Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 26, 1857, Image 1

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"Ira. i
Nebraska C-iDocrttsa
Sxond SI. Itt.'Jfain, anX Water.
'(IjiVe'lltiock,) ' ' 1
rrDyearif io 4nce, v - , f2,f0
- M tU tod of loontlfli, 2,60
flu! cf 12 or wi'.T b furorhe5 it f 1,5(J per
aei t1. vrcrUol ttsa kwotcbiai the Order,
tot iU-eriM. . .
icn", '12 Wwt or Ief,) co iniiTtionJ ' f 1,C
Oat luuir, ob month
44 one Tnr,
Do Oil mn, one jtr, '! . -i f "
D-h!f Column, J-cir;1,1 ; '
fmirtS . ' A - a
-.1 .'J1T.
'CilutooYfix id n tli
20.00 i
'13,00 ;
eighth. . - -. i '
Colarnn, thre luittls ' ' "
iDO'c;iog'eaiiil'4alcsTuri)Ece,'niiA'Ifance,) S,CP j
Caih in uiraco be required far all adreriis
' nU nci t wtere actual rospmf ioi'uty is known.
Ta fer eat for each ehaege b added to the
te rates. -' : ' , ' '" " ; 1
Stanisff fasines? 'Cards of t8 lInesrlezs,for
Int year, J5.00. ' ' . , , i -
JioAdrerLbicmenU will be considered ty the year,
ailess specifiod , tn the, manttsqrii,. or ptsriouslji
agreed npon befwecn tbe'faAies.--' i
. AdfertUefaectf not fcarkJ rta.t,bnf y fp'r.B speci
fied number of insertion wJU tc curstinued until or-
itri put, and cliargsd accord 1r.5r.fV T
JLU adrertisffG?! sni-igtra ortnuMijtit pet-.
TbprirUpacf.f arl. advcrCstn KiUba tonined
iljridry to their own bosiiros ; and all advrtiarfieotg
lot pertaining thereto,' to be paid tar extra! ' '
. Yearly advertisers bate: Ue 'lriv,i!c! cf hanyn j
tkeir adrertinements quarterly.
All leaded advertisement charged double theabore
rates. - - . ri; p-.'- T :
AdrertiraBUo tbe inaidaakelBtisoly
will be1
: .1 (T
saarjod extra.
Having Hed b'tle Adverticr OSce'Card and
JiitPreue. New Trapes .f the latest styles, Inks of
U colors, Brontes,! i ne Taper, Envelopesr Ao. ; wo
art bow prepared to execute Job Work of every de-'
wriptioa in a St vie unsurpassed by any other office
to the United ulu t. ; . r T: (-"cr J,
I'artieular attention Will be given to orfteM from a
4i'UDt -S-iB baring hem promptly attended-io. i II
Tht Proprietors, who. having had a a extensive ex
wience, will giv their personil attention to this
waa'h of koineiM,and hope, fn their endeavors' to
pleae, hotk in the ertrellenee of their work;' and
rnaii charges, to receive a share of tho public
astrwtaga. .. . . . j ,.. . . f r. ;! .? j
' ..4t
. .; BROW'NYILLTE. . ,e
surgjson; physician:
J rtcL OlsBtotrloiazx.
Elicit a share of public patronage, in therarious
"achMof h is profession, frorct he ci cizens of Bro wn
vJU aad vicinity.
' Sial Street, btjwee Jtil&p.t)&& Jitter.'
and TVfisg-s airjsxw-.'Acroi.
ArcMtect":; aiid : jBuilder.
ii?.' rtni ArD'uxriES srs. ;
. . ; JAMES -IV. ' GIBSON, : ;
, Second"Streel, between Slain andyebraska, j
- : BEOWXVILLE, .u' -,
. ; JJ. C. JOHNSON, ;
Miorneg ' and ': Counsellor at . Lavo;
" ;. : : :! " ad :;: n"'--:
; EF)WNVILLE, N.:T." . i
Ken Wrn-Jewup, Uontroia, Pa. i -, . '
U. S. BcBtlrr " ,-.:ti --.
j Jha C. iliUer,'. -Chkagn, Til. ,
Wm.I.McAlUstr, ; - . ;.:
r Charles F. .Fowler,. . '.'.,; -. r
Wm. Ferguson, lirownvilie, X. T. - . . ';
O. F Ik. -... .. . -
y7, i57 .' : IV,.-. -M
R. PEERY, M. D.,
- Ami - w : .
onoTxrriiicaAira -
.f -'-1 ZU3QEAOUU.v2--tJ "a. 'A.Ii
"DtSPECTFTLLY tenders Ms professional ser
vices o thecitixeni of 5etnaha county and-ad-t
Jain eounties. both in Jv'c Lraika smd ilissouru .
L T. TTfiytq V& Co.,
Queensware, Hardware, f
fltovos, 3T,xxxxxitxzx,o,
"CoTiatry Produce," -f" '
0 fO-,'
1I7TIX attend kTl bostLs1n his pro
-f learioa--ween cauci on; gucn a iQbl3vwig
etc., etc.
- JManefa!orcrand Wha!esale TteftteriJa"
: , I?9,"87 Kaln'Etrect;';
C2 ''
. ... . : . v. . r:
it . ' ' ' ' ' t U i
- PXALEB I3t ,., ..
; .. it 1. .
1 Jewelry, riated' Ware, Caliery, Spoons, ie, 4aL )
rTTyORiTijro and CrtAiKiriKone on short
.notice' and all ttohk vabraxti?!)'. .' ; ''. , .'
JLand Apeat and "ctarj tufllc
1rcher, Richardson. Vo.rJfi Tr ' I
. .Will practiee io the Courts of Kebraeka, assiated
by HardiLgahd Bennett, Kebraska City. ' -i'! ,
'AttoTn6yi'"iii'd. Cotmsllpt .:. jai.'-iaw.
0 . , . And Notary -Public." .. I
::.; .NEBBA5KA' CITy.i v'';.:'
WILL attend promptly to art'btfkMsa ontmsted!
1 to his carej in "N ebraska Territory a4' West-j
era low. ... " j,,,, .5 v ,r V) j
ScpUmbcrl2,l856." V115-Jy. -''.ijtn '' I
" ' ' ' -! " ' ;-' "-" !
. : ..W. P. LOAN,
Are her, Pacliankon CouDty, Ii. T
V ITetiM.tO; Pre-Ejnitors;!1:;;'
- r s'imM.iwS'fO.-.'.'i "!
Attorneys at lat, 1
'"' i-'-'H ,i'AU3 .7f !
