legislative body. We
A good comfortable House ul mnall stubie, in a tract
of land adjoiuinj: the city of Urownville.
u-23-3t Dec 8, 1S57 1IOADLEY i. 3ILIIt.
will wait, and perhaps we will see how inr 0f the cable the latter part of June
the "cat iumps." Nemaha. next, commencing in the middle of the
The Atlantic Telegraph Company has
decided to renew operations for the lay- ThpSlmnKfafoCTOOTl
Atlantic as originally designed. Messrs.
Glasand Elliot had commenced the cons
truction of additional cable, making 3000
miles in all. Easton and Ames were
Government Contracts.
A Washington letter says: "
The bids for furnishing Indian goods
hnvp hppn onpned. nnd thft results will buildinc new Pavinrr-out machinerv.
that ail or nearly all, of the persons in his stably be announced to-morrow. Cro-
employ were . Mormons who have since nin, Hurxthal & Sears of New -York, Two passenger cars on the Connelsville
gone to Salt Lake. On the California will get the contract for furnishing dry railroad lately came in collision about a
o,iQ in QoU T.fii-n n goods at their,t)id ot ?MiJ,yoo. stew- "iyu' uuu a vt-iiger
MWaaurv u.. " art & Matthew, of New York, tbid named Scott of estmoreland county
more pracucauie, uuu e pre uiti uuuuie- cii5.7&j. Two other bids were receiv- was seriously if not fatally iniured. Sev
some time from this abominable society e(j tut, bein infermal, were not con- eral others were hurt and the cars were
of fanatics. sidered. The same firm may get the "teraily crushed to pieces.
i c;ciu v-iiitiuc Liu i ill ill; vuuiittvi cll liiii uiu I n w rri i i i i
.... . p , .... xir. unes cnarrrea witn nnnnor
KT 1)111 1111' I II L - A . 11- l' I V - -
ot Dlu,i'y,J. rmiing, vjuiuupe, xjussvc
Serious Affray.
Co., of Boston, bid 610,47o, but the sue- run r...; . a v .
A difficulty occurred on the 2d inst.. U. f Pithprnf thPse bids denend nnnn ' " nas jum oeen
' . - . . , , .. . . , i i . . r , tried and acquitted.
a calculation yet to De maue py the of
fice. There were six other bids, rang
ing from eleven to seventeen thousand
dollars. The hardware contract will be
Itock Port, by which it is assigned to either Bruff Brother & See-
between a couple cf
EelyV station; on the St.
Council Bluff stage road,
miles from
drivers, at
Joseph and
about seven
thought one of the parties named Ross ver of New York, or F. Poultney of
will lose his life.
It appears the down ?ind up stage met
The Illinois Central Railroad Company
are contemplating the immediate erection
m Cairo of large brick freight and- pas
senger houses.
A young girl named Margaret Bain at
tempted to drown herself at Detroit, but
at the point and the drivers engaged in
abusing each other, when Ross pullin
off his coat started toward Smith, the
second driver, with belligereat demons
. . I TJ . .1 . . ( r ccr
tration. Smith warned him to stand off ,ls me Bwmraw ?,ouv.
he would shoot
Baltimore, with the chances in favor of
the latter.-at. the bid of SI 1.154 -one
hundred and; fifty-nine dollars less than ner hoops would not let her sink," and' she
Bruff Brothers & Seever's. Six other was rescued. Unrequitted love ws the
bids were in.' ranging from eleven thou- cause of the act,
sand five hundred to eighteen thousand
dollars. H. E. Leman of Lancaster,
or he would shoot him. Uisregarding
the injunction Ross continued to advance,
when the former drawing a pistol shot
him through the left lung. Ross seized
the pistol, and -knocking Smith down
beat him in a shocking manner about
the head and face, so much so that he
had to be conveyed to Rock Port for
medical attention. .When our informant
left, Ross was'lying very low. He stated
that at' the time of his advancing upon
Smith , he considered the whole matter
as a joke and had no idea but Smith did
the same until he discharged the pistol.
It is stated Smith was. under the influ
ence of liquor.
Money is spoken of as becoming abun
dant in New York. Discounts are readi
ly 'obtained:" The St. Louis papers speak
of ;a; decided improvement in financial
matters in that city though transactions of
all kinds are still limited. In Chicago,
on the, 17th ult., the market was gloomy.
Prices declined, as the last shipments of
produce by the lakes have .lately been
made. , : .
