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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1857)
, . ; .; ' . . - 1 j' " . - n . . n -m v vim ttt ntirp f -:i 8 1 ?i I 1 Ti hk-Esk-vwJlim ojzs?'s... ;! '77.- f 71 t r ' s i ? ? l'-'rt" ' 9-ii.-l .. : ' . ' ' V I'' 1 "v-.." : ';v ; ' - DEALERS IN ... u-- v-n rv'iiiV r; - ''fr j-v-ja u.-i " " s-i .-.. --': ' ..: l; ' ,j. ' !. v r. ., ; -, - ,. ... . ,.-: - . : -,. .-.'.- i,' ' , . f .... , .;. . .. ; r , - AND ' .... " i . :v v- . . t- ' ';.'L " T X" yi-.' ! Hf ' ""l i ii t I I I 3 '''.). 3 A i . U :. ;.-. , ,i: i .--hi I ;m.j :. -n I V ! n H - h r ) a . .;; ;-aV 'r Ji uUv .w L:., LJ ULJ L.-- u ;J4;:':;;;;:!:. . M .' .i , ) -i-!:; r- i ' llia-St; between Proat-ftEd Secoai :s.,.; , . j ; u- : i. .., 3C 4r ri-Td-. c : ' : - : AND hare just cfpeaod, heavy Slock of Tail and nd Fancy line, which tre are now prepared to T.- and October .231S57 v. ?2nl&-tfj - , . ... . .- AT ' ' '. " " I. WHYTE & CO'S, . 1 EROWirVILLE, NT. "T7E hava Just received an entirely new and large ? asresfonabJe prices as anycstablishmnt in the We have now in store a great variety cf the following quentry can sell cheap on-the samo terms : ; xinv,xs-sr- twt a pe ciiOTmwa, - v HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AUD; SHOES, Queensware and : i And a fine assortment Such m, . fcpice, . t tialaratus, . Ginger, : . And a good article of ,' . . J V "0 :; Smoking and, Chewing Tooacco. , ; It Is pleasure to us to show goods, and we ask you to call round and' see for ydurelvp. 1 ' " Oct. 19,1857. v2nl8-ly ' ' ; I. tT, WUTTE -'C0. rialn St., one door above Luslibau-Ii & Carson's Exclian so IJaiik, ri r o . - ; Brovraville, N. T. : ; ' I THE proprietors woall most respectfully inform the citizens of Brownvillo and the public generaPy they haveVeceivcd md are ntfw opening onc of tho largest and most complete Stocks of Clothing T . . J -liter brought to this market. - S .'if: Their assortment of Embraces every variety of Textures and Prices; as to Color they have Brown Blue Black - n . . Visible Green, and Cloths, C according to ahe latest fashionable cut. : Their variety of vesU is superb,'" - . I- :- .' ' embracing the yery latest styles and pattern. In the , r ISaltiinore Clothing tore b?;?7 E K ri' 8eI,e-Cli0n f ?tocks' T Colla white or colored, Handker- hiefs, Saspenders, CarpetBags, etc, which we will sell as cheap as any establishment in the WestA , " , -We have the finest and best assortment of 1 - , Bouble and SMleOvWcdats.'' Ever brought to this Territory. A frlirA1 ELI 1 ;:, !'? ;1 . - MATS AMD ' f - " Warranted to luit the most fastiduous, i i - i . . - ... ..... i , . . COATS, Dress, FrocR and Sack. : :' ' PAirrS, Every Style and Description. A TESTS, To please J-argre and Small. 7 SHIRTS, Both TFIiItf and Fancy. Over Sliirts, Overalls, Drawers, and Knit under sliirts. - Back Gloves, Mitts, and Rldlngr Gloves, etc. A:f?y.?la ",ent' en?Ir than they have ever October 29 th, 1857. v2nl8-ly 3L4rFACTOUY. Main Street, , . . , BrowivMc, .V. T. Wm, T. Deri, Til! RESPECTFULLY returns his sincere thanks to the citizens of Brownville and urrounding country, for their liberal pat ronage extended him since he commenced operating . in the above line and place, and be would say to his - eld and new customers who wish to continue their patronage, that be has just returned from St. Louis . with a large stock cf the best quality of Leather, aclected tinder his own inspection. The quality of materials, style of -work to be had at the above estab . tnent cannot be surpassed West of St. Lob ia. ' Brownville, Jan, 3rd, 2857. 51-tf ' , DR. J. L. McKEE, i .PSTQIOIAJI SUltGEONN DENTIST.: ; ;. : ; . Brownville, N. T; " TXETR ThVGGZD AXD TILLED 15 THE MOSF ArPKOVED MAKKIE. ' MayliiS57. 48-tf WE offer to the public, 'wb are confident, the largest "and best selected stock of Groceries CTer offered in this market i'. ' " y ' - rt irhdsSofar, . -;. Sacks Coffee, ' ' ; J25 f ackf Flour, ' " 5 Tierces Rice, 1 10 Cbl Molasses, ' ' 16 Boxes Star Candle?, ' Boxes Soap, . 150 Sacks Salt, . 15 Ebls CiderViciger, 150 bllsSelt. . .A TERMS CASH!!! 1 - ' 1. T. WIIYTE & 00. ITEW FIRM. orsi Crane srvt Theodore nill have this day formwl w co-partnership iimler the the fina and style of Cnroe & II II arl will continne tbe Mercantile business at the oK .ua4-KeAi.ter.ltodcrfcO,. - " ... CAPS, CbUNTKY PKODXJCE. Winter Goods,' embracing every tiing in the Staple, offer to the trade at extremely low prices, - . ; CRANE k HILL. assortment of Superior Goods, which we will sell at V est, our motto being Live ant Jet Livo. ; articles, which we purchased for Cash and oonso .t. n - - - - ..WiUow':iWarec of Usrlit Groceries. 