Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 26, 1857, Image 3

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    I , - .. . :
i .
'r.nbcir'irro I fXSrS1 ' ?V' 1C CoiVenC Too arc hereby nMtfcd
' 1 inv WVT 1rV C. m tri" enfe;r j.di ;rkwnv ii nn
- In I.idcn rf- 11 .lie . I "'J nzui of lre-c?oiiti.,a n ,nK .A ..r
Usi agents.
' AnNG o1" afrartgemenu 'by 'Vn.ii 'we will'
Mliv-MiJ:- lMUe TowBshii
X , u.tU JJl'J" avOu ithrajLn, we
w prepared to offer our terrier to the
f. coffers of .Yebraska Territory"
' tv.W Declaratory Statements of lntest
f' to Pre-empt. Secunnsr Pre-emp-f
tions. Locating Iaand WarraaUn. .
LndlVarrants nought und SoII.
Pad entered m time.
i,. articular attention pai J to Ecijn;)and Selling1
Ly oa commission: Aiiiio WJtln Collertinc
' V ..rirardin? imiiuinTC. tojjay part oi me L nion.
'n'auks of 5! 'a.r' hand.
Nebraska City.
v! Ba. ''man West,
St. Joseph, Mn.,
Vahu:;ton City
r'E'H-b-SiSTfB :ofL&,
j cir j- -fry Lnters -Tatpirt.)' t.
' rEfccrisJiAi uxATixoOT Xie
iw. - - -
- CoEianT reeora jjraj a;le Jamps best adupt
j t tLU 0il,-Ue Kxu? D9 iiiin, niaiju fartwrfd
r the ftUuti"? rUe: ,Mawr. CirD04.iis A. JULr,
v) pru if l'intilt!i'hia, E. V. Haup-hwtut k
j lin'al Strvnt, Weasra. Dictx 4 Co. jU i-U'U-'
; Mrcct, L. Mercier 127 Elm Street, 2si. Yi
, oei of dilTurcct tj lc of Lai c&b bfcn at
f ,05 f the Couiny. . . , . - . ., . .,
i-..iiFvrLrtirTr TrNO Chf ?fo. 1 rrflred to
itj.vt.'ii tir. kind a
. aii'ii11 in -Iak-aiboUv. II tad Lii:iUj.Ci
.Bii.ioJ all the ordi nor -S-'branJ llud Lamps,
tiiuni! i? frc.ia.drPf best Sjrm
i MdieaitBiraMytMlSrtHvRailfoad m4 jfamr
it ft- 1 ' ''l' . . '
; Kt8"f,f I.rtKiCATrsoOii.R, S"o. 2,'S. Superic?.
'kfinfrVand will b Tound te'rn .! afl-'rrtjrcs
ft toj Oil u4ho tsarket tiuje prares-tNvriruot
'K.Tt-an ta." t) tlror prepared to meet fbd re-
!fnTi' of Kairroadi arid others. "
HissACiX OtL. Prepared expre.lj
j,.vli'itVsnd will be fuand ndmirabif. aLkpte4'
ire uf Stcanv-bips, Men of War, .llcrcbaiit VjCs-"
? s, wkf arid lliVcr ' erart and burna in all cairn
stmnni,' binnacle, ToT-caaUe lan'V , ninil ia.a-
Xnaii'.-Oil will rrraain Juid M lunj an best
i-rffi, an J will burn &m Lig'it without requiring to
, aiiaAied, Mfc.drftnlaa tLaA vilbo.plfiyu
wS-il-wastcr'.. .. ; . j , , ,.,o:'
i TU KToaetie Oils cap Xa chtalned fros Jlhq
r.'lejale Oil Dealers, thip Cbajiil'eri, bruffrista,
liy'iwa of ih"Coirfrnn ifannV dtlbe pinfipal
r and Viilalroa oT the United J tabes, the Can-'-
in.and the hraod ct, C; OviU.
j 1 Axrata pprMnW (.in eonforreUjiirftb.Uiqi
r sc-'!Abiihked tj UiQ 15tar of iru?roev?'.H p-
i j-: Genrnl Aijrmt: lifrorir 0iT,:O., "
j i! ::ri jr ,. . So: 59 Jivcr Street; -N. Y.' '
j f .B.-OrAfrt witu fall rrfwularsi.s t5r4onla'.5, '
r-o, fcc, will be lorwaraea on npjiiication aa noove.
j.M :ith. S:7n r f r ,r .-v2 r
I rtt?iR: Inlor.V!ngovefthc'!'a?t fcumberi'cT Ttfn
i li
. T 1
ft a-nntiee .attrHctoa my attention- ncu ty i
wts? HoATer,tsq., in wbicb be states tbit Ctrttiia
if artlnrirochitioft' that tho nndcr-irfied claim
itrterert in N'itnahrt City for the purj-e of 1n
,:icj ili prosperity. .'It may do quite well tocir--k;
a report pf that iiaturo wbc-re the faefs arc
i-knnwn, bat ta thoe bnowinj tbe L-lct f uch a
itfaMmt is merely foolish.
i kpi fr tbe fiurpe of (TMfiB-a fair opportunity
i frsot to ascerUin the f itts fe hereby warn ali
fwir'frIi:"ffbasia5"fctiy retcfl(fed !ab't
.wrWmtho tail Un vf 'Ntaiaba City, irom the
UJnai llitoveaabebaj ildand received pny
14 Mat-two! fibs f aid tc t-uit is doit jx pJlcg
uiijlKruB'lurtijtded J a pnasesfiunuf the iatcrci-t
.rtiniB purvbaseA in the jiasoc; and tbcy.bavo not
Mtii'riud Ci uHoort to dl rii(;o of any
tiara rf ik'At .interest,- bnt directod auit t bi
4lloil aiaw for it recovery. .' ' ' - . . -' -"
, : F. J; MAKsnAM,.- ,
jyo.DUNirn.vN; ."
1 n.r..KArj.A!iu. ;' :
' l. i. imii),'
A. G. WOODtYATvD." i
' S. F. Nt'CKOLLS.
Karat 2S. Ia7 T f;
Jiiunberl-Ltiinberl! r
5 8 ae ?!c;iin Mill has just p aic Into ojieration ia
. "P-ine Kurrest.opiiosite BrownvUlr, rttinw prepar-
"it. frirnii-h the pil l ir wifb evwy cir?able variety of
' ra w. on short notice and reaouable terms. There
:tu iu unusual ainount-of tnrrd-ood timlicr in the
ini irr, we are prepare to pay "particular attention to
M nfoMcrs out j,ni 1
nd Valtmt lnmber. ' In short
'"tliinj needed ia tlaa countrj' ca be fonnd at this
1 JiV,V.i
Somber 84, XS57. , r,
i-LTTOltT. - -l. i " ; 'T-DQUX
Lyfdrd & ; Horni
, . , , s .Dealer $ vf 4 i il'i"" n ;
1IAT3 'AND CAPS, lji
April 9tb. isr m . .aa-tf
.1. -.: : . u.
1-W000 IbS. orBaeon rale,ip for
c'h, by LYF0RD A ITOIl. ' ;
honr,Mo.Arfil?tb:.lFST.' V.t'. -f
F. LiiC,
lowiiri:ie. " . ;
vr.' ii. nooTEit.
- u t: i 1
. f - '! AND y - ' . I , -
('OTARYS PUBU0. - vr
Erownville and Nemaha City,
. O "S ti a Ti at A y a u i to t. C A X
VnLL promptly attend oLand Agencie. Paving
UxaaJ IrawiD; money,, buj irig and lolliag
j5! Estaier t;hij "P4,c'.!t9j; XB.Vim,,on
iking Collectjop for dUtantOoale'rs, aod aUikiad
kajinesg pertaining to tbeir profession. r ' wHibc given inC'Jc; declara
VT Catcmcnts to pra-cuijl and procuring. Var
7 Deeds ftout tbe Town antboritios.'
tsens owning Tows LOTS, residing at .distance
'kLiri v, pure V'aJTanty Deeds w ill 'do well to
tbc agency ia our baidi, ( al w a Vt ireenting
'tQuit cla to Deeds Ut said Ixd. t- witbih'tbe fx
lationof gx mentbs kftcf that time alUoU noi
will be sold. ; J -
"ariks always on band. j. 4 ...
5. R. Uttr nf innuit v answered jiroocnlly. -
Mrb2S,-'S7. ; ' . 4I'1t
Patent Dortablc Mill,
subscribers have entered into a partnership
nder the f-ia of Eecd Ilolabird. A C6 to
""factare tb'e 3. C. Reed, Patent IV UUe Grist
nd are now nrenared to fornisb all those ia
- HI fx
)titte iaCincintati, a CoiJ JWaf was awarded
tforit .
is adapU4 to atl Grain rrindirpufptvses"; It
to all ndim f.artha taostextensK-pMercbant
4lb m it U for rrindinir tbe Farmers feed by Horse
' ; ' . .- 'J x-
.bt abote sHlls are manufactured by tbe andor
rPd at their shop ia Cincinnati, bra they
be firaisbed in any auaotity at short notice.
The bove Mills warranted to pexform as follews:
b. dim p,.t bour AO li. Corn, 55 'bcV
Jl - sa ,13 .
' "' i5 ej.;. L50
At this V.ti t.n-,u nan .L,rT.U ia w TYacccssarv to
Jtcfioui eur numcrotu reconancudatk ni,receici.
a rood torn or w neasaiw taat uh-
SUlt7,sinij,aety and economy; excel any XLHriathe
orid. ti- f Lai a a V t K i ' 1 1T nf rtn 'Mechanic
section tenty-ix (-.;). in township, ranire f.mrtcet. (Itj
east of the Gib principal meridian iufT -a-fciTerrt'ory,,
it ail whomja, insjr ot.wt!).' 'Ton arc bvc'. r '.!
floa ikat I wi;.;.!'T at the Land Ofilce et lJ,-bwiii!h?,'
X Omaha o.mity. X-hTa Ttrltory,'im Taiirmtiy the
20!h day f XV.tciber, l-7, to pnve tip lay Tilit r prer
cmptio'Vtajbe souib-wcva quarter (.f mciii S
irifoe (33) ia TiWiokip Xo two f.) Xoriii. W a4c.J
BromviHcMooa. ;
' ' :jTItOJrPS0N": MARSH; ; ., .'