The President . of the Constitutional
Convention of Kansas, Hon. J. Calhoun
has issued two. proclamations one for an
election to be. held on the 21st of Decem
ber upn the adoption or rejection of the
clause in the Constitution legalizing sla
very, and the other for the election of
Governor, Lieut. Governor, member of
Congress, members , of . the Legislature,
and other State, officers; the latter lo be
held on the first Monday in January. . A
little more heart-burnings, one more
struggle, and the agitation of the "vexed
question" in Kansas will be calmed down
under the influence . of a State Govern
ment. -
Steamboat Earned.
Another heart-rending catastrophe,: by
which over seventy-five human beings lost
their lives, occurred near Napoleon, Ark.
On the 21st of November, the steamer
Rainbow, Capt. Holcraft master, on her
way from New Orleans to Louisville with
a full cargo cf sugar and coffee was dis
covered to be on fire. -
The Rainbow ' had 347 passengers
aboard, including a number of coal boat
men on deck. As soon as the boat 1 was
discovered to be on fire, she was run
ashore where she was burned to the wa
ter's edge. The wind at the time was
blowing a stiff gale, and in a few minutes
after the fire broke out the boat was en
veloped in flames.
Xh r.i.rr ?z3 Tjphn-b vbrou ght th e
F. Poultney of Baltimore, the only com
petitor, bid 7,400.
TlicSons of Malta on a Bender.
The Pittsburgh Union relates an act of
the "Sons of Malta" of that city. A land
lord being determined to dispossess a poor
family, the head of which had been pros
trated by sickness for some time, the
"Sons" 'took the matter in hand. The
Union says:.
They quietly rented a comfortable little
house, employed a woman to scrub and
dense it, built fires, and made it general
ly comfortable.; They next proceeded
(on Saturday evening) twenty-five or
thirty in number, to the residence of the
sick man. They had two wagons at the
door, ready to carry off all the household
effects of the family, and, as many hands
make light work, the "fitting" was one
of the fleetest on record.
In the crack of a whip, the invalid, his
wife, two daughters and a son, were
transported to their new quarters, where
they found plenty of provisions, and, bet
ter than all, they ascertained that the
rent had been paid for three n.oHths in
advance. ."TJe father was so ill - with
white swelling Chat he had to be conveyed
in one of the cars upon suitble bedding ;
but he soon found himself in comfortable
quarters, with a cheering prospect for
The "move" was a most exciting one.
Thirty, of the most respectable men in the
city, surrounding a private residence af
ter nightfall, and seizing upon everything
wife, children and all might well have
eaused . an excitement. Although the
whole neighborhood was attracted to the
spot, no one could fathom the proceed-
The Senate of Frankfort has interdict-
' ed the residence there of an old political
reiugee namea jt oebei, who some time
since had become an American citizen.
The Americau consul has protested ag
ainst this interdict and threatened to sus
pend1 his relations unless the order for the
expulsion of Foebel be recalled.
The "Sons" did not utter a word, but
steadily and quietly performed their char
itable missionnot even speaking to one
another. One seized a bed, another a
table this one lugged out chairs, and that
one pots and kettles here went a load of
dishes, and there another of wearing' ap
parel. But. the most laughable sight w;as
to see half a dozen of the most stalwart
pick up the cookiDg stove, wholesale.
That very unwielding article was quite
hot, (the family just having coolked sap
per upon it, being wholly unaware of. the
contemplated moving,) and not a few of
the "Sons" got their fingers burnt. But
the job was done, even though the stove
was both "hot and heavy," thtre was "no
such word as fail." :
California papers by the steamer St.
Louis give the particulars of the Mor
mon exodus .from Carson Valley. On
the 26th of September the whole Mor
mon colony departed in one grand train
numbering 9S5 men, women and child
ren, 148 wagons and. 800 heads of live
stock, for Salt Lake, in obedience to
the summons of Brigham Young. Al
though it has been supposed that this
emigration from California is merely the
forerunner of one by the united Mormon
nation :to-Utah Territory, there is little
doubt that the Prophet is seeking to
strengthen himself in anticipation of the
Virginia land warrants, for two hun
dred acres each, are now being bought
by many of the shoemakers of New Eng
land ai one dollar per acre payable in
shoes. By this means they can secure
snug farms on easy tenns.
The Postmaster General has offered
the Corporation of New York two hun
dred and fifty thousand dollars for a lot
in the Park for a Post Office site. The
ground required is two hundred and fifty
feet on Chambers street by one hundred
feet in depth.
Odessa firms have offered to sell to
the Austrian iron founders, the English
and French cannon balls, which were
collected at Sebastopol.