"TTTILL give particular attention to preparing all
T V the necessary papers lor rre
papers for Pre-emptions,, and
terileriDg any aist!!Cej whith may
I'Bfe-emiiluiS m priAljigJp thoTtl'rd-
le reqauT'i oy
enpUun iighti
at the U. S. Land Ofiico.
E. HAKDISO. "C.'tjrKtiBOc'GO B. F. T003JEB
Alaunfactitre rt and TTkoletale Dealer tn
No 49 Main street, bet. Olive ana iTJie,
Particulnr attention tiaid to manufacturing oua
est Mola-Sats- x rt . . - f
Oregon, Holt OSttnty,- Miraori,
KecpeonstAntly on hand all description of Harness,
Saddles, Dridles, Ac Ac. k . . - '
X. B. EverrarticleinourshopismanuiractBreJ
by ourselves.andMavranted to givesatisfaoiaon. ; ,
exottbt xatesj;'",'..'. ' .ir."iSE.'i ;
Clnyos cto Zioot
Real Estate . and General .Agency,
tiEFER to , . .': ;J i
James Wright, Broker, KewYwlc,! I
Wm. A. WoodwfcnLEsq. i- ' l i I
Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Go, of Ohio, Cleveland, ' j
Wicks,Otic and Brownell, Bankers, , ,' " t , :
AlcottA Hortort, 1 , .' , ., ' .
Col. Robert Campbell, Sf. Louas, r i
James Kidgway.Esq. , l . . " .:.
Crawforn and Sackett, . Chicago..-!'
Omaha City, Aug. 59, 1356. Tlnl3-ly ; ' ' j
H. P. BEXXETT, , i. S. 1IOBTO.H, to.u. UAiwnsu
Xtbraska City, -V. and Glenuyodl Jal
T7ILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and
Western Iowa. .Particular attention paid to
locating Land Warrants, and collection 6
- . . - I... -! I
. - KEFEREXCE.t ,'.. ...... Xr..-
Hon. Lewis Cs, Detroit. jjj!,- i
Juhus D. Morton, S t e ..' ,
Cot. Joel AMattosoB, Springfield, ill
ttor. J. W: Grimes. Iowa City Iowa:
-B. P. Fifilod", St. Loms,Mo.T . ; '
lion. Daniel O. Morton, loledo, vnroj ,;:
Y. K. Sarpy, Bpllevuc, Nebraska: ,'( ' ..:.,
Scdgewieh A Walker, Chieogo, 111:
QreenWcare A Benton. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
T. B. ccjhko. - o. xva. .
-tr CHIIXfr t TURK, c-c !
Attorncys"at'Law- &' Real EstatcXgcnts,
WILL attend faithfully and promptly t all busi-t
ness entrusted to them, in the Territorial or
Iowa Courts, to the purchase tif lots and lands, en-
trrics ana pre-empuons, wiro-nui, . .
Office in the secona story 01 nenry or jiwu-uew
building, nearly opposite the esiera Avxcnango
Bank, tarntmm street.' i f t'i i l?;' I'u U -
Doc, 27, .156. . vinzbu .... ... . ;
A.. A. BRADFORD, . . ., , ,. , ; , ,
WM. MCLENNAN, tniimuw,'. t
Nebraska. City.N.T. : '' " ' ;
solicitors Arei.MTjiY. ;
Brownville.and Nebtask" Cityi.N'T
-rr.Ifa eraMnently located In the Territory, we
AJ will give eur entire titao. and attention to the
practice of oar profe-ion all its branches. Mat-
I.N I .1 I ,,,,1 . - , u.iiia ,1 - . --
Purchases of Koftl itit,t5c1ecticBl.f Lands, Lca
Ung of Lai Warraats, and alt other bewitvfw on
rastet te oar oTaaajoment, wiU reoeive proeajAand
tanaiui aucniion. , ... ,
TjprruTKCES: ' "
S. F. Kuckolls,
'" - ,
ieorsisB viiy,
' ' Brewnville, ... ,
Richard Brown, , . i,
Wm. lioblittell A Co., -
Hon. James Craig, -Hon.
James M. Hughes,
' Ilon.John R. Shepley,' .
' Messrs. Crow, McCrcary A Co.
, Messrs. S. G. Uabbard A Co.,
- Hon. J. M.Lonrer w " -
St. Joseph, Mo.,
St. Louis, Mo.,
Cincinnati O. '
Jieokuk, Iowa.
, Jne IBM.
, '.h ,i'.,.ili ..4'J t)..i;H
1 -'
' r
J .provide .for at ,L?est,.two Eleetion Preoinet;s in
Wh, iVal in' tW City Of Washington, and for
' :3ther ps.ricies-l (il i. t:t in "iJ:t;j ..a
Tatitet of Cn. ISnityl Siatetnf " y4mcrf?l owifrt!
oir'wLVtiVrhat Usliall be the dutyof th'i'trfty cor1
toriti(intd rairtiji at lcaat itvotiacttoa r.r4iaa In
eJi w"BTd, to appointoarwaissioneiis ,to jK5rinfiil!
eiprtions in oe samo, ana 10 aoopi eucn ouirr rega
Istioiu as rankle rfeeejry'to gi n full fcirce amr 1
fsottothissetitioii: isi Jill i icr. ,. a ri :!i.;a:
op. 2. .And, whereas, notivvhonr cjtkf ns. rw-
aeni 01 iLecityot asniDgton, rho am to at tie
U)rcSinern?)rt prwading the election nith;4)iyi
ty of iweuiber ana the o.t
nsf the 8uc?4irig election; f hall i ba eptiM4 io iT) V
at snca next saoceeciiDg electoon. ' -
'tted.. And'-b'S it fartliferVDa?ted, That at all jd-.
"AiUoas to e t eld in-ttie oUf f Washitgtdh for a-!
jietpait.officfri, the polls-shall be open4 at apemj
o-ciock.-A. M.afld closec( ateenVclook I. ll.taai
thst r:.i actsind parts Of .he ts, iacorisistene with'this:
-act ataberfiaylrepealed.;! htZO w;; !
ij 1 i''i;;:iiis
uranung mnw i-acs, 10 alternate aectipn. to tie
States of Flor-da 'and; Alabama,' to ! ia' the:
emtracuun w ceasnijjtaAroadu tasaia otatea,
the.gjAte of F.lqr;3;,fQfl.-the purpose- ef aidingrin
the construction of railroads from St. "John's rivir,
at JacksonfiUe, to the--waters of Eseambia Bay, atj
or near rensaccla; and from Amalia Island, on the
At.antic, to tho .waters of LampaJIay, with a branch
to Cedar Key, n the Gulf of Mexio i: and also a rail
road from Penacola to the State line of Alabama, in
theilirectioJf'os:MoBtgomeryJ eVdry alternate section
of land dosignated by odd numbers- for six soeioas
in width on e ich side of eitehrof -said -"Tiikds' and
branch. Bat in tare it 'lhBpp4ar tLlt.t-thaCjitid
tjsAes hat I, ten tie lines or roiijtea'ofsai brinch
are acnnitiviiy fixed, sola any sections, or,.anyj
pwrta thereof, granted 'as' aforet.sid. 'or- ioKt' the.
