Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 08, 1857, Image 2

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8. H. Pabvi, General Advertising Agent, )u rear of
New Tork, Ladies's and Children-! Shoe Store, 84 West
Fourth Street, Cincinnati.
Vissche, OWEXfcCo., Xu. 24anI48, Broadway,
New Turk.
Aroitw Wiwd, American. Canadian and European
Advertising and Suicription Ofllce, Sio. 133, Kassav St.,
New Turk.
W. 8. Sv tmmer, No. 43 Chestnut street, St. Louis.
B. F. McLl'KO.Troy, Ohio.
Da. n. n. Darst. Tippecauoe, Ohio.
W. C. Xl'iott, Covington, Ky.
A. P. I RE. Archer, Nebraska.
II. W. Peter, Oreson, Mo.
Dillok a Hawe, Hick Purl, Xo.
-- Kidek tt Write, Nebraska City, 3T T. --"
Da. M. W. Tate. Linden, Mo.
T. J. BAftWvw, Three Grove. X. T.' ' r.
Are authorized Agents la solicit Subscription and Ad
vertisements for tbe Advertiser, and receicve and re
ceipt for monies therefor.
Person resident in this Territory, coming from variow
portion of tbe S'at e-, often suzgest to as the names of
per in their aid neighborhoods, who would doubtes
begoiue tobucriben if they could see a aw of the "Ad
vriMr.u We always se a specimen oipy, and persons
receiving, will consider it a solicUalion to become a regn
ljr subscriber.
Postmaster and others, feeling sufficient interest to
make oplclub, on retain the usual per cent for their
trouble. - .
t-Terrltorial Warrants and. Nemaha County Orders
drawing interest will be taken at par in payment for
ntcbtedness to this Office. .2
EJ-Cnles aotiaedat theclcseof the Volumetodis- !
that subscribers wish their paper continued, and hal!
accordingly contince to send as heretofore, , t
t3TThe "Nebraska Advertiser oaring
. much the largest circulation of aft 7 paper
. In the Territory, "Wholepalc Merchants in
St. Lonis, St. Joseph, ' Cincinnati and
other; Eastern markets where Nebraska
- merchants purchase, will find no better
advertising medium in the Western Conn
trr-3 '
: Weekly ReTicm ; ;
... . - At last a treaty has been concluded
between the United States and the gov
eminent of. New Grenada, by which
. New Grenada agrees to pay claims of
citizens of the United States, to be ad-,
justed by a commission, and promises
to use all efforts to prosecute and pun
ish the Fanama rioters. This treaty
thus settles the difficulties which so
long have been pending between the
' i two republics, but is far from satisfying
; the expectations of many, there being
no stipulation for future security a-
gainst a renewal, of the Panama out-
' A very curious controversy, says the
N. y. Times, among the Generals of
the American army who were concern
ed in the conquest' of Mexico, seems to
have been started by the recent letter
of goner;:! Pillow of Tennessee. The
principal object of that letter was to
. claim for himself the credit of having
planned one of the most important op
erations of the campaign and of having
protested against the purchase of a
treaty of peace from Mexico by Mr.
Trist, who acted with the concurrence
and approbation of Gen. Scott. Brig
adier General Hitchcock has written a
reply to this epistle in which he fastens
upon Gen. Pillow the odious distinc
tion of having accepted a command in
the Mexican war for the purpose of be
ing a spy upon his commanding Gen
eral; and he then proceeds to show
.that Gen. P. himself in council ap
proved of the very proceedings for
which he now affects to censure Gen.
Scott. He. also convicts him of a de
liberate attempt to rob a brother offi
cer of the credit to which he was en
titled and sets forth the manner in
which the effort was regarded and treat
ed by Gen. Scott. The controversy
will probably be still further continued
and will make public a good deal more
! than is now known of tbe secret histo
ry of the Mexican war.
A telegraphic dispatch from Wash
ington states that the Administration
has received authentic information of
: the fitting out of three several expedi
tions for the invasion of Nicaragua
at New York, New Orleans, and Mo-
' bile ; and of another expedition, hay
ing its centre in Texas, and headed by
Sam Houston, for the seizure of. the
Mexican States of Tamaulipas. The
Administration is determined to cn-
r force the neutrality laws and a form of
. instructions has been prepared by Ex
ecutive " authority to forward to the
United States Marshals and District
Attorneys on the seabord for their
guidance in the matter. '
The New York papers are full of
. details concerning the loss of the steanv
: er Central America. The most essen-
. tial particulars were published last week
'in thi8jper and to complete them we
'have only to add that according to the
best statements 232 persons; more than
. one-half of the passengers, were lost
by this heart-rending catastrophe.
A dreadful poisoning case occurred
'in Pike county, Alabama, on the 12th
ult. A negro cook, at the instigation,
. it seems, of a Hungarian named . Co
miska, mixed arsenic with the food of
a family. Thirty-seven persons par
took of the meals, six of them have
died and several others were lyiag in
a critical condition. The friends of
the family assembled, seized the ne
gro woman, burnt her at the stake,
.and Comiska was to suffer the same
fate on the day following. I i
I " The Land office bf Fairbault, Min
nesqta, has been entered on the night
;of the 14th ult., and land warrants to
the amount of 30,000 acres were sto
lon. '-
From Europe, 'tre' learn that Gfe'dif
ficaltj between Spain and Mexico is
to be fettled. by tbe arbitration of
France and England The Spanish
governttent .had. accordingly ient Or
ders tojsuspend thepreparativesfor
an expedition against Mexico.