Governor Bissell, of Illinois, has ap
pointed Theodore Hartman, public admin
istrator of Cook county, in place of G.
Schneider, resigned or removed, we do
not know which.
The Union Manufacturing Company
of Norwalk, Connecticut, and Lounsber
ry, Bissell & Co., whose works have
been stopped, have recommenced opera
tions. They employ a large number of
We learn from the Lowell (Mass.)
News that the Massachusetts and Pres
cott Mills, at that place, will commence
running full time in about a fortnight,
but with reduced wages.
- Michael Breman, convicted of the
murder of James Beadle, at Auburn, N.
Y.; some-months ago has just. had his
trial, and been sentenced to be hanged on
the 18th of the present month.
. The citizens of Dubuque have called a
meeting to devise ways and means to
employ the poor of that city the ensuing
A landlord at Central Fall wisliing to
one of his tenants out, stuffed the
chimney with straw to smoke her out.
The result was that the woman died of
Wm. Norris, of Boonville, Mo., has
been detected in the commission of forge
ries to the amount of 840,000. He has
made his escape. ' .
J. II. Brandt, a well 'known bootmaker
of Cincinnati, has been arrested fcand held
to bail on a charge of burglary.
The village of Clendale, in Jefferson
county, (consisting of an old house and a
new one,) was nearly annihilated by fire
one night last week, Qnly one house
was left standing.
The Pacific Sentinel says that an Indian
named Pedro died at Santa Cruz on the
7th of October, aged 130 years. In 1784
when the Mission there was founded, Pe
dro was an 'old man and is known to many
Kince obtaining possession of the 'Ohio Statesman,' the
Publisher has received numerous assurances frura the
Democracy of their cordial desire to extend iu circula
tion. We shall meet this disposition more than hair
way. Todo so most effectual ly, we have incurred heavy
expenditure for editorial assistance; and for stipplving a
very larpe amount cf new type and material.
The AVeckly will le made the People's Xexvspaper.
Except immediately during the political canvass, it will
be more largely occupied than usual with the best varie
ty of Family Reading, General News and choice miscel
lany and market and commercial tables and reiwts. Xo
weekly paper in the t'nioa Mill contain more penerai
viid valuable information. It will be furnished at the
following very low rates :
Single Subscribers $2 00 a year.
Clubs f three 6 00
Clubs of five 8.00
Clubs of ten ' 15 00
Clubs of twenty 25 00
Clubs of fifty CO 00
Club of one hundred 100,00 -
All clubs of twenty subscribers and over, must be
ordered to a single address.
The Daily contains the latest news and market reports
from all parts of the world, It will be furnished as
Single subscribers $G 00
Clubs of ten 50,00
The tri-weekly is furnished at $3.00 a year, or $1,50
for six months, and contaius the iiiside matjer of the
Clubs of ten and upwards, to one address, will b fur
nished at the rate of $-25 00 a year.
All payments must be made in advance, and the pa
per will be discontinued at the end of the time paid for.
33"write the names ami post-rinies distinctly so that
no mistake need be made in entering the names on our
subscription bjk.
Columbus, Ohio. ' Publisher.
The State
An Independent National Democratic Paper
Published at Wasnington, D. C,
It will represent the sounl constitutional principles
which have ever been upheld by the National Democracy
but it wi 11 not be so entirely political that its columns
will interest the politician exclusively, nor so subser
vient to party as to betray principle at the command of
power, to disguise its convictious at the suggestions of
In'addition to the discussion of Important political
questions, its columns will be devoted to the pr.x-cetings
of Congress, the current transactions of the Government,
to general news, and matters of interest appertaining to
Literature, Agriculture, and Commerce.
The Weekly, it wii; be perceived, is published in a
double sheet form, and is printed on superior paper, with
handsome bold type, at the following reasonable rates
of subscription
Single ci pics $2 CO
Two copies 3 00
Three conies ,.
Teu copies, to one address, and any larger number
at wie raie 01 91 per year $10 00
Ten copies, to the apdrestyf each subscriber and
any larger number, at $1 20 each $12 00
In order to oblige those who desire to subferibe for a
paper published in Washington city for a shorter period
than one year, we nronoso tn fnmi.ii .
on the following terms :
Two copies $1 00
Five copies ' 2 00
Ten copies 3 00
One copy $2,00
Five eopiea 3'oo '
Ten copies ' 6 00
Any postmaster, clerk, or other person,' who may send
five subscribers, with $7 enclosed will receive au extra
Tf"Payment in all cases is minimi inv.riak! i
vauce; and no papers will be forwarded until the receipt
OTUe proprietor of "TIia
ginal founders Of the 'WaKhirv'tnn rni..n n,l 1
newspaper experience bororeand since the establishment
of that paper justifies tim in promising a paper well
worthy of their pattonagc.
