Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 01, 1857, Image 4
' P. L. Mc'GAtT, Brownville, 5. T. BRADFORD, McLEnSAX HcGAIcT, fll AND SOLICITORS IX CHANCERY.'.: ttrownriKe nud Xcftra.ii City, ' NEBRASKA TERRITORY. : - T)EINv. permanently located in the 1rr..xj, we .1 XJ will give oar entu-e ti ns a&J altcittron to Ice practice ef o-Ji" pr,m-sln, 13 all it branches. Jlai i;n ia Lit'SH'on. C-ji lections of Debts, Sale ar-i. . rait!i. of K-il Estit;,' S-lec'.ICSs e.f Lcis; Leo ting of Land Warrants, aad fell olher besices ci trnstvl to or management, will rv-c-iiTe proaiptaad faitaful atteuton. KEFEXENCES. S. P, .yek;.l!, . . Nehr-fca City, KichaH Brown,- Browavili?, Win. H.Uitzeli i Co, , " Jla. James Craig, ' St. Joseph, Mo., ' II ju. Janr.-s M. llcghes, Ft. Louis, llo.,. I!'jn.JoLR. Sl:ej.l?v, . - , Mer.. Crnw, XJ, Crcary i Co. '". Mcr. S. (i. Hubbard Ce. Cincinnati O. Hun. J. M. Lure, ' Keokuk. Iowa, vl-nl . .. ;.-.' Judo 7, ltJ6. , R. PEEHY-M. TV: PHYSICIAN, SURGEON! o: eldo::ado, 2. t." r- RESPECTFULLY tender -Ms TrofwienaI tier vices to thecitin.-ns cf Nemaha county ind ad joining eoun'.k-. both ia 'ebraka and ilissocri. Jd 1 1th, 1357. - r. - - .ftl-a: ' J. HART & EON " Millie Oregon, licit Conuty, 3iisonri. -Keep constaiJjy en bn nJ ail dfecrii Aasii of Harness, Saddles, Untile, ic. &c. X. 15. Evcryrtieleinoarhpiraanufeturd by ouwclrevr.d Kirranted to ive is!5-rrlkfc. W. P. LOAN? ATT0ET1EY AT iAW, LAND AND LOT AGENT. ARCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, N. T. Notice to Pre-Emptors ! G, S. 1I0RBACII L CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW REAL ESTATE BROKERS. O.UAIi V CITY, N. T. "1T7II.T giva jArticular attvr.tir.n to jircparir.g !1 V the naoe-sary papers for J'rf-t'aijdiuii, and renderinir anr 'btii3i'e which ineyho required tr l're-iTiTitnr ia piwirtj; rtp their IVe-iiuptiun riht t theL. S. LadO:b . 45-i'ia K. K. n ARlJlN'i. o. c. MBiioiGH k. r. Tooai:a. ; HARDiHQ, KIMBOUGH & t 1 Jlitnnjnrtnrc .-ana J h'J'talv Vfoltr HATS, CAV8 & bTHAV. GOODS,! So 43 Kain tmt, tat. Olive and Pise, ST. LOUIS, MO. Tartirnlar attention paid to uutaafacturing mr finest Mole ITh! ' T . " .. ' ' - ' A. D. KIRH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, f " Latd Asest and Jvplpfy Public, Archer, Richardson conntjr, T. Will practice in the OiurU of Nebraska, a-iittd by Harding and Dennett, Xe"nka City. a. J. ryppi-ETov. ' - 'wm. s. srzii. rorrLETov byers, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. r - AjU icnern! Laci Agents, . OMAHA, NEDRASILA. Land "Warrants Bought and Sold. LAND. ENTERED ONETIME. OPEClAli attention given to thcrtTo(!r.!oa and cn Otry of Lands for Settler?, and all others dosiring choice locations. ' ' Land Claims, Tovn Ixt and al!.ic3f of lie nl Es tate, bought and fj)d and inrciiluients taade fur-dL--tant Dealers. S. W. COZZEKS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, General Land Agent " ' OMAHA CITY. N. T. IILFETir.XCE. Gr. Ixsard. Omaha ; H. 1'. liLT.nct. Nebraska City 23. R. PEGHAI.I El CO., . B n Ik. 2 GENERAL LAND AGENTS, COUNCIL LLUFFS, IOWA. ,;. F. DINGS k CO., Iuijiorter nf, unl U7. -J f ile Prulcrt ia Fancy Gcod ; Manufacturers cf aR V.inJs of Druelies. 3il North ?Iain Street. (l. Stairs,) ST. LOL L-, Mo. S2-ly JACOB SAFTOHD, Att6rne'' anil Counsellor at Lavr. GENERAL INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT.' . , And ITotary Public. Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory. WILL attend j-rmnritly to all tuifne?s entrusted to his care, in Nebraska Territory aed West ern Iowa. September 12, IS i5. vlnlj-ly bargains::! bargains::: .. Boots and Slices! IF yon want Boots and Shcrcs icf a good qualiil; and Cheap; go to J.U. DAVIS,-' MkiaStreU, " "F.ROWNVILLE.N. T- " Where will be'four.d the niost extcc!ve stock trtf opened in this market. J. It. DAVIS. . Brownville, Jcs ' v2 1-f ri A1 HEBE!! LIGHTNING RODS!! a s. langdon,; v:; IS prepared to sell and put cp all size of manufactured ly the 'Ohio LiLtclag Bod d C014- pany." .. ... Orders left at the "AJrerUsar OScc,"' will recur el jit.inj.t attention; .... , j, " " May 7, lii7. 4-l DILLON, THOMPSON &,C0. Large Framfe BGildirj Cor'.-M5n'fr Eock St3. nocK-roniio:' ;;. ';; - ..... Wholesale aud Retail Dealers ia ., -And Groceries.,. ..... , ,. Ilart3w.are,. Qneengwsur Drugs, I lata, Caps; V.'.''i''Fjiroitarc. Iron, Nails, Kows,' ;.; J . rJA uwfS VteuiIs. T WT1.L nave," 6n the ojxnlri' of Daviatfoh, a laryo and varied fesion to their jrcsuat Stock, which will-VcH4 I-ow for Cash, February 12lh,17. 33-tf .Wicklxla Oroeer and Dealer la Wicss and - ' .- ' . ' . . ". ti(iticri. 1 r ' lIiinafMturvr of all kin'l!" of Dmcstie Liqtfoi, and recti Cvd Wliiky; - - Nori ftn.l 112 Second, st,W. Lccu't nd Vint. UF"-v?u5 " at. Lul l?, KJ. a. a. nusros;i, WJt. MCTtNS.O,' - " ill W V II Mill . LYE03D IHOSIT. TV COLES ALE AND I1ETAIL Dealers iit AND GROCERIES, -HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARE ..' BOOTS, SHOE3, ' ; II ATS, . CAPS,-: ' . If alls, Stoves, Plows, Enrnilarc,etc. SONORA, 2I0L' April Jith, 1557. 