' First stbetre! Maiiamnd Atlantic,
purcjjo! Die itUjve namcl Ml'wn, fart irrtj
w::o! 1 y ITn. A Ulprmn; r.Tid rt"w srnii iiiv-c Ibeir rtadi
nciuttntielrtti the rpiriiri;iit tartra f tl.e Brft.vi1Uanf
auaflirainiver-ri,yf'r rvM tliinp(runlr'k-rri
in rndi eKtaiiiUsmeiita. TUherc ynucau cet f.oir Smi
.vfler,ar(lip.ea, l..lter, trenh vwtiiwn, prairi hi.
eiw.aaJMirti ami me it Uit gri.uii svwl al
uli Inch to wau-i it a.. Give ui-a call, .
; yveraT)fr 1 l.lWT. ' '', ' , ' - i ,2.V-f i '
; ;( New ;.: Arrangement
Dealers In Groceries, :c! ;
; Post Office BniMinjr, Main Btrcet. ,. . . ,
Ifcrrt-iMcf'ui tLe pnbit fuat they have purdiaM't Us .
VK-t f C-k f.,rm?riy beliitaiw? to J, IX. Hu &
6f tljinrjir; havemvle aiititrins tUnrtn. are noi. ,
ti m il .;; p.V;. 1
tJroccrios .- Motions.
. i r lilt uiai. 1 1 1'U , I c i(
: r l nilln & Conlectioiiary.' i-i '
Purpliter may. rely upunobtainio frv na" HutWrf
pure ii(ltit lent articles... M auikit, fcWue ot:pa-
' " XuVemT.erli, 'TW7. "
1 AK,'
Scott citv Steam Saw-Mill
' ,(fcrtfl4.'rf5t opposite: ni-ovueilU T,).-" JS a
Announces to tlic vuj.jh) JLat -he lia. lc;iuj, ttie new
atam aaw-mnt reenrTy eTivtea ti? M MDc. . Tocatedi
as ntne. and Is tiowiirpDKml 4n' tnmiMrtfif ririrens ir f
MkriourlandNi brsmka iritlvaaKrttra qualiry oCWunts.
ii everydeaorijrtion and.: - r.." : r r. i i,
of an excellent auali'r. A share ol iiitronrxJe Is tolli-Med
Xnvemter 11, 1A57-. .'.i- - '.fr j re- i . i nMlyfl
; . CLAirvr HOTIOE: .
-' To J.'M.'lrmilrf, Wvn'.'il'tit!till) !f. tr;iywo-d and all
otlcrs'horn It -macuKi-rtt. Y.'ii ate tierehr nntifleil
that'l'wilf pppeflr'tit tlie- Ijind tmiee In BwWTiTtrle,1
Nentaha e9unty.-2kerakaIerTitjnTi on Priday tbc 20to,i
d iyX Nwcutbe.r,- 67,itl0 u!ulKk A M to iprvrd p
Biy lipbt of JPrv-iWi:fjn to the west 1 il S. nwz-r t
Aer id (-c-M.)ii t;urt) -fvti(&).. Township three Rarif c (
tveoKl? flJJtast) ;i(1 y-oft ealf'of - norfH-n'esC 'iinaater'1
of oiree ft) timThii two P) rani-'e tVeht (12) :
catD.' .'' -J s, ..: .1,-, j ,.' k.'V. MCnt.'1"
Koveiubeili; fit - r'u ti l: uv4ic
ILiV t
- JOHN 5l9PIErtSp,-,.:
i bava jota-iMctrd .a'a oatLrely new' naJ Wgo
orvMV.i-.d,i jCVi t:5
- ; 'TOwXl wT.l .aell at as reasonable prfooa'aslaJjl 4
estaLlLbbmcut in tho ct,
I liavn e-r.itjrtrieWrf trjf.l
losing acSeJo'rrbieb-ttris-rpuTeta.seH
and consequently. can sol! cheap ou thesnme terms:
I - '-1
' tj rrcj WiTrf XT)"
BOOTS and snoES: :
Ready Made Clothing.
Aitd a fiQQ ssortuieDt of . r r ,
... ...Suha. w, .y
November 5th
etc., etc.
j-i t
A. GYS,,
1?: t r n t ' t rs r t 'Irt'
itvutv 1 W 1 J' iUW' 1
IlKfiS leave to Inform the imbHo that he kas
i Vcated
ia tbe above named town and offer for sale a
' S. 0 cks, f r.i rars, i rrL 1,
aPd UioiarJiclasiisuaUy kept iasuiettabli-kmwfaKiJ
nrice-t-wiiich tarant heeomi'Liinet ol - lioiiig aa w.pcr-
iancf a wattu.atef te ffit'tcfs himself flat ia fejiluriu
watche. Clock and jewelry becanaire pertertnatlsfac-
i Notice to Tax payers. -
.The, Tax "payers" 6f Kehiaha couuly are hereby notified
tkT fitn are now dne. and that 1' am nronared at all
time receive and receipt for the same. ; Taxes -u paid
, t i .or before thfc first day.of January, J35S, will Le sb.
.iecttoapeianyof-tweiity-iive perccnt.fict fcnauta ad
dliiuuai, aocurdingto pur uoyonue iiwi . ii.j'i ;
R.T. KA1NEY, Tres. Xemahaoe
Team For Salei
1 tur.Ji-n cu:id voana horafiatn crwl eutulitieaaBxt'wen
! broke, which X deflre tf sell, and ViTl id no oftTavbTatile
terms. I wilt al-:sM4 a gooa twt aorso iaFEn ami
atiniv t the Subscriber er K. tt. pnraa at tire Aivor
UawefHues:- .V r I : JF.Ov HAttLATTl '
Buownville Oct. 29. '57. ; - I ! 1. watB-tf
Rarts ;7 CLancc : Icr; Investments
1 THE subscriber Intendinsr to change his present bunineia
otlors for sale his Store and,fixture w 1U1 tbe Lt ttJn'iv
mi In K' k Port, Mo,: aud, also, will close out, the Stock
of Goidi'U hand at -Very reduced prices. Call xa as
latrcairts mar be expected.'' This is an oTTvr1 unify not
ta'ton- WtoC met with for person wihiP3 la ciimiaenre
ikhips on to cbanee tbeir location: 1
Ktmtiirb tlie subacriber 00 the premise. . V
I He alsa oiler for sale hi Household Partuturc, 'wJiKJi
1 i, ,.ui.iirih i,ri .
' ' -ftTt. C1RAXCKR..
Rnrk Port. Mo Oct 9- 1S57. V2nn
. General 1 Orders--r!ro 5.
i Xebrat-kaCLtr. X. T.
''' . Oct. 16:b, I2o7,
Head Quarter t Brivde AT. . I'.. - - - - w
Commanders of C'.mipsnies will rerort by letter the
n.. r it rvoicwa r their respective eolitttanles; al.
Udal aad aruretcid tkelt tiaafiatid.-, as u eriiiC
the. Bri:ie tSonttaatylerto qausaafl eleotian aCaioicI,
Lieutenant Colonel. -Maior, ana Aujtuan-., uiaiea im1"
,., vi,.nh Volrmte imtnsdiMetr.-"
.--)'...:.. '": V order ot ''.Irl.'f'J
,. -, ;.! Brls-Gea, D0WX3, (L'aw; Sd Brtja 1
The Steam Ferry Boat
ic. rAnKtAiti
IStWow prepared to prepsreand nrake mtt Pre-emtf oi par
pers and warTant tbem to be correct. I tiawe take the
in,., ,u.i.iua nivftiiir unu rpcm iiih tirttuiiHioii
Laws atVd nietKed "iarma, and wn taiwrty". tcerpietKurc
in civinc advice, ciatis. to those who may call oaaa. Jfav- to, reuuua jevnitineniiy nettled ia .Nemaha
oi.untv. I will exert ir.V time tnd talents to me advance
ment of onruew and prwperoua county and tire rcrriiory
st large. .. " . - 1 1
' "Land Warrants Dougbt'snd Bold.
OFPTCK. one d.mrAVest of Crane k llillVin Brown fc
ITallanTa sew Office, where lie can be frrd at-alt tidies
In mix btb-iaesa boura. . .- -c '
1 have some pood claims to sell of the first choice, ti in-
bered and prairie. ' : ' ''-
' a Lit -Several good and clipllde lot in Brownville,
which 1 will disKie of cheap for eat-h or un fime, puixhas
r navine tauaier orut iatcretit.
t-,M:M ' ' - r - T.zt: PARXER. ,
BrwnwiHe, X. T. Oct. 15.JSB7. i VJoltiy
Buchanan Life and General
X33.ieiwxira-n.oo Oo. , y ,
' 1 ' ' Office cor ?d atiiJule sts!, , ' I J
, AuthorLzea Capitol 53,000,000....-
-- . .DltLECTOKS:.. '' '
J.Tl.Jenninf;', I. H. Howard, J. A. Owen. ViUoo
Tooth, John Colhoun. John II. Liketut. W.ILTcncik,
James Kay, J. McAihan, A. O. Mnsfieer.
jT u. jEsxixGSa rfc. ;
y. R.lIcAsnAS, Sec'y. . ,
IS now ready to receive application for Life. Fire,
ilariae and Rivet risks. A cash return of ' pet
cent, will be allowed on cargo pmaiuWS
promptly adjusted, and the usual facilUias giron to
the natrons bf the ofiiua.- v :- : V 1 1 1 -
April Wth. 16 il. t . ' rv-U-via
B r. 1.1-snnAtcn. , '" " iso. i.."carso5
ijj.-v iy:ns ra .tj? r general lasp a gzxtsi
j Itctirrf !;! Jl er, K 1a;i!;e tnd IjiiJ VTirranta,
K-pw;a! aticmi m i I bo civeii to li.yj and 3p!liT
trie prn.-ir 4 ci(ie tt tle United futft.
iri.i. fr r, aa uunrrt il ta'.K Xofe. 'V comtautftfv-
icfeilon tiHK; lor Precnipt.-ri. Alt tTarranU sold hy ui
Siikramecdiif eTn-ftrrrfrt K"!HTf4)-t;rl.r.viate-menu
vt niuntHm tu prc-en'wt, aol pfeplre Pr.taipifcin
I'.ij'erg at thort n .tk-e. Nmif) loaned upon best aecnii-ti-,
at AcAcr.ritti f feUf'. anii'ittTrormwitx male
in Lvl''jt'f:i(y. Briefly ,.r liHtint apiUlilsi t foUeo'
li'Mia Ux.n all cmivemetit pciDlit will be promptly attend
ed to arwt pn-eeJa remitted tin xcliance, at current ratea.
