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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1857)
nr. i i ; . I -:e- j II.-' -e - I:-T- 'i ! 1 i ! K-r A ' 4, rnfpVERTISEB. rjoWN'VILLE, OCTOBER 1, 1857. TEH MS: ear it r1'11 ,n advance. JO0 at ibe er-d of mouths, a W "' " 12 " s oo ' " of I or more will be fumi:ic! at per ' pro,(ld tbe ciUi accurnia:iic the order, n. JOB WORK. ' . rnt extensive additions of New Type. Cuts, jj Xi.l. Frunre. Card, kc, made to (he "Adver- "Dftie 'reclaim to be able U turn out Job "Work in 1 . . ..... .jr r . ;' p:itPT himself, nd toa ....i.rd iidexper""r1 Fan htvm" In his tmnlnt an . . i .n vinerieured Fnry J.ab Punter. de- " ol " ' out-dune in the executimi at i r,"nfl)jviHC on" t F.ler' latei.1 iniprw Ll I Bit'. Work in Color, Bronze Work, t Job Work. roved Card M ) BiatiM, "rI ' v,"ior, oiouzc x mi, &c., will ,''h particular etioiiii.m. "fn fr.m a diianre will be promptly attended to, 'lirril,tcd Ui Kive sati.slac'.ion or no par. i Wood! Wood!! I Wc viali t0 make arrangements with l3e one to supply us with wood the . Ti' . -ii" J. t iv Hue r. iiu nuut u an ue- , ,yti before cold weather setts in. County Ajrrlcnl.nral So- defy. I The oSccrs of the above named So l i 11 .il. I Ml rtv and an oiaers inieresicu, win i?ctat Brownville on next Saturday, j:L 31 at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of Unrlag tLe report of theCoramittee "y.JJr-Laws and to make some other j-ranements connected with the in- rests of the Society, j U. W. Furnas, Sec'y. :rrsah3 Land District-First .Month. j TLrough the politeness of Col. Nix jr the Register, we have been fur- ;Lc 1 with an extract of the business of ,t Xcraaha Land District for the first tintli September from which an ;.ja can be formed of the rapidity the uthcrn counties arc ' lling up. In i'lition, it .may be well to say also i it leforc the opening of this office, j?rclaiidwas pre-empted at Omaha, the counties embraced in this Land Strict, than in the same number of unties elsewhere in the Territory, , Xo. of filings during the month of ! member: 333 ( Xo. of acres of land located during Uctiaic: 18,000 ' ' CONTESTED CASES. I. V. Edwards, Decided in favor - rx. of Ldwards to Torijarnin Chapman, j pre-empt Indrew J. Scott, Decided in favor 1 r. Vof Blackford to 5 m'nII. B'rrckfcrd. j pre-empt. r.iaJuhih Woncily,1 Decided in favor i ('. Ilarvpy L. Hays . Jishua Handall, ! r. vol oneslv to J pre-empt. Case continued I to 2d of Octo J bcr. Decided in favor Vof Ilecdcr to j pre-empt. i i arv lav. miau ueeacr. r?. uLa mors.- Half Breed Lands. j . Commissioner Denver has, e learn, been for several weeks on te Half Breed Lands in this anillich- trisoa counties lookin;? alter some t itters connected therewith. We see bias appointed as special Anent a IT - r. Wm. .M. oTARK. to assign and lo- 1 cj fite tlie Half Breeds entitled to lands, from this we may reasonably suppose i'-at the Half Breeds entitled, will 1'iortlj. become possessed of titles in Fee Simple to their Lands. There are f ie matters connected with these tands that .would seem, and perhaps t-illj docs demand a speedy assign Oa the other side there is pound, at least, for an argument ijainst such a disposal. We shall take casion shortly to speak at length, Tcrhaps in several articles unon this '-uwtion. -' Vf Don't Like It. . , ! We don't like to have our ex uariC3 carried rrf before tee have pe ssclthem ourself. And we are very -mcb displeased very much indeed 11 hen persous take the liberty espec- iilly ia our absence to ransack our fsk and take therefvom valuable filing papers ; perhaps never return tbem -r if returned worn through at the u-ruers, torn and soiled that they are -nt for preservation. We repeat we Jriot like such treatment, and a mo -cuts refiection will, or should prevent feelings being wounded by calling .Mention to the matter. ! Gentlemen arc perfectly welcome to jdatour sanctum m tact we are 1 'Cased to have them do so at all times ppemse our exchanges, and such asl I'e bvc perused and gleaned from, if 'fd to them: thrvare entirely wel- j 7 J , coe to them. i ASruIra Sunk. Thr. stumor AdmiraLthat well i k-'0wa and Popular boat in this trade s ti. i . , o t ' , euiiiowtirrr it:st nricMV ll. uuscuu i 1 aeck. We have r.ot learned the i Particulars. She was loaded we pre- j nte for as high up as the Bluffs Ouier Xr hrnska Rnnk Fillllnz. HnV Xiron'a Bank in tl,l , , I nasoeen rpcemng ; i:aV - w Fome time past.