4.Vtf 15.00r lb.' of Eacon, For ib, -cheap for Pnsh.'bT - - A LYFOKI A HOltN. Soncti, Ifo, April Ctb; 1357, , . ; ;fi-tf : A. C. BEYANV; umcturer OREGON, HOLT CO, MO. U. C. JOHNSON, Attorney and Counsellor, , at Law, JZcnl Estate Aesit. irown villi; n. t. ? EKFEBCE3. . n -n.Trnj. Jcs3;j, ilalro'?, T. . 1. S. BfBtJy, " " - -, John C. .'dilier. Cii:ao, El. Wai. I. M.:Alliitcr, " Chat Jos F. FcnUr, " " " Vai. Pcrguec-n, D.-ownville, IT. T.r 1 O. F Liku, .- ' -May 7, 1857. ' 7-Iy Z3XI. OXTtTISJ V'iTiTi Livery Stable, J. V.'. COLE3IAN, : IXFOr.lIr? the public that he Lot prot-nred astoelc of New C.-riacf, Uaggit-?, etc and ad fins Licrse.s a :re to be fcucacd has o;ned a LIVERY STABLE, Second Strrct between Water and Uain, ; . ErotfjiviHc,. ?I."T, ' . All persons winliin? anyUuug La line can be accoiaiutdatcd at all hour.-. ALSO: . , llors'.'j and Carria'ca bouglt an! fj'.I. 'J. W. COLEMAN. Eade '' SI. JOSEPH, 110.' ' JA3IHJ CARGILL, Proprietor. MANUFACTURES a:iJ keeps constantly on hand for ulo, all kirda of Flonr, Mfa!, and Feed steff. Order; solicited and promptly filled on laosi lavoruL': ; itrniii. p.'i.a tons tan Liy tor Wheat. For character cf FUair refer to tvery'tKnly that ever used it. bi. Joseph, Mo.. Aug. .13, iHoHj rl tlZ-lj S. Loc c ijt. r 1257. Ti'ETlojtKBoy. L0CKW00D $ ROMERO F, TTh-.Ic-alo and Dcal.;rs ia MATS -AND. CAP STRAW GOODS, Also, Shippers of Ajucrican Furs of every description; for which they pay the highest Market price, cash. vJl-NTLi "dcrchnnts arc iiiritel to era mine our J stick of lirtts k C.'j firths apprwichin? ?r.rin and SusciaerXrod'!. which, will bo larpc,fibuaable, ana wpii seicited. in point 01 variety our stock shall not lis csre.iei U7 tny House ia bt. Luis. Our r.ri3 wil: be kw, terms a.?comtnodatine. Call and ci as at our New Store. Scejnd St. M. Jon i-h. Mo. - ' 3'2-oni. OLIVEU'BENNETTCO!" MANVFACTrr.rEP AN'D TTHOLESALE DEALE2S IX Boots Shoes & Brogans, XO. S7 AllLV' STitEET, S.IIXT LOUIS, 3I(J. A KE NOW IN RECEIl'T.jf aeorai)lt?assortmcnt Xx. ef jo?k1? from their own and other rnnnafae torie.'.a' especially to the Western trade. Fur.-basrrs aro iavitc-d to examico tLtir stock, mr.nufieturcd and selected with great earo and warranted of su-pcrio; jaality. Orders will receive rotnpt and ercfu' attention. 0. F LAKE, BrtKnviUii. W. It. HDOVE!!, Naciaha City. LAKE & HOOVER, 13 f 1 1 NOTARTS rUBLIC,' .. . ErownviUe and Nemaha City, NUI5RASKA TERRITORY. "T TILL promptly attend to Loud Agencies, Tayin VV M2?, Drawing nir'ney. buying and rciling Real E-ta.e, buying Of'd selling on Ci;hinission, Making Col!e;tiors for distant dcaierf, and 'd kinds of business yit-.'tainii.g to their profession. I'irlk'ulartitteatt ia will be given in lii:g d-lara tory it U merit t pre-emjit and roenricg War- raiity lcc;is Iroin tbe rwn authorities." I'l'tvcs on nicg town lots, raiding at a distance Hi-hirp to procun Warranty Deeds will do well to p!a?e the ac?ney in our hand--, (nlir a i presenting their Q-;it claim Deeds for said Iot f "vhiiin the cx- pira'.ioti cf sixracnths, as after that time alt lots not Ucctled vrHl bcsc!3. - 151anks fil ways on hand. '' N. 1J. Letters cf iaqnirr answerod promptly.' M.irc'a 2C, 'bi. ... - 41-ly THOMAS WILLIAMS, ttomey and Counsellor - at Law. BROWN VILLE, N. T. V Will practice ia ths Third Judicial District in Ne- brasxa Territory. f;nd in the Twelfth Judicial Cireoit in Ibe htJtcof ilns'iun. - .. , ; ' Rni'ERENCES. Richard Rrwn, lirowjiviile. N. T. j It; W.Furnas, ' - ' ' lr. John Mcl'herson, Tippecanoe, Ohio. Jwan Ftor, -Oregon, Mtir .. (Jtwr;e N.'Miilcr, Archer, N.T, T. J. Cl'VING. TOSS C. TTRK. -CUMINJGt & .tusk; Attorneys atIaw- & Kcal Estate Agents, . , Ji.-.osrABA; ciTiyjs.-: Tj;-u a "TTILL attend Ovthfully and pwirjitly toall-busi-V V n3 errtrtsred tt ihed, n th6 TefritoL-ral or IowtsCmrts, to tba 'jiorcbiwe of lots anHads,CB trrins and pr-en3i)tion,"eoliection,, &c .- ()tlic is the sooT tt Sitory of Usury tW new bnilding, nearly oppesito tte . WitWa Exchaiigo Rank, FiHtham strteU . Dec 27, .155. vliJtf," . : V ; J ;." . ' rax. MANTjFACTOKIV . ' k ' iSain -Street- - . JlRONA'ILLE.'N. T.': . . WILLIAM -T. DEN, - - rrlt-J . , ItFSICTFITLY : rctn'rns - Lis r : sincere thanks to tliae:tiii;us or tironvill and surrounding country "for taeir liler.J pat ronage citciided him since he commenced operatirig in the aHeve lineaml plsrre, smd he-ronJl ray tehis ld and c'eW instorierl HaTji wish'roortinue their prvtronn'o,Tiat he ha?j-ir?tTT?turn1 frctl-?r. Lbois with a larrc."toc,ktf: the Jjfrt oujlitr f Leather. selected under hi-nnvn injpMi.m,' 'Thu'qunlity of materialist vie of work t4 be bad at the above estab- ment serpaiied v cyt,of -fct.Lcms. Brow a-; ri'.;. Jan; 3rd. 37. " " k ' - - Sl-tf , .PvD.'Gordcia'-OpJ.i, Comir,isSiti and ronvardinS ?Ierchaui5 N-. Jl Look Mreet, St. Lwiis Me.'' 1 '. i r : tOrdew golieited'a'nd proinpfly atttndecl to." LiU-ral cash advance na 1 e ca Consignments. 