Hilla t4 Kxctianrt m .tkMi, JielorW - u4 JraiM. t'
taiiioi at umui raievtrh tw ot Ewliajife-oo Ui Kat
ali!tL . i ts .revoked vax'ticrcul auxiuut audlaterc'kt
al.eloiiKrbidcn-jiU. , , j,.., "
0F'tOr,aii4fc C. Si tan-I Cffl:. : -," , '. 17
. . : . '. nti lKr-Vcxa - ' 'J '" ' 0
Tnd; I5r-t,er & Co., M-rchanti, .",'TlUalelphia, Pa.
.iaeXviRhron, Carton k Ci.,-' '' ' u' ''
llifeif fcWbWei' " f rBjUitaonvAbJ"
Vjiinf. Oamn Sr)'a ? : ! . . .; -.
fi. Sooiupjon Jiaaiat. 0rrePorit ' , f r
K. JU iawU!T.fcCo. erchw,.. , , . , .
M . X. V efc . k C. No. 17, Broatlway, KewTork. ' ',.
Wnu.'C. iuuiiutoa, Etv.', l!aJil:cr, 71ValiinstQn, JJ.ic:
J.V. S;cc:ui, tfq., Atl'y at,! " . '
Jiw. S. Oatlaher, Iji'cM Aut. V.'S'. I-, '' ' -
T.ij lor k Krleslj, Kankt ' t- '" - - Chkap. fn.T
.MctM!and.'!ernrj it t. iljratrt, ' SU (Um, lta.w
iTm.i. Pratt, : r 1.. m; i . Auttapa:is,dad.r:
II in. Jj W:aarn i-Gor; Iiiima., iPeua.
IT i-J. O. Csriiud.
P. BBukaJJ.KMi-, PrwrvSRnlt,,
fico.. ticljU'y.Att'y at Law. ,
Caarie.i J!-. a. Co..iiiikci,'
i,tv xr(kc..' . - ' "-'!!;
Oreene enre'ltltirt!; ' '
B.niiTls ti M'atsnn.' .
Jliieru.wn, JJd,
; "Tifttiik, ifftwiir'
C d. -sum JlamMeioo; Xlt'y a( Law,
4uiiTUa. Prrrj-;i:' v lr . t'
L.Jrn wu.Tnta-iier -'i vi ,tubi.o. .;. aruAtolMUU.
ntr. Jiiiir, 3r. k lrU a. . I
(;WiTai.Liid AeniL.
-hu-Vrhey are enaliie4 n'lienHwtlt tUiw aeaiakt'tli
i uun t-r'en ivrivnif itur ut.tetui.fs uisniiniftMantfw
.i&retn Utnml lid luith is lih diipawn. 'iud. tjlbe
n(iwiiiik uuurHii(iuurii.j;. ..!:". .H' 'no; ,4t'Jt
- "aor. i:iq irtBtandsi yritottcBl fclPHMMir am purvey
or (liaiiig U J iBy car.ounneei&ia iili llic l,.uicii.
oi.wvL.rt,i surveys (y!g.ifed m
JiroveiuiijiNj we are i:cyfii To n
Tarms; f.;-.;, tn'iirif j'.ujt i f tUc'
eiij:atei the le--t Jrufuriija -ia n(
t'..wv.k.. m o(uiri iK.iftti m villus f .(
inasc nurey oi towjm.
Tprrit(,rTt and luiTrff'2
frerrifcitr.- enti tWAi
w a,'T M ir PiafVand irivft? 1 kiiat (nwhankfll,
prliUtttn - al, ix.,) to Uie;pcrtcct fcUtiAntion cut ieuai
tumonij-.n.i': m
!0 f.'
ro i it i
jU Ti ) )'(!
oliiw y.rt-$uV
T.inl WarsaD
Jkiivlii am; NJil. Land enlero
roil on Time,;
ClHiiils nd Town L-t6
Bi.glit n3 S ilit1.
Loan jHoiiey,
Make luvestuieptB and lx-nte Kirratita tm time.' Tor
Orn-lCEv-NCxt tlooHto (t. s. iotnct., - "'
r j fi'i '. M'l '',!'-JKtytlttj:a. ..H r.-If -.n .( lot.:
dpo. B. 5iotr,- .Beiatwr gi i BtowJii-illei-'X-T. i;
L.ilt. Tutile, OniahiClty.X. T. '
IK. Pc'iaiii k Co., BiiJtctV? . ( ooiu: 1 Bluffs, Iowa.
Hdn. G. VVWcotteM.i " i-a i .. tVirnnrPniu i . r-
a.i.. JicvfeiakfioL . J r:, .St. jinSn m Vi
Tootle k.PirlcsJ,p ., ,
ki)f;ia7 f:i)'(!
.Si. Joseph
IC'ljil ' J
Ji lAJS'jjraii
ill. Zti
Price S2arcar: five CMiiu4i$-: twenty-five cowicj
riccS2ayear; five coiiu4;$i twei
rF.VTTORK VtCKHIft-wjf iJ inblisbed Ev
rv $iwwA,it . l.asatmierariiHrW
BockuianjLMr-(et'ril ir-'l prlntM l on,;a "-wdV
latue -ifcniie(t .'tortuRiinrelKlit i;e-i sit-eoltmM
-Ltiiih, in clear typa mitrair! IJbj1tibpi. 1L"ill contain
Fail H'pviaTicYqf'gifieraj intwp-,in tbe H.tlLYTf .nEt,"
iticiiatKiFTt cws rrrni errry qirtcYM r,e 'rorio, Cortc"
i).ideiMvUJ'ik'-aH taejjiH'aSiitp W"V'i M'fc?vv Hil
in ami A-neric.i.aiiMliidityral6.vyB.aU .suljecl
of interet tliatt-3rte.'' tnle tiis. ilte-pe every
week will be devoted. to4 V0-'- frf frtmi the current
J.iterature if the 0ny, ia order to make 1b paper more
iiiTcptubla for fatuity neniaali'' JCvcty poSi-lbleem.-t iviil
be made, by Pnpritttiraj and Kditor, to make tae Xenv
'Toua w'eeeLy Tints' the bett weekly: (newspaixn- U
tbc United State... (( , -, ", ,,; ..,-,;, . ,
tSiibscripit.ii, 011 tae terms piven aboA e, ,,are, rtspect
fuIlysuHcUodi 1 . ', , "v''
,7'Ae Potta;! on rAirfPYfty Timet to aky pffrf ofn
rnifrd SjcJtf, it only 25 crtr tY )jear!.paiS in ad
vance.1 1 ; ' .' r.. . . ... .
: THE SEJIl-WEEkfaY "'-TIMES.':'''
is linldtred evety Tuesday and Friday, at 3 per tear',
yidyabli im'diiablij ia otlrmn e TbU paper ia Blade ap
expreasbjlor tbe maiis.'aadcMitaaiihtbe pnacipleKiatter
of; 1 be Daily.. ..Two t)l lea wiitbe ueuCtoC $5i Fivo CvSr i
tea res Vizw; Ten V"J'U r t -. , .:.v.:,.t 0.:.: 1 1 ,
rw-WwaW Vww'1 arv-si- by.' -BTW at -aa-W -arJ vartVa'ia i -"M
. Uli.ltV aJ. Kla a., .I Ja-TlAjS.
I i'hbiihbea at the aaaic.ulUoa,. Kvery iloruiiw, auu-,h
a a,i''iiu!Ui:,.fi.ij oe cjii w mail vt any pa4 QI4U0;
I'liitea S'.alcs, at JC tier annUiii. j . . '. '
The voKtaae.on the Daily Time, to anv ntactln the
Vnited HUii'es, it 3j cenf per quarter; ill advattte.- ;
! '-11 : tai '..'i -; ; ;. ir .10 s 1
ils"ptibliied fn-e-y eveftliiR, Snndan exrepted. 3 thiC
edition will 4e iuc-l (at eiie,ima ' the, uthcr at three
M.yitcS 1 il. It will be sent jbyaiail at the samo rates
... . it., n .iu. fr.:...A'4
j 't'-ti .. : 1 .. : . . - .1 ' t li 1.
Is ptiblbtliod my the depart are f evory ,Vi,lteriicr.
Prii c, in. wrappers. j6 cent lor sinijle eiidc...t Vi U
, . : Ti-;im, ivtart'Ulii t(wk in A4ivce.
: PahlicaUitirOmiTi Ko. I38Xa-s ast..'
I. ii. ..JIAlLkOXD, UBaUEWkkx
cor, of Buetmaa,;
Oct. 1, '67
THE Co-partnifrslaplirrtifiirt; existing between J. B.
McA I lister, Jon.i't t'caaefc Julia l,Pozjec.aiider.thr-llrni
of NcAllMiejiriitiutfiifJo.tli''.-
tual consent. J, is Crane baa pu-chacd the entire in
terest in said Guucfra, toa'aoBMir4o4i authriTed Afieut
all claims dife ttitf.idyLiii-cju"bie paid, -.7
' All claims awe otvuieMii) coin em arc tatKnirewntea 10
tbeuew tlriu of Cfiinei&y ili for payment.,: ,--.! ;ij f
, BrtwnviUfi K. f.sept.lB, 1357.