1'cppcrs, Sodn. . AlUpice, , . etc., etc. that .1 J CAPS, . . i ' A ae assortment of .1. .1 bought elsewhere. f . ' M1Uimctt ' SIEGEL A GRtENBAUM. THE PRESS. " A NEW DAILY XEWSP APEBi Br John W. Forney, I PROPOSE establishing a Firnt Class Daily Xcwspa per m the City ot Philadelphia, between the 40th of Ju ly and the 1st or August, to be entitled "THE PRESS." The Pkiss" will be Democratic' In its politics, and will sustaiu the policy of the present National Adminis tration. ' - j .. i It is my determination to make it worthy of the sup port of every class cf readers. Dignity, ouuarBo and in uependence, n the utterance of my sentiments, enterprise and cmciency in the Commercial, Literary and Xew De partments, and respect for the opinions of others, will be kept constgitly in view. i ; 1 I have embarked all my own means In this project and intend building up a Jourual that will not only be cred itable to our city and State, but win furnish me an inde pendent livelihood. . ... r, A somewhat extensive experience in publie life, and many years' connection with Journalisin. wilt, 1 lwpe. cbtain for -The Press," a favorable reception. - Hy friends in the .different Wards and Counties of Pennsylvania, and in other Ktates, will place me under many obligations by giving -The Press'! 4 helping hand. TER!rfS oF.'THE prjESS.". , , iaiiy rper annum) in advance - -Weekly . . $8 2 .Jt en 1h itnr and Proprietor, at the office of The Press," r0. 417, Cbestnnt Ftrect, next to Pentwi. vann Bank Building, above Fourth Street,' Philalcljhia. J JQnf w. fORXBr. NEW STORE AIT. . VEKNON KEBRASKA. - ',,'.,. ' A. MEDLUSt : Announces to the public that he has purchased the exten sive Stock of Uxk1j brotiirht t this place by 'r.DAiLT, i I ; jand now offers tasell ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard Ware, Qiscensware, &cM at price as fair as cam be found in the Western country, Kr Cskh- or in eschange for country produce. ' Oct. 1, '57-nU ' Land For Sale. 1 1 vq Acres Pre-empted Land two miles froim Frown ville ; 45 acres of which is timber, balance bottom prairie ; 20 acres undur fence and bcitm cultivated the second year ; gil boure, stable, well.aud barn lot. The property will be sold at reasonable rates ant terms. WM. HAXDtSr. Enquire of R. w. FCRXASal "Advertiser tfflce.i - Oct. I, '57-14-2 u , i i ism ' ; ' (Successors, to KiJjn,ar ,V Jjite.-hvi iW I t. XEBRASKA. C1XY N., -T .,. TTAVINQ iaade atranomenta by wbloh iwtt 'irce5vc accornte copies ombra5ed in'.ha Eastern' port! are hovt rrenared to oucr 6ur . ! MSnvaite'r of -Nebraska t T'oli-rt "Declflritftry Stat'eideiits tlon ' to -Preempt SecHBg I AND ..ENTKlUJNUi JLAJNJJ., r .si i il V V 1., -, j I ''and tfg. ; i l arucuiar axiepuou jam ..ny PronertT on couimiasiqr): AWftWWi ad forwaxdng rcmUtances to fin j Ttlnnlr of all kinds always on hand. , ', ,.. ... iff! .: r . ! IlEFE REXCESi, ' V.t ,V ' v. Hon.' A. A..Uradford, . - , ,t.Xobrask Ciy.., -. S.F.Nacolls. . T Mossrs. DoJman A Wcst ; :i Josbtih; Mo-7 Peter A. Keller. - "- l Washington itj''' June2S,lS50. vl-nt ' J '"'"' . :T- y.t.-o KEROSE NE OITIiS, DISTrLLEIT PKO-a Cm Lu. (Secnred "by Letters Patent.) . Kkiuispvb fLLtrinsATlNQ OrtTlie lirht obtara- fi from this . Oil exceeds m bnluancf that-iof jinv other oil or fluid heretofore discovered is iacxptbf Eiye, and will remain . limped m the very coldpst wcavner. .. . ; . The Company recommend as :u . ' 1 , ' vs V"" 'f Ue.lamp.M ed to this Coil, the Kerosene Lamp! JL.T?,?,::. by the following parties: Messrs. Cornelius 4. Baker, also. Dyott,of Philadelphia, E. V." Ilaughwouf. & Co.. 4SS Broadway, tho Brooklya Flint ilass Co., Ham Street, L.' JJercie 137 Elm Stteet,' NLVY,-; Samples of different styles of Lamps can pe seen v the umee of the Company. , , ,,, .. !t,.,t u ,.: ! Kebosexs Lubbicatixu Uil ro. liTepared to suit the fi nest, land all other kinds of .Machinery burns brilliantyin Locomotive jljend flights, Car Lamps, and all the brdi nn-ry Solar ajnd andLamps, and stanas as great a degree 01 coia as pqst perm Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship uso.:! '! ....- , .- llii It; K.EROSKXE lrBRicATixGUiLSj o. a, 3.apenor Lnbrica tore, and will be found to possess advahtages 't - 1 1 t4 . t ? . r - 1 k.1 over any uus in mo marKe i at same prices wiii noi A "171 IVTIPC it burn and has been thus Trcpared to;iraetthor:r,. ' iv.F. quimnents of Railroad and others.