,No fca-ther news had been receiTed
from India. The English government
was actively engaged in sending troops
for the scene of action and was about
to open recruiting offices in France,
Germany, and the United States, to
ralsa reinforcements for its army in
India which soon will number 87,000
.' "The Persians have at last evacuated
Herat, thus relieving- England tf one
of Jber, difficulties,-but she has many
others to attend for the present
A Nebraska correspondent of the
St. Louis' Republican perhaps Chap-
mn Mmcnlf OTnol-in r r 4-h AidArmfi
-v"u6 w r
IOr Relegate tO OngreSS, SayS f
PM;,, arimor,' 5a eHlvr
Chapman's favor, he could to-morrow,
if ariew election were to come off, dis
tance any of his competitors a thousand
votes. ): . '
Over the left; If the election were
to come off to-day between Ferguson
and Chapman, the former "would beat
the latter two to one. ! "
A great effort has been made and is
still being made to create an outside
pressure in' favor : of '.Chapman, by
writing letters from the Territory vto
different: papers in the States 'as to
what is the feeling in Nebraska relative
to the coming contest before Congress
for the seat of Delegate. We noticed
a lengthy article some time ago, in an
Iowa paper, giving an acconnt bf the
Nebraska election, setting forth the
wrongs heaped upon Chapman and
lauding Lim to the skips, "credited to
the Nebraska Advertiser. This is all
done for effect, and we hope and believe
Congress when it comes to decide the
matter,' will be governed by facts in
the case, and if a new expression' is
wanted from the Territory, we are pre
pared to give it, either by ; another
vote, or by petitions. j !
The following from the Charleston
Courier furnishes ground to believe
that the attempt to manufacture sugar
rbm the juice . of the Chinese Sugar
Cane, will prove successful:, , ; l .
Dr. D. Lee of the Southern Cultiva
tor has a sample of one or two pounds
of well-granulated and well-tasted su
gar, made by him at the plantation of
Mr. . J. Eve of Augusta, as the re
suit of his first experiment with the
juice of the Chinese Sugar Cane. This
result "is the more interesting from the
fact, that scientific gentlemen in Bos
ton havo expressed the opinion that
the plant contains no cane sugar, but
grape cr fruit sugar only,.. Dr. Lee's
knowledge ot chemistry has: enabled
mm to correct this error, and, demon
strate that the Chinese Cane is, nearly
as rich in crystalizable sugar as that of
the best cane grown in Louisiana.
Asew lorK paper, remarking up
a "V i
on the appearance of Sorgho Molasses
in market in some of the Southern cit
ies, erroneously places a sale of the
article at Louisville. The sale refer
red to transpired in St. Louis, and is
the first which ' has ' occurred in the
United States. ..
Mr. J. S. Minick of this county who
raised near an acre of the ; Chinese
Sugar Cane has been experimenting,
in making Molasses, and reports the
result as beyond his expectations.
Since writing the above we visited
the farm of Mr. Minick, where he has
in operation for grinding the cane
stalks, quite an ingenious mill of his
own construction, worked by horse
power. It answers the . purpose ad
mirably. - It is truly astonishing, the
amount of syrup the stalks yield. We
are quite confident, and this opinion
is fully endorsed by all hereabouts who'
have tested it-that the Chinese Su
gar Cane in this soil and climate is no
longer an experiment. When we take
into consideration the quantity of veg
etation an acre of land - will produce
the richness bf its sacharine qualities
the amount of folder and seed obtain
ed, we are at a loss to suggest a more
remunerative crop. ' ; r
After learning more of experiments
in this county '. we , will publish a eta
tistical article relative thereto. '
Quite a. number of other persons in
this county have cultivated more or
less of this plant, and we would be
pleased to hear and publish the resul
of their experiments.. .
Admiral. '
Last week we noticed the". sinking
of this Boat, since which we have learn
ed that she struck a snag - opposite
Kickapoo city, Kansas, ' and sunk in
seven feet water. .There' is five fee
water in the hull. The boat is hung
on- the snag. . The freight will near
ly all be saved, and the boat be raised
1 She was loaded for Council Bluff and
Omaha, principally. '. : - .
Acolter Xefcrcska rank Failing.
Col. Nixon's Bank in
this city has been f receiving a-heavy
run for tome time 'past. It cannot
possibly hold out much longer. v,.The
CoU thinks himself, that its doom is
fixe i, that soon it will be numbered
among those past recuperation.
The above as our readers are aware
appeared in our paper of v last week
under the local head. It waa,written
in the spirit of mirth intended as a
ittle bit of pleasantry and we did not
or a moment suppose any one would in any other light.! AVe regret
exceedingly that Col. Nixon thinks that
without an explanation, injustice might
be' done him as . an ; individual-
The explanation i : The Col. has
had a number, of handj
at work for
some time cutting Tlovrn a
huge Claxj
Bank, fronting on . the river, and the
work is now nearly completed ,fi;The
enterprise was creditable to Mr. Nixon
as a public spirited man, and far be it
from us to connect it with - Nebraska
Wild Cat Banking operations. ' 1
St. Stephen.
:'. i,,Much has been said of the "Half
Breed Tract" and town sites thereon.
Saint Stephen wc believe was among
the first, if not the very first town site
laid off and improved on this famous
tract ofland. It is situated' immedi
ately on the west bank of the Missouri
river as near as may oe miaway De-
tween' the mouths of the two Nemaha
Rivers. It is surrounded by a heavily
and fine timbered country, possesses
an excellent landing and has within
the town site an abundance of a fine
quality of building stone.-, .1 he pro
prietors aro men of capital, and energy
and experience in Western affairs, and
will, we doubt not jmake a point of im
portance at St. Stephen. They, have
recently become possessed of such title
to the land as to now be prepared to
give Warrantee Deeds to all lots ld.
Already considerable improvement has
been made and much more under way.
A good Steam Saw Mill is now' in op
eration, capable of cutting 7000 feet of
lumber per day; : Two heavy mercan-
tile houses are located ait this place.
A large and commodious Hotel, a fine
Church and school house building will
be completed yet this season. s - This
looks like they meant something sure-:
ly. ; A good ferry is also at this placed
and the, Messrs. Nuckolls who own it;
will put a Steam Ferry Boat in opera
tion early in the spring.