Will, ... A.V.UAk.A.
u VrfD'EPrry-COl-NXY gfRTETOE) s ' J.!
JiAiH street, n :.-..; iT,
! ikov nville, SJ-T. -
I "WILL attend ptxifnpO i fsifbtuJll to.tlie ele;tion
and location et (.iverunietit Lail ia tbo Xcmaha Land
District. Surveying T,ti sites, MitKhtiAina Lands, uratt
ing City Plats, and all other bnsinesaof aaenetal Snrry
or. M nrtnij- HWlsell I,anda-arrauts.p.iy'taxt'iI'iBteti-I
i?ate titien, t ile Declaratory Statetaeuta ol sYitouti'Mt, to
pre-empt? aud make out Pre-emption paper at short no
tice, and alway.-ioa haad t lnak aut uhuia for actual sct
tie r. lixvoj-unettts uiwle lor cbtatit Uealer.i!Llc
of inquiry aa ei cU preaipt ly. , . : v
Daniet Tteckcl, Eauker, . . '
Daytorij Ohtc, ;n
J ihri Mills.Ca,h.laytonlJ3nfc, '
p.-Pi'J.owe ; -.0- 1-1
' Uo '; do
tounio. Miwr, , . i-,. i.f i u
i! do nr i Ay" ,t-jn
1 oca k Xcad, .-,, ,,t
-do rr ion -1. -!
1 m -? "'"'. . . . . ' 1 . k )
CiucinnntL OliiiH .
ttfiux Cily-, towa.
avail k Charles. Latx A (rents,
Ceo. It. Xixoti, LandKepiler, j J
.Br7Rullc, X. T.
' . 1 da . . do.
Bniwiirfi Italian, do f , ' f da' n d .
R. HP Fat ims. K4ifor Advertiser,-, - do i di'I
LioiwaitU, .ct v ii, t?vu, riaiiM.(a
fSt'att; fJ7-al Sv2tr - " . .-...
rr--r-'--':- ie- .i -
XotvcebiJierety riveu to all persons intrfrested ia Hi
TUWX OF PFRT, XeauUia county, X. T., that said tovb
was cn th ninth day of eitpmbcr, A. D. 1357, entered
at the I-o Oflla? at Brownville, for tbe use aad Jicneltt
orthe bokter trt Lu s and property therein. . n4 that
the uaderrijtued, Mayor of said Town; is now ready to ed
ucate Fec-mul0 Deed to all iicrsoa-. lawfully eati'lcd
to the sHtiic. Appi-'cuidits f r Deods must l mde,to
tl uni'cfiinicd, Athis otUi. at salt T,.wn.' and alt Lots
arirlird ftir vvithla Six' months fnm'tbe date of said
kit aforesaid, will koo!d to the highest biiert pub-:
Rale i arc jaltince wirh tho tiroi-isions Lt. tbe Ai ef-
Torritorhil Legislature. entiUtd '.' Act. Kettulatiaf tlie
4.f4kal of Laud purcJiaeJ in for tlie TowcbitHk!
Uua r. ball.
Peru, ert. n, '57-J2-3w .
Jljyt of Pent.
! nARrER'S-TTEEtt-T will contain Sixteen i aires of the
suej tfco muttrtreejfetfi, each Xuiiii,e 4a-
pr isio a& ui licit luauex as an oniiuajy u.ioueiiiao vt
si i.i U wtl Be printed i f,irra'.id mmu 'paper salt-
aide lor liiiKiirtf.-;. :1 as the paces wiii be elcctrotyyied,
the back Xmulers cm .always be ujrlitxl, ao that Sub
scribers will 1 alilct at any tiaic Ieuuiplct4 tStir flies
At the clime of each volume, e4 and .n'protiiite!"""
cm will 1 pnnre sfir thsroonvimtcucc ur"the w-he
iku 10 liuiu iuu liaiT.
... TERMS u
i TtAarxa's weikit will a-ipeir rvsry- Satcrpat, atvl will be sold at me Ci;.iT a Copy. It
will to aiaid to Subscribers at the fIlt'i nBTatcs, iy
aient beiua invariably required in ativance
. One Copy for Twenty Weeks -I
One Copy Jur r)ue Tear : v i . ..
j tue Copy for Two Tears. . -J
Five C pies for One Tear ' - -' -i
Twelve Copies fr One Tetrr
Twcnty-flve Coties for One Tear
1 60
4 00
SO 00
40 00
f To Poftrua.tera eettinj up1 CJttbof Twptveor Twenty,
five, a Copy will be sent gratis. , MubNcriptiam ia& ifi-
meuce with any Xamber.-.-fpc-ciuiett Xiuiara frai rii
cusiy suppuel. . . .
ClerFym?nahdTeicliers supplied at the lowest CLVB
FiKux SQciat, Xnw Tobx
KJ-Eaquiiiof H, sM'urwi, 'aUverticrOulcc.
AUK Coil -tir Vilh 'iC(ti in-WahnteLiii Trtr
i-.tJiSccSriiwliTClicslnrt Street;
" " TOWS- 'OF- .E-EPCBLKiif; Tif
PiI';nadviK) T,- - ,r- - - , -yr $10W
Tr.ekly6n.aiilaace)'. ' j .t 40
tWoeliTy, (in a-lTinne) - , c, ," , .' t". 00
Ob'E SQUAKK, eiitht lines or le,- . f $160
' three time without alteratUin, " 1 00
K rneweek " -ft" "' 1 60
i r? ' . ClUnwreek ;r;"ri.txi il J so
three week
-i .
. 60
4 00
' SO 00
one nioutU , " .
t-.o tmmttia ---- 1
tntee mintiha-"' :'
jii t tuoattM .f '''i-l
ai 7
; litXIQ'ttNE Y! AT;V&W,:
, AKcntiii niciiAftDsox co. 'v- r.tU, ;
i Hrif.t pt4etlce in the vera,I Conrts of 'iliij ii ndlclal
J) irtict, aid atleial to a!! matter cenrctiP with the
P.TeBi.,'J WW. HrLKMKAW. ,Kr.V f yela. City;
-lUiaahistane La the proaeartion uf inrportiot Baits'. . ,v
. Stipt,,!, '&7-lMf r.. ri.'-.-ai ,fitr. ; Ik
TiOOTS and .HOES-U TrSBdoi'Sist
rL4,oiVBd,gpeBeL-and. fwrsaJe, by. rl- ,- an
, l fas :
-1 r-rir-iv.-i'l"
)r rriNE. DQV RS, fottaley by :
ElRESEttVED FUC1TS; Strawbem.w; PeacbeOj
I. WbortUerrios L Ae., to be bad 1 1 - i l -: '
- trntu-.'-i-ify . t,.a. 1. WUITSal CXI'S.' 1
'.i.'f ) i j i ! i i n i i. ki , I,
IJeiTlrill a fill A TtnTtTr- r
... ... .L..L...: -
BILLS atUJ ia futare be redeemed at tbe. eocnrer
. in Iioiwnvillc, Nebraska, i a eain r exebange;
aad at the follbwiog places, ia currency ornxchange,
-attiurrent rates. r ":ni-i . .i-i A
, " E. J.inkhaaui Co'.Bankcrs,Clu(ro.
Jno. J. AnderAd, t Col, HankdriL Jjt
v. ren (,otinty BanlL Monroontb, Illmou.
T. L. liackuy1, & Co., Ifcmkers, tm'tiabnrg,
r. . Y illL; MACialOV .Prea't.
iBctrwariUeL Jaly.23-t'57Hv2n&. ii ,- ,... r" hfll'
. -. ... ,
nruciaiaiAiLi-' yaieey
I.'cy and iells akubarigo, 'rcraives'
with J6Htirrrtte Kinking,-and 'irijrbb icpar' to f
i:extetidIteasonable facilities to tfepbtttoft. ' '.Intereat
aiioweff ba-titnu depoats. ' v
ilA.1, lTeri.,.n1
vtfs-u.'i..' .. .... 'ii . ' A I
iUi-ki6rt, ibl.j'ind 15uglc,Conncil;Biitas,'copy thretj
rjntfia ahd scr.d biU to thia ofSce.' ' "
George :Teiigtison,i
7 '
It vNomcni? -H ins, 'iiLi;c th iii.'Lt
I - - - V , ...... , J I'lVJW.VU
- to erect Stcam'afldWater Saw and llerchMit
iilills at short notice and reaonabla IcnoA. . Repair
in? of macbinnrv of-'alt klhHi.i ' .J'-'ilTj J
He y also Agent for
nSVqtorn orrirjjy.Tt rtf
1 r
And arc prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma
cnuiory manuiattoreu vr Kept on band. by these es
tabiiabmcaat. i , -. .;;.! v'-'i i-
j ' Letters df enquiry, promptly aowe?ed.' : ' 1
!; ' ,IiEFFJEIiENCES.,( ... , -f
!. ! NoeV'take A Co ' BraarttTill S: T, S'tcatn Mill.
' K. W. Furna,.l'DrJHrBVillti' f. I ' !
-Muir, IIs,aa & 0o, ,-. t u," i
: l)p, Iloovor, Nemaha city, " ') J
"i:PA .
P.'M. UtRerw, l'awneocitnfi i.
I Xm-lrolU it WhitB- I.v-knort lln.
James Low e. Linden u t-u
A. li. Ibilliberd, Cincinnati, 0.
13rownviIIe( J auo 1S lbo7.
-ftft Tii-Ay.
.". . J1-. "! m''
Real-Estate For Sale.;
i I IIA.TR FOR SALE and will sell at a bargain if appll
cation btrmado soon : . :' .. .. rii' i
160 Acrci ( I ester ed land part timber ptu-t lottom prairie
i . wiOiiuomi and one half miles of Briwaville.
