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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1857)
i i '-' THE ADVERTISER. U. W. IUIINAS, EDITOR. THCBSDAV MOKXIXG, yoMBEV.l! ' S. n.rTl!, General Advertising Agent, nj' w Tork. Llie'aud CUildreu' Mwcfcwre, Fourth Street, Cincinnati. c r,1Jwit ViCHE,OwrsfcCv., Xo. JliM8,rB'-T' rwTork 7aow W,in, American C,n Jrertuine and Subscription OtBcC, No. 1-3, Advertuing XrwYork. J. K. DCDBERinOt, J. corner Olive and Mai streets, St. Louis, M.. . F. McLCJiO. Troy. Ohio. UK. It. li. 1MBT. T.titvcano". U. A.T. KIRK, An.uer.'Xror... -H. W. PETE., Ore? .n. M-. , RIDE fc White. Scbtsuka I 1: J, X -w w tiTt. linden. Mo. t i 81111M. Three Grove, N'.T, Ar Mtb.it4 Acent. to iM.-ic.t ""r - .til tl I ceiptfor tfktic therefore ertira.w A,r tue nr W ') w Jiof TeSUt, often Mrat ta-n ri!. io the.rold JlitS?' mn,,....-..-.-." . ru rvfroti I recemnit. will cuuKWcr snte op .dti cureliuUi uonal F! -IUoi trvolie. c.unuetlie "Aiitcrsiw," e.l.ll keitl.(r frH' thit ncribr wish their par-er cnilnued, frcUnf 1 j pun tin to ud afcerctiure.t4 much the largest circulitioa of AnTPQr A thd Territory, WTioleiilo JJ erchnta lu'.Bt. Iioui, 8t.'Jo&CFa; Cincinnati !fl.44 btber East ern mrket where KebrwOta merchanti !pui ch&s6. win Cad no bettor advert iifcg meditun tatha'WeBtern.eountry-it L"u' .: I" We have been -crowded vatht job fodder: actm? carpenter, Vkulmg nogs, and otherwise llxrn up tilings to mike our wife and litll&fcnes coiaforfSbleuTinthb winter, 'cifnsequemly ?rthtT' Advenrser' this week, is not what we would like it! .'; 1. r u .r ' " " . TianlcssKln?;' i"'.0 Vf? 1 V-' A Tp-ddf UlEeday set cpactf by the ., Governor, .jthis.. .Tprritor .as i:Thank?givins idy'l-r-a . day..;f ainpup for devouring gcesfe,'gotlersr ducksichic4cfins, purnpkinjpies, t7 r .-... rnji To -i: Seriously hi well that aUe?Lst In thre hundred und sixty-fij-e hould be 2'eToted"to"acknoHvlbd gingtnir d epende'nee upon a cracious aod bounteous Fronueacc; rij i.7i.i.4l.t ..... ,j , -expressing our faith in His goodness. 'anOL jusrici; and snrplicauug-a contihuatlce of . - f .-. ' . ' r .. . His-'fatbttnd mercy7' 1 i.-i li' Hre, Wind, SsoTr CelO.. - i ;' For' ft wqek pasl. the" elements' appear to have combined and "run mad.'; It has been exceedingly cold river nearly fro zen' over- has snowed periodically every other day ytegular "northwester" winds, grade number one, prevailing the inter mediate; days, and to cape the climax, fire on the prairies ! x Our neighbor, Nemaha city, has, been sufferer particularly On Saturday last; it was with '"great difficulty," the fire Yroifi the blirnlng jrairiS was kept ' out; ' 0 he 'toWiu 'f.&4 h .price g-otlh uppcf ' hand; every, house in the place must have, been swept away. Two new buildings in the same nlace were blown' uown--those.'. of Dr. JlcCproaVand.Ir. Clariage, the 'for meraitory and a half brick; the latter a three story frame. "We regret to hear of such tosses,' Wmuch .labor Vndj expense attends securitig or replacing them. - Yet its we'have 'no"bontrobof such visitations, e'hafe1 orfy Id lpatiently' submit. 'We have not heard rarticuars from,; far out pn the prairies, but.arc sure mucadftinage has been done both by fire arid wind... : j Yehave predicted .all , along. aUj open inijdrunteV., lbj prescni, ste pfthe weather 'looks quitethe vontrary-,-a3d yet we -trust somewhat in" the bid 'sajfirt ' "a bad begirming makc3 a good ejid." Kams Constittitional 'Contention. " This body,: the action cf Tvhich has bben looked for: with sd much interest adjoarn' ed on the 7th. WTe copy below;" 'that por tion of the constitution adopted,' relating to slavery: A -vote Iq submit to the" people earried;23 to 2;Jand an electron1 for that jptirpdseorepel to. taVe piaceoa'-jthe, 2 cfDiccmber.,,-: jncaae the- laytry clause is not approved, the President 6t '.the Convention is authoxizqdtQ erase it, -and forward the" Cpngrcss,", and claim the admission uf Kansas ns..'SljLtef. The'saary'-ef "the 'Governof T-iS'r fiei; ert 53,006 per ahnum ; ' members5 of, Hhe1 e gislature are to receive &S per day ; and the Lieut. Governor is to - receive double the amount pef day paid eacmcmber 'of .the Legislature,, ;, . v ....(;' -,.,! rcI - Src 1. The Legislature shallhare no power to pass laws for. the emancipatioirof slaves without the consent of their owners, jor withoutaying to their owners, previ their emancipation, a q11 equivalent in money for "the slaves so .' emandpatcd. ; They shall hive nopoAverto prevent Vmi grants;to he Srate from brhjg'mg iyith ahem such persons as are deemed ffslnTes hy the laws of any one of the. Iwiijcd Sta tes, or Territories, so lon as; any person of the same age or description shall be tontimied in1 Slavery by the laws of the 'State; provided that such person or slave be the bona fide property of stich emi grants, and provided also that laws may be passed to prohibit the introduction into this State of slaves who have committed high crimes in other States or Territpries. .They shall have power to , pass laws to j?erruit the owners of slaves to emancipate them,' saving the rights of creditors,' and . preventing thera from becoming' public . .charge.! They shall have power to pre vent slaves from being brought ' into the State as merchandize, and also to oblige the owners of .slaves t to : treat