Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 26, 1857, Image 4
I -' ITEy.' ! ; K i ; L .ki. G .- : ....v - - - : - t.- .'. ' .: j W: j I jf j U ::'.::':;;5 VL i.iL Jjk.,,V 'etwceo Front Brownyill3, fh ..- ifj t,- -3:i WES. .: i -- 'll! 1 Elour .' r- t V tr I !.'!.'. I! ' . :.-t - - ..7. .'-I'!,.":- I I . " . '. i i ib r- t; . 4 . r : . ! j T?E iy juit opened a Tjeavy Feck' Qf Fall at4,Vp"intcr. Gooda, retracing rerj thing ia slhe Stapl TT a iad Fdc Jine, which we ar' now( r pa.re3 t .n-.--; -ir. : ; - . i-,. For. aMi or, country..i"ro.iace.i . ,r r - October 1857.: j ,.r Tv2lS-tn fc'-.-..S !: 01"' .'r'!'i7! 3 : '.I . 1 K T I'. t,f 1 1 itr. c !4 I 1 n v. It 1: i 1UUL Iff '1)3 I i 1 1 -r ' i I!":'. 1 .' .llf-.". ' i,:It,ii; .fi'. .; .:.' .: J J..f s ,':''rii i" 1 VP ) :!- .1 I 1 "YTTE hare just Teeeived atitireflf tiw ad largo V V aj re.wonabl'e prices as anjresUMislrmrtlt i ttfa Wa hare bowjb iiore a great Tancry f the folidwiBj avdtrtrj taa icJl ebeap otf thfae Urns J u I"":'''' " n 1T "Dllll'lt f o J I 'T ag ill 7 a Raclasottirietit Saeb. at vkt r. : Salartttus ; ji;-. j I ffaiager.i-. " 'I'Afid 'a'-gw-d ' Smckbs andiCZiewinjr Vioftacco. r - 1 !..(' at ii a jncFuro vq o wsuuw j'wus; wo aju. roa 10 Oct, iM87. ; ;:v;::.:,:jiii8-iTj Slain St, one door aloyie IiUs&bapg;h & Carepn4!, ro t',- TSE proprieton wotild faost teroeetfttBy informtli uitjn if rtceivou nouarv now ti-aing 15001 me -' "'r , - . -'"Eierbrougbt to Embraces ere7 rarietr of Texture nnd Prices ; as to Color tbeyb'ire Brown, Blue, Black, risible anJ . r rit.- o..:..... n.iv; "1: .... . ' . . u r according to tbe latest a?biocile cot, 'Their rietjr of rc'stSSsstipErb,""" .' "! :: :'! "''f.l! r, embracing the very latest itvles aud ptiHerud.1'.' la tbte- ' :-cl ft.'I rA hi altimore .CJotliin'E? tore May also be fonnd at all time a fine selection of Crarats, Stook?,jw,o'Jafs'w4)i(c!or colored ilajidlrpr. ! n : Doable Ever brought to --(J i H 1 7 I ''.-tf- -V .1 I.1,r. CA ?la??,-l? 't W1'4 ftMiouai , A flas assortment of COA.TS, Dress, Frock and Sack. i ;.!;: PASTS, Every. Stylcd'bescriptiQiv'j; TESTS, To Jplease Lare and Small. '. ! . RnRtSjBofti lVhiie and Tancj. 1 - - ti '".?j.vr" wijj wiacr, Wi. would bat ask the rbl.c to call, iubiu and judge f-.tb.juirelvef! whether the dotblnr fha .ljaltainoreCloUiDaLmpwHm uAotot better mado m.Ltrj.t ;.k v.. , and twenty-five percent, cheaper than they bare crer vciooer i&zi, Tnis-iyj j i" r. , 5IAICTFACTOUT. ,::a,,'- i I !.,; i., i : 3laia Street, . v '- ISrownvilh, Jf. T; I RESPECTFULLY., returns' ibis,, sincere t, 1 thanks to thecitisens of -Browavilie and . V-4w aurroandipg ooentry. for their liberal jt roaag extended hiia since be eonunencod operating ia tbe above line and place, and be would say to his old and new customers who wish to continue their patronage, that he bas just returned from St. Louis with a large atock ef the best quality v of Leather, elected nderbis own inspection. The quality of materials, style of "wtirkrtn be bad at-tbeaboveettab- vnl unt K icmaMfpd Wtnf Kl iT.ntiii I ' f Browaville, Jam. rd, 2S57. 51-tf 11 DR. J. lu iMcKEE, I--.- ii r rai'o.i'jv.ix,;,:t jk '. - -i : : : -k ..AJCD . -. 1 1 --i 1.. SURGEON ' DENTIST., BrownTiUc.N.-.t.'l I -A : fi TXZTll TX.CGGZO ANB riLLEO 1 ..apotxi jiAsxrm a v. I . j .,-:. .0 .,. .Uay li, 1857... a: WE'.'offer to'the'puWie. we are confident,' tho largest and bea selected stock or Groceries ver offered in this market: '' 1 1 RhdiSugar, ... . 58 SactoCotfirt.' ' J '' 12 Sacks Flour, . ' S Tierces Tiice, so l-tils llolasses, ! Boxes Star Candle.' 150 Sacks Rait. ' S Boxes Soap ,-. 10 Sacks Sain, la IbU Cider miger, 150 bt V-SelL . r r TERMS CASH!!! . Til v - - 1. T. WnYTE & 00 NEW FIRM. . Crane and Ttoeodnr Hill hare this day forui w rrtwenliio muter tbe the firm and vie of rnn. X UtCnSwUlcnalinne the Mercantile hutinesiatthauu waiawrcAlliiiter, Doticr h. Co. ' . 1 JOX.1 PRAjnt ...MHWIIIT'ilf " '.! T( "i- i'.'-'r a. -a i. .i.'-.i. I.J'-. n till il 'IT J ". J! UO - it ! vimj ftiid Smi r.B. rfi ? , Jill: 4 I'. 4!; i !l 'H .'Jfti-l!. I 'i:J 1-(U:I - i-t i H :. 'X-l ;j r at . 1 I .! '.. .!. i ' T J.. 'ulu:-; IT. w .r' ' ia J Win 1- cl: '.:- n : w . , ' v ' ..i r-. ' '.nil 'I j it : i :i tu .m , i t t.7 t V II.. fv.-il In ; ' , Bacbii, .- ii i. vrn y.n: t 1 1: .1-;" i: r. offer to the trade at extreme! low prices, - "CKAyR HILL: : f: il I -k r) . i i i i: jo-. i'i i? jvr.; ii'. . it i .) i. 1 1 Ul'l .' n-.; 'M i,! ! lie.. ' , ' ' 'VS:il :!' 1i I ' i .y : -wl i ia .i. ;!?. I.' .' trr.i l!l ti'J 7.. '-'.: t-u'ii u. i.'l ll ';. '1 ( :nr.I- I assortment of Superior Goods, which w willecli at West, or motk biii .'LiTtand -let Lj."-M- ti articles, "wuicn we purchased Tor Uasb ami oqb .V"-5 "' ''!i 1 1 '".-'" 1 'A r.t 'j-'-.-'ix'j It 0 . -i'J l-.l! i J '4 a 3 ' . i ' -11 i i .is ' . t-M: .. iM r.'ilw I -Hi. ' "J' v 'AI'.D , i i ; . ; if-. . I ...J i -.; i , ; ,5'.U t". 1 ' .flit ' .!....! II ! 1 I i F v r ij . i . i r. - . ;S,gB00TSi;:4Jn);:SH0ESi' :ii.7 -till-, ; iiiT-u'U !;;! (.i I rf ' ' II 4.'1)-1f vrif.i in v!,; !';(-r. of Ligrfct Groceries,1 Soda.'-; . J . - .. ; Alli)ice, . article f ' ;:T etc etc . ;.. 