- HV Tu." a a. . .1 nrn nrenared. from this divt.p.Tn crnnt onpji TMilicies. kerosene uinxaclb -vil. I'rcparoa expressly for Shins' ose. and will be found admirably adapted for use of Steamshps Men of War, Merchant Vcs- rt 'V -V : i Z ? sels, Lake and RiveV craft, and bums in all cabiaP,.S v. . i. ' .. . - . .:. I infurrinff anvliabilitv. will shara ia the crofits of stateroonv Dinnncie, lorecasuo. lamps, Bigna lan- terns,c. . ' . - , m - ' ' I U1UUIK1V - Vlt mil ITtUdlH UUlU CIO 0 W9 1 ) I .. & .1.1 .11 . ... , ii i n .1 n I .a 4 .Mm . a. Ka.I I Sperm, and will burn all night without teqairing td be trimmed.'an advantage that 'will he obvious '-to every Shipmaster. (i ,., , . ., The Kerosene , Oils can be ohtaired-frooij, Wholesale, Oil Dealers, Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New York, and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company in many of the principal Towns and Villages of the United States, the Cana' days, and the Island cf Cuba. r , Local Agent, appbinjied. (in ! conformity with the rules established by the Board of Trustees,) on ap plication to: ' '- i ' :"r- - ; :UTSTEJrSr . . , .',. Gtneral AgenU, Kerotene 07, Co., : , No. 60 Beaver Street, N. Y. N.B.-'-CIrcu'ars with'full particulars, testimonials, prices, Ac., will bo forwarded on application as above. June 25th. 1857. v2 2-ly Editor Sithratika Advertiser": . - ' ' Dear Sir: In looking over the last number of your Japer a notice nttt'acted my. attention signed ,by erome Hoover, Esq!', in which he states that certain stories are in circulation that the undersigned claim some interest in Semaba City for the purpose- of in- juring i.ts prosperity.' It may. do quite well tocir culate a report of that nature where the facts are unknown, but to those. knowing1 tho facts such a statement ismorely foolish. , :',l , ;,.,,,v. And for the" purpose of giving fair opportunity to persons to ascertain the facts, we horaby warn all persons from purchasing any pretended claim or interest in the said town .of . Nemaha City, front the said Jerome , Hoover, as he has soldand received pay for nino-twelfthsof said town,finiuitiS not ei)iliig to plao4 UkUnlvmgn(l ia puttidka ef th6 irrtro$t by them purchased in the same; and they have, not authorised the said Hocver to sell or dispose of any portion of their interest,. but directed suit to be broughtlong since forits recovery. ; ' ;' ;': ' .': ' , Yours, &c.', ' ' , '.' ! . . " . , F. J. MARSHALL. :: . .,. . ,J0. DONIPHAN , : J AS. DONIPHAN.: K. L. BALLARD. . 'i if . ' . i :l :!! K. C. BISHOP. L. D. BIRD. : A. G. WOODWARDS ' S. F. NUCKOLLS. CHAS. F. HOLLY. 42-tf March 28th, 1857. ! Lrimber! Lumber ! ! - ' nOADLT & MUIR, Whose new Steam Hill has just gone into operation in the Prairie -Forrest'opposUe Brownville, are now prepar ed to furnish the ' public' with every desirable variety of lumber, on start notice-and reasonable terms. There being an nnosual am'onat of hard wood timber in the vicinity, we are prepared to pay particular attention to filling np orders for Oak and Walnut lumber. 'In short everything needed -ia. this be found at this : September 3-1, 1S5T. w. v2nl(-tf A. LYFORD. " ' : ' ' J. T. BORX m . Xyfbrd Born, ; r ! WHOLESALE; AND RETAIL j.j -w v.: i itur. AlfD groceries; -hardware, qtjeenswaref BOOTS. a-r-rr--rra t 0 HATS AND CAPS,'1':-. . 15,000 lbs; ofDaOtl FbiFsaletcTiMiKT; u lii r OltD & HORN. Sortora,'Alo Aprirth,-lS37.'"1;'7r'!y' AZ-tT O.F.XAJtX. . . -,W.., H...HOOVSB. tJirownvuo, cmalia-Cyity. " 1 1Vn iSTt i.'i7JaLl Ml ESTATE IBS, , , , , , - AND , 7 NOTArYS PUBLld.1' -' -! Brownville and Nemaha City; :! ' i KEBRASKA TERRITORY. j J.'"' WILL promptly attend to liind Agencies,' Paying taxas, Drawing money, buying and selling Real Estate,, buying and selling on Commission, Making Collections for distant dealers, and all kinds of business pertaining to their profession." " ,; Particular attcntoin will bo given in filing declara tory statements to pre-empt and procuripg AYiir ranty Deeds from the Town authorities. -j Persons owning-TOWN hOTs, residing at a distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to place the agency in our hands, '( al w a i presontin their Quitclaim Deeds for said Lot t Vithin the'ex." pirationof six months, as after that time all lots not Deeded will be sold. ; Blanks always on land. J-'1 I N. 33.; Letters of inquirTanswertdrromptlvV v3 ' March 26; '37. ' -Wjf- ' Steam;' lLiryT PatentTDomble:Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership nndcr the firm of Reed, Holabird A Co., to manufactarq trie C--ReSlr:nteflf PprtibbjjGrist Mill and are bsw prepared t to furnish, - all those in want of a gooi Corn VTi'eat Mill that .for dura bility, simplicty nd econonry excel airy Mill in the world. ' On tho' late exhibition' of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a Gold-Medal was awarded them for It. ' r i": ii.':- ! Jr.:--. . 1 It is adapted to alt Grain grinding purposes; it is superior to all others for the mostertensive Merchant Mill, as it ia for grinding the Farmers feed by Horse power.". -:.' 1 .! -.-: Vf ! ; .iff:; . . ,; The above Drills are mannfaetnred by the under signed at their shop' in Cincinnati, 0., whero they eon be furnishedlaanyquantityatshort notice. The above Mills warranted to perform as follow: S3 in. diam., tr hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 S3'". " 30 15 25rt - -j 2 " " 20 M -13 1 200 09 ; ,.; is , 8. j Hi,J 5o As this Mill tolls its own story, it is unnecessary to quotefroa ournuajerousrecommefldatiofl!,receivev I alls. rioiVs,. Stoves, Fufnliure, &c ; April 9th, mti M- .UU4tf jr 1Y: PIK I'd gemces w .xno,iu,.