Platte Valley Bank. . ;
. '' The Editor of the Nebraska
City News labors under a grand mis
take if he really thinks we "manufac
tured the slander upon the Platte Val
ley' Bank, and to slightly injure Ne-
brask .City, by .saying "it is also re
ported that the Platte Valley Bank has
clased doors for the present." Such
reports were in circulation, here are
yet in circulation we doubt not in al
most eve?y portion of the Territory out
of the Bank's immediate neighborhood.
You could not Mr. News as a sensible
man expect it otherwise under existing
circumstances. .;;,!.:
From our knowledge, individually,
of the men connected with the Platte
Valley Bank we have always, and do
yet have perhaps, more confidence in
it than in that of any other in the Ter
ritory. We have great ' confidence in
the financial management of Mr. Nuck
olls. For thi3 reason, and this alone,
we . continued during those reports to
take all the Platte Valley money we
could get hold of; "and now' wish all
who are in arrears with us would walk
up and pay us off in Platte Valley
money; , As a journalist; however, we
considered it our duty to give all mat
ters, especially in regard to Banks at
the present time, to our readers as
they were afloat on the streets.
The New York Times! of the '22d
says: "A well-informed party from
Washington1' states to us that the re
cent purchase of state stocks, princi
pally Miss6uris,ar.Tenhessees, Ohios,
Virginias and. Pennsylyanias, for the
Indian department;-amount to nearly
a . million dollars - : The : investments
are made under ike direction" of Hon.
Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the In
terior, who has timed the movement to
meet as far as practicable the low rates
at which these stocks have been put on
the. market and . the superabundant
means at the command of the treasury
to make the disbursement? It also
happjly relieves to this extent in specie
the pressure on the money market,"
Hotel Postponement. r
, By reference to the advertising col
umn3 it will be seen that the Direc
tors of the Hotel Company have post
poned the distribution of Real : Estate
One rhonthj . The cramped state of fi
nances renders this course necessary.
It is hoped that all interested in this
building, and surely every citizen of
Brownville is, will feel the necessity,
especitlly under existing circumstan
ces, of putting their shoulders to the
wheel, : We have long needed a good
Hotel, itnd we must have one. One is
now under way which hen cqmpleted
will be ftn ornament to any place! j It
needs ail to complete it. A few very
few perions thus far have had to shoul
der the burthen in carrying forward
this enterprise. Some of them, too,
owning but little property in this place,
andu when accruing benefits are taken
in account, are doing wore than ,they
tougtl .'to. . -There iare 'others' Ve are
sorry to say heavy property holders,
wko-will be greatly-benefited by the
erection of this building, or any other
public improvement,- and have thus
far not taken any stock nol contribu
ted one cent towards the erection 'of
ITofd. This is wrong should not be
so. In such matters, there should and
must be, if we prosper, unity, of feeling
anq action. ., ;, .: ,;' .,
Masonic Notice. ,XS
ALL Vaster Masons in good standing resitting
riu Nemaha county, N. T., are requested, to
ctteDd a meeting of Xemaha ljadge at the res
idence of Dr. Xuel, in lirownviile, Saturday
evemnu, ixt. s, ibo7. u. C. JOUXSOX, '
, Browuville, Oc(. 1, '57. , , Secretary
; j Notice.
E wot J. Jf . Wood, will deliver a Lecture on the re
vision of the KXUllSlf SCKIPTUEES, on Lord's day
Oct 11th fit 11 n'Klik -
. TO Thomas Moore and all others whom it may concern
Tou are hereby nouned that Twill appear at the Land
onice in Browuniie, a. T.,' oh October the 10th, 1857,
at 1 o'clock, P. 31., to prove my right of Pre-emption to
the South-west quarter of Section Xo. 3 in Township Xo.
6 North of Kanire Xo. 15, Kitst of the sisth principal me
ridian, in said Territory. When and where you can ap
pear anii contest ir you think proper. - -
Oct: 8, '67-15-lt ' DANIEL WALKER
ClalTYi 2a"otioe
' K. n. Burdell and alt others whom it may concern
Tou are hereby notified that we will through the proper
autDorities appear at tne lniil Ufflce in Brownville. on
Thusdhy, Oct. 20, 1657, at 3 o'clock p. m.; ta prove up tbe
right to pre-empt, as a Town Site, tbe X. W. quarter of
section nve (6) Town nve (a) Kange fifteen (15) East.
... , k. rEK ay,
- '. U.S. niGUTOWER,
Oct; 8, '57-nl5-2w Proprietors of Eldorado.
' Dealers in Coin,
UncurTent Money, Exchange and Land Warrants,
Esiecial attention will .be given to Buying and Selling
Exchange on the principal cities or the United States
GoldSilver, and uncurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup
ply of Land n arrantson band for sale; roa cash, or en
tered on time for Pre-emptors. All Warrants sold by as
guaranteedin every respect. "whI file Declaratory State
ments of intention to pre-empt, ami prepare Pre-emption
Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best securi
tiett, at western rates of interest, and investment made
in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Colles-
uihih upoa mn iwn rmtrnt pnms win ue promptly aitena
ed to aud proceeds remitted in exchange, at current rates
Bflls of Exchange on England, Ireland, and France, ob
tained at usual rates, with cost tf Exchange on the East
added. Deposits received on Current account and interest
allowed on special dopusits,
OFFICE Main St., near V. S. Land Office.
Lind, Brother & Co., Merchants,
McXaughton. Carson t Co.,-
IliFer i White,
Young, Carson it Bryant, "
Jno; TJioupson Hiwm, Col'rof Port,
E.M. Punduson &Co. Merchants,
M. M. Teakle & Co. No. 17, Broadway,
M'm. T. Smithson.Eso,., Banker,
J. T. Stevens, Efq., Au'y at Liw,
Philadelphia, Pa
f 4,
Baltimore, Md,
X'e'w Tork.