- rossiblj hold out much longer. The 1 V01- thinks himself, that its doom I 1., ' ... . r i"cu, that soon it will be cunioereu those past recuperation. Chinese Sngar Cane. It is stated that over 100,000 acres of land in the United States have been planted with the Sorghum, or Chinese sugar cane. This is a wonderful re sult, when it is considered that only two or three years have elapsed since its introduction into the country. -There is a matter connected with the raising of the (Chinese sugar cane which if general, will be greatly in fa vor of its cultivation for stcck fcod, es pecially where grasshoppers use up the corn blades as they have here the present season. Several Farmers have remarked to us that the grasshoppers have not touched the sugar cane, al though it grows side"by side with corn that was entirely stripped by them. Dr. Dick, the author of "The Chris tian Philosopher," and other works of a rcligo-scientific character, died at his residence, Broughty Ferry,ncar Dundee, Scotland, on Wednesday, the 20th of July, at the advanced age of eighty-three. The works of this cele brated man have been read more ex tensively, perhaps, than those of any other writer of this country. Though the righteous die, "their works shall live after thera." The Masonic Order in the United States numbers three hundred thous and persons, and includes a large pro portion of all the distinguished civil, military and professional men. The price asked for Mount Vernon and tho Tomb of Washington, is $200,000. It has been proposed in Virginia, that the Freemasons make up the sum nec essary to purchase it, by the subscrip tion of a dollar or less from each indi vidual. In view of what Mr. Everett has done and will do, twenty-fiYe cents from each member should answer eve ry purpose. The Democracy of Wisconsin have nominated J. B. Cross of Milwaukee for Governor, and E. D. Campbell of La Crosse for Lieutenant Governor : a ticket sure to win. What does it mean, Mr. NclrasldanJ So many of your citizens leaving re centlv, and locating in Lrownvillc and other points down this xivLj.Broicn tille Advertiser. k ' e send them out as missionaries to tru and improve your morals. But we must confess that there is very lit tie hope of reforming you Ncbras loan. ' One of your ''missionaries' preach ing wiir doctrine in our city the other day breaking into trunks at the ho tel and "taking little . things," was paid off with a sousing in the Misssouri river and sent back for "further in structions." Let some one beside yourself instruct him next time. Mr. Xelraskian, your code of morals is not adanted to this Meridian. t BrownYille Hotel. This building is progressing a3 rapidly as can be expected. The smash up in money matters may com pel the Directors to postpone the dis tribution of real estate a month or so later. A renewed effort on the part of those selling Tickets will be necessary i ... i '" tr. under existing circumstances. e hone thev will feel the importance of r v this matter and bestir themselves. - Read the pf ospectus of the New York Times, St, Louis Republican, Tress, and Harpers Weekly, all of which we publish to-day. We need not say they are all valuable papers, Everv man -who desires to keep himself thoroughly posted in th "world's doings" should by all means take one, or all the above named pa pers. Tyson & Hackney. We have before spoken of these gentle men, as to their integrity and business qualifications, and it is now only nec essary to call attention to their adver tisement to be found in another column 1 of to-days paper. 1 i - See the adve'rtiscmenjt of J. II. Maus & Co. We didn't tell you half they had the other day!- Ybumust go see. Mutint Among the British Troops IX Canada. We are sorry, to. hear that the 30th Regiment is by no means at this moment in a proper state of dis cipline. The aporoaehinrr removal to Quebec, and expected order to sail for India, are viewed with great disfavor and desertions have of late become so numerous, as to render connncment in DarracKS ior some uaya past ueeci-Mi i, t r , i rv t, ha ,ed t murmOT3, and in many instances cries of instibordina tion. Every means of a gentle char ; : tinous spirit so dangerous to military discipline, but we cannot say. to wlia extent they have succeeded. Itis nq the time now to trace the causes that v - r,f . this, formerly one of the most gallant and faithful reniments of the line; but is we trust they w ill be inauired into and I . - - . . obviated for the future. Montreal Ar. gut. Store at lit, Ycrnon. : . We so that our old friend Medlet has changed business and gone into !tho Dry Goods "trade. Success to him. It strikes us he has chosen a good point. They . need . a trading house at Mt. Vernon, and will no doubt liberally patronize Mr, Medley: Gen. JTalkar, arrived at Memphis a few days ago en route for Xew Orleans, wlfcre, it is said, he intends to remain or awhile, superintending arrange ments for another expedition to 2uc arajnia. Information Wtanted. Mr. An drew McPerrin left this place on the 3d of July last for Plattsmouth, Ne braska Territory,-where he bd not, at the last accounts, arrived. Nothing has been heard of him since ho left Burlington, and great anxiety is felt by his friends here for his safety Any person knowing anything of Mr. Mcl errin, or having any information thaf may serve to trace him out, or solve the mystery of his unaccountable disappearance, will please address Mr. David Tarry, Burlington. Iowa and Nebraska papers will con fer a favor by copying. State Gazi Married by Express.