them with humanity, to provide for them necessary ,1004 andclotning, to aosiain iroraaii mju "ries to them extending to life' or limb 'aal incase of their neglect or refusal to comply with the direction of'such few?," to have sucn siarc or slaves sow ior tne ben efit bl the 0Aaer or owners. work the past, week have been busily en gaged jiffgng tery,V;ha'aljnwooifcnd Sec. 2. In the rxosecution of slaves for crimes cf a higher grade than petit larce ny, the Legislative shall J have no power to deprive them of an inrxirtial trial by a the like proof; except in cse of insurrec- tion of such slave. . -wVifymaa. a..aiw. e caa attection to tne-jTOspectns or , in another column. An accurate idea of inn 1 M U T TiiT inn IP.! 1T3 rf-iT ilOPTa f1 Tl rt 11:11 I I v-v. -v, -- y rfeadin nt i ThercToTe we. need enJy ay, It has already accomplished much by -iai!inV. tf ; ThV-rrT nr we. nft&l mf7 say J-T. .- - t' painting. i 1 1 . . t t xl - neioura not rjKiie. -e, nope,' ricri- . -, a ,. ., . , - r-. -,-.-; i;--:nri l-r- ::;cJ' mT- 'Jv-: iA.&-XA icE,,,.! hmw agnttojrccea subscriptions.-.': w qsoss I -1 ..:.':'''.. ! v-w 'L iltii: urea wreec 5J!urr,.?uv.? himstif was chot'Qjrn.': The btheri he groei' then surrendered; ' They1 nad' iff nil wirty revolvers..' . . - .. , . e. are paired, jO-Iearu , and, Announce the .death -,, 1 th$.!-.vife st Horn A SrHilKLip.iof'-'iBelleTue.fc -liat' tf few short mo'nthsrslnce, .cam'e'ir&'-the' f ifer in. company wun ne , fapy. f Mi;jrrlu: I uia: snjprHnenrsi-.uyisum het'aft'was' Ifrish'l ;r4itttoidreamimt that ere the frosts of wlfitef Varhe!''. ! the silent tomrwouia-reeTfestins f.!ace t 1 .b'iTtuiv&Sl a .t, Truly m-fc6'midst of hfe wedrehn death. Fr;ihd -S; Ka's dr heaYlsthite. 1 .v1....',;' r. Slf GrCCt 3laC Mlfaras. y?. 1 ' able, wjth ' Villi, jructrciil r( f ViA ncnol rnmnlimptit 'if - -""r r I four-. : This is- undoubtedly the greatest exploit on record in the way oi.tilliarcs aiid It prs that MBrwa has reduced himself. to the .accuracy., of L. a machine; ana tnat ms counting irora roorning uu i mgni, w evry sa0l,; is a mere iViciub of physical endurance "t!8,!8 rit, we snouw nesiutte iq give;, it.tcreau: . . .'. .' , - 1 n but, proven as itis the: pexfarmance; is -wv.L.v.L.:- beyond a doi&U "Wherr'a? glthe;har. swers -here1 T:.i:' rIT o: rent jury. . . -. ,-K M L'vli l? jpn-."- v,c.;, Sec. jAny person is. bo shall ; malvt? akVtY Jed. .The yield ialcxost un ii. jsly VKnr JmW'or deprive a slave 'recev n -' larg1 tl.fe vinterf' arV'rcap-lif-, Ehf irTyfler Hftishmi:t as vvc Id be 7j;fy aHr4r crop than they haWovMed lr.i.ictei, -n-case tho. like f encash 4 been '.. -. . A.- v : Zu,. . TOa,K.,, rf.ol and in consequence there is a scarcity 1 CaTZgJlt hlCli' n'1 1 J r'J':'"'' v Ills hafih'is pot Tbsforcdi and physicians nea? this cjty spsaeitinie since, Mas.-cdp, latejmd Wrlyie's bard 'pofk't; turdd in Iowai abve Nebraska ciry A few jmg ready for thepress another Volurjid weeks' agb- Jleat rthe heu'd i:6f J'ten of his digest of the debates-'uf .Congressj P&erfruMtWfVVhe bT!? r '7aVf'c a tOmZ hU 7Jn pel.1 LackawanaSc Wfeem7O00,0CKi played atl banrirKia;(rirbetween.'Ctwo C.. , , t T oi7;eYsnA,'nAft ' ' nJ t , , . : Chic' St.1, Paul & Fond1 du L:ie.J '5,000,000 players, tern ed Brown Aad AIexander,- in North Pennsyl'ia,Xri fi'.OOQ.OOO which the forme iMg Jrtn of 1.444-ctn If nftHndbn life T5f):fl;- 200:000 pion biiiiara players nffwT "wnere is th tity, died a short time smce.; . Before Jonathan in England "Andrew! J'helan? hi?. death he.executed . some, papers; conr Late. Ahd!t!i;ft,',Atba1n i2nVf,3Echo an- yeying to you the right and tide to ,160 sir. toc&'smf.ninss;:;-;irrp .. As,PTerrbodywanauousm er Mr.TTen Broeck.made , himself . whtQlf by his winnings in- the. Cesarewitch, for fie expensand lossesrof hisrited enterprise we "ti-xU 7tate' thai ' we' have - l'.u.i '"''"!' .viol xehable .information that he bef veH.Iar- ' -f 1; ' vi,;'i . gelyipnjthereultand ,Jh4t.,he. noj-.W reimbursed hi,n.e f for aUhkoutlays and mifehapsbut is largely ia-iexeess; . With'- ' 1 t : cL huu Jt out any special mformation on 'the subjt'Cf, .' - 'W - "f-ii". 'r I,-.-; wo'., however,. all who, jkoy Mr, Ten Brdeck .vrpuld be sure of ;thjs result.: 7H i,Ea4iost the whole scason-ithrbuaaditheuNfew- 1 t' i n- fi- . market meeting afforded him ms list nrd ,v ., . , ? , . , f r r , p&ly ,chance forj nlo gevjm.- -The.withdxawal (C.Prypr, al made .it still niorp neccsry that; .ashd,ot slip the only erPoftunitvAvithw hi reach ity; to redeem lib tinf otraiiatc campaih. Un1- der such circumstances, a E8.' a:f witi no more pluck than a Y'ould feel bound to bet with a spir' vhiTe a game, ,Vk.e ?!yTlS ?c?"i)tH'i' t"re to;gg agQiiengtSl';; Twpiglultef niui; the tiaro woajn fine, cendio'on; and ttllwehire toaddisitit hilid'drt a; E?P.QcIs '!U3er 10 . nf.l V ?llIK?n dollars. ( Almough a great lnajny have' been' .laughing at him herp; htiis how laughing at them, in the: 'rih('time.; PcrhVs Stint of ' IhiTimts.''' 'C?5-"f t, .... -t "". : ; . -. .... v, . j A SJeamlJOat Kcspapj;-:,, vfl:w -rrAmong-.-gthefj -innovations Vfhich;.lhe -mammoth .steamer.Gre'an'Easrternis ayut'tb'; inaugurate w3I; be'thpliYiijn- jicn of;a:;daUy;papeV. wneiu ierayenngpuoircjregu- laf VpuUk'l of i travelers vhdm sbe nwiy, t-e bearing across tne ; ocean.''