PATENT GRAIN SKPAItiTOPu r, . ) MARTIN IUPEN.) 0OODS!! JEKFKUSON r..CASAX!T, JAS.'b.TiCST,"" " ' 9 "arraa- .., Council 151 uTe, Iowa.' t i V CASS AD Y, .TEST, . MDW l:A,u: VUOLESAXE AND EETAIL DEALERS I . 1' ; ? uua. UitUbMiu), . c5 DEALERS .1 AND Sv'1' ait Jltla St. between Front 'Erovrnvillo, ' . iii J .--i: 3 'llJ U'i."at irniturc, , ... y . AND 1T7E have fast opened .IeavT Stock of Fait and V and Fancy lino, which we are now prcparod to offer to the trade at extremely lw price?, . , -. Tor Casli or Country: Produce. r, Y - 7 r .... - r I ... w 1 w October 20 1S57 ..r2nlMfJ OF, ' ' ' AT L T WHYTE & CO' - BHOWir7ILLi3, iTT.: - WE hare just receired an entirely new and large assortment of ,SujeTkr GhkIs, wiich-we.will ecll at as reasonable prices as any establishment in the West, pur niotta Iclnff .fcLireaaJ let Lire." i We hare now in store a great variety of the following article?, which we purchased for Cash and oonso-' qently can sell cheap on the same terms : ' v " , ' . - BUY GO&TGMW&MB., ; HATS AHD CAPS, BOOTS ' MD, jSH0ES, " a'A'-hl-nir . a-ii- "tr-" ' , , i Queensware and FARM IMPLIMENTS, - ' ..T .- i .rAnd a line assortment of Xiglt Groceries t r ., ' Such as n . Spice, ... Peppers, Sla, ; ; T':,-:Vr 'SaUratos, - '-' Wnger, :. - Allspice, . etc.,' ct. " ---t- - 'And good article of .'' . ';'.;!. "' o '., f1 -Smoking and, Clie wing Toljacco; :;; ;r It is a pleasure tout to chow goods, and weaek you to call round nnd see for yrtirselro. -Oct.-19,1857. - - v2nlly - . J. .T. WIIVTE & CO. 31aln St one door aliovc Iusbbaiisb'& Carson's Exchange Rank, Brownville, N. T v proprietors won ia moss respccuuuy miorm me vucj unvivvv.. - . vuv iuu ' JUXtr broa'bt to Their assortment of Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices ; ns - ... lutmuio uicv-Ufttou vMius,airaeT!ii.r5aiinetis,vja?nmc according to the latest fashionable cut. embracing tho very latest altimore Clofliirio: Store May also be found at all time a fine selection, of Cravats Stocks, T6s, Collars whit JfWorei, Eandkcr hiefe, buspendcrs, CarpetBags, etc., which wp will sell aschaap aj any establishment in the West. ; 1 - . We have the finest and best assortment of . ,' ;i ; .- Bpiiblc; J ixM SiDglc Overcoat s, Ever brought to Warrantedto suit the most I'astiduous. A Cue assortment of '. "." .'' COATS, Drcssirock and Sack. '; . PAXTS, Eyci-y Stjlc and Description. ; . , VESTS, To please Eaic and SmalL- - T . SHIRTS, notUTThiteand rancjT Jll 'T-.'l hZt Over Shirts, Overalls, WraiTers. and Knit under slilrts. IIucK Gloves, Mitts, and Riding and tntr:Z:r-X October 29th, 1S57. v2nlS-ly "; BIAlCLTACTORY. . . . , Main Street, . ; Broirnville, Y. T. Wm. T. Den, RESPECTFULLY returns his 1 sincere i -. tcanks to. tne ciuiens of Urowim.lo and ! surrounding country for their liberal pat ronage cxtendod him since ho commenced operating in tho above lino and place, and he would say to his old -and new customers who wish to continue their patronage, that he has just returned from St. Louis with a largo stock of the best quality of Leather, selecteinderhis.own inspetionu" The quaUty'of materials, style of work to bt had at the above estab ment canntbc surpassed West of SL Louis. - - . i "Brownville, Jan. 3rd, 2S57. - ' 51-tf -' ZP XX "ST 0IOZ ZST ' SURGEON J)ENTIST. Brownville, N. T. : T TXTI PLCGCTD AKD TlLhZD IS THE MOSF APPROVED MA5KXR. . " i ; May li 1857; r ; 4S-tf x xl 2 ss if - . . net if-.: WE STer to the publij we are confident, the largest and best selected ' stock tef Groceries ever offered in this market i i: ;' " . -rMIhds Sugar, . W Facks Coffee ' 12i Sacks . Flour, - - 5 Tierces Rice, J f SO Ebis Molasses, 16 Boies StarCandlcs, 20 Boxes Soap, 1&0 Sacks Salt, ' - 15 Blls Cider Viniger, ISO bblsSclt.".- -V - TERMS CJSH!!! . - ' ' " . " , . ; " 1. T WIIVTE k 00- . - liEW FIRM. . J 'mas Crane and Theodore nil', hare Ibis day formed . Btw co-part nerbhip ui.Jer the tl. f.rni and style of Cr:..e llill and will c-ntimie U.e Mcrcauulo buMi.v-satiUeoK y- I IN -t u 0. r"i: - n IT" I . IM H ' asd 'Seeoo'l sf. ... I V A' 9 COUNTRY PRODUCE. 5 . " Winter Goods, embracing everything in" the Staple CRANE A niLLi .1 i Willow Ware, 1 JWk i v L 1. ciiizensjnr Urownvxllo and the public ronerally that ioi jjvjk IUU WUSfc CLOCKS Of LIothlD" this-ninrket-' -- - A to Color they have Brown, Blue, Black risiblo and mcretts,and Jeans. alV Theirrariotyof vests is suoerb. ' styles aui patterns. In the 1") r this Territory.