'i can rvoxKi ana see tpr 3 . S,:.:r"-a::i':a your9elves. , J eitiVeM of 'BrowaTffle ml' jibe publio clj'tjiat largest anamosi cojppieie CtocKS 01 ViwttUDr .1 tb is market. 'J' ' ' ,;: ' ; J"TT ' I puttc T vim j j 'tl7 .'1 Ij ) Uvwhich wewillsell aicbeap wanj; cStwbiishweat in tbe Wst. , r fe ba?e the finest abd beat siortinent o, I'f'fi' Y'f j Ji;5 a h 1 a n this Territory.1; . Ml'- a 1 ;:r)z:n;:i:i;i .1 tiii7 , o(T ..IT ii-r t' i -Jin'' i . r n.'fi;. to! ' , if ,-'-i5 -i. fi ,-..;f;!"i!f 7 niiH tviun under snlrts. , ..ts bought eleewheyei I : "the; ' By. John Vrj. Forney,' ;r- i I PUOTOSB ,stablkhmi..i First. Tlxa ri)T Vitnn. wi!l sustain tbe policy of tbe present National Adminis tration. .'. - .',-.nn;'j, y Bl, .lo k'i". - ,. 4 It tsrar determlnaUsn tomVit wertliy f tfaesu'p pnrt of ev,)-y cl,i., maders.'.: Pisutlr, Cuurjand in deirniei:ce,ia Wie uttcranoeoT.ajyfieiuiaoenu, enterprise sua ertlaeocy in Ihe Gbmmercil,.l4tefry.aDdJ'ewDe pirtrhcsi-f, and iespect;tor tbe btiiiions of others, win be kep oabsttntfy re -new.' ', " -.w. 1 luveeiiibvfeMait'my wn ens WWrerf and Intend up a journal that will not only te cred itable to our city and St.tei UijU, furnbb me an inde pendent Uvelibid. ? r .j . A somewhat ciVnsi ve experience' in jiuMi.: be'i 'and many yearf'connectlta ,Vith JonrnuIVtm,' witl.l feaue, cblain M toTbe Press," a favoraie' TeprAln.- ' " My friends in the. different-Wards and Counties of rencsj Ivanii, and in otber Stnts will place me under Biany ebligatius by givirg "I?.?rter;aiellsi hind. 1. Daijy (per intum) in adr atae OK. f TUB PRESS." -1 , '..nil AddrW. 'the iKii.1 anTTWiW.'U 4le.fncef aaii juek BuiMiii&buve EiiurUi Street, PnilKielatiia. I 1 4.n. t;.. jfrw.-m-Ky. 1 . , . 7 -. , -.1rr ...... 'at-.-' .T- . r W.rS'1'flMll SIX--R NEBUA'Siar; .11. : :i(-.4. U s :' I ... (( . . .- .... . ?! I- Aoniwes to tie public that he has parciiaiwid the exten HTotock of xds bpiugb; to tbj.sjce,bv JirlAii.T, Li1 O a' D:y Goods, Groceries, Hard !Var, i' iueensTarej &cv, J " at pnHi as fair : caTbe rmd hthe Western conntry.' . . ... ... . 1..1K5 xor country viroauce. n ' Land For Sale:." ' : gQ Acres Itehpu4 land twe mile from Brow. nrt.Vn.'i ' bicb Umber, balance bottom M ir' beiM cultivated the urCirti,'i iT1 ,ubu- and bam lot. Ihe Prolan, wil be,W M reMtoMtll. t . Knouire l R. ' - 1 1IAXDL1T- rcrutaaat "Aavertlseicfflce. . Oct. I, '57-t-4 tt Tn.. ,3... ; .1 .'JL ii ii i h i ii.hi.hiw n-n- - r- I " 1f mwi.htt f i , I II H.I..I.III.IMIIIH M-IT I Ml II Ml III! I M ' - n ' -- MHSiV t'Asir,, ialaija w.iUi-iiiv. y ConncilKtilIowa.' )' KMlrasta X'ityST ) (buccessecs-lo iids4; V:lute.) 'vi-.i .i HAVFXO wade Bmrngsbjents by H-hkb e' wil? reccire' accurate 'copies; ef all ';th 9 .Townships emi.racod. in, t:io Ladtcrn..portioti'ot Jebrngt.i we are dow prepared to-oiler m.jorToc to tbe :uo- :(. ', j Squatters ef ' ibrazka' ;Titcw" ' In TiUing Peclaratory Statrnetita 'Oflnfea- (.;.iS tions, Iiocatua,-? ILand "AND ENTKRINC-LAND:'..'. . JLhud Tarranl Kdurfit and sold. Particular attention pai4 ta Buyiner .and Seliinir Property on eonunieeieu: Also; te making Collections and forward mr. rerai taact tv any pnrrjt tae Union. lllaaks o a;l Jur.di always on, band. , .n ,r, i Hon. Ai A. Bradford : ' ( Nebraska Gityj . -.i-t r . actons, c . -..i j. M'issrs.polman &'7esf;y:'-- 1"Ft;'Joseph,''Mo4' Peter A. Keller. '. - :-;,;;hinsto;,pity;,' Thomas LuHipkM ; ,.;-jo ,-..oi:.!'A. June 23, 1856. rl-n-t " 5.t-T5. ,tr KB ROB'S NjEOXS, . i fcrTrLi-jjTRo.iccrit..4 ; . ( Secnred ; hj ' lettcfs ,-Piitjert. ) , T cd frttm this Oil': exceeds iii-1rilltancytba!t'bf'a3y other oil or flaidheretofredicsrercd;:u,,iDcxpk-t circ, and will remain ,Ijppe.ti.ia ,.e rery ,0Adest woAtiier. , !.:,.,, ,!.,.' .,,i,:-..,-7i.i i--, .,i The ComwHiY recomraenid at the lampeues adoot ed to this Ooil.tbe Iveroseoe Lamps, manofactared by the following parties- Messrs.(I)orrielina&Bjvk8iv i . ri4 lii;u,iiAi. V f ' ii.ii.Vw.Ht' j. (jo 488 IJroRdwsyftBo vjroojnyn-lintla8s Co. Xo. 73 Broad fctroet. .Mesrrs. DiotJ Co. 133 Wil liam. Street, L.',Mercior aS7 Elaa Streot,.' Y,-.' Saa.pios of dulercnt styles 6t tltfuaps oan be soao ai tbe U ef tbe tonipiT; .f' .n u, ; KtROSEKK LrBRICATI30 Oix," Jo. L-PrT'ed',to suit ihe ' finest, and all- ether kinds of UacborerV burns brilliancy l;vUo(!Btij??iIl8aJ,tlbts, Car Lamps, and all tbe ordi narj.olof and $Iaad Lamps( and itasds as great ji degreeict 4d, aa, oast penn 0 U, and is admirably adapxed tO'EaUtmad and S team ship use..' i .-.if-M fu .4..I1. yl...ii rn Kbroskni LcwRiCATtK0ttB,3Tb. 2,; J.-Suwwror Lubricators. and win be fourid to possess adTantAe'ea orer any Oils in tbe inarkot at saiae prioes will not bum-ndTBas 6ca thtl tiaji-M KOraJcl the "re' qirtretnehW of Railroadaniltllersr w "J , aKrosenx iiiTfS'CLB vil. 1'reparea expressly for .Shins' use. and will be fc.und aduiiraWv adapted for use of ; S teanish mi' Jfoqt of. JSV M c.batij Yes -1 scis, ijiko ana ,fire5 nnaj5urps i oii, stateroom binnacla, frreu&Jtlei aepvigniU: lAtv terns, 4c- ' . "iH vnifn.inu I- Binnacle Oil will remain' fluid! as- lonff -ajr best Sperm, and will bor& all1 wight wfthoot reqdlrfiig to be. trimmed, -an adyuttagijf, UjKJWI b.bViott?, ' every Shipmaster. ' '' ""i..."