160crs ttrrd la,i.-Kamw"iTriiiin aa aboreA,
t iili'!rtultfitio. pid koute sad barn, 'aojota-
iB' eAryv'r urewaiiie. f ' t , t t
64 Jie.i JLx&t i lent aoUnn iral ris--tarl entered
within tw mile of Hrownvillo. ...
po Acres heavy timbered bottom land adjoining Brown
ie villein be told cheap for calu. 'i . -'"i
00 ChoioC.lotBin South Browoville. ' '
85 jVotfia'thCCltyof Brownville.'" . ; ,s .
1 2 Sharea-latLe town of Wvominy. v '
1 V' K. r. FCRXAS, BeaJ.Rs.fate A'rt.
v v - s Brownville, 2ff. T.
-..t y- -.-. - . - . .
j Across- the; Shute . '
I At Uh Head -ef- 'tlre- liland 'atord
! " ' .BROVvrNVILLE-i'"'
To i?Z S.IIalI & Co!s Saw.; Xifl.
THE nndersigned annonnce to tbel'ablio that he
has puTi-.hascd the Ferry privilege granted, Jaclc
sod Feters,-af the last Session-xf -tho Legislatpre,
ami ia n&xretiarcd witii aaew aad tubs'Lantinibriat.
at all tiroes to acwimmodaUi tbajinblie. Cliarges
usual ratea. i "t . T
I Oregoii,' Holtpj-ity Missouri,
' , - r. , - .-ueavey yrx b. ,, w -r rfr
DyeWodds, Dycstu
Oils, PiiintM, and Painters Articles
. , GLASSWARE, L I n i V;f.'.iV
t? : vi-Tia:.!. l : u.. - o
French j'EngHsb, and. A mcrican Pcrf omCry.
17 T VT ...tTn Mn.l Dt,.rln.fAnnfl fun fiair.nnrt
f?5 toothbrushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent-.
al instruments, eptees, snuits, mauuiatjtufea
tobacco; an tee patent meaicinesin.. -vno. uay; .pure
wines and brandies.' for medical purposcsj .-choice
toilet and fancy articles, etc.. etc
, Agents, for thcy Kaof,!
iVistnr's lialsamof Wild Cherry.-' r i io.j...'
Dr. W
-c :tiorti Liverwort, Tar Mid Caaansja jua, j
u Osgood's India Cholagogao, j- "
- JoueirVAniericaa Cbolagogue; '-.
(JuvsoU's Yellow dock and 3irsaparilla)
. rf, : Saii th's Tonio Syrup. ; - j i,v'v
July 2y 1857i i-' . i t Tanl-yly
,a.-W. PCBTT.
h; ii.
o; AND
Will attend to ail business entrusted to tbeir care
t Tol.JewoTTintams,. " ; Fairfield, Tows; ':,t"
: trnv.'JiwA: Wrisht,' Iadiarjap()lis,'Ind',';i J;
"Mr. F. N. Roock, Vahi ngton City. ' -
Tloa, John C Pavis, . t .Rocktille,Id..r .
I Ilrm: Geo. L.'Wnier. " ' ' Omaha City, Tf."f.'vc
aV at -W-WTTPi "bVT
. ... OF'.J
jj jt. a kj 7 Bj a. v
TIIB nnder?"tgT)ed"repe'tfuiqM)ifiTn Uis eitixfisr
xif Bnrftville, and NemKaai'and HrsoundlBg
covmXict" that we r.ow'bave in operation a Fine
Ltamber l ard in Brownville, where are keep for
tale a weft selected stock of 15ns Lumber from X to
3 inches. .Also, Fine Sidin WorkeiFloorirtr' ,Pin
hbuiglca and l'iue Lath, all of which a e. wiii sell at
11TQ ftrnitTT
fair prices ,.; . i -: '. ; . ..i .i
. -,- ; ' X. BROWN 1 Ca.
IiunT,Ul June 21th, 15T0 , ,.:vcl .i3tjl
hrbe-liBileTJiSBet tej anaa-e tnfnTt tho-YnrterrrTM-a
-aadpimneraof tht 'e.t and f.euth-.Tt, 'tfiat they trc
ejtetwivelr engacai ift tike Miitr:!ii' :?:;. -
! aUWTlVlaiTJ StD -Bl iDKD .Tt?CJLa P(t -
ttpfealiyTSe APPLE, and a "ji oti VtBardr Prnlt.
UaTliix spent I'aoof tweatr' va.tra i!i ' acloami; Tbeir
FtTiiU, tlej art ni .mTiJceUliM their ht ia f nsnrj as..
,e4. botk iareoiird to tbe ciulny tiiC vrcpirtiur.i tfa
l--hieh they culllv Ue.' Bein-viTy lewriuid di -::nlo-
tiagthemiS'irldeiy a7oiWe,-ther i. ptf he meth-wt cf
aeudiniout Srill. tnltivare Mm-kir IVir itwXHseS?V fc
being far. aura pracl (cabte'antl- aaXit. jh ti t it rtiottr t he gr oM
, eaperu. Jaj and rhk ot bii)piiu: laTgo irees.-w.-Lu.-h
ahodld arwaJ-a ttalod near, where rhcr ire wariM.J
ProaiJ.lietr lou experience they Ilmht. theme.'ves tMat
they are perfect!)' acquainted with thtj aWve litisinea,
and they xraft n b atich, kar.fe- Varieirea s tegrcuU well
im iuo ro. iunj ai, v vvj i Mm wv un iwv nwiu-- it
alrabScs. tordctXsaJ.hattaaTWut.'.'Xljci-ar.bJKWirl fCt
. , ,. . . . . . i
oneattUc prupf f ffonant l;:l ist ijiannt;. , TTfe
muck will ne pjKiuKscurcii aiiOimi'ie: .-y exprr., wi.4
tbepreatwt care In early aprin to any part ol tW WWt
..Tfacy have thai,. uu Land, (he Xargedt awl bct erraa of
ever (frown, 4rate on ttnt term, py the- fWwtHj i
million. Theymav be hi;iT"i iu ttt Fall or oriiiz.
.... i . . . - i . j t
I Tbeir pdeft firf. ttrwry itock wt!lbe-Qwnd aslnW aaauy
other of tnml qwiMtg in the I'nion. I'.ital. ue au JTrbaH
f iHeon Il&fcte l ultnre, aent Rratitoill iippcaata. -.
Patronage ili.i:el. Order for Nursery ahouid
I bt aent prior !'J5th otlieoemlier. ' "' y
Auurcua, uv JuitMAN tc ..,
Oct. 15, ,67-oU
' Bkmatinittoh, Illi
-j f ..'"..JT. JOSEPHvJIO.. r . .
j JAMES CARGILlaPropritr. .
MAX UlWrUkES aii4 keep coiiatanUr
oh hatid'ibr 'aaleJallUfid tT'Floiir, Meal
and Feetlttufj. "Ordrrasuliettcd aai prutnptry fil!el
on most favorable tenos. Ca.-h pail cotamly fi r
Wheat. 0 FoT-Varietcr of Hodrt'efcrio Uvtrryboily
t.hat -e'rerVfcirl it.!S cl ".i;-- '.' . . J -r . - .
. iW.iJoaeph,!lo.;Xbi;3n;)S5'!S-7y r
I-t' tr. rw :.
:9.i. - "'" - H.;.aftft.&a rasnkM..
- opbfl'a'vy ii .woiif i.nfnfon'inVyJ' T:r
tarncMt (narkt:toot eiwt yenrseia ami-)icen
4 hair haixb in faeiftiit. Apftraiaed ut ttiiidty tilat
bfote' i(ateaNjUo,.A.J.7tU uir, ;.;, i l lai
10ct,.J3,,f4jZ V, .. ..;A.X) GOlIKRCom)tj;Clc.rk.l,
Tilien irpi'tiy.'i'lt! Brtfeiof VohtiWiB "cnTniW',,:jf . TT.'1
oa the S8thAy &Mis, 18S7rone ni.ire hinlej brent
oa tbaahonwar andWi Wiia the leum-s, Vtalx- Aippraik
edatflfty dollars. AIho, ono horse mnle. braiided. ttie
4me:a aforeaardi .ABrrBtca at arty , dwllara. before it
W. Sayrc, J- P.,,..,.,.. ..C.iA, UOSUKIL (futuity tlcrk.H
14' 'J'l '..'li's' 1 : I 'i ..... .... , . 1
'. .ReKrved. Tbat theanni'oi 2vn each aharVirtJl -h
Thereby, leased rorth puraooeoT eiiterimrthe Iw tlte
and iniprovine the aame. ,
. RMlvtd. UitiMAhh-aARatiuaanei lvte; Bvli fn.
roingj-eaolvlioii fail to heiueiid. inUi,tl. rrcury,if aij
Cooiaiiy u or bcture tb x4i,rjU!uof 30 dayfrum.tl4ff
date, eacn snare so Tailing tbali Be declared .forTcii.eUj, and
I Jt)-,Tl.a'tBe SecteTaryor rhi.Cmee'lrig'iftieTetiS'
InKtmned-tobo tliairiA-eclirK'aMiherteivo aiatiiifr
publttbsd ai ifc JlbfaiJUi Adv e(-er if. tour 'onset
m a-t .. - tw t si J 1. ,'
lew. I
I PtHUiW A.A aU. oertana ftoai. basliae inV kbd ti
erecting any buildings in tbe town of "SAX IHAXCliv-(j
til)." Said towa4 iaiti-oat, tut mr claim, which was r
jamiiea oy jirti.-Knicr, anu 1 oy Tnis nonce make public
rs)y inteiMiku rcontetia be rishtJ W4ad aame, before
... .V" . ' . . .. I
tbe l ndtod atatesHMumiuiSMionot.
! 33" Xebraskjan and St. Sepb paxettc cops 1
Mnei.'UKi'fRUJI-ilnt'r': J'J I TT T.tW.'FTliS v
1 sepfi io; vtrm m mi
.i.'f J .i.'.i i 8m. L
01 !FL O Ui-. R.
fAe Land Ojactrin (huTviloHfa of Minnesota,
ftv joint Raaiatt! of n.mes. imove.1 9.1 Xfrrh
1857, vaUd PnmptionclaiuvoV thel'Jiand3iiisslf
1 , , , - . .