! tia this startlinrr feature-Marinated on A- western waters; of tbb 'NeVorie for for thcir nUtfvi5g-and gentieJ theNeOrlwns -ahd- Sf.- Lotus Vpacket -mardy conduct, in : prprilirigr for the Xvants isteamer ' James, 'li ! Wroodruf 1 now j sails of tlieir" passengers, and landing them- and nuinnrwl wirri ttio fnro aril mr;Vor;a!c,f'f their freight' in sifetv at -'their different .lw;l f .r0,u; .;7..i.rPnor oesunanon, unaer tne rno au- v. ,. , . ,. J, on ywra curing, ner trips up anaxMwn tne nrer ( with a job oBce attached ioir the 'printing' of bills of .fare and cth$r 'work'.' The result of the election iaKiiw'Jer sey is as f oUows'7" . 5. : The Democrats' have elected - Sena tors out of a.r ; ; ' :' iy;,t'iI;;;i c ;The Legislature will stand 15. demo crats, 4 Americans, 1 JRepublicaa brd 1 Fusion.-- ---,.;-.'!. The House.stands Democrats 35, Op-position2-3. ..iVi .:i j'.:-( f - Call at Jlr. "JIitsich Daguerrean Gal lery and have your likeness taken. The Vintage of Missouri. From the German cqlony of .Ilennann, in Missouri, we learrt'ihat the tj jr re lias of tarrel and ccLar room, l net. Lk)uis Wedlickc Post says the frrapes arVuausiH taWn ;a ,h? vlnta -c. the vieM will he - than 'ever "before, as die crapes jnce xjis. i lie yice. Hus.jear, crown iJ IJprminn'nml , j00 0Q0 tt ' . f- - I ' 2 1 nbout 100.000 eallons pMl!1jpiT1v;. pMlVf ifitnF thA 1.1th . ' "-""0 w-i r r"' 1 ' sayCQlonerntqiltidinSlt.?Lfe davs'hce He has v. thimied.very m'ch3. He:ktlfinh irf-.tis'-saddlq,-'and! bolt: nw pain ixom-wtat' seem: deVo-rnaladv: he'. aKclie' himself - to hU. task'riith nflaifdnsmdustry:and asi I'JBfrV ' Iri this i itse'en his ; indomitable wlr 4. .. ?, ,;..,. 1? ,c SnspentteaKailrOit f Ci!,:r -J. Within the -last diirty days the; folldw- in ar railroad comrahies!'are 'reponed's having either' gciiS tb' protest on" their tioaung,. aeijt, j suspenaea or jniaoe. an r as cJ tnejr, property ;j .,a ,Vic ;;f ii: WaeI-1. ,! : totaS ttA'sitrT esL New-York and fofel11 ?ioI- S38.0C0.T3O0 Illmbfe' CentrarVVV1 ;1;V;2m600 phia indeding', , 20.000,000 M ch gari Central,' ,UJ ?;." f-J14,000;)OO rfv,-5M;tu.h .dOioW Cleland.Toledll 70,000 MUwaearirl Misippi,-,00.0,000 Crosse andfMukee" 14,000.1000 ; ."'itri I.! K'.jrrrli.:, .0 .:,:-lit L ',M 83.81 ,700,000 -r tlimaVted Of It - : A'coupie. J.of 'scbund'reisiw! muscat&e, r va, cailing themselves' "Hotchki5T& Seymour" ar swindlip,.t)se who are verdant enough to be swindled, Jby send i?g ttemthfi foUovvingUetter.: ydi . TT . , iti ALBAif H.. Adams, Esq.. Jlonty Indvy ' 0 - ,.r -; T l i,I;Sia:--0 write.., to, inform -yoo that Mr; ame8 Johnson, who Jived n;ar acres of land in , Clinton Co,, -( Ind. vfhich viixp. a.sealed pack.age; relating to private them, n.., ,.r ':0 .-uof,--, f.-iiup You will remit $2,00 as Durfee.- rx,.T. m-IF - Arery truly yours,,, ,,j . -i- JIQTCHK1S3.& SEYMOUR. cv' ' v ' ! Vv-"ip -I Anotberew Paiier ' ' 1 x' u! j 1 'i V11., , ! - '.it, a, " " - 'We have- reeejvfe'd tflhe V- . n "" ' h''v -'--h stWU the maEnterpnse C m Editor ,and,i:opna.. tor Oraadi,iN T... iThe Lqterpttisb id .a. ' , ... f creditable paper, and we wish -it'1 success, ... . .!: .'-i! tu 1 v-i TjEr ' r.O-' r'f ."l1. u-:; 7 ' - w'i: ''-w'i ''''' w.r :. , --The JV.yonung-rT.elfscope, and " v n- t.i -'r. -' Plattsmouth; Jeaersonwi oX.nhATerntory have ,Cn suspended. 'for want -of .enc,- .tyFih'nk been better Vthey: had nev?r a paper than' ii-' '"-'1 wi not to. sustain, one,. "5.1 r J. H. Mann & Co. l .h; .I'fja-'j-.'i' iiihl.v removeu fntb'fcrMcPh" on Front .street. f Jphnhas'nxed up a m-oe new fQom, and; arrai4 in "apple pie order,-"-and will-be pleased to have you cdltil'J.nA t3 IWK . I j' - - On board Steamer OmaJi Nov 20,-157; il'y' c 'A a 'f all 'meting of passengers heidon board' 'steamer' Cmahlioalast upuard trip to St. Joseph, John Corby of .St Jo. as cnlhylta the chair, am--AiLiSay- word, Esq;, - of ;EUw6od wasappoinfed -Secreiarr1 V.' "it. j'.-m-jn-j r I L The. foUo: VreaW Oe.. and" resoli tioni were unanimously adopted I A uA ! ----We; e1 Passengers bh ' boardemer Omaha, on her last'uprtttrd tnp-f the season for two consecutive year.'feel call- vyvu iu cxiusyurj-icujimu rumuuu d 'Ranks'. to Capt.' AuAreVv Wirieland r verse and discouraging circumstances 'Of Umd and weather. " Therefore ' ; RuUvtd; That Capt7Wmeland 'L-ivihg performed the first, lair,' and' speedest commanders in the Missouri river trade. and that his excellent boat, the staunch and safe Omaha,' 3 the Excelsior of boats on the Missouri river:'i ' ' -', : Resolved, ' That : the alere proceedings be published in the St. ' Jbbephy Eli wood, St.. Louis;f Kansas, and Nebraska papers generally. -. '"" ; 1 '- JOHN COKliY, chai'n. : A. IL SATwdab,'Sec'y." . JIT j '''-.; vjf.4 i. i . The official vote cf Ohio give Chase a majority of 1,509. 3 to us an -wternai but three Steubenville and Indiana- 'u5,000,000 ' NEWS A New York paper says a. good many unfortunate merchants of thd'. city seem disposed to taketo harddrjnk. Do they expect to tetter ihe iigbtuss. tf tKc po ne j market byigeUmg SK themselves ? There nrc 'ncr ov-;r a1 hundred ftniale practioners, sr?criir-' Iyruucr"ed hyji cians, in theliiiiu-J States, ilassachti- etts gavt; 810,000 to the t emale Uol ege, and" it has funds and property to an equal amount. The citizpns nf" "Rone Island now kv coal at ien cenWa. bushel, "deliverable 'in aiiy-YaYtf th6;ciY.rTmA( fs lnrooxfefc quencd of the'eompkaiotfof the Rock' U- land snd Jreoria railroad lou thfr.mines 01 Coal, Valley. TyrTTr jf f r jse butO -iV'alfceir'A.filibuiterJ colald taisfj. jtRfinjgjiJtJet3te;.pfMii35 euough for such a purpose.",." t: The cholera 'now extends over the whole nor9iera;do4erit of Durbpe; ; Ai, fGld'ckr stadt four" per cenu o' the population. had IfHilrtafedthav' there' 5s 25,000,000 bshpjtsf; ( grain 'srpd at '.Chic agp; lQ.opefiiiyedk? by the fr mi is assured,-' on "gocd authority,, that a Bnra 'bf 400,00.