- -A weddinsr t-n.r. Ii.a 4 V train OI the i-llCUlgan Central llailroad yesterday between Kalamazoo and ualesburgh. The happy couple were Mr. V. Ii. Vebster, ot Otsego coun ty, New York, and Miss .Eraeline C. Beach, of Guernsey county, Ohio. They were married by John Edwards, Esq., a justice of Kalamazoo. We are informed that the courtship took place during the ride from Chicago to that point. . When peojc of the oppo site sex do their courting in the short space of some four or five hours, hile riding at the rate of about 32 miles an hour, and marry while riuing at the same lightning speed, we think no one will dispute that this is a fast age. The happy pair went to Cleveland by steamer last evening. Buffalo Exp. Brownville Bakery Coufoctioxiary. EVAN WOUTIIINti. BEGS leave to announce to the publio, thathehai erected a Bakery end Confectionary tstiiluifh mnt in the City of LtrownvillifN. T., and will keep constantly on hand, anil is prepared to bake to order Bread, Cracker and Cal.e of every fcjinncr, tyle. discription ad quality. lie ha had mm-li experience in r.itltingsnu consequualiy locU quite eonfijent he will Le able to Jrive salisr:wlion. 'A liberal fltron age i respectfully U'licited. EVAN WORTHING. . July,23-'57-v2nfi-lui. Wm. Matthews, Commistion Korthant, No. G2 Commercial street, bt. Lons, mo. v2d5 Harvey, Van Wick, Ilnrrey &, Co., General land Agents , and Keal-Estatc Brokers, NEKF.AHKA CITYV' ; " HAVE arrangements by which they are prepared to make Surveys of Towns, Farms, fc, in any jcrtcf the Territory with accuracy and dispatch, and having emjilpyed the best Draft nran in the Ter ritory can exocuto Maps, Town Hats, and prepare Architpctural Plaus,and specifications to the perfect satfefattion if our cutomors. Urcwnvillo, July lflth, 1857. r2nSly Ii. V. lUlR, ' 6EHEEAL LAND AGENT Omiha, Brownvillo and Table Rock, UEBBASKA TEBRITOSY. IS nc-w prepared to select Government Lands, and looate Land Wamints i-j any part of Xcbra.-kaand Western Iowa; to buy and sell Land arrants.Cify ProperlT and Kcal Estate. Debts collected and pro ceeds promptly remitted at current rates (a ix change. ill buy and soli proporty on commission; pay Uses for non-reiuonts. ltu a personal knowl edge of the best locations in the Territory, I am doit pre; area to txenu promptly loan ousiness cnirusi ed to my care; will act as agent for Fire Insurance Companies eta., ct;. I have made arrangements with the Hanking House ot uiliespie. nerw & yO., Carbondale, to remit Cash and Land Warrant from pesons in the East, on my account and to be for warded. ' ' Correspondence Solicited REFER BT PERMISSTOJT James Archbald, Genoral Agent D.L.4 W.It.Il. Scrsnton, l'a. Chas. P.WurU, Sup. Del. A Ilud. Canal Co., Carbondale, Fa. Liithmpe A Jones, Cnrbondale and Soranton, Fa. B. O. Morse. Esq., Red Falls N. Y. Hon. Wm. Gleason, Delhi. X. Y. -Jas. C. Ilsrt, Hec. Ld. of Dir. Del. A Ilud.Ca. Co. New York. Wm. Froth in.bain. Att.miey, Albany, K". Y.' -Gillespie, Fierce A Co. Bankers, Carbondale, l'a. Jas. Clarkson.F.sq., Carbondale, Fa. Bev. R. Nelson, Prin. AVycming Scminarr, Kings ton, Pa, Bev. Abel Barker, Honesdale, Pa. ' Bev. T. S. Ward. Carbondale. l'a. Bot. C. W. Giddings Carbondale. Pa. ' Hon. K. W.Furnas, Brownville, X.T. Mark W. Ixard, Gov. of Nebraska. Col. J. A. Parker, Register Land ofiiee, Omata. Col. A. R. Gillmore, Receiver, W. T. Finch Jc Co Omaha. A. J. Stevens A Co.. Ft. Des Moines. Iowa. GEORGE FEEGUS0N, MILLAVIIIGIIT &t ENGINEER, ' nnovyx ville," jr. t. - XXOTJXCE to the public, thnt be is preiwrcd l to erect Steam and Water Paw and llorihwit Mills at short not k und reasonable terms. Repair ing of machinery of all kinds. : ALL AVOHK ' WARRANTED. . He is also A$eatftr . ' A; B IIOLLIBIRD & COS., ' Western Foundry CINCINNATI, O., . LEIi & LILVVITT'S " ' Saw nianufactory - CINCINNATI, O., . And are prepared to receive and 611 orders for any ma chinery manuf.u tured or kept on hand, by these es- tabiijtiraeaw. . , . , Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. IXFFEREXCES. - - 'oel, Ie A Co, Brownville, N. T. Steara Mai. R. W. tt7"s Drownviue, " Muir, Hann A Ci, - . Dr. Hoover, . KcTaaha city, 4 u Nuckolls A Mliitc, Bockport, Mo. ; " " James Lowe, Linden, " .' ' A. B. Hnllilerd, Cincinnati, O. ' Brownville, Juno 18, lt7. ' tJ1-1j. DR. J? L. McKEE, PXtY 0 I OI A Iff SURGEON NDENTIST.? BttOWN'VILLE, K. T., v, ; Teeth pluoed and filled in the most up proved method.' , ; ' t ; , - ' " ; u . :- . nrownTilte, Met 14, '57. t -4S-tf j . - FCS SALE. " - - - - - ITalf of lot 11 ia Mock 19 Main street: alsc, lot 4 In block 19. Also, 40 acres of land joining Sout'a Brownvil' - McLAUGIILLX A DOliSET. April 2 Ui". 