Wa bingtoni D. C
Jno. S. tiallaher, Ite 3d Aud. U. S. T., " "
Taylor & Kriegh, Bankers, Chicago, III.
McClelland. Scraggs & Co., Bankers, ' St. Low, Mo.
Hon. Thos. G. Pratt, Annapolis, Md.
Hon. J. W. Geary: Ex-Cov. Kansas, Penn.
Hon. J as. O. Carson,
P. B. Small, Eq., Pres't S. Bank,
Col. Geo. S.hley, Att'y at Law,
Charlos Parsons k Co. Bankers,
11. C. Co.
Greene, Weare it Rice, '
Douglass & Watson, "
Col. Sam UamMclon, Att'y at Law,
Ju.lie Tbos. Perry,1 -
ITi.f. H. Tnlwiler,
Ort. 8, '67-v2-nl5-tf
Hagerstown, Md,
Keokuk, Iowa
Council Bluff"
Des 11, line, "
Vinton, "
Ka.-ton, Md.
Cumberland. Md
Havana Alabama,
Land Warrants
For Siale.
EST" Enquire of K. V. FURNAS at die
"Adrertiser Olbce.
Land w arrants Bought and Sold. Land entered on Time
C I ai oi s and Town Lots Bought and Sold. Loan Money,
Make Investments and Icate Warrants on time, for
' ' ' Distant Dealers.
v. Pre-Emption Papers Prepared.'
OFFICE Xcxt door to V. S. Land Ottloe.
Geo. H. X ixon, .Register L. O.,
C. B. Smith, Receiver, "
SnvM'k tx Williams,
L. K. Tuttlc,
B. K. Pegrani it Co., Bankers,
Hon, G. W. Scctleld,
R. L. Mctihee tt Co.,
Tootle It Fairleigh,
Oct. 1. '67
Brownville, X. T.
Lexington, Mo.
OmatmClty.X. T.
Council Bluffs, Iowa
St. Louis, Mo.
St. Joseph,
For Sale,-
1 rill Acres w,ra flne ,and Pre-empted, within two
- " v miles of Brownvi lie, 60 acres bottom, 100 acres
timber, fine stone and watcrv For Sale at a bargain
application be made soon, R. W. FCRXAS,
Oct. 1, '67 Agent.
Claim nXTotioe
TO John Fish. Sir : Tou are hereby notified that I will
apply at tbe Land Office at Brownville, Nemaha county,
Aeorasca Territory, on toe sixth day of October, A. D.
IS57, and at the hour of 2 o'clock. P. M. of said day, to
enter as my Pre-emption right the West half of the South
east riuarter and South half of North-east quarter of Sec
tion Ao.xt in Township x. 2 North of Range Xo. 14,
East or- the sixth Principal Meridian, in Xebraska Terri
tory. When and where you can attend and contest if you
think proper. JOUX McMAHOX.
Oct. 1, '67-14-1 pd
J. H. MAUN & Co.,
BroTfnvIIIe, Nebraska Territory,
Dealers in
Drugs, Medicines,
Oils, Paints and Painters Articles, '
'. Varnishes Putty, Perfumery, 4c.
Fine Soaps, Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brashes,
Spice,.Pure Wines and Brandies for Medical Purposes,
Fancy Arttetes, Turpentine, Stationary, Garden Seeds,
With all the Patent or Proprietary
(We make our purchasers with care, and offer goods
equally as low as they can be obtained from any rloiilar
establishment in this section, and warranted to be fresh,
pure and genuine. Orders promptly filled, and satisfac
tion guarantied, with regard both to price and quality.
S3 Physicians' Prescriptions attended to at ail hours
of the day and night .
Oct. 1, '67-v2-nl4 " '
THE fifth enstalment of 20 per cent, on the
stock of the- BrownviltHotel Company, tt required to
be paid within ten days of this date.
' B-order of the Board. Secretary
' in
mt, vernon, nebraska.
!.' ' ; a! medley.
Announce to the public that he has purchased tbe exten
sive Slock of Goods brought to this place by Mr. Daily,
-and, now offers to sell
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard Ware,
Queens vi are,
at prices as fair as tan be found in the Western country,
tot Cm& or ia exchange for country produce.
Oct. 1, 'Hlli
i A
Land For Sale.
OH Acres Pre-e'inpted Land two miles from Brown
OU .Hi. s 43 acres of which is timier, balance bottom
nrairie l SO acres under fence nt beina: cultivated the
second year ; joua nwiw. - . - .
Druperty will be sold at reasonable rates and erms
-vrnqir of E. W. rcjutt "Advertiser office. '
The Ke7 York' Weekly Times.
?rie12aYear: Five Copies for5;TweB
v m m a r
El, SATrKDAT, at Xo. 138 Xassau street, comer oi
Rkn..n. Xew Tork City. It is printed upon a very
large quarto sheet, containing eight pages of six columns
each, in clear type and udod good paper. It will contain
all the matter of general interest la toe vaily Tints,
inelndinc News from every quarter ol the work, Corres
pondence from all the principle points of interest, both
in Europe and America, and Kdivriais apoa ai sutuecis
of interest that may arise. Besides this, one page every
week will be devoted tochoice selections from tne current
Literature of the dav. in order to make the paper more
acceoUbla for family nerusal. Every possible effort will
be made, by Proprietors and Editors, to make tne New
Tair,VtLr Tisies the best weekly newspaper in
the United States. -
Subscription: on the terms given above, are respect'
ful Iv solicited.
Tne Pottayt on the trerktf Timet to ny ptirt of the
Vnitfd Statet, it onlg 25 cent per year, paid i ad
vance. . '
Is published every Tuesday and Friday, at $3 per year,
payable invariably in advance This paper is made up
expressly for the mails, and contains the principle matter
of the Daily. Two Copies m ill be sent for $5 J Five Cop
ies for 812 60 Ten Copies for $26. , ;
Is Published at the same office, Every Morning, Sun
days excepted. It will be sent by mail to any part of the
United States, at 88 per annum.