-sovereigns' (about $2, pp.6,00)SiMr'e'ady engaged fpr. sfiiprnbnt r. :t.-j-ni JO li to.ihe.Unitetl states by tne nrsi opportur :-r',3 Pri utriployed ?n the--rnanuf acture of clQiilhiiNwY ed to thearjiunber of 2,149 , w.-v,-i4 '"DnB; '.IniBreavIap'ac':: saeepi from Govaqtnl: arrived at-Panama a short tune Lr-Ii'i1 iv:, ' xexi tVA rr. c ' '' '! AL6Hte letter .'firjm:!5J)alkV'1ndt rates that heexpects to -return ta the-. Uni ted States nest spring'.. - - The Banker's Blairazine states' that in. the.jear"!16V0'thf cie in cirouia'lidn.was SL90-,000,000 t.-dw j . . . . : . . r . . .-!..', .oi.33ie Bank' suspensioha i&i jhiixdelphia: hare brmtght to light an ld'-bejfgar wb-' mariyhbis' er her loss of sixteen hundred :doliar&ivi:t j A ! uTm ati baa t rancisco jsaoaauig a vessel with potatoes' fot'China.T UA' ,; Mining; operations'1 in -'California : are t'airiii'oil Uqbjjsly. eier;"'',1 i$6ul . . One hopse' itf NYorlr; i?B during: . ihe last year 2QQ,000 a ribboiaa. -At 1 '1 ,i" r; -i-t;;i.;-';j-1 ai.'tl- 1b--':I. i J- 't -li. Real estate is bemg bSered for sale at Cincinriatitea : lienty ;L-EUsVcrh bf ;'Jndianri.!hi): 3,Q0.0'pt(p'rjb,J.jis yearV c. 'a 2t-1 ,"C17Beht6n'Sir;blei-it. h0uihpjiy-! cicns say, that he cannot recorery.''T jiii' ; 'oi The. 1 ; statement that r t the. .-Nicaragua ttttestiottis 'settled is untrue' 1 ' ' "i tl-' ' 1 ' " The -reported '.death: j of Commodore VV On Saturday, 531,955. bushels of grain were received. at'BuJ3ala..a. ..:. ; :'V It is stated.that die 1 California section of-1- the California -agQn: road com- pIeted.-:;.;; The expenses of the War Department last year amounted to $19,000,000. ,' v L :', ,' 1-i "-! -ii'.'T,-' , --. !;--'. ;;: i-i rf i.- -!-; The monument to" Ethan Allen; "ordrf-ed- by-the' Legislature of Vermonty'u-ill be ownpleted this year."' ' ,'a .,.C:.'tX .0 lM,"The': Spanlsh'ship of the. line, Segundi, lying at Havana; Cuba, has lost 400 of her "crewt by vormtof. ., ''V ;:'One mass pf copper1 brought to Detroit from LakelS'uperipr,', within a few weeks, weighed 8,740.n.--.'-: ; .::. - !; ; i--;fr . ..Two new Asteroids: have been; lately discovered , one :at Diiseldbrf and one at Washington.'. ,7.They .now I; nuwber.'f rty- eightii? V ::! :. :.:.. : - -j 1:'. . i -L i.'-.f 'frt! Another slaver hasi been-captured oflf the coast 'of; Cuba with 'five hundred - ahu forty sfcaves..on bpard.:!;,'"'.; : . V i, rapping paper can e.maue. irora me fibres of the sugar, caiie.-- i-.n? v.-...,..-rt The Minnesota CcJpper! . Company ' has on hand two million pounds of copper un SOld. r . ' ,77rT Three thousaud operatives are out of employment m Fair Iliyer, Ma5.s,.T, 0 '-Dr.1 Charles Xackay has cofoie .'.tb fliis couniryoa a, ciuring. .tour . . .. .. .: 'V.Thie mpersp t; Su toma j are' busy vith the question. of employment for the poor, y.: i .;!. uu.:- ' i ... r : .i . .v. 4'... "r Indictments arrainst 455 liquor dealers 24th inst. . .:. ; The English papers state that the wheat cr'-hrquh'out '.Europe is ' remarkably nne. .,::i ,.,.;t-v.-i. It is stafedtbat at teasViOO.OOO' acres of- the best land ': in i Virginia are now1 in market.. , 9 A Th erbps' 'throughout California have generally , been gathered in excellent cpn- u ir.,: sii.-i--." '1' i -...,'.1.. 'ijv I :....! ir The evidence accumulates .that the.te-jporfe''brfaihe-m7'I'r had nb real iounaaiion. iThe'Xondbn F'ee Press says that meat in that city i has lately fallen 3d per pound. .-- .'.,! -a I .... i; -""Cotton is experiencing n heavy decline at, the.. Souths -on account of, thq'. money pressure. i.l 'y. tr-4.' i! n-viii I?.?? 1-.Ti.-i ' T It is -estimated that over 20,000 sewing iiiatiiiiifs were suiu m u. o. uuxing the-pasL'year. ,v:'tt) i--:ci- i 4 A well known physician of Connecticut who had been- speculating successfully in western stocks, and had lost his, all hung himself in consequence on Tuesday. ' The highest habitation in Europe is on the summit of the Aiguille : du , Gopte, 13,000 feet above the Jeveii of the sea- . I.-;., r 1 --:'tl j--.-t.t--.'I 1 ' !' ,H -f 1 n ' The Austrian government has decided to introduce the decimal s'ysi.em in' its cur- e .-. T.t - ' '-. .. ' " " ' reucy iorvawiuu ;-. ;j ,!. y.:..!vii .-The Sows or Malta1 have Iistributed ever 52,000 for the relief of the poof in St. Lcuis., In Philadelphia, too, they have been liberal m bestowing their chanties, . 