45-1 j AYEBS ' PILLS, Ajrrw and Einfulajlr raccessM remedy lor tht rnre of all Biiiont disease Costirenea, Indi tfestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fever Gout, Humora, Nerrouanesa, Irritability, Inflamma tiona. Headache, Paina in the Breast, Side, Back, and limbs, Female Complaint, &e. ie. Indeed, fery few are the diseases in which a PurgatiTe Medi cine ia not more or leaa required, and ranch sick' neas and mffering mis;hb'be preTented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a eostite habit of body prevails ; besides, it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to becoros or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Kence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of su ch exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of uatruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention : Prof. J. M. Locke, Analytical Chemist, of Cin cinnati, whose high professional character is en dorsed br Joh! 'McLean, Judge of the Supreme Court of the United Statea. Thos. Corwix, Secretary of the Treasury. Hon. J. M.AVBJGHt, Governor of Indiana. N. Lohoworth, great wine grower of the West. Also, Dr. J. K. Cuiltox, Practical Chemist, of New York City, endorsed by w Ho!f. W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State. Wm. B. Astor. the richest man in America. 8. Lelaxd &. Co., Propr'a of the Metropolitan TIvtl and manv others. certificates, from all pari where the Pills have lTrJTfl the experience of eminent public men u found in their effect upon trial. ' These Pills, the remit of long investigation and atudy, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which ta present state oi medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drusrs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable re?nedis, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together in such a manner as to ins-ire the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more erhcient remedy tn:in naa nimcrxo oeen oo taincd by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old node of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of arri monious and injurious qualities, by tliis each indi vidual virtue only that is) desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. - Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer. more powerful antidote to disease tiian any othef medicine known to the world. ... As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I hve supplied the accurate Formula by which both my Pectoral and Pills are- made to the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should be any on who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded bv mail to bis request. ; ' Of all tbe Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composite was known ! Their life consists in their mystery. T have no mysteries. . . . The composition of my preparations is laid pen to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was IK-onnunr-ed by scientific men to be .a wonderful diedicine before its effects were known. Many era- i inent Physicians have declared the same tbini? of 1 . r 1 1 J III my 1'ius, and even more connacnuy, una are win ing to certify that their anticipations were ' more than realized bv their effects upon trial. 1 hev operate try their powermi tonuerice oh iuo - . . r .1 1 . .1 1 A.' . . 1 . 1 1 -i -... internal viscera to purity me oiooa ana umuiw n into healthy action remove the obstructions of . j. t . J :. i .3 j i-.--a tne stomacn, dowcih, utct, buu uiui.i wxm i K,ulf nxtnnns tVipir irrpffular action to health, and 1 trier exist, sucb derar ue- I nipntrt iR are tne nrst ontnn OI OJSeuse. ; I lU-inff Biip-iir-wranDcd. thev are pleasant to mice, t and beinir nurelv vegetable, no harm can arise from 1 iVinir tiw in nnr nnailtitV. For minute directions, see wrapper on 2ie Box.' PREPARED BY DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical andAnalytlcal Chemist, LOWELL, MASS.' Price 25 Cents per Sox. Five Eoxes for SL BOLD BT J. H. MAUN, A CO., Brownville. Bernard, AdamsA Co., St. Louis, And all Drugists in tie United t-Ut-es. r June 25th, 157. V2 Buchanan Life and General Zusuriinco Oo., ' OCiee cor 2d and Jule ute ST. JOSEPH, MO. - CHARTERED AT TIIE. LAST 8ESSIOX OF THIS MO. LEU. Authorized Capital 3,000,000. DIRECTORS. J. B. Jennings, I. B. Howard, J. A. Owen, Milton Tooth, John Colhoiin. John li. Likens, W. ILPeneik, ! James Kay, rv. J. 3icAaan, A. w. Minsfecr. J. U. Jt.Alljs, rres. X. B. McAsnAX, Sec'y- IS now ready to receive application for Life, Fire, Marino and Bivcr ri.sks. A cash return of 25 per cent, will be allowed on corcjo premiums. Losses promptly adjusted, B'id the usual facilities given to tucpatninsoi theouicc. April lSib. 1S57. 