right of poesmption hasittathed to tiw eamt Ibon
it shall be lawful for any agent oragears to ,,be ra;-j
pointed by the governor of said Statel toVelcctliub-
ject to the nprroval of the'Sretary of the: Interior;
tiers of suctions abore'muuh land is si-'
ternato sections or parts of sections, as shall be equalj
tosuch lands as the United Stat bare-soM, or Ot'a-j
eraise appropriated, or to.-.iwjiich jthexightapf 3re-j
cmption have attached a, afaresaiJ; whioh 4ndsi
(thus selected in lieu of those sold whic-pre-j
emption rights hare attached as sforesuid,' tegutherj
with the sections andJiWrt? of ,eectiondcaigiiatj'd by,
odd numbers, as aforesaid, ncd Appropriated as
aferesaid,) slmll be held by-the State of Florida forj
the-,He.andjnrpo5e ,ferefaid : Provided that thoi
laid to'bdsa riated 4l)41J in'np eosbe further thim:
fifteen nUteloKlhe-'lisies U iald'toadUfad ihn-:hi
Provided further. !TWa. Ihe-lands .h,eftfb17, tfrsatsil'
for and on account ot said rqfis andJwanchj, iver-j
of that rood or branch for and on sieoaun4-ro:ix.ich;
eujl lfld fire hereby .granted, add Sbalibe4iflpsed
of only us the work' progressed and, the samiv sbiill
be applied to no other purposes'' wlklsoevei' ftAid,
prcTidod'fdrtlierIkuttiiaajE aad. U laid heretofore
reserved to tho United States by any act oC.;Ceu-l
gress, or in any other manner by otnptent ithvfi4-)
ity, for the purpose of aiding In anyobjeet of lhtur
n'al aii'y other-, appee -svhto-j
ever,- boajid.tbe same are hereby, reserved tr the
Cnitcd bultes from the operation of this act; excejit;
so far as it may be-found trc?asry-toloootfc ttei
routes of said raroadsor brar&ht thA)ugb,u6 m-j
served land'? in whieh ease., the. righlof.. wayr ronlyi
shall be'graotedj'subjoct to the ipptoval olj' ihe llre-j
sident of the United States.-. -o- si!t;,ij )
z Sec. 2 And be it rtAr tniThat theaxtioiU
and rarts of soetions of land whic h, by euch trrantJ
rshall remain tb'the United States within Bik'ihiAts'
aa each si ie cf said roads and branebfhjiU not , Ve
still. for less thnn doable the -min imam price of. tLo
public. lands when sold: nor shall any ,01 'said lattls
beiimme subject to ririvaUentty urttil-thi-Mime 'biro
bean irst: uffcred at publio si-le fh,4 .infcrca 1
Sec. 3. Jniiie it ' further enacted. That the' SI.jd
lands hereby granted Mthe said Slate le sel-!
ject to the dissnl.ef the legislature therj) for tte
mimeses afoisaid. and no other and the said rail
roads and branch shaft be and remain public high-!
ways.for the ise of the government of tho United
. . . . . r- - 1 I l V. . M .... '
mates, iree ironi vou urmunciuiiipu i"
portation ot any property or troorp-of the United
Seo.. lBi be it further. enqotea!,Tbnttbe lands
hereby granted to said State shall be disposed of by.
MiiU 8ute only ia manner feiloWingthat' is to My :
tiat a quantity of land &t wjceeding 'oneimndwd
and twentv sections for cacU .of .said roads and
branchjand included within a continuous 'length -of
twenty miles of each' of said roads abd boch.
be sojdj and whe.4he gdyernor r. said Sfate fhall
certify to the Secretary of the , Interior that any
twenty Continuous1 miler of any or ei the of iiid
roads or branch is completed, then an ot. a fir quantity
of land hereby grantd;not to exceed jone,. hundred
asd twenty sections for each of said toads oK branch
having twenty continuous miles etleteatw eforo
ea'tdvftndCiacruricA;wHin.'i. eontinuofli 'lensib'of
twenty miles of each oTsuch roads or branch may to
sold; and so, from tyne to time', until saitfioads and,
braneh re completed; au4 if any ot irftbe'olt-iiid
. roads ior branob is not etunpleted wljMa itH: elusv
jno further sales shall he made, ana the binds unseld
' ha tvr ti'the fnited' States'.1 " ' - ,
Rcc,5. And Jxirt further enacted. That th jBMM.9
of the UnltJ f ta tes shivll be ransported'OTcr sairl
roads ana brancn, unaer toe direction- ot xne i si-
Odice DepaJtiuent, at such price ar Congress may,
by law,4irvt : Prtn-idelj-Jhat until J&u pJifco is.
fixed by. law, the Postmaster-General , shall naye"
power to determine the same. 1 "-' ,:; !
. Soo.'6. )Anrftrtttrtu;r jir(f, tThata-'sliiilir
gtaatef al ternate.seetions of publi lnd i& bjsrby,
made to the Siato of Alabama, to- aid in the ,cop.s
trafctrori'of 'a Milroed' from' Moutgrimery,1 in tkifi
Riate. te the bound air line between' itorvds..
Alabama,. in the direction of Pensaeola, nod to a
net with thi road from I'cnacoli tq said line, u pen
the said, termeandeoaditions in all reject ts' are
hcreinbefare prescribed for the graatto ilonfja. ;
.i:Arved,Xay f 7,856.,.,,, ..-j j.,,,, j j;r
V-,-'Tlublic3(Ja,:'' '
To tranfur certain BighU and Dalies conferred Jlpon
.I'm. . . . h, e- , ' . . - t
lae -A rf vees oi no own i vimcinm. . tiKtuui
to the Common Council of the City of .Vineenaee.
De it ennctcH bj tie Senate and ifumte of Iteprett
tire of the United Slatet 'of Aweria m'CjtjrrM
eutttiMel, TLnt all the rights and duties (conferred
unon the trunleesof the tewst of , itcenaes, In xtie
State of Indiana, under the aet entitled "An act te
adjast the lota ia the town of Vincennes.
and for the SuJS of Ui land appropriated as a cemmoa
for the ueof the inhabitants of the said town," ap-
roved the twentieth day of April, eigoteea. ,bun
Ired ami eighteen, and the same are hereby trans'-
ferred to aad vested in the- rctnmon cdancil jeC the
city af incennes in said btale. , , I f
!- hi:
V T'
r, ,
Z I-jjj
, , -ail .iVi. . , .