-!-.'-! "4,1 --. , Tie -Jvoroaene Oils V : W obtai&sdi pfrooa . the T't. i i T i i ci.: ri ji x . r and Grocers in' New Yorkj and tho regulatly pp4at- ed Agents ef -tbe Company n mapy pf the prirt3fcI f Towns and Villages of the United Statesj'tbe jC ina"-1 days, and the lsiftmlpf tn , r a rn Local ArentiJUwlCci( inooilorkttr- with the roles established by the Board Trestees'J eii''a'p-I nlMiiiJln t' V.l.. l i rw!if fill iif sv:iiSi:: i: ou. A -I;.., :J..: i -,ijs.fl ' I'yvl.pJC&f (j:l f:B o.i.i - i ' .i Ccr04?,7rnj Ajrteene,fV,ii-i Xo. 0 Boarer Strei w Y. 1 7 .B.freuWrs'witn'tol likrlfcuiaJsltostimWs, prices) Acj, will bi forwarded on application aa above. June 25 th. lSi7. r2 2-1 j ,i::.Jt l f')" -.c;i: ..' ).-..-.'. 1 n.. y;-.!J Jumi, .1 UBitt sir: in looking oretth 6 lost number br yonx pepir a notice Attention. Signed, by Jerome Hoover, Esq.', in wnich be states that certain stories are in circulation that lao-aersigtiedelaimi some interest ia A ersaaa utty Tor tbe purpose or in-1 juring Ua'prosptrity.'' It may do o,uite weli;tdir- culate a report. of tnat natm-efhere the facts, are nnanown, out to inose Knowing tne tacts, sucn a statement is mroly foolish. .,.n ..-, ;. , ,..-:.. ,, t , And for the purpose of giving- a fair opportunity to persons to ascertain tho faots we hereby wars all persons from purchasing iny pretended claim or interest la the said town of.Nemnha CUrfrom tbe said Jerome Hoover, aeh ha.i solchMtdareceirerpay for nine-t(ilflh;sifsaid sown.aJdiitjl nosjfac riding to place the undersigned In pdtsesffemtif the1nTSl"est by them purchased in the same; and they have riot authorized tbe said iiocver to eel? r dispose of "ftrty nortioa of their ' Interest.' 6tf directed sn?t -n"riii' trongbtlQtis'tincji . -i! .. . f !! r -;. 1 C.'in '..-1 )?. j, .MArisnALLwtii.-H i --;-- : . iu--Mi. IJSO-. OSH'HANVf .J ': -!fo,..l :lt.i ,!: IMS-'. -J AS. DONIPHAN-" : . '"Ri' LBALLAR0.','t : - :'r-:iZr':: II T !n A. li. HUUUWAKU. . r.t. ... ;::.,, S. F. NUCKOLLS. Mr 1 .'f f. CHAS. P. HOLLY. March 28111, lBar.' J' 42-tf ; Ltimlber! 'i. Lumber ! ! , 'i 'Mill nn1L k MHIIt. "Wliose SeV St'oam Mill has just (tune into operation In the Prairie -Vorrest opposite Br own vi lie, are now prepar ed to furnish the' pebhe' wtih every ilesirable variety of umber on 'ihort noifce' and reanonable terms. There being aii; Onnsoal ;amotifit'tf hard wood timber in the vicinity, we are prepared te pay particular attention tp fUtiiifmp onrers for Oak and Walnut lumber;"-' Iri'short everything needed -.ithis countrv-fan betonrMlftf this fin- o?TXi.-t 'lOYlflotofazum. beyt embef 3d, 1357...... . .. . , ,-f ., , y-KMf A. LTTORD. ' J 1 ' ' " JT .Tj-nonv .-T'i,7 mtt! il TfM e i I: .'.ii. I iif 'O Tan ic co '.jt o'rfi,.n- .:-. .'.-('' ''D&lam: .tTM .t.v,t,,.tl st :; I . i ttw ist c J f,: i tilbs Ti n t o '1 - GROVEKIES, 5 i HARDWAKEiVgTNSWARE, 0 ' iirATl&DlilAPS;1 IVails, PIoV ilscli, CTtliiiurc, &c ! KT'-n isOMJICt, 1M07 ft April 8tb, 1857i 1 1 ? f 1 , J 4 J 1 ft MTtf I : -H ' : . . t-.;t4 1 15.000 lbs. of tJaC4n ForsaletcHeip'lor Cash, by LYFORD A HORN. 0. F.,tAJCE, -n..o r-.nWM:.B0O.V-SB. (Jlrownville,' ...-1- .. Jfemaba-Git. ' 4 iyw.Bi.e, p. ymana-tw, , " ' - - ' It en BAS A' JTE It H,iTO R T.- ' ' -71LL promptly attend to Land JAgenciesn,'ayiDg taxasv DrawiDT.. monev. bttvin? and selling Real; Estate .buying and selling on Commission, slaking Collections for distant dealers, and all kinds f business pertaining to their bn)feson.;!':';' - Particular attentoin wilfbe.'girTi) IHIng JecUra tory statements to' pre-cmptTrn'd,ocufif j tVf f ranty Deeds from the Town autfioriijas. '..,',,.,77 I Persons owningTown lots, resi-iUsg at -a iidfetnbce wishing to procare Warranty Dwaswilt d wotrtto place the apeney in our fcandK (hIWo-ti prbse'ritfng their Quit claim Deeds for aid lit 1 Jt'itbio the'ex pirktionbf six mecths, as after t?;at tune ah loU' not tTeeaed will be sold. , jl . k m wars on- ai . . v , rr. , j N. J8. Tetbfrcf inafcirynaswe V4. .V "I t tT 34 R.. v.. w my--; i-iy I Patenrj)drlmLliU, THE subicribenhbavo entered into,,a partnership nnder Vie firm of ReeX Holabird A. Cp., to mannf adta?ti"5i3 & rjled, J AAi 'cJtaUejGrist Mill and aro bow prepared itpu raisin all those ia want of SLgopdlof-pr 'Ti'eiitUl.tJia.for dura bility, simpliety and economy ; exceharry Mill fn the world. Oa br lite ehibitto of Mechabici Institute ia Cincinnati, A CMd-iTed'al was awarded taetnforit.' ' .:..", u-i;iir. ;ui: ' p--- ; It is Adapted to all Grain 'grinding porposeVfii Is iaperior to ail etoertfSrthemetextensiverrctant Mill, as i ii for grindiag the Farmers feed by Horse pewr;-T. ' .:' ; t r. h-A : 1 -.f 1.1 . Tbe aboTe Mills are manafsetai'ed by'vhe ander ngned at their shop in Cincinnati O., Where they eon be furawhedin anyquanlityatsbert notice.' The above MilU warranted In perfortii fcllewst so in. tflare., per hour 50 B. Cora, 25 Wheat, f 300- ail 1 - . 30 . . .: is.!