4l-3m LOWE'S OMAHA CITY, N. T. : ' KEROSENE .OIliS, jjlSTILLED- FRO LI .COAL. (SECURED BY LETTERS .PATENT.) erosenx Illcminatixo Oil. -The light obtain ed frm this Oil exceeds in brilliancy thatcf any other Oil or fluid heretofore disaivtrod; is inexplo- tive, and will remain limped in the very coldest weather. The Company recomraendas tbilamtisbest adopt ed to this Ooil. the Kerosene Lamps, inanuf turtd br tbe following parties: ftlessrs. Cornelius A Baiter, i also. Dvott.of Philadelphia, E. V. Hausliwout A Co.. 4tS Broadway, the 15rook!ya Flint Glass Co 'o. 73 Broad Svect. Messrs. Diets Co- 133 Wil liam Street. L. Mercicr 137 Elm Street, X. Y Samples of diiTcreut styles of Lamps can be seen at the OBlee of the Compauy. Kerosene Lcericatixg Oil, No. 1. Prepared to suit tho finest, and all other kinds of Jlacbmery burns brilliancy in Locomotive Head Lights, Car Lamps, and nil tbe ordinary Solar and ILind Lamps, and stand as great a tlegree oi eoia as Desi ftpertn Oil, and isadmirably adapted to IUilroad andStoam- shio use. - . . Kerosexe LrBRiCATiNG Oils, If o. 2. 3. Superior Lubricators, and will bo found to possess advantages over any Oils in tho market at Mine prices wul not burnand bas been thus prepared to meet the re- oulrcments of Kaf.roads and otners. Kfrosese Bikxaclk Oil. IVepared expressly for Ships use, and will bo found admirably adapted for use of B tea rose it, .Men ct w ar, aicrcnant ea sels. Lake and Rivir craft, and burns in all cabin stateroom, tiniiaclo, forecastle lamps, aijrnaJ lan terns, Ac. Einnaclo Oil will remain 2u7,d a-lonz as Wt Ppenn, and will burn all night without requiring to be trimmod, aa advantage that will be obvious to every Shipmaster, Tha Kerosene Oils can be obtained from, the Wholesale Oi! Dealers. Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in .Suw J oi k, and tbo regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company n maay of tho principal Towns and illare of toe L nited Mates, luc vaaa- days, and the I.-lano. of Cubi. ; Irfical A?nnts apfointcd (ia oonformity with the rules established by tsie Board of Trustee?,) on ap- plicaUon to " " - frrvic '.ai;st?:ns, -. T' General A ycht. fCimtn Oil,Cn.? - ,. . "o. 50BavcrStrect,NY. .X.B. Circulars with full particulars, estimonials, price, te., will tw forwarded oa:ti'pIicationas abova. 'Jane 25ft, IS57. ' 1 v2 l-ly T 1 1 Joseph G. HiUcr . l Commission and Forwrtrdin; Jlerchant, Xo. 23 Market St, between JIain and Second. St. Louis H. " t2b' . x. nrrcHcocr. c. bxakdslu. irj. jot 2:31. HITCHCOCK $ co.y Bet. Olive and Loctist streets, Sc. Louis, JIo. MANUFACTURERS of Cooking, IletmS, and Parlor Stoves and Grates. Also Manufacturers .f four sizes ofjewett's Pat ent Cary Plough, one and two hur.w rifht aud left band. Ilemaiia Valley Bank. BILLS will in fa tare bo reduenied at the eounter in BrowuviLle, Nebraska, in coin or exchange; and at the following places, incuxreccj arexchange, atcurrcntrate. . E.J. Tinkhaxa, Co., Rankers, Chicago. Jno. J. Anderson, X Co., Laakcrs St. Louis. Slo. . r . .Wa-rcn County Rink, Monmouth, Illinois. T. L. Mekc, & Co, Hankers, Calcaburjr, Ills. T. lu MACKOY.Pres t. Brownville, July 25-'i7-v2L3. TIIE KEHAIIA VALLEY BANK, Buys and sell exihange, receives depruiu, makes collections, aud iiUcnds to alt bnsints connected with legitimate Baukinj, and wiH be prcr-arcd to extend licasonable facilities to depositors. Intercut allowed on time deposit. T.L.MACKOT.IWi. Jul 23-'37-v2uS, r"Ncws, Nebraska Citv.Times, Omaha, Banner Eoc-kport, JIo., Bugle, Council Bluii, ccpy three months and send bill to this office. DAVID H. M'LArCnLIV." CO IBLC3 c. Donasr. Mclaughlin & dobsey, HEAL ESTATE AND f GENERAL LAND AGENTS, rlrit 8treet, '(opposite ."Advartieer" oface.) : BROWNVILLE, N. T. Will attend to Filing Declarations of intention to Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Land Warrants. - Enteric? Land. Land -Warrants Bought and Sold. Particular attention will be paid to buying and selling property on commission, and makiug iuveat- mento for distant dealers. , CorrosDondcrco solicited. McLAUCULIN & DORSEY. BEFEB TO Bradford.TklcLcnnani McOary, Nebranka City.N.T. McPherson, 3!orri?on. Ilutcliin?, Urownville, N. T. O. H.Barnet, Esi-t Bayton.Oliirt. Notice. Etlilor "Xtbrw'ia Adeertirer": Dear Sir: In looking over tbe list number of your paper a notice attracted my attention signet ty Jerome Iliwvcr, E-q., in which he states that certain stories are in cirouUtion I hut the undersigned claim somtjnterest in Nemaha City for the purpose of in juring its prosperity. It may du quite well tocir- co'ato a report 01 mal nature w ncre tue tacts are niilrnnr. lint tt tlUen l-nrminff K ( fmt fivh l gtatementLi merely foolish. - And f..r the rurrmso of civin? a fair orrrtunitv wnoni lo aerUvin tho facts we hereby warn all jiersons frcm purchasing any pretended claim or interest in the said town of .Nemaha City, from the said Jerome Hoover, as be bas sold and received pay for nine-twelfths of said town, and suit is now penuing to placo the underpinned in possession of tbe interest by them purchased in the same; and they hnve not authorized tho said Hoover to sell or dispose of any portion of their interest, but directed suit to be brouzht lone tlnce for its reeovery. lours, ae.f ' ' , F.J. MARSHALL. -' , '.JXO. DO.Ml'HAX. " JAS. DONIPHAN. .1 .1 ...'ILL. I5ALLAUD. U. C. lilSllOP. L. I. BIRD A. (i. WOODWARD. S. F. yi'CKOLLS, ('HAS V IfOl.l.V. v ' March 23th, 1S37.