1 jatjuts.j ,.,.r .... . , 6T I AT'ER'S. PILL'S-: A FxSh" ' TC2 ALL TES r72P0SE3 CF A FAMILY PHYSIO. Tht.iit. Y.r etitrl . fabEe 'dcrn,-rl for ait e.TtTtiv? pnrrati.e pill T-hi-a conUl be relied n a sure and per.Vcriy rz?t in it operatioit. This has bn prf:arcd to tiicet tfcht demand, d an exten sive trial of it tirine has conclusively ihowu with whst inicco it arcomplishr the prrpiwe doaijcd. It i rfsv to make a p.'iysjcjl .', bnt not e;vt to make tbe !et of all jhIIs -wc which rhoaUl b?e C I liU.H. lli. 1 - -' w ........... . . - ( - with success we wosild repertfar.y sn'mnit to t!:p puiiiic decision. It has been rnfcrtur.a for toe p-ti-Pl Uithcrto t.i-t almost cery purgative nicdicive 1 acrir.ioRion and irntr.ting to tne lov eh. lliia u Rot. Ilaur cf them produce so n-.nch trr.pi:K ain and revulsion iu the'ytem astrtfisore tlu.n c the goed to be dtwed frnm thtTiU These pii.'s prod :ce r.o irritatw-n or pain, nnitw it arise from a previously esi?t:r;g obstruc tion or VranE;cnw!!t in th? bfwxl. Dcing pr.rely vcjrchible, 110 harm ran arise from their nse i: any qn:i!:l:ry ; but it is bett.-r any uiedicine should be taken judiciously. 51i:mtc directions for their use in the 6';rer.l diseases to which they are ap plic:i' are ivc.T on the tux. . Among the com plaints which have born speirdily enred by them, we n-iivniwirion liver Complaint, in its varior.a f;nnn of JaniKtice, Iudiesti.JD, languor ncd Lobs cf Ap peritc, I.i ;lc-j-T:es Irritability, LHirns Headache, B.:!io:i Fever, l'evtx and A:uc, Fhi in the Side ar.d IIn ; f'.r, hi tntth, all the4 arebut the con sc(;U'T!ce 01' diseased' action ia tho luer. A-i as aptvicot t"!!ey s!rird- prompt aJid Fitre relief in Cos tivrnrs. Fifes. Colic. Dysentery, liureors; Sm.fula and Sn:rvy.C;lus.n-;;h snrcliesi cf the btiy, Ulcers r.l jinncriiy of the blood, Irregularities ; ia sliort, anv zr.l every ene r.hcte a purgative is required. Thf v h?.e alo produwV some mngnlarly se cessfui cnrc in KhrHmatisw, Gout, Dr;psy, Orwel, FrTsjcela. I'alpitaiion of the Heart, Fains in the R::'(V,"! nr.d f-'ide. They should be ficcly tcken in the spring of the jear, to pttrrfy the blood and prepare tl;e system for the change of reason. An dose slimulitcs the stomach arid bowels int heulthy action, and restores the appe tite ar.d igor. lliey purify the hood, and, by their stimulant actiim on the circulatory system, reno taU tba vtrcrth of the body, snd restore fce w;-ttd or sliscd tnci'gics of the whole orgaiibm. Iloico an occasional d:se is aUvantr.r.eous, cvei. thor.gli 110 Kiiou drrr.r.g!ir.c:it cxihts; but un oecess:,ry dosii g should never be carried tco Air, aa every purgative iaci!ie:up tc:1ucc the strength, when taken to excess. Th? thousand vatc hi v hu h a physic is retired car.uot lie enmixratcdjicre, brit they sHg-rest ther.isclvc-s t the Tcason cf every body; ci.d i is CT-siF.dct.lly Ixiicvrd this pili will eiisncr a letter purpose than any tiling which hjs hitherto been available to -mankind- When their virtue. sre ojief known, "the public wiTt r.o longfT what remedy to cnijiloy when in- need ,i a cathartic irodie'.iic. 1'oiusr siigar-writpped, they are iierM!Rt til take, and ling purely tepebiblc, no tmnii c:n arix frnu their use in toy quantity.- For minute diix-ttions, sec wrapper on the Dox l"KKrAKEt BV ! ' : .DR. JAMES 0. AYER, Iracti-iil tint Analytical C2icmist, LOWl'.I.U 31 ASS. t. ' ?rlco 25 Ccats per Tox.' Hve loxes for $L a ye it's CHERRY . PECTORAL, For lite ritpid Cure of ron.Hs (OLi)s. .:oAr.srjcss, LIIOMHITIS, VKG0ri.G-r0lM!, CRCI'P. ASTU.1M. A.D TnT rci:f.tir has won for itself such notoriety from i.x cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is t i-t'rc-ly ui-iicccssary to recount the evi-dei:-e-s of its v nines in any convnu-.r.ily where it bas bccti er.iploycd. So wide is the field of !tr cm--fr.luess. a!id mi imnicnt!-i ht ca-se-s ef its cuics, that ahu'K-t e-verv sctinn of the countrj- abound, in per-ons puV.iify known, who have been rcsU-rcd from hlcrwiini;- aiid even deinerato 'd5se-ic uf'tfce' lr.njs by ii Ufa'. When once' tried, its supniorlty' over every other metrccino a 1U kiuitrs too aj-jia-rett, to e-ciipo ohriation, it-.d ivbere its virtues are known, the pti'ic r.o longe t hesitate what antidote to ennlT for the distress-in;; and dangerous affec- lions of the pulmonary organs which arc ine-ident to e;ur climate. Not cnlv hi formidable r.ttaeks uiion the' lungs, bnt fur the miMcr'.vnrietie of CtUs. Ceitmis, JloAitENiiss, i c. ; 8nd ft Chii.- iiukn it is the -pic asaa tost and safest uiedicine that c-m be obLtinc-d. ' - As -it haH hire been in itmstant nse thrUffhe'nt this 'ectiun. wp nee-el ne.t do ni .re than assnre the tc-oi?e its oTialilv is kept up to the best thntitevej hss Lecc, and tir.t the genuine article k sold by , J, II. MAUN. & CO., Browaville. Bernard, AdamsA Co, St. Louis, And all Drugisfs in the l.nitcd btatcs. June 25th, 1S57. . ' . v2l JUKFEKSGX T. CASAST, SCASTIS W. EJPES rs 1 NT ) J AS. D. TEST, J AS. n. WHITE, Council Blufis, Iowa. Nebraska City N T CASSADY, TEST, RIDEN & CO. .