--j j ; As tbu Mill tells its own story, it is anneewary to quote from oar nuuerom recemmcndaiitt Mceived. mi. HAll'DWARB 'AND " CTOTmiY, fcftfeir. Boots &'Sli6esJ Hats- &. Capi J I SU'ueensvi-aretDnewarcTiawarej ' ' IRON, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS o.; Abo. Fumilrert'f ill kinds,- VtThaowaih ' 1 r- ' til rieW'-Haxdward ' Store. ' i 5 -ar-w t 1 r. Atftbhca-n Gennaii, liDgiisii 6t trench , j HARDWARE AVD CUTLERY rrs NOrprtpvTnir nd nnaninfr tb.iTarirest aivl wosi L rarica arsoremeot of gooda in th shore Ltaetover uflered in anv market west Ot at. ijouia.),, 1t. , ,; ; My stock embrace's a tull ond, complete aa3ortmea r:t:'...i - tr tn..:t i -ii..4 r,i.i,;.. w'l U)ols.(f .erery idespriptiea direct from the most approved, manufacture re; agricultural ana norucai tnral tools and implements, in great rariery, cotnbia' injjall the recent and useful improvementi for. the munitv.from whotn! I respectfully tOclUesl a eirefuf rimlhaitJbn'of.'thia'oV'partment of my stock. I am alto exclnsiTe aent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill ani Cross Oat Saws, whiolri will warrabt: and fill oH orders at ihe factary prices.- Alio a larse assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols: Ircn-gtWl, NaulB, koweMhe bos. brandsi lajawordq my stock is very corhplete, wtucivior r tfaaiitjf aca prieerI ar4 detornlined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share cf trade- from this and adJoininir counties. Mytrarurements for importing andajfiK'irs for ArtWri&tJirdwore .JtMrnC-cWrers, toiretli(?rStltriJai lontr'eiucYience'n the eeneral Hard ware trade, -enable me; hot only Bofy nil eompeti tioti,- cut aas oonnaeec tue tnac lae ime principle1 oi . . . . i r . i t.i , .. r . 7 . January I, loo7. Tln2'Jtf .-.rn: ;-n.i . . i i i . 1 i Insnxnnco , , Qompuiy. ' 1 iV.':5BJKASKtI GtTY, N. T. rpiHIS Company, uniet rbral;ibarter lTTi rf-t a. iuuv uriraiiizeu. nuu tireirt?ui.iro i-ninuii bijv& vi 1 1 1 .1 : 1 r are propared,.frorjn this date, to gran open ptiicies, ai,. take ' .risks), npon eoaj terms, ,wkb, tn most faveiretl'Insuraneie . Company .any, where. Having r . ' flptci ,fire rtjuinal principle, its patrons, without incurring any liuibilfty, will' snare ia th'e.prt'fils ef, iv . 1 I The operations' of tho' 'Company, wrilLbe eooflnedi r.thel present, -V akin"E, ;.c aco. vsks, witb a. moimum liability $12,580 bcttapn..." 1 1 x.einz toe ociv insirmico mi.if,. 014 uv'!? fvlT, : !.-. . Ti' ... t 'ir ' -? -L Jt 1 1T '1 l peete en;enereus eepport from V estern Merchants. - ue rejpecUiuJgiaviKCca ssovijKirer pa- "II. P.Bena,et,.',X .'i.I' J.-L.- Armstfoug, 1 W,A' Hinchmant .;;,,. .Milei Vf.. JJrpirn-': laedTrtt !.,. An-JJr4'ot tnii! : n l . CPlAS.F.HOI,Icsident.,v,. .,; u Ht. iJ&TOlUfi I April 2d, 1857. - t .1 j,v.'-;A i...';i,U-lyi Geo.' si iiiUk &1 fcci;; i4fir tri f ., . 15 1 "t"V TILL promptly atlsnd-lb Land Agencies, Inves , y,, tijrating -iTHles, Pay in r Taxe.i, Invjestini moa ey.Bnj'iOS and Sellina; Towa Lots, Buying: Helling and Locating Land Warrants, and nil other business connected wit taeir profession an. V esternJowasnd Nebraska. '" ' ';','' '",'. ! :MLEWIS, :Ass'ociat(i Attorney.- i REFERENCES : - 1 - ' Greene, 'Weare & Benton, "Goericil BluTs,' Ibwa. Q. Dousfctt & CoU ,Vh:Siv.- .m-)V. :, Greene, Wfeare & Risflj .1 ' Ti. Des Moines Greene A Weare, ' :t !( Cedar Rapids,' ! U. Nixori A Goodman. Cincinnati. Ghio: ;Tootle & Greene, .U ,itr;c- Gleriwobd, Iowa, ii N, '3(T)mas, Cmcinaati, Ohio; ' Sehooly & Son , " . u . 'V"- 4-".'l r."i'K V" "l--'T" -I - iH. JobnaavU 1Q1 O JHlgbt43teWB,- '' I. 4e4 bon, r.ii . Rc.binson & Hro Ji'biladclpbia, Pv .1 'Bnrliwgton Co.' Baakj ' r.t t- :.jredfV.rd,,Ni J. I;., 1 1,1 . ,11 ; 1, in r .11 T W r JOHN COLHOUX & BROTHER,- (Sign of the PadlockppdsiM tU T&st Office.) BcLUding and Saddlery Hardware, ! p -L RrTMl H---?T R-S- Rnnf. SbTUl'onA RWFJiseJ AVE now in store, and to arrive shortly. Amer- icairjpdFottigri Hard wart', j ash at J) reayeav r ou-a. Jikss aadAdgeTeois1 X Vj- V7 -CT Pocket ktiive BltUbei 1d t HiS i n'lLbiVoB-and ftrkl r? .I2; fwirWtcliMi'iawi Brass enrlaia bamds and Ginlbtipoki ted-screws 'pins1 ' -.'-i d&ui.t 1 (Jriliin's and AjnericaaVp.'ioclW I horse, nails-, ',.J ri- 1 'A,nSRra andarjgar UU Pest bole augers Corn knives. J...... AineV shovels 3 nd spades Briarscythes ' , ; ', i Lptl A 'Porter's b if ttcrn Grass and grain 'do" 'Batts"1:' Naila 1 :'; MiirriHSgthabbines1 Shovclsand tongs :"' ' Ciftillar.-fniir iand thuly "Candlesticks :'! -1 saws , "' ;' Framed wood sair ': ; Pliines and.plarie irobs',. . JUacksmiths'ikliows and Coopers drawing knives H Vices- u '. -'-nj."7' ,i('t ' do ,'Ues .and )wood...llon8eholo Armitage an- .'. tools Tils-;;i! 1.1 Trers Hoops : .; . ...!: American anvils. Butts, cast aad. wroagbt: Stocks and dies 1 Copper rivets for belts . . Pad books, breecb'"g loops Tayerelrens Pad screw s, cockeyes.'. . Phkted and eom. stirrups Ornaments, racks - -I d4.ov. ' .i do . Hints Girth rein ed MIer web do (jdfly'Uucklea; ",Hilk,-a co'd pjcaj j I do ' do " Kings r.Calf skins' Bnt4nd reia-snape " Upper leather . Pegfl..it8J'fJ,i- C!1 ' SEirtihg do Pincen t f Harness do ShirrtbreadT rn - f-,K9tttn?T''CWjT OrPrP BriIesrA- MtiiiH-1 Lining skins .T .''