Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 05, 1857, Image 3

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j j ' i II 1 I 1 1 I j H 1 jT" TI, i'ti" -.; -1 . . ;
I' -IT. II. I li7.M-t-V f - . &tCi41iiCT in
j-G.encml IFiirehasing; i Agency.
W4 W
at ourwlurf; riaaYashi
clerk has
. .- 1 1 i 1 - - r 4 wrn - " rrw-y
J Y " '; H t B Vi '7 u : .',-' j
; " rrre-HKMtrJi-vA.L 1 i-... . I . . . . . - ... "T Xtt ouisjiirHv nroirnjdfrrraM -itcirtia to twtia 1
! i
' I
' . i
! !
i f
f, i
f i
. !
t i
: !
r rr v , .w. .i i'..
ypfonr. -Trt tie ml tf 6 months, 250 '
',. i 1 r. . ;.'- s 00 i
. ' -.-j 0r more will; la ftirrJ-bed at $l.w pet
C 1 uriwiJe be 'kwb'F-Iw Ibe order, ut
j. JOB WOIIK-v v;
.h recent x.$easiv U;ftons .of -Xew Type, Cut.
JUS inks IroniesCards, &.c.yniade to the "Adver
"TnAce we claim toff atMe to turn out Job Work in
"'r nnsurpaed by any c
Rice. The proprietor beint
"'.i printer nimseu, an
do naving in in employ an
-nefl 10 ouH.n Tf? -tlie execution or Job Work.
v.vinlf one of Filer's latest improved Card
(1 ,1m ) Blanks, VV OIotv Bronre Work, fccj will
nwn particular attention. L
mders from a distance will be promptly attended to)
)VTautcd to give satisfaction or no pay.
I ' ww Store in a New TojyijL
0f this city, has just completed a large
.T,rommoQious stonj-freuse - at Ala
1 .
town- recenth
tfy laid off on
- ;
a new
the "IIalfjBreed"trract,,:' more com-EDnJt-tnown
as "Xcal's Point." The
'pinwill immediately fill up with
cerie5, fomTf nrnitirrt,rii'Dd all
rtkr nectsfeane kdapiea tythis'coun-
-rund place inrndcrtb"(Tinfc:rincfat
m- jf i - i T J I
experienced and
. r'.' 't 4: ' l 1 J , i Si r " tt" i-r :
't-i rr -
s If :anv
! it
Cap.t.' AViitte likesrto be ,p. pioneer
in tradey.QlqaLl, pffji're.aV.tVcJcc.-
He was the first to. risk jn lnvcstmentj
in trad e i n tl 1 l c ftv ' A V h e n he lmt
ttfo.jeara ago- erected a-,large.tDre
I 'ropw liereV 'an'd filled it with rnerchand-i
.izftj'.he was called wild in his' 'notions:
j His success,'-' however, has prbve'dVliis
j foarsel6--TiAte:lbeefi jpronip'ted hj a
j Ytcnr src vil?;frr sceiDg--1 bfeiness
f. talenC .. ;-;i.-.2.-. ;
i ..... a. 1
j We-hace. not been at i "Alamo" for,
j &oec time, -but are informed that a
uttniber bf- "bouses arc erected,; and
1 quite a number-on the way; - This town
j cite possessed many excellent'' natural
j advantages j such as 'good.;;' landing,
j' plenty oC stone and;. timber,: und ;.'tbe
ite itself as level. as any' other,; of .Im
fo'rlaoce on the river. . "With the'. ca
pitil and enterprise we understand are
int'erested it cannot fail to shortly ie-
- - r
come a place of importance. ;
vt :l
.- ?
I ll V-.
Onalia Post-OQce.
t ' .We intended last week
j VKTreiifpitsinotlceo,
j HeTBmlSn-xuijl-fipe arrange
ment ofuiictiiriorary bf-tae "Oraa-
LT2riHc5nT a nd'al sa po3 vluaster
of that cityi'tntiforot'rt.: , '.,!
'The htpdin.i& twoi story:brick, 25
.lv50 feet,.built in:the"Tnost improved
. i.vlc .of architecture.,'' The. upper story
arranged for .and-DQCupiedis' a -.printing
office. - The . lower story : is 'used
ixcliisivelr -for post-office-purposes.--
Tie Tj
oxci- and drawers- numbering
1600, '.tun. , tho ,eir(i(yelepgihVof":)be!
luilding, ,'and ( are! -Very tastefully 'and
j coTivenienUy7atrXnged -This is ,,wit!i-
j "cut doubt the neatest and most exten-
j site post-office in tHis western country,
I and renectsreatcredft on the' origiir-
! at or an d supcrinten de n t, Mr. Wy m an .
iimself.--V t tn - iff
t i.
-A Tfe feaVe" ITejetoTdre
j .failed to notice, tliGew store room of !
I Mala street- and jnto yrhich they will
j sooa move their tock-of goods:. !Jj Mr.
j .CIlrlcinfbThS us thai wheVv f hey 'get
j into tlieif ne"w,,lious.?? tfcey Hl make
j lfge additions fo.their already exten
r i stock' of .Groceries, c,,'arid that
I hereafter 'none 'of the VcritW'
6(U by ft drin;S'Good' licks' ' Mil
ton. Hope youjnay receive, a liberal
j Patronage, "and thus.' be' rewarded ; for
jour enterprise.' ' " ! ; 1 "-1
' Next ' Sunday 'a SabbMh
?c.ol. will be; organized - at! jtbe neiv
gcfkKIliouEC in this'city. It is hoped all
tdo feel -ili terefc: in -this matter
"iu he present And - "lend-: a - helping
, ndLNcodlw sayiweareglndthat
frbvisTdris are 'about "bein. made for
whex.employment -for : our children,
wan 'tHatof,jrompIrigf ihb streets- all
.day fromSaVb'd oes
not every parent rjSiceT :
Potter Tranter!. . ,
. . jPMtii Opening , for the
iajnitacturincr. voL4 :stone: ware, than
?js p9int,!pan3oi;betiQund. Qay ofa
!;Yrysup;eAo lia'd ; in
a.&andancc and'cdhVPnierit-'1 Kd man
factory jn .operation withii hundreds
UI ..miles.pfus. -Tbsrwhole -up(, jyer
l make a fortune?
.O U U U J , V" iW-zf 14 1
I j Presente4;us-wit)ia sample of bis inan
m acture f moWsesfrom th'd 'liinese
?flgar (Jane. ; .Jtj4,5ic'e, clear, and wel
fiaos well p! eased" frith : bis expeTi-
ruva lnxze c,:iyvai.ion't)i xnis piani.
pT. u art also; 1: a. do hcranpear-1. . w w2iUT'- if H'S?. rr.T-M'i--Mi,....
anco th(
i i . I
S ei err,
GRii:'3ii; m , !; have removed
their ! exlc:
p tock,-o; readyBmad9j
ueijneAY tore room in
Inr, Main streef, opposite
mm puaaing.. ,:)r?RW:now. if.'yq-anft
t& see a fine ui?i
i fine display of man's apparel.
tr:-f (-.