. jonx p. nEiss,
. Fioprietor..
This Great Journal of Crimp ami fri
Thirteenth year and is widely circulated throughout the
country It is the first paper of the kind published in the
I'lmru oiaies, ami laniMtiutivc in its .character It has
lately passed into the han.u .f i I Ao TV t t kAl I JL- f'A 1.
whom it will hereafter be conducted Mr Mat sell .'was
lormeny t.uier or rouce or .New lork Citv, and he will
probably render it one of the most i no n...H ;
- - . - . . . . ...f, yoyVl 3 lil
the country Its editorials are forcibly written, and of
a tuarjuer iii.u buoum command lor the paper universal
lCrSub?crirtions. Der annum : t t.,r tiT'
to be remitted by subscribers, (who should Write their
owu, conniy, aim btate where they re
side plainly) To .
National Police Gazette, New York City
Wholesale Liquor Store.
Importers and Dealers in ':
Foreign and Domestic Wines & Li
quors, Tobacco, Cigars, kc, kc.
Second Street one door above Beotic't Bankina Houte
The subscribers have just opened iu St. Joseph, one of
the largest and most varied
quors ever offered in this market, and which they offer to
country Merchants
Than any other house in North-W est Missouri.
11 It. W I) I. i'nv '
Has been engaged in the business for a number of vears
in T w .
u oi. ,uis iiui .ew urieans, and flatters himself
that he can make it an object to those wishing U .
purchase to call and see him.
CTj?Countrv merchant m rarnmrtlv milir-lto.! tn call
and cxamino our stock an-l prices. C3
St. Jotrpk, 3fo.
Late with Yeatman, Robinson t C., St. Iuis..
Groceries," Wines, . Liquors, Flour,
Forwarding and Commission .
1W ere 13l 33. ts.
. Corner of Fourth and Felix Streets;
oppoite D.nncll nl S.ixton. ' -ST.
JCjUighest cash price paid for Hides and Produce
House, S:;n, anJ Ornamental Painter,
triiASXilU.i, UUAIWEE,
Takes fliis method of informi-.u tha nnhHe he has
removed his paint shop from Rockport, Mo., to this place
Ila thinks, himself oualifled to nndrlukn anv work ner-
taining to Lis line of business, and respectfully iuvitcs
mo puuuc 10 give nun a call.
Please leave orders at the "Advertiser" office."
VarrauU looted for '"
Sam. n. Kibert p t -
O D Richards, OmTh?, '
y enner Fergll3n, n c V' T' N '
Cook, Sergoaat & Cook fr lw 1
House, Sign, & (WW,,V
J rderscanbeleftatthp,: T.
' . . Potter Wanted
1 will give emnlovmiv. . tvU.
well aciiuaiatea'wiattiicbaf'iw.J iMxSs .
Jrru. .. "
n23tr Brnwnville, Dec 5. 1 ' u Zi
CEETEE.11) PLiivTr
Will o.inmeuce the scvent Wmll ' , "ilPj
day or Jinuary next, n w 1 L T
mocratic Jounial. rM,U
live Presidents.,:, and twemvne . Ii l;
out missing an ice, and is'a v
the battles of Dem ;rr,.vd, . " 1,1 u p.mT.
we contended with Know oi,rl ' ' f tok2
cherism. andBla.k nZ. -,
the National Wtn'M;
National i, n',n,li x
Minnesota, and fiiii.. 1,-, 1 '.. ,-
We have oassrd
the earth has broi
tho land is buruened n ith
xifiuucratic. .
I throuph in estraordinj-',
forth, m
a sufiiln. .. v
banks have been bursting ,UlQt ,w
y", me resilience tiuu waitj . '
pervadeil all hianches of business Vh
system bnrst just lntirn.j to'save "'.. r mu
SS8ti11 inLa"d hiacri,f
The policy of the new National .viu.imt v 11
established. A new CmgrN, l ou,,1 a
tics, is soon to assemble. Tl.ePrew'
Message is tobedelivored. The news- '
Kansas, arvl Oregon to t.e admiMc-! 'IT.1
be enlarged to thirty-four States n()i 1 ' '
dent Treasury is to be established: aud u J?
blicam routed! '"""ifBUcn
We shal I have, every mm ,2t
A list of all the broken bank,,
The latesr niaitet rer.rt,
Tjle-. arhlTeiKrjr.hif- '
TKUMs- fi
Single Subscribers rl'iubiPrw
Clubs of ten . 1. 50 j flubs n, ' 3
Pay invariably in advano... To the getter , u
one cop gratis, P-st Master.' 3rC t . 11 "
to act as Agents.' Clubs can cmn!n.jt 1'
Those desiring the Presidents ee L ,i
lie Document can subsci ibn w. .