.. Enbiiritfled leather Binding.. rM -m ; -.: - . I .",t . . i " With many goods embracing a complete assort ment of tbe most dusirable wbicb tiey will tell at the lowest) prices. ,. r , J. C0LHOUN A BJlO , April l&i,1857.vr ;r ' y. 3 i-ly DQ"yixLtXMARKirA3rf& co:, ; ; WAS I K QXO N.FO TJTNDR7, Engine andBlacliine ?liop, COKER4)lMtaiAXI-JlMAta&:ETS, ST. LOUlSy Mo. 1 Mannfactnssrs of StoamrKngines aad B.Hers, Saw WTid Griit MiO'SacrtiarySiile and Double Clitllar Saw Killw'To4cso..Scws and Freats Lard KiUles,Xard Screws and Cylinders, Wool Card in Machines Building Cartings. Toeng'a Improved Patent Smat Mills, Jcc. . jntTAGENTS for twti sale efJames Co ,'s Su pif Baci!iieCaf.''j :i . 4 .. "lJ ) ,vdo-ly O i ' 4 m n 1 1 1 ' L.. , , 1 4. W' ..- mvm j. -ill ITS;- nail Eoiitej From the Nemaha Agency, in Kanca.1, V the ' : ' month of the Ayoway KiTer.N. T : THIS LINE makes one trip per week, each way, stepping at the principal towns en the Missouri River. Good Hacks all the way through, and good brides and , nice vounr men for drivers. A J.. R A W. RKXNET. CVirtrartors. Bac;-19, lSjo. vln27-ly Gleawood, t J T 4,H t i ' Flattsmoutb.,Xi 1 1 iifla Ctf.Towa'r " 1 ' Cass'co'. Nebraska." t i IHlEWMIiffll -r-J.- ''m TSlA-j i .- n.';:-,-'Arq7:R'R' ' 'L '. ! ' ' . 1 I ! . '. . ! til " .- 1 : 1. 4' ! " FAMILY: THYSIC. I Ui-.tiu . .'''-.i'i ' i i'i ' :''' '' : !TwFnhns long existed aenblk den been prepared to meet that Ajmaud, ni ne ten siee trial of its virtues Us conclusive shown with what success it accomplishes the Purpose signed, i. ' :v v . r,Vvwal vuL but not emsT to make the beat of all ,7s-one which aboold have none oi me wuicvuuu . . - - , every Other. This has been attempted here, and with what success we wonld respeT n ' f t tbe.pubKc decision. It has been unfortunate M tke patient hitherto that a'.most ererr pnrgative medicine is acrimonious and lrritatin? to the bow els. Tim is not.-, Many ot t.iem proauce so pHpinff pain and revulsion in the system as to more tkan- Counterbalance the good to be derived from tiem. These f 3 produce no .wriM-aiui r v"t Wies? It arise from a previously existing obstru-: lion or derangement inthe bowels.' Being purely T ... ' . ..!.J Cm 4mr .a. in n vesetauie, no nnrm can arise uum "- j ciiantity j but it U bc;ter'that ny medicine abould. e taken. luaifiiiusiy. juuiuio uiicv.""..."'- rnifie in trie eevenu aiHea nmui, plicable-'arfe .ftive on .the' bos.' . i Among ine: com plaints which bnve been srieeUly cured by thera, we tmay mention' uver ompiaiuH m i ..- Vof Jaundice. Indigestion, Lar guor ana i-oss ot Ap- petite, iJsuessncss, imwuiuij, uiuuw. ..-v..j BiliouFeter, 'Fever -and Ague, Pain in the biiia and Loins' rirj-i&.an tnese are out iue con uniHjici 4ijHk.fcd.aation In. the uver.i A atx hnd impurijyf the blood, Jrrbuatife ; fn short, any anaevery case wnere njiuigium: ic.uu.... - ( jfkey, -have also produced, soma amajimuiT cesaful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, ErTshela,iPalTdttic-n of the Heartj Pains ia the Back, Stomach, and eiae. inej suouiu wu; Uken m trieprmg of the year, to purify the blood and prepare, the system for tAe ehange of seasons. An' Occasional d'o'se.'stirhulatei-' the stomach and bowels into, healthy action,' nd restores the aripe tite and. vigor. v , They puriy the blood, and, by tne stimulant action -an the, circulatory system, renovate- the trejog-Ji-:of. the body,- and restore tba watid or diseased enertries of the whole oreanihm.. apenont thry annra rromni ana b.ub ICU-1 v, tivenesaJPffiwJbnc, Dj-iiy, Hirmcrs' ScronJa tia k-wt. CnliU rith tewmiiit ef the oody, L"lisci lTieilillericean occa-sional dose is advantageous, even r:. . . 1 : 1-.r..r . u... fthouiW H0 ,penoua,acrangemens exusia; uuk uu, , necessary-M4ti-f'i' m. ik kuw-wj as everypurgicJKBUF-ai.- icuays rS '. v' S. il. when taken to esccss. "The thousand ciuses in wrucn eaired cMiimt be'eriuTheratetl botey but 'they-suggest ' tfien'istives to the reason of every bpdy ; and it "W 'ntdently believed .tliis'pCi. trill ahsver a better purpose tb;iu any thiiig which has .hitherto been available ',to jjiankind. When their 'irtnaS'arajetje'.knojTB, the ;publio-will not longer, doubt what 'remedy , to eniplo'y when jn necI of a, cathartic medicine. JJeinft sugarrwrapped, they are pleasant'tot tfJtcy and beiEg purely vegetable, bo. norm can ansc irom meir use-in any quaniu-T. .. For rmnut dneetiOns, see wrapper on the Hot .T . . . - n' i.i;: i' ' '.) '-' ( -1 .r.,-,,1 -i:.;l;. f .rBEPARET HX: ,.,.: A . . r .H .j DR.;OIES C. AYEK Practical aiid Analytical Cliemist, Pfica WXTentrper Eo;i yfro" Boxea for $1. " i A -rjVili -5r l rj .,-. ,.A.YEK'S ... CHERRY ;:PECT0I11L; 1." 1 1:. -.. ; . or uie rap4a iUt i ; ' 1 - - : COFGUS, 'QLDS, 'HOiRSEXCSS,' ; BROXCIilTIS, UH00rn-lOtsII, i'--''.-.C0A'Sl'MPTI05.-: 1 This remedy bas won for itself such notoriety from its -cures.of .every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely smnecessary t recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been errployed. " So wide is the field of its use fulness, .and so" miroprous ,the cases of itstiuxes, that almo6t every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarminz and even desperate diseases of the lungs byita se'. H'ritn once tried" its superiority; dvai; every other medicme W.itK kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and vhere its virtues are knwwn, tbe public 110 longer hesitate what antidote to-employ Tor the distressing and dimgerous affec tions of the pulmonary efsrans which are incident to jtmr climate... Jfot onTy iif. formidable attacks. L noon tbe lunin. but fiir the imlder vnnehe of - Cotns. COTGirs, HOxasKNfs, s;c. ; ana ror whii-' drttn it is' the pleasantest and, safest medicme that can be obtained.,, ... ,.'