'It is stated that" 1,400 'Printers have been discharged from work in New York and Boston, and a large number having gone on to Washington seeking workthe craft there have warned .their, brethren that there is no employment to be had in y asaington. Mr. John Powel, a dcxterious rider of trirt rJrrus. stavinjr at Colchester, recently exhibited, in costume,- ?he i.ovel eques fpetof ridincr and driving at once, four barerbacked horses at ranter through :.trnctfeeV V ! iiA H tr-h M On? pf the heaviest; recebt failx bs that h-istafcen piac-3- recently r" Ahatf V paU if llnlot, to te eiecieu uuvciwi '- sylvania. His deficiency is supposed to be about forty thousand. His assets very small. He has been engaged recently in Kansas . and tariff speculations both ?f"vlnaveilrovtdTrad niVestments. j; roas bniciaai- We" notice some of our' exchanges are .dnsmg.hcfarri9?r$rlot to fell t&ir crjiin, Lthev-say th'e pr4c6 -bffetedi3s tbo low," UhaAiL-lhtty- villi bokLrOtkrAmtttetewrf ; will come up and tneq..tney win get some remuneration for their lLj)r. This is all wrong, and if thf irfaers follow out the advice, they willjEoCpnJ injure others, but biurKtheiTi5elvcsralscvjIf they follow rftit- thewf yiey AM Vol! w lAinf the re -rs thTact that there iaia'toe: surplus m the country; will induce all to nastea to be the first to g"et their grain to this'ioaeansth andbring prices- dawn, perhrtps; tOalower figures than they ar etta flow,1 No W, mrruersuoirot.act so unfti3eiY--bruig rour irrain in now and'sellit at the prices olfer- ed:. - At ' 5J- a hd CO. -fcefils ' a;.1 bushel ; tor wueat, you wji realize at. eas . en per cent'aboell'cost3iof raisin? -ard deli- , yferingi' uM'-'far ' better vrili it be. for , yon to tafce.mati muua an , advance than to run the risk ofi stHl lower prices, or what is wflrse.--hayinj.KspbU'.oS''your' '-hands. W e are ware that the prices are nothing to compare; "vith what they were last sea ib'huty'. last year were exorbitanL : Our, advice is that you bring on 'your'' grain and thus in some measurejehVve'lherondition of af fairs. Let A. B and C bfih2r in crrain and dispose or, n at present. prices oy so aor higp ;they Iwil'.be ' jjableid 'liquidate, their ' '.11 ,. K J CJ indebtedness -to; D, Ey and F; and they in tdrn will" ber triable to .sitisfyi 'pdrtially. atjeagthir:credjitflrsi',an they, in tiirn ca: satisfy others;- JJaHington Gazette.' it ii 8' .". iM-'.i .-. . i a- ..-.Tf. :!; riJ ,t;-n! 1 '-T'llJ B Jlf.T ;;.i so-.!,! i i' o.f r. l .;--iJ-i IT j market;;--,; J : "CbrtiWGood supply, i 4Uc, t'.l . ! rand J" Ffouf-VScarce, 4,50 to $55,thrtwk t-j uornnieai-7-DCfvrcu, .,.. t .,7q r resn iieer--o-to oc. t -? t--tnjd . - i,E;gs-Tre'ry scarce', 2oc ; ; - Green Apples-t. V ery scarce, H p. bu. ;., Salt-l .per bushel , ;J per sack. I Couee--1623 cents, i .-. -'k-.-i . ' SugTir-i-16 2i3 c- - ' nRicCT-rlOC.'. -R :,,..lii.i f'j.ll ... ; ;Tea-l ,00 to $ 1 51 l ,i. 1 l.!J ' eat SOc for Spring, . 90 Jo , $1,25 for Fall Wheat Per birsheL " ' n . . ; . :i " Cof n--35c per.biu 7, , V., '-i.OatS-MOOCi .uli.i. ?-j i' : L'-wi..':i "".o Fbur'--$4,00 per sack',' for superfine, $&,50'io.$5.forextra :.7-.V f;',-', -'; Pork -Ini small lots ta the butcher sell3 at'6c.',''BV-' '' J 7;M ",:i';J :-. Potatoes-r-30c. .. )., . 11 Green Apple8--75c to $1,00 per bush .' 'k :lAVhiteJJean?2 to 5-2.50 prhushei; . ). JJutter r25c to 30c per lbv, l '..'. y,i ", , 1 Eggs 25c tb30c' per dz'. -.';;Poultry-liTurVey3, ,75c tb 51 ,00.' ':".' : Chickens 2,50 to-$3 per dz. j r ? Grbteries---Have declined as well'- as Eaany ',other article in the ; Grocery liile. AH good currency is now taken for Gro ceries and by our merchants generally. We ouote.CoffeeTfair to; primp ,12 to 13c: N- O. "Sugar to 12c and clarified 13c, crushed 15 to,16c, powdered 16 to 17c; Molasses 65. to ,75c; : Bice ScV. Te '--"5J. to 75cj Tobacco 20 to 60b as tc quality. ' i ' . r .in- ' . ..;-n. -. ; 'i.i -'.p-i" 7-,.7 . .'; -i oV:i'X- -St7 Lquis, Kov,12 ""Wheat-i-The market is: steady at yes terday's , figures,' with 'sales;, . of 93: fair spring at 75c; 182 . good do at 78c; 124 and 279 do st 0r, 5$ prime do and 150 Canada .Club-at $56; 153 fall' and, 21' ,.and 23 choice. spring and club at SOc; 35 good fall at $1J and 35 and 94'red; and 47 and 1537 hite at 1,11 " round. Nb pholce samples onered.' : :. n --; ' : Corn-Old repDrled dullforixed and yeuow ato looup wimout. saies... :k.,iot of new in the- ear equal-. tb 137 sacks, sold 'at 30c', "sacks exta; '.';''.' '7-;'' t '' : .Oats-tJnchanged and steady wiUisaloi OP 100 at 32c. sacks returned; and"incla sive'of iacksf 32c arid, ,500 at''33c; both cash; ISO at 35c; .193, and . 450 a 36c; delivered; 240, 34- aiid 371 at same without delivery;.'. '.7,,!, ', Flour irolders ye'ry firm. ' There ' is some falling off in transactions,' . Sales of 370 bags dow crade superfine at S2,10 to $2,12;50 bbls country superfine at $4,27; ;50 htls,dq jai ' $4,40; 5Q bbls choice !do: at S4,50) 40 bbls fancy at i$ 1,75; : 7a -bbls branded cirtra st $4,60; . ad 400 .'city su perfinea choice brand, at, $4,75 .per hbl. Barleys-Sales 136 bags inferior at 25c 161 bags fair spring at 45c; and 3-50 bags prime spring at 'C0c; .choice spring will command 70 to'Sci and fall SO at S5 per V.,cV,l lift f:I. .VMPMa. . . ,,.... ,1,1 : ..... ., 77Whisky- Qnoted af 17c per gallon, currency;' "isone sold. ' . Beans--Iri1, gobdr demand. ' . Sales ' 25 bags fair .white at 90c; 13 bags good., at lOoc; and ,53 bags choice navy at. 1.20c per busheL 7;1'7 7. ... :;3 ";' ;.:,';:1.i;7' V; " Hides Dull etSc for flint and 5c for salt;' 77 -' , ;' ' ""7; ; ; ' Potatoes Market steady, but the me dium and inferior qualities are dalh Sales to-day, 187 bags damaged at37c; 57', bags mixed at 45c, and 375 bags good Pinkeyes and Neshannocks, mixed at 60c, in bags. Onions Very dull,- with sales of 50 bags and. SO-bUs at 75c including pack ages -;;" , "" -V 7 ::? ClKCISHATI, NOV. IP. . ' Flour buoyant and advancing; 1200 bbls sold; at $4,35 tb S4,45 for superfine and $4,55 to $4,75 for choice and extra. , t Whisky is i selling at 15c and is in good demand. .'7 .', 1 -7 ' '-- '.'