(Sd3ces.-ors to & AVhitc.) LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY.'N: T. T TAVING made arran:e?Ecnts by which e will XTL receive accurate copiia of all the Townships embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska,we are new prepared te ouer oct scrvjees to the ' "SQUATTERS OP THE TERRITTORT, In Filing Declaratory iStatements of -Intention to lre-Cinpt. Srctiriag I're-e mptiou, Icatinj Laud Warrants and ENTERING LAND. LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD Land tntercd en Time, &c. Particular attention paid to Buying an.? Selling Property on commission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding reicittaneestoany part of tho Union lilaaws of all kinds always on, band. . . BEFERENCES. i : . Hon. A. A. Bradford, S. F.Nccolis, Messrs. Dolman & West, Pot er A. Keller, Thomas Lumpkin, I' June 23, 1S55. vl-nl Nebraska City, St. Joseph, Mo., Waihingtou City Worth cf' KeadF Mxx&e 'Clbthiiig HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES Just reieived ' Rcr Steamer CoL: Croatian, AT SIEGEL k GREENCAUil'S , j . . ' , t A . , . A i" . BALTIMORE in STORED No.' 51 Vain St., 31 d:i above Post Offic's. v . BROWNVli.LJE, X T" 1' Fine broaicloth ccatsj and ' ," "' J ' '' ' Standing c.llara. at the ' "' ; - - Ballijiiort Clothing Store. ': Bl'kaiid fnncy-eassintr pants, atid Carpet saeks, at the ' ' '' " - - -' -i '.. V Baltimore. Chfhirig Store:-; Silk, Satin, Marsailcs, and Casi Vests, and Flannel Shirts, at ' J '' '. :- ., EaUimore Ctothwj Stre. Fine Shirts aid eyts-aJTs, ' ": " ' j ' !J Fat. Leather Gaiters',straw VaW at the Baltimore Clothing Siort. . (-JUack aad. fancy cws.: , , V WiUJtodtapry siuril, tici I I Bqltimori .Clothing Store. Everytbicg in the clothing lice at the.- 'V i Baltimore Clothing Store. i Catlstround and examine the stock at the. . ; Baltimore Clothing Store April 2i 1S37. . -, r 5-Jy riT nrnTTT ujjui.nii: t - . .- , .t-..j VIIITE, -RUSSELL,- C0. . Itocliport, Sio. v k; IE, ion HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, ! ilediciijesLD'5tTxfis,f Saddlery, Boot;' Siiocs llats & Caps, aTHSSASS, STOSryASE, 1TST7A22,: . IRON, NAILS, STOVES, TLOWS 4c. ; Also ST&itnr of nil kad3, Vindaw Sii, to ''Hew Hardware Stcre. . ', , ' Sin of tie Hill Saw. : . -; J. FLAHERTY, ' Iisporter, Wholesale 2nd Kctoil Dealer ia American Gennan, EnglLb & French ; JlAttDw-AHE AND CUTLERY. ' - L ' ST. : JOBEPFJ '310. S NOWraccivinj; and opening the largest and most varied ar.iortmer.t cf "x-ds in tho above lino ever oSerl in any market west of Jft. Lonis. m . Jly stoek embraces a full and cora;.'!ete assr.rtraaat of Cabinet and Hons Bcildcr'a Hardware, Michaj- ic s tools of erery description, direct from tho mt aptTed inanufnetnrers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements fr th saving ef a va5t amount of labor to the fanuinj; com- muDiry, from whort I rc?pe;tfa.T reejuet a carcfnl examination ef this detriment of my stock.- I am also cxslnsive agent for the' sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at ibe fa clary price?. Also a large assortment cf as, r.Uos'.and fistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, is cX the best brands: ia a word, toy stock id very complete, wbiuh, fa-- its ua'a;y and pri'je, I am deterliJneJ to oUor rack indaeennmU as will eocnmand a liberal shara of trace from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American llariwam ilanntiK'Mirer together with a lot:gexiierieceoin the general Hard ware trade, enables n:e; not enly Ui defy all conpeti- tioj, bat has convinced pje that the true prinoijie of traio is casu sates aafl stmail prouts. January I, lbji . Tln2'Jtf 1 NEBRASKA LITY . V Xxxsaxxrcixxco Compriny, CAPITAL STOCK 0,000. Nebraska City, N. T. mmS ComrnT. nndcr a libcrr.l charter; is now L fully organif.-d. arid their entire capital s'.i.ek eif Fiftv Tkoiiaii'i DMxirt. paid m and secured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open pjlicies, and take risks, upon equal term, with tne most favored Insurance Cocr-any any waerc. Uaving adopted tho mutual principle, it3 patrons, without incurring any Uatniity, will saaro in tne pnitts of IhocoiaratT. the operations M tbo Lcmpany, w.ul re ccnnoel, forttie iiresent, to maf.ine, or carso riss, wit3 maximum liub'iitv of S12,iC0 on any one bottom. Be!L-'- luc oclj Icsuriknie Objc, on tneabove pop ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex perts a 2eneroa3 soppeirt from vv estcrn .ucrciButs, V e rcsE-ectiiilly invite tne jussourx iicr,pa- S.F.Neokolls, Chas. F. . nolly, II. P.Bcnnot, J. L, Annstrnnt,' AV. N. lliuchm-vn, Mi!e W. Brown, A.A.Bradford. . -CrJAS.F.nOLLY, President. ' J.-Garpiije, Ses'y. SL lionis Ar-nt CI. W. P. Howard. April 2d, ISi'. 42 ly AND GENERAL LA2,D AGENTS, . GLEN WOOD, PLATTS3IOLTII, Hills co, Iowa, . lues co, .NiLraska. VTTn.L prnmntly attend to Lnnd Agencies, Inve. T tigatmg litlcs, ravir.g Taxes, Investing mon ey. Buying and Selling Town Lofc", Bnying: Selling and Locating Land Warrants, and all other business ceinnectcd with their profession in Western Iowa and Nebraska. J.