-'v ',.'; '' r.' ,".;'.'. ' As it bas long .been ia, constant use thjrpughout this section, we need notdomore than assure the peeple-itTrnaby i kept pp Jo the test that it ever. has neea, ana uiai ue K'nuite tuvt? 14 soil uj 1 -.. .. i J; H. MAUN,' ACO.i Brownvili, "" j ,-,!! o. " TJernard.-AdamsA Co., Stj. Loui3.', 1 And all Drugists in tho United States.' j Jaao 2ith.l57r " -r -' -v2 - ! GE0IIGE ' IV : KENNEDY, ' ' BROKER xjiGiryXn a i.a. ACjarTrS j ji .t. ro-,. Florence Giitft -JV ' T. - ' -, iirownviiiG iiaKery . j. 'j-.. : ! .1.-: t;VA3N UURTlilG. , BEGS leave to announoe to the pnbUc, that be bas erected it Bakery nd Confectionary establish ment in the'Cityof Brbwnvillo N. T., and will keep constantly on hand, and ia pre parol o bake to order liroad, Urackers and takes of every manner, style, discription and quality. He has Irarimnorr experience in baiting and-oonsequentJy foels xruiteewnrideet he will be abw to give satisfaction . A- liberal patron aga is respectfully solicited. - . 1 v . .1 , . ... EYAN WORTHING1. ! JnIy,23-'57-T2n6-IrA.' . ' '-'- - I!.' ESTABROOK, ''X.ViTED STATES, I - ! ' JU'.AJaV.1';' u e rBQUIREDto be in attendance ifrlcillr npon all 4- tbe terms of tho District and Supreme Court cf the 1 erntory tenders b is Professional services to mch as need. them. '.He flatters hiuueif thathii facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each His trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to inch-as entrust their business to bis care. Omaha City, June 7, 1855. T ' 1 GEOVP. 1LCKUARDT, WAT Gil- 9 ; -tl. n cL aToxxrolloxr, j OREaOJTj KOLT COTJ"XTy, MO. f IlAKES the liberty to inform the citizens of JL Brownville and vicinity, that be bas "opened a j - -"Watch, dock, and Jewehry 8 tore, Io Oregon, liol I county, Mo. . w tiers he will keep con stantly en band, and for sale, -a good assortment of irtld and rMlver watches flocks and Jewelry, Which ho .will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of Violins, Accordeons, Silver, and Ilated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold - and Silver extension iases, Silver Thimbles, Ac., Ac. - - i I He is prepared te repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry,' of every description, in the best manner and en tbe most reasonable terms. ' Every article bought in bis establishment, is war ranted to be what it isrepresented to bj Watch re pairing warranted for one year; 1 1 ' x - ' .3ujy 25, 18JA; ,vI-i8tf A V ." ' ", ' . Dillon, Thompson , & Co. large frame luildin 'cor. Main and EOck, ! v ' T r rT- nrriv irri ' i .. p. : xvviviv rum, utiu. . - Wbosesale and Retail Dealers fn " AWD- ! GROCERIES. liardwatre, Queebsware, Drugs, . Hats, I .Caps, Boots,' Shoes, 'Tinirare, otoves, r urnuure, iron, : . I?ais, Plows, . ,' i - .and ; ; . Farmlnrr, Xtensels. t r.- i- iri i 'i '.2 Vi l. i 'VT7'ILL bare, on the opening of navigation, a ! V'1- lirft nd 'nried tecesion t their present FWk which will be sold Low for Cash. ' 1 February 12th, 1857. 35-tf LOWE'S smd'genoy it .2i! oMaha city, .v. r. Btv4fw: PATENT GliAIN SEPARATOR.1 now. prepared t leroLs Farmers and other? with bis 1 k ."-'."GRAIN SEPARATOR." ,v T for the pro'sent season. It is nnnecesfary ta speak DuticuiarlT of the mer.ta of these Alai.-hinei, as they are too well .known throughout tbe country to need extollicr: but the fact tiat they have bcretolore and are continuing to receive tba pr-jtiiuml at the State and County l airs wher they have ben exhibited is suEcient to induce all those in want 01 sucn a ma chine, to curt base one of these.' At a praetmal test of turrepnrator in competition 1th the best of those mndfi in Englahd, fn IS 13; it received the highest comonmdations of the press, and of the leading A gngultunnsts oi . Oat.oournry. 1 have a large number of them on sand, reaity tor the cwnin;' crop, made cf the bt material, and war ntT. tftil tn Ai 4ror(1 ivnrk. ...' "' I have mnde mamy valuable improvements in these machines within the last year, and hare no hesitation in warrantlag them superior toany in use. .. , I asi aLso preparing a Jarre, number ci-vrasiiora 1 ; Improved Clover.llullers, , patented in 1854, which are greatly sntcrior to, bis patent or being in Itself feeder, and"grca:iy aaoadof itia other rosnecW "ihey trill be maau raetured under the 'linmodiate supervision, of tno patentee, wha bs permanently located tnthlsplaee The above eut represents my four horse separa tor," and ia designed especially for the farmer's own B9!. 1 IrliW, Jitit fr H.