P? herctoTcre, reserved for, cJiools n Uie. Tfisrjtyrirp
Minnesota. TCausasl and Xcbrai-kaJw ill le recotnued
tihTe the fitment hat bee Of viaf be made pJot to
tkt.ffumnr.Ki ' ,h - ti.-.o-r 1 1 ,.fs-J -i
I lrt,. la -cases wliere tbe-apprared' plat tif,-eivrvet ban f
npt yet: been returned, tbe Declaratory ftatoatme must
be filed veUhi tkret pionlht after -fM receipt gf tttck
approved Plat f the District UJic'e .:,.,,..- . , , .
'2d, Where the Plat i now iu the Ibcpister'j Office, tiie
Declaration nr-tast be -filed, w ithin three months from the
Ijlrtt publication of thi Circular in yov Land bittrict.
; A tallure W conipir with tm requirements, will work
a forfeiture e the !lniui. .-' , . ' . , -i ,
1 ,.. m .,:',-( JOS. S. Wll-SOXk
- Oa the. 8ta or January . last; 'wet Bohert Hawk aat
Juba y. Jlelfia, partbaoed of Liuit Xeal tlie Lufal
known as XaiJ's Point vr Alauto, in Xeln-anka Territory,
which W-'e ha-e paid for iu full, aud for w hicu.we hold Lia
Quit-Claim deed, and'aiso a bond for a warranty deed a
soon as he sh HI receive a'Patent TricTefor. The conditions
said bond liaverti couipiied with to the letter on our
. itn. it c, lue nhu lumiiiiu juriviu aim our associates,
forewarn aU hij lnrU rnaycancern not to purchase of said
Louis Xealapy pact ef said tract or town Kile, take any
timber, coal ot, .stona.tberefrom, or make any improve
ments there! a, as wo .ititeiit) contesting his rights to the
aame in bc Jrolr. "rt.
ii. iiiTCHUO;if.,., r
B. DILL0X, .- 1 n
IlAWKi.,). ,-- . -
'iA. j AYMAtlCHr' :
F. Jt-.THOolPSOX. ., . -'
! -i, i ' t ' - -a -; 3ra
,J!i'.:v .
: ! ii-1
i -
:l. r
Angnst,, 157,:
i .Platte Iliver Feiry: ;
! the PhttJe River Ferry company have th;ir 'ferry la
aupceasfpl ? pcfation at the monilt of tbe .; '( i.
I Thisrotttefctx'wirteasr.oTttrthairtliat by Cedar Island
and is a much better route.
I KxpcrteniicdiamVfajeftU raen-w-iH be. in attomtrnce at
al I times te atxonifrtodaV the-trateTitig public. ' tut 6 of
rprriage as low as at any other point.
y IT kii.
Plattsmoiith, Sept. 3d,' 1857".
: l r v.
Fonvardinff and Commission
UfilJlUUiii JlumUi),
;.,u't .. ; axd-' 1 ;
fspj f rTOyorg,
j .iib,eity'andpieMaatwille.S'.';;4.
l . -. . . m
IjanavxaxTantsouna ana,&pia.
I iaAira lirTiirJEijox' timil
Investment f Haoi;l)sta)Dealers.
: BKIXQ -aaactical Su.rreyra ai!d.onekavi;i.hatl taree
I yeara aMierfeace ia the." WeM,--will -deMte wurenrrre
time and special attenttoa u;tae selection and Entry or
land or claims for settler and all those desiring hoe
: locations!. :- -: 1''. Address,! : Jf
,l' r 1r llfVTT Si K1I fcTTt '
ii'-. I,.: Seraaba City, X'
RErEBS TO. 1 .
: 4
A Schuyler, Repa!lic,SBecoo,J Oak.
Pi Searles Tiflln City, t'. If ,: . .,,..,.,,
: DrPltraskeep, Dayton, Iowa co., lows.
'r Rev Ring, Archer, Richardron Co., X. T. ' ; '
8 Wlsemaa, ReaoaBlurWIowa.' ' "' V
- JFJktieyler.Xevelty W.irka, N.T, " 'v - v-i 1 I
. ; F' FerttBson, Browavi I le, X. T . u .-..: ,.f -n: i
, cantua D Turner, Attica, Seneca co Ohio, .'- r
letter f Kooairr Promptly Aaered.fj5-
Aug-ust.I3th, 137, . . . ,AXrs
T" -a a .raK w a a. Ar,rT
.L-.LXH. Oil Main etreek, uiyJji. S.
-sr. xt. X3x v -l-CJf,- a r. q-
ITlentyoa ri7 Jiud tltbert and
I vt .
1 .1
Cheapest Groceries
in urownville, r: , :.
AT WHOLES A T.T1 d3 KETaHL. ...'
r I lilt anbsdrVaer would nvite-tbe. paUio to cU.
'' and see bit large stock-of Groecriea, which bare
been sulected with great care, and are now. offered at
unnpniUly low rates, I'crstKiS in .$ of Ceffeb,
Tea, Hagsr, UoUsses, Cbee$e Confectionery,-! Fresb
Fruits ia tans. Tobacco, Segnrs, Candies, Ac and
any other articles usually kept in a Grocery, aad
Variety Stare, will find it ta their advantage ta call
before . purchasing elsewhere.- Also, by the wbofot
sale, as fine a stock tt Braadiej, Wines, t onon
cahebsndltye Whisky, Scbnapa, Champagne wirte,
Ac ae ever was brought up the sliesouri river. Fit)
of ail kinds, constantly eo-fcaad. Country Frod ace
Waa ted for which tbe bizbest price will be paidb
i A share of public patronage Is respectfully solicw
ted.,,..... i-. - : f ; J. IL DAVIS;.
litowmilU, Jji.el5ih,VSJ. 2 l-6at
t tOcr.- 15. '57
;i!jp'i'i v'.iil t ft m inATlrn mrtTTTwr .
1 1 ii . .,. 1 T ft . . T ' i - i j .. ....
t Xo. 20 in atrect.J'wer. eeend,
j Emigranys yLand; Iuqter, ! ! !
?:-lXaa4ClainarvlTpvCLots'; ? j
.UitUiL'tJU LASliI'.J
I ptmmiMStocs (or the purchase of all kind of articlea. tmi f f --J. : -. v . . , i, 1 1
n to rtab;iU, iu CMUueciiuimit t,i.''t,,il' I ''''' f'" 1 '
priso, " "" ,
lm PEreliaslns Enreaa 1
r.Mer ti e Immediate Mrvii.1va f ..j"ur nm. a--
bt(li3 tie tar- "tupU 'xti i&xu'ji'r v; y'j
ay rM '- em 'if. V-
' P j n iaaaR aait f ib'wttt itfa i-1 1 sf .e-; 1 p
re, and aale thoron;h-bred C.i tile ami llr-e: t.
(aiited Doe, Ferrets, and fancy KnvU, t'arrUcn. Mi itcy,
nilit Silk I lli.ricM fwrrlnr. 1 - irivf. -iT'il S i.. 'lf. Ti"
I - ' ' ' f ft' t T ' ' 1-. I.' - -
-nalehisH. every do rintai .-a ai. , isi ir.i.
cea, Pushing ttodi UTij ei.. it li t ir
taect, tacbt. Sail Jid kin p". .jr Pari, -. jre.r: Je Wi.oi.
Uqwira. ane Sisar..-; Cri 'ket .-d rx: tu, 1'- . , fc
ttiprol'Til kiadit: Slis, Ptaiil.. Fruit. 1-urt-rt u.l ilai'C
ret-t, und alt kind ot B.-?k treat iux ao sbtiie;t-( iutr
I.rlji:e to the Parmer, llorticnltnru t, aud Florist
rVteti to leave f tr aaro. l alif-rtiia. the Wt imUva. T
orauyiartcf the wurM. This will obviate ILe ea'Mi
tu riilentau( inland t, -. a id placex.hc:ciiMe:iwier oomiux to Kcw Turk tnrJ rtewetts
ia advance aa they are fl.itr freuaentiy re;oj:c4 to do
either to obtain iuaree.(rtse:iire ctit-'ibiaaicmniiuda
tl ,ui. In this denJWtment. we wit! be reaOr to seenre
! Booms at Hotels at fav.itiv. r!s, ws to iiniotfl
tbc itront'er from intpniiin welt a LSci-nvenusicc;
atid, la short, to por orW le-:,-i'i.u cuim jjriti:i
that would ordinarily require ILc presence of tbe party
i Octitlcniaqv?':! Sesi'fe fcwiu t('j:a:Tf :t i
wish to prure the CAoir Ltfertturt of .u' u. y. V.
alwaya rely or"0 .nr jiKt,-eimnt aud M-le-ti.ii. Also,
Hiauk book aud Staiioueir, and Book 'ffcfVt 4
Irprl3ter. tti ."j &
t .
FOR THE I.ADIKS, we will u-oenre the laet TaM
l'latcf, atylea ef Biiuiet. sapipk-jof thu avt eft vj.u
ties uf Cowls. coMoetu. erfuinca, and f im-y ;ir!n liM
we sluill always be pleaded to furci.-h every ih.titei.uiicci
nl with their want.
: In slur t, fur any fervice whirta may be reini"!, tlx
rniblicinay rely nimn n, with the most jh5 St! rbV.Oa-o.
lor fidelity, and dispatch. Apply U f t t
OFO. VT. V.'If.ltES k CO..
' : lji.iaLsrij,gUoKrV c-ka.- i ii UUjs,
a Siirting Literar. Ar. u-uitnral. Family Ve'i;lr : No-
TufxX iauf te RMixt to rke iao it-eclus. 'TiTmrn,
93 a .Tear.