- M. DEWS, Associate Attorney. ; RI-n-EREXCES: Greene, -Were. A. Benton, G. Docghty & Co- Greeap, Wearo A like, - Conr.jil Bluf&. Iowa u . 1 ' Ft. Des Muines ' Cedar Rapid-, ' Cincinnati. Ohio. (Icnwood. Iow:v,' 1 Cincinnati, Ohio. . u it Tiuccntowr., N. J. Hight-ifown, " "ltilsdcl- hia, Pa. tt u Mcdf.-rd, N. J. Greene &. W earc, , . Nixon A Goodman, Tootfc A Greene, - . A . Ihoraas, Schooly & Son Gea. Win. Irick, IT. Johnson, I.Rjcel A Son, Uobinson & Bro Builington C. Bank, if. JOHN COLUOUN & BROTHER (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post OSco.) WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL - I'EALKIt IX - Building and Saddlery Hardware GROCERIES, Boots, Slices,. Leather and Shoe Findings. ; , . ST. JOSEPH, 110, TTAVE now tn and to arrive shortly, Amer XX lean oJ foreign liard ware, such as: Greaves A Son's Files Scissors and Edge Tools Te-cket knives Knives and forks Butcher's do - do Spear & Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griln's and American horse nails Post hole angers Ames' shovel? and spades Luil k Porter's shatter Butts ' Morticing machines Circular, mill and mcly ' saws - Planes and plane 5roP3 Coopers drawing knives do adzes and wvod - ' tools - ' " Tress TJocps ' ' ' Butts, east and wroegbt Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons Plted and eem. stlrrops do - do Bit to "do do Buckles do ' do lungs Breast and rein snap,! Brass curtain ban la and pins Door locks Angers and anger bltts Ctrn knives Briar ss'ythes G.-ass and grain do Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks -Framed wood saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and ice Mouse-hole Armitage an viis ' American anvils Stocks and dies ' ; Pad Looks, breecVg loops raa screws, cockeyes Ornaments, raisis Girth reinScii roller web Silk, 3 eord thread Calf skins ' . Upper leather Briddle do Skirting do ' Harness do ' Belting : do -'':.:: tSoat sk'ms -i' ' " ' Enammt-llcd leather Lasts, pegs Peg floats Pincers -1 Shoe thread Bristles, wax Lining- skin' Binding - ' Wjth many goods embracing 'a complete assort ment ef the mt desirable which tbey -rill sfll at the lowest jrices. -' J. COLUOC Jt & BBO , April 16U. 1Hj7. ....--. . ... 31.. E. ESTABROOK, : ' . ITX1TED STATE3 District Attorney, , OMAHA CITY, N. T. O EQUIP.ED to be in attendance oSiciaily nron'all X the terms cf the District and Suprerae Court tf tii'i lcrntory, tenders bis I rutesiionai services to s ecu as need them, - lie titters biauell tliathis facilities for gaining a Vrrcwledge of thernictiee jrf each Dis trict, will enable him to give atisfac j .n UaarixaJ t entrust their bjnncss to his cr.rc. ., , ,, - Omaha (Jty, June 7, ISjO. f .GEO. S. EAYRE & C(7., ; ILluIIJFiIIE 11W Ii 'mm Art'n strttf. (Kfxteen 1st and 2nd, BROWN VILLE, N. T. JVH. MAUN & CO. liaj ja.-t reecitTcd : The LARGEST-STOCK-; West of St. Louis, - CoasitiUD?. in part, of the following article which he propose te dl , ' Cheap for Cash: Pure white lea J. iet;y French line China. . . ;" Red a l Veneticn red Raw and burnt eisbre Spanish whiting Chalk Turpentine Liasecd oil Tanneis'oM Copal VaAirh ' 1 Jap.ia . , ' . White Vaxniah Litherago Paint Brushes ... Tarnish " - . S tsh and window tools Wall brashes Lettering pencils Tuble points Camel hair pencil Blenders ' Star candles " Yeast Powders. Ca.'tor eil Cod liver (ill '' Sweet oil Olive oil iiiee- Patent Medic nes, alt sort Cough candies . Fancy . " ' -Castihi se ajt Toilet -'Washing " " ' Tooth Brushes . Iliir , " , ' Cloth . Almonds seift shell Hard shell almonds Filberts, pcacaas rea nuts . . Figs Eaisir Oysters in cans Sardines - Bl'k and Imp Teas- TOBACCO,'. . Of the b?st braAls cbewins an-lsmokiDg. Cigars finest quality tiidllavcr. P UIIS AXD LIQ UORS, Prewrvcl,- fruit for pies, Erandied peaches, frr sh pca',?s in cans, pure liquors tor mcuical pnrj-oes. Jamaica Kum, Holland din, Irta whiskr, 15.urhon whitkr, gioger brandy, Cogniac brandy. Cordial. Port wine, cherry wine, white wine, nulag- wine. VlSTATIOKEIir, Foolscap, paper, fancy, letter raver, gilt cd?e note. and envelopes pkiin fancy aiul embuesed, I'ens und pcnlioiacrs, inks et all kinds inkitauds and rabcrs penciL-, sealing wax wafea-s.- . . . , A Splendid Assortment of Perfumeries Comprising, Lynns katkarion, eoh-gne, pom.vdc, genuine ox marrow, bear grea-so ami oils; musk and .essences of all kind an i of tha fir.e-t qu.ility, with'all other articles usually kept in a Drug r-tore. PrrscriptSnns CompiHinded at ail Lours with care and despatch. TERMS CASH EXCLUSIVELY. Brewnville, May 14,1357. .. . " . 47-Iy L al P.itent Portable TillL THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the Crni of Reed,"Co!abird A Co., to mnn:ifiieturo tho J. C.Kced, Patent IVrteUe Gri.-t Mill and aro now prepared to furni.