1 I T l
hfe' fast' ilir'virhV "U-to Wnl
our wharf' last Saturdav.iundpr
. steprtdTrrsbx
-enmeecJ m.A strong rale - struck her the
inpn?;tit, she' -pushed .offhand.1
shoi ll'Pnt
dmyritpftrer fasteif'thart' 'did' eVerrKny
'. i, L
JVti j -rt : ii.:---! ! ' r I
.44PhP4M.JK,;j)uage ot
,tlie! foecontiyJudicialf Liistnct- ;was -An
.T Arri thi J on r A r in .n 1aM.
countie.Ts cxtxridsda-v; the TaU'term
of..CJourt for this county will commence
in tms .cityi.:-".:: .i;r kik irjvo?: j!k
Bartleti 'Jefj-kkson.' Grojiavell
y nf rTCrom wel 'ofat Vi
I ey vfcf Jj4"fp.a.
the'prcliminary'Vcxamirialioa ;fof 3d-
mission' mto-the'fiJNayaiv Academy at
AnnapOllS:; -y U-r-f -ir ; i . I :i t.i H
Cass count) ' Sentinel; i : - ? '
U'h j is the name oi .g. paper
first - rtumWr vis .upon v6ojM taMc.-""E.
''' V"'" ' ' ' ; "v. .-.....;.. y,. -
GiLES- editor and- publisher1 The
"Sentinel t makes r an extremely neat
appearance;" i"rtrvvjsh it Success. . ..
Tlie'Misisouri Republican!
.v.r)Vi:n.iyj a: - yvy- "
OEOIIGB E?AFP - ' ' ' . i
N.' PASCIIAJjIi, Proprietors. : .
JOHN KN AFP,- ) . -i
-i';- .-. .v. " ::.r. ?.'
Office Xo, 11 Chestnut Street.
Daily (in advance) -
$10 X
.- 500
Tri-weesiy, pn aur ance r- - .- t - 5
vieetiy. niHjvaaac; T- - t- j , - ,a
2 00
cXn Skates for advertising :
OXE SQUAREi eight Hues or less,
v:m 'j 'f i rhtee times ritlK.ut alteration,
fc ;! ft OMWfeek-..
j fftn.t:f.' 'v-.two weeks, - ;r;.. J ,A- A
, $2.60
. 50
4 00
6 00
8 OO
13 00
?vu:t"ji J J , - . -r.i 1 , v . -! .
one month
two months
three 'luuthi
six months
The Steam Ferry Boat j
,19 soKprepkiadlo pfepare and iaako)ntJ,reetiii.pt1 on pa
pers and warrant them to be correct. I have taken the
trouble to post ii?yelf upln repard to the Pre-emptioa
Laws and contested Claim, and wil I always feel pleasure,
in piving advice, gratit, to those who may call on me. llav
imr -s-tr t renaia permaBeutlyfwrtftpd :lji XeHiaha
cotuHy. 1 wyjl exert nty tit'e audi tabula w.tfct-..iasance-ment
of onrnew and probpetpus county and the Territory
atlarse., , j ;", - " ' ' T I
- '''Id'Wttrpajiti'Eacigut and SolttT1' "--j
OFFICS, one (hkrWesf Cm & jUir,in';Browii Us,
llallam's netf Offlce,' where he can be fotifld at all tioitf
during business hours.
- ,,I have scnie good claims to ell -f tS flrst i;h.bu,,'im
V nrrv.f ti4 nrair i A - . -it
j' XLSO-j-Vf'raT.ocd. anfl e'lcibfe Jots in BrprivU'f,
'whicft t vitofpoecif rbeap fdr cah pr on te'.jjjAircha
er paying tea per cent interc-fr k'1
Brownvllle, X.-.T.O. F-JSp7, ,,v2.15ly
'i i.i
TIIE siSbstrjber.Iateml&g tihaiIgebUeiot taslnof s
offers f or sale his Store aaJlxtdres with the Ix t it stands
on in Rick Port,'Mo,' Arid, also, will close out the Stock
of Goods on hand at very red yceprices. Call soon as
bargains jQ. fctpiaei.'' 'hsiian ctpportunity not
cfeu to be, wet .with .for persons wiihipgjo 'comiilfcnJe
iusineiis on to cliarJfie their locatkii:. .. . -i j
xrtqurrecj xne suoscrmer on lap, premise. . 1 ,t
np.aVvrotfprJ for-sale his Uom-'PlioldFnrnitt-J-e. which
can.t6 seen At hit dwelling on faile-north 6f Rpckpbft.,
r,;-.-,--n'-l i 'i' S1 -;..-:r.:J:.;-.i WW. GRAXGER. '
"Rock Port, Mo., Oct 9, 1S57. . . ' vinll
Camnauer8irf lGcmpanie&-'wil -report by- letter Uie
pamof all fticersof their resistive companies; ato,
total and a egr tgaie oj uieic counBauasj 0 m 10 enaDie
the Bripra'lc Coromaxiderto cause n electup of a.aolontd.
itutenan.t Colonel, Majur, an 1 Adjutant, of the 3d Regi
ment ofvNcbruska Volunteers immediately.
By order of .
Brig. Gen. lOWXS, Com. 2d Brig.1
. ! (. :. : ': -.r ." i-'v
J3. X52Z:XaX3X3I-r, t
.1 1 nRrtlfNTttrK. n. Tl r..:,
Will vrhe deeds of every' kind and fcontracts for every
purpose, with warranted jesat accuracy.
Otnce; ' in tne iJankinu ttouse 01 i.usnt)augn ot varson.
- .; ' -i PREFER TO1 .'" it
y Hon. John-A. Brngham; Cadiz, Ohio.
. W K Carter, Cleveland,, ".:. fr.;-1 .
" RPSralding. . ." "
' .B.F Leilcr, .Can top, . 7 r,-'-j-rr-.r
"S.LahraU x .'J J -1 Jl i" U A ' -
w m u sarP' au- ' ernn,
n I. V ... ".I.. 1 .. ..
Thr'S. Ford, Mansfield,-.'.
- - . Jas. Craig, tit. JoeepV-Md'
Brownvillc, Oct. 221, '7.
, i. : '
. . .-v-- " . . - ' . .
BOOTS a-iid-iSliUr a lreraendoas Htoce; just
received, otened,acd for sale, by
, ...i-;v 'iT'tVyTOAW,,'
75 . . . , I. T. WIIYTE-A CO.-r
T) RESERVED ,t KUlT; strawberries,, retwhes,
JL WhorUtberries Ac" Se. to bo hnti at ,r , , ,
' 1. T. V u 1 it, & KjiJ a. .
TTiILLS will in future ba redoemed at the coacter
-13 5a - Brownrille, Nebraska-, in coin or exchange;
and at the following places, -ln-ourreaey ornxcnacgci
Jn. Aodcrsoii,' -Co.TJankers. fcU Lomws.
.i.v:.WlfrnCuntj-lJnt;lddinmoutrr, Illinois. ,
v.Brownrin;' July JMM-I'-3', "!! '''.! ,r
Buys and sells exchange, receive deposiv makes
rnlffic.tions.Anl -Attni3 to. all bustnesTranocted
will bfcirrtrared
extend Hessonable" facilities to de'potiXoti:
T, I IU - --' ..... j , : ,
r- -- t ,.
AuViJa riff. Times' Omaliai Banner
RockporLlMou and lied, Council Jllusiicpry throo
months and send bill to th pfiae , 'H
. v;;-'HattraEscs.;:r
.1 --r' :
buf-kJKattras'ics'jut received at th street
Atg.6ilSW. n8 ' .U;?lTfn...
- jI' .... ; - J "5 yfcTlt n?ar"'t'Wn;y;yeitni in Fclectin? ftcu- i'TinflrrtIiflr5Juc-Sat snpcrt-fsiOfl '61 of our rfrni: ai-1
T . ... - ....