-fviv w.,i j
t KlCHAaD B50V!(,
ALDitU?a-TTAi;LAli t jNrurttk ;j jte Oash'r Xeiuah.t Valley Uk
fi a -i 1 naa an 1 awja 1 a ai
ni i .,t.i.. win .!.-... i.. it.. f.,n. ti.o. t
W. a ea i V i ha r aav " " ' i
1 To the buying of liank'ncirf.'arid litou
" aruir s y-.a-terii E';cha:iS(.
inert Miaof ftrbtwia Xctrraskaitt.wa. X ifthern
Min.iun,1iiil Kansas.
bnyiosandellingof farm, town !oU, or miini-
proved laud. iT r" r-ji
selection and entry of Iud& furvaetNais iu '
other, either with land warrant or m-iiey. I
RcmittajM-es can be made to us la Draft'r'Jltu.Q'iiCl
i:h Bank or Bankers subject to oar order.
Ve will enter land with Warrants or Cah, pay all fees.
tnxca and commissions for one-third of the X.roa yrotits,
Miisrtiair ee aaiwur thfhawiii' 1 -m1' -' 11 -;
Iu Jbra'skiaii Kawaa f blra jtwrntm tbeeiwai;ln
acres of 4hairjs Uifioa rfi Wl .vtrere t r
bBle. Foreign capitalist will IliidTiere a rii h tield for in
estmetit. 1'ive-tnient judiciously inaile in Weteru
iniHis-aifdtewa, tota'asrawwyartsic ftrtna tytntoftiva hun-
T wetteWteftstrSnSeef rKo
ipin?':crmlHlerft that
times cheerfully answer all lettei
Brownville, June 25th, 1807.
N. JJ.f vA'e WuIA ToTectfu1lt-if!trtrtn fHifl eitf-
of Nemaha county and adjoinini.Mi .nri, that
, . ' a , h M ,
nave always on nana a large ana writ seierto,
iipply of LUJIBEIL which V e enh TurnTsHanow-
Lar rates than any mill irtti.p Tcr.-itwry, 'o
.Market prices paid for log delivered at the yard
or on the bank of the river. '' "
All order nretwnphnied with the'cneb.irill receiv
our immediate attention. !
. Machinists,. Founders and
atHTlTaaT a! '
XT ronlJ ragst resnectful! v ipforiu tbeir fdeulf aprli
V VHfWptrblfeeTtrlryf tftat they are'now pre- f
pared to execute all orders in their lineptathplTmf't
boss. Having lately enlarged thcirfhop anrfwRb
tho increased facilities they, now pocss,.they liipc ta
mertt-' 4 ebht'lanation of tbe liberal patrociigo abicb
kaa heretofore been extended lt them. ' ' .. '-
faw Mill Engines of every DKcrifiioi.
Constantly on ban1: consistins of tbc ash.Circu-L
tie.rms mrj. r .iim venr smrrwrtry uccriptofrw
iiFVfTTrTaIItcTi lw oc if ti uiauo in v v . I j inrLn;u
btr.., ' :;., .: .KT "I r .' 'i'T ,! r"r' . :..')
They bave.aW a'Boilcx l ord attached to thoir
establishment, wliick cnftljcs them. U lewetvee all
Work in that line famished by them,; and ritre pro
pared to work on as reasonable terms aa any other
Shop in tho country. , , r ,
i Those in wantct trnytbiri tn ofbf jine VttuM 4-t;
.GEO. .& EAYEIt fc0.,'
General iahd Agents,5 1a
Glonwood, i'lattsmouth.
i Mills co, Iowa, Oass co, .Nebraska.
WILL proBiptlj; attend to Land Ajrencies, Iiu oa
tijalio Title's I'eyiBz Taxes, Iiivestinsr'mim-
ev, Bujitij andjielfinx Town Lvte.Tuiyin;;: StMina
and LotjfitlnjJ Lund Warrants, andYlI other business
connected with their profession in ) estern Iowa and
Nebraska. . T"? F v f ;
J M 1 1 S.Axw.a Attrrrpv
JaWal i"WV. f'kV I1KIUA1H.J
Greene, Wen re k Bentony J' Coaneil lUiita, Iowa,
G. Doughty A Co,
Greene, Weare k Rice,
Greene k Weare,
Ft. Dc Moines
Cellar Rapid.,
Cincinnati, Ohto.
Glcnwood, Iowa
Cincinnati, Ohio.
N ixon k Goodman,
Tootle k Greene,
K. W. Thomas,
rVhooIy k Son
Gen. Wm. Irick,
II. Johnson, .till 'lev;
1. Reed k Son,
Vinecntown,r, J.
l'biiadolpbia. I'a.;
if Kcdfprd, X". Ji
Robinson k Kro,
Barlinston Co. Jnk; i . v-
Xxxf5fixxr.too Cbmpany.
It 4 AfclcW - c rt t1, .j-tV
rnlllS romna,.uiid'r "Ul)ral charter. new
Ljfuily'xiigaaiteJBiaa fscitoath-eeapital stock of
t iftj ThoHtnnd Dollar, -pwiSl ta anddccuceil. 1 hey
kre prepared, freta itfji ut, tfl; gmnt tb policies,
and take riks, upon equal terms, with the most
favored-'.Iniuranee Conuaay- any vnbere.'-IlAvin
adopted tbe mutual prinHpIe, Its -patroliS,' without
JncuiTinj.atTy'Uability Vil sliro iti tbe pr'yfiU ,of
tne company.. . , . . ., i- ; , - . .
I The operations of the Compainy, will bo confined,
fox the. present, -t marine. orCAKtoriks, with a
maxima h liability of 912,690 en any one bottom.
' 'Bcinj tbe only Irtnrartce Office, onthcabove ptip
tlar plan, West, of the Jl'-'souri. ft Confidently, ex
pects a generous support from t estern iierx uanU.
: . VV e. rejfpectfully . lavUe the Jluurt Kiver pa-
tC0DAge.1!', t -.i 1 . ' ,..( n . 1 i
-jn.u n u-'.i' DlRECTpitSt. -' ''
! S.F.Nuckolbj, Chas. y.nolly, :
! "'lI'.'P.Bentwt, ' ' r' J. L. Armstrong .
; -VIIiacuraaij;':: ' , Miks W, Iirvwu,. ,
! i. : A.A Bradford, i . "
; CHA3.F1T0LLY, Fresident.
1 .St-Ixiuis Ajrent CoLW.F.llos-ard. ,.,
.April. 2d, l$j7. . ' -12-ly
i M Engine and 31acliinc Kliop,
! a er srcaj.-0 awit kobca itbeets,
T.4jbcis,Ai.- v.
j Mannfactareri 6f Steam Euiwnes anifSoiler's, Saw and
Castings, Tonne's ImprovedPatent Sraut Mills, fcc.
i JtJ-AGEXTS for the tale of James Smith k. Co. 'a Sn-
par- MKtiM Cards: ' - vtnVly
! wtlBStllrf Jnaaary lant,'I!oialiaalTy erract4
to sell to Robert Hawk aad aV. ii. Hvrm part of the
land known aa Xeal's Point. Said coctract La been for
feited by the failure of said iLawkand Meivmto cou.vly
with the conditions on their part. I therefor, take tbu
method of warnimt fhe public not to purchase stock m
said land or iu. atwt.caUedAIam -tbica I understand
is about to be laid oOt-onaaW tract,- from -any persons.
I am the sole owner ol said land, amt wiH nike no titles
upon sale by either o! the above named eentletrwn t
further state that althx.ujtli I have the rtirht to reram tli
aauauittbeypaidme M afitrfetture. I an not dfe-pooed tn do
so, and now ntifyalperoascoiKeriied that I vra retv
and. wllliti refund to Messrs Hawk and Melviu the
amount they paidmceaLsaidtMidititiiial pqtrse.
August 1Mb, 1SS7. LW13-XXAL.
' fxrripnt and krhiw-litn in tlu liixiii.sav'i:if iiaLli 1
a togive entire s.itiSf5.- 4-pted, xuar putaiy-watiaiAuaaae i taa urrr.
, ii t i - ! .1, f:. i .... n. mnra nnnrRrful nntnli.ta tQ dlSCaSC-tlon taCT
it will not'Nge reterem ijawhcn vpa-artil 1 thediciaisitnown to tk wwld. t .
.1 . .... V .. .. . . . 1 . . . I . J .. .. A
,Ufr,MntiM.Mfl..,ffi.ii,,frnm,"nli,l .in . . ... ,
- ' ' -t i : .t!
t'sew and in?u!:ulT sticcessfai rrmt-dr 'Wir.i
and in ju!:ix1v successful "rrmt-dr T.'r'lf.i
of all Uuious diicasca Coiitivetie, Indi
Jatinaict. IrorKV, JthmimitUtu, Fevcri
IX.' cure of all liuious ai-icusca t-oiitivetie, indt-
a - NfrtfinnoK I "'bi. '. "tlnSamma
turci.' c-, ratra i t).t iortaiat, : ;ie, IaicV.
and j bui;s, 1 ev,!e C:irnTi t, i i Indieti,
; ! v, ry f. w -e t 4 d. rj j( i j . a .; - !iveMed
net's and stifierii z a)!'.!! be prevented, if ab.irr.'
Ie but e Jectual Catuartic wcra more freely asctl.
TfflBSTin feel well while a costit habit vf
1Jt nrevaili : Ixaidea. it aoon Pmcratci aisrious and
'I oucu latal rL
Lseaae, wbicb miebt have Uen avoided
by the t'mely and jndiciomi rse of a on4! punrntivew
1 his is aLke trn.of Colds, beverish yu;pioiu,and
XlUious dcntnsrcihcnU. TifJ all tftd tt become or
prodaco t-io dee seated and frniuLiUlo Li tempers
'Nrbica load Tie tasfrses aH t'Tr theJaad. llenca a
relbiblo fcmiy pbvsie is of tl e f. t-t importance t
Xbrblia bealUi.'aml tbi has beea perfected
with consummate skill to meettliat detnir..l. Aa
extensive trial oflU vlrtnei by- lbVstr.tti;T?bfe-
C ftJTSr'and Tat3e.t9, has wmru iwrttrt taijraiii
r . . , .
anT thine hitherto known of any rocd;cin Cur-
h-ve bc eilcctcil hrvfmd llief. were they not sui
"atrmtiatcd by'pwtsor of wich exalted potation and
tbaxactef swto t Trbid lh ttupicion of natPitb. ,
Arnontt thtj many eminent gentlemea who bare
testided ia tifnr pf tbtsc l i'ls, we rvay duV''J' V
- Prof..J. iiiLtitiOS,iUal VfAottUoi C-C i
china ti, whoso high profeaisional tliaxsictcr ia en
dorsed br
JonnT.CiX,' Jpde of tbe Scprciao Court of
' tbe Uuiteii gtat-e.-
Thos. CRWi!f, EecretAry of tbe Treanury.