-. 42-tf XV. II. WILLIAMS, WH0LE3ALK AND KETAIL UR tLER IS nm'T TTC O m T XT11 r AllT? X V V jLo K 1 J iN V AlVlL . Jr00011i v-4-- r 1 1 AKES pleasure in announcing the citisens of Or a irun iiau iuo in ci uuui, m.ii uu nna ou nana tue mou extensive siocK cl SKves aim 1 in- - ware, ever olfercd in this market. My stock of Tin ware is.oi my own manui:iccurc, ana is lur tie ac n holesa'.e and lvctuil at fit. louis prices I would call particular attcuiiou to uiy stock of CuUivl-W hlU fc.s, eoniprising tue luot improved patterns bHh Air-1 lght and lYemium. Among tbcm may bo found r ill y Charier Ua k, the cost stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sixes and Patterns, which I wiil , SELL LOWER TIIAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention wiid to ninkin and pnUir. up Tin Gutters, in tho town aud country. Also, re pairing don- on short notice and on reasonable term'. Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in ex-bange for work or ware. .TV. W. WILLIAMS, vl-ni Oregon, Mo.. July 5, 13ift. NEW TM-WEEKLY MAILT" Eg 1 1 rnoir hock pout, mo. v . , ; , :" TO BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. GEO. E. M CLAP Y, HAVING taken tbe contract for carrying the Mail between the above poiuts, takci this method of informing the public generally that he has m:ide preparations f a running a LTack on the above named route : , Leavir Rock Port every Tuesday, Fridny and Sunday, at 12 o'clock M.t arriving at Brownville at 2 o'clock. P.M.: leaving Brownville for llock Pon, Bamo evening at 3 o'clock P. M. This route conneets at Rock Port with the St. Jo seph and Council Bluffs Stae liue. and at Brown- Villa with the stage line leading fn;m 1 opoKa Kansas, St. Joseph Mo., Independence. Kansas City and other points b'llcw; and to Nebraska City, Omaha City and other points above ; and New Fort Vearacy, west; ..The subscriber hope by diligent aLltuLon to business and accommodatiou , to customers, to merit a share of the public patronage. 1 articular attention paid to tne conveyance or Packages or parcels. Cbargcs moderate; but no ac countability for unavoidable aecidouts. Auril 7 ItfSS. 43-tf , Horsei Want-d. - - will pay the highest prito fcr a few nc, well broie horses. Apply at my stablo ia ISrovnritlc. J. W. COLEMAN. I LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! Go To . J". X5.- X. "W JLf3, On JIain Street, Where 30U ?i'J find the bert and Clieapest Groceries In BrotcnvHle,. At 'Wholesale or Retail ! TIIE sabscrfber would invite the public o call . acd see his large stock of Groetrias, which have been selected with great care, and are now offered at unusually low rates. Person in want of Coffee, Tea, Sogar; Molasses, Cheese, Confectionery, Fresh Fruits ia cans,. Tobacco, Segars, Candies, Ac, and any other articles-visually kept in a Oroctry and Variety Store, will find it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. Also, by the whole sale, as fine a stock of Urandies, Wiues, Gin,Monon- j rahela,and Kye Whisky, Scbnaps. Champs gno wine, cM as ever waa orougm op ue jussoan river, rina of all kinds, constantly on hand. - Country Produce Wanted for. which tbe, highest price will be paid. ' A sbaro of public patronaja is respectfully solici ted. : . . . , . ... i. JL DAVIS. : Brownville, June 18th, 1S57. , , v2 l-6m . a. if; rurrr. ' '' " ' ' ' m. c. wilkinsox PUETT & VILKINSON, ! t -- - AND - ATTORNEYS AT LAW ; ' :OMAbT, x. T. Will attend to all basiacss entrusted to their care . , . ', f . ' atKEKEXlES l ' Col. Jewe Williams - Fairfield, Iowa. ' Gov. Jo. A. Wright, ' Indianapolis. Ind, ) Wr, F. K. Roock, , WasLingr.n City. .Hon, John G. Davis, Kockviile.Ind. Con. Geo. L. Miller, Omaha C'f?. t. wm. ire as. C. 1 TKCSlPSOS. . ? - Successors to " - - " C. H. LlcCLulIG & CO., ST. LOUIS, "Will have ia store this fall a Amon' wlich may be PRINTS, - INDIANA CLOTHS, DF.LANES, LOMBAZINES, CASHMERES, CLOTHS, JIER1NOES. CASSIMERES. ALPACAS; SATINETTS, Our Stock of 4 , Uil Will embrace a'l the Latest Stjles and JTewest Good offerctl to the trade. Our White Goods Sioom Will ice filed tcith a Very Choice Selection of cvcrythlnj under tliai . .. . Head.