CttmUnr PubTie-Lends to tBe State os Alabains; fa
alternate sections te aid in the construction pf
eerrain Railroads in the StAte.
Be. it enacted Ry fX Senate and JTonte oy AVpr
entaiifroftk4Tririted State of America in &"pre
utcmlhrd, -That thbere be and is hereby craBtcd te
the State of Alabama, for the purpose of aiding in the
construction of railroads from the Tennessee riVei
ator near Gunfer's laadir te Galdsdea nd thtr Cna
fiver: f rora Gildsden to;onnoct with tbb Georgia
and Tennessee line ef railroads, through Chattoora.
" Io it farther enacted,J Tba't nd'pcrsoh',! fceiiig'na-'
tnriKted betweon 'suid dity of ?)eceinber ati8 die d.vV!
lativetaf thi fn tic '3 State of. America- nConjnii
trtemUed, ThfJt ihefefeeand is hereby'rran'tcd'fs
Wills, and Lookout Valleys aad from, Etrton V 6b
; t-'. I :a Z'ik lJv ti..-..i m :.: 'J j
Tenn. rirer, atBirdV BrafftAlabanuevjry alternate
aoetioo ef land, designated by txlAfijpinherv ffsix
sections in width on..taeh sicie of saoh of saij road,
Jut incase Jt shall appctir tLt the United States
hetewbea the lipssr route of jRuirpads aredift
nitely fixed, sold any sections, or uny parts throf,
granted as aforesaid, or that the right of pre-enp-tioti
Jaas attached tq theane;, tbeik fha.ll be la ful
for any agent r agents, to be.appidji.tei by the g?y
ornor of said State, to" select, subj ret t) the tfpproiral
of the Secretary of the.Jnten'Qr fruns. ,$h landn of
the United States' cearest' t6 thi' .tiers "of sections
abore spocined, niUchlindia tiltSrnate" edtksi
otpartsf :setions, an shall be jtaf3$. sieh jnds
AS the United utM have st-id .or, ctherwiB awjror
priated, or to which the rights of prfe-eipiion n rve
nttlchei' as afjresaidj which landi (tku ssloeted in
lieta of those sold and to which p-e emption rights
have attached, as aforesaid, tosrether with th'eee-
lv)n,-ao4 parts of aeeUta,eiignatd byo4d bum
ers as foresaid, and-' apprepdattAas aforosaid)
aau De neia oy tue itate et Aitfbfima'for'the test a,nd
purpose aforesaid ; ilipVided? Sliali the land to .be
so located shall, in no caseb,e further tljan fifteen
iniTes frbin the liiiesof said roafls? lVoWdea,rurth
Sfy. ?f " the la,ndf hereby -arAedief and; oa sweoutt
of said roads severally hall ie-.oxclusjveiy' applied
in the construction cf that roadf (lr nnd 'on' account
ef whic,h such iauds nre , .hireby..ntcd,-nd ehall
"be disposed orbnlrasthewirk'rr5eKsieL:"an(rthe
-4ami shall be' applied 14 c4 Wbqr: i(iirpo'a :khatsoi-
ever : Ana proviaea rnrUjer,,'lhaifi!j andUlqnds
heretofore resen-ed tj the United Suites, bv anv act
;r Cqn'gress.'or ip nj . ytb, maimei .by! f ooifctent
authority, for the purpose of aiditwin anv obiect of
Internal. improvement,' 'or fc-t aijy ',tttier" purpQSS
wnatseever,' be And .the saui areliewby -resen edte
the United States rora the operaUsn of thbiact,
except sd far i it taay-be ft-hod hteseary tdlecate
therouies of said,) uiiread.-i-thrauzh: such- reserved
lands; iq rhich,cse the rif;Vt.of wsy only .shall . be
theUnitoil;StAte.'S.-vt JtvAi'v) ?.-ci V...i Tj
Sec, 2. And be it further .enacted. That the
4cttijts(lLnd-jartoCtctina bftaa.l whioV, by such
granc,snaiirenja;rtjofhe tnjtcd fcitie.s;7Htim,aix
miles on each side of said roads, shall not be sold for
les tljan 4o4baK)hq;fninimun 'tic of theipnblic
lands w hen.soid j nor shall any of said Linda, become
subject to prirate entry until the' siithe baTe' teen
first offeredjlt public W.Ip at the inrrfn.qed rvtm
SH.'X Add be' it'ftrther'cnicted; That the saU
4ad hetoby granted U he eai'd KUrte stair be leb
ject to the disposal of the legislature thereof, for the
jpuqwses afoteaki atd.n? ntheir ami jthe- ssidifail-
roaus snwtbe ar.d.reinaui.,pu(blie..iaidiways .for.the
useofttidtJoVernment' oAho Uhitc-d4 Stales. Tree
wmorotercAare.iipon!. the tranfporUittofi of
aujr ptopwijr or troops a ine Lnna stares. ,.