TToru J. M. NVkiqht, Governor of Indiana.
N Ltnowostii, trreat wine Rrower of tba Wt.
, 'AlsorIR- J. 1 Cnn.TOX,;rtaOical eU4Viy r
New Yprt Ciy, endorsed. by , : . . f, ,B
Hon. W.'L. M.RCT,&ccretaiy orJtafe.
"; 4t.; B. AsToa, tbe rkhest man in America.
S. Lelaxd A Co., rxopr'a of Uai JicrpiiU:n
Hot4, and maaw other.
nrtiaate-ff aa- ail .parta avattme.. ,'.hel'.U
I hMn nsed. hnt nvidenee even more convincing than
' I , . i i: t :
tae experience oi emineus puouc mcu ia wuuu ia
e , - , f trWf ellcrts ttTwir-trisfv r ""5 r
iKvt en Iy ' Vhene FiU. tie re-,t.U of
, ! 4t'J Ti 0 rt'l 1 ther? blia
v.. . -
v .Ration and
iJatu.'y, are o !a-rl t ther? "'lii r ins bct and
j rr.fji complcrt ai:: 'J th pj nent stats of medical
i unce can aord. .iff) compoi.jea not 01
1 .the dmart themselves, btit of the medicinal virrnee
omy 01 egcwiuc ieiu-o5, uun. u.
prwvi-a Ulf pwnty, and combined together
in u ob a fcanner-as toinsure tbe best renults. lni.
eystcm.of.composjtion for medicines has been foufia
liu4hs Cluprrt-Pactoral and ruls both, to produce a
more efficient lemcdy than bad hitherto been ot
taihed br anv process. Tbe reason is perfectly ob-
vious,' I tbe-oJU ta'ifie ql cwiip-rHtBr,rTfTT T
wetlicina ia burdened iUi . mpe .or lo.W. fc1?
wtaiioua.tml injarious tjHalifios, by tlji't wk,)r-iw
vidua! virtue oolj that,,i flesired for fdit jfativa,, ?
elfect is present. All the inert and omioxiom qhal
fties of daeJt 'ultiiee etnpiire4 are
cirativ.k-tacli.oivlbi:ia; tancd. .lirf "SiL
self-evident tho effects should prove, tie they have
2-coHcntir exucaicni viai iny i:icun-iiio
-sAoitM4a4aJia atnder-4li counsel of an attending
t,TirVa4 Wuld not prcperly judso of a
remedy without knowing its oompoitionA-bY
wrplied thttrfTitlw syrtrrni.aj tjvat.irtabt ... .J
F jrtoral aiv l')l
tji.-iKie xo ut t. .x.j a.-v '-f
and LnUsli Aincr-
V-5cfcT3TT rtrp-fBould be any
Mto4ia wHs-rAiewf-d tlw they wiil bo
promptiv forwarded by mall to hit rciest, y,
lUCrZ-aihe Fiifeflt-Saf'tTfTfTrtr:.Tiov
Jni-miA be t;Ans lA( a-coraiWiaiJ !
Their life consists ia their mystery. I have no'
Caif!c"rles. TJ'r A'TT . ....
beTomritj'5!t!MtTifTr'y preparations u laid open
.td alLmcnanl.all .tt wa, cyjapetent to judp;e on
flie subfeer fiecty icfclfioftletfe their convictions of
their iutrinsio'tiicrits. Hie CireiTTiJJcctoral wa
prortonneea by scientifl wen be a wonderful
'.nedicine before its effects were known. Many em
inent I'bvsicinna bnve declared the same thinjr of
I tay Iill, and even taoro confidently, and are will
ing to rettify that. tlieir .Anticjprxtiona were Inyo;
than realized by thettvelTect upon trial.- ,.
They operate by their 'powerful influenco on tlie
iuternsJ viscera to purify the"blo4 and iaimtiTjli
lata healthy etion Tenws the ebfrtruatitiins .i r
tbstcmach,liowc!Clivr, aadtitbeforpraf : a
libdv. restoring their irrcsular action to bcattb.iiiJ
Llf fwwctj,B,'jrhrrrrcr.,i'H)h derail go-
, list aiirar5wrappcd. they are. pbyisaci tq faiWr
and being purely vcfitaWc, bo harm cltf arise IrMsr
-N(TtrRs ana the nrst onia oi enw
1 ruur nsav in anv ntantitv.
I Xaf 0f mhitite iireetions, see wrapper oa the Box.'
Practical andAnalyticat Chemist
.. LOVihLL, MA6.
t - Tiiti Zi Genii per jkz. aTTTt. f iXDo-irj t y i
'.' !j;n. M.VCN,'AC0:.T.rewnvi1?c',c";j3,;I
' '. " I llomarj, AibiTfi? Co:,' tft.'Louiii.
: And rin PrnijisM la the Cnitcd S'iiUs.
4 Jnx'i 25th, IM.?.'' -'- rl
L, ' ' , ' '
&r and p'erwttrcWrr- Kerchpnt.
So. 20 Fine Street, corner SoeonJ.i up stair )
For Sale, 1
1 C f Acres extra fine land, Pre-empted, wrh'.-t-so
iryy nii: of Brownville, 81 arrei lsiUit. lui) aor.-a
firtiber. tine stwte Jihd watoli tFi .'lH Si i t'tr uu
atiflltiii madoaiHiii. Jx . ii. 'T A.'RXAS.
tK J. I, 's7 Aitent.
JONAS U Vi. 1ll0OUC Ulli
",1 PRi.BDl.tO ABO L0M;ISStiS.JwKjl.Vlti91j
' Axd ste3i iot Agents.
."bolCfale amj Retail .Decr in pry (li, GroccritMy
liaruv.are, v, ietn.-ware, t aruiture, stoves.
s iJCVril-UAiBi SU..,
!, '57
BaowxntLt, X. T.
TBojf f-r sT'if
B RO WN Y i la I all.- J 15 VIA ikl i A a
a EO, , E. TiCLAJlTv,
HAVING taken the con'racf for "parrying tbo
Mail ltween tbo nbrric points; taTce this iuUf'J'
or informing the p'lbligeiliral1y that be hrfs ' imnjit
preimratioa for running a llnek on i tbeabJTe TfcicSf
ronte : ' '. . .... '. i ni.y)
Leaving Rock Port erery Tnestlay.-Fri'laT arnt -Sunday,
at 12 o'cleek JI.: arftyin at I'ro-rnvjHir -jnt
SiVIoek.'I'.y..: leaving Browuvilla t titbit JVrtj
same eveuia at 2 e clock: F. iSX Uvy "m vtat
This route soni)fji atlVwlvJVViiVtbe St. Jo
seph and Conn:! Bluffi'Staprs 1 i n y. itnft-st Brown
ville with the Stage line leadinr from Topeka Kansas,
St. Joseph Mo.jlndcpendeuee, JLaasasity and other
points bolow ; arid t Nebraska City, 'inaba City
and other ptinti above; a! Nfrwj tj-fi Kearney,
west; the sibfcriber cor.M bvUtiitnt attcurion
ti "ISHvf ffa ln,t ,wmm.fllAttii' 'tl MstosaorS r'-l
merit a share of ib ptiblb patrMiajfe;'' '' '
iTirtreulrir attention rent t trie eoflveyai
Paoknjs ofrtfireeirf.' Char?H i7( rafbbttio; as-t "
eouetablrifyfor naavidable a.l'frt.t3. ; w "i
April 7 1858. 4:l-tf ' x wn has bio
'- . .. . . -i t ' i .i ii t-,1; ,,ti,n;ii
' ' W. II V IT.I,IA1.V v"' '
vnoi.ESALS! Ai rsttail t:ti.rT)r N"'S
STOVES & tinware;
1 orogon, -svarci;;1 ""'"'" 1
TAIvEH pleasure in annouuein j tlie cilliens ofCr
gon and tbe public in general, ihiia. be has on
hand th asosb cxtensivp -etoek-of -jvts atv Tin
ware, ever offered Iu this market. "?Jy"stock CT Tin
ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at
Wholeale aikl Ittti3 at St. Loufr'kJi H ( I TJ
I wiuU LiA r,rUoiilar attt tiu i tirVitoJclf
COOKING STOVES.comjrlitiug tlejio't improved
patterns both Afr-Tikbta'ud I'reia'.utn Atnon them
may be round Kiy's Charter Oak1, the
in use, the Asiaaie Air-Ti.jbnV Fiiracar aod prixo Pre"
uiuai. Also -f ; tj Ttf
Parlor & Box Stova -
Cf vritii SiTtesKnd lntrf wTk-ft.T,.? '
. Particular aUcu'Jon paid to jrakin aflJ. rattfirv
wp Tia Gutters, in the town aril onuDtry.Alo, f f
pairing done on -bort notice and t n rotiablo ic
Old copper, Brass and Pi.-wfer taien ia exobaaa
for work or ware. . . , W. W. WILI.IA.M.i ,:r
' Tl-a5 j, . Oregon, IIj'rIw 5, I('
I 11
"LT, S. vilail Bonte,
From the Nemaha Agrency, in Kanca, to tba
mouth cl the Aypwy SSicf.p. T.
Tms LINE makes one"! trip per .we-Tk, ej-h way,
stopping at the princijal .tuwtn.c-" Uitf-il-curi,
River, (rtd I Lacks ail the way through, ih1 ooJ
b bes and uice youcj wen fur rivnrw. - c ,. t
J. B. A W. BLNXLT, Contactors.
Dec. 19, 1356. vln27-ly -' f- Vv
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