. Coffee is firm, 600 tags sold at 10 i'j3 to 10 3i4c. an advantage n e-pnee of produce, what will it ayait" them' ?J They will all desire to take advaVjako of the rise; and New Yobk.. Nov. 12. Cotton market quiet, with sales of 200 I 1 t r- S rKfrfirk 15,000 Ibis wlJ. n j ; Wf -at firm, with sales of 92,000 bus. Cki . tjuiet. , . ; , .i r"W:,ky steady, at 22c. ;i , : Mokres is quoted at 37j 40c.1" ; ' y New Orleans. No 12 GailfliiSales to-day 9,000 baleswjth a slightly cheaper market. Quotations for middling are 11 1(2 to 11 3-1. Sar isuduil and lias decimal ac nieSS ncrk is quoted at Slo to 20. f J Prospectus for Hie Fourth Year or the . purxniASB op tub FJIOiBl'SSEtDORF GALLE?Y)F -on . k n r n n r tfn iirvrn CTITr'T" If Powers vi Greek " Slavo I , ThA Jl.-iawejaipot havegreat aatiifacti.L annqnU)g tUat flie'Cosji'ii'Pulitan Art Afsociatiuii, aiicr.tUreo yeari rTtinvaralletetl surcoi., enters upii;itfc f,.nrr!i year tn ltr tM!liifx ' aapiiTV, ' Thtf iarcV.'ie ;fj the great DTtTeMorf cblfectl.o of pdiatinps' it a c&cT of cue rrumlred ana eirhty thcsaiw Uuaxii. Ana inTe-iur cl:as5 of Pow ers' cclcU atel statue of f.lie (jlrcek Slavo, at ull.ii thi'WnJ ..larfc t.eiher svtr:il 1 .!-- u:ciii.utliiaiLUiJe w.TTka of Art, render tie aA Jtefiteiu to 5ub3rilM greatct Uien anrleiforeo)rereU. Anrong the larpeaml valuabTo clletliun ofpamtiniss tqf iww- dr s trtnihint l)(ril), ui tltVSttj f isriuary, 1S6)4. are many frm the Bns.l.'f raintinga, embrac- ins the well kitown VHtttlo and Veidemona, Tne Fat riet, - The yrjmti of-Diana, The; Trial of Hun, - m;h numerous .tlus t u laBriA&smg beauty ana vain. The work-i in Warble will embrace Powers' I,it t.o and original statue. The Creek Slave, alio the M win beautiful works la Carrjrs imtrtie -.The Statue of Att- huuilred HiaguiUcinit ainliO!j woi ksia. Painting, Sclp- ttfre, ana uronm - . . Terrris f Subscription J jBvery, person wt)critiu three dullara before We 18 ih of January next, lSoS, is cntitlel to the larue aud otly steel cgravins Maniett Dtitiny . Fplcuilil $J en graving, also a cnjry of ttm eosnupuliUii Art Jonruai one year the most tcautiftit fhagazine ift-Arucrica; also to a certificate i the award o premiuuis, tj wln.-ti a line work cf'Art may be re. cll cr-Js nSt6 afree ticket of aumlij,jttta the Uuaeluorr aud tVv)-tHKUtaii.G-jlle-ricr, for the year Thusit is stn tint for every three iirl;vjia4, tluHj)werUeriK4Mriy recetvbi a rloridKi three JdllttVi eTi5raving,.baJao,-, tTie butifutiy illus trated twodofiar Art journal, one year, together with a eeKirht in the aunnal award uf Vrenilomsj by winwh a valuable wo,-k ot ait in parhltna c scuijrture uiuy t) re ceived in. adilitiuu, giving to every subscriber on eoiTa lcnt to the vaTvr'.nN-Uiollurs. araf acortiilcate iu the award of prAiiiJir-.i, Kratii.' -'J 'i -,I3"Tlie engrvih "S4t,ar'rriy Nipl;r,'.' wUl belnrniheU lit). race of Sauifc't Detrnr ir desTe-l: V'" J'' T.yHiot wtn preltlie if saline u )To ihe en g'raving arid Art Journal; Ihe A.-"0i.ltii,u 'wnV tumlih, witaacertjK.r!0rl?Tilepi3eifoH?, anyone of the follow g $5 MaeiiiC-s, yuj . . Euicrson'.-.UMziu and- PujtWtn' Jtwwtly(.-onibineI) iiO'tHlfl 4SaxtabaW,lacligtrrSwltlV e.h Literary H.scnfcr, ' "7 I Oranyoncof the ftiyvnit British. .OjiarterJlCsI'vlg' K.Hjburgh,V(H(t W-itryh, Wertiiiln!ter,' .' r AadLotiOini Oaarterly Rertewn, orT.Uteli Living-Age, r !MVtw,ocrtin,Trs, sv, j r T. I Owing fj fie icvrrcfylot fie vrt orrqal, U cannot bciVUCi) frcc-Uj any excevt taUs.'fCJftlia sutcrthe to ItynriTI ifU other if i tia-rtr)ni iiliiifo.'1 r Acu'f y i"r either "oTllie b.5"c jrAjlrZlftetJ.nrr-m tnj!-TSf I..-.. .,.-, . . ....... , . . . . . . lq ijiy execyt taU.'fe!io sut.cTtrie to' uclmiing twp cer-Idcates in Uie awaluf preniiniijit. L lTWc w4cliifi $4 !ii-uiiSnd)rAip 'laWJ-tTJ mm m thttcov Kmjudm aau tho. AiiKraviriK wilLbe etititlIto )be rl'Jauji.jT?i?. tw tctnflnte in the wa'ril of pretinainS. "Fi-rsmis- taking flrfc mcmber fliiw, reDiittir?$lQ,'rtnc enaTr to. an txtrz of the .Knsraoing ami cVrliikate. "' ' u tw r Aildresn O, hy DKRBT, Acutwr; C- Ji. A., , 11 Md, Bl-raSma'j..iiev York. ,StWrf,iM,OTrrrelVelby J ' - v - ' ' - K. W. FUKNAS, Hon. Sec'y. . ai , ;rVT , j , '- :i:;V DBLUJaiST3j,IlE! ' ' .') 1 i . .! v .j 1,; cixiil f ar -: . "j . .- -,-r r-n ":a." t ;. lias just tcceiTed tha " I14RGEST STOCli -.1 p r J" :f TT ;) T " rr r 1 ri ?7 Tl- 7r'i t ' u r -tin ! Cheap for Cash: .-. :.ti-i: ...,-..- c :j-i-.' : ; .f Pure while lead Potty i'- . '" Fctiieh. dao Cmtufoil--.? ! . Chiiwrlno- ,. ;-, ,, ; Cvd kyer1 oil ,M lied lead Sweet oil . Veuuiaired.r, . oiue. & r ... . i.jw atid lmrBt lairie k; i e:ti,- 7 .k . Staubsh yhitiug Patenc nieiUcines a'.l sorts Chats "' Couch ean.fir ,- Turpentin -i't-Z tJ J'ancwTjmJOA Lin?eedU ;astile'Hoao rTanjersUU : '! : . ' Toileti soaru .. ' J. . Copal Varni.-b) y r Wa?ktng toun iinin White Varnwh -f '- Lilseri.? Paint briuihcx Vanitli)nnlies -:- Sasrt aud window luola Well bruises ' Lettering Pencils TuWe iainrs" Camel hHir pencil Blciiileri ;J ) Star candle f., . least Pu tiers. .... . TootU brushes Ifair l.rushcs CKKh '' i; - Almonda soft stiell ..