- iJ5 inn i Gloves, etc. 4 at tho taste, better trimmed i SIEOEL & GREENBAUM cc THE PRESS." A NEW DAI L N E W S P A PE R . By John W. Forney' , I PROPOSE establishing a First Class Daily Newspa per in the City of Philadelphia, between the 20: h or Ju ly and the 1st of August; to be entitled "THE pRES " "The Press" will be Democratic- ia its political" and will sustain the policy of the present National Admiuig tratiun.. .-... - It is my determination to make it worthy or Ihe sup port of every class of readers. . Dignity, conarge and ia depenrfoncc, Ui the utterance of my sentiments, enterprise and cflWiency in the Commercial, Literary and XewS De partments, and respect f or the opinions i-f oilers, will he kept constantly in view, v : i :. .; : i. . r .. I have embarked all my own means in this project and intend building up ajournal that will not only be cred itao.c to our city and State; but will furnish me au inde pendent liVeiihiMi. - . : A sunewhat xtenslve experience In public lire, and many yearr connecti-m wilb. Jouraalistn. will, I hope, cbtam f..r -The Press," a favorable reception, r -Hy friends In. the ainerent .Wards and Counties, of PcmisyjiraMla, and .in other States, will piact- me under many obligations by fivinR "The Prs" a helping hand. ! TERMS OF "TOR PRESS. ' ul- tper annum) in advance - - . Weekly. . . j Address the Editor and Procriotrtr. at li tm- . "The Press, . ... . - m - 1. ifx vania Bank Building, ftbove Fourth Street, Philadelphia! -r U- . JOIIX W. FORNKT. . intew store;,, Annonm-M to the publie that bha purchased th prfpn- .slvc StK.k of Goods brought .to this plate by Mr. Daiit 9 t " arw now oners to sell . Ory Goods,Gi;occrieSiIIard Ware, Cueenswarej&c., at prices as fair as cm -he fnnd in the "Western country, for Cash r in exchanco for couttry produce. : " i Oct.- l.,'57-'aU ' r. r -r-x i ' . : :: Land For Sale, r CA Acres Pre-cmprod ranil twn iniles froni Brown vil!e ; '45 acres ci which IS timher, b;il.-nco bottom prairie ; 2U acres undet'; f-Miee and belnit enltiviired the BCix-nd yc-jr ; .C house, ttatlc, well, ami tiarn lt. The pro;K.fty will bo 5'iid at re.isoualle rales ami tornm. ' H,. M...I... LUH.-llilH- -Ii W . P ' 1 ? .. H AVISO. iaade arranemcDts by wbwa' we will receive, accurate copies of all the? TownshHa embraced in the Eastern portiott of V-braska; we lire now pre via'red td offer cur Fef. ke3 to the ln; 3Pil lin .Declarafiory Stfttfi.ment of Inten- I - T 1 rlTl IO f I 4. v. -kvvvi' --n i r tions, Locatiapr Land Wari-ants- v AN D !. ENTE HI NG LAND. ! I.:iTul WsiiTnnls IJonglit ajid Sold. LAND : ENTERED : ON TIMR ri-4a:.,irt. tf tontitin rtn irl to- "Ravincr Land Sellino ! tVoiertv on 'comuiiSsIou: Also, to iwikinfe Collections and forwurdin-' remittances to any partlf.h Luion. ltl.iTil-a r,f all kinds always oa hand.- Hon". A; A. Bradford, s.F.Xuc-if.ii?; -. Mes.r?. Duliuaii i. West, I'etcr A. Keller. . ,. . Thomas Lnmpkin, Juno 23, 18jS. vUnl t Ncbras'J aOtty,;;;; M . Si. ' Jqjjjjt' Mo., ' .,. Wiibhinjin City; KEROSENE 0 ILS: (Secnrcd :by Letter ' Pa KkKOSEXE Il.I.UMINASii Oil. The ent. ) iht obtain- ed from this Oil 'exceed in brill i'anH other Oil or'fluid heretofore 3i?covort3 is incx'plo-f Very coldest Urn, and will ' remain limped in tho we.'ither. ' " ' ' '" '.,'- ,. . Tho v recommend as the lamis beat ad-5nt cd to this Coil, the Kerosene Lamp?,' nanufaotiird by the follov. ing patties: - Messrs. Corneous & li.-ika-. al),' JJyott, or rUiwaelpuia, r. .) .. Jllujrhvout & Co 4S8 Broadway, the Urooklyn Fl'ujt Ulass Co.l No 73 15roacl troct,.;.Lc3.frs. Diotl & lii Wii- liam;-btrcet, Jj. 3iercier loi iuiva. otrtri Strtr. i If.- Y. Samples of different styles of Lamps ca'i bo seen at the Office-of the Company. - r V -'KuibSExft IA'cufcfATiNa Oil: No. 1. T sun mo nncsc, ana an OLiiccjnnus ox .lacuincry l curns . wiaiuuty in L.ocomotiyo iieaa iijfuts, uar - Lamrs, and all the ordinary bolar&nd lluil Lamps, f and- stands as 'grcat-a degree'of cold 83 beA Sperm Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and htcam- Kekosexf. Lrnnrc atixg On.?, N-, 2, 3.-7-Supcrior Lubricators, nnd will bo found toriosiess advant-ni''C3 over any Oils in the market at same prices will not burn and has been. thus : prepared to meet tho re- iiuiremcnts of ltauroods nnd other,' Kekosese Binnacle Oil. Prepared expressly for Ship ose, and will be found admirably adapted for use of Steamships, JJen of ar, .