-h ail those in want e,f a g,od Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, siiDpliety ar.d economy: exesd ary Mill in tho world. On tho Iato exhibitic.n e.f the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a GUI JleJ'il was awarded them for it. It is adapted to al! Gmia grindln? purposes : it is superior to all others for the mrt extensive Merchant JliJl, as it is for grinding the t armors feed by Horse power. 1. . incabevo are minnmcrareil ty tne under signed at their shop in Cincinnati. O.. where they con be furnished in any quantity at short n otic. Tho abi-vo Jlills warranted to perform as follows: 3r in. diam., per fconr 50 B. Corn; 25 her.t, Snr.O 30 Zil " i 15 -230 2 u u . u 20 " 3 " 09 20 " u - " 15 " 8 " 150 As this Mill te lis its own story, it is unncc-sfnry to quote from our numerous recommendation5, rweived- A. B. IIOLLABExD & CO., Machinists, Founders arid ENGINE BUILDERS Front S'.rcct, "West of Saith, CINCINNATI, O, Would mnft rcspextfully inform their fried and the public: generally, that they are now pre pared to execute ail orders in theirl'u.c, with pronrpt ness. Having lately enlarged tbe'.r shop and "with the increased facilities they cow pescss, tucy hi f.e to merit a eontinitatica T tho liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. aw Mill Engines of cveryie'scriptidi" Constantly on .ban ': con.-iftir-g cf the S.ish, Circu lar and iiuley. Mill Gaars anil every dc-tvriiitir.a oj ( astings, warranted to bo wtl! made in every particu lar. They have also a Bc!!erYsrd att."chcd-tO their establishment, which them t orer?co all work in that lice furnished by them, and nro pre pared to work cn as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. . ' Those in want of anything in onr line, weold do well to give us a cull and our ne.w jitterns. fJUEAT rT" : U. S. Mail Soute, From Xannha Ajcncy, in Kavsi, to the vwulh cf tht Njovitj Licer, . ' Xelraslca. THIS LINE mnkes one trip, per week, e.ich way, . stopping at the .riii-ii towns on tbo Miauri River. Good H.uks all the way through, and god horses and nice young men for drivers. J. B. A W. BEN.NET, Contractors. Dee. 19.1S5G. vln27-ly , EROWNViXLE ' NOEL, LAKE, & EMERSON, 33rownvillo, IM". Z. N. B. We would roF;ectfuiiy inf. nn thociti ens of Nemaha county and adjoining Mi.jsnur:. that we have always on bund a birge and well selected gupply of LU.UBER, which we can furnichat .low er rates than any mill in tho Territory. Market prices paid for logj delivered at the yard or on tho back of tbo river. All orders aece mpnuied with the cash, will receiv our immediate attention. , . . . ; TAIL ORING I . TAILORING ! ! K. li'-P-ARKEK, Merchant Tailor, Allantis'street, West cf Ujblitzeirs Store. - , 1iR0 WXVILLE, XEDRASfCA TERR. TTAVINU bought property and located pcraanot- 11 ly in Brownville, I e2"or my services to the) public generally, if they wtmt. any tbingd'jne in my line of business. ' I can always be fopnd at tny post, or, more properly shaking at my bench. Work Warranted No I1s7 Pay I Partieular attention pail to ruttiajgnraienfi enl layfug-cff Work" frlhe Sea metre's. ' The grtrtst pi.rtion of my lifo fcas berdifvutl to my trade, in which I consider myself, i of jr:or to n-ao esfrf-cially in the cutting department, arid.I V-pe by che atten tion, to jdj. Lsciceaa to merit a timca tt public patronage. i , 7 ' ' " : E; . PABEEll. Brownville April IGth, 1357. . . 44-ly . ,, , ,'t , j ',, . " ,' ' SAVE YOUR HOUSE!!! BEI31TET & MARSH, ' RESPECTFULLY inform .the put'licUha tLey are now prepared to put np Lightning Bods f a superior quality itt as reafxicatle ttrnw as any bo else in thiscountry. ... Orders left at McPhcrsoa A IIat'-hin Slre w!l lo atteaded to. ' . ..'t May 7, 1S57. ' ' ' , 47-lf Cash! Cash!! Cash!W- w - . .- - - 2. THE undersigned woojdmrst earnet!y call upin tbose kno-wiag-tberoseives indjtbtedfor .Mcdiriie and Medical iattenJanco to coiao ftrward -and serTj without further notice . . .. A. S.ilULIVDAY. Brownville-, May 14,1357. ' 4$tf .,11, ., .--4. 1 W-1- tr'-T i ' GEORGE F. KENEDY; f ' . El U. ? -JilsOKER : " t " - ; AND GENERAL LAND' AGENk - - EIorncs City, N. T. . . ; ; ' " t -n v TTV? r.R A TT SF.PA 7i. ATOR X V lli.i A- v."-' riMTF. srilSCRIBm U now prtj arcd ti In 1 nish Farmers and other with Lis . . ' 7 'GRAIN SE?ARAT0rs" ; , , . . f.,r rrrnt senn. 'It is nr.nesnry to rpeak rartieuhi.-lvcf tlie meritfif these Machiai", Uiey intt.xri.1! known thrrji' hont the country t nee-d axtollinr: but the fact that they have herct.-fori and are continuing to receive the premiums at tho and Conntr Fairs where they havo t-m exhibited is sufiieicnt lo induce all the ia want of sueh a chine, to purchase cac of 'thee. At a practical test of this Separator in competition with the best of those made in England, in 1S5", it received the highest commendations e.f the press, and of the leading . grignltnr.ilL-'ts " that e-nuitry..' I have a larg number of tk.