-..:ii.1IU ) Mtuycusa-i r. awV-. ' rH i'i X iJ JL ' - X- JUL JL'. ;.-remory7is;ij.i , iron, nails, & ri w & 0. . -v"":.'-:!.i:u-,-1'J? "' '" "v : ,i' ":.;:,;".lv,'. ;, 'of InWVAlsn. PoVmHrb ofH Kinasf-W todowbdsh m W. WWisil a Twic demand for .an 'lit ' t i i - , . Biirv mill i w-i duiu u jv I i Ol u. I . 'porter, Wholesak and lietailBler in MRT-rJCSEPILTMOD tS NOW reaving andoi)cmng the largest and os.t arsortmeat ol ijoods inl tlie above1 llne-'ev offered in an v market west of bt, louv3 t My stoik oihbfaccs'af uil and complete assortmeat oi vamnet andlloflSOM11110 s iiaruware, lecnaa-: ft le a tools of every aescrpiion, uireci irora me mxsi f approved inanulncturers; agncuiiurai ana noriicuir tural tools and implements, in great variety, c6mbin- ; - a . i . 1 A 1 x a. 1 ipgaii tne recent ana useiui improyemenis ior ino savinc of a vast amount ef labor to the farming com-' niunity, from whoiri I 'respectfully Tequest a eareful examiiiAtlori tif this department ot mystocs. I am also exclusive asrent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws; which I will Warrant, and fill all .orders at iho factary prices, Also a largo iwsortmont of Guns, Rifles and Pistols la'aword , Rifles and Pistols, f k nds: i a word,' k tot stock & very wmplotf .which, for ita quality and ractnedtoer such inducements as wi 1 command a liberal share of trade from thaand ad oinin? counties. M v arrangements forjmnortme, adioininz counties. My arrangements forjmporting and-egrecrei for Anrtrasifo Hardware MnfiuftKf tTets, logernerwiunv long experience in uo genera naru waf e trade, ouaUcs me; not only to defy all compe'tif 'tlon, but has eonvinocd me that this true principle of Wade ia small profit, and quick re Jarnsw.i 1.1 ';(,'..! f January 1, 1857. vln29tf v. HaIAOJaA, , villi A ; ; :t!apii:k;;$5p00C:i Vr ' ''.jvIVlKRAWi CITY, X.' T. rpHIS Company, under a TEbafal charter, is -now "-:!, , ; - -r ? "'ST. -t " - ' "'"P0" ual t6. Ub: thT? m.ost :r " " r .r .-zi - I'1' j The 'operations of the C6inpany, will, be confiijedf l.lli; IM11II1UM T k' . 1 ' i W hftUi' of lt,-h i " fJ -" w Tor tne present, ,w marine. - or cargo risks, witn a ma'xJtriiiiii liability of $1,500 on .'any ono bottom. Keing Ino only insurance lpep, on theabove pop ular plan-West . of. the Missouri, . it confidently ex pects a generous support from Western Merchants. J : We respectf iU rinviia. the Missouri! River pa trona.!ro. '' c' T O t .1 Trv.'"DIREctoRsr, t : vri T. ITT r.F.-Nuckolls, Ut.-.'lJ.t. ZTa 1 I i i VJ-i. J Chas. F.'nolly. H.P.BenaeL , TilI'JliVArmstrong, W. N, Hinchman. , - , .Miles W. Brown, r-' i :.r i;iv officers:...." .... !,.. CHAS.F. nOLLT,' Presidents . .. : r J. Oarside, Sce'y. S t. Louis Agent CoLAV P. Howard.' 1 . - v April 2d, 1357. -... .. 4?-ly. GE0. SEAYER & 'CO-' . BM ITffl ilKGBS. f 'I ' J ay I J i General Land Aeeiits. . Glenwbbd,4 ; i - 'f a s i (-t .Plattsmouti., Mills co,"Ioway 'Cass erf, Nebraska. WHJj promptly; attend. 16 Land Agencies, Inves tigaUng Titles, Paying, Taxes, lavestin mon ey, Aiuyin an ipeiimg :ow.j(JW, Aiuying; oeiung and Locating Iand Warrants, and All other business connected with, their. profession in, Western.Iowa and Nebraska. ' '. . . , , ', r ' , ..M.LEIYISjlssociate-Attorney..- KBFERENCES: 1 Greene, Weare & 'Benton, Council -Kuffij Iowa, O. Douehty A Coci v . .' .' (; 1 Ft. Des M'oine -''U-Jr '.Cedar Rapids,1- - ; Cincinnati,' Ohio, ' f "Glenwood, Iowa, ."I . Cinciaaati, Ohid?f -z u u iVincentowB, JJ". J. -- Hightsto'wh, - ' Philadelphia, Pa. : . ,-. Medford, Nj J. Greene, Weare & Ric, ; Greene A Weare, ,.t u , Nixon & Goodman, ' Tootle & Greene, ;.C N. W. Thomas, ,Schooly & Son Gen. Wmr Irick, r-7 II. Johnson, j : G 'JL I. Reed A Son,.. . ( , Robinson & Bro, " Burlington Co. Bank, ' IfflBDMiSM j JOIDT COLHOIIN & BROTHER, T j (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post Office.) j ,W HOLES A LE -4 iVZ RETAIL . . .r, ) BniTding and Saddlery Hardware, rz GROCRRIESV. Boots SJioes,: Leatheftiind Shoe-Findings. TJAV L now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer XI icaft ap3P6rein Hardware, such as : . . . ' ) , Grcavrih . 4on'sT Files Scissors a '4 Pocket knives- . : Khires and forks - ' : Brass curtain bands and pins ' ' ' - ' Door locks Augers and anger bitts Corn knives BatclerTs ; :"dr JO da j: Spcr A Tackson's saws GimletJpotntcd'serews Griffin's and American horse, naila.,.-, Post hole augers Ames shovels and 'gpftd es Briar scythes ; ' v -Lull A ' Porter's ' shatter ' Grass and grain do, T : Butta : .' 