- Uard shell AlmoacU , . FUbecls, oeacanc k -t Pea nuts . , Fig . - .' 1 - ' - Hi?fr - ' ' ' . 0-ters fn cane - i '' '. tiariunet ' i j , Biack au4Iu4 Teaa , .,, j TOBACCO, , i.i.n ; Y)t the best br imu, ctewing and autokinr. j Clrm ua- Cjit quality an! ;1jvrir. ' - 1 -'. ... , V; IJtltuittL .f.VXJ:X7(5t;'cJJJj TA . .Preserved frul,t for pies, brajidied oeahes, freh. pea ciie in etms, pure llfjuor for inMica I parses, Jamaica rum, Hollaixl (iui, lrich Kfcisky,JJourb.n whi.-ky guwr trau.Iy, Cordial, 'Part wine, vhcrrr wii.C," rnl:c wloc, llalayarine. - ' - J "" STATIONERY. , Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, gild eUj;e liofes, and envelopes, plain, fuacy ait.1 inUssel; pen and pen holders, inks of all kinds, inkstand and t'aoera jwinSls, sealing wat wafers. - , .. .t , i- " " . A Splendid rAssortment of ; Perfumeries, Coniirifing .:I,yon'B Kathairion. r.logire'. . W"miale, genuine .x marrow, bear grettsa adoilh uuclc ntf es sences of all tirxfe and of the nuct quality. . .. JC?"Pliy!ieian' Prescripjiyjis auended to at an hour oi iuc oay ana niut. , - ' - , , t ' TEkMS , 7 7 - 'J CASH EXCL18IVCLY. Kor. U, '6rJ-2-n23 .. -!a r, . . V rJ;. R. .DAVIS. v Hat aoiawed Lis stock t 0OCBl8. rn- lk rr viMtusu v new o til lui U)( i Xo. 9, .llaln Street, 1 to Uie Laud Olucc, wh-fO he wi;l next door to Uie Laud Onicc, he wi;l te ploasel to Bee ail his old cikftaimers, trrc:l)ot- ah as pi.iuy new coes as may favor fciai with Datp;ni!rt. . .. . ,-. , n, i DISS0LITI0X OF CO-FARTmsniP. jiie co-rarinersiup nereior.jre rrtlslin betarert 1: 11. and A. S. Ilolla'liy, under the nsme and s'yle of J. II. Ifaun li Co.., is this day dissolved by Tnofiat con tent., . j , . . , - It is anxiously desired that Ihe altafj-uol too Irm j iBiedui-ai-Mliiturl.a-ato.sewlkovier kvliave luumrdtv. junr-aijta arj tuaimer wUilet allltaka Groceries ! Groceries 1 1 Fresh 'Arrivals ! ' ' Heavy Addi tions I ! - Prf cpa Greatly lledncedl f r r Cl A&EXCr TAlCLy AT PARI I 11" '0 ' , J,;B7JZaTnTIlTG3 7 " ' j: Cor. 2ttti and Francts sts, St. Joseph Jl. .HAS Jtiis receivpd at lis store-room, encner of Scooa4 and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, everything deirartia hisliae, wbK'h bepurchiMed for the Kail and Winter trade, at greatly reduced price for Cah, aud whiefe ha "ill sell at corresponding price f.r cash, or to punctual customers. Anwu Ui recent reireipt are 50 A t FTeh Peaches, 35 doa Prime Apple. 2 dc Ajworted Fniits 20 dot Lobsters 1 S lb cans, 3X)du Pield'a celebrateii Oysters put up this fall. 20 hatt Barrels new a bUa-yir.h also Codludi, 100 boxes W K t'tieeie, 50 bo.xe X U dot 6oO lb CnrTiint. 60 boxe freh fsiiiiN' 100 b-cie dried her ring, 4o0 lbs ij.heo Butter, 50) lit is crackers, M bbls nut ass.wte.1, fW lb Peanuts; lot boxes awrtM Xui fancy candie. 10O do mm drga nd auttto Lieagers. 200 drums i,.c. Also a large lot sugaa and ml rZ which wi 11 1 ld at price ooiutuerably below tue urke sixty dv a?o. r St. Jc!, Jmw. 8, 1367. -o, uue ai uuik. .xi, miiM uc u-aie.ajn.1 Unl witlivui ak ,!ay. lx! toi A. .lI dlutli.y..who will be I tU present at,f. r ,m- trVa. t L J ' L -1 ii 1 1J H. M Al .7 , , , li LOUIS WALDTER. House, Siu, aal .Onanental Paht'r ii t i v. ji ii a g r7n. Ta lu nietiiu.1 uf infomnni; the tul,iu v.. v.. rPUKP-l ts lair h,,nlrm tl.j.1,,, m ... ,T ' r ..... v. M. , Uj. . IU thil.kH hiuii- ; qualities I Ul-jjorlai. tainint t.) kis 1 jc t bastnet, and rc qualified I undortake anv hn.MLO. Bn.l . . . . 1" the pu.:u; to f hint oil. 8 lc e filers at th "AdTertieer' efi. Vox, lysol. f Daguerrean's lTotice. The under igr.etl would repe-rtfu!!T annmn.. citizens cf Brownville and Tianity that fee 1 iaguerrean uaiie-y in tue -Nemaha Valley g u House, am! is now taking miaiatares eqnal ir nJ.1, mtr tm e.t, i-hami tmw rru4 U- J, , E.h aud every picture warranted to mui iantry of hnate. Iorkcta ami Ppmilr i. tlu, ,"7 Mr.Kkman.i maniie-t 'j III Ml --i...-:n-X-. .. 1 J v L ,iii.i..i.ic. .... a . n. iivvi. ----- NATH'L POPE COVSIK Land and General Arent l WASHINGTON GITT, D.t?4 Having reMguet the snuatum wimh he tVc UiMicral lUnd C21ci.r Uloit Utt.ta.1 " ciiarpeQf the l're-eniu- Bureau ,nter the prccti.n of ciaras Jntfyre the fepsnni..' iierr- ;u uttrf, i..u s.te BPot 1Wi-i Xr-A. H i li,5a a jc HtvHi frkta .Wlr4 Mon ofHce, prwuro L-iml Warrants to parties en i " audprtifevutt claints before CongTs, --.. , rj .,, Rtrcns to t.L - -tD- Bright, nHianP I j A C. H. Stuar, Mickarasi, , '. , . '- K. W. J 'hl:n. Arlriia!i, -it ' ' t C, C. a-hbu.-ne .. ' . li. b' t tm i J. U Uu.ia,V ! 77 C T J I Tn..maa...- ilidrsk Wr Land Om. lii. K." M. Hnnfiiiefoo. E-Cym'r ! ai. iu-; ,Jaeitda,Kxair-j,,in .. ( :. r Gee, C. cm Pm.Mm, 7 - -,., .Gv. JJeilary.SU Piui, Kin, . 7 , ,., Chabb Broihem, i i S iter, Leu ru; d,. ' a. Also, lotli nisMk.U4 0:!i-r eaVar lr- , U viiohae bad land .business U.U.Csa.t t.vcranu.nL r.rr tl-S-a business leuer, ,n'f4 I.mi onlesa accompanied by a fee. "rtl-iT ' .cw Tt'holesale Grocer' Bolc. ; WHOLESALE. A.VD KLVL ' Groceries, -Wines-, 'Jimijrh '. CIGARS, Q ODE N. 1 V A fl E, i - Corcr 0 .toi nd rrtAHj STrtttt' Riifitri- cti -.