Sec. 4. And-Ve itfortirernacleel, Taat the lands
herebygranted to,said State, shall bo.disrvosedof by
ai4 blare1 onlyin tLnnrrerfollo'winsi thafirtd say :
Thn t a quantity of Jand; not" excrifLiig!o"Be httnarei
and twenty sections for each of said reads, and in-
tlUdBdalliun aLoabtiaaoiis length of-'twenty, iiiles
of each of said roada may be sold; and yhen the ge
yernorof said State sball certify to the" Secretary Of any 'Jwety ooninuous as& ef
any of said roads is completed, tbvn a pother quanti
ty of land hereby granted, not to ntt'eed one hun
dred and twenty sections for each; of said roads hay
ing twenty continuous 'mjles poiupjetc'd a aforesaid,
and inoluded wiihin-a eontinuouslleagth of twenty
miles of each of. such roads, may be told, anoV so,
fronltlme-'totiraei until 'said rbafirei completed ;
and, -if any (of jidroad? is nfll oonipllrted witn fjxn
years, no further sale shall bo made, and thro UikIs
unsold shall revert to the United Stius. , Jl T
such price as Congress may by law direct : Provided,
asrjnii Uslt j jiriee .ii Sxod by ttRi waatostniAator
,pcnfvad sJiaHhore Kiwer to detof ma the sjne.f,,,
"Sebl'6!.'l'"Ahd'b'e ltfurtner enaetof, That grant
of lands shall be ma.Jo to said tSJitW-to1 ki :in the
construction of .the Cillowinc roads in said State, to
-wit t'lhd Memphis'an'i Chariestoin,'rai'rroad'exrend-
JJ n i lit tl: r.L.hl'i.! ! i Jl ' ! jn'
nessoe, to Stevenson, on the Nasbi-ijle audChaUe
nooga railroad, in Alabama; the '(urard and' iTobile
.railroad, .fruui, Gira.nlt(r,Mobil), .Aabamaf )the
Northeast and "Southwestern railroad,, from near
rGadsdrn ttvsome point on thd'Alabsniai and Missis
sippi State line, in the direction.totto' Mobile :&ud
Olito railroad with a view to connect with said Mo
bile and Obtoj-aUroaJ; the Coosa iiil Alabama rail
toad, from .Selma io Gadsden; the Central .railroad
from'3IobtMmery to soma point on tae Alabama and:
hTeBiiessee tate lino in the direction Kashyille,;
Tennessee; and that alternate sections cf the public
lands to the same extent and in the same manner,
od urjoa the same ' limitations ,uui restitetioiu in
every respect-shall be nnd is hereby made to aid in
'thtr construction sf tie Voids in said State .mention
ed in this act: Provided, -That 'tito-l-.jnds hereby1
granted to said htatcforthe purpose of. constructing
Ji railroad freiii-the Bortneast 'lo itle' southwestern
portion of said Statp,. ljrsg -portfcwest of Ely fob,'
shall be assigned to such road as may bo designated;
i . ..u c--.- .:r, . n i
, , Approved, June 3,'. 1856, ; is. -. r-- r .T-,r
T Public 42.1
; ' 1 'J'l I hf f,flJ 'Kti.IT
To supply deficiencies in the AprropriatToM for the
j Service of the fiscal year, ending, the thirliei of
June, eigotcen hundredian'J fifty-six.'" -
JSeit enacted by'lhe tenate tmd Uoriti Sf Bertte
tat i vet of (Ae United StaUi of America in Chnprett'
tirinTiled, That' 'the following siims 1e, and the same'
iro percojr.Bppropriaw laguppiy mcjicieiioieJ :u.
the appropriations for the service ol the .fiscal year
ending' the thirtieth -o June .one., thousand eight
hundred and 1 OUty-six, out-of apy money in1 the
trensary nqt otherwise appropriated.'Tiamely : J'-' ' I
v .i V 1.. r
i ur ui cumueusaupn oi me oiucers, .cieras, piei-i
sengcrs, and others receiving an annual salary in the:
errice of the i?cnato T J ; t
,' Fcrthe chief clerk nndclejrk'to the. Committee on
Firiindey two tho'usand fourhundred and' thirteen
dollars and forty-four oents. "J-J 1 !
For contingent expenses of th Senate) s-. j
'r'F'or binding, eleven rthousacd'do'.lafri "
:'; For Jishographinj mBdi.engririag twenfy-fiyej
thousand dollars. 'fix
For miscellaneous items, five thousand dollars."'' i
, For the contingent expbnseof th- Ioise. cf Re-,
K' Fbr-the completion of the TndinJoiociimeht3
nrpspntauFes . . . . ...
ordered to be printed for the use oi tueuousfl.eaanty
nine thousand seven hundred and fifteen dollars and
kfiftT-rixeenU. . Urtlycttioo.-r wi'Mrn ::It
, . ior,the eompletion of the, envinsj orderea ,ai
she seooud'session bf the thiity-tairil 'Congress,' one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars. -'"i ;
For the engraving of maps, rbarts, and, other plats
siccompanyilig documents ordered t ;be 'prinVed at
Wi. :.. f .L..l:..'.iW rr , ..... : i
tcen thousand dollars.
For furpituref and repairs, three thousand five bun-
dred dollars, . . . r. - . r, . .
For stationery for1 members: Tcur thousand dol
For tbe ray of clerks upon the land mapo for the
use pf tie Cntn)tee on Publio Ittdl, six thousand
seven, hundrcdr and
seventy ilollxrs and .eighty
For the pay of nine clerks to .Committees of the
House under resolutions of the present session, fire
thousand nre tan red dollars. j i t
For tniaeellaneoas itemd, , twenty thousand dol
To enable the ' Clerk to "Duresse tbe Statutes at
Large for the use of ; members of tfceHease of Hepre
sentatives, per resolution of Frbruary twenty-first
ejghteca hundred and nlty-six, hve Lboasanf two
hundred and eighty-five doIUrs0 ,; ' . . i.
Topay John C, ItiVts a balanm due for reportrng
and publishing ia UieJDaiir GloU:. the preeeuigs
of the House of Representatives for the seeond ees-i
sop of .the tbirtT MirtConTTcss, one thousand one
hundred and setentr-eeven dollars and f.fty cents.. 1
Toenablethe Clerk ortheilopie or KepresomU-.
tires to pay John C. Rives for reporting and publish--ing
in the Jaily Globo the proceedings of the House
Ot JinreswittitW ferthe Erst siai of the thirty 4
fourth Cor.pvss, prior to the first xf July one thoa-t
sand eight hundred and T5rty'-six,jeventeen thousand
threefcuBdred andeishty dollarsl ' ''.it
. TofBabletliecleTkof the Hoise 'of Representa
tives to pay for one hundred copies of the continue-
tion of. the Anna!sof Congress .full,. the. library of
.iY"r i - .e
ma Arouse oi Kepresentatives uie present BA
cal year, one thoosnd five hand:ea dollars. - 1
i To enable the clerk of the House of Reprejenta
tires to pay for the continuation,. of? the Annals of
Cbngrcsa for the members of the uiirty-eecend Con
grws, three thousand dollars. ' '- -' .