'Nails - '' ,; ' Morticing machines ' ! ?'f Shovels and tongs "''" Circular, mill land mixiy ' Candlesticks ' . . ; saws - : Framed wood saws ' ' ' Planes and plarie'irotsOil Jllacksmiths'IJellows and . . . ... ... , vuopcrs arawins knives ' vices . .i t ; do . adzes and , wood Mousehole Armitage an- tools vila. Tress Hoops ; , ; . -. . , : A merican anvils 1 I. Butts, east and wrought. Stocks and dies -i Copper rivets for belts .: Pad books, breech 'gloops Tuyere Irons Pad screws, cockeyes ; . '.. rlated and com. stirrups Ornaments, racks dov - -u id .-Bitts Girth rein androllerweb do do I( Buckle's; ' Silk, 3 cord thread do do Rings ;Calf skins Breast and. xetBQApa ' Upper leather " Lasts, pegs 1 r'. Brjddle do ' ' . Peg" floats ' .Skirting do' ' " '" Hncers ( J Harness di Shoe-thread rn r Belting. "de r-rr: Bristles, wax . 1 il CGoaVskins - -; -Lining skins j' 'r' Enammeilcd leather Binding-, n tlJ -:. ,. ; , With many goods embracing a complete assort ment of the most desirable which they -will sell at the lowest prices. . . . 1 J. jCOLHO I N & BRO April 16th,1857.: D0WDALL3IARKHAM, & CO., WASINQON FOUNDRY, Engine and Machine shop, COHNERX.X0OllD'AirD MOBGA STB.KET8, 1 ST. LOUIS, Mo. . Mannractnrers of Rtearrv'Engines and Boilers, Saw and Grist mU.fachf fiery, Single and Double Clrtalar Saw HHlarTbacoo Screws and Presses Lard Kettles, Lwd Screws and Cyllndcrs,'Wool Cardinjr Machines Building Castings. Tottor's Improved Patent Smut Mills, &c. I3"AGENTS ror the sale of James gmith .& fo.'s So periof 3aco'ine Cards." - '- , v2n8-Iy 1 -'. ir( S. : nail Eoute From the U"emaha Agency, to Kancaa, to Uxe - mouth of the Ayoway Biver, N. T THIS LINE makes ene trip per week, each way, stopping at the principal towns on the Missouri River. Good Hacks all the way through, and good hfiics and nice youpg men for drivers. J 4 A ' " J, B. W. BENNET, Contractors. . Dee.-1, 1858. vln27ly , -. ' as uoiiectont American y ennan, jnusn a rrencn prf theLnion. ' n nn 'j-n rVrTTr I7tv , j ijvr :. t- ros ail the runrc sEs or a been prepared to me,et that demnd,'and an extri-;; c.;,-A t??1 rf Jffc virtrfes'ms'coricl-isiverv shown: wita what success it accomplkhes the purpose, designed. It 'is .easy to -make a physical pill, but not easy to,. Af th p. eA nections. but all tli&.advantazes, ef nther. 'l"his has beea' attempted herei and. with what sucbess we would: respectfully submit to' the. public decision.--It' nns been tinwrtunata ior the 'patient .hitherto that, almoff, every, purgative . medicine ia acrimonious 'and Irritating' to the benv-' els. This is nov Idany ot tneci proauce so mucn. griping pain and evulsion in the system as to more thancounterbulance the good to be derived from, them. These pills proauce no.unwnon or pam, unless it arise rrom a previously ejuimg uusiruc tioh or derangement in the bowels. Being purely' vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that'any medicine should " be taken, judiciously. Minute directions for tneir use in the several oiseases o wmcu uj.0 plicable:are given on, the box. i. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we may mentior liver Complaint, in its various forms f JnrmdiY. TrdiVfistioii. Lanzuot1 and Lott of Ap- pctite,.IJstlcssn Imtability, Bilioua H X:.?"! & ana uoms; ior, in irnin. ai " v.- 75hlC - -1, Humors; Scrofula ' V'!r ."T', 1 - iyJ ' .Z' t tti ana dcurvy vouait witu surenea m wc T vu. . . m .-, . 1 t T 1 -i? . - V ana impurity ot tne piooaT irregiijanues , ui any ana every case where a purgative is required.. ., ; iney nave liso pioauceu some iaijjuiuij cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, palpitation ot tne lieart, rains in me Back, Stomach, ana &iae. - Aney snouia oe uray taken In the spring of the year, topurify the blood and prepare thd system for the change of seasons. An1 occasional dose' stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, , and Restores the appe tite and vigor.. They puniy.the biooa, ana, py men stimulant action .on-the circulatory systern, reno vate the strength of the body, and r?s Lore the wasted or diseased eneraies of the whole organism. .'Hence' an occasional dose is advantageous,- even though no serious, derangement exists; cut tin 'necessary dosing should never bo carried, toa far, as every purgative nieoicine reuuees iue when taken to excess. ITie thousand cases in which a physic is required eanilet ,be enumerated here, but tney suggest tnemsejves to me reason oi orrr body.; and it ,is confidently believed .this pill will answer. a better purpose man any.inmjs wmca nas hitherto been available . to mankind. AVhen their 'virtue are oaios known, the public will no. longer doubt what 'remedy ,to employ when in neea ot a cathartic medicine. lcing sugar-wrappeu, tney axe pleasant ta tjik, an d being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. . ! For minute directibns, see wrapper on the Vox -.,',''.1 'l'i:! VRrAUED BY, ,.. ."'