. - " Nebraska CMy.y. T. )
' 1 J " ,i Qet.i I6U1,. 1267. i
"iLi VJey art h,"'r onv!nted that tbeir list is nnxurpasf-
ttitoescul.ava,'' Being ecrJeslrou or discetnina-
-n, '".mwiaoiyapassioiUiey a!utthe motbodd
otiouiu uiwuy be raised near vbere they are trautod.
Pfombelrifjiig eipeaBnc8My 'flatter tticniselvei that
ey ate perfectly aciiuted1i Wiitthe ftluT5 bwiaes.
Jid they g: ait onlj- fcntU hardy: varieties as mcceed well,
ori the root, and bul, on teedliiiK stocks, and tbejii..tie-:
irahle, terwlet anOhalf hardy kind.,. Tbegraftifig will le
dne at the -prpi er ea$on, nnd'ia the best tuanrich1 Tbm
flock 'n'lll'be packed securely and shipped by express"." xfnix
UejrrehteHtare ia ewly 8ri 16 any part OC th West.
W31iey thave !,, on UaoiF te iargebt and best crop of
K- 5 ,ir MACLURA HEMErPLApTSii, .;' ,
ever grotni, far, sale on best terms, by the' tboirs iivl or
JBilHon.-TfceyTnay be fhippjd t -the Fall or prn-.
'JSieir prk forXursery stock il j be found as Ion any'
tberof equal qwlitylnlhtXfiWou. , Catalguead Treat
ise on nedjauultnre, sent gratis to all applicants." '
ratnmawolicited.' Orders Ndrserrock sliould
bo sent prior to 25th of Dcoenthpr
, 5iooniingion, m
jJA on hint fttf sale KH'kinJs ? f -Floor
s-aai Fb(! sbuCs;k OrdbrSioSlcitert tt'ndtrmrir)tl filled
on7nKEt faTorRbleterm.'T'Cs!i es?taiitly for,
Whuat". r,orcharkoter'"of FleifPefe to eVcrjbodjj
thit eter used it.' ' v-rf: -: i -.u vc j :i
:- ScJoeepllMo., Aug. 3J' '1855- flWfMy? '
.:,qC9TAX NOTICE."; r vr' i
,. Tskon up, by.DnvId JlcGlure of Juhufon county, X. JJ.
on tl.p23J day of June, one'light bay noro, gisns of
hiirtess -marks, .attut tpvtn or c'rght yeareold andstxtct n
and a hair hand Id height.'' Appt'aSscd at hicty 461 ht.
: 0t. l5, '57 --.WY C,:A4POSJJEli,Con$fyCJqrk,
P ITr, tl ) rr- . ' ' ' '."-IF ;t ' i r h ', 1 1
JTiten p.(i by Mr. JaBrewer ot ff'oiinacncouBt'i Jf
on the 2Sih day of August, 1857, 01,- mare, uia)ej trautlcd
on toe shuulder.audhin.wiUvtheJeU';rs. t.,S-... Apprais
el at any dyljars., 'Aiw iue hirt.c. ii.'nio, brandetl .th
sutne a-i aforfsjud. "ArrrUWat fiftvu ai H.1r, Wfra'j.
W. Sayrc, J. P. . ,,. .C,A .GOSUiR, Co".ty Clertt. : !
0:t. 15. '57 . J--J -" . . - i '
,U .oUOWKVIULE, !. X. f
..- l f- .v. a4 t ct-. :ifct, o?;- i- i ;
Ou motioti th''lutionVw-'r adopted ai
a regular meeting of the' Coii)tiaf held thUdiy:
Rttoloed, That the' sum o i m each blpp be, and id
hcri;by levied for the punx of tutering the Town ite
and improving tlie saiiia. r'-rih-: m.' i : i : J
Keiovhwld the K6mfnt; 16Tiel by the forc
goii K rcs:lvil4a ,raU to be paid .iuto the Treasury of wal l
Con many f,n or bfop -the, expiration of. 30 days Irrnn thin
datr, each share Bo'failinjj'shLj b' dklart; forfeited, and
revert back tot h& Cjnipaiiy.1--' ' ' ' - 1
- Resolved, X!;a.t tho ccietCivf.thi&u:eefjiig is hereby
instructed toiiast-the prucAmlni'.feot ifcese two meetings
p-ihitt-hcWn ttcKebraska AcveMiser for four Pjuwk:ii
tive weekw i ,. . .? n:i. WUITKT.' f res't.
, ji v , rnu, ec y,
: t
I it
-o To the Pablici; '!
I FcJaKWlCi; rpieV"tdrff.fiKTiTai!v "h4. or
vreciing ajybuildini?s itt thtom of ' MX JJIAXC1S
0." Said towxi. is, laid out -on my claim,.. -which was
Jumped by Mrs, 3tiUe.r, atidJ,.by 'thw uutice make public
my ihton;ion of contesting hef fight, to the same, before
th t'nlted States Cmtn'mis&nr. ' 1
S3" Xebrakln.nrSt; Soseph Ga'2ettt!' I fonth.
Send Bill to this Oftite :m- ;
Sept. 10, '67-11-lm ' . . ,;TVILLiA3I-ED' SLOAX
IUI1IBSE ! ! !
nnilE urj'lorglfrmsd respectfully inform the citiiea
pvA'fof irwtviUi8,;ftad' (TniabV stid tuf-fotfixKntj;
I eownties f:lmt wo tsowtta-ve 4ri.'-t)p0rVUoB :.'liii
Lumber lard in Brownrillrv where vrc keep for
sale well selected" stoetf bf lrnte Lumber from W
3 f rkty," Ar.,TineiSi(3'i5,z !A!'irkpd;l(ioriasbl5oe
Mangles aD4i.ineLath)ul ot,whiciii
e will sell at
fair priees '
Brownville, June 24th, 1357.
-By' Joint ResMutif Jf t'oigress, approved Sd'ifWh,
1857; "raliil Pre-mpti)h flitiiii ori ttte l(lth atid 86'th sec
tinns, heretofore reserrei j,r!soSoo'ls,'4h 1 her.. Territories
of Minnfotiu Kansas,' -and, Xcpraska, wiU be reeoppiiiPd
trAere th$ ultlcreni htut.bivn.or may fit made prior to
the. survey. . 7. :.;;.:;.... ..;v::.i' ;
1st, In cases where tha approved plat of survey Bas
tiot yeJ Men eiurned,'the IC'clSratoVy Statement intist
be filed within three monlht 'after tit receipt- ef Such
aj)pYiitC3 T1afit the District Office.
2d, vberethePlatisnow-a1thcRe?:isterT3.0fflee, the
Declaration muKt be fllel .within three months from the
Jirst publcatjun)f-, thji (irfulcr in your. Lend Dittrict.
A failure to anuix wusvuns reyureuiant, win worif
a foifeiture o
the claim. ,1 !