The pottage on the Dailg Timet, to any place i the
United Statet, it 39 centt per quarter, in advance.
Is published every evening,' Sundays exepted. One
edition wilt be issued at one, and the other at three
o'clock P. M. It will be sent by mail at the same rates
as the Daily Times. ', ...
Is published on the departure of every Mail steamer.
Price, in wrappers, 6 cents for single copies,
Termt, invariably rath in Advance.
Publication Office, Xo. 133 Nassau St., cor, of Beekman.
RAYMOND, WESLET tt CO.. Publihser.
Oct. 1, '57
THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between J. B.
McA I lister, Jonas Crane &. John L. Dozier, under the Arm
of McAllister, Dozier & Co., is this day dissolved tv mu
tual cons-ent. Jonas Crane has purchased the entire in
terest in said concern, to whom or to his authorized Agent
al 1 claims due the said ouocern arc to be paid.' 1
Al' claims due by the said concern are to be presented to
the new Arm of Crane it Hill for payment.
Brownville, X. T-, sept. 18, 1867.
4 , (deputy county surveyor) ;
Mais Street,
WILL attend promptly and faithfully to the selection
and location of Governuicrit Lands in the Nemaha Land
District: SurveyingTown sites, subdividing Lands, Draft
ing City Plats, and al I other business of a general Survey
or. WiU buy and sell Land warrants, pay taxes, investi
gate titles, File Declaratory Statement of intention te
pre-empt, and make out Pre-emption papers eX short no
tice, and always on hand to look out claims tut actual set
tlers. Investments made for distant dealers. Letters
or inquiry answered promptly.
I 'refer to ' '
Daniel Beckel, Banker,
John Mills, Cfh. Dolon Bank, '
P. P. Lowb; :, ,
Gunkle tt Strong,
Wood tt Xead,
Moses Smith,
Ryall & Charle-, Lam' Agents,'
Geo. H. Xixon, Land Register,
Lushbaugh tt Carson, Bankers
Brown tt Hal lam, - . do
R. W. Furnas. Editor Advertiser,
Sept.24,67-nl-v2 .. '
Dayton, Ohio.
. rij . do
: do' ' do
3 do . do ;
do . do '
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sioux City, Iowa.
Brownville, X. T.
do do
i ; do i do
do ., .do
, Brownville. N. t. )
8epl. li, '67. ' I
PCRSCANT to a call of the Secretry of the St. George
Town Co., a number or Stock-holders this day met- There
not being a majority of stock represented the meeting ad
journed to meet on Monday next. . .,.! ' ,
Sej,t.' U, '67.
Pursuant Ho adjournment the Stock-bolder this day
met. There being 231 shares represented, tbe meeting
organized by calling Judge Whitney to the Chair, and
R. W. Fvrnas, Sec'y. ,
On motion the following Resolutions were adopted :
Retolved, That the sum or $2 on each share be and is
hereby levied for the purpo- eof entering the Town site
and improving the same.
Retolved, Should the assessment, levied by the tore
going resolvtion rail to be paid into the Treasury or said
Company on or berore the ex4irttioo of 30 davs from this
date, each share so failing shall be declared forfeited, and
revert back tot he Company.
Retolved, That the Secretary of this meeting is hereby
instrncted to have the proceedings of ihese two meetings
published in thft Nebraska Advertiser for four cmsecu-
Wrkas, Sec'y.
V ..:.... i , . . .. .. .
urreny Kiven loan persons interested in the
TOWX OF PERU, Xemaha county, X. T.. that aid towrf
as, on tne ninth day or. eptemler, A. D. 1857. entered
at the land Office at Brownville, ror the nsc and benefit
of.the holders of Lots and property therein. nd that
the undersigned, Mayor of said Town, is now ready to ex
ecute Fee-simple Deeds to all persons lawfully entitled
to the same. Applications for Deeds must be made to
the undersigned, at his office at said Town, and all Lots
not applied for within six months from tue date of said
entry aforesaid, will he sold to the highest uidder at pub
lic sale in accordtlnce with the provisions of the Act or
Territorial Legislature, entitled "an Act Regulating the
disposal of Lauds purchased in Trust ror the Town sites
Pern, sept. 17, '57-12-3w Mayor or Peru.
nARPER's Weekly will contain Sizteen ages of the
size or Uie London Illuttrated Xetvt. each Xuiuber com
prising much matter as an ordinary duodecimo vol
ume. ) i. wii I be printed in a form and upon paper suit
able ro.- binding; and as the pages will he electrotyped,
the back Xumbcrs can always be supplied, so that Sub
scribers wil 1 be abto at any time to complete their flies.
At the close or each volume, neat and appropriate Cov
ers will be prepared bir the convenience of those who
wish to bind Uie paper.
Harper's Weekly will appear everr Satcrday
Morning, and will be sold at iive Cents a Copy. It
will bo mailed to Subscribers at the following rates, pay
ment being invariably required in advance :
One Copy ror Twenty Weeks - - $1 00
One Copy tar One Tear 2 50
One Copy for Two Tears ' - ' - ' . 1 00
Five Copies ror One Tear . ' ,; 9 oo 1
Twelve Copies tot One Terr - . . 20 00
Tweiity-nve Copies for One Tear ' - ta 00
To Postmasters getting up a Club of Twelve or Twenty
five, a Copy will be sent gratis. Subscriptions may com
mence with any Number. Specimen Number gratuit
ously supplied. '
Clergymen and Teacher supplied at the lowest Clvb
' Franklin Square. New Tork.
The Missoiiri Republican:
N. PASCHAIiL, J Proprietors.
JOHN KJNAPpJ . J t . .
Office Xo, 11 Chestnut Street.
Daily (in advance,
$10 00
- fi DO
2 00
- a oo
Tri-weekly, (in advance)
Weekly, (in advance)
Sunday Republican, - .