-.Merchant cs scls, Iakc and River cratt, and buriiS .in all eabm stateroom, binnacle, forecastle lamps, tflgnal lan terns, Sc. . i 1 Binnaclo Oil will remain fluid s' long as best Sperm, and will burn all niht witliont requiring to be trimmed, an advantugo that will be obvious; to every .blupmaster. . , .. . -.The Kerqseno Oils onn. bo - obtained, from 'tho W liolesala Oa Oealers, .Ship ChandhiK, lrtiggists, and Groccr3 inftcw lork, nnd the regularly appoint ed Agents of tho Company in many of tho principal. Towns and Y illiige3 ot the L nited states, tho Cana, davs, and the Island oF Cuba. Ijocal Aeent3 apiKnnted un conformity vith the rules established by the Board of Trustee?,) on ap plication to f . .. General Agent, K?rociii; Oil, Co.. . rrj.Tf o. 60 Beaver Street, N. V X.J1. Circulars with full particulars, testimonials, pneeSn&e., will be forwarded on appucutidnas above : Notice.- Editor "Xvhraila Adeertiter": t ni'i . i ' . - . - . l'tin i5ia: lniooaingover ine lnKinumoerei your paper, a notico attracted my . attention signed .by Jerome tloover, tsq., m which ha states that eertmn stories are ia cjroulntion that the undorsiitncdclaim some interest in Nemaha City for tho purpose of in juring ita prosperity, lt'may do quite well weir culate a report of that nature where the facts are unknown, but to thoso knowing tho facts such a statement is merely foolish, I',. , I i " . And for the purposo of giving a fair opportunity to persons to ascertain the facts we hereby warn all persons from purchasing any pretended cViui, or interest in, the said town of Nemaha City, ft im the aid Jerauvo HooTer, as he has sold and received pnv for nine-twelfths of said town, and suit is now Jndiii2 to place the undersigned ia possession of tho istcrest by them purchased iri the'samc; and they haTo not authorizea tno said, uoover to sell os dispose iff any portion of their-interest, but directed 2 ait. to be broughvlong since for its recovery. ; .y ,1: ; iours, ixc., P t f TC'TT . it'. .'': I :,:' JNO. 1)0X1 I'll AN.., ' "; J AS. DONIPHAN.;, . R. T, TSAT.T.AHn : . L.D.B1RR " , . A. U. WOODWARD, ': w S. F. NUCKOLLS.' CUAS. F. 1I0LLV. March 2Sth, 1$.7, .-!-. 42-tf ; Lumber ! 1 Lumber ! ! Wliose new Steam Mill has lust the prame Forrest opposite Bownville, are now prepar ed t- furnish the public. with cverf desirable vsrietyof lumperou short notice and reasnnallo termsA. There leins an unusual amoniitf Irard wo.xl timber in the vicinity, re are prepared to pay part U-nlar attMition to fil U.-Ktp orders ft )ak mi Walnut lumber. - Ja short I. V, s wt n una country can be at this v.' -Uia-L . u IIOADLY ..lfJIR. A. LXF0K1) ' : 1' noitx iviIOLESALE AND RETAIL :.jucaters in , . . - GROCERIES iIARDJVAfcti, QUEENSWARE; BOOTS, JE3XIOjS!t, " HATS AND CAPS,. 1 1 ' .alIPlows,Siivcs,FurnMmx,&c ; bUXSURA, MO. April vtu, - . . - 4jf I 'jWWW 1US. O! IlUCOn For sale, cheap for vtu, oy .. ... , , . J.XF.OUDiHORX. Sonora, Aio'Aprif 0tli,,18.i7. , 4;tf r-.I.AKE.-' Brownville. AV. If. JlflOVER, KcniahaCitv ' LAKE & IIOOVI!!!. v - UL Ilffl ffllTS r ' , ' notarys public!; . ' Brownville and Nemaha City, : f - . KEBHi.SKA TERRITOliYV ' w u-Li promptly attend tolana Ageniics, Tayin: RealiEstace. rairing money, unyincim.l aoV.inf buvin? and sell in" n t uuiKing voiicctions ior aistant aoaiers, arid" all kinds of business pcrtainiugto'tbeir profession. ' 1 Particular attcntoin will bo given k filing declara tory statements to pre-emptand procuring War ranty Deeds from tho Town authorities. i Persons owning towx lots, residing at aidista'nee wishing to procure .Warranty Deed.H will df well to plaeo the agency - in our hand.-, (always pc.entin" their Quit claim Deeds for said Lt w'ittih rhe ex" piiationof six months,-as after that time 111 hits net ...... ? ""UllUUVJU. ueeaca will besoia. . ' Blahks .always on hand B. Letters of iriquiiy an3wercd promptly. JI1AJI.II 1.. . 1. . 4Uly . 4 Patent :Doita ble Mill,'. TIIE siibicriliers bavp entered into a pertcersbTp under , tho firm of Ueed, llolabird k Co., to manufacturp tre J. C. Reel, Patent Porublo Grist Mill and aro nsw prepanxl to furnish all thoso in want of a good Corn or. Wheat- Mill that fordnra bility, simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. On' tho lato exhibition of tho Mechanics institute in Cincinna ti, a Gold .Medal nas awarded them for it. , ' i ' It, is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes,- it is superior to all others for tho most extensive Merchant Mill, aa it is for grinding tho Farmers feed by llorse power. - ' ,," s;;- !.;. The above Mills are mannfactured by he under signed at their shop in CJcinrati, 0., whero'thcy on be f uruislied in any quantity at short notice " The above Mills warranted to perform r,s i'olows: 36 in..diam.j'pcr hoar 50 B. Corn, 25 Whoat, ;S300 j;0 :, u 30 ,u . U , --250 I- 2!) VI... ..'