. 'jps.-wiLso-, !
v Acttr.t OcaumiFsiener.' :
To hEubKc. :
On the 2Cth ,cf Jauuaryjla.vp, JU.bert Hawk and
John G-. Melvin,' pnrclrar.ed' or L'tuis -XcAl the Land
known ns Xeal's Pidnl itrAlanioj iruXchraska Terrltoryi
wlilirh we have ilaidforTii full.' Snd'ior which we hold his
t-ijriit -C'laira deed; and also a bond fdr aiVarranty deetl as
sptm ashe wiaij receive- Patent therior..xtiKndHiQr.s
cf Mid hond haye beenxontplied w ith to the letter on otif
rjirt. ' AVe.'the said Hawk and Jfelyin and our associates,
forewarn all whont it may cohcern'notlo purchase of sal
lAnis Xeal ?n7 rart of'sa'ad tract or town sltetake ant
timber, coal 01' stone tht;rrotn,, or mane any improve
monts thereon, a.'e intend c-.mtestmgis rights to the
amainthowieri''ni1 r i,x '
aim . r . . t'
:' Jit v::- '
: 1
.'iv.' - '
.'. J it
T I'
I..-M ;s.iii.'iiTtfCRCoeKi 1,1
't-i -.ft. WtflL-VWHV .jiiwit j
, ,'(A,XUY3IAKEirPj.
r , ' r,M.juoMPsox. .r !
e j.i L-
t ! J tii ,
'r-. '
' 1 Aukttst. 18i,-7.
v. Platt& Rivfef "Ferrjrl '
The Platte .Biyeri'ejf-i'coiupany ha-C thsir ferry in
successful cperaiion-at the.tuouth of tho
? ThisVdufe ts sit Dliles shorter than that by Cedar laljuid
and is a muchhetter rolK ',,.. tV .jori .
' -Experienced and carelnl nien,wiU ho,tendance at
all times to -accommodate rte traveling public '..Rates of
ferriage as low as at;any other pyint.' ' 1 - J '
. , ...; ,.. ,- j . . I .. 'WnJti slaughter;
Platumoutl, Sept. 3d, iaiJ7,-:i I: . U . ;v2-nt0-3m
v. 11: TW0tAST
Fo rw ardi 11 ttntl Com mission
-"-' M23Xi.oxr-Lia,1,r-3. -" ;
. , ... , 1 - a f '. i" ;
;;. y, ; Xo. 50 Pine Street Corner gerund, ,: ;.t .,
'.',..". ;. .... , Ivr STAIRS.
lO-ly;.- ST. LOUIS, MO.
Emigrants-Land 'Ihtntcris! Mj
r,n , ... ... . .. . ulna , ..:;;r'
! i,3feniahaCiir,&' PlcWaatv-lle.'T.-'; 7)
Land Warrants Bought anti Sold.
j, Zand , Enteri$ on Tipicy .'-'
Land Claim and Tovn lots' Boughl and' Soli.
v.: ' AXD;: ; ,:Ul:
. . i Investments Made for Distant Dealers m
BEIXG practical Survevor and one having had three
yearo experience in the 'Wcst,u will" devote onr erltire
time and special attentrim to the Selection and Entry-of
indrn- claims lor settlers and all tase .dec icing Choice
locations...! ,. , -.. . Address,
-I -- -' ' U0rt&S3fITIT. '
:-. . 1. , -' ; . .-. i '.: ::..2feaiahaClty'X
... .REFERS TO( ui'.-i ::.
'XSchnyler, P.epublic, Seneca co., Ohio.,,,.,
1 i-J .t
..,:-! v
' ' I) y sear les, Timn city " ' . , .,,
"0 Pr PIntiskeep, Daytoa. Iowa co'.; Towa'.
Rev W King,- Archer, Itichardaon ou. j X'. TV
."SWiteiiian.GenoaZlcflM, Iowa.
. J F Schuyler, Xovelty Works.-X. r :
F Ferp9srf,'BrdwBvinr;,K..Jf HZ T.r, riOiJ
Clinton 1) Turner", Attica, Seneca co., OU?.
$3- LeUersfCiiiyi.PtoiptIy-A4icd.T3
Auaust 13th. 1857. - . ... A2-nd ly
Real-EstatexFor Sale.
. I JI AVE FOR SALE and.wiU sen a a bargain if rappli
c'atron be made soon : , ' ' ' . , . , .
160 Acres bf entered" land part tiibOJ partholorn.nrairie
wUhittone and one t alf miles of Br wuvillc.
1G0 Acres entered land; saer.fliEcr:ptlon as above, 40
acres under cultivation, ypodhctusejind barn, adpin
' ' IngthaCity of 'BroyUle.( ..''.., . .. !. "
80 Acres t-f excllentl)o5.Um pf tirie-tlaod enter ed, and
within two miles' pf Brownyille.-65-
Acres teavy timbered b.ttom and adjoining Brown-
ville will be sold cheap for cash k-.-J.-.'. .' -
M. Choice lots in South Btownville.
:i i
p.ut.uunniim,!is Xjt tne Kurscry, ii i
w-i3 far more practicable riiid safe, than to incur 'the great
eKptnre. 'delay anfl rlsV r,r cm
- 1 1- ''i'S.
. .iI.XbCKLOL,, j.,,
. .. ..' M.-TOOTa--. .,,,.;..;
"V , il''iJACOB'F:iTAlv'jv,.i.i.i,
cw cnoice lots in south Btownvine. -,t, ., , v
25 Lots la the City of Brownvillc. ;';'. - i
Shares in the town of Wyorninp.", , !' V "",'.
-4 -' Bi "W. FURNAS, Beal-i:tate A'rt; '-' '
.:i .'.:'.. .t Ul't ! T Arnwvll?4r' K.-TJ i
rU'te-ll.T ie uv-t lornrriished es0st:folr tutmt-!inrt
Particular aUention v;il be Jhe EC.ection, pnr
c'jaev?!i iiZpA (litQaphjPretJCatili; Uorse Stock,
trained lj;s,Ferrt?and fancy Fuvlrt, Carriage, Bngpj,
and Fjl!e lk.ics, Carriages, llarsosa and Saddlef, Time
IVadht, etery'defcriptloil r firC Arma. Sporting Artl-rtcy.-J'tritwtt.Taii't-Tackrvi
Mpsind Jlwrcr.l Instru-"niC-nV,
1tai.nits, SiifknJ R;w Boata, Furpiture, Cae Winea,
Liquors, tfliiMf6sCrlcke;iJd.BajriKit5aad8, &.c. itc.
. AGIUCtfLTunAL UlPLEMXNTS, of the Jate.nd most
piiiiprwj.iHi,'Cieca' rmnts, iniBj-runn ana buaito
tree,&d all kinds of Books treatingTnriinbjectatrt-iia-portancetortatj
VaFrer. J;rfttrn!t itrt5 Floritt. I
Statx ltoowis Knoaoed in advkncex on Steamers vaflA
ruisctsio kevfoi jaarope, (juwrcw, me West Indie
or any part of thworM.T -Thi Tillfbviate the rjecessily'
toresidentBor irx5afad't(Nnis,-fcndpltc-es whereno stearuor 1
ngeiMM exist, of ovttiijJtf.Wew Vork t-jro or the weeks
inadvaace ajther are no- f reuuently reonlredto d-i-''
cither th htain passagej of,t scctiro eiistiJle-kjcopijij-jdi-.,
lions. In thin department, we will bo ready to secure i
Xt TJot tn (at'jiyoiiW& thktit .to proteet
the stranger frcr.i imposition aswell as inconvenienca"
nuu, iu toon, i jir;oji iiy.u.- iioa or commission
that wojiltLordanaly. retinire the presence Tf.thi party
himself I, ' .',' 'j'?' - '' oVt --- - ' i !
tJentlelAea'Vbjj'c'eRire toforrfi Libraries, 'of who injry
wish to prectrrribe 'Choiei of the rf.ii;, can
aiu-feya rely Tbjwn ear: Judgement asd feiection Als,
Black'. tiacjis and Stationery, and Jiuok aod 'A'ewj.rapet,
for prlnlet,', -;-;,7i ..j. i
. roSTTrsLAOTEl we will procure the latest Fashion
Platef, yles df B lmfets1, Bampleti o" the' newest varie--
tie of gooda, c.-)smitttc8, pert nn, and fancy articles, and
:w Hialt alys be pleased to f urniih everything connect-W-withthoir
wants.ii'i!-.-1 ' t i"tr:.ilv w-.'.i .vj.' .-,!