OXE SQUARE, eight line or less, , . z ' '
$2 50
1 00
1 60
..2 50
S 60
4 00
8 00
13 00
20 00
three Umes without alteration.
one weak-
l i.
two -weeks "
three week "
oae month "
two months ' "
three mouths
ix month - "
twelvemonths "
Sept. VT, 1367
100 Dollars Reward !
5J5t STOLEN from Uie uhcriber on Saturday night,
SiTm September 2d, 1867, four horse or the following
description : One sorrel horse six year old, very fine
korse, no particular marks recollected. One dark bay
horse six year old, no particular mark recollected ; al
so, a very flne horse. One large light sorrel horse, white
mane and tail and white feet. One dark brown horse
rather on tbe pony erder.
. The above reward will be paid for the delivery of the
horse, or a liberal reward for any infitrmatinn ttart win
lead to their recovery. . RICHARD BUOYX,
, Brownville Sept. 10, '57-11-tf JOHN MCLLI3.
, I. T. WHYTE & CO., ....
r Queens ware, Hardware,
Jonaa Crane and Theodore llii: bave this day formed a
nw oj-partnersbip ander the tne nrm ana siy ieo uiut .
H Wl nd will continue the Mercantile busiuessattheold
.taadotMcAVer.Doxierkt. w
kpU :3,1357. t y A, i
Wndlesale and Retail Deilers in Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, Furniture, stoves,-,
Flour, Bacon, .c I i'ffl BROWKTILLE.X. T.
I PROPOSE establishing a First Claas Daily Newspa
per in the City of Philadelphia, between the 20th of Ju
ly and the 1st of August, to be entitled "THE PRESS."
"The Press" will be Democratic' in it politics, and
will sustain the policy of the present National Admini
It tamy determination to make it worthy cf the sup
port of every class of readers. Dignity, couarge and in
dependence, in the utterance ot my sentiments, enterprise
and emciency in tne Lommerciai, t.iierary auu ews ue
rartments, and respect for the opinion of others, wilt be
Lkeot constantly in view. .. ..
I have embarked all my own means tn mis project ana
Intend building up a Journal that wiU not onlybecred
itable to our city and State, but will furnish me an inde
pendent livelihood. -
A somewhat extensive experience in public life, and
many years' connection with Journalism, will, I hope,
obtain for '-The Press," a favorable reception.
My friends in tbe different Wards and Counties of
Pennsylvania, and in other Mates, will place me under
many obligations by giving "The Press" a helping band
Daily (per annum) In advance
Weekly - "
Ad'lress the Editor and Proprietor, at the office of
"The Press." No. 417, Chestnut Street, next to Penn-yl-vania
Baak Building, above Fourth Street, Philadelphia,
UXDEIl the present financial embarrassment the Di
rectors of the Brownville notel Company deem It advis
able to postpone the distribution o( Real E-tale until the
loth of November next. -
.... .ot
" For the Benefit of the
The following property consistinji of
One HP&iioiaci,
Ninety Town Lots
In Tha
City of Brownville,
Five hundred Dollars . . ,
Has been appropriated for the purpose of erecting
Hotel in theCiiy ef Brownville, Nebraska, and rhe Board
of Directors take this method of converting the proj erty
into cash. They wish to assure the public that this is no
Barnum" "Mermaid" or "Wooly Hrc" specuTatii.n ri,r
individual Interest; but simply wbuti it purports to 1. a
distribution of Real-Estate for the bonent of the U. tel
to erect a good commodious HoteUin Browuville.
' TICKETS, - - - - - - i - - 55.
tAT Acres of Entered LaiMl adjoining the City of Brown
viljo. It is nearly all high bottom land, well
timbered, and on which is u due stone quarry. It la the
loieman farm, which to those acquainted with the kcal
ity is al that need be sairt 40 acres of which are under
gooa rence. and being cultivated secund year. A good com
fortable bouse, a small rrauebarn, and an excellent well
or waier are tne improvements thereon.
AK Ft. off w. end or Lots 8, 9 10, in Blork 1, in the City of
Brownville. This Lot lays next lo the Nebra-k
House and fronts on Water and Bank street both, sue or
THIRD PRIZE - - $150
Lot 5 in Block 23 - - - - a, 150 OO
Two Frizes, each ------- $125
Lots 5 Si 6 in Block 46, - - . . g'JoO,!)
Thirty Prizes, each $100
jjis 11, 11. o, n, ----- in Block 81
" 2, . S. " - - - - - i. S( "
" , 5 3. 15, 9, J2 c5
"2, " 3
" 1. - -- -- -- - 97
" 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12r - - " " 8a
" 4H, - -- -.-. .4 35
" 11, 16, ....... 34
" 6, 13, - " 33
" 8, 6, ------ . ' " Z2 '
$3000 00
Twenty-Four Prizes, each - - $75
mjoxs , iu, ------ in Block 80
1, 3, 4. 0.
4. 6, 13. 14,
13, 4, 12, 6,
2, 16, - -2,
3, 6, -
. 3, 8. 2,
' . $1800,00
Tventy-Six Prizes, each - - - $50
Lots 16,
In Blsk 69
13, 14, - - - -
" 13, It), - - - .
" 2,-13. - - - -
" 10, 11, 5, 6, - -
8, 9, 1, 4, 2, 6, -
" .8, 8, 14, 16, - -"
11, 12, 11, - - .
" 15, 16, ... .
Six Trizes,' each -
L.ts 2, 11, - - - -11,
- . . . .
" 13, 14, 12, - - -
BI'k 49
" 70
Tirenty Prizes, each - - .
10 Cloth Catt, ...... eacD
" . " Pants' ...... -
Pifty-Two Prizes, each .