- We ttnll aho'heep a complete line of &b rssc s uo zr cca- or3 B3 ess 9 Which we will offer to the trade upon good terms, as houses exclobirelv' ia that luslac&s. ' Our stock of . SJt3rio1:l3r .Stst jIogs, BROWN MUSLIN; KERSEYS, . . .; TICKINO, BLEACHED MUSLIN, NEGRO GOODS, SHIRTING STRIPES. OSNABURGS, DRILLINGS: ' - TWEEDY, , LINSEYES, APRON CHECKS, BAGGING, &c. Will be found at complete as any in this market. We arc determined to offer the?e guoUs at very close profits nd desire k call la atteniioa of all CASH or premvit Time buyers. . (v5rA-3ml LCCA3, THOMPSON k CO. ' Real-Estate For Sale. 1 H AVE TOR SALE and will scil at a bargain if appll ctu n bo made snuu : ltR) Acres of entered laud part timber pari bottom prairie within one and one half miles of Br iwnville. 160 Acres entered land, same ditcriptiun as above, 40 acies umler cultivation, Bond bouse and barn, adjoin ing tbe Ciiy of Browuvillc. 80 Acre of excellent bottom prairie land entered, and within two wiles of Hrowuvillo. 66 Acre heavy timbered bottom laod adjoining Bivwn ville be sold cheap for cah. 50 Clioice lots in South Brownville. ltsin iheCitvof Bn wnville. 2 Shares in the town of Wromitii:. B. W. 1'L'KNAS, Beal-Estnitc A'irt. . Browuvilli), X. T. Ang.Ch, 1S37. . . D0WDALL, MAEKHAM & CO., WASINGTON FOUNDRY; Engine and JIachinc Shop, CORSEK OF SECOtiU AND 2IOROAX STREETS, ST. LOUIS, MO. Manufacturers of S;earu Supines and Riilern, Siir anj Grint Will Machmerv, Single and Double Circular S-.w Mills, Tobacco Screws and Tretes L.ird Kettles, l.ard Screws and Cylinders, Wool Cardie; Macliines Building Castings, VnnnR's Improved Patent Smut Mil I, fce. tJ"AGKXTS for the saleuf Jauin SniilU &. fu.'s Sn penur Machine Cards. - v2iS-ly Strayed or Stolen, TB.OM the Subscriber, a gray horse about sixteen Lands higu, black main and Mack tail, about eight yearn old. Any person civina information rtere tlie liors-e is or Ie- liveting tlie tame to me will be libera'ly rewarded; said horse bad something like the nsteiow wben he leit. . C. MILLIS. Xebraska City. N. T.. Aug. 6, 1857. n3-6w Dissolution. THE parlinerahip heretofore existing between Vnlr & H um and Muir, llaiiu & Co., is this day dikwlved by mutual consent, and will be continued under tbe name and tlrm of lloadly & Muir. All Ue debts contracted by Jao A. ITann for (be former farmerpliip will be paid by lloadly h. Muir, wbo r-till con tiiiue tUe busies. 11UAULT . MI'IR. J.SO. H. HAXX. Au?. 5;h, 1S57. . - u-avr Mattrasses. 33 UU.-.1; 31 t trasses Jut received at tbe 'tore of Ai:r. 6, 1S57. InS 1. T. WIITTE. POUTER'S SPIRIT OF TIIE TIMES. General Purchasing Agency. THE constantly iucreasin?drmind up:i us to execute coniuiiift-ionslor the purcbaeul all kinds of articit-, lx.dli for resident and uon-rcMdeuta t thecitr, b:it in luccd us to e.ubli;b, in connection witli our ncwaier euter prue, a PTJBCHASnfO BTTSZATJ under the immediate supervision of one of our Urn, as sisted by the most accomplished experts, for ii'jjitjing tng arlicl i the trorld. Particular attention will be paid to the sc'c:tioa. pur chase, and sale of thoroH).'h-brel Cattle and Horse Stock, trained Dogs, 1'crrctH, and fancy 'owM, Carriage, Bujry, and Saddle ilores, Carriuge, llaries and Saddief, Time WaKbes, every description of i'ire Arm. Sorting Arti cles, Fishin Bods and Tackle, .Mnsic and Mcsioal Instru ment, Yachts. Sail and Row Boats. Furniture, fine Wines. Liquor x, and 9i?ars; Cricket anil Ball lials, Pads, Kc, Agrici lti hal IJJplemests, of the latest aud most Improved kinds ; Seels, 1'iants, Fruit, Forest and Shade trees, and all kinds of Books treatinj ou subjects uf im portance to tlie Farmer, Horticulturist, anj Florist. state RnoMi Emoaued in advance, on Steamers an.! Packets to leave for Kurope, California, the Vvxt Indies, or any part of the world, lias w ill obviate the necessity to residents of Inland tnv. i.iid places where no steamer agencies exist, of coining to New York two or three weeks in advauce as ibey are now (rcquently required to do either to obtain passage, orb) secure eligible acrot-nooda-tions. In this department, we will be ready to tecure Koosts at Hotels at favorable rates, ro as to protect the stranger jrom imposition s wcil as inconvenience; and, iu (hurt, to perform any description of commission that would ordinarily require the presence of the party himself . .. . Gentlemen "who desire to form Libraries, or who may winh to procure the Choice Littratnrt of the day, can always rely upon oar judgement and (eleUi-.n. Also, Blank bocks and Stationery, and Bjok aad Mews Paper, for printers. FOR THE LADIES, we will procure the latent Fashion Platef, styles of Bonnets, samples of the ne est varie ties of roods, cosmetics, perfume, and fancy articles, and we shall always be pleased tof urnUb everything connect ed with their wants. In short, for any servire which may be require!, the public miy rely upon n, wi'h ts.e most perfect onfiaeuce forn Jclity, ami dispatch.. Apply to GKi. '. WILKES it CO., Porter's Spirit of the Times. 348 Broadway, T. X. B. .Subscriptions for Porter's hpiui vf the Time, a S;crtiii3 Litcrars, ARrtouitural. Family Weekly News- piper, may be forwarded to the same dn ecticu. Terms, $3 a year. Dissolution. TnE partnership lieretofor cexisting between the tfuiicrsiphed under the came and ktyle of McPherson, Morrion & ITutruins w s by mutual cjuseutdiss dvedou. theWtUdiiyof July, 1.S57. . The old business will be settled, and the new continued by John M'Phcrson. 