, ,S,ecr,f A-nd beiifuthcrac.fid.0TJ)a theFni
ted 'States man shdUbo'trinSporfcd ov-r said roads
under tlMibMiotx'ot- tbe PoOlIfeVDemrtinfciiiVaJt
. Miscellaneons.
iLci; o:h Tiif3:Lessaa..iJ:i-:-i!.;:;;n
On a leaEtifnll even!nin; 'fcprin, a
ljatheXjHaid to hisife-.'J-iet ti
t.o,tE jfielif,Vjaljrest jon'thVlii.toJ enjoy
ite'sihjl f the settb siin.'-: .ICWilifce'
ielyyeiung.V , V&ilji twotIldren
rft "oyofj a 'gtrl-Keard'thisi iey sa'
.We'.-wiir go efore'j you Apiflj v-aiV Jfor yqg
bnfthily'j Ajad with I' tHej wwdstfaej
skipped on befptej' , oon after' ihe'rr,a.'i
father na land the'olWed ebl
talipj .jo'jf the'autieV ipf ktioran
fheir, claf & ren-thi?: ty.yeafrpra
ej treasure off ' tewothej
froffltBe-spmplicitjt ojhei j&eari;,. ..YHeiJ
they caaie tp teUand',
ously tc wards them with a white pet -lamb
which they had taken with them. When
the sun went dqlnT glory, tHe parents
looked on'mlh Amotion, nnd "the father
lifte;d.'tip-jiisTQlce aiLd:spok9 to the; child
ren: othe, jcrefttion,; of . the, ipnivqrsc of
the:hot of, and of ijje sublime
.Creator or natutei'.who has' made heaven
and 'earth and the ' sea, arid -all that there
in is; and he hityde thetn- look at -'ih' - :6tm
in .hi? "lory, saying : " It is:arwonderou3
yprt the; lost High 'ioz he. .thought
jmhbhart,' "It is now timlto tejych theii
lieayeqly, wisdom,1,. When ,tKe, atJier'had
finVetj tjeaking, the childferj exclaimed
suddep jvf Oh, see, dear father ,'an"d'"dear
mother, ftow pretty-hoV loy ely;V'; -Xliey
ha4 ad()xned theirLainb wrtYe"rs,,lijce
flut(cjf.)(hir hano.j.The'fai&er loqked
jthe)!nioef , fn4-csjt(ook' s'. head. jvith, a
ffa w?; uw .V -, the Mfrmile
and(8a:a "Ah, my beloved j... let ithetn
;They nj?ed not yet &Vj&oyle
and seltinor worlds.' and the"deeb'w6fd of
jtyisdom; they. need only love, and.pfithem
is the kingdom of heaven. Then tne, fa
ther atd the mother caressed"the two
children, and , rejoiijedwith, thnr at the
gdfly-docked larnbi Krumdchtr'i ' ' n l-z-r.'ih:
l" ,.; "; j ,;:v.oI
" ' Ohfutast,' an ind uslrious fcai tt, !ied to
stand the whole 'day long in hia tpnirishppi,
anhnrmerjaAya tilisparkBew in show
ers all hround. ' Vf" ,T' .
Tt rsoti;bf his rich nlfghbor;1 aVM 'Von
Uergi' fried t6rhe fevtery-dayj and-en
Watched bird for 'hoars ogethek '
'!" -''idome,r' yking.rgelitfomani?' sfftni Hh'
ri'ailer brie. day;? lana learn tb'rrJake'; a'nail
'foV ydtir 'amusement - fqf-fhd faibVi what
good' it Vnay so'rntimtlb yoti 1 '
Thef young !genttemarf, wHo badifotnirig
rsertd'dbi accepted0 'the bfTe'r He;at
i6wn, 'iatigbing,' at 'the' am'il;- anllisoon' Ac-
quired enough of the art to turn out1 -a
good, serviceable" snbe:nail.f "
In course of timej old; Mr.' 'Von Berg
die.- 'Theon, sbort after', lost all his
property through-the-war, and went as a
poor emigrant to a:farv0istaiity''Uiage.;Aln
tms fyj.iiagef mere; tivea a greac many,
shoe-makers., who used to . spend a crood ,
deal of ittbiiey ori .'shoe-nails in'thetowrit,
u high price; fbrv ihroughout , i Ihe i' whole
district many, thousaM phoes; were,,; pa9e
for the soldiers. . . ' 1
Young Mr. Von Berg, whp-wa m.very
poor circumstances nov re'cpxlected mat
he" understood Very well the art of mak
ing shce-!bails. !lle' offered. to'suppiy the,
shoe-makers, with, niils in abundance,, if '.
jhey would assisibhn to -set-mp .a. work,-'
shep... They, helped hirri to do so, and he
ii(3w maintained himself Very, abundantly.
"Well," he would -often 'say, "it is a
good thing-f or a man to make even a
shoe-nail. This does') me more! $iMce
nqf than all rny laed possessions, which
would not have been fold for., a
uivu.-uiiu.uvi .!. 7 r . ' l
An. honest handicraft,, thoujh poor It be,
Proves B resource against adversity.'
. ' ,' ; i .".,i.i.,.i '.
Men of Anierljca , yn. i
The irreatest matf.-take them all in all,;
of tjthe.'lasr honored', years; .yrus George
shingtort-Tn American.
.. The greatest . Doctor of , Divinity ,was
Jonathan Ed wards-ari , American., .
iin;Franklin-ari Ainericatt'- J': 1 ! i '
(i The greatest of living Sclupfori is - Hi
ram; Powefsan American. , f h-
The greatest living Historian . is,. )Ym.
H. Prescott an American. V , ' !
'"L Tne greatest Ornithologist ! was '3. J.
Auduboihah American ' '-
; . ,-,The greatest ,Eexicographer J'sincfjthe1
timep; Johnson, was; IN pah Y ester-rA
American. r r ... ;r:-.r-,f.. ., ,-;..': ;(, ;-,-. ,
', The greatest inventors of modem times'
ware Fulton, jFitch, Whitney, and Morse
four Americaps, ... : -r ...
;Rev. Dellass, the agent of the, Meihc-
rdist; Tract Society, in an, address, at the
Pastern Charge on Saturday evenmg, had
occasion to speak of the sefulanzing ten
dencies of .the. times, and toldj af good an
ecdote by way of illustration. 7 Jfotvonly
the. mt tnbers of the church, said he,; but
even the, ministers of the Gospel have in
some instancfis fcecoiw infected with the
rage of speculation so. : characteristic of
the tkraes. A worthy pastor .of..
quaintfm'ce had became. so muchj interested
in a wild land speculation inhich ,ke
had, invested, that on one occasion, at. the
openirg of divine service, he . announced
that his text woold be found in
Epistl to the Corinthians, stcticn four
range thru vest." ; t : ; f
-. . - ' " . .T i
How often do men mistake the love of"
j their own opinions fo"r iiifi love of truth!
;i A clsve'r girl,' whose wilh'n'yriesi toita
ily.euals Jh Atmqst Kl her. instriic.
j.0KAf3 ejacouraged and urged, to gratify
jheambiticn of her parents.'7 Her brain
(Ides all'tharfs req-iired if'iVar-d agoyd
ddarinbrel for it will 'ncl "o' properly td
i;kep at night; i'Shelies 3Lj-aka, or-.has
painful dreams, ot-frigh'tens her friends
by walking about ia the . pa r t&w -cf
uomnmbulisra, and is frequently obliged
tdleatve her1 books for hia1 bed, 1 by r head-iiche.s-It
it almost c'drttffl thi"t ther! gen
eral feeth has bee4 sacrificed, or ii About
tp, be. sothougbit, jnireca pedical
eyeto'discern proofs. ,r The f unctions
of riUtItion' "have" .been weakened, and
Iterhapi'vitidtedjfiirf i So; her habitnally
ruickened pulse is icnly carrying tie ac
';elerated bipod1 tq.Mier. .organs! to:. afford
materials for spoiling their .structure.