.'.l.,', '. j DR.- jaiiES c. ater; riactical and Analytical Chemist, :i ' Y-T LOWELLf-MASS. 1 Trice 25 CenU per lox. Five Eoxes'for $L i CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cnre of COrGHS, COLDS,- IIOARSEXESS, ! BROXIHITIS, WKOOPIAG-COIGH, CONSUMPTION. i This remedy has'won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to Tecount the evi dences of its virtues in nny community where it has been employed. So wide is the; field of its use fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored froni alamiinz and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority crvcr every other medicine of its kind is too appa reait to encape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to-mploy for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs-wnicn are inciaen to oux cliniate. Not only in formidable attacks upon the-lungs,-but for the milder varieties of Coins, Coughs, Hoarseness, &-c. ; and for Chii. DttiN it is the pleasantest and safestmedicine that can be obtained. " ; As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not "Jomore than assure the Eeople its quality is kept up to the best that It ever as been, and that the genuine article is sold by .1 J. II. MAUN, &C0., Brownville, ' - ' Bernard, AdamsA Co., St. Louis. I And all Drugists in the United States. ! Juno25thrlS7. v2 GEORGES F. KENNEDY, HEAEIIESTATE BROKER AXU GENERAL, TLAXU AGEXT , '. V Florence. Cty, JV. T. . Brownville Bakery I - '- AXD ' : ' j ' Confootionary. ; EVAN . .WORTHING. BEGS leave to announce to the public; that he has erected a Bakery tnd Confectionary establish ment in the City of Brownville N. T., and will keep constantly on hand, and is prepared to bake to order Bread, Crackers and Cakes of every manner, style, description and quality. He has had much experience In baking and consequently foclg quite confident he will be able to give satisfaction. A liberal patron age is respectfully solicited. , . . s . .. .a 'EVAN WORTHING. : Jnly,23-'57-v2n6rlmJ ' ' - B.ESTABR00K, UJVITED ST.1TES District -. t 1 REQUrREDto be in attendance officially upon all the terms of the District and Supreme Court cf theTerritory, tendershis Professional services to such as need them.. He flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to his care. ' , OmahatCity, June 7, 1356. 1 ' ' - GEO. P. LUCKHARDT, . And T owollor, OREGpHt. "dOTJlTTY, MO. TAKES the. liberty to inform the citizens of Brownville anil Vicinity, that he has opened a . .. Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store, In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of Tiolios, Accordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver, Thimbles, Ae.y Ae. . - - : He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, jn . tho best manner and an the most reasonable 'terms, f ........ Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to bq what it represented to be.t Watch re pairing warranted for one ycari"1-L ' , .Jaly'25,1856: .vT-htf 0 J,'. . . DiUonj Thompson & Co. Large frame building icon Main and ROck, - .'"rock: port, mo. v Whosesale and Retail Dealers in ' ' A nr n GROCERIES. Hardware, Queensvvare, Drugs, . Hata, Caps, :Boqts, ' Shoes;. Tinware, " - btovesf urmture, Iron, : Is ails, PIov?, r ; ; . ',. - and Farming ' Utenselsl '. i J l ,1 ! l . WJTA have, on the opening of navigation, a ' large and varied accession to their present Stock,, which will be sold Low for Cash. ' - February 12th. 1857. 35-tf LOWE'S f a1- .Xiaw OfHoo. oMauA city, v.. r. Attorney 1 - rB,SCRIBEP.i ,now prepared t tarnish Farmers and others with his '-. , : r "GRAIN SEPARATOR,' : for the present season.' ' It l3 unnecessary to speaV particularly of the merits of these Machines, as they are too? well- known itarougnoat. tae country to neea extolling ; bub tho fact that they have heretofore and are-continuing to receive the premiums at the State and County Fairs where fhey have been exhibited is sufficient to induce ail tnose ia want 01 such, a .Ma chine, to purchase one of these. 1 At a practical test of whs beparator in competition with the- best of those made in England, In 1853; it received the highest commendations of the press, and sf the leading -iETigujCufaHsts of that country. ' I have a large number of them on hand, ready for the comiasr crop, made of the best material, and war ranted to-do good work. 1, , : , - . 1 have made many valuable improvements in tbeae Mnal, w T i V T n Vi A T a of .All, H A Tnl IA V. ftci in warranting them superior, to any in use, , . 1 am also preparing a largo number., or vrawlord Imrroved Clovejr Hullers, patented in 1854, which'aro. greatly superior to his patent of 1844, being in-itself feeder, and greatly ahead of it in 'other respects. They will be manu factured under the 1 immediate. supervision of the patentee, who his permanently located in this place. 