. . . i I - r, " ' AKD 1 . ' ' ; 'OMpefisvvaTei 'Stoneware; l mware, , -i "nv-NAlI.' STOVES; PLOWS id, J ?Aisd, Furiiiturepialit w:.','r-r-. " Door Frames, &c,; 4 ;:':,-! Uew: Hardware; Store ' 't'.Sfii!ol:'th"elSavr. ' tl. ! 1 t-TSTLAHERTY. . . !- 1 ... r Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer m A r,:nr,n fJpTmnifJ KhffllSn-SrTeilCh . . "y lv: w ,iVrf -ttV rntr : IlARt) WjlREVJJm CUTLER Y. ; T'S XnWrccciriis'find opening tho largostaad most 1 v.irrcd ardprtmont f goods in tho above. line erer offei-eil in" anv market west, of St. Louis. ; i . My. e txk embraces a full and complete assortment of C"ilHr,Ptand llouso IJuildej's Ilardwaro, Moohaa- ij.s toolrt of ererr description, direct from the. most apiovcd manutrtcturers; gricuunrai ana tjarwcui- - . , ii i. i tural twils and unpiemcnts, jn groasraneiy, comwa- lne-aH fa recent ana aseiui improyomenis ior wio anxr.. . e v.sf.fimnnntnff labor to tno larraiascom- miirw- r.rt whom I re-mcfctfullv request ft careful this department of my stdck.' l am also exclusiTo ajcnt for thesalc-of1. tho celeiirafed hStv Tuis Circiilnr Mill and Cross Cut Sawsj which I C'jii niMntnd nil an oraers imiw iwciary nnvva. a lare assortment of Guns, Rifles and-' Piftfild, iron, StMl-, XSaus, c.,Oi we doss orajnas: in a woF mv Ktfwi- u vpi-t cnmnlote. wuicn, ioc its ouai rty una price,-1 h'ni dete'nuined to offer such indacchlcnt3 as will command a libeml shar'o'of trade from' this and .adjoining 6intlc; ; My arrnhetaents for inS porting and agencies for Amencau llaTdvynre aianuiacturcr toscther with a Ions cXTcr?encc in tha rcneral Hard ware txitde, enables mc; not only to defy aU c'ompc tit tign, b' convinced me 'that tho true principle of irauo is smaii pronis ana quicn. fe.iurua r mnarr 1.1857. -vln2!)tf mmrnm v joiin comoiN & rothkr, : '(Sign of tho Padlock; opposite the Post' Office;)' ;-;V;; I .WHOLESALE AXD ' RETAIL " ; ': ' '' !.' dealer In f ... Building and, Saddlery Hardware .GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings ' : ; ST. JOSEPH. 3f(X ' ' ' ' :' TT"AVE now 5n store, and to arrive shortly, Amer IX icaa and h orcizn Hardware, such as : Greaves & Son's Files Scissors i ' and E lse Tools Pocket k'nircs . ;, Butchers do .. Io Knives and forks Spear & Jackson's aw3 ; ' Gimlet pointed screws ,r Griffin's and. American Brass curtain, bands and pins - .;, ?.4 : .. , .::.. :t Door locks ,- . l,!: -Augers and augef bitts Corn knives ,jj ; Briar scythes : .' horse nails , : ; Tostholo augers ,.. t ". Ames shovelsand Pf sides Lull, 1t f Vorter' fehtttters Orass and grain do lintts : -. . - riafiit t ..v- if .' : Shovels and tongs' .Candlesticks " Framed wood saws'. 'U . Mertknng machine j, v.-; Circular, mill and muly ;aw . r rianesand plane irons ' Blacksmiths' Bellows and Lnonota drawingkiures ' Vices .do' n dies and wood- -Monschole Armititgo an -tools; : ' . '.: vil3 " r- i !! Tress Hoops Amwrican anvils; halls, cast and wrought stocks and dies ! ''i Copper rivets for belts ; Pad hooks, breech 'gloops Tuyere Iron3.- i ' YtA screw?:, cockpyes i linou na com.- stirrups vrnamenrs; rarKa . Mi cu'vO. : litt : . ; JLcirth rcHUTOd roller rfob do do Buckles Silk, Joord thread dq . do Kin, Brenst and' rein -snaps Lasts, pegs Peg floats ; , Pincers. ' . " ' Shoe thread - ; Erisflcs, wax ' ' Lining skins Calf skips . rrUppcr learner 35; iBriddlo do Skirting dj ' Ilarricss' do Belting do,r skins . ... 1 Enammelled leather liinding - . .. . , With many good.i.embracing a compteto assort ment of the most desirable which they will sell at the loweet'prices. - , J; COLilOUJ. & BKO. .April lGth.1857.' " : ' , ." ., 31rly THOMAS WILLIAMS, - ;, ; Attorney and Counsellor at . Law J ' ' ;;; KrownvlIIe, IV. T;i; "';, '"Will practice in the Third Judicial Diatrictm braska Territorr. and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in tbo State of Missouri. . 4) .... .r i ;, ..'-, ' ' "ilEFEKENCES.: , ' . i . ' . Richard Brown, ; BrownviIIerX. T. " B.W.Furnas, . " vs , ,;Dr. John McPhcrson, . : Tippecanoe, Ohio.1 'James roster, : - .- ! Oregon, Mo. George, N. Miller, Archer, N.'Tv . : DANIEL ' ZOOK,' .; Oregon, Holt County Missouri, Dealer In 33 OEtL XT C3r :S - And MEM-.CIWES. diemlcals,"' Dye Woods, . DyestufFs, Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, GLASSWARE, , French, English, and American Perfumery. FINE toilet and shaving soaps, fine hair and tooth brushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent al instruments, spices, snuffs, manufactured tobacco; all the patent medicines ot tne day; pure wines aad brandies, for medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, ctc.,otc, . . ..