;. n shwrtivfur asj- service which jtuny .be required, the 1
public c'iy rely jipou nyiththe iaot perfect 9qrifluence"
. ?l 'fcKO. - W. WILKES Jtrn:'1
1 JWHer'dSpiriYbf 'theTimc. Broadway,":. Ti. '
"JwllBl--Bubtwriptiodlifor Porter' Spirit of tbe.Titn4,.
ap-Ji uu); LJii-rni as uinnai.r aiJi.y weeaiv rCTl
paper, mar be furwai dod to, thkeaoio direciicn. Terms.
! I it r
it ''
ijl 10 unci &team and Water" aw and Jderchpn,t
3IHIs'E short, notice nd rwsoRaJJc termsT Repair
ing of lunoliiiary of -alt kvnis.IA'-. ' .
it, ! AseA' fT V x j vTV V !" -
A. D. IIOLLiBIRD Ai .O'S., i
-,W estern ,jb oundri r
;? ..-r- Uil- - tJ- .;::u "ft:"
-'.'Saw Msiiifact
Ar.d are prepared to'rcdpive and fill brdcr3 for any ma
chinery manufactured vr.kcptcn harid. by these es
tabhsn taenia. ... , ... . . '
Lclfcrf vfenfiuirjr. prompjly khj.Kcxed f,,!. '. . ', '
" "'. '"' ::'- -"'Tr,riri(rnt.'vrr.v:'"
! Ndct,'Lftte ti Co., BrtiwnViile NVTStciar Mill.
fLW: sTumas.--V JJrovnmlle, "T-r:'; ';-: ; j
J)r. Llo-Dver, - Nemaha city, "
V. M. Iioirer?. -Tawne eitr. ' "
NuoJtroU & jVVh5tj Rockport, Mo. ,: ,,-
AJ.iii'.Uve'rd (fincinnati, O.V "'ill
Brownvilie, Jupe, ,18, 1357. r
v2 1-ly
. D A N.I E Z 0 0 K ; :
, Oreg6nIIolVC6nnty;issouri;
- a
-.Dealer in
ta-;"'0Usf-PaIi'ti..an4 Painter' Articles, 1
Varflishesj 'Wiiidpwrgla'ss "on'dJil?utty,
i .Freaitih, Errgluh, and Americanii Perfumery. i
FINE toilet and shaving spaps fine; hair an
al instraraontSj-spiccs, Tpuffsi manufactured
. to.heck:.,aU"the patent mcdicieaof the dayj pure
wineq ana oranaies, ior. meaicai-ptirpxises cuoica
toilet and fancy articles, ete.,etep3( , '; ,
Dr Wistar's Balaam of Wild Cherry: ' f ; ,
'.' Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Canchalag'ua.' ' v .
;.Osgb'od'$. India Chrilaoguo,
. ' At thcJHead-of-Mie Island
: Ilall Swrjjill.
TIIEf nrlcrsignedjrarifitlneeS ti tho public that he
has purt-hascd.the. Fer.ry privilege' granted Jack
sonetcr?, at'than Session of the 'liCgislaturc,
and now prepar with, anew and ettbstantial boat?,
at alittlme9 totatnodateUtVpublic Chargcl
usual tatesy'
. 1 i s -- . , .. -.
Lar?ffame Baildiii;-r!llan'!fc;Kw) StsL
w Vfc6sVsale and Rrtuil-DeaJors in 7
UardwarVwQpeaswOTQ ,prr llat Caps,
Furniture, Iron. Nails PiOJvs, ' j
ana JSArwngs Vtensns.
have, oil the- oiwemii. .of nav"ga;.yr-.a
faiths 'ahdvvnrtCd acc'ssjn' ib -ihbirWc-gent
Stock, which sold Ii0,r7lt vasu
ietrury itn,ioj.
o o ts and Slio es I
TF you want. Bqotf oad Shoes of a tj:oo4:-(quallity
L and Cheap; go to, j A
! ft.-.
' 'yMainStre '- f tvlfu.y
' ' 1 BROVNyiLLE,X. J". '!;!'.!; V , - :
Where will be'.found the), most, extensive stock
ever opened in this market. s-'(; JJf.ll,'PAyiS. I
Brownvillc, June 18th, 1859. 2 l-6m
.... ir
s . : i : xid ' Tcrcolloar,''
npAKlES the liberty to inform :tbe citizens of
' JL' Jfefownville and vicinity that heas'npened a
In pregon,lIIolt county; iIo.,'whcre ho will keep Con
stantly on hand, and for sal 'a gtod assortment of
Gold and Silver Watches, Clocksund Jewelry, which
ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine
lot of Violins, Aocordeops, Silver, and Plnted, Spec
tacles, Gold Peru with Gold and Silver extension
cases, Silver :Thimble3)!itc., Ac. ,:'j
He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and' Jew
elry, of every description, in the best manner-and
on Uio most reasonable; terms. i,!
Everyarticle bought in his establishment, is war
jantwl tp be whatit iarepretwntcd to;be.: c Watch're-
painng warranted year.'. ,- ;n - dt t . . --w,'r;i;J 1j'"'j'
-A JfKOUNCES to the' eitixens of BrewflvJlle' ahd
ii. "ricinity that be has1 received and' now Opened
general ,assortnienrf wtll sokoted groceries f &I
kinds, together with eonfoCtionariasof evey variety
Cil soda water, oystorsy fresa fruits, de.
ways on hand. .',... -
A share bfpatronage.isrpspectfoHy solicited: t
' Cu . i. H .ijVJ,i:i. T " - ' '
T"yJones,Amcrican Lholagoue; .. . ,
Guysbtt's Yellow dock and Sarsaparilla;; ' ' v
".' , Smith's Tob5s Syrup. f. ' -.', ' : I
July 23,' 18.57. " ' , '., " v2nUyly
&iyiM4ilfeiiUteV m;
t'( s..
Anew and slTiTiIarly successful remedy for th
curq of all i3 pi(r diseeaes Costivenoss, Ludi
resfiori Junikk, Dropsyt llnexraatisin Feyen
Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma
tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back,
and, Limbs, Fetnnle' Complaints, &c &c. Indeed, .
" rery few aira th(i di&easel in. which a FurgatiTC Medi-;
cine is cot mere ox ie5s required, and raich" sick'
ness and sunenniy rniht be preveiited, u a him
nt erfectt..til Cathartic were tnore1 freely used.',;.,.
erson can feel well wMle, a cbstire 'lubit' cf I f '. !
"reTailsj lieB ides,; it soon generates sslious and j'"
fatal diseas&J.which inisht hive been avoided ,
$o person
' body rrerai
oiten fatal uiseas&?. hicii iuic:ht hive been aToiaea
br the timelv andiadlciorrs' nse cf a'eood -pursatiya.