-Cniiok':celebrale4 REAP ER-and-MOWINO MACHINE, combined:"- " J R. MOFFITT, Piqaajmami eonniy Qhio. Improved: jiftle't Giant CORY & COB PI, ACT ATI OX 311X1, Prico XlocfucocL ' ' rrTHE subscriber bas purchatied.exclasiye right of JL liiemtory n the VV est, ot the above eclebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all timis, either wholesale or retail, and giiitahtdcd in the moet pom uve manner. - v. (., - .. , .... It is now more than a year since tho . ; : -.- . "Little Giant' -;n Was introduced to the public, during which time, it has been conatantly growing in the popular favor. , : The improvemonta reet ntiy effected and patented, mikes it tbe most perfect mitchme ever offered for general farm uso.-' Itisfurnishedreadyforattacbing team, and weighs a. follows:' ;NV 1,'225 No. 2, 3I!0, No. 3, 400, No. '4, 500 poands. , Twenty minutes are sulDcitfat to set one up, without mechanical aid, and wbenpncei adjusted, it can with safety be entrusted to a boyj i nil directions accompany eaca Mill. L 1-15, will grind Sbiuiealper hour with 1 borse Nf 40, ' 10 a 1 N3 50, " 15 " u - 1 No 4 CO, ' '-: ?? '? j i "I " 1 iST" Liberafdiscount tVdealers. - ' " 1 - JAMES B.' CHADWTpIv, ' " j No. 63 Locust street, bet. 2d and 51 i Jnne 23. 1856. vl-a4) 5; S. Louis. Mo. AH.K5 BOOT icozzExs ,! ! : HOOT ficjCOZZENS; ' , :;--in-l j----- J' j.,. ai- Jf j v'j 1- l- LAMpoAGEMTS, . . ' ... :" r. . i.Ji HAVLNGmade arrangements by wbich we receive accurate oopies of all tba Townships, as fast as Surveyediin'taaTerritory we are now prepared to offur our scrvice3 ' to' the grtizfis of the. Territory, ! r 'J. W IN ' FILING, v a't 9 - -:: Declaratory Statements ! TTrVTTnv rn tjt r rmn xx- 4Uiiiu4i AV.a iii'ijjit t( Securing Pre-emptions, - , tOCATIAG LAXD TfAlaRAXTS. AND ' ENTERING LAND. L.ind: Warrants Bought; and - Sold, J liand entered bn time, : etc.' ! ; . i PARTICIXAR attentioA paid to", baying and selling on Commission ' Also' in miking Collections ia all parts of the Territory and Western Iowa. April 1 4J-tt f , : W ' WW FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY . 1 . ISo.iQS Vine St., bet. .Fourth and Fifth, - -! Cincinnati, 0. r-y oil C. P. O'llRISCOLL, Jt CO ' Manufacturers and dealers in News, Bok an.f Job PatentMedicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrerings, Ac, fc. .... ' . i , Brand and Pattern. Letters, various sfjics, ; .' Herring's Patent Champion , ' HKE-PPtOOF SXFE, ' - WTH HaU'a PatcjH Powder-Proof Locks the same that were awarded separate Medala at """a arair lonaon, ls3l,and the World's fair. -ew.iorK, isoi; and ace ihe only, Ameriean Safca inatwere-awardrd meddiat the Lc ndorf Worrd'a Fair.. i. !.....: . . .; -.- : These Safes arenowadmittedtobesnperior td'anr mwr.. ,IT 4..1 V If ... . 1 .. umiiw 10 mo puoiic ; ana me gaoscribers chal, Ungo the World to produce an instance of these caieaiaiungto preserve theircontenU throurb tbe BOttcst cres, or a burglar picking the lock. ' . .. i i The lubscribers and their agents are the only per sons aumonsedto make and sell Herrings Pntent Chnpion Safe, with Hall's Patent Powder hoot ! S. C. HERRING A CO'. 1 ' - Green Bloc5t,J35, 13f aad 1.70 Wa.r St., i - and 5 Murray S'fJNew York. , Jiaren atn,iS57. , 3S-om :, , W. II. bTIIXsLAUS, , , - WHOLES ALK AND BRTAIL DKAIRR TV . STOVES & TINWARE 1 " Orocoa. HtfCo.. ' . .' rp AKES pleasure ia announcing the citizens of Or- .a. Kon aaa ue puoiw in general, that he has on hand the most extensive atock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market.; My itork of Tirt wani is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Whblesala and Retail t St. Lonis pricw.' .. . i would call particular attention to my stock of v.uai.iU aioiM, eomprrsmg tbe most improved patterns both Air-Tight and.Premiam. Among them may be fonnd Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in use, the Asiatie Air-Tight, Pioneer and prise Pre mium. -Also.- i . j. .... . Parlor & Box Stoves , - Of various Sixes and Pattern, which I will ... SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. ; Particular attention paid to making and putting np Tin Gotten, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and oa reasonable term. ' Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken ia exchange for work or ware,, , W. W. WILLIAMS, Oregon, Mo., Ja!y , l&jfi. . TaHonn! , Tailoring!! E. E. XAllTCTr'I ; , . Slerchant Tailor, Atiaatie street, West at Hatlitll Store,"' 'VROWSYaLE,.XSOUASK'TERR. "' HAVING bought propertyaad located iermannt ly in Brownville,,! offer my services to the pnb.ic ge-oeraUy, if they w.-uU jiny thing done in my line cf busmen. I can always be found at my poet, or, inore properly speaking at wy bench. Work IVarranted o Fit .o Pay! Particnlar attention ji.l to i tttinggitrmenti and liiyiag off work for the Seaoutrets. . Tbe greatest portion of my life has been devoted to toy trade In which I eonider myself inferii r to none especii'Jy ia the euttin? department, and I hope by dose atten tion to my business to merit a share cf public patronage E. E. PARKER- Brownville April loth, 1857. . 1 nl1E03 3JAILS jast we-ived.and forl, ltJUby I. T. WHTTE A CO. vmv9, vciuuea, oa.y c. Inks, and Printing .Material of Every Iiescri'ttlon. HTEHEOTYPINO of all kind-J'k. tin.i-, ST,0RK; Moore tiroTvii 1 cum respecuuny acnotinn. T.v - goeraiiy(that they iuvo "Would 4;AJla .