-Aaciits -for the sale of Dr.: Wislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. r Rogor's Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagna. O 'good's India ijnoiagoguc, Jones' American Cholagogue; ; Gaysott'sYolIowdock and Sarsaparilla; ' " Smith '8 Tonic dyrup. July 23, 1857. . ; v2nl-yly . r George Ferguson, MILLWRIGHT ': & ENGINEER, . : f BKO VTS VILLE, N". T. AXXOUXCE to tho public, that he ij""prepred to erect S tea m; and? Water Saw and Merchant MilU at short notice and reasonable terms. -Repairing of machinery of all kind?. . . ALL WORK WARRANTED. - He is also Agent for . - A. 13. HOLLIBIRD CO?S . ; Western Foundry. ' . . . . '. . -. . ' -VciWCIXSATI, O. ' ! ; . . . LEE. & LEAVITTS ' . r ? rmiTmHTT t I'T -- And are prepared to receive and filf orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these, cs tablishmcats.'i t ;'it :. ' ' " ,. ... Letters of enquiry, pronpUy answered. . ; . 4 j " ' ; REFFEllENCESf i ocl, Lake & Co, Brownviire,". T. Steam Hill. Ti: W." Furnas, -. jBrqwnvillo, Muir, Ilann & Co u M " ' Dr. Hoover, Nenrjiha city, " P. ir. Rogers, ; i Pawueccity, " Kuckolbj A. White, Rockport, 3Io. James Lowe, Linden,. : " . A. B. Hallibcrd, Cincinnati, O. . Brownville, Juno 18, 1857. ' - 1 ( 44 U ti It . 41 U V2 1-ly mm jLUauuiautury- narwimwaa - t ,4l" j. ; .J -l -i t-pAlTHS, ETHlPpSES or A i-J.'l FAMILY T1EY SIC. ...V J . - .-' ' - TwEiiTR has Ion? existed ft public demand for an effective purgative! pill wliicl ijould be relied on as sure and perfectly "Kae in its operation. This has born prepared to meet that demand, and an cxten- 81V tnal UI lt-T tuwic iiaf tvriiiu.iiitii rum.,. ...... what success it accomplishes the purpose desiTued. It is easy to make a physical jnil; but r.os eas-y to m:ilf tbebest of all vills one which should have tioiie of, the objewtions, btit'liU the advantages, of every, other.' lhw has. been attempted, here, ana with what success we would respectfully submit to the public decision.': it has been untortnnate tor tb n.iticiit hitherto. that almost, every purgative medicine is nciiinonious and irritating to the bow els- Th,w is not. v Jinny. of them produce so mucn, griiung. fain and revulsion in the system as to more tlian eonntercaiancc me, gwu. w o umienuuiu thm'i. These i7if rroduce no irritation or .pain.1 unless it arise froni a previously existing obstruc tion -or derangement m.tne dowcis. juemg purely vegetable, no'hhrni can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that; any medicine should be taken judiciously: Minute directions for, their use iw the Several diseases to which they arc ap plicable are given on the box. Among the.,com Tlifits! which have been speedily cured by them, we rrfaVTnention.'UVcr vompiamt,.in ii unum nnm3, of iaundiccv indigestion . Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Ltlessncsfi, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious- Fever, Fever and ; Ague, Pain in the Side -,,i t nine fr in. troths all these are but the con- sequence of fliseased action in . the liver. . ;As an . a' . 1 cr .1 . , 4- MnJ curd i r, f i-n i A c aperient mey aiiuru ijruiuv , fiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula w.,-- fnia -n-ith snroTipss of the bodv Ulcers and impurity of the b!oodt Irregiilaritics ; in short, anv enu eTorr i.ise nm-ie i6v.,v t 1 hrv liave also proaucca some Kuigunuij out essfui cures in Khcumatism, Gout, Br opsy, Gravel, Firiapclns, Palpitation of the Ilcart, Pains m the Back, Stomach, and 6idev They shonld be freely taken in the 'spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the cnange oi seasons. An hcr.isinnnl dose stimulates tne stomacn-ana bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vwror. Ther purify the blood, nnd,' by their .HmnlfiTit -action. on the circulatorT system, reno atA the fitrMin-th. oL the bodv. ana restore .tne wasted or discasoa cncrcicgot tne wnoie organiMn. Ilcuce aix-occasional dotie is advantageous, even thnnob no serious deransement exists; butim, r.peessarv dosinsr should never be carried too" far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. , The thousand cases in .which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but thev Suggest tlicmscivcs 10 ine rawn ui bh?t aw'd it is, conndentlv believed this pill will answer 'a 'better purpose than any thing which has hithci-to been available to mankind. When their virfitesi are 'wrrcc