Tti3 is alike tru? of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and
Jiuious derangements. '. They all tend to beoorue or
produce the dee? 'seated andormidable distempers'
'which load the peases air over' the laud. , Hence a
'reliable family physic is of the first importance to
'the public health,. and this Pill has been perfected
with consummate skill to mecti:hat drmand. v 'An
extensive trial of it3 virtues by Physicians', Pre fea
sors," 'and. Patients. -hag shovn results' jjurpas-ane
, aJij, viiuK.iuinerifi itnown oi, any raeuicme. V iires
a. a. 1 . :' i- jn.:
nave oecn cuectea Dejona.Deiicr, were mey ncrc suo
Stantlatcd "by persons of Isuch exalted position and
character as to forbid the suspicion! of nntruth.' i
- - i a.,. . . . . i . .i i.
. AiuoDi; mo many eminent genxiemen wno naTe
testified m favor of these Pills, we may mention : ; "
r Prof. J. 2Ml LoCXE, Analytical' Chemist, of Cin
cinnati, whose' high professional,' character is en-
j .1 I - -.1" .
aorsea bv
T John Mct.EAS'. Judge of the 'Supreme' Court of
the United States.
;. - Thos. CoRWfyr Secretary pf th0 Treasury, ; . ,
. HonvJ.:Jl Wright,' Govprnof of Indiana. '
.Nz Tjiviiwn'RT'rt. PTPat'wm irrower of the West.
, A.iso, .ua- j j.w ,1Hi.iiox, rracncai ccemisi, oi
'.Jiew York pity, endorsed by V; V' '. .
, Has Wl L. Marct. Secretary of State.
. Wk.B. Astok, the richest man in Araerica " t
S. Irr.i4.ND .& Co., ProprU of the Metroiolitan
it .i .1 1 . t- - ' ' - - v , ,
Aioiei.aiiuroa.nvoi.uexs. r-r -
; J)id space permitj.we could give many hundred
certificates, front all' parts (Where , the .Pills ltay
beea wed, but evidence even more convincing than
the pxperience;9f eminent public pen.' is, found in ,
their cnects upon, 'trial.. ; ' -;.'..'. i
- TTtf!s,e4-4llsi the result of.locg inyestigation and
study are, offered to-the public as the, best and
most, complete which ,the present state of medical
science can afford.-; They are compounded not. of
the tlrugs themselves, but of .the medicinal virtues
only of Vegetable remedies extracted by chemical
proofs ia a .state; of purity and combined together
m such a manner as to insure the best results., , This
system of composition, for medicines has been found
in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills, both, to- prpddoe a
more efficient remedy .than had, hitherto .been ob
tained by anyprocesst The reaSciiis perfectly pb
vions. While by! the old mode of composition, every
medicine, is' burdened with more or less- of acrimonious-
ajid injnrioua qualities, by this .each indi
vidual virtue only .that is desired for the curative
effect is-present AU the inert and obnoxious qual
ities, bf each robstance employed are left behind, the
curative- -virtues: e-nly being retained. Hence i is
self-evident1 the effects ehdnld prove, as they have
proved, more Trarely remedial ,'and the.'Piils-a surer,
more powerful antidnte, to. disease than any other
medifjm knowri 19 thewprTd. . .
As' itiis frequency expidienf that my medicine
shoufd be taken under the" counsel of an attending
'Ptj'idcian'and &4iiEcriJ rfotipiottta-ly jndirs of a
remedy withoutknwiB j-tv, composition, I -have
supplied the accujte Formulae by which both my
Pectoral and1 Pills are made to the Avhole"body of
Practitioners in the IinitedStates and British Amer
ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any
one who hasnof recJveth'em, they will be
promptly forwarded fcvMnail'to kia request.
Of all fhePntept (edicirms tbtrt.ejrp offered, how
fevr-wotld be,takrf if heir corhrxisititnas kiiown !
Their life consists In. their iny'steiy. T have no
. . . i.. J.i.i.-I Sin I.) ;I
.mysteries, , - ,.., , , , :
The emp5Uliifcn ofmytpiepiiatibn3'Kliia.opeTi
td p4 a$iMI. ;'ya6;iarfe coin pffdnjt jtidge on
the subjfc freely acknowledgbitQew-f-ohvicfions of
their intrinsic 4"ijy. ,!l'he "rtiefry Pectoral was
nronounced b ttietitlifc hian-;ta be a wonderful
, nedicine befpret its; effects were ''known.; , Many em
inent, Physicians have declared the safrie'thifcs of
t mj,Plis, and ete,rnpre' confid,entiy; and are will
ing ceruiy .inap jneir . anucipanons . were wws
';than realized by .their effects upon 'trial.";.,;,',.
.ifiej operare py ineir., power mi uie
-internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
4nto healthy-actiQn-remove the obsiiuctions of
the stomach, bowels, liver, .'and other trgans of the
body, restoring, their irregular action toalth, and
,oy correcimgi.wnereveii iney. exist:,-u uptaugc'
, ments .as are the first;origin of disease. , , . 1 . , , . : j
Beiu2 suear-wranped they are pleasant to. takej
L and beina purely vegetable, no harm- can arise from
fc ;their se in any quantity.,-- " .'t-i
l or imnuto disecuons. 6ee wrappei; one, isox. !
-i t -':(' - . PEF.PAEFJ -BYr-.-l .?'' i
Practical nniLAnalyical Chemist,
:!.J.l::;S itowBt'MAss';;;-,:.;;, i
-' Prica 23 Cintf per, Box. r Pire Eoiei to SL
Cv 1 !(-
flOTTl R"r
i f.
, .!... . - J. H-'!M-iO;A C.O:.. Brownvilb,
.-i;r...i - , i ' rtrnaffdAaams& Co., St. Louis.
And all, DruisUinUie. United States."' I A L
' Juno 25th, 1857. .' ' - f .iL- ;.- -vl '
s .." 5 i . 'J)'iBi JENNINGS -! 1 !-v- ;
-.1 a
Corner UfanJ-Fraiicessts., tt. Jbsq,3lo.
t'w i Kanawha gaK'fc ineWs'TelcbraleiJ VJt ers.T J
'' L .-',' ' 1! : 'rt i-i'ns'o.'. svcm J. .1. .
- TAKES pleasure in anrif-tmcurg itt the citigv.iaor e-
traska and KanSifs T6rrltohes,,pout.hjiTii Ivwa.aii'd jiurth
ern Missouri, lyit heis no-VecdVmg hi'nsual!y large
and complete stock of -Crvtriie.JiMittt4tif f evorv nrti
oiebotonftiftf tw th linew hiilhe iffscll 2XCLtilVE-
14 rT " iipLL&tLE, on s. Lp'ra,Ve tera.aii-ouse
in'the-vfo&t.- ' -7 ;'J,';','J3U - ;' ' T' A j
Hi is klso as-rat'rhcsk'tf?kAWitVaa7i!f, a large
lotof which Is Mw'on handandfersale'atTiuocd price
to close consignment, r';;,i rt; ii
He will he regularly in receipt. JVr.urfJiput
of Field's Ctllrate ('ove Vj f tJrr?.iSroci.frtm
th season
om Baltimore
which wilf be sold at St. Louis trices. Thcv are superior
to anyoyter soldHn1 tte! Vfs'-itV! evfcity. Cu warruhlfd.
' .Orders respectfully solicited and prompt ly attended to.
St. JoseiA, AJ.ig-tf --'t'), till -2n9j ly
' Fiorti.-500 bhts" and ; 100? St, ..varipus grades, and
brands, fxefh ?round, in store ai!I Tor sale l v' '1, , ' f
.!.;. ii . :,:.-. If. l..i. . : -'T-'TV 1PMVfYno" !
., , . ' . ,OJ. 0.1iliJ,J!C.