20 Coats, -
" Pair Pants, ------
12 Hats, -
- each $5
- l
- - 2Sc
Eighteen Cash Prizes, each - -1927
Cash Prizes, each - - - -
The above property will be drawn for at
October 10!h, 1857, in the followinil manner-
When tickets are sold the" purchasers name and number
or his ticket are correctly registered by tbe person selling
tlie ticket. When the day tor drawing arrives, the ticket
holders will select five ounmisi'ioners to act in conjunc
tion with the Boarftar Directors of the Hotel Company,
thus forming a Board or Commissioners of ten neuters
who shall each take upon themselves an oath to faithful
ly and honestly superinted the drawing. The Board when
thus organized and qualified shall number small ticket
from 1 to 2 200 and deponite in a box. They will toen
write aU the prizes and deposite in another box one on
each ticket amounting to 2 200 in all, corresponding in
number with the numerical tickets in the other box Two
of their number, each blindfold.!, will proceed to draw
at the same time, one from each box, numtiers and pnxes
and as they are drawn out, tbe number ami nz dra n
simultaneously will determine tbe drawing. Kh
drawing wilj be entered ia a bout, and the result m soon
as completed announced.
Warranty Deeds will be given for all" 'the Hea'l-Estate
In three days after the drawing, whkn is ab-.nt mm s..n
as they can all be made, after ascertaining to whom they
... t. . i - ... '
- "'""yiit u preveta trie drawing
taking place, every dollar received wjl be rerunded. All
fund received will be deposited In Bank-not a cent ued
fMwuiu aiiyiDinc iransiire to nrev,i n,. ,
until after the drawing takes place. ' ' ,; ,
Tickets will beold ouly for cash, Conseqhently, U
any numbers are spoken for, and not paid tor before ten
days fr.iu the day of drawing the numlr will be iwld
or tbe priies they may draw be the property of the Uote
The Board of Direct of the H..tei Companv desire
again to state that they wih it nnderstool that this ia no
speculative humbuging operation. We desire to erect a
good Hotel in our city, und have had this pro,,erty airc
pnated by different individual for taat and
upon consultation have ad-pted this as the most likely
manner ot converting it iuu money ; and we hereby
pledge ourselve fi- the hoiHajie tranaci,m of , hi
whole affair. ,
A few responsible Agents f known Integrity will viit
the urrounding country and neighboring cities and town,
in a few day. with tickets for sale. Should any pVefe,
remitting by mail they can do so by enclosing the tasb or
draft to Alex. Uallam, Cashier of Nemaha tllev,nk
who is the Secretary and Treasurer of the Hotel Com'
pany, and on receipt of funds he will return a ticket or
ticket to those ordering. Any one making up aclub can
retain 10 per cent commission. '
- . A. HAL LAM,
' H. JOHNS4)S. -
i R. W. FC11XA9
Board o Directors of the Brownville u.,iei rmr.
Brownville, Sept. S, '57.
Call around and examine the stock at the
Baltimore Clothing Store
April 23, 1857. J vrZ
To the Public
I FOREWARN all person, fro., v.. ,
erecting aey buildings in tbe tuwa m I J? Uu
1 CO.'Sl towa i. laid out on t 5
by Sr, Ritler. and I b, tlu it
my i.iiriHi-ntionies-.ngber ritol to isl
U0 rnited Slates Comnmistioner. ,a3,
K r erkiaii and St. Sosepk Gairtt.
Send Bill to this Office v "M"J7 t
Sept. 10. T)7ll-lm
ffinE uadenizned respectfnll. .. 1
naiiersigned respectfully inf .t
lirownv.lle, and Nemaha, M
that wa sow have
Lumher YarJ in Hr. n. -, vlrai4(Jt
II r, . - .
sale well selected stock of rireUabJf ' '
3 inches. Also, Fine Sidin Worktl FiL
Shineles and Pine aiiT.r -v 5 "fc
- - -...mine, "nera .
- Ml
fair prices
r:. ' "" will mi-'
BrownTiUe, June ii&lgij. H0W5 4 C.
T the Und OJKttrtin the Ttrr,tor .77,
Kant at and Ntbratka: , . v iI't,
inoi, raiia rre-emptlon claims, on the IKih L
tiirtis, heretofore reserved for ch..t. i.,Kl.
, r "
of Minnesota, Kansas, and Nebraska, wilt L
vhere the tettltment hat been or mat a. m'H
the Survey. . , T' 4' fn?t
1st; In ee4 where the approval . 1 1( w. '
not yet. been rctarnedv tbe Dfclaniri 8UtL?""T
be (lied ttithin three montht fAd r.,Zj wt
approved Plat at the Put net bj'.e. '
td. Where the Plat is now in the RetMer'. n.
Declaration must be filed within tor " v,?
Jlrxt publicatu.n or f At C ireWar in tmr i?.8! "
A failure to comply with this rttiuitrBieot! . ,
a ror rei tore a tbeclaiu. '"'''Vi
.Jos. S.wn.sDx, -
"'iig fjinoi'i,
to the public:
ouuc,oui jwnory last, I'tT
tose.l tu-Kobert Hawk and J
latid known as Meal' Pina
c.i in a n-,. .J ..
. . . iu
w-1 v tn i irtal 1 1 ml M fitft flrM v..- .
tnethfod of warning the pnblu- ncttu p,Irrt,'
silid laiKlor In atowncallH Alamo, ii,k i J . "
Isabo ittobe laid out onsaidtracr, Z
I am the le owner if said land, mid w n ....VL""""
- 1. i.. . . . . - WWII
August 15th, 1857.
Lot 13 Ni u
To The Public! "
On the 26th of January last,' lUbert H 1W, .
J.ihn (i. Melvin, purcliae: cf un Nf., the '
known as Neal's Point or AIjiiuv it XW f ;ik Term,
which we have pjiu for in full, and fur h.ta lv JT'
Qait-Cl lim deed, and also a b..nd rr a Warr.aij
si on as he shall receive-a Patent tbjref ir. TVr m,.,,
of said hmd have leen cmplieil wi:h b.the letter ua "'
piirt. We, the said Hawk and Jlt in an.) ur ,
forewarn all whis-i it may concern imttu P'irrh,j
Louis Neal any part or said tract or towu me, uitm
tioilier, coal or stone tberefroiu. or ui.ike any iB,utvtfc.
ments thereon, as we intend conwtiiig h.s njlituwi
same in the proper courts.