1 he above cut represents my four horse " Separa tor," and is designed especially for the farmer 3 own use." ' Im also aent for McCoraiek?seeleTrated REAP ER and MOWING MACHINE, combinfidV' J.R. 3I0FFITT, Piqua, Miami couniy, Ohio. ; Improved ; Little Giant COR' & COB PIAITT ATIOT MIEE. 2?rico ' Xloclucod. ' THE subscriber has purchased exclusive ri.-it of Territorv in the Vi est. of the above celebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all timer, either wholesale or. re tail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner. . . .. ; ; It is now more than a year sinco the .' "Little Giant" -M Was introluced tdthe public, during which' time, it has peen cohstantly growing ia the popular favor.. The improvements recently effected and patented, makes it the most perfect machine ever offered for general farm use; It is furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs as follows: No. 1, 225 No. 2, 330, No. 3, 400 No. 4, 500 pounds." Twenty minutes arc sufficient to set one up, without mechanical aid, and when once adjusted, it can with safety be entrusted to a boy Full directions accompany each Mill. ' N"oI,f35,iriH grind 8 bu meal per hour with.l horse No2 40, "- 10" " " " 1 " No 3 50, " 15 u u " 1 No 4 60, 20':a V'"2 " tdj Liberal discount to dealers. . ' JAMES B. CHADWICK; No. 63 Locust street, bet. 2d and 3d ' June 23, 1856. vl-n4- - St. Louis. Mo. ALLEN BOOT S.! W. C0ZZESS ROOT & COZZENS, LAND- AGENTS, , ,'..-.-v r- . OxaaalLzav City, Nm ,Tj HAVING made arrangemonts by winch-we receive accurate copies ofali the Townships, --as fast as surveyed, in the Territory, we are now prepared to offer our services to. the citizens of. the Territory, , v V. IN FILING . . ;. - 7: --Declaratory Statements '; v.---''-:r- 09 ' . ''-'.-.. ' INTENTION TO PRE-EMFT, : . , Securing Pre-emptions, EOCATIXG EAXD WARRANTS. AXD . ENTERING LAND. Lajdd Warrants Bought and Sold, Ijand entered ontimej etc. - ' : 'PARTICUXAR attention paid' to bny in g and selling on Commission' Also in making Collections ia all parts of the Territory and Western Iowa. April? 43-tf 'FRANKLIN : TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUflDRY . lVo. 18S Vina St., bet. Fourth and Fifth, ; Cincinnati, 0. ' C. F. O'DRISCOEE & CO. err Drint.5riTi. ; STEREOTYPING of all kind-Books, Musio, l atent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevins, &C, i-c. ' Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, Herring's Patent Champion FIRE-PROOF SAFES, 1 TTflTH Hall's Patent Powdor-Proof Locks the Vt same that were awarded separate Medals at uie uonasrair A,onaon, 1331, and the World's Fair, 3ew A.orK, and are the only American Safes that were- awardrd medals at tho London World's r air.- , These Safes are now admitted to be superior to any ever offered to the public ; and the subscribers chal lenge the World to produce an instance of these Safes failing to preserve tbeircontents through- the hottest fires, or a burglar picking the lock- . i The subscribers and their agents are the only per sons authorized to make and p11 IIprrin p,i.t Champion Safe, with Hall's Patent Powder Proof liOCK.3., . - S. CTTERRING A CO. Green Block;JL35, 1ST m 13tWater St., w . ... and 5 Murray St;New York. iiarcn aw, 133. ' ; 33-6m TT. IE 1YIEEXA3IS, , WHOLES ALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN STOVES & TINWARE Oroeon. 2VT- TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or gon and the public in general, that he has on hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever onercu in tcts market. Jly atoc 0f Xin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at V holesala and Rain,!! nt S T.,. ;. . rAteaCBltr attention t6 my rtock of .. v , . " comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight andPremium. Among them may be fonnd Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in we, the Awfttio Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. Al30 - ... ' ' Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Ifticnlar attention paid to making and putting np Tin Gutters, in tho town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, Tl"n5 Oregon, Mo., July 5, 1855. Tailoring!. Tailoring! Tailoring!!! E. E. PARKER, Merchant Tailor, i Atlantic street, West of Hoblitzell's Store. ! BROWXYILLE, NEBRASKA TERR. HAVING bought property and located permanent ly in Brownville, I, offer 'my services to the public generally, if they want any thing done ia my line of business. . I can always be found at my poet, or. more properly speaking at my bench. Work Warranted Fit No Paj! Particular attention paid to cutting garments and layiug off. work' for the Seamstress. .The greatest portion of my life has been devoted to my trade, in which I consider myself inferior to none especially in the cutting department, and I hope by close atten tion to my business to merit a sharo cf public patronage ' E. E. PARKER. Brownville April 16th, 1S57. . 