SALT 1000 bbls Ka arid 1000 sfcs tea salt for sale by
.7t ; ,:. ,-, J.-b; 'JENNINGS.
' .-ll-i "r4
HVDRAL'LIO CEMEXT-r-lOObLih! fraal .n-consis
meat by; - ;!-: . .-''' : ' i
OTSTERS 600 box Field's Celebrated Cov Oysters
ior saie oy , , rK r , . -v r
SARDIXES 25 cases 1-4 and 1-2 boxes Sardines
J 1 4 15. JENNINGS.
, ' ' ' .' Ui.'.'i .1 : - -
.CRACKERS 300. bbl. and his, Butter; 3)da,i'Jiilk
Sugar, PicnicjandiJogtoncrickers for sale by
r., r,,. a i :.: J.:B. JENNING&y
CLARET TT1XE 50 doaclaret a good article ia store
and for sale If ' " , . . . ; '
- '.y ' . 3 -'; ;; B. JENNINGS.
'.' .. .': ; ! : ; .s' , rn : , .
Warranted genuine, ia store ad for tale by i .-'
i 7 : . :, ?- b.. j endings., :
' ClIEESE iobxs fresh El) Cheese for sale by ..
, ijT,,.ovi ;J,rB, JENNINGS.
, .' 5CXIRIE34rPick!e qts, hfs and gals; tomatoes in cans
fresh flKgo; Peachej, Preserves assrt Pie fruit.; Lob
sters) Brandies; Reasons; Tomato catsup; Walnntilo; Pep
per sauce; Caiidle; smuked herrj.ris;' Mackera'l, Co'ifii-h,
&Ci &c.;' Soap, In storeand for saie hi''"- :' ,
. ... . ...... J..B. JENNINGS:
; S ILiimber Lumber! !
-? !; h- it 5 lUOABLT-fc. 1IC1R. t I-.:--:!
lu.i f
.il l
Whose new Steam. Alill has Just gdnri into cperatim in
the Prairie J'orrest opposite BrjiwaiUpj are-now pfar-i
ed to furnish the public, with ever .desirable, varKty cf,
dnmber; en' ahort notice and. feas.iniblctcrjjis.' There
boing an mrrssual'. arnotirit of hard wood t'.mbcr'n :the;
.vkinitywe are1 prepared to ppy particnTr attfhtin'td
liiug.up orders for. Oalt -and "iValnut. lumbers la shfir
everything needed in this country can be found Pt ttiii
;4 SeptdmMr'.'SSX.;
' On the 20th of.Jinuarv last. I conditionally ccntraidtil
toisell to Robert Tfawj; and J:'G ilclvin a parf-pf the
lahd known' as Xeal's Plnt.- Sjid contract lias bee-ji ft r
ieited by the failure of sail Ilwk ar.d Melvih lo ejmpry
with Ihecwli lions tin; their part. 'I therefjrj take this
method of warning the, public sqt to' purefcase-atock in
said land or in a hxwn cabled Alamo, which. I understand
is about to be .laid out on said tract, frm any per(t)s.
1 amthesoliS bwherbf said land, and Will make no titles
upon sales j fit her of the bove named gentlemen.' I
furth ertaf 4 tba i alt hough Ibave theriohtto retain th?
amount they pa id me asa forfeiture, I anihot disposed to do
so, and now notify all persons'concernad that I am ready
d billing to refund to Messrs Hawk and Melviathe
Mng paid conditisn:! purchase.
J M if 1 i n i.
' l
- , j :, . .. i -- ,. ...;'. r r . i
, AM)
SM Misfit 'Bt
t- Jl-
Ja!n St. riift"eca
;- ,; (.
. " "."'"
,:.v ! 1 v :.! ! ii i"! s-, - i' 1'' rr'' ; 5'-; - - "- i:-V,,i
. ' A ' I " " ' ' ' J - ' . " . Hi- . - -- II
r i 11. r-'j , .. J ' ) t i . t a 1 - v 1 v ; , ' . V ' 4 ' A .
!:"'!-21qur, .vBacon,,.
r :
ATK Iiavejtwt opened a heavy St-xV of Full and
- ? and ra?y hrr?, wn
rhich wj are now prepared
' ! i l T
h!2. i? T2 y7!"TpT ... ?i"T
H,;fc.ti UIsm'i. , i , A. .. ,
t i.i'uad.i
Ir .... L
2 "
1- I'.l
V j i 1 '
'ii r .-. i.i - i ' ; : ' AT
I., c. i .-.; r t t i
. , i i 1 i i
.-. -r !Ij?.'-. j
' - .' I. T. WHYT3 CQ'S
rT! -j.I osi'i !.
tM'M .-'JinTtl! ! f
;j ,. . m .-
: . i.'.J.' -to-i .-, J"
."T7K havojnst received an entirely iVw arnl liir-"n
M. rciiifonaitie prices iii an
Wc Lacd nrviri .tirna'TeRf
quentJy can sell cheap on thoanu terms
. , . . . . - .. - . .
. . i' .; : I
. And aline ' Assortment Rf-lJlit GX'GChilc'. "
! !".' ! " "'Suoba, : '.kc,' ' ..! . . iVek ..SdJ,- ,
..-..-i-vv'.-'-.v.. -. .r. Salarafus, ,tr -. tiipgr,: j., ;Ai;.-;;i?cf , .i. U,. S
"f,'; fir;'- T'l ' i 'lAnl a enod article of ' ' " "v ' !"
nftl!nf?, nml rhnr.!i'' 1 nliff.-
Ills a pleasure to us, to show rKHi. and wcasn vt a
. Oct. 19,1357.. I'' k-pW'Sl .
t- - i in. iM l x4
W H S rf
,Vyrt ..-4
1 ; db .Cre.o''o
Main! St., one door-aboyc Ifi:slsbau?U& Carso.n-'s Cicltane ,T3nn!
- ... . ; .. u .a ; - - ,'. j i? i . .
THE proprietors would most trop?ctfully inform the cit'i.xtjna of Urownvilie and tlif putlia prnally that
they hare f'ccei ! J a. "ft now opentntnof thela'rot an-imr-sfbouirlettf Slock cf. fjvthintf--
, , . . , , ,.
."-'! :'--5V." Their asiOrtmcnt.oC,',
' -!-. t; .1- i rf ' i ,i!s" -atH 't:i '"
Embrttces' every variery of Tex turfs' 5ra;fr!cc383 to Cotoir itfive tin,'lhu TilackV vlibl r..J
V 4 :'invisihfc brecn,'ahd Cloth?; Cass!
,n'' ';"' ' -according, to the Titos fiiVhtotiablaeut. . -ThriirvHriAty f vwl Ifraperbit ''': ' ''
M.,-.?i.l '" ' ':-'' ''crub'rilcinj t'd6 feiV U;(st styles and pattern.. "Ihlhe 1 '?"1 iu.-;- '
. - -l 1 'i.rti-.i 1 vi;; .-.i--;!- ;v 1- -.-i ';. , , . .., . . j; '
1 ' May als'-y brf found'at all itints a;cf:Craral-v r isTTyr;C'Trr,wUitT."7 1 TtS.H'jTi
'chicfs.Sn nell as. ye!;) it.irnt Vtvs
' TA" 1. . 1,. (,..,
.:,;.;r!"...;.. ;.-'(.;-, sia out-saa-.oA .
Krcr brou-httotaji"tcmtorT;..r.j .;'?
.-.J i'i')"'.
i vKIi-'IL ,'i .