-iu on hand, ready for the ecmitigrrop. made of Uw best material, and wax ranted to do ro.d work. I have mnda ruanT valsr.ble inrpr'-vtrments in these ma:hiacwithia thchityar,atd have no hciltaiion in warranting th?m superior to :;ny'in ujc. I aia also preparing a large number tf Craw feed's Iinprotrd Clover Ha!lT!t, patented in 135 1, whih arc gre atly superior to Lis p-itcntof 1314, being in it-volf feeder, and greatly ahead of it in other respects. They , will be manu factcred mnder tho iaiuoliato iBpervisica cf the patentee, who h'-s pjrmsBcntly located in this place. Tne abftve cat represents my four hra ".Separa tor," and is designed especially f jr the fanner's owe use." ' lm aljo ajrent fur McCormick'l celebrated EEAP Eli and MOWING MACHIM', combined. J. R, MOFFITT, Pi inn, Miami eouaiy, Ohio. Improved Little Giant ' CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL 2?rico Loci xx cod. THE subscriber ha purchased exelnsiv-3 right nl 'Territory in the M'et t, of theaoove ee!-brted Mills, and is prepared to .furnish them at all times, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive, manner.. - r It is now m-ire-than a year i nee tho ' ."lAtila.' Giant" Was ir.trt duccd to the y.n'olii?, during, which l.a been ct-r.-stanilv gr wirg in te pojuiar favor. The improvements rseontly effected an-J ltWntci, mr kes it the most, ptrf.x t m.icbino ever offercil for general firm use..' It ifuraiihcd ready for attaehieg and weighs as fallows: N. 1. --5 No. 2, Z-'o, No. :t, 45i), Ni;. 4, 5fl poan N. Twenty ni: sates are snl-ciurit to set nc u, without merhnr.iral ail, and when once a.ljustrd, it can wiih ssf,.Hy be entrastd to a boy. Fiil directions accompany each Mill. e3- ns. czr isz: ss Nei l,$35,wiil grind 8 bu nej per hour with I hor-e rN2 40, () " tt 1 , 44 N..3 50, " 15 " " .1 N11 4 60, " " 2-j u 2 " rgT Libt-TiJ d;seunt -to dealers.- . JAMES B. CTIADWICK. ; No. C'?i Itcust Street, Let. 2d aad 3d June J?, 1S5'".. vl-n4 . . tt. Louis. Mo. ALLES BOOT 8. W. CCZZEXS BOOT & C0ZZENS, LAND AGENTS. , . . - HAVING mnde arrargerr.ints by which we receive accurate-copies of ail the Townships, as List as snrvcyed,in the Territi-ry, we ar t;w urer-ircd to otTef our scrrisis to the citizens of the Territory, . ' J IN FILINli" . DECLARATORY STATEMENTS INTENTION . -TO rHE-EMrT, Securing; Prc-cmptionu, : LOCATING LAND IVARRlAISTS, -' AXD Land "NYamnts Bonglit ond Sold, Land cntcrcd oa time, etc. PABTICl'LAR attention yai 1 to buying and selling oa Cunira ission. AI.- in nnkimr Col IfrtiiuiHin a!i ;nrt e.f the TERRITORY and WESTERN IOWA. Ai r 17 45 tf FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FQUNDRV- . Ko., 153 Viro St., bet. TourJi adTil. CINCINNATI, O. . C. E. O'DHISCOLX, &. CO. Manufjctun-rs arid doalcrs in yews, B..-.k snl J-h Type. Printing Ircss..-s. Caso. tJ ilileA-, Ac. Inks, ar, 1 Prirrirrr M tieritil 1 f Lverv Pes -ri: ti-in. STEKi:OTYPI.Vf;.f all kind-B-ks Mr-ie. Patent Medicieo B.reetit.i, Jobs, Wood Ei;grevinr. Ac, Jc. ..." Brand as! Pattern Le!!c:-,' various styles, Herring's Patent Champion -v .' nRE-PROUF SAFES, ' TT7"ITri Ililir Tat.-nt Powd-r-IVof Lock the v V siMa ti:nt wrre awarded n-y.-trn Med il ji the World's F.iir Loud. n,lS5t,r.r..i the Wyrl-i'j Fa:r. Now Yoik, and are the only Am-. Mean Sj'fe tU.vtwera :aw.rdrd medal at tho Londun Wolld's fair. These ?a?cs arer'.wadxittc 1 to Vo snpe-i a- to aar ever otf.ed to tho pnbiic : and ths sul s -riN-rs chal 'n'e the W.rld t. protluce an intar.uo e.f thoM Siii'ej failing to preserve theirconuis t!in ugh tie hottest fires, i.r a unclar picking the I-m-x. Tbo subscribers ami thwr -euis are tlieonly per sons authorised to make an-1 sell iU-rrini's Pr.tcr.t tbampion fcafo, with HuliV Patent Powder Pis-of , s. c. HEnrtiNr; a co. Greca Block, 13.Si:t7 a;id l:!i Watrr St., "and 5 Murray St, New York. Mareh 5th, 1S57. . ' , . . .. 2S-Cia :eo. e Li;cKi!.nir, WATiTI1K-.EB. -V 7ic3. To"ocrol2.csar" OREGON, HOLT. COUNTY. MO. frAhta trie Loertr to u.fona tie citizens of J Brownvillo ai.J vk-ioity. thiit he hits' cpen-.I a V ATCII, CLOCK A JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where bo will keep eon siantlyon hand, and f .rsS.! ;, a p4 n.vicrtment of (nldand Silver W allies, Clocks ,ind Jcwoirv, whit h ho will setl extremely low, f.r CASH. Al.i, Sno lot of Vio!!n, Aoconierni". Silver, and Ittl S'w tucles, t'd Pent with. Goli aud Silver extension eases, Silver Thimbles. Ac, Ac. He is prepared to repuir Wafehn. Ciks and Jew elry, of every description, in lap best, manner and cn the most reasonable term's.- Every article benight ia bis ejw.!isv.mrrt. U war. ranted to be what it is rtfTesentcd to be. Vi'auh re pairirg warm tted T-r ur.o year. . . 'Jo!j2.1,13&V Tl-nStf' ii- -' ri.l . T i : : . JAltES CAKCItl.. CKO. W. CAHOILL. ; -J. & c:. w. CAiit;iLi FORWARDING AND COini ISSION '' iLM) ' ;I Ai li r ALT LKER s AGENTS, ' Menmuom jnncmg, t. jewepa. CONSIGNMENTS r Goods atil rrrxluce re;.-lfuUy solk-ited, and all bnJiae-sn c?itrrjU ti to.ns wiU bo prjmpUy and cAra'ully, attended to at the lowest rates. ' -l- i : nefertrnfps. ' : i . . '; , Tajier k Sh.epber l, :- . , . ,- Lena. ...ItiL.MctiheoA Co.. . ' . I.iversncre, Copley A Co., ',' ' ! . ., , t rMerrhantsCeacrailyi - . ,St.. Joseph. 