Subscribers to the new viluiae-sli..u'e ma a w
names as early as the middle of. Demur.
mar be resristcred in limo ri.rh-....'.' .
f umU received at current rates, atid if rrtiiterM
r J. H. MINNICII respeotfull invites Uta ,
1 An.nn ... .... II .4 1.:. . . ....
"cuiiu iu mil ii ins Ainoroiype liallefv. thfrt
men Pictures cm be upon n' Krt.. ',
you can have a miniature tikcri Uia: rna.i ti-.
: i. ...... . i .1 i . . ..... -s
in ui-jiiij aim uuraoi.ity, ami, & frill yg-v
not change ia any country .ir climate. (.:,",
uo iucuu lair aays in from rwto dvf iwa.
,. Pleifegiven:eai:ai1, -
I'll try to ic)inmnjjte an.
Lockets and .Breastpins Fil'ti
tOfflce in Nenwlu Yal!- B'miiU.n-t..
n2:i-4t Brownvi'.ie, l)'j,i.so7. .
' VINIXG &; SW.ilX'-
Imjorters and Mim-i a-rturers ut Cpn
Tobacco Ccn:ml.i.fin .llercBar' ,
86, Main Street; ft, Louis, Mat j
Keep constant lyn hand a fi.1I and ouupletcwoftfi
v Alia .'
(Pur aount of tt.e Manutici'itfr uxfar
prices) every variety of
Virginia Jlannfacttred lofiiw
To which the attention of Dy ers a rerTtfn'.tT v
53"Country orders wilf be ?tu up. jnbicct tt 0t
proval of the purchaser, and if M iti.-fin.tort, cm 4
held subject to our order - ,, ,
gity ;
Front Street
BroiiTiYlIlc, Nebraska. TerrUory.
. J. H. MAUN.&Ca, '
" 11a just receirfliie
t " ".
.- -
Consisting! 'in ' pjirt oi the M-"J j
articles; -which they propc to j
Cheap .for fash: ,
Car-tor oil -(inMiver
. .;
tJIne "
Parent miMi.W
i'ffigH caiH:-
Vain? rJ"""'' . . ,
. I'astiie s.a "
Toilet "''l
ll.iir I ru.-hf . .
rloth'Bru ; . u.
Tea nut
Oyster CJS.
Kari.'ine ' j
Pure white lead '
French zinc - "
China zinc - " .
Ked lead
Venitiau red
Raw and bnmt nrnbrc
Spanish whiUiig
Uusee-Ioil .
Tanners oil
Copat Vaniish
White Varnish
Paint brushes
Varnish brushes '
Sash and window tools
Wall brushes
Letterinc Pencils '
Tuble iaints
Camel hair pencils
Star ean!lei
Yeast Pywders.
. . . , . Ii:l'illl'k'''''
ui mo bestiirauus, cuci.'b
est iU4lity and flavor. - " r-i"t'-
. Presen-ed fruit Ut ppes, bianiliH 1 '
ches in cnn,jmre-liin'' f. Di.t"1'1 ,b .f f
rum, Holland Oin. Irish whUky, l'."
brndy, Cordial, Port wine, cherry 'ur'
Malaga wine. "
Foolscap prper, fancy litt?r vfr ; .J
and envelopes, plain, faneyjn.i cm ! tr
holders, Inks of all kinds, iiurdi m J
sealing wax warers. V' ft-
A Splendid-Assortment, of
Comprising .Lyon's KatlMirMH. ?.avl
genuine' ox marrow, bear gr?ase, a1 '. ',r
sences of all kinds and r lh jUre-t ; rw
53-Physicians Prescription ttc-".'.'.
of the day and night.
. ' ALSO .
. :
... ' or
-Consist in? ;:
. .TEAS, . t ..
site ' i
0s 2:0.0
SOAP, ". ...r"c
- v . .
With all articles usuilT four
They invite their frien.lanJ ri,
give them aeall, nd they j T:1.6, tf"
stisfjctijnaato prii and u'la.i-J
'TF.RS i
SIX EX CI1 81 '
" t-M-!f
Nov. 21. 'j.-v.-iu.