. S M t ktiLLS,'
, . . ll-M'CSLDLS,
M. TOOTI.f . i
' , . . II. HITCIUIH I.
ti. W. nAWKl.
A. '.T'4 AKFlt,
J. M.Tl!(iJIPl)S.
Augtist. !S.y7.
Platte River Ferry.
The Platte Hiver Ferry company hare Ibcir irrj i
uucessfui operati.m at the mouth of tha
. . Platte Hiver.
; This route U six miles shorter than byCedrUl.rl
and is a much bet'es route.
Kxicriencpl ami careful men will be In attendant it
all limes to accommodate the traveling public, rum ,t
ferriage a low as at any other point.
' - W. M. SLAl GHm
Plattsmoutb, Sept.'3d, 1867. rt-nlWn
Lumber! Litmber!!
, . HOADI.T tt lllia. . .
Whoe new Sterim Mi!l has juf me info vaerat'ia n
the Prairie ferret t opposite Brownville, are now prfr
l to fuminh the public with every demrable vriT.
lumber, on short nolictt 'and reassinhle ie m.
being an unusual m.,fiit uf hard mm 4 tiiftlr ia tha
vicinity, we are prcpareit ta iy p;wlrilr attenUuat.
Uliing up orders for U. and Walnut Itnii-er. In a.n
everything DeeCed In tais omutry ihq e found ii tj,
September 3d, 1S3T. i.Mt
D. K. THOMAS. ' T A. OALtAHl..
rorvnrd Inland Commission
i ; No. JO Pine street Corner Srcond,
i . rr sTAias
10-ly ST. LOUIS, MO. .
Emigrant's Land Hunters!'.!
: ' HOTT & iMITH
And '
- AemahttCity A Pleasautt i.le, N.T.
Land Warrants Bonsht and Soli
Land Entered on Time,
Land Claims and To wa Lots TJaagM and Sell
Investments MwU for Dustant Dealers.
BEING practical Snrverorj and of e tiavnig bl th'
years experience in tbe "West." will devne iir inrr
tune aud special tlenttonto the !Sl-t,on and Enn'4
land or claims for. settlers and all ItioM. dei. iu.'
locations, ' , , A trass,
,r-v . . HUYT & SMITH.
I' . , ' Ncmiilia City, Ji T.
" ' xtt-rns to
Schuyler, P.epublirr, Seneca c.. Olio.
1) Y .Henries. TitTln City, "
Dr P Inn. keep, lijyt.Ki. Iowa o.'t !..
Hev W King, ArrLer, Ki hard-on to., N. T.
S Wiseman. Oenoa BIcrTs, Iowa.
.J F Schuyler. Novelty Works. N, T.
F Ferguson, Blownville. N. T
Clinton D Turner, Attn a. Seneca Co.. Ohi.'
Sl5i'ers f Enquiry Promptly Am ere-1 Jl
lnW 13th, Vn. -t,l'.T
4 J, B. JENWniGS
Commission Merchant
Corntr 2i, and Frances sLt., it. Jityh, Hj-
Igaat Jot The !! Of
- : Kanawha Salt ii Field Celebrated Oj-sfers"
TAKES pieosnrala annonncing to th eiUeeos.rf S"
braska and Kansas Territories, sootherrj.1 jwa and D"'"1
ern Missouri, that he is now receiving his s.ually 1
and complete stock of Groceries conti.nnj: rf every arti
cle belmieing to tbe hue, which he will K.ICH S1VK
LY AT WHOLESALE, on a favorable terns as any boas
in the West.
He is also agent for tbe sale of K.inawta salt, alarms
lot of which ia now on hand and for sale al reduced pri
to closeconsignment.
H will be regularly in receipt throughout the
of Field's Celebrated CoveOyaters direct frti Baltim-n
which will be sold at St. Louis pri. es Thy are snprior
to any oyster sold in the Wiwt. m! everv mn warranirJ.
- Orders respectfully soltrite.! ami promptly attei.ed f-
.uwpurAtigatz, lbo7. ' WtV
' FLOl'B 60Q bbls .rut IMU .k. r.ri.n. X.l
"""i en grout, , in store and for sale hy
' . J. B. JEIsNrN GS.
SA LT 1000 bbls Ka and lOtfl sk Gh salt for ie t
. " . . J. B. JilaVXINGS.
fnent by
-100 bbl for sale on wn''f
OTSTERS 600 box Field' Celebrate Core (j:er
for sale by
SARDINES 2S case 1-4 and 1-2 bcxei Sardine ft
sale by
CRACKERS aOO hbls and hi. Hntisr fl .la.
Sugar, Picnic, and Boton crackers for sale I y
CLARET WINE 60 do claret a good ar kla i" ,or
and for sale by
warranted genuine, in store and ! sa el y
' - J. B. JEX3TINGS.
CHEESE SO bxs fresh ED Cheese fKM' , -
SCNDRIFS Pickles ats.hfsand gain; t mb)e iarar
fresh llzss; Peaches; Preserves asorte.l; fe fruit
sters; Brandies; Reasons; Tomato catKOi; Walnrit T
per sauce; Candles; smoked herring; Jfackrral, Va,
A-c, aie Soap, In store and for ula b
J. B. JENyiNgj
ErerUiing in the clothing; line at tb .
Baltimore Clothing Store.
. - - . ',n i .
furtherstatethat alihough lhave thetivhvt.. reta'ni
amount they paid me as a forfeiture I an, tmc , mmn, ?
o. and now notify all per..n omrncl that I.V
and willing to refund to Messrs Hawk a: id H-i,,?7
amount they paid me on said aj&diUuna: BirrtM.
ii r.i ii tarn wrr i tiwr n i in. - ,