known, the' public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant' to -take; and being purely vegetable, no hwrnvcan ansc front their use in any qruvntity. For minute direotioiis, sec wfapper ou the Box rit BPA It ED . U Y p ' r r DE.' JAMES G.'AYKR, PmctJcal and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL,' MASS. ' " Price 25 Cents per Box. Jive Boxes for $1. . AYEIv'S . .. -CHERRY; PECTORAL, Por tlie ynphl Cure of fOVGUSr -'COLDS,' H0ARSEESS, llROXdUTIS, WIIOOPIA'C-COIGH, ! t KOI P, AAD COSIMPTIOX. v" Tuts remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of cVery variety of pulnionary disease, that it R ?ntircly unnecessary to recmint the evi dences of. its virtues in any community where it has been employed. , So .wide is the field of its use fulness, and so. numerous" the cases of its cures, that almost every section, f th;Conntry abounds it peron pnV.itly krwwrn. tvho bare -been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its rise. When' once tried its superiority over every othe medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the. pijblic no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to. our cltmato.' Not only in formidable attacks upon the" lungs, bnti; for iho, niilder varieties of Colds, CorfiH, Hoabbenkss, &c. ? and for Chil dukn it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. - ' ' :" ' An it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it , ever has been, 'and that the genuine article is sold by , : J.-n. maln,' & co.. Brownviii V-,' i " Bernard, Adams& Co., St. Louis. , i And all Drugists in tho Lmted btates.. Juno 25th, 1807.. 2 GEORGE F. KENNEDY, HElL ESTATE r : ' BROKER AX GENERAL LAW) AGEXT ' ' ."'-, Florence City, -V. T. Brownville Bakery 'Confectionary. EVAN WORTHING. r BEGS leave to announce to the public, that he has erected a Bakery tjikI Confectionary establish ment in the CUy.of Brownvillo X. T., and will keep constantly on hand, and is prepared to bake to order Bread, Crackers and Cakes of every mjvnner, style, dNcrrntionand quality. He has had much experience in bakingand consequently feels quito confident he will be ablo to givo satisiaciioni a liocral patron age is respectfully solicited. b - EVAN WORTHING. ' July,2.T-'57-v2n(T-W , " ' E. ESTABROOK, UMTED TES District V;-ittoraeT. ' Omaha CUj. lSV T. E r EQTJIRED to be in attcn tance officially upon all L the tcrm3 of the District and Supremo Court cf the lerritoryjtondcrshistrofcssionalsorvices to such as need them. He flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in eaoh Dis trict, will enablo him to give satisfaction tosuoh'aa entrust their business to his care. Omaha City, June 7, 1856. '. . , ; " ' GEO. P. LITKHARDT, WAXCn MAE EE -A-ixcl iTowollor, orecotv, noLT county.Mo; nnAKES the liberty to inform the citizens of JL Brownvillo and vicinity, that he has opened a Watch. Clock, and JeweLrr Ston Tn Oregon, Holt sounty, Mo., where Ire will keep-con stantly on nanu, and lor sale, a good assortment of Wd and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which no will sell extremely low, for C ASH. . Also, a fine lot of Violins, Accordcons, Silver; and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, .Silver Thimbles, c, oc. ' , '.' : ' ; He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on ihe most reasonable terms. : ..- Every article bought in his establishment, ij war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for ono year. ..( July2S,lS5G. vl-aStf , ,',., : ; .. Dillon Thompson & Co. Large frame biuldiDs ccr. Main and EOck, ROCK PORT, MO. .. ' 3rOOds AXD 7 GROCERIES. nrnr Hirdwarq, Queen.ssyare; JL7rugfsT':."Hat3 : ' Caps, Bgpts," ;Sho0s, Tuvartf, ' ' : Stoves, Ftirn'itareIr6n'v, r ' Nails',' Plows, .. . . - -and - .. Farminj"' Utenscls. . have, on tho opening ef navijration. a -7-ILL V V lanro and varied accession to their present Stock, which will be sold Low for Cadh Irebruary 12th, 1S57. 