-'V ,'OF, .3 Evertthicj' that comes wdei i i GKOCElilEs i zi (71 a ex. I JkU OP WHICH. WK WILL tt7 CHEAPER TI1AX ' TUS f HF VfT Wanted. ;i 1 GOOD "bfeckstriitb eaa tni retnaBlLj" 21 meat, remanarative wa.. hr anrM.. July 2.1857 . ... i . . " smAtrouus. - CtltLTM a. Boh,. t f. SlgLATJaHLUSSDORaiY ! 6 ZXEUAIX AJSii AG LATH. ! '. .....BBOWN7IUB,Il.I 1!,' M VUl, attend W fiag D:laratwB itwim ' i ; ?PreTKiTnm : Securing rrii-emptioM,Lcatbx Litiy,, l-i.!--- i 'Eatariaaj Xancw .. ' Mnd yarrant Uought and Soli' I'arUcn!ar attentUi wUl le piid U WfliJ selling-proprty on commwio, and naki.,, ..!? i menti for distant deafers.' 1 . Correspocdonce solicited, . .n " 4,.., "tBirpEHrTo u- BraafoTi!, McLennan A McUarw; NubraihOrf J e MclTierson, lorrijon. A Hutchint. Urownr,i.j'f 0. II. Burnet, Es, Bay ton,. lb'"- MyrACTflUM AIB .TTBOUMMJ Maiaaa, r ! Boots Shoes Erosaax .87 .1 . FAyT Inn m ARE NOW IN REC EIPT of amma of goods from their own ani ether J tories,adapted epecinJ:y to the Westera trad. xurcuasars are invited t ex 3 mine tWifad, manufactured -and jHclacted With great em warranted of superior quality. . Ordari f ill nmrf rotnpt and eargful at'tftntin. ,",! i t ,, i( 1 - Fashionable Tailor, 1 1 jacob 3iAhiroi BEOWNVII.IiE-4 UEBRASir .. IAVLN determined to locate in ilin paft, spectfully announces to the nub!i' tLn Lon hand a large and wall selected stoek of CUUu, will make to order in good ityle and at rtiMMb ratesj or.sellby anyqaantity iJesireiL., . He alio keeps constantlx on hand sol for alii supply of ready made, clothing of all kiaL ". J&rownville, June lftth) 1357. .f il s. LociwboD.': '-" t .'1357. n. tjonm. . ; ;L6ckw6od fc-Pomeroy, I ' '." Whslcsale atd Retail Bealei ia :iIATS:;:AiVD';'.CAPS):' STRAW -GOODS.., Also, Shippers of American Furs ot every os acription; foy which th ay wiQpay the highest Market Price, ' IN CASH. "tOUNTKY "Mergbasfj are incited to ixatiini nr V stock of Hats A Cs fwr the approjchinn Spring and Summer tradc.'wbich'Vill be Urge,fahionjb, and well selected: In point of variety eumtorisUS not be excelled by aay Uoo-te in St. Lmii. 'Our prirs will be, low, termn a.iwomKlatinf. . , Call and see us atour New Store. Second SI 'S t. Joseph, Mo. ;;,',,.", NEW -ARRIVAL ;TO;;ES . ' ', ' ' ' '' ' and TIN W A HE. ! ! , CHRISTIAN DErSEB. ' I ... - 'liKOWNVlLLE, ANNOCNCES- to tbe publie taat be ba jsst t eeived, per Steamer Em ma, a very In i well assorted stock "of Parloi Siid Cxk new and imriTDred fwtternt,as fullgait 7 ' IS i COOK SIOVES, .1 1 ;Bwk's( I Clipptt Ore ' ' ! 44 Improved Putter 14 Charter Oak ...;" all of which I pledge myseif tlo lell at as fair and on as accommodating terms as an other "jj, lishoanCla- tbiegie4vf "lillry. - - - i I bava also- mw ott-Jtand every reifaiiita o-1" of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and am Prl'J to put up guttering and ipentiog and all oiber'' in my line, at short notice, and in a workaaai manner, which I warrant tuirUe natiuVtion. A share of patfonAira is sopited.' ' i i C. BUS.. Bro .no,'Juisi5. nvi 2S57;' vwi THOMAS' V7ILLIAMS, , , Attornej; ' and feuUsclfyr ' at ' hi'. ' : Krovrn.llic. T. i Will practice in Uie Third Judicial Bi.trJc. is J braika Territory, sd ia the If j'ta,JetUcWO,t in the State ef, MawsirirL IlEFEUEMCES. ! Richard Brow n Jirt wmillX. T- I "TU W-Fornas, ; Df.-John MclTiersonj. Tirrcajio,01'ft7 I Jam Am .wier-.' 1 TT tiieoia Ma I ' George N.' Millet, 1 Jttt '." IV 1 , - : NEWTItl-tEKiX MAJTii,'; i ,TilO 5 '.---rx-3raoj':.l ol-. :-::" ! liocn, roxiT, mo. ' .-.,ii .-- ' I - ,.T; -. . . ' . BROWN VI LIE, NEBRASKA. ' GEO. n MCIaART, v HAVING taken tie ;coulrat fjt earrjio; Jlailbetweenthe above m.Mrfs.tile.staitiO-'" of infurming the pobr.c-generally that L JJ f reparations for rnaniag a Hack oh tat ibot aas sute : , Leavins Rock Port everv Tnawl.nv. TiiiJ Sunday, at 12 o'clock M.: arrivi.iir at "Br-)wnv;S J o'clock. P,M.Meaviog UrownrTre for I1 aam evening at 3 o'clock P, M. ' . ' This route connects at Ro.-k Tort with t'i seph and Council Bluffs Sure lir?. and at B' viile with tbe Stage lineleadicr rromTn)4kK,'" St. Joseph Mo.,Independenee. Kansas C'i."ff1: points below : and to Nebraska CitV. Onwi l" and other poisfsbev; aaH. ft'ew- Frt "l west; The snbseriber bopcr;by d"J:gnt ttftf.J to business wnd amnwdatKm te eust jer meritsfiiiarw of tLa publie patronage "". " , 1 PartlcuLir atten-.ioa paid to tie conv?rtort Packages or narcelj. ' Char2rt'Iarlir'.;Bts, eonntabi'lirv for snvbidaLle accidis. Arril J I33i .4.'!-tf - ' ; ' " . Bnchasan Life and' Gezcril, . .'. Xuatirnnco Co rf-v. 4Bta t . U'U" eor xi m i 4u au ST. JOSEl'lf, MO. rairrftrn a rnc lilt jrjria TJlK ' ia Antnorlzed Capita coo,oo0. ! I i DIMCTUHS: . ' xru. : J. B. Jennings, I. R. Howard, J. A. OwJT Tooth, John Colhena.Joha II. Likees. W. It.Fs James Kay, X.Ji McUhao, A. U- Mnftr- - j. b. Jen-vim. r N. R. McAsh.. See'r. TQ '.J. ti umi.. i.l!i4llllll ftrJ. 1- .. ' r 1 .huh u:in::n::: ?; K,'';'- ;rS:! 1 ' -: I ' ,luA 41" ..' Marine and River risks. A cadi rttura ol eent. will be airowed er carjo rwewia . promptly aJjatfd. aad tbe nsual Cm fc ' tbe patmne ef th eCee. . ji ' April lth, 1X7.- it 1 1 i i I