1. M'PIIERSO.V. J. H. MoaRlsf, Acs. th, 1S57. R. P. HCrClUXS. DANIEL ZOOK, t JlYxr. on, Holt County IMissouii,' o Dealer iu 23 3E5."-TCT C3r f3 , , CHEMICALS. Dyc-Woods, and Dyestuffs, Oils, ralats. and Painter'a Articles, Varnishes, "Window-gbss and Putty, Frcn-.-b, English, and American Perfumery. .FIXE toilet and shaving soaps, fine hair and 0 touth brushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent 3 ' instranents, spices, snuSTs, manufactured tooacco; ail tbe patent medicioes of the day; pare wine and brandies, fur medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, eUete. 1 . A GEM FOU 1I1E SALE CF I Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cliorry.- " Roger's Liverwort, Tar and Canuhalagua. i " Osgood's India Choln jfue. ... " Jones American Cbobgogue; " Guyso'-.'sTellow dock and Sarsaparilla; crmth Tonic ayrup. JuTy 23, 1?57. T2nl-yly NEW FERRY. . Across The Shute . 1 . At the Head of the Island : :j : , ABOVE BROWNVILLE, To W. S. Hall & .Co,'3 Saw Mill. rIE undersigned annonnees to the Putin that be has purchased the Ferry privilege granted Jack son Peters, at the last Session ef tbe Legislature, and is now prepared with a new and substantial boat, at all times t accommodate tbe , public. - Charges usual rates. .... URIAH S11ITH. June Iltb, 1857. Zz-tei 3. . crj( CO., MO. . Terr superior stuck of fynnj a cotnjilcte line of JEANS. TWEEDS, OVER COATINGS, BLANKETS, dfcC, 10. FRESH AESIYAL HEW'GOODS, I. T. WHITE & CO. ' ' Urownville, ?. T. -' WE have just receiredpcr.StMmer 'Kromta an entirely new ad large uasorlnicat of . 7" t SUrERIOR GOODS. . . . .. Which we ill toll at 4Vrea?onMe pricva . as any establishment in tho West, our motto bing ' ' "LIVE AND LET LIVE" .We hav now in strre a jrreat Tariety of tb fof-' 1 lowing artids, which we purchaned for CASH and consequently can sell cheap on the same tertni: DRY GOODSx HATS AND CAPS, " SADDLERY, HARDWARE. FAEBI IBIPIIHE1ITS,' ' ... ... i CUTLERY, QUEEXSWAKE, . , . i WILLOW WAKE, . HOOTS AND SHOES, Ready Made Clothing: 1 ' p Aud a f.uc assortment of , LifaiT c;noci:niL?, Such as Snit'P. ' ; rc-pprr?. "... alaratu., . j ' . (Jlnp.-r, , All.iicc, -f ttc, etc. And a gio-l urtulj f Smokin; nail CUewin Tobncco. , It is .1 pleas a ro to us to show good, und we ai-k you to cau round and see for voiirf!re. i - I. T. WHV1B & CO. June 9th, ISi. 'y21-l . T7E offer to the public, we are confident, thu V V largest and best selected stock of Groceries ever olTered in this market : . i fi Hhdutr ir, 50 Sacks Coifwe, 125 Sacks Flour, 5 Tierce Ric, oO libls JIoUisscs, Id Dcxcs StarCatidics, 20 Kf.xcs Soiiji. lirt Sacks Salt, 15 llb'.s Cider Vlnisrr, liO Ills Sclt. lERilS ' CASH!!! l.T. WHVTEA OO. 1rr UliGS NAILS, just received, and fortil JU by , I. T. WUVTK 1 CO. BOOTS and S1IOKS--A Tremendous Stk,jttt received, opened, and for sale, bv I. T. AVHVTE k CO. 7 - PINE LOOUS, For salc.lT . i I. lr. WIIYTE i CO PRESERVED FKUITS; Strawberries, I7.", ' X bortlt berries Sic . Ac. to bo had at I. T. WUYTEA CO S. A'cw Arrival or 2? 0 W Wz E2 a:l ; CHRISTIAN DHL'S EK. BIIOWSVILLE. 5X0U'CES to iha public tLiit be bajjust m ecived, per Subtler Eiiiina, a. ery lurgo sud well as.rted sto:k of. Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new.snd improved pattcrn,as fjliws: Sliaahai Elovatc l Oven. ' ' Cook Stove. '-' Ilutk's Clipper oven. " Jrprtt'A J'aKerm'4'" ' Cfcartor Oak - "1 ' J all of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rate, and on as accommodating terms as any other estab lishment in this region of country. - I have also now on hand every requisite variety, of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared: to put wp guttcringand spcutin and all other worlc in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike ' manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. A share of patronage is solicited. I C.-DEUSEU.-Brownville, July Knh, 185". - rinily : " ' John. XL Liglitner, Z , Dealer in Stoves, Grates, Plow s and Safest "o. 82 Second street between locust aud JUaio. St. Louis, Mo. ' rVj Laborers Wanted.' -Vv- TEN or fifteen day laborers can find employment ' , tao emu Season, by applins; u ib mbsi-ri-i I bc,r; . .J.W.COLEMAN. Brownville. July Hth, 1357. v2D5-tf Fashionable Tailor, IT Jacob Harohn, BROWNVILLE, NEBBASKA. ' .. HAVING determined bv Iscate in this place, re spectfully announces to the public that be haa on baud a large and wel) selected stock of. CloOU. Tweeds, Cnimer Ve?tiBgs&c, wh;chb "ui mane to ordur in good styjj ana at reasonable rats; or sell by aayrjuaatily desired. , lie alto keeps constantly on band att-1 for tale , supply of rciy mad clothing r-f nil kiuds. rrwnvil, Jca. isth, 1?7. t2 I- t ' T -