-'-'i J .
. Warranted tyuit the mn:
TlMXTS, Every Sljie a:ttl UcficrJpllon.
MO'rilrr.V . please IaVrcaia
ap l twenty-five r;r cent: cheaper than thev have ever
OCfcber;yth, 1S57.--'';' :r2nlS-ly' -.
w. lor'Ei'.
I ritOPOS'fi estalishinx a rtrt Cla-. Dally Xew(.r,;i
per in the City AlPiiladerphia, between the 20th of Ju
ly and tba 1st of August, to be 'entitled '"TILE PRESS."
Tub f bess-! wlil be in ITS' poUtic-i, and
wiU-tt'ujJtAitl the policy tf the p;-;tal 'atiuuatfclmiiiu
tration. 'J
it is my determination to make U worthy cf the sup
port of every class of readers. 'Dignity, conarze anJ inv
elepetKlEncei ia the utterance f my senUraoaU. enterprise
aua emuiency ia ise commercial, literary ana ?,ews pe -
partnieuU, acl respect for the opinions of others, will he
kept constantly la vrew. '
1 have embarked all iiy own means n this project and
intend building tip a journal that will no, only be cred
itable tour city and State, but will furnish me an iude
pendent livelihood.-' -.
A somewhat extensive experience in public life, and
many years' connection with Journal imu, will, I hoyc,
cbt.iin for "The Press," a fivorabfe reception.
My friends ia the dTercftt "Wards aid Counties of
Pennsylvania, and in otfcer States, wijl place me under
many cbligaticnstygi'Titfi "The Press" alrdpinj hani.
Daily (per anuurBYiu advanca
Weekly -...'
,- r i
v sr-r
Address llil"S3ltor nf.T rft'prictcr, at" the cfllce 'cf
"The Press," Xi. 417, t'bta'at Street, test to Peansyl.
vapia BaekJui'dias, ve Fouah Szwit. P!f Udeiphia.
1 I ' . I I f
4 i . i l r . t 1 t c "
1 I I r I . l
For-Seile,: ; !
1 r. A Acres extra, floe land. Pre-empted, wttnia twa
-"W.fiincslcCIJrttwTiuiae.rco acri- bottom. IX-acres
timber, tine stone and water, for :3ii--at bargaia-'
. cppljcation be made soun... r ,li. V, FURXAS,
il-Oct. 1. '57 ri ; : '''- " -- JlFPtlt
- Jocaa'Cn . e 1 ; Theodore IliU have this day fLr'ftt
newc-wpartnCTshrp under thethe firm and style of Crane a
Hill, and wilicontinue the Mercaotile J)uvness4t tha flC
6tarid of JxcAllister, Duller it CV. , if
joas cnA.v . ,
. Sept. 18, 1857. ; 1 ' "; TIKODOaE HIL-" 1
1 ' ' 11 ' 1 1 . 1 1,
JONAS CEAE. ... , ; : " , THf ODOZ HtUL
cb 'IHIlll.. i
ronwARnisoANDcosrsiissioxiiERcHAM, '
Wiolesate an4 Retail Peaieri in try Goods, Groceries,
aarawaiB, vtuseiiawsra, j-nrnitBre, Itovti,
t ionr, raren, rxc.
fept.M, ff7;'r
OTcr SIitrtO rcrallK,DmiTeniand nnit'tiACcValrtSs-x ; . '
-Buck 10Tes,3Iits, Kna iiitllng Cloths etc.1 v,i ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' :'t
TT7B would but a$k the public to call, itxarairfo and judgi fr tlLwif.-t-lvtnattcr tho Claiid-'at fb
VV' Baltfniore Clothing Kntoorium-ia not of hotter made materia K wrfs ...f fV-.-A ht..?.t.... .
V C 7 h
i I
ft . i
i J
rroct'and Second s'
- -
. V'','
AND ;0QTfly
Ftt'l and Winter C!ivN." etubrautna
Winter (.VN," etubrautn tcrjtliips ill lha Stajia
tootl'i - Ui tlw tr!.' i Tjr-ii5tyiv r ificci,
'dt:Cs!i or Co;5Ktr3"-Sfrodttttv 4l 7
W -ft?.-.' ' " 'cRANUftUlM.
. t
t (
1 :
i r I
1 ; ! i; I
'.Jsw.J .,.
I ..'-. 1
if U.v ,
' r.
.51 M 70011
v i .:t t. ....
!Htir!.V Vw an.1 larn .-.Yf iSof S u j -f rT Il 3, -ni wl Ich ra--n W'lJ at
nyetaldish'flfttti,- th'U 'CrMV-trt b-ni -riliir) lo-. I.if -.". i
l-v-uriy of the folio rfrir'j yi-$ Which: U4ii:t,...rCan iU'a-
20bT3::::Aln. - . SHOES,
tsr f
! " ' -
to eli r.5;: J!aiL:9 f- vurlr-"
f I. T. WHYTft i Cl).
IV .Ul UIJlAll
..1 l,.i , . r
.-, -i ..i;.!ji-:,r' .... ..... . , , .,,.,,.
. 7.1..-i .i.'j.'f -
,1 Vi'vA
j Ml
. . . .
Small ' " 11
k-s." ,
bou-rht dsewbere- Z-y.uiia '
i-. , fllEflEI, AJREEM)XU3f.
J. h;mAIJN 5c Co.,: '
SroiiTi nie, TiIrasTia Territory,
Varnishes, Put;?, :irf:cry, &.c
... J ., AASO,
i fine Son Pine flair ud 1 4i t--tt.hi, Paint Brujh '
'Vptccs, ruro wi3 ana n.-aaonv rr aiea.rar
Fancy Articles. Turpeniine utM;nary. Oardaa. Sed,
I'iWc malt oAr"purciiieM wth eire'"ir.!l effffr gocd
e; dally ft. lo as tiiwr tai be ottaiait tort aay sin Jlar
fiSUibLf anient ia tiU J ion, a.-.l wumntcd ti "be f . -h,
pare ar.d (;er ji;io OrU-,s pruH.ptiy fiil, nM5tcI
toa anarsjitieif with regard both to pn;e and ,rxa!ity.
tl Plt".I.C3 aitcjui-Jt to', at all hoir '
of the tiay and tiehl. J '.1 I
Oct. i.vfr2-4ii- '- ? . ., ,f'i -,';; N
. . , .7-' 1 -i ( 1 1 . '.1 .. , r . 1 1 1 . . -. j . ; . . . .
K,-;"y. . l '-a! .TtEDLinr; ; ! -
AnScancfs to tTrVpehite bat hc.u pn:cbii4 theatc--ie
StoS;cf G brorth?iti this pl'tr Xt. Dailt
aud ow-t-ffsrfc-toMM l' ' ' - .'
' qucenr.sar.c.'Cfc,
at prices. a. fair as can be fMirri ir'th :tVesura eouairy.
Land For Sale. !
n Anvjpre-wa-M trrrrtwj tallea' fzJm l!-owr..
p;ai: tijrti U;u u.a.aaJ lt. tuUtfatisi tt.a
econd year l rood howi-wihj. :j.mJ.bir(i l;
property Will; bo sold' a; reactut'.ro rats aini tT.s
F-naulre cf R. W: rrnjAl at 'AiJvarii,r csi
Oct. l, '57-H-2tI ' ' ' "
'v'. v D.'H. Thomai, '
. Central Irolwr and rwwardin j Hirrthant, ;
r ; Street, eorar Secrrd,up v
I i a