1 .:,('.:: - ..'JJor Sal. 60 bbK ad 100 s'ij Flir, at ' ilcALLlSTE?.. DO D0ZIEI. & CO'; . , vllE, ; NEMAHA CITY, jrj, -MOORE & BROW.XLEr Wouul respoctfallj -.nnouncpV tlie pablic gencally thkt their Lave rccciveil aal opened at Ncx.ihi ' Cit7, . L.VEGE STOCT; . OF 23 C3!r o O X) EvcrvtLin ti tcornestrciWthu All of Trliicii we vll sell CIIEL.rER THAN TEE CHEAPEST. Eeady Hade CloVnic?, Lj tern of I.eady Mace ( b.fhinir. ;nt ren-irai 2j fhr iwle ehtup. by HOr.l.IVZliLL 4 c D. H. Thorns, CeceraJ Iroier and rcrrarlir.g Karciut, o. T) Pine Str t, corner Sf-eotd,' up uja ju!yl6v2n5 sr. iov:;. xi Wantea. Llack.-n-ita cun fiul uo'Unt cr;,,. rcmaaeralive wagM 1 y p;1rl-.j u ' GOOD : J.l. MiAk?, ' Neinchji CitT, 5 T Juiy2,isj;. . ... - " llCHAKO HllM, l'ioae-?r of Si.irsiks. AtnAMlt Hu I-Ate c tsti'r N'.", EROVTir c HAI.LAM, lj -Ju jt Lj m 4 i BituWN t'U.LE XEE1USS.I. CCIt atteation wilt le g:fe:i to t:; :,;! , w.:u? baiwf vix: ; " Ti the bnyiJK tf Bict: note-, 1 luanLig m at- m " " c!Iil.B' Kj-t-n rtihiti;?. . I " t' " " L.""! W'ar-i nt, ' elleetiinof dot u in Nelna&u, I a S rti t " ilisfi.uri. anil Kaii.v,. j . " . rfovol Ijti-Is. " erli.n n.d er-.Vv r.f IjeiI). f,.r tMl'n or ! klbev. eitLcr iri. inrriniK bh.-m Remittances enn be ni.t'!c t i ch Ii. I'-atu. r D"p.v; ii5 Binksor Jljr'tMs j?M-t t nni;"t. We will c:i:it l.t.-.lj w.t!-. Wjn-jnu. i is-h. fa.Ti'l'fft. 1.1 e aifl'n f.r -.,-; hi r I uf tcr rrw'B- itecruin? ihe 4ie of tie ln.;. In .'cri-k inl Ktmas fr. ui w t Cirrt mi:;..,!it wrcsof ti3 fl:!pt ! j"i:s in 'h? l';.i.j 1 are tioi! 1r:nl:.,r Nile. Forcien cap: ta::'ts w?P Irrj 4 n h rtr'fl it.ii vestnient. 1iiiomjh-i,u jot!ieiclr mm'.r is Wifrj lamt int turn a lots ren .w pi; mt? Ir yn ti.'tj to tit l d.-el per cent. M e s,jLcit t!ic jvtlronate r the f t Ii:, fniJ W 'U ::nr e.; erieiiee kBl krUt iu tl: Uuiiir :iluMe u t i give e'ltire jifi.-i. n. IU-. u)lt a larn n ifii'tjn In .'if Miilp.'i u.i it wii h-A te .iirtttnit to jr:ve re.fep -f niien -f-;nip-l by e;r?espocests,as rcri.tij n.r i:.i .il.-nt 411-1 k.Mii ill Lime cheerfully unvrer a! I Ic;tiV U ri.qiirj. ItrowmiHe, June Jjrh, 1-iOT. iU1 Front Str-t, rmoWNTILLH. N. T. CIUlISTIAX'.DErSEi; r) ESPECTFULLY ar:r..,ai; U tho cit.x-n -f L Brownville, Nem:hj c;uji;f, ail siirrnnlirs e iontry thsf. he has reecntly ', ." i n a fh-( m Brownville fr the twaufactorjr . Tin, '"irpTit'l Sheet lion Wart e.f every J -ser. plinit. lii..ifi fry is all new, his st-xk tf the I est ipialitv, r.J fj wi.rk ail Wa.-Mt.tcl. brownville, June 4ih, l-.;7. iM For Sale. 10 Cajk.Surfr Cnrf-d Ilai:;. at Mc.vll:ster, ij::iEK a CQ'5. July 0, 1S07. i i? J amss liackpy, Ccmaisiion Earwurding Merchant. No. 77 Lcv, St. Liioi, Mo. v-r' Joseph G. ICillcr, Commission ! Ecr"'n!iiig .lercasi!!. No. 23 Market St, between Ma a an I Swb1 St. Louis M.I, ' REAL ESTATE! R. W. Ft UN AS. AND AGENT For the Pr hxe. Sj.1?. nn-l -rinl :n'-e REAL E6TATE. iiP.ovsviu.?;, y. T YVriLL attenJ pr.mi-tly V. :iU l-.n V to bis care. lVr l rri.r desiring to parrb' I And or Ti'Wt b.ts in K a ?., .rl!v rn t i .u r, n l J -wi, th'-ir invcsnti nts saf l mado by m . iaa t- iwtre chances areexatinually j.tT.ii:g t P"1-, L'.n,U in Scl ra,ka. wl.i.-h Luv,! nlr-a-v 1n 1 c.mi,.-J ani C.i. ,, t f ... . w ill l-, 'iV-9. 1 havo now f..r Sal-, valiiahl? T .wn L i ir- Shnres. in th following tn in Nbraskii! Cilv of Erowtni'Jf. .Nci-raaka City. On Cifv, Wyoming La rhtt-,' Omn.'.i, V- H,h NcJiabicrtr, TaWe H- ok Pawnee City.S-'-'9 CVr.trevillc,'Sai:ti;i,roi.t-.-iio::e, Suiitfa vill.t. . ' And many ether raltjqMe Poiaf. i;) I have also i".,r :;Ie. a au!(:; of ec!l; ' acre tra-tot" land pr--Fi t; l. r.Hr "- i npr vl, and e nvenietitly lim ited, aud ail - ; EoO as can be f -un l in tliew.rld. - Ycatman. Roljinson & Cc, j ' Gcntnl Ccrriiuio'ion ?lprch-nM. Corner Second ami Orce-n rnft-. L ul'- V JAMES F. YF.ATVA- ? jcly!5v2n3 (iEUlUl.'J It. lUbi.N.""-- IlELVL ESTATE AGENCY. CEOBGI CLATK3. J. V. ti5- CLVA'E Jk T.l'E. Real Estate" ixivl- Gen-r.d A.v' OMAHA CITT, N- T. . . Reference-.-. . "James Wright, Bokff, . lw Jjrr, AVm. A. We dward. Eq. " , Hon. K. Wood, n-;..v. . f Ol.iV Cievo ..t : Wicks. Otic and Br. wncii, Bi-ii'.i.r1, Ak-eitt A Ib.rton. " Col.Ii..burcCaut.b2:i, . l ' J ices F.;d;pviy. E.-. " Crawfora and Siv-. , . Chics a1- Omaha. City, Aug. Id, Ir.'.i. vH13-lr h. r. EEwrrr. j. f. wnimiy. ' D.t- lit . RENNET. 2IORTON HAREl'" Attorneys at Iaiv. Nebraska City, N. T. fla-I VArnnocd, ; TTnX prafitieeiB ail the C.iirMof ''' r, V l f.. VV We-tw-ra Iowa. r-rtl'uTir atr.'r.V" V'J ebtaialag hatig Land V'ai-rx.iii aud w-N''' dtbis.' ... 4 ' ' ' 'BETTUENCK :. . Ilf-n. Iscwi Cap?, Vvxji. t . Julius D. Jliirton, " Oe,r; J.I A. Mattcso-, Spri r.f field. I-t '"v. J. W. Crime. I -w Ciij, !:; B. P. FKded. St. l.uci,M...: 11 n. lUaiei O. Mu-t-.n. Tieli; Chi-J I. A. Sarrv. lM!?vue. N'i i Sedgc-wieh A Walker, Chira.f. I--' ' t'-reea, We;;ro A Be:,:-!!, C-ffced 4 -m-v MaFtilwjis'e, iiraiifini) ytflkfJuMfil til ?! ,1 1 .1 4