41-ly T Manufacthrers and dealers in News, Book and Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac, Ac. inKs, and rnnting Material of Ev 150 ?,E nEGS NAILS, inst received, and forill I. T. WHYTE A CO. generanythaun; .ALLEGE OF.'--- I 23' JoL' Or. i - o UllbAlriK THAN THE fin? s I , , . r- XMi A GOOD blacksmith can find jtX men t, at rcmuneratm Z JalT 2.1357- DATTOH. JttACGHU. ''"cni . MclATjaHLl3liL0lU' l&EMi'ESTAT l'' ' ' ' ' ' ; AND ; GEXERALE ASD AcrtT, i Jrf Street (opposite the . iV All attend to PiUng DTffiilJ,. Securing Pro-emptionsLocatiB2iriT T:' V VVr' Laid ' Land Warrants Bought aa" ?; ' Particular attention' will be p;j i" selling property on eoiooissioa, and nuL mcnts for' distant dealors. . v Correspondence solicited. , '" ' be:fer ito 1 i Bradford,McLennan A 31cUar. ebn.r,.' lf.Dl If ... """Li jjict ucr3ou,.jiomaon, .1 Ilutotnns.Banr"' " ; OLIVER BKOETT MAJTCP ACTCREB3 AXB rnOLESiri iro.'sr:jfAzx street. miytITZ A EE NOW IN RECK flT nf , , : 4 1 1 of irovlJ from hIr Aim nn.i .1 tones, adapted especially to the Western taTi - .Purchasers are. invited to enmii. tu' 1 O m -v ' u tatiu UiflCf ' manufactured and seltei with gn-w , J warranted of sapericr quality. Ordenril.' lump sua uiu tiui KlbCliuOlU Fashionable Taller, JACOB MAB1I05. fr-f Xlspectfu WNV1LLE,; If HH BASIL determined to locate iatfeuidn tfully annocni-is to-the osblieiijf. on hand a large and well selected sWi gf CIo, Tweeds, Casimers, Yestins,4t,fi. will make to order in gxd atyle indurea-! rates; or sell by any quantity desired. Ho also keeps constantlv.on hand laf'ari' supply of ready made clcthi LU nf ill Ln.ii I Brownville, Jane 18th, 1357. rj! S. Lockwooi). 1857. " B. E.Paic Lockwood &Fomerpy,( . ' '.' Wholesale and KetailBcslcnia j " STRAW GOODS., j Also, Shippers of American Purs of every scrip tion ; ior wnicn tney wifl pay ' the highest Market Price, III CASH. COUNTRY Merchants are-invite to eiatela stock of Hata A Caw fcr the itmtchin; Srv aad Summer trade, which willbeltrfuaiou. and well selected. In joi at of Tiriet; oar stocksk not be excelled by any House ia St. Lu'i. ! ;Our. prices will be low, tmns ncconnprJatiny. j iCall and see uj at our New fc'tore. Swad !?t St. Joseph, Mj, -i:-h NEW AKRIVA1 - or snd . TIN-W ABE. ; CIIR1STLI.V DEISI BRO W.N VILLE,- . ( ; 'A NNOUNCES to thu paMic that he toi jTa.- ceived, per feteaiaer, i"!"'! well assorted stock of farloraifd Cwkiw new and improved pattems,as fj.IuVs . I Shanghai- Elevated Oven. - 1 COOK SIOVES, : uBucVs 'Clipper Crtu ' j u Imprnnd P(!tr- . ! Charter Oak ' . " ' all of which I pledge myself to H.t u . and on as accommodating terms an any otis '-. lishment ia this region of country. ' I have also now on hand eery riniii of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and to put up guttering and spouting dJ " in my line, at short notice, and in manner, which I warrant t give ailiaiacta. t -A share of patronage is itiea C. . ; Brownville, July 18 th, IS57. ! . THOMAS WILLIAMS) J Attorney and Counsellor at , I . . Bronrnvlllc, X T. s . WD! practice in the Third Judicial Dtn 'i braska Territory, aad in tho TwejWi f. in the State of MissourL . ' ' i REFERENCES. ! . Richanl Brown,, . Brownrille, i R. W. Furnas,' - " V;. I Dr.JohnMcPhcrson, . Tini,ll.f' i James Poster, ' : Oregon. M- ' George N. Jliller,' ' ., krMr-, ! NEW TRI-VEEKLY AIA& ) HOCTX 2P01TT, , BROWNVILLE, NEBRA- GEO. E. M'CLARYr HAVING taken the Contract for Mail between the above poiatsTaliW"1 of informing the public generally that bv(3b preparations for running a Hack on toa route : . ' V-ilsT Leaving Rock Port -every Tues-lar. Sunday, at 12 o'clock M.: arriving "f A 2 o'clock. P.M.: leaving BrqwnriJj tot same evening at 3 o'clock P, M. . ,ve iilr , : This route connects at Rock Port wito i t. seph and Council Bluffs Stag line-, and ' r -ville with the Stage line leading fnn V. o& St. Joseph Mo., Independence, ha W points below ; and to Nebraska tit. 1 and other points above; aad Ne ' tct west; The subscriber, hopes by du,s;mcrs to business and accommodation ' c merit a sharo of the public patrons- Particular attention paid to tho f".'tBOir PncV!,i r nanel.4. CharMS inrxl-'raKi countabilitfor anavoidabls accidenti.. Buchanan Life and Gs5rl1 0f5ce cor 2d: and - ' ST. JOSEPH, M0. CHARTEBKD AT THI LAST Of T , Authorizecjpno- J. B.Jennings I.R. Howirl,. J.-ittff r v T.n Pj.lhnnv. Jnhnll. ijlen" ' James Kay, N. J. LxGS, fr ' N.R.McA3H-A,See'y. f.l!fr.P I S now rea,ly roreceire aF ic - - of :or Jlarineand Rwra -'" m 1 cent, will be.auowea on c .-- . ffTe- promptly a Jested, and tae-w w ; thepatronlef theom:e. , ,,. .. 4H April iwnrio'.'