55-tf ; L0WFS. ' iff . . baF T UBSCRIBER is sow prepared to lornish xarmers and others with bis - ! ... "GRAIN SEPARATOR,'? , for the present season... It is unnecessary to sneal particularly of the nierits.of theso Machines, as they aro too well known throughout tho country to need extolling: but tho fact that they, huvo heretofore and are contiquingto receive the premiums at the State and County i airs wuero they have been exhibited is sulucicnt to induco jdl those, in want. of. such a Ma chine, to purchase one of these,, . ' . ,Ata practical test of this Separator in competition with the best of thof c made in England in 135.1, it ! received the bighc commondations of the pros?, and ! of tho leadmj srnjulturaiists ot , tnafc country., 1 have a larirg number of them on hand, ready for he coming crop, mace oi tne best material, pnd war ranted to do good work . . .,-.;: . , -,. i bave mad many valaayo improvements in these machines within, tfrclastyear.antj have no hesitation in wairranting, them superior to any in uso. .. , lam also preparing a large number ot Crawford! , , ' .'t t Iinprovpd Clovei llullrsp patented in 135f;irhich are greatly : siiperior to his patent cf 1811, being jn itself feeder, ar.d greatly ahead or it in otner respects. ' They will bo manu factured under the .immediate supervision of the patentee, who his permanently located in this plae. 'The above cut represents, my four horse "Separa tor," and is designed especially for the farmer's own use." Im also agent for MeCormick's' celebrated REAP ER-and MOWING MACHINE, combined. ' . J. R. M0FFITT,Piqua. Miami couniy, Ohio. , , ' Improyed Little. Giant CORX & 015 AXT AT I O !t 31 1 LIj TIIE aubscriber has purchased exclusive right of Territory in tho West, of the above celebrated Mills, and 13 prepared to furnish them at all times, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner. It is now more than a year since the ' ; "Little Giant" : Waa introduced to the public, during which timej it has been constantly CTowinz in the norutor favor., t ,The improvements recently effected and patented, maes u the moat perfect machino ever, offered for general farm use. .' It is furnished ready for attaching warn, and weighs as tollow3: jNo. 1, 2i. No. 2,330, No. 3r 400, "o. 4, 500; pounds. Twenty minuted aro sufficient to set one np, without mechanical aid, and when once adjusted, it can with safety bo entrustad to a bey. nil directions accompany each Mill. Prices- No 1, $115, wilt grind 8 bn meal per hour with 1 horso No3 50, ".. " IJ ,- i u N4 -60. u 2ft": " ' .; -Liberal discount to' dealers. JAMES B. CnADWICK, No. 63 Locust street, bet. 2d and 3d June 28, ISoU. vl-nl St. Louis, Mo. ALLEN EOOT S. W. COZZEXS ROOT & COZZENS, . . . .. LAND AGENTS. Oxia.cil3.2X City, 2V3". "I; . . HAYING tiade'arrangemants by which we rcceivo accurate copies of all the Townships, as f.ost as surveyed, in the Territory, we are now prepared to offer our services ' to tha citizens of tho Territory, v . - 1 .' .... V, - . IX FILING "Declaratory 'Statements OF ii i ' ' INTENTION TO. PRE-EaIPT, ; Securing Pre-emptions, i.ocatixg i.ajvd warr ixts. :. :'. , and.J, . :, ' ENTERING LAND; ,? Land , Warrarits-. Bought and Sold, : ,;:Land entered oii time, etc. PARTICULAR attention' piid to buying and selling on Coraniision Also in making Collections rn all jmrts of the Territory anl Western Iowa. Apni t 4-i-tr I' - ' I . ... . , , -l-'RANKUN , TYPE Sc. STEREOTYPE FOU? JDRV -'Ho-. ICS vine St..; bet: Fourth and Fifth, ; ; " "Cincinnati, 0. c:r., co.: 1 1.U1.U 1 1'IA t ; of all kin.U-.TWl.- 1 nB; i j.ienfc.ueciicino directions, Jobs, ood EnTcvin c- f"C , - - . . ,t t .. 'j a Brand and Pattern Letters, Various styles. Herring's Patent; Champion . . FIRE-PROOF SAFES T7"ITn nail's Patent rowder-rrocf Wt,lt, v V same that were awarded, separate Mcdali tit iuu m unu d r air ijonaon,l?l,and th World 8 pair -ew lork, and are the only American Sa-foa that were awardrd medaljat tho London World's Fair. . ' ; These Safes are now admitted to be superior to'any ever offered to the public ; and tho subscribers chal icnge mo produce an instanco ff these afcs failing to preserve thcircontcnU tbrouza the u L, ores, or a t urgiar picking the lock. ' The subscribers and their agents ar the only per sons auinonzcdto make and sell Herring's Patent wiarapion oaic,with Hall's Patent Powder Proof IjOCKS. S. c. HERRING A CO. , Green Block, 135, 137 and 133 Water St., if t and 5 Murray St,Ncw York jiarca in, . . ( 3S-m Tailoring! Tailorins!! Tailorinir!! j:. B. PAltKKR r :T Merchant Tailor, Au.nuc sirect, west of Hoblitzcll'a Store.' PJi2'P'ILLE'ERRASKA TERR. II A bought property and located permanent iy in brownville, I offer my services to tho puouc generally, if thy want any thingdone in my line of business. , J can always bofoaml at my poet, or more properly speaking-at my bentli. W . orh. lViirrantcd Xo Fit Xo Pay! lartu.-uliw attention paid to cutting garments and laying oif work for the Seamstresa. The greatest i-iiiuon oi my ute haji been devoted to my trade, In Tvhich I consider ray.