- Sai, Oppotit Sttrttt Hotfi j ST. JOSHTIIvJIO. u; ' HAVK Just received: thar l.imit an jtorf fcsspyy stuck of the above good ever cpeaod in ir MuAym t which theattentionof nierijiantu and dea.rra arts! pectfuUlng inviteit haviiigparchased thrm pri-pr f.rcah al tliwrsry lowest jKrreibla price, la n -SewTork aal St. iouhl! reel onn.ltrit that Wrrrfrr indacemenw that atwYareir Iion.l, kiid lwiirnfu.fiW! aad, liberal la iiog, 1., psicltaad-gicd Wa), (oavit a liberal share of patronage. Call and esaaiiu rk. and prjecs before puroha:i.i?fc. sjes brtaij toa-iiar la niy Ktock Willi found everj aftUio uruaL'y Iciit ia a Xo 1 U rocpry. House. - '' UxL- v 1 jut f.Wfe''irsfti-o' fafrf ' i. i- Liquors WIiue'OiiraS;?iC ia Bcctmcr&Ia.DIitinexI Whcj-;-' ..II1L'. . . . . supplies of aukind. f fortiira aiul duuiiM; L..u,.i. .wines, bordial'i, Wtums ,cf e w4y de-cut wn, .mitvl elgar,' which m"t VM low'for'ta'U jf sj- r'uVM paper. ..,.-mi.,'.i:.n,. l-.,.r.T.i, La... ' I rL-,-.-i ,,ti- , .- j t :. . -, ,;i CLAIMaNQTIGE. ToFalwardE. Seville and all otherwieai It may coiKero. Yu are hr.J.to4i&ed that I will 'TKr at the Land-Wine nJtcywa'rla, an Prtrtrv it. H, 1S67, at 2 o'clock, p. mr. taprore ap rliTit hr pre-itiiii.Ti oth X. IS. (ipjrrferof .aerii i 7, anwnhia niv'Tt' ; i I'v I ' 1 wm. b;! KoV. i3-if, J. i I av 1 J i C HatwVtT L.&X.CARR Yi 3 . .-sWhoIesaleaokscilcrs, Stilfc O ."'AH1 l4 rit ivr-' rnnri in vi:nfr-TirB Aia.AiiA Atutn, Ji.t.itf Al 1 t tiCfk:, N?. 49 Mia Btre6, St. Louis. Xo. w.pcpj .cuata.)y on baixt,- alt the- Vj(Hn B.l, ltithmetica, tiraaiinarv ie"traptUe. .I'hilswipaws, trading Book. Uistorir,l)ioMoiiaricv CtenustTies, kc. tow in use, wbih hinr c:;er:it th . , ; . L O WEST ' PJilCESJ ; rj. Stationery, Blanb Books, lTtltlnsraud I rlntlnx mperp. nl befd seTmed v.Ui thcgtxat, cate. udUe-iuaLli any itfiwet ITlvrnra-i - - -. BXTENSINE' BINDERY . AUacbed ta their ef aldit4iniiit, (ley are Treparft t nianufactare all klmls of Blank Books to onle-, at snwt UO(H' i ,.;,.,' .-j- I-1; ;-. - t , PROOLALIATION BY THE ACTI50 GOYEIUroS 0J 5Ea52ASIX, ; :.. 7 .; 1 ; tjia .yksgivi.yv.. : 7 7 7, TaUESDAT, the2iih day of XoveutMir, ki kurrh. lied asthedayof Jtunnal Taauksgivif g, foftt taf la6;ri the Territory of Jfetrak4.. . TBe-prnprietyand rc'.igimis duty of T.e ol-rrnr of such a da-, in each year, ha been reenrnrs ed tieiriy Ave tala in ibn I'ni.j. , .. iIy";-1 htrif"'' and der.mtly conrer acknowledging thefrdiniemlencc nit on Urtciias arid Bounle' -BroyWiaer exrl'4" tnelr faifhin Hi -gooali, anf Jdslkc; arid supplicating thecontiiiuanceoflii favor and mercy. We may be lhankfl.f4prv'tfity ' tbecnun'ry at I arge, for rheatwefice 6f Vir and rstnetvrt for tu seurltyf pnr rights and liberie umliT a H-TjurfiMr, n,.m nnner and mtire eiLUilfcJLEter; atidxalil e certaln- JLX if. the pjore ran luurta if.ur jj'iaiUKlsV amlpr- ii.u icroty; ai"fr ma e .tis.fini"s trnip-r, aitmayYeirficeln tli prrvT!-- ".T "life,' liter' ami tiatpurtBitjcar fcariarakys"uia Juxajl jahu m Prayer and Prautv,Jiiiu haa aUrsui-tained tuml who ortitmls our fortunes).'' ' '' ' '..'-. . l.U.erofr recwiuuieml U4iA,itr otsiei crMveisl't tht-ir asual places af pub': wirLiQ. Ihr 'he yvtrvrnt al,ve cicntiuiiOd on the C5tli .lay of tliirii.r. v . . tiiven mwler my band.' andt'ie (ivMl " tS. f oT the Territory at pujha("it;( tlii lib lay . " cl Kuvrutoct liot. . r. - r. 7 j Brownville Steam Ferry t Missocifr' irYvi:n. Thq 3ioatA from rv.- villa to Ft', K' , v And Xroax-theACA u CaJtaroniia,4t tA 4 neaxoai ana moes practicaMJ. TINNEYCODINOrO-f A5X0CNCE tA the TrTJinjr Vv Le.tliat they are1 ,w rurunoc I t'ttry acrrt m tao i.ari Jirer ' , 12roiTDVjiie'cBiaia . -V IV i iSTEALl -FERRY -BaAT, Which ar-anjeaient will geeuro cerra.n a'1 afe pftasaco tV aJl .Umcf &ol.i 'ail kin-U f i weatUer. Tba Frofi-wtora Uo not art jVja.'imr!, ' or for I be purj of itaiiiJaytuCniii U ;re!y, b-at artf i goTerned. by facts, when iliey May tb i s M the V4' j Mosaic;; cf tha .Visaonri Birer iat N"r1raeVa, aiJ F when they jt tho routfrom Iiroirn fil'.e to F-rt Kearney anJ from thenSe to Califiirru tjh ptrr:' j , f-i? eri Jeria- Ibey re rerjh Ma Jr 15 tj.jj J' j 'Country';' and ire warraafcSln aajh, li u tne nioit j practicable rcu(t by. ver.jii I cJf;K.rce. as wit as 1 that of hundrel of others who baTa trarcled it. I We claim therefor that this' cniwinj atal route bi'! ! oat peculiarly fsTortfcre lndnretiHTi,!'ti pcr"B goinj to Califijixia, and arilicit their p frjtrse. So'-withstanding- our aitjwrsr arninnfers- for a and .pedy erorfging, ourchnr-ir are tM ntnid as otbf Ferries in Nebraska, all being renlttt-d ty jL'gi--'' tiye ennOmentf '- ,J - ' . rSTBeeoneet thiit wi'fh onr Cufflitie? cf o- kinds cf weather will preTent-oorBiati n- making rejratar trrr9 at H (mm. KTA skiland Banifwiil b "u laiLcess torn foot pn.Tcn-ers at tJltiaie cTp'M r, ' BBOWXVIllE, If.'T." 7 TTltl WTlte deed or every kind arvl contract fts f prrne, with warranted Imi! acenrT. Office, ia the Banking House f LwUauii CarM- .. XAj JCB. TO - .- IIod. John A. Bingham, Xadix, Oii-- "'HP. Spalding,-' 1 " B F Letter, Canton. "'SLahm. ' , - .", M'm RS4Tp. .XI. Tcro.B, ; P Ck e. tVlninUi,; ji J . Tb,. v .r.1, "ancteld ' ' " Jas. Craia. St. Joseph, Mo. Brownville, Oct 23d, '67. ;. .A- I- I ( 1 33 husk MatirtJitrciila".reof Aug. , 1SOT.. . , nSJ . I. T; lJJ 1 rf "EUrf just re-ia. and f.rjl Jit'tor ' Cm li If - ! V. tar . J 1 Jai tt ( an. 1 i a- V... n