Sudden and frequent fits of complete
fainting may indicaleTthat the brain iical
ready the sear of riiorSld deposit; or after
ifew yaVs dbrin which none -of her bo
dily functions, go'jhnllasj they-ought, the
fatal cough corner on7 which. hoV5 , that
the. lungs have pricipa.lly.suiTered. Even
if nsTsuch Catastrophe ii to' htippen,' all
Ihe signs' of' Vrvacity''of ; tniftd gradually
tUsappear, and tha fttecbcibua -giri is hardr
lyjto be.;recognisJ4a; tlieidpll .aniulaflT
IT t
-.'Oj-jl . -:.i:i. i ViZ'-' ' -liOJ ?ii"Ui
.3y! poragfapb tiqm a jJShi?
the Edinourg Reviewof lSoTexpressive
of our view pnil subject ; n-
; "There"is,1t'd "ttdfef 'perilous-i;ordeal
Urrbirg'H vKicli ftidtWaii Jrissrid teoter
cuteef-Trhich taiisi icapceediri htici as hj
js; a. present po$im dtha ; tat of, bpt
inj(ondeBm, walk, hi,s , Jife( og ri
the sunlight, of unshadowed prosper y
His eyes 'ache'ivith that ' iob uritempef ed
brilliance-i ha te apt to bj 'smitten Nvhh ft
moral . up'. :d$ ioieil . I - J3u t it as! little; fol
lows ,that no -sujishine;is gppd for s;, He
who mad e, usXranp wp tu.tprsuSi .alfine
knows what is ihe'eiact measure .f light
arid shade, (sunL'arid !Bbud tform' and talm',
frost and healjoiirdcft'-ill' bestUe'nd' to
mature; thpsq. flowers, .whio; j .t.-fobr
jee) of His.ceestial, husbandry! and.whieb
when transplanted, into .the Paradise1 of
Gbd'ire1 to WooW'tieicTeWyn'-amal
riutqprcrniinricin that weietsay tointiexfeTi
iy.iifeibesft pqessf s;iovr highest $fym
Mfinyifh;(r;7 fii:;illl.f l!Ciq
r or.e1 rDr, Iraiililln,. . ,
The following characteristiCj .letter, of
Dr. FranklinJs said. credited. "Tne
ingepipus.mnoep in which he -makes the
cpmoiericeiie'rit' df!'hfs' letter; XohVey, the
Vem6f4'4trirfessirm Itfit Avith a
paT6imofiibui-eluctancb is' ihitm'lable t
tA rfjhmc-.o'J .o iiApril:22i 174.'(I
1 ..I senid! JouaheriWitlt a bill for, tp?
.Lowis tfot. I do not pretend to give; such
a sum. . t, tO; you. , nen you
shall return to your country you ''cannot
fail of getting' fnto sonie Tusihess' that' will
3n lime eriaili yotttb bay all your : debts.
Jtt;thttt casewhfifi you meet with another
honestman in; similar., distress, yau , inust
jjoyme byrIending this, sum o him ; en
joining him td'dischafge his debt by 'a "like
operatiorV iwhen he sball ' be able, : and
altraebtin-ith such rinotther opportunity.
I hppiaqyhis,go through many Irapds
before, ltjraeet. with a knave, to stop its
progress." ; 7his is sirjek of mine for dp
ini a cTeaf deal 6f : trobd ith 'a' lit tie' mo
ney.' I AnV not rich enpagh to affprd tti'uth
in good ioi:ks,,'nn 'Obliged to tbe
funning and make tho roost ,01 : a little. .
, B. F.
I .V..Y i;i;.;i j: .-." 1.1;. i...: Ti ;. ..-. 1
;ji lkf Canning Horse. S '1
..Francon?, director of, the. Hippodrome
in Paris,'. and the famous 'artist in horse
manship, -has trained a' horse with great
care 10 reign Doing ecrvrviy wuuiiueu, anu.j
goJirripifcgJtack to:his place.; -The fouTr
t' performed his part admirably j
at rebear(sal, knowing ; well that disobe
die'nee 'would be followed by immediate
punishment; 'but when the-time came tot
exhibitiod the. iunnirig1; -beast "jnadoi the
.discpyerynhat there iould be PP whipping
in the pf esehce of an audience, and in
stead of limping as it ought galloped back
as if nothing naa,happned.F,ranconi
was obliged to Tesort to the expedient of
getting up an audience to deceive th -re-
iractoryiahimal.i 1 )Reiying on uie protep
tipa tz$, hefrer' the horse, (again- refused to
lirpp, a'nd. reeiveda sound beating. This
impaife.3his coriffdence'iri the public as a
"shield frbm his master's" ' whip, and froth
f mm, '
that lime his- part was well penormea at
etery, representation, -j ; 0 I
k -ji A yourig.lady of Colchestef, near Chi-
Hcagpwas toldby her lather, a 1 few'days
ago, that he would, rather follow her .to
the.grave man see ner tne wue 01 a. man
who warpaying his addresses to her. She
shortly -afterwards was seized with an
alarming! illness,, and in three' hours, was
a corpsg. ; Just before , dyingr;when she
was .Jieyond the preach of remedy) she
confessed to havmg procured and Tiken u
CiTn the Bioral world thefe is non im
possible, if we can bring a thorough will
to it, Man can ?cr everything with him
self,' cut he must w?t attempt to do' too
'mw:h.'itholhfs.4-7uJsioZ(fl..,. l .... ..
Ki- W'to was the first nobleman mentioned
by his title in the Bible? ;.;'.. .
Tho Baron (barrei) i ig-tree.
liJ r.K i'
. i The following joke, gojnjtthtc-r f
the Wesjern papers ia io good lo be ! 5 r
The Superintendent. it the.Marieit-t
and Cincinnati railroad discharged a.xci.
dttctor bolotrging ta that read.