-elf inferior to none- especially .u mo cuuing department, and 1 hope by close atten tion to .my business to merit a share t-f public patronag-. ' . , E. "E. PARKER. rLroworille April ICth, 1857. 44-Iy 4 Ul LOOL TO YOUR INTERESTS! ! ! Co To . On Main Street,; ' TlTlersyo!! tr7 jind thebett ami ; Cheapest Groceries , IN RROWNVILLE, t. ATWnOLSSALB OR BET AIL. TIH3 subscriber would invite the public to call . and see his large stock of Groceries-, which have been selected with great care, and are now offered at unusually low rates. Persons in want of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Confectionery, Fresh Fruits iu cans, Tobacco. Scrars. Candies. Ac. and any other articles usually kent in a Gocery ami Variety Store, will find it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also, by the whole sale, as fine a stock of Brandies. Wines. Gin. Monon- gaheU,aud Rye Whisky, Schnaps, Chamiiague wino, Ac, as ever was brought up tho Missouri river. Fish of all kinds, constantly on hand. . Country Produce W antedfor whioh the highest price will bo mid. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job TyPc Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac, Ac Inks, and Printing Matorial of Every Description. it 1 ''ouldrerOl 0? Everything flat ;KB It niEAPERjjlAN (y GOOD tk.S211"2 I A meat, at run.'r.tvA i . :; 'V"f Jj..'! . ' J, k- Jnly2.1S:7. k." DAVID H. Jl'l.AL-CHr'v HcLA-UGlILr: BBAlilJSii' AND I TJ'D rTTT-, " ! Sccunrig Pra-emptifij. Lty-. Land Warrants lru'-u I articular attention ..Hi iil Iw seliin lhngpropcrty i n cncixiri,. ' ; nH-'ntslwr distant dli ' CoTOspondeaoo j'lliriicl Bradford, McT nnan I .M,-Hur v Ucrtorson ALirrjson, A Ua;, i u. ii. lutrnet. 1 Iayt.,-n.Uij ... .OLIYEIijixni MANrEACTVEEB? AND Tfirmr...,. :-- Booti Shoes 8l2 XO. 87 If.UlI STIIEL'T, RENOAVINKECKItTof.vl ik of eoods from their . torics.ada pted esrecllj to 'AtV Purchasers ro invite I to tn.--, ? uuiuuAiiciureti-Mul si iertci V i r. warranted of aup?riot aialitv c . rom pt and can fuJ att .-alitn. Fashionable;. ' Jacob ami BSOWNVlIT, v'Trv HAVING di'turcvntd to Uv i j spectfiilly aiinouii'-ij to tL;i.. ' on hand a, large at d w-;li fleeted swi Tweedji, Cu-uners, Vtlm;i ; will make to order ty stj's rates; or sell by aiiyicanii.y iwei t Hi) also koepH cOnntiut! tn bird t supply of reaiy najj efnthirg ' Jsrownville, Juaa I?i htIS57 - S.Lockwoo. , 1857., IM. LqclwoocI &Paz : n , , Wholeia'.a s.i.i lletail Dralan 'STRAW." GOOISJ AI30, Shippers cf American Timv ' acriptioD ; for which they t - '- the hih.t Market trici , IN CASH. , COUNTRY M-'rc'aants ireiatid t z sto:k of Ha's Cum fir ti irprue . and Summer tnule.'Vafea wiiriir;1?,--and well selected. InpMat aj nt.ej not be excelled by an lL,u it ?. L. Our prices will be lovv. tens? ir)Bii Call and seo us at Xe i' ,- ' St. Jocph, Mo. '" ' 07 anl - 'Christllv jjm i;r.i.vNVii.u: NNOUNCEH t the nillio'tU: Will w'sorted stock of I'ar!,r wH j new and Improved patterns. f" : Shaosbal Elevated Ofcii. . .- ' i C002 SI072S. ' Burk'sSUwrln ' ": 'darter' Oak all of which I p:cd;e.Ti7if toi; and on as aocomuo-Utinj tcFtu'.. ' lis'hment in this rejion -f rvW?-' , I have alsoacW Mn hanu-; of Tin to put if Copper aiwlfhectlfnif,-.. t up guttiir'ngand siiooli:.? f lino, at short notice, , . in mv ...r.nt Li ir'til'. : A share of j a-jonago is i Brownville, Jaly.lfith, is; IIEW'EEBBi ) Across ther-S; At thn I It ad olWtef To IT. S. Hall '& T irrr iin.7.rj;VpLf.l nnrionnoes tn has nurchai 2d tL e h t'. ; son Peters, at, the Ijsjt Scn w,;..; and is now prepared with aacwi"" at all times to.areoJinvjJj! u" usual rates..- . . . ' . pjl 'j June llth, lSoT PIUE mlTP! resr.'ti u.. ' 1 J. - of BrownviIlJ, and IS .It-;'"- counties that wo now ,nrv in w TirownviU", w.'.,fVf"? Siile.a- welt selected strlt rf ' 'r ..jf. 1 aril IU ijigri,"", i 3 inches.. Alvi, Siding " , ,s Shingles. and PineLs-th, alio' fair prices ' .nJ.-r 'Brownville, Jen 2 l'.hA':' J - ' i IT. II. WHOLES A I. f- A.M' - .i - STOYES & T I l WHOLESlLF . .w-m III, 1 TAKES insure in atnw'A J goa and the public in PTi - hand the most extensive ware, ever offered in t us niJ .a,j J war ia of HaV own aan"llr r.nri: i Wholesale and Bet: H at w U ' mium Also Box JTclilUA -hie' I rKera Ji liUI.IUJ c'l, ,' SB ANV lJOt SELJi LOWhli JllA- j.ur.ii JiiA. --- rti'r n Particular attenti( n pa: w JT ;T;n i:., in tl "B ". rainn? on stiortai i-f " . ..,t ' ' .. .... nlH' t - o .. ...1 Mll l Old copper, BraiJ ana for work or vare. . . V' ul vl-5 .... Land Warr; an" I wnnM call Twtrt.cular "" . , COOKING STOVE?, . IfSiB both Air-Tight and . . may bo found KiHyV Charter lrJ9i; in use, the Asiatic Air-Ti1,