' The .coniactoE was a,iked vvSy W.V.j
discharged. . . . JU
g'lyrrg a free!pRSS.n ;;::;,
- .-..T , :. .m, .1 . ,A", ,
it ill I
eii you .see' ' x epiiej tne conu ucter ,
"I got tifed riding alone.r-aridtifaver
friend of pine a free pass, tp get him U
go' along, -for ctriipticy." jll X
:i'i.'''"'i'.-"-",,i ,,'-i'-:l t'C rii 7
r ( There, is a-good .story kid. of a.tyoun j
rna'h'w4io had .a 'light and iac.ipioritrmii-
tache.- Our? diy'i while fiiijering the1 f ev
hairs.! he said'to'llarry z Hada't
dye-this mustache .uOhf .poiepHe
Harry, vlet it alone, and it will dct cf 11
self.'1,:, V4"' "JJ, '
... I.uj'v, v?: Jou et ,..'yr tut
S a Mwa Tasked .twhat iie thought of ths
.,,-1, ..
effect of hot drinks on th sein;.'J'-i-drinks,
sir,? said he j'ar'e decidedly
Tea'arid coffee'axe ntirtful.1 And ey
hbt p'iinchl vhen it is TryKocveJy .
ind eed--a nd '. taketi-cf t C nria 'larg .quaiii
tiesv-Iiurpoee kclightly,dlteriopp,"-,!,
Not long since a youtfrV rj!dc:rnlwil!.i
Ihau years',1 af feb beiag" eatechisedr 'ebn-
cerbing:th poiy er ot.pri.nqrt, fef M
dence can't do.'
A 'w HV.U UVa
ratrll!er!i:':- i':'v" 1 J:i-1 too rucnqx'i
'k iProvidenct icam't: rilale Rid obes?
mouth any tigger withpoiGrb hejirr
Puyoti'Aui-ices titd fJoitttic-trUtah to
t'gO it whu'Ie he's Young.". ."jThe advice is
sensible for 6oineboliy'isrGuiririiIng tvho'H
check him. r-lA ll"t''--'-i- I adiM t ' of
-r--( W-. l y!':inLr' twl
The. severe . llow; this morning was pet
destructive' to fasAiciiable hobjisThVmapy.
ladies' wre'f prce d''put into' the.' roofers'
shopfor:fepair's.'nAfter'W little-retoopc'K
trii'D. the'y sadedcutia'gmasligoodi ia
new. , H ,'n, Bici Dat r. i
n'J.4 orioCecWtalelj-klTevAl a
Jtn and:loaHJiscJ733idn,as tq whether
fcmm f? .bould ;W n 1 jWf4io ; p$wix,hi
judges gave loig and eTaboVa pinions
itr'thb arinnHati-r'e,,'-aha )tKfeistiDn beniif
fef eatedt'th hs'e'r tvaV,'o a-'frt'i
jr!) ;iL 2"j ;M;W. a .a ovT .-7rjr.Avvtn
, . A fejwdays since a,dunnfr failed in a
young ,genll.t'rran1 '4iidJ pr'esenied himrrf
ttl'F, when he wus Somewhat Tateh'Ubdrt
by the'gerit taking hM asiio; andjlkndly
saying;:...' r nvi -if .'M.nriVncJ:; o'.-rlf
. VMy dearsir, caH nextTuesday and I'll
tell You tvhen tocatragam ''J '
. -sMmtr ttddressed .to- .th ri-JCbHrl t
ago, was re'turned.tb tHe General Post of.
fice with Ihe'eridorsemertt, mis-fecft'd
we' havVtiothing'btit se'ctiriAi""
this.plurjeJ' .r: fi y I At ' 5..ob i;J kcd
' K tippler ' wno'squintedawf uliy,'' used
some? time to irrourn'that his eJ'es-dKl-'hftf
agriev '.'It's tery isscky fqr yoa,!'-re'piicd
a friend;-vHad your.f year beeA. ma'flhe
your'Aose would have se hemonj (Byy
Iongago. '
llici$TaATB--,lYhai hts.rfcrptighl,yeu
here'?'""" -":' f fr.,',t'.,AL
u ) PrisohflrTwo Tx)h'cemen.Tbui -hchor.
Then. I ; suppose, I iqupr; had spiuethtTg, t,f
UU t 1111 1L. r .
sir, 'they were both dfriinlc.
'. ' ' - -1 '- j'5 i:'U; :..,)
Aim Li
i Ii,rt! 1
WHicn h, my car .Toung lady, , dot you
think the merriest plapein. ,tbe,, w?ridJ
lose their gravity; ,f. ; . : Ll (l
" ' tft r 'flrlt0 timV that;' Jeirofd tv.xA
Dibdeni'ihe Ia(er said tohHri i'Yiarigs"tet
have "you EBfiicierit 1 confidences ia u&i W
Uiyl mp a jruinea? , Yes, said ,the authqr
of ("Black Eyed Susao,'. I ba'e ; thaonr
fidence. but I havent he guinea ' ' '
; -ft . 1 v "vi ivil'-jj rrurr.i
;,jPA.piT;asi summoned .torpurt.fpr it
Atismg io jay a doctor;? -pui; f ( , (, , ,
Judge Why do you re'fuse fq'pay f l.'
pl t
paddy What for shoaid I pay ! 'sh'trrfe
did' he ' me any thing' Vet rjwt -?eme-iicsy;
And never 1 die could; (Joeep w my
.stDmacmat'aIlr atalLo -tut it a :i:hr 0 .-
Ak Irish gentleman lately fongh'a duel
with his intimate Triend; because he jocb
"Sely asserted that he wai; bom without a
shirt tolris back.-""! '-'i jT .f,-.
. As old felkrw being visited bv his r,as
tor, he assured him he could not be a glxl
Christian unless he took ttp jais daily icr o&s,
whereat he-carght.iip his wife and began'
luggjrng her about. the roora.-..
. .'.ThavBe are some 'mean creatures' fn, this
'world. -' They fawn arnii flatter. "to-day, 'tut
let the" jour 'prosrrty Jbe 'cver
casr, and they will 'sra'rider.and rile ycir
'without Stint of shame'-1 ' r" " rM ''"' ' I
. oeverjn 01 hd.vM ciitf er3 emu, meTcnanw
will acknowledge Lb jotice tf the'above
remarks'"", : " " y-''
' ' Within thine own boscin ar'ei th staz
of thy destiny.5 " I .v-
i.V, i .fiA'Ail r-f '"I. .,'-l- !(t? . '.,'t
Ivrtp, a low sail, at -; uie qornmencemf nt
of life; ,you may use with honor,' buf ybu
Aiiui luuiiL-uianjiy ajoove uie aimospn
that surTCUTids' the earth, I 'should ?thi
because I am fcd 'that 5 thee all-
,'Jonjr, did you find any eggs m.l&fi old
hen's riestj", this mp'rriiBg ?7r-'-Ko, sir:' If
tbe 'old hen laid. aiiy,he mt?Wd them'.ii
i -
,. , J- Kl.i
.1 i.l
. 1.:
'i )
-1 ,
.! ray